Spire.Pdf Class LicenseProvider. Provides a license by a license file path, which will be used for loading license. License file full path. Sets the license file name, which will be used for loading license. License file name. Gets the current license file name. The license file name, the default license file name is [license.elic.xml]. Provides a license by a license file object, which will be used for loading license. License file object. Provides a license by a license stream, which will be used for loading license. License data stream. Provides a license by a license key, which will be used for loading license. The value of the Key attribute of the element License of you license xml file. Clear all cached license. Load the license provided by current setting to the license cache. Load the license provided by current setting to the license cache. Runtime product type This method is not intended to be used directly from your code. Class TraceInfo. Show trace info. The class name. The method name. The message. Signature formatter interface. Sign. The data to be signed. The signature. Construct a new instance. The ocsp server url. Construct a new instance. OCSP response generator. Generate OCSP response. certificate to checked certificate of the issuer OCSP response which must conform to RFC 2560 Construct a new instance. The Timestamp server url. Construct a new instance. Timestamp generator. Generate timestamp token. The value of signature field within SignerInfo. The value of messageImprint field within TimeStampToken shall be the hash of signature. Refrence RFC 3161 APPENDIX A. timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161 Represents the Certificate object. Creates new PdfCertificate from an certificate. The X509Certificate object. Creates new PdfCertificate from PFX file. The path to pfx file. The password for pfx file. Creates new PdfCertificate from PFX file. The path to pfx file. The password for pfx file. X509KeyStorageFlags storageFlags Signature data The data to pfx file. Signature data The data to pfx file. The password for pfx file. Signature data The data to pfx file. The password for pfx file. X509KeyStorageFlags storageFlags certificates in all storry> Gets the FloralWhite PdfCertificate array. Finds the certificate by subject. The store name. The certificate subject. The certificate. Finds the certificate by issuer. The store name. The certificate issuer. The certificate. Finds the certificate by serial number. The certification system store type. The certificate id. Represents a digital signature used for signing a PDF document. Get all certificates. Gets the signature Appearance. A object defines signature`s appearance. Gets or sets signature location on the page. Gets or sets bounds of signature. Gets or sets information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature; for example, a phone number. Gets or sets reason of signing. Gets or sets the physical location of the signing. Gets or sets a value indicating certificate document or not. NOTE: Works only with Adobe Reader 7.0.8 or higher. certificate document if true. Gets or sets the permission for certificated document. The document permission. Gets signing certificate. Sets the alignment of signature text Gets a value indicating whether signature visible or not. Signature can be set as invisible when its size is set to empty. Get Signature Datetime Set the sign name font. Note: This font applys to sign name when the GraphicMode is SignNameOnly or SignNameAndSignDetail. if not set, the default font will be applied. Set font color for the signature info if not set, the default is black Set the SignDetails font. Note: if not set, the default font will be applied. Set signature info font The name of the person or authority signing the document, usually called signer. Digital Signature Common name label The name of the person or authority signing the document. Name label Signature Distinguished Name label Digital Signature Distinguished name. Notes: Assigning a stirng value to it directly is not recommended unless you know what is the Distinguish Name exactly. One way suggested of value Assignment is using pdfSignature.Certificate.IssuerName.Name,in which, pdfSignature is an instance of PDFSignature class. Flag determine whether to display the labels Show Digital Signature,Configuer Text The Grapphic render/display mode. Digital Signature Graphic Type Digital Signature Configuer Graphic file Path Signature Image Source Digital Signature Configuer Graphic is filled bounds. Set or get the sign image layout. Digital Signature Reason Label Digital Signature Date Label Digital Signature ContactInfo Label Digital Signature LocationInfo Label Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The current pdf page where signature will be replaced. The pdf certificate. Name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The current pdf page where signature will be replaced. The Signature formatter. Name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The current pdf page where signature will be replaced. The pdf certificate. The Signature formatter. Name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document, which has the page. The page. The Signature formatter. The name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The signature formatter. The name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The loaded document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The name of the signature. The name of the loaded signature field Initializes a new instance of the class. The loaded document, which has the page. The page. The Signature formatter. The name of the signature. The name of the loaded signature field Initializes a new instance of the class. The loaded document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The signature formatter. The name of the signature. The name of the loaded signature field Initializes a new instance of the class. The document or loaded document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document or loaded document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The name of the signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. The loaded document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The name of the signature. The name of the loaded signature field Initializes a new instance of the class. The loaded document, which has the page. The page. The certificate. The name of the signature. The name of the loaded signature field Handle content stream and resources. The template. check thie validity of the signature Check if the document was altered after signed. True if modified; otherwise false. Set the Sign Name Width The handler which generate graphics. The graphics context. The visible region is (0,0,signature bounds width,signature bounds height). Configure custom graphics. the handler which generate graphics. The handler which generate timestamp token. The value of signature field within SignerInfo. The value of messageImprint field within TimeStampToken shall be the hash of signature. Refrence RFC 3161 APPENDIX A. timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161 Configure timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161. TSA url Configure timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161. The tsa url. The user(account) name. The password. Configure timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161. the handler which generate timestamp token The handler which generate OCSP response. certificate to checked certificate of the issuer OCSP response which must conform to RFC 2560 Configure OCSP which must conform to RFC 2560. OCSP url. It it's null it will be taken from the checked cert. Represents an additional collection of certificates that can be searched. if null,only use windows cert store. Configure OCSP which must conform to RFC 2560. Represents an additional collection of certificates that can be searched if null,only use windows cert store. the handler which generate OCSP response. A dictionary that can be used by a signature handler to record information that captures the state of the computer environment used for signing Specifies length of the encryption key for encryption. The key is 40 bit long. The key is 128 bit long. The key is 256 bit long. Specifies the type of encryption algorithm used. The encryption algorithm is RC4. The encryption algorithm is AES. Specifies the available permissions set for the signature. Not all permissions Default value is 2876. A common document contains all privileges Print the document. Edit content. Copy content. Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields. Fill form fields. (Only for 128 bits key). Copy accessibility content. Assemble document permission. (Only for 128 bits key). Full quality print. Specifies the naming a system store. A certificate store that holds certificates with associated private keys. Root certificates. Certification authority certificates. Software Publisher Certificate. Specifies the alignment type of signature text. Specifies the signature text is aligned to Left. Specifies the signature text is aligned to Center. Specifies the signature text is aligned to Right. Specifies the available permissions on certificated document. Disallow any changes to the document. Only allow form fill-in actions on this document. Only allow commenting and form fill-in actions on this document. Signature type The layout determine how to display the sign image. Default. Sign image status without any modification. Stretch the sign image. Modes to determine what and how to dispay the signature infomation. Default dispaly model. Display signature details including signer,location,date,contact infomation and reason. Only display the signature image. Only display the sign name. Diaply sign name and signature details. Diaply signature image and signature details. Signture Configuer Graphic type No Show Picture Signature and Text Signature draw Picture Signature draw Text Signature draw Picture Signature and Information draw Text Signature and Information draw Information and Picture Signature Configuer Text,Show Sign content The object that allows to compute the MD5 hash for the input data. Whether or not to encrypt. If true ,do not encrypt or encrypt Convert string to byte array. according to the iso 8859-1 codepage. The string The result byte array Create owner password byte array. The userPassword The ownerPassword The owner password array Represents the security settings of the PDF document. Gets the owner password. Gets the user password. Indicate whether this pdf document was encrypted originally or not. Decrypt user password Decrypt user password. The ownerPassword Decrypt all password. The ownerPassword Whether is encrypted. If has owner password return true or false To Encrypt the PDF document with open password. Note:If set empty string value to open password, it indicates that the PDF document can be operated without providing corresponding password. Note: the document owner password should not be exist. The open password To Encrypt the PDF document with permission password and permissions. Note:The Permission password can't be empty string. The permission password A set of flags specifying which operations are permitted when the document is opened with user access To Encrypt the PDF document and set the encryption key size and permissions. Note:If set empty string value to open password or permission password, it indicates that the PDF document can be operated without providing corresponding password. The open password The permission password A set of flags specifying which operations are permitted when the document is opened with user access The bit length of the encryption key To Encrypt the PDF document with open password and permission password,and set the encryption key size and permissions. Note:If set empty string value to open password or permission password, it indicates that the PDF document can be operated without providing corresponding password. The open password The permission password A set of flags specifying which operations are permitted when the document is opened with user access The bit length of the encryption key The original permissionPassword of the document Gets the document's permission flags Gets the size of the key. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents a calibrated gray color, based on a CalGray colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. Gets or sets the gray level for this color. The gray level of this color. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 1.0]. 0.0 means the darkest color that can be achieved, and 1.0 means the lightest color. Represents a CalGray colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the black point. An array of three numbers [XB YB ZB] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse black point. Default value: [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]. Gets or sets the gamma. Gets or sets the white point. An array of three numbers [XW YW ZW] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse white point. The numbers XW and ZW must be positive, and YW must be equal to 1.0. Represents a calibrated RGB color, based on a CalRGB colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The colorspace Gets or sets the Blue value. The blue level of this color. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 1.0]. 0.0 means the darkest color that can be achieved, and 1.0 means the lightest. Gets or sets the green level for this color. The green level of this color. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 1.0]. 0.0 means the darkest color that can be achieved, and 1.0 means the lightest color. Gets or sets the red level for this color. The red level of this color. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 1.0]. 0.0 means the darkest color that can be achieved, and 1.0 means the lightest color. Representing a CalRGB colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the black point. An array of three numbers [XB YB ZB] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse black point. Gets or sets the gamma. An array of three numbers [GR GG GB] specifying the gamma for the red, green, and blue components of the color space. Gets or sets the colorspace transformation matrix. An array of nine numbers [XA YA ZA XB YB ZB XC YC ZC] specifying the linear interpretation of the decoded A, B, and C components of the color space with respect to the final XYZ representation. Gets or sets the white point. An array of three numbers [XW YW ZW] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse white point. Represents the base class for all colorspaces. Gets Pdf primitive representing the font. Checks whether the object is similar to another object. The object to compare witht ehcurrent object. True - if the objects have equal internals and can share them, False otherwise. Represents a device colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The colorspace. Gets or sets the DeviceColorSpaceType Represents the extended color, based on a complex colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The colorspace. Gets the Colorspace Represents an ICC color, based on an ICC colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The colorspace. Gets or sets the color components. An array of values that describe the color in the ICC colorspace. The length of this array must match the value of ColorComponents property on the underlying ICC colorspace. Represents an ICC based colorspace.. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the alternate color space. The alternate color space to be used in case the one specified in the stream data is not supported. Gets or sets the color components. The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile data. This number must match the number of components actually in the ICC profile. As of PDF 1.4, this value must be 1, 3 or 4. Gets or sets the profile data. The ICC profile data. Gets or sets the range for color components. An array of 2 ColorComponents numbers [ min0 max0 min1 max1 ... ] specifying the minimum and maximum valid values of the corresponding color components. These values must match the information in the ICC profile. Set the Color Profile. ICC profile data. Represents an indexed color, based on an indexed colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The colorspace. Gets or sets the color index The index of the select color. The acceptable range for this value is 0 - MaxColorIndex. Represents an indexed colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the base colorspace. The color space in which the values in the color table are to be interpreted. Gets or sets the index of the max color. The maximum index that can be used to access the values in the color table. Gets or sets the color table. The table of color components. The color table data must be m * (maxIndex + 1) bytes long, where m is the number of color components in the base color space. Each byte is an unsigned integer in the range 0 to 255 that is scaled to the range of the corresponding color component in the base color space; that is, 0 corresponds to the minimum value in the range for that component, and 255 corresponds to the maximum. Gets the profile data. The profile data. Represents a calibrated Lab color, based on a Lab colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The ColorSpace. Gets or sets the a* component for this color. The a* component of this color. The range for this value is defined by the Range property of the underlying Lab colorspace. Gets or sets the b* component for this color. The b* component of this color. The range for this value is defined by the Range property of the underlying Lab colorspace. Gets or sets the l component for this color. The l component of this color. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 100.0]. 0.0 means the darkest color that can be achieved, and 100.0 means the lightest color. Represents a Lab colorspace Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets BlackPoint An array of three numbers [XB YB ZB] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse black point. Gets or sets the Range An array of three numbers [XB YB ZB] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse black point. Gets or sets the white point An array of three numbers [XW YW ZW] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse white point. Represents a separation color, based on a separation colorspace. Initializes a new instance of the class. The colorspace. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 1.0]. 0.0 means the lightest color that can be achieved, and 1.0 means the darkest color. The acceptable range for this value is [0.0 1.0]. 0.0 means the lightest color that can be achieved, and 1.0 means the darkest color. Represents a separation colorspace Initializes a new instance of the PdfSeparationColorSpace class. The name of the colorant The base color to be used The base color to be used. Gets or sets the alternate color spaces. The alternate color space to be used when the destination device does not support separation colorspace. The name of the colorant. Gets or sets the tint transform function for the this colorspace. Tint transform function for the colorspace. Get the profile data. The profile data original glyph bounds glyph info has only essential layout detail (this is our extension) TrueType outline, offset glyph points TrueType outline, transform normal TrueType outline glyph clone append data from src to dest, dest data will changed*** Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the identity matrix. The identity matrix. Element (1,1) Element (1,2) Element (2,1) Element (2,2) Element (3,1) Element (3,2) Initializes a new instance of the struct. The value that will be assigned to all components. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The value to assign at row 1 column 1 of the matrix. The value to assign at row 1 column 2 of the matrix. The value to assign at row 2 column 1 of the matrix. The value to assign at row 2 column 2 of the matrix. The value to assign at row 3 column 1 of the matrix. The value to assign at row 3 column 2 of the matrix. SharpFont's TrueType Interpreter read float, 2.14 format 16.16 float format Description of Glyph. Description of GlyphMatrix. Max width value. Description of IFont. Description of Glyph. Description of TrueTypeFont. Get the outline glyph for glyph of a given character code and name. Gets the path to determine wherther you need to move the point ,return results character path int startIndex int endIndex Recalculate line values Get metric data from Table_hmtx.longHorMetric table Convert character original data to glyph Converter GlyphData to path modify glyphPointF Convert to original data to glyphData matrix apply to glyph Render a simple glyf int glyphId Table_glyf.header header Get a empty outlineGlyph It is east asian char? Get the bytes count consume form char codes string. The code space range list The bytes count. Get the part matched code space ranges. The code sapce ranges get the name of a glyph from its encoding value (NOT the character Writes short value into the font stream Short value to be written Writes integer value into the font stream Integer value to be written Writes string value into the font stream String value to be written Write the bytes into the font stream byte array to be written Values for platformID Values for platformSpecificID if platform is Mac Values for platformSpecificID if platform is Unicode Values for language ID if platform is Mac Values for nameID Font dictionary. Get the origin subtyep. The origin subtyep. Recreate an new unicode char The old char A new unicode char Get Cmap by MapName This outputs individual glyph index to character code mapping for each char. If you are doing any work on CMap, you need to open the resulting file in Adobe Reader, select and copy text, paste it to notepad and see if it was correctly mapped to characters. It is especially important to do so for TestUnicode.doc. Get the glyph id. The character id The glyph id Get the outline of a character given the character name or src char It is TYPE_CMAP or TYPE_ENCODING? Get a glyph outline by glyphId Get a glyph outline by glyphId or name custom coordinate point a cache of glyphs indexed by character Character Spacing width Set Character Spacing width Get the glyph for a given character code and name the character code of this glyph the name of this glyph or null if unknown the name of this glyph or null if unknown TypeEncodingCmap type a glyph for this character Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory Releases or clear memory A class for performing LZW decoding. Method to decode LZW compressed data. The compressed data Array to return the uncompressed data in The number of rows the compressed data contains The decoded data Initialize the string table. Write out the string just uncompressed. the byte string for uncompressed write out Add a new string to the string table. the byte string at the end of which the new string will be written and which will be added to the string table the byte to be written to the end of the old string Add a new string to the string table. the byte string which will be added to the string table Append newString to the end of oldString. the byte string at the end of which the new string will be written the byte to be written to the end of the old string the byte string which is the sum of the new string and the old string The number of bits used to represent each color component fail (by default) return something successfully read @param fillOrder The fill order of the compressed data bytes. @param w @param h Summary description for DeflaterOutputStream. Provides color caching Provides color caching of last color specify image quality level default quality high quality find text ignorecase Set find text find text color draw border pen Initialize the page. The page The needparsing Whether this page is blank. if blank ,return true,or false Whether this page content is blank. Dispose the resources. Dispose resource. The disposing Provides image render events Converts an angle in degrees to radians. Double value of angle in degrees to convert. The value of the angle in radians. Converts an angle in radians to degrees. Double value of angle in radians to convert. The value of the angle in degrees. Bug3009,baseimage color and annot image color multiply,for annot bitmap ,rgb model to cmyk model Apply the mask when the mask format is PdfArray. Apply the mask when the mask format is PdfString. According to Path to determine whether it is a straight line. If All points of X or Y are equal, then is is a straight line Parse pdf array to rgb components. The pdf array Get Ff value from annotation dictionary The annotation dictionary Get FT value from annotation dictionary The annotation dictionary Parse annotation opt item to dictionary. The annotation dictionary Get V value from annotation dictionary More than two offsets string strOffset) one offset Destructor Clean up Memory Creates the I font. Name of the font. Match Font by fontName Add fake font to private list. Measure string width which the font dictionary has no width entry. The text string The font size The text sacle The string width Get glyph by cid. The cid The glyph Get the glyph id. The character ID The glyph id Get descendant font. The descendant font Draw text of embed font to page Render object When the font has no encoding entry ,or the font descriptor`s symbolic flag is set , which case should use the character code mapping glyph description from the subtable if has no encoding entry or set symbolic flag return true Collects all the Pattern elements in the pdf document containing all the resources of the document dictionary of Pattern elements Handle the text annotation widget multiline the anntation the true type font the rectangle a text rectangle Get opttion value from PdfArray Bug654 get PdfRecordCollection from resources 根据dpi缩放后的图片 Render inline image. for Ap Resources draw only a single comment specify the quality level of decode image specify if the Decoder if for SMask image specify the quality level of decode image get columns from DecodeParms get colors from DecodeParms Get decode arrays or softmask image from image dictionary Get decode arrays or mask image from image dictionary Gets Image mask. Load image from stream. Get element data from decode arrays Stream stream,Bug_337 Get the image decode array. The image decode array Get deviceGray image for Filter LZWDecode Get Bitmap Stream from DeviceGray Color Space PDFColorSpace colorspace Stream data int grayWidth int grayHeight bool mask Get Bitmap Stream from DeviceGray Color Space image Stream bool mask Get color space name Parse colorspace. The colorspace The list Get inline image colorspace. The colorspace The pdf array Clip path Determine whether there is Tj in front of Td,TD,cm,T* ,TL,Tw,Tc,Tz. if not ,you need to calculate the translation Save the translation data From BT,save the current Tm matrix mapping Transform from user space to device space mapping Transform from default user space to user space Text leading horizontal scaling word spacing Current text element Character spacing. Colorspace table of page resource Pattern table of page resource Gets or sets the isprint. set Box Rectangle,when dictionary FT=Tx set FT type from form field mapping Transform from user space to device space Mapping transform from default user space to user space pdf to image,reference bitmap Bug3009,draw annot,annot is image and BM is Multiply,need backgroundimage and annot image is Multiply Extract Signature As Images Checking and processing number string. The curve The points Set Rectangle from pdf command. Checking whether the string number is valid ,if true , processing the number. The number of string format if vailded,return true,or false Checking whether the string number array is valid ,if true , processing the number. The array number of string format if vailded,return true,or false Set Rectangle path from pdf command. set BBox for Form object. Apply Color Checking and processing points. The points The points Set page RotateAngle Current Pdf Page scale apply the line dash pattern the pen when the only one element in dash pattern is 0 the line should be unvisible . the dash pattern first element is zero return true or false Get the dash pattern Fixed zero of gaps for dash pattern,if the gap is zero,it will not be diaplayed in dash lines. the dash pattern the dash offset Remove zero value of blank cap in dash pattern. the dash pattern the dashOffset Set the property of pen the pen the dash pattern the dash offset Fixed zero of dashes for dash pattern.if the dash is zero,defalut value is one device pixel. the dash pattern the dash offset the pen Convert pdf dash pattern to .net dash pattern the scaled pen width the dash pattern the pen width execute do command Draw Type3Font Get Resources obj from Xobject draw page content draw page annot Modify Bug1801,pdf to xps(false),font whether need dispose Get the pdf annotation. The annotation dictionary The pdf annotation Parse signle annotation IPdfPrimitive obj get form field object read ap content from Parent Execute pdf command. Get image bounds. initialize annot state Render text element text elements token type Render text to pdf drawing context. whether enable highLight for formField Incorrect entry written to dictionary(写入字典的条目不正确,少了一些项,导致绘制AP内容不正确),Bug335,107 highLight color for form field draw only a single comment Draw all annotations for the current page,and highlight /// Draw one annotation for the current page,and highlight draw button for combox draw ComboButton for combobox annot Draw border for must input box Draw highlight for form field Need to draw highlight? Is it read-only? Is it required, must have a value. Get annotation location specify the quality level of render image Determine whether there is Tj in front of Td,TD,cm,T* ,TL,Tw,Tc,Tz. if not ,you need to calculate the translation Save the translation data horizontal scaling specify the quality level of render image Set rectangle path from pdf command. Apply Color Space,Bug-654 Render the option content The xobject element Render OCGs contents The ocgs dictionary The xobject element Get form Field Name Parse the element in MK entry of annotation The element in MK entry Draw ap dictioanry. The annotation element The annotation type The rect Get the pdf annotation. The annotation dictionary The pdf annotation Is valid annotation type. The annotation type The is high light Whether is display the annotation If valid,return true,or false read ap content from Parent Add hyperlinks. The annotation elements Execute pdf command. Render text The token type The structure The decode text The increase width Render text element text elements token type Calculate the bytes count that mapping single glyph The pdf font sturucture The bytes count Render text to a single character The font structure The decoded text The increase width Render text to a string The pdf font structure The decode text The increase width Spilt undecode bytes string The decode string The structure An array of undecode byte whether to render text as a single character The font structure if the text is written vertically,return true,or fales Gets the presenter. The presenter. Graphic stats Gets or sets current colorsapce. Gets or sets Stroking colorsapce. Append hyperlink. The rectanglef The url word spacing word spacing Render text embed font or installed system font Dispose ImageBrush used in pdf2xps when it has pattern Create the brush The byte array of image for PsTextureBrush Image transform The presenter type Create the brush. The hatch style. The fore color. The back color. The presenter type. Dispose ImageBrush Initializes a new instance of the BrushLayer The byte array of image for PsTextureBrush Image Transform Initializes a new instance of the BrushLayer. A rectangular region that defines the starting and ending points of the gradient. Start Color. End Color. Initializes a new instance of the BrushLayer The hatch style. The fore color. The back color. Append hyper link. The hyper link Destructor Clean up Memory Loads fonts. Font cache. Global font cache. Current instance font cache. Taged objects(String,ArrayList). Construct instance. Destruct instance. Dispose instance resources. Clear cache(except global cache). Store object with tag. A tag can corresponds to multiple objects. The taged object. The taged object identity. The tag. Get the objects by a tag. The tag. The dictionary(id,tagedObject) corresponding to the tag. If not matched,return null. Get the objects by a tag. The taged object identity. The tag. The object corresponding to the id and tag. Add a ttfont to cache. The ttfont. The font family name. The cache duration. Add a ttfont to cache. The ttfont data. The font name. The cache duration. Add a ttfont to cache. The ttfont data. The font name. The cache duration. whether fonts are embedded or not Fetch the ttfont. The font family name. The font style. The substitute font family name. if not exist matched(substituted) font,return any font. Font cache duration. Living in the runtime of the program. Only living in instance. Gets the char code Represents 10 byte series of numbers is used to describe the visual characteristics of a given typeface. Gets the bounding box in design units of the font. Get mPostscriptTtFontKey Destructor Clean up Memory See http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/vhea.htm for more info. Container for part of APS tree which is related to the logical structure element. Language of the container content. Probably it is not the best place to store the content language. But for now it is the easiest way to output the text language the same way as MW does. APS container id. The font strikeout. Gets the width of the outline. The width of the outline. Content of text box. Compares the floating number. The value1. The value2. The accuracy. return 0,val1 equal val2;return 1,val1 greater than val2;return -1,val1 less than val2; Compares the double number. The value1. The value2. The accuracy. return 0,val1 equal val2;return 1,val1 greater than val2;return -1,val1 less than val2; Font used for the 0..127 characters. This value is not used as , may be it's better to create separate enum for character hints. Font used for the East Asian characters. Also known as East Asian. Font used for the Complex Script characters. Font used for characters that do not fall into any of the above ranges. Also known as High ASCII. Converts an APS path or a clipping region into XPS Abbreviated Syntax. The technique is the same as in PdfPathBuilder, but Syntax of path is different nvCxnSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Connection Shape) nvGraphicFramePr (Non-Visual Properties for a Graphic Frame) nvGrpSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Group Shape) nvPicPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Picture) nvSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Shape) Reads 'cNvPr' Non-Visual Drawing Properties. Calculates position offset of the textbox content. Applies simplified blur to the image. Writes blend mode. The blend mode. Writes an image to the PDF stream. Writes an image to the PDF stream. Get the pdf image data. The pdf image data. Occurs when end page. Represents the method that will handle an event that with event data. The source of the event args that contains event data PdfRendererEndPageEventArgs is the class containg event data. Represents the current Pdf documnet. Represents the current Pdf page. Whether the image data is pdf hatch data. The pdf image If the image data is pdf hatch data,return true ,or false. 如果是泰文字符串,调整Glyphs中的Text。用于组合字符被拆分在三个或者两个Glyphs对象中的情况 获取当前Glyphs的下一个Glyphs,两个Glyphs不一定在同一个Parent中 是否是主体字符,主体字符上下可以叠加符合要求的字符 是否是可以叠加于主体字符之上的字符[帽子字符] 是否是声调字符,这种字符可以叠加在主体上,当主体字符上叠加了[帽子字符]时,叠加在帽子字符上 实现两个Glyphs的组合字符拼接 当前glyphs,提供其Text结尾的字符 下一个可用的glyphs,提供其Text的开始字符 Reference Spire.Pdf.General.Paper.Drawing.Rendering.Ps.XmlDocumentBuilder,IsValidXmlChar(char c) Reverse y position. Gets a value indicating whether The blank distance to the left of the glyph relative to the origin[0,0]. Gets a value indicating whether The blank distance to the top of the glyph relative to the origin[0,0]. Gets a value indicating whether The blank distance to the right of the glyph relative to the origin[0,0]. Gets a value indicating whether The blank distance to the bottom of the glyph relative to the origin[0,0]. Gets the design width of the glygh. Gets the actual width of the glygh. Gets the left side bearing. Gets the right side bearing. Gets a value indicating whether this is empty. An identity transform is one in which the output coordinates are always the same as the input coordinates. If this transform is anything other than the identity transform, the type will either be the constant GENERAL_TRANSFORM or a combination of the appropriate flag bits for the various coordinate conversions that this transform performs. A translation moves the coordinates by a constant amount in x and y without changing the length or angle of vectors. A uniform scale multiplies the length of vectors by the same amount in both the x and y directions without changing the angle between vectors. This flag bit is mutually exclusive with the TypeGeneralScale flag. A general scale multiplies the length of vectors by different amounts in the x and y directions without changing the angle between perpendicular vectors. This flag bit is mutually exclusive with the TypeUniformScale flag. This constant is a bit mask for any of the scale flag bits. This flag bit indicates that the transform defined by this object performs a mirror image flip about some axis which changes the normally right handed coordinate system into a left handed system in addition to the conversions indicated by other flag bits. A right handed coordinate system is one where the positive X axis rotates counterclockwise to overlay the positive Y axis similar to the direction that the fingers on your right hand curl when you stare end on at your thumb. A left handed coordinate system is one where the positive X axis rotates clockwise to overlay the positive Y axis similar to the direction that the fingers on your left hand curl. There is no mathematical way to determine the angle of the original flipping or mirroring transformation since all angles of flip are identical given an appropriate adjusting rotation. This flag bit indicates that the transform defined by this object performs a quadrant rotation by some multiple of 90 degrees in addition to the conversions indicated by other flag bits. A rotation changes the angles of vectors by the same amount regardless of the original direction of the vector and without changing the length of the vector. This flag bit is mutually exclusive with the TypeGeneralRotation flag. This flag bit indicates that the transform defined by this object performs a rotation by an arbitrary angle in addition to the conversions indicated by other flag bits. A rotation changes the angles of vectors by the same amount regardless of the original direction of the vector and without changing the length of the vector. This flag bit is mutually exclusive with the This constant is a bit mask for any of the rotation flag bits. This constant indicates that the transform defined by this object performs an arbitrary conversion of the input coordinates. If this transform can be classified by any of the above constants, the type will either be the constant TypeIdentity or a combination of the appropriate flag bits for the various coordinate conversions that this transform performs. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that no calculations need to be performed and that the source coordinates only need to be copied to their destinations to complete the transformation equation of this transform. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the translation components of the matrix (m02 and m12) need to be added to complete the transformation equation of this transform. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the scaling components of the matrix (m00 and m11) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. If the ApplyShear bit is also set then it indicates that the scaling components are not both 0.0. If the ApplyShear bit is not also set then it indicates that the scaling components are not both 1.0. If neither the ApplyShear nor the ApplyScale bits are set then the scaling components are both 1.0, which means that the x and y components contribute to the transformed coordinate, but they are not multiplied by any scaling factor. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the shearing components of the matrix (m01 and m10) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. The presence of this bit in the state variable changes the interpretation of the ApplyScale bit as indicated in its documentation. The X coordinate scaling element of the 3x3 affine transformation matrix. The X coordinate shearing element of the 3x3 affine transformation matrix. The X coordinate of the translation element of the 3x3 affine transformation matrix. The Y coordinate shearing element of the 3x3 affine transformation matrix. The Y coordinate scaling element of the 3x3 affine transformation matrix. The Y coordinate of the translation element of the 3x3 affine transformation matrix. This field keeps track of which components of the matrix need to be applied when performing a transformation. @see #ApplyIdentity @see #ApplyTranslate @see #ApplyScale @see #ApplyShear This field caches the current transformation type of the matrix. @see #TypeIdentity @see #TypeTranslation @see #TypeUniformScale @see #TypeGeneralScale @see #TypeFlip @see #TypeQuadrantRotation @see #TypeGeneralRotation @see #TypeGeneralTransform @see #TypeUnknown Manually recalculates the state of the transform when the matrix changes too much to predict the effects on the state. The following table specifies what the various settings of the state field say about the values of the corresponding matrix element fields. Note that the rules governing the SCALE fields are slightly different depending on whether the SHEAR flag is also set.
                                 SCALE            SHEAR          TRANSLATE
                                m00/m11          m01/m10          m02/m12
             IDENTITY             1.0              0.0              0.0
             TRANSLATE (TR)       1.0              0.0          not both 0.0
             SCALE (SC)       not both 1.0         0.0              0.0
             TR | SC          not both 1.0         0.0          not both 0.0
             SHEAR (SH)           0.0          not both 0.0         0.0
             TR | SH              0.0          not both 0.0     not both 0.0
             SC | SH          not both 0.0     not both 0.0         0.0
             TR | SC | SH     not both 0.0     not both 0.0     not both 0.0
This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the translation components of the matrix (m03, m13, m23) need to be added to complete the transformation equation of this transform. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the scaling components of the matrix (m00, m11, m22) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. If the ApplyShear bit is also set then it indicates that the scaling components are not all 0.0. If the ApplyShear bit is not also set then it indicates that the scaling components are not all 1.0. If neither the ApplyShear nor the ApplyScale bits are set then the scaling components are both 1.0, which means that the x, y and z components contribute to the transformed coordinate, but they are not multiplied by any scaling factor. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the shearing components of the matrix (m01, m02, m10, m12, m20, m21) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. The presence of this bit in the state variable changes the interpretation of the ApplyScale bit as indicated in its documentation. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the projection components of the matrix (m30, m31, m32) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. This constant is used for the internal state variable to indicate that the overall scaling component of the matrix (m33) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. The X coordinate scaling element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The YX coordinate shearing element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The XZ coordinate shearing element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The X coordinate of the translation element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The YX coordinate shearing element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The Y coordinate scaling element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The YZ coordinate shearing element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The Y coordinate of the translation element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The ZX coordinate shearing element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The ZY coordinate shearing element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The Z coordinate scaling element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The Z coordinate of the translation element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The X projection element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The Y projection element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The Z projection element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The overall scaling element of the 4x4 affine transformation matrix. This field keeps track of which components of the matrix need to be applied when performing a transformation. @see #ApplyIdentity @see #ApplyTranslate @see #ApplyScale @see #ApplyShear @see #ApplyProjection @see #ApplyOverallScale Manually recalculates the state of the transform when the matrix changes too much to predict the effects on the state. Blend transparency whith background color. background color Get MacOS font folders. 电子签章版本号 版本号 版本持有器 版本号 没有构造的对象 版本解析 解析电子印章版本 带解析数据,可以是字节串也可以是ASN1对象 带有版本的ASN1对象序列 解析电子签章数据版本 带解析数据,可以是字节串也可以是ASN1对象 带有版本的ASN1对象序列 厂商自定义数据 自定义扩展字段标识 自定义扩展字段是否关键 默认值FALSE 自定义扩展字段数据值 自定义属性字段序列 电子印章数据 印章信息 制章人对印章签名的信息 印章图片信息 图片类型 代表印章图片类型,如 GIF、BMP、JPG、SVG等 印章图片数据 图片显示宽度,单位为毫米(mm) 图片显示高度,单位为毫米(mm) 印章属性信息 单位印章类型 个人印章类型 印章类型 1 - 单位印章 2 - 个人印章 印章名称 签章人证书列表 印章制做日期 印章有效起始日期 印章有效终止日期 头信息 电子印章数据结构版本号,V4 电子印章数据标识符 固定值"ES" 电子印章数据标识符 固定值"ES" 电子印章数据版本号标识 电子印章厂商ID 在互联互通时,用于识别不同的软件厂商实现 印章信息 头信息 电子印章标识符 电子印章数据唯一标识编码 印章属性信息 电子印章图片数据 自定义数据 电子签章数据 待电子签章数据 电子签章中签名值 印章签名信息 代表对电子印章数据进行签名的制章人证书 代表签名算法OID标识 遵循 GM/T 006 制章人的签名值 制章人对电子印章格式中印章信息SES_SealInfo、制章人证书、签名算法标识符按 SEQUENCE方式组成的信息内容的数字签名 待电子签章数据 版本信息 电子印章 签章时间信息 可以是时间戳,也可以是UTCTIME时间; 原文杂凑值 原文数据的属性信息 如文档ID、日期、段落、原文内容的字节数、指示信息、签章保护范围等 自行定义 签章人对应的签名证书 签名算法标识符 签章者证书杂凑值列表 签章者证书杂凑值 签章者证书杂凑值 自定义类型 证书杂凑值 签章者证书列表 电子印章数据 印章信息 制章人证书 签名算法标识符 签名值 签章者证书信息列表 签章者证书列表 签章者证书杂凑值列表 印章属性 签章者证书信息类型: 1 - 数字证书类型 签章者证书信息类型: 2 - 数字证书杂凑值 印章类型 印章名称 签章者证书信息类型 签章者证书信息列表 SES_CertList 印章制做日期 印章有效起始日期 印章有效终止日期 印章信息 头信息 电子印章标识符 电子印章数据唯一标识编码 印章属性信息 电子印章图片数据 自定义数据 电子签章数据 签章信息 签章者证书 签名算法标识 签名值 对签名值的时间戳【可选】 签章信息 电子印章版本号,与电子印章版本号保持一致 电子印章 签章时间 原文杂凑值 原文数据的属性 自定义数据 【可选】 动作序列 图 19 大纲节点结构 【必选】 增加 到动作列表 当此大纲节点被激活时将执行的动作,关于动作的描述详见第 14 章 动作 this 【必选】 获取 动作列表 当此大纲节点被激活时将依次执行的动作,关于动作的描述详见第 14 章 动作 跳转的目的书签 表 53 跳转动作属性 【必选 属性】 设置 目标书签的名称,引用文档书签中的名称 目标书签的名称 this 【必选 属性】 获取 目标书签的名称,引用文档书签中的名称 目标书签的名称 目标区域 图 75 目标区域结构 【必选 属性】 设置 目标区域的描述方法 目标区域的描述方法 this 【必选 属性】 获取 目标区域的描述方法 目标区域的描述方法 【必选】 设置 引用跳转目标页面的标识 引用跳转目标页面的标识 this 【必选】 获取 引用跳转目标页面的标识 引用跳转目标页面的标识 【可选】 设置 目标区域左上角 x坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域左上角 x坐标 this 【可选】 获取 目标区域左上角 x坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域左上角 x坐标 【可选】 设置 目标区域右上角 x坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域右上角 x坐标 this 【可选】 获取 目标区域右上角 x坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域右上角 x坐标 【可选】 设置 目标区域左上角 y坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域左上角 y坐标 this 【可选】 获取 目标区域左上角 x坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域左上角 x坐标 【可选】 设置 目标区域右下角 y坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域右下角 y坐标 this 【可选】 获取 目标区域右下角 y坐标 默认值为 0 目标区域右下角 y坐标 【可选】 设置 目标区域页面缩放比例 为 0 或不出现则按照但前缩放比例跳转,可取值范围[0.1 64.0] 目标区域页面缩放比例 this 【可选】 获取 目标区域页面缩放比例 为 0 或不出现则按照但前缩放比例跳转,可取值范围[0.1 64.0] 目标区域页面缩放比例 申明目标区域的描述方法 表 54 目标区域属性 目标区域由左上角位置(Left,Top) 以及页面缩放比例(Zoom)确定 适合整个窗口区域 适合窗口宽度,目标区域由Top确定 适合窗口高度,目标区域由Left确定 适合窗口内的目标区域,目标区域为 (Left,Top,Right,Bottom)所确定的矩形区域 获取目标区域实例 类型字符串 实例 跳转动作表明同一个文档内的跳转,包括一个目的区域 或书签位置 图 74 跳转动作结构 【必选】 设置 跳转的目的区域 跳转的目的区域 this 【必选】 设置 跳转的目标书签 跳转的目标书签 this 【必选】 获取 跳转动作的目标 可能是 CT_Dest 或 Bookmark,可以使用instanceof判断类型并转换 跳转动作的目标 用于描述Goto的目的地 Movie 动作用于播放视频。 图 79 播放视频动作属性 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中定义的视频资源标识 引用资源文件中定义的视频资源标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中定义的视频资源标识 引用资源文件中定义的视频资源标识 【可选 属性】 设置 放映参数 默认值为 Play 放映参数,参见 this 【可选 属性】 获取 放映参数 默认值为 Play 放映参数,参见 放映参数属性 表 59 放映参数属性 播放 停止 暂停 继续 根据字符串类型获取 实例 放映参数字符串 实例 附件动作 附件动作表明打开当前文档内的一个附件 图 76 附件动作结构 【必选 属性】 设置 附件的标识(xs:IDREF) 附件的标识(xs:IDREF) this 【必选 属性】 获取 附件的标识(xs:IDREF) 附件的标识(xs:IDREF) 【可选 属性】 设置 是否在新窗口中打开 true - 新窗口中打开 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否在新窗口中打开 true - 新窗口中打开 动作类型 表 51 动作类型属性 播放音频动作 Sound 动作表明播放一段音频 图 78 播放音频动作结构 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中的音频资源标识符 引用资源文件中的音频资源标识符 this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中的音频资源标识符 引用资源文件中的音频资源标识符 【可选 属性】 设置 播放音量,取值范围[0,100] 播放音量,取值范围[0,100] this 【可选 属性】 获取 播放音量,取值范围[0,100] 播放音量,取值范围[0,100] 【可选 属性】 设置 此音频是否需要同步播放 如果此属性为 true,则 Synchronous 值无效 默认值为 false true - 同步; false - 异步 this 【可选 属性】 获取 此音频是否需要同步播放 如果此属性为 true,则 Synchronous 值无效 默认值为 false true - 同步; false - 异步 【可选 属性】 设置 是否同步播放 true 表示后续动作应等待此音频播放结束后才能开始, false 表示立刻返回并开始下一个动作 true - 同步顺序播放;false - 立刻返回开始下一个动作 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否同步播放 true 表示后续动作应等待此音频播放结束后才能开始, false 表示立刻返回并开始下一个动作 true - 同步顺序播放;false - 立刻返回开始下一个动作 URI 动作 图 77 URI动作属性 【必选 属性】 设置 目标URI的位置 目标URI的位置 this 【必选 属性】 设置 目标URI的位置 目标URI的位置 【可选 属性】 设置 Base URI,用于相对地址 Base URI,用于相对地址 this 【可选 属性】 设置 Base URI,用于相对地址 Base URI,用于相对地址 动作类型结构 图 73 动作类型结构 【必选 属性】 设置 事件类型 触发动作的条件,事件的具体类型见表 52 事件类型 this 【必选 属性】 获取 事件类型 触发动作的条件,事件的具体类型见表 52 事件类型 【可选】 设置 多个复杂区域为该链接对象的启动区域 该参数不出现时以所在图元或页面的外接矩形作为启动区域,见 9.3 多个复杂区域为该链接对象的启动区域 this 【可选】 获取 多个复杂区域为该链接对象的启动区域 该参数不出现时以所在图元或页面的外接矩形作为启动区域,见 9.3 多个复杂区域为该链接对象的启动区域 或 null 【必选】 设置 动作 动作 this 【必选】 获取 动作 可通过 instanceof 判断动作的具体类型 动作实体 事件类型 参照 52 事件类型 文档打开 页面打开 单击区域 根据字符串获取匹配类型实例 事件名称,只能是 DO,PO,CLICK 实例 未知类型事件 注释入口文件 注释是板式文档形成后附加的图文信息,用户可通过鼠标和键盘 与进行交互。本标准中,页面内容与注释内容是份文件描述的。 文件的注释在注释列表文件中按照页面进行组织索引,注释的内容 在分页注释文件中描述。 15.1 注释入口文件 图 80 表 60 【可选】 增加 注释所在页 注释所在页 this 根据ID获取页面注解 页面ID null或注释所在页 @Date 2021 04 20 19 20 @return 注释 15.2 图 81 表 61 【必选 属性】 设置 注释的标识 注释的标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 注释的标识 注释的标识 【必选 属性】 设置 注释类型 具体取值见 注释类型 this 【必选 属性】 获取 注释类型 具体取值见 注释类型 【必选 属性】 设置 注释创建者 注释创建者 this 【必选 属性】 获取 注释创建者 注释创建者 【必选 属性】 设置 最近一次修改的时间 最近一次修改的时间 this 【必选 属性】 获取 最近一次修改的时间 最近一次修改的时间 【可选 属性】 设置 注释子类型 注释子类型 this 【可选 属性】 获取 注释子类型 注释子类型 【可选 属性】 设置 表示该注释对象是否显示 默认值为 true 表示该注释对象是否显示,默认值为 true this 【可选 属性】 获取 表示该注释对象是否显示 默认值为 true 表示该注释对象是否显示,默认值为 true 【可选 属性】 设置 对象的Remark 信息是否随页面一起打印 默认值为 true 对象的Remark 信息是否随页面一起打印 this 【可选 属性】 设置 对象的Remark 信息是否随页面一起打印 默认值为 true 对象的Remark 信息是否随页面一起打印 【可选 属性】 设置 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面缩放而同步缩放 默认值为 false 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面缩放而同步缩放 this 【可选 属性】 获取 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面缩放而同步缩放 默认值为 false 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面缩放而同步缩放 【可选 属性】 设置 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面旋转而旋转 默认值为 false 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面旋转而旋转 this 【可选 属性】 获取 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面旋转而旋转 默认值为 false 对象的 Remark 信息是否不随页面旋转而旋转 【可选 属性】 设置 对象的 Remark 信息是否不能被用户更改 默认值为 true 对象的 Remark 信息是否不能被用户更改 this 【可选 属性】 获取 对象的 Remark 信息是否不能被用户更改 默认值为 true 对象的 Remark 信息是否不能被用户更改 【可选】 设置 注释说明内容 注释说明内容 this 【可选】 获取 注释说明内容 注释说明内容 【可选】 增加 注释参数 键名 this 【可选】 获取 一组注释参数 注解参数映射表 【必选】 设置 注释的静态显示效果 使用页面块定义来描述 注释的静态显示效果 this 【必选】 获取 注释的静态显示效果 使用页面块定义来描述 注释的静态显示效果 注释类型取值 15.2 表 62 连接注释 路径注释,一般为图形对象,比如矩形、多边形、贝塞尔曲线等 高亮注释 签章注释 水印注释 注释所在页 15.1 注释入口文件 图 80 表 60 【必选 属性】 设置 引用注释所在页面的标识 引用注释所在页面的标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用注释所在页面的标识 引用注释所在页面的标识 【必选】 设置 指向包内的分页注释文件 指向包内的分页注释文件 this 【必选】 获取 指向包内的分页注释文件 指向包内的分页注释文件 注释的静态呈现效果 使用页面块定义来描述 15.2 图 81 表 61 【必选】 设置 边界 附录 A.4 边界 this 【必选】 边界 【可选】 增加 页块 一个页块中可以嵌套其他页块,可含有0到多个页块 页块实例 this 分页注释文件 15.2 图 81 表 61 【必选】 增加 注释对象 注释对象 this 【必选】 获取 注释对象列表 注释对象列表 附件列表 附件列表文件的入口点在 7.5 文档根节点中定义。 一个OFD文件可以定义多个附件,附件列表结构如图 91 所示。 20.1 附件列表 图 91 表 72 【可选】 增加 附件 附件 this 【可选】 增加 附件列表 附件列表 附件 20.2 附件 图 92 表 73 【必选 属性】 设置 附件标识 附件标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 附件标识 附件标识 【必选 属性】 设置 附件名称 附件名称 this 【必选 属性】 获取 附件名称 附件名称 【可选 属性】 设置 附件格式 附件格式 this 【可选 属性】 获取 附件格式 附件格式 【可选 属性】 设置 创建时间 创建时间 this 【可选 属性】 获取 创建时间 创建时间 【可选 属性】 设置 修改时间 修改时间 this 【可选 属性】 获取 修改时间 修改时间 【可选 属性】 设置 附件大小 以KB为单位 附件大小,以KB为单位 this 【可选 属性】 获取 附件大小 以KB为单位 附件大小,以KB为单位 【可选 属相】 设置 附件是否可见 默认值为 true 附件是否可见 this 【可选 属相】 获取 附件是否可见 默认值为 true 附件是否可见 【可选 属性】 设置 附件用途 默认值为 none 附件用途 this 【可选 属性】 获取 附件用途 默认值为 none 附件用途 【可选】 设置 附件内容在包内的路径 附件内容在包内的路径 this 【可选】 获取 附件内容在包内的路径 附件内容在包内的路径 本标准支持书签,可以将常用位置定义为书签, 文档可以包含一组书签。 7.5 图 11 书签结构 书签名称 书签对应的文档版位置 【必选 属性】 设置 书签名称 书签名称 this 【必选 属性】 获取 书签名称 书签名称 【必选】 设置 书签对应的文档版位置 见表 54 书签对应的文档版位置 this 【必选】 获取 书签对应的文档版位置 见表 54 书签对应的文档版位置 文档的书签集,包含一组书签 7.5 文档根节点 表 5 文档根节点属性 【必选】 增加 书签 书签 this 【必选】 获取 书签列表 书签列表 文档公共数据结构 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 图 6 【必选】 设置 当前文档中所有对象使用标识的最大值。 初始值为 0。MaxUnitID主要用于文档编辑, 在向文档增加一个新对象时,需要分配一个 新的标识符,新标识符取值宜为 MaxUnitID + 1, 同时需要修改此 MaxUnitID值。 对象标识符最大值 this 【必选】 获取 当前文档中所有对象使用标识的最大值 当前文档中所有对象使用标识的最大值0 【必选】 设置 该文档页面区域的默认大小和位置 文档页面区域的默认大小和位置 this 【必选】 获取 该文档页面区域的默认大小和位置 该文档页面区域的默认大小和位置 【可选】 设置 公共资源序列 路径 公共资源序列,每个节点指向OFD包内的一个资源描述文件, 源部分的描述键见 7.9,字形和颜色空间等宜在公共资源文件中描述 公共资源序列 this 【可选】 获取 公共资源序列 公共资源序列,每个节点指向OFD包内的一个资源描述文件, 源部分的描述键见 7.9,字形和颜色空间等宜在公共资源文件中描述 公共资源序列路径 【可选】 设置 文件资源序列 路径 公共资源序列,每个节点指向OFD包内的一个资源描述文件, 源部分的描述键见 7.9, 绘制参数、多媒体和矢量图像等宜在文件资源文件中描述 公共资源序列 this 【可选】 获取 文件资源序列 路径 公共资源序列,每个节点指向OFD包内的一个资源描述文件, 源部分的描述键见 7.9, 绘制参数、多媒体和矢量图像等宜在文件资源文件中描述 文件资源序列 路径 【可选】 增加 模板页序列 为一些列的模板页的集合,模板页内容机构和普通页相同,描述将7.7 模板页序列 this 【可选】 获取 模板页序列 为一些列的模板页的集合,模板页内容机构和普通页相同,描述将7.7 模板页序列 (可能为空容器) 【可选】 设置 引用在资源文件中定义的颜色标识符 有关颜色空间的描述见 8.3.1。如果不存在此项,采用RGB作为默认颜色空间 颜色空间引用 this 【可选】 获取 引用在资源文件中定义的颜色标识符 有关颜色空间的描述见 8.3.1。如果不存在此项,采用RGB作为默认颜色空间 颜色空间引用 页面区域结构 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 图 7 页面物理区域 创建区域 页面物理区域 左上角X坐标 页面物理区域 左上角Y坐标 页面物理区域 宽度 页面物理区域 高度 【必选】 设置 页面物理区域 左上角为页面坐标系的原点 页面物理区域 this 【必选】 设置 页面物理区域 左上角为页面坐标系的原点 左上角X坐标 左上角Y坐标 宽度 高度 this 【必选】 获取 页面物理区域 左上角为页面坐标系的原点 页面物理区域 【可选】 设置 显示区域 页面内容实际显示或打印输出的区域,位于页面物理区域内, 包含页眉、页脚、页心等内容 [例外处理] 如果显示区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果显示区域完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 显示区域 this 【可选】 设置 显示区域 页面内容实际显示或打印输出的区域,位于页面物理区域内, 包含页眉、页脚、页心等内容 [例外处理] 如果显示区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果显示区域完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 左上角X坐标 左上角Y坐标 宽度 高度 this 【可选】 获取 显示区域 页面内容实际显示或打印输出的区域,位于页面物理区域内, 包含页眉、页脚、页心等内容 [例外处理] 如果显示区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果显示区域完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 显示区域 【可选】 设置 版心区域 文件的正文区域,位于显示区域内。 左上角坐标决定了其在显示区域内的位置 [例外处理] 如果版心区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果版心区域完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 版心区域 this 【可选】 设置 版心区域 文件的正文区域,位于显示区域内。 左上角坐标决定了其在显示区域内的位置 [例外处理] 如果版心区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果版心区域完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 左上角X坐标 左上角Y坐标 宽度 高度 this 【可选】 获取 版心区域 文件的正文区域,位于显示区域内。 左上角坐标决定了其在显示区域内的位置 [例外处理] 如果版心区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果版心区域完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 版心区域 【可选】 设置 出血区域 超出设备性能限制的额外出血区域,位于页面物理区域外。 不出现时,默认值为页面物理区域 [例外处理] 如果出血区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果显示出血完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 出血区域 this 【可选】 设置 出血区域 超出设备性能限制的额外出血区域,位于页面物理区域外。 不出现时,默认值为页面物理区域 [例外处理] 如果出血区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果显示出血完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 左上角X坐标 左上角Y坐标 宽度 高度 this 【可选】 获取 出血区域 超出设备性能限制的额外出血区域,位于页面物理区域外。 不出现时,默认值为页面物理区域 [例外处理] 如果出血区域不完全位于页面物理区域内, 页面物理区域外的部分则被忽略。如果显示出血完全位于页面物理区域外, 则设置该页为空白页。 出血区域 文档根节点 Document.xml ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 图 5 【必选】 设置 文档公共数据 定义了页面区域、公共资源 文档公共数据 this 【必选】 获取 文档公共数据 定义了页面区域、公共资源 文档公共数据 【必选】 设置 页树 有关页树的描述键 7.6 页树 this 【必选】 获取 页树 有关页树的描述键 7.6 页树 【可选】 设置 大纲 大纲 this 【可选】 获取 大纲 大纲 【可选】 设置 文档的权限声明 文档的权限声明 this 【可选】 获取 文档的权限声明 文档的权限声明 【可选】 设置 文档关联的动作序列 当存在多个 Action 对象时,所有动作依次执行 文档关联的动作序列 this 【可选】 获取 文档关联的动作序列 当存在多个 Action 对象时,所有动作依次执行 文档关联的动作序列 【可选】 设置 文档的视图首选项 文档的视图首选项 this 【可选】 获取 文档的视图首选项 文档的视图首选项 【可选】 设置 文档的书签集,包含一组书签 7.5 文档根节点 表 5 文档根节点属性 文档的书签集 this 【可选】 获取 文档的书签集,包含一组书签 7.5 文档根节点 表 5 文档根节点属性 文档的书签集 【可选】 设置 指向注释列表的文件 有关注释描述见第 15 章 指向注释列表的文件路径 this 【可选】 获取 指向注释列表的文件 有关注释描述见第 15 章 指向注释列表的文件路径 【可选】 设置 指向自定义标引列表文件 有关自定义标引描述见第 16 章 指向自定义标引列表文件路径 this 【可选】 获取 指向自定义标引列表文件 有关自定义标引描述见第 16 章 指向自定义标引列表文件路径 【可选】 设置 指向附件列表文件 有关附件描述见第 20 章 指向附件列表文件路径 this 【可选】 获取 指向附件列表文件 有关附件描述见第 20 章 指向附件列表文件路径 【可选】 设置 指向扩展列表文件 有关扩展列表文件见第 17 章 指向扩展列表文件路径 this 【可选】 设置 指向扩展列表文件 有关扩展列表文件见第 17 章 指向扩展列表文件路径 本标准支持设置文档权限声明(Permission)节点,以达到文档防扩散等应用目的。 文档权限声明结构如 图 9 所示。 7.5 小节 CT_Permission 【可选】 设置 是否允许编辑 默认值为 true true - 允许编辑; false - 不允许编辑 this 【可选】 获取 是否允许编辑 默认值为 true true - 允许编辑; false - 不允许编辑 【可选】 设置 是否允许添加或修改标注 默认值为 true true - 允许添加或修改标注; false - 不允许添加或修改标注 this 【可选】 获取 是否允许添加或修改标注 默认值为 true true - 允许添加或修改标注; false - 不允许添加或修改标注 【可选】 设置 是否允许导出 默认值为 true true - 允许导出; false - 不允许导出 this 【可选】 获取 是否允许导出 默认值为 true true - 允许导出; false - 不允许导出 【可选】 设置 是否允许进行数字签名 默认值为 true true - 允许进行数字签名; false - 不允许进行数字签名 this 【可选】 获取 是否允许进行数字签名 默认值为 true true - 允许进行数字签名; false - 不允许进行数字签名 【可选】 设置 是否允许添加水印 默认值为 true true - 允许添加水印; false - 不允许添加水印 this 【可选】 获取 是否允许添加水印 默认值为 true true - 允许添加水印; false - 不允许添加水印 【可选】 设置 是否允许截屏 默认值为 true true - 允许截屏; false - 不允许截屏 this 【可选】 获取 是否允许截屏 默认值为 true true - 允许截屏; false - 不允许截屏 【可选】 设置 打印权限 具体的权限和份数设置由其属性 Printable 及 Copics 控制。若不设置 Print节点, 则默认可以打印,并且打印份数不受限制 打印权限 this 【可选】 获取 打印权限 具体的权限和份数设置由其属性 Printable 及 Copics 控制。若不设置 Print节点, 则默认可以打印,并且打印份数不受限制 打印权限 【可选】 设置 有效期 该文档允许访问的期限,其具体期限取决于开始日期和 结束日期,其中开始日期不能晚于结束日期,并且开始日期和结束 日期至少出现一个。当不设置开始日期时,代表不限定开始日期, 当不设置结束日期时代表不限定结束日期;当此不设置此节点时, 表示开始和结束日期均不受限 有效期 this 【可选】 获取 有效期 该文档允许访问的期限,其具体期限取决于开始日期和 结束日期,其中开始日期不能晚于结束日期,并且开始日期和结束 日期至少出现一个。当不设置开始日期时,代表不限定开始日期, 当不设置结束日期时代表不限定结束日期;当此不设置此节点时, 表示开始和结束日期均不受限 有效期 打印权限 具体的权限和份数设置由其属性 Printable 及 Copics 控制。若不设置 Print节点, 则默认可以打印,并且打印份数不受限制 7.5 图 9 文档权限声明结构 【可选 必选】 设置 是否允许被打印 默认值为 true true - 允许被打印; false - 不允许被打印 this 【可选 必选】 获取 是否允许被打印 默认值为 true true - 允许被打印; false - 不允许被打印 【可选 属性】 设置 打印份数 在 Printable 为 true 时有效,若 Printable 为 true 并且不设置 Copies 则打印份数不受限,若 Copies 的值为负值时, 打印份数不受限,当 Copies 的值为 0 时,不允许打印,当 Copies的值 大于 0 时,则代表实际可打印的份数值。 默认值为 -1 可打印的份数 this 【可选 属性】 获取 打印份数 在 Printable 为 true 时有效,若 Printable 为 true 并且不设置 Copies 则打印份数不受限,若 Copies 的值为负值时, 打印份数不受限,当 Copies 的值为 0 时,不允许打印,当 Copies的值 大于 0 时,则代表实际可打印的份数值。 默认值为 -1 可打印的份数 有效期 该文档允许访问的期限,其具体期限取决于开始日期和 结束日期,其中开始日期不能晚于结束日期,并且开始日期和结束 日期至少出现一个。当不设置开始日期时,代表不限定开始日期, 当不设置结束日期时代表不限定结束日期;当此不设置此节点时, 表示开始和结束日期均不受限 7.5 图 9 文档权限声明结构 【可选 属性】 设置 有效期开始日期 有效期开始日期 this 【可选 属性】 获取 有效期开始日期 有效期开始日期 【可选 属性】 设置 有效期结束日期 有效期结束日期 this 【可选 属性】 获取 有效期结束日期 有效期结束日期 视图首选项 本标准支持设置文档视图首选项(VPreferences)节点,以达到限定文档初始化视图 便于阅读的目的。 7.5 图 10 视图首选项结构s 【可选】 设置 窗口模式 可选的模式列表,请参考 默认值为 None 窗口模式 this 【可选】 获取 窗口模式 可选的模式列表,请参考 默认值为 None 窗口模式 【可选】 设置 页面布局模式 可选的模式请参考 默认值为 OneColumn 页面布局模式 this 【可选】 获取 页面布局模式 可选的模式请参考 默认值为 OneColumn 页面布局模式 【可选】 设置 标题栏显示模式 默认值为 FileName,当设置为 DocTitle但不存在 Title属性时, 按照 FileName 处理 标题栏显示模式 this 【可选】 获取 标题栏显示模式 默认值为 FileName,当设置为 DocTitle但不存在 Title属性时, 按照 FileName 处理 标题栏显示模式 【可选】 设置 是否隐藏工具栏 默认值:false true - 隐藏; false - 不隐藏 this 【可选】 获取 是否隐藏工具栏 默认值:false true - 隐藏; false - 不隐藏 【可选】 设置 是否隐藏菜单栏 默认值:false true - 隐藏; false - 不隐藏 this 【可选】 获取 是否隐藏菜单栏 默认值:false true - 隐藏; false - 不隐藏 【可选】 设置 是否隐藏主窗口之外的其他窗口组件 默认值:false true - 隐藏; false - 不隐藏 this 【可选】 获取 是否隐藏主窗口之外的其他窗口组件 默认值:false true - 隐藏; false - 不隐藏 【可选】 设置 文档自动缩放模式 参考值 文档自动缩放模式 this 【可选】 设置 文档的缩放率 文档的缩放率 this 【可选】 获取 具体的缩放处理方式和值 具体的缩放处理方式和值 页面布局 7.5 表 9 视图首选项 单页模式 单列模式 对开模式 对开连续模式 对开靠右模式 对开连续靠右模式 窗口模式 7.5 表 9 视图首选项属性 默认值为 None 常规模式 开开后全文显示 同时呈现文档大纲 同时呈现缩略图 同时呈现语义结构 同时呈现图层 同时呈现附件 同时呈现书签 获取窗口模式实例 模式名称 实例 标题栏显示模式 默认值为 FileName,当设置为 DocTitle但不存在 Title属性时, 按照 FileName 处理 7.5 表 9 视图首选项 文件名称 呈现元数据中的 Title 属性 文档的缩放率 7.5 表 9 视图首选项 设置 文档的缩放率 文档的缩放率 this 获取 文档的缩放率 文档的缩放率 自动缩放模式 默认值为 Default 7.5 表 9 视图首选项 默认缩放 合适高度 合适宽度 合适区域 获取 自动缩放模式类型 类型参考 自动缩放模式类型 获取工厂方式枚举的实例 自动缩放模式类型 自动缩放模式 缩放比例选择对象基类 文件对象入口,可以存在多个,以便在一个文档中包含多个版式文档 文档根节点文档名称 【必选】 设置文档元数据信息描述 文档元数据信息描述 this 【必选】 获取文档元数据信息描述 文档元数据信息描述 或null 【可选】 设置指向文档根节点文档 指向根节点文档路径 this 【可选】 获取指向文档根节点文档路径 指向文档根节点文档路径 【可选】 获取 包含多个版本描述节点,用于定义文件因注释和其他改动产生的版本信息,见第19章 版本序列 this 【可选】 获取 包含多个版本描述序列 包含多个版本描述序列 【可选】 设置 指向该文档中签名和签章结构的路径 (见18章) 指向该文档中签名和签章结构的路径 this 【可选】 获取 指向该文档中签名和签章结构的路径 指向该文档中签名和签章结构的路径 文档元数据信息描述 【必选】 设置文件标识符,标识符应该是一个UUID UUID文件标识 this 随机产生一个UUID作为文件标识符 this 【必选】 采用UUID算法生成的由32个字符组成的文件标识。每个DocID在 文件创建或生成的时候进行分配。 文件标识符 【可选】 设置文档标题。标题可以与文件名不同 标题 this 【可选】 获取文档标题。标题可以与文件名不同 档标题 【可选】 设置文档作者 文档作者 this 【可选】 获取文档作者 文档作者 【可选】 设置文档主题 文档主题 this 【可选】 获取文档主题 文档主题 【可选】 设置文档摘要与注释 文档摘要与注释 this 【可选】 获取文档摘要与注释 文档摘要与注释 【可选】 设置文件创建日期 文件创建日期 this 【可选】 获取文件创建日期 创建日期 【可选】 设置文档最近修改日期 文档最近修改日期 this 【可选】 获取文档最近修改日期 文档最近修改日期 【可选】 文档分类,可取值如下: Normal——普通文档 EBook——电子书 ENewsPaper——电子报纸 EMagzine——电子期刊 默认值为 Normal 文档分类 this 【可选】 获取文档分类 默认值为 Normal 文档分类 【可选】 设置文档封面,此路径指向一个图片文件 文档封面路径 this 【可选】 获取文档封面,此路径指向一个图片文件 文档封面路径 【可选】 设置关键词集合 每一个关键词用一个"Keyword"子节点来表达 关键词集合 this 添加关键词 关键词 this 【可选】 获取关键词集合 关键词集合或null 【可选】 设置创建文档的应用程序 创建文档的应用程序 this 【可选】 获取创建文档的应用程序 创建文档的应用程序或null 【可选】 设置创建文档的应用程序版本信息 创建文档的应用程序版本信息 this 【可选】 获取创建文档的应用程序版本信息 创建文档的应用程序版本信息或null 【可选】 设置用户自定义元数据集合。其子节点为 CustomData 用户自定义元数据集合 this 【可选】 获取用户自定义元数据集合。其子节点为 CustomData 用户自定义元数据集合 用户自定义元数据,可以指定一个名称及其对应的值 @author 权观宇 @since 2019-10-01 07:38:27 自定元数据 元数据名称 元数据值 【必选】 获取元数据名称 默认获取第一个属性作为元数据名称 元数据名称(Name) 【必选 属性】 设置元数据名称 元数据名称(Name) this 获取元数据值 元数据值 设置元数据的值 元数据值 this 用户自定义元数据集合。其子节点为 CustomData 【必选】 增加用户自定义元数据 用户自定义元数据名称 用户自定义元数据值 this 【必选】 增加用户自定义元数据 用户自定义元数据 this 【必选】 获取自定义元数据集合 自定义元数据集合 获取用户自定义元数据值 元数据名称 元数据值 文档分类 普通文档 电子书 电子报纸 电子期刊 * 获取文档分类示例 默认值: Normal 文档分类值 实例 关键词集合,每一个关键词用一个"Keyword"子节点来表达 表 4 文档元数据属性 【必选】 增加关键字 关键字 this @Date 2021 04 20 19 15 @return 主入口 OFD.xml ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 图 3 【必选】 文件格式的版本号 固定值: 1.0kd 参照表 3 【必选】 文件格式子集类型,取值为"OFD",表明此文件符合本标准。 文件对象入口列表创建文档对象 文件对象入口序列 文件对象入口创建文档对象 文件对象入口 【必选 属性】文件格式版本号,取值为"1.0" 文件格式版本号 【必选 属性】文件格式子集类型,取值为"OFD",表明此文件符合本标准。 OFD 【必选】增加文件对象入口。 文件对象入口,可以存在多个,以便在一个文档中包含多个版式文档 文件对象入口 this 【必选】 获取第一个文档入口 文件对象入口(如果有多个则获取第一个) 获取指定序号的文档 文档序号,从0起 文件对象入口(如果有多个则获取第一个) 获取所有文档入口 所有文档入口 大纲节点 图 19 大纲节点结构 【必选 属性】 设置 大纲节点标题 大纲节点标题 this 【必选 属性】 获取 大纲节点标题 大纲节点标题 【可选 属性】 设置 该节点下所有叶节点的数目参考值 应该根据该节点下实际出现的子节点数为准 默认值为 0 该节点下所有叶节点的数目参考值 this 【可选 属性】 获取 该节点下所有叶节点的数目参考值 应该根据该节点下实际出现的子节点数为准 默认值为 0 该节点下所有叶节点的数目参考值 【可选 属性】 在有子节点存在时有效,如果为 true, 表示该大纲在初始状态下展开子节点; 如果为 false,则表示不展开 默认值为 true true - 展开; false - 不展开 this 【可选 属性】 在有子节点存在时有效,如果为 true, 表示该大纲在初始状态下展开子节点; 如果为 false,则表示不展开 默认值为 true true - 展开; false - 不展开 【可选】 设置 当此大纲节点被激活时执行的动作序列 动作序列 this 【可选】 获取 当此大纲节点被激活时执行的动作序列 动作序列,可能为null 【可选】 增加 大纲子节点 该节点的子大纲节点。层层嵌套,形成树状结构 大纲子节点 this 【可选】 获取 该大纲下所有子节点 该节点的子大纲节点。层层嵌套,形成树状结构 该大纲下所有子节点 大纲按照树形结构进行组织 图 18 大纲节点结构 【必选】 增加 大纲节点 大纲节点 this @Date 2021 04 20 19 13 @return 页面内容描述,该节点不存在是,表示空白页面 7.7 页面对象 表 12 【必选】 增加 层节点 一页可以包含一个或多个层 注意:每个加入的层节点必须设置 ID属性。 层节点 this 加入的图层对象(CT_Layer)没有设置ID属性 【必选】 获取 层节点列表 一页可以包含一个或多个层 注意:每个加入的层节点必须设置 ID属性。 层节点 模板页 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 图 14 【必选 属性】 设置 模板页的标识符,不能与已有标识符重复 模板页的标识符 this 【必选 属性】 获取 模板页的标识符,不能与已有标识符重复 模板页的标识符 【可选 属性】 设置 模板页名称 模板页名称 this 【可选 属性】 获取 模板页名称 模板页名称 【可选 属性】 设置 模板页的默认视图类型 其类型描述和呈现顺序与 Layer中 Type的描述和处理一致,见表 15 如果页面引用的多个模板的次属性相同,则应根据引用的顺序来显示 先引用者先绘制 默认值为 Background 模板页的默认视图类型 this 【可选 属性】 获取 模板页的默认视图类型 其类型描述和呈现顺序与 Layer中 Type的描述和处理一致,见表 15 如果页面引用的多个模板的次属性相同,则应根据引用的顺序来显示 先引用者先绘制 默认值为 Background 模板页的默认视图类型 【可选 属性】 设置 指向模板页内容描述文件 路径 指向模板页内容描述文件 路径 this 【可选 属性】 获取 指向模板页内容描述文件 路径 指向模板页内容描述文件 路径 复合对象 见 第 13 章 7.7 表 16 【必选 属性】 设置 对象ID 对象ID this 【必选 属性】 获取 对象ID 对象ID 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像标识 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像标识 this 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像标识 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像标识 页块结构 可以嵌套 7.7 页对象 图 17 表 16 【可选】 增加 页块 一个页块中可以嵌套其他页块,可含有0到多个页块 页块实例 this 【可选】 获取 当前页块内的所有页块 一个页块中可以嵌套其他页块,可含有0到多个页块 Tip: 从列表取出的元素可以使用instanceof 判断元素的类型 当前页块内的所有页块 图像对象 见 10 带有播放视频动作时,见第 12 章 7.7 表 16 【必选 属性】 设置 对象ID 对象ID this 【必选 属性】 获取 对象ID 对象ID 图形对象 见 9.1 7.7 表 16 【必选 属性】 设置 对象ID 对象ID this 【必选 属性】 获取 对象ID 对象ID 文字对象 对象ID 对象ID 【必选 属性】 设置 对象ID 对象ID this 【必选 属性】 获取 对象ID 对象ID 【可选 属性】 设置 层类型描述 默认值为 Body 层类型 this 【可选 属性】 获取 层类型描述 默认值为 Body 层类型 【可选 属性】 设置 图层的绘制参数,引用资源文件总定义的绘制参数标识 资源文件总定义的绘制参数标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图层的绘制参数,引用资源文件总定义的绘制参数标识 资源文件总定义的绘制参数标识,null表示不存在 用于表示页块类型的接口 逻辑层面表示 前景层 正文层 背景层 获取图层类型实例 图层类型字符串 图层类型 获取图层次序 图层次序 页对象 页对象支持模板页描述,每一页经常要重复显示的内容可统一在模板页中描述, 文档可以包含多个模板页。通过使用模板页可以使重复显示的内容不必出现在 描述每一页的页面描述内容中,而只需通过 Template 节点进行应用。 7.7 图 13 页对象结构;表 12 页对象属性 【可选】 设置 页面区域的大小和位置,仅对该页面有效。 该节点不出现时则使用模板页中的定义,如果模板页不存在或模板页中 没有定义页面区域,则使用文件 CommonData 中的定义。 页面区域的大小和位置 this 【可选】 获取 页面区域的大小和位置,仅对该页面有效。 该节点不出现时则使用模板页中的定义,如果模板页不存在或模板页中 没有定义页面区域,则使用文件 CommonData 中的定义。 页面区域的大小和位置 【可选】 设置 页面使用的模板页 模板页的内容和结构与普通页相同,定义在 CommonData 指定的 XML 文件中。一个页可以使用多个模板页。该节点 使用是通过 TemplateID 来引用具体模板,并通过 ZOrder 属性来控制模板在页面中的显示顺序。 注:在模板页的内容描述中该属性无效。 页面使用的模板页 this 模板 this @deprecated 【可选】 获取 页面使用的模板页 模板页的内容和结构与普通页相同,定义在 CommonData 指定的 XML 文件中。一个页可以使用多个模板页。该节点 使用是通过 TemplateID 来引用具体模板,并通过 ZOrder 属性来控制模板在页面中的显示顺序。 注:在模板页的内容描述中该属性无效。 页面使用的模板页 @Date 2021 04 20 19 11 @return 页面使用的模板页(第一个) @deprecated 【可选】 设置 页资源 指向该页使用的资源文件 页资源路径 this 【可选】 获取 页资源 指向该页使用的资源文件 页资源路径列表 @Date 2021 04 20 19 04 【可选】 设置 页面内容描述,该节点不存在时,标识空白页 页面内容 this 【可选】 获取 页面内容描述,该节点不存在时,标识空白页 页面内容 【可选】 设置 与页面关联的动作序列。 当存在多个 Action对象时,所有动作依次执行。 动作列表的动作与页面关联,事件类型为 PO(页面打开,见表 52 事件类型) 动作序列 this 【可选】 设置 与页面关联的动作序列。 当存在多个 Action对象时,所有动作依次执行。 动作列表的动作与页面关联,事件类型为 PO(页面打开,见表 52 事件类型) 动作序列 页面使用的模板页 模板页的内容和结构与普通页相同,定义在 CommonData 指定的 XML 文件中。一个页可以使用多个模板页。该节点 使用是通过 TemplateID 来引用具体模板,并通过 ZOrder 属性来控制模板在页面中的显示顺序。 注:在模板页的内容描述中该属性无效。 【必选 属性】 设置 引用在文档共用数据(CommonData)中定义的模板标识符 引用在文档共用数据(CommonData)中定义的模板标识符 this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用在文档共用数据(CommonData)中定义的模板标识符 引用在文档共用数据(CommonData)中定义的模板标识符 【可选 属性】 设置 模板在页面中的呈现顺序 控制模板在页面中的呈现顺序,其类型描述和呈现顺序与Layer中Type的描述和处理一直。 如果多个图层的此属性相同,则应根据其出现的顺序来显示,先出现者先绘制 默认值为 Background 模板在页面中的呈现顺序 this 【可选 属性】 获取 模板在页面中的呈现顺序 控制模板在页面中的呈现顺序,其类型描述和呈现顺序与Layer中Type的描述和处理一直。 如果多个图层的此属性相同,则应根据其出现的顺序来显示,先出现者先绘制 默认值为 Background 模板在页面中的呈现顺序 页节点 7.6 页树 表 11 页树属性 对象ID 页面内容位置 【必选 属性】 设置 页的标识符,不能与已有标识重复 页的标识符 this 【必选 属性】 获取 页的标识符,不能与已有标识重复 页的标识符 【必选 属性】 设置 页对象描述文件 页对象描述文件路径 this 【必选 属性】 获取 页对象描述文件 页对象描述文件路径 页树 图 12 页树结构 【必选】 增加 叶节点 一个页树中可以包含一个或多个叶节点,页顺序是 根据页树进行前序遍历时叶节点的顺序。 叶节点 this 获取页面数量 页面数量 【必选】 获取 叶节点序列 一个页树中可以包含一个或多个叶节点,页顺序是 根据页树进行前序遍历时叶节点的顺序。 叶节点序列 (大于等于 1) 获取指定页面 页面索引(页码 - 1) 页节点 【必选 属性】 设置 多媒体类型 支持位图图像、视频、音频 多媒体类型 this 【必选 属性】 获取 多媒体类型 支持位图图像、视频、音频 多媒体类型 【可选 属性】 设置 资源的格式 支持 BMP、JPEG、PNG、TIFF及AVS等格式,其中TIFF格式不支持多页 资源的格式 this 【可选 属性】 获取 资源的格式 支持 BMP、JPEG、PNG、TIFF及AVS等格式,其中TIFF格式不支持多页 资源的格式 【必选】 设置 指向 OFD包内的多媒体文件位置 指向 OFD包内的多媒体文件位置 this 【必选】 获取 指向 OFD包内的多媒体文件位置 指向 OFD包内的多媒体文件位置 多媒体格式。 7.9 资源 图 21 表 19 位图图像 音频 视频 资源文件抽象类型 用于代指:绘制参数、颜色空间、字形、图像、音视频等资源的都为资源类型。 资源 资源是绘制图元时所需数据(如绘制参数、颜色空间、字形、图像、音视频等)的集合。 在页面中出现的资源数据内容都保存在容器的特定文件夹内,但其索引信息保存在资源文件中。 一个文档可能包含一个或多个资源文件。资源根据作用范围分为公共资源和页资源,公共资源文件 在文档根节点中进行制定,页资源文件在页对象中进行制定。 7.9 资源 图 20 【必选 属性】 设置 此资源文件的通用数据存储路径。 BaseLoc属性的意义在于明确资源文件存储位置, 比如 R1.xml 中可以指定 BaseLoc为"./Res", 表明该资源文件中所有数据文件的默认存储位置在 当前路径的 Res 目录下。 此资源文件的通用数据存储路径 this 【必选 属性】 获取 此资源文件的通用数据存储路径。 BaseLoc属性的意义在于明确资源文件存储位置, 比如 R1.xml 中可以指定 BaseLoc为"./Res", 表明该资源文件中所有数据文件的默认存储位置在 当前路径的 Res 目录下。 此资源文件的通用数据存储路径 【可选】 添加 资源 一个资源文件可描述0到多个资源 资源 this 获取字体资源文件 字体资源列表 【可选】 获取 资源列表 一个资源文件可描述0到多个资源 tip:可以使用instanceof判断是哪一种资源 资源列表 包含了一组颜色空间的描述 7.9 图 20 表 18 【必选】 增加 颜色空间描述 必须要有ID属性 颜色空间描述,必须要有ID属性 this 【必选】 获取 颜色空间描述列表 颜色空间描述列表 【必选】 增加 矢量图像资源描述 必须要有ID属性 矢量图像资源描述 this 【必选】 获取 矢量图像资源描述序列 必须要有ID属性 矢量图像资源描述 【必选】 增加 绘制参数描述 必须要有ID属性 绘制参数描述 this 【必选】 获取 绘制参数描述序列 绘制参数描述 【必选】 添加 字形描述 必须要有ID属性 字形描述 this 【必选】 获取 字形描述序列 必须要有ID属性 字形描述 包含了一组文档所有多媒体的描述 7.9 图 20 表 18 【必选】 增加 多媒体资源描述 必须含有ID属性 多媒体资源描述 this 【必选】 获取 多媒体资源描述列表 必须含有ID属性 多媒体资源描述 简单类型基类,用于提供便捷的方法实例化元素 使用简单类型创建一个指定名称的元素 指定名称 简单类型元素 如果浮点数为整数,则省略小数 浮点数 没有小数点的整数字符串 数组,以空格来分割元素。元素可以是除ST_Loc、 ST_Array外的数据类型,不可嵌套 示例: 1 2.0 5.0 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 表 2 基本数据类型 元素收容 获取一个单位矩阵变换参数 单位CTM举证 矩阵相乘 矩阵数组 相乘后的结果矩阵 获取 ST_Array 实例如果参数非法则返还null 数字字符串 实例 或 null 数组长度 数组长度 反序列化为矩阵数组 矩阵 矩形区域,以空格分割,前两个值代表了该矩形的 左上角的坐标,后两个值依次表示该矩形的宽和高, 可以是整数或者浮点数,后两个值应大于0 示例: 10 10 50 50 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 表 2 基本数据类型 左上角 x坐标 从左 到 右 左上角 y坐标 从上 到 下 宽度 高度 通用构造 任意类型可序列化参数 获取 ST_Box 实例如果参数非法则返还null 数字字符串 实例 或 null 获取左上角坐标定点 左上角坐标 标识,无符号整数,应在文档内唯一。0标识无效标识符 示例: 1000 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 表 2 基本数据类型 标识符,默认为无符号标识符 获取 ST_ID 实例如果参数非法则返还null ID字符串 实例 或 null 获取引用ID 引用ID 包结构内文件的路径,"."表示当前路径,".."表示符路径 约定: 1. "、"代表根节点; 2. 未显示指定代表当前路径; 3. 路径区分大小写 示例: /Pages/P1/Content.xml ./Res/Book1.jpg ../Pages/P1/Res.xml Pages/P1/Rcs.xml ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 表 2 基本数据类型 路径 获取路径实例 路径字符串 实例或null 从实例中获取 路径 元素 路径对象 路径分割 各个子路径 获取父母路径 父母路径字符串 获取路径的文件名称 文件名称 路径拼接 路径对象 拼接后路径 路径拼接 路径对象 拼接后路径 是否以指定字符结尾 指定字符 true 指定字符结尾;false 不以指定字符结尾 点坐标,以格分割,前者为 x值,后者为 y值,可以是整数或浮点数 示例: 0 0 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 表 2 基本数据类型 X坐标 从左 到 右 y坐标 从上 到 下 获取 ST_Pos 实例如果参数非法则返还null 数字字符串 实例 或 null 标识符引用,无符号整数,此标识符应为文档内已定义的标识符 示例: 1000 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 表 2 基本数据类型 获取 ST_RefID 实例如果参数非法则返还null 被引用的ID字符串 实例 或 null 构造复合对象 对象ID 对象 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像的标识 复合对象引用的资源时 Res 中的矢量图像(CompositeGraphUnit) ,其类型为 CT_VectorG,其结构如 72 所示 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像的标识ID this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像的标识 复合对象引用的资源时 Res 中的矢量图像(CompositeGraphUnit) ,其类型为 CT_VectorG,其结构如 72 所示 引用资源文件中定义的矢量图像的标识ID 矢量图像 复合对象引用的资源时 Res 中的矢量图像(CompositeGraphUnit) 【必选 属性】 设置 矢量图像的宽度 超出部分做裁剪处理 矢量图像的宽度 this 【必选 属性】 获取 矢量图像的宽度 超出部分做裁剪处理 矢量图像的宽度 【必选 属性】 设置 矢量图像的高度 超出部分做裁剪处理 矢量图像的高度 this 【必选 属性】 获取 矢量图像的高度 超出部分做裁剪处理 矢量图像的高度 【可选】 设置 缩略图 指向包内的图像文件 缩略图路径 this 【可选】 获取 缩略图 指向包内的图像文件 缩略图路径 【可选】 设置 替换图像 用于高分辨率输出时将缩略图替换为此高分辨率的图像 指向包内的图像文件 替换图像 this 【可选】 获取 替换图像 用于高分辨率输出时将缩略图替换为此高分辨率的图像 指向包内的图像文件 替换图像 【必选】 设置 内容的矢量描述 内容的矢量描述 this 【必选】 增加 内容的矢量描述 内容的矢量描述 this 【必选】 获取 内容的矢量描述 内容的矢量描述 自定义标引入口 16 图 82 表 63 【必选】 设置 自定义标引内容节点使用的类型标识 自定义标引内容节点使用的类型标识 this 【必选】 获取 自定义标引内容节点使用的类型标识 自定义标引内容节点使用的类型标识 设置 命名空间 附录 A.9 CustomTags.xsd 命名空间 this 获取 命名空间 附录 A.9 CustomTags.xsd 命名空间 【可选】 设置 指向自定义标引内容节点适用的Schema文件 指向自定义标引内容节点适用的Schema文件 this 【可选】 获取 指向自定义标引内容节点适用的Schema文件 指向自定义标引内容节点适用的Schema文件 【必选】 设置 指向自定义标引文件 这类文件中通过"非接触方式"引用版式内容流中的图元和相关信息 指向自定义标引文件 this 【必选】 设置 指向自定义标引文件 这类文件中通过"非接触方式"引用版式内容流中的图元和相关信息 指向自定义标引文件 自定义标引 外部系统或用户可以添加自定义标记和信息,从而达到与其他系统、数据 进行交互的目的并扩展应用。一个文档可以带有多个自定义标引。 自定义标引列表的入口点在 7.5 文档根节点中定义。 标引索引文件,标引文件中通过ID引用于被引用标引对象 发生"非接触式(分离式)"关联。标引内容可任意扩展, 但建议给出扩展内容的规范约束文件(schema)或命名空间。 16 图 82 表 63 【可选】 增加 自定义标引入口 自定义标引入口 this 【可选】 获取 自定义标引入口列表 自定义标引入口列表 Initializes object by default error message. Initializes object by specified error message. User defined error message. Initializes object by specified error message and inner exception object. User defined error message. The inner exception. Initializes object with default error message. Initializes object with default error message and inner exception object. The inner exception. Initializes object by specified error message. User defined error message. Initializes object with specified error message and inner exception object. User defined error message. The inner exception. 扩展信息节点 17 扩展信息 图 83 表 6 【必选 属性】 设置 用于生成或解释该自定义对象数据的扩展应用程序名称 用于生成或解释该自定义对象数据的扩展应用程序名称 this 【必选 属性】 获取 用于生成或解释该自定义对象数据的扩展应用程序名称 用于生成或解释该自定义对象数据的扩展应用程序名称 【可选 属性】 设置 形成此扩展信息的软件厂商标识 形成此扩展信息的软件厂商标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 形成此扩展信息的软件厂商标识 形成此扩展信息的软件厂商标识 【可选 属性】 设置 形成此扩展信息的软件版本 形成此扩展信息的软件版本 this 【可选 属性】 获取 形成此扩展信息的软件版本 形成此扩展信息的软件版本 【可选 属性】 设置 形成此扩展信息的日期时间 形成此扩展信息的日期时间 this 【可选 属性】 获取 形成此扩展信息的日期时间 形成此扩展信息的日期时间 【可选 属性】 设置 引用扩展项针对的文档项目的标识 引用扩展项针对的文档项目的标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 引用扩展项针对的文档项目的标识 引用扩展项针对的文档项目的标识 【必选 属性】 增加 属性 属性 this 【必选 属性】 获取 属性列表 属性列表 【必选】 增加 扩展数据文件所在位置 用于扩展大量信息 扩展数据文件所在位置 this @Date 2021 04 20 19 07 @return 【必选】 增加 扩展复杂属性 使用xs:anyType,用于较复杂的扩展 扩展复杂属性 this 【必选】 获取 扩展复杂属性序列 使用xs:anyType,用于较复杂的扩展 扩展复杂属性序列 扩展信息 扩展信息列表的入口文件在 7.5 文档根节点中定义。 扩展信息列表文件的根节点名为 Extensions,其下 由 0 到多个扩展信息节点(Extension)组成,扩展 信息列表的根节点结构如图 83 所示。 17 扩展信息 图 83 表 64 【可选】 增加 扩展信息节点 扩展信息节点 this 【可选】 获取 扩展信息节点序列 扩展信息节点 扩展信息 "Name Type Value" 的数值组,用于简单的扩展 17 扩展信息 图 83 表 6 【必选 属性】 设置 扩展属性名称 扩展属性名称 this 【必选 属性】 获取 扩展属性名称 扩展属性名称 【可选 属性】 设置 扩展属性值类型 扩展属性值类型 this 【可选 属性】 获取 扩展属性值类型 扩展属性值类型 【必选】 设置 属性值 属性值 this 【必选】 获取 属性值 属性值 图形轮廓数据 由一系列的紧缩的操作符和操作数构成 9.1 表 35 36 绘制数据队列 解析字符串构造数据队列 紧缩字符串 数据队列 刷新元素 默认情况下,每次调用C都将会刷新元素内容 this 定义自绘制图形边线的起始点坐标 (x,y) 目标点 x 目标点 y this 当前点移动到制定点(x,y) 目标点 x 目标点 y this 从当前点连接一条指定点(x,y)的线段,并将当前点移动到制定点 目标点 x 目标点 y this 从当前点连接一条到点(x2,y2)的二次贝塞尔曲线, 并将当前点移动到点(x2,y2),此贝塞尔曲线使用 点(x1,y1)作为其控制点 控制点 x 控制点 y 目标点 x 目标点 y this 从当前点连接一条到点(x3,y3)的三次贝塞尔曲线, 并将当前点移动到点(x3,y3),此贝塞尔曲线使用点 (x1,y1)和点(x2,y2)作为控制点 控制点 x1 控制点 y1 控制点 x2 控制点 y2 目标点 x3 目标点 y3 this 从当前点连接到点(x,y)的圆弧,并将当前点移动到点(x,y)。 rx 表示椭圆的长轴长度,ry 表示椭圆的短轴长度。angle 表示 椭圆在当前坐标系下旋转的角度,正值为顺时针,负值为逆时针, large 为 1 时表示对应度数大于180°的弧,为 0 时表示对应 度数小于 180°的弧。sweep 为 1 时表示由圆弧起始点到结束点 是顺时针旋转,为 0 时表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是逆时针旋转。 椭圆长轴长度 椭圆短轴长度 旋转角度,正值顺时针,负值逆时针 1 时表示对应度数大于 180°的弧,0 时表示对应度数小于 180°的弧 sweep 为 1 时表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是顺时针旋转,为 0 时表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是逆时针旋转。 目标点 x 目标点 y this SubPath 自动闭合,表示将当前点和 SubPath 的起始点用线段直连连接 this 撤销上一步操作 this 序列化为操作序列 操作序列 复制路径对象 复制之后的路径对象 图形对象 图形对象具有一般图元的一切属性和行为特征。 9.1 图形对象 图 46 表 35 构造路径对象 对象ID 对象 【可选 属性】 设置 图形是否被沟边 true - 沟边;false - 不勾边 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图形是否被沟边 true - 沟边;false - 不勾边 【可选 属性】 设置 图形是否被填充 true - 填充; false - 不填充 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图形是否被填充 true - 填充; false - 不填充 【可选 属性】 设置 图形的填充规则 当 Fill 属性存在时出现,可选值参考 默认值为 NonZero 图形的填充规则 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图形的填充规则 当 Fill 属性存在时出现,可选值参考 默认值为 NonZero 图形的填充规则 【可选】 设置 沟边颜色 默认为黑色 沟边颜色,颜色定义请参考 8.3.2 基本颜色 this 【可选】 获取 沟边颜色 默认为黑色 沟边颜色,null表示为黑色,颜色定义请参考 8.3.2 基本颜色 【可选】 设置 填充颜色 默认为透明色 填充颜色,颜色定义请参考 8.3.2 基本颜色 this 【可选】 获取 填充颜色 默认为透明色 填充颜色,颜色定义请参考 8.3.2 基本颜色 【必选】 设置 图形轮廓数据 由一系列紧缩的操作符和操作数构成 图形轮廓数据 this 【必选】 获取 图形轮廓数据 由一系列紧缩的操作符和操作数构成 图形轮廓数据字符串 填充颜色 9.1 表 35 图形的填充规则 9.1 表 35 图形对象描述 勾边颜色 9.1 表 35 区域由一系列的分路径(Area)组成,每个路径都是闭合的 图 49 区域结构 【必选 属性】 设置 定义字图形的起始点坐标 定义字图形的起始点坐标 this 【必选 属性】 获取 定义字图形的起始点坐标 定义字图形的起始点坐标 【必选】 增加 绘制指令 移动点、画线、画圆弧等 绘制指令 this 连续绘制 绘制指令 this 【必选】 获取 绘制指令序列(顺序决定了绘制图形) 移动点、画线、画圆弧等 绘制指令序列 图形也可以使用 XML 负载类型的方式进行描述,这种方式主要用于 区域(Region)。区域由一系列的分路径(Area)组成,每个路径都是闭合的. 图 49 区域结构 /// 【必选】 为区域增加分路径 路径 this 【必选】 获取 区域中所有分路径 区域中所有分路径 圆弧 图 56圆弧的结构 【必选 属性】 设置 弧线方向是否顺时针 true 表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是顺时针,false 表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是逆时针 对于经过坐标系上指定两点,给定旋转角度和长短轴长度的椭圆,满足条件的可能有 2 个, 对应的圆弧有 4 条,通过 LargeArc 属性可以排除 2 条,次属性从剩余的 2 条圆弧中确定 一条 true - 由圆弧起始点到结束点是顺时针;false - 由圆弧起始点到结束点是逆时针 this 【必选 属性】 获取 弧线方向是否顺时针 true 表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是顺时针,false 表示由圆弧起始点到结束点是逆时针 对于经过坐标系上指定两点,给定旋转角度和长短轴长度的椭圆,满足条件的可能有 2 个, 对应的圆弧有 4 条,通过 LargeArc 属性可以排除 2 条,次属性从剩余的 2 条圆弧中确定 一条 true - 由圆弧起始点到结束点是顺时针;false - 由圆弧起始点到结束点是逆时针 【必选 属性】 设置 是否是大圆弧 true 表示此线型对应的位角度大于 180°的弧,false 表示对应度数小于 180°的弧 对于一个给定长、短轴的椭圆以及起始点和结束点,有一大一小两条圆弧, 如果所描述线型恰好为 180°的弧,此属性的值不被参考,可由 SweepDirection 属性确定圆弧形状 true - 此线型对应的位角度大于 180°的弧;false - 对应度数小于 180°的弧 this 【必选 属性】 获取 是否是大圆弧 true 表示此线型对应的位角度大于 180°的弧,false 表示对应度数小于 180°的弧 对于一个给定长、短轴的椭圆以及起始点和结束点,有一大一小两条圆弧, 如果所描述线型恰好为 180°的弧,此属性的值不被参考,可由 SweepDirection 属性确定圆弧形状 true - 此线型对应的位角度大于 180°的弧;false - 对应度数小于 180°的弧 【必选 属性】 设置 按 EllipseSize 绘制的椭圆在当前坐标系下旋转的角度, 正值为顺时针,负值为逆时针 [异常处理] 如果角度大于 360°,则以 360°取模 绘制的椭圆在当前坐标系下旋转的角度,正值为顺时针,负值为逆时针 this 【必选 属性】 获取 按 EllipseSize 绘制的椭圆在当前坐标系下旋转的角度, 正值为顺时针,负值为逆时针 [异常处理] 如果角度大于 360°,则以 360°取模 绘制的椭圆在当前坐标系下旋转的角度,正值为顺时针,负值为逆时针 【必选 属性】 设置 长短轴 形如[200 100]的数组,2个浮点数值一次对应椭圆的长、短轴长度,较大的一个为长轴 [异常处理]如果数组长度超过 2,则只取前两个数值 [异常处理]如果数组长度为 1,则认为这是一个园,该数值为圆的半径 [异常处理]如果数组前两个数值中有一个为 0,或者数组为空,则圆弧退化为一条从当前点 到 EndPoint的线段 [异常处理] 形如[200 100]的数组,2个浮点数值一次对应椭圆的长、短轴长度,较大的一个为长轴 this 【必选 属性】 设置 长短轴 形如[200 100]的数组,2个浮点数值一次对应椭圆的长、短轴长度,较大的一个为长轴 [异常处理]如果数组长度超过 2,则只取前两个数值 [异常处理]如果数组长度为 1,则认为这是一个园,该数值为圆的半径 [异常处理]如果数组前两个数值中有一个为 0,或者数组为空,则圆弧退化为一条从当前点 到 EndPoint的线段 [异常处理] 长短轴参数 this 【必选 属性】 获取 长短轴 形如[200 100]的数组,2个浮点数值一次对应椭圆的长、短轴长度,较大的一个为长轴 [异常处理]如果数组长度超过 2,则只取前两个数值 [异常处理]如果数组长度为 1,则认为这是一个园,该数值为圆的半径 [异常处理]如果数组前两个数值中有一个为 0,或者数组为空,则圆弧退化为一条从当前点 到 EndPoint的线段 [异常处理] 形如[200 100]的数组,2个浮点数值一次对应椭圆的长、短轴长度,较大的一个为长轴 【必选 属性】 设置 圆弧结束点,下一个路径起点 不能与当前的绘制点为同一位置 圆弧结束点,下一个路径起点 this 【必选 属性】 设置 圆弧结束点,下一个路径起点 不能与当前的绘制点为同一位置 X坐标 Y坐标 this 【必选 属性】 设置 圆弧结束点,下一个路径起点 不能与当前的绘制点为同一位置 圆弧结束点,下一个路径起点 自动闭合到当前路径的起始点,并以该点为当前点 表 37 图形对象描述方法 路径操作 表 37 图形对象描述方法,如:移动、划线等 三次贝塞尔曲线 图 53 三次贝塞尔曲线结构 三次贝塞尔曲线公式 B(t) = (1-t)^3(P0) + 3t(1-t)^2(P1) + 3t^2(1-t)(P2) + t^3(P3) t∈[0,1] 【必选 属性】 设置 三次贝塞尔曲线的第一个控制点 三次贝塞尔曲线的第一个控制点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 三次贝塞尔曲线的第以个控制点 三次贝塞尔曲线的第一个控制点 【必选 属性】 设置 三次贝塞尔曲线的第二个控制点 三次贝塞尔曲线的第二个控制点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 三次贝塞尔曲线的第二个控制点 三次贝塞尔曲线的第二个控制点 【必选 属性】 设置 三次贝塞尔曲线的结束点,下一路径的起始点 三次贝塞尔曲线的结束点,下一路径的起始点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 三次贝塞尔曲线的结束点,下一路径的起始点 三次贝塞尔曲线的结束点,下一路径的起始点 线段 图 51 线段结构 【必选 属性】 设置 线段的结束点 线段的结束点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 线段的结束点 线段的结束点 移动节点 用于表示到新的绘制点指令 【必选 属性】 设置 移动后新的当前绘制点 移动后新的当前绘制点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 移动后新的当前绘制点 移动后新的当前绘制点 二次贝塞尔曲线结构 图 52 二次贝塞尔曲线结构 二次贝塞尔曲线公式 B(t) = (1 - t)^2 + 2t(1 - t)(P1) + t^2(P2) t ∈ [0,1] 【必选 属性】 设置 二次贝塞尔曲线的控制点 二次贝塞尔曲线的控制点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 二次贝塞尔曲线的控制点 二次贝塞尔曲线的控制点 【必选 属性】 设置 二次贝塞尔曲线的结束点 二次贝塞尔曲线的结束点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 二次贝塞尔曲线的结束点 二次贝塞尔曲线的结束点 图像边框 10 表 43 【可选 属性】 设置 边框线宽 如果为 0 则表示边框不进行绘制 默认值为 0.353 mm 边框线宽 this 【可选 属性】 获取 边框线宽 如果为 0 则表示边框不进行绘制 默认值为 0.353 mm 边框线宽 【可选 属性】 设置 边框水平角半径 默认值为 0 边框水平角半径 this 【可选 属性】 获取 边框水平角半径 默认值为 0 边框水平角半径 【可选 属性】 设置 边框垂直角半径 默认值为 0 边框垂直角半径 this 【可选 属性】 获取 边框垂直角半径 默认值为 0 边框垂直角半径 【可选 属性】 设置 边框虚线重复样式开始的位置 边框的起点位置为左上角,绕行方向为顺时针 默认值为 0 边框虚线重复样式开始的位置 this 【可选 属性】 获取 边框虚线重复样式开始的位置 边框的起点位置为左上角,绕行方向为顺时针 默认值为 0 边框虚线重复样式开始的位置 【属性 可选】 设置 边框虚线重复样式 边框的起点位置为左上角,绕行方向为顺时针 边框虚线重复样式 this 【属性 可选】 获取 边框虚线重复样式 边框的起点位置为左上角,绕行方向为顺时针 边框虚线重复样式 【可选】 设置 边框颜色 有关边框颜色描述见 8.3.2 基本颜色 默认为黑色 边框颜色 this 【可选】 获取 边框颜色 有关边框颜色描述见 8.3.2 基本颜色 默认为黑色 边框颜色,null表示为黑色 边框颜色 有关边框颜色描述见 8.3.2 基本颜色 默认为黑色 图像 10 图像 图 57 表 43 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件的定义多媒体的标识 引用资源文件的定义多媒体的标识 this 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件的定义多媒体的标识 引用资源文件的定义多媒体的标识 【可选 属性】 设置 可替换图像 引用资源文件中定义的多媒体的标识,由于某些情况 如高分辨率输出进行图像替换 可替换图像标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 可替换图像引用 引用资源文件中定义的多媒体的标识,由于某些情况 如高分辨率输出进行图像替换 可替换图像标识引用 【可选 属性】 设置 图像蒙版 引用资源文件中定义的多媒体的标识,用作蒙板的图像应是 与 ResourceID 指向的图像相同大小的二值图 图像蒙版资源引用 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图像蒙版资源引用 引用资源文件中定义的多媒体的标识,用作蒙板的图像应是 与 ResourceID 指向的图像相同大小的二值图 图像蒙版资源引用 【可选】 设置 图像边框 图像边框 this 构造图片对象 对象ID 对象 【可选】 设置 图像边框 图像边框 OFD通用 qualified name 只要名称相同并且命名空间前缀保持一致就认为是同一种 qualified name OFD元素名称 Name相同并且,只要符合命名空间前缀相同那么 那么认定为是相等的qualified name 比较对象 true 相同;false 不同 文件根节点 XML文档使用的命名空间为 http://www.ofdspec.org/2016,其表示符应为 ofd; 应在包内各XML文档的根节点申明 defaults:ofd。 元素节点应使用命名空间标识符,元素属性不使用命名空间标识符。 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 7.1 命名空间 元素名称 获取OFD类型元素实例 向元素中增加OFD元素 元素名称 元素文本 this 设置OFD参数 如果参数已经存在则修改参数 如果属性值value为null,表示删除该类元素 元素名称 元素文本 this 设置 元素名称 元素名称 this 获取OFD的元素 OFD元素名称 OFD元素或null 如果属性存在则删除 属性名 true 删除成功;false 删除失败,可能是由于属性不存在 获取OFD元素中的文本 元素名称 文本 设置元素 如果同类型元素已经存在,那么删除原有元素 需要设置的元素 this @Date 2021 04 20 19 18 @return 【可选】 设置 OFD对象标识,无符号整数,应在文档内唯一。 0标识无效标识符 OFD对象标识 this @Data 2021 4 20 18 53 @return 【可选】 设置 OFD对象标识,无符号整数,应在文档内唯一。 0标识无效标识符 OFD对象标识,null表示对象标识不存在 OFD元素采用OFD的命名空间,所以直接调用代理对象 元素全名(含有前缀) 简单类型元素对象,用于承载 Text 创建一个带有文本元素 元素名称 元素值对象(可toString 序列化为字符串) 需要继承的子类实现该方法,用于在代理对象是做类型检查 元素全名(含有前缀) 如果属性存在则删除 属性名 true 删除成功;false 删除失败,可能是由于属性不存在 裁剪区域 用一个图形或文字对象来描述裁剪区的一个组成部分, 最终裁剪区是这些区域的并集。 8.4 裁剪区 表 33 【可选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识 线宽、结合点和端点样式等绘制特性对裁剪效果会产生影响, 有关绘制参数的描述见 8.2 引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识 线宽、结合点和端点样式等绘制特性对裁剪效果会产生影响, 有关绘制参数的描述见 8.2 引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识 【可选 属性】 设置 变换矩阵 针对对象坐标系,对Area下包含的 Path 和 Text 进行进一步的变换 变换矩阵 this 【可选 属性】 获取 变换矩阵 针对对象坐标系,对Area下包含的 Path 和 Text 进行进一步的变换 变换矩阵 【必选】 设置 裁剪对象 裁剪对象可以是 CT_Text、CT_Path 裁剪对象 this 【必选】 获取 裁剪对象 裁剪对象可以是 CT_Text、CT_Path 裁剪对象 可裁剪对象 实现该接口代表能够作为裁剪区域进行裁剪操作 可裁剪对象为: CT_Path、CT_Text 8.5 图 44 表 33 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 采用对象空间坐标系 当存在多个 Clip对象时,最终裁剪区为所有 Clip区域交集。 8.5 图元对象 图 45 表 34 使用一个裁剪对象初始化裁剪序列 裁剪对象 【必选】 增加 图元对象的裁剪区域 采用对象空间坐标系 图元对象的裁剪区域 this 【必选】 获取 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 采用对象空间坐标系 当存在多个 Clip 对象时,最终裁剪区为所有 Clip 区域的交集 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 裁剪区 裁剪区由一组路径或文字构成,用以指定页面上的一个有效绘制区域,落在裁剪区 意外的部分不受绘制指令的影响。 一个裁剪区可由多个分路径(Area)组成,最终的裁剪范围是各个部分路径的并集。 裁剪区中的数据均相对于所修饰图元对象的外界矩形。 8.4 裁剪区 图 44 表 33 【必选】 增加 裁剪区域 用一个图形对象或文字对象来描述裁剪区的一个组成部分, 最终裁剪区是这些区域的并集。 裁剪区域 this 【必选】 设置 裁剪区域 用一个图形对象或文字对象来描述裁剪区的一个组成部分, 最终裁剪区是这些区域的并集。 裁剪区域 每个颜色通道使用的位数 有效取值为:1,2,4,8,16 默认值取值为 8 每个颜色通道使用的位数 获取 每个颜色通道使用的位数 每个颜色通道使用的位数 获取实例 比特数字符串 实例 获取实例 比特数 实例 颜色空间 本标准支持 GRAY、RGB、CMYK 颜色空间。除通过 设置各通道使用颜色空间内的任意颜色之外,还可 在颜色空间内定义调色板或指定相应颜色配置文件, 通过设置索引值进行引用。 8.3 颜色 图 24 颜色类型 颜色类型 对象ID 【必选 属性】 设置 颜色空间的类型 可选类型 颜色空间的类型 this 【必选 属性】 获取 颜色空间的类型 可选类型 颜色空间的类型 【可选 属性】 设置 每个颜色通道使用的位数 有效取值为:1,2,4,8,16 参考 每个颜色通道使用的位数 this 【可选 属性】 获取 每个颜色通道使用的位数 有效取值为:1,2,4,8,16 参考 每个颜色通道使用的位数 【可选 属性】 设置 指向包内颜色配置文件 指向包内颜色配置文件路径 this 【可选 属性】 获取 指向包内颜色配置文件 指向包内颜色配置文件路径 【可选】 设置 调色板 调色板中颜色的索引编号从 0 开始 调色板 this 【可选】 获取 调色板 调色板中颜色的索引编号从 0 开始 调色板 调色板中预定义的颜色 调色板中颜色的索引编号从 0 开始 8.3 颜色 表 25 颜色表示: Gray - 通过一个通道来表明灰度值;例如 "#FF 255" RGB - 包含3个通道,一次是红、绿、蓝;例如 "#11 #22 #33"、"17 34 51" CMYK - 包含4个通道,依次是青、黄、品红、黑;例如 "#11 #22 #33 # 44"、"17 34 51 68" 设置预定义的颜色 设置 预定义的颜色 颜色表示: Gray - 通过一个通道来表明灰度值;例如 "#FF 255" RGB - 包含3个通道,一次是红、绿、蓝;例如 "#11 #22 #33"、"17 34 51" CMYK - 包含4个通道,依次是青、黄、品红、黑;例如 "#11 #22 #33 # 44"、"17 34 51 68" 设置预定义的颜色 this 获取 预定义的颜色 颜色表示: Gray - 通过一个通道来表明灰度值;例如 "#FF 255" RGB - 包含3个通道,一次是红、绿、蓝;例如 "#11 #22 #33"、"17 34 51" CMYK - 包含4个通道,依次是青、黄、品红、黑;例如 "#11 #22 #33 # 44"、"17 34 51 68" 设置预定义的颜色 颜色空间的类型 8.3.1 表 25 颜色空间属性 灰度 红绿蓝 印刷颜色 获取实例 类型字符串 实例 未知的颜色空间类型 调色板 8.3 颜色 表 25 调色板中颜色的索引编号从 0 开始 【必选】 设置 调色板中的预定义颜色 调色板中的预定义颜色 this 获取 预定义位置颜色 预定义位置颜色位置序号,0 开始 预定义位置颜色 获取 预定义位置颜色 预定义位置颜色位置序号,0 开始 预定义位置颜色 【必选】 获取 调色板中的预定义颜色 调色板中颜色的索引编号从 0 开始 tip:只读 调色板中的预定义颜色列表 颜色族 用于标识属于颜色的一种,颜色可以是基本颜色、底纹和渐变 8.3.2 图 25 颜色结构 轴向渐变 在轴向渐变中,颜色渐变沿着一条指定的轴线方向,轴线由起始点和结束点决定, 与这条轴线垂直的直线上的点颜色相同。 当轴向渐变某个方向设定为延伸时(Extend 不等于 0),渐变应沿轴在该方向的延长线 延伸到超出裁剪区在该轴线的投影区域为止。当 MapType 为 Direct 时,延伸区域的 渲染颜色使用该方向轴点所在的段的颜色;否则,按照在轴线区域内的渲染规则进行渲染。 轴向渐变 图 29、30 表 29 【可选 属性】 设置 渐变绘制的方式 可选值参考 绘制方向 this 【可选 属性】 获取 渐变绘制的方式 可选值参考 绘制方向 【可选 属性】 设置 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 当 MapType 的值不等于 Direct 时出现 默认值为轴线长度 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 当 MapType 的值不等于 Direct 时出现 默认值为轴线长度 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 【可选 属性】 设置 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 可选值参考 默认值为 不向两侧继续绘制渐变 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 this 【可选 属性】 获取 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 默认值为 不向两侧继续绘制渐变 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制,选值参考 【必选 属性】 设置 轴线起始点 轴线起始点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 轴线起始点 轴线起始点 【必选 属性】 设置 轴线结束点 轴线结束点 this 【必选 属性】 设置 轴线结束点 轴线结束点 【必选】 增加 段 this 【必选】 获取 段列表 段列表 基本颜色 本标准中定义的颜色是一个广义的概念,包括基本颜色、底纹和渐变 基本颜色支持两种指定方式:一种是通过设定颜色个通道值指定颜色空间的某个颜色, 另一种是通过索引值取得颜色空间中的一个预定义颜色。 由于不同颜色空间下,颜色通道的含义、数目各不相同,因此对颜色空间的类型、颜色值的 描述格式等作出了详细的说明,见表 27。BitsPerComponent(简称 BPC)由效时, 颜色通道值的取值下限是 0,上限由 BitsPerComponent 决定,取值区间 [0, 2^BPC - 1] 内的整数,采用 10 进制或 16 进制的形式表示,采用 16 进制表示时,应以"#"加以标识。 当颜色通道的值超出了相应区间,则按照默认颜色来处理。 8.3.2 基本颜色 图 25 表 26 颜色族中的颜色 RGB颜色值 其中颜色空间(CT_ColorSpace)的通道使用位数(BitsPerComponent)为 8 采用10进制表示方式 红色 0~255 绿色 0~255 蓝色 0~255 RGB 颜色 【可选 属性】 设置 颜色值 指定了当前颜色空间下各通道的取值。Value 的取值应 符合"通道 1 通道 2 通道 3 ..."格式。此属性不出现时, 应采用 Index 属性从颜色空间的调色板中的取值。二者都不 出现时,改颜色各通道的值全部为 0 颜色表示: Gray - 通过一个通道来表明灰度值;例如 "#FF 255" RGB - 包含3个通道,一次是红、绿、蓝;例如 "#11 #22 #33"、"17 34 51" CMYK - 包含4个通道,依次是青、黄、品红、黑;例如 "#11 #22 #33 # 44"、"17 34 51 68" 颜色值 this 【可选 属性】 获取 颜色值 指定了当前颜色空间下各通道的取值。Value 的取值应 符合"通道 1 通道 2 通道 3 ..."格式。此属性不出现时, 应采用 Index 属性从颜色空间的调色板中的取值。二者都不 出现时,改颜色各通道的值全部为 0 颜色表示: Gray - 通过一个通道来表明灰度值;例如 "#FF 255" RGB - 包含3个通道,一次是红、绿、蓝;例如 "#11 #22 #33"、"17 34 51" CMYK - 包含4个通道,依次是青、黄、品红、黑;例如 "#11 #22 #33 # 44"、"17 34 51 68" 颜色值 【可选 属性】 设置 调色板中颜色的编号,非负整数 将从当前颜色空间的调色板中取出相应索引的预定义颜色用来描绘。 索引从 0 开始 调色板中颜色的编号 this 【可选 属性】 获取 调色板中颜色的编号,非负整数 将从当前颜色空间的调色板中取出相应索引的预定义颜色用来描绘。 索引从 0 开始 调色板中颜色的编号,null表示不存在 【可选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中颜色空间的标识 默认值为文档设定的颜色空间 颜色空间的标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中颜色空间的标识 默认值为文档设定的颜色空间 颜色空间的标识,为null是请从文档中获取设定的颜色空间,参照表 6 DefaultCS 【可选 属性】 设置 颜色透明度 范围在 0~255 之间取值。 默认为 255,完全不透明。 颜色透明度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 颜色透明度 范围在 0~255 之间取值。 默认为 255,完全不透明。 颜色透明度 0~255 【可选】 设置 颜色 颜色族 this 设置 Pattern 样式 this 【可选】 获取 颜色 颜色族, null表示不存在 高洛德渐变 高洛德渐变的基本原理是指定三个带有可选颜色的顶点,在其构成的三角形区域内 采用高洛德算法绘制渐变图形。 高洛德渐变 图 41 表 31 【可选 属性】 设置 在渐变控制点所确定的部分是否填充 默认值为 false(0) false - 不填充; true - 填充 this 【可选 属性】 获取 在渐变控制点所确定的部分是否填充 默认值为 false (0) false - 不填充; true - 填充 【必选】 增加 渐变控制点 至少出现三个 渐变控制点 this 【必选】 获取 渐变控制点列表 至少出现三个 渐变控制点列表 【可选】 设置 渐变范围外的填充颜色 应使用基本颜色 渐变范围外的填充颜色,应使用基本颜色 this 【可选】 获取 渐变范围外的填充颜色 应使用基本颜色 渐变范围外的填充颜色,应使用基本颜色 网格高洛德渐变 网格高洛德渐变是高洛德渐变的一种特殊形式, 允许定义 4 个以上的控制点,按照每行固定的网格数(VerticesPerRow) 形成若干行列,相邻的 4 个控制点定义一个网格单元,在 一个网格单元内 EdgeFlag 固定为 1,网格单元及多个单元组成的网格区域的规则如图42所示。 图 43 表 32 【必选 属性】 设置 渐变区域内每行的网格数 渐变区域内每行的网格数 this 【必选 属性】 获取 渐变区域内每行的网格数 渐变区域内每行的网格数 【必选】 增加 渐变控制点 至少出现四个 渐变控制点,至少出现四个 this 径向渐变 径向渐变 图 35 表 30 径向渐变定义了两个离心率和倾斜角度均相同的椭圆,并在椭圆边缘连线 区域内进行渐变绘制的方法。具体算法是,先由起始点椭圆中心点开始绘制 一个起始点颜色的空心矩形,随后沿着中心点连线不断绘制离心率与倾角角度 相同的空心椭圆,颜色由起始点颜色逐渐渐变为结束点颜色,椭圆大小由起始点 椭圆主键变为结束点椭圆。 当轴向渐变某个方向设定为延伸时(Extend 不等于 0),渐变应沿轴在该方向的延长线 延伸到超出裁剪区在该轴线的投影区域为止。当 MapType 为 Direct 时,延伸区域的 渲染颜色使用该方向轴点所在的段的颜色;否则,按照在轴线区域内的渲染规则进行渲染。 【可选 属性】 设置 渐变绘制的方式 可选值参考 绘制方向 this 【可选 属性】 获取 渐变绘制的方式 可选值参考 绘制方向 【可选 属性】 设置 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 当 MapType 的值不等于 Direct 时出现 默认值为轴线长度 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 当 MapType 的值不等于 Direct 时出现 默认值为轴线长度 轴线一个渐变区间的长度 【可选 属性】 设置 两个椭圆的离心率 椭圆焦距与长轴的比值,取值范围是 [0, 1.0) 默认值为 0,在这种情况下退化为圆 两个椭圆的离心率,取值范围是 [0, 1.0) this 【可选 属性】 获取 两个椭圆的离心率 椭圆焦距与长轴的比值,取值范围是 [0, 1.0) 默认值为 0,在这种情况下退化为圆 两个椭圆的离心率,取值范围是 [0, 1.0),默认值为 0 【可选 属性】 设置 两个椭圆的倾斜角度 椭圆长轴与 x 轴正向的夹角,单位为度 默认值为 0 两个椭圆的倾斜角度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 两个椭圆的倾斜角度 椭圆长轴与 x 轴正向的夹角,单位为度 默认值为 0 两个椭圆的倾斜角度 【必选 属性】 设置 起始椭圆的的中心点 起始椭圆的的中心点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 起始椭圆的的中心点 起始椭圆的的中心点 【必选 属性】 设置 结束椭圆的的中心点 结束椭圆的的中心点 this 【必选 属性】 获取 结束椭圆的的中心点 结束椭圆的的中心点 【可选 属性】 设置 起始椭圆的长半轴 默认值为 0 起始椭圆的长半轴长度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 起始椭圆的长半轴 默认值为 0 起始椭圆的长半轴长度 【必选 属性】 设置 结束椭圆的长半轴 结束椭圆的长半轴长度 this 【必选 属性】 设置 结束椭圆的长半轴 结束椭圆的长半轴长度 【可选 属性】 设置 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 可选值参考 默认值为 不向两侧继续绘制渐变 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 this 【可选 属性】 获取 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 默认值为 不向两侧继续绘制渐变 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制,选值参考 【必选】 增加 段 this 【必选】 获取 段列表 段列表 三角单元切换的方向标志 表 31 附录A.13 轴线延长线方向是否继续绘制 可选值为 0、1、2、3 0:不向两侧继续绘制渐变 1: 在结束点至起始点延长线方向绘制渐变 2:在起始点至结束点延长线方向绘制渐变 3:向两侧延长线方向绘制渐变 默认值为 0 轴向渐变 图 29、30 表 29 不向两侧继续绘制渐变 默认值 在结束点至起始点延长线方向绘制渐变 在起始点至结束点延长线方向绘制渐变 向两侧延长线方向绘制渐变 类型值 渐变绘制的方式 轴向渐变 图 29、30 表 29 默认值 Direct 渐变控制点,至少出现三个 表 31 附录 A.13 P125 【必选 属性】 设置 控制点水平位置 控制点水平位置 this 【必选 属性】 获取 控制点水平位置 控制点水平位置 【必选 属性】 设置 控制点垂直位置 控制点垂直位置 this 【必选 属性】 获取 控制点垂直位置 控制点垂直位置 【可选 属性】 设置 三角单元切换的方向标志 三角单元切换的方向标志 this 【可选 属性】 获取 三角单元切换的方向标志 三角单元切换的方向标志 【必选】 设置 控制点对应的颜色 应使用基本颜色 控制点对应的颜色,应使用基本颜色 this 【必选】 获取 控制点对应的颜色 应使用基本颜色 控制点对应的颜色,应使用基本颜色 颜色段 至少出现两个 轴向渐变 图 29、30 表 29 段颜色 段坐标 段颜色 【可选 属性】 设置 渐变段颜色位置参数 用于确定 StartPoint 和 EndPoint 中的各颜色的位置值, 取值范围是 [0, 1.0],各颜色的 Position 值应根据颜色出现 的顺序递增第一个 Segment 的 Position 属性默认值为 0,最后 一个 Segment 的 Position 属性默认值为 1.0,当不存在时, 在空缺的区间内平局分配。 举例: Segment 个数等于 2 且不出现 Position 属性时, 按照"0 1.0"处理;Segment 个数等于 3 且不出现 Position 属性时, 按照"0 0.5 1.0"处理;Segment 个数等于 5 且不出现 Position 属性时, 按照"0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0" 处理。 渐变位置参数 this 【可选 属性】 获取 渐变段颜色位置参数 用于确定 StartPoint 和 EndPoint 中的各颜色的位置值, 取值范围是 [0, 1.0],各颜色的 Position 值应根据颜色出现 的顺序递增第一个 Segment 的 Position 属性默认值为 0,最后 一个 Segment 的 Position 属性默认值为 1.0,当不存在时, 在空缺的区间内平局分配。 举例: Segment 个数等于 2 且不出现 Position 属性时, 按照"0 1.0"处理;Segment 个数等于 3 且不出现 Position 属性时, 按照"0 0.5 1.0"处理;Segment 个数等于 5 且不出现 Position 属性时, 按照"0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0" 处理。 渐变位置参数 【必选】 设置 该段的颜色 应是基本颜色 该段的颜色,应是基本颜色 this 【必选】 获取 该段的颜色 应是基本颜色 该段的颜色,应是基本颜色 底纹单元 用底纹填充目标区域时,所使用的单元对象 CellContent 作为底纹对象的绘制单元,使用一种和外界没有 任何关联的独立的坐标空间:坐上角(0,0)为原点,X 轴向右增长, Y 轴向下增长,单位为毫米。 【可选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中缩略图图像的标识符 引用资源文件中缩略图图像的标识符 this 【可选】 增加 页块 一个页块中可以嵌套其他页块,可含有0到多个页块 页块实例 this 【可选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中缩略图图像的标识符 引用资源文件中缩略图图像的标识符 底纹 底纹是复杂颜色的一种,用于图形和文字的填充以及沟边处理。 8.3.3 底纹 图 26 表 28 【必选 属性】 设置 底纹单元宽度 底纹单元宽度 this 【必选 属性】 获取 底纹单元宽度 底纹单元宽度 【必选 属性】 获取 底纹单元高度 底纹单元高度 this 【必选 属性】 获取 底纹单元高度 底纹单元高度 【可选 属性】 设置 X 方向底纹单元间距 默认值为底纹单元的宽度。 若设定值小于底纹单元的宽度时,应按默认值处理 X 方向底纹单元间距 this 【可选 属性】 设置 X 方向底纹单元间距 默认值为底纹单元的宽度。 若设定值小于底纹单元的宽度时,应按默认值处理 X 方向底纹单元间距 【可选 属性】 设置 Y 方向底纹单元间距 默认值为底纹单元的高度。 若设定值小于底纹单元的高度时,应按默认值处理 Y 方向底纹单元间距 this 【可选 属性】 获取 Y 方向底纹单元间距 默认值为底纹单元的高度。 若设定值小于底纹单元的高度时,应按默认值处理 Y 方向底纹单元间距 【可选 属性】 设置 底纹单元的翻转方式 默认值为 Normal 参考 底纹单元的翻转方式 this 【可选 属性】 获取 底纹单元的翻转方式 默认值为 Normal 参考 底纹单元的翻转方式 【可选 属性】 设置 底纹单元起始位置 默认值为 Object:相对于对象坐标原点 底纹单元起始位置 this 【可选 属性】 设置 底纹单元起始位置 默认值为 Object:相对于对象坐标原点 底纹单元起始位置 【可选 属性】 设置 底纹单元的变换矩阵 用于某些需要对底纹单元进行平移旋转变换的场合, 默认为单位矩阵;底纹呈现时先做 XStep、YStep 排列, 然后一起做 CTM 处理 底纹单元的变换矩阵 this 【可选 属性】 获取 底纹单元的变换矩阵 用于某些需要对底纹单元进行平移旋转变换的场合, 默认为单位矩阵;底纹呈现时先做 XStep、YStep 排列, 然后一起做 CTM 处理 底纹单元的变换矩阵 【必选】 设置 底纹单元 用底纹填充目标区域时,所使用的单元对象 底纹单元 this 【必选】 获取 底纹单元 用底纹填充目标区域时,所使用的单元对象 底纹单元 翻转绘制效果 8.3.4 渐变 图 28 普通重复 具体效果见 图 28 Normal 竖轴对称翻转 具体效果见 图 28 Column 横轴对称翻转 具体效果见 图 28 Row 十字轴对称翻转 具体效果见 图 28 Row And Column 获取 翻转绘制效果 实例 效果名称 翻转绘制效果 底纹单元起始绘制位置 8.3.4 表 28 RelativeTo 相对于页面坐标的原点 相对于对象坐标系的原点 获取 底纹单元起始绘制位置 绘制位置字符串 底纹单元起始绘制位置 图元对象 图元对象是版式文档中页面上呈现内容的最基本单元, 所有页面显示内容。