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12 lines
22 KiB

!function (d) { function f() { return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, arguments)) } function b() { var g = new Date(); return f(g.getUTCFullYear(), g.getUTCMonth(), g.getUTCDate()) } var a = function (h, g) { var i = this; this.element = d(h); this.language = g.language ||"date-language") || "en"; this.language = this.language in e ? this.language : this.language.split("-")[0]; this.language = this.language in e ? this.language : "en"; this.isRTL = e[this.language].rtl || false; this.format = c.parseFormat(g.format ||"date-format") || e[this.language].format || "mm/dd/yyyy"); this.isInline = false; this.isInput ="input"); this.component =".date") ? this.element.find(".add-on, .btn") : false; this.hasInput = this.component && this.element.find("input").length; if (this.component && this.component.length === 0) { this.component = false } this._attachEvents(); this.forceParse = true; if ("forceParse" in g) { this.forceParse = g.forceParse } else { if ("dateForceParse" in { this.forceParse ="date-force-parse") } } this.picker = d(c.template).appendTo(this.isInline ? this.element : "body").on({ click: d.proxy(, this), mousedown: d.proxy(this.mousedown, this) }); if (this.isInline) { this.picker.addClass("datepicker-inline") } else { this.picker.addClass("datepicker-dropdown dropdown-menu") } if (this.isRTL) { this.picker.addClass("datepicker-rtl"); this.picker.find(".prev i, .next i").toggleClass("icon-arrow-left icon-arrow-right") } d(document).on("mousedown", function (j) { if (d(".datepicker.datepicker-inline, .datepicker.datepicker-dropdown").length === 0) { i.hide() } }); this.autoclose = false; if ("autoclose" in g) { this.autoclose = g.autoclose } else { if ("dateAutoclose" in { this.autoclose ="date-autoclose") } } this.keyboardNavigation = true; if ("keyboardNavigation" in g) { this.keyboardNavigation = g.keyboardNavigation } else { if ("dateKeyboardNavigation" in { this.keyboardNavigation ="date-keyboard-navigation") } } this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = 0; switch (g.startView ||"date-start-view")) { case 2: case "decade": this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = 2; break; case 1: case "year": this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = 1; break } this.minViewMode = g.minViewMode ||"date-min-view-mode") || 0; if (typeof this.minViewMode === "string") { switch (this.minViewMode) { case "months": this.minViewMode = 1; break; case "years": this.minViewMode = 2; break; default: this.minViewMode = 0; break } } this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = Math.max(this.startViewMode, this.minViewMode); this.todayBtn = (g.todayBtn ||"date-today-btn") || false); this.todayHighlight = (g.todayHighlight ||"date-today-highlight") || false); this.calendarWeeks = false; if ("calendarWeeks" in g) { this.calendarWeeks = g.calendarWeeks } else { if ("dateCalendarWeeks" in { this.calendarWeeks ="date-calendar-weeks") } } if (this.calendarWeeks) { this.picker.find("tfoot").attr("colspan", function (j, k) { return parseInt(k) + 1 }) } this.weekStart = ((g.weekStart ||"date-weekstart") || e[this.language].weekStart || 0) % 7); this.weekEnd = ((this.weekStart + 6) % 7); this.startDate = -Infinity; this.endDate = Infinity; this.daysOfWeekDisabled = []; this.setStartDate(g.startDate ||"date-startdate")); this.setEndDate(g.endDate ||"date-enddate")); this.setDaysOfWeekDisabled(g.daysOfWeekDisabled ||"date-days-of-week-disabled")); this.fillDow(); this.fillMonths(); this.update(); this.showMode(); if (this.isInline) { } }; a.prototype = { constructor: a, _events: [], _attachEvents: function () { this._detachEvents(); if (this.isInput) { this._events = [[this.element, { focus: d.proxy(, this), keyup: d.proxy(this.update, this), keydown: d.proxy(this.keydown, this)}]] } else { if (this.component && this.hasInput) { this._events = [[this.element.find("input"), { focus: d.proxy(, this), keyup: d.proxy(this.update, this), keydown: d.proxy(this.keydown, this)}], [this.component, { click: d.proxy(, this)}]] } else { if ("div")) { this.isInline = true } else { this._events = [[this.element, { click: d.proxy(, this)}]] } } } for (var g = 0, h, j; g < this._events.length; g++) { h = this._events[g][0]; j = this._events[g][1]; h.on(j) } }, _detachEvents: function () { for (var g = 0, h, j; g < this._events.length; g++) { h = this._events[g][0]; j = this._events[g][1]; } this._events = [] }, show: function (g) {; this.height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight() : this.element.outerHeight(); this.update();; d(window).on("resize", d.proxy(, this)); if (g) { g.preventDefault() } this.element.trigger({ type: "show", date: }) }, hide: function (g) { if (this.isInline) { return } if (!":visible")) { return } this.picker.hide(); d(window).off("resize",; this.viewMode = this.startViewMode; this.showMode(); if (!this.isInput) { d(document).off("mousedown", this.hide) } if (this.forceParse && (this.isInput && this.element.val() || this.hasInput && this.element.find("input").val())) { this.setValue() } this.element.trigger({ type: "hide", date: }) }, remove: function () { this._detachEvents(); this.picker.remove(); delete; if (!this.isInput) { delete } }, getDate: function () { var g = this.getUTCDate(); return new Date(g.getTime() + (g.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)) }, getUTCDate: function () { return }, setDate: function (g) { this.setUTCDate(new Date(g.getTime() - (g.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000))) }, setUTCDate: function (g) { = g; this.setValue() }, setValue: function () { var g = this.getFormattedDate(); if (!this.isInput) { if (this.component) { this.element.find("input").val(g) }"date", g) } else { this.element.val(g) } }, getFormattedDate: function (g) { if (g === undefined) { g = this.format } return c.formatDate(, g, this.language) }, setStartDate: function (g) { this.startDate = g || -Infinity; if (this.startDate !== -Infinity) { this.startDate = c.parseDate(this.startDate, this.format, this.language) } this.update(); this.updateNavArrows() }, setEndDate: function (g) { this.endDate = g || Infinity; if (this.endDate !== Infinity) { this.endDate = c.parseDate(this.endDate, this.format, this.language) } this.update(); this.updateNavArrows() }, setDaysOfWeekDisabled: function (g) { this.daysOfWeekDisabled = g || []; if (!d.isArray(this.daysOfWeekDisabled)) { this.daysOfWeekDisabled = this.daysOfWeekDisabled.split(/,\s*/) } this.daysOfWeekDisabled =, function (h) { return parseInt(h, 10) }); this.update(); this.updateNavArrows() }, place: function () { if (this.isInline) { return } var i = parseInt(this.element.parents().filter(function () { return d(this).css("z-index") != "auto" }).first().css("z-index")) + 10; var h = this.component ? this.component.parent().offset() : this.element.offset(); var g = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight(true) : this.element.outerHeight(true); this.picker.css({ top: + g, left: h.left, zIndex: i }) }, update: function () { var g, h = false; if (arguments && arguments.length && (typeof arguments[0] === "string" || arguments[0] instanceof Date)) { g = arguments[0]; h = true } else { g = this.isInput ? this.element.val() :"date") || this.element.find("input").val() } = c.parseDate(g, this.format, this.language); if (h) { this.setValue() } if ( < this.startDate) { this.viewDate = new Date(this.startDate) } else { if ( > this.endDate) { this.viewDate = new Date(this.endDate) } else { this.viewDate = new Date( } } this.fill() }, fillDow: function () { var h = this.weekStart, i = "<tr>"; if (this.calendarWeeks) { var g = '<th class="cw">&nbsp;</th>'; i += g; this.picker.find(".datepicker-days thead tr:first-child").prepend(g) } while (h < this.weekStart + 7) { i += '<th class="dow">' + e[this.language].daysMin[(h++) % 7] + "</th>" } i += "</tr>"; this.picker.find(".datepicker-days thead").append(i) }, fillMonths: function () { var h = "", g = 0; while (g < 12) { h += '<span class="month">' + e[this.language].monthsShort[g++] + "</span>" } this.picker.find(".datepicker-months td").html(h) }, fill: function () { var y = new Date(this.viewDate), p = y.getUTCFullYear(), z = y.getUTCMonth(), s = this.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.startDate.getUTCFullYear() : -Infinity, w = this.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.startDate.getUTCMonth() : -Infinity, m = this.endDate !== Infinity ? this.endDate.getUTCFullYear() : Infinity, t = this.endDate !== Infinity ? this.endDate.getUTCMonth() : Infinity, n = &&, x = new Date(); this.picker.find(".datepicker-days thead th.switch").text(e[this.language].months[z] + " " + p); this.picker.find("tfoot").text(e[this.language].today).toggle(this.todayBtn !== false); this.updateNavArrows(); this.fillMonths(); var B = f(p, z - 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0), v = c.getDaysInMonth(B.getUTCFullYear(), B.getUTCMonth()); B.setUTCDate(v); B.setUTCDate(v - (B.getUTCDay() - this.weekStart + 7) % 7); var g = new Date(B); g.setUTCDate(g.getUTCDate() + 42); g = g.valueOf(); var o = []; var r; while (B.valueOf() < g) { if (B.getUTCDay() == this.weekStart) { o.push("<tr>"); if (this.calendarWeeks) { var h = new Date(+B + (this.weekStart - B.getUTCDay() - 7) % 7 * 86400000), k = new Date(+h + (7 + 4 - h.getUTCDay()) % 7 * 86400000), j = new Date(+(j = f(k.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1)) + (7 + 4 - j.getUTCDay()) % 7 * 86400000), q = (k - j) / 86400000 / 7 + 1; o.push('<td class="cw">' + q + "</td>") } } r = ""; if (B.getUTCFullYear() < p || (B.getUTCFullYear() == p && B.getUTCMonth() < z)) { r += " old" } else { if (B.getUTCFullYear() > p || (B.getUTCFullYear() == p && B.getUTCMonth() > z)) { r += " new" } } if (this.todayHighlight && B.getUTCFullYear() == x.getFullYear() && B.getUTCMonth() == x.getMonth() && B.getUTCDate() == x.getDate()) { r += " today" } if (n && B.valueOf() == n) { r += " active" } if (B.valueOf() < this.startDate || B.valueOf() > this.endDate || d.inArray(B.getUTCDay(), this.daysOfWeekDisabled) !== -1) { r += " disabled" } o.push('<td class="day' + r + '">' + B.getUTCDate() + "</td>"); if (B.getUTCDay() == this.weekEnd) { o.push("</tr>") } B.setUTCDate(B.getUTCDate() + 1) } this.picker.find(".datepicker-days tbody").empty().append(o.join("")); var C = &&; var l = this.picker.find(".datepicker-months").find("th:eq(1)").text(p).end().find("span").removeClass("active"); if (C && C == p) { l.eq("active") } if (p < s || p > m) { l.addClass("disabled") } if (p == s) { l.slice(0, w).addClass("disabled") } if (p == m) { l.slice(t + 1).addClass("disabled") } o = ""; p = parseInt(p / 10, 10) * 10; var A = this.picker.find(".datepicker-years").find("th:eq(1)").text(p + "-" + (p + 9)).end().find("td"); p -= 1; for (var u = -1; u < 11; u++) { o += '<span class="year' + (u == -1 || u == 10 ? " old" : "") + (C == p ? " active" : "") + (p < s || p > m ? " disabled" : "") + '">' + p + "</span>"; p += 1 } A.html(o) }, updateNavArrows: function () { var i = new Date(this.viewDate), g = i.getUTCFullYear(), h = i.getUTCMonth(); switch (this.viewMode) { case 0: if (this.startDate !