/** * @license Highcharts JS v5.0.9 (2017-03-08) * Highstock as a plugin for Highcharts * * (c) 2017 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ 'use strict'; (function(factory) { if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory; } else { factory(Highcharts); } }(function(Highcharts) { (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var addEvent = H.addEvent, Axis = H.Axis, Chart = H.Chart, css = H.css, dateFormat = H.dateFormat, defined = H.defined, each = H.each, extend = H.extend, noop = H.noop, Series = H.Series, timeUnits = H.timeUnits, wrap = H.wrap; /* **************************************************************************** * Start ordinal axis logic * *****************************************************************************/ wrap(Series.prototype, 'init', function(proceed) { var series = this, xAxis; // call the original function proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); xAxis = series.xAxis; // Destroy the extended ordinal index on updated data if (xAxis && xAxis.options.ordinal) { addEvent(series, 'updatedData', function() { delete xAxis.ordinalIndex; }); } }); /** * In an ordinal axis, there might be areas with dense consentrations of points, then large * gaps between some. Creating equally distributed ticks over this entire range * may lead to a huge number of ticks that will later be removed. So instead, break the * positions up in segments, find the tick positions for each segment then concatenize them. * This method is used from both data grouping logic and X axis tick position logic. */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getTimeTicks', function(proceed, normalizedInterval, min, max, startOfWeek, positions, closestDistance, findHigherRanks) { var start = 0, end, segmentPositions, higherRanks = {}, hasCrossedHigherRank, info, posLength, outsideMax, groupPositions = [], lastGroupPosition = -Number.MAX_VALUE, tickPixelIntervalOption = this.options.tickPixelInterval; // The positions are not always defined, for example for ordinal positions when data // has regular interval (#1557, #2090) if ((!this.options.ordinal && !this.options.breaks) || !positions || positions.length < 3 || min === undefined) { return proceed.call(this, normalizedInterval, min, max, startOfWeek); } // Analyze the positions array to split it into segments on gaps larger than 5 times // the closest distance. The closest distance is already found at this point, so // we reuse that instead of computing it again. posLength = positions.length; for (end = 0; end < posLength; end++) { outsideMax = end && positions[end - 1] > max; if (positions[end] < min) { // Set the last position before min start = end; } if (end === posLength - 1 || positions[end + 1] - positions[end] > closestDistance * 5 || outsideMax) { // For each segment, calculate the tick positions from the getTimeTicks utility // function. The interval will be the same regardless of how long the segment is. if (positions[end] > lastGroupPosition) { // #1475 segmentPositions = proceed.call(this, normalizedInterval, positions[start], positions[end], startOfWeek); // Prevent duplicate groups, for example for multiple segments within one larger time frame (#1475) while (segmentPositions.length && segmentPositions[0] <= lastGroupPosition) { segmentPositions.shift(); } if (segmentPositions.length) { lastGroupPosition = segmentPositions[segmentPositions.length - 1]; } groupPositions = groupPositions.concat(segmentPositions); } // Set start of next segment start = end + 1; } if (outsideMax) { break; } } // Get the grouping info from the last of the segments. The info is the same for // all segments. info = segmentPositions.info; // Optionally identify ticks with higher rank, for example when the ticks // have crossed midnight. if (findHigherRanks && info.unitRange <= timeUnits.hour) { end = groupPositions.length - 1; // Compare points two by two for (start = 1; start < end; start++) { if (dateFormat('%d', groupPositions[start]) !== dateFormat('%d', groupPositions[start - 1])) { higherRanks[groupPositions[start]] = 'day'; hasCrossedHigherRank = true; } } // If the complete array has crossed midnight, we want to mark the first // positions also as higher rank if (hasCrossedHigherRank) { higherRanks[groupPositions[0]] = 'day'; } info.higherRanks = higherRanks; } // Save the info groupPositions.info = info; // Don't show ticks within a gap in the ordinal axis, where the space between // two points is greater than a portion of the tick pixel interval if (findHigherRanks && defined(tickPixelIntervalOption)) { // check for squashed ticks var length = groupPositions.length, i = length, itemToRemove, translated, translatedArr = [], lastTranslated, medianDistance, distance, distances = []; // Find median pixel distance in order to keep a reasonably even distance between // ticks (#748) while (i--) { translated = this.translate(groupPositions[i]); if (lastTranslated) { distances[i] = lastTranslated - translated; } translatedArr[i] = lastTranslated = translated; } distances.sort(); medianDistance = distances[Math.floor(distances.length / 2)]; if (medianDistance < tickPixelIntervalOption * 0.6) { medianDistance = null; } // Now loop over again and remove ticks where needed i = groupPositions[length - 1] > max ? length - 1 : length; // #817 lastTranslated = undefined; while (i--) { translated = translatedArr[i]; distance = Math.abs(lastTranslated - translated); // #4175 - when axis is reversed, the distance, is negative but // tickPixelIntervalOption positive, so we need to compare the same values // Remove ticks that are closer than 0.6 times the pixel interval from the one to the right, // but not if it is close to the median distance (#748). if (lastTranslated && distance < tickPixelIntervalOption * 0.8 && (medianDistance === null || distance < medianDistance * 0.8)) { // Is this a higher ranked position with a normal position to the right? if (higherRanks[groupPositions[i]] && !higherRanks[groupPositions[i + 1]]) { // Yes: remove the lower ranked neighbour to the right itemToRemove = i + 1; lastTranslated = translated; // #709 } else { // No: remove this one itemToRemove = i; } groupPositions.splice(itemToRemove, 1); } else { lastTranslated = translated; } } } return groupPositions; }); // Extend the Axis prototype extend(Axis.prototype, /** @lends Axis.prototype */ { /** * Calculate the ordinal positions before tick positions are calculated. */ beforeSetTickPositions: function() { var axis = this, len, ordinalPositions = [], useOrdinal = false, dist, extremes = axis.getExtremes(), min = extremes.min, max = extremes.max, minIndex, maxIndex, slope, hasBreaks = axis.isXAxis && !!axis.options.breaks, isOrdinal = axis.options.ordinal, ignoreHiddenSeries = axis.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, i; // apply the ordinal logic if (isOrdinal || hasBreaks) { // #4167 YAxis is never ordinal ? each(axis.series, function(series, i) { if ((!ignoreHiddenSeries || series.visible !== false) && (series.takeOrdinalPosition !== false || hasBreaks)) { // concatenate the processed X data into the existing positions, or the empty array ordinalPositions = ordinalPositions.concat(series.processedXData); len = ordinalPositions.length; // remove duplicates (#1588) ordinalPositions.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; // without a custom function it is sorted as strings }); if (len) { i = len - 1; while (i--) { if (ordinalPositions[i] === ordinalPositions[i + 1]) { ordinalPositions.splice(i, 1); } } } } }); // cache the length len = ordinalPositions.length; // Check if we really need the overhead of mapping axis data against the ordinal positions. // If the series consist of evenly spaced data any way, we don't need any ordinal logic. if (len > 2) { // two points have equal distance by default dist = ordinalPositions[1] - ordinalPositions[0]; i = len - 1; while (i-- && !useOrdinal) { if (ordinalPositions[i + 1] - ordinalPositions[i] !== dist) { useOrdinal = true; } } // When zooming in on a week, prevent axis padding for weekends even though the data within // the week is evenly spaced. if (!axis.options.keepOrdinalPadding && (ordinalPositions[0] - min > dist || max - ordinalPositions[ordinalPositions.length - 1] > dist)) { useOrdinal = true; } } // Record the slope and offset to compute the linear values from the array index. // Since the ordinal positions may exceed the current range, get the start and // end positions within it (#719, #665b) if (useOrdinal) { // Register axis.ordinalPositions = ordinalPositions; // This relies on the ordinalPositions being set. Use Math.max // and Math.min to prevent padding on either sides of the data. minIndex = axis.ordinal2lin( // #5979 Math.max( min, ordinalPositions[0] ), true ); maxIndex = Math.max(axis.ordinal2lin( Math.min( max, ordinalPositions[ordinalPositions.length - 1] ), true ), 1); // #3339 // Set the slope and offset of the values compared to the indices in the ordinal positions axis.ordinalSlope = slope = (max - min) / (maxIndex - minIndex); axis.ordinalOffset = min - (minIndex * slope); } else { axis.ordinalPositions = axis.ordinalSlope = axis.ordinalOffset = undefined; } } axis.isOrdinal = isOrdinal && useOrdinal; // #3818, #4196, #4926 axis.groupIntervalFactor = null; // reset for next run }, /** * Translate from a linear axis value to the corresponding ordinal axis position. If there * are no gaps in the ordinal axis this will be the same. The translated value is the value * that the point would have if the axis were linear, using the same min and max. * * @param Number val The axis value * @param Boolean toIndex Whether to return the index in the ordinalPositions or the new value */ val2lin: function(val, toIndex) { var