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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using NetLibrary.Safety;
using NetLibrary.Common.Configuration;
using System.Management;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace NetLibrary
public static class SystemInfo
[DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "PlaySound", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool W32_PlaySound(string szSound, IntPtr hmod, UInt32 fdwSound);
[DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "PlaySound", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool W32_PlaySound(byte[] szSound, IntPtr hmod, UInt32 fdwSound);
public static extern long ExitWindowsEx(long uFlags, long dwReserved); //定义API变量
public static extern bool BitBlt(IntPtr hObject, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, IntPtr hObjectSource, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int dwRop);
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int SetLocalTime(ref SystemTime lpSystemTime);
public struct SystemTime
public short wYear;
public short wMonth;
public short wDayOfWeek;
public short wDay;
public short wHour;
public short wMinute;
public short wSecond;
public short wMilliseconds;
public class SoundFlag
public const UInt32 SND_SYNC = 0x0000; // 同步
public const UInt32 SND_ASYNC = 0x0001; // 用异步方式播放声音PlaySound函数在开始播放后立即返回。
public const UInt32 SND_NODEFAULT = 0x0002; // 静音
public const UInt32 SND_MEMORY = 0x0004; // 流文件
public const UInt32 SND_LOOP = 0x0008; // 循环
public const UInt32 SND_NOSTOP = 0x0010; // 不打断原来的声音播出并立即返回FALSE。
public const UInt32 SND_NOWAIT = 0x00002000; // 如果驱动程序正忙则函数就不播放声音并立即返回。
public const UInt32 SND_ALIAS = 0x00010000; // name is a registry alias
public const UInt32 SND_ALIAS_ID = 0x00110000; // alias is a predefined ID
public const UInt32 SND_FILENAME = 0x00020000; // name is file name
public const UInt32 SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004; // name is resource name or atom
#region 获取CPU序列号
/// <summary>
/// 获取CPU序列号
/// </summary>
public static string GetProcessorID()
string cpuInfo = "";//cpu序列号
ManagementClass cimobject = new ManagementClass("Win32_Processor");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = cimobject.GetInstances();
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
cpuInfo = mo.Properties["ProcessorId"].Value.ToString();
if (cpuInfo != "") { return cpuInfo; }
catch { return ""; }
return "";
#region 获取网卡硬件地址
/// <summary>
/// 获取网卡硬件地址
/// </summary>
public static string GetNetworkCardID()
ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
if ((bool)mo["IPEnabled"] == true)
return mo["MacAddress"].ToString();
catch { return ""; }
return "";
#region 获取硬盘ID
/// <summary>
/// 获取硬盘ID
/// </summary>
public static string GetDiskDriveID()
String HDid;
ManagementClass cimobject = new ManagementClass("Win32_DiskDrive");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = cimobject.GetInstances();
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
HDid = (string)mo.Properties["Model"].Value;
return HDid;
catch { return ""; }
return "";
#region 判断注册码是否正确
/// <summary>
/// 判断注册码是否正确
/// </summary>
public static bool IsRegisterCode(string filePath, string pubkey, string keyName)
CryptoPublic cp = new CryptoPublic();
//string pubkey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>0zzXz1C4sKN0bWqWhMs8fp8EG+xI1o5f2xe/HztS65PPp2DGMpOfY9hyOuFW9Rkfm/aBeenzmBaqRhG0h5spc/0SRSbEWR76oP/3z/mDmWBBqsbz7iKDuEs08Zi34UogmRX2t5FpQmcVfjBNvWhYhEoDUDxutRvmNHB4P0/nluE=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>";
string jqm = ""; //返回CPU序列号
jqm = SystemInfo.GetProcessorID();
if (jqm == "") { jqm = SystemInfo.GetNetworkCardID(); }
if (jqm == "") { jqm = SystemInfo.GetDiskDriveID(); }
string zcm = ConfigurationSourceSection.LoadXml_Attribute(filePath, keyName); //返回注册码
if (cp.RsaVerifySignature(jqm, zcm, pubkey) == false) { return false; }
return true;
#region 设置系统时间
public static void SetDateTime(DateTime dt)
