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210 lines
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' VBS JSON 2.0.3
' Copyright (c) 2009 Tuðrul Topuz
' Under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) license.
Const JSON_ARRAY = 1
Class jsCore
Public Collection
Public Count
Public QuotedVars
Public Kind ' 0 = object, 1 = array
Private Sub Class_Initialize
Set Collection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
QuotedVars = True
Count = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate
Set Collection = Nothing
End Sub
' counter
Private Property Get Counter
Counter = Count
Count = Count + 1
End Property
' - data maluplation
' -- pair
Public Property Let Pair(p, v)
If IsNull(p) Then p = Counter
Collection(p) = v
End Property
Public Property Set Pair(p, v)
If IsNull(p) Then p = Counter
If TypeName(v) <> "jsCore" Then
Err.Raise &hD, "class: class", "Incompatible types: '" & TypeName(v) & "'"
End If
Set Collection(p) = v
End Property
Public Default Property Get Pair(p)
If IsNull(p) Then p = Count - 1
If IsObject(Collection(p)) Then
Set Pair = Collection(p)
Pair = Collection(p)
End If
End Property
' -- pair
Public Sub Clean
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(vProp)
Collection.Remove vProp
End Sub
' data maluplation
' encoding
Function jsEncode(str)
Dim charmap(127), haystack()
charmap(8) = "\b"
charmap(9) = "\t"
charmap(10) = "\n"
charmap(12) = "\f"
charmap(13) = "\r"
charmap(34) = "\"""
charmap(47) = "\/"
charmap(92) = "\\"
Dim strlen : strlen = Len(str) - 1
ReDim haystack(strlen)
Dim i, charcode
For i = 0 To strlen
haystack(i) = Mid(str, i + 1, 1)
charcode = AscW(haystack(i)) And 65535
If charcode < 127 Then
If Not IsEmpty(charmap(charcode)) Then
haystack(i) = charmap(charcode)
ElseIf charcode < 32 Then
haystack(i) = "\u" & Right("000" & Hex(charcode), 4)
End If
haystack(i) = "\u" & Right("000" & Hex(charcode), 4)
End If
jsEncode = Join(haystack, "")
End Function
' converting
Public Function toJSON(vPair)
Select Case VarType(vPair)
Case 0 ' Empty
toJSON = "null"
Case 1 ' Null
toJSON = "null"
Case 7 ' Date
' toJSON = "new Date(" & (vPair - CDate(25569)) * 86400000 & ")" ' let in only utc time
toJSON = """" & CStr(vPair) & """"
Case 8 ' String
toJSON = """" & jsEncode(vPair) & """"
Case 9 ' Object
Dim bFI,i
bFI = True
If vPair.Kind Then toJSON = toJSON & "[" Else toJSON = toJSON & "{"
For Each i In vPair.Collection
If bFI Then bFI = False Else toJSON = toJSON & ","
If vPair.Kind Then
toJSON = toJSON & toJSON(vPair(i))
If QuotedVars Then
toJSON = toJSON & """" & i & """:" & toJSON(vPair(i))
toJSON = toJSON & i & ":" & toJSON(vPair(i))
End If
End If
If vPair.Kind Then toJSON = toJSON & "]" Else toJSON = toJSON & "}"
Case 11
If vPair Then toJSON = "true" Else toJSON = "false"
Case 12, 8192, 8204
toJSON = RenderArray(vPair, 1, "")
Case Else
toJSON = Replace(vPair, ",", ".")
End select
End Function
Function RenderArray(arr, depth, parent)
Dim first : first = LBound(arr, depth)
Dim last : last = UBound(arr, depth)
Dim index, rendered
Dim limiter : limiter = ","
RenderArray = "["
For index = first To last
If index = last Then
limiter = ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
rendered = RenderArray(arr, depth + 1, parent & index & "," )
If Err = 9 Then
On Error GoTo 0
RenderArray = RenderArray & toJSON(Eval("arr(" & parent & index & ")")) & limiter
RenderArray = RenderArray & rendered & "" & limiter
End If
RenderArray = RenderArray & "]"
End Function
Public Property Get jsString
jsString = toJSON(Me)
End Property
Sub Flush
If TypeName(Response) <> "Empty" Then
ElseIf WScript <> Empty Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function Clone
Set Clone = ColClone(Me)
End Function
Private Function ColClone(core)
Dim jsc, i
Set jsc = new jsCore
jsc.Kind = core.Kind
For Each i In core.Collection
If IsObject(core(i)) Then
Set jsc(i) = ColClone(core(i))
jsc(i) = core(i)
End If
Set ColClone = jsc
End Function
End Class
Function jsObject
Set jsObject = new jsCore
jsObject.Kind = JSON_OBJECT
End Function
Function jsArray
Set jsArray = new jsCore
jsArray.Kind = JSON_ARRAY
End Function
Function toJSON(val)
toJSON = (new jsCore).toJSON(val)
End Function
%> |