axis = this, ordinalPositions = axis.ordinalPositions, ret; if (!ordinalPositions) { ret = val; } else { var ordinalLength = ordinalPositions.length, i, distance, ordinalIndex; // first look for an exact match in the ordinalpositions array i = ordinalLength; while (i--) { if (ordinalPositions[i] === val) { ordinalIndex = i; break; } } // if that failed, find the intermediate position between the two nearest values i = ordinalLength - 1; while (i--) { if (val > ordinalPositions[i] || i === 0) { // interpolate distance = (val - ordinalPositions[i]) / (ordinalPositions[i + 1] - ordinalPositions[i]); // something between 0 and 1 ordinalIndex = i + distance; break; } } ret = toIndex ? ordinalIndex : axis.ordinalSlope * (ordinalIndex || 0) + axis.ordinalOffset; } return ret; }, /** * Translate from linear (internal) to axis value * * @param Number val The linear abstracted value * @param Boolean fromIndex Translate from an index in the ordinal positions rather than a value */ lin2val: function(val, fromIndex) { var axis = this, ordinalPositions = axis.ordinalPositions, ret; if (!ordinalPositions) { // the visible range contains only equally spaced values ret = val; } else { var ordinalSlope = axis.ordinalSlope, ordinalOffset = axis.ordinalOffset, i = ordinalPositions.length - 1, linearEquivalentLeft, linearEquivalentRight, distance; // Handle the case where we translate from the index directly, used only // when panning an ordinal axis if (fromIndex) { if (val < 0) { // out of range, in effect panning to the left val = ordinalPositions[0]; } else if (val > i) { // out of range, panning to the right val = ordinalPositions[i]; } else { // split it up i = Math.floor(val); distance = val - i; // the decimal } // Loop down along the ordinal positions. When the linear equivalent of i matches // an ordinal position, interpolate between the left and right values. } else { while (i--) { linearEquivalentLeft = (ordinalSlope * i) + ordinalOffset; if (val >= linearEquivalentLeft) { linearEquivalentRight = (ordinalSlope * (i + 1)) + ordinalOffset; distance = (val - linearEquivalentLeft) / (linearEquivalentRight - linearEquivalentLeft); // something between 0 and 1 break; } } } // If the index is within the range of the ordinal positions, return the associated // or interpolated value. If not, just return the value return distance !== undefined && ordinalPositions[i] !== undefined ? ordinalPositions[i] + (distance ? distance * (ordinalPositions[i + 1] - ordinalPositions[i]) : 0) : val; } return ret; }, /** * Get the ordinal positions for the entire data set. This is necessary in chart panning * because we need to find out what points or data groups are available outside the * visible range. When a panning operation starts, if an index for the given grouping * does not exists, it is created and cached. This index is deleted on updated data, so * it will be regenerated the next time a panning operation starts. */ getExtendedPositions: function() { var axis = this, chart = axis.chart, grouping = axis.series[0].currentDataGrouping, ordinalIndex = axis.ordinalIndex, key = grouping ? grouping.count + grouping.unitName : 'raw', extremes = axis.getExtremes(), fakeAxis, fakeSeries; // If this is the first time, or the ordinal index is deleted by updatedData, // create it. if (!ordinalIndex) { ordinalIndex = axis.ordinalIndex = {}; } if (!ordinalIndex[key]) { // Create a fake axis object where the extended ordinal positions are emulated fakeAxis = { series: [], chart: chart, getExtremes: function() { return { min: extremes.dataMin, max: extremes.dataMax }; }, options: { ordinal: true }, val2lin: Axis.prototype.val2lin, // #2590 ordinal2lin: Axis.prototype.ordinal2lin // #6276 }; // Add the fake series to hold the full data, then apply processData to it each(axis.series, function(series) { fakeSeries = { xAxis: fakeAxis, xData: series.xData, chart: chart, destroyGroupedData: noop }; fakeSeries.options = { dataGrouping: grouping ? { enabled: true, forced: true, approximation: 'open', // doesn't matter which, use the fastest units: [ [grouping.unitName, [grouping.count]] ] } : { enabled: false } }; series.processData.apply(fakeSeries); fakeAxis.series.push(fakeSeries); }); // Run beforeSetTickPositions to compute the ordinalPositions axis.beforeSetTickPositions.apply(fakeAxis); // Cache it ordinalIndex[key] = fakeAxis.ordinalPositions; } return ordinalIndex[key]; }, /** * Find the factor to estimate how wide the plot area would have been if ordinal * gaps were included. This value is used to compute an imagined plot width in order * to establish the data grouping interval. * * A real world case is the intraday-candlestick * example. Without this logic, it would show the correct data grouping when viewing * a range within each day, but once moving the range to include the gap between two * days, the interval would include the cut-away night hours and the data grouping * would be wrong. So the below method tries to compensate by identifying the most * common point interval, in this case days. * * An opposite case is presented in issue #718. We have a long array of daily data, * then one point is appended one hour after the last point. We expect the data grouping * not to change. * * In the future, if we find cases where this estimation doesn't work optimally, we * might need to add a second pass to the data grouping logic, where we do another run * with a greater interval if the number of data groups is more than a certain fraction * of the desired group count. */ getGroupIntervalFactor: function(xMin, xMax, series) { var i, processedXData = series.processedXData, len = processedXData.length, distances = [], median, groupIntervalFactor = this.groupIntervalFactor; // Only do this computation for the first series, let the other inherit it (#2416) if (!groupIntervalFactor) { // Register all the distances in an array for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { distances[i] = processedXData[i + 1] - processedXData[i]; } // Sort them and find the median distances.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); median = distances[Math.floor(len / 2)]; // Compensate for series that don't extend through the entire axis extent. #1675. xMin = Math.max(xMin, processedXData[0]); xMax = Math.min(xMax, processedXData[len - 1]); this.groupIntervalFactor = groupIntervalFactor = (len * median) / (xMax - xMin); } // Return the factor needed for data grouping return groupIntervalFactor; }, /** * Make the tick intervals closer because the ordinal gaps make the ticks spread out or cluster */ postProcessTickInterval: function(tickInterval) { // Problem: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/FQm4E/1/ // This is a case where this algorithm doesn't work optimally. In this case, the // tick labels are spread out per week, but all the gaps reside within weeks. So // we have a situation where the labels are courser than the ordinal gaps, and // thus the tick interval should not be altered var ordinalSlope = this.ordinalSlope, ret; if (ordinalSlope) { if (!this.options.breaks) { ret = tickInterval / (ordinalSlope / this.closestPointRange); } else { ret = this.closestPointRange; } } else { ret = tickInterval; } return ret; } }); // Record this to prevent overwriting by broken-axis module (#5979) Axis.prototype.ordinal2lin = Axis.prototype.val2lin; // Extending the Chart.pan method for ordinal axes wrap(Chart.prototype, 'pan', function(proceed, e) { var chart = this, xAxis = chart.xAxis[0], chartX = e.chartX, runBase = false; if (xAxis.options.ordinal && xAxis.series.length) { var mouseDownX = chart.mouseDownX, extremes = xAxis.getExtremes(), dataMax = extremes.dataMax, min = extremes.min, max = extremes.max, trimmedRange, hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoints, closestPointRange = xAxis.closestPointRange, pointPixelWidth = xAxis.translationSlope * (xAxis.ordinalSlope || closestPointRange), movedUnits = (mouseDownX - chartX) / pointPixelWidth, // how many ordinal units did we move? extendedAxis = { ordinalPositions: xAxis.getExtendedPositions() }, // get index of all the chart's points ordinalPositions, searchAxisLeft, lin2val = xAxis.lin2val, val2lin = xAxis.val2lin, searchAxisRight; if (!extendedAxis.ordinalPositions) { // we have an ordinal axis, but the data is equally spaced runBase = true; } else if (Math.abs(movedUnits) > 1) { // Remove active points for shared tooltip if (hoverPoints) { each(hoverPoints, function(point) { point.setState(); }); } if (movedUnits < 0) { searchAxisLeft = extendedAxis; searchAxisRight = xAxis.ordinalPositions ? xAxis : extendedAxis; } else { searchAxisLeft = xAxis.ordinalPositions ? xAxis : extendedAxis; searchAxisRight = extendedAxis; } // In grouped data series, the last ordinal position represents the grouped data, which is // to the left of the real data max. If we don't compensate for this, we will be allowed // to pan grouped data series passed the right of the plot area. ordinalPositions = searchAxisRight.ordinalPositions; if (dataMax > ordinalPositions[ordinalPositions.length - 1]) { ordinalPositions.push(dataMax); } // Get the new min and max values by getting the ordinal index for the current extreme, // then add the moved units and translate back to values. This happens on the // extended ordinal positions if the new position is out of range, else it happens // on the current x axis which is smaller and faster. chart.fixedRange = max - min; trimmedRange = xAxis.toFixedRange(null, null, lin2val.apply(searchAxisLeft, [ val2lin.apply(searchAxisLeft, [min, true]) + movedUnits, // the new index true // translate from index ]), lin2val.apply(searchAxisRight, [ val2lin.apply(searchAxisRight, [max, true]) + movedUnits, // the new