包括文字、图形、图像等,都属于 图元对象,或是图元对象的组合。 8.5 图元对象 图 45 表 34 【必选 属性】 设置 外接矩形 采用当前空间坐标系(页面坐标或其他容器坐标),当图 元绘制超出此矩形区域时进行裁剪。 外接矩形 this 【必选 属性】 设置 外接矩形 采用当前空间坐标系(页面坐标或其他容器坐标),当图 元绘制超出此矩形区域时进行裁剪。 外接矩形X坐标 外接矩形Y坐标 外接矩形宽度 外接矩形高度 this 【必选 属性】 获取 外接矩形 采用当前空间坐标系(页面坐标或其他容器坐标),当图 元绘制超出此矩形区域时进行裁剪。 外接矩形 【可选 属性】 设置 图元对象的名字 图元对象的名字 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图元对象的名字,可能为null 【可选 属性】 设置 图元是否可见 true - 可见;false - 不见 this 【可选 属性】 获取 图元是否可见 true - 可见;false - 不见 【可选 属性】 设置 对空间内的图元变换矩阵 变换矩阵 this 【可选 属性】 获取 对空间内的图元变换矩阵 变换矩阵 【可选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中的绘制参数标识 绘制参数标识 this 【可选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件中的绘制参数标识 绘制参数标识 【可选 属性】 设置 绘制路径时使用的线宽 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 绘制路径时使用的线宽 this 【可选 属性】 获取 绘制路径时使用的线宽 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 绘制路径时使用的线宽,可能为null 【可选 属性】 设置 线端点样式 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线端点样式 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线端点样式 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线端点样式 【可选 属性】 设置 线条连接样式 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线条连接样式 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线条连接样式 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线条连接样式 【可选 属性】 设置 Join的截断值 Join为 Miter 时小角度结合点长度的截断值,默认值为 3.528。 当 Join 不等于 Miter 时该参数无效。 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 Join的截断值长度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 Join的截断值 Join为 Miter 时小角度结合点长度的截断值,默认值为 3.528。 当 Join 不等于 Miter 时该参数无效。 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 Join的截断值长度 【可选 属性】 设置 线条虚线开始位置 默认值为 0 当 DashPattern 不出现时,该参数无效 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线条虚线开始位置 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线条虚线开始位置 默认值为 0 当 DashPattern 不出现时,该参数无效 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线条虚线开始位置 【可选 属性】 设置 线条虚线的重复样式 数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度, 第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 默认值为空。 线条样式的控制效果见表 23 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线条虚线的重复样式的数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度,第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线条虚线的重复样式 数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度, 第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 默认值为空。 线条样式的控制效果见表 23 见 8.2 绘制参数 如果图元对象有 DrawParam 属性时,则用此值覆盖 DrawParam 中对应的值 线条虚线的重复样式的数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度,第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 【可选 属性】 设置 图元对象透明度 取值区间为 [0,255] 默认为 0 图元对象透明度,取值区间为 [0,255] this 【可选 属性】 获取 图元对象透明度 取值区间为 [0,255] 默认为 255 图元对象透明度,取值区间为 [0,255] 【可选】 设置 图元对象的动作序列 当存在多个 Action 对象时,所有动作依次执行 图元对象的动作序列 this 【可选】 设置 图元对象的动作序列 当存在多个 Action 对象时,所有动作依次执行 图元对象的动作序列 【可选】 设置 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 采用对象空间坐标系 当存在多个 Clip 对象时,最终裁剪区域为所有 Clip 区域的交集。 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 this 【可选】 设置 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 采用对象空间坐标系 当存在多个 Clip 对象时,最终裁剪区域为所有 Clip 区域的交集。 图元对象的裁剪区域序列 绘制参数 绘制参数是一组用于控制绘制渲染效果的修饰参数的集合。 绘制参数可以被不同的图元对象所共享。 绘制参数可以继承已有的绘制参数,被继承的绘制参数称为 该参数的"基础绘制参数"。 图元对象通过绘制参数的标识符引用绘制参数。图元对象在引用 绘制参数的同时,还可以定义自己的绘制属性,图元自有的绘制属性 将覆盖引用的绘制参数中的同名属性。 绘制参数可通过引用基础绘制参数的方式形成嵌套,对单个绘制参数而言, 它继承了其基础绘制参数中的所有属性,并且可以重定义其基础绘制参数中的属性。 绘制参数的作用顺序采用就近原则,即当多个绘制参数作用于同一个对象并且这些绘制参数 中具有相同的要素时,采用与被作用对象关系最为密切的绘制参数的要素对其进行渲染。 例如,当图元已经定义绘制参数时,则按定义属性进行渲染;当图元未定义绘制参数时, 应首先按照图元定义的绘制参数进行渲染;图元未定义绘制参数时应采用所在图层的默认绘制参数 渲染;当图元和所在图层都没有定义绘制参数时,按照各绘制属性的默认值进行渲染。 8.2 绘制参数结构 图 22 【可选 属性】 设置 基础绘制参数,引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识符 引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识符 this 【可选 属性】 获取 基础绘制参数,引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识符 引用资源文件中的绘制参数的标识符 【可选 属性】 设置 线宽 非负浮点数,指定了绘制路径绘制时线的宽度。由于 某些设备不能输出一个像素宽度的线,因此强制规定 当线宽大于 0 时,无论多小都至少要绘制两个像素的宽度; 当线宽为 0 时,绘制一个像素的宽度。由于线宽为 0 定义与 设备相关,所以不推荐使用线宽为 0。 默认值为 0.353 mm 线宽 this 线宽必须是非负浮点数 【可选 属性】 获取 线宽 非负浮点数,指定了绘制路径绘制时线的宽度。由于 某些设备不能输出一个像素宽度的线,因此强制规定 当线宽大于 0 时,无论多小都至少要绘制两个像素的宽度; 当线宽为 0 时,绘制一个像素的宽度。由于线宽为 0 定义与 设备相关,所以不推荐使用线宽为 0。 默认值为 0.353 mm 线宽 【可选 属性】 设置 线条连接样式 可选样式参照,线条连接样式的取值和显示效果之间的关系见表 线条连接样式 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线条连接样式 可选样式参照,线条连接样式的取值和显示效果之间的关系见表 线条连接样式 【可选 属性】 设置 线端点样式 可选样式参照,线条端点样式取值与效果之间关系见表 24 线端点样式 this 【可选 属性】 设置 线端点样式 可选样式参照,线条端点样式取值与效果之间关系见表 24 默认值为 Butt 线端点样式 【可选 属性】 设置 线条虚线开始位置 默认值为 0 当 DashPattern 不出现时,该参数无效 线条虚线开始位置 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线条虚线开始位置 默认值为 0 当 DashPattern 不出现时,该参数无效 线条虚线开始位置 【可选 属性】 设置 线条虚线的重复样式 数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度, 第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 默认值为空。 线条样式的控制效果见表 23 线条虚线的重复样式的数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度,第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 this 【可选 属性】 获取 线条虚线的重复样式 数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度, 第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 默认值为空。 线条样式的控制效果见表 23 线条虚线的重复样式的数组中共含两个值,第一个值代表虚线的线段的长度,第二个值代表虚线间隔的长度。 【可选 属性】 设置 Join的截断值 Join为 Miter 时小角度结合点长度的截断值,默认值为 3.528。 当 Join 不等于 Miter 时该参数无效。 Join的截断值长度 this 【可选 属性】 获取 Join的截断值 Join为 Miter 时小角度结合点长度的截断值,默认值为 3.528。 当 Join 不等于 Miter 时该参数无效。 Join的截断值长度 【可选】 设置 填充颜色 用以填充路径形成的区域以及文字轮廓内的区域, 默认值为透明色。关于颜色的描述见 8.3 填充颜色 this 【可选】 获取 填充颜色 用以填充路径形成的区域以及文字轮廓内的区域, 默认值为透明色。关于颜色的描述见 8.3 填充颜色 【可选】 设置 勾边颜色 用以填充路径形成的区域以及文字轮廓内的区域, 默认值为黑色。关于颜色的描述见 8.3 勾边颜色 this 【可选】 获取 勾边颜色 用以填充路径形成的区域以及文字轮廓内的区域, 默认值为黑色。关于颜色的描述见 8.3 勾边颜色 线端点样式 指定一条线的端点样式。 线条端点样式取值与效果之间关系见表 24 默认值为 Butt 根据类型字符串获取类型枚举 默认值:Miter 类型字符串 枚举实例 未知的线端点样式 线条连接样式 指定了两个线的端点结合时采用的样式 线条连接样式的取值和显示效果之间的关系见表 22 根据类型字符串获取类型枚举 默认值:Miter 类型字符串 枚举实例 未知线条连接样式 电子印章信息 18.2.1 图 86 表 67 【必选】 设置 指向包内的安全电子印章文件路径 遵循密码领域的相关规范 指向包内的安全电子印章文件路径 this 【必选】 获取 指向包内的安全电子印章文件路径 遵循密码领域的相关规范 指向包内的安全电子印章文件路径 签名的外观 一个数字签名可以跟一个或多个外观描述关联,也可以不关联任何外观, 其关联方式如图 88所示。 18.2.3 图 88 表 69 【必选 属性】 设置 签章注释的标识 推荐使用"sNNN"的编码方式,NNN从1开始 签章注释的标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 签章注释的标识 推荐使用"sNNN"的编码方式,NNN从1开始 签章注释的标识 【必选 属性】 设置 引用外观注释所在的页面的标识符 引用外观注释所在的页面的标识符 this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用外观注释所在的页面的标识符 引用外观注释所在的页面的标识符 【必选 属性】 设置 签章注释的外观边框位置 可用于签章注释所在页面内的定位 签章注释的外观边框位置 this 【必选 属性】 获取 签章注释的外观边框位置 可用于签章注释所在页面内的定位 签章注释的外观边框位置 【可选 属性】 设置 签章注释的外观裁剪设置 签章注释的外观裁剪设置 this 【可选 属性】 获取 签章注释的外观裁剪设置 签章注释的外观裁剪设置 针对一个文件的摘要节点 18.2.2 签名的范围 图 87 表 68 【必选 属性】 设置 指向包内的文件,使用绝对路径 指向包内的文件,使用绝对路径 this 【必选 属性】 获取 指向包内的文件,使用绝对路径 指向包内的文件,使用绝对路径 【必选】 设置 对包内文件进行摘要计算值的杂凑值 所得的二进制摘要值进行 base64 编码 对包内文件进行摘要计算值的杂凑值 this 【必选】 获取 对包内文件进行摘要计算值的杂凑值 对包内文件进行摘要计算值的杂凑值 签名的范围 18.2.2 签名的范围 图 87 表 68 【可选 属性】 设置 摘要方法 视应用场景的不同使用不同的摘要方法。 用于各行业应用时,应使用符合行业安全贵方的算法。 摘要方法 this 【可选 属性】 获取 摘要方法 视应用场景的不同使用不同的摘要方法。 用于各行业应用时,应使用符合行业安全贵方的算法。 摘要方法 【必选】 增加 针对一个文件的摘要节点 针对一个文件的摘要节点 this 检查是否包含文件 文件绝对路径 true - 含有文件;false - 不含 【必选】 获取 针对一个文件的摘要节点列表 针对一个文件的摘要节点列表 数字签名或安全签章在类表中的注册信息,依次签名或签章对应一个节点 18.1 签名列表 图 85 表 66 【必选 属性】 设置 签名或签章的标识 推荐使用"sNNN"的编码方式,NNN从1开始 签名或签章的标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 签名或签章的标识 推荐使用"sNNN"的编码方式,NNN从1开始 签名或签章的标识 【可选 属性】 设置 签名节点的类型 可选值参考 默认值为Seal 签名节点的类型 this 【可选 属性】 获取 签名节点的类型 可选值参考 默认值为Seal 签名节点的类型 【必选 属性】 设置 指向包内的签名描述文件 指向包内的签名描述文件 this 【必选 属性】 获取 指向包内的签名描述文件 指向包内的签名描述文件 签名列表根节点 签名列表问价你的入口点在 7.4 主入口中定义。 签名列表文件中可以包含多个签名(例如联合发文等情况),见图 85。 当允许下次继续添加签名时,该文件不会被包含到本次签名的 保护文件列表(References)中。 18.1 签名列表 图 85 表 66 【可选 属性】 设置 安全标识的最大值 作用与文档入口文件 Document.xml 中的 MaxID相同, 为了避免在签名时影响文档入口文件,采用了与ST_ID不一样 的ID编码方式。 推荐使用"sNNN"的编码方式,NNN从1开始 安全标识的最大值 this 【可选 属性】 获取 安全标识的最大值 作用与文档入口文件 Document.xml 中的 MaxID相同, 为了避免在签名时影响文档入口文件,采用了与ST_ID不一样 的ID编码方式。 推荐使用"sNNN"的编码方式,NNN从1开始 安全标识的最大值 【可选】 增加 数字签名或安全签章在类表中的注册信息 数字签名或安全签章在类表中的注册信息 this 【可选】 获取 数字签名或安全签章在类表中的注册信息序列 数字签名或安全签章在类表中的注册信息序列 签名节点的类型 目前规定了两个可选值 18.1 签名列表 图 85 表 66 安全签章 默认值 纯数字签名 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 18.2.1 文件摘要 图 86 表 67 【必选 属性】 设置 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 this 【必选 属性】 设置 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 【可选 属性】 设置 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的版本 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的版本 this 【可选 属性】 获取 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的版本 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的版本 【可选 属性】 设置 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的制造商 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的制造商 this 【可选 属性】 设置 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的制造商 创建签名时所使用的签章组件的制造商 签名描述文件的根节点 OFD的数字签名通过对描述文件的保护间接实现对OFD原文的保护。 签名结构中的签名信息(SignedInfo)是这一过程中的关键点, 其中记录了当次数字签名保护的所有文件的二进制摘要信息,同时 将安全算法提供者、签名算法、签名时间、和所应用的安全印章等 信息也包含在此节点内。签名描述文件同时包含了签名值将要存放的 包内位置,一旦对该文件实施签名保护,则其对应的包内文件原文 以及本次签名对应的附加信息都将不可改动,从而实现依次数字签名 对整个原文内容的保护。签名描述文件的主要结构描述见图 86。 文件摘要文件根节点为 Signature,其子节点 SignedInfo 对应元素说明见表 67。 18.2.1 文件摘要 图 86 表 67 【必选】 设置 签名要保护的原文及本次签名的相关信息 签名要保护的原文及本次签名的相关信息 this 【必选】 获取 签名要保护的原文及本次签名的相关信息 签名要保护的原文及本次签名的相关信息 【必选】 设置 指向安全签名提供者所返还的针对签名描述文件计算所得的签名值文件 指向安全签名提供者所返还的针对签名描述文件计算所得的签名值文件 this 【必选】 获取 指向安全签名提供者所返还的针对签名描述文件计算所得的签名值文件 指向安全签名提供者所返还的针对签名描述文件计算所得的签名值文件 签名要保护的原文及本次签名相关的信息 18.2.1 文件摘要 图 86 表 67 【必选】 设置 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 this 【必选】 获取 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 创建签名时所用的签章组件提供者信息 【可选】 设置 签名方法 记录安全模块返回的签名算法代码,以便验证时使用 签名方法 this 【可选】 设置 签名方法 记录安全模块返回的签名算法代码,以便验证时使用 签名方法 【可选】 设置 签名时间 记录安全模块返回的签名时间,以便验证时使用 签名时间 this 【可选】 设置 签名时间 记录安全模块返回的签名时间,以便验证时使用 签名时间 【必选】 设置 包内文件计算所得的摘要记录列表 一个受本次签名保护的包内文件对应一个 Reference节点 包内文件计算所得的摘要记录列表 this 【必选】 设置 包内文件计算所得的摘要记录列表 一个受本次签名保护的包内文件对应一个 Reference节点 包内文件计算所得的摘要记录列表 【可选】 增加 本签名关联的外观(用OFD中的注解表示) 该节点可出现多次 本签名关联的外观 this 【可选】 获取 本签名关联的外观(用OFD中的注解表示)序列 该节点可出现多次 本签名关联的外观序列 【可选】 设置 电子印章信息 电子印章信息 this 【可选】 设置 电子印章信息 电子印章信息 摘要算法 默认值 变换描述 当存在字形变换时,TextCode对象中使用字形变换节点(CGTransform)描述字符编码 和字形索引之间的关系。 11.4.1 变换描述 图 66 表 48 【必选 属性】 设置 TextCode 中字符编码的起始位置 从 0 开始 TextCode 中字符编码的起始位置 this 【必选 属性】 获取 TextCode 中字符编码的起始位置 从 0 开始 TextCode 中字符编码的起始位置 【可选 属性】 设置 变换关系中字符的数量 该数值应大于等于 1,否则属于错误描述 默认为 1 变换关系中字符的数量,数值应大于等于 1,否则属于错误描述 this 【可选 属性】 获取 变换关系中字符的数量 该数值应大于等于 1,否则属于错误描述 默认为 1 变换关系中字符的数量,数值应大于等于 1,否则属于错误描述 【可选 属性】 设置 变换关系中字形索引的个数 该数值应大于等于 1,否则属于错误描述 默认为 1 变换关系中字形索引的个数 this 【可选 属性】 设置 变换关系中字形索引的个数 该数值应大于等于 1,否则属于错误描述 默认为 1 变换关系中字形索引的个数 【可选】 设置 变换后的字形索引列表 变换后的字形索引列表 this 【可选】 获取 变换后的字形索引列表 变换后的字形索引列表 字形适用的字符分类 用于匹配替代字形 11.1 表 44 附录 A.5 CT_Font 符号 默认值 字形名 【必选 属性】 设置 字形名 字形名 this 【必选 属性】 获取 字形名 字形名 【可选 属性】 设置 字形族名 用于匹配代替字形 字形族名 this 【可选 属性】 获取 字形族名 用于匹配代替字形 字形族名 【可选 属性】 设置 字形适用的字符分类 可选值参考 字形适用的字符分类 this 【可选 属性】 获取 字形适用的字符分类 可选值参考 字形适用的字符分类 【可选 属性】 设置 是否是斜体 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 斜体; false - 正常 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否是斜体 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 斜体; false - 正常 【可选 属性】 设置 是否是粗字体 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 粗体; false - 正常 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否是粗字体 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 粗体; false - 正常 【可选 属性】 设置 是否是带衬线字形 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 带衬线;false - 正常 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否是带衬线字形 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 带衬线;false - 正常 【可选 属性】 设置 是否是等宽字形 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 等宽字形;false - 正常 this 【可选 属性】 设置 是否是等宽字形 用于匹配替代字形 默认值是 false true - 等宽字形;false - 正常 【可选】 设置 指向内嵌字形文件 嵌入字形文件应使用 OpenType 格式 指向内嵌字形文件路径 this 【可选】 获取 指向内嵌字形文件 嵌入字形文件应使用 OpenType 格式 指向内嵌字形文件路径 文字定位 文字对象使用严格的文字定位信息进行定位 11.3 文字定位 图 61 表 46 设置文字内容 内容 this 获取文字内容 文字内容 设置坐标 横坐标 纵坐标 this 【可选 属性】 设置 第一个文字的字形在对象坐标系下的 X 坐标 当 X 不出现,则采用上一个 TextCode 的 X 值,文字对象中的一个 TextCode 的属性必选 第一个文字的字形在对象坐标系下的 X 坐标 this 【可选 属性】 设置 第一个文字的字形在对象坐标系下的 X 坐标 当 X 不出现,则采用上一个 TextCode 的 X 值,文字对象中的一个 TextCode 的属性必选 第一个文字的字形在对象坐标系下的 X 坐标;null表示采用上一个 TextCode 的 X 值 【可选 属性】 设置 第一个文字的字形原点在对象坐标系下的 Y 坐标 当 Y 不出现,则采用上一个 TextCode 的 Y 值,文字对象中的一个 TextCode 的属性必选 第一个文字的字形原点在对象坐标系下的 Y 坐标 this 【可选 属性】 设置 第一个文字的字形在对象坐标系下的 Y 坐标 当 X 不出现,则采用上一个 TextCode 的 Y 值,文字对象中的一个 TextCode 的属性必选 第一个文字的字形在对象坐标系下的 Y 坐标;null表示采用上一个 TextCode 的 Y 值 【可选 属性】 设置 文字之间在 X 方向上的偏移值 double 型数值队列,列表中的每个值代表一个文字与前一个 文字之间在 X 方向的偏移值 DeltaX 不出现时,表示文字的绘制点在 X 方向不做偏移。 文字之间在 X 方向上的偏移值 this 【可选 属性】 设置 文字之间在 X 方向上的偏移值 double 型数值队列,列表中的每个值代表一个文字与前一个 文字之间在 X 方向的偏移值 DeltaX 不出现时,表示文字的绘制点在 X 方向不做偏移。 文字之间在 X 方向上的偏移值数值 this 【可选 属性】 获取 文字之间在 X 方向上的偏移值 double 型数值队列,列表中的每个值代表一个文字与前一个 文字之间在 X 方向的偏移值 DeltaX 不出现时,表示文字的绘制点在 X 方向不做偏移。 文字之间在 X 方向上的偏移值;null表示不偏移 【可选 属性】 设置 文字之间在 Y 方向上的偏移值 double 型数值队列,列表中的每个值代表一个文字与前一个 文字之间在 Y 方向的偏移值 DeltaY 不出现时,表示文字的绘制点在 Y 方向不做偏移。 文字之间在 Y 方向上的偏移值;null表示不偏移 this 【可选 属性】 设置 文字之间在 Y 方向上的偏移值 double 型数值队列,列表中的每个值代表一个文字与前一个 文字之间在 Y 方向的偏移值 DeltaY 不出现时,表示文字的绘制点在 Y 方向不做偏移。 文字之间在 Y 方向上的偏移数值 this 【可选 属性】 获取 文字之间在 Y 方向上的偏移值 double 型数值队列,列表中的每个值代表一个文字与前一个 文字之间在 Y 方向的偏移值 DeltaY 不出现时,表示文字的绘制点在 Y 方向不做偏移。 文字之间在 Y 方向上的偏移值;null表示不偏移 解析delta的值,处理g的格式 @return 文字对象 11.2 文字对象 图 59 表 45 获取文字对象 文字对象ID 文字对象 TextObject 构造文字对象 对象ID 对象 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中定义的字形标识 引用字形资源文件路径 this 【必选 属性】 设置 引用资源文件中定义的字形标识 ID this 【必选 属性】 获取 引用资源文件路径 引用字形资源文件路径 【必选 属性】 设置 字号,单位为毫米 字号,单位为毫米 this 【必选 属性】 获取 字号,单位为毫米 字号,单位为毫米 【可选 属性】 设置 是否勾边 默认值为 false true - 勾边;false - 不勾边 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否勾边 默认值为 false true - 勾边;false - 不勾边 【可选 属性】 设置 是否填充 默认值为 true true - 填充;false - 不填充 this 【可选 属性】 设置 勾边宽度 勾边宽度 this 【可选 属性】 设置 字形在水平方向的缩放比 默认值为 1.0 例如:当 HScale 值为 0.5 时表示实际显示的字宽为原来字宽的一半。 字形在水平方向的缩放比 this 【可选 属性】 获取 字形在水平方向的缩放比 默认值为 1.0 例如:当 HScale 值为 0.5 时表示实际显示的字宽为原来字宽的一半。 字形在水平方向的缩放比 【可选 属性】 指定 阅读方向 指定了文字排列的方向,描述见 11.3 文字定位 默认值为 0 阅读方向,可选值为 this 【可选 属性】 获取 阅读方向 指定了文字排列的方向,描述见 11.3 文字定位 默认值为 0 阅读方向,可选值为 【可选 属性】 指定 字符方向 指定了文字放置的方向,描述见 11.3 文字定位 默认值为 0 字符方向,可选值为 this 【可选 属性】 获取 字符方向 指定了文字放置的方向,描述见 11.3 文字定位 默认值为 0 字符方向,可选值为 【可选 属性】 设置 文字对象的粗细值 默认值为 400 文字对象的粗细值,可选值 this 【可选 属性】 设置 文字对象的粗细值 默认值为 400 文字对象的粗细值,可选值 【可选 属性】 设置 是否是斜体样式 默认值为 false true - 斜体样式; false - 正常 this 【可选 属性】 获取 是否是斜体样式 默认值为 false true - 斜体样式; false - 正常 【可选】 设置 填充颜色 默认为黑色 填充颜色 this 【可选】 获取 填充颜色 默认为黑色 填充颜色,null表示黑色 【可选】 设置 勾边颜色 默认为透明色 勾边颜色 this 【可选】 获取 勾边颜色 默认为透明色 勾边颜色,null为透明色 【可选】 增加 指定字符编码到字符索引之间的变换关系 描述见 11.4 字符变换 字符编码到字符索引之间的变换关系 this 【可选】 获取 指定字符编码到字符索引之间的变换关系序列 描述见 11.4 字符变换 字符编码到字符索引之间的变换关系序列 【必选】 增加 文字内容 也就是一段字符编码串 如果字符编码不在XML编码方式的字符范围之内,应采用"\"加四位 十六进制数的格式转义;文字内容中出现的空格也需要转义 若 TextCode 作为占位符使用时一律采用 ¤ (\u00A4)占位 文字内容 this 【必选】 获取 文字内容序列 也就是一段字符编码串 如果字符编码不在XML编码方式的字符范围之内,应采用"\"加四位 十六进制数的格式转义;文字内容中出现的空格也需要转义 若 TextCode 作为占位符使用时一律采用 ¤ (\u00A4)占位 文字内容序列 方向角度 11.3 文字定位 表 47 可选旋转角度 0、90、180、270 旋转角度 文字对象的粗细值 11.3 表 45 可选值为 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 默认值 获取字体粗细值 粗细值 版本 版本信息在独立的文件中描述,如图 90 所示。 版本定义结构中列出了一个 OFD 文档版本中所需的所有文件。 19.2 版本 图 90 表 71 【属性 必选】 设置 版本标识符 版本标识符 this 【属性 必选】 获取 版本标识符 版本标识符 【属性 可选】 设置 该文件适用的格式版本 该文件适用的格式版本 this 【属性 可选】 获取 该文件适用的格式版本 该文件适用的格式版本,null表示不存在 【属性 可选】 设置 版本名称 版本名称 this 【属性 可选】 获取 版本名称 版本名称,null表示不存在 【属性 可选】 设置 创建时间 创建时间 this 【属性 可选】 获取 创建时间 创建时间 【必选】 设置 版本包含的文件列表 版本包含的文件列表 this 【必选】 获取 版本包含的文件列表 版本包含的文件列表 【必选】 设置 该版本的入口文件 该版本的入口文件 this 【必选】 获取 该版本的入口文件 该版本的入口文件 文件列表文件描述 19.2 表 71 文件列表文件标识 文件列表文件描述 【必选 属性】 设置 文件列表文件标识 文件列表文件标识 this 【必选 属性】 获取 文件列表文件标识 文件列表文件标识 【必选】 设置 文件列表文件描述 文件列表文件描述 this 【必选】 获取 文件列表文件描述 文件列表文件描述 版本包含的文件列表 19.2 标 71 【必选】 增加 文件列表文件描述 文件列表文件描述 this 【必选】 增加 文件列表文件描述 文件列表文件标识 文件列表文件描述 this 【必选】 获取 文件列表文件描述列表 文件列表文件描述列表 表 70 版本描述入口 创建版本描述入口 默认为默认版本(Current="false") 版本标识(不含特殊字符字符串) 版本号 指向包内的版本描述文件 【必选】 设置版本标识 版本标识 (不含特殊字符,字符串) this 【必选】 获取版本标识 版本标识 【必选】 设置 版本号 版本号 this 【必选】 获取 版本号 版本号, -1 表示没有 【可选】 获取 是否是默认版本 默认值:false true 表示是默认版本 【可选】 设置 是否是默认版本 true 表示是默认版本 this 【必选】 设置 指向包内的版本描述文件 版本描述文件路径 this 【必选】 设置 指向包内 的版本描述文件 版本描述文件路径 一个OFD文档可能有多个版本 版本序列 图 89 版本结构列表 【必选】 增加 版本描述入口 版本描述入口 this 【必选】 获取 版本描述入口列表 版本描述入口列表 静态变量 命名空间 URI,《GB/T_33190-2016》 7.1 命名空间 元素节点应使用命名空间标识符 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 7.1 命名空间 OFD命名空间 通用的OFD命名空间前缀 使用命名空间为 http://www.ofdspec.org/2016,其表示符应为 ofd。 ————《GB/T 33190-2016》 7.1 命名空间 xs:date 类型日期格式化 xs:dateTime 类型时间日期格式化 OFD索引文件 文档容器名称前缀 文档的根节点描述文件名称 文档公共资源索引描述文件名称 文档自身资源索引描述文件名称 注释入口文件名称 附件入口文件名称 OFD文档主入口文件名称 页面容器名称前缀 页面描述文件名称 记录了资源描述文件名称 记录了页面关联的注解对象 签名容器名称前缀 电子印章文件名 签名/签章 描述文件名 签名值文件名 签名列表文件名称 Ofd文档对象 odf文档阅读器 文档根节点对象,Document.xml ofd文档所有页面 资源管理器 资源管理器 资源定位器 ofd文档所有页面 Initializes a new instance of the class. Get the document info. 获取页面物理大小 如果页面没有定义页面区域,则使用文件 CommonData中的定义 页面对象 页面大小 根据模板ID获取页对象 Initializes a new instance of the class. Convert a path data to a list of PsPathFigure. The Path data. A list of PsPathFigure Convert line points to PsPolyLineSegment. The start point of the line. The points of the line. The PsPolyLineSegment Convert bezier curve points to PsBezierSegment. The start point of the bezier curve. The points of the bezier curve. The PsBezierSegment Convert elliptical arc points to ApsArcSegment. The start point of the elliptical arc. The points of the elliptical arc. The ApsArcSegment Get the center point of an elliptical arc. The start point of the elliptical arc. The points of the elliptical arc. The center point. Split a path data to a list of path commands. The Path data. A list of path commands 指示指定的字符串是 null 还是空字符串 ("") or (" "). The process context. Initializes a new instance of the class. Render ofd image to ps object. The text object. The process context. Initializes a new instance of the class. Render ofd path to ps object. The path object. The process context. The image renderer. The text renderer. The path renderer. Initializes a new instance of the class. Render a list of ofd pages to ps pages. The list of ps pages. Render a ofd page to ps page. The ofd page to be rendered. A ps page. Render ofd layers. The list of layer. Render ofd page blocks. The list of block. Render ofd annotation. The annot. Render ofd stamp annotation. The stamp annot. The ofd document. 获取PS图片对象 引用ID The image stream. 获取PS图片对象 引用ID A ps image object. Get ps font 引用ID fontStyle The font size. A ps font. 获取矢量图形 资源ID 矢量图形,不存在返回null Get ofd color space. 引用ID A color space object. Get ofd font 引用ID The process context. Initializes a new instance of the class. Render ofd text object to ps object. The text object. Render ofd text code to ps object. 获取最终写入的字符编码 获取文本的字体样式 The ofd font. 获取文本偏移位子 The ofd document. 根据模板ID获取页对象 Convert ofd color to ps color. The ofd color. A ps color. Convert ofd color to ps brush. The ofd color. A ps brush. Convert ofd axialShd to ps brush. The ofd axialShd. The rectangle. A ps brush. Convert ofd radialShd to ps brush. The ofd radialShd. A ps brush. Convert ofd pattern to ps brush. The ofd pattern. A ps brush. Converts a ofd font to TtfFont The process context. The ofd source font. The new embedded TTFFont. Initializes a new instance of the class. 构建所有页面下的字体 构建当前Page下的字体 构建Layers节点下的字体 构建PageBlocks节点下的字体 Builds the font of the current text Build font by font data. Create TTFont by ofd embedded font. The ofd source font. The new TTFFont Create TTFont by ofd non-embedded font. The ofd source font. The new TTFont ofd字体数据写入新的ttf字体 The source font. The new ttf font. The text object. Create a cff font by font data. The font data. The cff font. Create a type1 font by font data. The font data. The type1 font. Create a ttf font by font data. The ttf font. Is Type1 Font? Save the TTFFont to the TTFont 一对一关系,检查textObject.CGTransforms与textCode的映射关系是否正确,某些情况下不能使用textCode作为写入的字符编码 Fetch font name. Create ps image. The image bytes The ps image Reverse y position. 文档容器 表示第几份文档,从0开始 获取文档索引 文档编号(用于表示第几个) ,从0起 获取文档的根节点 获取文档公共资源索引 获取文档自身资源索引对象 获取注释列表对象 获取资源容器 获取 数字签名存储目录 设置 文档公共资源索引 文档公共资源索引 this 设置注释列表对象 注释列表对象 注释列表对象 设置 文档自身资源索引 文档自身资源索引 this 设置 文档的根节点 文档的根节点 this 获取 资源文件夹 如果资源文件不存在则创建 this 获取 数字签名存储目录 如果数字签名存储目录不存在则创建 数字签名存储目录 获取 页面存储目录 如果页面存储目录则会创建 页面存储目录 增加资源 资源 this OFD文档对象 请显示的调用Close或clean方法清除工作过程中的文件和目录 OFD文档主入口文件名称 最大文档索引 + 1 新建一个OFD文档 OFD文档 指定路径创建或读取OFD文档容器 如果容器文档已经存在,那么读取 如果文档不存在那么创建一个文档 容器初始化 获取 文档主入口文件对象 设置 文档主入口文件对象 文档主入口文件对象 this 新建一个文档容器 新建的文档容器 获取指定Index的文档 如果文档不存在那么创建 index 文档容器 通过文档索引获取文档容器 文档索引 文档容器 获取第一个文档容器作为默认 第一个文档容器 页面目录容器 代表OFD中第几页 index 从 0 开始取 获取页面索引 获取页面资源描述文件 页面资源描述文件 获取分页注释文件 分页注释文件 获取资源文件虚拟容器 获取资源目录 获取页面描述对象 页面描述 设置页面描述 页面描述 this 向页面中增加页面资源 资源 this 设置页面资源描述对象 页面资源描述对象 this 设置分页注释文件 分页注释文件 this 获取页面资源目录 如果目录不存在则创建 资源目录容器 页面容器 最大页面索引 + 1 index + 1 初始化容器 创建一个新的页面容器 页面容器 获取索引的页面容器 页码 = index + 1 索引(从0开始) 指定索引页面容器 资源目录 向目录中加入资源 加入的资源将会被复制到指定目录,与原有资源无关 资源 this 签名资源容器 表示第几个签名 第几个签名,从1开始 获取 电子印章文件 电子印章文件 获取 签名值文件 签名值文件 获取 签名/签章 描述文件 签名/签章 描述文件 设置 签名/签章 描述文件 签名/签章 描述文件 this 设置签名值文件 签名值文件 this 签名容器 签名Index最大值 + 1 也就是签名容器数量,因为签名容器Index从0起算 获取 签名列表文件 初始化容器 设置 签名列表文件 签名列表文件 this 创建一个签名/章虚拟容器 签名/章虚拟容器 获取指定签名容器 第几个签名 签名容器 虚拟容器对象 文件根路径(完整路径包含当前文件名) 目录名称 所属容器 文件缓存 用于保存读取到的文件的Hash 因为读取操作导致文档加载到缓存, 但是文件在flush时候,反序列丢失格式字符等 导致文件改动。 目录中的虚拟容器缓存 获取当前容器完整路径 @return 容器完整路径(绝对路径) 获取虚拟容器的名称 名称 获取在容器中的绝对路径 绝对路径对象 获取该容器所属容器 所属容器对象 向虚拟容器中加入文件 文件路径对象 this 向虚拟容器加入对象 文件名 元素对象 this 通过文件名获取元素对象 文件名 元素对象(不含代理) 计算获取的对象的序列化Hash值 文档对象 Hash 判断文件是否改动 文件名 文件对象 true - 已经被改动;false - 未改动 获取容器中的文件对象 文件名称 文件路径对象 判断文件或对象是否存在 文件名称 true - 存在;false - 不存在 删除整个虚拟容器 将缓存中的对象写入到文件系统中 从缓存中刷新指定容器到文件系统中 容器名称 this 从缓存将指定对象写入到文件系统中 文件名称 this 元素杯子 对象序列化和反序列化工具 反序列化 向杯子中注入水 序列化把杯子中的水倒出 从文件加载反序列化元素对象 文件路径对象 反序列化的元素对象 错误OFD文件结构和文档格式异常 @since 2020-04-17 03:29:28 内容抽取器 解析结果接收器 构造文字抽取器 OFD解析器 抽取指定页面内的所有文字 页码,从1开始 页面内容的所有文本内容序列 页块处理 文本列表 页块列表 获取OFD内的所有文本内容 OFD中所有文本内容 遍历所有页面 接受 DeltaX和DeltaY工具 获取Delta数据 OFD数组对象 文本长度 一组坐标偏移值 ofd解析器 资源管理器 因一些ofd文件无法使用ZipUtil解压缩,可以让用户自己在外面解压缩好后,传入根目录创建 例如用户可以使用unzip或者unar等命令行方式解压缩 已经解压的OFD根目录位置,因此通过参数控制是否删除目录。 退出时是否删除 unzippedPathRoot 文件, true - 退出时删除;false - 不删除 初始化reader 获取资源管理器 资源管理器获取到的对象均为只读对象 资源管理器 文档异常 错误路径异常 @since 2020-04-09 20:05:29 关键字抽取 每毫米的point单位 1 point / 2.83464567 ≈ 0.35277778 mm 获取关键字坐标列表(坐标单位毫米mm) OFD解析器 关键字 关键字坐标列表 文件不存在异常 文档解析异常 获取关键字坐标列表(坐标单位毫米mm) OFD解析器 关键字列表 关键字坐标列表 文件不存在异常 文档解析异常 获取关键字坐标列表(坐标单位毫米mm) OFD解析器 关键字 要检索的页码,从1开始,不超过最大页码 关键字坐标列表 文件不存在异常 文档解析异常 获取关键字坐标列表(坐标单位毫米mm) OFD解析器 关键字列表 要检索的页码,从1开始,不超过最大页码 关键字坐标列表 文件不存在异常 文档解析异常 检查后缀匹配 待匹配文本 关键字 是/否 匹配 处理后缀匹配断字断行文本定位关键字 关键字字符串 映射对象 文本定位列表 关键字位置列表 TextCode位置 TextCode文本起始位置 第一个文字定位 处理前缀匹配断字断行文本定位关键字 关键字字符串 映射对象 文本定位列表 关键字位置列表 定位起始位置 第一个文字定位 检索下一个文本定位节点 关键字字符串 文本定位列表 合并的TextCode列表 文本资源映射对象 TextCode位置 最先匹配字符串 第一个匹配文字 处理正常关键字 关键字 映射对象 为转移列表 文字定位 文本索引 获取CTM后的关键字位置 文字定位 文本索引 文本资源 文字对象 CTM对象 X偏移 Y偏移 文本长度 关键字位置 合并坐标 坐标列表 矩形框 坐标转换 矩阵数组 原始X 原始Y 计算后位置 获取Matrix数据 ctm对象 矩阵对象 合并关键字位置对象 关键字 第一个关键字起始匹配位置 检索到的关键字列表 合并列表 外接矩形映射 合并Box 盒子列表 获取获取模板字典 资源定位器 Document File路径 文档对象 文件不存在异常 文档解析异常 创建关键字位置对象 文字定位对象 文本索引 页码 文字对象 字体属性 X偏移 Y偏移 文本长度 关键字对象 获取文本宽度,单位毫米(mm) 文字索引 文本长度 X偏移量 文字字号 文本宽度 获取字体 文字对象 字形对象 字体对象 获取左下角位置 矩形框 文字定位 X偏移 Y偏移 文字索引 左下角坐标 预处理数据 OFD解析器 文本列表 外接矩形映射 字体映射对象 模板数据 页码 页面块处理 文本列表 外接矩形映射 字体映射对象 页码 页块列表 获取字体映射对象 资源定位器 Document File路径 文档对象 文件不存在异常 文档解析异常 关键字位置 @author minghu-zhang @since 16:25 2020/9/26 关键字所在页码 矩形区域 所属关键字 文本资源 @since 16:25 2020/9/25 页码 字体对象 文字对象 @since 2020/9/25 @since 2020/8/11 @since 2020/8/11 @author dltech21 @since 2020/8/11 @author dltech21 @since 2020/8/11 OFD解析器 OFD虚拟容器对象 资源定位器 解析路径获取资源 是否已经关闭文档 构造一个 OFDReader OFD文件位置,例如:"/home/user/myofd.ofd" OFD文件操作IO异常 构造一个 OFDReader OFD文件输入流 OFD文件操作IO异常 因一些ofd文件无法使用ZipUtil解压缩,可以让用户自己在外面解压缩好后,传入根目录创建 例如用户可以使用unzip或者unar等命令行方式解压缩,因此通过参数控制是否删除目录。 已经解压的OFD根目录位置 退出时是否删除 unzippedPathRoot 文件, true - 退出时删除;false - 不删除 获取文档虚拟容器 OFD文档虚拟容器 获取默认文档Doc_0中的签名列表文件的绝对路径 签名列表文件绝对路径 错误OFD结构和文件格式导致结构无法解析 获取默认的签名列表对象 签名列表对象 文档是否包含数字签名 true - 含有;false - 不含; 获取注解列表文件对象 如果文档中没有注释文件,那么返还null 注解列表文件对象或null 获取OFD含有的总页面数量 总页数 获取页面信息 页码,从1开始 页面信息 获取页面物理大小 如果页面没有定义页面区域,则使用文件 CommonData中的定义 页面对象 页面大小 通过页面页码获取页面对象 页码,从1起 页面对象 获取页面的对象ID 页码 对象ID 获取资源定位器 资源定位器 获取附件对象 附件名称 如果附件或附件记录不存在,那么返还null 文档结构损坏 获取附件对象 该方法不会恢复资源定位器 附件名称 资源定位器 附件对象 关闭文档 删除工作区 工作区删除异常 页面信息 页面的物理大小 页面底层对象 页面在OFD中的对象ID 页码,从1起 页面的绝对路径 资源定位器 通过给与的资源地址获取对应的资源文件或对象 路径匹配正则列表 资源容器 该容器带有缓存功能 当前目录 保存的路径栈 每次调用Save都会入栈 * 通过虚拟容器创建资源加载器 创建资源加载器的同时切换路径至虚拟容器的目录 虚拟容器 保存当前工作路径 this 还原原有工作区 如果没有保存过工作区,那么不会造成任何影响 this 转换路径对象为绝对路径字符串 路径对象 绝对路径字符串 路径转换为绝对路径 容器路径 绝对路径字符串 重置工作路径 重置后将回到根路径 this 切换到制定的虚拟容器目录下 虚拟容器 this 改变目录 Change Directory 路径位置 this 路径不存在 改变目录 Change Directory 路径最后如果是目录也不加 "/" 路径位置 已有工作目录 this 路径不存在 判断路径是否存在 路径集合 true -存在,false - 不存在 判断路径是否存在 工作路径 true -存在,false - 不存在 打印工作目录 Print Work Directory 路径最后如果是目录也不加 "/" 工作目录路径 打印工作目录 Print Work Directory 工作目录 工作目录路径 获取以当前路径为基础的容器内绝对路径 目标路径 容器内绝对路径 获取路径下的文件 路径 系统文件路径 文件或路径不存在 通过路径获取容器 路径序列 虚拟容器 路径不存在 根据路径获取虚拟容器对象 获取的同时会缓存整个容器链路 容器目录 虚拟容器 路径不存在 资源管理器 使用ID随机访问文档中出现的资源对象 包括 公共资源序列(PublicRes) 和 文档资源序列(DocumentRes) 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 颜色空间 绘制参数 字形 多媒体对象 矢量图像 创建资源管理器 选择默认文档(Doc_0)进行资源的加载 OFD解析器 指定文档创建资源管理器 OFD解析器 文档序号,从0起 获取绘制参数 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 资源ID 绘制参数,不存在返回null 获取多媒体对象 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 资源ID 多媒体对象,不存在返回null 获取图片资源的图片对象 引用ID 图片流 IO异常 获取图片对象的图像 如果图片存在蒙板,那么返回蒙板后的图像 图片对象 图片流(蒙板后) 图片操作IO异常 获取 字形 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 资源ID 字形,不存在返回null 获取颜色空间 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 资源ID 颜色空间,不存在返回RGB 获取矢量图形 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 资源ID 矢量图形,不存在返回null 加载指定文档的资源 由于每个文档的ID体系都是独立的, 所以资源也是独立的,因此每次加载都会对上一个文档的资源进行清理。 文档序号,从0起 this 文件读写异常 文档解析异常 多文档资源加载 文件读写异常 文档解析异常 加载文档中的资源 文档描述信息 文件读写异常 文档解析异常 加载资源文文件中描述的资源对象 该方法不应该抛出异常所有异常均应该被忽略以便程序继续执行 资源加载器 资源文件位置 获取资源的绝对地址 资源加载器 资源文件的通用存储路径 资源文件路径 资源文件绝对地址 获取文档中所有 颜色空间 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 颜色空间列表 获取文档中所有 绘制参数 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 绘制参数 获取文档中所有 字形 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 字形 获取文档中所有 媒体对象 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 媒体对象 获取文档中所有 矢量图形 注意:资源管理器提供的资源对象均为只读对象(副本),不允许对资源进行修改。 矢量图形 印章ofd的解析器 图片处理工具 @since 2021-04-10 18:31:03 蒙版抠图 根据mask中像素的颜色将原图中的像素抠掉 原始图片 蒙板图片 扣去背景的图片对象 创建图片 图形宽度 图像高度 是否透明 计算灰度 红色通道 绿色通道 蓝色通道 命名空间清理类 用于清理已经存在的命名空间 @author libra19911018 @since 2020-10-15 19:38:15 命名空间变更 @since 2020-10-15 20:01:20 This is a abstract class base processor, it provides common functions. linwei pretreatment of picture input file stream first node picture location xml namespace manager result stream This is the interface of pre and post processors linwei interface for compression adapter linwei compress or decompress true if succeeded false if failed exceptions happen input file name output file name This interface defines the exposed interface of Translator linwei Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build. linwei Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build. linwei An XmlUrlResolver for zip packaged files sunqingzhi, linwei Zip archiving states linwei, sunqingzhi Not archiving Waiting for an entry Processing an entry An XmlWriter implementation for serializing the xml stream to a zip archive. All the necessary information for creating the archive and its entries is picked up from the incoming xml stream and must conform to the following specification : TODO : XML schema example : <pzip:archive pzip:target="path"> <pzip:entry pzip:target="relativePath"> <-- xml fragment --< </pzip:entry> <-- other zip entries --< </pzip:archive> The zip archive A delegate XmlWriter that actually feeds the zip output stream. The delegate settings 源文件 Source attribute of the currently processed binary file 所有需要处理的二进制文件 Constructor Delegates WriteStartElement calls when the element's prefix does not match a zip command. Delegates WriteEndElement calls when the element's prefix does not match a zip command. Otherwise, close the archive or flush the delegate writer. copy binary data (currently, only picture) in to zip archive Simple representation of elements or attributes nodes An XmlUrlResolver for embedded resources. sunqingzhi, linwei This class is used to hold contants. linwei linyaohu OOX file type linyaohu Translator factory which can judeg the input file type and initialize linyaohu check uof file type source file name document type The event arguments passed between TranslatorLib and Add-in linwei This is a abstract class base Translator, it provides common functions. linwei linyaohu main transform which needs the orginal File transform direction xsl location original File File after pretreatment output file zip the big xml file input xml file zip file pretreatment of picture input file stream first node picture location xml namespace manager result stream pretreatment of custom xml data,OOXM to UOF input file stream first node name space manager result stream get the embeded chart data chart type node (eg:c:barChart) name space chart data get the series name series node name space series name get the category name series node name space category name get the series' name chart xml file series' name get the categories name chart xml file categories name Check the chart cotains how many chart Types (Combo type) chart file name space manager chart type nodes get the title's text a:p name sapce title This class is used to handle the post processing for UOF.Currently, we just replace the picture element with base64 content. sunqingzhi, linwei Zip archiving states linwei, sunqingzhi An XmlWriter implementation for serializing the xml stream to a zip archive. All the necessary information for creating the archive and its entries is picked up from the incoming xml stream and must conform to the following specification : TODO : XML schema example : <pzip:archive pzip:target="path"> <pzip:entry pzip:target="relativePath"> <-- xml fragment --< </pzip:entry> <-- other zip entries --< </pzip:archive> The zip archive A delegate XmlWriter that actually feeds the zip output stream. The delegate settings 源文件 Source attribute of the currently processed binary file 所有需要处理的二进制文件 Constructor Delegates WriteStartElement calls when the element's prefix does not match a zip command. Delegates WriteEndElement calls when the element's prefix does not match a zip command. Otherwise, close the archive or flush the delegate writer. copy binary data (currently, only picture) in to zip archive Simple representation of elements or attributes nodes Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build. Constructs an exception with no descriptive information. Constructs an exception with a descriptive message. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. Constructs an exception with a descriptive message and a reference to the instance of the Exception that is the root cause of the this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. An instance of Exception that is the cause of the current Exception. If is non-null, then the current Exception is raised in a catch block handling innerException. Initializes a new instance of the exception class with serialized data. The object that holds the serialized object data. The contextual information about the source or destination. Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build. Constructs an exception with no descriptive information. Constructs an exception with a descriptive message. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. Constructs an exception with a descriptive message and a reference to the instance of the Exception that is the root cause of the this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. An instance of Exception that is the cause of the current Exception. If is non-null, then the current Exception is raised in a catch block handling innerException. Initializes a new instance of the exception class with serialized data. The object that holds the serialized object data. The contextual information about the source or destination. ZipFactory provides instances of IZipReader and IZipWriter. Provides an instance of IZipWriter. The path of the ZIP file to create. Provides an instance of IZipReader. The path of the ZIP file to read. ZipReader defines an abstract class to read entries from a ZIP file. Get an entry from a ZIP file. The relative path of the entry in the ZIP file. A stream containing the uncompressed data. Close the ZIP file. ZipWriter defines an abstract class to write entries into a ZIP file. To add a file, first call AddEntry with the relative path, then write the content of the file into the stream. Adds an entry to the ZIP file (only writes the header, to write the content use Stream methods). The relative path of the entry in the ZIP file. Resolves a path by interpreting "." and "..". The path to resolve. The resolved path. is the palette index for pixel 3 of row 1 (i1 is lsb; i3 is msb). Initializes new PCL font definition object. Write font with PCL XL Font Formats. PCL writer. PCL font. TTFont Write font with PCL XL Font Formats. PCL writer. Constructor Pcl document writer. Write font with PCL XL Font Formats. Write font with PCL XL Font Formats. PCL only support point unit "Int16",but PsPath support point unit "Float". 1.When filling region is very small,overlap to line("Int16" to "Float"). If only fill(no stroke),PsPath disappear. Bug_127/220/316/354/499,BaselineFile_8 2.Glyph position loss precison. So,by scaling,advoid precison loss. Font segment identifier. Global TrueType Data Null segment Returns the encoding associated with the specified code page identifier. The code page identifier of the preferred encoding. The encoding that is associated with the specified code page. Returns the encoding associated with the specified code page name. The code page name of the preferred encoding. The encoding that is associated with the specified code page. Creates a font, using font definition ( that contains font type and font files ) Creates a font, using font definition and ttfReader Parses font from fontReader and fontDefinition Parse for fontSource Parse font form fontDefinitions and ttfReader Parse for font Parse for fontReader Parse for font Encodes table data to ASCII hexadecimal string. Reference Spire.Pdf.General.Paper.Drawing.Rendering.Xps.ApsGlyphsIndicesToXpsReader Reference Spire.Pdf.General.Paper.Drawing.Rendering.Ps.XmlDocumentBuilder,IsValidXmlChar(char c) Get the char width The index The char width Get the text rise The text rise check character range Encode the font name,Because the font has illegal characters, Postscript does not know Writes text followed by new line characters. The string must contain only 7 bit characters. Edge softness. Target image. Width. Height. bug4304中,当圆弧起始点和终点在同一矩形区域,且该圆弧角度大于180度,说明该曲线的圆弧角度大于270,在绘制0区域时,由于cut点在曲线的起始点, 在计算曲线时会漏掉该区域大于270度到曲线终点这部分曲线,该方法重新计算该部分曲线 将unicode字符串转为普通字符串 Whether was replaced. Add segment. The record The value Modify the segment. The value Adjust the paragraph after replace. The input segments The replaceed text width Get charcodes. The unicodeString The char code Re set text show operator. The text range Get the bytes per char. The bytes count Whether need adjust space. The curent segment The pre segment if need return ture or false To chars string The hex code The string Get the font size. Resetting the text manager. The current string Add the segment before. The before record The shift Add the after segment. The after record The after segment Add segment. The record The pdf string Modify the segment. The value Get charcodes. The unicodeString The char code Unicode string to charcodes. The unicode strings The charcodes Get unicode string. The bytes The unicode string Get unicode string. The bytes it is process escape character? The unicode string Add segment. The record The val Modify the segment. The value Get charcodes. The unicodeString The char code Adjust paragraph after replaced. The inputsgment The width Re set text show operator. The text range Specified the text extract area. Whether is use simple extraction. Whether is extract all texts. Whether is use simple extraction. default vale: false. Whether is extract all texts. default vale: false. Specified the text extract area. default vale: RectangleF.Empty. Initialize a instance. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified text formatting mode. The isSimpleExtraction The isExtractAllText The extractArea rather than a steaming layout, a Pdf document is made up of several location-fixed blocks,each of which has its own font and font size Defines different modes which can be used while converting pdf document into text. See class. Filter the text rangles. The text ranges The fitered text ranges Whether the segment is visible. The segment If visible ,return true,or false Show hidden text? Whether is show hidden texts. default vale: false. the current path the current clip path the current path location Controls options for hiding text Controls options for hiding text Parses command queue and get current page all path save to the current dictionary 执行裁剪 Determines whether the current text is hidden Delete physical segment. The segment Controls options for hiding text Show hidden text? Index of do command Index of each command the current page all path Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets od Sets,show hidden text? Gets od Sets,Index of do command Gets od Sets,Index of each command Add clip path Get clip paths The horizontal scal of current text Get or set the horizontal scal Set the horizontal scal value to textElement The text element The font write embedFont tag Whether the text inside the rectangle is the hyperlink text. The rectangle if inside return true or false Hand hyper glyph. The new position The new size The glyphs The text Create new hyper glyph. The new position The new size The glyphs The text Hand new line. The new position Clear current hyper glyph. Whether the text is on same horizontal line. The ps matrix if the text is on same horizontal line return true,or false Get the ps font. The ps glyphs ps font Whether this page is a large page if current page`s width big than 1584 or height big than 1584,return ture or false Crop the ps image. The ps path The ps image The ps image Get the image clip rectanglef. The ps path The rectangle array list Get the visible clip region. The ps path The visible clip region Visit hyper link. The hyper link html Split Page Number html write javascript Sort text block. The text block compare whether two color values are the same true if the same or false The class representing a result of searching designated text from PDF page. Current text actual font name Current text original font name Get the actual font name Get the original font name Gets search text of this System.String structure. Gets match text of this System.String structure. Gets text which is including the searched text of this System.String structure. Gets all the text of the line where covers the searched text of this System.String structure . Gets page which is including the searched text of this Spire.Pdf.PdfPageBase structure. Gets index of page which is including the searched text of this System.Int32 structure. Gets the position of the searched text of this System.Drawing.PointF structure. Used by find text cross line if the MatchText in more lines( >=2 ),the results can not contain by one Rectangle. So we need a list to save data. Gets the positions of the searched text of this System.Drawing.PointF structure. if the MatchText in more lines( >=2 ),the results can not contain by one Rectangle. So we need a list to save data. Gets the size of the searched text of this System.Drawing SizeF structure. Used by find text cross line if the MatchText in more lines( >=2 ),the results can not contain by one Rectangle. So we need a list to save data. Gets the sizes of the searched text of this System.Drawing SizeF structure. Gets the bounds of the searched text of this System.Drawing RectangleF structure. Used by find text cross line if the MatchText in more lines( >=2 ),the results can not contain by one Rectangle. So we need a list to save data. Gets the bounds of the searched text of this System.Drawing RectangleF structure. if the MatchText in more lines( >=2 ),the results can not contain by one Rectangle. So we need a list to save data. Gets the bounds of the searched text of this System.Drawing RectangleF structure. Highlight the seached text. Highlight the seached text. The hight light color. apply hight light of the seached text Apply hight light of the seached text Hight light color Processing Rectangle. The textRect The processed rectangle apply hight light of the seached text apply hight light of the seached text,with unicode apply hight light of the seached text apply hight light of the seached text,with unicode The class representing all the resuls of searching designated text from PDF page Setting find text Parameters Do not select any parameters. Full word matching. Ignore English character case. Find text Cross line The target text in one line or more(>=2) lines. It will be remove in the future because it will be set as default ; Regular expression matching. Representing the way how to find text which a target text. Find text in a page with a table. The page The find areas. The target text The way to find The result find text Split text ranges by a list of rectangle. All text ranges The list of rectangle. A list of split result. Find text in a page The page The find area. if the value is RectangleF.Empty, area is the whole page. The target text The way to find The result find text Find all text in a page The page All text find in the page. Convert text coordinate, the lower-left corner is the origin of coordinates. The page Revert text coordinate, revert to the original page coordinate. The page Sort text range list by coordinate, and contact all text. Match TextFind in the range of rectangle from the given PDF Page. the coordinate origin is top left corner of the page. Provide a rangle to match textFind. The match TextFinds. Abstract base class for code point mapping classes (1-byte character encodings). Code point that is used if no code point for a specific character has been found. Unicode value indicating the the character is "not a character". Main constructor. @param name the name of the encoding @param table the table ([code point, unicode scalar value]+) with the mapping Extended constructor. @param name the name of the encoding @param table the table ([code point, unicode scalar value]+) with the mapping @param charNameMap all character names in the encoding (a value of null will be converted to ".notdef") Builds the internal lookup structures based on a given table. @param table the table ([code point, unicode scalar value]+) with the mapping {@inheritDoc} {@inheritDoc} Returns the main Unicode value that is associated with the given code point in the encoding. Note that multiple Unicode values can theoretically be mapped to one code point in the encoding. @param idx the code point in the encoding @return the Unicode value (or \uFFFF (NOT A CHARACTER) if no Unicode value is at that point) {@inheritDoc} Returns the index of a character/glyph with the given name. Note that this method is relatively slow and should only be used for fallback operations. @param charName the character name @return the index of the character in the encoding or -1 if it doesn't exist {@inheritDoc} {@inheritDoc} The characters in WinAnsiEncoding Return the glyphname from a string, eg, glyphToString("\\") returns "backslash" Return the string representation of a glyphname, eg stringToGlyph("backslash") returns "\\" Compression method enumeration Uncompressed storage Deflate compression method UnitConvertor Gets column name according to column index. 判断是否是阿拉伯数字 filter character [Content_Types].xml xl/workbook.xml xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels xl/sharedStrings.xml xl/worksheets/sheet.xml docProps/app.xml _rels/.rels docProps/core.xml xl/theme/theme1.xml xl/styles.xml xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet.xml.rels xl/drawings/drawing.xml xl/drawings/_rels/drawing.xml.rels all xml file to StringBuilder set cell value index all xml file to zip stream Initializes a new instance of the class. create sheet.xml all drawing.xml file create drawing.xml begin drawing end drawing add image id all image save to dictionary add image,absolute add image,relative begin sheet end sheet save and compress all xml file to stream compress to zip file dispose write pageobject to xlsx Unit Convertor save xlsx file to stream Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. pageObjects write xlsx 获取行列编号(A1,A2,A2....) 单元格内容是否为空 单元格内容是否是数字 获取当前集合中文本最大高度 获取当前行的最大高度 获取当前行的最大高度 获取当前行的最大高度 每一列额外增加的宽度值 每一行额外增加的宽度值 获取当前sheet列宽 每一列需要额外增加的宽度值 每一列需要加宽的值 pageObjects write xlsx 写入border样式,返回引用的样式Id号 写入background样式,返回引用的样式Id号 把边框样式Id,填充背景样式Id,是否自动换行写入样式表中CellXfs节点,返回CellXfs节点引用的Id号 获取当前列的文本在SharedStrings.xml中的字符串 获取单元格内所有文本的SharedStrings.xml字符串 获取当前行所有文本的SharedStrings.xml字符串 每一行的文本对象按Y坐标排列 获取当前文本的SharedStrings.xml字符串 获取空格字符串 获取空格宽度 根据空格字符串得到样式 获取两行文本之间隔多少个空行 enter line,换行 需要换多少行 字符大小 获取所有已经被合并的行列 横向合并列,返回合并列的范围 纵向合并行,返回合并行的范围 合并行 查找当前列是否被合并,返回合并的范围 查找当前列是否被合并,返回合并的范围 根据行列所引查找对象 合并单元格的文本 合并单元格的文本 单元格默认宽度 单元格默认高度 按相对位置写入图片 按绝对位置写入图片 计算图片开始位置y在logicSheet表中的开始行索引 计算图片开始位置y坐标点和与开始行的偏移位置 计算图片在logicSheet表中的结束行索引 计算图片结束位置y坐标点和与结束行的偏移位置 计算图片在logicSheet表中的开始列索引 计算图片开始位置x坐标点和与开始列的偏移位置 计算图片在logicSheet表中的结束列索引 计算图片结束位置X坐标点和与结束列的偏移位置 按相对位置写入图片 反转逻辑sheet,改变Y坐标起始点,从左上角开始 LogicSheet最后一行没有内容,移出最后一行 LogicSheet最后一行没有内容,移出最后一行 根据旧的逻辑列创建新的逻辑列 根据每一行增加的高度,更新逻辑行的高度,起始点,结束点 根据每一列增加的宽度,更新逻辑列的宽度,起始点,结束点 根据每一行增加的高度,更新逻辑行的高度,起始点,结束点 根据每一列增加的宽度,更新逻辑列的宽度,起始点,结束点 current file path namespace used by xml override theme1.xml override styles.xml override image/jpeg Default image/png Default Extension rels Default Extension xml override workbook.xml override app.xml override core.xml override sharedStrings.xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. sheet index for create sheet add a sheet.xml Drawing id for add image add a drawing.xmlk close node current file path namespace used by xml sheet count close xml last node sheet count Initializes a new instance of the class. add app.xml content close node current file path namespace used by xml author close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. add core.xml content close node current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. cNvPr node Id add image,absolute add image,relative close node current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. relationship id for reference image add a relationship for reference image close node current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. add value for cell update all cell count close node current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. 文本各种字体样式,统计总数 文本各种字体样式,集合对象 单元格背景各种样式,统计总数 单元格边框各种样式,统计总数 单元格边框各种样式,集合对象 单元格背景各种样式,集合对象 单元格引用CellXfs中的节点,统计总数 单元格引用CellXfs中的节点,集合对象 设置字体样式 获取设置字体样式字符串 从单元格边框样式集合中,获取相同样式的索引 从单元格背景样式集合中,获取相同样式的索引 从单元格边框样式集合中,获取所有的样式字符串 从单元格背景样式集合中,获取所有的样式字符串 增加一条单元格样式引用记录 获取单元格样式所有的引用记录 add content styles.xml close node 单元格字体样式类 单元格字体名称 单元格字体样式 单元格字体大小 单元格字体颜色 单元格字体在样式表中的索引 单元格字体名称 单元格字体样式 单元格字体大小 单元格字体颜色 单元格字体在样式表中的索引 比较是否是相同的样式 单元格在样式表中引用的节点 单元格在样式表中引用的节点,索引值 字体样式的索引值 背景样式的索引值 边框样式的索引值 是否自动换行 文本默认居左 单元格在样式表中引用的节点,索引值 字体样式的索引值 背景样式的索引值 边框样式的索引值 是否自动换行 文本默认居左 比较是否是相同的样式 current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. add themeElements content close node current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. add a sheet.xml close node current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. open sheet.xml 添加宽度xml标签 更新宽度表Cols 为单元格引用一个样式 为单元格引用一个样式 忽烈错误的单元格 合并了某些单元格 添加行,设置行高 结束行 开始sheet 结束sheet 合并的单元格写入mergeCells节点 close node 忽烈错误的单元格写入ignoredErrors节点 current file path namespace used by xml close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. add drawing reference for image close node current file path namespace used by xml add theme1.xml refences add styles.xml refences add sharedStrings.xml refences close xml last node Relationship index Initializes a new instance of the class. add a relationship node close node xml version StringBuilder enter line current file path current StringBuilder stream Initializes a new instance of the class. append content Replace string close node override ToString(); Gets or sets current file path Gets current StringBuilder stream 字符串在此实例中的第一个匹配项的从零开始的索引 将字符串插入到此实例中的指定字符位置 current file path namespace used by xml references app.xml file references core.xml file references workbook.xml file close xml last node Initializes a new instance of the class. close xml Force deflate algotithm even if it inflates the stored file. Off by default. Represents an entry in Zip file directory Compression method Full path and filename as stored in Zip Original file size Compressed file size Offset of header information inside Zip storage Offset of file inside Zip storage Size of header information 32-bit checksum of entire file Last modification time of file User comment for file True if UTF8 encoding for filename and comments, false if default (CP 437) Overriden method Filename in Zip Line orientation Cell data type Border direction Cell border line style Specifies the type of horizontal text alignment. Specifies the text is aligned to Left. Specifies the text is aligned to Center. Specifies the text is aligned to Right. Specifies the type of Vertical alignment. Specifies the element is aligned to Top. Specifies the element is aligned to Middle. Specifies the element is aligned to Bottom. Represents sound embedded into pdf document. Name of the file. Gets or sets the sampling rate, in samples per second (in Hz). Gets or sets the number of bits per sample value per channel. Gets or sets the encoding format for the sample data. Gets or sets the number of sound channels. The name of the file. Gets the element. The interface defines a 1-byte character encoding (with 256 characters). Returns the encoding's name. @return the name of the encoding Maps a Unicode character to a code point in the encoding. @param c the Unicode character to map @return the code point in the encoding or 0 (=.notdef) if not found Returns the array of character names for this encoding. @return the array of character names (unmapped code points are represented by a ".notdef" value) Returns a character array with Unicode scalar values which can be used to map encoding code points to Unicode values. Note that this does not return all possible Unicode values that the encoding maps. @return a character array with Unicode scalar values The encoding format for the sample data. Unspecified or unsigned values in the range 0 to 2^B - 1. Twos-complement values. M-lawencoded samples. A-lawencoded samples. The number of sound channels. One channel. Two channels. Enumeration that represents fit mode. Display the page designated by page, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the top-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A NULL value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a NULL value. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left,bottom,right,and top entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. Pdf version 1-7 ,on page 675 Represents an anchor in the document where bookmarks or annotations can direct when clicked. The zero based page number. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The location. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of PdfDestination. The zero based page number. The location in the page based on the lower-left coordinate system. The zoom factor. Gets or sets zoom factor. Gets or sets a page where the destination is situated. Gets or sets mode of the destination. Gets or sets a location of the destination. Gets or sets a rectangle of the destination. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid. true if this instance is valid; otherwise, false. Gets pdf primitive representing this object. Represents specification of embedded file. file name Name of the file. The data. Name of the file. The stream. Gets or sets the data. The data. Gets or sets the description. The description. Gets or sets the MIME type of the embedded file. The MIME type of the embedded file. Gets or sets creation date. Creation date. Gets or sets modification date. Modification date. Gets or sets attachment relationship. Attachment relationship Set the corresponding field value by field name. Custom field name. The corresponding field value. Set the corresponding field value by field name. Custom field name. The corresponding field value. Set the corresponding field value by field name. Custom field name. The corresponding field value. Modify embeddedFile data Attachment relationship type. If this document specification is the original source material for the associated content. If this document specification represents the information used to generate a visual rendering. If this document specification is an alternative representation of the content(such as audio). If this document specification represents a supplemental representation of the original source or data that may be easier to process. When the relationship is unknown or cannot be described using one of the other values. Represents base class for file specification objects. Name of the file. Gets or sets the name of the file. The name of the file. Gets the element. Exception of this type is raised when the document contains object which are not supported by current document standard. Initializes object with default error message. Initializes object with default error message and inner exception object. The inner exception. Initializes object by specified error message. User defined error message. Initializes object with specified error message and inner exception object. User defined error message. The inner exception. Exception of this type is raised when annotation object is used incorrectly. Initializes object with default error message. Initializes object with default error message and inner exception object. The inner exception. Initializes object by specified error message. User defined error message. Initializes object with specified error message and inner exception object. User defined error message. The inner exception. General exception class. Initializes object by default error message. Initializes object by specified error message. User defined error message. Initializes object by specified error message and inner exception object. User defined error message. The inner exception. Base PDF document exception. Initializes object by default error message. Initializes object by default error message and inner exception object. The inner exception. Initializes object by specified error message. User defined error message. Initializes object by specified error message and inner exception object. User defined error message. The inner exception. CalGray color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. The maximum value in the range for component. The minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. CalRGB color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. Pdf color space class Create ICC profile stream. The icc profile resource name. The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile. The ICC profile stream. Create color space. If can't parse the colorSpaceObj, then return a PdfNotSupportedColorSpace instance. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. The color space. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Constructors PdfColorSpace source object Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a list of color to target color space. The color list components. The target color space. The color list components in target color space. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. DeviceCMYK color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Construct an new instance. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. DeviceGray color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Construct an new instance. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. DeviceN color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. The maximum value in the range for component. The minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. DeviceRGB color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Construct an new instance. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. ICCBased color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. color space by alternate The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile data. This number must match the number of components actually in the ICC profile. As of PDF 1.4, N must be 1, 3, or 4. An array of 2 × N numbers [ min0 max0 min1 max1 … ] specifying the minimum and maximum valid values of the corresponding color components. These values must match the information in the ICC profile. The components num. The components num. The maximum value in the range for component. The minimum value in the range for component. The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile data. This number must match the number of components actually in the ICC profile. As of PDF 1.4, N must be 1, 3, or 4. An array of 2 × N numbers [ min0 max0 min1 max1 … ] specifying the minimum and maximum valid values of the corresponding color components. These values must match the information in the ICC profile. Constructors The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile data. This number must match the number of components actually in the ICC profile. As of PDF 1.4, N must be 1, 3, or 4. PdfColorSpace alternateColorSpace An array of 2 × N numbers [ min0 max0 min1 max1 … ] specifying the minimum and maximum valid values of the corresponding color components. These values must match the information in the ICC profile. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. Indexed color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. Read color table. the base color space. specifies the maximum valid index value. the color table obj. the color table bytes. Read color table. the base color space. specifies the maximum valid index value. the color table bytes. the color table. Map value form source to target range. The source value. The source min value. The source max value. The target min value. The target max value. The target value. the base color space in which the values in the color table are to be interpreted. specifies the maximum valid index value which the color table is to be indexed by integers in the range 0 to hival. the color table which provides the mapping between index values and the corresponding colors in the base color space. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Constructors PdfColorSpace baseColorSpace Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. Lab color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. An array of four numbers [ amin amax bmin bmax ] specifying the range of valid values for the a* and b* (B and C) components of the color space. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. Not support color space. Constructors PdfColorSpace source object Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. Pattern color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. Constructors PdfColorSpace source object Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. Separation color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to target color space. The target color space. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert a color to target color space. The color components. The target color space. The color components in target color space. the pdf document convert to docx document,set the options Represents first-page cross-reference table and tailer in file structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object number of the first object in the first embedded file stream group. The location of the first object in the first embedded file stream group. The number of embedded file stream groups referenced by this hint table. The number of bits needed to represent the highest object number corresponding to an embedded file stream object. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of objects in an embedded file stream group. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest length of an embedded file stream group, in bytes. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of shared object references in any embedded file stream group. Per-page entries. The object number of the first object in the group. The location of the first object in the group. The number of objects in the group. The length of the object group in bytes. The number of shared object references. The number of bits needed to represent the numerically greatest shared object identifier used by the objects in the group. Starting with item 7, each of the remaining items in this table is a shared object identifier—that is, an index into the shared object hint table (described in Section F.3.2, “Shared Object Hint Table”). The object number of the first object in the group. The location of the first object in the group. The number of objects in the group. The length of the object group in bytes. The hint table base. The page offset hint table provides information required for locating each page. The least number of objects in a page (including the page object itself). The location of the first page’s page object. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least number of objects in a page. The least length of a page in bytes. This is the least length from the beginning of a page object to the last byte of the last object used by that page. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least length of a page, in bytes. The least offset of the start of any content stream, relative to the beginning of its page. (See implementation note 183 in Appendix H.) The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least offset to the start of the content stream. (See implementation note 183 in Appendix H.) The least content stream length. (See implementation note 184 in Appendix H.) The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least content stream length. (See implementation note 184 in Appendix H.) The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of shared object references. The number of bits needed to represent the numerically greatest shared object identifier used by the pages (discussed further in Table F.4, item 4). The number of bits needed to represent the numerator of the fractional position for each shared object reference. For each shared object referenced from a page, there is an indication of where in the page’s content stream the object is first referenced. That position is given as the numerator of a fraction, whose denominator is specified once for the entire document (in the next item in this table). The fraction is explained in more detail in Table F.4, item 5. The denominator of the fractional position for each shared object reference. Page entries. Add page entry. Add page entry. Get page object number. Get page length. The shared object hint table gives information required to locate shared objects. The object number of the first object in the shared objects section (part 8). The location of the first object in the shared objects section. The number of shared object entries for the first page (including nonshared objects, as noted above). The number of shared object entries for the shared objects section, including the number of shared object entries for the first page (that is, the value of item 3). The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of objects in a shared object group. (See also implementation note 185 in Appendix H.) The least length of a shared object group in bytes. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least length of a shared object group, in bytes. Shared object group entries. Add group entry. The object number of the first thumbnail image (that is, the thumbnail image that is described by the first entry in the thumbnails section). The location of the first thumbnail image. The number of pages that have thumbnail images. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of consecutive pages that do not have a thumbnail image. The least length of a thumbnail image in bytes. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least length of a thumbnail image. The least number of objects in a thumbnail image. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least number of objects in a thumbnail image. The object number of the first object in the thumbnail shared objects section (a subsection of part 9). This section includes objects (color spaces, for example) that are referenced from some or all thumbnail objects and are not referenced from any other objects. The thumbnail shared objects are undifferentiated; there is no indication of which shared objects are referenced from any given page’s thumbnail image. The location of the first object in the thumbnail shared objects section. The number of thumbnail shared objects. The length of the thumbnail shared objects section in bytes. Per-page entries. Add per-page entry. Get the frist object info. The number list of consecutive pages that do not have a thumbnail image. The length list of a thumbnail image in bytes. The number list of objects in a thumbnail image. The length of objects in bytes. Represents linearization parameter dictionary in file structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Write linearization parameter dictionary to file stream. The file stream. The file length. The hint stream position and offset.[offset1 length1 offset2 length2] (part 5) The object number of frist page's page object (part 6) The offset of end of frist page. The offset of frist entry in main cross-reference table(part 11). Represents main cross-reference table and tailer in file structure. Represent the offset of the white-space character preceding the first entry of the main cross-reference table,relative to the beginning of the file. Represent the offset of the object number 0; Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Represents overflow hint stream in file structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Represents linearized document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Register a new object information. The object. The object info. Gets object information about an object. The object. The object information. Represents all elements in linearized document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents one part in file structure. Get document structure. Get object information. Save a pdf object. Write a pdf object information to the stream. Write a pdf string information to the stream. Write a pdf array information to the stream. Write a pdf reference information to the stream. Write a pdf stream information to the stream. Write a pdf dictionary information to the stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the dictionary of the page. Gets all objects in the page. Gets all objects in the page. Gets the dictionary of the page. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page object. Add inheritable property to page dictionary. The page dictionary. The ancestors dictionary. Analyze page all objects. The page dictionary. Analyze page annots. The page dictionary. Analyze page beads. The page dictionary. Analyze page resources. The page dictionary. Find pdf object. The record. The associated resources with the content stream. The font dictionary. Whether the object is image. The object. Tf the object is image, true. Otherwise,false Represents header in file structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Represents first-page section in file structure. Get the page index. Get the page index. Get all objects. Get shared object info groups. Analyze objects. Represents primary hint stream in file structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Build the stream content. The first page section part. The remaining pages part. The shared objects part. The other objects part. The stream length. Build page offset hint table. The first page section part. The remaining pages part. The table length. Build shared object hint table. The first page section part. The shared objects part. The table length. Build Thumbnail hint table. The other objects part. The table length. Represents remaining pages in file structure. Get all objects. Get remaining page objects info Map. Get remaining page reference shared objects Map. Get remaining page annots objects Map. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Analyze objects. Represents document catalog and document-level objects in file structure. Get all objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Organize pdf objects. Represents shared objects in file structure. Get all objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Alloacte contiguous object number. Analyze shared objects. Represents other objects in file structure. Get all objects. Get document information all dependent objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document structure. The linearized Document. Analyze objects. Add pages object. Remove pages dictionary inheritable properties The pages dictionary. Whether the object is Page node. The pdf object. If the object is a page node, true. Otherwise,false Whether the object is catalog. The pdf object. If the object is a catalog, true. Otherwise,false Update dependent indirect objects. The dependent indirect objects. A node object. Update outlines dependent indirect objects. The dependent indirect objects. A node object. Group object. Get the min value from an array. The array. The min value. Get the max value from an array. The array. The max value. Get the max value from a list array. The list. The max value. Object cliper class 裁剪后需要删除的对象 Initializes a new instance of the class. Clip object 对文本进行剪切 对横线进行剪切 对竖线进行剪切 对Path路径进行剪切 对图片进行剪切 Curve object 宽度 高度 线宽 曲线颜色 set clip rect 曲线的数据 Content width Content height Line width set clip rect line color Curve data Graphics Object Object start point Object start point Object extractor The origin document. Ps转换器 页面大小 Initializes a new instance of the class. Get the current page all object Get the document all page all object Get the document all page size The pdf document. Reverse y position. y value Image index in xlsx ImageObject Save get data from ps UnitConvertor Get object from ps Cell fill path data clip rectangle,save to stack if IsNegative is true,flip clip rectangle,save to stack The page rotate Initializes a new instance of the class. Get GraphicsObject from Ps model Reverse y position. clip rectangle,save to stack if IsNegative is true,flip clip rectangle,save to stack Start visit page End visit page Start visit canvas Start visit arc segment Visit image Image index in xlsx End visit canvas Visit glyphs,get text Start visit path End visit path Start visit path line End visit path line Start visit poly line Visit poly bezier line Visit bezier line Visit line Horizontal line object set clip rect line color end point Cell border line style Content width height set clip rect line color end point Cell border line style Image object 图片宽度 图片高度 图片 Image file extension It is clip and scale image gets or sets the affine matrix transformation to the local coordinate space. set clip rect clip image rectangle Image clip x position Content width Content height It is image object Image file extension It is clip and scale image gets or sets the affine matrix transformation to the local coordinate space. set clip rect logic sheet creator 逻辑sheet,是sheet表的抽象 表格对象 path对象 横线对象 竖线对象 所有的线条对象(包含TableObject中的线条对象) 图片对象 文本对象 文本对象 从表格对象提取每一行的文本对象 段落的对象 Pdf document to xlsx document,page content layout 页面大小 Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. set object to logicSheet 判断布局方式 以相近值起点,判断当前坐标是否在相近值的范围内 线条端点附近的列坐标 线条端点坐标 是否是线条结束位置 获取逻辑Sheet 把表格对象设置到逻辑表Sheet 把表格对象设置到逻辑表Sheet 把表格对象中的行,设置到逻辑表中的行 按线条布局方式,把表格对象中的列,设置到逻辑表中的列 设置表格列的border到LogicColumn 按文本布局方式,把表格对象中的列,设置到逻辑表中的列 表格对象中列的顶部或底部设置到逻辑表中的列 设置Path对象到LogicSheet 设置Path对象到LogicSheet 设置横线对象到LogicSheet 设置横线对象到LogicSheet 根据线条对象创建BorderObject 设置竖线对象到LogicSheet 设置竖线对象到LogicSheet 根据线条对象创建BorderObject 设置段落对象到LogicSheet 设置段落对象到LogicSheet 设置段落对象到LogicRow 按行设置文本到LogicSheet 设置表格对象中的文本到LogicSheet 设置文本对象到LogicSheet 判断文本是否跨列,如果跨列,把后一列的文本追加到前一列,两列中间的Border设置为null,表示处于合并状态 判断当前两列是否在表格对象范围内 把前后一列的文本添加到前一列 判断是否存在线条 判断是否是一个单独的Tj文本 获取表格对象 所有的线条对象(包含TableObject中的线条对象) 按文本方式布局,单元格内文本存在多行多列,需要拆分为多行多列,获取表格对象中每一行的文本对象 从表格对象清空所有文本对象 分行,只合并紧挨着的字符和文本 简单合并文本,只合并当前行紧挨着的字符和文本 获取文本对象 获取段落对象 获取图片对象 获取横线对象 获取竖线对象 获取Path对象 页面大小 布局参数 是否支持换行 是否是空sheet 段落对象 获取段落的矩形范围 当前段落包含的文本 设置当前段落包含的文本 设置当前段落包含的文本 获取当前段落包含的文本 获取段落的矩形范围 Path object Content width Content height Path line width set clip rect fill data fill background color border color Avoid directly modifying values in the array returned by this property. For standard dashes it returns a static array. If you modify values in it, it will affect all pens with this pattern. Content width Content height Path line width set clip rect fill data fill background color Cell border color Avoid directly modifying values in the array returned by this property. For standard dashes it returns a static array. If you modify values in it, it will affect all pens with this pattern. Recognizer base class Input graphics objects. Input graphics objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Clear graphicsObject StraightLine megre class 第一根线条结束点与第二根线条开始点间距多少,就认为是相交的,设一个常数控制,合并为一根线 两根平行线之间相隔多少,就认为是同一根线的,设一个常数控制,合并为一根线 only for to xlsx Initializes a new instance of the class. Recognize all lines the current page,only for to xlsx Recognize all lines the current page 第一根线条结束点与第二根线条开始点间距多少,就认为是相交的,合并为一根线 两根平行线之间相隔多少,就认为是同一根线的,合并为一根线 识别线条,拆出表格线 获取边框样式 把Path转成四根线条 开始合并当前页面的线条 合并横线,按横向方向合并(多根横线y坐标值相同的情况,合并成一根或多根横线) 合并横线,按纵向方向合并(多根横线存在y坐标值相近的情况,合并成一根或多根横线) 起始点X不相同的情况下,前面一根横线结束点与当前横线起始点间距在一个常数范围内,合并成一根或多根横线 在Y相同,起始点X相同的情况下,也存在多根横线,这种情况先合并成一根横线 合并两根横线为一根横线 合并剪切范围 y坐标值相近的横线合并成一根或多根横线,相近有一个范围区间,yCoordinateStart开始,yCoordinateEnd结束 在起始点y相似或相近的情况下,按起始点X相同的线分别存入集合 合并竖线,按纵向方向合并(多根竖线X坐标值相同的情况,合并成一根或多根竖线) 合并竖线,按横向方向合并(多根竖线存在x坐标值相近的情况,合并成一根或多根竖线) 起始点Y不相同的情况下,前面一根竖线结束点与当前竖线起始点间距在一个常数范围内,合并成一根或多根竖线 在X相同,起始点Y相同的情况下,也存在多根竖线,这种情况先合并成一根竖线 合并两根竖线为一根竖线 合并剪切范围 x坐标值相近的竖线合并成一根或多根竖线,相近有一个范围区间,xCoordinateStart开始,xCoordinateEnd结束 在起始点x相似或相近的情况下,按起始点y相同的竖线分别存入集合 Text object Returns cell spacing of this font (points). This is a vertical distance between baselines of the two glyphs. the text size the text the font style the font size the font name the text color merge text after,the second text origin laction merge text after,the second text size the text clip rect the affine matrix transformation to the local coordinate space the size of each character Returns cell spacing of this font (points). This is a vertical distance between baselines of the two glyphs. the char size the text the font style the font size the font name the text color the text clip rect the affine matrix transformation to the local coordinate space. the size of each character merge text after,the second text origin laction merge text after,the second text size Vertical line object set clip rect line color end point Cell border line style Content height width line color end point set clip rect Cell border line style the page index the page size The origin PdfDocumentBase. 识别为chart后剩余的对象 Initializes a new instance of the class. 抽取chart的内容 计算当前path又包含多少个path 判断是否包含曲线 筛选出chart的范围 获得对象的范围 从图片截取当前页面的chart的内容 Define a cross row and column merge range class,Used to merge cells 开始行所引值 结束行所引值 开始列所引值 结束列所引值 开始行所引值 开始行所引值 结束行所引值 结束行所引值 开始列所引值 开始列所引值 结束列所引值 结束列所引值 获取合并行列的xml字符串 当前已经合并的行列是否包含当前单元格 Gets column name according to column index. all page convert to signle sheet 每一页的页面对象 每一页的页面大小 Initializes a new instance of the class. Convert to stream 合并所有页面的对象,每一页对象的Y坐标不断追加 更新TableObject对象的Y坐标 更新PathObject对象的Y坐标 更新HLineObject对象的Y坐标 更新VLineObject对象的Y坐标 更新TextObject对象的Y坐标 更新ParagraphsObject对象的Y坐标 更新ImageObject对象的Y坐标 相近数值的起始,结束范围 比如数据: -1, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31, 48, 49, 50, 61, 62, 80 前后相邻的数字小于5,认为是相近的数字 处理后得到结果: 第1段数据:m_Start=-1,m_End=-1; 第2段数据:m_Start=10,m_End=10; 第3段数据:m_Start=15,m_End=18; 第4段数据:m_Start=29,m_End=31; 第5段数据:m_Start=48,m_End=50; 第6段数据:m_Start=61,m_End=62; 第7段数据:m_Start=80,m_End=80; 这样每一段范围数字处理成同一行,或同一列 前后间隔某一个值认为是相近的数字 相近数值的开始范围 相近数值的结束范围 设置相近数值的开始范围 设置相近数值的结束范围 前后间隔某一个值认为是相近的数字 获取相近数值的开始范围 获取相近数值的结束范围 前后间隔某一个值认为是相近的数字 单元格横向起点,结束点,或两点之间距离;单元格纵向起点,结束点,或两点之间距离 当前行的Y坐标起始点 当前行的Y坐标结束点 当前行的所引,1开始 当前行包含的列 Get y coordinate point for row top Set y coordinate point for row top Get y coordinate point for row bottom Set y coordinate point for row bottom Get row index Set row index Add new Column Get all Columns Get logicColumn by columnIndex Get row height 当前行内容是否为空 单元格横向起点,结束点,或两点之间距离;单元格纵向起点,结束点,或两点之间距离 当前列的左边的X起始点 当前列的右边的X结束点 当前列所在行的索引值,1开始 当前列的索引值,0开始 当前列的顶部边框 当前列的底部边框 当前列的左边框 当前列的右边框 当前列的背景色 当前列的text对象集合 当前列的Paragraphs对象 Set x point to the left of the colume Get x point to the left of the colume Set x point to the right of the colume Get x point to the right of the colume Set row Index Get row Index Set Column Index Get Column Index Get the top border Set the top border Get the bottom border Set the bottom border Get the left border Set the left border Get the right border Set the right border Get the background color Set the background color Add text object to column Add text object to column Add paragraphs object to column Get all graphics object Get paragraphs object Get column width Get column text width 获取当前列最右边文本的结束X坐标点 获取当前列最左边文本的X坐标点 获取当前列文本的最大fontSize 当前列内容是否为空 当前表格所有行 当前表格所有行 获取第一行的所有列 最大行索引 最大列索引 LogicSheet的范围 logic sheet creator 页面对象 线条X坐标点相近数值的起始,结束范围 线条Y坐标点相近数值的起始,结束范围 Initializes a new instance of the class. 创建逻辑sheet 线条X坐标点相近数值的起始,结束范围 线条Y坐标点相近数值的起始,结束范围 获取所有列的X坐标 获取所有行的Y坐标 按线条方式布局,获取文本,线条的X坐标位置,包含表格线条,path线条和单个线条 按线条方式布局,获取文本,线条的Y坐标位置,包含表格线条,path线条和单个线条 按文本方式布局,获取文本,线条的X坐标位置,包含表格线条,path线条和单个线条 按文本方式布局,获取文本,线条的Y坐标位置,包含表格线条,path线条和单个线条 所有表格线的横坐标值 所有path线条的横坐标值 所有线条的横坐标值 所有表格线的纵坐标值 所有path线条的纵坐标值 所有线条的Y坐标值 创建逻辑列 把部分对象的X坐标值加入逻辑列,进行布局 把对象的X坐标值加入逻辑列,进行布局 创建逻辑行 把对象的Y坐标值加入逻辑行,进行布局 把对象的Y坐标值加入逻辑行,进行布局 把HLineObject VLineObject PathObject对象的X坐标值加入逻辑列 把HLineObject VLineObject PathObject对象的Y坐标值加入逻辑行 把所有文本对象的X坐标值加入逻辑列 把表格对象中的TextObject对象的X坐标值加入逻辑列 把TextObject对象的X坐标值加入逻辑列 把所有文本对象的Y坐标值加入逻辑行 把表格对象中的TextObject对象的Y坐标值加入逻辑行 获取表格对象每一行文本的Y坐标 获取每一行文本的Y坐标 把TextObject对象的Y坐标值加入逻辑行 获取表格对象以外的区域 获取线条坐标点相近数值的起始值 获取表格顶部部分文本的X的坐标值 获取表格底部部分文本的X的坐标值 把X坐标按表格列分段 如果X坐标位置靠得很近,消除重复项 坐标点 小于等于某个值,认为是重复的 下一个数字减上一个数字大于parameter值的索引 坐标点 小于等于某个值,认为是重复的 如果Y坐标位置靠得很近,消除重复项 下一个数字减上一个数字大于parameter值的索引 获取当前集合中所有文本的矩形范围 Border object 单元格Border线宽 单元格Border颜色 Cell border line style Get border width Set border width Set border style Get border color Set border color Column object 当前列的左边的X起始点 当前列的右边的X结束点 当前列所在行的索引值,1开始 当前列的索引值,0开始 当前列的顶部边框 当前列的底部边框 当前列的左边框 当前列的右边框 当前列的背景色 当前列的文本集合 Set x point to the left of the colume Get x point to the left of the colume Set x point to the right of the colume Get x point to the right of the colume Set row Index Get row Index Set Column Index Get Column Index Get the top border Set the top border Get the bottom border Set the bottom border Get the left border Set the left border Get the right border Set the right border Get the background color Add text object to column Add path object to column Add background color to column Get all text object Get column width Merge text Row object 当前行的Y坐标起始点 当前行的Y坐标结束点 当前行的所引,1开始 当前行包含的列 Get y coordinate point for row top Set y coordinate point for row top Get y coordinate point for row bottom Set y coordinate point for row bottom Get row index Set row index Add new Column Get all Columns Get row height Table Object 线条最小宽度 存放当前表格的横线对象 存放当前表格的竖线对象 存放当前表格的Path对象 当前表格所有行 当前表格矩形区域 存放当前表格的文本对象 Add horizontal Lines in the current table Return all horizontal Lines in the current table Add vertical Lines in the current table Return all vertical Lines in the current table Add pathObject in the current table Return all pathObject in the current table Whether to contains obj in the current table? Get the table Rect 与表格相交,但是属于表格范围外部的对象 Get all rows 返回每一行的起始点,结束点,高度 返回每一列的起始点,结束点,宽度 设置横线到列对象 设置竖线到列对象 Fill text into table Fill text into table Which column is the text in the table Which column is the text in the table Which column is the path in the table Merge cell 根据行列所引查找对象 获取总列数 返回表格内所有文本对象 返回表格内所有文本对象 Tables recognizer 横线与竖线连接处,间距小于某个值,认为是相交的 表格对象集合 Initializes a new instance of the class. Recognize table object Get other graphics object than table 横线与竖线连接处,间距小于某个值,认为是相交的 获取所有存在相交的横线 获取所有存在相交的竖线 获取所有的文本对象 获取所有的Path对象 获取表格对象 分析线条,得到表格对象 合并成一个表格 合并成一个表格 是否存在交叉 竖线与横线是否交叉 横线是否与表格相交 竖线是否与表格相交 判断是否是一个表格 处理表格顺序,先按表格左上角Y坐标从上到下,再按表格左上角X坐标从左到右排序 按表格左上角X坐标从左到右排序 把文本填入表格 把文本填入表格 把path填入表格 把path填入表格 合并单元格 段落识别 Get other graphics object than table 获取当前行,文本Y坐标最小的值 获取当前行,文本高度最大的值 text recognizer 存放当前页面所有的线条(横线)对象 存放当前页面所有的线条(竖线)对象 串联字符串数组的所有元素,其中在每个元素之间使用指定的分隔符. 串联每一行,其中在每一行之间使用指定的分隔符. Initializes a new instance of the class. graphicsObject separatorChar newlineChar Recognize text,简单识别,当前行紧挨着的字符和文本已经被合并了,进一步把每一行的多个文本进行合并 简单识别,只合并当前行紧挨着的字符和文本 获取每一行的文本对象 过滤掉不需要显示的文本(旋转文本) 过滤掉重叠文本 获取所有的横线 获取所有的竖线 获取所有文本对象 获取除文本对象以外的所有对象 按X方向,获取x1和x2之间所有的文本对象 按Y方向,获取y1和y2之间所有的文本对象 把字典转换成集合 把集合中的文本对象按文本坐标X值重新组织 把集合中的文本对象按文本坐标Y值重新组织 分别获取每一行的文本对象 按横线分段后,分别获取每一行的文本对象 把srcdictionary字典并入到destdictionary字典 把集合textObjects并入到destdictionary字典 获取字典的最大key 获取集合中文本最大的高度 把紧挨着的字符和文本进行合并 在同一行,起始点X相同的情况下,也存在重叠文本,合并成一个文本 重叠文本,合并成一个文本 合并两个文本,第二个文本对象合并到第一个文本对象 拼接前后两段字符串 判断两个文本之间是否有线条,存在线条返回true,不存在线条返回false 判断竖线是否从两个文本之间穿过 y位置处是否有横线 在同一行,起始点X相同的情况下,也存在重叠文本,合并成一个文本 重叠文本中选择一个合适的文本 X坐标大概重叠的文本 X坐标相似,最后一段文本 Common method 在布局中多个文本靠得很近,会造成重复性的多列,设一个常数控制 在布局中多个文本靠得很近,会造成重复性的多行,设一个常数控制 在布局中多个线条靠得很近,会造成重复性的多列,设一个常数控制 在布局中多个线条靠得很近,会造成重复性的多行,设一个常数控制 字体为Arial,大小为1的情况下,空格宽度大约为0.277F,单位point 字体为Arial,大小为1的情况下,空格高度大约为1.15F,单位point Get font name Check whether it is number 判断是否是贝塞儿曲线 Descending sort Descending sort 根据number相近值的范围进行分段 根据number相近值的范围进行分段 添加从左往右标识. 判断是否在当前行 判断是否在当前列 比较颜色 Convert PsPath to RectangleF PDF-based ISO standards require that integer values in a PDF do not exceed the range of integer values in 32 bit systems. 是否转到多个sheet 是否显示重叠文本 对图片只做剪切,不缩放图片,把剪贴范围的比例缩放到和原始图片比例一致,再剪贴图片,这样避免图片模糊 设置图片在原文档原始的剪切范围,起始,结束位置,高宽 对图片做剪切,先把图片比列缩放到和剪贴范围的比例(100%)一致,再剪贴图片,图片会存在模糊情况 This class provides support for converting ofd into pdf or image. Gets the document page count. Initializes a new instance of the class. The path to source ofd file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The ofd file stream. Save ofd document to pdf. A relative or absolute path for the file. Save ofd document to pdf. The pdf file stream. Saves OFD document page as image Page index Returns page as Image Saves OFD document page as image Page index Pictures X resolution Pictures Y resolution Returns page as Image The embedded font conveter. The origin document. Construct a new converter. The pdf file stream. Construct a new converter. The pdf file path. Convert to embedded font document. The out file path. Convert to embedded font document. The out stream. The embedded font builder. Construct an new provider Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. This class provides support for converting PDF into an XPS Document. Construct a new converter. The pdf file stream. Construct a new converter. The pdf file path. Converts a range of the pdf document to word. The pdf document. The word stream. The start index. the end index. Converts the specified pdf document to word. The pdf document. The word stream. Convert to doc/docx document. The out file stream. Convert to doc/docx document. The out file stream. Is docs or doc. Convert to doc/docx document. The out file name. Convert to doc/docx document. The out file name. Is docs or doc. Creates the PDF document. Adds the document properties. The doc properties. Draws to PDF. The images. The PdfNewDocument. Convert pdf document to excel. The pdf document. The out stream. Convert pdf document to excel. The pdf documentBase. The start index. The end index. The out stream. Get Recognize Objects 是否转到多个sheet The origin document. Construct a new converter. The pdf file stream. Construct a new converter. The pdf file path. Convert to linearized pdf document. The out file path. Convert to linearized pdf document. The out stream. Construct a new instance. The Pdf/X1A:2001 standard provider. The embedded font builder. the text color builder the image color builder The transparency builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A1A standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. The transparency builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A1B standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. The transparency builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A2A standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A2B standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A2U standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A3A standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A3B standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The Pdf/A3U standard provider. The pdf standard options. The embedded font builder. The device independent color space builder. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The pdf standard options. Force convert. Other image color modes convert to cmyk mode Handle image instructions current resources,rgb color to cmyk color for image Handle image instructions current resources,rgb color to cmyk color for image Check if it is a image resource It is contains mask image resource It is contains smask image resource Converter image data to cmyk mode Create inline image to new dictionary Creates a new image dictionary,by the specified image dictionary add image dictionary to resources,by specified resource name Find resource by specified resource name The resource name. The associated resources with the The content stream. The image dictionary. Convert image color space to cmyk color space. The image samples. The image width. Byte boundaries are ignored, except that each row of sample data must begin on a byte boundary. If the number of data bits per row is not a multiple of 8, the end of the row is padded with extra bits to fill out the last byte The number of bits used to represent each color component. The color space. The image samples with cmyk color space and bitsPerComponent is 8. Map value form source to target range. The source value. The source min value. The source max value. The target min value. The target max value. The target value. Document utils. Repair document page tree. The pdf processing context. Repair document embedded files. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Remove document embedded files. The pdf processing context. Remove document JavaScript actions. The pdf processing context. Remove document permissions. The pdf processing context. Remove document outlines. The pdf processing context. Remove document catalog "AA" entry. The pdf processing context. Remove document openAction. The pdf processing context. Remove document Names. The pdf processing context. Remove document spiderInfo. The pdf processing context. Remove document structTreeRoot. The pdf processing context. Remove document needAppearances. The pdf processing context. Add default RGB profile outputIntents if catalog has no outputIntents. The pdf processing context. true, if exist outputIntents, replace with default RGB OutputIntents. false, if exist outputIntents, return. Create default CMYK profile outputIntents. The document catalog. The pdf processing context. true, if exist outputIntents, replace with default CMYK OutputIntents. false, if exist outputIntents, return. Create output intent dictionary describing the color characteristics of output devices. The output intent subtype A human-readable text string containing additional information or comments about the intended target device or production condition. The icc profile resource name. The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile. The output intent dictionary. Annotations utils. Apply standard to annotations. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Permitted annotation type list. Other color modes convert to cmyk mode Stroking color space stack. Nonstroking color space stack. Current stroking color space. Current nonstroking color space. Handle color space instructions in content stream. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Handle color space/color instructions in content stream. The instruction. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Parse color operands in instruction. The color operands. The color space. The color components. Convert cmyk components to operands in instruction. The cmyk components The color operands in instruction File structure utils. Fonts utils. Graphics utils. Remove jpeg2000 filter. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Apply standard to optional content group. The pdf processing context. Remove optional content group. The pdf processing context. Remove prohibited entries with Image. An Image dictionary shall not contain the "Alternates" key or the "OPI" key. If an image dictionary contains the "Interpolate" key, its value shall be false. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. remove color space in the resources Interactive forms utils. Add empty AP dictionary if field has no ap. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Remove signature field value. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Logical structure utils. Indicates that the file conforms to the tagged PDF conventions. The pdf processing context. Create struct tree root. The pdf processing context. Find all page objects. The page tree. All page objects. Process page box(MediaBox,TrimBox) Only remove structParents from current page dictionary Pdf metadata utils. Predefined properties in document info. Serializes an XMPMeta object as RDF into an OutputStream. a metadata object an OutputStream to write the serialized RDF to. Remove custom properties. The pdf processing context. Generate standard metadata. The pdf processing context. Generate default standard metadata. The default standard metadata. Generate standard metadata. The origin metadata. The default standard metadata.. Clone properties. The namespace URI. The origin metadata. The target metadata. Ensure document information dictionary entries and their analogous XMP properties shall be equivalent. The metadata stream. The document information dictionary. Get the date of ISO8601 format. the date in the format D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm' the date in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz Transparency utils. Remove transparency group. A "Group" object with an "S" key with a value of Transparency shall not be included in a form XObject. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Remove graphics state transparency. The associated resources with the The content stream. Remove SMask. The associated resources with the The content stream. Remove image SMask. The associated resources with the The content stream. Pdf color space class Create ICC profile stream. The icc profile resource name. The number of color components in the color space described by the ICC profile. The ICC profile stream. Get min value. The values. The min value. Create color space. If can't parse the colorSpaceObj, then return a PdfNotSupportedColorSpace instance. