using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NetLibrary;
using NetLibrary.Data;
using NetLibrary.ReportPrint;
using TradeModel;
using NetLibrary.OnlineTrade;
using NetLibrary.Log;
using MarketplaceWebServiceOrders.Model;
using System.Reflection;
namespace TradeData
public class API_OrderInfoService
#region 保存
public static int Save(int? CompanyId,API_OrderInfo Model)
if (Model.MoneyCode == "") Model.MoneyCode = null;
string tsql = @"
if @OrderId>0
Update [API_OrderInfo] set [ShopId]=@ShopId,[ShopName]=@ShopName,[OrderCode]=@OrderCode,[PlatOrderCode]=@PlatOrderCode,[HBOrderCode]=@HBOrderCode,[TotalPrice]=@TotalPrice,[MoneyCode]=@MoneyCode,[OrderDate]=@OrderDate,[CustomID]=@CustomID,[RevName]=@RevName,[RevCountry]=@RevCountry,[RevAddr]=@RevAddr,[RevPhone]=@RevPhone,RevMobile=@RevMobile,[RevMail]=@RevMail,[RevFax]=@RevFax,RevZip=@RevZip,[BuyRemark]=@BuyRemark,[LeaveWord]=@LeaveWord,[PayDate]=@PayDate,[OutOrderDate]=@OutOrderDate,[PlatType]=@PlatType,IsFba=@IsFba,PostInfo=@PostInfo,RevProvince=@RevProvince,RevCity=@RevCity,RevArea=@RevArea,escrowFee=@escrowFee,logisticsAmount=@logisticsAmount,OrderState=@OrderState where OrderId=@OrderId
--delete from API_OrderInfo where CompanyId=@CompanyId and OrderCode=@OrderCode
INSERT INTO [API_OrderInfo](CompanyId,[ShopId],[ShopName],[OrderCode],PlatOrderCode,HBOrderCode,[TotalPrice],[MoneyCode],[OrderDate],[CustomID],[RevName],[RevCountry],[RevAddr],[RevPhone],RevMobile,[RevMail],[RevFax],RevZip,[BuyRemark],[LeaveWord],[PayDate],[OutOrderDate],[PlatType],IsFba,PostInfo,State,RevProvince,RevCity,RevArea,OrderState,logisticsAmount,escrowFee,LogisticsId,ExpressId,OrderLevel,GoodsNum)values(@CompanyId,@ShopId,@ShopName,@OrderCode,@PlatOrderCode,@HBOrderCode,@TotalPrice,@MoneyCode,@OrderDate,@CustomID,@RevName,@RevCountry,@RevAddr,@RevPhone,@RevMobile,@RevMail,@RevFax,@RevZip,@BuyRemark,@LeaveWord,@PayDate,@OutOrderDate,@PlatType,@IsFba,@PostInfo,0,@RevProvince,@RevCity,@RevArea,@OrderState,@logisticsAmount,@escrowFee,@LogisticsId,@ExpressId,@OrderLevel,@GoodsNum)
select @OrderId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderId", DbType.Int32, Model.OrderId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CompanyId", DbType.Int32, CompanyId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, Model.ShopId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopName", DbType.String, Model.ShopName);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderCode", DbType.String, Model.OrderCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PlatOrderCode", DbType.String, Model.PlatOrderCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@HBOrderCode", DbType.String, Model.HBOrderCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TotalPrice", DbType.Decimal, Model.TotalPrice);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@MoneyCode", DbType.String, Model.MoneyCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderDate", DbType.DateTime2, Model.OrderDate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CustomID", DbType.String, Model.CustomID);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevName", DbType.String, Model.RevName);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevCountry", DbType.String, Model.RevCountry);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevAddr", DbType.String, Model.RevAddr);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevPhone", DbType.String, Model.RevPhone);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevMobile", DbType.String, Model.RevMobile);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevMail", DbType.String, Model.RevMail);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevFax", DbType.String, Model.RevFax);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevZip", DbType.String, Model.RevZip);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevProvince", DbType.String, Model.RevProvince);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevCity", DbType.String, Model.RevCity);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RevArea", DbType.String, Model.RevArea);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@logisticsAmount", DbType.Decimal, Model.logisticsAmount);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@escrowFee", DbType.Decimal, Model.escrowFee);
// if (Model.BuyRemark != null && Model.BuyRemark != "" && Model.BuyRemark.Length > 900)
// Model.BuyRemark = Model.BuyRemark.Substring(0, 900);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@BuyRemark", DbType.String, Model.BuyRemark);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@LeaveWord", DbType.String, Model.LeaveWord);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PayDate", DbType.DateTime2, Model.PayDate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OutOrderDate", DbType.DateTime2, Model.OutOrderDate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PlatType", DbType.Int32, Model.PlatType);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@IsFba", DbType.Int32, Model.IsFba);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PostInfo", DbType.String, Model.PostInfo);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderState", DbType.Int32, Model.OrderState);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@LogisticsId", DbType.Int32, Model.LogisticsId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ExpressId", DbType.String, Model.ExpressId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderLevel", DbType.Int32, Model.OrderLevel);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsNum", DbType.Int32, Model.GoodsNum);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
tsql = @"
if @Id>0
Update [API_OrderGoods] set [GoodsNum]=@GoodsNum,[GoodsPrice]=@GoodsPrice,[GoodsSKU]=@GoodsSKU,[GoodsName]=@GoodsName,PostInfo=@PostInfo,MoneyCode=@MoneyCode,productImgUrl=@productImgUrl,GoodsCode=@GoodsCode,OldNum=@OldNum,GoodsDesc=@GoodsDesc where Id=@Id
INSERT INTO [API_OrderGoods]([OrderId],[GoodsNum],[GoodsPrice],[GoodsSKU],[GoodsName],PostInfo,MoneyCode,productImgUrl,GoodsCode,OldNum,GoodsDesc,OrderItemId)values(@OrderId,@GoodsNum,@GoodsPrice,@GoodsSKU,@GoodsName,@PostInfo,@MoneyCode,@productImgUrl,@GoodsCode,@OldNum,@GoodsDesc,@OrderItemId)
cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
string ids = "";
foreach (var item in Model.ListModel)
// ids += ", " + item.OrderId;
