namespace TradeManageNew.APIClients.FedexAPI.Models.Ship { /// /// This is the descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment containing dangerous materials. This element is required when SpecialServiceType DRY_ICE is selected.<p><i>Note:<ul><li>Dry Ice is a Package level Special Service for Domestic and International shipments.</li><li>Dry Ice must be declared at both Shipment and Package level for International MPS shipments to print the compliance statement on Airway Bill labels.</li></ul></i></p> /// [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("NJsonSchema", " (NJsonSchema v11.0.2.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0))")] public partial class ShipmentDryIceDetail_1 { [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty("totalWeight", Required = Newtonsoft.Json.Required.Default, NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public Weight_1 TotalWeight { get; set; } /// /// Indicates the total number of packages in the shipment that contain dry ice.<br>Example: 12 /// [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty("packageCount", Required = Newtonsoft.Json.Required.Default, NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public int? PackageCount { get; set; } private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary _additionalProperties; [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonExtensionData] public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary AdditionalProperties { get { return _additionalProperties ?? (_additionalProperties = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary()); } set { _additionalProperties = value; } } } }