using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using NetLibrary; using NetLibrary.Log; using NetLibrary.OnlineTrade; using TradeData; using TradeModel; using System.IO; namespace TradeManage { /// /// UserService 的摘要说明 /// [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] // 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消注释以下行。 [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class UserService : System.Web.Services.WebService { #region 登陆 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public bool Login(string UserName, string PassWord) { //HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress //HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.GetValues("REMOTE_ADDR")[0] string LoginIp = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.GetValues("REMOTE_ADDR")[0]; var list = BaseService.Login(UserName, PassWord, LoginIp); if (list == null) { // string Content="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"密码:"+PassWord+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; // Pages.SaveLog(0,"登陆日志",Content,0); return false; } UserModel model = new UserModel(); if (list.CompanyId>0) model.CompanyID = list.CompanyId.Value; model.Name = list.Name; model.UserID = list.UserId.Value; model.UserType = list.UserType; model.UserName = UserName; model.PassWord = PassWord; model.CompanyName = list.CompanyName; if (list.DeptId != null) model.DeptId = list.DeptId.Value; else model.DeptId = 0; model.Duty = list.Duty; Session["CompanyId"] = model.CompanyID; Session["DeptId"] = model.DeptId; Session["Name"] = model.Name; Session["UserId"] = model.UserID; Session["UserName"] = model.UserName; Session["UserType"] = model.UserType; Session["CompanyName"] = model.CompanyName; Session["Duty"] = model.Duty; Session["Login_UserModel"] = model; //string Content1="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"姓名:"+model.Name+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; //Pages.SaveLog(model.UserID,"登陆日志",Content1,0); //JC_ExpressService.InitExpress(model.CompanyID); return true; } #endregion #region 登陆 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public bool LoginNew(string UserName, string PassWord, string ul, string LoginIp) { //HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress //HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.GetValues("REMOTE_ADDR")[0] //string LoginIp = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.GetValues("REMOTE_ADDR")[0]; int IsNb=0; if (ul.Contains("192.168.")) IsNb = 1; var list = BaseService.LoginNew(UserName, PassWord, LoginIp,IsNb); if (list == null) { string Content="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"密码:"+PassWord+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; Pages.SaveLog(0,"登陆日志",Content,0); return false; } UserModel model = new UserModel(); if (list.CompanyId > 0) model.CompanyID = list.CompanyId.Value; model.Name = list.Name; model.UserID = list.UserId.Value; model.UserType = list.UserType; model.UserName = UserName; model.PassWord = PassWord; model.CompanyName = list.CompanyName; if (list.DeptId != null) model.DeptId = list.DeptId.Value; else model.DeptId = 0; model.Duty = list.Duty; Session["CompanyId"] = model.CompanyID; Session["DeptId"] = model.DeptId; Session["Name"] = model.Name; Session["UserId"] = model.UserID; Session["UserName"] = model.UserName; Session["UserType"] = model.UserType; Session["CompanyName"] = model.CompanyName; Session["Duty"] = model.Duty; Session["Login_UserModel"] = model; //string Content1="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"姓名:"+model.Name+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; //Pages.SaveLog(model.UserID,"登陆日志",Content1,0); //JC_ExpressService.InitExpress(model.CompanyID); return true; } #endregion #region 登陆 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public bool LoginNew2(string UserName, string PassWord) { var list = BaseService.LoginNew2(UserName, PassWord); if (list == null) { string Content = "登陆用户名:" + UserName + "密码:" + PassWord + "登陆时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "登陆ip:"; Pages.SaveLog(0, "登陆日志", Content, 0); return false; } UserModel model = new UserModel(); if (list.CompanyId > 0) model.CompanyID = list.CompanyId.Value; model.Name = list.Name; model.UserID = list.UserId.Value; model.UserType = list.UserType; model.UserName = UserName; model.PassWord = PassWord; model.CompanyName = list.CompanyName; if (list.DeptId != null) model.DeptId = list.DeptId.Value; else model.DeptId = 0; model.Duty = list.Duty; Session["PT"] = "hwc"; Session["CompanyId"] = model.CompanyID; Session["DeptId"] = model.DeptId; Session["Name"] = model.Name; Session["UserId"] = model.UserID; Session["UserName"] = model.UserName; Session["UserType"] = model.UserType; Session["CompanyName"] = model.CompanyName; Session["Duty"] = model.Duty; Session["Login_UserModel"] = model; //string Content1="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"姓名:"+model.Name+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; //Pages.SaveLog(model.UserID,"登陆日志",Content1,0); //JC_ExpressService.InitExpress(model.CompanyID); return true; } #endregion #region 登陆 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public bool Login2(int UserId) { var list = BaseService.Login2(UserId); if (list == null) { // string Content="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"密码:"+PassWord+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; // Pages.SaveLog(0,"登陆日志",Content,0); return false; } UserModel model = new UserModel(); if (list.CompanyId > 0) model.CompanyID = list.CompanyId.Value; model.Name = list.Name; model.UserID = list.UserId.Value; model.UserType = list.UserType; model.UserName = ""; model.PassWord = ""; if (list.DeptId != null) model.DeptId = list.DeptId.Value; else model.DeptId = 0; model.CompanyName = list.CompanyName; Session["CompanyId"] = model.CompanyID; Session["Name"] = model.Name; Session["DeptId"] = model.DeptId; Session["UserId"] = model.UserID; Session["UserName"] = model.UserName; Session["UserType"] = model.UserType; Session["CompanyName"] = model.CompanyName; Session["Login_UserModel"] = model; //string Content1="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"姓名:"+model.Name+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip:"+ LoginIp+""; //Pages.SaveLog(model.UserID,"登陆日志",Content1,0); //JC_ExpressService.InitExpress(model.CompanyID); return true; } #endregion #region 密码获取 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string GetUserPwd(string Email) { BaseService obj = new BaseService(); var md=obj.GetUserPwd(Email); if (md == null) { return "邮箱不正确,如果忘记邮箱地址请与软件服务商联系"; } string Content = "您好,您在蜜糖erp的登陆用户名为:" + md.UserName + "密码:" +md.Password+";请您尽快登陆平台修改密码,并妥善保管,谢谢!"; string mess= SendMail("蜜糖erp账号获取",Content,Email); string Content1 = "获取邮箱:" + Email + "获取时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "内容:" + Content +mess; Pages.SaveLog(0, "获取密码", Content1,0); //JC_ExpressService.InitExpress(model.CompanyID); return mess; } #endregion public string GetIp() { try { string ip = ""; string hostInfo = Dns.GetHostName(); //IP地址 System.Net.IPAddress[] addressList = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList; for (int i = 0; i < addressList.Length; i++) { ip += addressList[i].ToString()+";"; } return ip; } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string GetIp2() { try { IPAddress ipAddr = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0];//获得当前IP地址 string ip = ipAddr.ToString(); return ip; } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string GetIP3() { string tempip = ""; try { WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create(""); Stream s = wr.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.UTF8); string all = sr.ReadToEnd(); //读取网站的数据 int start = all.IndexOf("ipip?ipstr=") + 11; int end = start+15; tempip = all.Substring(start, end - start); sr.Close(); s.Close(); } catch { } return tempip; } [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string GetIP4() { string tempIP = string.Empty; if (System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.Length > 1) tempIP = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[1].ToString(); return tempIP; } #region 退出 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public void LoginOut() { UserModel user = Pages.Login2(this.Session); BaseService.ExitLogin(user.UserID); Session.Remove("CompanyId"); Session.Remove("Name"); Session.Remove("UserId"); Session.Remove("UserName"); Session.Remove("UserType"); Session.Remove("Login_UserModel"); } #endregion #region 读取菜单 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListMenu() { Pages.Login(this.Session); int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return BaseService.GetListMenu(UserID, CompanyId); } #endregion #region 读取菜单 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListMenu2() { Pages.Login(this.Session); int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return