/** * jQuery EasyUI 1.4.4 * * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 www.jeasyui.com. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the freeware license: http://www.jeasyui.com/license_freeware.php * To use it on other terms please contact us: info@jeasyui.com * */ /** * menu - jQuery EasyUI * */ (function($){ $(function(){ $(document).unbind('.menu').bind('mousedown.menu', function(e){ var m = $(e.target).closest('div.menu,div.combo-p'); if (m.length){return} $('body>div.menu-top:visible').not('.menu-inline').menu('hide'); hideMenu($('body>div.menu:visible').not('.menu-inline')); }); }); /** * initialize the target menu, the function can be invoked only once */ function init(target){ var opts = $.data(target, 'menu').options; $(target).addClass('menu-top'); // the top menu opts.inline ? $(target).addClass('menu-inline') : $(target).appendTo('body'); $(target).bind('_resize', function(e, force){ if ($(this).hasClass('easyui-fluid') || force){ $(target).menu('resize', target); } return false; }); var menus = splitMenu($(target)); for(var i=0; i').html(text)); if (itemOpts.iconCls){ $('').addClass(itemOpts.iconCls).appendTo(item); } if (itemOpts.disabled){ setDisabled(target, item[0], true); } if (item[0].submenu){ $('').appendTo(item); // has sub menu } bindMenuItemEvent(target, item); } }); $('').prependTo(menu); } setMenuSize(target, menu); if (!menu.hasClass('menu-inline')){ menu.hide(); } bindMenuEvent(target, menu); } } function setMenuSize(target, menu){ var opts = $.data(target, 'menu').options; var style = menu.attr('style') || ''; menu.css({ display: 'block', left:-10000, height: 'auto', overflow: 'hidden' }); menu.find('.menu-item').each(function(){ $(this)._outerHeight(opts.itemHeight); $(this).find('.menu-text').css({ height: (opts.itemHeight-2)+'px', lineHeight: (opts.itemHeight-2)+'px' }); }); menu.removeClass('menu-noline').addClass(opts.noline?'menu-noline':''); var width = menu[0].originalWidth || 'auto'; if (isNaN(parseInt(width))){ width = 0; menu.find('div.menu-text').each(function(){ if (width < $(this)._outerWidth()){ width = $(this)._outerWidth(); } }); width += 40; } var autoHeight = menu.outerHeight(); var height = menu[0].originalHeight || 'auto'; if (isNaN(parseInt(height))){ height = autoHeight; if (menu.hasClass('menu-top') && opts.alignTo){ var at = $(opts.alignTo); var h1 = at.offset().top - $(document).scrollTop(); var h2 = $(window)._outerHeight() + $(document).scrollTop() - at.offset().top - at._outerHeight(); height = Math.min(height, Math.max(h1, h2)); } else if (height > $(window)._outerHeight()){ height = $(window).height(); } } menu.attr('style', style); // restore the original style menu._size({ fit: (menu[0]==target?opts.fit:false), width: width, minWidth: opts.minWidth, height: height }); menu.css('overflow', menu.outerHeight() < autoHeight ? 'auto' : 'hidden'); menu.children('div.menu-line')._outerHeight(autoHeight-2); } /** * bind menu event */ function bindMenuEvent(target, menu){ if (menu.hasClass('menu-inline')){return} var state = $.data(target, 'menu'); menu.unbind('.menu').bind('mouseenter.menu', function(){ if (state.timer){ clearTimeout(state.timer); state.timer = null; } }).bind('mouseleave.menu', function(){ if (state.options.hideOnUnhover){ state.timer = setTimeout(function(){ hideAll(target, $(target).hasClass('menu-inline')); }, state.options.duration); } }); } /** * bind menu item event */ function bindMenuItemEvent(target, item){ if (!item.hasClass('menu-item')){return} item.unbind('.menu'); item.bind('click.menu', function(){ if ($(this).hasClass('menu-item-disabled')){ return; } // only the sub menu clicked can hide all menus if (!this.submenu){ hideAll(target, $(target).hasClass('menu-inline')); var href = this.itemHref; if (href){ location.href = href; } } $(this).trigger('mouseenter'); var item = $(target).menu('getItem', this); $.data(target, 