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderId", DbType.Int32, a);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Id", DbType.Int32, item.Id);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsNum", DbType.Int32, item.GoodsNum);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsDesc", DbType.String, item.GoodsDesc);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsPrice", DbType.Decimal, item.GoodsPrice);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsSKU", DbType.String, item.GoodsSKU);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsName", DbType.String, item.GoodsName);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@MoneyCode", DbType.String, Model.MoneyCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PostInfo", DbType.String, item.PostInfo);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@productImgUrl", DbType.String, item.productImgUrl);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoodsCode", DbType.String, item.GoodsCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OldNum", DbType.Int32, item.OldNum);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderItemId", DbType.String, item.OrderItemId);
//if (Model.OrderId > 0)
// tsql = "delete from API_OrderGoods where OrderId=@OrderId and Id not in (" + ids + ")";
// cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
// db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderId", DbType.Int32, Model.OrderId);
// db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd);
return a;
#region 删除
public static void Delete(int OrderId)
string tsql = @"
delete from API_OrderInfo where OrderId=@OrderId
delete from API_OrderGoods where OrderId=@OrderId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderId", DbType.Int32, OrderId);
#region 返回Model
public static API_OrderInfo GetModel(int OrderId)
API_OrderInfo model = null;
string tsql = "select * from API_OrderInfo where OrderId=@OrderId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderId", DbType.Int32, OrderId);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
if (tb.Rows.Count > 0) model = tb.Rows[0].ToModel<API_OrderInfo>();
return model;
#region 分页查询
public static List<API_OrderInfo> GetListAPI_OrderInfo(RefParameterCollection where, int PageIndex, int PageSize, string Sort, out int RowCount)
if (where == null) where = new RefParameterCollection();
QueryService ser = new QueryService();
ser.Fields = @"OrderId=cast(a.OrderId as int),a.ShopId,a.ShopName,a.JoinOrderCode,a.TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.OrderDate,a.CustomID,a.RevName,a.RevCountry,a.RevAddr,a.RevPhone,a.RevMobile,a.RevMail,a.RevFax,a.BuyRemark,a.LeaveWord,a.PayDate,a.OutOrderDate,a.PlatType";
ser.Tables = @"API_OrderInfo a";
ser.Filter = where.GetWhere(System.Data.CommandType.Text);
ser.PageIndex = PageIndex;
ser.PageSize = PageSize;
ser.Sort = Sort;
ser.KeyName = "OrderId";
string tsql = ser.GetText();
where.AddOutParameter("RowCount", System.Data.DbType.Int32); ;
List<API_OrderInfo> ListModel = null;
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, where);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
RowCount = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Parameters["@RowCount"].Value);
ListModel = tb.ToList<API_OrderInfo>();
return ListModel;
#region 判断订单号是否重复
public static bool CheckJoinOrderCode1(int PlatType, string OrderCode, int OrderState,DateTime? OutOrderDate)
string tsql = @"
declare @OldOrderState int,@OrderId int
select top 1 @OldOrderState=isnull(OrderState,1),@OrderId=OrderId from API_OrderInfo where PlatType=@PlatType and OrderCode=@OrderCode
if @OldOrderState is not null
if @OldOrderState<>@OrderState
update API_OrderInfo set state=0,OrderState=@OrderState,OutOrderDate=@OutOrderDate where OrderId=@OrderId
select 1
select 0
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PlatType", DbType.Int32, PlatType);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderCode", DbType.String, OrderCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderState", DbType.Int32, OrderState);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OutOrderDate", DbType.DateTime, OutOrderDate);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
if (a == 0) return true;
return false;
#region 判断订单号是否重复
public static bool CheckJoinOrderCode(int PlatType, string OrderCode, int OrderState)
string tsql = @"
declare @OldOrderState int,@OrderId int
set @OrderId=0
select top 1 @OldOrderState=isnull(OrderState,1),@OrderId=OrderId from API_OrderInfo where PlatType=@PlatType and OrderCode=@OrderCode
if @OrderId>0
if @OldOrderState<>@OrderState
update API_OrderInfo set state=0,OrderState=@OrderState where OrderId=@OrderId
select 1
select 0
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PlatType", DbType.Int32, PlatType);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderCode", DbType.String, OrderCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderState", DbType.Int32, OrderState);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
if (a == 0) return true;
return false;
#region ebay判断订单号是否重复
public static bool CheckJoinOrderCode3(int PlatType, string OrderCode, int OrderState)
string tsql = @"
declare @OldOrderState int,@OrderId int
set @OrderId=0
select top 1 @OldOrderState=isnull(OrderState,1),@OrderId=OrderId from API_OrderInfo where PlatType=@PlatType and (OrderCode=@OrderCode or PlatOrderCode=@OrderCode)
if @OrderId>0
if @OldOrderState<>@OrderState
update API_OrderInfo set state=0,OrderState=@OrderState where OrderId=@OrderId
select 1
select 0
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PlatType", DbType.Int32, PlatType);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderCode", DbType.String, OrderCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OrderState", DbType.Int32, OrderState);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
if (a == 0) return true;
return false;
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static List<int> GetList(int CompanyID)
string tsql = "select OrderId from API_OrderInfo where CompanyID=@CompanyID and State=0";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CompanyID", DbType.Int32, CompanyID);
DataTable tb=db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
List<int> ListModel = new List<int>();
foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows)
int OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(row["OrderId"]);
return ListModel;
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static List<int> GetListForShop(int CompanyID,string ShopIds)
string tsql = "select OrderId from API_OrderInfo where CompanyID=@CompanyID and State=0 and ShopId in (" + ShopIds + ")";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CompanyID", DbType.Int32, CompanyID);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
List<int> ListModel = new List<int>();
foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows)
int OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(row["OrderId"]);
return ListModel;
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static List<API_OrderInfo> GetListForShop3(int ShopId)
string tsql = "select top 1000 * from API_OrderInfo where State<5 and ShopId=@ShopId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
return tb.ToList<API_OrderInfo>();