BaseService.GetListMenu2(UserID, CompanyId); } #endregion #region 修改密码 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public int UpdatePassWord(string UserName,string OldPassword, string NewPassWord) { Pages.Login(this.Session); int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); return BaseService.UpdatePassWord(UserName,UserID, OldPassword, NewPassWord); } #endregion #region 修改密码 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public int AddUser(string UserName, string Password, int CompanyId) { Pages.Login(this.Session); return BaseService.AddUser(UserName, Password, CompanyId); } #endregion #region 验证是否设置过店铺 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public int IsShopAdd() { Pages.Login(this.Session); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); BaseService obj = new BaseService(); return obj.IsShopAdd(CompanyId); } #endregion #region 读取基础类型 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListBaseCode(int CompanyID, string KeyName) { Pages.Login(this.Session); if(CompanyID==0)CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return BaseService.GetListBaseCode(CompanyID, KeyName); } #endregion #region 读取平台 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetPlatBaseCode2(int CompanyID, string KeyName) { Pages.Login(this.Session); return BaseService.GetPlatBaseCode(CompanyID, KeyName); } #endregion #region 读取平台 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetPlatBaseCode(int CompanyID, string KeyName) { Pages.Login(this.Session); if (CompanyID == 0) CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return BaseService.GetPlatBaseCode(CompanyID, KeyName); } #endregion //#region 读取全部或单个机构 // [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] //public List GetListCompany() //{ // Pages.Login(this.Session); // int CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); // return BaseService.GetListCompany(CompanyID); //} //#endregion // #region 读取全部或单个机构 // [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] // public List GetListCompany3() // { // Pages.Login(this.Session); // int CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); // return BaseService.GetListCompany3(CompanyID); // } // #endregion // #region 读取全部或单个机构 // [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] // public List GetListCompany2() // { // Pages.Login(this.Session); // int CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); // return BaseService.GetListCompany2(CompanyID); // } // #endregion #region 读取所有部门 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListDept(int CompanyID) { Pages.Login(this.Session); if (CompanyID == 0) CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return BaseService.GetListDept(CompanyID); } #endregion #region 读取工作 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListWork(int DeptId) { Pages.Login(this.Session); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); var obj = new BaseService(); var list=obj.GetUserWork(CompanyId, DeptId); if (list != null) { foreach (var md in list) { if (md.NowState == "请假") { var lmd = JC_UserInfoService.GetUserLeave(md.UserId.Value); if (lmd != null) { md.LeaveTime = lmd.SDate.Value.ToString("MM月dd日HH:mm") + "-" + lmd.EDate.Value.ToString("MM月dd日HH:mm"); } } } } return list; } #endregion #region 读取所有部门 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetMyListDept() { Pages.Login(this.Session); int CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); int UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); return BaseService.GetMyListDept(CompanyID, UserId); } #endregion #region 读取所属部门人员 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListUser(int CompanyID,int DeptID) { Pages.Login(this.Session); return BaseService.GetListUser(CompanyID,DeptID); } #endregion #region 读取所属部门人员 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListUserForTM(int CompanyID, int DeptID) { Pages.Login(this.Session); return BaseService.GetListUserForTM(CompanyID, DeptID); } #endregion #region 读取所属部门人员 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public List GetListUserInfo(int CompanyID, int DeptID, string Name, string Persons) { Pages.Login(this.Session); if (CompanyID==0) CompanyID=Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return BaseService.GetListUserInfo(CompanyID, DeptID, Name, Persons); } #endregion #region 读取消息提示 [WebMethod(Description = "读取消息提示", EnableSession = true)] public List GetListWindowMess() { Pages.Login(this.Session); int UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); //string UserType = Convert.ToString(Session["UserType"]); BaseService obj = new BaseService(); DataSet ds = obj.UserOpenMess("P", UserId); if (ds == null) return null; var list = ds.Tables[0].ToList(); //foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows) //{ // string content = item["Content"].ToString(); // content = content + item["OpenDate"].ToString(); // list.Add(new { content = content }); //} return list; } #endregion public string[] MessEn = { "Collection", "The transport of the shipment item has started in the country of the sender/Item posted at post office", "Opening", "Departure from outward office of exchange", "Opening", "Arrival at the International Office of destination", "Sorting,Ready to be sent to {City}", " {City},Processing" }; public string[] MessRu = { "Collection", "The transport of the shipment item has started in the country of the sender/Item posted at post office", "Opening", "Departure from outward office of exchange", "Opening", "Arrival at the International Office of destination", "Sorting,Ready to be sent to {City}", " {City},Processing" }; public string[] MessSp = { "Collection", "The transport of the shipment item has started in the country of the sender/Item posted at post office", "Opening", "Departure from outward office of exchange", "Opening", "Arrival at the International Office of destination", "Sorting,Ready to be sent to {City}", " {City},Processing" }; public string[] MessPp = { "Collection", "The transport of the shipment item has started in the country of the sender/Item posted at post office", "Opening", "Departure from outward office of exchange", "Opening", "Arrival at the International Office of destination", "Sorting,Ready to be sent to {City}", " {City},Processing" }; public List GetWLMess(int Lan, DateTime SDate, int days, int spdays, string City, int LastNum, int SecondNum) { List list = new List(); if (days == 30) { WL_TrackStep md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 3; md.EDay = 4; md.Step = 1; md.DayLen = 1; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 4; md.EDay = 4; md.Step = 2; md.DayLen = 0; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 5; md.EDay = 6; md.Step = 3; md.DayLen =2; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 7; md.EDay = 11; md.Step = 4; md.DayLen = 4; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 12; md.EDay = 20; md.Step = 5; md.DayLen = 3; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 21; md.EDay = 25; md.Step = 6; md.DayLen = 2; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 26; md.EDay = 29; md.Step = 7; md.DayLen = 2; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 30; md.EDay = 35; md.Step = 8; md.DayLen = 4; list.Add(md); } else if (days == 45) { WL_TrackStep md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 3; md.EDay = 4; md.Step = 1; md.DayLen = 1; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 4; md.EDay = 4; md.Step = 2; md.DayLen = 0; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 5; md.EDay = 7; md.Step = 3; md.DayLen = 2; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 8; md.EDay = 11; md.Step = 4; md.DayLen = 3; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 12; md.EDay = 28; md.Step = 5; md.DayLen = 4; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 29; md.EDay = 34; md.Step = 6; md.DayLen = 2; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 35; md.EDay = 42; md.Step = 7; md.DayLen = 3; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 43; md.EDay = 47; md.Step = 8; md.DayLen = 3; list.Add(md); } else if (days == 60) { WL_TrackStep md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 3; md.EDay = 4; md.Step = 1; md.DayLen = 1; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 4; md.EDay = 4; md.Step = 2; md.DayLen = 0; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 5; md.EDay = 8; md.Step = 3; md.DayLen =2; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 9; md.EDay = 12; md.Step = 4; md.DayLen =3; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 13; md.EDay = 37; md.Step = 5; md.DayLen = 4; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 38; md.EDay = 47; md.Step = 6; md.DayLen = 3; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 48; md.EDay = 55; md.Step = 7; md.DayLen = 3; list.Add(md); md = new WL_TrackStep(); md.SDay = 56; md.EDay = 60; md.Step = 8; md.DayLen = 4; list.Add(md); } //Random rd = new Random(); List clist = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].SDay > spdays) continue; var cmd = new WL_TrackContent(); if (Lan == 1) { cmd.Content = MessEn[i].Replace("{City}", City); } else if (Lan == 2) { cmd.Content = MessRu[i].Replace("{City}", City); } else if (Lan == 3) { cmd.Content = MessSp[i].Replace("{City}", City); } else if (Lan == 4) { cmd.Content = MessPp[i].Replace("{City}", City); } int h = SecondNum % 9 + i; if(i>=4) h = SecondNum % 5 + i; if (h < 6) h = 7; if (i ==1) h =h+3; DateTime NowDate = SDate.AddDays(list[i].SDay); if (list[i].DayLen > 0) NowDate = NowDate.AddDays(LastNum % list[i].DayLen); if (NowDate >= DateTime.Today) NowDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); int m = SecondNum % 9 + i * 5; cmd.InDate = NowDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + h.ToString("00") + ":" + m.ToString("00"); clist.Add(cmd); } return clist; } #region 读取物流信息 [WebMethod(Description = "读取物流信息", EnableSession = true)] public List GetTrackModel(string Code) { if (Code.Trim() == ""&&Code.Trim().Length <4) return null; // ServiceReference1.WL_TrackList md = new ServiceReference1.WL_TrackList(); // ServiceReference1.OutServiceSoapClient sc = new ServiceReference1.OutServiceSoapClient(); BaseService obj = new BaseService(); var md = obj.GetTrackListModel(Code.Trim()); if (md == null) return null; int LastNum=1; int SecondNum = 2; if(IsNumber(Code.Substring(Code.Length-1))==true) { LastNum=Convert.ToInt32(Code.Substring(Code.Length-1)); } else if (IsNumber(Code.Substring(Code.Length - 3,1)) == true) { LastNum = Convert.ToInt32(Code.Substring(Code.Length - 3,1)); } if (IsNumber(Code.Substring(Code.Length - 2,1)) == true) { SecondNum = Convert.ToInt32(Code.Substring(Code.Length - 2,1)); } else if (IsNumber(Code.Substring(Code.Length - 4, 1)) == true) { SecondNum = Convert.ToInt32(Code.Substring(Code.Length - 4,1)); } List list = new List(); DateTime InDate = DateTime.Now; if (md.InDate != null) InDate = md.InDate.Value; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now-InDate; int spdays=ts.Days; //两天相差的天数 if (spdays < 2) { return null; } int Days = 30; if (md.Days != null) Days = md.Days.Value; int Lan=1; if(md.Lan!=null) Lan= md.Lan.Value; var list1 = GetWLMess(Lan, InDate, Days, spdays, md.City, LastNum, SecondNum); if (list1 != null) { for (int i = list1.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { list1[i].Country = md.Country; list.Add(list1[i]); } } return list; } #endregion public static bool IsNumber(string strNumber) { Regex regex = new Regex("[^0-9]"); return !regex.IsMatch(strNumber); } #region 读取物流信息 [WebMethod(Description = "读取物流信息", EnableSession = true)] public void GetTrackList() { WebReference.WL_TrackModel md = new WebReference.WL_TrackModel(); WebReference.TrackServer sc = new WebReference.TrackServer(); sc.Url = ""; // List list1 = new List(); BaseService obj=new BaseService(); int TrackId = 0; TrackId=obj.GetMaxTrackId(); var list = sc.GetTrack(TrackId); string Log = "MaxTrackId:" + TrackId.ToString()+";"; if (list != null && list.Length>0) Log += "一共" + list.Length.ToString() + "条;第一条:"+list[0].Id.ToString()+"最后一条:"+list[list.Length-1].Id.ToString(); ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("跟踪码导入", "记录", Log); if (list != null) { foreach (var md1 in list) { WL_TrackList md2=new WL_TrackList(); md2.City=md1.City; md2.TrackId=md1.Id; md2.Country=md1.Country; md2.InDate=md1.InDate; md2.TrackCode=md1.TrackCode; obj.SaveTrackList(md2); } } } #endregion #region 注册 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public int Register(JC_FriendCode model) { BaseService obj = new BaseService(); if (obj.IsFriendCode(model.FriendCode) == 0) return 0; if(obj.IsUserName(model.UserName)>0) return 1; JC_Company CompanyMd = new JC_Company(); CompanyMd.CompanyName =model.CompanyName; CompanyMd.WeightRate = 20; CompanyMd.State =1; CompanyMd.SimpleName = (model.CompanyName.Length >= 10) ? model.CompanyName.Substring(0,9): model.CompanyName; CompanyMd.Email=model.Email; CompanyMd.Phone = model.Phone; CompanyMd.CompanyID = 0; int CompanyId = JC_CompanyService.Save(CompanyMd); obj.SaveStartData(CompanyId); int UserId=obj.RegisterAddUser(model.UserName, model.PassWord, CompanyId); obj.UpdateFriendCode(model.FriendCode, UserId); return 2; } #endregion #region 发送邮件 public string SendMail(string Title,string Content,string Email) { try { MailMessage mailObj = new MailMessage(); mailObj.From = new MailAddress(""); //发送人邮箱地址 mailObj.To.Add(Email); //收件人邮箱地址 mailObj.Subject = Title; //主题 mailObj.