RestClient.Net.Abstractions Get or create a HttpClient Sets the Authorization header for Basic Authentication with the specified credentials Sets the Authorization header for Basic Authentication with the specified credentials Dependency Injection abstraction for Rest Clients. Use the CreateClient delegate to create an IClient when more than one is needed for an application. Sends a strongly typed request to the server and waits for a strongly typed response The expected type of the response body The request that will be translated to a HTTP request The response as the strong type specified by TResponseBody /> Default headers to be sent with HTTP requests Base Url for the client. Any resources specified on requests will be relative to this. Abstraction for storing and enumerating http request headers Gets the collection of strings belonging to a header name Checks to see if the collection contains a given header The name of the header to check for True or false Lists the names of the headers in the collection Takes an object of Type T and converts it to binary data for the Http Request Takes binary data from the Http Response and converts it to an object of type T A Serialization Adapter that uses System.Text.Json. This is the default Json SerializationAdapter. Note that its behaviour may be slightly different to Newtonsoft and this is only available on .NET Core currently. Constructs a Serialization Adapter that uses System.Text.Json. Note that performance can be improved by changing the serialization option PropertyNameCaseInsensitive to false Allows the default behaviour of System.Text.Json to be changed. Note that properties are insensitive by default to keep compatibility with Newtonsoft Construct a Request