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static List<API_OrderGoods> GetListOrderGoods(int ShopId)
string tsql = "select top 1500 b.* from API_OrderInfo a inner join API_OrderGoods b on a.orderid=b.orderid where a.State<5 and a.ShopId=@ShopId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
return tb.ToList<API_OrderGoods>();
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static void UpdateOrderState(int ShopId)
string tsql = "update API_OrderInfo set state=5 where state<=1 and ShopId=@ShopId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static List<int> GetListForShop2(int ShopId)
string tsql = "select OrderId from API_OrderInfo where State=0 and ShopId=@ShopId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
List<int> ListModel = new List<int>();
foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows)
int OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(row["OrderId"]);
return ListModel;
#region 读取所有未处理的订单
public static List<WL_ExpressSelect> GetExpressSelect(int PlatId)
List<WL_ExpressSelect> list = null;
string tsql = @"select a.*,b.EnglishName from WL_ExpressSelect a
left join JC_Country b on a.Country=b.Code where a.PlatId=@PlatId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@PlatId", DbType.Int32, PlatId);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
list = tb.ToList<WL_ExpressSelect>();
return list;
#region 查询上下架产品
public static List<JC_ProductOnOff> GetProductOnOffList()
List<JC_ProductOnOff> list = null;
string tsql = @"declare @nowmin int
select b.ShopId,b.Appkey,b.DeveKey,b.RefreshToken,b.AccessToken,b.RefreshTokenSaveTime,b.AccessTokenUpdateTime,IsOn=1,a.productIds from HW_OnOffList a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopID=b.ShopId
inner join HW_OnOffDetail c on a.OnOffID=c.OnOffID
where a.onoffflag=1 and cast(SUBSTRING(OnTime,1,2) as int)*60+cast(SUBSTRING(OnTime,4,2) as int)=@nowmin
select b.ShopId,b.Appkey,b.DeveKey,b.RefreshToken,b.AccessToken,b.RefreshTokenSaveTime,b.AccessTokenUpdateTime,IsOn=0,a.productIds from HW_OnOffList a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopID=b.ShopId
inner join HW_OnOffDetail c on a.OnOffID=c.OnOffID
where a.onoffflag=1 and cast(SUBSTRING(OffTime,1,2) as int)*60+cast(SUBSTRING(OffTime,4,2) as int)=@nowmin ";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
list = tb.ToList<JC_ProductOnOff>();
return list;
#region 查询要导单店铺
public static JC_Shop GetImpotShop()
JC_Shop model = null;
string tsql = @"select top 1 b.*,a.DDSDate,a.DDEDate from JC_SyncState a
inner join Jc_shop b on a.CompanyId=b.ShopId
where SyncType=1 and IsDD=1";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
if (tb.Rows.Count > 0) model = tb.Rows[0].ToModel<JC_Shop>();
return model;
#region 查询要导单店铺
public static List<JC_Shop> GetImpotShopList()
string tsql = @"
declare @InUserId int,@PlatType int
set @InUserId=-1
select top 1 @PlatType=b.PlatType from JC_SyncState a
inner join Jc_shop b on a.CompanyId=b.ShopId
where SyncType=1 and a.IsDD=1 and a.State=1 order by StartDate
select top 3 b.*,a.DDSDate,a.DDEDate from JC_SyncState a
inner join Jc_shop b on a.CompanyId=b.ShopId
where SyncType=1 and IsDD=1 and a.State=1 and b.PlatType=@PlatType";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
return tb.ToList<JC_Shop>();
#region 修改采购时间
public static void UpdateBuyDate()
string tsql = @"
update b set b.BuyDate=GETDATE() from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
where b.BuyDate is null and b.FPDate is not null and b.State=1 and c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum>=0
update b set b.BuyDate=a.BuyDate from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderInfoNew b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.BuyDate is null and a.BuyDate is not null
--update DT_OrderInfo set BuyDate=null where OrderId in (
--select top 1 a.OrderId from DT_OrderGoods a
--inner join DT_OrderInfoNew b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
--inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
--inner join (select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
--inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
--where b.State=1 and b.BuyDate is null group by a.DetailId)d on a.DetailId=d.DetailId
--where b.BuyDate is not null and b.FPDate is not null and b.State=1 and c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum+d.GoodsNum<0 order by b.OrderLevel,b.InDate desc)";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
#region 修改采购时间
public static List<HW_GoodsDetail> GetDetailList()
string tsql = @"
select distinct a.DetailId,LeftNum=b.GoodsPlanNum-b.GoodsNum-b.GoodsInNum from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo c on a.OrderId=c.OrderId
where b.GoodsNum+b.GoodsInNum-b.GoodsPlanNum<0 and c.State=1 order by a.DetailId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
return tb.ToList<HW_GoodsDetail>();
#region 修改采购时间
public static List<HW_GoodsDetail> GetDetailOrderList(int DetailId)
string tsql = @"
select top 10 a.OrderId,c.BuyDate,c.InDate,c.OrderLevel from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo c on a.OrderId=c.OrderId
where a.DetailId=@DetailId and c.State=1 order by c.OrderLevel,c.InDate desc";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@DetailId", DbType.String, DetailId);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
return tb.ToList<HW_GoodsDetail>();
#region 查询要导单店铺
public static void SaveImpotShop(int ShopId,string info)
string tsql = @"update JC_SyncState set state=0,EndDate=getdate(),DDResult=@info where CompanyId=@ShopId and SyncType=1 ";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@info", DbType.String, info);
#region 插入提示消息
public static void SaveImpotShopMess(int ShopId, string info)
string tsql = @"INSERT INTO [JC_OpenMess]([Content],[IsRead],[OpenDate],[Target],[Type],[UserType],[UserId])
select b.ShopName+':'+@info,0,getdate(),0,1,'P',a.UserId from JC_ShopUser a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId where a.shopid=@ShopId and a.SType='S'";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@info", DbType.String, info);
#region 插入提示消息
public static void SaveImpotShopMess2(int ShopId, string info)
string tsql = @"INSERT INTO [JC_OpenMess]([Content],[IsRead],[OpenDate],[Target],[Type],[UserType],[UserId])
select ShopName+':'+@info,0,getdate(),0,1,'P',1 from JC_Shop where shopid=@ShopId";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@info", DbType.String, info);
#region 查询要导单店铺
public static void SaveImpotShopInfo(int ShopId, string info)
string tsql = @"update JC_SyncState set InName='系统自动采集',DDResult=@info where CompanyId=@ShopId and SyncType=1";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@info", DbType.String, info);
#region 查询要导单店铺
public static void SaveImpotState(int ShopId)
string tsql = @"update JC_SyncState set IsDD=0 where CompanyId=@ShopId and SyncType=1";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