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;//编码 mailObj.Body = Content; //正文 SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; //smtp服务器名称 smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("", "cmj62710315"); //发送人的登录名和密码 smtp.Send(mailObj); return "已发送至邮箱,请注意查收"; } catch(Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } #endregion #region 导入数据 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public void TestDataImport(int OldCompanyId) { Pages.Login(this.Session); BaseService obj = new BaseService(); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); obj.TestDataImport(OldCompanyId, CompanyId); } #endregion #region 验证管理员 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public int IsManage(string UserName,string Password) { Pages.Login(this.Session); BaseService obj = new BaseService(); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); return obj.IsManage(UserName,Password, CompanyId); } #endregion #region 清空数据数据 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public void DeleteDataImport(int IsShop, int IsSort, int IsGoods, int IsChase, int IsOrder) { Pages.Login(this.Session); BaseService obj = new BaseService(); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]); obj.DeleteTestData(CompanyId, IsShop, IsSort, IsGoods, IsChase, IsOrder); } #endregion #region 导入平邮跟踪码 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string ImportTrack(string FileName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName) == true) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空"; string ServerFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + FileName; if (System.IO.File.Exists(ServerFileName) == false) return "要导入的文件路径不存在"; try { MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel(); DataTable tb = excel.ImportExcel(ServerFileName); string error = ""; if (tb.Columns.Contains("国家") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 国家 列不存在"; } if (tb.Columns.Contains("跟踪码") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 跟踪码 列不存在"; } if (tb.Columns.Contains("发货时间") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 发货时间 列不存在"; } if (tb.Columns.Contains("城市") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 城市 列不存在"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false) return error + ";请导入格式不正确"; BaseService obj = new BaseService(); int Num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++) { WL_TrackList md = new WL_TrackList(); md.Country= tb.Rows[i]["国家"].ToString().Trim(); md.TrackCode = tb.Rows[i]["跟踪码"].ToString().Trim(); if (md.TrackCode == "") { error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + "行数据跟踪码没填"; continue; } if (tb.Rows[i]["发货时间"].ToString().Trim()=="") { error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + "行数据发货时间没填"; continue; } try { md.InDate =DateTime.Parse(tb.Rows[i]["发货时间"].ToString().Trim()); //md.InDate =Convert.ToDateTime(tb.Rows[i]["发货时间"].ToString().Trim()); } catch { error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + "行数据发货时间格式错误,请填写日期格式"; continue; } md.City = tb.Rows[i]["城市"].ToString().Trim(); md.TrackId = 0; obj.SaveTrackList(md); Num++; } if (error == "") { error = "数据成功共【" + Num.ToString() + "条】;"; } else { error = "数据导入成功【" + Num.ToString() + "条】;"+error; } return error; } catch (Exception e) { return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e.Message; } return "导入成功"; } #endregion #region 保存Code [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public JC_Shop SaveCode(string Appkey, string DeveKey, string Code) { Pages.Login(this.Session); AlibabaApi obj = new AlibabaApi(); obj.Appkey = Appkey.Trim(); obj.DeveKey = DeveKey.Trim(); obj.Code = Code.Trim(); string ErrorMessage = ""; obj.GetAllToken(out ErrorMessage); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage) == false) return null; JC_Shop model = new JC_Shop(); model.RefreshToken = obj.RefreshToken; model.AccessToken = obj.AccessToken; model.RefreshTokenSaveTime = obj.RefreshTokenSaveTime; model.AccessTokenUpdateTime = obj.AccessTokenUpdateTime; return model; } #endregion #region 员工离职 [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public void UpdateUserOut(string UserIds) { Pages.Login(this.Session); if (UserIds!="") JC_UserInfoService.UpdateDelete(UserIds.Trim(',')); } #endregion } }