index true // translate from index ]) ); // Apply it if it is within the available data range if (trimmedRange.min >= Math.min(extremes.dataMin, min) && trimmedRange.max <= Math.max(dataMax, max)) { xAxis.setExtremes(trimmedRange.min, trimmedRange.max, true, false, { trigger: 'pan' }); } chart.mouseDownX = chartX; // set new reference for next run css(chart.container, { cursor: 'move' }); } } else { runBase = true; } // revert to the linear chart.pan version if (runBase) { // call the original function proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } }); /** * Extend getGraphPath by identifying gaps in the ordinal data so that we can draw a gap in the * line or area */ Series.prototype.gappedPath = function() { var gapSize = this.options.gapSize, points = this.points.slice(), i = points.length - 1; if (gapSize && i > 0) { // #5008 // extension for ordinal breaks while (i--) { if (points[i + 1].x - points[i].x > this.closestPointRange * gapSize) { points.splice( // insert after this one i + 1, 0, { isNull: true } ); } } } // Call base method //return proceed.call(this, points, a, b); return this.getGraphPath(points); }; /* **************************************************************************** * End ordinal axis logic * *****************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2009-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var pick = H.pick, wrap = H.wrap, each = H.each, extend = H.extend, isArray = H.isArray, fireEvent = H.fireEvent, Axis = H.Axis, Series = H.Series; function stripArguments() { return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); } extend(Axis.prototype, { isInBreak: function(brk, val) { var ret, repeat = brk.repeat || Infinity, from = brk.from, length = brk.to - brk.from, test = (val >= from ? (val - from) % repeat : repeat - ((from - val) % repeat)); if (!brk.inclusive) { ret = test < length && test !== 0; } else { ret = test <= length; } return ret; }, isInAnyBreak: function(val, testKeep) { var breaks = this.options.breaks, i = breaks && breaks.length, inbrk, keep, ret; if (i) { while (i--) { if (this.isInBreak(breaks[i], val)) { inbrk = true; if (!keep) { keep = pick(breaks[i].showPoints, this.isXAxis ? false : true); } } } if (inbrk && testKeep) { ret = inbrk && !keep; } else { ret = inbrk; } } return ret; } }); wrap(Axis.prototype, 'setTickPositions', function(proceed) { proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (this.options.breaks) { var axis = this, tickPositions = this.tickPositions, info = this.tickPositions.info, newPositions = [], i; for (i = 0; i < tickPositions.length; i++) { if (!axis.isInAnyBreak(tickPositions[i])) { newPositions.push(tickPositions[i]); } } this.tickPositions = newPositions; this.tickPositions.info = info; } }); wrap(Axis.prototype, 'init', function(proceed, chart, userOptions) { var axis = this, breaks; // Force Axis to be not-ordinal when breaks are defined if (userOptions.breaks && userOptions.breaks.length) { userOptions.ordinal = false; } proceed.call(this, chart, userOptions); breaks = this.options.breaks; axis.isBroken = (isArray(breaks) && !!breaks.length); if (axis.isBroken) { axis.val2lin = function(val) { var nval = val, brk, i; for (i = 0; i < axis.breakArray.length; i++) { brk = axis.breakArray[i]; if (brk.to <= val) { nval -= brk.len; } else if (brk.from >= val) { break; } else if (axis.isInBreak(brk, val)) { nval -= (val - brk.from); break; } } return nval; }; axis.lin2val = function(val) { var nval = val, brk, i; for (i = 0; i < axis.breakArray.length; i++) { brk = axis.breakArray[i]; if (brk.from >= nval) { break; } else if (brk.to < nval) { nval += brk.len; } else if (axis.isInBreak(brk, nval)) { nval += brk.len; } } return nval; }; axis.setExtremes = function(newMin, newMax, redraw, animation, eventArguments) { // If trying to set extremes inside a break, extend it to before and after the break ( #3857 ) while (this.isInAnyBreak(newMin)) { newMin -= this.closestPointRange; } while (this.isInAnyBreak(newMax)) { newMax -= this.closestPointRange; } Axis.prototype.setExtremes.call(this, newMin, newMax, redraw, animation, eventArguments); }; axis.setAxisTranslation = function(saveOld) { Axis.prototype.setAxisTranslation.call(this, saveOld); var breaks = axis.options.breaks, breakArrayT = [], // Temporary one breakArray = [], length = 0, inBrk, repeat, brk, min = axis.userMin || axis.min, max = axis.userMax || axis.max, pointRangePadding = pick(axis.pointRangePadding, 0), start, i, j; // Min & max check (#4247) for (i in breaks) { brk = breaks[i]; repeat = brk.repeat || Infinity; if (axis.isInBreak(brk, min)) { min += (brk.to % repeat) - (min % repeat); } if (axis.isInBreak(brk, max)) { max -= (max % repeat) - (brk.from % repeat); } } // Construct an array holding all breaks in the axis for (i in breaks) { brk = breaks[i]; start = brk.from; repeat = brk.repeat || Infinity; while (start - repeat > min) { start -= repeat; } while (start < min) { start += repeat; } for (j = start; j < max; j += repeat) { breakArrayT.push({ value: j, move: 'in' }); breakArrayT.push({ value: j + (brk.to - brk.from), move: 'out', size: brk.breakSize }); } } breakArrayT.sort(function(a, b) { var ret; if (a.value === b.value) { ret = (a.move === 'in' ? 0 : 1) - (b.move === 'in' ? 0 : 1); } else { ret = a.value - b.value; } return ret; }); // Simplify the breaks inBrk = 0; start = min; for (i in breakArrayT) { brk = breakArrayT[i]; inBrk += (brk.move === 'in' ? 1 : -1); if (inBrk === 1 && brk.move === 'in') { start = brk.value; } if (inBrk === 0) { breakArray.push({ from: start, to: brk.value, len: brk.value - start - (brk.size || 0) }); length += brk.value - start - (brk.size || 0); } } axis.breakArray = breakArray; // Used with staticScale, and below, the actual axis length when // breaks are substracted. axis.unitLength = max - min - length + pointRangePadding; fireEvent(axis, 'afterBreaks'); if (axis.options.staticScale) { axis.transA = axis.options.staticScale; } else { axis.transA *= (max - axis.min + pointRangePadding) / axis.unitLength; } if (pointRangePadding) { axis.minPixelPadding = axis.transA * axis.minPointOffset; } axis.min = min; axis.max = max; }; } }); wrap(Series.prototype, 'generatePoints', function(proceed) { proceed.apply(this, stripArguments(arguments)); var series = this, xAxis = series.xAxis, yAxis = series.yAxis, points = series.points, point, i = points.length, connectNulls = series.options.connectNulls, nullGap; if (xAxis && yAxis && (xAxis.options.breaks || yAxis.options.breaks)) { while (i--) { point = points[i]; nullGap = point.y === null && connectNulls === false; // respect nulls inside the break (#4275) if (!nullGap && (xAxis.isInAnyBreak(point.x, true) || yAxis.isInAnyBreak(point.y, true))) { points.splice(i, 1); if (this.data[i]) { this.data[i].destroyElements(); // removes the graphics for this point if they exist } } } } }); function drawPointsWrapped(proceed) { proceed.apply(this); this.drawBreaks(this.xAxis, ['x']); this.drawBreaks(this.yAxis, pick(this.pointArrayMap, ['y'])); } H.Series.prototype.drawBreaks = function(axis, keys) { var series = this, points = series.points, breaks, threshold, eventName, y; if (!axis) { return; // #5950 } each(keys, function(key) { breaks = axis.breakArray || []; threshold = axis.isXAxis ? axis.min : pick(series.options.threshold, axis.min); each(points, function(point) { y = pick(point['stack' + key.toUpperCase()], point[key]); each(breaks, function(brk) { eventName = false; if ((threshold < brk.from && y > brk.to) || (threshold > brk.from && y < brk.from)) { eventName = 'pointBreak'; } else if ((threshold < brk.from && y > brk.from && y < brk.to) || (threshold > brk.from && y > brk.to && y < brk.from)) { // point falls inside the break eventName = 'pointInBreak'; } if (eventName) { fireEvent(axis, eventName, { point: point, brk: brk }); } }); }); }); }; wrap(H.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'drawPoints', drawPointsWrapped); wrap(H.Series.prototype, 'drawPoints', drawPointsWrapped); }(Highcharts)); (function() { }()); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var arrayMax = H.arrayMax, arrayMin = H.arrayMin, Axis = H.Axis, defaultPlotOptions = H.defaultPlotOptions, defined = H.defined, each = H.each, extend = H.extend, format = H.format, isNumber = H.isNumber, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick, Point = H.Point, Series = H.Series, Tooltip = H.Tooltip, wrap = H.wrap; /* **************************************************************************** * Start data grouping module * ******************************************************************************/ var seriesProto = Series.prototype, baseProcessData = seriesProto.processData, baseGeneratePoints = seriesProto.generatePoints, baseDestroy = seriesProto.destroy, commonOptions = { approximation: 'average', // average, open, high, low, close, sum //enabled: null, // (true for stock charts, false for basic), //forced: undefined, groupPixelWidth: 2, // the first one is the point or start value, the second is the start value if we're dealing with range, // the third one is the end value if dealing with a range dateTimeLabelFormats: { millisecond: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L', '-%H:%M:%S.