== -Infinity && g <= this.startDate.getUTCFullYear() && h <= this.startDate.getUTCMonth()) { this.picker.find(".prev").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { this.picker.find(".prev").css({ visibility: "visible" }) } if (this.endDate !== Infinity && g >= this.endDate.getUTCFullYear() && h >= this.endDate.getUTCMonth()) { this.picker.find(".next").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { this.picker.find(".next").css({ visibility: "visible" }) } break; case 1: case 2: if (this.startDate !== -Infinity && g <= this.startDate.getUTCFullYear()) { this.picker.find(".prev").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { this.picker.find(".prev").css({ visibility: "visible" }) } if (this.endDate !== Infinity && g >= this.endDate.getUTCFullYear()) { this.picker.find(".next").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { this.picker.find(".next").css({ visibility: "visible" }) } break } }, click: function (m) { m.preventDefault(); var l = d("span, td, th"); if (l.length == 1) { switch (l[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "th": switch (l[0].className) { case "switch": this.showMode(1); break; case "prev": case "next": var i = c.modes[this.viewMode].navStep * (l[0].className == "prev" ? -1 : 1); switch (this.viewMode) { case 0: this.viewDate = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, i); break; case 1: case 2: this.viewDate = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, i); break } this.fill(); break; case "today": var h = new Date(); h = f(h.getFullYear(), h.getMonth(), h.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); this.showMode(-2); var n = this.todayBtn == "linked" ? null : "view"; this._setDate(h, n); break } break; case "span": if (!".disabled")) { this.viewDate.setUTCDate(1); if (".month")) { var g = 1; var k = l.parent().find("span").index(l); var j = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear(); this.viewDate.setUTCMonth(k); this.element.trigger({ type: "changeMonth", date: this.viewDate }); if (this.minViewMode == 1) { this._setDate(f(j, k, g, 0, 0, 0, 0)) } } else { var j = parseInt(l.text(), 10) || 0; var g = 1; var k = 0; this.viewDate.setUTCFullYear(j); this.element.trigger({ type: "changeYear", date: this.viewDate }); if (this.minViewMode == 2) { this._setDate(f(j, k, g, 0, 0, 0, 0)) } } this.showMode(-1); this.fill() } break; case "td": if (".day") && !".disabled")) { var g = parseInt(l.text(), 10) || 1; var j = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear(), k = this.viewDate.getUTCMonth(); if (".old")) { if (k === 0) { k = 11; j -= 1 } else { k -= 1 } } else { if (".new")) { if (k == 11) { k = 0; j += 1 } else { k += 1 } } } this._setDate(f(j, k, g, 0, 0, 0, 0)) } break } } }, _setDate: function (g, i) { if (!i || i == "date") { = g } if (!i || i == "view") { this.viewDate = g } this.fill(); this.setValue(); this.element.trigger({ type: "changeDate", date: }); var h; if (this.isInput) { h = this.element } else { if (this.component) { h = this.element.find("input") } } if (h) { h.change(); if (this.autoclose && (!i || i == "date")) { this.hide() } } }, moveMonth: function (g, h) { if (!h) { return g } var l = new Date(g.valueOf()), p = l.getUTCDate(), m = l.getUTCMonth(), k = Math.abs(h), o, n; h = h > 0 ? 