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to cmyk color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. Whether support conversion to Gray color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. Not support color space. DeviceGray color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to cmyk color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. Whether support conversion to Gray color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. DeviceRGB color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to cmyk color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. Whether support conversion to Gray color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. DeviceCMYK color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Whether support conversion to cmyk color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. Whether support conversion to Gray color. True,supported; Otherwise,False. Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. CalGray color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. CalRGB color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. Lab color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. ICCBased color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. color space colorspace by alternate Constructors Constructors PdfColorSpace alternateColorSpace Is conversion to cmyk supported true/false Pattern color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. Indexed color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. Read color table. the base color space. specifies the maximum valid index value. the color table obj. the color table bytes. Read color table. the base color space. specifies the maximum valid index value. the color table bytes. the color table. Map value form source to target range. The source value. The source min value. The source max value. The target min value. The target max value. The target value. the base color space in which the values in the color table are to be interpreted. specifies the maximum valid index value which the color table is to be indexed by integers in the range 0 to hival. the color table which provides the mapping between index values and the corresponding colors in the base color space. The components num. the maximum value in the range for component. the minimum value in the range for component. Constructors PdfColorSpace baseColorSpace Is conversion to cmyk supported true/false Convert to cmyk color. The color components. The cmyk color components. Separation color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. DeviceN color space. Try to parse color space. The color space IPdfPrimitive Obj. The color space. True if success to parse; otherwise,False. The device independent color space builder. The ICC profile for DeviceGray. The ICC profile for DeviceRGB. The ICC profile for DeviceCMYK. Handle color space instructions in content stream. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Handle device color space which associated to instructions. The instruction. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Handle device color space which associated to resources. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. Handle device color space which associated to "ColorSpace" resources. The associated "ColorSpace" resources with the The content stream. Handle device color space which associated to "XObject" resources. The associated "XObject" resources with the The content stream. Add ICCBased color space resource. The resource name. The ICCBased color space. The associated resources with the The content stream. Convert color space to device-independent. The color space. The device-independent color space If the color space is device color space or exist device color space, then convert to device-independent color space, return true. Otherwise,return false. Convert color space to device-independent. The color space. The device-independent color space If the color space is device color space or exist device color space, then convert to device-independent color space, return true. Otherwise,return false. Create the ICCBased color space for DeviceCMYK. The ICCBased color space for DeviceCMYK. Create the ICCBased color space for DeviceRGB. The ICCBased color space for DeviceRGB. Create the ICCBased color space for DeviceGray. The ICCBased color space for DeviceGray. The pdf embedded font builder. Current font dictionary. Font dictionary stack. Current font structure. Font structure stack. Key: The font dictionary, Value: The font structure. Key: The font structure., Value: The ttf font. Key: The font structure., Value: The char code to unicode mapping. Tw WordSpace stack. Tf FontSize stack. Handle color space instructions in content stream. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Handle text instructions in content stream. The instruction. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Build font structure The font dictionary. The font structure. Find font dictionary. The font resource name. The associated resources with the The content stream. The font dictionary. Build embed truetype font. The origin font. The embed truetype font. Convert origin bytes to literal string bytes. Diffrence between literal string bytes and origin bytes, the literal string bytes has existed escape characters. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. The literal string bytes. Generate "CIDSet" dictionary entry. The char code to unicode mapping. The CIDSet pdf stream. Generate "ToUnicode" dictionary entry. The char code to unicode mapping. The cmap pdf stream. Generate "DW" dictionary entry. The char code to unicode mapping. The font program reader. The pdf array. Check font dictionary. The font dictionary. Check Simple font. The font dictionary. Create font subset tag. The font subset tag Whether is font subset. The PostScript name of the font. Image width. Image Height. The color space in the image dictionary. Note: It may not represent the actually color space of the image When the color space of the image data is not equal to the color space item in the dictionary. Get softmask image from image dictionary Get mask image from image dictionary Gets image mask. The decode in the image dictionary. Note: It may not represent the actually decode of the image When the color space of the image data is not equal to the color space item in the dictionary. Get Matte from image dictionary, pdf937 for SMask image. Constructors Image dictionary The image is an inline image or not. Decode sample data which is represented as a sequence of bytes. The image color space. The image decode. The number of bits used to represent each color component. The sample data which is represented as a sequence of bytes. Decode image components with the row range. The start row index The end row index. The color space of image components. The decode of image components. The number of bits used to represent each color component. The image color components. Sample data is represented as a stream of bytes, interpreted as 8-bit unsigned integers in the range 0 to 255. The bytes constitute a continuous bit stream, with the high-order bit of each byte first. This bit stream, in turn, is divided into units of n bits each, where n is the number of bits per component. Each unit encodes a color component value, given with high-order bit first; units of 16 bits are given with the most significant byte first. Byte boundaries are ignored, except that each row of sample data must begin on a byte boundary. If the number of data bits per row is not a multiple of 8, the end of the row is padded with extra bits to fill out the last byte. Decode image components with the row range. The start row index The end row index. The color space of color components. The number of bits used to represent each color component. The image color components. Sample data is represented as a stream of bytes, interpreted as 8-bit unsigned integers in the range 0 to 255. The bytes constitute a continuous bit stream, with the high-order bit of each byte first. This bit stream, in turn, is divided into units of n bits each, where n is the number of bits per component. Each unit encodes a color component value, given with high-order bit first; units of 16 bits are given with the most significant byte first. Byte boundaries are ignored, except that each row of sample data must begin on a byte boundary. If the number of data bits per row is not a multiple of 8, the end of the row is padded with extra bits to fill out the last byte. Encode image components. The image components. The image width. The image height. The image color space. The number of bits used to represent each color component. Encode color space components. The image components. The image width. The image height. The image color space. The number of bits used to represent each color component. Decode image Get the default Decode arrays for use with the various color spaces. The image’s Decode array specifies a linear mapping of each integer component value to a number that would be appropriate as a component value in the image’s color space. The coloe space. The number of bits used to represent each color component. The default decode arrays. Map value form source to target range. The source value. The source min value. The source max value. The target min value. The target max value. The target value. Scale image. The image. The result image width. The result image height. The result image. Map rgb components to color The rgb color components. The color. Combine source image with mask image. /// Source image. Mask image. The result image. Combine source image with smask image. Source image. SMask image. The result image. The pdf document process context. The file structure. The file info. The violation message. The current stack. Content stream and Resources mappings. Reference 3.7.2 Resource Dictionaries. The file structure. The file info. Construct a new processing context. The file structure. Push the current pdf element. The current pdf element. Pop the current pdf element. The current pdf element Get content stream and Resources. Content stream and Resources mappings. Construct resources which is associated with a content stream. Reference 3.7.2 Resource Dictionaries. Add violation message. The violation message. Clone document. The origin document. Clone pdf element. The origin pdf element. The origin file structure. The main objects map. new pdf element. Clone pdf string. The origin pdf string. new pdf string. Clone pdf number. The origin pdf number. new pdf number. Clone pdf boolean. The origin pdf boolean. new pdf boolean. Clone pdf name. The origin pdf name. new pdf name. Clone pdf null. The origin pdf null. new pdf null. Clone pdf array. The origin pdf array. The origin file structure. The main objects map. new pdf array. Clone pdf dictionary. The origin pdf dictionary. The origin file structure. The main objects map. new pdf dictionary. Clone pdf stream. The origin pdf stream. The origin file structure. The main objects map. new pdf stream. Clone pdf reference. The origin pdf reference. The origin file structure. The main objects map. new pdf reference. The pdf document processor. The pdf process provider. Construct a new excutor. The pdf process provider. Generate the pdf standard document. The origin document. The out file path. Generate the pdf standard document. The origin document. The out stream. Process the pdf document. The pdf processing context. Visit elemet and excute rules on the pdf element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. The main object list. Handle content stream and resources. The pdf processing context. Set document info. The pdf document. Create file identifiers. The file identifiers. The pdf process provider base class. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Excute after visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Generate content stream. The instructions. The content stream. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The pdf transparency builder. Remove graphics state transparency. The associated resources with the The content stream. Find font dictionary. The font resource name. The associated resources with the The content stream. The font dictionary. Handle graphics state transparency operate. The associated resources with the The content stream. Convert color space to target color space. Target color space. Stroking color space stack. Nonstroking color space stack. Current stroking color space. Current nonstroking color space. Target color space. Construct a new instance. Handle color space instructions in content stream. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Handle color space/color instructions in content stream. The instruction. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The new instructions. Parse color space operands in instruction. Convert target color space to operand in instruction. The color space operand. Parse color operands in instruction. The color operands. The color space. The color components. Convert color components to operands in instruction. The color components The color operands in instruction Handle resources. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. Handle image resources. The associated image resources with the The content stream. The image is an inline image or not. Whether the image supports conversion. Temp!!! The image dictionary. Handle image resources. The shading resources with the The content stream. The gray color space provider. The color space builder. Construct an new provider Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The gray pdf conveter. The origin document. Construct a new converter. The pdf file stream. Construct a new converter. The pdf file path. Convert to gray pdf document. The out file path. Convert to gray pdf document. The out stream. The pdf standard conveter. The origin document. Construct a new converter. The pdf file stream. Construct a new converter. The pdf file path. Convert to pdf/a1b standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a1b standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a1a standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a1b standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a2b standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a2b standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a2u standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a2u standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a2a standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a2a standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a3b standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a3b standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a3u standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a3u standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/a2a standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/a3a standard document. The out stream. Convert to pdf/x1a2001 standard document. The out file path. Convert to pdf/x1a2001 standard document. The out stream. Flatten form. This class provides support for converting PDF into an OFD Document. Converts the specified PdfDocument to Ofd. The pdf document. The ofd stream. Converts a range page of the PdfDocument to Ofd. The pdf document. The ofd stream. The start index. The end index. Adds the document properties. The doc properties. Pdf to excel,the options use line layout If the parameter is true,all pages converted to multiple sheet. whether show rotated text In PDF document table,there are multiple lines of text in the cell.Whether it is split into multiple lines. This value is true if you wrap the text of an object in Microsoft Excel If you wan to display overlapping text,set the parameter to true If the parameter is true,all pages converted to multiple sheet. whether show rotated text In PDF document table,there are multiple lines of text in the cell.Whether it is split into multiple lines. This value is true if you wrap the text of an object in Microsoft Excel If you wan to display overlapping text,set the parameter to true Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. the pdf document conver to multiple sheet,the default is true whether show rotated text,the default is true In PDF document table,there are multiple lines of text in the cell.Whether it is split into multiple lines.the default is true Initializes a new instance of the class. the pdf document conver to multiple sheet,the default is true whether show rotated text,the default is true In PDF document table,there are multiple lines of text in the cell.Whether it is split into multiple lines.the default is true This value is true if you wrap the text of an object in Microsoft Excel Initializes a new instance of the class. the pdf document conver to multiple sheet,the default is true whether show rotated text,the default is true In PDF document table,there are multiple lines of text in the cell.Whether it is split into multiple lines.the default is true This value is true if you wrap the text of an object in Microsoft Excel If you wan to display overlapping text,set the parameter to true the pdf document convert to xlsx document,set the options Pdf to excel,the options use text layout If the parameter is true,all pages converted to multiple sheet. whether show rotated text If you wan to display overlapping text,set the parameter to true If the parameter is true,all pages converted to multiple sheet. whether show rotated text If you wan to display overlapping text,set the parameter to true Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. the pdf document conver to multiple sheet,the default is true whether show rotated text,the default is true Initializes a new instance of the class. the pdf document conver to multiple sheet,the default is true whether show rotated text,the default is true If you wan to display overlapping text,set the parameter to true This class provides support for converting PDF into an XPS Document. The license protected. The pdf document. The zoom factor. Whether support east asian font. Whether to dispose font. Whether to render enmbed font as ttf. Whether is the colorspace image. Whether is a new page. The pdf page tatal rotate angle(pageRotate + userRotate). Whether to draw annotation. Whether to draw page content. Whether is hight light. The annotation dictionary. Image zoom factor. Support east asian font. Dispose font. Render embed font as ttf. Colorspace image. whether is a new page. Gets or sets. The pdf page tatal rotate angle(pageRotate + userRotate). Draw annotation. Draw page content. Hightlight. The annotation dictionary. Construct a new instance. The pdf document. Create empty bitmap. The width in pixels. The height in pixels. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. A System.Drawing.Imaging.Bitmap. Create empty metafile. The width in pixels. The height in pixels. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. A System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile which's format is System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual. Create empty metafile. A System.IO.Stream that contains the data for this System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile. The width in pixels. The height in pixels. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. A System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile which's format is System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual. Convert pdf page to bitmap by ps mode. The page index. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. A System.Drawing.Bitmap. If the page is restricted,return null. Convert pdf page to bitmap. The page index. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. A System.Drawing.Bitmap. If the page is restricted,return null. Convert pdf page to metafile. The page index. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. A System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile which's format is System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual. If the page is restricted,return null. Convert pdf page to metafile. The page index. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. A System.IO.Stream that contains the data of a System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile which's format is System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual. If the page is restricted,return null. Convert pdf page to bitmap by ps mode. The page index. The horizontal resolution in dots per inch. The vertical resolution in dots per inch. A System.Drawing.Bitmap. If the page is restricted,return null. Get the scale. The page The scale value Render pdf multiply color page to image. The System.Drawing.Graphics graphics. The page index. The Spire.Pdf.General.Render.Page. Render pdf page to image. The SSystem.Drawing.Graphics graphics. The Spire.Pdf.General.Render.Page. The resources,Spire.Pdf.General.Render.PdfElement.PdfPageResources resources. The Spire.Pdf.General.Render.PdfElement.PdfRecordCollection The System.Drawing.Image Fill rectangle. The graphics The rectanlgef Get the page index The page The page index Destructor Releases all resources used. Specify whether to had released resources. Releases all resources used. True,Releases all resources;False,Releases unmanaged resources. disposed is false ,Releases all resources Convert pdf document to postscript. The pdf document. The out stream. Convert pdf document to postscript. The pdf document. The start index. The end index. The out stream. Adds the document properties. The doc properties. Convert pdf document to pcl. The pdf document. The out stream. Convert pdf document to pcl. The pdf document. The start index. The end index. The out stream. Pdf to Html, Set Parameter The license protected. The pdf document. The font cache. ??? Construct a new instance. The pdf document. Convert pdf page to a PsPage. The page index. A PsPage. If the page is restricted,return null. Convert a range page of the document to svg. The pdf document. Main out file. Is svg file header. The start index. The end index. A list of byte. Convert the document to svg. The pdf document. Main out file. Is svg file header. A list of byte. This class provides support for converting PDF into an XPS Document. Converts a range page of the PdfDocument to Xps. The pdf document. The xps stream. The start index. The end index. Converts the specified PdfDocument to Xps. The pdf document. The xps stream. Creates the PDF document. Adds the document properties. The doc properties. A number tree is similar to a name tree, except that its keys are integers instead of strings and are sorted in ascending numerical order. The root node. Find key's value. The key. The node. The value Remove key/value. The key. The node. Add key/value to node. The key. The value. The node. Add key/value to kids. The key. The value. The kids. The limits. Add key/value to nums. The key. The value. The nums. Create new leaf node and add key/value. The key. The value. The least key in limits. The greatest key in limits. The leaf node. check key is between limits. The key. The limits. true/false if limits is null, represent no limits,so return true. check key is less than the least value in limits. The key. The limits. true/false if limits is null, represent no limits,so return false. check key is large than greatest value in limits. The key. The limits. true/false if limits is null, represent no limits,so return false. Generate The node. The list which keys are sorted in ascending numerical order. A number tree is similar to a name tree, except that its keys are integers instead of strings and are sorted in ascending numerical order. The root node. Find key's value. The key. The node. The value Remove key/value. The key. The node. Add key/value to node. The key. The value. The node. Add key/value to kids. The key. The value. The kids. The limits. Add key/value to nums. The key. The value. The nums. Create new leaf node and add key/value. The key. The value. The least key in limits. The greatest key in limits. The leaf node. check key is between limits. The key. The limits. true/false if limits is null, represent no limits,so return true. check key is less than the least value in limits. The key. The limits. true/false if limits is null, represent no limits,so return false. check key is large than greatest value in limits. The key. The limits. true/false if limits is null, represent no limits,so return false. Generate The node. The list which keys are sorted in ascending numerical order. Rectangles are used to describe locations on a page and bounding boxes for a variety of objects. The lower-left x. The lower-left y. The upper-right x. The upper-right y. Decodes data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Implements the ASCIIHexDecode filter. Encodes the specified data. Decodes the specified data. Decompresses stream data. Stream data to be decompressed. Decompressed stream data. No compression. Compresses data using the zlib or deflate compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. Compresses data using the LZW compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. Compresses data using the ASCII85 compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. Compresses data using the ASCIIHex compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. Compresses data using the RunLength compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. Decompresses data encoded using a DCT (discrete cosine transform) technique based on the JPEG standard, reproducing image sample data that approximates the original data. Decompresses data encoded using the zlib / deflate compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. inner class, implementation of jpeg image decoding image pixel data parameters of image for decompression Construct a new decoder object Strean with decompressed data image pixel data parameters of image for decompression parameters of image for decompression The Stream. The attached tags. Image color space Note: Ignore if is not image. Image width. Note: Ignore if is not image. Image height. Note: Ignore if is not image. Decode data encoded using the zlib/deflate compression method. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data using the zlib/deflate compression method. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. Decode data. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The decode parameter dictionary. The original data. Encode data. The original data. The decode parameter dictionary. The encoded data with the parameter dictionary. The Stream. The attached tags. Image color space Note: Ignore if is not image. Image width. Note: Ignore if is not image. Image height. Note: Ignore if is not image. Initialize the new instance of the class. The pdf stream. Get decoded data. Get decoded data. The encoded data. The filter name. The decode parameter dictionary. The Stream. Encode stream data. The name of a filter to be applied in processing the stream data. The parameter dictionary used by the filter specified by Filter. Pdf version. Implements PDF string object. 1.Text String: Used for human-readable characters,such as text annotations,bookmark names,article names and document information.Thes strings are encode- d using either PDFDocEncoding or UTF-16BE with a leading byte-order marker. 2.PDFDoc String: Used for characters and glyphs that are represented in a single byte, using PDFDocEncoding.This type,which reflects a more specific encoding than the text string type. 3.ASCII String: Used for characters that are represented in a single byte using ASCII encoding.Because 7-bit U.S. ASCII is a strict subset of PDFDocEncoding, this value may also be considered to be in that encoding. 4.Byte String: Used for binary data represented as a series of 8-bit bytes,where each byte can be any value representable in 8 bits. The string may represent characters or glyphs but the encoding is not known. The bytes of the st- ring may not represent characters. This type is used for data such as MD5 hash values,signature certificates and Web Capture identification values. Auto encoding by the characters set. ASCII encoding. PDFDoc encoding. UTF16 big endian encoding. The written byte sequence of the string. If written way is Literal,the byte sequence include escape characters. If written way is Hexadecimal,each pair bytes in the byte sequence define one byte of string. !!!Note:Must be not null. String be written in hexadecimal form. The character strings that are encoded A series of bytes—unsigned integer values in the range 0 to 255. Don't include escape characters or hexadecimal defined. !!!Note:if null,not generate from written bytes or set new value. Construct string. Construct string. A bytes sequence. Construct string. A bytes sequence. String be written in hexadecimal form. Construct string. A characters string. The encoding which the characters string are encoded. Construct string. A date. Get bytes. A bytes sequence. Set bytes. A bytes sequence. String be written in hexadecimal form. Set bytes. A bytes sequence. Get text. A characters string. Set text. A characters string. The encoding which the characters string are encoded. Get a date. a date Set a date which is an ASCII string of the form (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm'). A date. Gets or sets the integer value of the specified object. The encryptor. The obj number. Decrypts the specified encryptor. The encryptor. The current object number. Encode the literal string bytes. the literal string bytes has existed escape characters. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. The encryptor. The current object number. With "(" ..")" The literal string bytes. Encode the literal string bytes. the literal string bytes has existed escape characters. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. With "(" ..")" The literal string bytes. Encode the literal string bytes. the literal string bytes has existed escape characters. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. With "(" ..")" The literal string bytes. Decode the literal string bytes. the literal string bytes has existed escape characters. The literal string bytes. The encryptor. The current object number. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. Decode the literal string bytes. the literal string bytes has existed escape characters. The literal string bytes. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. Decode the hexadecimal string bytes. the hexadecimal string bytes define a byte by each pair of hexadecimal digits. The hexadecimal string bytes. The encryptor. The current object number. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. Decode the hexadecimal string bytes. the hexadecimal string bytes define a byte by each pair of hexadecimal digits. The hexadecimal string bytes. The origin bytes which is the encoded bytes or the encrypted bytes. Convert a char sequence to a byte sequence(one byte to one char). The string which one char represent one byte. The byte sequence. Convert a byte sequence to a char sequence(one byte to one char). The byte sequence. The string which one char represent one byte. Convert a byte sequence to a char sequence(one byte to one char). The byte sequence. byte range:0 length. The string which one char represent one byte. Encoding for text strings in a PDF document outside the document's content streams Map to unicode code point. Note: 0 which not first element represent undefined code point in PDFDocEncoding. Map to unicode char. Note: '\0' which not first element represent undefined code point in PDFDocEncoding. Decode all the bytes in the specified byte array into a string. The byte array containing the sequence of bytes to decode. A string containing the results of decoding the specified sequence of bytes. Decode all the bytes in the specified byte array into a string. The byte array containing the sequence of bytes to decode. The index of the first byte to decode. The number of bytes to decode. A string containing the results of decoding the specified sequence of bytes. Get bytes. A string. The encoded bytes using PDFDocEncoding. Check whether exist character which are not represented in a single byte using PDFDocEncoding. A string. true,exist character which is out of character set; otherwise, false. Begin an inline image object. Begin the image data for an inline image object. End an inline image object. The filter array to be applied in processing the stream data. The parameter dictionary array used by the filters specified by Filter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data of the stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The data of the stream. Initializes a compressed pdfstream. The dictionary of the stream. The data of the stream. The pdfstream> Get the encoded stream. Get decoded data. The decoded data. Set encoded data. The new encode data. The filetrs of the encoded data. The decodeParmsArray of the filters. Generate a stream writer. If the stream is compressed, decompress it frist. A writer of the stream. Forbidden filter item used in the stream. Clone pdfStream. The source pdf stream. Add filters to the stream. The filetrs of the encoded data. The decodeParmsArray of the filters. Add a filter to the stream. The filter name. The decode parms. Clear the stream data. Saves the object using the specified writer. The writer. Gets a value indicating whether the object was encrypted. Gets a value indicating whether this is decrypted. true if decrypted; otherwise, false. Decrypts the data using the specified encryptor. The encryptor. The current object number. Encrypts the stream content. The data. The writer. The encrypted content. Image Format Convert string to a byte array. String data Byte array. Shows the text on the next line and sets word and character spacings. The word spacing. The char spacing. The text. if set to true the text should be in hex. Shows the text on the next line and sets word and character spacings. The word spacing. The char spacing. The text. Begins text. Ends text. Begins start markup sequence text. The name of the markup sequence. Begins start markup sequence text. The name of the markup sequence. Ends markup sequence text. Writes comment to the file. 1 G ,Pen Color 1 g ,Pen Color Set the rgb color The color Set the border width. The width Writes the text. The text. if set to true the text is in hex. Writes the text. The text. Writes the text. The text. if set to true the text is in hex. Writes the specified text. The text. Writes the specified data. The data. read bi data Parse an inline image. An inline image starts with BI (already read, contains a dictionary until ID, and then image data until EI. Represents page tree. Represents page tree node. Represents page leaf node. The dictionary. The ancestors in the hierarchy. Initialize a new instance. Initialize a new instance. The dictionary. The ancestors in the hierarchy. Get property. The key. Inheritable. The value. Implements the base class for all functions. Gets the element. Implements Type 2 (Exponential Interpolation) Functions. Initializes a new instance of the class. init Gets or sets the function result when x = 0. Gets or sets the function result when x = 1. Gets or sets the Exponent. The document. The objects that has already been visited. Construct a new instance. The digest method. Get digest value. The digest value. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Digest the Pdf object. The object to digest. Represents action in the PDF. Represents action in the PDF. Represents action in the PDF. Represents action in the PDF. Represents GoToE action in the PDF. Represents GoTo3DView action in the PDF. Represents Trans action in the PDF. Represents Rendition action in the PDF. Represents SetOCGState action in the PDF. Represents JavaScript action in the PDF. Represents ImportData action in the PDF. Represents ResetForm action in the PDF. Represents SubmitForm action in the PDF. Represents Named action in the PDF. Represents Sound action in the PDF. Represents Movie action in the PDF. Represents Hide action in the PDF. Represents URI action in the PDF. Represents Thread action in the PDF. Represents Launch action in the PDF. Represents GoToR action in the PDF. Represents GoTo action in the PDF. Represents action in the PDF. Gets or sets the next action to be performed after the action. Represents the class for build annotation ap objects. The enter character. The new line character. The space character. The appearance string builder. The normal stream. Constructors an instance. Initialize object. Build an object. The dictionary Set the property. The key The value Draw path and stroking . The path data. Add path data. The points data Append data. The data Move to anthor point The point x The point y Line to anthor point. The point x The point y Stroking path. Fill path. Append space character. Append a new line character. Store state. Restore state. end build. Represents 3D annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Watermark annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents TrapNet annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents PrinterMark annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Screen annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Movie annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Sound annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents FileAttachment annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Popup annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Ink annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Caret annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Stamp annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents StrikeOut annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Squiggly annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Underline annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents Highlight annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents polyline annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents polygon annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents circle annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents square annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents line annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents free text annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents link annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents text annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents annotation in the PDF. If set, do not display or print the annotation or allow it to interact with the user, regardless of its annotation type or whether an annotation handler is available. In cases where screen space is limited, the ability to hide and show annotations selectively can be used in combination with appearance streams to display auxiliary pop-up information similar in function to online help systems. The annotation dictionary. an unsigned 32-bit integer containing flags specifying various characteristics. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Represents widget annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. The added annotations. The updated annotations. The deleted annotations. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Detect changes. Whether is changed. Get page annotations except widget annotation. The document. The page object. The document changed. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Detect changes. Whether is changed. Digest document. Widget annotation to Form field Mapping in signing document. Widget annotation to Form field Mapping in current document. The added annotations. The updated annotations. The deleted annotations. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Detect changes. Whether is changed. Get page widget annotations. The document. The page object. Hashes the form field. The added pages. The updated pages. The deleted pages. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Detect changes. Whether is changed. The pdf digital signature validator. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Validate the signature of document. Whether the signature is validated. The pdf digital signature validator. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Validate the signature of document. The pdf digital signature validator. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Validate the signature of document. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Whether currentObject is incremental updated of signingObject. The signing object. The current object. Compare bytes. The pdf digital signature validator. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Validate the signature of document. The pdf digital signature validator. No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing;other changes invalidate the signature. Permitted changes are the same as for 2,as well as annotation creation, deletion,and modification;other changes invalidate the signature. The access permissions granted for this document. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Validate the signature of document. The pdf digital signature validator. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Construct a new instance. The signing document. The current document. The digest method. Validate the signature of document. Validate signature. The signature. The document. Create signature deformatter. The signature. The signature deformatter. Get the document at the time of signing. The signature. The document. Compare the signed and current version of the document. The signing document. The current document. The signature reference dictionary. The signature digest value. Get signature content. The document. The byte range. The signature content. Read bytes to buffer from document stream. Get incremental update objects. The signing document. The current document. Signature properties. inner dictionary. Set the name of the preferred signature handler to use when validating this signature. (Required) the name of the preferred signature handler. Set a name that describes the encoding of the signature value. (Required) a name that describes the encoding of the signature value. Set the X.509 certificate used when signing and verifying signatures that use public-key cryptography. (Required when SubFilter is adbe.x509.rsa_sha1) the X.509 certificate. Set the X.509 certificate chain used when signing and verifying signatures that use public-key cryptography. (Required when SubFilter is adbe.x509.rsa_sha1) the X.509 certificate chain. Set signature length. (Option) Default, signature need to call twice "Sign" method, one is to calculate signature length. If the signature length is known, avoid to calculate signature length by "Sign" method. The signature length. the signature length. Set the name of the software module used to create the signature. (Option) the name of the software module. Signature formatter. Signature properties. Sign. The data to be signed. The signature. Signature deformatter. Verify. The content signed with signature. The signature to be verified. true if signature matches the content; otherwise, false. Pdf pkcs1 signature implementation. The signing certificate. The signature properties. Parameters for the encoding of the signature. Construct a new instance. The signing certificate. Sign. The data to be signed. The signature. Pdf pkcs7 signature implementation. The signing certificate. if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature. Represents an additional collection of certificates that can be searched by the chaining engine when validating a certificate chain. The signature properties. Parameters for the encoding of the signature. The service which generate OCSP response. The provider which generate timestamp token. Represents an additional collection of certificates that can be searched by the chaining engine when validating a certificate chain. Construct a new instance. The signing certificate. if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature. Sign. The data to be signed. The signature. Find certificate in store. The serial number. The name of the certificate authority. The certificate. The certificate chain. Sha1 oid. if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature. The signing certificate. Construct a new instance. The signing certificate. if encapsulate is true a copy of the message will be included in the signature. Sign. The data to be signed. The signature. Time Stamp service implementation which must conform to RFC 3161. Construct an instance of a TSAClient. Time Stamp Authority URL. Construct an instance of a TSAClient. Time Stamp Authority URL. user(account). password. Construct an instance of a TSAClient. Note the token size estimate is updated by each call, as the token size is not likely to change(as long as we call the same TSA using the same imprint length). Time Stamp Authority URL. user(account). password estimated size of received time stamp token (DER encoded). Generate timestamp token. The value of signature field within SignerInfo. The value of messageImprint field within TimeStampToken shall be the hash of signature. Refrence RFC 3161 APPENDIX A. timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161 Get RFC 3161 timeStampToken. Method may return null indicating that timestamp should be skipped. data imprint to be time-stamped encoded TSA signed data of the timeStampToken TSA response, raw bytes (RFC 3161 encoded) Ocsp http service implementation. Construct a new instance. The ocsp server url. Generate OCSP response. certificate to checked certificate of the issuer OCSP response which must conform to RFC 2560 OCSP service interface. Generate OCSP response. certificate to checked certificate of the issuer OCSP response which must conform to RFC 2560 Timestamp provider interface. Generate timestamp token. The value of signature field within SignerInfo. The value of messageImprint field within TimeStampToken shall be the hash of signature. Refrence RFC 3161 APPENDIX A. timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161 Provide a custom signature appearance implemation. The signature. The Grapphic render/display mode. label of name The content to the left of property reason label of location label of contactInfo label of date the SignName font. Note: if not set, the default font will be applied. the SignDetails font. Note: if not set, the default font will be applied. The label of The name of the person or authority signing the document. The label of signature's reason The label of signature's location The label of signature's contactInfo The label of signature's date font color for the signature info if not set, the default is black The Grapphic render/display mode. Set or get the sign image layout. the SignName font. Note: if not set, the default font will be applied. the SignDetails font. Note: if not set, the default font will be applied. Initialize a new instance. The signature. Generate custom signature appearance by a graphics context. A graphics context of signature appearance. Provide a custom signature appearance interface Generate custom signature appearance by a graphics context. A graphics context of signature appearance. Pdf ordinary signature maker. A document can contain One or more ordinary signatures. Initialize a new instance. The pdf document object The X.509 certificate. Initialize a new instance. The pdf document object The signature formatter. Pdf MDP (modification detection and prevention) signature maker. A document can contain only one MDP signature, it must be the first signed in the document. It enables the author to specify what changes are permitted to be made the document and what changes invalidate the author’s signature. No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature. Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature The access permissions granted for this document. Initialize a new instance. The pdf document object The X.509 certificate. Initialize a new instance. The pdf document object The X.509 certificate. The access permissions granted for this document. Validate values: PdfMDPSignatureMaker.Level1Permissions/PdfMDPSignatureMaker.Level2Permissions/PdfMDPSignatureMaker.Level3Permissions Find or Create a Perms dictionary The DocMDP transform method is used to detect modifications relative to a signature field that is signed by the author of a document (the person applying the first signature). (Optional; PDF 1.5) An array of signature reference dictionaries (see Table 8.103). The signing certificate. Construct a new instance. The signing certificate. Verify. The content signed with signature. The signature to be verified. true if signature matches the content; otherwise, false. A name that describes the encoding of the signature value. Construct a new instance. A name that describes the encoding of the signature value. Verify. The content signed with signature. The signature to be verified. true if signature matches the content; otherwise, false. The pdf signature. The signature dictionary. The name of the preferred signature handler to use when validating this signature. A name that describes the encoding of the signature value. The X.509 certificate chain used when signing and verifying signatures that use public-key cryptography. The name of the person or anthority signing the document this value should be used only when it is not possible to extract the name from the signature for example, from the certificat of the signer The time of signing. Depending on the signature handler this may be a normal unverified computer time or a time generated in a verifiable way from a secure time server Gets or sets the physical location of the signing. Gets or sets reason of signing. The reason for the signing, such as ( I agree … ). Gets or sets a phone number of signer Information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature; for example, a phone number. The name of the software module used to create the signature. Initialize a new instance. Initialize a new instance. The signature dictionary. Pdf signatue maker. Signature formatter. The signature. The pdf document object Digital Signature Distinguished name. Notes: Assigning a stirng value to it directly is not recommended unless you know what is the Distinguish Name exactly. One way suggested of value Assignment is using pdfSignature.Certificate.IssuerName.Name,in which, pdfSignature is an instance of PDFSignature class. The content to the left of property name The content to the left of property distinguishedName The content to the left of property reason The content to the left of property location The content to the left of property contactInfo The content to the left of property date Prior to Acrobat 6.0, signature appearances were manipulated at run-time in order to display the validity of the signature. The validity was shown as a graphic icon and with an additional, optional text message. The manipulated portions of the signature appearance were contained in layers n1, n3 and n4. Beginning with version 6, Acrobat does not maintain support for signature appearances that can be manipulated, though legacy signatures with these appearances may continue to display correctly. Use of layers n1, n3, and n4 is not recommended. Initialize a new instance. The pdf document object The signature formatter. Initialize a new instance. The pdf document object The X.509 certificate. The name of the person or anthority signing the document this value should be used only when it is not possible to extract the name from the signature for example, from the certificat of the signer Digital Signature Distinguished name. Notes: Assigning a stirng value to it directly is not recommended unless you know what is the Distinguish Name exactly. One way suggested of value Assignment is using pdfSignature.Certificate.IssuerName.Name,in which, pdfSignature is an instance of PDFSignature class. It is recommended to use "D:{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}" to format the datetime,for example:String.Format("D:{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}",DateTime.Now) The time of signing. Depending on the signature handler this may be a normal unverified computer time or a time generated in a verifiable way from a secure time server The CPU host name or physical location of the signing. The reason for the signing, such as ( I agree … ). Information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature for example, a phone number. The content to the left of property name The content to the left of property distinguishedName The content to the left of property reason The content to the left of property location The content to the left of property contactInfo The content to the left of property date Only for compatibility old version. Whether move away signature validity visualizations in document. Default true. false, display signature validity visualizations in document. true, move away signature validity visualizations in document. Make signature. The signature filed name. Make signature. The signature filed name. Implement a custom signature appearance. Make signature. The signature filed name. The page index. The x position of the annotation on the page. The y position of the annotation on the page. The width of the annotation on the page. The height of the annotation on the page. The location of the annotation on the page. Make signature. The signature filed name. The page index. The x position of the annotation on the page. The y position of the annotation on the page. The width of the annotation on the page. The height of the annotation on the page. Implement a custom signature appearance. Generate signature normal appearance. The widget annotation. The n2 layer signature appearance. Whether move away signature validity visualizations in document. Generate top-level XObject. The widget annotation. The n2 layer signature appearance. Whether move away signature validity visualizations in document. The top-level XObject. Generate second-level XObject. The width. The height. The n2 layer signature appearance. Whether move away signature validity visualizations in document. The second-level XObject. Generate n0 layer. Background layer. The width. The height. The n0 Background layer. Generate n1 layer. Validity layer, used for the unknown and valid state;contains, for instance, a yellow question mark. The width. The height. The n1 layer. Generate n2 layer. Signature appearance,containing information about the signature. This can be text or an XObject that represents signature. The width. The height. The n2 layer. Generate n3 layer. Validity layer, containing a graphic that represents the validity of the signature when the signature is validate. The width. The height. The n3 layer. Generate n4 layer. Text layer, for a text presentation of the state of the signature. The width. The height. The n4 layer. 添加额外无效字符长度处理两次签名长度一致,pdf-3547 An array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) describing the exact byte range for the digest calculation. Multiple discontiguous byte ranges are used to describe a digest that does not include the signature value (theContents entry) itself. Write the start position of byteRange Write the start position of digestValue Handles the BeginSave event of the pdf signature dictionary object. The source of the event. The events arguments. The signature value When ByteRange is present the value is a hexadecimal string representing the value of the byte range digest. If ByteRange is not present the value is an object digest of the signature dictionary An array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) describing the exact byte range for the digest calculation. Multiple discontiguous byte ranges are used to describe a digest that does not include the signature value (theContents entry) itself. Calculate signature length Event handler of document saved. The source of the event. The events arguments. Write the signature "ByteRange" value An array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) describing the exact byte range for the digest calculation. Multiple discontiguous byte ranges are used to describe a digest that does not include the signature value (theContents entry) itself. Write the signature "ByteRange" value Write the signature "Contents" value When ByteRange is present the value is a hexadecimal string representing the value of the byte range digest. If ByteRange is not present the value is an object digest of the signature dictionary Modes to determine what and how to dispay the signature infomation. Default dispaly model. Display signature details including signer,location,date,contact infomation and reason. Only display the signature image. Only display the sign name. Diaply sign name and signature details. Diaply signature image and signature details. Specifies the alignment type of signature text. Specifies the signature text is aligned to Left. Specifies the signature text is aligned to Center. Specifies the signature text is aligned to Right. The layout determine how to display the sign image. Default. Sign image status without any modification. Stretch the sign image. Represents Push Button terminal field in the PDF Form. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Whether is push button field. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Represents Check Box terminal field in the PDF Form. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Whether is checkbox field. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Represents Radio Button terminal field in the PDF Form. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Whether is radio button field. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Represents Choice terminal field in the PDF Form. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Whether is choice field. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Represents Text terminal field in the PDF Form. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Whether is text field. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Represents field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. The dictionary. The ancestors in the hierarchy. The field dictionary. The root field dictionary. Initialize a new instance. The field full name. Initialize a new instance. The field dictionary. The ancestors in the hierarchy. Get field full name. Get field full name. The field dictionary. The ancestors in the hierarchy. The field full name. Whether contains property. The key. Inheritable. If contain the property, true. Otherwise, false. Get property. The key. Inheritable. The value. Set property. The key. The value. Represents terminal field in the PDF Form. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. The field hierarchy. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Get all widget annotation. Add field's widget annotation. The field. The page of widget annotation. The x position of the annotation on the page. The y position of the annotation on the page. The width of the annotation on the page. The height of the annotation on the page. The widget annotation. Whether exist widget annotation entries in field dictionary. If the contents of the field dictionary and the annotation dictionary can be merged into a single dictionary, true. Otherwise, false. Clone and remove widget annotation entries from field dictionary. The widget annotation dictionary. Merge widget annotation entries to field dictionary. The field dictionary. The widget annotation Add page widget annotation. The page dictionary. The new widget annotation dictionary. Replace page widget annotation. The old widget annotation dictionary. The new widget annotation dictionary. Used to gathering information interactively from the user. The assoiated document. The assoiated document. The form dictionary. Initialize a new instance. Get all fields. Find fields. The full name. The matched fields. Create signature field. The full name. The new signature field. Get field dictionary list. The array. The field dictionary list. Represents signature field in the PDF Form. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The full name. Initialize a new instance. The assoiated form. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. Whether is signature field. The field hierarchy which contain field dictionary and the ancestors. PDF’s logical structure facilities provide a mechanism for incorporating structural information about a document’s content into a PDF file. Such information might include, for example, the organization of the document into chapters and sections or the identification of special elements such as figures, tables, and footnotes. The logical structure facilities are extensible, allowing applications that produce PDF files to choose what structural information to include and how to represent it, while enabling PDF consumers to navigate a file without knowing the producer’s structural conventions. Construct a new PDF's logical structure. Construct PDF's logical structure. The structure tree root. Append structure type element. The structure type. The pdf structure type element. Get the children structure elements. The pdf structure type element list. Create PDF's logical structure. The pdf document. return new logical structure. Get PDF's logical structure. The pdf document. Return PDF's logical structure.If null,the pdf document has not PDF's logical structure. A number tree used in finding the structure elements to which content items belong. A name tree that maps element identifiers to the structure elements. A dictionary that maps the names of structure types used in the document to their approximate equivalents in the set of standard structure types. A dictionary that maps name objects designating attribute classes to the corresponding attribute objects or arrays of attribute objects Represents the Pdf Artifact property list. Gets or sets the artifact type Gets or sets top of the artifact’s bounding box. Gets or sets left of the artifact’s bounding box. Gets or sets Bottom of the artifact’s bounding box. Gets or sets Bottom of the artifact’s bounding box. Gets or sets the subtype of the artifact Gets or sets top edge of the page Gets or sets left edge of the page Gets or sets Bottom edge of the page Gets or sets Bottom edge of the page Represents the standard struct types. Represents the Pdf mark information. A flag indicating whether the document conforms to Tagged PDF conventions. Represents the Pdf user property. The attribute information is held in one or more attribute objects associated with the structure element. Represents the pdf structure marked-content identifier or marked-content reference, object reference. Represents the pdf structure node. Represents the pdf structure element. The structure type. The element identifier. The current revision number of this structure element. The title of the structure element. A language identifier specifying the natural language for all text in the structure element except where overridden by language specifications for nested structure elements or marked content. An alternate description of the structure element and its children in human-readable form, which is useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. The expanded form of an abbreviation. Text that is an exact replacement for the structure element and its children. This replacement text (which should apply to as small a piece of content as possible) is useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. Get the children of this structure element. The children of this structure element. The value of list may be one of the following objects: structure element or marked-content identifier or marked-content reference, object reference. Append structure type element. The structure type. The pdf structure type element. Begin a marked-content sequence of objects within the content stream. The graphics context of the content stream. The role or significance of the sequence. Begin a marked-content sequence of objects within the content stream. The graphics context of the content stream. The role or significance of the sequence. An integer marked-content identifier that uniquely identifies the marked-content sequence within its content stream. End a marked-content sequence of objects within the content stream. The graphics context of the content stream. Reference struct content. The page object representing the page on which the graphics objects in the marked-content sequence are rendered. An integer marked-content identifier that uniquely identifies the marked-content sequence within its content stream. Reference struct content. An integer marked-content identifier that uniquely identifies the marked-content sequence within its content stream. BookletLayout. The bookletSubset mode. Default value BothSides. The booklet binding mode. Default value Left. Get or set BookletBinding,default value Left. Initializes a new instance of the PdfSinglePageLayout class Get page content bound in paper content bound. The paper printable content bound. The paper content bound. The page bound. The page content bound. Get page content bound when booklet Binding is Left or Right. The paper content bound. The page content bound. Get page content bound when scaling booklet binding is LiftHigh or RightHigh The paper content bound. The page bound. The page content bound. Pdf print to booklet subset mode Print BothSides. Only print Front Side.. Only print Reverse Side. Pdf print to booklet binding mode Left Binding Right Binding. LeftHigh Binding. RightHigh Binding. Multi pages to one paper layout. Multiple pages order in paper layout. A value indicating whether the pages has the page border. The number of rows for the paper layout. The number of columns for the paper layout. The spacing between pages and pages,measured in hundredths of an inch. Get or set the number of columns for paper layout. Get or set the number of rows for paper layout. Get or set a value indicating whether the pages has the page border. Get or set the order of pages in the paper layout. Initializes a new instance of the PdfMultiPageLayout class. Get the page content bounds in paper content bound. The paper content bound. The page content bound in paper content bound. Get the page bounds in horizontal layout. the paper content bound The page bounds. Get the page bounds in horizontal reverse layout. The paper content bound. The page bounds. Get the page bounds in vertical layout. The paper content bound. The page bounds. Get the page bounds in vertical reverse layout. The paper content bound. The page bounds. Get the page content bounds in paper bound. The page bounds. The page content bounds. Multi pages order in the Paper layout. Horizontal and from left to right Horizontal and from right to left Vertical and from left to right Vertical and from right to left Split one page to multi papers layout. Initializes a new instance of the PdfSplitPageLayout class Get page bounds. The page bound. The paper content bound. A List collection abount the page bounds. One page to one paper layout. Page scaling mode,default value FitSize. Custom scaling(unit:percent),default value 100f. A value indicating whether automatic portrait and landscape. Default value false. Get or set page scaling mode,default value FitSize. Get or set custom scaling(unit:percent),default value 100f. Get or set a value indicating whether automatic portrait and landscape. Default value false. Initializes a new instance of the PdfSinglePageLayout class Get page content bound in paper content bound. The paper content bound. The page bound. The page content bound. Get page content bound when scaling mode is FitSize. The paper content bound. The page content bound. Get page content bound when scaling mode is ActualSize. The paper content bound. The page bound. The page content bound. Get page content bound when scaling mode is CustomSacle. The paper content bound. The page bound. The page content bound. Get page content bound when scaling mode is ShrinkOverSized. The paper content bound. The page bound. The page content bound. Pdf Print Page Scale type Adaptive content size. The actual size of the content. Shrink oversized pages. Custom scale. Represents information about page size. The PaperSize's width and height,unit:in hundredths of an inch. Letter format. Note format. Legal format. A0 format. A1 format. A2 format. A3 format. A4 format. A5 format. A6 format. A7 format. A8 format. A9 format. A10 format. B0 format. B1 format. B2 format. B3 format. B4 format. B5 format. ArchE format. ArchD format. ArchC format. ArchB format. ArchA format. The American Foolscap format. HalfLetter format. 11x17 format. Ledger format. The page print to paper. Pdf document printSetting. Pdf document object. The current pages array index in m_pages. The printed pages array, it's elements value is document page index. Initializes a new instance of the PdfPrinter class. Pdf document printSetting. Pdf document object. Print Preview. Print document. Begin print page. Query page setting. Print Page. End print. Begin print page for one page to one paper. Query page setting for one page to one paper. Print one page to one paper. Get the scale page bound. The page base The paper bound The scale page bound Begin print page for print to booklet. Query page setting for print to booklet. Print document to booklet. Begin print page for multiple pages to one paper. Query page setting for multiple pages to one paper. Print multiple pages to one paper. Current page image. Current page bound. Split bounds of current page. Split bound index of current page. Paper content bound. Begin print page for one page to multiple papers. Query page setting for one page to multiple papers. Print one page to multiple papers. Initialize print. Get page metafile. Document page index. Page Image. Get paper margin bound which according paperSettings. the paperSettings is the attribute of PrintPageEventArgs.PageSettings. (Unit: hundredths of an inch) PrinterUnit.Display is hundredths of an inch. Paper set. Is consider hard margin. If the considerHardXY is true,get the paper content bound arrcording to the printable area. Otherwise the considerHardXY is false,get the paper content bound according to the whole piece of paper. Paper content bound(Unit:hundredths of an inch). Get page bound. Page bound(Unit:PrinterUnit.Display). Print the pdf page to the paper's bound using uniform mode. Provides data for the print page event. The pdf page. The pape content bound(Unit:PrinterUnit.Display). Print the page bound of pdf page image to the paper's bound using fill mode. Provides data for the print page event. The pdf page image. The pdf page bound(Unit:PrinterUnit.Display). The pdf page split bound(Unit:PrinterUnit.Display). The paper's bound(Unit:PrinterUnit.Display). Destructor Releases all resources used. Specify whether to had released resources. Releases all resources used. True,Releases all resources;False,Releases unmanaged resources. Provides data for paper setting event. Get current paper index,from 1. Gets the paper source trays that are available on the printer. Get or set current paper source on the printer. Initializes a new instance. Current paper index. paper source trays that are available on the printer. Current paper source on the printer. Represents the method that handles paper setting event. The source of the event. The event data The page print settings. Defines a reusable object that sends output to a printer. Page layout mode. One page to one paper layout. Multi-page to one paper layout. One page to multi-paper layout. Booklet layout. The user has specified print pages save in the array. User Set Margins when user set margins,should be use UserSetMargins instead of paperSettings.Margins(default:false;when user set,m_blUserSetMargins=true) Defines a reusable object that sends output to a printer. Get or set the name of printer which is on printing pdf document. Get or set the document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the document. Get or set the size of a piece of paper. Get or set the number of copies of the document to print. Get or set a value indicating whether the page should be printed in color. true if the page should be printed in color; otherwise, false. The default is determined by the printer. Get or set a value indicating whether the printed document is collated. Get or set a value indicating whether the page is printed in landscape or portrait orientation. Returns: True if the page should be printed in landscape orientation; otherwise, false. Get or set the print controller that guides the printing process. Get a value indicating whether the printer supports double-sided printing. Get or set the printer setting for double-sided printing. Get or set the printer resolution kind. Get the pagenumber which you choose as the start page to printing. Get the pagenumber which you choose as the final page to printing. Gets a value indicating whether the System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PrinterName property designates a valid printer. Get the user has specified print pages. Get or set page layout mode. Get one page to one paper layout. Get multi-page to one paper layout. Get one page to multi-paper layout. Get booklet layout. Occurs immediately before print each paper. Note: Ignore on MacOS/Linux platform. Occurs when the Spire.pdf.PdfDocument.Print() method is called and before the first page of the document prints. Occurs when the last page of the document has printed. Occurs when the output to print for the current page is needed. Occurs immediately before each Spire.pdf.PdfDocument.PrintSettings.PrintPage event. Initializes a new instance of the PdfPrintSetting class. Set print page range. From page. To page. Set print some pages. Selection pages. Select one page to one paper layout. Default pageScalingMode = PdfSinglePageScalingMode.FitSize, autoPortraitOrLandscape = true, customScaling = 100f. Select one page to one paper layout. Page scaling mode. Select one page to one paper layout. Page scaling mode. Indicating whether automatic portrait and landscape. Select one page to one paper layout. Page scaling mode. Indicating whether automatic portrait and landscape. Custom scaling(unit:percent),default value 100f.Valid only if pageScalingMode== PdfSinglePageScalingMode.CustomScale. Select muti page to one paper layout. Default rows = 2, columns = 2, hasPageBorder = false, pageOrder = PdfMultiPageOrder.Horizontal. Select muti page to one paper layout. The number of rows for the paper layout. Select muti page to one paper layout. The number of rows for the paper layout. The number of columns for the paper layout. Select muti page to one paper layout. The number of rows for the paper layout. The number of columns for the paper layout. A value indicating whether the pages has the page border. Select muti page to one paper layout. The number of rows for the paper layout. The number of columns for the paper layout. A value indicating whether the pages has the page border. Multiple pages order. Select split page to muti paper layout. Select booklet layout. Select booklet layout. The mode of BookletSubset. Select booklet layout. The mode of BookletBinding. Select booklet layout. The mode of BookletSubset. The mode of BookletBinding. Set paper margins,measured in hundredths of an inch. Paper margin top(unit:hundredths of an inch). Paper margin bottom(unit:hundredths of an inch). Paper margin left(unit:hundredths of an inch). Paper margin right(unit:hundredths of an inch). return user set Margins when user set margins,should be use UserSetMargins instead of paperSettings.Margins Set printing to file. File name. Trig before each System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.PrintPage. The source of the event. A System.Drawing.Printing.QueryPageSettingsEventArgs that contains the event data. User set event in begin print. The source of the event. A System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs that contains the event data. User set event when the last page of the document has printed. The source of the event. A System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs that contains the event data. User set event in print page. The source of the event. A System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs that contains the event data. User set event in query page setting. The source of the event. A System.Drawing.Printing.QueryPageSettingsEventArgs that contains the event data. Destructor Releases all resources used. Specify whether to had released resources. Releases all resources used. True,Releases all resources;False,Releases unmanaged resources. Pdf print pages layout mode. One page to one paper. Multiple pages to one paper. One page to multiple papers. Print to booklet. Specifies a printer resolution kind. High resolution. Medium resolution. Low resolution. Draft-quality resolution. Custom resolution. The document’s labeling ranges. Decimal arabic numerals style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. Uppercase roman numerals style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. Lowercase roman numerals style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. Uppercase letters style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. Lowercase letters style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. The number tree which is the PageLabels entry in the document catalog. The number tree which is the PageLabels entry in the document catalog. Construct a new instance. Construct a new instance. The document’s labeling ranges. Add labeling range which is a series of consecutive pages using the same numbering system. the page index of the first page in the labeling range. The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. As follow: Decimal_Arabic_Numerals/Uppercase_Roman_Numerals/Lowercase_Roman_Numerals/Uppercase_Letters/Lowercase_Letters The label prefix for page labels in the labeling range. Add labeling range which is a series of consecutive pages using the same numbering system. the page index of the first page in the labeling range. The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. As follow: Decimal_Arabic_Numerals/Uppercase_Roman_Numerals/Lowercase_Roman_Numerals/Uppercase_Letters/Lowercase_Letters The label prefix for page labels in the labeling range. The value of the numeric portion for the first page label in the range. Subsequent pages are numbered sequentially from this value, which must be greater than or equal to 1. Default value: 1. Get page label. The page index. The page label. Get page label. The page index. the page index of the first page in the labeling range. The labeling characteristics for the pages in the labeling range. The page label. Get the numeric portion for the page label in the range. The number. The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of each page label. The numeric portion for the page label in the range. The number. UpperCase or LowerCase The roman numerals style number. Convert number to letters style. The number. UpperCase or LowerCase The letters style number. Represents the pdf application data, used to store private data. The application data dictionary. The pdf application data dictionary. The private data of application data dictionary. The vaild type: string Dictionary. Initialize a pdf piece instance. The piece dictionary Initialize a pdf piece instance. The content Initialize instance. The content Itialize instance. The application data Get the pdf application data dictionary. The pdf application data dictionary Pdf dictionary to dictionary. The pdf dictionary The dictioanry Pdf array to list. The array The list Represents the pdf piece info can used to hold private application datas. Represents the piece info dictionary. Represents the application datas. Get the application datas. Initialize a pdf piece info instance. The piece info dictionary Initialize a pdf piece info instance. Initialize instance. Add application data. The application name The private data Remove the application data. The application name Get the piece info dictionary. The booklet options The booklet subset Initializes a new instance of the class. Set the booklet subset,only support both sides The booklet subset The result in document should be printed on both sides of paper. Compress contents records. The list of records. Generate content stream. The instructions. The content stream. Save graphics state. Restore graphics state. Whether the line widths are equal. The record. true, when the same. Trim the record operands. The record Trim the operand if contains .00 Optimize the font data The pdf object. Optimize the font data The font dictionary. Convert to non-embedded font. The font dictionary. Destructor Closes the document. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Specify whether to had released resources. Releases all resources used. True,Releases all resources;False,Releases unmanaged resources. Reads 4 bytes from the byte array Corresponding value Reads 8 bytes from the byte array Corresponding value Read 4 bytes from the byte array Corresponding string value Read 2 bytes from the byte array Corresponding integer value Get table bytes Indicates the common table list Update the font data. Get the font table entry. Calulates the check sum value. Optimize the font. The font dictionary. Optimize the font. The font dictionary. Optimize type0 font Get the local table last index The font dictionary. Set the font tables. Calculate the local and hmtx table length. Update the embedded subset font Name based on the PDF specification. Compress image pdf stream. The pdf object. Compress image pdf stream. The image pdf stream. The result image. Remove metadata item. The image pdf stream. Resize image. The image pdf stream. true, when resize sucess. Compress jpeg image. The image pdf stream. true, if compression sucess; Otherwise, false. Compress image with JPXDecode. The image pdf stream. Get the image interpolation. Check whether filter is DCTFilter. The image pdf stream Is DCTFilter, return true; otherwise, return false. Decode the pdfstream to image. The image pdf stream The result image. Compress pdf stream with flate filter. The pdf stream Compression success, return true; otherwise, return false. Destructor Closes the document. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Specify whether to had released resources. Releases all resources used. True,Releases all resources;False,Releases unmanaged resources. The compression provider. The pdf compression options. Construct a new provider The pdf standard options. Excute before visit the document. The pdf processing context. Excute before visit the element. The pdf element. The pdf processing context. Handle content stream and resources. The instructions. The content stream. The associated resources with the The content stream. The pdf processing context. The new instructions. Generate content stream. The instructions. The content stream. Excute after visit the document. The pdf processing context. The class can be used to set some options when do merge operation. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to merge the fields with the same name into one field. Represents a booklet creator, which allows to create a booklet from a Pdf document. Thie method creates a booklet The loaded document. The out file Size of the page. Thie method creates a booklet The loaded document. The out stream Size of the page. Thie method creates a booklet The loaded document. The out stream Size of the page. BookletOptions bookletOptions Delegate for handling event when the begin drawing page in a booklet. Delegate for handling event when the end drawing page in a booklet. Gets the next pair of page indeces. The current iteration index. The pages count. if set to true if the result in document should be printed on both sides of paper. An array of integers that holds the indices. define a pdf table column columns index columns index Text in table Gets or sets the font compression options. Gets or sets the image compression options. Represents the image quality. Gets or sets the compressed image quality. Default value is 60. The origin document. The compression options. The compression options. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pdf file stream. Construct a new converter. The pdf file path. Compress document. The out file path. The number of indirect objects. The original stream object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the Image Boundary location. Gets the Image,save to stream. Gets the image name. The number of indirect object. The original stream object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Get all image information on the page. The pdf page. Replace image. The original image info. The new replace image. Delete an image. The information of the image to be delete. Delete an image. The information of the image to be delete. whether to delete the image resource. The class can be used to merge pdf documents List of inputDocuments Merges the specified source documents and return destination document. The destination document, where the other documents are merged into. If it's null a new document object will be created. The source documents. The document containing merged documents. Merge the PDF documents. The input PDF documents. The output PDF document. Some options when do merge operation. Merge the PDF documents. The input PDF documents. The output PDF document. Some options when do merge operation. CommonMerge define a pdf table row columns index All columns in the current row columns index All columns in the current row define a pdf table table index All rows in the current table table index All rows in the current table Get the current table row count Get the current table column count Get value from the current table the row index,the index starts at 0 the column index,the index starts at 0 the text Represent the pdf table extractor. 获取当前页面对象 Return PdfTable Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Extract table from the pdf document pageIndex An array of PdfTable. TableObject to PdfTable Create table,fill text the current table index the current row index the current column index the current column text Find tables that on the current page Represent the pdf text extractor. The page. Represents an instance. The page Extract the page text. The options. The Extracted Text. Extract text. The extract options The exteracted text Process rectanglef. The area The rectanglef Represents the text replace. The page. The command delegate. The commands. Represents an instance. The page Replaces the text in the page page. The old text. The new text. Replaces all the text in the page page. The old text The new text Update object stream. The recodr collection Get text paragraph replacer. The old text The text edit options The text paragraph replacer Clear the commands. Whether the string contains chinese. The string if contains,return true Get the text font instance. The text manager The abstract text range The value The text font instance Unicodes to char codes. The unicode string The font structure it is process escape character? The char codes Get the font resource name. The font resource name Build the font. The font size The font resource dictionary The text Get the font name. The abstract text range The string The font name Set width to font. The true type font Wether is contains current font resource. The font reource if contains.return true.or false Get the font dictionary The font resource dictioary The font dictionary Whether the physical text segments belongs page. The page resource The physical text segments resource Belongs page return true,or false Flush physical text segments. Do not support the form text now ,so delete the form physical text segments. The text ranger The page The horizontal alignment. The vertical alignment. Get the replaced text width. The replaced text width Charcodes to chars. The str The chars Represent the pdf text extract context. Specified the text extract area. Whether is use simple extraction. Whether is extract all texts. Show hidden text? Whether is use simple extraction. default vale: false. Whether is extract all texts. default vale: false. Whether is show hidden texts. default vale: false. Specified the text extract area. default vale: RectangleF.Empty. Initialize a new instance. Represents base class for all action types. Gets or sets the next action to be performed after the action represented by this instance. Represents collection of actions. Adds the specified action. The action. action Inserts the action at the specified position. The index. The action. Gets the index of the action. The action. action Determines whether the action is contained within collection. The action. Value, indicating the presents of the action in collection. Clears this collection. Removes the specified action. The action. Removes the action at the specified position. The index. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the form action base class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether fields contained in collection will be included for resetting or submitting. If Include property is true, only the fields in this collection will be reset or submitted. If Include property is false, the fields in this collection are not reset or submitted and only the remaining form fields are reset or submitted. If the collection is null or empty, then all the form fields are reset and the Include property is ignored. true if include; otherwise, false. Gets the fields. The fields. Represents an action which goes to a destination in the current document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The destination to jump to. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page to jump to. Gets or sets the destination. The destination. Initializes a new instance of the class. The destination to jump to. Gets or sets the destination. The destination. Represents an action which performs java script action in pdf document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The java script code. A string value representing valid javascript code to be executed. Gets or sets the javascript code to be executed when this action is executed. A string value representing valid javascript code to be executed. The Adobe Built-in JavaScript Get a AFNumber_Format string The number of places after the decimal point The integer denoting whether to use a separator or not. If sepStyle=0, use commas. If sepStyle=1, do not separate. The formatting used for negative numbers: 0 = MinusBlack, 1 = Red, 2 = ParensBlack, 3 = ParensRed The currency style - not used The currency symbol True to prepend the currency symbol; false to display on the end of the number Get a AFNumber_Keystroke string The number of places after the decimal point The integer denoting whether to use a separator or not. If sepStyle=0, use commas. If sepStyle=1, do not separate. The formatting used for negative numbers: 0 = MinusBlack, 1 = Red, 2 = ParensBlack, 3 = ParensRed The currency style - not used The currency symbol True to prepend the currency symbol; false to display on the end of the number Get a AFRange_Validate string Indicate the use of the greater than comparison The value to be used in the greater than comparison Indicate the use of the less than comparison The value to be used in the less than comparison Get a AFPercent_Format string The number of places after the decimal point The integer denoting whether to use a separator or not. If sepStyle=0, use commas. If sepStyle=1, do not separate Get a AFPercent_Keystroke string The number of places after the decimal point The integer denoting whether to use a separator or not. If sepStyle=0, use commas. If sepStyle=1, do not separate Get a AFDate_FormatEx string Must be one of: "m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy", "yymm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy", "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM" Get a AFDate_KeystrokeEx string Must be one of: "m/d", "m/d/yy", "mm/dd/yy", "mm/yy", "d-mmm", "d-mmm-yy", "dd-mmm-yy", "yymm-dd", "mmm-yy", "mmmm-yy", "mmm d, yyyy", "mmmm d, yyyy", "m/d/yy h:MM tt", "m/d/yy HH:MM" Get a AFTime_Format string The time format: 0 = 24HR_MM [ 14:30 ], 1 = 12HR_MM [ 2:30 PM ], 2 = 24HR_MM_SS [ 14:30:15 ], 3 = 12HR_MM_SS [ 2:30:15 PM ] Get a AFTime_Keystroke string The time format: 0 = 24HR_MM [ 14:30 ], 1 = 12HR_MM [ 2:30 PM ], 2 = 24HR_MM_SS [ 14:30:15 ], 3 = 12HR_MM_SS [ 2:30:15 PM ] Get a AFSpecial_Format string The type of formatting to use:0 = zip code, 1 = zip + 4, 2 = phone, 3 = SSN Get a AFSpecial_Format string The type of formatting to use:0 = zip code, 1 = zip + 4, 2 = phone, 3 = SSN Get a AFSimple_Calculate string Must be one of "AVG", "SUM", "PRD", "MIN", "MAX" The name list of the fields to use in the calculation Represents an action which launches an application or opens or prints a document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file to be launched. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file to be launched. Name of the file to be launched. Name of the path type. Gets or sets file to be launched. Indicates the target document should be opened in a new window or not. Represents an action which perfoms the named action. Gets or sets the destination. The object representing destination of an action. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object representing destination of an action. Represents additional actions of the annotations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotations active area. The mouse down action. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotations active area.. The mouse up action. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus. The got focus action. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus. The lost focus action. Represents an action for the document. Gets or sets the action to execute when the document is opened. A specifying the action to be executed when documents opens in the viewer. Gets or sets the action to be performed before the document is closed. A object specifying the action to be executed before the document is closed. Gets or sets the java script action to be performed before the document is saved. A object specifying the action to be executed before the document is saved. Gets or sets the jave script action to be performed after the document is saved. A object specifying the action to be executed after the document is saved. Gets or sets the action to be performed before the document is printed. A object specifying the action to be executed before the document is printed. Gets or sets the action to be performed after the document is printed. A object specifying the action to be executed after the document is printed. . Represents an embedded go-to action which allows jumping to or from a PDF file that is embedded in another PDF file. Indicates the target document should be opened in a new window or not. The target document name. The destination in the target document to jump to. Initialize a new instance of PdfEmbeddedGoToAction. The target PDF file name to be opened. The destination. If true, the target PDF would be opened in a new window.Otherwise false. Represents actions to be performed as response to field events. Initializes a new instance of the class. The annotation actions. Gets or sets the JavaScript action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. This action can check the keystroke for validity and reject or modify it. A object specifying the action to be executed when the user types a keystroke. Gets or sets the JavaScript action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. A object specifying the action to be executed for formating the field value. Gets or sets the JavaScript action to be performed This action can check the new value for validity. A object specifying the action to be executed for validating the field value. Gets or sets the JavaScript action to be performed to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes. A object specifying the action to be executed for calculating the field value. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the fields area. A descendant specifying the action to be executed when the mouse button is released inside the field's area. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the fields area. A descendant specifying the action to be executed when the mouse button is pressed inside the field's area. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the field receives the input focus. A descendant specifying the action to be executed when the field receives the input focus. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the field loses the input focus. A descendant specifying the action to be executed when the field losts the input focus. Represents Pdf form's reset action. This action allows a user to reset the form fields to their default values. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether fields contained in Fields collection will be included for resetting. true if include; otherwise, false. If Include property is true, only the fields in this collection will be reset. If Include property is false, the fields in this collection are not reset and only the remaining form fields are reset. If the collection is null or empty, then all the form fields are reset and the Include property is ignored. Represents the sound action. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the sound file. Gets or sets the volume at which to play the sound, in the range -1.0 to 1.0. The volume of the sound. The name of the sound file. Gets or sets the sound. represents the sound. Gets or sets a value whether to play the sound synchronously or asynchronously. If this flag is true, the viewer application retains control, allowing no further user interaction other than canceling the sound, until the sound has been completely played. Default value: false. true if synchronous; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to repeat the sound indefinitely. If this entry is present, the property is ignored. Default value: false. true if repeat; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to mix this sound with any other sound already playing. If this flag is false, any previously playing sound is stopped before starting this sound; this can be used to stop a repeating sound. Default value: false. true if mix; otherwise, false. Represents Pdf form's submit action. This type of action allows a user to go to a resource on the Internet, tipically a hypertext link. Initializes a new instance of the class. The URL. An string value specifying the full URI for the internet resource. Gets or sets the HTTP method. The HTTP method. If set, any submitted field values representing dates are converted to the standard format. The interpretation of a form field as a date is not specified explicitly in the field itself but only in the JavaScript code that processes it. true if use canonical date time format when submit data; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to submit mouse pointer coordinates. If set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submit-form action are transmitted as part of the form data. true if submit coordinates; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to submit fields without value. If set, all fields designated by the Fields collection and the flag are submitted, regardless of whether they have a value. For fields without a value, only the field name is transmitted. true if submit fields without value or the empty ones; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to submit form's incremental updates. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format. If set, the submitted FDF file includes the contents of all incremental updates to the underlying PDF document. If clear, the incremental updates are not included. true if incremental updates should be submitted; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to submit annotations. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format. If set, the submitted FDF file includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document. If clear, markup annotations are not included. true if annotations should be submitted; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to exclude non user annotations form submit data stream. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format and the property is set to true. true if non user annotations should be excluded; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include form to submit data stream. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format. If set, the property is a file name containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted. true if form should be embedded to submit stream; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the submit data format. The submit data format. Gets or sets a value indicating whether fields contained in Fields collection will be included for submitting. true if include; otherwise, false. If Include property is true, only the fields in this collection will be submitted. If Include property is false, the fields in this collection are not submitted and only the remaining form fields are submitted. If the collection is null or empty, then all the form fields are reset and the Include property is ignored. If the field has Export property set to false it will be not included for submitting in any case. Represents an action which resolves unique resource identifier. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The unique resource identifier. Gets or sets the unique resource identifier. The unique resource identifier. Specifies the file path type. Specifies the file location with out including the domain name. Specifies the location, including the domain name. Specifies the available named actions supported by the viewer. Navigate to first page. Navigate to last page. Navigate to next page. Navigate to previous page. Specifies the available data formats for submitting the form data. If clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission. If set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include/ Exclude flag are submitted, regardless of whether they have a value. For fields without a value, only the field name is transmitted. Meaningful only if the SubmitPDF and XFDF flags are clear. If set, field names and values are submitted in HTML Form format. If clear, they are submitted in Forms Data Format If set, field names and values are submitted using an HTTP GET request. If clear, they are submitted using a POST request. This flag is meaningful only when the ExportFormat flag is set; if ExportFormat is clear, this flag must also be clear. If set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submitform action are transmitted as part of the form data. Meaningful only if the SubmitPDF flags are clear. If set, field names and values are submitted as XML Forms Data Format . Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF file includes the contents of all incremental updates to the underlying PDF document, as contained in the Differences entry in the FDF dictionary. If clear, the incremental updates are not included. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF file includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document. If clear, markup annotations are not included. If set, the document is submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf (described in Internet RFC 2045, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies; see the Bibliography). If set, all other flags are ignored except GetMethod. If set, any submitted field values representing dates are converted to the standard format described. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear) and the IncludeAnnotations flag is set. If set, it includes only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user, as determined by the remote server to which the form is being submitted. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF excludes the F entry. Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the F entry of the submitted FDF is a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted. Represents the activation states for the 3D annotation. Gets or sets the activation mode for the annotation. Gets or sets the deactivation mode for the annotation. Gets or sets the activation state for the annotation. Gets or sets the deactivation state for the annotation. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the toolbar should be displayed when the annotation is activated or not. If true, a toolbar should be displayed by default when the annotation is activated and given focus. If false, a toolbar should not be displayed by default. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the UI for managing the 3D artwork should be displayed when the annotation is activated. If true, the user interface should be made visible when the annotation is activated. If false, the user interface should not be made visible by default. Initializes the new instance of class. Represents the lighting to apply for the 3D artwork. Gets or sets the type of the animation. Gets or sets the play count. Gets or sets the rendering opacity. A positive number specifying the time multiplier to be used when running the animation. A value greater than one shortens the time it takes to play the animation, or effectively speeds up the animation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. PDF 3D Animation Type. Represents the background appearance for 3D artwork. Gets or sets the background color. The object specifying the background color for the 3D artwork. Gets or sets a value indicating how the background is applied. True if the background is applied to entire annotation, false if the background is applied to annotation's 3D view box only. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object specifying the background color for the 3D artwork. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the clipping portion of the 3D artwork for the purpose of showing artwork cross sections. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the center of the cutting plane. A three element array specifying the center of rotation on the cutting plane in world space coordinates. Gets or sets the cutting plane color. Gets or sets the intersection color. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the intersection of cutting plane with 3D artwork is visible. Gets or sets the cutting plane opacity. The opacity is given in percents, 100 is full opacity, 0 is no opacity. Gets or sets the orientation of the cutting plane. A three-element array specifying the orientation of the cutting plane in world space, where each value represents the orientation in relation to the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively. If the array has more than 3 elements, only the first 3 will be considered. Exactly one of the values must be null, indicating an initial state of the cutting plane that is perpendicular to the corresponding axis and clipping all geometry on the positive side of that axis. The other two values must be numbers indicating the rotation of the plane, in degrees, around their corresponding axes. The order in which these rotations are applied should match the order in which the values appear in the array. Represents the collection of objects. Adds the specified value. The value. Determines whether [contains] [the specified value]. The value. if it contains the specified value, set to true. Indexes the of. The value. Inserts the specified index. The index. The value. Removes the specified value. The value. Gets or sets the at the specified index. Represents the lighting scheme for the 3D artwork. Gets or sets the Lighting style of the 3D artwork. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object specifies the style of the 3D artwork. Represents the particular areas of 3D artwork and the opacity and visibility with which individual nodes are displayed. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node is visible or not. True if the node is visible. Gets or sets the node name. The name of the 3D node. Gets or sets the cutting plane opacity. A number indicating the opacity of the cutting plane using a standard additive blend mode. The opacity is given in percents, 100 is full opacity, 0 is no opacity. Gets or sets the 3D transformation matrix. A 12-element 3D transformation matrix that specifies the position and orientation of this node, relative to its parent, in world coordinates. If the array has more than 12 elements, only the first 12 will be considered. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents a collection of objects. Adds the specified value. The value. Determines whether [contains] [the specified value]. The value. if it contains the specified value, set to true. Indexes the of. The value. Inserts the specified index. The index. The value. Removes the specified value. The value. Gets or sets the at the specified index. Represents the mapping of 3D camera co-ordinates onto the target coordinate system of the annotation. Gets or sets the type of the projection. Gets or sets the projection ClipStyle. Gets or sets the scale mode for ortho graphic projections. Gets or sets the far clipping distance. Gets or sets the field of view. Gets or sets the near clipping distance. Gets or sets the projection scaling. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Pdf3D Projection Type. Represents the rendering mode of the 3D artwork. Gets or sets the type of the projection. Gets or sets the Auxiliary color. Gets or sets the Face color. Gets or sets the crease value. The crease value is specified in degrees, from 0 to 360. Gets or sets the rendering opacity. The opacity is given in percents, 100 is full opacity, 0 is no opacity. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object specifies the rendering style of the 3D artwork. Represents a attributes to be applied to the virtual camera associated with a 3D annotation. Gets or sets the background for this view. Gets or sets the 3D transformation matrix. A 12-element 3D transformation matrix that specifies a position and orientation of the camera in world coordinates. If the array has more than 12 elements, only the first 12 will be considered. Gets or sets the center of orbit for 3D artwork. A non-negative number indicating a distance in the camera coordinate system along the z axis to the center of orbit for this view. If this value is negative, the viewer application must determine the center of orbit. Gets the list of cross sections for this view. A list of PDF3DCrossSection objects available for this view. Gets or sets the view's external name. The external name of the view, suitable for presentation in a user interface. Gets or sets the view's internal name. Gets or sets the Creates a new page and adds it as the last page of the document scheme for this view. Gets the list of 3D nodes for this view. A list of PDF3DNode objects available for this view. Gets or sets the projection for this view. Gets or sets the rendering mode for this view. Gets or sets a value indicating whether nodes specified in the Nodes collection are returned to their original states (as specified in the 3D artwork) before applying transformation matrices and opacity settings specified in the node dictionaries. Gets or sets the name of the view node. The view node in the content stream defines all the properties for viewing the 3D artwork. If both ViewNodeName and CameraToWorldMatrix are specified, then ViewNodeName takes precedence. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents a collection of Pdf3DView objects. Adds the specified value. The value. Pdf3DView Determines whether [contains] [the specified value]. The value. if it contains the specified value, set to true. Indexes the of the Pdf3DView object. The value. Pdf3DView Inserts the specified index. The index. The value. Removes the specified value. The Pdf3DView object. Gets or sets the at the specified index. Pdf3DView Specifies an activation state of the 3D annotation. Represents that the state in which the artwork has been read and a run-time instance of the artwork has been created. In this state, it can be rendered but script-driven real-time modifications (that is, animations) are disabled. Represents that the artwork is instantiated, and it is being modified in real time to achieve some animation effect. In the case of keyframe animation, the artwork is live while it is playing and then reverts to an instantiated state when playing completes or is stopped. Specifies the available modes for activating a 3D annotation. Represents that the annotation should be activated as soon as the page containing the annotation is opened. Represents that the annotation should be activated as soon as any part of the page containing the annotation becomes visible. Represents that the annotation should remain inactive until explicitly activated by a script or user action. Specifies the available modes for deactivating a 3D annotation. Represents that the annotation should be deactivated as soon as the page is closed. Represents that the annotation should be deactivated as soon as the page containing the annotation becomes invisible. Represents that the annotation should remain active until explicitly deactivated by a script or user action. Specifies the available states upon deactivating a 3D annotation. Represents the initial state of the artwork before it has been used in any way. Represents that the state in which the artwork has been read and a run-time instance of the artwork has been created. In this state, it can be rendered but script-driven real-time modifications (that is, animations) are disabled. Represents that the artwork is instantiated, and it is being modified in real time to achieve some animation effect. In the case of keyframe animation, the artwork is live while it is playing and then reverts to an instantiated state when playing completes or is stopped. Specifies the available styles for applying light to 3D artwork. The Lights as specified in the 3D artwork. The lighting specified in the 3D artwork is ignored. Three blue-grey infinite lights. Three light-grey infinite lights. One yellow, one aqua, and one blue infinite light. Three grey infinite lights. One red, one green, and one blue infinite light. Three blue infinite lights. Three red infinite lights. Six grey infinite lights aligned with the major axes. Three grey infinite lights and one light attached to the camera. Single infinite light attached to the camera. Specifies the available clipping style of the 3D annotation. Represents the Clipping style. Represents the Clipping style. Specifies the available Ortho projection scaling mode of the 3D annotation. Scale to fit the width of the annotation. Scale to fit the height of the annotation. Scale to fit the lesser of width or height of the annotation. Scale to fit the greater of width or height of the annotation. No scaling should occur due to binding. Specifies the available projection type of the 3D annotation. Represents Orthographic projection Represents Perspective projection. Specifies the available rendering style of the 3D artwork. Displays textured and lit geometric shapes. In the case of artwork that conforms to the Universal 3D File Format specification, these shapes are triangles. Displays textured and lit geometric shapes (triangles) with single color edges on top of them. Displays textured and lit geometric shapes (triangles) with an added level of transparency. Displays textured and lit geometric shapes (triangles) with an added level of transparency, with single color opaque edges on top of it. Displays the bounding box edges of each node, aligned with the axes of the local coordinate space for that node. Displays bounding boxes faces of each node, aligned with the axes of the local coordinate space for that node, with an added level of transparency. Displays bounding boxes edges and faces of each node, aligned with the axes of the local coordinate space for that node, with an added level of transparency. Displays only edges in a single color. Displays only edges, though interpolates their color between their two vertices and applies lighting. Displays edges in a single color, though removes back-facing and obscured edges. Displays only vertices in a single color. Displays only vertices, though uses their vertex color and applies lighting. Displays silhouette edges with surfaces, removes obscured lines. Displays silhouette edges with lit and textured surfaces, removes obscured lines. Displays silhouette edges with lit and textured surfaces and an additional emissive term to remove poorly lit areas of the artwork. Specifies the available animation style for rendering the 3D artwork. Represents that the Keyframe animations should not be driven directly by the viewer application. This value is used by documents that are intended to drive animations through an alternate means, such as JavaScript. Represents that the Keyframe animations are driven linearly from beginning to end. This animation style results in a repetitive playthrough of the animation, such as in a walking motion. Represents that the Keyframe animations should oscillate along their time range. This animation style results in a back-and-forth playing of the animation, such as exploding or collapsing parts. Represents the annotation with associated action. Initializes a new instance of the class. Bounds of the annotation. The Pdf action. Represents base class for link annotations with associated action. Gets or sets the action for the link annotation. The action to be executed when the link is activated. Initializes a new instance of the class. Bounds of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Bounds specifies the location of the drawn text. The specifies an action to be executed when the link is activated. Represents the states of an annotation's appearance. Gets or sets the active state template. The object specifies an active state template. Gets or sets the inactive state. The object specifies an inactive state template. Gets or sets the mapping name of the active state. String specifies the mapping name of the active state. Gets or sets the mapping name of the inactive state. String specifies the mapping name of the inactive state. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the appearance of an annotation. Gets or sets object which applied to annotation in normal state. Gets or sets object which applied to the annotation on hovering the mouse. Gets or sets object which applied to an annotation when mouse button is pressed. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object specifies the annotation. Represents extended appearance of the annotation. It has two states such as On state and Off state. Gets the normal appearance of the annotation. The object specifies the normal appearance of the annotation. Gets the appearance when mouse is hovered. The object specifies the annotation appearance when the mouse is hovered on it. Gets the pressed state annotation. The appearance in pressed state. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pdf fixed print dictionary. The dictionary. Initialize an instance. Initializes annotation object. Set the matrix. The matrix Set the horizontal translation. The horizontal Set the vertical translation. The vertiacl Gets the element. The element Gets or sets the rectangular diffecences Gets or sets the user who created the annotation. Gets or sets the annotation's subject. Represents a line annotation. To specifying Caption Type To specifying author To specifying subject Gets or sets whether the line annotation caption should be displayed. true if the line caption should be displayed, otherwise false. Gets or sets Leader Line Gets or sets Leader Line Extension Gets or sets Border style of the Line Annotation. A enumeration member specifying the border style for the line. Gets or sets the style used for the beginning of the line. A enumeration member specifying the begin style for the line. Gets or sets the style used for the end of the line. A enumeration member specifying the end style for the line. Gets or sets the line caption text type. A enumeration member specifying the line caption type. Gets or sets LineIntent Gets or sets Inner Color of the PdfLine Gets or sets Background Color of the PdfLine To specifying author To specifying subject Initializes new instance of class. The line points. Initializes new instance of class. The line points. The line caption text. Initializes new instance of class. Bounds of the annotation. Represents the border style of the Line annotation. Gets or sets the width. The line border width. Gets or sets the border style. The line border style. Gets or sets the Line Dash The line border dash array. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the base class for link annotations. Initializes new instance of class. Initializes new instance of class. Bounds of the annotation. Represents the 3D annotation for a PDF document. The crossTable Gets the list of available views for the current 3D artwork. Gets or sets the default view. The default view. Gets or sets the code to execute when the 3D artwork is instantiated. Javascript code to be executed when the 3D artwork is instantiated. Gets or sets the activation options for the annotation. Defines the times at which the annotation should be activated and deactivated and the state of the 3D artwork instance at those times. Gets a 3d viedo file from Pdf3DAnnotation Filename with Full path Initializes a new instance of the class. Bounds of the annotation. Bounds of the annotation. Name of the sound file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Represents Ink annotation in the PDF. Initialize a new instance. annotation points position The annotation points position, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. Initialize a new instance. The annotation dictionary. Gets or sets the annotation opacity. The opacity is given in decimal, 1 is full opacity, 0 is no opacity. Represents the ink annotation class. The ink list. The crossTable The dictionary Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Represents the polygon annotation. The radius. The appearance. The user who created the annotation. The description of the annotation. The vertice coordinates. The date and time when the annotation was most recently modified. The border effect. Gets or sets appearance of the annotation. Initialize a new instance of PdfPolygonAnnotation. The page The polygon vertices Get the vertices Return vertices Get the radius. The radius Generate cloud border arctangle. The polygon points The rectangles The start angles in degrees The sweep angles in degrees Reseting the graphics matrix. Draw the ap content. Represents the poly line annotation. The user who created the annotation. The description of the annotation. The radius. The appearance. The user who created the annotation. The description of the annotation. The vertice coordinates. Gets or sets appearance of the annotation. Initialize instance. Create rectangle. Initialize a new instance of PdfPolygonAnnotation. The page The polygon vertices Draw the ap content. Represents the Rubber Stamp annotation for a PDF document. internal varable for the rubberstamp annotation icon Annotation's appearance. The annotation`s creater The annotation`s creat time The annotation`s subject. Gets or sets the annotation's icon. A enumeration member specifying the icon for the annotation when it is displayed in closed state. Gets or sets appearance of the annotation. Gets or set the name of the annotation,the entry is deleted by default when the input value is an empty string Gets or sets the annotation's subject. Gets or sets the creation date. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Text of the rubber stamp annotation. Initializes annotation object. Saves an annotation. The water mark annotation. The fixed print dictionary. Gets or sets appearance of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Text of the fixed print annotation. Set the matrix. The matrix Set the horizontal translation. The horizontal Set the vertical translation. The vertiacl Initializes annotation object. Saves an annotation. Represents the class for text web link annotation. Gets or sets the Url address. Initializes a new instance of the class. Draws a Text Web Link on the Page The page where the annotation should be placed. The location of the annotation. Pdf Layout result Draw a Text Web Link on the Graphics The object specifies where annotation should be placed.. The location of the annotation. Add annotation to page. The page The advance Represents the text markup annotation. Gets or sets TextMarkupAnnotationType . Gets or sets text markup color. Initializes new instance of class. Initializes new instance of class. The markup annotation title. The string specifies the text of the annotation. The string specifies the markup text of the annotation. The location of the markup text annotation. The specifies the text appearance of the markup text annotation. Initializes new instance of class. The title of the annotation. The text of the annotation. The bounds of the annotation. The font of the annotation. Initializes new instance of class. The title of the annotation. The text of the annotation. The bounds of the annotation. Initializes new instance of class. The bounds of the annotation. Represents the base class for loaded annotation classes. Represents the Form field identifier Gets and sets the Page. Sets the name of the field. New name of the field. Represents the attachment annotation from the loaded document. Gets or sets the icon of the annotation. Gets the attachment file name of the annotation. Represents the loaded caret annotation class. The crossTable The dictionary An array that describing the numerical differences between the annotation rectganle entry and the actual boundaries specifying a symbol Gets or sets the symbol Gets or sets the rectangular diffecences array Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Set the rectangular differences array An float array Gets the symbol The symbol Set the rectangular differences array Check the validity of the array The float array Validity return true or false Check the validity of the number in array The array Validity return true or false Represents the loaded document link annotation class. Gets or Sets the destination of the annotation. Represents the loaded file link annotation class. Gets or sets the filename of the annotation. Represents the free text annotation widget. An array that describing the numerical differences between the annotation rectganle entry and the actual boundaries Gets or sets the date and time when the annotation was most recently modified. Gets or sets the rectangular diffecences array Gets a name describing the intent of the free text annotation. Get the line ending style Get the callout line Gets the border width. Gets the border color Gets the border style Gets the rectangular diffecences array An float array Set the rectangular differences array Check the validity of the array The float array Validity return true ,or false Check the validity of the number in array The array Validity return true ,or false Represents the loaded line annotation class. To specifying author To specifying subject Gets or sets the back color of the annotation. Gets or sets the begin line style of the annotation. Gets or sets the caption type of the annotation. Gets or sets the end line style of the annotation. Gets or sets the inner line color of the annotation. Gets or sets the leader line of the annotation. Gets the endpoint of the annotation, it's at the bottom left The origin of coordinate system corresponds to the lower-left corner of page.The positive x axis extends horizontally to the right and the positive y axis vertically upward Gets the startpoint of the annotation, it's at the bottom left The origin of coordinate system corresponds to the lower-left corner of page.The positive x axis extends horizontally to the right and the positive y axis vertically upward Gets or sets the leader ext of the annotation. Gets the line border of the annotation. Gets or sets the line caption of the annotation. Gets or sets the line intent of the annotation. To specifying author To specifying subject Build appearance dictioanry. The appearance dictioanry Build appearance dictioanry. The appearance dictioanry Get begin line style point data. The point array data Get end line style point data. The point array data Get open arrow style data. The point The point array data Represents the loaded markup annotation class. The crossTable The dictionary Gets or sets the primary markup annotation Gets or set the rely type Gets or sets the intent Gets or sets the rich content Gets the popup annotation Gets or sets the annotation's author. Gets or sets the date and time when the annotation was created. Gets or sets the annotation's subject. Gets the opacity value to be used. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Sets the name of the annotation,the entry is deleted by default when the input value is an empty string New name of the annotation. Get the promary markup annotation The promary markup annotation Gets the rely type,deauflt value is MarkupAnnotationRelyType.R The rely type Gets teh rich content rich content Gets the popup annotation The popup annotation Gets the annotation's author. Gets the date and time when the annotation was created. The time when the annotation was created Gets the intent The intent Gets the opacity The opacity Gets the annotation's subject. The annotation's subject Represents the loaded text PolygonAndPolyLine annotation class. CrossTable Dictionary The vertice coordinates. Gets or sets the inner line color of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Get the vertices Return vertices Set the vertices The pointf array Check the vertices is valid The points if vaild ,return true,or false Gets back color of the annotation. The back color. Set the inner line color The pdf rgb color Represents the loaded text Polygon annotation class. The crossTable The dictionary Get or set the intent Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Gets the intent The intent Represents the loaded text Polygon annotation class. The crossTable The dictionary Get or set the intent Get or set the line ending style Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Gets the intent The intent Gets the intent The intent Build appearance dictioanry. The appearance dictioanry Build data. The ap builder Represents the loaded pop up annotation class. Gets or sets the open option of the popup annotation. Gets or sets the icon of the annotation. Represents the loaded rubber stamp annotation class. Gets or sets the icon of the annotation. Represents the loaded sound annotation class. Gets or sets the sound of the annotation. Gets the filename of the annotation. Gets or sets the icon of the annotation. The crossTable The dictionary Gets or sets the inner line color of the annotation. Gets or sets the rectangular diffecences array Gets back color of the annotation. The back color. Set the inner line color The pdf rgb color Gets the rectangular diffecences array An float array Set the rectangular differences array Check the validity of the array The float array Validity return true ,or false Check the validity of the number in array The array Validity return true ,or false Represents the PdfLoadedStyledAnnotation. Gets or sets the color. The color. Gets or sets the text. The text. Gets or sets the annotation's border. Gets or sets the location. Gets or sets the size. Gets or sets the annotation flags. The author of the annotation. The state of the annotation. The stateModel of the annotation. Gets the annotation's state. Gets the annotation's stateModel. Gets the iconname value to be used. Gets the open option of the popup annotation. Represents the loaded text markup annotation class. Gets or sets the annotation Type. Gets or sets the color. Represents the loaded text web link annotation class. Gets or sets the Url. Represents the loaded unique resource identifier annotation class. Gets or sets the unique resource identifier text of the annotation. The water mark annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Text of the fixed print annotation. Initializes annotation object. Represents the loaded web link annotation class. Specifies the name of an icon to be used in displaying the sound annotation. Speaker icon of sound link. Microphone icon of sound link. Specifies the type of icon to be used in displaying file attachment annotations. Type of icon used in file attachment annotation. Type of icon used in file attachment annotation. Type of icon used in file attachment annotation. Type of icon used in file attachment annotation. Specifies the enumeration of the annotation flags. Default value. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Annotation flag's key. Specifies the enumeration of popup annotation icons. Indicates note popup annotation. Indicates comment popup annotation. Indicates help popup annotation. Indicates insert popup annotation. Indicates key popup annotation. Indicates new paragraph popup annotation. Indicates paragraph popup annotation. Specifies the enumeration of popup annotation icons. Indicates note text annotation. Indicates comment text annotation. Indicates help text annotation. Indicates insert text annotation. Indicates key text annotation. Indicates new paragraph text annotation. Indicates paragraph text annotation. Specifies the enumeration of rubber stamp annotation icons. Indicates additional names rubber stamp annotation Indicates approved rubber stamp annotation Indicates AsIs rubber stamp annotation Indicates confidential rubber stamp annotation Indicates departmental rubber stamp annotation Indicates draft rubber stamp annotation Indicates experimental rubber stamp annotation Indicates expired rubber stamp annotation Indicates final rubber stamp annotation Indicates for comment rubber stamp annotation Indicates for public release rubber stamp annotation Indicates not approved rubber stamp annotation Indicates not for public release rubber stamp annotation Indicates sold rubber stamp annotation Indicates topsecret rubber stamp annotation Specifies the Line Ending Style to be used in the Line annotation. Indicates Square Indicates Circle Indicates Diamond Indicates OpenArrow Indicates ClosedArrow Indicates None Indicates ROpenArrow Indicates Butt IdicaIndicatestes RClosedArrow Indicates Slash Specifies the Line Border Style is to be used in the Line annotation. Indicates Solid Indicates Dashed Indicates Beveled Indicates Inset Indicates Underline Specifies the Line Intent Style is to be used in the Line annotation. Indicates Line Arrow as intent of the line annotation Indicates LineDimension as intent of the line annotation Specifies the Line Caption Type is to be used in the Line annotation. Specifies the Style of the Text Markup Annotation The Text Markup Annotation Type is Highlight. The Text Markup Annotation Type is Underline. The Text Markup Annotation Type is Squiggly. The Text Markup Annotation Type is StrikeOut. Specifies the annotation types. Highlight type annotation. Underline type annotation. StrikeOut type annotation. Squiggly type annotation. AnnotationStates type. TextAnnotation type. LinkAnnotation type. DocumentLinkAnnotation type. FileLinkAnnotation type. FreeTextAnnotation type. LineAnnotation type. SquareandCircleAnnotation type. PolygonandPolylineAnnotation type. TextMarkupAnnotation type. CaretAnnotation type. RubberStampAnnotation type. LnkAnnotation type. PopupAnnotation type. FileAttachmentAnnotation type. SoundAnnotation type. MovieAnnotation type. ScreenAnnotation type. WidgetAnnotation type. PrinterMarkAnnotation type. TrapNetworkAnnotation type. WatermarkAnnotation type. TextWebLinkAnnotation type. 3DAnnotation type. No annotation. Polygon Annotation type PolyLine Annotation type Square Annotation type Ink Annotation type Circle Annotation type polygon annotation intent type Indicates that the annotaiton is intended to function as a cloud Indicates that the annotaiton is intended to function as dimension polyLine annotation intent type Indicates that the annotaiton is intended to function as dimension Represents the base class for annotation objects. The name of the annotation. The ModifiedDate of the annotation. Gets or sets the background of the annotations icon when closed. The title bar of the annotations pop-up window. The border of a link annotation. The color. Gets annotation's modified date. Gets or sets annotation's border. Gets or sets location of the annotation. Gets or sets the name of the annotation. Note: The annotation name, a text string uniquely identifying it among all the annotations on its page. Gets or sets size of the annotation. Gets a page which this annotation is connected to. Gets or sets content of the annotation. Gets or sets annotation flags. Set ap dictionary. Build appearance dictionary. The appearance dictionary Represents the appearance of an annotation's border. Gets or sets a horizontal corner radius. Gets or sets a vertical corner radius. Gets or sets the width of annotation's border. A float value specifying the width of the annotation's border. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A float value specifying the width of the annotation's border. Initializes a new instance of the class. A float value specifying the width of the annotation's border. A float value specifying the horizontal corner radius value. A float value specifying the vertical corner radius value. Represents collection of objects. Gets the object at the specified position. The index value of the annotation in the collection. Annotation object at the specified position. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates new annotation collection for the specified page. Page which collection is created for. Adds a new annotation to collection. The new annotation to be added to collection. Position of the annotation in collection. Cleares the collection. Searches the collection for the specified annotation. The annotation to search for. True, if annotation is contained in collection. Otherwise - false. Searches the collection for the specified annotation. The Annotation to search. Index of the element in the collection, if exists, or -1 if the element does not exist in the collection. Inserts annotation to the collection at the specified index. Index where to insert the element. The annotation to insert in the collection. Removes the element at the specified field. The index of the element to remove. Removes the element from the collection. The element to remove. Represents an attachment annotation. Gets or Sets attachment's icon. A enumeration member specifying the icon for the annotation when it is displayed in closed state. A string value specifying the full path to the file to be embedded in the PDF file. Bounds of the annotation. A string value specifying the full path to the file to be embedded in the PDF file. Bounds of the annotation. A string value specifying the full path to the file to be embedded in the PDF file. A byte array specifying the content of the annotation's embedded file. If both FileName and FileContent are specified, the FileContent takes precedence. The rectangle. A string value specifying the full path to the file to be embedded in the PDF file. The stream specifying the content of the annotation's embedded file. If both FileName and FileContent are specified, the FileContent takes precedence. Represents annotation object with holds link on another location within a document. Gets or sets the destination of the annotation. Initializes new instance. Bounds of the annotation. Initializes new instance. Bounds of the annotation. Destination of the annotation. Represents a base class for file attachment annotation. The crossTable Gets or sets file name of the annotation. Gets or sets appearance of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The cross table. Represents the annotation link to external file. A string value specifying the full path to the file to be embedded. Gets or sets the action. The action to be executed when the annotation is activated. Bounds of the annotation. A string value specifying the full path to the file to be embedded. Represents a Base class for popup annotation which can be either in open or closed state. Gets or sets icon style. Gets or sets value whether annotation is initially open or closed Gets or sets appearance of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. The string specifies the annotation text. Represents the sound annotation. Gets or sets the icon to be used in displaying the annotation. The enumeration member specifying the icon for the annotation. Gets or sets the sound. The object specified a sound for the annotation. The string specifies the file name of the sound annotation. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. The string specifies the file name of the sound annotation. Represents the Uri annotation Gets or sets the Uri address. Gets or sets the action. The object specifies the action of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the annotation. unique resource identifier path. return text from image by OCR. This extractor keeps track of the current Y position of each string. If it detectsthat the y position has changed, it inserts a line break into the output.If the PDF extractor text in a non-top-to-bottom fashion, this will result in the text not being a true representation of how it appears in the PDF. The Extracted Text. Represents the utility class to store information about Images and its location. The number of indirect objects. The original stream object. Gets the Image Boundary location. Gets the Image,save to stream. Gets the Image index. The number of indirect object. The original stream object. Whether the current image contains SMask entry The current image stream obejct if has return true or false dispose the image resources Pdf to html Set Parameter In 1000 The Split Page In 1000 The Split Page,default 1000 wheather embedded image Pdf to Html, Set Parameter Writes the doc Comment Get file Folder write doc comment Save file Relative Path Save file folder write doc comment Represents the path data reader. Gets a value indicating whether this is EOF. true if EOF; otherwise, false. Gets text length. Gets or sets the position. The position. Initializes a new instance of the PathDataReader class. Reads the symbols Symbol Gets the next symbol Symbol Gets the next symbol position. The next symbol position Updates the current position of the reader Length of the path data Reads the float value from the path data float value True if the next value is float Reads the pint form the path data Point value True if the next parameter is point Reads the points from the path data Points Checks if the current character is symbol True if the character is a symbol Reads the Name of the element XPS data Reader position Name Reads the boolean value from the Data XPS data Reader position True if the next value is boolean Reads the float from the data. XPS data Reader position float value Reads the point from the data XPS data Reader position point Reads the matrix from the data XPS data Reader position Matrix Find item by searching in the .rels file The index of item Get item from alternate content alternate content data the type of item the item Enumerator representing the available XPS elements. Create a new ttf glyph. The ttf font The glyph index A new ttf glyph info Add char code to glyph info. The microsft The glyph info The char code Whether exsit glyph char code The true type reader The glyph index The char code if exsit return true or false Bug897 Converts the alternateContent graphics to PDF graphics. Converts the choice graphics to PDF graphics. Converts the fallback graphics to PDF graphics. Converts the baloo graphics to PDF graphics. Get the base image and mask image The index of the profile in the xps archive The data of icc proifle The number of color components Initialize a new ICCProfile The index of the profile in the xps archive The data of icc proifle The number of color components Free users can only add up to 10 pages Represents a base class for all barcode types. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Set the barcode text. Gets or sets the back color of the barcode. Gets or sets the bar color of the barcode. Gets or sets the text color of the barcode text. Gets or sets the narrow bar width. Gets or Sets the barcode text. Gets or sets the location to render barcode in the PDF Document. Gets or sets the empty area which is to be allocated around the barcode. Gets or sets the bar height. Gets the size of the barcode. Gets or sets the rectangular area occupied by the barcode. Represents the general barcode exception class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. User defined error message. Initializes a new instance of the class. User defined error message. The inner exception. Represents the Class for specifying Quiet zones around the barcode. Gets or sets the quiet zones at the right side of the barcode. Gets or sets the quiet zones at Top of the barcode. Gets or sets the quiet zones at the left side of the barcode. Gets or sets the quiet zones at bottom of the barcode. Gets or sets the quiet zones around the bar code. Check whether all the margin values are equal. Represents a Codabar barcode. This symbology allows the encoding of strings of up to 16 digits, 10 numeric digits (0 through 9) and 6 special non alpha characters ("+", "-", "$", "/", ":", "."). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode Text. Represents a Code11 barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 11 barcode: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode Text. The Barcode Text. Represents a Code128A barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 128 A barcode: NUL (\x00) SOH (\x01) STX (\x02) ETX (\x03) EOT (\x04) ENQ (\x05) ACK (\x06) BEL (\x07) BS (\x08) HT (\x09) LF (\x0A) VT (\x0B) FF (\x0C) CR (\x0D) SO (\x0E) SI (\x0F) DLE (\x10) DC1 (\x11) DC2 (\x12) DC3 (\x13) DC4 (\x14) NAK (\x15) SYN (\x16) ETB (\x17) CAN (\x18) EM (\x19) SUB (\x1A) ESC (\x1B) FS (\x1C) GS (\x1D) RS (\x1E) US (\x1F) SPACE ! # $ % ' * + , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]^ _ FNC1 (\xF0) FNC2 (\xF1) FNC3 (\xF2) FNC4 Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode Text. Represents a Code128B Barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 128 B barcode:SPACE ! " # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL (\x7F) FNC1 (\xF0) FNC2 (\xF1) FNC3 (\xF2) FNC4 (\xF3) SHIFT (\xF4). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode text. Represents a Code128C barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 128C barcode: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FNC1 (\xF0). Code 128 C encodes only numeric symbols at double density, each pair of digits is encoded using a single symbol. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode text. Represents a Code32 barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 32 barcode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. The barcode length is 9 digits (8 user defined digits + 1 check digit). Code 32 barcodes are also known as Italian Pharmacode barcodes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode Text. Represents a Code39 barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 39 barcode:Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 39 barcode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - . $ / + % SPACE All alphabetic characters are uppercase. If lowercase characters are required, then a Code 39 Extended barcode must be used. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode text. Represents a Code39 Extended barcode. Code 39 Extended is designed to encode 128 full ASCII characters. All 128 ASCII characters can be encoded in an extended Code 39 barcode Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode text. Represents a Code93 barcode. Only the following symbols are allowed in a Code 93 barcode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - . $ / + % SPACE All alphabetic characters are uppercase. If lowercase characters are required, then a Code 93 Extended barcode must be used. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode text. Represents a code93 extended barcode. All 128 ASCII characters can be encoded in an extended Code 93 barcode. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Barcode text. Represents the Base class for all the Single dimensional barcodes Initializes the new instance of Gets or sets the Text font. Gets or sets the text display location. The Default value is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable to check digit calculation in the generated barcode or not. The Default value is True. Gets or sets the gap between the barcode and the displayed text. Gets or sets the alignment of the text displayed on the barcode. Default value is Center. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [encode start stop symbols]. true if [encode start stop symbols]; otherwise, false. Draws the barcode on the at the specified region. The pdf page. The barcode region. Draws the barcode on the at the specified location. The pdf page. The barcode location. Draws the barcode on the at the specified location with the size. The pdf page. The barcode location. The barcode size. Exports the barcode as image. The barcode image. Specifies the barcode text display location. Displays, no text. Displays text, above the barcode. Displays text, at the bottom of the barcode. Specifies the barcode text alignment. Displays the readable text on the left side of the barcode. Displays the readable text at the center of the barcode. Displays the readable text on the right side of the barcode. Represents attachments of the Pdf document. Name of the file. Name of the file. The data to be attached as a file. Name of the file. The stream. Represents a collection of the attachment objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets attachment by its index in the collection. Index of the attachment. Attachment object by its index in the collection. Adds the specified attachment. The attachment. Position of the inserted attachment. Adds the specified attachment. The attachment. The associated document. The relationship between attachment and associated document. Position of the inserted attachment. Adds the specified attachment. The attachment. Position of the inserted attachment. Inserts the specified index. The index. The attachment. Removes the specified attachment. The attachment. Removes attachment at the specified index. The index. Indexes the of attachment. The attachment. Determines whether The attachment. if it contains the specified attachment, set to true. Clears the collection. Gets the element. Represents a fields which is calculated before the document saves. Gets or sets the bounds of the field. The bounds value. Gets or sets the size of the field. The size of the field. Gets or sets the location of the field. The location. Gets or sets the font. The font. Gets or sets the brush. The brush. Gets or sets the pen. The pen. Gets or sets the string format. The string format. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. X co-ordinate of the element. Y co-ordinate of the element. Represents class to display creation date of the document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. Specifies the location and size of the field. Gets or sets the format string. The format string. Represents date automated field. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. A object that is used to fill the string. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. Specifies the location and size of the field. Gets or sets the format string. The format string. Represents class which displays destination page's number. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. Specifies the location and size of the field. Get and sets the PdfLoadedPage Gets or sets the page. The page. Represent automatic field which contains document's author name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents automatic field which value is dynamically evaluated. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents class which can concatenate multiple automatic fields into single string. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. The wide-character string to be drawn. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. The wide-character string to be drawn. A object that is used to fill the string. Initializes a new instance of the class. The wide-character string to be drawn. The list of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. The wide-character string to be drawn. The list of objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. A object that specifies the font attributes (the family name, the size, and the style of the font) to use. A object that is used to fill the string. The wide-character string to be drawn. The list of objects. Gets or sets the text. The wide-character string to be drawn. Gets or sets the automatic fields. The automatic fields. Represents automatic field which has the same value within the Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Gets or sets the number style. The number style. Represents automatic field which has the same value within the Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents total page count automatic field. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Gets or sets the number style. The number style. Represents page number field. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents automatic field to display Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents automatic field to display number of pages in section. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents automatic field to display page number within a section. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents automatic field which has the same value in the whole document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. Represents automatic field which value can be evaluated in the moment of creation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The bounds. A collection specifies the viewing and organizational characteristics of portable collections.The intent of portable collections is to present, sort, and search collections of related document,such as email archives, photo collections, and engineering bidsets. A collection dictionary which specifies the viewing and organizational characteristics of portable collections. The embeddedFiles name tree which the file attachments comprising a collection. (Required if the collection has folders; ExtensionLevel3) An indirect reference to the folder dictionary that is the single common ancestor of all other folders in a portable collection. Get the document collection associated files Get the document collection associated field names Construct an instance. The embeddedFiles name tree which the file attachments comprising a collection. The pdf cross Table. Construct an instance. The collections dictionary. The embeddedFiles name tree which the file attachments comprising a collection. The pdf cross Table. Add a local file. The local file path. Add a stream. The file name of the stream. The stream. Add an attachment. The attachment. Add a custom field. Custom field name. Custom field display name. Custom field type. Add a file related field. File related field name. File related field display name. File related field type. Sort embedded files with field names. The names of fields that the PDF viewer application uses to sort the items in the collection. Specifies whether the items in the collection are sorted in ascending order. Clear all files and folders. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Create default dictionary Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Custom field type. The field data is stored as a PDF text string. The field data is stored as a PDF date string. The field data is stored as a PDF number. File related field Type. The field data is file name of the embedded file stream. The field data is the description of the embedded file stream. The field data is the modification date of the embedded file stream. The field data is the creation date of the embedded file stream. The field data is the size of the embedded file stream. A folder for the purpose of organizing files into a hierarchical structure. The structure is represented by a tree with a single root folder acting as the common ancestor for all other folders and files in the collection. A collection dictionary which specifies the viewing and organizational characteristics of portable collections. The embeddedFiles name tree which the file attachments comprising a collection. (Required;ExtensionLevel3)A non-negative integer value representing the unique folder identification number.Two folders shall not share the same ID value. The folder ID value appears as part of the name tree key of any file associated with this folder.A detailed description of the association between folder and files can be found after this table. (Required;ExtensionLevel3)A file name representing the name of the folder.Two sibling folders shall not share the same name following case normalization. Note:Descriptions of file name and case normalization follow this table. (Required for child folders; ExtensionLevel3) An indirect reference to the parent folder of this folder. This entry shall be absent for a root folder. (Required if the folder has any descendents; ExtensionLevel3) An indirect reference to the first child folder of this folder. (Required for all but the last item at each level; ExtensionLevel3) An indirect reference to the next sibling folder at this level. Construct an instance. The folder name. The embeddedFiles name tree which the file attachments comprising a collection. The pdf cross Table. Construct an instance. The collections dictionary. The embeddedFiles name tree which the file attachments comprising a collection. The pdf cross Table. Add a local file into this folder. The local file path. Add a stream into this folder. The file name of the stream. The stream. Delete the file in this folder. The file. Get the files in this folder. The file list in this folder. Create an subfolder. The subfolder name. The PdfFolder. Delete an subfolder. The subfolder name. Get the subfolders of this folder. The subfolder list in this folder. Whether has subfolders. True or False Clear this folder. Add local folder into this folder. The local folder path. Add an attachment into this folder. The attachment. Create default dictionary Generate foler ID which A non-negative integer value representing the unique folder identification number. Two folders shall not share the same ID value. The Unique folder ID. Get all folder ID which include current folder's ID and child folders's ID. The folder ID list. Two sibling folders shall not share the same name. The new child folder name. True: no same name. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Each instance of this class represents an bookmark node in the bookmark tree. Gets or sets the outline destination. Gets or sets the outline title. The outline title is the text, which appears in the outline tree as a tree node. Gets or sets the color. Gets or sets the text style. It's true,expand node It's false,collapse node Gets or sets the Action for the Outline. This class plays two roles: it's a base class for all bookmarks and it's a root of a bookmarks tree. Gets number of the elements in the collection. Gets the at the specified index. index Creates and adds an outline. The title of the new outline. The outline created. Determines whether the specified outline is a direct descendant of the outline base. The outline. true if the specified outline is a direct descendant of the outline base; otherwise, false. Removes the specified bookmark from the document. The title of the outline. Removes the specified bookmark from the document at the specified index. The index. Removes all the bookmark from the document. Inserts a new outline at the specified index. The index. The title of the new outline. The new outline. Gets the element. Allows to choose outline text style. Regular text style. Italic text style. Bold text style. Represents loaded bookmark class. Gets or sets the outline destination. Gets or sets the outline title. The outline title is the text, which appears in the outline tree as a tree node. Gets or sets the color. Gets or sets the text style. The class can be used to set some options when do convert operation. Pdf document to xlsx document,page content layout Gets or sets a value indicates whether to use the high qulity image when convert xps to pdf. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to use the high quality embedded svg when convert pdf to html. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to use invariant culture mode when convert pdf to xps. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to use PS mode to convert pdf to xps, doc. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to use PS mode to convert pdf to img. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to image background transparent pdf to img. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to use the embedded svg in the result file when convert pdf to html. Gets or sets a value indicates the count of page contents in one html file when convert pdf to html, works only when UseEmbeddedSvgMode property is set to false. Gets or sets a value indicates whether to embed image data in the result file when convert pdf to html, works only when UseEmbeddedSvgMode property is set to false. Gets or sets a value indicates the output svg's width in pixel unit, -1 means use the orignal width. Gets or sets a value indicates the output svg's height in pixel unit, -1 means use the orignal width. Gets or sets a value indicates whether whether to use flow recognition mode to convert pdf to doc(docx). Pdf document to xlsx document,the xlsx options Find Text in PDF file by absolute position or operator order.default is true. Set pdf to image convert options. Indicates whether to use PS mode. Set pdf to image convert options. Alpha values rang from 0 to 255 Set pdf to xlsx convert options the parameter is:the implementation class the xlsxOptions class The implementation class:XlsxLineLayoutOptions or XlsxTextLayoutOptions Set pdf to xps convert options. Default usePsMode = true,useInvariantCulture = false,useHighQualityImg = false. Set pdf to xps convert options. Indicates whether to use PS mode. Set pdf to xps convert options. Indicates whether to use PS mode. Indicates whether to use invariant culture. Set pdf to xps convert options. Indicates whether to use PS mode. Indicates whether to use invariant culture. Indicates whether to use the high qulity image. Set pdf to doc convert options. Default usePsMode = true. Set pdf to doc convert options. Indicates whether to use PS mode. Set pdf to doc convert options. Indicates whether to use PS mode. Indicates whether to use flow recognition mode. Set xps to pdf convert options. Default useHighQualityImg = false. Set xps to pdf convert options. Indicates whether to use the high qulity image. Set pdf to html convert options. Default useEmbeddedSvg = true, useEmbeddedImg = false, maxPageOneFile = 500, useHighQualityEmbeddedSvg=true. Set pdf to html convert options. Indicates whether to use the embedded svg in html file. Set pdf to html convert options. Indicates whether to use the embedded svg in html file. Indicates whether to embed image data in html file, works only when useEmbeddedSvg is set to false. Set pdf to html convert options. Indicates whether to use the embedded svg in html file. Indicates whether to embed image data in html file, works only when useEmbeddedSvg is set to false. Indicates the count of page contents in one html file, works only when useEmbeddedSvg is set to false. Set pdf to html convert options. Indicates whether to use the embedded svg in html file. Indicates whether to embed image data in html file, works only when useEmbeddedSvg is set to false. Indicates the count of page contents in one html file, works only when useEmbeddedSvg is set to false. Indicates whether to use the high quality embedded svg in html file, works only when useEmbeddedSvg is set to true. Set pdf to svg options. Default wPixel = -1f, hPixel = -1f, -1f means no change. Set pdf to svg options. The output svg's width in pixel unit, -1f means no change. Set pdf to svg options. The output svg's width in pixel unit, -1f means no change. The output svg's height in pixel unit, -1f means no change. The document piece info. Indicates whether to use the high qulity image when convert document Pdf to Html, Set Parameter Get or Set Allow Create Form. Indicates whether use invariant culture mode to convert pdf document. Set some options when do convert operation. Set,Get Current active pdf object Get document PdfConformanceLevel Gets the collection of document attachments displayed on a PDF page. Gets the bookmarks. Gets or sets the color space for page that will be created. Gets or sets document's information and properties. Gets the additional document's actions. Gets the loaded form. Page labels. Gets or set the document piece info. Gets the pages. Gets the fonts which are available in the PDF document. Retruns the fonts which are used in the PDF document. Gets or sets the desired level of stream compression. All new objects should be compressed with this level of the compression. Gets the security parameters of the document. Gets or sets a viewer preferences object controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. Gets or sets the action to execute when the document is opened. Gets or sets the action to be performed after the document is printed. A object specifying the action to be executed after the document is printed. . Gets or sets the jave script action to be performed after the document is saved. A object specifying the action to be executed after the document is saved. Gets or sets the action to be performed before the document is closed. A object specifying the action to be executed before the document is closed. Gets or sets the action to be performed before the document is printed. A object specifying the action to be executed before the document is printed. Gets or sets the java script action to be performed before the document is saved. A object specifying the action to be executed before the document is saved. Gets the template of pdf document Indicates whether enable font cache. Indicates the document is encrypted or not. Indicates the document is a PDF Portfolio or not. Optional content properties The pdf collections. The path to source pdf file. This constructor imports an existing pdf file into the document object. It automatically populates the Pages collection with the pages of the given document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The path to source PDF document. The password (user or owner) of the encrypted document. Setting up the Pdf docuement standard,but Pdf/A2A standards are not suppored Initializes a new instance of the class. The byte array with the file content. Initializes a new instance of the class. The byte array with the file content. The password (user or owner) of the encrypted document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream with the file. Initializes a new instance. The stream with the file. The password (user or owner) of the encrypted document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The path to source pdf file. This constructor imports an existing pdf file into the document object. It automatically populates the Pages collection with the pages of the given document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The path to source PDF document. The password (user or owner) of the encrypted document. Load a xps bytes array. the xps byte array Load a xps file. Load a xps stream. Load a svg file. A relative or absolute path for the svg file Load a svg stream. A Svg file stream Load file from disk file. url address Enable javascrpit Enable hyperlink Auto detect page break Load file from disk file. url address Enable javascrpit Enable hyperlink Auto detect page break paper size PdfHtmlLayoutFormat layoutFormat Load file from disk file. url address Enable javascrpit Enable hyperlink Auto detect page break paper size PdfHtmlLayoutFormat layoutFormat Load file from disk file. url address Enable javascrpit Enable hyperlink Auto detect page break Page setting PdfHtmlLayoutFormat layoutFormat by default false, when load Html DOM timeout(PdfHtmlLayoutFormat.LoadHtmlTimeout),convert uncompleted Html DOM to pdf. if true,until Html DOM load completed,then convert to pdf. Load htmlSourceCode to Pdf htmlSourceCode Auto detect page break PdfPageSettings setting PdfHtmlLayoutFormat layoutFormat Load htmlSourceCode to Pdf htmlSourceCode Auto detect page break PdfPageSettings setting PdfHtmlLayoutFormat layoutFormat by default false, when load Html DOM timeout(PdfHtmlLayoutFormat.LoadHtmlTimeout),convert uncompleted Html DOM to pdf. if true,until Html DOM load completed,then convert to pdf. add free version infomation apply limit for free version Initializes a new instance of the class. The byte array with the file content. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream with the file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The byte array with the file content. The password (user or owner) of the encrypted document. Initializes a new instance. The stream with the file. The password (user or owner) of the encrypted document. Thie method creates a booklet The loaded document filename. The page width The page height if set to true if the result in document should be printed Thie method creates a booklet The loaded document filename. The page width The page height if set to true if the result in document should be printed Delegate for handling event when the begin drawing page in a booklet. Delegate for handling event when the end drawing page in a booklet. Verify pdf document regarding signature. Signature field name. Signature is validated return true,otherwise false Get pdf document regarding signature. Signature field name. Whether the file is password protected. The file name if password protected,return true,or false Indicates whthere contains extended right. Removes the extended right. Save the document to the specified stream. The stream which default saved to the FileFormat.PDF format. Convert the document to streams with the file format. The file format. The format file streams. FileFormat.PDF:return only one stream(PDF support paging). FileFormat.XPS:return only one stream(XPS support paging). FileFormat.DOC:return only one stream(DOC support paging). FileFormat.DOCX:return only one stream(DOCX support paging). FileFormat.XLSX:return only one stream(XLSX support paging). FileFormat.PCL:return only one stream(PCL support paging). FileFormat.POSTSCRIPT:return only one stream(POSTSCRIPT support paging). FileFormat.HTML:return only one stream(HTML support paging). FileFormat.SVG:return multiple streams(SVG not support paging,one stream to one page). Convert the document to streams with the file format. The start index. The end index. The file format. The format file streams. FileFormat.PDF:return only one stream(PDF support paging). FileFormat.XPS:return only one stream(XPS support paging). FileFormat.DOC:return only one stream(DOC support paging). FileFormat.DOCX:return only one stream(DOCX support paging). FileFormat.XLSX:return only one stream(XLSX support paging). FileFormat.PCL:return only one stream(PCL support paging). FileFormat.POSTSCRIPT:return only one stream(POSTSCRIPT support paging). FileFormat.HTML:return only one stream(HTML support paging). FileFormat.SVG:return multiple streams(SVG not support paging,one stream to one page). Convert the document to an stream with the file format. The stream with the file format. The file format. FileFormat.SVG is not supported, because SVG file has no paging,so can't be saved to a stream. Saves PDF document to file. A relative or absolute path for the file Saves PDF document to file. A relative or absolute path for the file File format for the file Saves PDF document to PDF or other Format files. Current only supports save PDF document to SVG and PDF A relative or absolute path for the file The start page index.The index starts at 0 The end page index. File format for the file Saves PDF document page as image Page with page index to save as image Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image,Set image Dpi Page with page index to save as image Pictures X resolution Pictures Y resolution Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image,Set PdfImageType and image Dpi Page index PdfImageType type X resolution Y resolution Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image Page with page index to save as image The zoom factor The write warning Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image Page with page index to save as image The zoom factor Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image Page index PdfImageType type Returns page as Image Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. The resulting clone must be of the same type as or a compatible type to the original instance. Appends the specified loaded document to this one. The loaded document. Appends a new page to this one. The new page. Imports a page. The loaded document. The page. The page in the result document. Imports a page. The loaded document. Index of the page. The page in the result document. Imports a page. The loaded document. Index of the page. The page index in the result document. The page in the result document. Imports a page range from a loaded document. The loaded document. The start page index. The end page index. The last created page in the result document. Merges the specified source documents and return destination document. ***It is recommended to use method "MergeFiles(string[] inputFiles, string outputFile)" or "MergeFiles(stream[] inputFiles, stream[] outputFile)", which automatically release srcFiles and mergeFils resources after merging.*** The destination document, where the other documents are merged into. If it's null a new document object will be created. The source documents. The document containing merged documents. Merges the PDF documents specified by the paths. ***It is recommended to use method "MergeFiles(string[] inputFiles, string outputFile)" or "MergeFiles(stream[] inputFiles, stream[] outputFile)", which automatically release srcFiles and mergeFils resources after merging.*** The array of string paths. A new PDF document containing all merged documents. Merges the PDF documents specified by the Stream. ***It is recommended to use method "MergeFiles(string[] inputFiles, string outputFile)" or "MergeFiles(stream[] inputFiles, stream[] outputFile)", which automatically release srcFiles and mergeFils resources after merging.*** Merges the PDF documents specified by the paths. A new PDF document containing all merged documents. Merge the PDF documents. The input PDF documents. The output PDF document. Merge the PDF documents. The input PDF documents. The output PDF document. Splits a PDF file to many PDF files, each of them consists of one page from the source file. Template for destination file names. Each destination file will have 'destFileName{0***}' name, where *** is an optional format string for the number of the page inside of the source document. Splits a PDF file to many PDF files, each of them consists of one page from the source file. Template for destination file names. The number that is use as a start point for the page numbering. Each destination file will have 'destFileName{0***}' name, where *** is an optional format string for the number of the page inside of the source document. remove document's javaScript if True remove succesfully,else remove the failure or document doesn't have JavaScript Print preview. Print preview control Print document. The print settings. Print settings. Get the print settings. Print document. when export text,if have image ,will call IOCR and add text to export content. Closes the document. The document is disposed after calling the Close method. So, the document can not be saved if Close method was invoked. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Set the path to the folder where the custom font is located. the folder path. Clear the path of the folder where the custom font is located. Represent common PdfDocumentBase classes. Whether forbid warning when convert to Pdf/A Pdf/X !!! Temp solution specify whether to use high quality images Pdf to Html, Set Parameter Free users can only add up to 10 pages Internal variable to store the private font collection. Optional content properties The conformance level. Page labels. Gets the fonts which are available in the PDF document. Retruns the fonts which are used in the PDF document. Gets or sets a template that is applied to all pages in the document. The specifying the default template for the document. Gets the pages. Gets the table extractor of the document. Gets the security parameters of the document. Gets or sets document's information and properties. Gets or sets a viewer preferences object controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. Gets or sets the desired level of stream compression. All new objects should be compressed with this level of the compression. Gets or sets the internal structure of the PDF file. Get the PDF file structure. Gets the additional document's actions. The specifying the document action. Gets the bookmarks. Gets the Private Font Collection Optional content properties The pdf collections Splits a PDF file to many PDF files, each of them consists of one page from the source file. Template for destination file names. Each destination file will have 'destFileName{0***}' name, where *** is an optional format string for the number of the page inside of the source document. Splits a PDF file to many PDF files, each of them consists of one page from the source file. Template for destination file names. The number that is use as a start point for the page numbering. Each destination file will have 'destFileName{0***}' name, where *** is an optional format string for the number of the page inside of the source document. Merges the specified source documents and return destination document. The destination document, where the other documents are merged into. If it's null a new document object will be created. The source documents. The document containing merged documents. Merges the PDF documents specified by the paths. The array of string paths. A new PDF document containing all merged documents. Adds an object to a collection of the objects that will be disposed during document closing. The object that will be disposed during document closing. Convert the document to an stream with the file format. The stream with the file format. The file format. FileFormat.SVG is not supported, because SVG file has no paging,so can't be saved to an stream. Convert the document to streams with the file format. The file format. The format file streams. FileFormat.PDF:return only one stream(PDF support paging). FileFormat.XPS:return only one stream(XPS support paging). FileFormat.DOC:return only one stream(DOC support paging). FileFormat.DOCX:return only one stream(DOCX support paging). FileFormat.XLSX:return only one stream(XLSX support paging). FileFormat.PCL:return only one stream(PCL support paging). FileFormat.POSTSCRIPT:return only one stream(POSTSCRIPT support paging). FileFormat.HTML:return only one stream(HTML support paging). FileFormat.SVG:return multiple streams(SVG not support paging,one stream to one page). Convert the document to streams with the file format. The start index. The end index. The file format. The format file streams. FileFormat.PDF:return only one stream(PDF support paging). FileFormat.XPS:return only one stream(XPS support paging). FileFormat.DOC:return only one stream(DOC support paging). FileFormat.DOCX:return only one stream(DOCX support paging). FileFormat.XLSX:return only one stream(XLSX support paging). FileFormat.PCL:return only one stream(PCL support paging). FileFormat.POSTSCRIPT:return only one stream(POSTSCRIPT support paging). FileFormat.HTML:return only one stream(HTML support paging). FileFormat.SVG:return multiple streams(SVG not support paging,one stream to one page). Saves PDF document page as image Page with page index to save as image Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image Page with page index to save as image Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image,set Dpi Page with page index to save as image Pictures X resolution Pictures Y resolution Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image Page with page index to save as image Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image,set Dpi Page with page index to save as image X resolution Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. Y resolution Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image Page index PdfImageType type Returns page as Image Saves PDF document page as image,Set PdfImageType and image Dpi Page index PdfImageType type X resolution Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. Y resolution Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. Returns page as Image Save a range page of the document to the specified stream. The stream. The start index. The end index. A relative or absolute path for the file The start page index. The end page index. Saves the document to the specified filename. The filename. Save a range page of the document to xps as stream. The strart index. The end index. The xps stream. Save the document to xps as stream. The xps stream. A relative or absolute path for the file The start page index. The end page index. Save a range page of the document to svg as stream[]. The start index. The end index. Stream collection. Save the document to svg as stream[]. Stream collection Save a range page of the document to html stream. The start index. The end index. The html stream. Save the document to html stream. The html stream. Convert pdf document to pcl. The start index. The end index. The out stream. Convert pdf document to pcl. The start index. The end index. The out stream. Save a range page of the document to doc as stream[]. The start index. The end index. The doc stream. Is doc or docx. Save the document to doc as stream[]. The doc stream. Is docs or doc. Convert pdf document to excel. The start index. The end index. The out stream. Save the document to excel as stream. The excel stream. Save the document to ofd as stream. The ofd stream. Save a range page of the document to ofd as stream. The strart index. The end index. The ofd stream. Closes the document. Releases all common resources. Closes the document. if set to true the document should close its stream as well. Saves the document to the specified stream. The stream object where PDF document will be saved. Imports a page. The loaded document. The page. The page in the result document. Imports a page. The loaded document. Index of the page. The page in the result document. Imports a page. The loaded document. Index of the page. The page index in the result document. The page in the result document. Imports a page range from a loaded document. The loaded document. The start page index. The end page index. The last created page in the result document. Imports a page range from a loaded document. The loaded document. The start page index. The end page index. The page index in the result document when startIndex == endIndex. The last created page in the result document. Handle action annotation. The page corresponsedance The page Free version Imports 10 pages range from a loaded document. Merge same font when merge document. Bug_4941 The resource dictionary. The document font map. Compare bytes. Appends the specified loaded document to this one. The loaded document. Import Original Document Destinations to new Document Catalog->Names -> Dests. Quote page to this document Catalog->Names -> Dests -> Names Original Document Merge OCProperties Merge D Item Whether the page exist the field The page The field If exist return true or false This class represents a set of the properties that define the internal structure of PDF file. PDF Document object read pdf file Initializes a new instance of the class. PDF Document object read pdf file Gets or sets the version of the PDF document. The document version. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [incremental update]. true if [incremental update]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the type of PDF cross-reference. Please see the description of for more details. Gets the value indicating whether the PDF document is tagged one or not. If true PDF document is tagged, otherwise false. Tagged PDF's standard structure types A generic block-level element or group of elements A generic inline portion of text having no particular inherent characteristics An item of graphical content Represents the document's structure tree root dictionary Build struct tree root before saved. Represents the structure element The parent struct element The parent tree root Build struct element before saved. Delegate for handling event when drawing page in a booklet. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. This event is raised when starting/finished drawing a page of the source file in a booklet. Represents DrawPageInBooklet Event arguments. Gets the page of the source file. Gets the index of the source page, basing on 0. Gets the page of the booklet. Gets the index of the booklet page, basing on 0. Specifies the type of file format. Specifies plain PDF file format. Specifies Linearized PDF file format. Specifies the different way of presenting the document at the client browser. Send the generated document to the client browser and will open document inside browser or using application associated with .pdf extension externally. Send the generated document to the client browser and presents an option to save the document to disk or open inside the browser. Specifies the available PDF versions to save a PDF document. PDF version 1.0. PDF version 1.1. PDF version 1.2. PDF version 1.3. Adobe Acrobat 4. PDF version 1.4. Adobe Acrobat 5. PDF version 1.5. Adobe Acrobat 6. PDF version 1.6. Adobe Acrobat 7. PDF version 1.7. Adobe Acrobat 8. Specifies the type of the PDF cross-reference. Default value is CrossReferenceStream The cross-reference table contains information that permits random access to indirect objects within the file so that the entire file need not be read to locate any particular object. The structure is useful for incremental updates, since it allows a new cross-reference section to be added to the PDF file, containing entries only for objects that have been added or deleted. Cross-reference is represented by cross-reference table. The cross-reference table is the traditional way of representing reference type. Cross-reference is represented by cross-reference stream. Cross-reference streams are stream objects, and contain a dictionary and a data stream. This leads to more compact representation of the file data especially along with the compression enabled. This format is supported by PDF 1.5 version and higher only. Specifies the Pdf document's Conformance-level. Specifies Default / No Conformance. This PDF/A ISO standard [ISO 19005-1:2005] is based on Adobe PDF version 1.4 and This Level B conformance indicates minimal compliance to ensure that the rendered visual appearance of a conforming file is preservable over the long term. This PDF/X-1a:2001 ISO standard [ISO 15930-1] is based on Adobe PDF version 1.3 which uses only CMYK + Spot Color and this compliance to ensure that the contents will be reliably reproduced in the repress environment. PDF/A-1a ensures the preservation of a document's logical structure and con-tent text stream in natural reading order. PDF/A-2a standard,Only check the standard from the pdfaid:part and pdfaid:conformance node,And only check. PDF/A-2b standard,Only check the standard from the pdfaid:part and pdfaid:conformance node,And only check. PDF/A-3a standard,Only check the standard from the pdfaid:part and pdfaid:conformance node,And only check PDF/A-3b standard,Only check the standard from the pdfaid:part and pdfaid:conformance node,And only check Specifies the different page scaling option that shall be selected when a print dialog is displayed for this document. Default value is AppDefault. Indicates the conforming readers default print scaling. Indicates no page scaling. Defines data compression level. Pack without compression. Use high speed compression, reduce of data size is low. Something middle between normal and BestSpeed compressions. Use normal compression, middle between speed and size. Pack better but require a little more time. Use best compression, slow enough. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is editable. true if editable; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the first selected item in the list. The index of the selected item. Gets or sets the value of the first selected item in the list. The selected value. Gets the first selected item in the list. The selected item. Gets or sets the bounds. The bounds. Gets or sets the location. The location. Gets or sets the size. The size. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the background. The color of the background. Gets or sets the color of the text. The color of the text. Gets or sets the width of the border. The width of the border. Gets or sets the highlighting mode. The highlighting mode. Gets or sets the font. The font. Gets or sets the text alignment. The text alignment. This property is meaningful for fields containing variable text only. Gets the actions of the field. The actions. Gets or sets the border style. The border style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is visible. true if visible; otherwise, false. Gets the name. The name. Gets the form. The form. Gets or sets the mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. The mapping name. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is export. true if export; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only]. if the field is read only, set to true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required. true if required; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the tool tip. The tool tip. Gets the page. The page. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is flatten. Represents form's field with style parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page where the field should be placed. The name. Gets or sets the bounds. The bounds. Gets or sets the location. The location. Gets or sets the size. The size. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the background. The color of the background. Gets or sets the width of the border. The width of the border. Gets or sets the highlighting mode. The highlighting mode. Gets the actions of the field. The actions. Gets or sets the border style. The border style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is visible. true if visible; otherwise, false. Draws a button. The g. The paint params. The image. The format. Calculate the text position the rectangle the pdfStringFormat the PdfFontBase Represents form field with appearance custom support. Gets the appearance. The appearance. Represents button field in the PDF form. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page where the fields should be placed. The name of the button. Gets or sets the caption text. The caption text. Gets or sets the button layout mode. Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse button is pressed within the annotation's active area, only available in Push mode. Gets or sets the text displayed when the user rolls the cursor into the annotation's active area without pressing the mouse button, only available in Push mode. Defining the icon layout. Gets or sets the widget annotation's normal icon displayed when it is not interacting with the user. Gets or sets the widget annotation's alternate icon displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area, only available in Push mode. Gets or sets the widget annotation's rollover icon displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button, only available in Push mode. Adds Print action to current button field. Clicking on the specified button will trigger the Print Dialog Box. Represents the button icon layout options. Gets or sets the circumstances under which the icon shall be scaled inside the annotation rectangle. Gets or sets an array of two numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the left and bottom of the icon. If true, indicates that the button appearance should be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border. Gets or sets the type of scaling to use. Represents the type of scaling to use. Scale the icon to fill the annotation rectangle exactly, without regard to its original aspect ratio. Scale the icon to fit the width or height of the annotation rectangle while maintaining the icon's original aspect ratio. Represents the button layout mode. No icon; caption only. No caption; icon only. Caption below the icon. Caption above the icon. Caption to the right of the icon. Caption to the left of the icon, Caption overlaid directly on the icon. Represtents the circumstances under which the icon shall be scaled inside the annotation rectangle. Always scale. Scale only when the icon is bigger than the annotation rectangele. Scale only when the icon is smaller than the annotation rectangle. Never scale. Represents check box field in the PDF form. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page where the fields should be placed. The name of the check box field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is checked. true if checked; otherwise, false. Represents base class for field which can be in checked and unchecked states. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page where the fields should be placed. The name of the check box field. Gets or sets the style. The object specifies the style of the check box field. Represents combo box field in the PDF Form. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page the field to be placed on. The name of the field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is editable. true if editable; otherwise, false. Represents field of the Pdf document's interactive form. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page where the field should be placed. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Field Dictionary Gets the name. The name. Gets the form. The form. Gets or sets the mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. The mapping name. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is export. true if export; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only]. if the field is read only, set to true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required. true if required; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the tool tip. The tool tip. Gets the page. The page. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is flatten. Save the field apprearance The text Gets the element. Represents collection of the Pdf fields. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the with thier field name. Adds the specified field. The field item which is added in the PDF form. The field to be added on the page. Inserts the the field at the specified index. The index of the field. The field which should be inserted at the specified index. Determines whether field is contained within the collection. Check whether object is present in the field collection or not. true if field is present in the collection, otherwise, false. Gets the index of the field. The object whose index is requested. Index of the field in collection. Removes the specified field in the collection. The object to be removed from collection. Removes field at the specified position. The index where to remove the item. Clears the form field collection. Gets the element. Represents interactive form of the Pdf document. Set a value to enabled form field highLight pdfviewer fill,a form field needs to override ap Merge the fields with the same name into one field or not Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the fields. The Form fields. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is flatten. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the form is read only. true if the form is read only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [field auto naming]. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer must generate appearances for fields. true if viewer must generate appearance; otherwise, false. Gets the element. Represents a collection of form fields. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents list box field of the PDF form. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page the field to be placed on. The name of the field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field is multiselectable. true if multiselectable; otherwise, false. Represents base class form's list fields. Internal variable to store CommitOnSelChange flag. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page which the field to be placed on. The name of the field. Gets the items. The items. Gets or sets the first selected item in the list. The index of the selected item. Gets or sets the value of the first selected item in the list. The selected value. Gets the first selected item in the list. The selected item. Gets or sets the flag indicating if a new value selected is committed immediately without waiting to leave the field. Represents an item of the list fields. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item text, it is displayed in the list. The item value, it is exported when form content is exported. Gets or sets the text. The text of the list item field. Gets or sets the value. The value of the list item field. Gets the element. The primitive. Represents list field item collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the at the specified index. The object. Adds the specified item in the collection. The object which to be added in the collection. item Inserts the list item field at the specified index. The index where to insert the new item. The object to be added to collection. Removes the specified item. The object which to be removed in the collection. Removes the item at the specified position. The index where to remove the item. Determines whether the item is contained by the collection. Check whether object is exists in the collection or not. true if the item is contained within the collection; otherwise, false. Gets the index of the specified item. A object whose index is requested. The index of the given item, -1 if the item does not exist. Clears the collection. Gets the element. Represents radio button field in the PDF form. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page which the field to be placed on. The name of the field. Gets or sets the first selected item in the list. The index of the selected item. Gets or sets the value of the first selected item in the list. The selected value of the list field. Gets the first selected item in the list. The selected item of the field. Gets the items of the radio button field. The radio button field item collection. Represents an item of a radio button list. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. Gets the form of the field. The object of the field. Gets or sets the bounds. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets the element. Represents collection of radio buttons items. Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. Adds the specified item. The object to be added to collection. The index of the added field. Inserts an item at the specified index. The index where to insert the new item.. A object to be added to collection. Removes the specified item from the collection. The object which is to be removed from the collection. Removes the item at the specified position. The index where to remove the item. Gets the index of the item within the collection. A object whose index is requested. Index of the item with the collection. Determines whether the collection contains the specified item. Check whether object is exists in the collection or not. true if collection contains specified item; otherwise, false. Clears the item collection. Gets the at the specified index. Returns item at the specified position. Gets the element. Represents form field with appearance custom support. Gets the appearance. The appearance. Represents signature field in the PDF Form. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page which the field to be placed on. The name of the field. a PdfSignature obj Draws an image. The image. The x. The y. Draws an image. The image. The rectangle. Draws an image. The image. The point. The size. Represents form's field with style parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page where the field should be placed. The name. Gets or sets the bounds. The bounds. Gets or sets the location. The location. Gets or sets the size. The size. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the background. The color of the background. Gets or sets the color of the text. The color of the text. Gets or sets the width of the border. The width of the border. Gets or sets the highlighting mode. The highlighting mode. Gets or sets the font. The font. Gets or sets the text alignment. The text alignment. This property is meaningful for fields containing variable text only. Gets the actions of the field. The actions. Gets or sets the border style. The border style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is visible. true if visible; otherwise, false. Represents text box field in the PDF form. The password chrackter. Gets or sets the text. The text of the text box field. Gets or sets the default value. The default value of the text box field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check spelling. true if check spelling; otherwise, false. Meaningful only if the MaxLength property is set and the Multiline, Password properties are false. If set, the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of MaxLength, and the text is laid out into those combs. true if need to insert spaces; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is multiline. true if multiline; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is password field. true if password field; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is scrollable. true if scrollable; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text box. An integer value specifying the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text box. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page which the field to be placed on. The name of the text box field. Represents fields flags enum. Default field flag. If set, the user may not change the value of the field. Any associated widget annotations will not interact with the user; that is, they will not respond to mouse clicks or change their appearance in response to mouse motions. This flag is useful for fields whose values are computed or imported from a database. If set, the field must have a value at the time it is exported by a submit-form action. If set, the field must not be exported by a submit-form action If set, the field can contain multiple lines of text; if clear, the fields text is restricted to a single line. If set, the field is intended for entering a secure password that should not be echoed visibly to the screen. Characters typed from the keyboard should instead be echoed in some unreadable form, such as asterisks or bullet characters. If set, the text entered in the field represents the pathname of a file whose contents are to be submitted as the value of the field. If set, text entered in the field is not spell-checked. If set, the field does not scroll (horizontally for single-line fields, vertically for multiple-line fields) to accommodate more text than fits within its annotation rectangle. Once the field is full, no further text is accepted. Meaningful only if the MaxLen entry is present in the text field dictionary and if the Multiline, Password, and FileSelect flags are clear. If set, the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of MaxLen, and the text is laid out into those combs. If set, the value of this field should be represented as a rich text string. If the field has a value, the RVentry of the field dictionary specifies the rich text string. If set, exactly one radio button must be selected at all times; clicking the currently selected button has no effect. If clear, clicking the selected button reselects it, leaving no button selected. If set, the field is a set of radio buttons; if clear, the field is a check box. This flag is meaningful only if the Pushbutton flag is clear. If set, the field is a pushbutton that does not retain a permanent value. If set, a group of radio buttons within a radio button field that use the same value for the on state will turn on and off in unison; that is if one is checked, they are all checked. If clear, the buttons are mutually exclusive. If set, the field is a combo box; if clear, the field is a list box. If set, the combo box includes an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if clear, it includes only a drop-down list. This flag is meaningful only if the Combo flag is set. If set, the fields option items should be sorted alphabetically. This flag is intended for use by form authoring tools, not by PDF viewer applications. If set, more than one of the fields option items may be selected simultaneously; if clear, no more than one item at a time may be selected. If set, the new value is committed as soon as a selection is made with the pointing device. This option enables applications to perform an action once a selection is made, without requiring the user to exit the field. If clear, the new value is not committed until the user exits the field. Specifies the available styles for a field border. Defaule value is Solid. A solid rectangle surrounding the annotation. A dashed rectangle surrounding the annotation. A simulated embossed rectangle that appears to be raised above the surface of the page. A simulated engraved rectangle that appears to be recessed below the surface of the page. A single line along the bottom of the annotation rectangle. Specifies the highlight mode for a field. Defaule value is Invert. No highlighting. Invert the contents of the field rectangle. Invert the field's border. Pushed highlighting. Specifies the style for a check box field. The default value is Check. A check mark is used for the checked state. A circle is used for the checked state. A cross is used for the checked state. A diamond symbol is used for the checked state. A square is used for the checked state. A star is used for the checked state. Specifies Http request method. Data submitted using Http Get method. Data submitted using Http Post method. Specifies the enumeration of submit data formats. Data should be transmitted as Html. Data should be transmitted as Pdf. Data should be transmitted as Forms Data Format. Data should be transmitted as XML Forms Data Format . Represents states of the check field. Indicated unchecked/unpressed state. Indicated checked unpressed state. Indicated pressed unchecked state. Indicated pressed checked state. Represents XML Forms Architecture (XFA). XFA Template. XFA Datasets. XFA Config. XML Data Package Gets of sets data node value.deprecated to use,instead use xfaField to set field value. Returns XML node of field tempalte. Added by Henry Zhou. To get the xfaField through its name. Notes: the param 'name' is the name have been midified by codes instead of originals. FindSelectItemsByValueOrDataSets item text Implements routines for manipulation with loaded pages. Free users can only add up to 10 pages Represents the method that executes on a PdfNewDocument when a new page is created. Get the Section Count. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count. Creates a new page and adds it to the collection. The created page. Creates a new page of the specified size and adds it to the collection. The size of the new page. The created page. Creates a new page of the specified size and with the specified margins and adds it to the collection. The size of the new page. The margins of the new page. The created page. Creates a new page of the specified size and with the specified margins and adds it to the collection. The size of the new page. The margins of the new page. The rotation of the new page. The created page. Creates a new page of the specified size and with the specified margins and adds it to the collection. The size of the page. The margins of the page. The rotation of the new page. The orientation of the new page. The created page. Creates a new page and inserts it at the specified index. The index. The created page. Creates a new page and inserts it at the specified index. The index. The size of the page. The created page. Creates a new page and inserts it at the specified index. The index. The size of the page. The margins of the page. The created page. Creates a new page and inserts it at the specified index. The index. The size of the page. The margins of the page. The rotation of the new page. The created page. Creates a new page and inserts it at the specified index. The index. The origin of the page. The size of the page. The margins of the page. The rotation of the new page. The created page. Removes the page at the given specified index. Index of the page. Removes the specified page. The page to be remove. Removes the specified page. The page to be remove. ReArrange the Pages in the Loaded Document. The page sequence to arrange the pages. Creates a new page and inserts it at the specified index. The index. The size of the page. The margins of the page. The rotation of the new page. The orientation of the new page. The created page. Get the Section The index The section Caculate the index of the page in the document. The pages The page The page number whether the page is find in pages Whether the current object is page object The dic if the dic is a page obejct ,return true ,or false FreeVersion,Allow Create 10 Pdf page PdfSection sec PdfNewPage page Gets the index of the page in the document. The current page. Index of the page in the document if exists, -1 otherwise. foreach Nodes,find page Implements enumerator to the loaded page collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The collection. Gets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last element. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Represents the loaded annotation colllection. Gets the at the specified index. Represents the annotation with specified name. The specified annotation name. Gets or sets the page. Adds annotation to collection. Annotation to be added to collection. Position of the annotation in collection. Creates the polygon annotation The dictionary The cross table Creates the polyLine annotation The dictionary The cross table Creates the square annotation The dictionary The cross table Creates the ink annotation The dictionary The cross table Creates the Circle annotation The dictionary The cross table Get or Set the background color of the field A object specifying the background color of field. Gets or Set the fore color of the field. A object specifying the background color of field. Get or Set the text alignment in a text box. A enumeration member specifying the text alignment in a text box. Get or Set the HighLightMode of the Field. A enumeration member specifying the highlight mode in a text box. Gets or Set value of the text box field. A string value representing the value of the item. Gets or set the default value of the field. A string value representing the default value of the item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check spelling. True if the field content should be checked for spelling erorrs, false otherwise. Default is true. Meaningful only if the MaxLength property is set and the Multiline, Password properties are false. If set, the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of MaxLength, and the text is laid out into those combs. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is multiline. True if the field is multiline, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is password field. True if the field is a password field, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is scrollable. True if the field content can be scrolled, false otherwise. Default is true. Gets or sets the maximum length of the field, in characters. A positive integer value specifying the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text edit field. Gets the actions of the field. The actions. Gets or sets the bounds. Gets or sets the location. Gets or sets the size. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or Sets the width of the border. The width of the border. Gets the font. The font. Gets a value indicating the visibility of the field. Gets the name of the field. A string value specifying the name of the field. Gets or sets the mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. A string value specifying the mapping name of the field. Gets or sets the tool tip. Gets the page. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only]. True if the field is read-only, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required. True if the field is required, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is export. true if export; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is flatten. Represents a button field of an existing PDF document`s form. Button background picture Gets or sets Button background picture. Gets or sets the caption text. A string value specifying the caption of the button. Gets the collection of button items. Defining the icon layout. need replace image Adds Print action to current button field. Clicking on the specified button will trigger the Print Dialog Box. Represents button group item of an existing PDF document`s form. Represents the base class for loaded state field. Gets the items collection. Represents the loaded state item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is checked. Represents collection of button item. Gets the at the specified index. Represents check box of an existing PDF document`s form. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is checked. True if the check box is checked, false otherwise. Gets the collection check box items. Set the export value. The export value Represents collection of text box group items. Gets the at the specified index. Represents loaded check box item. Represents a choice field of an existing PDF document`s form. Gets the collection of choice items. Gets or sets the first selected item in the list. Gets or sets the value of the first selected item in the list. Gets the first selected item in the list. Gets the first selected item in the list. Gets or sets the flag indicating if a new value selected is committed immediately without waiting to leave the field. Represents the combo box field of an existing item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is editable. True if the drop down list is editable, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets the collection of combo box items. Represents group for combo box field. Represents collection of Combo box items. Gets the at the specified index. Represents state item collection. Gets the at the specified index. The index of specified item. Represents base class for loaded fields. Form field identifier Gets the name of the field. A string value specifying the name of the field. Gets or sets the mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. A string value specifying the mapping name of the field. Gets or sets the tool tip. Gets the page. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only]. True if the field is read-only, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required. True if the field is required, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is export. true if export; otherwise, false. Gets the form. The form. Re set the page. The page Sets the name of the field. New name of the field. Represents base class for field's group items. Gets or sets the bounds. Gets or sets the location. Gets or sets the size. Gets the page. Represents Loaded form. Gets the field collection. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the form is read only. True if the field is read-only, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets XFA data of the form. Gets or sets a value indicating whether need appearances. Export the form data to a file. Name of the document which is need to export. The format of exported data. The name of the PDF file the data is exported from. Export the form data to a file. The stream where form data will be exported. The format of exported data The name of the PDF file the data is exported from Reset the signature flags. Imports the data. Name of the file. The data format. Import form data from XFDF file. Imports the data. Name of the file. The data format. if it is error flag, set to true. Import form data from FDF file. The FDF file stream False if the import should stop on the first field that generates an error, or true if the import should ignore the error and continue with the next field. Document form fields filled with data which are imported from FDF. Sets/Resets the form field highlight option. Called when [hex in string]. The test. Extract Images from Signature Represents field collection of loaded form. Gets the at the specified index. Returns field with specified name. The specified field name. Gets or sets the form. Field Signature Names Add field Gets the field. int index The created field. Update field name. The field Get FieldName from FormWidget by exportValue Get filedName from FiledWeiget find exportValue from AP By exportValue Get Fields from FormWidget by exportValue Represents loaded list box field. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field is multiselectable.. For scrollable list boxes, the top index (the index in the Opt array of the first option visible in the list) Default value: 0. Gets the items. The collection of list box items. 获取选中项中最大的一个索引 获取listbox可显示区域最大能显示多少个项 Represents group item for list field. Represents loaded item collection. Gets the at the specified index. Represents loaded list item. Gets or sets the text. A string value representing the display text of the item. Gets or sets the value. A string value representing the value of the item. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. The value. Represents a collection of list box field items. Gets the at the specified index. Inserts an item at the end of the collection. a object to be added to collection. The index of item. Inserts the list item at the specified index. The index. The item. Removes the element at the specified index. The index. Throws IndexOutOfRange exception if the index is out of bounds. Clears the item collection. Represents collection of radio box group items. Gets the at the specified index. Returns object at the specified index. Represents radio button field of an existing PDF document`s form. Gets or sets the value. The value of the radio button item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is selected. Represents radio button field of an existing PDF document`s form. Gets the collection of radio button items. A that represents the items within the list. Gets or sets the index of the selected item in the list. The lowest ordinal index of the selected items in the list. The default is -1, which indicates that nothing is selected. Gets or sets the value of the first selected item in the list. A string value specifying the value of the first selected item, null (Nothing in VB.NET) if there is no selected item. Gets the selected item. Return the item as PdfLoadedRadioButtonItem class Gets the button style. Gets or sets the value of specified item. A string value representing the value of the item. Represents the signature field of an existing PDF document`s form. draw signature Need to convert a date convert a date DateTime Represents the collection of loaded state item. Gets the at the specified index. Represents loaded styled field. Get DA for from annot Gets the actions of the field. The actions. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotations active area.. The mouse up action. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotations active area. The mouse down action. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus. The got focus action. Get or Set the background color of the field A object specifying the background color of field. Gets or sets the action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus. The lost focus action. Gets or sets the bounds. Gets or sets the location. Gets or sets the size. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or sets the color of the border. The color of the border. Gets or Sets the width of the border. The width of the border. Gets the font. The font. Get font size from DA The font parameters The font size Gets the default index. Gets a value indicating the visibility of the field. Whether they are all ascii characters. if all characters are ascii characters,return true ,or false Get the xfa field from template A xmlnode Get the value of the specified attribute The value Initializes a new instance of the struct. The field. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The item. Represents an item in a text box field collection. Represents the text box field of an existing PDF document`s form. The password chrackter. Gets or Set the fore color of the field. A object specifying the background color of field. Get or Set the text alignment in a text box. A enumeration member specifying the text alignment in a text box. Get or Set the HighLightMode of the Field. A enumeration member specifying the highlight mode in a text box. Gets or Set value of the text box field. A string value representing the value of the item. append ap content Set the boder style The writer The bounds Get the transform matrix from the MK entry in dictionary. The annotation The annotation's bound The matrix Gets or set the default value of the field. A string value representing the default value of the item. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check spelling. True if the field content should be checked for spelling erorrs, false otherwise. Default is true. Meaningful only if the MaxLength property is set and the Multiline, Password properties are false. If set, the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of MaxLength, and the text is laid out into those combs. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is multiline. True if the field is multiline, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is password field. True if the field is a password field, false otherwise. Default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is scrollable. True if the field content can be scrolled, false otherwise. Default is true. Gets or sets the maximum length of the field, in characters. A positive integer value specifying the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text edit field. Gets the collection of text box field items. Calculate how many lines of text Calculate font size Get font size from da string Save the text box field appearance the text value Represents collection of text box group items. Gets the at the specified index. Represents base class of XFDF. Initializes a new instance of the class. The filename. Identify push button field. Identify check box field. Identify radio button field. Identify text field. Identify listbox field. Identify combobox field. Identify signature field. Identify that field has no type. Specifies the format of Export or Import data. Specifies XML file format Specifies Forms Data Format file format Specifies XFDF file format. Get cached item. Cache group which all objects in group share the same data. Any cached object,because all objects in group share the same data. Represents the separable blend. Represents the instance. The blend mode The alpha factor Initialize object. The blend mode String to enum. The enum type The enum type The enum type Blend image. The page image The source image The matrix The blend bitmap Blend path. The page graphics The pen color The path The page image The bitmap Blend image. The back bitmap The source bitmap The blend bitmap Blend bitmap. The back bitdata The source bitdata The out bitdata The width The height Multily blend. The back bitbase The source bitbase The output bitbase The width The height Darken blend. The back bitbase The source bitbase The output bitbase The width The height Lighten blend. The back bitbase The source bitbase The output bitbase The width The height Screen blend. The back bitbase The source bitbase The output bitbase The width The height Normal blend. The back bitbase The source bitbase The output bitbase The width The height Create blend bitmap. The width The height The dpix The dpiy The bitmap Subtracted image. The source image The rect The bitmap Get the image actual size. The widhth The height The dpix The dpiy The image actual size Get back bitmap. The page image The float array The width The height The bitmap Get source bitmap. The source image The width The height The dpix The dpiy The bitmap Get the path bound. The path The matrix The rectangle Implements blend brush setting and functions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The number of elements in the Factors and Positions arrays. Gets or sets the factors array. Represents the base class for PdfBlend and PdfColorBlend classes. Implements basic routines needed by both classes. Gets or sets the positions array. Represents the collection of immutable default brushes. Gets the AliceBlue brush. Gets the antique white brush. Gets the Aqua default brush. Gets the Aquamarine default brush. Gets the Azure default brush. Gets the Beige default brush. Gets the Bisque default brush. Gets the Black default brush. Gets the BlanchedAlmond default brush. Gets the Blue default brush. Gets the BlueViolet default brush. Gets the Brown default brush. Gets the BurlyWood default brush. Gets the CadetBlue default brush. Gets the Chartreuse default brush. Gets the Chocolate default brush. Gets the Coral default brush. Gets the CornflowerBlue default brush. Gets the Corn silk default brush. Gets the Crimson default brush. Gets the Cyan default brush. Gets the DarkBlue default brush. Gets the DarkCyan default brush. Gets the DarkGoldenrod default brush. Gets the DarkGray default brush. Gets the DarkGreen default brush. Gets the DarkKhaki default brush. Gets the DarkMagenta default brush. Gets the DarkOliveGreen default brush. Gets the DarkOrange default brush. Gets the DarkOrchid default brush. Gets the DarkRed default brush. Gets the DarkSalmon default brush. Gets the DarkSeaGreen default brush. Gets the DarkSlateBlue default brush. Gets the DarkSlateGray default brush. Gets the DarkTurquoise default brush. Gets the DarkViolet default brush. Gets the DeepPink default brush. Gets the DeepSkyBlue default brush. Gets the DimGray default brush. Gets the DodgerBlue default brush. Gets the Firebrick default brush. Gets the FloralWhite default brush. Gets the ForestGreen default brush. Gets the Fuchsia default brush. Gets the Gainsborough default brush. Gets the GhostWhite default brush. Gets the Gold default brush. Gets the Goldenrod default brush. Gets the Gray default brush. Gets the Green default brush. Gets the GreenYellow default brush. Gets the Honeydew default brush. Gets the HotPink default brush. Gets the IndianRed default brush. Gets the Indigo default brush. Gets the Ivory default brush. Gets the Khaki default brush. Gets the Lavender default brush. Gets the LavenderBlush default brush. Gets the LawnGreen default brush. Gets the LemonChiffon default brush. Gets the LightBlue default brush. Gets the LightCoral default brush. Gets the LightCyan default brush. Gets the LightGoldenrodYellow default brush. Gets the LightGray default brush. Gets the LightGreen default brush. Gets the LightPink default brush. Gets the LightSalmon default brush. Gets the LightSeaGreen default brush. Gets the LightSkyBlue default brush. Gets the LightSlateGray default brush. Gets the LightSteelBlue default brush. Gets the LightYellow default brush. Gets the Lime default brush. Gets the LimeGreen default brush. Gets the Linen default brush. Gets the Magenta default brush. Gets the Maroon default brush. Gets the MediumAquamarine default brush. Gets the MediumBlue default brush. Gets the MediumOrchid default brush. Gets the MediumPurple default brush. Gets the MediumSeaGreen default brush. Gets the MediumSlateBlue default brush. Gets the MediumSpringGreen default brush. Gets the MediumTurquoise default brush. Gets the MediumVioletRed default brush. Gets the MidnightBlue default brush. Gets the MintCream default brush. Gets the MistyRose default brush. Gets the Moccasin default brush. Gets the NavajoWhite default brush. Gets the Navy default brush. Gets the OldLace default brush. Gets the Olive default brush. Gets the OliveDrab default brush. Gets the Orange default brush. Gets the OrangeRed default brush. Gets the Orchid default brush. Gets the PaleGoldenrod default brush. Gets the PaleGreen default brush. Gets the PaleTurquoise default brush. Gets the PaleVioletRed default brush. Gets the PapayaWhip default brush. Gets the PeachPuff default brush. Gets the Peru default brush. Gets the Pink default brush. Gets the Plum default brush. Gets the PowderBlue default brush. Gets the Purple default brush. Gets the Red default brush. Gets the RosyBrown default brush. Gets the RoyalBlue default brush. Gets the SaddleBrown default brush. Gets the Salmon default brush. Gets the SandyBrown default brush. Gets the SeaGreen default brush. Gets the SeaShell default brush. Gets the Sienna default brush. Gets the Silver default brush. Gets the SkyBlue default brush. Gets the SlateBlue default brush. Gets the SlateGray default brush. Gets the Snow default brush. Gets the SpringGreen default brush. Gets the SteelBlue default brush. Gets the Tan default brush. Gets the Teal default brush. Gets the Thistle default brush. Gets the Tomato default brush. Gets the Transparent default brush. Gets the Turquoise default brush. Gets the Violet default brush. Gets the Wheat default brush. Gets the White default brush. Gets the WhiteSmoke default brush. Gets the Yellow default brush. Gets the YellowGreen default brush. Represents the arrays of colors and positions used for interpolating color blending in a multicolor gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The count. Gets or sets the colours array. Specifies the gradient direction of the linear gradient brush. Specifies a gradient from upper right to lower left. Specifies a gradient from upper left to lower right. Specifies a gradient from left to right. Specifies a gradient from top to bottom. Specifies the constant values specifying whether to extend the shading beyond the starting and ending points of the axis. Do not extend any point. Extend start point. Extend end point. Extend both start and end points. Function-based shading. Axial shading. Radial shading. Free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh Lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh. Coons patch mesh. Tensor-product patch mesh. Describes a graphics element which can be drawn by a pen. Gets or sets a pen that will be used to draw the element. The actual bounds of the html view. It may larger than Bounds Represents an element that could be drawn and/or filled. Gets or sets the brush. Represents a base class for all page graphics elements. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. Location of the element in the Graphics' co-ordinate system. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. X co-ordinate of the element. Y co-ordinate of the element. Represents the base class for all elements that can be layout on the pages. [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, Name = "FullTrust")] Event. Raises after the element was printed on the page. Event. Raises before the element should be printed on the page. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. Start location on the page. Layouting result. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. X co-ordinate of the element on the page. Y co-ordinate of the element on the page. Lay outing result. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the element. Lay outing result. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the element. Lay outing result. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. Start location on the page. Lay outing format. Lay outing result. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. X co-ordinate of the element on the page. Y co-ordinate of the element on the page. Layout format. Layout result. Draws the element on the page. Current page where the element should be drawn. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the element. Layout format. Layout result. Gets or sets the path of the font. Gets or set the font stream. Gets or sets the private font collection. Base class for the main shapes. Gets the bounds. rect Class that represent HTML text area with the ability to span several pages. Specifies how text in a is horizontally aligned. The text is aligned to the left. The text is aligned to the right. The text is aligned in the center. The text is justified. internal variable to store Size. internal variable to store Mask. internal variable to store Numbering. internal variable to store Reserved. internal variable to store Start Indent. internal variable to store Right Indent. internal variable to store Offset. internal variable to store Alignment. internal variable to store Tab Count. internal variable to store rgxTabs. internal variable to store Space Before. internal variable to store Space After. internal variable to store Line Spacing. internal variable to store Style. internal variable to store Line Spacing Rule. internal variable to store Out line Level. internal variable to store Shading Weight. internal variable to store Shading Style. internal variable to store Numbering Start. internal variable to store Numbering Style. internal variable to store Numbering Tab. internal variable to store Border Space. internal variable to store Border Width. internal variable to store Borders. internal variable to store size. internal variable to store Mask. internal variable to store Effects. internal variable to store Height. internal variable to store Offset. internal variable to store Text Color. internal variable to store CharSet. internal variable to store Pitch And Family. internal variable to store Weight. internal variable to store Spacing. internal variable to store BackColor. internal variable to store lcid. internal variable to store Reserved. internal variable to store Style. internal variable to store Kerning. internal variable to store Under line Type. internal variable to store Animation. internal variable to store RevAuthor. internal variable to store Reserved. Represents the text area with the ability to span several pages. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. The font. The pen. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. The font. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. The font. The pen. The brush. The format. Gets or sets a value indicating the text that should be printed. Gets or sets a pen that will be used to draw the text. Gets or sets the brush that will be used to draw the text. Gets or sets a font that will be used to draw the text. Gets or sets text settings that will be used to draw the text. Draws the text on the page. Current page where the text should be drawn. Start location on the page. Lay outing format. Lay outing result. Draws the text on the page. Current page where the text should be drawn. Start location on the page. Width of the text bounds. Lay outing format. Lay outing result. Draws the text on the page. Current page where the text should be drawn. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the text. Lay outing format. Lay outing result. Represents the data for a cancelable event. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is cancel. true if cancel; otherwise, false. Data for event before lay outing of the page. Gets or sets value that indicates the lay outing bounds on the page. Gets the page where the lay outing should start. Initializes a new instance of the class. The bounds. The page. Contains information about layout`s element . Gets a result of the lay outing on the page. Gets or sets a value indicating the next page where the element should be layout if the process is not finished or stopped. The default value is null. In this case the element will be layout on the next page. Initializes a new instance of the class. The result. Contains information about layout`s element . Initializes a new instance of the class. The result. Gets a result of the lay outing on the page. Delegate. Defines a type of the event before lay outing on the page. Delegate. Defines a type of the event after lay outing on the page. Delegate. Defines a type of the event after the text lay outing on the page. Specifies type of paginating. If the element exceeds the page, proceed it on the next page. Draw the element on the one page only. Specifies how the element should be contained on the page. Fit the element according to the bounds specified or the page bounds. If the element doesn't fit at the first page, don't draw it on this page. Represents the used fonts in a PDF document. Gets the name. The name. Gets the size. The size. Gets the style. The style. Gets the type. The type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Replaces the specified new font. The new font. Replace the font size in the content. The font size. The font name in the resources. Dispose font Gets or sets ofset from beginning of TrueType font file. Gets or sets length of this table. Gets or sets table checksum. Gets a value indicating whether this is empty. true if empty; otherwise, false. Typographic line gap. Negative LineGap values are treated as DEF_TABLE_CHECKSUM. Gets or sets contains CFF. Gets or sets value indicating if Symbol font is used. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets a value indicating whether font is script. Gets a value indicating whether font is serif. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets post-script font name. Gets or sets font family name. Gets or sets font name. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets description font item. Gets or sets widths table for the font. Regular: 0 Bold: 1 Italic: 2 Bold Italic: 3 Bit 0- bold (if set to 1) Bit 1- italic (if set to 1) Bits 2-15- reserved (set to 0). NOTE: Note that macStyle bits must agree with the 'OS/2' table fsSelection bits. The fsSelection bits are used over the macStyle bits in Microsoft Windows. The PANOSE values and 'post' table values are ignored for determining bold or italic fonts. Subscript size factor. Superscript size factor. First char of the font. Last char of the font. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is italic. true if this instance is italic; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is bold. true if this instance is bold; otherwise, false. Local variable to store Format Selector. Local variable to store Records Count. Local variable to store Offset. Local variable to store Name Records. The PlatformID. The EncodingID. The PlatformIDLanguageID The NameID. The Length. The Offset. The Name. The cmap. The glyf. The head. The hhea. The cmap. The loca. The maxp. The cmap. The post. The OS2. The CFF. The cvt. The fpgm. The prep. Modified: International date (8-byte field). Created: International date (8-byte field). MagicNumber: Set to 0x5F0F3CF5. CheckSumAdjustment: To compute: set it to 0, sum the entire font as ULONG, then store 0xB1B0AFBA - sum. FontRevision: Set by font manufacturer. Table version number: 0x00010000 for version 1.0. Minimum x for all glyph bounding boxes. Minimum y for all glyph bounding boxes. Valid range is from 16 to 16384. Maximum y for all glyph bounding boxes. Maximum x for all glyph bounding boxes. Regular: 0 Bold: 1 Italic: 2 Bold Italic: 3 Bit 0 - bold (if set to 1) Bit 1 - italic (if set to 1) Bits 2-15 - reserved (set to 0) NOTE: Note that macStyle bits must agree with the 'OS/2' table fsSelection bits. The fsSelection bits are used over the macStyle bits in Microsoft Windows. The PANOSE values and 'post' table values are ignored for determining bold or italic fonts. Bit 0 - baseline for font at y=0 Bit 1 - left SideBearing at x=0 Bit 2 - instructions may depend on point size Bit 3 - force ppem to integer values for all private scaler math; may use fractional ppem sizes if this bit is clear Bit 4 - instructions may alter advance width (the advance widths might not scale linearly) Note: All other bits must be zero. LowestRecPPEM: Smallest readable size in pixels. FontDirectionHint: 0 Fully mixed directional glyphs 1 Only strongly left to right 2 Like 1 but also contains neutrals -1 Only strongly right to left -2 Like -1 but also contains neutrals. 0 for short offsets, 1 for long. 0 for current format. Version. Typographic ascent. Maximum advance width value in HTML table. Typographic descent. Number of hMetric entries in HTML table; may be smaller than the total number of glyphs in the font. Typographic line gap. Negative LineGap values are treated as DEF_TABLE_CHECKSUM in Windows 3.1, System 6, and System 7. Minimum left SideBearing value in HTML table. Minimum right SideBearing value; calculated as Min(aw - lsb - (xMax - xMin)). Max(lsb + (xMax - xMin)). Used to calculate the slope of the cursor (rise/run); 1 for vertical. 0 for vertical. 0 for current format. Struct field. The Average Character Width parameter specifies the arithmetic average of the escapement (width) of all of the 26 lowercase letters a through z of the Latin alphabet and the space character. If any of the 26 lowercase letters are not present, this parameter should equal the weighted average of all glyphs in the font. For non-UGL (platform 3, encoding 0) fonts, use the unweighted average. Indicates the visual weight (degree of blackness or thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font. Indicates a relative change from the normal aspect ratio (width to height ratio) as specified by a font designer for the glyphs in a font. Indicates font embedding licensing rights for the font. Embeddable fonts may be stored in a document. When a document with embedded fonts is opened on a system that does not have the font installed (the remote system), the embedded font may be loaded for temporary (and in some cases, permanent) use on that system by an embedding-aware application. Embedding licensing rights are granted by the vendor of the font. The recommended horizontal size in font design units for subscripts for this font. The recommended vertical size in font design units for subscripts for this font. The recommended horizontal offset in font design units for subscripts for this font. The recommended vertical offset in font design units from the baseline for subscripts for this font. The recommended horizontal size in font design units for superscripts for this font. The recommended vertical size in font design units for superscripts for this font. The recommended horizontal offset in font design units for superscripts for this font. The recommended vertical offset in font design units from the baseline for superscripts for this font. Width of the strikeout stroke in font design units. The position of the strikeout stroke relative to the baseline in font design units. This parameter is a classification of font-family design. This 10 byte series of numbers are used to describe the visual characteristics of a given typeface. These characteristics are then used to associate the font with other fonts of similar appearance having different names. The variables for each digit are listed below. The specifications for each variable can be obtained in the specification PANOSE v2.0 Numerical Evaluation from Microsoft or Elseware Corporation. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. The four character identifier for the vendor of the given type face. Information concerning the nature of the font patterns. The minimum Unicode index (character code) in this font, according to the cmap subtable for platform ID 3 and encoding ID 0 or 1. For most fonts supporting Win-ANSI or other character sets, this value would be 0x0020. usLastCharIndex: The maximum Unicode index (character code) in this font, according to the cmap subtable for platform ID 3 and encoding ID 0 or 1. This value depends on which character sets the font supports. The typographic ascender for this font. Remember that this is not the same as the Ascender value in the 'hhea' table, which Apple defines in a far different manner. DEF_TABLE_OFFSET good source for usTypoAscender is the Ascender value from an AFM file. The typographic descender for this font. Remember that this is not the same as the Descender value in the 'hhea' table, which Apple defines in a far different manner. DEF_TABLE_OFFSET good source for usTypoDescender is the Descender value from an AFM file. The typographic line gap for this font. Remember that this is not the same as the LineGap value in the 'hhea' table, which Apple defines in a far different manner. The ascender metric for Windows. This too is distinct from Apple's Ascender value and from the usTypoAscender values. usWinAscent is computed as the yMax for all characters in the Windows ANSI character set. usTypoAscent is used to compute the Windows font height and default line spacing. For platform 3 encoding 0 fonts, it is the same as yMax. The descender metric for Windows. This too is distinct from Apple's Descender value and from the usTypoDescender values. usWinDescent is computed as the -yMin for all characters in the Windows ANSI character set. usTypoAscent is used to compute the Windows font height and default line spacing. For platform 3 encoding 0 fonts, it is the same as -yMin. This field is used to specify the code pages encompassed by the font file in the 'cmap' subtable for platform 3, encoding ID 1 (Microsoft platform). If the font file is encoding ID 0, then the Symbol Character Set bit should be set. If the bit is set (1) then the code page is considered functional. If the bit is clear (0) then the code page is not considered functional. Each of the bits is treated as an independent flag and the bits can be set in any combination. The determination of "functional" is left up to the font designer, although character set selection should attempt to be functional by code pages if at all possible. This field is used to specify the code pages encompassed by the font file in the 'cmap' subtable for platform 3, encoding ID 1 (Microsoft platform). If the font file is encoding ID 0, then the Symbol Character Set bit should be set. If the bit is set (1) then the code page is considered functional. If the bit is clear (0) then the code page is not considered functional. Each of the bits is treated as an independent flag and the bits can be set in any combination. The determination of "functional" is left up to the font designer, although character set selection should attempt to be functional by code pages if at all possible. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Struct field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Holds glyph index. Holds character's width. Code of the char symbol. Gets a value indicating whether this is empty. true if empty; otherwise, false. Compares two WidthDescriptor objects. Another object for comparing. A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and value. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Structure field. Represents the standard CJK fonts. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font family. The size. The style. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font family. The size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The prototype. The size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The prototype. The size. The style. Gets the font family. Represents the font. Gets the name. The name. Gets the size. The size. Gets the height of the font in points. Gets the descent of the font in points. Gets the style information for this font. Gets a value indicating whether this is bold. true if bold; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this is italic. true if italic; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this is strikeout. true if strikeout; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this is underline. true if underline; otherwise, false. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. PdfStringFormat that represents formatting information, such as line spacing, for the string. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. PdfStringFormat that represents formatting information, such as line spacing, for the string. Number of characters in the string. Number of text lines in the string. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. Maximum width of the string in points. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. Maximum width of the string in points. PdfStringFormat that represents formatting information, such as line spacing, for the string. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. Maximum width of the string in points. PdfStringFormat that represents formatting information, such as line spacing, for the string. Number of characters in the string. Number of text lines in the string. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. SizeF structure that specifies the maximum layout area for the text in points. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. SizeF structure that specifies the maximum layout area for the text in points. PdfStringFormat that represents formatting information, such as line spacing, for the string. Size of the text. Measures a string by using this font. Text to be measured. SizeF structure that specifies the maximum layout area for the text in points. PdfStringFormat that represents formatting information, such as line spacing, for the string. Number of characters in the string. Number of text lines in the string. Size of the text. Gets Pdf primitive representing the font. Checks whether the object is similar to another object. The object to compare with the current object. True - if the objects have equal internals and can share them, False otherwise. Represents one of the 14 standard PDF fonts. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font family. The size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font family. The size. The style. Initializes a new instance of the class. The prototype. The size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The prototype. The size. The style. Gets the FontFamily. Represents the text layout information. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The alignment. Initializes a new instance of the class. The column format. Initializes a new instance of the class. The alignment. The vertical alignment. Gets or sets the text alignment. Gets or sets the vertical text alignment. Gets or sets the value that indicates text direction mode. Note, that this property doesn't change any alignment of the text. property should be set manually to align the text. This property just enables or disables support of right to left approach. If the value is False, the text won't be checked for right to left symbols occurrence. Gets or sets value that indicates a size among the characters in the text. When the glyph for each character in the string is rendered, this value is added to the the glyphs displacement. Default value is 0. Gets or sets value that indicates a size among the words in the text. Word spacing works the same way as character spacing but applies only to the space character, code 32. Default value is 0. Gets or sets value that indicates the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text. Default value is 0. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text should be a part of the clipping path. Gets or sets value indicating whether the text is in subscript or superscript mode. Gets or sets the indent of the first line in the paragraph. Only entire lines are laid out in the formatting rectangle. By default layout continues until the end of the text, or until no more lines are visible as a result of clipping, whichever comes first. Note that the default settings allow the last line to be partially obscured by a formatting rectangle that is not a whole multiple of the line height. To ensure that only whole lines are seen, specify this value and be careful to provide a formatting rectangle at least as tall as the height of one line. true if [line limit]; otherwise, false. Includes the trailing space at the end of each line. By default the boundary rectangle returned by the MeasureString method of PdfFont excludes the space at the end of each line. Set this flag to include that space in measurement. true if [measure trailing spaces]; otherwise, false. Overhanging parts of glyphs, and unwrapped text reaching outside the formatting rectangle are allowed to show. By default all text and glyph parts reaching outside the formatting rectangle are clipped. true if [no clip]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets value indicating type of the text wrapping. Clones the object. The new created object. Represents TrueType font. [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet( System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, Name = "FullTrust" )] Convert unicode text to charCode text using the character set encoding. Class lay outing the text. Initializes a new instance of the class. Layouts the text. String text. Font for the text. String format. Bounds of the text. Layout result. Process the '\t' in text. The text The processed text Get the info text length The line info The postion the line info`s length Layouter result. Gets the text which is not layouted Gets the actual layouted text bounds Gets layouted lines information. Gets the height of the line. Contains information about the line. Gets width of the line text. Gets line text. Gets width of the line text. Break type of the line. Unknown type line. The line has new line symbol. layout break. The line is the first in the paragraph. The line is the last in the paragraph. Is not a separator Is a separator, but can not be the first char of a new line Is a separator which can be the first char of a new line Indicates that the character is an opening or initial quotation mark. Letter, whoes code > 0x1EF4 Check table name does not exist set char Code for unicode char unicodeString charCode Get CharCode Specifies style information applied to text. Normal text. Bold text. Italic text. Represents the underline text. Strikeout text. Indicates type of standard PDF fonts. Represents the Helvetica font. Represents the Courier font. Represents the Times Roman font. Represents the Symbol font. Represents the ZapfDingbats font. Specifies the type of CJK font. Represents the Hanyang Systems Gothic Medium font. Represents the Hanyang Systems shin myeong Jo Medium font. Represents the Heisei kaku GothicW5 font. Represents the Heisei MinchoW3 font. Represents the Monotype Hei Medium font. Represents the monotype sung Light font. Represents the sinotype song light font. Specifies the type of the font. Indicates the standard Adobe fonts. Indicates the non-embedded TrueType fonts. Indicates the Embedded TrueType fonts. Specifies the types of text wrapping. Text wrapping between lines when formatting within a rectangle is disabled. Text is wrapped by words. If there is a word that is longer than bounds' width, this word is wrapped by characters. Text is wrapped by words. If there is a word that is longer than bounds' width, it won't be wrapped at all and the process will be finished. Text is wrapped by characters. In this case the word at the end of the text line can be split. Specifies type of the SubSuperScript. Specifies no subscript or superscript. Specifies superscript format. Specifies subscript format. Apple platform. Macintosh platform. Iso platform. Microsoft platform. The Copyright The Font Family The Font Sub Family The Font Identifier The Font Name The Version The PostScriptName The Trademark Unknown encoding. When building a symbol font for Windows. When building a Unicode font for Windows. For font that will be used on a Macintosh. Undefined encoding. Unicode BMP(UCS-2) encoding. Add by pdf-2610 Unicode UCS-4 encoding. Roman encoding. Japanese encoding. Chinese encoding. This is the Apple standard character to glyph index mapping table. This is the Microsoft standard character to glyph index mapping table. Format 6: Trimmed table mapping. Add by pdf-2610 Format 12: Segmented Coverage table mapping. ttf composite glyph flags. The ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS. The ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES. The ROUND_XY_TO_GRID. The WE_HAVE_A_SCALE. The RESERVED. The MORE_COMPONENTS. The WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE. The WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO. The WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS. The USE_MY_METRICS. Unknown encoding Adobe standard Latin-text encoding Mac OS standard encoding An encoding for use with expert fonts Windows Code Page 1252 Encoding for text strings in a PDF document outside the document's content streams. The horizontal identity mapping for 2-byte CIDs; may be used with CIDFonts using any Registry, Ordering, and Supplement values. It maps 2-byte character codes ranging from 0 to 65,535 to the same 2-byte CID value, interpreted high-order byte first. All glyphs have the same width (as opposed to proportional or variable-pitch fonts, which have different widths). Glyphs have serifs, which are short strokes drawn at an angle on the top and bottom of glyph stems (as opposed to sans serif fonts, which do not). Font contains glyphs outside the Adobe standard Latin character set. The flag and the nonsymbolic flag cannot both be set or both be clear. Glyphs resemble cursive handwriting. Font uses the Adobe standard Latin character set or a subset of it. Glyphs have dominant vertical strokes that are slanted. Bold font. Represent pdf form XObject. Form XObject pdf stream. The resources. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_bound to the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_matrix to the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_visibilityGroup to the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_resources to the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_bound from the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_matrix from the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_visibilityGroup from the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_resources from the pdf primitive. The form XObject dictionary. The count of bytes in the buffer. The buffer where the bytes are stored. If true always output floating point numbers with 6 decimal digits. If false uses the faster, although less precise, representation. Creates new ByteBuffer with capacity 128 Creates a byte buffer with a certain capacity. @param size the initial capacity You can fill the cache in advance if you want to. @param decimals Converts an double (multiplied by 100 and cast to an int) into an array of bytes. @param i the int @return a bytearray Appends an int. The size of the array will grow by one. @param b the int to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends the subarray of the byte array. The buffer will grow by len bytes. @param b the array to be appended @param off the offset to the start of the array @param len the length of bytes to Append @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends an array of bytes. @param b the array to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends a string to the buffer. The string is converted according to the encoding ISO-8859-1. @param str the string to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends a char to the buffer. The char is converted according to the encoding ISO-8859-1. @param c the char to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends another ByteBuffer to this buffer. @param buf the ByteBuffer to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends the string representation of an int. @param i the int to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends the string representation of a long. @param i the long to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends a string representation of a float according to the Pdf conventions. @param i the float to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Appends a string representation of a double according to the Pdf conventions. @param d the double to be appended @return a reference to this ByteBuffer object Outputs a double into a format suitable for the PDF. @param d a double @return the string representation of the double Outputs a double into a format suitable for the PDF. @param d a double @param buf a ByteBuffer @return the String representation of the double if buf is null. If buf is not null, then the double is appended directly to the buffer and this methods returns null. Sets the size to zero. Creates a newly allocated byte array. Its size is the current size of this output stream and the valid contents of the buffer have been copied into it. @return the current contents of this output stream, as a byte array. Returns the current size of the buffer. @return the value of the count field, which is the number of valid bytes in this byte buffer. Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into characters according to the platform's default character encoding. @return string translated from the buffer's contents. Writes the complete contents of this byte buffer output to the specified output stream argument, as if by calling the output stream's write method using out.Write(buf, 0, count). @param out the output stream to which to write the data. @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs. Reads an inverted short from the Stream. the Stream an int Default Quantizer Quality. A 64 byte array which corresponds to a JPEG Luminance Quantization table. A 64 byte array which corresponds to a JPEG Chromiance Quantization table. Encodes a provided ImageBuffer[,,] to a JPG Image. The ImageBuffer containing the pixel data. Dimension of the original image. This value is written to the image header. Dimension on which the Encoder works. As the Encoder works in 8*8 blocks, if the image size is not divisible by 8 the remaining blocks are set to '0' (in this implementation) Stream to which the JPEG data is to be written. Required quantizer quality; Default: 50 , Lower value higher quality. Interface for updating Progress. Interface for updating CurrentOperation. Encodes a provided Image to a JPG Image. The Image to be encoded. Stream to which the JPEG data is to be written. Required quantizer quality; Default: 50 , Lower value higher quality. Interface for updating Progress. Interface for updating CurrentOperation. Generates Y, Cb, Cr, R, G and B values from given RGB_Buffer Defines the different possible channel types. Generates Y, Cb, Cr, R, G and B values from given RGB_Buffer The input RGB_Buffer. Draw in grayscale. Width of the image. Height of the image. Enum specifying the channel type required. Interface for updating progress. Interface for updating current operation. 3D array of the specified channel type. The CreateCompatibleDC function creates a memory device context (DC) compatible with the specified device. [in] Handle to an existing DC. If this handle is NULL, the function creates a memory DC compatible with the application's current screen. If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to a memory DC. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. The SelectObject function selects an object into the specified device context (DC). The new object replaces the previous object of the same type. [in] Handle to the DC. [in] Handle to the object to be selected. The specified object must have been created by using one of the following functions. The SetStretchBltMode function sets the bitmap stretching mode in the specified device context. [in] Handle to the device context. [in] Specifies the stretching mode. This parameter can be one of the values from StretchBltModes enum. If the function succeeds, the return value is the previous stretching mode. If the function fails, the return value is zero. The GetObject function retrieves information for the specified graphics object. [in] Handle to the graphics object of interest. This can be a handle to one of the following: a logical bitmap, a brush, a font, a palette, a pen, or a device independent bitmap created by calling the CreateDIBSection function. [in] Specifies the number of bytes of information to be written to the buffer. [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the information about the specified graphics object. If the function succeeds, and lpvObject is a valid pointer, the return value is the number of bytes stored into the buffer. If the function succeeds, and lpvObject is NULL, the return value is the number of bytes required to hold the information the function would store into the buffer. If the function fails, the return value is zero. The StretchBlt function copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle, if necessary. The system stretches or compresses the bitmap according to the stretching mode currently set in the destination device context. [in] Handle to the destination device context. [in] Specifies the x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. [in] Specifies the y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. [in] Specifies the width, in logical units, of the destination rectangle. [in] Specifies the height, in logical units, of the destination rectangle. [in] Handle to the source device context. [in] Specifies the x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. [in] Specifies the y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. [in] Specifies the width, in logical units, of the source rectangle. [in] Specifies the height, in logical units, of the source rectangle. [in] Specifies the raster operation to be performed. Raster operation codes define how the system combines colors in output operations that involve a brush, a source bitmap, and a destination bitmap. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. The CreateCompatibleBitmap function creates a bitmap compatible with the device that is associated with the specified device context. [in] Handle to a device context. [in] Specifies the bitmap width, in pixels. [in] Specifies the bitmap height, in pixels. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the compatible bitmap (DDB). If the function fails, the return value is NULL. The GetDIBits function retrieves the bits of the specified compatible bitmap and copies them into a buffer as a DIB using the specified format. [in] Handle to the device context. [in] Handle to the bitmap. This must be a compatible bitmap (DDB). [in] Specifies the first scan line to retrieve. [in] Specifies the number of scan lines to retrieve. [out] Pointer to a buffer to receive the bitmap data. If this parameter is NULL, the function passes the dimensions and format of the bitmap to the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure pointed to by the lpbi parameter. [in/out] Pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure that specifies the desired format for the DIB data. [in] Specifies the format of the bmiColors member of the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. If the lpvBits parameter is non-NULL and the function succeeds, the return value is the number of scan lines copied from the bitmap. The SetDIBits function sets the pixels in a compatible bitmap (DDB) using the color data found in the specified DIB . [in] Handle to a device context. [in] Handle to the compatible bitmap (DDB) that is to be altered using the color data from the specified DIB. [in] Specifies the starting scan line for the device-independent color data in the array pointed to by the lpvBits parameter. [in] Specifies the number of scan lines found in the array containing device-independent color data. [in] Pointer to the DIB color data, stored as an array of bytes. The format of the bitmap values depends on the biBitCount member of the BITMAPINFO structure pointed to by the lpbmi parameter. [in] Pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure that contains information about the DIB. [in] Specifies whether the bmiColors member of the BITMAPINFO structure was provided and, if so, whether bmiColors contains explicit red, green, blue (RGB) values or palette indexes. If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of scan lines copied. The GetDC function retrieves a handle to a display device context (DC) for the client area of a specified window or for the entire screen. [in] Handle to the window whose DC is to be retrieved. If this value is NULL, GetDC retrieves the DC for the entire screen. If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the DC for the specified window's client area. I If the function fails, the return value is NULL. The GetClientRect function retrieves the coordinates of a window's client area. The client coordinates specify the upper-left and lower-right corners of the client area. [in] Handle to the window whose client coordinates are to be retrieved. [out] Pointer to a RECT structure that receives the client coordinates. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context. Handle to the destination device context. The leftmost x-coordinate of the destination rectangle (in pixels). The topmost y-coordinate of the destination rectangle (in pixels). The width of the source and destination rectangles (in pixels). The height of the source and the destination rectangles (in pixels). Handle to the source device context. The leftmost x-coordinate of the source rectangle (in pixels). The topmost y-coordinate of the source rectangle (in pixels). A raster-operation code. true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. The DeleteObject function deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object. After the object is deleted, the specified handle is no longer valid. [in] Handle to a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette. If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. The ReleaseDC function releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other applications. The effect of the ReleaseDC function depends on the type of DC. [in] Handle to the window whose DC is to be released. [in] Handle to the DC to be released. The return value indicates whether the DC was released. If the DC was released, the return value is 1. If the DC was not released, the return value is zero. The SetPixel function sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the specified color. [in] Handle to the device context. [in] Specifies the x-coordinate, in logical units, of the point to be set. [in] Specifies the y-coordinate, in logical units, of the point to be set. [in] Specifies the color to be used to paint the point. If the function succeeds, the return value is the RGB value that the function sets the pixel to. This value may differ from the color specified by crColor; that occurs when an exact match for the specified color cannot be found. Specifies a raster-operation code. These codes define how the color data for the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data for the destination rectangle to achieve the final color. dest = source dest = source OR dest dest = source AND dest dest = source XOR dest dest = source AND (NOT dest) dest = (NOT source) dest = (NOT src) AND (NOT dest) dest = (source AND pattern) dest = (NOT source) OR dest dest = pattern dest = DPSnoo dest = pattern XOR dest dest = (NOT dest) dest = BLACK dest = WHITE Get Font registry key. Get font name key of teh registry. Draws extra line between the last and first points. The pen. The points. If true, connects last and first points. Darw the multiple Line Invalid object type. Brush object. Pen object. Path object. Region object. Image object. Font object. String format object. Image attributes object. Custom line cap object. Default value. Hatch brush. Texture brush. Path gradient brush. Linear gradient brush. Flags for a linear gradient brush. Minimal data are present. The brush applies a transformation matrix to the source image. The brush contains a ColorBlend object for use with its InterpolationColors property. The brush contains a Blend object for use with its Blend property. The brush has a non-default value for the FocusScales property. The brush uses gamma correction. Represents pen flags. Pen just with color set. Transformation set. (20-... - float ) StartCap set. ( 20 - int ) EndCap set. ( 20 - int ) LineJoin set. ( 20 - int ) MiterLimit set. ( 20 - float ) Pen has DashStyle defined. DashCap set. ( 20 - int ) DashOffset is defined. (20 - float) DashPattern is defined. (20 - int: numArray; 24-... - float: DashPattern ) Alignment set. (20 - int ) CompoundArray set. (20 - int: numArray; 24-... - float: compoundArray ) The pen uses a custom start cap. The pen uses a custom end cap. Unknown format. Bitmap image. Metafile image. Region is from rectangle. Region is from graphics path. Region is empty. Region is infinity. Represents the bmp image object. Gets the width of the image in pixels. Gets the height of the image in pixels. Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Initialize a new instance of PdfBmpImage from stream. Initialize a new instance of PdfBmpImage from path. Initialize a new instance of PdfBmpImage from byte array. Initialize a new instance of PdfGifImage from path. Initialize a new instance of PdfGifImage from byte array. Initialize a new instance of PdfGifImage from stream. Get the count of frame in gif. Get or set the current frame index. Get the width of the image in pixels. Get the height of the image in pixels. Get the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Gets the [x,y] position of the frame in reference to the logical screen. @param frame the frame @return the [x,y] position of the frame Reads GIF file header information. Reads Logical Screen Descriptor Reads next 16-bit value, LSB first Reads next variable length block from input. @return number of bytes stored in "buffer" Reads next frame image Resets frame state for reading next image. Reads Graphics Control Extension values Skips variable length blocks up to and including next zero length block. Represents the jpeg2000 image object. This is the scaled width of the image taking rotation into account. This is the original height of the image taking rotation into account. this is the bits per component of the raw image. It also flags a CCITT image. Gets the width of the image in pixels. Gets the height of the image in pixels. Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Initialize a new instance of PdfBmpImage from path. Initialize a new instance of PdfBmpImage from byte array. Initialize a new instance of PdfBmpImage from stream. This method checks if the image is a valid JPEG and processes some parameters. @throws BadElementException @throws IOException @return true if the image is JP2, false if a codestream. Represents the jb2 image object. Get the width of the image in pixel unit. Get the height of the image in pixel unit. Get the horizontal resoulution of the image in pixel unit. Get the vertical resolution of the image in pixel unit. Initialize a new instance of PdfJb2Image from file path. Initialize a new instance of PdfJb2Image from byte array. Initialize a new instance of PdfJb2Image from stream. Inner class that holds information about a JBIG2 segment. @since 2.1.5 Inner class that holds information about a JBIG2 page. @since 2.1.5 return as a single byte array the header-data for each segment in segment number order, EMBEDDED organization, but i am putting the needed segments in SEQUENTIAL organization. if for_embedding, skip the segment types that are known to be not for acrobat. @param for_embedding @return a byte array @throws IOException Represents the jpeg image object. this is a kind of image Element. this is a kind of image Element. this is a kind of image Element. this is a kind of image Element. this is a kind of image Element. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. This represents a coordinate in the transformation matrix. type of image type of image type of image type of image type of image type of image type of image type of image type of image @since 2.1.5 Image color inversion The alignment of the Image. Text that can be shown instead of the image. This is the absolute X-position of the image. This is the absolute Y-position of the image. This is the width of the image without rotation. This is the width of the image without rotation. This is the scaled width of the image taking rotation into account. This is the original height of the image taking rotation into account. The compression level of the content streams. @since 2.1.3 This is the rotation of the image. this is the colorspace of a jpeg-image. this is the bits per component of the raw image. It also flags a CCITT image. this is the transparency information of the raw image the indentation to the left. the indentation to the right. Holds value of property dpiX. Holds value of property dpiY. Holds value of property interpolation. ICC Profile attached Holds value of property deflated. Holds value of property smask. Holds value of property XYRatio. Holds value of property originalData. The spacing before the image. The spacing after the image. Holds value of property widthPercentage. Holds value of property initialRotation. This is a type of marker. Acceptable Jpeg markers. This is a type of marker. Unsupported Jpeg markers. This is a type of marker. Jpeg markers without additional parameters. Marker value for Photoshop IRB sequence preceding Photoshop resolution data Initialize a new instance of PdfJpegImage from path. The file path Initialize a new instance of PdfJpegImage from byte array. The data array Initialize a new instance of PdfJpegImage from stream. The data stream Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Gets the width of the image in pixels. Gets the height of the image in pixels. Represents the png object. Some PNG specific values. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. A PNG marker. Get the width of the image in pixels. Gets the height of the image in pixels. Get the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Get the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. Initialize a new instance of PdfPngImage from file path. the file path Initialize a new instance of PdfPngImage from byte array. byte array Initialize a new instance of PdfPngImage from stream. stream Gets an int from an Stream. @param is an Stream @return the value of an int Gets a word from an Stream. @param is an Stream @return the value of an int Gets a String from an Stream. @param is an Stream @return the value of an int Represents the tiff image object. Get bytes count per component. The bytes count per component Process the image data. if the value of SamplePerPixel bigger than 3 extra samples should give an indication of the meaning of the additional channels The same y position image data. The y position Whether exist smask. The processed image data. Represent pdf optional content group(or optional content membership). Visible of optional content. The intent of using optional group Which is intended to represent a document designer's structural organization of artwork. Which is intended for interactive use by document consumers. Represent pdf optional content group. Content typically belongs to a single optional content group. Optional content group dictionary Optional content group Name Optional group used Intent Optional content configuration. Optional content group reference. Get or set pdf layer name. Notice: Name may be is not unique. Get or set pdf layer view state. Get or set pdf layer export state. Get or set pdf layer print state. Get or set pdf layer visible. Get whether the layer shows on user interface or not. Get reference of the layer. Construct an instance The pdf layer name The optional content configuration. The pdf cross Table Construct an instance with the optional content group dictionary The optional content group dictionary The optional content configuration. The pdf cross Table Construct an instance with the optional content group dictionary The optional content group dictionary The optional content configuration. The pdf cross Table The reference of the layer Create the layer graphics. The pdf layer container's graphics. eg: PdfPageBase.Canvas ... The pdf layer graphics. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_name to the pdf primitive. The optional content group dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_intent to the pdf primitive. The optional content group dictionary Synchronize the instance field Usage to the pdf primitive. The layer property The layer property's state Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_name from the pdf primitive. The optional content group dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_intent from the pdf primitive. The optional content group dictionary Represent pdf layer collection. The PdfDocumentBase. Optional content properties dictionary. Optional content groups. Default viewing optional content configuration. Get the pdf layer of the index. Pdf layer index Pdf layer Get the pdf layer of name. Notice: Pdf layer name may be is not unique. If exist duplication of name,return first pdf layer of name. If not exist pdf layer of name,return null; Pdf layer name Pdf layer Gets the number of pdf layers contained. Construct an instance The PdfDocumentBase. The pdf cross table Construct an instance with the optional content properties dictionary The optional content properties dictionary The PdfDocumentBase. The pdf cross table Create a new empty pdf layer outline. Pdf layer outline. Add a new pdf layer. Pdf layer name. Pdf layer. Add a new pdf layer. Pdf layer name. Pdf layer's visibility. Pdf layer. Remove the pdf layer. The pdf layer. True if item is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item was not found Remove the pdf layer. The pdf layer. If true,remove content with the pdf layer.Otherwise,false. True if item is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item was not found Remove layer from Ocgs array. Remove the pdf layer. Notice: Pdf layer name may be is not unique. If exist duplication of name,will remove all pdf layers of name. Pdf layer name. True if item is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item was not found Remove the pdf layer. Notice: Pdf layer name may be is not unique. If exist duplication of name,will remove all pdf layers of name. Pdf layer name. If true,remove content with the pdf layer.Otherwise,false. True if item is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item was not found Find pdf layers of name. Pdf layer name. Pdf layers of name. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_defaultViewConfig,m_otherConfigs to the pdf primitive. The optional content properties dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_layers to the pdf primitive. The optional content properties dictionary Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_defaultViewConfig,m_otherConfigs from the pdf primitive. The optional content properties dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_layers from the pdf primitive. The optional content properties dictionary Represent pdf optional content configuration Optional content configuration dictionary A name for the configuration. Used to initialize the states of all optional content groups's visibility. An array of optional content groups whose state should be set to ON when this configuration is applied. An array of optional content groups whose state should be set to OFF when this configuration is applied. Used to determine which optional group's states to consider and ignore in calculating the visibility of content. An array specifying the recommended order for presentation of optional content groups in user interface. Construct an instance A name for the configuration. The pdf cross table Construct an instance with the optional content configuration dictionary The optional content configuration dictionary The pdf cross table Create a new empty pdf layer outline. Pdf layer outline. Configure a layer at top level. The pdf layer. The layer's visibility. Remove a layer's configs. The pdf layer. Get layer's visibility. The pdf layer. The pdf layer's visibility. Set layer's visibility. The pdf layer. The pdf layer's visibility. Return layer shows on ui or not. The layer Append OCGs item for AS item the AS PdfArray The layer property Get layer's visibility. The pdf Layer dictionary. The pdf layer's visibility. Add pdf layer visibility settings. The list of pdf Layer dictionary. Visibility of the pdf layer. Add pdf layer visibility settings. The pdf Layer dictionary. Visibility of the pdf layer. Remove pdf layer visibility settings. The list of pdf Layer dictionary. Remove pdf layer visibility settings. The pdf Layer dictionary. Add pdf layer visibility settings. The pdf Layer. Visibility of the pdf layer. Remove pdf layer visibility settings. The pdf Layer. Return the layer shows on ui or not. The layer Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_name to the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_baseState to the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_on to the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_off to the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_intent to the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_layerOutline to the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_name from the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_baseState from the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_intent from the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary. Synchronize the instance field m_on from the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_off from the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_layerOutline from the pdf primitive. The optional content configuration dictionary. Represent pdf optional content membership. To express more complex visibility policies,content should declare itself not to belong directly an optional content group but rather to an optional content membership. Optional content membership dictionary Optional content group whose visibility determine the visibility of this optional content membership. Visibility policy. Visibility expression. All optional content groups in document,not all related this membership. Pdf layer membership Visibility. Construct a instance. all optional content groups. The pdf cross table. Construct an instance with the optional content membership dictionary. The optional content membership dictionary. all optional content groups. The pdf cross table. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_relatedLayers to the pdf primitive. The optional content membership dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_visibilityPolicy to the pdf primitive. The optional content membership dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_visibilityExpression to the pdf primitive. The optional content membership dictionary Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance field m_relatedLayers from the pdf primitive. The optional content membership dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_visibilityPolicy from the pdf primitive. The optional content membership dictionary Synchronize the instance field m_visibilityExpression from the pdf primitive. The optional content membership dictionary Represent the recommended order for presentation of optional content groups in user interface. Refrence "Optional content configuration dictionary's entry order". Optional content configuration dictionary's entry order Construct an instance. The pdf cross table. Construct an instance with . The pdf cross table Add a sub group outline. Group name. Sub group outline. Add a outline entry of the pdf layer with a sub group outline. Pdf layer Sub group outline. Add a outline entry of the pdf layer. Pdf layer Remove an entry of the layer,inclued sub enties. The layer. Remove an entry with the layer,inclued sub enties.. Refrence "Optional content configuration dictionary's entry order". The layer. The array include outline entries. True,if has succeed.Otherwise,false. Gets the wrapped element. Remove layer content in the page. The layer. The page. The pdfCrossTable Represent the visibility of optional content group(or optional content membership). Specify the visibility expression for optional content belonging to PdfLayerMembership. An array specifying a visibility expression Visible of optional content. Construct an instance The pdf cross table. Construct an instance with the visibility expression array. The visibility expression array. The pdf cross table. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Gets the wrapped element. Synchronize the instance to the pdf primitive. Synchronize the instance from the pdf primitive. Specify the visibility policy for content belonging to PdfLayerMembership. Not Specifying the visibility policy. Visible if any of layer are On. Visible only if all of layers are On. Visible if any of layer are Off. Visible only if all of layers are Off. Represent the matrix Gets the x translation value (the dx value, or the element in the third row and first column). Gets the x translation value (the dx value, or the element in the third row and second column). Gets an array of floating-point values that represents the elements. Construct a instance as the identity matrix. Construct a instance as the identity matrix. The value in the first row and first column. The value in the first row and second column. The value in the second row and first column. The value in the second row and second column. The value in the third row and first column. The value in the third row and second column. Construct a instance to the geometric transform defined by the specified rectangle and array of points. A System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents the rectangle. An array of three System.Drawing.Point structures that represents the points of a parallelogram to which the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left corners of the rectangle is to be transformed. The lower-right corner of the parallelogram is implied by the first three corners. Construct a instance to the geometric transform defined by the specified rectangle and array of points. A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle. An array of three System.Drawing.PointF structures that represents the points of a parallelogram to which the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left corners of the rectangle is to be transformed. The lower-right corner of the parallelogram is implied by the first three corners. Prepend the specified matrix. Matrix is to be multiplied. Apply the specified matrix by the specified order. Matrix is to be multiplied. Represent the applying order. Prepend the specified translation vector (offsetX and offsetY). The x value by which to translate. The y value by which to translate. Apply the specified translation vector (offsetX and offsetY) by the specified order. The x value by which to translate. The y value by which to translate. Represent the applying order. Prepend the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY). The value by which to scale in the x-axis direction. The value by which to scale in the y-axis direction. Apply the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) by the specified order. The value by which to scale in the x-axis direction. The value by which to scale in the y-axis direction. Represent the applying order. Prepend a clockwise rotation(angle) around the origin. The angle of the rotation, in degrees. Apply a clockwise rotation(angle) around the origin by the specified order. The angle of the rotation, in degrees. Represent the applying order. Prepend the specified skew angles(angleX angleY). The horizontal skew angle, in degrees. The vertical skew angle, in degrees. Prepend the specified skew angles(angleX angleY) by the specified order. The horizontal skew angle, in degrees. The vertical skew angle, in degrees. Represent the applying order. Prepend the specified Shear vector (shearX and shearY). The horizontal shear factor. The vertical shear factor. Apply the specified Shear vector (shearX and shearY) by the specified order. The horizontal shear factor. The vertical shear factor. Represent the applying order. Applies the geometric transform to a specified array of points. An array of points to transform. The transformed points. Matrix1 multiply matrix2 to this. first matrix. second matrix. Converts degree to radian. The degree The radian Converts radian to degree. The radian The degree Calculate 3 simple equation Calculate 3 simple equation Represent the applying order to matrix. The new operation is applied before the old operation. The new operation is applied after the old operation. The collection of the default pens. Gets the AliceBlue pen. Gets the antique white pen. Gets the Aqua default pen. Gets the Aquamarine default pen. Gets the Azure default pen. Gets the Beige default pen. Gets the Bisque default pen. Gets the Black default pen. Gets the BlanchedAlmond default pen. Gets the Blue default pen. Gets the BlueViolet default pen. Gets the Brown default pen. Gets the BurlyWood default pen. Gets the CadetBlue default pen. Gets the Chartreuse default pen. Gets the Chocolate default pen. Gets the Coral default pen. Gets the CornflowerBlue default pen. Gets the Corn silk default pen. Gets the Crimson default pen. Gets the Cyan default pen. Gets the DarkBlue default pen. Gets the DarkCyan default pen. Gets the DarkGoldenrod default pen. Gets the DarkGray default pen. Gets the DarkGreen default pen. Gets the DarkKhaki default pen. Gets the DarkMagenta default pen. Gets the DarkOliveGreen default pen. Gets the DarkOrange default pen. Gets the DarkOrchid default pen. Gets the DarkRed default pen. Gets the DarkSalmon default pen. Gets the DarkSeaGreen default pen. Gets the DarkSlateBlue default pen. Gets the DarkSlateGray default pen. Gets the DarkTurquoise default pen. Gets the DarkViolet default pen. Gets the DeepPink default pen. Gets the DeepSkyBlue default pen. Gets the DimGray default pen. Gets the DodgerBlue default pen. Gets the Firebrick default pen. Gets the FloralWhite default pen. Gets the ForestGreen default pen. Gets the Fuchsia default pen. Gets the Gainsborough default pen. Gets the GhostWhite default pen. Gets the Gold default pen. Gets the Goldenrod default pen. Gets the Gray default pen. Gets the Green default pen. Gets the GreenYellow default pen. Gets the Honeydew default pen. Gets the HotPink default pen. Gets the IndianRed default pen. Gets the Indigo default pen. Gets the Ivory default pen. Gets the Khaki default pen. Gets the Lavender default pen. Gets the LavenderBlush default pen. Gets the LawnGreen default pen. Gets the LemonChiffon default pen. Gets the LightBlue default pen. Gets the LightCoral default pen. Gets the LightCyan default pen. Gets the LightGoldenrodYellow default pen. Gets the LightGray default pen. Gets the LightGreen default pen. Gets the LightPink default pen. Gets the LightSalmon default pen. Gets the LightSeaGreen default pen. Gets the LightSkyBlue default pen. Gets the LightSlateGray default pen. Gets the LightSteelBlue default pen. Gets the LightYellow default pen. Gets the Lime default pen. Gets the LimeGreen default pen. Gets the Linen default pen. Gets the Magenta default pen. Gets the Maroon default pen. Gets the MediumAquamarine default pen. Gets the MediumBlue default pen. Gets the MediumOrchid default pen. Gets the MediumPurple default pen. Gets the MediumSeaGreen default pen. Gets the MediumSlateBlue default pen. Gets the MediumSpringGreen default pen. Gets the MediumTurquoise default pen. Gets the MediumVioletRed default pen. Gets the MidnightBlue default pen. Gets the MintCream default pen. Gets the MistyRose default pen. Gets the Moccasin default pen. Gets the NavajoWhite default pen. Gets the Navy default pen. Gets the OldLace default pen. Gets the Olive default pen. Gets the OliveDrab default pen. Gets the Orange default pen. Gets the OrangeRed default pen. Gets the Orchid default pen. Gets the PaleGoldenrod default pen. Gets the PaleGreen default pen. Gets the PaleTurquoise default pen. Gets the PaleVioletRed default pen. Gets the PapayaWhip default pen. Gets the PeachPuff default pen. Gets the Peru default pen. Gets the Pink default pen. Gets the Plum default pen. Gets the PowderBlue default pen. Gets the Purple default pen. Gets the Red default pen. Gets the RosyBrown default pen. Gets the RoyalBlue default pen. Gets the SaddleBrown default pen. Gets the Salmon default pen. Gets the SandyBrown default pen. Gets the SeaGreen default pen. Gets the SeaShell default pen. Gets the Sienna default pen. Gets the Silver default pen. Gets the SkyBlue default pen. Gets the SlateBlue default pen. Gets the SlateGray default pen. Gets the Snow default pen. Gets the SpringGreen default pen. Gets the SteelBlue default pen. Gets the Tan default pen. Gets the Teal default pen. Gets the Thistle default pen. Gets the Tomato default pen. Gets the Transparent default pen. Gets the Turquoise default pen. Gets the Violet default pen. Gets the Wheat default pen. Gets the White default pen. Gets the WhiteSmoke default pen. Gets the Yellow default pen. Gets the YellowGreen default pen. Specifies the type of Horizontal alignment. Specifies the element is aligned to Left. Specifies the element is aligned to Center. Specifies the element is aligned to Right. Specifies the type of Vertical alignment. Specifies the element is aligned to Top. Specifies the element is aligned to Middle. Specifies the element is aligned to Bottom. Specifies the type of horizontal text alignment. Specifies the text is aligned to Left. Specifies the text is aligned to Center. Specifies the text is aligned to Right. Specifies the text as Justified text. Specifies the text rendering mode. Fill text. Stroke text. Fill, then stroke text. Neither fill nor stroke text (invisible). Fill text and add to path for clipping (see above).. Stroke text and add to path for clipping (see above). Stroke fill text and add to path for clipping. Add text to path for clipping. Specifies the corner style of the shapes. The outer edges for the two segments are extended until they meet at an angle. An arc of a circle with a diameter equal to the line width is drawn around the point where the two segments meet, connecting the outer edges for the two segments. The two segments are finished with caps and the resulting notch beyond the ends of the segments is filled with a triangle. Specifies the line cap style to be used at the ends of the lines. The stroke is squared off at the endpoint of the path. There is no projection beyond the end of the path. A semicircular arc with a diameter equal to the line width is drawn around the endpoint and filled in. The stroke continues beyond the endpoint of the path for a distance equal to half the line width and is squared off. Possible dash styles of the pen. Solid line. Dashed line. Dotted line. Dash-dot line. Dash-dot-dot line. User defined dash style. No line. Specifies how the shapes are filled. Nonzero winding number rule of determining "insideness" of point. Even odd rule of determining "insideness" of point. Defines set of color spaces. RGB color space. CMYK color space. GrayScale color space. Indexed color space used internally. Colors are represented solely with respect to the light source; no correction is made for the output mediums white point (such as the color of unprinted paper). Colors are represented with respect to the combination of the light source and the output mediums white point (such as the color of unprinted paper). Colors are represented in a manner that preserves or emphasizes saturation. Colors are represented in a manner that provides a pleasing perceptual appearance. Specifies the blend mode for transparency. Selects the source color, ignoring the backdrop. Multiplies the backdrop and source color values. The result color is always at least as dark as either of the two constituent colors. Multiplying any color with black produces black; multiplying with white leaves the original color unchanged. Painting successive overlapping objects with a color other than black or white produces progressively darker colors. Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result. The result color is always at least as light as either of the two constituent colors. Screening any color with white produces white; screening with black leaves the original color unchanged. The effect is similar to projecting multiple photographic slides simultaneously onto a single screen. Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value. Source colors overlay the backdrop while preserving its highlights and shadows. The backdrop color is not replaced but is mixed with the source color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the backdrop. Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors. The backdrop is replaced with the source where the source is darker; otherwise, it is left unchanged. Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors. The backdrop is replaced with the source where the source is lighter; otherwise, it is left unchanged. Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with black produces no changes. Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with white produces no change. Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the backdrop. Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the backdrop. Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change. Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change. Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color. Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color. Painting with this mode in an area of the backdrop that is a pure gray (no saturation) produces no change. Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color. This preserves the gray levels of the backdrop and is useful for coloring monochrome images or tinting color images. Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color. This produces an inverse effect to that of the Color mode. Specifies the type of the PdfImage. Specifies the image is bitmap. Specifies the image is metafile. Note: Metafile can't set dpi and use "Green context" dpi. Specifies the types of the page's logical units. Specifies the Measurement is in centimeters. Specifies the Measurement is in picas. A pica represents 12 points. Specifies the unit of measurement is 1 pixel. Pixel unit is device dependent unit. The result depends on the default Dpi on the machine. Specifies a printer's point (1/72 inch) as the unit of measure. Specifies the inch as the unit of measure. Specifies the document unit (1/300 inch) as the unit of measure. Specifies the Measurement is in millimeters. Specifies the export state of the Layer Allways export Never export Export when visible Specifies the print state of the Layer Allways print Never print Print when visible Specifies the view state of the Layer Allways visible never visible Visible when on Implements structures and routines working with color. Gets a null color. The empty. Gets whether the PDFColor is Empty or not. true if this instance is empty; otherwise, false. Gets or sets Blue channel value. The B. Gets the blue. Gets or sets Cyan channel value. The C. Gets or sets Green channel value. The G. Gets the green. The green. Gets or sets Gray channel value. The gray. Gets or sets Black channel value. The K. Gets or sets Magenta channel value. The M. Gets or sets Red channel value. The R. Gets the red. Gets or sets Yellow channel value. The Y. Initializes a new instance of the class. Source color object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Source color object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gray value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Red channel value. Green channel value. Blue channel value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Cyan channel value. Magenta channel value. Yellow channel value. Black channel value. Creates the Alpha ,Red ,Green, and Blue value of this PDFColor structure. ARGB value. Implicit operator. System.Drawing.Color. PDFColor. Implicit operator. System.Drawing.Color. PDFColor. Operator ==. The color 1. The color 2. True if color 1 is equal to color 2; otherwise False. Operator !=. The color 1. The color 2. True if color 1 is not equal to color 2; otherwise False. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current . The to compare with the current . True if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise - False. Determines if the specified color is equal to this one. The color. True if the color is equal; otherwise - False. Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. A hash code for the current . Compares colors. The color 1. The color 2. True if colors are identical; otherwise - False. The class representing a graphics context of the objects. It's used for performing simple graphics operations. The web link collection. Gets the size of the canvas. Usually, this value is equal to the size of the object this graphics belongs to. Gets the size of the canvas reduced by margins and page templates. It indicates a size of the canvas reduced by margins and template dimensions. This value doesn't change when any custom clip is set. Gets or sets the current color space. The value change of this property has impact on the objects which will be drawn after the change. The web link collection. Draws a line. The pen. The point1. The point2. Draws a line. The pen. The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. Draws a rectangle. The pen. The rectangle. Draws a rectangle. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws a rectangle. The brush. The rectangle. Draws a rectangle. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws a rectangle. The pen. The brush. The rectangle. Draws a rectangle. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws an ellipse. The pen. The rectangle. Draws an ellipse. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws an ellipse. The brush. The rectangle. Draws an ellipse. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws an ellipse. The pen. The brush. The rectangle. Draws an ellipse. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws an arc. The pen. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws an arc. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a pie. The pen. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a pie. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a pie. The brush. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a pie. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a pie. The pen. The brush. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a pie. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Draws a polygon. The pen. The points. Draws a polygon. The brush. The points. Draws a polygon. The pen. The brush. The points. Draws a bezier curve. The pen. The start point. The first control point. The second control point. The end point. Draws a bezier curve. The pen. The start point X. The start point Y. The first control point X. The first control point Y. The second control point X. The second control point Y. The end point X. The end point Y. Draws a path. The pen. The path. Draws a path. The brush. The path. Draws a path. The pen. The brush. The path. Draws an image. The image. The point. Draws an image. The image. The x. The y. Draws an image. The image. The rectangle. Draws an image. The image. The point. The size. Draws an image,recommending monochrome image. The image. The image compresson quality. The point. The size. Draws an image. The image. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws an image,recommending monochrome image The image. The image compresson quality. The x. The y. The width. The height. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The location point. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The point. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The x. The y. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The x. The y. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The location point. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The point. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The x. The y. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The x. The y. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The location point. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The point. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen, Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen, Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The location point. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The point. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The x. The y. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. The x. The y. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The location point. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The point. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The x. The y. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The x. The y. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The location point. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The point. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Draws the specified text string at the specified location and size with the specified Pen, Brush and Font objects. The text string. The font. The pen. The brush. RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the drawn text. The text string format. whether the parsing of HTML tags Translates the coordinates by specified coordinates. The X value by which to translate coordinate system. The Y value by which to translate coordinate system. Scales the coordinates by specified coordinates. The value by which to scale coordinate system in the X axis direction. The value by which to scale coordinate system in the Y axis direction. Rotates the coordinate system in clockwise direction around specified point. The angle of the rotation (in degrees). A System.Drawing.PointF that represents the center of the rotation. Rotates the coordinate system in clockwise direction. The angle of the rotation (in degrees). Skews the coordinate system axes. Skews the X axis by this angle (in degrees). Skews the Y axis by this angle (in degrees). Draws a template using its original size, at the specified location. object. Location of the template. Draws a template at the specified location and size. object. Location of the template. Size of the template. Flashes this instance. Saves the current state of this Graphics and identifies the saved state with a GraphicsState. This method returns a GraphicsState that represents the saved state of this Graphics. This method works similar to method. Restores the last state of this Graphics. Restores the state of this Graphics to the state represented by a GraphicsState. GraphicsState that represents the state to which to restore this Graphics. This method works similar to method. Modifying the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path. Clip rectangle. Modifying the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path. Clip rectangle. The fill mode to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Modifying the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path. Clip path. Modifying the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path. Clip path. The fill mode to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Sets the transparency. The alpha value for both pen and brush operations. Sets the transparency. The alpha value for pen operations. The alpha value for brush operations. Sets the transparency. The alpha value for pen operations. The alpha value for brush operations. The blend mode. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. Another object to compare to. true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. Represents the state of a Graphics object. A class representing page margins. Gets or sets the left margin size. Gets or sets the top margin size. Gets or sets the right margin size. Gets or sets the bottom margin size. Sets margin of each side. Margin of each side. Initializes a new instance of the class. Create and initialize margin. The margin size. Create and initialize margin. The left right. The top bottom. Create and initialize margin. The left. The top. The right. The bottom. Clones the object. The cloned object. A class defining settings for drawing operations. Gets or sets the brush, which specifies the pen behaviour. If the brush is set, the color values are ignored, except for PdfSolidBrush. Gets or sets the color of the pen. Gets or sets the dash offset of the pen. Gets or sets the dash pattern of the pen. Gets or sets the dash style of the pen. Gets or sets the line cap of the pen. Gets or sets the line join style of the pen. The line join. Gets or sets the width of the pen. Gets or sets the miter limit. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Color of the pen. Width of the pen's line. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. Width of the pen's line. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Clones this instance. A new pen with the same properties. Class allowing to convert different unit metrics. Converting is based on Graphics object DPI settings that is why for differ graphics settings must be created new instance. For example: printers often has 300 and greater dpi resolution, for compare default display screen dpi is 96. Represents the abstract brush, which containing a basic functionality of a brush. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Creates a new copy of a brush. A new instance of the Brush class. Implements gradient brush capabilities. Gets or sets the background color of the brush. This value is optional. If null is assigned to it, the associated entry is removed from the appropriate dictionary. Gets or sets a value indicating whether use anti aliasing algorithm. Gets the wrapped element. Implements linear gradient brush by using PDF axial shading pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The starting point of the gradient. The end point of the gradient. The starting color of the gradient. The end color of the gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class. A RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the linear gradient. The starting color for the gradient. The ending color for the gradient. The mode. Initializes a new instance of the class. A RectangleF structure that specifies the bounds of the linear gradient. The starting color for the gradient. The ending color for the gradient. The angle, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis, of the gradient's orientation line. Gets or sets a PdfBlend that specifies positions and factors that define a custom falloff for the gradient. Gets or sets a ColorBlend that defines a multicolor linear gradient. Gets or sets the starting and ending colors of the gradient. Gets a rectangular region that defines the boundaries of the gradient. Gets or sets the value indicating whether the gradient should extend starting and ending points. Creates a new copy of a brush. A new instance of the Brush class. Represent radial gradient brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start centre. The start radius. The end centre. The end radius. The start color. The end color. Gets or sets a PdfBlend that specifies positions and factors that define a custom falloff for the gradient. Gets or sets a ColorBlend that defines a multicolor linear gradient. Gets or sets the starting and ending colors of the gradient. Gets or sets the rectangle. The rectangle. Gets or sets the value indicating whether the gradient should extend starting and ending points. Creates a new copy of a brush. A new instance of the Brush class. Represents a brush that fills any object with a solid colour. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Initializes a new instance of the class. color Gets or sets the color of the brush. Creates a new copy of a brush. A new instance of the Brush class. Implements a colored tiling brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The boundaries of the smallest brush cell. Initializes a new instance of the class. The boundaries of the smallest brush cell. The Current Page Object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size of the smallest brush cell. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size of the smallest brush cell. The Current Page Object. Gets the boundary box of the smallest brush cell. Gets the size of the smallest brush cell. Gets Graphics context of the brush. Creates a new copy of a brush. A new instance of the Brush class. Gets the element. Represents an arc shape. It ignores brush setting. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Implements Bezier curve shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start point. The first control point. The second control point. The end point. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start point X. The start point Y. The first control point X. The first control point Y. The second control point X. The second control point Y. The end point X. The end point Y. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The start point. The first control point. The second control point. The end point. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The start point X. The start point Y. The first control point X. The first control point Y. The second control point X. The second control point Y. The end point X. The end point Y. Gets or sets the start point. Gets or sets the first control point. Gets or sets the second control point. Gets or sets the end point. Describes an ellipse shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The rectangle. Gets the radius X. Gets the radius Y. Gets the center point. The base class of arc and pie shapes. Gets or sets the start angle. Gets or sets the sweep angle. Represents a line shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. Initializes a new instance of the class. The point1. The point2. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The point1. The point2. Gets or sets the x coordinate of the start point. Gets or sets the y coordinate of the start point. Gets or sets the x coordinate of the end point. Gets or sets the y coordinate of the end point. Implements graphics path, which is a sequence of primitive graphics elements. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The points. The path types. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The fill mode. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The points. The path types. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The fill mode. The points. The path types. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The fill mode. Gets or sets the fill mode. Gets the path points. Gets the path point types. Gets the point count. Gets the last point. Adds an arc. The boundaries of the arc. The start angle. The sweep angle. Adds an arc. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Adds a bezier curve. The start point. The first control point. The second control point. The end point. Adds a bezier curve. The start point X. The start point Y. The first control point X. The first control point Y. The second control point X. The second control point Y. The end point X. The end point Y. Adds an ellipse. The boundaries of the ellipse. Adds an ellipse. The x. The y. The width. The height. Adds a line. The point1. The point2. Adds a line. The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. Appends the path specified to this one. The path, which should be appended. Appends the path specified by the points and their types to this one. The points. The path point types. Appends the pie to this path. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Appends the pie to this path. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Append the closed polygon to this path. The points of the polygon. Appends the rectangle to this path. The rectangle. Appends the rectangle to this path. The x. The y. The width. The height. Starts a new figure. The next added primitive will start a new figure. Closes the last figure. Closes all non-closed figures. Gets the last point. The last point. Calc Point w/h get this path's bound. return this path's bound Represents Pdf Template object. the origin location of the template Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. Indicates if the template is used for PdfAppearance. Gets graphics context of the template. It will return null, if the template is read-only. Gets the size of the template. Gets the width of the template. Gets the height of the template. Gets a value indicating whether the template is read-only. true if the template is read-only; otherwise, false. Read-only templates does not expose graphics. They just return null. Resets the template and sets the specified size. The size. Resets an instance. Gets the wrapped element. Represents a pie shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. The start angle. The sweep angle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The rectangle. The start angle. The sweep angle. Represents a set of points connected with lines, could be drawn and filled. Initializes a new instance of the class. The points. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The points. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The points. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The points. Gets or sets the points of the polygon. Gets a number of the points in the polygon. Adds a point to the polygon. The last point of the polygon. Represents a simple rectangle that could be drawn and/or filled. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The brush. The rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pen. The brush. The rectangle. Represents an area bound by a rectangle. Gets or sets the X co-ordinate of the upper-left corner of this the element. Gets or sets the Y co-ordinate of the upper-left corner of this the element. Gets or sets the width of this element. Gets or sets the height of this element. Gets or sets the size of this element. Gets or sets bounds of this element. Represents the bitmap images. When replacing the picture,use this property Gets or sets the active frame of the bitmap. The active frame index. Gets the number of frames in the bitmap. The frame count. Gets or sets the mask of bitmap. New PdfMask. Gets or sets the quality. The range is from 0 to 100, 100 is the best quality. When the image is stored into PDF not as a mask, you may reduce its quality, which saves the disk space. When replacing the picture,use this property Creates new PdfBitmap instance. The image path. Creates new PdfBitmap instance. The stream. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. define method "SaveAsRawImageForIndexedFormat" supported IndexedFormat save indexed bitmap to raw image support PixelFormat: Format1bppIndexed Format4bppIndexed Format8bppIndexed rgb image to cmyk Represents the color mask for bitmaps. Gets or sets the start color. The start color. Gets or sets the end color. The end color. Creates new PdfColorMask object. The start color. The end color. Represents the base class for images. Gets the height of the image in pixels. The height. If True, png direct convert to Jpx and no mask. Gets the width of the image in pixels. The width. Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. The horizontal resolution. Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image. The vertical resolution. Returns the size of the image in points. This property uses HorizontalResolution and VerticalResolution for calculating the size in points. Gets or sets the active frame of the image. Gets the number of frames in the image. Creates PdfImage from a file. Path to a file. Returns a created PdfImage object. Creates PdfImage from stream. The stream. Returns a created PdfImage object. Converts a object into a PDF image. The image. Returns a created PdfImage object. Creates a new image instance from RTF text. RTF text data. Width of the image in points. Type of the image that should be created. The text string format. PdfImage containing RTF text. Creates a new image instance from RTF text. RTF text data. Width of the image in points. Type of the image that should be created. PdfImage containing RTF text. Creates a new image instance from RTF text. RTF text data. Width of the image in points. Height of the image in points. Type of the image that should be created. PdfImage containing RTF text. Creates a new image instance from RTF text. RTF text data. Width of the image in points. Height of the image in points. Type of the image that should be created. The text string format. PdfImage containing RTF text. Gets the wrapped element. Represents the image mask object for bitmaps. Gets the image mask. The image mask. Gets the mask type. true if soft mask; otherwise, hard mask false. Creates new PdfImageMask object. The image mask. Base class for bitmap masking objects. Class representing metafiles. Check whether is unicode in private use areas. The text string. note this also indicates gif format BITFile. * @param output destination for output data @param blocks GIF LZW requires block counts for output data codesize + Reserved Codes each entry corresponds to a code and contains the length of data that the code expands to when decoded. Constructor allocate memory for string store data @param index value of -1 indicates no predecessor [used in initialisation] @param b the byte [character] to add to the string store which follows the predecessor string specified the index. @return 0xFFFF if no space in table left for addition of predecesor index and byte b. Else return the code allocated for combination index + b. @param index index to prefix string @param b the character that follws the index prefix @return b if param index is HASH_FREE. Else return the code for this prefix and byte successor @param codesize the size of code to be preallocated for the string store. If expanded data doesnt fit into array only what will fit is written to buf and the return value indicates how much of the expanded code has been written to the buf. The next call to ExpandCode() should be with the same code and have the skip parameter set the negated value of the previous return. Succesive negative return values should be negated and added together for next skip parameter value with same code. @param buf buffer to place expanded data into @param offset offset to place expanded data @param code the code to expand to the byte array it represents. PRECONDITION This code must allready be in the LZSS @param skipHead is the number of bytes at the start of the expanded code to be skipped before data is written to buf. It is possible that skipHead is equal to codeLen. @return the length of data expanded into buf. If the expanded code is longer than space left in buf then the value returned is a negative number which when negated is equal to the number of bytes that were used of the code being expanded. This negative value also indicates the buffer is full. base underlying code size of data being compressed 8 for TIFF, 1 to 8 for GIF * reserved clear code based on code size * reserved end of data code based on code size * current number bits output for each code * limit at which current number of bits code size has to be increased * the prefix code which represents the predecessor string to current input point * output destination for bit codes * general purpose LZW string table * modify the limits of the code values in LZW encoding due to TIFF bug / feature * @param outp destination for compressed data @param codeSize the initial code size for the LZW compressor @param TIFF flag indicating that TIFF lzw fudge needs to be applied @exception IOException if underlying output stream error @param buf data to be compressed to output stream @exception IOException if underlying output stream error Indicate to compressor that no more data to go so write outp any remaining buffered data. @exception IOException if underlying output stream error load URL time out load URL whether Waiting WebBrowser load Complete Gets or sets page settings of the section. Get html page start time load URL whether Waiting webBrowser load html whether Waiting time in milliseconds. load ScouceCode or URL WebBrowser load Complete Gets or sets page settings of the section. Options of converting html to pdf Not clip Clips width Clips height Clips width and height default 30 s load URL whether Waiting load ScouceCode or URL WebBrowser load Complete Gets or sets layout type of the element. If html view is larger than pdf page, zooms out it to fit pdf page. But if html view is smaller than, will not zoom in it. If html view is larger than page, resize pdf page to fit html view. But if html view is smaller than, will not resize pdf page. If html view is smaller than page, trim pdf page to fit html view. The maximum time in milliseconds to wait the completion of loading html. Default is 30000. webBrowser load html whether Waiting webBrowser load html whether Waiting time in milliseconds. load ScouceCode or URL WebBrowser load Complete load from content type load from ulr or file load html SourceCode None -> 0 Width -> 1 Height -> 2 Both -> 4 float float float float Size Size Margins PdfLayoutType Clip Clip Clip int float float float float FRect int FRect Pointer to DebugLog.CLogInfo, C module uses it to write log message. Pointer to HTMLConverter.dll Pointer to ConvertToHTML method. Path of dll folder, which contains HTMLConverter.dll Convert HTML to PDF with plugin. For more details, please check https://www.e-iceblue.com/Tutorials/Spire.PDF/Spire.PDF-Program-Guide/Convert-HTML-to-PDF-with-New-Plugin.html Sets the path of the folder which cantains the HTMLConverter.dll and other dll files required for conversion. Convert an html page to a pdf file. The Qt html engine plugin is required. During conversion, JavaScript is enabled, default timeout is 30 seconds. The page size of output pdf file is A4 and margin is 90 (left-right) and 72 (top-bottom). Url address of the html page. The output pdf file name. [Obsolete("This method may be removed in the future.")] Convert an html page to a pdf file. The Qt html engine plugin is required. During conversion, JavaScript is enabled, default timeout is 30 seconds. The page size of output pdf file is A4 and margin is 90 (left-right) and 72 (top-bottom). Url address of the html page. The output pdf Stream. [Obsolete("This method may be removed in the future.")] Convert an html page to a pdf file. The Qt html engine plugin is required. During conversion, JavaScript is enabled, default timeout is 30 seconds. The page size of output pdf file is A4 and margin is 90 (left-right) and 72 (top-bottom). Url address of the html page. The output pdf file name. the load htmlcode or url Convert an html page to a pdf stream. The Qt html engine plugin is required. During conversion, JavaScript is enabled, default timeout is 30 seconds. The page size of output pdf file is A4 and margin is 90 (left-right) and 72 (top-bottom). Url address of the html page. The output pdf stream. the load htmlcode or url Convert an html page to a pdf file. The Qt html engine plugin is required. Url address of the html page. The output pdf file name. Indicates whether enable JavaScript. The timeout of loading html. The page size of output pdf file. The margins of output pdf file. [Obsolete("This method may be removed in the future.")] Convert an html page to a pdf stream. The Qt html engine plugin is required. Url address of the html page. The output pdf stream. Indicates whether enable JavaScript. The timeout of loading html. The page size of output pdf file. The margins of output pdf file. [Obsolete("This method may be removed in the future.")] init HTML2PDFOption param Url address of the html page. Indicates whether enable JavaScript. The timeout of loading html. The page size of output pdf file. The margins of output pdf file. Convert an html page to a pdf file. The Qt html engine plugin is required. Url address of the html page. The output pdf file name. Indicates whether enable JavaScript. The timeout of loading html. The page size of output pdf file. The margins of output pdf file. url or htmlcontent Convert an html page to a pdf file. The Qt html engine plugin is required. Url address of the html page. The output pdf stream. Indicates whether enable JavaScript. The timeout of loading html. The page size of output pdf file. The margins of output pdf file. url or htmlcontent Support functions about Qt plugin library. Load plugin library from plugin directory. The plugin directory. The plugin library ptr. Free plugin library. The plugin library ptr. Get method delegate from plugin library. The method delegate type. The plugin library ptr. The method name. (avoid obfuscated code error) The method delegate. Get default plugin directory. The default plugin directory. Get the absolute path. The path. The absolute path. Generate temp file absolute path. The temp file name. The temp file absolute path. Get plugin library helper on current platform. The plugin library helper. Load library. The full library file path. The plugin library ptr. Free library. The plugin library ptr. Get method ptr. The plugin library ptr. The method name. The method ptr. Get error. The error. Prepare full library file name. The library directory. The library file name,not include extensions. The full library file name. Support functions about qt plugin library on windows. Support functions about qt plugin library on linux. Support functions about qt plugin library on unix-like. Represents the layout parameters. Gets or sets the starting layout page. Gets or sets the lay outing bounds. Gets or sets the vertical offsets. The vertical offsets. Gets or sets the lay outing settings. HTML tags parsing html tags html content drawing font parsing html tags html content set html type set text font set font style Represents the result of html to pdf conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. The page breaks. The anchors. Gets the rendered image. The rendered image. Draws the HtmlToPdfResults on to the document. The Pdf Page. The Metafile layout format. Performs application-defined tasks associated with releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Specfies the status of the IPdfPrmitive. The information of cross-reference store in a cross-referebnce stream The reprocess object infomation The current load state The highest object number in the document. The load state Gets the ReProcess Object infomation Parse the cross reference stream in hybrid reference the position of the XRefstm object the object Check whether the entry of cross reference stream is in correct place if correct return true ,otherwise false Check whether the entry of cross reference table is in correct place If correct return true ,otherwise false Check whether the entry`s offset that in cross reference table or cross reference stream is in correct place If correct return true ,otherwise false Get object. The object information The object number The object Reparse object The object number The object It is an error to process a cross reference stream, where the object information obtained is reprocessed Get the current object number stack The current object number stack Get the reference. The reference add the document info to the pdfObjects Fixed TokenType.UnicodeString mismatch. The collection of index objects. Add object index. The element The index Get Holds all integers that have been read ahead. Check whether the indirect object`s position in file are same as the offset The indirect object`offset The object number If correct return true ,otherwise return false Get the stream of the XRefStm object a stream Reset the fields value. Max free convert pages. Retrieves character type info Retrieves bi-directional layout info Retrieves text processing info Uppercase Lowercase Decimal digits Space characters Punctuation Control characters Blank characters Hexadecimal digits Any linguistic character: alphabetic, syllabary, or ideographic Left to right Right to left European number, European digit European numeric separator European numeric terminator Arabic number Common numeric separator Block separator Segment separator White space Other neutrals No implicit directionality (for example, control codes) Diacritic nonspacing mark Vowel nonspacing mark Symbol Katakana character Hiragana character Half-width (narrow) character Full-width (wide) character Ideographic character Arabic Kashida character Punctuation which is counted as part of the word (Kashida, hyphen, feminine/masculine ordinal indicators, equal sign, and so forth) All linguistic characters (alphabetical, syllabary, and ideographic) Not applicable Native enum. Record of Emf metafile. New miter limit. Record of Emf metafile. The XFORM structure specifies a world-space to page-space transformation. Specifies scaling/rotation/reflection Specified shear/rotation Specified shear/rotation Specifies scaling/rotation/reflection Specifies the horizontal translation component, in logical units. Specifies the vertical translation component, in logical units. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Point creation from lParam's data. lParam's data for initialing point structure. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The p. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The p. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The p. The result of the conversion. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. ABC structure. Structure for 32 bit images saving. Value of Blue chanel. Value of Green chanel. Value of Red chanel. Value of Alpha chanel. Structure for 24 bit images saving. Value of Blue chanel. Value of Green chanel. Value of Red chanel. Structure for 24 bit images saving. Value of Blue chanel. Value of Green chanel. Value of Red chanel. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Windows structure. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Record of Emf metafile. Represents the method that executes on a PdfNewDocument when a new page is created. The source of the event. A that contains the event data. Provides data for PageAdded event. This event raised on adding the pages. Gets the newly added page. a object representing the page which is added in the document. Initializes a new instance of the class. a object representing the page which is added in the document. Encapsulates a page template for all the pages in the document. Gets or sets a left page template. Gets or sets a top page template. Gets or sets a right page template. Gets or sets a bottom page template. Gets or sets a left page template using on the even pages. Gets or sets a top page template using on the even pages. Gets or sets a right page template using on the even pages. Gets or sets a bottom page template using on the even pages. Gets or sets a left page template using on the odd pages. Gets or sets a top page template using on the odd pages. Gets or sets a right page template using on the odd pages. Gets or sets a bottom page template using on the odd pages. Gets a collection of stamp elements. Initializes a new instance of the class. The base class for all pages. The page pieces info. Returns the visible region of the page. Returns page region after clipping. Returns page region mediabox. Returns page region after trimming. Returns page region containing content. Gets the field collection. Get the page piece info. Gets or sets page's background color. The position and size of the background Gets the information about the extracted image. Gets the graphics of the . Gets the parent section of the page. Gets the collection of the page's layers. Gets or sets index of the default layer. Gets the default layer of the page. Gets the size of the page. Gets the actual size of the page. Gets or sets page's background image. Get the page label. Returns page is blank flag for page's content. Returns a page size reduced by page margins and page template dimensions. It's the actual size of the page where some output can be performed. Returns a page size reduced by page margins and page template dimensions. Replace the Image at index's Position. The index of original image. The new replace image. Replace the Image through the original image. The original image The New Replace image Whether it is a image dictionary. The dictionary. The dictionary is an image or not. Detemine whether the image in resource dictionary is used on current page the resource image name if be used return true or false Creates a template from page content and all annotation appearances. The created template. Find text The text intends to search. Indicate the expected result is the whole word or not, which means, if it is true, only the word is exactly the same with the searching word will be found;if it is false, any word including the searching word will be found. For instance,the text is "is this a pen?" and the target is "is", if true, one result will be returned; if false, two results will be returned. Find text string searchPatternText Find text Find all text and position. All text find in the page. Extracts text from the given PDF Page by SimpleTextExtractionStrategy. The Extracted Text. Extracts text in the range of rectangle from the given PDF Page. The unit is Point,1/72 inch default. the coordinate origin is top left corner of the page. Provide a rangle to extract text. The Extracted Text. Extracts text in the range of rectangle from the given PDF page by SimpleTextExtractionStrategy. the coordinate origin is top left corner of the page. Provide a rangle to extract text. Provide simple text extraction policy The Extracted Text. Extracts text from the given PDF Page. The Extracted Text. Extracts text from the given PDF Page. textExtractContext The Extracted Text. foreach font from Dictionary pagedic Extracts images from the given PDF Page. The name of a image in the resources save in the Tag attribute of the iamge. Returns the extracted image as Image[]. Extracts images from the given PDF Page. and image is not processed. The name of a image in the resources save in the Tag attribute of the image. Returns the extracted image as Image[]. Delete an image. The value of the image's Tag attribute is the name of the image in the resources. If the value of Tag is null,the sample image is an inline image type. The image to be delete. Delete an image. The value of the image's Tag attribute is the name of the image in the resources. If the value of Tag is null,the sample image is an inline image type. Warning : You must make sure that the image resource you are removing is the only one referenced,otherwise an error will occur. The image to be delete. whether to delete the image resource. Delete an image in a page. The image's name. Delete an image in a page. The image's name. Delete image's paint operator and image's resource in XObject stream. The XObject's dictionary of the page. The resource dicionary in the XObject. The name of image that going to remove. The child XObject's item. Delete image's paint operator in XObject stream. The XObject's dictionary of the page. The name of image that going to remove. The child XObject's item. Delete an image by index in a page. The image index. Try to compress images(except inline image). The image index If success, return true; otherwise false. Update page layer. used after modifying the contenet stream of page. Set tab order. The order name Gets the wrapped element. Get page content. bug3787/1212 Whether this page exist blend mode. If exist ,return true,or false Whether exist blend mode in page content. If exist ,return true,or false Whether exist blend mode in page annotations content. If exist ,return true,or false Whether exist blend mode in Xobject. The xobject dictionary The resource has validated. If exist ,return true,or false Whether exist blend mode in form. The form stream The resource has validated. if exist,return true,or false Get forms type. The resource dictionary forms type dictionary Whether is apply the extgstate. The record collection The forms type The gs name If apply,return true,or false Insert rich text to page rich text width IsSplitLine Insert rich text to page rich text width IsSplitLine Draw text x,y point Insert rich text to page rich text width IsSplitLine Insert rich text to page rich text width IsSplitLine Draw text x,y point Raises before the page saves. Represents parameters how to display the page in the presentation mode. Gets or sets the transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation. The style. Gets or sets the duration of the transition effect, in seconds. The transition duration. Gets or sets the dimension in which the specified transition effect occurs. The dimension. Gets or sets the the direction of motion for the specified transition effect. The motion. The direction in which the specified transition effect moves, expressed in degrees counter clockwise starting from a left-to-right direction. (This differs from the page objects Rotate property, which is measured clockwise from the top.) Gets or sets the starting or ending scale at which the changes are drawn. If Motion property specifies an inward transition, the scale of the changes drawn progresses from Scale to 1.0 over the course of the transition. If Motion specifies an outward transition, the scale of the changes drawn progresses from 1.0 to Scale over the course of the transition. This property has effect for Fly transition style only. The scale. Gets or sets The pages display duration (also called its advance timing): the maximum length of time, in seconds, that the page is displayed during presentations before the viewer application automatically advances to the next page. By default, the viewer does not advance automatically. The page duration. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the element. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Manipulates pages within a section. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count of the pages. Creates a new page and adds it into the collection. The new page. Adds a page into collection. The page. Inserts a page at the specified index. The index. The page. Returns the index of the specified page. The page. The index of the page. Determines whether the specified page is within the collection. The page. true if the collection contains the specified page; otherwise, false. Removes the specified page. The page. Removes a page at the index specified. The index. Clears this collection. Encapsulates a page template for all the pages in the section. Gets or sets value indicating whether parent Left page template should be used or not. Gets or sets value indicating whether parent Top page template should be used or not. Gets or sets value indicating whether parent Right page template should be used or not. Gets or sets value indicating whether parent Bottom page template should be used or not. Gets or sets value indicating whether the parent stamp elements should be used or not. Creates a new object. A collection of stamps that are applied to the page templates. Gets a stamp element by its index. Creates a new stamp collection. Adds a stamp element to the collection. The stamp element. The index of the stamp element. Creates a stamp element and adds it to the collection. X co-ordinate of the stamp. Y co-ordinate of the stamp. Width of the stamp. Height of the stamp. The created stamp element. Checks whether the stamp element exists in the collection. Stamp element. True - if stamp element exists in the collection, False otherwise. Inserts a stamp element to the collection at the specified position. The index of the stamp in the collection. The stamp element. Removes the stamp element from the collection. The stamp element. Removes a stamp element from the specified position in the collection. The index of the stamp in the collection. Cleares the collection. Gets the current section. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Collection of loaded and created pages. Gets the conformance level applied in the document. Load from Stream ,And Used by PdfViewer-Asp Load from Stream with password,And Used by PdfViewer-Asp Verify PDF Document regarding signature. Signature field name. signature is validated return true,otherwise false Check if the document was altered after signed. True if modified; otherwise false. Signature field name. signature is validated return false,otherwise true Get PdfSignatureFieldWidget obj from form by signName Remove Extended right. Get next PdfSignatureFieldWidget obj from form by signName Get PDF Document regarding CertificateData Signature field name. Get PDF Document regarding signature. Signature field name. Get the signature dictionary PdfDocumentBase Object Represents a logic to create Pdf document. Layer OCProperties info Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The conformance level. Not Supported under Medium Trust environment. set conformance value. The Conformance level. Delegate for the event. The sender. The arguments. Occurs when the document is being saved. This event raised on saving the document. It will keep track of the save progress of the document. Layer OCProperties info Gets the root of the bookmark tree in the document. A object specifying the document's bookmarks. Creates an bookmark root instance if it's called for first time. Gets the attachments of the document. The object contains list of files which are attached in the PDF document. Gets the interactive form of the document. The object contains the list of form elements of the document. Gets or sets the color space of the document. This property has impact on the new created pages only. If a page was created it remains its colour space obliviously to this property changes. The of the document. Gets the default font. It is used for complex objects when font is not explicitly defined. The default font. Indicates the document is a merged document or not, defalut value: false. Gets a value indicating whether the document was encrypted. true if the document was encrypted; otherwise, false. Gets or Sets the Pdf Conformance level. Supported : PDF/A-1b - Level B compliance in Part 1 Saves the document to the specified stream. The stream object where PDF document will be saved. Closes the document. if set to true the document should be disposed completely. The document is disposed after calling the Close method. So, the document can not be saved if Close method was invoked. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. The resulting clone must be of the same type as or a compatible type to the original instance. Shows the saving progress. Gets the total number of the elements (pages) that need to be saved. Gets the current element (page) index that just was saved. The index value increases constantly from 0 to Total. Gets the progress. Progress constantly increases from 0.0 to 1.0. 1.0 value means that entire document has been saved. A class containing the information about the document. Predefined properties in document info. The metadata in catalog. Gets or sets the creation date. Gets or sets the modification date. Gets or sets the title. Gets or sets the author. Gets or sets the subject. Gets or sets the keywords. Gets or sets the creator. Gets or sets the producer. Remove custom property. The property name. Name not be Title,Author,Subject,Keywords,Creator,Producer,CreationDate,ModificationDate,Trap. Set custom property. The property name. Name not be Title,Author,Subject,Keywords,Creator,Producer,CreationDate,ModificationDate,Trap. The property value. Get custom property. The property name. Name not be Title,Author,Subject,Keywords,Creator,Producer,CreationDate,ModificationDate,Trap. The property value.null if property not exist. Get all custom properties. The all properties. Gets the element. Trigger when pdf wrappered element saving. The source of event. The arguments of event. Synchronize metadata. Synchronize metadata's author. Synchronize metadata's create date. Synchronize metadata's creator. Synchronize metadata's keywords. Synchronize metadata's modification date. Synchronize metadata's producer. Synchronize metadata's subject. Synchronize metadata's title. Synchronize metadata's customProperties. A metadata stream containing metadata for document. Special char mapping in custom property name. ISO8601 datetime format. The metadata stream. The xmp metadata structure. A constructor for new metadata stream. A constructor for a existing metadata stream. A existing metadata stream. Set author. If value is null, delete the property. The author. Get author. Whether exist author property. Returns true if the property exists. Set create date.If value is null, delete the property. The create date. Set create date.If value is null, delete the property. the date in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz Get create date. Whether exist create date property. Returns true if the property exists. Set creator. If value is null, delete the property. The creator. Get creator. Whether exist creator property. Returns true if the property exists. Set keywords. If value is null, delete the property. The keywords. Get keywords. Whether exist keywords property. Returns true if the property exists. Set modify date. If value is null, delete the property. The modify date. Set modify date. If value is null, delete the property. the date in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz Get modify date. Whether exist modify date property. Returns true if the property exists. Set producer. If value is null, delete the property. The producer Get producer. Whether exist producer property. Returns true if the property exists. Set subject. If value is null, delete the property. The subject. Get subject. Whether exist subject property. Returns true if the property exists. Set title. If value is null, delete the property. The title. Get title. Whether exist title property. Returns true if the property exists. Set custom property. If value is null, delete the property. The property name. The property value. Get custom property. The property name. Whether xxist custom property. The property name. Returns true if the property exists. Get all custom properties. The custom properties. Set pdf conformanceLevel. The pdf conformanceLevel. Get pdf conformanceLevel. The pdf conformanceLevel. Unescape special char in the escaped property name. The escaped property name. The property name. The first character of an xml node name can only be a letter or a short underscore. The name Processed string The first character of an xml node name can only be a letter or a short underscore. The name UnProcessed string Escape special char in the property name. The property name. The escaped property name. Convert xmp date time to .net DateTime The xmp date time. The .net DateTime Gets the element. Defines the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. A flag specifying whether to position the documents window in the center of the screen. Set Expand or Collapse Find Node Tree iterates Bookmark,Set Expand or Collapse Find the click node It's true,expand node It's false,collapse node A flag specifying whether the windows title bar should display the document title taken from the Title entry of the document information dictionary. If false, the title bar should instead display the name of the Pdf file containing the document. A flag specifying whether to resize the documents window to fit the size of the first displayed page. A flag specifying whether to hide the viewer applications menu bar when the document is active. A flag specifying whether to hide the viewer applications tool bars when the document is active. A flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the documents window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the documents contents displayed. A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened. A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the document is opened. Gets or Set the page scaling option to be selected when a print dialog is displayed for this document. Gets the element. Base collection of the pdf objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets number of the elements in the collection. The total number of elements in the collection. Gets internal list of the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. Get a resource. The resource name. The resource type. A resource.return null if not exist. Get the resource. The resource name. The resource type. The resource.Return null,if not contain a resource with the name. Add a resource. The resource name. The resource. The resource type. Add a resource. The resource. The resource type. Remove a resource. The resource name. The resource type. Whether to contain the resource. The resource. The resource type. True,if contain the resource;False,otherwise. Get the resources. The resource type. The resources dictionary of the resource type. Enumerator that implements page orientations. Portrait orientation. Landscape orientation. The number of degrees by which the page should be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. The page is rotated as 0 angle. The page is rotated as 90 angle. The page is rotated as 180 angle. The page is rotated as 270 angle. Specifies numbering style of page labels. No numbering at all. Decimal arabic numerals. Lowercase letters a-z. Lowercase roman numerals. Uppercase letters A-Z. Uppercase roman numerals. Specifies the docking style of the page template. This enumeration is used in class. The page template is not docked. The page template edge is docked to the bottom page's side. The page template edge is docked to the top page's side. The page template edge is docked to the left page's side. The page template edge is docked to the right page's side. The page template stretch on full page. Specifies how the page template is aligned relative to the template area. This enumeration is used in class. Specifies no alignment. The template is top left aligned. The template is top center aligned. The template is top right aligned. The template is middle left aligned. The template is middle center aligned. The template is middle right aligned. The template is bottom left aligned. The template is bottom center aligned. The template is bottom right aligned. A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the document is opened. Default Value. Display one page at a time. Display the pages in one column. Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the left. Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the right. Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the left Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the right Represents mode of document displaying. Default value. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. Document outline visible. Thumbnail images visible. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible. Optional content group panel visible. Attachments are visible. Page template is not used as header. Page template is used as Top. Page template is used as Bottom. Page template is used as Left. Page template is used as Right. Enumeration of possible transition styles when moving to the page from another during a presentation Two lines sweep across the screen, revealing the new page. The lines may be either horizontal or vertical and may move inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center. Multiple lines, evenly spaced across the screen, synchronously sweep in the same direction to reveal the new page. The lines may be either horizontal or vertical. Horizontal lines move downward; vertical lines move to the right. A rectangular box sweeps inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center, revealing the new page. A single line sweeps across the screen from one edge to the other, revealing the new page. The old page dissolves gradually to reveal the new one. Similar to Dissolve, except that the effect sweeps across the page in a wide band moving from one side of the screen to the other. The new page simply replaces the old one with no special transition effect. Changes are flown out or in, to or from a location that is offscreen. The old page slides off the screen while the new page slides in, pushing the old page out. The new page slides on to the screen, covering the old page. The old page slides off the screen, uncovering the new page. The new page gradually becomes visible through the old one. Enumeration of transition dimensions. Horizontal effect. Vertical effect. Enumeration of transition motions. Inward motion from the edges of the page to center.. Outward motion from the center of the page to edges. Enumeration of transition directions. Left to Right direction. Bottom to Top direction. Right to Left direction. Top to Bottom direction. TopLeft to BottomRight direction. A name specifying the tab order to be used for annotations on the page. Row Order Column Order Structure Order Unspecified Represents information about page size. Letter format. Note format. Legal format. A0 format. A1 format. A2 format. A3 format. A4 format. A5 format. A6 format. A7 format. A8 format. A9 format. A10 format. B0 format. B1 format. B2 format. B3 format. B4 format. B5 format. ArchE format. ArchD format. ArchC format. ArchB format. ArchA format. The American Foolscap format. HalfLetter format. 