%L'], second: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S', '-%H:%M:%S'], minute: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '-%H:%M'], hour: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '-%H:%M'], day: ['%A, %b %e, %Y', '%A, %b %e', '-%A, %b %e, %Y'], week: ['Week from %A, %b %e, %Y', '%A, %b %e', '-%A, %b %e, %Y'], month: ['%B %Y', '%B', '-%B %Y'], year: ['%Y', '%Y', '-%Y'] } // smoothed = false, // enable this for navigator series only }, specificOptions = { // extends common options line: {}, spline: {}, area: {}, areaspline: {}, column: { approximation: 'sum', groupPixelWidth: 10 }, arearange: { approximation: 'range' }, areasplinerange: { approximation: 'range' }, columnrange: { approximation: 'range', groupPixelWidth: 10 }, candlestick: { approximation: 'ohlc', groupPixelWidth: 10 }, ohlc: { approximation: 'ohlc', groupPixelWidth: 5 } }, // units are defined in a separate array to allow complete overriding in case of a user option defaultDataGroupingUnits = H.defaultDataGroupingUnits = [ [ 'millisecond', // unit name [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500] // allowed multiples ], [ 'second', [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30] ], [ 'minute', [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30] ], [ 'hour', [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12] ], [ 'day', [1] ], [ 'week', [1] ], [ 'month', [1, 3, 6] ], [ 'year', null ] ], /** * Define the available approximation types. The data grouping approximations takes an array * or numbers as the first parameter. In case of ohlc, four arrays are sent in as four parameters. * Each array consists only of numbers. In case null values belong to the group, the property * .hasNulls will be set to true on the array. */ approximations = { sum: function(arr) { var len = arr.length, ret; // 1. it consists of nulls exclusively if (!len && arr.hasNulls) { ret = null; // 2. it has a length and real values } else if (len) { ret = 0; while (len--) { ret += arr[len]; } } // 3. it has zero length, so just return undefined // => doNothing() return ret; }, average: function(arr) { var len = arr.length, ret = approximations.sum(arr); // If we have a number, return it divided by the length. If not, return // null or undefined based on what the sum method finds. if (isNumber(ret) && len) { ret = ret / len; } return ret; }, open: function(arr) { return arr.length ? arr[0] : (arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined); }, high: function(arr) { return arr.length ? arrayMax(arr) : (arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined); }, low: function(arr) { return arr.length ? arrayMin(arr) : (arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined); }, close: function(arr) { return arr.length ? arr[arr.length - 1] : (arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined); }, // ohlc and range are special cases where a multidimensional array is input and an array is output ohlc: function(open, high, low, close) { open = approximations.open(open); high = approximations.high(high); low = approximations.low(low); close = approximations.close(close); if (isNumber(open) || isNumber(high) || isNumber(low) || isNumber(close)) { return [open, high, low, close]; } // else, return is undefined }, range: function(low, high) { low = approximations.low(low); high = approximations.high(high); if (isNumber(low) || isNumber(high)) { return [low, high]; } // else, return is undefined } }; /** * Takes parallel arrays of x and y data and groups the data into intervals defined by groupPositions, a collection * of starting x values for each group. */ seriesProto.groupData = function(xData, yData, groupPositions, approximation) { var series = this, data = series.data, dataOptions = series.options.data, groupedXData = [], groupedYData = [], groupMap = [], dataLength = xData.length, pointX, pointY, groupedY, handleYData = !!yData, // when grouping the fake extended axis for panning, we don't need to consider y values = [ [], [], [], [] ], approximationFn = typeof approximation === 'function' ? approximation : approximations[approximation], pointArrayMap = series.pointArrayMap, pointArrayMapLength = pointArrayMap && pointArrayMap.length, i, pos = 0, start = 0; // Start with the first point within the X axis range (#2696) for (i = 0; i <= dataLength; i++) { if (xData[i] >= groupPositions[0]) { break; } } for (i; i <= dataLength; i++) { // when a new group is entered, summarize and initiate the previous group while ((groupPositions[pos + 1] !== undefined && xData[i] >= groupPositions[pos + 1]) || i === dataLength) { // get the last group // get group x and y pointX = groupPositions[pos]; series.dataGroupInfo = { start: start, length: values[0].length }; groupedY = approximationFn.apply(series, values); // push the grouped data if (groupedY !== undefined) { groupedXData.push(pointX); groupedYData.push(groupedY); groupMap.push(series.dataGroupInfo); } // reset the aggregate arrays start = i; values[0] = []; values[1] = []; values[2] = []; values[3] = []; // Advance on the group positions pos += 1; // don't loop beyond the last group if (i === dataLength) { break; } } // break out if (i === dataLength) { break; } // for each raw data point, push it to an array that contains all values for this specific group if (pointArrayMap) { var index = series.cropStart + i, point = (data && data[index]) || series.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply({ series: series }, [dataOptions[index]]), j, val; for (j = 0; j < pointArrayMapLength; j++) { val = point[pointArrayMap[j]]; if (isNumber(val)) { values[j].push(val); } else if (val === null) { values[j].hasNulls = true; } } } else { pointY = handleYData ? yData[i] : null; if (isNumber(pointY)) { values[0].push(pointY); } else if (pointY === null) { values[0].hasNulls = true; } } } return [groupedXData, groupedYData, groupMap]; }; /** * Extend the basic processData method, that crops the data to the current zoom * range, with data grouping logic. */ seriesProto.processData = function() { var series = this, chart = series.chart, options = series.options, dataGroupingOptions = options.dataGrouping, groupingEnabled = series.allowDG !== false && dataGroupingOptions && pick(dataGroupingOptions.enabled, chart.options.isStock), visible = series.visible || !chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, hasGroupedData, skip; // run base method series.forceCrop = groupingEnabled; // #334 series.groupPixelWidth = null; // #2110 series.hasProcessed = true; // #2692 // skip if processData returns false or if grouping is disabled (in that order) skip = baseProcessData.apply(series, arguments) === false || !groupingEnabled; if (!skip) { series.destroyGroupedData(); var i, processedXData = series.processedXData, processedYData = series.processedYData, plotSizeX = chart.plotSizeX, xAxis = series.xAxis, ordinal = xAxis.options.ordinal, groupPixelWidth = series.groupPixelWidth = xAxis.getGroupPixelWidth && xAxis.getGroupPixelWidth(); // Execute grouping if the amount of points is greater than the limit defined in groupPixelWidth if (groupPixelWidth) { hasGroupedData = true; series.isDirty = true; // force recreation of point instances in series.translate, #5699 var extremes = xAxis.getExtremes(), xMin = extremes.min, xMax = extremes.max, groupIntervalFactor = (ordinal && xAxis.getGroupIntervalFactor(xMin, xMax, series)) || 1, interval = (groupPixelWidth * (xMax - xMin) / plotSizeX) * groupIntervalFactor, groupPositions = xAxis.getTimeTicks( xAxis.normalizeTimeTickInterval(interval, dataGroupingOptions.units || defaultDataGroupingUnits), Math.min(xMin, processedXData[0]), // Processed data may extend beyond axis (#4907) Math.max(xMax, processedXData[processedXData.length - 1]), xAxis.options.startOfWeek, processedXData, series.closestPointRange ), groupedData = seriesProto.groupData.apply(series, [processedXData, processedYData, groupPositions, dataGroupingOptions.approximation]), groupedXData = groupedData[0], groupedYData = groupedData[1]; // prevent the smoothed data to spill out left and right, and make // sure data is not shifted to the left if (dataGroupingOptions.smoothed) { i = groupedXData.length - 1; groupedXData[i] = Math.min(groupedXData[i], xMax); while (i-- && i > 0) { groupedXData[i] += interval / 2; } groupedXData[0] = Math.max(groupedXData[0], xMin); } // record what data grouping values were used series.currentDataGrouping = groupPositions.info; series.closestPointRange = groupPositions.info.totalRange; series.groupMap = groupedData[2]; // Make sure the X axis extends to show the first group (#2533) // But only for visible series (#5493, #6393) if (defined(groupedXData[0]) && groupedXData[0] < xAxis.dataMin && visible) { if (xAxis.min === xAxis.dataMin) { xAxis.min = groupedXData[0]; } xAxis.dataMin = groupedXData[0]; } // set series props series.processedXData = groupedXData; series.processedYData = groupedYData; } else { series.currentDataGrouping = series.groupMap = null; } series.hasGroupedData = hasGroupedData; } }; /** * Destroy the grouped data points. #622, #740 */ seriesProto.destroyGroupedData = function() { var groupedData = this.groupedData; // clear previous groups each(groupedData || [], function(point, i) { if (point) { groupedData[i] = point.destroy ? point.destroy() : null; } }); this.groupedData = null; }; /** * Override the generatePoints method by adding a reference to grouped data */ seriesProto.generatePoints = function() { baseGeneratePoints.apply(this); // record grouped data in order to let it be destroyed the next time processData runs this.destroyGroupedData(); // #622 this.groupedData = this.hasGroupedData ? this.points : null; }; /** * Override point prototype to throw a warning when trying to update grouped points */ wrap(Point.prototype, 'update', function(proceed) { if (this.dataGroup) { H.error(24); } else { proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); } }); /** * Extend the original method, make the tooltip's header reflect the grouped range */ wrap(Tooltip.prototype, 'tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter', function(proceed, labelConfig, isFooter) { var tooltip = this, series = labelConfig.series, options = series.options, tooltipOptions = series.tooltipOptions, dataGroupingOptions = options.dataGrouping, xDateFormat = tooltipOptions.xDateFormat, xDateFormatEnd, xAxis = series.xAxis, dateFormat = H.dateFormat, currentDataGrouping, dateTimeLabelFormats, labelFormats, formattedKey; // apply only to grouped series if (xAxis && xAxis.options.type === 'datetime' && dataGroupingOptions && isNumber(labelConfig.key)) { // set variables currentDataGrouping = series.currentDataGrouping; dateTimeLabelFormats = dataGroupingOptions.dateTimeLabelFormats; // if we have grouped data, use the grouping information to get the right format if (currentDataGrouping) { labelFormats = dateTimeLabelFormats[currentDataGrouping.unitName]; if (currentDataGrouping.count === 1) { xDateFormat = labelFormats[0]; } else { xDateFormat = labelFormats[1]; xDateFormatEnd = labelFormats[2]; } // if not grouped, and we don't have set the xDateFormat option, get the best fit, // so if the least distance between points is one minute, show it, but if the // least distance is one day, skip hours and minutes etc. } else if (!xDateFormat && dateTimeLabelFormats) { xDateFormat = tooltip.getXDateFormat(labelConfig, tooltipOptions, xAxis); } // now format the key formattedKey = dateFormat(xDateFormat, labelConfig.key); if (xDateFormatEnd) { formattedKey += dateFormat(xDateFormatEnd, labelConfig.key + currentDataGrouping.totalRange - 1); } // return the replaced format return format(tooltipOptions[(isFooter ? 'footer' : 'header') + 'Format'], { point: extend(labelConfig.point, { key: formattedKey }), series: series }); } // else, fall back to the regular formatter return proceed.call(tooltip, labelConfig, isFooter); }); /** * Extend the series destroyer */ seriesProto.destroy = function() { var series = this, groupedData = series.groupedData || [], i = groupedData.length; while (i--) { if (groupedData[i]) { groupedData[i].destroy(); } } baseDestroy.apply(series); }; // Handle default options for data grouping. This must be set at runtime because some series types are // defined after this. wrap(seriesProto, 'setOptions', function(proceed, itemOptions) { var options = proceed.call(this, itemOptions), type = this.type, plotOptions = this.chart.options.plotOptions, defaultOptions = defaultPlotOptions[type].dataGrouping; if (specificOptions[type]) { // #1284 if (!defaultOptions) { defaultOptions = merge(commonOptions, specificOptions[type]); } options.dataGrouping = merge( defaultOptions, plotOptions.series && plotOptions.series.dataGrouping, // #1228 plotOptions[type].dataGrouping, // Set by the StockChart constructor itemOptions.dataGrouping ); } if (this.chart.options.isStock) { this.requireSorting = true; } return options; }); /** * When resetting the scale reset the hasProccessed flag to avoid taking previous data grouping * of neighbour series into accound when determining group pixel width (#2692). */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'setScale', function(proceed) { proceed.call(this); each(this.series, function(series) { series.hasProcessed = false; }); }); /** * Get the data grouping pixel width based on the greatest defined individual width * of the axis' series, and if whether one of the axes need grouping. */ Axis.prototype.getGroupPixelWidth = function() { var series = this.series, len = series.length, i, groupPixelWidth = 0, doGrouping = false, dataLength, dgOptions; // If multiple series are compared on the same x axis, give them the same // group pixel width (#334) i = len; while (i--) { dgOptions = series[i].options.dataGrouping; if (dgOptions) { groupPixelWidth = Math.max(groupPixelWidth, dgOptions.groupPixelWidth); } } // If one of the series needs grouping, apply it to all (#1634) i = len; while (i--) { dgOptions = series[i].options.dataGrouping; if (dgOptions && series[i].hasProcessed) { // #2692 dataLength = (series[i].processedXData || series[i].data).length; // Execute grouping if the amount of points is greater than the limit defined in groupPixelWidth if (series[i].groupPixelWidth || dataLength > (this.chart.plotSizeX / groupPixelWidth) || (dataLength && dgOptions.forced)) { doGrouping = true; } } } return doGrouping ? groupPixelWidth : 0; }; /** * Force data grouping on all the axis' series. */ Axis.prototype.setDataGrouping = function(dataGrouping, redraw) { var i; redraw = pick(redraw, true); if (!dataGrouping) { dataGrouping = { forced: false, units: null }; } // Axis is instantiated, update all series if (this instanceof Axis) { i = this.series.length; while (i--) { this.series[i].update({ dataGrouping: dataGrouping }, false); } // Axis not yet instanciated, alter series options } else { each(this.chart.options.series, function(seriesOptions) { seriesOptions.dataGrouping = dataGrouping; }, false); } if (redraw) { this.chart.redraw(); } }; /* **************************************************************************** * End data grouping module * ******************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var each = H.each, Point = H.Point, seriesType = H.seriesType, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes; /** * The ohlc series type. * * @constructor seriesTypes.ohlc * @augments seriesTypes.column */ seriesType('ohlc', 'column', { lineWidth: 1, tooltip: { pointFormat: '\u25CF {series.name}
' + 'Open: {point.open}
' + 'High: {point.high}
' + 'Low: {point.low}
' + 'Close: {point.close}
' }, threshold: null }, /** @lends seriesTypes.ohlc */ { pointArrayMap: ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close'], // array point configs are mapped to this toYData: function(point) { // return a plain array for speedy calculation return [point.open, point.high, point.low, point.close]; }, pointValKey: 'high', /** * Translate data points from raw values x and y to plotX and plotY */ translate: function() { var series = this, yAxis = series.yAxis, hasModifyValue = !!series.modifyValue, translatedOLC = ['plotOpen', 'yBottom', 'plotClose']; seriesTypes.column.prototype.translate.apply(series); // Do the translation each(series.points, function(point) { each([point.open, point.low, point.close], function(value, i) { if (value !== null) { if (hasModifyValue) { value = series.modifyValue(value); } point[translatedOLC[i]] = yAxis.toPixels(value, true); } }); }); }, /** * Draw the data points */ drawPoints: function() { var series = this, points = series.points, chart = series.chart; each(points, function(point) { var plotOpen, plotClose, crispCorr, halfWidth, path, graphic = point.graphic, crispX, isNew = !graphic; if (point.plotY !== undefined) { // Create and/or update the graphic if (!graphic) { point.graphic = graphic = chart.renderer.path() .add(series.group); } // crisp vector coordinates crispCorr = (graphic.strokeWidth() % 2) / 2; crispX = Math.round(point.plotX) - crispCorr; // #2596 halfWidth = Math.round(point.shapeArgs.width / 2); // the vertical stem path = [ 'M', crispX, Math.round(point.yBottom), 'L', crispX, Math.round(point.plotY) ]; // open if (point.open !== null) { plotOpen = Math.round(point.plotOpen) + crispCorr; path.push( 'M', crispX, plotOpen, 'L', crispX - halfWidth, plotOpen ); } // close if (point.close !== null) { plotClose = Math.round(point.plotClose) + crispCorr; path.push( 'M', crispX, plotClose, 'L', crispX + halfWidth, plotClose ); } graphic[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({ d: path }) .addClass(point.getClassName(), true); } }); }, animate: null // Disable animation /** * @constructor seriesTypes.ohlc.prototype.pointClass * @extends {Point} */ }, /** @lends seriesTypes.ohlc.prototype.pointClass.prototype */ { /** * Extend the parent method by adding up or down to the class name. */ getClassName: function() { return Point.prototype.getClassName.call(this) + (this.open < this.close ? ' highcharts-point-up' : ' highcharts-point-down'); } }); /* **************************************************************************** * End OHLC series code * *****************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var defaultPlotOptions = H.defaultPlotOptions, each = H.each, merge = H.merge, seriesType = H.seriesType, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes; /** * The candlestick series type. * * @constructor seriesTypes.candlestick * @augments seriesTypes.ohlc */ seriesType('candlestick', 'ohlc', merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, { states: { hover: { lineWidth: 2 } }, tooltip: defaultPlotOptions.ohlc.tooltip, threshold: null }), /** @lends seriesTypes.candlestick */ { /** * Draw the data points */ drawPoints: function() { var series = this, //state = series.state, points = series.points, chart = series.chart; each(points, function(point) { var graphic = point.graphic, plotOpen, plotClose, topBox, bottomBox, hasTopWhisker, hasBottomWhisker, crispCorr, crispX, path, halfWidth, isNew = !graphic; if (point.plotY !== undefined) { if (!graphic) { point.graphic = graphic = chart.renderer.path() .add(series.group); } // Crisp vector coordinates crispCorr = (graphic.strokeWidth() % 2) / 2; crispX = Math.round(point.plotX) - crispCorr; // #2596 plotOpen = point.plotOpen; plotClose = point.plotClose; topBox = Math.min(plotOpen, plotClose); bottomBox = Math.max(plotOpen, plotClose); halfWidth = Math.round(point.shapeArgs.width / 2); hasTopWhisker = Math.round(topBox) !== Math.round(point.plotY); hasBottomWhisker = bottomBox !== point.yBottom; topBox = Math.round(topBox) + crispCorr; bottomBox = Math.round(bottomBox) + crispCorr; // Create the path. Due to a bug in Chrome 49, the path is first instanciated // with no values, then the values pushed. For unknown reasons, instanciated // the path array with all the values would lead to a crash when updating // frequently (#5193). path = []; path.push( 'M', crispX - halfWidth, bottomBox, 'L', crispX - halfWidth, topBox, 'L', crispX + halfWidth, topBox, 'L', crispX + halfWidth, bottomBox, 'Z', // Use a close statement to ensure a nice rectangle #2602 'M', crispX, topBox, 'L', crispX, hasTopWhisker ? Math.round(point.plotY) : topBox, // #460, #2094 'M', crispX, bottomBox, 'L', crispX, hasBottomWhisker ? Math.round(point.yBottom) : bottomBox // #460, #2094 ); graphic[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({ d: path }) .addClass(point.getClassName(), true); } }); } }); /* **************************************************************************** * End Candlestick series code * *****************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var addEvent = H.addEvent, each = H.each, merge = H.merge, noop = H.noop, Renderer = H.Renderer, Series = H.Series, seriesType = H.seriesType, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes, SVGRenderer = H.SVGRenderer, TrackerMixin = H.TrackerMixin, VMLRenderer = H.VMLRenderer, symbols = SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols; /** * The flags series type. * * @constructor seriesTypes.flags * @augments seriesTypes.column */ seriesType('flags', 'column', { pointRange: 0, // #673 //radius: 2, shape: 'flag', stackDistance: 12, textAlign: 'center', tooltip: { pointFormat: '{point.text}