1 : -1; if (k == 1) { n = h == -1 ? function () { return l.getUTCMonth() == m } : function () { return l.getUTCMonth() != o }; o = m + h; l.setUTCMonth(o); if (o < 0 || o > 11) { o = (o + 12) % 12 } } else { for (var j = 0; j < k; j++) { l = this.moveMonth(l, h) } o = l.getUTCMonth(); l.setUTCDate(p); n = function () { return o != l.getUTCMonth() } } while (n()) { l.setUTCDate(--p); l.setUTCMonth(o) } return l }, moveYear: function (h, g) { return this.moveMonth(h, g * 12) }, dateWithinRange: function (g) { return g >= this.startDate && g <= this.endDate }, keydown: function (n) { if (":not(:visible)")) { if (n.keyCode == 27) { } return } var j = false, i, h, m, g, l; switch (n.keyCode) { case 27: this.hide(); n.preventDefault(); break; case 37: case 39: if (!this.keyboardNavigation) { break } i = n.keyCode == 37 ? -1 : 1; if (n.ctrlKey) { g = this.moveYear(, i); l = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, i) } else { if (n.shiftKey) { g = this.moveMonth(, i); l = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, i) } else { g = new Date(; g.setUTCDate( + i); l = new Date(this.viewDate); l.setUTCDate(this.viewDate.getUTCDate() + i) } } if (this.dateWithinRange(g)) { = g; this.viewDate = l; this.setValue(); this.update(); n.preventDefault(); j = true } break; case 38: case 40: if (!this.keyboardNavigation) { break } i = n.keyCode == 38 ? -1 : 1; if (n.ctrlKey) { g = this.moveYear(, i); l = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, i) } else { if (n.shiftKey) { g = this.moveMonth(, i); l = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, i) } else { g = new Date(; g.setUTCDate( + i * 7); l = new Date(this.viewDate); l.setUTCDate(this.viewDate.getUTCDate() + i * 7) } } if (this.dateWithinRange(g)) { = g; this.viewDate = l; this.setValue(); this.update(); n.preventDefault(); j = true } break; case 13: this.hide(); n.preventDefault(); break; case 9: this.hide(); break } if (j) { this.element.trigger({ type: "changeDate", date: }); var k; if (this.isInput) { k = this.element } else { if (this.component) { k = this.element.find("input") } } if (k) { k.change() } } }, showMode: function (g) { if (g) { this.viewMode = Math.max(this.minViewMode, Math.min(2, this.viewMode + g)) } this.picker.find(">div").hide().filter(".datepicker-" + c.modes[this.viewMode].clsName).css("display", "block"); this.updateNavArrows() } }; d.fn.datepicker = function (h) { var g = Array.apply(null, arguments); g.shift(); return this.each(function () { var k = d(this), j ="datepicker"), i = typeof h == "object" && h; if (!j) {"datepicker", (j = new a(this, d.extend({}, d.fn.datepicker.defaults, i)))) } if (typeof h == "string" && typeof j[h] == "function") { j[h].apply(j, g) } }) }; d.fn.datepicker.defaults = {}; d.fn.datepicker.Constructor = a; var e = d.fn.datepicker.dates = { en: { days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], daysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"], daysMin: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"], months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], today: "Today"} }; var c = { modes: [{ clsName: "days", navFnc: "Month", navStep: 1 }, { clsName: "months", navFnc: "FullYear", navStep: 1 }, { clsName: "years", navFnc: "FullYear", navStep: 10}], isLeapYear: function (g) { return (((g % 4 === 0) && (g % 100 !== 0)) || (g % 400 === 0)) }, getDaysInMonth: function (g, h) { return [31, (c.isLeapYear(g) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][h] }, validParts: /dd?|DD?|mm?|MM?|yy(?:yy)?