11x17 format. Ledger format. Represents a page loaded from a document. Gets the size of the page. Get the visible region of the page. Gets the document. Raises before the page saves. Gets the text size of a specified font. Font key Returns the text size of the specified font Represents a single PDF page. Gets the size of the page. Gets a collection of the annotations of the page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Sets crop box. get xobject create xobject refactoring resources,exclusion does not require resources execute commond execute xobject Implements a virtual collection of all pages in the document. Gets the total number of the pages. Gets a page by its index in the document. Represents the method that executes on a PdfNewDocument when a new page is created. Creates a page and adds it to the last section in the document. Created page object. Inserts a page at the specified index to the last section in the document. The index of the page in the section. The page. Gets the index of the page in the document. The current page. Index of the page in the document if exists, -1 otherwise. Gets the current section. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Describes layer of the page. Gets parent page of the layer. Gets Graphics context of the layer. Creates new layer. Parent page of the layer. Gets the wrapped element. Collection of the pages layers. Gets or sets element by its index. The layers belonging to the same page can be added to the collection only. Creates new collection. Parent page for the layers in the collection. Creates a new layer and adds it to the end of the collection. Created layer. Creates a new layer and adds it to the end of the collection. Layer Name. Layer Visibility. Created layer. Creates a new layer and adds it to the collection. Layer Name. Created layer. Creates a new layer and adds it to the end of the collection. Layer Name. Layer Id. Layer Visibility. Created layer. You can only delete the layer that exists in the source document Layer Name. You can only delete the layer that exists in the source document Layer Name. Is delete all content include in this layer. Is remove layerdefine in doc properties.. delete layer message. Adds layer to the collection. Layer object. The layers belonging to the same page can be added to the collection only. Inserts layer into collection. Index of the layer. Layer object. The layers belonging to the same page can be added to the collection only. Removes layer from the collection. Only the currently created layer can be deleted Layer object. Removes layer by its index. Only the currently created layer can be deleted Index of the layer. Checks whether collection contains layer. Layer object. True - if collection contains layer, False otherwise. Returns index of the layer in the collection if exists, -1 otherwise. Layer object. Returns index of the layer in the collection if exists, -1 otherwise. Cleares the collection. Registers layer at the page. Index of the layer in the collection. The new layer. Registers layer at the page. Index of the layer in the collection. The new layer. Parses the layers. The loaded page. The flag of q or Q before and after all stream. Bug1031 The contents. The cross table. The flag. Represent class with setting of page. Gets or sets the page orientation. Gets or sets the size of the page. Gets or sets the width of the page. Gets or sets the height of the page. Gets or sets the margins of the page. Gets or sets the number of degrees by which the page should be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. Gets or sets the transition. The transition. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page orientation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. The page orientation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left margin. The top margin. The right margin. The bottom margin. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. The left margin. The top margin. The right margin. The bottom margin. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. The page orientation. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. The page orientation. The left margin. The top margin. The right margin. The bottom margin. Sets the margins. The margins. Sets the margins. The left right. The top bottom. Sets the margins. The left. The top. The right. The bottom. Creates a clone of the object. Cloned object. Specifies the paper tray when the document is printed. Gets or sets the page number (non zero-based) of the first page to print. Gets or sets the page number (non zero-based) of the last page to print. Specifies the paper tray from which the printer gets paper. Describes a page template object that can be used as header/footer, watermark or stamp. Gets or sets the dock style of the page template element. Gets or sets alignment of the page template element. Indicates whether the page template is located in front of the page layers or behind of it. Indicates whether the page template is located behind of the page layers or in front of it. Gets or sets location of the page template element. Gets or sets X co-ordinate of the template element on the page. Gets or sets Y co-ordinate of the template element on the page. Gets or sets size of the page template element. Gets or sets width of the page template element. Gets or sets height of the page template element. Gets or sets bounds of the page template element. Gets graphics context of the page template element. Creates a new page template. Bounds of the template. Initializes a new instance of the class. The bounds. The page. Creates a new page template. Location of the template. Size of the template. Initializes a new instance of the class. The location. The size. The page. Creates new page template object. Size of the template. Creates a new page template. Width of the template. Height of the template. Creates a new page template. Width of the template. Height of the template. The Current Page object. Creates a new page template. X co-ordinate of the template. Y co-ordinate of the template. Width of the template. Height of the template. Creates a new page template. X co-ordinate of the template. Y co-ordinate of the template. Width of the template. Height of the template. The Current Page object. Represents a section entity. A section it's a set of the pages with similar page settings. Free users can only add up to 10 pages Gets the pages. Gets or sets page settings of the section. Gets or sets a template for the pages in the section. Gets the owner document. The document. Event rises when the new page has been added FreeVersion,Allow Create 10 Pdf page PdfNewPage page Gets the wrapped element. Resize the canvas of page according to html view size. Return the new size of canvas. set PdfHtmlLayoutFormat PdfHtmlLayoutFormat layoutFormat bool autoDetectPageBreak Draws HTML to PDF Url address Enable javascrpit Enable hyperlink Layouts html view format Draws HTML to PDF url address or socuce code Enable javascrpit Enable hyperlink Enable autoDetectPageBreak Layouts html view format Split by page height image Scan image data Gets the current. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Get the number of leaf nodes (page objects) that are descendants of this node within the page tree. this node within the page tree. the number of leaf nodes (page objects). The collection of the sections. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count. The count. Creates a section and adds it to the collection. Created section object. Determines the index of the section. The section. The index of the section. Inserts the section at the specified index. The index. The section. Checks whether the collection contains the section. The section object. True - if the sections belongs to the collection, False otherwise. Gets the wrapped element. Gets the current section. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Convet pdf array to float array float array Is the current string a hexadecimal string? Gets the headers. The headers. Gets the rows. The rows. Gets or sets the data source. The data source. Gets or sets the data member. The data member. Gets or sets the style. The style. Gets the columns. The columns. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [repeat header]. true if [repeat header]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets whether to cross a page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Draws the specified graphics. The graphics. The location. The width. Draws the specified graphics. The graphics. The x. The y. The width. Draws the specified graphics. The graphics. The bounds. Draws the specified page. The page. The location. Draws the specified page. The page. The location. The format. Draws the specified page. The page. The bounds. Draws the specified page. The page. The bounds. The format. Draws the specified page. The page. The x. The y. Draws the specified page. The page. The x. The y. The format. Draws the specified page. The page. The x. The y. The width. Draws the specified page. The page. The x. The y. The width. The format. Gets or sets the width. The width. Gets the height. The height. Gets or sets the row span. The row span. Gets or sets the column span. The column span. Gets or sets the cell style. The cell style. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the string format. The string format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The row. Calculate the minimum drawable height. If the available height in the page less than the value, the grid needs to drawn on a new page. Whether this cell contains multiple lines of text. Keep four decimals. Avoid the loss of precision when calcullating cell width and height, resulting in the loss of content. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count. The count. Returns the index of a particular cell in the collection. The cell. Gets the current. The current. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Gets or sets the width. The with is equal to the content width plus margin plus half of the left and right borders. The width. Gets or sets the format. The format. Gets the grid. The grid. Initializes a new instance of the class. The grid. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count. The count. Adds this instance. Adds the specified count. The count. Adds the specified column. The column. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the PdfGridColumnCollection. The object to remove from the PdfGridColumnCollection. true if item is successfully removed; otherwise, false Removes the element at the specified index of the PdfGridColumnCollection. The zero-based index of the element to remove. Gets the current. The current. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Gets the cells. The cells. Gets or sets the row style. The row style. Gets or sets the height.The height is equal to the content height plus margin plus half of the top and bottom borders. The height. Gets or sets whether to cross a page. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent grid. Applies the cell style to all the cells present in a row. The cell style. Adds this instance. Sets the span. Index of the row. Index of the cell. The row span. The col span. Applies the style. The style. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count. The count. Gets the rows. The rows. Adds the specified count. The count. Clears this instance. Applies the style. The style. Gets the current. The current. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Sets the cell padding. The cell padding. Gets or sets the background brush. The background brush. Gets or sets the text brush. The text brush. Gets or sets the text pen. The text pen. Gets or sets the font. The font. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Grid style Gets or sets the cell spacing. The cell spacing. Gets or sets the cell padding. The cell padding. Gets or sets the border overlap style. The border overlap style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow horizontal overflow. true if [allow horizontal overflow]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the type of the horizontal overflow. The type of the horizontal overflow. Initializes a new instance of the class. Grid row style Get or sets the cell padding. The cell padding. Sets the grid style. The grid style. Initializes a new instance of the class. Grid cell style Get or sets the cell padding. The cell padding. Sets the row style. The row style. Gets the string format. The string format. Gets or sets the border. The border. Gets or sets the background image. The background image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the content that can be written in a grid cell. Set the image's location in a grid cell. It is a collection of PdfGridCellContent classes Arguments of BeginPageLayoutEvent. Gets the start row. The start row. Arguments of EndPageLayoutEvent. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the top. The top. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Sets all. All. Gets the default. The default. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the top. The top. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Sets all. All. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left. The right. The top. The bottom. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the top. The top. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Sets all. All. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left. The right. The top. The bottom. Represents base class for markers. Gets or sets marker font. Gets or sets marker brush. Gets or sets marker pen. Gets or sets the format. The format. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the marker is situated at the left of the list or at the right of the list. Represents marker for ordered list. Gets or sets the list numbering style. Gets ar sets start number for ordered list. Default value is 1. Gets or sets the delimiter. Gets or sets the suffix of the marker. Initializes a new instance of the class. Number style of marker. Number delimiter of marker. Number suffix of marker. Number font of marker. Initializes a new instance of the class. Number style of marker. Number suffix of the marker. Number font of marker. Initializes a new instance of the class. Number style of marker. Number font of marker. Represents bullet for the list. Gets or sets template of the marker. Gets or sets image of the marker. Gets or sets marker text. Gets or sets the style. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text of the marker. Marker font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style of the marker. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image of the marker. Initializes a new instance of the class. Template of the marker. Specifies the marker style. Marker have no style. Marker is like a disk. Marker is like a square. Marker is like a Asterisk. Marker is like a circle. Marker is custom string. Marker is custom image. Marker is custom template. Represents marker alignment. Left alignment for marker. Right alignment for marker. Represents base class for lists. Gets items of the list. Gets or sets tabulation for the list. Gets or sets the indent from the marker to the list item text. Gets or sets the list font. Gets or sets list brush. Gets or sets list pen. Gets or sets the format of the list. The format. Event that rises when item begin layout. Event that rises when item end layout. Draws an list on the Graphics. Graphics context where the list should be printed. X co-ordinate of the list. Y co-ordinate of the list. Represents the list item of the list. Gets or sets item font. Gets or sets item text. Gets or sets item string format. Gets or sets list item pen. Gets or sets list item brush. Gets or sets sublist for item. Gets or sets indent for item. Creates new empty pdf list item. Creates new pdf list item with default settings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text of item. The font of item. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text of item. The font of item. The string format. Creates new list item. The item text. The item font. The string format of item. The item pen. The item brush. Represents collection of list items. Gets the PdfListItem from collection at the specified index. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A string array that contains items separated by the new line character. Adds the specified item. The item. The item index in collection. Adds the specified item. The item. The item indent. Adds the item with a specified text. The text. Adds the specified text. The text. The item indent. List item. Adds the specified text. The text. The font. The item index in collection. Adds the specified text. The text. The font. The item indent. List item. Inserts item at the specified index. The specified index. The item. The item index Inserts the specified index. The index. The item. The item indent. Removes the specified item from the list. The specified item. Removes the item at the specified index from the list. he specified index. Determines the index of a specific item in the list. The item to locate in the list. The index of item if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Clears collection. Represents the ordered list. Gets or sets marker of the list items. True if user want to use numbering hierarchy, otherwise false. Creates ordered list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style. Creates ordered list using items. Items for a list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The marker for the list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item collection. The marker for the list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The formatted text. Initializes a new instance of the class from formatted text that is splitted by new lines. The formatted text. The marker. Represents unordered list. Gets or sets the marker. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates unordered list using items. Items for a list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The marker for the list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The items collection. The marker for the list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The formatted text. Initializes a new instance of the class from formatted text that is splitted by new lines. The formatted text. The marker. Delegate for handling BeginItemLayoutEvent. The item that begin layout. Begin Item Layout arguments. Delegate for handling EndItemLayoutEvent. The item that end layout. End Item Layout arguments. Represents begin layout event arguments. Gets the item. The item that layout. Gets the page. The page in which item start layout. Represents end layout event arguments. Gets the item that layout. The item that layout. Gets the page in which item ended layout. The page in which item ended layout. Gets the widths. The total width An array containing widths. Zoom in or out the width. The width The zoom factor Represents fast table with few features. Gets the columns. The table column collection Gets the rows. Gets or sets the data source. Gets or sets the data member. The data member. Gets or sets the datasource type of the PdfTable Gets or sets the properties. Gets or sets a value indicating whether PdfTable should ignore sorting in data table. Gets a value Indicates whether can cross a page. The event raised on starting row lay outing. The event raised on having finished row lay outing. The event raised on starting cell lay outing. The event raised on having finished cell layout. The event raised when the next row data is requested. The event raised when the column number is requested. The event raised when the row number is requested. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. The location of the element. The width of the table. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. X co-ordinate of the element. Y co-ordinate of the element. The width of the table. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. The bounds. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The location. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The location. The format. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The bounds. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The bounds. The format. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The x coordinate. The y coordinate. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The x coordinate. The y coordinate. The format. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The x coordinate. The y coordinate. The width. The results of the lay outing. Draws the table starting from the specified page. The page. The x coordinate. The y coordinate. The width. The format. The results of the lay outing. Draws an element on the Graphics. Graphics context where the element should be printed. X co-ordinate of the element. Y co-ordinate of the element. Represents parameters of PdfTable. Specifies whehther the table populates the entire page get or set the value of fitWidth. Gets or sets the default cell style. Gets or sets the odd row cell style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use rows or column captions for forming header. Gets or sets the header rows count. Gets or sets the header cell style. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to repeat header on each page. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header is visible. If the header is made up with ordinary rows they aren't visible while this property is set to false. Gets or sets the cell spacing. Gets or sets the cell padding. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cell borders should overlap its neighbour's borders or be drawn in the cell interior. Please, use this property with caution, because it might cause unexpected results if borders are not the same width and colour. Gets or sets the pen of the table border. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents information about cell style. Gets or sets the font. Gets or sets the string format of the cell text. Gets or sets the font which will be used to draw text outlines. It should be null for default text representation. Gets or sets the brush which will be used to draw font. This brush will be used to fill glyphs interior, which is the default. Gets or sets the pen with which the border will be drawn. Gets or sets the brush with which the background will be drawn. It's null by default. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The font brush. The border pen. Represents the collection of the columns. Gets the at the specified index. Adds the specified column. The column. Gets the widths of the columns. The start column. The end column. An array containing widths. Represents a single column of the table. Gets or sets the string format. The string format. Gets or sets the width of the column. Gets or sets the column name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the column. Represents a single column of the table. The array of values that are used to create the new row. Represents the collection of the columns. Gets the at the specified index. Adds the specified row. The row. The array of values that are used to create the new row. Represents as a message deliverer from PdfTable class to the user. Represents the parameters for Light Table layout. Gets or sets the start column index. Gets or sets the end column index. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The base format. Delegate for handling StartRowLayoutEvent. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. This event is raised when starting a row in a layout. Delegate for handling EndRowLayoutEvent. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. This event is raised when you are finished laying out a row on a page. Delegate for handling StartCellLayoutEvent. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. This event is raised when laying out a cell on a page. Delegate for handling EndCellLayoutEvent. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. This event is raised when you have finished laying out a page. Delegate for handling NextRowEvent. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. Delegate for handling GettingColumnNumber Event. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. Delegate for handling GettingRowNumber Event. The sender of the event. The arguments of the event. Represents StartRowLayout Event arguments. Gets the index of the row. Gets or sets the cell style. Gets or sets the span map. Gets or sets a value indicating whether table drawing should stop. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this row should be ignored. Gets or sets a value indicating whether column string format should be ignored. Sets the minimal height of the row. Represents arguments of EndRowLayoutEvent. Gets the index of the row. Gets a value indicating whether the row was drawn completely (nothing should be printed on the next page). Gets or sets a value indicating whether this row should be the last one printed. Gets or sets the row bounds. The base class for cell layout arguments. Gets the index of the row. Gets the index of the cell. Gets the value. The value might be null or an empty string, which means that either no text were acquired or all text was on the previous page. Gets the bounds of the cell. Gets the graphics, on which the cell should be drawn. Represents arguments of StartCellLayout Event. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this cell should be skipped. Represents arguments of EndCellLayout Event. Represents arguments of the NextRow Event. Gets or sets the row data. Gets the column count. Gets the index of the row. The arguments of the GettingColumnNumber Event. Gets or sets the column number. The arguments of the GettingRowNumber Event. Gets or sets the column number. Specifies values specifying where the header should formed from. The header is formed from column captions' values. The header is formed from rows. Specifies type for table width. Use the fit page width each width of columns will zoom in or out using the ratio of totall width of the table to the width of page use the Coustom width takes the totall width of the set column as the width of the table,no zoom. notes:if set this type but does not set the column width it will use default column width Specifies the datasource type. Specifies that the PdfTable has been binded to an external datasource. Specifies that the values are directly binded to the PdfTable. Specifies values of the border overlap style. Cell borders overlap (are drawn using the same coordinates). Cell borders are drawns in the cell's interior. Represents custom Metadata. Sets the xmp property. Gets type of the schema. Initializes a new instance of the class. Parent XmpMetadata. The XML namespace. The namespace URI. Enumerates types of the xmp structure. A structure containing dimensions for a drawn object. A structure containing the characteristics of a font used in a document. A structure containing the characteristics of a Coloring (swatch) used in a document. A thumbnail image for a file. Job structure. Enumerates types of the xmp schema. Dublin Core Schema. Basic Schema. Rights Management Schema. Basic Job Ticket Schema. Paged Text Schema. Adobe PDF Schema. Custom schema. Types of the xmp arrays. Unknown array type. Unordered array. Ordered array. Alternative array. Base class for the xmp entities. Gets Xml data of the entity. Represents XMP metadata of the document. Gets XMP data in XML format. Gets namespace manager of the Xmp metadata. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The XMP. Adds schema to the XMP in XML format. XMP schema in XML format. If XMP already contains such schema - there will be two equal schemas at the xmp. Return title if exists; otherwise return null Return subject if exists; otherwise return null Return author if exists; otherwise return null Return producer if exists; otherwise return null return keywords if exists; otherwise return null Return specified custom field value if exists; otherwise return null Return all custom properties if exsit; otherwise return empty Dictionary Return create date if exists; otherwise return default DateTime Return creator if exists; otherwise return null Return modify date if exists; otherwise return System.DateTime.MinValue Set title to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set subject to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set subject to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set producer to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set keywords to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set custom property to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set title to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set Creator to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Set ModifyDates to xmpmeta; if value is null, remove the node; if the node is null, create the node Gets the element. Represents the rich text. Gets or set the xmls. Gets or set the xfa. Gets or set the apiversion. Gets or set the spec. Gets or set the style. Gets the paragraphs. Represents the rich text. To ap dictionary. The ap dictionary Generate ap dictionary. The ap dictionary Generate normal dictionary. Initialize. Initialize the client bound. Initialize the normal dictionary. Get bbox. The bbox Get the transparency. the transparency Generate ap content. Initialize state. Draw border area. Append content. Draw contents. Drae contents. The text The rich text style Draw text. The text The style The float type list Draw lines. The list The rich text style Get font resource name. The rich text style The resource name Create font dictionary. The font resource name The font name Get font name. The rich style The font name Get the the stroking path. The stroking path Get the the fill path. The fill path Get line width. Line width Get back ground color. The back ground color Get the border color. The border color Get font base line. The font The font base line Get the font line space. The font The font line space Get font. The font name The font size The font Measure text width The text The font The text width Clear the string builder content. The string builder instance Move the point to. The point Make current point to anthor point. The point Restore curernt state. Save the current state. Begin draw text. End draw text. The ctm. The martix Set the current color space. Set curernt font name and font size. The font name The font size The TD. The x The y Show text. char codes Use non-zero Fill the current path. Storken the current path. Close the stroke path. Introduce rgb color. The color The is stroking Set the graphics state. Append rectangle The rectangle Set line width. The line width Set the text leading. The linespace Set character space. Set the word space. Use even-odd Fill the current path. Represents the rich text builder. Represents the rich text builder instance. Builder richtext. The annotation The richtext instance Get the rich content. The annotation The rich content Get default style string. The annotation The default style string Builder default style. The defaultStyle The rich text style String to stream. The rich text The stream Parese xml to richtext. The xml Parse body node. The body node Parse body node. The paragraph Parse paragraph. The paragraph Parse span. The span The paragraph Parse attributes. The attribute Parse attributes. The attribute Implements structures and routines working with rich text style. Gets the font size. Gets the font style. Gets the font weight. Gets the font family. Gets the color. Gets the text deciration. Gets the font stretch. Replace the style. The base style The rich style Parse default style. The ds Parse style The styleString Parse font weight. The wight The font weight Parse the list. The value The list Parse color. The color The color Parse float. The value A float value Parse enums. The unknow type Implements structures and routines working with paragraph. Gets the spans. Gets or set the style. Gets or set the content. Implements structures and routines working with span. Gets or set the style. Gets or set the content. The text align enum. The font style enum. The text decoration enum. The font stretch enum. Byte buffer container including length of valid data. Stefan Makswit 11.10.2006 Returns the length, that means the number of valid bytes, of the buffer; the inner byte array might be bigger than that. the inner byte array might be bigger than that. the initial capacity for this buffer a byte array that will be wrapped with ByteBuffer. a byte array that will be wrapped with ByteBuffer. the length of valid bytes in the array Loads the stream into a buffer. an Stream If the stream cannot be read. a byte array that will be wrapped with ByteBuffer. the offset of the provided buffer. the length of valid bytes in the array Returns a byte stream that is limited to the valid amount of bytes. the index to retrieve the byte from Returns a byte from the buffer the index to retrieve a byte as int or char. Returns a byte from the buffer Appends a byte to the buffer. a byte Appends a byte array or part of to the buffer. a byte array an offset with Append a byte array to the buffer a byte array Append another buffer to this buffer. another ByteBuffer Detects the encoding of the byte buffer, stores and returns it. Detects the encoding of the byte buffer, stores and returns it. Only UTF-8, UTF-16LE/BE and UTF-32LE/BE are recognized. Returns the encoding string. Ensures the requested capacity by increasing the buffer size when the current length is exceeded. requested new buffer length Stefan Makswit 22.08.2006 the state of the automaton the result of the escaping sequence count the digits of the sequence The look-ahead size is 6 at maximum (&#xAB;) a Reader Processes numeric escaped chars to find out if they are a control character. a char Returns the char directly or as replacement for the escaped sequence. Converts between ISO 8601 Strings and Calendar with millisecond resolution. Stefan Makswit 16.02.2006 Converts an ISO 8601 string to an XMPDateTime. Converts an ISO 8601 string to an XMPDateTime. Parse a date according to ISO 8601 and http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime: YYYY YYYY-MM YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD Data fields: YYYY = four-digit year MM = two-digit month (01=January, etc.) DD = two-digit day of month (01 through 31) hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23) mm = two digits of minute (00 through 59) ss = two digits of second (00 through 59) s = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second TZD = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm) Note that ISO 8601 does not seem to allow years less than 1000 or greater than 9999. We allow any year, even negative ones. The year is formatted as "%.4d". Note: Tolerate missing TZD, assume is UTC. Photoshop 8 writes dates like this for exif:GPSTimeStamp. Note: DOES NOT APPLY ANYMORE. Tolerate missing date portion, in case someone foolishly writes a time-only value that way. a date string that is ISO 8601 conform. Returns a Calendar. Is thrown when the string is non-conform. a date string that is ISO 8601 conform. an existing XMPDateTime to set with the parsed date Returns an XMPDateTime-object containing the ISO8601-date. Is thrown when the string is non-conform. Converts a Calendar into an ISO 8601 string. Converts a Calendar into an ISO 8601 string. Format a date according to ISO 8601 and http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime: YYYY YYYY-MM YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD Data fields: YYYY = four-digit year MM = two-digit month (01=January, etc.) DD = two-digit day of month (01 through 31) hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23) mm = two digits of minute (00 through 59) ss = two digits of second (00 through 59) s = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second TZD = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm) Note: ISO 8601 does not seem to allow years less than 1000 or greater than 9999. We allow any year, even negative ones. The year is formatted as "%.4d". Note: Fix for bug 1269463 (silently fix out of range values) included in parsing. The quasi-bogus "time only" values from Photoshop CS are not supported. an XMPDateTime-object. Returns an ISO 8601 string. Stefan Makswit 22.08.2006 Returns the current position. initializes the parser container Returns whether there are more chars to come. index of char Returns char at a certain index. Returns the current char or 0x0000 if there are no more chars. Skips the next char. Parses a integer from the source and sets the pointer after it. Error message to put in the exception if no number can be found the max value of the number to return Returns the parsed integer. Thrown if no integer can be found. Stefan Makswit 12.10.2006 A converter that processes a byte buffer containing a mix of UTF8 and Latin-1/Cp1252 chars. A converter that processes a byte buffer containing a mix of UTF8 and Latin-1/Cp1252 chars. The result is a buffer where those chars have been converted to UTF-8; that means it contains only valid UTF-8 chars. Explanation of the processing: First the encoding of the buffer is detected looking at the first four bytes (that works only if the buffer starts with an ASCII-char, like xmls '<'). UTF-16/32 flavours do not require further proccessing. In the case, UTF-8 is detected, it assumes wrong UTF8 chars to be a sequence of Latin-1/Cp1252 encoded bytes and converts the chars to their corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence. The 0x80..0x9F range is undefined in Latin-1, but is defined in Windows code page 1252. The bytes 0x81, 0x8D, 0x8F, 0x90, and 0x9D are formally undefined by Windows 1252. These are in XML's RestrictedChar set, so we map them to a space. The official Latin-1 characters in the range 0xA0..0xFF are converted into the Unicode Latin Supplement range U+00A0 - U+00FF. Example: If an Euro-symbol (€) appears in the byte buffer (0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC), it will be left as is. But if only the first two bytes are appearing, followed by an ASCII char a (0xE2 - 0x82 - 0x41), it will be converted to 0xC3, 0xA2 (â) - 0xE2, 0x80, 0x9A (‚) - 0x41 (a). a byte buffer contain Returns a new buffer containing valid UTF-8 Converts a Cp1252 char (contains all Latin-1 chars above 0x80) into a UTF-8 byte sequence. Converts a Cp1252 char (contains all Latin-1 chars above 0x80) into a UTF-8 byte sequence. The bytes 0x81, 0x8D, 0x8F, 0x90, and 0x9D are formally undefined by Windows 1252 and therefore replaced by a space (0x20). an Cp1252 / Latin-1 byte Returns a byte array containing a UTF-8 byte sequence. Stefan Makswit 11.08.2006 Asserts that an array name is set. an array name Array name is null or empty Asserts that a property name is set. a property name or path Property name is null or empty Asserts that a schema namespace is set. a schema namespace Schema is null or empty Asserts that a prefix is set. a prefix Prefix is null or empty Asserts that a specific language is set. a specific lang Asserts that a struct name is set. a struct name Struct name is null or empty Asserts that a parameter is not null. the parameter's value Thrown if the parameter is null. Asserts that any string parameter is not null or empty. a string parameter's value Thrown if the parameter is null or has length 0. Asserts that the xmp object is of this implemention (). the XMP object A wrong implentaion is used. Start of coreSyntaxTerms. End of coreSyntaxTerms Start of additions for syntax Terms. End of of additions for syntaxTerms. Start of oldTerms. End of oldTerms. ! Yes, the syntax terms include the core terms. Parser for "normal" XML serialisation of RDF. Stefan Makswit 14.07.2006 this prefix is used for default namespaces The main parsing method. The main parsing method. The XML tree is walked through from the root node and and XMP tree is created. This is a raw parse, the normalisation of the XMP tree happens outside. the XML root node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client Returns an XMP metadata object (not normalized) Occurs if the parsing fails for any reason. Each of these parsing methods is responsible for recognizing an RDF syntax production and adding the appropriate structure to the XMP tree. Each of these parsing methods is responsible for recognizing an RDF syntax production and adding the appropriate structure to the XMP tree. They simply return for success, failures will throw an exception. the xmp metadata object that is generated the top-level xml node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.10 nodeElementList ws* ( nodeElement ws* ) This method is only called from the rdf:RDF-node (top level). the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the top-level xml node /// ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.5 nodeElementURIs anyURI - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:li | oldTerms ) 7.2.11 nodeElement start-element ( URI == nodeElementURIs, attributes == set ( ( idAttr | nodeIdAttr | aboutAttr )?, propertyAttr* ) ) propertyEltList end-element() A node element URI is rdf:Description or anything else that is not an RDF term. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.7 propertyAttributeURIs anyURI - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description | rdf:li | oldTerms ) 7.2.11 nodeElement start-element ( URI == nodeElementURIs, attributes == set ( ( idAttr | nodeIdAttr | aboutAttr )?, propertyAttr* ) ) propertyEltList end-element() Process the attribute list for an RDF node element. A property attribute URI is anything other than an RDF term. The rdf:ID and rdf:nodeID attributes are simply ignored, as are rdf:about attributes on inner nodes. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.13 propertyEltList ws* ( propertyElt ws* ) the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.14 propertyElt resourcePropertyElt | literalPropertyElt | parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt | parseTypeResourcePropertyElt | parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt | parseTypeOtherPropertyElt | emptyPropertyElt 7.2.15 resourcePropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr? ) ) ws* nodeElement ws end-element() 7.2.16 literalPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, datatypeAttr?) ) text() end-element() 7.2.17 parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseLiteral ) ) literal end-element() 7.2.18 parseTypeResourcePropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseResource ) ) propertyEltList end-element() 7.2.19 parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseCollection ) ) nodeElementList end-element() 7.2.20 parseTypeOtherPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseOther ) ) propertyEltList end-element() 7.2.21 emptyPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, ( resourceAttr | nodeIdAttr )?, propertyAttr* ) ) end-element() The various property element forms are not distinguished by the XML element name, but by their attributes for the most part. The exceptions are resourcePropertyElt and literalPropertyElt. They are distinguished by their XML element content. NOTE: The RDF syntax does not explicitly include the xml:lang attribute although it can appear in many of these. We have to allow for it in the attribute counts below. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.15 resourcePropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr? ) ) ws* nodeElement ws end-element() This handles structs using an rdf:Description node, arrays using rdf:Bag/Seq/Alt, and typedNodes. It also catches and cleans up qualified properties written with rdf:Description and rdf:value. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.16 literalPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, datatypeAttr?) ) text() end-element() Add a leaf node with the text value and qualifiers for the attributes. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node thrown on parsing errors 7.2.17 parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseLiteral ) ) literal end-element() thrown on parsing errors 7.2.18 parseTypeResourcePropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseResource ) ) propertyEltList end-element() Add a new struct node with a qualifier for the possible rdf:ID attribute. Then process the XML child nodes to get the struct fields. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node ParseOptions to indicate the parse options provided by the client thrown on parsing errors 7.2.19 parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseCollection ) ) nodeElementList end-element() thrown on parsing errors 7.2.20 parseTypeOtherPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, parseOther ) ) propertyEltList end-element() thrown on parsing errors 7.2.21 emptyPropertyElt start-element ( URI == propertyElementURIs, attributes == set ( idAttr?, ( resourceAttr | nodeIdAttr )?, propertyAttr* ) ) end-element() <ns:Prop1/> <!-- a simple property with an empty value --> <ns:Prop2 rdf:resource="http: *www.adobe.com/"/> <!-- a URI value --> <ns:Prop3 rdf:value="..." ns:Qual="..."/> <!-- a simple qualified property --> <ns:Prop4 ns:Field1="..." ns:Field2="..."/> <!-- a struct with simple fields --> An emptyPropertyElt is an element with no contained content, just a possibly empty set of attributes. An emptyPropertyElt can represent three special cases of simple XMP properties: a simple property with an empty value (ns:Prop1), a simple property whose value is a URI (ns:Prop2), or a simple property with simple qualifiers (ns:Prop3). An emptyPropertyElt can also represent an XMP struct whose fields are all simple and unqualified (ns:Prop4). It is an error to use both rdf:value and rdf:resource - that can lead to invalid RDF in the verbose form written using a literalPropertyElt. The XMP mapping for an emptyPropertyElt is a bit different from generic RDF, partly for design reasons and partly for historical reasons. The XMP mapping rules are: If there is an rdf:value attribute then this is a simple property with a text value. All other attributes are qualifiers. If there is an rdf:resource attribute then this is a simple property with a URI value. All other attributes are qualifiers. If there are no attributes other than xml:lang, rdf:ID, or rdf:nodeID then this is a simple property with an empty value. Otherwise this is a struct, the attributes other than xml:lang, rdf:ID, or rdf:nodeID are fields. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Flag if the node is a top-level node thrown on parsing errors Adds a child node. the xmp metadata object that is generated the parent xmp node the currently processed XML node Node value Flag if the node is a top-level node Returns the newly created child node. thrown on parsing errors Adds a qualifier node. the parent xmp node the name of the qualifier which has to be QName including the default prefix the value of the qualifier Returns the newly created child node. thrown on parsing errors The parent is an RDF pseudo-struct containing an rdf:value field. The parent is an RDF pseudo-struct containing an rdf:value field. Fix the XMP data model. The rdf:value node must be the first child, the other children are qualifiers. The form, value, and children of the rdf:value node are the real ones. The rdf:value node's qualifiers must be added to the others. the parent xmp node thrown on parsing errors Checks if the node is a white space. an XML-node Returns whether the node is a whitespace node, i.e. a text node that contains only whitespaces. 7.2.6 propertyElementURIs anyURI - ( coreSyntaxTerms | rdf:Description | oldTerms ) the term id Return true if the term is a property element name. 7.2.4 oldTerms rdf:aboutEach | rdf:aboutEachPrefix | rdf:bagID the term id Returns true if the term is an old term. 7.2.2 coreSyntaxTerms rdf:RDF | rdf:ID | rdf:about | rdf:parseType | rdf:resource | rdf:nodeID | rdf:datatype the term id Return true if the term is a core syntax term Determines the ID for a certain RDF Term. Arranged to hopefully minimize the parse time for large XMP. an XML node Returns the term ID. Check if the child name an XML node Returns bool Stefan Makswit 09.11.2006 Splits a qname into prefix and localname. a QName Constructor that initializes the fields the prefix the name Returns whether the QName has a prefix. XML localname the localName XML namespace prefix the prefix Utility functions for the XMPToolkit implementation. Stefan Makswit 06.06.2006 segments of a UUID length of a UUID table of XML name start chars (<= 0xFF) table of XML name chars (<= 0xFF) Normalize an xml:lang value so that comparisons are effectively case insensitive as required by RFC 3066 (which supersedes RFC 1766). The normalization rules: The primary subtag is lower case, the suggested practice of ISO 639. All 2 letter secondary subtags are upper case, the suggested practice of ISO 3166. All other subtags are lower case. raw value Returns the normalized value. Split the name and value parts for field and qualifier selectors. [qualName="value"] - An element in an array of structs, chosen by a field value. [?qualName="value"] - An element in an array, chosen by a qualifier value. The value portion is a string quoted by ' or ". The value may contain any character including a doubled quoting character. The value may be empty. Note: It is assumed that the expression is formal correct. The selector The name string The value string a schema namespace an XMP Property Returns true if the property is defined as "Internal Property", see XMP Specification. Check some requirements for an UUID: Length of the UUID is 32 The Delimiter count is 4 and all the 4 delimiter are on their right position (8,13,18,23) uuid to test true - this is a well formed UUID, false - UUID has not the expected format Simple check for valid XML names. Within ASCII range ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6] are accepted, above all characters (which is not entirely correct according to the XML Spec. an XML Name Return true if the name is correct. Checks if the value is a legal "unqualified" XML name, as defined in the XML Namespaces proposed recommendation. These are XML names, except that they must not contain a colon. the value to check Returns true if the name is a valid "unqualified" XML name. a char Returns true if the char is an ASCII control char. Serializes the node value in XML encoding. Its used for tag bodies and attributes. Note: The attribute is always limited by quotes, thats why &apos; is never serialized. Note: Control chars are written unescaped, but if the user uses others than tab, LF and CR the resulting XML will become invalid. a string flag if string is attribute value (need to additional escape quotes) Decides if LF, CR and TAB are escaped. Returns the value ready for XML output. Replaces the ASCII control chars with a space. a node value Returns the cleaned up value Simple check if a character is a valid XML start name char. Simple check if a character is a valid XML start name char. All characters according to the XML Spec 1.1 are accepted: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/#NT-NameStartChar a character Returns true if the character is a valid first char of an XML name. Simple check if a character is a valid XML name char (every char except the first one), according to the XML Spec 1.1: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/#NT-NameChar a character Returns true if the character is a valid char of an XML name. The default implementation of . Stefan Makswit 16.02.2006 The nanoseconds take micro and nano seconds, while the milliseconds are in the calendar. Creates an XMPDateTime-instance with the current time in the default time zone. Creates an XMPDateTime-instance from a calendar. a Calendar Creates an XMPDateTime-instance from an ISO 8601 string. an ISO 8601 string If the string is a non-conform ISO 8601 string, an exception is thrown Returns the ISO string representation. Number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00). Number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00). The XMPIterator implementation. The XMPIterator implementation. Iterates the XMP Tree according to a set of options. During the iteration the XMPMeta-object must not be changed. Calls to skipSubtree() / skipSiblings() will affect the iteration. Stefan Makswit 29.06.2006 flag to indicate that skipSiblings() has been called. the node iterator doing the work Constructor with optional initial values. If propName is provided, schemaNS has also be provided. the iterated metadata object. the iteration is reduced to this schema (optional) the iteration is reduced to this property within the schemaNS advanced iteration options, see If the node defined by the parameters is not existing. the base namespace of the property path, will be changed during the iteration The XMPIterator implementation. The XMPIterator implementation. It first returns the node itself, then recursively the children and qualifier of the node. Stefan Makswit 29.06.2006 iteration state iteration state iteration state the state of the iteration the currently visited node the recursively accumulated path the iterator that goes through the children and qualifier list index of node with parent, only interesting for arrays the iterator for each child the cached PropertyInfo to return Default constructor Constructor for the node iterator. the currently visited node the accumulated path of the node the index within the parent node (only for arrays) Prepares the next node to return if not already done. Sets the returnProperty as next item or recurses into hasNext(). Returns if there is a next item to return. Handles the iteration of the children or qualfier an iterator Returns if there are more elements available. Calls hasNext() and returns the prepared node. Calls hasNext() and returns the prepared node. Afterward it's set to null. The existence of returnProperty indicates if there is a next node, otherwise an exception is thrown. Not supported. the node that will be added to the path. the path up to this node. the current array index if an array is traversed Returns the updated path. Creates a property info object from an XMPNode. an XMPNode the base namespace to report the full property path Returns a XMPProperty-object that serves representation of the node. Originally called "XmpPropertyInfo450" "450" was the line number in XMPIteratorImpl.java of the Adobe Java 5.1.2 source file This class was anonymous, but that is unnecessary here Returns the returnProperty. the returnProperty to set This iterator is derived from the default NodeIterator, and is only used for the option . Stefan Makswit 02.10.2006 Constructor the node which children shall be iterated. the full path of the former node without the leaf node. Prepares the next node to return if not already done. Implementation of . Stefan Makswit 17.02.2006 Property values are Strings by default root of the metadata tree the xpacket processing instructions content Constructor for an empty metadata object. Constructor for a cloned metadata tree. an prefilled metadata tree which fulfills all XMPNode contracts. Returns a property, but the result value can be requested. Returns a property, but the result value can be requested. a schema namespace a property name or path the type of the value, see VALUE_... Returns an XMPProperty Collects any exception that occurs. Combines the two ported classes XmpProperty407 and XmpProperty682 "407" and "682" were the line numbers in XMPMetaImpl.java of the Adobe Java 5.1.2 source file These classes were anonymous, and that is unnecessary here Returns a property, but the result value can be requested. a schema namespace a property name or path the type of the value, see VALUE_... Returns the node value as an object according to the valueType. Collects any exception that occurs. Sets the packetHeader attributes, only used by the parser. the processing instruction content Performs a deep clone of the XMPMeta-object Returns the root node of the XMP tree. Locate or create the item node and set the value. Locate or create the item node and set the value. Note the index parameter is one-based! The index can be in the range [1..size + 1] or "last()", normalize it and check the insert flags. The order of the normalization checks is important. If the array is empty we end up with an index and location to set item size + 1. an array node the index where to insert the item the item value the options for the new item insert oder overwrite at index position? The internals for setProperty() and related calls, used after the node is found or created. the newly created node the node value, can be null options for the new node, must not be null. flag if the existing value is to be overwritten thrown if options and value do not correspond Evaluates a raw node value to the given value type, apply special conversions for defined types in XMP. an int indicating the value type the node containing the value Returns a literal value for the node. This class replaces the ExpatAdapter.cpp and does the XML-parsing and fixes the prefix. After the parsing several normalisations are applied to the XMP tree. Stefan Makswit 01.02.2006 Parses an XMP metadata object from a stream, including de-aliasing and normalisation. Thrown if parsing or normalisation fails. Parses an XMP metadata object from a stream, including de-aliasing and normalisation. Thrown if parsing or normalisation fails. Parses an XMP metadata object from a stream, including de-aliasing and normalisation. Thrown if parsing or normalisation fails. Parses an XMP metadata object from a stream, including de-aliasing and normalisation. Thrown if parsing or normalisation fails. Parses an XMP metadata object from a XDocument, including de-aliasing and normalisation. Thrown if parsing or normalisation fails. Parses XML from a byte buffer, fixing the encoding (Latin-1 to UTF-8) and illegal control character optionally. a byte buffer containing the XMP packet the parsing options Returns an XML DOM-Document. Thrown when the parsing fails. Parses XML from an , fixing the encoding (Latin-1 to UTF-8) and illegal control character optionally. an Stream the parsing options Returns an XML DOM-Document. Thrown when the parsing fails. Parses XML from a byte buffer, fixing the encoding (Latin-1 to UTF-8) and illegal control character optionally. To improve the performance on legal files, it is first tried to parse normally, while the character fixing is only done when the first pass fails. a byte buffer containing the XMP packet the parsing options Returns an XML DOM-Document. Thrown when the parsing fails. Parses XML from a , fixing the illegal control character optionally. a String containing the XMP packet the parsing options Returns an XML DOM-Document. Thrown when the parsing fails. Wraps parsing and I/O-exceptions into an XMPException. Wraps parsing and I/O-exceptions into an XMPException. Find the XML node that is the root of the XMP data tree. Find the XML node that is the root of the XMP data tree. Generally this will be an outer node, but it could be anywhere if a general XML document is parsed (e.g. SVG). The XML parser counted all rdf:RDF and pxmp:XMP_Packet nodes, and kept a pointer to the last one. If there is more than one possible root use PickBestRoot to choose among them. If there is a root node, try to extract the version of the previous XMP toolkit. Pick the first x:xmpmeta among multiple root candidates. If there aren't any, pick the first bare rdf:RDF if that is allowed. The returned root is the rdf:RDF child if an x:xmpmeta element was chosen. The search is breadth first, so a higher level candidate is chosen over a lower level one that was textually earlier in the serialized XML. initially, the root of the xml document as a list flag if the xmpmeta-tag is still required, might be set initially to true, if the parse option "REQUIRE_XMP_META" is set The result array that is filled during the recursive process. Returns an array that contains the result or null. The array contains: [0] - the rdf:RDF-node [1] - an object that is either XMP_RDF or XMP_PLAIN (the latter is deprecated) [2] - the body text of the xpacket-instruction. A node in the internally XMP tree, which can be a schema node, a property node, an array node, an array item, a struct node or a qualifier node (without '?'). Possible improvements: 1. The kind Node of node might be better represented by a class-hierarchy of different nodes. 2. The array type should be an enum 3. isImplicitNode should be removed completely and replaced by return values of fi. 4. hasLanguage, hasType should be automatically maintained by XMPNode Stefan Makswit 21.02.2006 list of child nodes, lazy initialized list of child node references for faster lookup. Only initialized when the original _children list exceeds 9 entries list of qualifier of the node, lazy initialized options describing the kind of the node Creates an XMPNode with initial values. the name of the node the value of the node the options of the node Constructor for the node without value. the name of the node the options of the node Resets the node. Get the parent node. Set internally by , and . an index [1..size] Returns the child with the requested index. Adds a node as child to this node. an XMPNode Adds a node as child to this node. the index of the node before which the new one is inserted. Note: The node children are indexed from [1..size]! An index of size + 1 appends a node. an XMPNode Replaces a node with another one. the index of the node that will be replaced. Note: The node children are indexed from [1..size]! the replacement XMPNode Removes a child at the requested index. the index to remove [1..size] Removes a child node. Removes a child node. If its a schema node and doesn't have any children anymore, its deleted. the child node to delete. Removes the children list if this node has no children anymore; checks if the provided node is a schema node and doesn't have any children anymore, its deleted. Removes all children from the node. Returns the number of children without necessarily creating a list. child node name to look for Returns an XMPNode if node has been found, null otherwise. an index [1..size] Returns the qualifier with the requested index. Returns the number of qualifier without necessarily creating a list. Appends a qualifier to the qualifier list and sets respective options. a qualifier node. Removes one qualifier node and fixes the options. qualifier to remove Removes all qualifiers from the node and sets the options appropriate. qualifier node name to look for Returns a qualifier XMPNode if node has been found, null otherwise. Get whether the node has children. Returns an iterator for the children. Note: take care to use it.remove(), as the flag are not adjusted in that case. Returns whether the node has qualifier attached. Returns an iterator for the qualifier. Note: take care to use it.remove(), as the flag are not adjusted in that case. Iterator that disallows removal. Performs a deep clone of the node and the complete subtree. Performs a deep clone of the node and the complete subtree. if skipEmpty is true, it will not clone node which has empty child and empty value. If true, it will not clone those nodes with empty value and empty children Performs a deep clone of the complete subtree (children and qualifier )into and add it to the destination node. if skipEmpty is true, it will not clone node which has empty child and empty value. the node to add the cloned subtree If true, it will not clone those nodes with empty value and empty children Renders this node and the tree under this node in a human readable form. Flag is qualifier and child nodes shall be rendered too Returns a multiline string containing the dump. Get and set the implicit node flag. Get and set whether the node contains aliases (applies only to schema nodes). Get and set whether this node is an alias (applies only to schema nodes). Get and set whether this node has an rdf:value child node. Sorts the XMP node and its children, recursively. Sorting occurs according to the following rules: Nodes at one level are sorted by name, that is prefix + local name Starting at the root node the children and qualifier are sorted recursively, which the following exceptions. Sorting will not be used for arrays. Within qualifier "xml:lang" and/or "rdf:type" stay at the top in that order, all others are sorted. Dumps this node and its qualifier and children recursively. Dumps this node and its qualifier and children recursively. Note: It creates empty options on every node. FfF: sort schemas and properties on each level if and only if it would increase performance the buffer to append the dump. Flag is qualifier and child nodes shall be rendered too the current indent level. the index within the parent node (important for arrays) Get whether this node is a language qualifier. Get whether this node is a type qualifier. Note: This method should always be called when accessing 'children' to be sure that its initialized. Returns list of children that is lazy initialized. Returns a read-only copy of child nodes list. Returns list of qualifier that is lazy initialized. Internal find. the list to search in the search expression Returns the found node or nulls. Internal child find. the child list to search in the child dictionary ref to initialize or search. Needs to be a ref parameter or it won't update the original Dictionary the search expression Returns the found node or null. Checks that a node name is not existing on the same level, except for array items. the node name to check Thrown if a node with the same name is existing. Checks that a qualifier name is not existing on the same level. the new qualifier name Thrown if a node with the same name is existing. Utilities for XMPNode. Stefan Makswit Aug 28, 2006 Find or create a schema node if createNodes is false and the root of the xmp tree. a namespace a flag indicating if the node shall be created if not found. Note: The namespace must be registered prior to this call. Returns the schema node if found, null otherwise. Note: If createNodes is true, it is always returned a valid node. An exception is only thrown if an error occurred, not if a node was not found. Find or create a schema node if createNodes is true. the root of the xmp tree. a namespace If a prefix is suggested, the namespace is allowed to be registered. a flag indicating if the node shall be created if not found. Note: The namespace must be registered prior to this call. Returns the schema node if found, null otherwise. Note: If createNodes is true, it is always returned a valid node. An exception is only thrown if an error occurred, not if a node was not found. Find or create a child node under a given parent node. Find or create a child node under a given parent node. If the parent node is no Returns the found or created child node. the parent node the node name to find flag, if new nodes shall be created. Returns the found or created node or null. Thrown if Follow an expanded path expression to find or create a node. the node to begin the search. the complete xpath flag if nodes shall be created (when called by setProperty()) the options for the created leaf nodes (only when createNodes == true). Returns the node if found or created or null. An exception is only thrown if an error occurred, not if a node was not found. Deletes the the given node and its children from its parent. Deletes the the given node and its children from its parent. Takes care about adjusting the flags. FfF: think about moving is to XMPNode... (make removeChild/Qualifier private and FfF: publish just deleteNode(XMPNode) the top-most node to delete. This is setting the value of a leaf node. an XMPNode a value Verifies the PropertyOptions for consistency and updates them as needed. Verifies the PropertyOptions for consistency and updates them as needed. If options are null they are created with default values. FfF: add an kind of autofix options to PropertyOptions and remove this method!!! the PropertyOptions the node value to set Returns the updated options. If the options are not consistant. Converts the node value to string, apply special conversions for defined types in XMP. the node value to set Returns the String representation of the node value. After processing by ExpandXPath, a step can be of these forms: After processing by ExpandXPath, a step can be of these forms: qualName - A top level property or struct field. [index] - An element of an array. [last()] - The last element of an array. [qualName="value"] - An element in an array of structs, chosen by a field value. [?qualName="value"] - An element in an array, chosen by a qualifier value. ?qualName - A general qualifier. Find the appropriate child node, resolving aliases, and optionally creating nodes. the node to start to start from the xpath segment returns the found or created node Find or create a qualifier node under a given parent node. Find or create a qualifier node under a given parent node. Returns a pointer to the qualifier node, and optionally an iterator for the node's position in the parent's vector of qualifiers. The iterator is unchanged if no qualifier node (null) is returned. Note: On entry, the qualName parameter must not have the leading '?' from the step. the parent XMPNode the qualifier name flag if nodes shall be created Returns the qualifier node if found or created, null otherwise. an array node the segment containing the array index flag if new nodes are allowed to be created. Returns the index or index = -1 if not found Throws Exceptions Searches for a field selector in a node: [fieldName="value] - an element in an array of structs, chosen by a field value. Searches for a field selector in a node: [fieldName="value] - an element in an array of structs, chosen by a field value. No implicit nodes are created by field selectors. Returns the index of the field if found, otherwise -1. Searches for a qualifier selector in a node: [?qualName="value"] - an element in an array, chosen by a qualifier value. Searches for a qualifier selector in a node: [?qualName="value"] - an element in an array, chosen by a qualifier value. No implicit nodes are created for qualifier selectors, except for an alias to an x-default item. an array node the qualifier name the qualifier value in case the qual selector results from an alias, an x-default node is created if there has not been one. Returns the index of th Make sure the x-default item is first. Make sure the x-default item is first. Touch up "single value" arrays that have a default plus one real language. This case should have the same value for both items. Older Adobe apps were hardwired to only use the "x-default" item, so we copy that value to the other item. an alt text array node See if an array is an alt-text array. See if an array is an alt-text array. If so, make sure the x-default item is first. the array node to check if its an alt-text array Appends a language item to an alt text array. the language array the language of the item the content of the item Thrown if a duplicate property is added Look for an exact match with the specific language. If a generic language is given, look for partial matches. Look for an "x-default"-item. Choose the first item. the alt text array node the generic language the specific language Returns the kind of match as an Integer and the found node in an array. Looks for the appropriate language item in a text alternative array.item an array node the requested language Returns the index if the language has been found, -1 otherwise. Stefan Makswit Aug 18, 2006 caches the correct dc-property array forms Normalizes a raw parsed XMPMeta-Object the raw metadata object the parsing options Returns the normalized metadata object Collects all severe processing errors. Tweak old XMP: Move an instance ID from rdf:about to the xmpMM:InstanceID property. Tweak old XMP: Move an instance ID from rdf:about to the xmpMM:InstanceID property. An old instance ID usually looks like "uuid:bac965c4-9d87-11d9-9a30-000d936b79c4", plus InDesign 3.0 wrote them like "bac965c4-9d87-11d9-9a30-000d936b79c4". If the name looks like a UUID simply move it to xmpMM:InstanceID, don't worry about any existing xmpMM:InstanceID. Both will only be present when a newer file with the xmpMM:InstanceID property is updated by an old app that uses rdf:about. the root of the metadata tree Thrown if tweaking fails. Visit all schemas to do general fixes and handle special cases. the metadata object implementation Thrown if the normalisation fails. Undo the denormalization performed by the XMP used in Acrobat 5. If a Dublin Core array had only one item, it was serialized as a simple property. The xml:lang attribute was dropped from an alt-text item if the language was x-default. the DC schema node Thrown if normalization fails Make sure that the array is well-formed AltText. Make sure that the array is well-formed AltText. Each item must be simple and have an "xml:lang" qualifier. If repairs are needed, keep simple non-empty items by adding the "xml:lang" with value "x-repair". the property node of the array to repair. Forwards unexpected exceptions. Visit all of the top level nodes looking for aliases. Visit all of the top level nodes looking for aliases. If there is no base, transplant the alias subtree. If there is a base and strict aliasing is on, make sure the alias and base subtrees match. the root of the metadata tree th parsing options Forwards XMP errors Moves an alias node of array form to another schema into an array the property iterator of the old schema (used to delete the property) the node to be moved the base array for the array item Forwards XMP errors Fixes the GPS Timestamp in EXIF. the EXIF schema node Thrown if the date conversion fails. Remove all empty schemas from the metadata tree that were generated during the rdf parsing. the root of the metadata tree The outermost call is special. The outermost call is special. The names almost certainly differ. The qualifiers (and hence options) will differ for an alias to the x-default item of a langAlt array. the alias node the base node of the alias marks the outer call of the recursion Forwards XMP errors The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright into a new xmpDM:copyright property. The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright into a new xmpDM:copyright property. This is special case code to migrate that into dc:rights['x-default']. The rules: If there is no dc:rights array, or an empty array - Create one with dc:rights['x-default'] set from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright. If there is a dc:rights array but it has no x-default item - Create an x-default item as a copy of the first item then apply rule #3. If there is a dc:rights array with an x-default item, Look for a double linefeed in the value. If no double linefeed, compare the x-default value to the xmpDM:copyright value. If they match then leave the x-default value alone. Otherwise, append a double linefeed and the xmpDM:copyright value to the x-default value. If there is a double linefeed, compare the trailing text to the xmpDM:copyright value. If they match then leave the x-default value alone. Otherwise, replace the trailing x-default text with the xmpDM:copyright value. In all cases, delete the xmpDM:copyright property. the metadata object the "dm:copyright"-property The schema registry handles the namespaces, aliases and global options for the XMP Toolkit. There is only one singleton instance used by the toolkit, accessed via . Stefan Makswit 27.01.2006 a map from a namespace URI to its registered prefix. a map from a prefix to the associated namespace URI. A map of all registered aliases, from qname to IXmpAliasInfo. The pattern that must not be contained in simple properties Performs the initialisation of the registry with the default namespaces, aliases and global options. Register the standard namespaces of schemas and types that are included in the XMP Specification and some other Adobe private namespaces. Register the standard namespaces of schemas and types that are included in the XMP Specification and some other Adobe private namespaces. Note: This method is not lock because only called by the constructor. Forwards processing exceptions Associates an alias name with an actual name. Associates an alias name with an actual name. Define a alias mapping from one namespace/property to another. Both property names must be simple names. An alias can be a direct mapping, where the alias and actual have the same data type. It is also possible to map a simple alias to an item in an array. This can either be to the first item in the array, or to the 'x-default' item in an alt-text array. Multiple alias names may map to the same actual, as long as the forms match. It is a no-op to reregister an alias in an identical fashion. Note: This method is not locking because only called by registerStandardAliases which is only called by the constructor. Note2: The method is only package-private so that it can be tested with unittests The namespace URI for the alias. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the alias. Must be a simple name, not null or the empty string and not a general path expression. The namespace URI for the actual. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the actual. Must be a simple name, not null or the empty string and not a general path expression. Provides options for aliases for simple aliases to array items. This is needed to know what kind of array to create if set for the first time via the simple alias. Pass XMP_NoOptions, the default value, for all direct aliases regardless of whether the actual data type is an array or not (see ). for inconsistant aliases. Serializes the XMPMeta-object to an OutputStream according to the SerializeOptions. Stefan Makswit 11.07.2006 Static method to serialize the metadata object. For each serialisation, a new XMPSerializer instance is created, either XMPSerializerRDF or XMPSerializerPlain so that its possible to serialize the same XMPMeta objects in two threads. a metadata implementation object the output stream to serialize to serialization options, can be null for default. Serializes an XMPMeta-object as RDF into a string. Note: Encoding is forced to UTF-16 when serializing to a string to ensure the correctness of "exact packet size". a metadata implementation object Options to control the serialization (see ). Returns a string containing the serialized RDF. on serialization errors. Serializes an XMPMeta-object as RDF into a byte buffer. a metadata implementation object Options to control the serialization (see ). Returns a byte buffer containing the serialized RDF. on serialization errors. Serializes the XMPMeta-object using the standard RDF serialization format. Serializes the XMPMeta-object using the standard RDF serialization format. The output is written to an OutputStream according to the SerializeOptions. FfF: Move to XMLStreamWriter (a lot of test would break due to slight format change). Stefan Makswit 11.07.2006 default padding The w/r is missing inbetween a set of all rdf attribute qualifier the metadata object to be serialized. the output stream to serialize to this writer is used to do the actual serialization the stored serialization options the size of one unicode char, for UTF-8 set to 1 (Note: only valid for ASCII chars lower than 0x80), set to 2 in case of UTF-16 the padding in the XMP Packet, or the length of the complete packet in case of option exactPacketLength. The actual serialization. the metadata object to be serialized outputStream the output stream to serialize to the serialization options If case of wrong options or any other serialization error. Calculates the padding according to the options and write it to the stream. the length of the tail string thrown if packet size is to small to fit the padding forwards writer errors Checks if the supplied options are consistent. Thrown if options are conflicting Writes the (optional) packet header and the outer rdf-tags. Returns the packet end processing instraction to be written after the padding. Forwarded writer exceptions. Serializes the metadata in pretty-printed manner. indent level Forwarded writer exceptions Serializes the metadata in compact manner. indent level to start with Forwarded writer exceptions Write each of the parent's simple unqualified properties as an attribute. Write each of the parent's simple unqualified properties as an attribute. Returns true if all of the properties are written as attributes. the parent property node the current indent level Returns true if all properties can be rendered as RDF attribute. Recursively handles the "value" for a node that must be written as an RDF property element. Recursively handles the "value" for a node that must be written as an RDF property element. It does not matter if it is a top level property, a field of a struct, or an item of an array. The indent is that for the property element. The patterns below ignore attribute qualifiers such as xml:lang, they don't affect the output form. <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-1 ... The fields as attributes, if all are simple and unqualified /> <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-2 rdf:parseType="Resource"> ... The fields as elements, if none are simple and unqualified </ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-2> <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-3> <rdf:Description ... The simple and unqualified fields as attributes > ... The compound or qualified fields as elements </rdf:Description> </ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty-3> <ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty> <rdf:Bag> or Seq or Alt ... Array items as rdf:li elements, same forms as top level properties </rdf:Bag> </ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty> <ns:QualifiedProperty rdf:parseType="Resource"> <rdf:value> ... Property "value" following the unqualified forms ... </rdf:value> ... Qualifiers looking like named struct fields </ns:QualifiedProperty> *** Consider numbered array items, but has compatibility problems. Consider qualified form with rdf:Description and attributes. the parent node the current indent level Forwards writer exceptions If qualifier and element fields are mixed. Serializes a simple property. an XMPNode Returns an array containing the flags emitEndTag and indentEndTag. Forwards the writer exceptions. Serializes an array property. an XMPNode the current indent level Forwards the writer exceptions. If qualifier and element fields are mixed. Serializes a struct property. an XMPNode the current indent level Flag if the element has resource qualifier Returns true if an end flag shall be emitted. Forwards the writer exceptions. If qualifier and element fields are mixed. Serializes the general qualifier. the root node of the subtree the current indent level Forwards all writer exceptions. If qualifier and element fields are mixed. Serializes one schema with all contained properties in pretty-printed manner. Each schema's properties are written to a single rdf:Description element. All of the necessary namespaces are declared in the rdf:Description element. The baseIndent is the base level for the entire serialization, that of the x:xmpmeta element. An xml:lang qualifier is written as an attribute of the property start tag, not by itself forcing the qualified property form. <rdf:Description rdf:about="TreeName" xmlns:ns="URI" ... > ... The actual properties of the schema, see SerializePrettyRDFProperty <!-- ns1:Alias is aliased to ns2:Actual --> ... If alias comments are wanted </rdf:Description> a schema node Forwarded writer exceptions Writes all used namespaces of the subtree in node to the output. Writes all used namespaces of the subtree in node to the output. The subtree is recursively traversed. the root node of the subtree a set containing currently used prefixes the current indent level Forwards all writer exceptions. Writes one namespace declaration to the output. a namespace prefix (without colon) or a complete qname (when namespace == null) the a namespace a set containing currently used prefixes the current indent level Forwards all writer exceptions. Start the outer rdf:Description element, including all needed xmlns attributes. Start the outer rdf:Description element, including all needed xmlns attributes. Leave the element open so that the compact form can add property attributes. If the writing to Write the </rdf:Description> end tag. Recursively handles the "value" for a node. Recursively handles the "value" for a node. It does not matter if it is a top level property, a field of a struct, or an item of an array. The indent is that for the property element. An xml:lang qualifier is written as an attribute of the property start tag, not by itself forcing the qualified property form. The patterns below mostly ignore attribute qualifiers like xml:lang. Except for the one struct case, attribute qualifiers don't affect the output form. <ns:UnqualifiedSimpleProperty>value</ns:UnqualifiedSimpleProperty> <ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty> (If no rdf:resource qualifier) <rdf:Description> ... Fields, same forms as top level properties </rdf:Description> </ns:UnqualifiedStructProperty> <ns:ResourceStructProperty rdf:resource="URI" ... Fields as attributes > <ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty> <rdf:Bag> or Seq or Alt ... Array items as rdf:li elements, same forms as top level properties </rdf:Bag> </ns:UnqualifiedArrayProperty> <ns:QualifiedProperty> <rdf:Description> <rdf:value> ... Property "value" following the unqualified forms ... </rdf:value> ... Qualifiers looking like named struct fields </rdf:Description> </ns:QualifiedProperty> the property node property shall be rendered as attribute rather than tag use canonical form with inner description tag or the compact form with rdf:ParseType="resource" attribute. the current indent level Forwards all writer exceptions. If "rdf:resource" and general qualifiers are mixed. Writes the array start and end tags. an array node flag if its the start or end tag the current indent level forwards writer exceptions Serializes the node value in XML encoding. Serializes the node value in XML encoding. Its used for tag bodies and attributes. Note: The attribute is always limited by quotes, thats why &apos; is never serialized. Note: Control chars are written unescaped, but if the user uses others than tab, LF and CR the resulting XML will become invalid. the value of the node flag if value is an attribute value A node can be serialized as RDF-Attribute, if it meets the following conditions: is not array item don't has qualifier is no URI is no composite property an XMPNode Returns true if the node serialized as RDF-Attribute Writes indents and automatically includes the base indent from the options. number of indents to write forwards exception Writes an int to the output. an int forwards writer exceptions Writes a char to the output. a char forwards writer exceptions Writes a String to the output. a String forwards writer exceptions Writes an amount of chars, mostly spaces number of chars a char Writes a newline according to the options. Forwards exception Stefan Makswit 11.08.2006 The XMP object containing the array to be catenated. The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must be a simple string value. The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated string. Defaults to "; ", ASCII semicolon and space (U+003B, U+0020). The characters to be used as quotes around array items that contain a separator. Defaults to '"' Option flag to control the catenation. Returns the string containing the catenated array items. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing See . The XMP object containing the array to be updated. The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must be a simple string value. The string to be separated into the array items. Option flags to control the separation. Flag if commas shall be preserved Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Utility to find or create the array used by separateArrayItems(). a the namespace fo the array the name of the array the options for the array if newly created the xmp object Returns the array node. Forwards exceptions The XMP object containing the properties to be removed. Optional schema namespace URI for the properties to be removed. Optional path expression for the property to be removed. Option flag to control the deletion: do internal properties in addition to external properties. Option flag to control the deletion: Include aliases in the "named schema" case above. If metadata processing fails The source XMP object. The destination XMP object. Do internal properties in addition to external properties. Replace the values of existing properties. Delete destination values if source property is empty. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Remove all schema children according to the flag doAllProperties. Empty schemas are automatically remove by XMPNode. a schema node flag if all properties or only externals shall be removed. Returns true if the schema is empty after the operation. The destination XMP object. the source node the parent of the destination node Replace the values of existing properties. flag if properties with empty values should be deleted in the destination object. Compares two nodes including its children and qualifier. an XMPNode an XMPNode Returns true if the nodes are equal, false otherwise. Forwards exceptions to the calling method. Make sure the separator is OK. Separators must be one semicolon surrounded by zero or more spaces. Any of the recognized semicolons or spaces are allowed. Make sure the open and close quotes are a legitimate pair and return the correct closing quote or an exception. opened and closing quote in a string the open quote Returns a corresponding closing quote. Classifies the character into normal chars, spaces, semicola, quotes, control chars. a char Return the character kind. the open quote char Returns the matching closing quote for an open quote. Add quotes to the item. the array item the open quote character the closing quote character flag if commas are allowed Returns the value in quotes. a character the opening quote char the closing quote char Return it the character is a surrounding quote. a character the opening quote char the closing quote char Returns true if the character is a closing quote. U+0022 ASCII space U+3000, ideographic space U+303F, ideographic half fill space U+2000..U+200B, en quad through zero width space U+002C, ASCII comma U+FF0C, full width comma U+FF64, half width ideographic comma U+FE50, small comma U+FE51, small ideographic comma U+3001, ideographic comma U+060C, Arabic comma U+055D, Armenian comma U+003B, ASCII semicolon U+FF1B, full width semicolon U+FE54, small semicolon U+061B, Arabic semicolon U+037E, Greek "semicolon" (really a question mark) U+0022 ASCII quote U+00AB and U+00BB, guillemet quotes U+3008..U+300F, various quotes U+301D..U+301F, double prime quotes U+2015, dash quote U+2018..U+201F, various quotes U+2039 and U+203A, guillemet quotes The square brackets are not interpreted as quotes anymore (bug #2674672) (ASCII '[' (0x5B) and ']' (0x5D) are used as quotes in Chinese and Korean.)