' }, threshold: null, y: -30 }, /** @lends seriesTypes.flags.prototype */ { sorted: false, noSharedTooltip: true, allowDG: false, takeOrdinalPosition: false, // #1074 trackerGroups: ['markerGroup'], forceCrop: true, /** * Inherit the initialization from base Series. */ init: Series.prototype.init, /** * Extend the translate method by placing the point on the related series */ translate: function() { seriesTypes.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); var series = this, options = series.options, chart = series.chart, points = series.points, cursor = points.length - 1, point, lastPoint, optionsOnSeries = options.onSeries, onSeries = optionsOnSeries && chart.get(optionsOnSeries), onKey = options.onKey || 'y', step = onSeries && onSeries.options.step, onData = onSeries && onSeries.points, i = onData && onData.length, xAxis = series.xAxis, xAxisExt = xAxis.getExtremes(), xOffset = 0, leftPoint, lastX, rightPoint, currentDataGrouping; // relate to a master series if (onSeries && onSeries.visible && i) { xOffset = (onSeries.pointXOffset || 0) + (onSeries.barW || 0) / 2; currentDataGrouping = onSeries.currentDataGrouping; lastX = onData[i - 1].x + (currentDataGrouping ? currentDataGrouping.totalRange : 0); // #2374 // sort the data points points.sort(function(a, b) { return (a.x - b.x); }); onKey = 'plot' + onKey[0].toUpperCase() + onKey.substr(1); while (i-- && points[cursor]) { point = points[cursor]; leftPoint = onData[i]; if (leftPoint.x <= point.x && leftPoint[onKey] !== undefined) { if (point.x <= lastX) { // #803 point.plotY = leftPoint[onKey]; // interpolate between points, #666 if (leftPoint.x < point.x && !step) { rightPoint = onData[i + 1]; if (rightPoint && rightPoint[onKey] !== undefined) { point.plotY += ((point.x - leftPoint.x) / (rightPoint.x - leftPoint.x)) * // the distance ratio, between 0 and 1 (rightPoint[onKey] - leftPoint[onKey]); // the y distance } } } cursor--; i++; // check again for points in the same x position if (cursor < 0) { break; } } } } // Add plotY position and handle stacking each(points, function(point, i) { var stackIndex; // Undefined plotY means the point is either on axis, outside series range or hidden series. // If the series is outside the range of the x axis it should fall through with // an undefined plotY, but then we must remove the shapeArgs (#847). if (point.plotY === undefined) { if (point.x >= xAxisExt.min && point.x <= xAxisExt.max) { // we're inside xAxis range point.plotY = chart.chartHeight - xAxis.bottom - (xAxis.opposite ? xAxis.height : 0) + xAxis.offset - chart.plotTop; } else { point.shapeArgs = {}; // 847 } } point.plotX += xOffset; // #2049 // if multiple flags appear at the same x, order them into a stack lastPoint = points[i - 1]; if (lastPoint && lastPoint.plotX === point.plotX) { if (lastPoint.stackIndex === undefined) { lastPoint.stackIndex = 0; } stackIndex = lastPoint.stackIndex + 1; } point.stackIndex = stackIndex; // #3639 }); }, /** * Draw the markers */ drawPoints: function() { var series = this, points = series.points, chart = series.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, plotX, plotY, options = series.options, optionsY = options.y, shape, i, point, graphic, stackIndex, anchorX, anchorY, outsideRight, yAxis = series.yAxis; i = points.length; while (i--) { point = points[i]; outsideRight = point.plotX > series.xAxis.len; plotX = point.plotX; stackIndex = point.stackIndex; shape = point.options.shape || options.shape; plotY = point.plotY; if (plotY !== undefined) { plotY = point.plotY + optionsY - (stackIndex !== undefined && stackIndex * options.stackDistance); } anchorX = stackIndex ? undefined : point.plotX; // skip connectors for higher level stacked points anchorY = stackIndex ? undefined : point.plotY; graphic = point.graphic; // Only draw the point if y is defined and the flag is within the visible area if (plotY !== undefined && plotX >= 0 && !outsideRight) { // Create the flag if (!graphic) { graphic = point.graphic = renderer.label( '', null, null, shape, null, null, options.useHTML ) .attr({ align: shape === 'flag' ? 'left' : 'center', width: options.width, height: options.height, 'text-align': options.textAlign }) .addClass('highcharts-point') .add(series.markerGroup); } if (plotX > 0) { // #3119 plotX -= graphic.strokeWidth() % 2; // #4285 } // Plant the flag graphic.attr({ text: point.options.title || options.title || 'A', x: plotX, y: plotY, anchorX: anchorX, anchorY: anchorY }); // Set the tooltip anchor position point.tooltipPos = chart.inverted ? [yAxis.len + yAxis.pos - chart.plotLeft - plotY, series.xAxis.len - plotX] : [plotX, plotY + yAxis.pos - chart.plotTop]; // #6327 } else if (graphic) { point.graphic = graphic.destroy(); } } }, /** * Extend the column trackers with listeners to expand and contract stacks */ drawTracker: function() { var series = this, points = series.points; TrackerMixin.drawTrackerPoint.apply(this); // Bring each stacked flag up on mouse over, this allows readability of vertically // stacked elements as well as tight points on the x axis. #1924. each(points, function(point) { var graphic = point.graphic; if (graphic) { addEvent(graphic.element, 'mouseover', function() { // Raise this point if (point.stackIndex > 0 && !point.raised) { point._y = graphic.y; graphic.attr({ y: point._y - 8 }); point.raised = true; } // Revert other raised points each(points, function(otherPoint) { if (otherPoint !== point && otherPoint.raised && otherPoint.graphic) { otherPoint.graphic.attr({ y: otherPoint._y }); otherPoint.raised = false; } }); }); } }); }, animate: noop, // Disable animation buildKDTree: noop, setClip: noop }); // create the flag icon with anchor symbols.flag = function(x, y, w, h, options) { var anchorX = (options && options.anchorX) || x, anchorY = (options && options.anchorY) || y; return [ 'M', anchorX, anchorY, 'L', x, y + h, x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x, y + h, 'Z' ]; }; // create the circlepin and squarepin icons with anchor each(['circle', 'square'], function(shape) { symbols[shape + 'pin'] = function(x, y, w, h, options) { var anchorX = options && options.anchorX, anchorY = options && options.anchorY, path, labelTopOrBottomY; // For single-letter flags, make sure circular flags are not taller than their width if (shape === 'circle' && h > w) { x -= Math.round((h - w) / 2); w = h; } path = symbols[shape](x, y, w, h); if (anchorX && anchorY) { // if the label is below the anchor, draw the connecting line from the top edge of the label // otherwise start drawing from the bottom edge labelTopOrBottomY = (y > anchorY) ? y : y + h; path.push('M', anchorX, labelTopOrBottomY, 'L', anchorX, anchorY); } return path; }; }); /* **************************************************************************** * End Flags series code * *****************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var addEvent = H.addEvent, Axis = H.Axis, correctFloat = H.correctFloat, defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions, defined = H.defined, destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties, doc = H.doc, each = H.each, fireEvent = H.fireEvent, hasTouch = H.hasTouch, isTouchDevice = H.isTouchDevice, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick, removeEvent = H.removeEvent, svg = H.svg, wrap = H.wrap, swapXY; var defaultScrollbarOptions = { //enabled: true height: isTouchDevice ? 