SystemTime st = new SystemTime();
st.wYear = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Year);
st.wMonth = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Month);
st.wDay = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Day);
st.wHour = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Hour);
st.wMinute = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Minute);
st.wSecond = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Second);
st.wMilliseconds = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Millisecond);
st.wDayOfWeek = Convert.ToInt16(dt.DayOfWeek);
SetLocalTime(ref st);
#region 根据颜色名称创建颜色
public static Color CreateColor(string ColorName)
switch (ColorName)
case "AliceBlue":
return Color.AliceBlue;
case "AntiqueWhite":
return Color.AntiqueWhite;
case "Aqua":
return Color.Aqua;
case "Aquamarine":
return Color.Aquamarine;
case "Azure":
return Color.Azure;
case "Beige":
return Color.Beige;
case "Bisque":
return Color.Bisque;
case "Black":
return Color.Black;
case "BlanchedAlmond":
return Color.BlanchedAlmond;
case "Blue":
return Color.Blue;
case "BlueViolet":
return Color.BlueViolet;
case "Brown":
return Color.Brown;
case "BurlyWood":
return Color.BurlyWood;
case "CadetBlue":
return Color.CadetBlue;
case "Chartreuse":
return Color.Chartreuse;
case "Chocolate":
return Color.Chocolate;
case "Coral":
return Color.Coral;
case "CornflowerBlue":
return Color.CornflowerBlue;
case "Cornsilk":
return Color.Cornsilk;
case "Crimson":
return Color.Crimson;
case "Cyan":
return Color.Cyan;
case "DarkBlue":
return Color.DarkBlue;
case "DarkCyan":
return Color.DarkCyan;
case "DarkGoldenrod":
return Color.DarkGoldenrod;
case "DarkGray":
return Color.DarkGray;
case "DarkGreen":
return Color.DarkGreen;
case "DarkKhaki":
return Color.DarkKhaki;
case "DarkMagenta":
return Color.DarkMagenta;
case "DarkOliveGreen":
return Color.DarkOliveGreen;
case "DarkOrange":
return Color.DarkOrange;
case "DarkOrchid":
return Color.DarkOrchid;
case "DarkRed":
return Color.DarkRed;
case "DarkSalmon":
return Color.DarkSalmon;
case "DarkSeaGreen":
return Color.DarkSeaGreen;
case "DarkSlateBlue":
return Color.DarkSlateBlue;
case "DarkSlateGray":
return Color.DarkSlateGray;
case "DarkTurquoise":
return Color.DarkTurquoise;
case "DarkViolet":
return Color.DarkViolet;
case "DeepPink":
return Color.DeepPink;
case "DeepSkyBlue":
return Color.DeepSkyBlue;
case "DimGray":
return Color.DimGray;
case "DodgerBlue":
return Color.DodgerBlue;
case "Firebrick":
return Color.Firebrick;
case "FloralWhite":
return Color.FloralWhite;
case "ForestGreen":
return Color.ForestGreen;
case "Fuchsia":
return Color.Fuchsia;
case "Gainsboro":
return Color.Gainsboro;
case "GhostWhite":
return Color.GhostWhite;
case "Gold":
return Color.Gold;
case "Goldenrod":
return Color.Goldenrod;
case "Gray":
return Color.Gray;
case "Green":
return Color.Green;
case "GreenYellow":
return Color.GreenYellow;
case "Honeydew":
return Color.Honeydew;
case "HotPink":
return Color.HotPink;
case "IndianRed":
return Color.IndianRed;
case "Indigo":
return Color.Indigo;
case "Ivory":
return Color.Ivory;
case "Khaki":
return Color.Khaki;
case "Lavender":
return Color.Lavender;
case "LavenderBlush":
return Color.LavenderBlush;
case "LawnGreen":
return Color.LawnGreen;
case "LemonChiffon":
return Color.LemonChiffon;
case "LightBlue":
return Color.LightBlue;
case "LightCoral":
return Color.LightCoral;
case "LightCyan":
return Color.LightCyan;
case "LightGoldenrodYellow":
return Color.LightGoldenrodYellow;
case "LightGray":
return Color.LightGray;
case "LightGreen":
return Color.LightGreen;
case "LightPink":
return Color.LightPink;
case "LightSalmon":
return Color.LightSalmon;
case "LightSeaGreen":
return Color.LightSeaGreen;
case "LightSkyBlue":
return Color.LightSkyBlue;
case "LightSlateGray":
return Color.LightSlateGray;
case "LightSteelBlue":
return Color.LightSteelBlue;
case "LightYellow":
return Color.LightYellow;
case "Lime":
return Color.Lime;
case "LimeGreen":
