(function (b) { var a = function (e) { var c = b.Deferred(), d = new FileReader(); d.onload = function (f) { c.resolve(f.target.result) }; d.onerror = c.reject; d.onprogress = c.notify; d.readAsDataURL(e); return c.promise() }; b.fn.cleanHtml = function () { var c = b(this).html(); return c && c.replace(/(

<\/div>| )*$/, "") }; b.fn.wysiwyg = function (k) { var l = this, h, q, d, p = function () { if (q.activeToolbarClass) { b(q.toolbarSelector).find(d).each(function () { try { var s = b(this).data(q.commandRole); if (document.queryCommandState(s)) { b(this).addClass(q.activeToolbarClass) } else { b(this).removeClass(q.activeToolbarClass) } } catch (r) { } }) } }, o = function (r, s) { var u = r.split(" "), v = u.shift(), t = u.join(" ") + (s || ""); document.execCommand(v, 0, t); p() }, f = function (r) { b.each(r, function (s, t) { l.keydown(s, function (u) { if (l.attr("contenteditable") && l.is(":visible")) { u.preventDefault(); u.stopPropagation(); o(t) } }).keyup(s, function (u) { if (l.attr("contenteditable") && l.is(":visible")) { u.preventDefault(); u.stopPropagation() } }) }) }, g = function () { try { var r = window.getSelection(); if (r.getRangeAt && r.rangeCount) { return r.getRangeAt(0) } } catch (s) { } }, i = function () { h = g() }, e = function () { try { var s = window.getSelection(); if (h) { try { s.removeAllRanges() } catch (r) { document.body.createTextRange().select(); document.selection.empty() } s.addRange(h) } } catch (t) { } }, j = function (r) { l.focus(); b.each(r, function (s, t) { if (/^image\//.test(t.type)) { b.when(a(t)).done(function (u) { o("insertimage", u) }).fail(function (u) { q.fileUploadError("file-reader", u) }) } else { q.fileUploadError("unsupported-file-type", t.type) } }) }, c = function (s, r) { e(); if (document.queryCommandSupported("hiliteColor")) { document.execCommand("hiliteColor", 0, r || "transparent") } i(); s.data(q.selectionMarker, r) }, m = function (s, r) { s.find(d).click(function () { e(); l.focus(); o(b(this).data(r.commandRole)); i() }); s.find("[data-toggle=dropdown]").click(e); s.find("input[type=text][data-" + r.commandRole + "]").on("webkitspeechchange change", function () { var t = this.value; this.value = ""; e(); if (t) { l.focus(); o(b(this).data(r.commandRole), t) } i() }).on("focus", function () { var t = b(this); if (!t.data(r.selectionMarker)) { c(t, r.selectionColor); t.focus() } }).on("blur", function () { var t = b(this); if (t.data(r.selectionMarker)) { c(t, false) } }); s.find("input[type=file][data-" + r.commandRole + "]").change(function () { e(); if (this.type === "file" && this.files && this.files.length > 0) { j(this.files) } i(); this.value = "" }) }, n = function () { l.on("dragenter dragover", false).on("drop", function (s) { var r = s.originalEvent.dataTransfer; s.stopPropagation(); s.preventDefault(); if (r && r.files && r.files.length > 0) { j(r.files) } }) }; q = b.extend({}, b.fn.wysiwyg.defaults, k); d = "a[data-" + q.commandRole + "],button[data-" + q.commandRole + "],input[type=button][data-" + q.commandRole + "]"; f(q.hotKeys); if (q.dragAndDropImages) { n() } m(b(q.toolbarSelector), q); l.attr("contenteditable", true).on("mouseup keyup mouseout", function () { i(); p() }); b(window).bind("touchend", function (u) { var t = (l.is(u.target) || l.has(u.target).length > 0), s = g(), r = s && (s.startContainer === s.endContainer && s.startOffset === s.endOffset); if (!r || t) { i(); p() } }); return this }; b.fn.wysiwyg.defaults = { hotKeys: { "ctrl+b meta+b": "bold", "ctrl+i meta+i": "italic", "ctrl+u meta+u": "underline", "ctrl+z meta+z": "undo", "ctrl+y meta+y meta+shift+z": "redo", "ctrl+l meta+l": "justifyleft", "ctrl+r