#region 查询要导单店铺
public static void SaveImpotState2(string ShopIds)
string tsql = @"update JC_SyncState set IsDD=0 where CompanyId in (" + ShopIds + ") and SyncType=1";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
#region 保存各平台数据
public static void SaveOrderModel(int? CompanyId,int ShopId, string ShopName, int PlatType, int IsFba, List<OrderModel> ListModel)
if (ListModel == null) return;
var wllist = GetExpressSelect(PlatType);
foreach (var item in ListModel)
if (item.PlatOrderCode == "112-6514054-6349010" || item.OrderCode == "108906731002378")
string asfsffs = "";
int OrderState = 1;
item.OrderState = 1;
//if (item.OrderState != null)
// OrderState = item.OrderState.Value;
if (PlatType == 1 && item.OutOrderDate != null)
if (API_OrderInfoService.CheckJoinOrderCode1(PlatType, item.OrderCode, OrderState, item.OutOrderDate.Value) == false)
else if (PlatType == 3)
string oid = item.OrderCode;
if (item.PlatOrderCode != null && item.PlatOrderCode != "" && item.PlatOrderCode.Length >5)
oid = item.PlatOrderCode;
item.OrderCode = oid;
item.PlatOrderCode = oid;
if (API_OrderInfoService.CheckJoinOrderCode3(PlatType, oid, OrderState) == false)
if (API_OrderInfoService.CheckJoinOrderCode(PlatType, item.OrderCode, OrderState) == false) continue;
if (item.MoneyCode == "") item.MoneyCode = null;
API_OrderInfo model = new API_OrderInfo();
model.ShopId = ShopId;
model.ShopName = ShopName;
model.OrderCode = item.OrderCode;
model.PlatOrderCode = item.PlatOrderCode;
model.HBOrderCode = item.HBOrderCode;
model.TotalPrice = item.TotalPrice;
model.MoneyCode = item.MoneyCode;
model.OrderDate = item.OrderDate;
model.CustomID = item.BuyerID;
model.RevName = item.BuyerName;
model.RevCountry = item.BuyerCountry;
model.RevAddr = item.BuyerAddr;
model.RevPhone = item.BuyerPhone;
model.RevMobile = item.BuyerMobile;
model.RevMail = item.BuyerMail;
model.RevFax = item.BuyerFax;
model.RevZip = item.BuyerZip;
model.RevProvince = item.BuyerProvince;
model.RevCity = item.BuyerCity;
model.RevArea = item.BuyerArea;
model.BuyRemark = item.OrderRemark;
model.LeaveWord = item.LeaveWord;
model.PayDate = item.PayDate;
model.OutOrderDate = item.OutOrderDate;
model.PlatType = PlatType;
model.IsFba = IsFba;
model.escrowFee = item.escrowFee;
// model.loanAmount = item.loanAmount;
model.logisticsAmount = item.logisticsAmount;
model.PostInfo = item.PostInfo;
if (wllist != null)
if (PlatType == 1)
// string ddfsf = "";
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == model.ShopId && n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && n.Country == "0");
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.PostInfo == "0" && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (PlatType == 2)
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo);
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == "0" && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && n.Country == "0");
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (PlatType >= 3 && PlatType <= 5)
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == model.ShopId && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.Country == "0");
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (PlatType == 6)
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo);
//var md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == model.ShopId && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
//if (md == null)
//md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.Country == "0");
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (model.ExpressId == 7 || model.ExpressId == 65 || model.ExpressId == 67) //修改分配级别
model.OrderLevel = 6;
if (item.OrderState == null)
model.OrderState = 1;
model.OrderState = item.OrderState;
model.ListModel = new List<API_OrderGoods>();
int HJNum = 0;
foreach (var item2 in item.ListModel)
API_OrderGoods check2 = null;
if (item2.MoneyCode == "") item2.MoneyCode = null;
API_OrderGoods model2 = new API_OrderGoods();
model2.productImgUrl = item2.productImgUrl;
model2.GoodsNum = item2.GoodsNum;
model2.GoodsPrice = item2.GoodsPrice;
model2.MoneyCode = item2.MoneyCode;
model2.GoodsName = item2.GoodsName;
model2.GoodsDesc = item2.TypeDesc;
model2.OrderItemId = item2.OrderItemId;
if (item2.GoodsSKU == null) item2.GoodsSKU = "";
model2.GoodsSKU = item2.GoodsSKU;
if (item2.GoodsSKU.Contains('{'))
// model2.GoodsSKU = item2.GoodsSKU.Substring(0, item2.GoodsSKU.IndexOf('{')).Trim();
string Num = item2.GoodsSKU.Substring(item2.GoodsSKU.IndexOf('{') + 1, item2.GoodsSKU.Length - item2.GoodsSKU.IndexOf('{') - 2);
model2.OldNum = item2.GoodsNum;
int GNum = 0;
if (int.TryParse(Num.Trim(), out GNum) == true)
model2.GoodsNum = GNum * model2.OldNum;
if (model.PlatType == 1)
string GoodsCode = item2.GoodsName.Trim().Replace(',', ' ');
if (model2.GoodsSKU.Contains('-'))
string[] skulist = model2.GoodsSKU.Split('-');
// model2.GoodsDesc += " " + model2.GoodsSKU;
// model2.GoodsSKU = skulist[1].Trim();
GoodsCode = skulist[0].Trim();
if (GoodsCode.Contains(' '))
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Substring(GoodsCode.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
model2.GoodsCode = GoodsCode;
if (item2.TypeDesc != null && item2.TypeDesc != "")
model2.GoodsName += "[" + item2.TypeDesc + "]";
model2.GoodsCode = GoodsCode;
model2.PostInfo = item2.PostInfo;
if (model.PlatType == 1)
if (model2.GoodsCode != null && model2.GoodsCode != "")
check2 = model.ListModel.Find(o => o.GoodsSKU == model2.GoodsSKU && o.GoodsCode == model2.GoodsCode);
check2 = model.ListModel.Find(o => o.GoodsSKU == item2.GoodsSKU);
HJNum += item2.GoodsNum.Value;
if (check2 == null)
check2.GoodsNum = check2.GoodsNum + item2.GoodsNum;
model.GoodsNum = HJNum;
API_OrderInfoService.Save(CompanyId, model);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("保存各平台数据", "SaveOrderModel.Save", ex.Message + ";OrderCode:" + model.OrderCode);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("保存各平台数据", "SaveOrderModel.Save", ex.Message);
#region 保存各平台数据
public static void SaveOrderModel2(int? CompanyId, int ShopId, string ShopName, int PlatType, int IsFba, List<OrderModel> ListModel)
if (ListModel == null) return;
var wllist = GetExpressSelect(PlatType);
foreach (var item in ListModel)
//if (item.PlatOrderCode == "72860947447064" || item.OrderCode == "72860947447064")
// string asfsffs = "";
int OrderState = 2;
//if (item.OrderState != null)
item.OrderState = 2;
if (PlatType == 1 && item.OutOrderDate != null)
if (API_OrderInfoService.CheckJoinOrderCode1(PlatType, item.OrderCode, OrderState, item.OutOrderDate.Value) == false)
if (API_OrderInfoService.CheckJoinOrderCode(PlatType, item.OrderCode, OrderState) == false) continue;
if (item.MoneyCode == "") item.MoneyCode = null;
API_OrderInfo model = new API_OrderInfo();
model.ShopId = ShopId;
model.ShopName = ShopName;
