You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
491 lines
16 KiB
491 lines
16 KiB
(function(win, UI, undefined) {
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laterEvent: function(fn, times, me) {
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popWinA: function(s, op) {
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function() {
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eval($(this).attr('command') + "(this)");
//return false;
* Customized Select Menu
* Version: 0.0.1
* Last Update: 2013.05.30
* Author: Sean Huang
* Modified By: Teller Shen, Dan Yang
* JQuery Requires: 1.6.2+
* JS Method Requires: UI.laterEvent()
* CSS Style Requires: .select
* Call Method: bindSelect() or bindSelect("#id .select") or bindSelect($("#id .select"))
var bindSelect = function(_obj) {
var obj = (arguments.length != 0) ? $(_obj) : $(".select");
obj.mouseenter(function() {
if (this.sleepid) {
}).mouseleave(function() {
var me = $(this);
UI.laterEvent(function() {
me.css({ zIndex: 0 }).removeClass("select_expand").find("dd").hide();
me.parents("li").css({ zIndex: 0 });
}, 200, this);
}).delegate("dd a", "click", function() {
var curselect = $(this).parents(".select");
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curselect.parents("li").css({ zIndex: 0 });
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if (".disabled")) { return false; }
curselect.css({ zIndex: 1 }).find("dd").toggle();
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//Start: Options Width & Height Fix
var ul_w = curselect.find("ul").width();
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var dt_w = curselect.width();
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ul_w += 15;
ul_h = 300;
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ul_w = dt_w;
curselect.find("dd").css({ width: ul_w, heigth: ul_h });
//End: Options Width & Height Fix
obj.each(function() {
var val = $(this).find("dt a").html();
$(this).find("dd a").each(function() {
if ($(this).html() == val) {
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curselect.siblings("input[name='" + curselect.attr("name") + "']").val($(this).attr("value"));
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UI.laterEvent(function() {
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numperpage = 5,
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height: 305
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UI.laterEvent(function() {
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UI.laterEvent(function() {
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ddH = $this.find("dd").outerHeight(),
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top = -absTop
} else if (absTop + ddH > categoryH) {
top = categoryH - (absTop + ddH) - 1
top: top
$"inited", true);
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right: toRight
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var youke = PopWin("#youke", {
animate: true,
olOpacity: 0.5,
callback: function() {
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var me = $(this);
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