'menu').options.onClick.call(target, item); }).bind('mouseenter.menu', function(e){ // hide other menu item.siblings().each(function(){ if (this.submenu){ hideMenu(this.submenu); } $(this).removeClass('menu-active'); }); // show this menu item.addClass('menu-active'); if ($(this).hasClass('menu-item-disabled')){ item.addClass('menu-active-disabled'); return; } var submenu = item[0].submenu; if (submenu){ $(target).menu('show', { menu: submenu, parent: item }); } }).bind('mouseleave.menu', function(e){ item.removeClass('menu-active menu-active-disabled'); var submenu = item[0].submenu; if (submenu){ if (e.pageX>=parseInt(submenu.css('left'))){ item.addClass('menu-active'); } else { hideMenu(submenu); } } else { item.removeClass('menu-active'); } }); } /** * hide top menu and it's all sub menus */ function hideAll(target, inline){ var state = $.data(target, 'menu'); if (state){ if ($(target).is(':visible')){ hideMenu($(target)); if (inline){ $(target).show(); } else { state.options.onHide.call(target); } } } return false; } /** * show the menu, the 'param' object has one or more properties: * left: the left position to display * top: the top position to display * menu: the menu to display, if not defined, the 'target menu' is used * parent: the parent menu item to align to * alignTo: the element object to align to */ function showMenu(target, param){ var left,top; param = param || {}; var menu = $(param.menu || target); $(target).menu('resize', menu[0]); if (menu.hasClass('menu-top')){ var opts = $.data(target, 'menu').options; $.extend(opts, param); left = opts.left; top = opts.top; if (opts.alignTo){ var at = $(opts.alignTo); left = at.offset().left; top = at.offset().top + at._outerHeight(); if (opts.align == 'right'){ left += at.outerWidth() - menu.outerWidth(); } } if (left + menu.outerWidth() > $(window)._outerWidth() + $(document)._scrollLeft()){ left = $(window)._outerWidth() + $(document).scrollLeft() - menu.outerWidth() - 5; } if (left < 0){left = 0;} top = _fixTop(top, opts.alignTo); } else { var parent = param.parent; // the parent menu item left = parent.offset().left + parent.outerWidth() - 2; if (left + menu.outerWidth() + 5 > $(window)._outerWidth() + $(document).scrollLeft()){ left = parent.offset().left - menu.outerWidth() + 2; } top = _fixTop(parent.offset().top - 3); } function _fixTop(top, alignTo){ if (top + menu.outerHeight() > $(window)._outerHeight() + $(document).scrollTop()){ if (alignTo){ top = $(alignTo).offset().top - menu._outerHeight(); } else { top = $(window)._outerHeight() + $(document).scrollTop() - menu.outerHeight(); } } if (top < 0){top = 0;} return top; } menu.css({left:left,top:top}); menu.show(0, function(){ if (!menu[0].shadow){ menu[0].shadow = $('').insertAfter(menu); } menu[0].shadow.css({ display:(menu.hasClass('menu-inline')?'none':'block'), zIndex:$.fn.menu.defaults.zIndex++, left:menu.css('left'), top:menu.css('top'), width:menu.outerWidth(), height:menu.outerHeight() }); menu.css('z-index', $.fn.menu.defaults.zIndex++); if (menu.hasClass('menu-top')){ $.data(menu[0], 'menu').options.onShow.call(menu[0]); } }); } function hideMenu(menu){ if (menu && menu.length){ hideit(menu); menu.find('div.menu-item').each(function(){ if (this.submenu){ hideMenu(this.submenu); } $(this).removeClass('menu-active'); }); } function hideit(m){ m.stop(true,true); if (m[0].shadow){ m[0].shadow.hide(); } m.hide(); } } function findItem(target, text){ var result = null; var tmp = $('
