/** * jQuery EasyUI 1.4.4 * * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 www.jeasyui.com. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the freeware license: http://www.jeasyui.com/license_freeware.php * To use it on other terms please contact us: info@jeasyui.com * */ /** * combobox - jQuery EasyUI * * Dependencies: * combo * */ (function($){ var COMBOBOX_SERNO = 0; function getRowIndex(target, value){ var state = $.data(target, 'combobox'); var opts = state.options; var data = state.data; for(var i=0; i panel.height()){ var h = panel.scrollTop() + item.position().top + item.outerHeight() - panel.height(); panel.scrollTop(h); } } } function nav(target, dir){ var opts = $.data(target, 'combobox').options; var panel = $(target).combobox('panel'); var item = panel.children('div.combobox-item-hover'); if (!item.length){ item = panel.children('div.combobox-item-selected'); } item.removeClass('combobox-item-hover'); var firstSelector = 'div.combobox-item:visible:not(.combobox-item-disabled):first'; var lastSelector = 'div.combobox-item:visible:not(.combobox-item-disabled):last'; if (!item.length){ item = panel.children(dir=='next' ? firstSelector : lastSelector); // item = panel.children('div.combobox-item:visible:' + (dir=='next'?'first':'last')); } else { if (dir == 'next'){ item = item.nextAll(firstSelector); // item = item.nextAll('div.combobox-item:visible:first'); if (!item.length){ item = panel.children(firstSelector); // item = panel.children('div.combobox-item:visible:first'); } } else { item = item.prevAll(firstSelector); // item = item.prevAll('div.combobox-item:visible:first'); if (!item.length){ item = panel.children(lastSelector); // item = panel.children('div.combobox-item:visible:last'); } } } if (item.length){ item.addClass('combobox-item-hover'); var row = opts.finder.getRow(target, item); if (row){ scrollTo(target, row[opts.valueField]); if (opts.selectOnNavigation){ select(target, row[opts.valueField]); } } } } /** * select the specified value */ function select(target, value){ var opts = $.data(target, 'combobox').options; var values = $(target).combo('getValues'); if ($.inArray(value+'', values) == -1){ if (opts.multiple){ values.push(value); } else { values = [value]; } setValues(target, values); opts.onSelect.call(target, opts.finder.getRow(target, value)); } } /** * unselect the specified value */ function unselect(target, value){ var opts = $.data(target, 'combobox').options; var values = $(target).combo('getValues'); var index = $.inArray(value+'', values); if (index >= 0){ values.splice(index, 1); setValues(target, values); opts.onUnselect.call(target, opts.finder.getRow(target, value)); } } /** * set values */ function setValues(target, values, remainText){ var opts = $.data(target, 'combobox').options; var panel = $(target).combo('panel'); if (!$.isArray(values)){values = values.split(opts.separator)} panel.find('div.combobox-item-selected').removeClass('combobox-item-selected'); var vv = [], ss = []; for(var i=0; i'); dd.push(opts.groupFormatter ? opts.groupFormatter.call(target, g) : g); dd.push(''); } } else { group = undefined; } var cls = 'combobox-item' + (row.disabled ? ' combobox-item-disabled' : '') + (g ? ' combobox-gitem' : ''); dd.push('
'); dd.push(opts.formatter ? opts.formatter.call(target, row) : s); dd.push('
'); // if (item['selected']){ // (function(){ // for(var i=0; i= 0){ vv.push(v); } }); t.combobox('setValues', vv); if (!opts.multiple){ t.combobox('hidePanel'); } } /** * create the component */ function create(target){ var state = $.data(target, 'combobox'); var opts = state.options; COMBOBOX_SERNO++; state.itemIdPrefix = '_easyui_combobox_i' + COMBOBOX_SERNO; state.groupIdPrefix = '_easyui_combobox_g' + COMBOBOX_SERNO; $(target).addClass('combobox-f'); $(target).combo($.extend({}, opts, { onShowPanel: function(){ $(target).combo('panel').find('div.combobox-item:hidden,div.combobox-group:hidden').show(); scrollTo(target, $(target).combobox('getValue')); opts.onShowPanel.call(target); } })); $(target).combo('panel').unbind().bind('mouseover', function(e){ $(this).children('div.combobox-item-hover').removeClass('combobox-item-hover'); var item = $(e.target).closest('div.combobox-item'); if (!item.hasClass('combobox-item-disabled')){ item.addClass('combobox-item-hover'); } e.stopPropagation(); }).bind('mouseout', function(e){ $(e.target).closest('div.combobox-item').removeClass('combobox-item-hover'); e.stopPropagation(); }).bind('click', function(e){ var item = $(e.target).closest('div.combobox-item'); if (!item.length || item.hasClass('combobox-item-disabled')){return} var row = opts.finder.getRow(target, item); if (!row){return} var value = row[opts.valueField]; if (opts.multiple){ if (item.hasClass('combobox-item-selected')){ unselect(target, value); } else { select(target, value); } } else { select(target, value); $(target).combo('hidePanel'); } e.stopPropagation(); }); } $.fn.combobox = function(options, param){ if (typeof options == 'string'){ var method = $.fn.combobox.methods[options]; if (method){ return method(this, param); } else { return this.combo(options, param); } } options = options || {}; return this.each(function(){ var state = $.data(this, 'combobox'); if (state){ $.extend(state.options, options); } else { state = $.data(this, 'combobox', { options: $.extend({}, $.fn.combobox.defaults, $.fn.combobox.parseOptions(this), options), data: [] }); } create(this); if (state.options.data){ loadData(this, state.options.data); } else { var data = $.fn.combobox.parseData(this); if (data.length){ loadData(this, data); } } request(this); }); }; $.fn.combobox.methods = { options: function(jq){ var copts = jq.combo('options'); return $.extend($.data(jq[0], 'combobox').options, { width: copts.width, height: copts.height, originalValue: copts.originalValue, disabled: copts.disabled, readonly: copts.readonly }); }, getData: function(jq){ return $.data(jq[0], 'combobox').data; }, setValues: function(jq, values){ return jq.each(function(){ setValues(this, values); }); }, setValue: function(jq, value){ return jq.each(function(){ setValues(this, [value]); }); }, clear: function(jq){ return jq.each(function(){ $(this).combo('clear'); var panel = $(this).combo('panel'); panel.find('div.combobox-item-selected').removeClass('combobox-item-selected'); }); }, reset: function(jq){ return jq.each(function(){ var opts = $(this).combobox('options'); if (opts.multiple){ $(this).combobox('setValues', opts.originalValue); } else { $(this).combobox('setValue', opts.originalValue); } }); }, loadData: function(jq, data){ return jq.each(function(){ loadData(this, data); }); }, reload: function(jq, url){ return jq.each(function(){ if (typeof url == 'string'){ request(this, url); } else { if (url){ var opts = $(this).combobox('options'); opts.queryParams = url; } request(this); } }); }, select: function(jq, value){ return jq.each(function(){ select(this, value); }); }, unselect: function(jq, value){ return jq.each(function(){ unselect(this, value); }); } }; $.fn.combobox.parseOptions = function(target){ var t = $(target); return $.extend({}, $.fn.combo.parseOptions(target), $.parser.parseOptions(target,[ 'valueField','textField','groupField','mode','method','url' ])); }; $.fn.combobox.parseData = function(target){ var data = []; var opts = $(target).combobox('options'); $(target).children().each(function(){ if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'optgroup'){ var group = $(this).attr('label'); $(this).children().each(function(){ _parseItem(this, group); }); } else { _parseItem(this); } }); return data; function _parseItem(el, group){ var t = $(el); var row = {}; row[opts.valueField] = t.attr('value')!=undefined ? t.attr('value') : t.text(); row[opts.textField] = t.text(); row['selected'] = t.is(':selected'); row['disabled'] = t.is(':disabled'); if (group){ opts.groupField = opts.groupField || 'group'; row[opts.groupField] = group; } data.push(row); } }; $.fn.combobox.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.combo.defaults, { valueField: 'value', textField: 'text', groupField: null, groupFormatter: function(group){return group;}, mode: 'local', // or 'remote' method: 'post', url: null, data: null, queryParams: {}, keyHandler: { up: function(e){nav(this,'prev');e.preventDefault()}, down: function(e){nav(this,'next');e.preventDefault()}, left: function(e){}, right: function(e){}, enter: function(e){doEnter(this)}, query: function(q,e){doQuery(this, q)} }, filter: function(q, row){ var opts = $(this).combobox('options'); return row[opts.textField].toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) == 0; }, formatter: function(row){ var opts = $(this).combobox('options'); return row[opts.textField]; }, loader: function(param, success, error){ var opts = $(this).combobox('options'); if (!opts.url) return false; $.ajax({ type: opts.method, url: opts.url, data: param, dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ success(data); }, error: function(){ error.apply(this, arguments); } }); }, loadFilter: function(data){ return data; }, finder:{ getEl:function(target, value){ var index = getRowIndex(target, value); var id = $.data(target, 'combobox').itemIdPrefix + '_' + index; return $('#'+id); }, getRow:function(target, p){ var state = $.data(target, 'combobox'); var index = (p instanceof jQuery) ? p.attr('id').substr(state.itemIdPrefix.length+1) : getRowIndex(target, p); return state.data[parseInt(index)]; } }, onBeforeLoad: function(param){}, onLoadSuccess: function(){}, onLoadError: function(){}, onSelect: function(record){}, onUnselect: function(record){} }); })(jQuery);