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var name = "<%=Session["Name"]%>";
var UserName = "<%=Session["UserName"]%>";
var UserId = "<%=Session["UserId"]%>";
var companyname = "<%=Session["CompanyName"]%>";
var KTSKU = "<%=Session["KTSKU"]%>";
var ismess = 0;
var hurl = "";
$(document).ready(function () {
if (UserId == null)
window.loction.href = "login.aspx";
var ul = window.location.href;
//var sb = ul.indexOf(".25");
//if (sb > 0)
// hurl = ul.substring(0, sb);
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$("#sp_name").html(name);//"<a style='color:red'>【2】</a>"
$("#img_login").attr("src", "themes/default/images/tree_loading.gif");
$("#cmd_pw").click(function () {
$("#btn_Save").click(function () {
$("#btn_Cancel").bind("click", $.fancybox.close);
//#region 读取数据
function GetShopAdd() {
addTab("订单查询", "DingDan/DD_OrderListForTM3.aspx", false);
addTab("My Desktop", "Default_EN.aspx", false);
url: "UserService.asmx/IsShopAdd",
//data: Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(param),
success: function (data) {
if (data.d != null)
if (data.d<=0)
addTab("店铺设置", "SysManage/StoreSetting.aspx", true);
var messlist = new Array();
function wopen() {
if (ismess == 1)
if (messlist != null && messlist.length > 0) {
else {
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
url: "UserService.asmx/GetListWindowMess",
data: "{}",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.d!=null) {
messlist = data.d;
error: function (xhr, status) {
if (status != "success")
{ }
setTimeout("wopen()", 30000);
function ReadMess()
if (messlist[0].Content.length > 0) {
title: '',
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height: 150,
msg: '<table width="100%" height="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; background-color:lightyellow"><tr><td>' + messlist[0].Content + '</td></tr><tr><td><a onclick="messclose('+messlist[0].Id+')" style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; color: blue;">已读关闭</a></td></tr></table>',
timeout: 0,
showType: 'fade'
Array.removeAt(messlist, 0);
ismess = 1;
function messclose(id)
var param = new Object();
param.Id = id;
url: "SysManage/SysManageService.asmx/MessRead",
data: Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(param),
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
ismess = 0;
function LoginOut() {
window.location.href = "login.aspx";
function home() {
window.location.href = "Index.aspx";
//#region 初始化Tabs菜单
function CreateAccordionMenu() {
var htmlString = new Sys.StringBuilder();
htmlString.append("<div id='mm2' class='easyui-menu' style='width:140px;'>");
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htmlString.append("<div CommandName='MenuRefresh' iconcls='icon-reload'>Refresh</div>");
function addTab(name, url, flag) {
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tabControl1.tabs("select", name);
if (name == "订单查询") {
window.open(url + "?Target=Blank");
if (name == "采购批次") {
window.open(url + "?Target=Blank");
if (name == "采购信息") {
window.open(url + "?Target=Blank");
$("iframe[name='" + name + "']").attr("src", url);
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function CloseTab(title, title1) {
$('#tabControl1').tabs('close', title);
$('#tabControl1').tabs('select', title1);
function EventWatch() {
//#region 分组菜单
$("#" + TabsMenu + " div[CommandName]").bind("click", function () {
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if (CommandName == "MenuClose") {
var title = $("#" + TabsMenu).data("title");
$('#tabControl1').tabs('close', title);
if (CommandName == "MenuCloseAll") {
var title = $("#" + TabsMenu).data("title");
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$(tabs).each(function () {
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if (closable == true && title2 != title)
tabControl1.tabs("close", title2);
if (CommandName == "MenuRefresh") {
var title = $("#" + TabsMenu).data("title");
$('#tabControl1').tabs("select", title);
var url = $("iframe[name='" + title + "']").attr("src");
$("iframe[name='" + title + "']").attr("src", url);
var TabsMenu = "mm2";
var ListMenu = new Array();
var AccordionID = "Accordion";
function ShowFancybox() {
'width': '40%',
'height': '40%',
'autoScale': false,
'transitionIn': 'elastic',
'transitionOut': 'elastic',
'href': '#test'
//#region 保存
function SavePassWord() {
var param = new Object();
param.UserName = $("#txt_UserName").val();
param.OldPassword = $("#txt_OldPassWord").val();
param.NewPassWord = $("#txt_PassWord").val();
var NewPassWord2 = $("#txt_PassWordSure").val();
if (param.UserName == "") { alert("Please enter your user name"); return; }
if (param.OldPassword == "") { alert("Please enter the original password"); return; }
if (param.NewPassWord == "") { alert("Please enter the new password"); return; }
//var regu = /\w*[0-9]+\w*$/;
//var regu2 = /\w*[a-zA-Z]+\w*$/;
//if (!regu.test(param.NewPassWord) || !regu2.test(param.NewPassWord)) {
// alert("密码必须大于6位,且必须包含字母和数字");
// return;
if (param.NewPassWord != NewPassWord2) { alert("The second new password is different"); return; }
url: "UserService.asmx/UpdatePassWord",
data: Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(param),
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.d == 1) {
alert("Modified success");
else if (data.d == 0) {
alert("Original password error");
else if (data.d == -1) {
alert("The user name already exists");
//#region 读取菜单
function ReadListMenu() {
url: "SysManageServiceNew.asmx/GetListMenuNew",
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
ListMenu = data.d;
var ListMenus = GetListMenu(null);
var htmlString = new Sys.StringBuilder();