model.OrderCode = item.OrderCode;
model.PlatOrderCode = item.PlatOrderCode;
model.HBOrderCode = item.HBOrderCode;
model.TotalPrice = item.TotalPrice;
model.MoneyCode = item.MoneyCode;
model.OrderDate = item.OrderDate;
model.CustomID = item.BuyerID;
model.RevName = item.BuyerName;
model.RevCountry = item.BuyerCountry;
model.RevAddr = item.BuyerAddr;
model.RevPhone = item.BuyerPhone;
model.RevMobile = item.BuyerMobile;
model.RevMail = item.BuyerMail;
model.RevFax = item.BuyerFax;
model.RevZip = item.BuyerZip;
model.RevProvince = item.BuyerProvince;
model.RevCity = item.BuyerCity;
model.RevArea = item.BuyerArea;
model.BuyRemark = item.OrderRemark;
model.LeaveWord = item.LeaveWord;
model.PayDate = item.PayDate;
model.OutOrderDate = item.OutOrderDate;
model.PlatType = PlatType;
model.IsFba = IsFba;
model.escrowFee = item.escrowFee;
model.logisticsAmount = item.logisticsAmount;
model.PostInfo = item.PostInfo;
if (wllist != null)
if (PlatType == 1)
// string ddfsf = "";
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == model.ShopId && n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && n.Country == "0");
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.PostInfo == "0" && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (PlatType == 2)
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo);
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == "0" && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo && n.Country == "0");
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (PlatType >= 3 && PlatType <= 5)
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == model.ShopId && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.Country == "0");
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (PlatType == 6)
var md = wllist.Find(n => n.PostInfo == model.PostInfo);
//var md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == model.ShopId && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
if (md == null)
md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && (n.Country == model.RevCountry || n.EnglishName == model.RevCountry));
//if (md == null)
//md = wllist.Find(n => n.ShopId == 0 && n.Country == "0");
if (md != null)
model.LogisticsId = md.LogisticsId;
model.ExpressId = md.ExpressId;
if (model.ExpressId == 7 || model.ExpressId == 65 || model.ExpressId == 67) //修改分配级别
model.OrderLevel = 6;
if (item.OrderState == null)
model.OrderState = 1;
model.OrderState = item.OrderState;
model.ListModel = new List<API_OrderGoods>();
int HJNum = 0;
foreach (var item2 in item.ListModel)
API_OrderGoods check2 = null;
if (item2.MoneyCode == "") item2.MoneyCode = null;
API_OrderGoods model2 = new API_OrderGoods();
model2.productImgUrl = item2.productImgUrl;
model2.GoodsNum = item2.GoodsNum;
model2.GoodsPrice = item2.GoodsPrice;
model2.MoneyCode = item2.MoneyCode;
model2.GoodsName = item2.GoodsName;
model2.GoodsDesc = item2.TypeDesc;
model2.OrderItemId = item2.OrderItemId;
if (item2.GoodsSKU == null) item2.GoodsSKU = "";
model2.GoodsSKU = item2.GoodsSKU;
if (item2.GoodsSKU.Contains('{'))
//model2.GoodsSKU = item2.GoodsSKU.Substring(0, item2.GoodsSKU.IndexOf('{')).Trim();
string Num = item2.GoodsSKU.Substring(item2.GoodsSKU.IndexOf('{') + 1, item2.GoodsSKU.Length - item2.GoodsSKU.IndexOf('{') - 2);
model2.OldNum = item2.GoodsNum;
int GNum = 0;
if (int.TryParse(Num.Trim(), out GNum) == true)
model2.GoodsNum = GNum * model2.OldNum;
if (model.PlatType == 1)
string GoodsCode = item2.GoodsName.Trim().Replace(',', ' ');
if (model2.GoodsSKU.Contains('-'))
string[] skulist = model2.GoodsSKU.Split('-');
// model2.GoodsDesc += " " + model2.GoodsSKU;
//model2.GoodsSKU = skulist[1].Trim();
GoodsCode = skulist[0].Trim();
if (GoodsCode.Contains(' '))
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Substring(GoodsCode.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
model2.GoodsCode = GoodsCode;
if (item2.TypeDesc != null && item2.TypeDesc != "")
model2.GoodsName += "[" + item2.TypeDesc + "]";
model2.GoodsCode = GoodsCode;
model2.PostInfo = item2.PostInfo;
if (model.PlatType == 1)
if (model2.GoodsCode != null && model2.GoodsCode != "")
check2 = model.ListModel.Find(o => o.GoodsSKU == model2.GoodsSKU && o.GoodsCode == model2.GoodsCode);
check2 = model.ListModel.Find(o => o.GoodsSKU == item2.GoodsSKU);
HJNum += item2.GoodsNum.Value;
if (check2 == null)
check2.GoodsNum = check2.GoodsNum + item2.GoodsNum;
model.GoodsNum = HJNum;
API_OrderInfoService.Save(CompanyId, model);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("保存各平台数据", "SaveOrderModel.Save", ex.Message + ";OrderCode:" + model.OrderCode);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("保存各平台数据", "SaveOrderModel.Save", ex.Message);
//#region 速卖通数据导入
//public static string ImportAlibab(DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? StopDate, List<int> ListModel)
// AlibabaApi obj = new AlibabaApi();
// string error = "";
// string mess = "";
// foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
// {
// JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
// obj.ShopId = ShopId;
// obj.Appkey = ShopModel.Appkey;
// obj.DeveKey = ShopModel.DeveKey;
// obj.RefreshToken = ShopModel.RefreshToken;
// obj.AccessToken = ShopModel.AccessToken;
// obj.GroupName = ShopModel.ShopName;
// obj.RefreshTokenSaveTime = ShopModel.RefreshTokenSaveTime;
// obj.AccessTokenUpdateTime = ShopModel.AccessTokenUpdateTime;
// var olist = GetOrderCodeList(2000, ShopId);
// List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetWaitGoods(StartDate, StopDate, true,olist, out error);
// //List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetPayMoneyGoods(true, out error);
// if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
// mess += "导入待发货订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条;";
// SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 1, 0, ListOrderModel);
// List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel1 = obj.GetPayMoneyGoods(true, out error);
// //List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetPayMoneyGoods(true, out error);
// if (ListOrderModel1 == null) ListOrderModel1 = new List<OrderModel>();
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return mess + "导入已支付未到账订单订单失败:" + error;
// mess += "导入已支付未到账订单:" + ListOrderModel1.Count.ToString() + "条";
// SaveOrderModel2(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 1, 0, ListOrderModel1);
// }
// return mess;
public static string ImportAlibab(DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? StopDate, List<int> ListModel)
string errorMessage = "";
string str2 = "";
foreach (int num in ListModel)
List<Alibaba_OrderCode> orderCodeList;
List<OrderModel> list2;
JC_Shop model = JC_ShopService.GetModel(num);
if ((model.Code != null) && (model.Code != ""))
AlibabaApiQM iqm = new AlibabaApiQM
ShopId = new int?(num)
if ((model.Code != null) && (model.Code != ""))