/g, nonpunctuation: /[^ -\/:-@\[\u3400-\u9fff-`{-~\t\n\r]+/g, parseFormat: function (i) { var g = i.replace(this.validParts, "\0").split("\0"), h = i.match(this.validParts); if (!g || !g.length || !h || h.length === 0) { throw new Error("Invalid date format.") } return { separators: g, parts: h} }, parseDate: function (k, u, n) { if (k instanceof Date) { return k } if (/^[\-+]\d+[dmwy]([\s,]+[\-+]\d+[dmwy])*$/.test(k)) { var w = /([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/, m = k.match(/([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/g), g, l; k = new Date(); for (var o = 0; o < m.length; o++) { g = w.exec(m[o]); l = parseInt(g[1]); switch (g[2]) { case "d": k.setUTCDate(k.getUTCDate() + l); break; case "m": k =, k, l); break; case "w": k.setUTCDate(k.getUTCDate() + l * 7); break; case "y": k =, k, l); break } } return f(k.getUTCFullYear(), k.getUTCMonth(), k.getUTCDate(), 0, 0, 0) } var m = k && k.match(this.nonpunctuation) || [], k = new Date(), r = {}, t = ["yyyy", "yy", "M", "MM", "m", "mm", "d", "dd"], v = { yyyy: function (s, i) { return s.setUTCFullYear(i) }, yy: function (s, i) { return s.setUTCFullYear(2000 + i) }, m: function (s, i) { i -= 1; while (i < 0) { i += 12 } i %= 12; s.setUTCMonth(i); while (s.getUTCMonth() != i) { s.setUTCDate(s.getUTCDate() - 1) } return s }, d: function (s, i) { return s.setUTCDate(i) } }, j, p, g; v.M = v.MM = = v.m; v.dd = v.d; k = f(k.getFullYear(), k.getMonth(), k.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); var q =; if (m.length != q.length) { q = d(q).filter(function (s, y) { return d.inArray(y, t) !== -1 }).toArray() } if (m.length == q.length) { for (var o = 0, h = q.length; o < h; o++) { j = parseInt(m[o], 10); g = q[o]; if (isNaN(j)) { switch (g) { case "MM": p = d(e[n].months).filter(function () { var i = this.slice(0, m[o].length), s = m[o].slice(0, i.length); return i == s }); j = d.inArray(p[0], e[n].months) + 1; break; case "M": p = d(e[n].monthsShort).filter(function () { var i = this.slice(0, m[o].length), s = m[o].slice(0, i.length); return i == s }); j = d.inArray(p[0], e[n].monthsShort) + 1; break } } r[g] = j } for (var o = 0, x; o < t.length; o++) { x = t[o]; if (x in r && !isNaN(r[x])) { v[x](k, r[x]) } } } return k }, formatDate: function (g, l, n) { var m = { d: g.getUTCDate(), D: e[n].daysShort[g.getUTCDay()], DD: e[n].days[g.getUTCDay()], m: g.getUTCMonth() + 1, M: e[n].monthsShort[g.getUTCMonth()], MM: e[n].months[g.getUTCMonth()], yy: g.getUTCFullYear().toString().substring(2), yyyy: g.getUTCFullYear() }; m.dd = (m.d < 10 ? "0" : "") + m.d; = (m.m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m.m; var g = [], k = d.extend([], l.separators); for (var j = 0, h =; j < h; j++) { if (k.length) { g.push(k.shift()) } g.push(m[[j]]) } return g.join("") }, headTemplate: '<thead><tr><th class="prev"><i class="icon-arrow-left"/></th><th colspan="5" class="switch"></th><th class="next"><i class="icon-arrow-right"/></th></tr></thead>', contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>', footTemplate: '<tfoot><tr><th colspan="7" class="today"></th></tr></tfoot>' }; c.template = '<div class="datepicker"><div class="datepicker-days"><table class=" table-condensed">' + c.headTemplate + "<tbody></tbody>" + c.footTemplate + '</table></div><div class="datepicker-months"><table class="table-condensed">' + c.headTemplate + c.contTemplate + c.footTemplate + '</table></div><div class="datepicker-years"><table class="table-condensed">' + c.headTemplate + c.contTemplate + c.footTemplate + "</table></div></div>"; d.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal = c } (window.jQuery);
jQuery(function ($) {
$('.date-picker').datepicker({ autoclose: true }).next().on(ace.click_event, function () {