htmlString.append("<div id='Accordion' class='easyui-accordion' fit='false' border='false' animate='false'>");
$(ListMenus).each(function () {
var ChildCount = GetListMenu(this.ModuleNo);
if (ChildCount.length > 0)
htmlString.append("<div title=" + this.ModuleName2 + "><ul id='Tree" + this.ModuleNo + "' class='easyui-tree' nimate='false' dnd='false'></ul></div>");
// $("#div_cc").htm(htmlString.toString());
$(ListMenus).each(function () {
//#region 绑定树菜单
function BindTreeView(moduleno) {
var TreeSource = new Array();
var ListMenus = GetListMenu(moduleno);
$(ListMenus).each(function () {
var atr = new Object();
var childNode = new Array();
var model = new Array();
model.text = this.ModuleName2;
model.state = "closed";
model.checked = false;
model.attributes = atr;
model.children = childNode;
model.attributes.url = "";
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model.state = "open";
model.attributes.url = this.ModuleUrl2;
var ChildCount = GetListMenu(this.ModuleNo);
if ((ChildCount.length > 0) || (this.ModuleUrl2 != null && this.ModuleUrl2 != "")) {
Array.add(TreeSource, model);
BindTreeChildNode(model.children, this.ModuleNo);
$("#Tree" + moduleno).tree({
data: TreeSource,
onSelect: function (node) {
var node = $("#Tree" + moduleno).tree("getSelected");
if (node.attributes.url2 != "") { addTab(node.text, node.attributes.url2, true); }
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if (node.state == "closed") { $("#Tree" + moduleno).tree('expand', node.target); }
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$("#Tree" + moduleno + " .tree-node").css("font-size", "14px").css("padding-top", "5px").css("padding-bottom", "5px");
//#region 绑定子菜单
function BindTreeChildNode(PrevNode, parentmoduleID) {
var ListMenus = GetListMenu(parentmoduleID);
// if (ListMenus.length == 0) PrevNode.state = "open";
$(ListMenus).each(function () {
var atr = new Object();
var childNode = new Array();
var model = new Array();
model.text = this.ModuleName2;
model.state = "closed";
model.checked = false;
model.attributes = atr;
model.children = childNode;
// model.attributes.url = "";
if (this.ModuleUrl2 != "" && this.ModuleUrl2 != null) {
model.state = "open";
model.attributes.url = this.ModuleUrl;
var ChildCount = GetListMenu(this.ModuleNo);
if ((ChildCount.length > 0) || (this.ModuleUrl2 != null && this.ModuleUrl2 != "")) {
Array.add(PrevNode, model);
BindTreeChildNode(model.children, this.ModuleNo);
//#region 返回指定级菜单
function GetListMenu(parentmoduleID) {
var ListMenus = new Array();
$(ListMenu).each(function () {
if (this.ParentModuleNo == parentmoduleID) {
var model = new Object();
model.ModuleNo = this.ModuleNo;
model.ParentModuleNo = this.ParentModuleNo;
model.ModuleName2 = this.ModuleName2;
model.ModuleUrl2 = this.ModuleUrl2;
Array.add(ListMenus, model);
return ListMenus;
function refresh() {
// window.open('ArticleInfo/ArticleCheckList.aspx', 'webApplication', 'height=400,width=800,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no,location=no, status=no');
var tabControl1 = $('#tabControl1');
var title = tabControl1.tabs('getSelected').panel('options').title;
var url = $("iframe[name='" + title + "']").attr("src");
$("iframe[name='" + title + "']").attr("src", url);
function Go() {
var tabControl1 = $('#tabControl1');
var title = tabControl1.tabs('getSelected').panel('options').title;
$("iframe[name='" + title + "']")[0].contentWindow.history.go(1);
function Back() {
var tabControl1 = $('#tabControl1');
var title = tabControl1.tabs('getSelected').panel('options').title;
$("iframe[name='" + title + "']")[0].contentWindow.history.go(-1);
function Close() {
window.location.href = "loginnew.aspx";
<body class="easyui-layout" id="div_lyout">
<div id='div_cc'></div>
<div style="display: none">
<div id="test" title="用户名密码" style="width: 400px; height: 200px;">
<table width="95%" class="tableAll" border="1" ellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td style="width:120px" class="f1">
<font color="red" style="font-weight:bolder">*</font>Old UserName:
<input id="txt_UserName" class="editTextbox" type="text" style="width:200px;" />
<td style="width:120px" class="f1">
<font color="red" style="font-weight:bolder">*</font>Old Password:</td>
<td> <input id="txt_OldPassWord" class="editTextbox" type="password" style="width:200px;" />
<td style="width:120px" class="f1">
<font color="red" style="font-weight:bolder">*</font>New Password:</td>
<td> <input id="txt_PassWord" class="editTextbox" type="password" style="width:200px;" />
<td style="width:120px" class="f1">
<font color="red" style="font-weight:bolder">*</font>New Password Sure:</td>
<td> <input id="txt_PassWordSure" class="editTextbox" type="password" style="width:200px;" />
<td align="center" colspan="2">
<input id="btn_Save" type="button" value="Save" class="btnClass btnClassSave" /> <input
id="btn_Cancel" type="button" value="Cancel" class="btnClass btnClassClose" />
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<li><a onclick="refresh();">Refresh</a></li><li><a
onclick="Go();">Forward</a></li><li><a onclick="Back();">Back</a></li><li>
<a onclick="LoginOut();">SignOut</a></li>
<li class="last">
<a id="cmd_pw">Password</a></li></ul>
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<img alt="" src="images/time.gif" /><font id="clock"></font><script language="javascript"
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<span id='sp_gs'> 欢迎您!</span><span id="sp_name">管理员</span></div>
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<div class="bottom_box"><span>2015@ 版权所有 </span></div>
<input id="HidUserName" runat="server" type="hidden" />