iqm.sessionKey = model.Code;
orderCodeList = GetOrderCodeList(0x1f40, num);
list2 = iqm.GetWaitGoods("WAIT_SELLER_SEND_GOODS", 1, StartDate, StopDate, true, orderCodeList, out errorMessage);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
return ("导入订单失败:" + errorMessage);
if (list2 == null)
str2 = str2 + "导入待发货订单:0条;";
str2 = str2 + "导入待发货订单:" + list2.Count.ToString() + "条;";
SaveOrderModel(model.CompanyId, num, model.ShopName, 1, 0, list2);
AlibabaApi api = new AlibabaApi
ShopId = num,
Appkey = model.Appkey,
DeveKey = model.DeveKey,
RefreshToken = model.RefreshToken,
AccessToken = model.AccessToken,
GroupName = model.ShopName,
RefreshTokenSaveTime = model.RefreshTokenSaveTime,
AccessTokenUpdateTime = model.AccessTokenUpdateTime
orderCodeList = GetOrderCodeList(0x7d0, num);
list2 = api.GetWaitGoods(StartDate, StopDate, true, orderCodeList, out errorMessage);
if (list2 == null)
list2 = new List<OrderModel>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
return ("导入订单失败:" + errorMessage);
str2 = str2 + "导入待发货订单:" + list2.Count.ToString() + "条;";
SaveOrderModel(model.CompanyId, num, model.ShopName, 1, 0, list2);
return str2;
#region 亚马逊数据导入
public static string ImportAmazon(DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? StopDate, List<int> ListModel)
AmazonApi obj = new AmazonApi();
ApiNew.Amazonapinew obj2 = new ApiNew.Amazonapinew();
string error = "";
string mess = "";
foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
if (ShopModel.Code != null && ShopModel.Code != "")
obj2.accessKeyId = ShopModel.RefreshToken;
obj2.secretAccessKey = ShopModel.AccessToken;
obj2.merchantId = ShopModel.Appkey;
obj2.marketplaceId = ShopModel.DeveKey;
obj2.country = ShopModel.Country;
obj2.MWSAuthToken = ShopModel.Code;
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj2.GetOrders(StartDate, StopDate, ShopModel.ShopName,null,out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 2, 0, ListOrderModel);
mess = "导入普通订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条;";
if (ShopModel.IsFba == true)
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel2 = obj2.GetFBAOrders(StartDate, StopDate, ShopModel.ShopName, out error);
if (ListOrderModel2 == null) ListOrderModel2 = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return mess + "导入海外仓订单订单失败:" + error;
mess += "导入海外仓订单:" + ListOrderModel2.Count.ToString() + "条;";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 2, 1, ListOrderModel2);
obj.accessKeyId = ShopModel.RefreshToken;
obj.secretAccessKey = ShopModel.AccessToken;
obj.merchantId = ShopModel.Appkey;
obj.marketplaceId = ShopModel.DeveKey;
obj.country = ShopModel.Country;
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetOrders(StartDate, StopDate, ShopModel.ShopName, out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 2, 0, ListOrderModel);
mess = "导入普通订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条;";
if (ShopModel.IsFba == true)
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel2 = obj.GetFBAOrders(StartDate, StopDate, ShopModel.ShopName, DateTime.Today, out error);
if (ListOrderModel2 == null) ListOrderModel2 = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return mess + "导入海外仓订单订单失败:" + error;
mess += "导入海外仓订单:" + ListOrderModel2.Count.ToString() + "条;";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 2, 1, ListOrderModel2);
return mess;
#region Ebay数据导入
public static string ImportEbay(DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? StopDate, List<int> ListModel)
EbayApi obj = new EbayApi();
string error = "";
foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
obj.Appkey = ShopModel.Appkey;
obj.DeveKey = ShopModel.DeveKey;
obj.CertKey = ShopModel.RefreshToken;
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetOrders(StartDate, StopDate, ShopModel.AccessToken, out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
error = "导入订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 3, 0, ListOrderModel);
return error;
#region Ebay数据导入
public static string ImportEbayForTM(DateTime? StartDate, DateTime? StopDate, List<int> ListModel)
EbayApi obj = new EbayApi();
string error = "";
foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
obj.Appkey = ShopModel.Appkey;
obj.DeveKey = ShopModel.DeveKey;
obj.CertKey = ShopModel.RefreshToken;
obj.ShopNo = ShopModel.ShopNo;
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetOrdersForTM(StartDate, StopDate, ShopModel.AccessToken, out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
error += "导入订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 3, 0, ListOrderModel);
return error;
#region Wish数据导入
public static string ImportWish(List<int> ListModel)
WishApi obj = new WishApi();
string error = "";
foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetOrders(ShopModel.AccessToken, out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:"+error;
error += "导入订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 4, 0, ListOrderModel);
return error;
public static string ImportWish2(List<int> ListModel)
WishApi obj = new WishApi();
string error = "";
foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
obj.ShopId = ShopModel.ShopId.Value;
obj.client_id = ShopModel.Appkey;
obj.client_secret = ShopModel.DeveKey;
obj.AccessToken = ShopModel.AccessToken;
obj.RefreshToken = ShopModel.RefreshToken;
obj.AccessTokenUpdateTime = ShopModel.AccessTokenUpdateTime;
obj.RefreshTokenSaveTime = ShopModel.RefreshTokenSaveTime;
obj.code = ShopModel.Code;
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetOrdersNew(out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
error += "导入订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 4, 0, ListOrderModel);
return error;
#region Lazada数据导入
public static string ImportLazada(List<int> ListModel)
LazadaApi obj = new LazadaApi();
string error = "";
foreach (int ShopId in ListModel)
JC_Shop ShopModel = JC_ShopService.GetModel(ShopId);
List<OrderModel> ListOrderModel = obj.GetOrders(ShopModel.Country, ShopModel.Appkey, ShopModel.AccessToken, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), out error);
if (ListOrderModel == null) ListOrderModel = new List<OrderModel>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return "导入订单失败:" + error;
error += "导入订单:" + ListOrderModel.Count.ToString() + "条";
SaveOrderModel(ShopModel.CompanyId, ShopId, ShopModel.ShopName, 5, 0, ListOrderModel);
return error;
#region CD数据导入
public void ImportCD(List<OrderModel> ListModel, string ShopName, int ShopId)
SaveOrderModel(1, ShopId, ShopName, 6, 0, ListModel);
#region 保存留言
public int SaveLeaveword(DT_Leaveword Model)
string tsql = @"
select @Id=Id from DT_Leaveword where wId=@wId
if @Id>0
if @isRead=1
Update [DT_Leaveword] set [isRead]=@isRead where Id=@Id