U+0000..U+001F ASCII controls U+2028, line separator U+2029, paragraph separator Moves the specified Property from one Meta to another. Meta Object from where the property needs to move Meta Object to where the property needs to move Schema of the specified property Name of the property true in case of success otherwise false. estimates the size of an xmp node XMP Node Object the estimated size of the node Utility function for placing objects in a Map. It behaves like a multi map. A Map object which takes int as a key and list of list of string as value A key for the map A value for the map Utility function for retrieving biggest entry in the multimap see EstimateSizeForJPEG for size calculation A Map object which takes int as a key and list of list of string as value the list with the maximum size. Utility function for creating esimated size map for different properties of XMP Packet. see PackageForJPEG Meta Object whose property sizes needs to calculate. A treeMap Object which takes int as a key and list of list of string as values Utility function for moving the largest property from One XMP Packet to another. see MoveOneProperty and PackageForJPEG Meta Object from where property moves. Meta Object to where property moves. A treeMap Object which holds the estimated sizes of the property of stdXMP as a key and their string representation as map values. creates XMP serializations appropriate for a JPEG file. The standard XMP in a JPEG file is limited to 64K bytes. This function serializes the XMP metadata in an XMP object into a string of RDF.If the data does not fit into the 64K byte limit, it creates a second packet string with the extended data. The XMP object containing the metadata. A string object in which to return the full standard XMP packet. A string object in which to return the serialized extended XMP, empty if not needed. A string object in which to return an MD5 digest of the serialized extended XMP, empty if not needed. merges standard and extended XMP retrieved from a JPEG file. When an extended partition stores properties that do not fit into the JPEG file limitation of 64K bytes, this function integrates those properties back into the same XMP object with those from the standard XMP packet. An XMP object which the caller has initialized from the standard XMP packet in a JPEG file. The extended XMP is added to this object. An XMP object which the caller has initialized from the extended XMP packet in a JPEG file. modifies a working XMP object according to a template object. The XMP template can be used to add, replace or delete properties from the working XMP object. The actions that you specify determine how the template is applied.Each action can be applied individually or combined; if you do not specify any actions, the properties and values in the working XMP object do not change. The destination XMP object. The template to apply to the destination XMP object. Option flags to control the copying. If none are specified, the properties and values in the working XMP do not change. A logical OR of these bit-flag constants:
  • CLEAR_UNNAMED_PROPERTIES Delete anything that is not in the template.
  • ADD_NEW_PROPERTIES Add properties; see detailed description.
  • REPLACE_EXISTING_PROPERTIES Replace the values of existing properties.
  • REPLACE_WITH_DELETE_EMPTY Replace the values of existing properties and delete properties if the new value is empty.
  • INCLUDE_INTERNAL_PROPERTIES Operate on internal properties as well as external properties.
Marks a struct field step, also for top level nodes (schema "fields"). Marks a qualifier step. Marks a qualifier step. Note: Order is significant to separate struct/qual from array kinds! Marks an array index step Represents an XMP XmpPath with segment accessor methods. 28.02.2006 stores the segments of an Append a path segment the segment to add the index of the segment to return Returns a path segment. Returns the size of the xmp path. Serializes the normalized XMP-path. Parser for XMP XPaths. 01.03.2006 Split an expression apart at the conceptual steps, adding the root namespace prefix to the first property component. The schema URI is put in the first (0th) slot in the expanded . Check if the top level component is an alias, but don't resolve it. In the most verbose case steps are separated by '/', and each step can be of these forms: prefix:name A top level property or struct field. [index] An element of an array. [last()] The last element of an array. [fieldName="value"] An element in an array of structs, chosen by a field value. [@xml:lang="value"] An element in an alt-text array, chosen by the xml:lang qualifier. [?qualName="value"] An element in an array, chosen by a qualifier value. @xml:lang An xml:lang qualifier. ?qualName A general qualifier. The logic is complicated though by shorthand for arrays, the separating '/' and leading '*' are optional. These are all equivalent: array/*[2] array/[2] array*[2] array[2] All of these are broken into the 2 steps "array" and "[2]". The value portion in the array selector forms is a string quoted by ''' or '"'. The value may contain any character including a doubled quoting character. The value may be empty. The syntax isn't checked, but an XML name begins with a letter or '_', and contains letters, digits, '.', '-', '_', and a bunch of special non-ASCII Unicode characters. An XML qualified name is a pair of names separated by a colon. schema namespace property name Returns the expanded . Thrown if the format is not correct somehow. Parses a struct segment the current position in the path The segment or an error If the segment is empty Parses an array index segment. the xmp path Returns the segment or an error thrown on xmp path errors Parses the root node of an XMP Path, checks if namespace and prefix fit together and resolve the property to the base property if it is an alias. the root namespace the parsing position helper the path to contribute to If the path is not valid. Verifies whether the qualifier name is not XML conformant or the namespace prefix has not been registered. a qualifier name If the name is not conformant Verify if an XML name is conformant. an XML name When the name is not XML conformant Set up the first 2 components of the expanded . Normalizes the various cases of using the full schema URI and/or a qualified root property name. Returns true for normal processing. If allowUnknownSchemaNS is true and the schema namespace is not registered, false is returned. If allowUnknownSchemaNS is false and the schema namespace is not registered, an exception is thrown (Should someday check the full syntax:) schema namespace the root xpath segment Returns root QName. Thrown if the format is not correct somehow. This objects contains all needed char positions to parse. the complete path the start of a segment name the end of a segment name the begin of a step the end of a step A segment of a parsed . 23.06.2006 Constructor with initial values. the name of the segment Constructor with initial values. the name of the segment the kind of the segment Get and set the kind of the path segment. Get and set the name of the path segment. Get and set whether the segment is an alias. Get and set the alias form, if this segment has been created by an alias. This interface is used to return info about an alias. Stefan Makswit 27.01.2006 Gets the namespace URI for the base property. Gets the default prefix for the given base property. Gets the path of the base property. Gets the kind of the alias. This can be a direct alias (ARRAY), a simple property to an ordered array (ARRAY_ORDERED), to an alternate array (ARRAY_ALTERNATE) or to an alternate text array (ARRAY_ALT_TEXT). The XMPDateTime-class represents a point in time up to a resolution of nanoseconds. Dates and time in the serialized XMP are ISO 8601 strings. There are utility functions to convert to the ISO format, a Calendar or get the Timezone. The fields of XMPDateTime are: month - The month in the range 1..12. day - The day of the month in the range 1..31. minute - The minute in the range 0..59. hour - The time zone hour in the range 0..23. minute - The time zone minute in the range 0..59. nanosecond - The nanoseconds within a second. Note: if the XMPDateTime is converted into a calendar, the resolution is reduced to milliseconds. timeZone - a TimeZone-object. DateTime values are occasionally used in cases with only a date or only a time component. A date without a time has zeros for all the time fields. A time without a date has zeros for all date fields (year, month, and day). Get and set the year value. Can be negative. Get and set the month, within range 1..12. Get and set the day of the month, within range 1..31. Returns hour - The hour in the range 0..23. Get and set the minute, within range 0..59. Get and set the second, within range 0..59. Get and set the sub-second period, in nanoseconds. Get and set the offset, primarily for ISO8601 converter. This flag is set either by parsing or by setting year, month or day. Returns true if the XMPDateTime object has a date portion. This flag is set either by parsing or by setting hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds. Returns true if the XMPDateTime object has a time portion. This flag is set either by parsing or by setting hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds. Returns true if the XMPDateTime object has a defined timezone. Returns a Calendar (only with millisecond precision). Dates before Oct 15th 1585 (which normally fall into validity of the Julian calendar) are also rendered internally as Gregorian dates. Returns the ISO 8601 string representation of the date and time. Interface for the XMPMeta iteration services. XMPIterator provides a uniform means to iterate over the schema and properties within an XMP object. The iteration over the schema and properties within an XMP object is very complex. It is helpful to have a thorough understanding of the XMP data tree. One way to learn this is to create some complex XMP and examine the output of XMPMeta#toString. This is also described in the XMP Specification, in the XMP Data Model chapter. The top of the XMP data tree is a single root node. This does not explicitly appear in the dump and is never visited by an iterator (that is, it is never returned from XMPIterator#next()). Beneath the root are schema nodes. These are just collectors for top level properties in the same namespace. They are created and destroyed implicitly. Beneath the schema nodes are the property nodes. The nodes below a property node depend on its type (simple, struct, or array) and whether it has qualifiers. An XMPIterator is created by XMPMeta#iterator() constructor defines a starting point for the iteration and options that control how it proceeds. By default the iteration starts at the root and visits all nodes beneath it in a depth first manner. The root node is not visited, the first visited node is a schema node. You can provide a schema name or property path to select a different starting node. By default this visits the named root node first then all nodes beneath it in a depth first manner. The XMPIterator#next() method delivers the schema URI, path, and option flags for the node being visited. If the node is simple it also delivers the value. Qualifiers for this node are visited next. The fields of a struct or items of an array are visited after the qualifiers of the parent. The options to control the iteration are: JUST_CHILDREN - Visit just the immediate children of the root. Skip the root itself and all nodes below the immediate children. This omits the qualifiers of the immediate children, the qualifier nodes being below what they qualify, default is to visit the complete subtree. JUST_LEAFNODES - Visit just the leaf property nodes and their qualifiers. JUST_LEAFNAME - Return just the leaf component of the node names. The default is to return the full xmp path. OMIT_QUALIFIERS - Do not visit the qualifiers. INCLUDE_ALIASES - Adds known alias properties to the properties in the iteration. Note: Not supported in Java or .NET Spire.Xmp! next() returns XMPPropertyInfo-objects and throws a NoSuchElementException if there are no more properties to return. Stefan Makswit 25.01.2006 Skip the subtree below the current node when next() is called. Skip the subtree below and remaining siblings of the current node when next() is called. This class represents the set of XMP metadata as a DOM representation. It has methods to read and modify all kinds of properties, create an iterator over all properties and serialize the metadata to a string, byte array or stream. Stefan Makswit 20.01.2006 The property value getter-methods all take a property specification: the first two parameters are always the top level namespace URI (the "schema" namespace) and the basic name of the property being referenced. See the introductory discussion of path expression usage for more information. All of the functions return an object inherited from PropertyBase or null if the property does not exists. The result object contains the value of the property and option flags describing the property. Arrays and the non-leaf levels of nodes do not have values. See for detailed information about the options. This is the simplest property getter, mainly for top level simple properties or after using the path composition functions in . The namespace URI for the property. May be null or the empty string if the first component of the propName path contains a namespace prefix. The URI must be for a registered namespace. The name of the property. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Using a namespace prefix on the first component is optional. If present without a schemaNS value then the prefix specifies the namespace. The prefix must be for a registered namespace. If both a schemaNS URI and propName prefix are present, they must be corresponding parts of a registered namespace. Returns an containing the value and the options, or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. Provides access to items within an array. The index is passed as an integer, you need not worry about the path string syntax for array items, convert a loop index to a string, etc. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. The constant always refers to the last existing array item. Returns an containing the value and the options or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. Returns the number of items in the array. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . Returns the number of items in the array. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. Provides access to fields within a nested structure. The namespace for the field is passed as a URI, you need not worry about the path string syntax. The names of fields should be XML qualified names, that is within an XML namespace. The path syntax for a qualified name uses the namespace prefix. This is unreliable since the prefix is never guaranteed. The URI is the formal name, the prefix is just a local shorthand in a given sequence of XML text. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter. Returns an containing the value and the options or null if the property does not exist. Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. Provides access to a qualifier attached to a property. The namespace for the qualifier is passed as a URI, you need not worry about the path string syntax. In many regards qualifiers are like struct fields. See the introductory discussion of qualified properties for more information. The names of qualifiers should be XML qualified names, that is within an XML namespace. The path syntax for a qualified name uses the namespace prefix. This is unreliable since the prefix is never guaranteed. The URI is the formal name, the prefix is just a local shorthand in a given sequence of XML text. Note: Qualifiers are only supported for simple leaf properties at this time. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as in . The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter. Returns an containing the value and the options of the qualifier or null if the property does not exist. The name of the qualifier must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter. The value of the qualifier is only set if it has one (Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values). Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The property value setters all take a property specification, their differences are in the form of this. The first two parameters are always the top level namespace URI (the schema namespace) and the basic name of the property being referenced. See the introductory discussion of path expression usage for more information. All of the functions take a string value for the property and option flags describing the property. The value must be Unicode in UTF-8 encoding. Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values. Empty arrays and structs may be created using appropriate option flags. All levels of structs that is assigned implicitly are created if necessary. appendArayItem implicitly creates the named array if necessary. See for detailed information about the options. This is the simplest property setter, mainly for top level simple properties or after using the path composition functions in . The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the value for the property (only leaf properties have a value). Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values. Must be null if the value is not relevant.
The value is automatically detected: Boolean, Integer, Long, Double, and byte[] are handled, on all other is called. Option flags describing the property. See the earlier description. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur.
The namespace URI The name of the property the value for the property Wraps all errors and exceptions Replaces an item within an array. The index is passed as an integer, you need not worry about the path string syntax for array items, convert a loop index to a string, etc. The array passed must already exist. In normal usage the selected array item is modified. A new item is automatically appended if the index is the array size plus 1. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. To address the last existing item, use to find out the length of the array. the new value of the array item. Has the same usage as propValue in . the set options for the item. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI The name of the array The index to insert the new item the new value of the array item Wraps all errors and exceptions Inserts an item into an array previous to the given index. The index is passed as an integer, you need not worry about the path string syntax for array items, convert a loop index to a string, etc. The array passed must already exist. In normal usage the selected array item is modified. A new item is automatically appended if the index is the array size plus 1. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The index to insert the new item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. Use to append items. the new value of the array item. Has the same usage as propValue in . the set options that decide about the kind of the node. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the array The name of the array The index to insert the new item the value of the array item Wraps all errors and exceptions Simplifies the construction of an array by not requiring that you pre-create an empty array. The array that is assigned is created automatically if it does not yet exist. Each call to appendArrayItem() appends an item to the array. The corresponding parameters have the same use as setArrayItem(). The arrayOptions parameter is used to specify what kind of array. If the array exists, it must have the specified form. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propPath in . Option flags describing the array form. The only valid options are , , or . Note: the array options only need to be provided if the array is not already existing, otherwise you can set them to null or use . the value of the array item. Has the same usage as propValue in . Option flags describing the item to append () Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the array The name of the array the value of the array item Wraps all errors and exceptions Provides access to fields within a nested structure. The namespace for the field is passed as a URI, you need not worry about the path string syntax. The names of fields should be XML qualified names, that is within an XML namespace. The path syntax for a qualified name uses the namespace prefix, which is unreliable because the prefix is never guaranteed. The URI is the formal name, the prefix is just a local shorthand in a given sequence of XML text. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter. the value of thefield, if the field has a value. Has the same usage as propValue in . Option flags describing the field. See the earlier description. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the struct The name of the struct The namespace URI for the field The name of the field the value of the field Wraps all errors and exceptions Provides access to a qualifier attached to a property. The namespace for the qualifier is passed as a URI, you need not worry about the path string syntax. In many regards qualifiers are like struct fields. See the introductory discussion of qualified properties for more information. The names of qualifiers should be XML qualified names, that is within an XML namespace. The path syntax for a qualified name uses the namespace prefix, which is unreliable because the prefix is never guaranteed. The URI is the formal name, the prefix is just a local shorthand in a given sequence of XML text. The property the qualifier will be attached has to exist. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. Has the same usage as in . The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter. A pointer to the null terminated UTF-8 string that is the value of the qualifier, if the qualifier has a value. Has the same usage as propValue in . Option flags describing the qualifier. See the earlier description. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the struct The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached The namespace URI for the qualifier The name of the qualifier the value of the qualifier Wraps all errors and exceptions Deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given property. It is not an error if the property does not exist. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given array item. It is not an error if the array item does not exist. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. The constant always refers to the last existing array item. Deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given struct field. It is not an error if the field does not exist. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter. Deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given qualifier. Deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given qualifier. It is not an error if the qualifier does not exist. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. Has the same usage as in . The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter. Returns whether the property exists. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns true if the property exists. Tells if the array item exists. The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. The constant always refers to the last existing array item. Returns true if the array exists, false otherwise. DoesStructFieldExist tells if the struct field exists. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter. Returns true if the field exists. DoesQualifierExist tells if the qualifier exists. The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. Has the same usage as in . The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter. The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter. Returns true if the qualifier exists. These functions provide convenient support for localized text properties, including a number of special and obscure aspects. Localized text properties are stored in alt-text arrays. They allow multiple concurrent localizations of a property value, for example a document title or copyright in several languages. The most important aspect of these functions is that they select an appropriate array item based on one or two RFC 3066 language tags. One of these languages, the "specific" language, is preferred and selected if there is an exact match. For many languages it is also possible to define a "generic" language that may be used if there is no specific language match. The generic language must be a valid RFC 3066 primary subtag, or the empty string. For example, a specific language of "en-US" should be used in the US, and a specific language of "en-UK" should be used in England. It is also appropriate to use "en" as the generic language in each case. If a US document goes to England, the "en-US" title is selected by using the "en" generic language and the "en-UK" specific language. It is considered poor practice, but allowed, to pass a specific language that is just an RFC 3066 primary tag. For example "en" is not a good specific language, it should only be used as a generic language. Passing "i" or "x" as the generic language is also considered poor practice but allowed. Advice from the W3C about the use of RFC 3066 language tags can be found at: http://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/ Note: RFC 3066 language tags must be treated in a case insensitive manner. The XMP Toolkit does this by normalizing their capitalization: The primary subtag is lower case, the suggested practice of ISO 639. All 2 letter secondary subtags are upper case, the suggested practice of ISO 3166. All other subtags are lower case. The XMP specification defines an artificial language, "x-default", that is used to explicitly denote a default item in an alt-text array. The XMP toolkit normalizes alt-text arrays such that the x-default item is the first item. The SetLocalizedText function has several special features related to the x-default item, see its description for details. The selection of the array item is the same for GetLocalizedText and SetLocalizedText: Look for an exact match with the specific language. If a generic language is given, look for a partial match. Look for an x-default item. Choose the first item. A partial match with the generic language is where the start of the item's language matches the generic string and the next character is '-'. An exact match is also recognized as a degenerate case. It is fine to pass x-default as the specific language. In this case, selection of an x-default item is an exact match by the first rule, not a selection by the 3rd rule. The last 2 rules are fallbacks used when the specific and generic languages fail to produce a match. getLocalizedText returns information about a selected item in an alt-text array. The array item is selected according to the rules given above. The namespace URI for the alt-text array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the alt-text array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The name of the generic language as an RFC 3066 primary subtag. May be null or the empty string if no generic language is wanted. The name of the specific language as an RFC 3066 tag. Must not be null or the empty string. Returns an containing the value, the actual language and the options if an appropriate alternate collection item exists, null if the property. does not exist. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. Modifies the value of a selected item in an alt-text array. Creates an appropriate array item if necessary, and handles special cases for the x-default item. If the selected item is from a match with the specific language, the value of that item is modified. If the existing value of that item matches the existing value of the x-default item, the x-default item is also modified. If the array only has 1 existing item (which is not x-default), an x-default item is added with the given value. If the selected item is from a match with the generic language and there are no other generic matches, the value of that item is modified. If the existing value of that item matches the existing value of the x-default item, the x-default item is also modified. If the array only has 1 existing item (which is not x-default), an x-default item is added with the given value. If the selected item is from a partial match with the generic language and there are other partial matches, a new item is created for the specific language. The x-default item is not modified. If the selected item is from the last 2 rules then a new item is created for the specific language. If the array only had an x-default item, the x-default item is also modified. If the array was empty, items are created for the specific language and x-default. The namespace URI for the alt-text array. Has the same usage as in . The name of the alt-text array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in . The name of the generic language as an RFC 3066 primary subtag. May be null or the empty string if no generic language is wanted. The name of the specific language as an RFC 3066 tag. Must not be null or the empty string. A pointer to the null terminated UTF-8 string that is the new value for the appropriate array item. Option flags, none are defined at present. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the alt-text array The name of the alt-text array The name of the generic language The name of the specific language the new value for the appropriate array item Wraps all errors and exceptions These are very similar to and above, but the value is returned or provided in a literal form instead of as a UTF-8 string. The path composition functions in may be used to compose an path expression for fields in nested structures, items in arrays, or qualifiers. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a bool value or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns an int value or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a long value or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a double value or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a IXmpDateTime object or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a Calendar-object or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a byte[]-array contained the decoded base64 value or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property. Note that there is no setPropertyString()z, because sets a string value. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . Returns a string value or null if the property does not exist. Wraps all exceptions that may occur, especially conversion errors. Convenience method to set a property to a literal boolean value. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the literal property value as boolean. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the literal property value as boolean Wraps all exceptions Convenience method to set a property to a literal int value. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the literal property value as int. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the literal property value as int Wraps all exceptions Convenience method to set a property to a literal long value. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the literal property value as long. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the literal property value as long Wraps all exceptions Convenience method to set a property to a literal double value. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the literal property value as double. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the literal property value as double Wraps all exceptions Convenience method to set a property with an XMPDateTime-object, which is serialized to an ISO8601 date. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in. The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the property value as XMPDateTime. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the property value as XMPDateTime Wraps all exceptions Convenience method to set a property with a Calendar-object, which is serialized to an ISO8601 date. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the property value as Calendar. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the property value as Calendar Wraps all exceptions Convenience method to set a property from a binary byte[]-array, which is serialized as base64-string. The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in . The name of the property. Has the same usage as in . the literal property value as byte array. options of the property to set (optional). Wraps all exceptions that may occur. The namespace URI for the property The name of the property the literal property value as byte array Wraps all exceptions Constructs an enumerable for the properties within this XMP object. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. This correlates to the about-attribute, returns the empty String if no name is set. Returns the name of the XMP object. Sets the name of the XMP object. Returns the unparsed content of the <?xpacket> processing instruction. This contains normally the attribute-like elements 'begin="<BOM>" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"' and possibly the deprecated elements 'bytes="1234"' or 'encoding="XXX"'. If the parsed packet has not been wrapped into an xpacket, null is returned. Sorts the complete datamodel according to the following rules: Schema nodes are sorted by prefix. Properties at top level and within structs are sorted by full name, that is prefix + local name. Array items are not sorted, even if they have no certain order such as bags. Qualifier are sorted, with the exception of "xml:lang" and/or "rdf:type" that stay at the top of the list in that order. Perform the normalization as a separate parsing step. Normally it is done during parsing, unless is set to true. Note: It does no harm to call this method to an already normalized xmp object. It was a PDF/A requirement to get hand on the unnormalized XMPMeta object. optional parsing options. Wraps all errors and exceptions that may occur. Renders this node and the tree under this node in a human readable form. Returns a multiline string containing the dump. Models a a text property together with its language and options. Stefan Makswit 23.01.2006 Returns the value of the property. Returns the options of the property. Only set by . Returns the language of the alt-text item. Models a property together with its path and namespace. Instances of this type are are iterated via . Stefan Makswit 06.07.2006 Returns the namespace of the property Returns the path of the property, but only if returned by the iterator. The schema registry keeps track of all namespaces and aliases used in the XMP metadata. At initialisation time, the default namespaces and default aliases are automatically registered. Namespaces must be registered before used in namespace URI parameters or path expressions. Within the XMP Toolkit the registered namespace URIs and prefixes must be unique. Additional namespaces encountered when parsing RDF are automatically registered. The namespace URI should always end in an XML name separator such as '/' or '#'. This is because some forms of RDF shorthand catenate a namespace URI with an element name to form a new URI. Aliases in XMP serve the same purpose as Windows file shortcuts, Macintosh file aliases, or UNIX file symbolic links. The aliases are simply multiple names for the same property. One distinction of XMP aliases is that they are ordered, there is an alias name pointing to an actual name. The primary significance of the actual name is that it is the preferred name for output, generally the most widely recognized name. The names that can be aliased in XMP are restricted. The alias must be a top level property name, not a field within a structure or an element within an array. The actual may be a top level property name, the first element within a top level array, or the default element in an alt-text array. This does not mean the alias can only be a simple property. It is OK to alias a top level structure or array to an identical top level structure or array, or to the first item of an array of structures. Stefan Makswit 27.01.2006 Register a namespace URI with a suggested prefix. It is not an error if the URI is already registered, no matter what the prefix is. If the URI is not registered but the suggested prefix is in use, a unique prefix is created from the suggested one. The actual registered prefix is always returned. The function result tells if the registered prefix is the suggested one. Note: No checking is presently done on either the URI or the prefix. The URI for the namespace. Must be a valid XML URI. The suggested prefix to be used if the URI is not yet registered. Must be a valid XML name. Returns the registered prefix for this URI, is equal to the suggestedPrefix if the namespace hasn't been registered before, otherwise the existing prefix. If the parameters are not accordingly set Obtain the prefix for a registered namespace URI. It is not an error if the namespace URI is not registered. The URI for the namespace. Must not be null or the empty string. Returns the prefix registered for this namespace URI or null. Obtain the URI for a registered namespace prefix. It is not an error if the namespace prefix is not registered. The prefix for the namespace. Must not be null or the empty string. Returns the URI registered for this prefix or null. Returns the registered prefix/namespace-pairs as map, where the keys are the namespaces and the values are the prefixes. Returns the registered namespace/prefix-pairs as map, where the keys are the prefixes and the values are the namespaces. Deletes a namespace from the registry. Does nothing if the URI is not registered, or if the namespaceURI parameter is null or the empty string. Note: Not yet implemented. The URI for the namespace. Determines if a name is an alias, and what it is aliased to. The namespace URI of the alias. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the alias. May be an arbitrary path expression path, must not be null or the empty string. Returns the XMPAliasInfo for the given alias namespace and property or null if there is no such alias. Collects all aliases that are contained in the provided namespace. Collects all aliases that are contained in the provided namespace. If nothing is found, an empty array is returned. a schema namespace URI Returns all alias infos from aliases that are contained in the provided namespace. Searches for registered aliases. an XML conform qname Returns if an alias definition for the given qname to another schema and property is registered. Returns the registered aliases as map, where the key is the "qname" (prefix and name) and the value an XMPAliasInfo-object. XMP Toolkit Version Information. Version information for the XMP toolkit is available at runtime via . Stefan Makswit 23.01.2006 Returns the primary release number, the "1" in version "1.2.3". Returns the secondary release number, the "2" in version "1.2.3". Returns the tertiary release number, the "3" in version "1.2.3". Returns a rolling build number, monotonically increasing in a release. Returns true if this is a debug build. Returns a comprehensive version information string. Options for XMPSchemaRegistryImpl#registerAlias. Stefan Makswit 20.02.2006 This is a direct mapping. This is a direct mapping. The actual data type does not matter. The actual is an unordered array, the alias is to the first element of the array. The actual is an ordered array, the alias is to the first element of the array. The actual is an alternate array, the alias is to the first element of the array. The actual is an alternate text array, the alias is to the 'x-default' element of the array. the options to init with If options are not consistant Returns if the alias is of the simple form. Returns a object If the options are not consistant. Options for XMPIterator construction. Stefan Makswit 24.01.2006 Just do the immediate children of the root, default is subtree. Just do the leaf nodes, default is all nodes in the subtree. Just do the leaf nodes, default is all nodes in the subtree. Bugfix #2658965: If this option is set the Iterator returns the namespace of the leaf instead of the namespace of the base property. Return just the leaf part of the path, default is the full path. Omit all qualifiers. The base class for a collection of 32 flag bits. The base class for a collection of 32 flag bits. Individual flags are defined as enum value bit masks. Inheriting classes add convenience accessor methods. Stefan Makswit 24.01.2006 the internal int containing all options a map containing the bit names The default constructor. Constructor with the options bit mask. the options bit mask If the options are not correct Resets the options. an option bitmask Returns true, if this object is equal to the given options. an option bitmask Returns true, if this object contains all given options. an option bitmask Returns true, if this object contain at least one of the given options. the binary bit or bits that are requested Returns if all of the requested bits are set or not. the binary bit or bits that shall be set to the given value the boolean value to set Is friendly to access it during the tests. Returns the options. The options to set. If the options are not correct Creates a human readable string from the set options. Note: This method is quite expensive and should only be used within tests or as Returns a string listing all options that are set to true by their name, like "option1 | option4". Returns the options as hex bitmask. To be implemented by inheritants. Returns a bit mask where all valid option bits are set. To be implemented by inheritants. a single, valid option bit. Returns a human readable name for an option bit. The inheriting option class can do additional checks on the options. The inheriting option class can do additional checks on the options. Note: For performance reasons this method is only called when setting bitmasks directly. When get- and set-methods are used, this method must be called manually, normally only when the Options-object has been created from a client (it has to be made public therefore). the bitmask to check. Thrown if the options are not consistent. Checks options before they are set. First it is checked if only defined options are used, second the additional -method is called. the options to check Thrown if the options are invalid. Looks up or asks the inherited class for the name of an option bit. Looks up or asks the inherited class for the name of an option bit. Its save that there is only one valid option handed into the method. a single option bit Returns the option name or undefined. Returns the optionNames map and creates it if required. Options for . Stefan Makswit 24.01.2006 Require a surrounding "x:xmpmeta" element in the xml-document. Do not reconcile alias differences, throw an exception instead. Convert ASCII control characters 0x01 - 0x1F (except tab, cr, and lf) to spaces. If the input is not unicode, try to parse it as ISO-8859-1. Do not carry run the XMPNormalizer on a packet, leave it as it is. Disallow DOCTYPE declarations to prevent entity expansion attacks. Map of nodes whose children are to be limited. Sets the options to the default values. Returns true if some XMP nodes have been limited. the Map with name of nodes and number-of-items to limit them to Returns the instance to call more set-methods. Returns map containing names oF XMP nodes to limit and number-of-items limit corresponding to the XMP nodes. The property flags are used when properties are fetched from the XMPMeta-object and provide more detailed information about the property. Stefan Makswit 03.07.2006 may be used in the future Default constructor Initialization constructor the initialization options If the options are not valid Get and set whether the property value is a URI. It is serialized to RDF using the rdf:resource attribute. Not mandatory for URIs, but considered RDF-savvy. Return whether the property has qualifiers. These could be an xml:lang attribute, an rdf:type property, or a general qualifier. See the introductory discussion of qualified properties for more information. Return whether this property is a qualifier for some other property. Note that if the qualifier itself has a structured value, this flag is only set for the top node of the qualifier's subtree. Qualifiers may have arbitrary structure, and may even have qualifiers. Return whether this property has an xml:lang qualifier. Return whether this property has an rdf:type qualifier. Return whether this property contains nested fields. Return whether this property is an array. By itself this indicates a general unordered array. It is serialized using an rdf:Bag container. Return whether this property is an ordered array. Appears in conjunction with getPropValueIsArray(). It is serialized using an rdf:Seq container. Return whether this property is an alternative array. Appears in conjunction with getPropValueIsArray(). It is serialized using an rdf:Alt container. Return whether this property is an alt-text array. Appears in conjunction with getPropArrayIsAlternate(). It is serialized using an rdf:Alt container. Each array element is a simple property with an xml:lang attribute. Return whether this property is an array with a limit on number-of-elements. the limit to set on number-of-elements Returns this to enable cascaded options. Returns the current limit on number-of-elements Returns whether the SCHEMA_NODE option is set. Returns whether the property is of composite type - an array or a struct. Returns whether the property is of composite type - an array or a struct. Compares two options set for array compatibility. other options Returns true if the array options of the sets are equal. Merges the set options of a another options object with this. Merges the set options of a another options object with this. If the other options set is null, this objects stays the same. other options If illegal options are provided Returns true if only array options are set. Checks that a node not a struct and array at the same time; and URI cannot be a struct. the bitmask to check. Thrown if the options are not consistent. Options for . /// Stefan Makswit 24.01.2006 Bit indicating little endian encoding, unset is big endian Bit indication UTF16 encoding. UTF8 encoding; this is the default Default constructor. Constructor using initial options the initial options Thrown if options are not consistent. Omit the XML packet wrapper. Omit the <x:xmpmeta> tag. Mark packet as read-only. Default is a writeable packet. Use a compact form of RDF. Use a compact form of RDF. The compact form is the default serialization format (this flag is technically ignored). To serialize to the canonical form, set the flag USE_CANONICAL_FORMAT. If both flags "compact" and "canonical" are set, canonical is used. Use the canonical form of RDF if set. By default the compact form is used. Serialize as "Plain XMP", not RDF. Include a padding allowance for a thumbnail image. Include a padding allowance for a thumbnail image. If no xmp:Thumbnails property is present, the typical space for a JPEG thumbnail is used. The padding parameter provides the overall packet length. The padding parameter provides the overall packet length. The actual amount of padding is computed. An exception is thrown if the packet exceeds this length with no padding. Sort the struct properties and qualifier before serializing UTF16BE encoding UTF16LE encoding The number of levels of indentation to be used for the outermost XML element in the serialized RDF. The number of levels of indentation to be used for the outermost XML element in the serialized RDF. This is convenient when embedding the RDF in other text, defaults to 0. The string to be used for each level of indentation in the serialized RDF. The string to be used for each level of indentation in the serialized RDF. If empty it defaults to two ASCII spaces, U+0020. The string to be used as a line terminator. The string to be used as a line terminator. If empty it defaults to; linefeed, U+000A, the standard XML newline. The amount of padding to be added if a writeable XML packet is created. The amount of padding to be added if a writeable XML packet is created. If zero is passed (the default) an appropriate amount of padding is computed. Returns the text encoding to use. Returns clone of this SerializeOptions-object with the same options set. Options for . Stefan Makswit 24.01.2006 Default constructor. Constructor using initial options the initial options Thrown if options are not consistent. Returns clone of this TemplateOptions-object with the same options set. http://grepcode.com/file_/repository.grepcode.com/java/root/jdk/openjdk/6-b14/java/io/PushbackReader.java/?v=source Stefan Makswit The XML namespace for XML. The XML namespace for RDF. The XML namespace for the Dublin Core schema. The XML namespace for the IPTC Core schema. The XML namespace for the IPTC Extension schema. The XML namespace for the DICOM medical schema. The XML namespace for the PLUS (Picture Licensing Universal System, http://www.useplus.org) The XML namespace Adobe XMP Metadata. The XML namespace for the XMP "basic" schema. The XML namespace for the XMP copyright schema. The XML namespace for the XMP digital asset management schema. The XML namespace for the job management schema. The XML namespace for the job management schema. The XML namespace for the PDF schema. The XML namespace for the PDF schema. The XML namespace for the Photoshop custom schema. The XML namespace for the Photoshop Album schema. The XML namespace for Adobe's EXIF schema. NS for the CIPA XMP for Exif document v1.1 The XML namespace for Adobe's TIFF schema. BExt Schema RIFF Info Schema Transform XMP Adobe Flash SWF Adobe Creative Cloud Video legacy Dublin Core NS, will be converted to NS_DC The XML namespace for qualifiers of the xmp:Identifier property. The XML namespace for fields of the Dimensions type. The XML namespace for fields of a graphical image. The XML namespace for fields of a graphical image. Used for the Thumbnail type. The XML namespace for fields of the ResourceEvent type. The XML namespace for fields of the ResourceRef type. The XML namespace for fields of the Version type. The XML namespace for fields of the JobRef type. The canonical true string value for Booleans in serialized XMP. The canonical true string value for Booleans in serialized XMP. Code that converts from the string to a bool should be case insensitive, and even allow "1". The canonical false string value for Booleans in serialized XMP. The canonical false string value for Booleans in serialized XMP. Code that converts from the string to a bool should be case insensitive, and even allow "0". Index that has the meaning to be always the last item in an array. Node name of an array item. The x-default string for localized properties xml:lang qualifier rdf:li syntaxTerm Does not appear in the original Java version. Added because of its usage in ParseRdf.cs and XmpNode.cs when string-comparing for array items. rdf:type qualifier Processing Instruction (PI) for xmp packet XMP meta tag version new XMP meta tag version old A factory to create instances from a or an ISO 8601 string or for the current time. Stefan Makswit 16.02.2006 Creates an from a -object. a -object. An -object. Creates an empty -object. Returns an -object. Creates an -object from initial values. years months from 1 to 12 (Remember that the month in is defined from 0 to 11) days Returns an -object. Creates an -object from initial values. years months from 1 to 12 (Remember that the month in is defined from 0 to 11) days hours minutes seconds nanoseconds Returns an -object. Creates an from an ISO 8601 string. The ISO 8601 string representation of the date/time. An -object. When the ISO 8601 string is non-conform Obtain the current date and time. Returns The returned time is UTC, properly adjusted for the local time zone. The resolution of the time is not guaranteed to be finer than seconds. Make sure a time is local. Make sure a time is local. If the time zone is not the local zone, the time is adjusted and the time zone set to be local. the variable containing the time to be modified. Returns an updated -object. Stefan Makswit This code is introduced by Java. This exception wraps all errors that occur in the XMP Toolkit. Stefan Makswit 16.02.2006 Gets the error code of the XMP toolkit. Constructs an exception with a message and an error code. the message the error code Constructs an exception with a message, an error code and an inner exception. the error message. the error code the exception source Parses and serialises instances. Stefan Makswit 30.01.2006 Returns the singleton instance of the . Returns an empty instance. These functions support parsing serialized RDF into an XMP object, and serializing an XMP object into RDF. These functions support parsing serialized RDF into an XMP object, and serializing an XMP object into RDF. The input for parsing may be any valid Unicode encoding. ISO Latin-1 is also recognized, but its use is strongly discouraged. Serialization is always as UTF-8. parseFromBuffer() parses RDF from an Stream. The encoding is recognized automatically. an Stream Options controlling the parsing. The available options are: XMP_REQUIRE_XMPMETA - The <x:xmpmeta> XML element is required around <rdf:RDF>. XMP_STRICT_ALIASING - Do not reconcile alias differences, throw an exception. Note: The XMP_STRICT_ALIASING option is not yet implemented. Returns the XMPMeta-object created from the input. If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails. Creates an XMPMeta-object from a string. a String contain an XMP-file. Options controlling the parsing. Returns the XMPMeta-object created from the input. If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails. Creates an XMPMeta-object from a byte-buffer. a String contain an XMP-file. Options controlling the parsing. Returns the XMPMeta-object created from the input. If the file is not well-formed XML or if the parsing fails. Serializes an XMPMeta-object as RDF into an OutputStream. a metadata object Options to control the serialization (see ). an OutputStream to write the serialized RDF to. on serialization errors. Serializes an XMPMeta-object as RDF into a byte buffer. a metadata object Options to control the serialization (see ). Returns a byte buffer containing the serialized RDF. on serialization errors. Serializes an XMPMeta-object as RDF into a string. Serializes an XMPMeta-object as RDF into a string. Note: Encoding is ignored when serializing to a string. a metadata object Options to control the serialization (see ). Returns a string containing the serialized RDF. on serialization errors. Asserts that xmp is compatible to XMPMetaImpl.s Resets the schema registry to its original state (creates a new one). Resets the schema registry to its original state (creates a new one). Be careful this might break all existing XMPMeta-objects and should be used only for testing purposes. Obtain version information. Utility services for the metadata object. It has only public static functions, you cannot create an object. These are all functions that layer cleanly on top of the core XMP toolkit. These functions provide support for composing path expressions to deeply nested properties. The functions XMPMeta such as GetProperty(), getArrayItem() and getStructField() provide easy access to top level simple properties, items in top level arrays, and fields of top level structs. They do not provide convenient access to more complex things like fields several levels deep in a complex struct, or fields within an array of structs, or items of an array that is a field of a struct. These functions can also be used to compose paths to top level array items or struct fields so that you can use the binary accessors like getPropertyAsInteger(). You can use these functions is to compose a complete path expression, or all but the last component. Suppose you have a property that is an array of integers within a struct. You can access one of the array items like this: string path = XmpPathFactory.ComposeStructFieldPath(schemaNS, "Struct", fieldNS, "Array"); string path += XmpPathFactory.ComposeArrayItemPath(schemaNS, "Array", index); PropertyInteger result = xmpObj.GetPropertyAsInteger(schemaNS, path); You could also use this code if you want the string form of the integer: String path = XmpPathFactory.ComposeStructFieldPath (schemaNS, "Struct", fieldNS, "Array"); PropertyText xmpObj.GetArrayItem (schemaNS, path, index); Note: It might look confusing that the schemaNS is passed in all of the calls above. This is because the XMP toolkit keeps the top level "schema" namespace separate from the rest of the path expression. Note: These methods are much simpler than in the C++-API, they don't check the given path or array indices. Stefan Makswit 25.01.2006 Compose the path expression for an item in an array. The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. 0 and below means last array item and renders as [last()]. Returns the composed path basing on fullPath. This will be of the form ns:arrayName[i], where "ns" is the prefix for schemaNS and "i" is the decimal representation of itemIndex. Throws exception if index zero is used. Compose the path expression for a field in a struct. The namespace URI for the field. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the field. Must be a simple XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Returns the composed path. This will be of the form ns:structName/fNS:fieldName, where "ns" is the prefix for schemaNS and "fNS" is the prefix for fieldNS. Thrown if the path to create is not valid. Compose the path expression for a qualifier. The namespace URI for the qualifier. May be null or the empty string if the qualifier is in the XML empty namespace. The name of the qualifier. Must be a simple XML name, must not be null or the empty string. Returns the composed path. This will be of the form ns:propName/?qNS:qualName, where "ns" is the prefix for schemaNS and "qNS" is the prefix for qualNS. Thrown if the path to create is not valid. Compose the path expression to select an alternate item by language. The path syntax allows two forms of "content addressing" that may be used to select an item in an array of alternatives. The form used in ComposeLangSelector lets you select an item in an alt-text array based on the value of its xml:lang qualifier. The other form of content addressing is shown in ComposeFieldSelector. \note ComposeLangSelector does not supplant SetLocalizedText or GetLocalizedText. They should generally be used, as they provide extra logic to choose the appropriate language and maintain consistency with the 'x-default' value. ComposeLangSelector gives you an path expression that is explicitly and only for the language given in the langName parameter. The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. The RFC 3066 code for the desired language. Returns the composed path. This will be of the form ns:arrayName[@xml:lang='langName'], where "ns" is the prefix for schemaNS. Compose the path expression to select an alternate item by a field's value. The path syntax allows two forms of "content addressing" that may be used to select an item in an array of alternatives. The form used in ComposeFieldSelector lets you select an item in an array of structs based on the value of one of the fields in the structs. The other form of content addressing is shown in ComposeLangSelector. For example, consider a simple struct that has two fields, the name of a city and the URI of an FTP site in that city. Use this to create an array of download alternatives. You can show the user a popup built from the values of the city fields. You can then get the corresponding URI as follows: String path = composeFieldSelector ( schemaNS, "Downloads", fieldNS, "City", chosenCity ); XMPProperty prop = xmpObj.getStructField ( schemaNS, path, fieldNS, "URI" ); The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. The namespace URI for the field used as the selector. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the field used as the selector. Must be a simple XML name, must not be null or the empty string. It must be the name of a field that is itself simple. The desired value of the field. Returns the composed path. This will be of the form ns:arrayName[fNS:fieldName='fieldValue'], where "ns" is the prefix for schemaNS and "fNS" is the prefix for fieldNS. Thrown if the path to create is not valid. ParameterAsserts that a qualifier namespace is set. a qualifier namespace Qualifier schema is null or empty ParameterAsserts that a qualifier name is set. a qualifier name or path Qualifier name is null or empty ParameterAsserts that a struct field namespace is set. a struct field namespace Struct field schema is null or empty ParameterAsserts that a struct field name is set. a struct field name or path Struct field name is null or empty Utility methods for XMP. Stefan Makswit 21.02.2006 Create a single edit string from an array of strings. The XMP object containing the array to be catenated. The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must be a simple string value. The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated string. Defaults to "; ", ASCII semicolon and space (U+003B, U+0020). The characters to be used as quotes around array items that contain a separator. Defaults to '"' Option flag to control the catenation. Returns the string containing the catenated array items. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Separate a single edit string into an array of strings. The XMP object containing the array to be updated. The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or the empty string. The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must be a simple string value. The string to be separated into the array items. Option flags to control the separation. Flag if commas shall be preserved Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Remove multiple properties from an XMP object. Remove multiple properties from an XMP object. RemoveProperties was created to support the File Info dialog's Delete button, and has been been generalized somewhat from those specific needs. It operates in one of three main modes depending on the schemaNS and propName parameters: Non-empty schemaNS and propName - The named property is removed if it is an external property, or if the flag doAllProperties option is true. It does not matter whether the named property is an actual property or an alias. Non-empty schemaNS and empty propName - The all external properties in the named schema are removed. Internal properties are also removed if the flag doAllProperties option is set. In addition, aliases from the named schema will be removed if the flag includeAliases option is set. Empty schemaNS and empty propName - All external properties in all schema are removed. Internal properties are also removed if the flag doAllProperties option is passed. Aliases are implicitly handled because the associated actuals are internal if the alias is. It is an error to pass an empty schemaNS and non-empty propName. The XMP object containing the properties to be removed. Optional schema namespace URI for the properties to be removed. Optional path expression for the property to be removed. Option flag to control the deletion: do internal properties in addition to external properties. Option flag to control the deletion: Include aliases in the "named schema" case above. Note: Currently not supported. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Append properties from one XMP object to another. Append properties from one XMP object to another. XMPUtils#appendProperties was created to support the File Info dialog's Append button, and has been been generalized somewhat from those specific needs. It appends information from one XMP object (source) to another (dest). The default operation is to append only external properties that do not already exist in the destination. The flag doAllProperties can be used to operate on all properties, external and internal. The flag replaceOldValues option can be used to replace the values of existing properties. The notion of external versus internal applies only to top level properties. The keep-or-replace-old notion applies within structs and arrays as described below. If replaceOldValues is true then the processing is restricted to the top level properties. The processed properties from the source (according to doAllProperties) are propagated to the destination, replacing any existing values.Properties in the destination that are not in the source are left alone. If replaceOldValues is not passed then the processing is more complicated. Top level properties are added to the destination if they do not already exist. If they do exist but differ in form (simple/struct/array) then the destination is left alone. If the forms match, simple properties are left unchanged while structs and arrays are merged. If deleteEmptyValues is passed then an empty value in the source XMP causes the corresponding destination XMP property to be deleted. The default is to treat empty values the same as non-empty values. An empty value is any of a simple empty string, an array with no items, or a struct with no fields. Qualifiers are ignored. The detailed behavior is defined by the following pseudo-code: appendProperties ( sourceXMP, destXMP, doAllProperties, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues ): for all source schema (top level namespaces): for all top level properties in sourceSchema: if doAllProperties or prop is external: appendSubtree ( sourceNode, destSchema, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues ) appendSubtree ( sourceNode, destParent, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues ): if deleteEmptyValues and source value is empty: delete the corresponding child from destParent else if sourceNode not in destParent (by name): copy sourceNode's subtree to destParent else if replaceOld: delete subtree from destParent copy sourceNode's subtree to destParent else: // Already exists in dest and not replacing, merge structs and arrays if sourceNode and destNode forms differ: return, leave the destNode alone else if form is a struct: for each field in sourceNode: AppendSubtree ( sourceNode.field, destNode, replaceOldValues ) else if form is an alt-text array: copy new items by "xml:lang" value into the destination else if form is an array: copy new items by value into the destination, ignoring order and duplicates Note: appendProperties can be expensive if replaceOldValues is not passed and the XMP contains large arrays. The array item checking described above is n-squared. Each source item is checked to see if it already exists in the destination, without regard to order or duplicates. Simple items are compared by value and "xml:lang" qualifier, other qualifiers are ignored. Structs are recursively compared by field names, without regard to field order. Arrays are compared by recursively comparing all items. The source XMP object. The destination XMP object. Do internal properties in addition to external properties. Replace the values of existing properties. Delete destination values if source property is empty. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Convert from string to Boolean. The string representation of the Boolean. The appropriate boolean value for the string. The checked values for true and false are: and "t" and "f" "on" and "off" "yes" and "no" "value <> 0" and "value == 0" If an empty string is passed. Convert from boolean to string. a boolean value The XMP string representation of the boolean. The values used are given by the constants and . Converts a string value to an int. the string value Returns an int. If the rawValue is null or empty or the conversion fails. Convert from int to string. an int value The string representation of the int. Converts a string value to a long. the string value Returns a long. If the rawValue is null or empty or the conversion fails. Convert from long to string. a long value The string representation of the long. Converts a string value to a double. the string value Returns a double. If the rawValue is null or empty or the conversion fails. Convert from long to string. a long value The string representation of the long. Converts a string value to an XMPDateTime. the string value Returns an XMPDateTime-object. If the rawValue is null or empty or the conversion fails. Convert from XMPDateTime to string. an XMPDateTime The string representation of the long. Convert from a byte array to a base64 encoded string. the byte array to be converted Returns the base64 string. Decode from Base64 encoded string to raw data. a base64 encoded string Returns a byte array containing the decoded string. Thrown if the given string is not property base64 encoded Creates XMP serializations appropriate for a JPEG file. The standard XMP in a JPEG file is limited to 64K bytes. This function serializes the XMP metadata in an XMP object into a string of RDF . If the data does not fit into the 64K byte limit, it creates a second packet string with the extended data. The XMP object containing the metadata. A string builder object in which to return the full standard XMP packet. A string builder object in which to return the serialized extended XMP, empty if not needed. A string builder object in which to return an MD5 digest of the serialized extended XMP, empty if not needed. @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if fail to find algorithm for MD5 Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Merges standard and extended XMP retrieved from a JPEG file. When an extended partition stores properties that do not fit into the JPEG file limitation of 64K bytes, this function integrates those properties back into the same XMP object with those from the standard XMP packet. An XMP object which the caller has initialized from the standard XMP packet in a JPEG file. The extended XMP is added to this object. An XMP object which the caller has initialized from the extended XMP packet in a JPEG file. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Modifies a working XMP object according to a template object. The XMP template can be used to add, replace or delete properties from the working XMP object. The actions that you specify determine how the template is applied.Each action can be applied individually or combined; if you do not specify any actions, the properties and values in the working XMP object do not change. These actions are available: Clear CLEAR_UNNAMED_PROPERTIES : Deletes top-level properties.Any top-level property that is present in the template(even with empty value) is retained.All other top-level properties in the working object are deleted Add ADD_NEW_PROPERTIES: Adds new properties to the working object if the template properties have values.See additional detail below. Replace REPLACE_EXISTING_PROPERTIES: Replaces the values of existing top-level properties in the working XMP if the value forms match those in the template. Properties with empty values in the template are ignored. If combined with Clear or Add actions, those take precedence; values are cleared or added, rather than replaced. Replace/Delete empty REPLACE_WITH_DELETE_EMPTY: Replaces values in the same way as the simple Replace action, and also deletes properties if the value in the template is empty.If combined with Clear or Add actions, those take precedence; values are cleared or added, rather than replaced. Include internal INCLUDE_INTERNAL_PROPERTIES: Performs specified action on internal properties as well as external properties. By default, internal properties are ignored for all actions. The Add behavior depends on the type of property: If a top-level property is not in the working XMP, and has a value in the template, the property and value are added.Empty properties are not added. If a property is in both the working XMP and template, the value forms must match, otherwise the template is ignored for that property. If a struct is present in both the working XMP and template, the individual fields of the template struct are added as appropriate; that is, the logic is recursively applied to the fields.Struct values are equivalent if they have the same fields with equivalent values. If an array is present in both the working XMP and template, items from the template are added if the value forms match. Array values match if they have sets of equivalent items, regardless of order. Alt-text arrays use the \c xml:lang qualifier as a key, adding languages that are missing. Array item checking is n-squared; this can be time-intensive if the Replace option is not specified.Each source item is checked to see if it already exists in the destination, without regard to order or duplicates. Simple items are compared by value and xml:lang qualifier; other qualifiers are ignored.Structs are recursively compared by field names, without regard to field order.Arrays are compared by recursively comparing all items. The destination XMP object. The template to apply to the destination XMP object. Option flags to control the copying. If none are specified, the properties and values in the working XMP do not change. A logical OR of these bit-flag constants: CLEAR_UNNAMED_PROPERTIES Delete anything that is not in the template ADD_NEW_PROPERTIES Add properties; see detailed description. REPLACE_EXISTING_PROPERTIES Replace the values of existing properties. REPLACE_WITH_DELETE_EMPTY Replace the values of existing properties and delete properties if the new value is empty. INCLUDE_INTERNAL_PROPERTIES Operate on internal properties as well as external properties. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Replicate a subtree from one XMP object into another, possibly at a different location. The source XMP object. The destination XMP object. The schema namespace URI for the source subtree. The root location for the source subtree. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. The schema namespace URI for the destination. Defaults to the source namespace. The root location for the destination. May be a general path expression. Defaults to the source location. Option flags to control the separation. (For now, this argument is ignored. 0 should be passed. Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing Compression level. Represents the compressed stream writer Type of the block.