meta+r": "justifyright", "ctrl+e meta+e": "justifycenter", "ctrl+j meta+j": "justifyfull", "shift+tab": "outdent", tab: "indent" }, toolbarSelector: "[data-role=editor-toolbar]", commandRole: "edit", activeToolbarClass: "btn-info", selectionMarker: "edit-focus-marker", selectionColor: "darkgrey", dragAndDropImages: true, fileUploadError: function (d, c) { console.log("File upload error", d, c) } } } (window.jQuery)); jQuery(function($){ function showErrorAlert (reason, detail) { var msg=''; if (reason==='unsupported-file-type') { msg = "Unsupported format " +detail; } else { console.log("error uploading file", reason, detail); } $('
'+ 'File upload error '+msg+'
').prependTo('#alerts'); } //$('#editor1').ace_wysiwyg();//this will create the default editor will all buttons //but we want to change a few buttons colors for the third style $('#editor1').ace_wysiwyg({ toolbar: [ 'font', null, 'fontSize', null, {name:'bold', className:'btn-info'}, {name:'italic', className:'btn-info'}, {name:'strikethrough', className:'btn-info'}, {name:'underline', className:'btn-info'}, null, {name:'insertunorderedlist', className:'btn-success'}, {name:'insertorderedlist', className:'btn-success'}, {name:'outdent', className:'btn-purple'}, {name:'indent', className:'btn-purple'}, null, {name:'justifyleft', className:'btn-primary'}, {name:'justifycenter', className:'btn-primary'}, {name:'justifyright', className:'btn-primary'}, {name:'justifyfull', className:'btn-inverse'}, null, {name:'createLink', className:'btn-pink'}, {name:'unlink', className:'btn-pink'}, null, {name:'insertImage', className:'btn-success'}, null, 'foreColor', null, {name:'undo', className:'btn-grey'}, {name:'redo', className:'btn-grey'} ], 'wysiwyg': { fileUploadError: showErrorAlert } }).prev().addClass('wysiwyg-style1'); //Add Image Resize Functionality to Chrome and Safari //webkit browsers don't have image resize functionality when content is editable //so let's add something using jQuery UI resizable //another option would be opening a dialog for user to enter dimensions. if ( typeof jQuery.ui !== 'undefined' && /applewebkit/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ) { var lastResizableImg = null; function destroyResizable() { if(lastResizableImg == null) return; lastResizableImg.resizable( "destroy" ); lastResizableImg.removeData('resizable'); lastResizableImg = null; } var enableImageResize = function() { $('.wysiwyg-editor') .on('mousedown', function(e) { var target = $(e.target); if( e.target instanceof HTMLImageElement ) { if( !target.data('resizable') ) { target.resizable({ aspectRatio: e.target.width / e.target.height, }); target.data('resizable', true); if( lastResizableImg != null ) {//disable previous resizable image lastResizableImg.resizable( "destroy" ); lastResizableImg.removeData('resizable'); } lastResizableImg = target; } } }) .on('click', function(e) { if( lastResizableImg != null && !(e.target instanceof HTMLImageElement) ) { destroyResizable(); } }) .on('keydown', function() { destroyResizable(); }); } enableImageResize(); /** //or we can load the jQuery UI dynamically only if needed if (typeof jQuery.ui !== 'undefined') enableImageResize(); else {//load jQuery UI if not loaded $.getScript($path_assets+"/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js", function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) { if('ontouchend' in document) {//also load touch-punch for touch devices $.getScript($path_assets+"/js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js", function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) { enableImageResize(); }); } else enableImageResize(); }); } */ } });