INSERT INTO [DT_Leaveword]([wordContent],[orderId],[isRead],[senderName],[senderLoginId],[receiverLoginId],[fileUrl],[wordCreate],[wordCreateCN],[wId],[typeId],[indate])values(@wordContent,@orderId,@isRead,@senderName,@senderLoginId,@receiverLoginId,@fileUrl,@wordCreate,@wordCreateCN,@wId,@typeId,@indate)
select @Id";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Id", DbType.Int32, Model.Id);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wordContent", DbType.String, Model.wordContent);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@orderId", DbType.String, Model.orderId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@isRead", DbType.Boolean, Model.isRead);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@senderName", DbType.String, Model.senderName);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@senderLoginId", DbType.String, Model.senderLoginId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@receiverLoginId", DbType.String, Model.receiverLoginId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@fileUrl", DbType.String, Model.fileUrl);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wordCreate", DbType.DateTime, Model.wordCreate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wordCreateCN", DbType.DateTime, Model.wordCreateCN);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wId", DbType.Int64, Model.wId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@typeId", DbType.String, Model.typeId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@indate", DbType.DateTime, Model.indate);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
return a;
#region 保存站内信
public int SaveInnerMail(DT_InnerMail Model)
string tsql = @"
select @Id=Id from DT_InnerMail where wId=@wId
if @Id>0
if @isRead=1
Update [DT_InnerMail] set [isRead]=@isRead where Id=@Id
INSERT INTO [DT_InnerMail]([wordContent],[orderId],[isRead],[senderName],[senderLoginId],[receiverLoginId],[fileUrl],[wordCreate],[wId],[typeId])values(@wordContent,@orderId,@isRead,@senderName,@senderLoginId,@receiverLoginId,@fileUrl,@wordCreate,@wId,@typeId)
select @Id";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Id", DbType.Int32, Model.Id);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wordContent", DbType.String, Model.wordContent);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@orderId", DbType.String, Model.orderId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@isRead", DbType.Boolean, Model.isRead);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@senderName", DbType.String, Model.senderName);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@senderLoginId", DbType.String, Model.senderLoginId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@receiverLoginId", DbType.String, Model.receiverLoginId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@fileUrl", DbType.String, Model.fileUrl);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wordCreate", DbType.DateTime, Model.wordCreate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@wId", DbType.Int32, Model.wId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@typeId", DbType.String, Model.typeId);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
return a;
#region 保存订单放款
public int SaveOrderLoan(DT_OrderLoan Model)
string tsql = @"
--select top 1 @Id=Id from DT_OrderLoan where orderId=@orderId
if @Id>0
Update [DT_OrderLoan] set [amountTotal]=@amountTotal,affiliateCommission=@affiliateCommission,[currencyCode]=@currencyCode,[loanStatus]=@loanStatus,[realLoanAmount]=@realLoanAmount,[escrowFee]=@escrowFee where Id=@Id
INSERT INTO [DT_OrderLoan]([amountTotal],[orderId],[currencyCode],[loanStatus],[realLoanAmount],[escrowFee],[waitLoanReson],[affiliateCommission],[realLoanMoneyCode],[escrowFeeMoneyCode],[affiliateMoneyCode],[CompanyId],[ShopId])values(@amountTotal,@orderId,@currencyCode,@loanStatus,@realLoanAmount,@escrowFee,@waitLoanReson,@affiliateCommission,@realLoanMoneyCode,@escrowFeeMoneyCode,@affiliateMoneyCode,@CompanyId,@ShopId)
select @Id";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Id", DbType.Int32, Model.Id);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@amountTotal", DbType.Decimal, Model.amountTotal);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@orderId", DbType.String, Model.orderId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@currencyCode", DbType.String, Model.currencyCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@loanStatus", DbType.String, Model.loanStatus);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@realLoanAmount", DbType.Decimal, Model.realLoanAmount);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@escrowFee", DbType.Decimal, Model.escrowFee);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@waitLoanReson", DbType.String, Model.waitLoanReson);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@affiliateCommission", DbType.Decimal, Model.affiliateCommission);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@realLoanMoneyCode", DbType.String, Model.realLoanMoneyCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@escrowFeeMoneyCode", DbType.String, Model.escrowFeeMoneyCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@affiliateMoneyCode", DbType.String, Model.affiliateMoneyCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CompanyId", DbType.Int32, Model.CompanyId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, Model.ShopId);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
return a;
#region 保存订单放款明细
public int SaveOrderLoanDetail(DT_OrderLoanDetail Model)
string tsql = @"
if @Id>0
Update [DT_OrderLoanDetail] set [LoanId]=@LoanId,[loanStatus]=@loanStatus,[realLoanAmount]=@realLoanAmount,[escrowFee]=@escrowFee,[waitLoanReson]=@waitLoanReson,[affiliateCommission]=@affiliateCommission,[childOrderId]=@childOrderId where Id=@Id
INSERT INTO [DT_OrderLoanDetail]([LoanId],[loanStatus],[realLoanAmount],[escrowFee],[waitLoanReson],[affiliateCommission],[childOrderId])values(@LoanId,@loanStatus,@realLoanAmount,@escrowFee,@waitLoanReson,@affiliateCommission,@childOrderId)
select @Id";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Id", DbType.Int32, Model.Id);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@LoanId", DbType.Int32, Model.LoanId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@loanStatus", DbType.String, Model.loanStatus);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@realLoanAmount", DbType.Decimal, Model.realLoanAmount);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@escrowFee", DbType.Decimal, Model.escrowFee);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@waitLoanReson", DbType.String, Model.waitLoanReson);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@affiliateCommission", DbType.Decimal, Model.affiliateCommission);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@childOrderId", DbType.String, Model.childOrderId);
int a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd));