20 : 14, // trackBorderRadius: 0 barBorderRadius: 0, buttonBorderRadius: 0, liveRedraw: svg && !isTouchDevice, margin: 10, minWidth: 6, //showFull: true, //size: null, step: 0.2, zIndex: 3 }; defaultOptions.scrollbar = merge(true, defaultScrollbarOptions, defaultOptions.scrollbar); /** * When we have vertical scrollbar, rifles and arrow in buttons should be rotated. * The same method is used in Navigator's handles, to rotate them. * @param {Array} path - path to be rotated * @param {Boolean} vertical - if vertical scrollbar, swap x-y values */ H.swapXY = swapXY = function(path, vertical) { var i, len = path.length, temp; if (vertical) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 3) { temp = path[i + 1]; path[i + 1] = path[i + 2]; path[i + 2] = temp; } } return path; }; /** * A reusable scrollbar, internally used in Highstock's navigator and optionally * on individual axes. * * @class * @param {Object} renderer * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} chart */ function Scrollbar(renderer, options, chart) { // docs this.init(renderer, options, chart); } Scrollbar.prototype = { init: function(renderer, options, chart) { this.scrollbarButtons = []; this.renderer = renderer; this.userOptions = options; this.options = merge(defaultScrollbarOptions, options); this.chart = chart; this.size = pick(this.options.size, this.options.height); // backward compatibility // Init if (options.enabled) { this.render(); this.initEvents(); this.addEvents(); } }, /** * Render scrollbar with all required items. */ render: function() { var scroller = this, renderer = scroller.renderer, options = scroller.options, size = scroller.size, group; // Draw the scrollbar group scroller.group = group = renderer.g('scrollbar').attr({ zIndex: options.zIndex, translateY: -99999 }).add(); // Draw the scrollbar track: scroller.track = renderer.rect() .addClass('highcharts-scrollbar-track') .attr({ x: 0, r: options.trackBorderRadius || 0, height: size, width: size }).add(group); this.trackBorderWidth = scroller.track.strokeWidth(); scroller.track.attr({ y: -this.trackBorderWidth % 2 / 2 }); // Draw the scrollbar itself scroller.scrollbarGroup = renderer.g().add(group); scroller.scrollbar = renderer.rect() .addClass('highcharts-scrollbar-thumb') .attr({ height: size, width: size, r: options.barBorderRadius || 0 }).add(scroller.scrollbarGroup); scroller.scrollbarRifles = renderer.path( swapXY([ 'M', -3, size / 4, 'L', -3, 2 * size / 3, 'M', 0, size / 4, 'L', 0, 2 * size / 3, 'M', 3, size / 4, 'L', 3, 2 * size / 3 ], options.vertical)) .addClass('highcharts-scrollbar-rifles') .add(scroller.scrollbarGroup); scroller.scrollbarStrokeWidth = scroller.scrollbar.strokeWidth(); scroller.scrollbarGroup.translate(-scroller.scrollbarStrokeWidth % 2 / 2, -scroller.scrollbarStrokeWidth % 2 / 2); // Draw the buttons: scroller.drawScrollbarButton(0); scroller.drawScrollbarButton(1); }, /** * Position the scrollbar, method called from a parent with defined dimensions * @param {Number} x - x-position on the chart * @param {Number} y - y-position on the chart * @param {Number} width - width of the scrollbar * @param {Number} height - height of the scorllbar */ position: function(x, y, width, height) { var scroller = this, options = scroller.options, vertical = options.vertical, xOffset = height, yOffset = 0, method = scroller.rendered ? 'animate' : 'attr'; scroller.x = x; scroller.y = y + this.trackBorderWidth; scroller.width = width; // width with buttons scroller.height = height; scroller.xOffset = xOffset; scroller.yOffset = yOffset; // If Scrollbar is a vertical type, swap options: if (vertical) { scroller.width = scroller.yOffset = width = yOffset = scroller.size; scroller.xOffset = xOffset = 0; scroller.barWidth = height - width * 2; // width without buttons scroller.x = x = x + scroller.options.margin; } else { scroller.height = scroller.xOffset = height = xOffset = scroller.size; scroller.barWidth = width - height * 2; // width without buttons scroller.y = scroller.y + scroller.options.margin; } // Set general position for a group: scroller.group[method]({ translateX: x, translateY: scroller.y }); // Resize background/track: scroller.track[method]({ width: width, height: height }); // Move right/bottom button ot it's place: scroller.scrollbarButtons[1][method]({ translateX: vertical ? 0 : width - xOffset, translateY: vertical ? height - yOffset : 0 }); }, /** * Draw the scrollbar buttons with arrows * @param {Number} index 0 is left, 1 is right */ drawScrollbarButton: function(index) { var scroller = this, renderer = scroller.renderer, scrollbarButtons = scroller.scrollbarButtons, options = scroller.options, size = scroller.size, group, tempElem; group = renderer.g().add(scroller.group); scrollbarButtons.push(group); // Create a rectangle for the scrollbar button tempElem = renderer.rect() .addClass('highcharts-scrollbar-button') .add(group); // Place the rectangle based on the rendered stroke width tempElem.attr(tempElem.crisp({ x: -0.5, y: -0.5, width: size + 1, // +1 to compensate for crispifying in rect method height: size + 1, r: options.buttonBorderRadius }, tempElem.strokeWidth())); // Button arrow tempElem = renderer .path(swapXY([ 'M', size / 2 + (index ? -1 : 1), size / 2 - 3, 'L', size / 2 + (index ? -1 : 1), size / 2 + 3, 'L', size / 2 + (index ? 2 : -2), size / 2 ], options.vertical)) .addClass('highcharts-scrollbar-arrow') .add(scrollbarButtons[index]); }, /** * Set scrollbar size, with a given scale. * @param {Number} from - scale (0-1) where bar should start * @param {Number} to - scale (0-1) where bar should end */ setRange: function(from, to) { var scroller = this, options = scroller.options, vertical = options.vertical, minWidth = options.minWidth, fullWidth = scroller.barWidth, fromPX, toPX, newPos, newSize, newRiflesPos, method = this.rendered && !this.hasDragged ? 'animate' : 'attr'; if (!defined(fullWidth)) { return; } from = Math.max(from, 0); fromPX = fullWidth * from; toPX = fullWidth * Math.min(to, 1); scroller.calculatedWidth = newSize = correctFloat(toPX - fromPX); // We need to recalculate position, if minWidth is used if (newSize < minWidth) { fromPX = (fullWidth - minWidth + newSize) * from; newSize = minWidth; } newPos = Math.floor(fromPX + scroller.xOffset + scroller.yOffset); newRiflesPos = newSize / 2 - 0.5; // -0.5 -> rifle line width / 2 // Store current position: scroller.from = from; scroller.to = to; if (!vertical) { scroller.scrollbarGroup[method]({ translateX: newPos }); scroller.scrollbar[method]({ width: newSize }); scroller.scrollbarRifles[method]({ translateX: newRiflesPos }); scroller.scrollbarLeft = newPos; scroller.scrollbarTop = 0; } else { scroller.scrollbarGroup[method]({ translateY: newPos }); scroller.scrollbar[method]({ height: newSize }); scroller.scrollbarRifles[method]({ translateY: newRiflesPos }); scroller.scrollbarTop = newPos; scroller.scrollbarLeft = 0; } if (newSize <= 12) { scroller.scrollbarRifles.hide(); } else { scroller.scrollbarRifles.show(true); } // Show or hide the scrollbar based on the showFull setting if (options.showFull === false) { if (from <= 0 && to >= 1) { scroller.group.hide(); } else { scroller.group.show(); } } scroller.rendered = true; }, /** * Init events methods, so we have an access to the Scrollbar itself */ initEvents: function() { var scroller = this; /** * Event handler for the mouse move event. */ scroller.mouseMoveHandler = function(e) { var normalizedEvent = scroller.chart.pointer.normalize(e), options = scroller.options, direction = options.vertical ? 'chartY' : 'chartX', initPositions = scroller.initPositions, scrollPosition, chartPosition, change; // In iOS, a mousemove event with e.pageX === 0 is fired when holding the finger // down in the center of the scrollbar. This should be ignored. if (scroller.grabbedCenter && (!e.touches || e.touches[0][direction] !== 0)) { // #4696, scrollbar failed on Android chartPosition = scroller.cursorToScrollbarPosition(normalizedEvent)[direction]; scrollPosition = scroller[direction]; change = chartPosition - scrollPosition; scroller.hasDragged = true; scroller.updatePosition(initPositions[0] + change, initPositions[1] + change); if (scroller.hasDragged) { fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', { from: scroller.from, to: scroller.to, trigger: 'scrollbar', DOMType: e.type, DOMEvent: e }); } } }; /** * Event handler for the mouse up event. */ scroller.mouseUpHandler = function(e) { if (scroller.hasDragged) { fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', { from: scroller.from, to: scroller.to, trigger: 'scrollbar', DOMType: e.type, DOMEvent: e }); } scroller.grabbedCenter = scroller.hasDragged = scroller.chartX = scroller.chartY = null; }; scroller.mouseDownHandler = function(e) { var normalizedEvent = scroller.chart.pointer.normalize(e), mousePosition = scroller.cursorToScrollbarPosition(normalizedEvent); scroller.chartX = mousePosition.chartX; scroller.chartY = mousePosition.chartY; scroller.initPositions = [scroller.from, scroller.to]; scroller.grabbedCenter = true; }; scroller.buttonToMinClick = function(e) { var range = correctFloat(scroller.to - scroller.from) * scroller.options.step; scroller.updatePosition(correctFloat(scroller.from - range), correctFloat(scroller.to - range)); fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', { from: scroller.from, to: scroller.to, trigger: 'scrollbar', DOMEvent: e }); }; scroller.buttonToMaxClick = function(e) { var range = (scroller.to - scroller.from) * scroller.options.step; scroller.updatePosition(scroller.from + range, scroller.to + range); fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', { from: scroller.from, to: scroller.to, trigger: 'scrollbar', DOMEvent: e }); }; scroller.trackClick = function(e) { var normalizedEvent = scroller.chart.pointer.normalize(e), range = scroller.to - scroller.from, top = scroller.y + scroller.scrollbarTop, left = scroller.x + scroller.scrollbarLeft; if ((scroller.options.vertical && normalizedEvent.chartY > top) || (!scroller.options.vertical && normalizedEvent.chartX > left)) { // On the top or on the left side of the track: scroller.updatePosition(scroller.from + range, scroller.to + range); } else { // On the bottom or the right side of the track: scroller.updatePosition(scroller.from - range, scroller.to - range); } fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', { from: scroller.from, to: scroller.to, trigger: 'scrollbar', DOMEvent: e }); }; }, /** * Get normalized (0-1) cursor position over the scrollbar * @param {Event} normalizedEvent - normalized event, with chartX and chartY values * @return {Object} Local position {chartX, chartY} */ cursorToScrollbarPosition: function(normalizedEvent) { var