return Color.LimeGreen;
case "Linen":
return Color.Linen;
case "Magenta":
return Color.Magenta;
case "Maroon":
return Color.Maroon;
case "MediumAquamarine":
return Color.MediumAquamarine;
case "MediumBlue":
return Color.MediumBlue;
case "MediumOrchid":
return Color.MediumOrchid;
case "MediumPurple":
return Color.MediumPurple;
case "MediumSeaGreen":
return Color.MediumSeaGreen;
case "MediumSlateBlue":
return Color.MediumSlateBlue;
case "MediumSpringGreen":
return Color.MediumSpringGreen;
case "MediumTurquoise":
return Color.MediumTurquoise;
case "MediumVioletRed":
return Color.MediumVioletRed;
case "MidnightBlue":
return Color.MidnightBlue;
case "MintCream":
return Color.MintCream;
case "MistyRose":
return Color.MistyRose;
case "Moccasin":
return Color.Moccasin;
case "NavajoWhite":
return Color.NavajoWhite;
case "Navy":
return Color.Navy;
case "OldLace":
return Color.OldLace;
case "Olive":
return Color.Olive;
case "OliveDrab":
return Color.OliveDrab;
case "Orange":
return Color.Orange;
case "OrangeRed":
return Color.OrangeRed;
case "Orchid":
return Color.Orchid;
case "PaleGoldenrod":
return Color.PaleGoldenrod;
case "PaleGreen":
return Color.PaleGreen;
case "PaleTurquoise":
return Color.PaleTurquoise;
case "PaleVioletRed":
return Color.PaleVioletRed;
case "PapayaWhip":
return Color.PapayaWhip;
case "PeachPuff":
return Color.PeachPuff;
case "Peru":
return Color.Peru;
case "Pink":
return Color.Pink;
case "Plum":
return Color.Plum;
case "PowderBlue":
return Color.PowderBlue;
case "Purple":
return Color.Purple;
case "Red":
return Color.Red;
case "RosyBrown":
return Color.RosyBrown;
case "SaddleBrown":
return Color.SaddleBrown;
case "Salmon":
return Color.Salmon;
case "SandyBrown":
return Color.SandyBrown;
case "SeaGreen":
return Color.SeaGreen;
case "SeaShell":
return Color.SeaShell;
case "Sienna":
return Color.Sienna;
case "Silver":
return Color.Silver;
case "SkyBlue":
return Color.SkyBlue;
case "SlateBlue":
return Color.SlateBlue;
case "SlateGray":
return Color.SlateGray;
case "Snow":
return Color.Snow;
case "SpringGreen":
return Color.SpringGreen;
case "SteelBlue":
return Color.SteelBlue;
case "Tan":
return Color.Tan;
case "Teal":
return Color.Teal;
case "Thistle":
return Color.Thistle;
case "Tomato":
return Color.Tomato;
case "Transparent":
return Color.Transparent;
case "Turquoise":
return Color.Turquoise;
case "Violet":
return Color.Violet;
case "Wheat":
return Color.Wheat;
case "White":
return Color.White;
case "WhiteSmoke":
return Color.WhiteSmoke;
case "Yellow":
return Color.Yellow;
case "YellowGreen":
return Color.YellowGreen;
return Color.Black;
#region 像素转毫米
public static int PxConvertMm(int Pixel)
ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_DesktopMonitor");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
int PixelsPerXLogicalInch = 0; // dpi for x
//int PixelsPerYLogicalInch = 0; // dpi for y
foreach (ManagementObject each in moc)
PixelsPerXLogicalInch = int.Parse((each.Properties["PixelsPerXLogicalInch"].Value.ToString()));
//PixelsPerYLogicalInch = int.Parse((each.Properties["PixelsPerYLogicalInch"].Value.ToString()));
int a =Convert.ToInt32(Pixel / PixelsPerXLogicalInch * 25.4);
return a;
#region 读取当前文件夹路径
public static string AppPath()
string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
path = path.Replace("\\", "/");
return path;
#region 播放声音文件
public static void PlayWav(string FileName)
W32_PlaySound(FileName, IntPtr.Zero, SoundFlag.SND_ASYNC + SoundFlag.SND_FILENAME);
catch { }
#region 关机
public static void CloseWindows()
Process MyProcess = new Process();
MyProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
MyProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
MyProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
MyProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
MyProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
MyProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
MyProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("shutdown -f -s -t 1");