return a;
#region 保存
public void SaveOneWord(ShippingMethods Model)
string tsql = @"
INSERT INTO [OneWord](Code,[Name],[IsTracking],[MaxWeightInKg],[Region])values(@Code,@Name,@IsTracking,@MaxWeightInKg,@Region)
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Code", DbType.String, Model.Code);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Name", DbType.String, Model.Name);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@IsTracking", DbType.Boolean, Model.IsTracking);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@MaxWeightInKg", DbType.Decimal, Model.MaxWeightInKg);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Region", DbType.String, Model.Region);
#region 保存纠纷
public void SaveIssue(IssueList Model)
string tsql = @"DECLARE @IssueID INT
select @IssueID=IssueID from API_OrderIssue where id=@id
if @IssueID>0
Update [API_OrderIssue] set [gmtModified]=@gmtModified,[issueStatus]=@issueStatus where id=@id
INSERT INTO [API_OrderIssue]([id],[gmtCreate],[gmtModified],[orderId],[issueStatus],[reasonChinese],[reasonEnglish])values(@id,@gmtCreate,@gmtModified,@orderId,@issueStatus,@reasonChinese,@reasonEnglish)
select @IssueID";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@id", DbType.String, Model.id.ToString());
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@gmtCreate", DbType.DateTime, Model.gmtCreate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@gmtModified", DbType.DateTime, Model.gmtModified);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@orderId", DbType.String, Model.orderId.ToString());
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@issueStatus", DbType.String, Model.issueStatus);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@reasonChinese", DbType.String, Model.reasonChinese);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@reasonEnglish", DbType.String, Model.reasonEnglish);
//string a = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmd)).ToString();
//return a;
#region 查询已导入订单
public static List<Alibaba_OrderCode> GetOrderCodeList(int TopNum,int ShopId)
List<Alibaba_OrderCode> list = null;
string tsql = @"
select top " + TopNum + @" OrderCode from API_OrderInfo where ShopId=@ShopId order by OrderDate desc
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ShopId", DbType.Int32, ShopId);
DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);
list = ds.Tables[0].ToList<Alibaba_OrderCode>();
return list;
public static List<DT_OrderModel> GetFedexOrderList(DateTime? SDate)
string query = " select top 30 b.* from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock) inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId where b.CountryCode='US' and a.InDate>=@SDate and a.FeeLog is null order by a.InDate";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "@SDate", DbType.DateTime, SDate);
return database.ExecuteDataTable(sqlStringCommand).ToList<DT_OrderModel>();
public static List<DT_OrderModel> GetFedexOrderListBak(DateTime? SDate)
string query = " select b.* from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock) inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId where b.CountryCode='US' and a.InDate>=@SDate and b.RevProvinceCode in ('MI','OH','PA','NY','KY','VA') and a.FeeLog is null order by a.InDate";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "@SDate", DbType.DateTime, SDate);
return database.ExecuteDataTable(sqlStringCommand).ToList<DT_OrderModel>();
public static List<DT_OrderModel> GetFedexOrderList2(string OrderIds)
string query = " select b.* from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock) inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId where a.OrderId in (" + OrderIds + ")";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
return database.ExecuteDataTable(sqlStringCommand).ToList<DT_OrderModel>();
public static List<DT_OrderMateGoods> GetFedexOrderGoodsList(string OrderIds)
string query = " select a.Id,a.OrderId,a.GoodsNum,Weight=case when c.Weight2 is not null and c.Weight2>0 then c.Weight2 when c.Weight is not null and c.Weight>0 then c.Weight*0.035274 else null end,c.Width2,Length2=c.Long2,c.Height2,InPrice=isnull(c.InPrice,0) from DT_OrderGoods a with(nolock) inner join HW_GoodsDetail b with(nolock) on a.DetailId=b.DetailId inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId where OrderId in (" + OrderIds + ")";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
return database.ExecuteDataSet(sqlStringCommand).Tables[0].ToList<DT_OrderMateGoods>();
public static List<DT_OrderMateGoods> GetFedexOrderGoodsListbak(string OrderIds)
string query = " select a.Id,a.OrderId,a.GoodsNum,Weight=case when c.Weight2 is not null and c.Weight2>0 then c.Weight2 when c.Weight is not null and c.Weight>0 then c.Weight*0.035274 else null end,c.Width2,Length2=c.Long2,c.Height2,InPrice=isnull(c.InPrice,0) from newerp.dbo.DT_OrderGoods a with(nolock) inner join newerp.dbo.HW_GoodsDetail b with(nolock) on a.DetailId=b.DetailId inner join newerp.dbo.HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId where OrderId in (" + OrderIds + ")";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
return database.ExecuteDataSet(sqlStringCommand).Tables[0].ToList<DT_OrderMateGoods>();
public static void UpdateFee(int OrderId, string FeeHtml)
string query = " Update [DT_OrderInfo] set FeeLog=@FeeHtml where OrderId=@OrderId ";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "@OrderId", DbType.Int32, OrderId);
database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "@FeeHtml", DbType.String, FeeHtml);
catch (Exception exception)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("UpdateFee", "", exception.Message);
public static List<DT_OrderSyncPMModel> GetApiOrderSyncGoodList(string orderids)
string query = " select a.OrderId,b.productImgUrl ASIN,b.GoodsSKU GoodSKU, a.ShopId,c.Appkey,c.DeveKey,c.RefreshToken ,c.Country from API_OrderInfo a inner join API_OrderGoods b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId inner join JC_Shop c on a.ShopId = c.ShopId where c.PlatType = 2 and a.State = 0 and a.OrderId in (" + orderids + ") ";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
return database.ExecuteDataSet(sqlStringCommand).Tables[0].ToList<DT_OrderSyncPMModel>();
public static int GetGoodsIdByApiOrderGoodSKU(string sku)
string query = " select top 1 GoodsId from HW_GoodsDetail where SKU1=@sku or SKU2=@sku or SKU3=@sku or SKU4=@sku or SKU5=@sku or SKU6=@sku or SKU7=@sku or SKU8=@sku or SKU9=@sku or SKU10=@sku or SKU11=@sku or SKU12=@sku or SKU13=@sku or SKU14=@sku or SKU15=@sku ";
Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand sqlStringCommand = database.GetSqlStringCommand(query);
database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "@sku", DbType.String, sku);
var obj = database.ExecuteScalar(sqlStringCommand);
return Convert.ToInt32(obj);
return 0;