'); function find(menu){ menu.children('div.menu-item').each(function(){ var item = $(target).menu('getItem', this); var s = tmp.empty().html(item.text).text(); if (text == $.trim(s)) { result = item; } else if (this.submenu && !result){ find(this.submenu); } }); } find($(target)); tmp.remove(); return result; } function setDisabled(target, itemEl, disabled){ var t = $(itemEl); if (!t.hasClass('menu-item')){return} if (disabled){ t.addClass('menu-item-disabled'); if (itemEl.onclick){ itemEl.onclick1 = itemEl.onclick; itemEl.onclick = null; } } else { t.removeClass('menu-item-disabled'); if (itemEl.onclick1){ itemEl.onclick = itemEl.onclick1; itemEl.onclick1 = null; } } } function appendItem(target, param){ var opts = $.data(target, 'menu').options; var menu = $(target); if (param.parent){ if (!param.parent.submenu){ var submenu = $('').appendTo('body'); submenu.hide(); param.parent.submenu = submenu; $('').appendTo(param.parent); } menu = param.parent.submenu; } if (param.separator){ var item = $('').appendTo(menu); } else { var item = $('').appendTo(menu); $('').html(param.text).appendTo(item); } if (param.iconCls) $('').addClass(param.iconCls).appendTo(item); if (param.id) item.attr('id', param.id); if (param.name){item[0].itemName = param.name} if (param.href){item[0].itemHref = param.href} if (param.onclick){ if (typeof param.onclick == 'string'){ item.attr('onclick', param.onclick); } else { item[0].onclick = eval(param.onclick); } } if (param.handler){item[0].onclick = eval(param.handler)} if (param.disabled){setDisabled(target, item[0], true)} bindMenuItemEvent(target, item); bindMenuEvent(target, menu); setMenuSize(target, menu); } function removeItem(target, itemEl){ function removeit(el){ if (el.submenu){ el.submenu.children('div.menu-item').each(function(){ removeit(this); }); var shadow = el.submenu[0].shadow; if (shadow) shadow.remove(); el.submenu.remove(); } $(el).remove(); } var menu = $(itemEl).parent(); removeit(itemEl); setMenuSize(target, menu); } function setVisible(target, itemEl, visible){ var menu = $(itemEl).parent(); if (visible){ $(itemEl).show(); } else { $(itemEl).hide(); } setMenuSize(target, menu); } function destroyMenu(target){ $(target).children('div.menu-item').each(function(){ removeItem(target, this); }); if (target.shadow) target.shadow.remove(); $(target).remove(); } $.fn.menu = function(options, param){ if (typeof options == 'string'){ return $.fn.menu.methods[options](this, param); } options = options || {}; return this.each(function(){ var state = $.data(this, 'menu'); if (state){ $.extend(state.options, options); } else { state = $.data(this, 'menu', { options: $.extend({}, $.fn.menu.defaults, $.fn.menu.parseOptions(this), options) }); init(this); } $(this).css({ left: state.options.left, top: state.options.top }); }); }; $.fn.menu.methods = { options: function(jq){ return $.data(jq[0], 'menu').options; }, show: function(jq, pos){ return jq.each(function(){ showMenu(this, pos); }); }, hide: function(jq){ return jq.each(function(){ hideAll(this); }); }, destroy: function(jq){ return jq.each(function(){ destroyMenu(this); }); }, /** * set the menu item text * param: { * target: DOM object, indicate the menu item * text: string, the new text * } */ setText: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ $(param.target).children('div.menu-text').html(param.text); }); }, /** * set the menu icon class * param: { * target: DOM object, indicate the menu item * iconCls: the menu item icon class * } */ setIcon: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ $(param.target).children('div.menu-icon').remove(); if (param.iconCls){ $('').addClass(param.iconCls).appendTo(param.target); } }); }, /** * get the menu item data that contains the following property: * { * target: DOM object, the menu item * id: the menu id * text: the menu item text * iconCls: the icon class * href: a remote address to redirect to * onclick: a function to be called when the item is clicked * } */ getItem: function(jq, itemEl){ var t = $(itemEl); var item = { target: itemEl, id: t.attr('id'), text: $.trim(t.children('div.menu-text').html()), disabled: t.hasClass('menu-item-disabled'), // href: t.attr('href'), // name: t.attr('name'), name: itemEl.itemName, href: itemEl.itemHref, onclick: itemEl.onclick } var icon = t.children('div.menu-icon'); if (icon.length){ var cc = []; var aa = icon.attr('class').split(' '); for(var i=0; i