scroller = this, options = scroller.options, minWidthDifference = options.minWidth > scroller.calculatedWidth ? options.minWidth : 0; // minWidth distorts translation return { chartX: (normalizedEvent.chartX - scroller.x - scroller.xOffset) / (scroller.barWidth - minWidthDifference), chartY: (normalizedEvent.chartY - scroller.y - scroller.yOffset) / (scroller.barWidth - minWidthDifference) }; }, /** * Update position option in the Scrollbar, with normalized 0-1 scale */ updatePosition: function(from, to) { if (to > 1) { from = correctFloat(1 - correctFloat(to - from)); to = 1; } if (from < 0) { to = correctFloat(to - from); from = 0; } this.from = from; this.to = to; }, /** * Update the scrollbar with new options */ update: function(options) { this.destroy(); this.init(this.chart.renderer, merge(true, this.options, options), this.chart); }, /** * Set up the mouse and touch events for the Scrollbar */ addEvents: function() { var buttonsOrder = this.options.inverted ? [1, 0] : [0, 1], buttons = this.scrollbarButtons, bar = this.scrollbarGroup.element, track = this.track.element, mouseDownHandler = this.mouseDownHandler, mouseMoveHandler = this.mouseMoveHandler, mouseUpHandler = this.mouseUpHandler, _events; // Mouse events _events = [ [buttons[buttonsOrder[0]].element, 'click', this.buttonToMinClick], [buttons[buttonsOrder[1]].element, 'click', this.buttonToMaxClick], [track, 'click', this.trackClick], [bar, 'mousedown', mouseDownHandler], [doc, 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler], [doc, 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler] ]; // Touch events if (hasTouch) { _events.push( [bar, 'touchstart', mouseDownHandler], [doc, 'touchmove', mouseMoveHandler], [doc, 'touchend', mouseUpHandler] ); } // Add them all each(_events, function(args) { addEvent.apply(null, args); }); this._events = _events; }, /** * Removes the event handlers attached previously with addEvents. */ removeEvents: function() { each(this._events, function(args) { removeEvent.apply(null, args); }); this._events = undefined; }, /** * Destroys allocated elements. */ destroy: function() { var scroller = this.chart.scroller; // Disconnect events added in addEvents this.removeEvents(); // Destroy properties each(['track', 'scrollbarRifles', 'scrollbar', 'scrollbarGroup', 'group'], function(prop) { if (this[prop] && this[prop].destroy) { this[prop] = this[prop].destroy(); } }, this); if (scroller && this === scroller.scrollbar) { // #6421, chart may have more scrollbars scroller.scrollbar = null; // Destroy elements in collection destroyObjectProperties(scroller.scrollbarButtons); } } }; /** * Wrap axis initialization and create scrollbar if enabled: */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'init', function(proceed) { var axis = this; proceed.apply(axis, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (axis.options.scrollbar && axis.options.scrollbar.enabled) { // Predefined options: axis.options.scrollbar.vertical = !axis.horiz; axis.options.startOnTick = axis.options.endOnTick = false; axis.scrollbar = new Scrollbar(axis.chart.renderer, axis.options.scrollbar, axis.chart); addEvent(axis.scrollbar, 'changed', function(e) { var unitedMin = Math.min(pick(axis.options.min, axis.min), axis.min, axis.dataMin), unitedMax = Math.max(pick(axis.options.max, axis.max), axis.max, axis.dataMax), range = unitedMax - unitedMin, to, from; if ((axis.horiz && !axis.reversed) || (!axis.horiz && axis.reversed)) { to = unitedMin + range * this.to; from = unitedMin + range * this.from; } else { // y-values in browser are reversed, but this also applies for reversed horizontal axis: to = unitedMin + range * (1 - this.from); from = unitedMin + range * (1 - this.to); } axis.setExtremes(from, to, true, false, e); }); } }); /** * Wrap rendering axis, and update scrollbar if one is created: */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'render', function(proceed) { var axis = this, scrollMin = Math.min(pick(axis.options.min, axis.min), axis.min, axis.dataMin), scrollMax = Math.max(pick(axis.options.max, axis.max), axis.max, axis.dataMax), scrollbar = axis.scrollbar, from, to; proceed.apply(axis, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (scrollbar) { if (axis.horiz) { scrollbar.position( axis.left, axis.top + axis.height + axis.offset + 2 + (axis.opposite ? 0 : axis.axisTitleMargin), axis.width, axis.height ); } else { scrollbar.position( axis.left + axis.width + 2 + axis.offset + (axis.opposite ? axis.axisTitleMargin : 0), axis.top, axis.width, axis.height ); } if (isNaN(scrollMin) || isNaN(scrollMax) || !defined(axis.min) || !defined(axis.max)) { scrollbar.setRange(0, 0); // default action: when there is not extremes on the axis, but scrollbar exists, make it full size } else { from = (axis.min - scrollMin) / (scrollMax - scrollMin); to = (axis.max - scrollMin) / (scrollMax - scrollMin); if ((axis.horiz && !axis.reversed) || (!axis.horiz && axis.reversed)) { scrollbar.setRange(from, to); } else { scrollbar.setRange(1 - to, 1 - from); // inverse vertical axis } } } }); /** * Make space for a scrollbar */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getOffset', function(proceed) { var axis = this, index = axis.horiz ? 2 : 1, scrollbar = axis.scrollbar; proceed.apply(axis, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (scrollbar) { axis.chart.axisOffset[index] += scrollbar.size + scrollbar.options.margin; } }); /** * Destroy scrollbar when connected to the specific axis */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'destroy', function(proceed) { if (this.scrollbar) { this.scrollbar = this.scrollbar.destroy(); } proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); }); H.Scrollbar = Scrollbar; }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ /* **************************************************************************** * Start Navigator code * *****************************************************************************/ var addEvent = H.addEvent, Axis = H.Axis, Chart = H.Chart, color = H.color, defaultDataGroupingUnits = H.defaultDataGroupingUnits, defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions, defined = H.defined, destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties, doc = H.doc, each = H.each, erase = H.erase, error = H.error, extend = H.extend, grep = H.grep, hasTouch = H.hasTouch, isNumber = H.isNumber, isObject = H.isObject, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick, removeEvent = H.removeEvent, Scrollbar = H.Scrollbar, Series = H.Series, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes, wrap = H.wrap, swapXY = H.swapXY, units = [].concat(defaultDataGroupingUnits), // copy defaultSeriesType, // Finding the min or max of a set of variables where we don't know if they are defined, // is a pattern that is repeated several places in Highcharts. Consider making this // a global utility method. numExt = function(extreme) { var numbers = grep(arguments, isNumber); if (numbers.length) { return Math[extreme].apply(0, numbers); } }; // add more resolution to units units[4] = ['day', [1, 2, 3, 4]]; // allow more days units[5] = ['week', [1, 2, 3]]; // allow more weeks defaultSeriesType = seriesTypes.areaspline === undefined ? 'line' : 'areaspline'; extend(defaultOptions, { navigator: { //enabled: true, height: 40, margin: 25, maskInside: true, series: { type: defaultSeriesType, compare: null, dataGrouping: { approximation: 'average', enabled: true, groupPixelWidth: 2, smoothed: true, units: units }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, zIndex: 2 // #1839 }, id: 'highcharts-navigator-series', className: 'highcharts-navigator-series', lineColor: null, // Allow color setting while disallowing default candlestick setting (#4602) marker: { enabled: false }, pointRange: 0, shadow: false, threshold: null }, //top: undefined, //opposite: undefined, xAxis: { className: 'highcharts-navigator-xaxis', tickLength: 0, tickPixelInterval: 200, labels: { align: 'left', x: 3, y: -4 }, crosshair: false }, yAxis: { className: 'highcharts-navigator-yaxis', startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, minPadding: 0.1, maxPadding: 0.1, labels: { enabled: false }, crosshair: false, title: { text: null }, tickLength: 0, tickWidth: 0 } } }); /** * The Navigator class * @param {Object} chart - Chart object * @class */ function Navigator(chart) { this.init(chart); } Navigator.prototype = { /** * Draw one of the handles on the side of the zoomed range in the navigator * @param {Number} x The x center for the handle * @param {Number} index 0 for left and 1 for right * @param {Boolean} inverted flag for chart.inverted * @param {String} verb use 'animate' or 'attr' */ drawHandle: function(x, index, inverted, verb) { var navigator = this; // Place it navigator.handles[index][verb](inverted ? { translateX: Math.round(navigator.left + navigator.height / 2 - 8), translateY: Math.round(navigator.top + parseInt(x, 10) + 0.5) } : { translateX: Math.round(navigator.left + parseInt(x, 10)), translateY: Math.round(navigator.top + navigator.height / 2 - 8) }); }, /** * Draw one of the handles on the side of the zoomed range in the navigator * @param {Boolean} inverted flag for chart.inverted * @returns {Array} Path to be used in a handle */ getHandlePath: function(inverted) { return swapXY([ 'M', -4.5, 0.5, 'L', 3.5, 0.5, 'L', 3.5, 15.5, 'L', -4.5, 15.5, 'L', -4.5, 0.5, 'M', -1.5, 4, 'L', -1.5, 12, 'M', 0.5, 4, 'L', 0.5, 12 ], inverted); }, /** * Render outline around the zoomed range * @param {Number} zoomedMin in pixels position where zoomed range starts * @param {Number} zoomedMax in pixels position where zoomed range ends * @param {Boolean} inverted flag if chart is inverted * @param {String} verb use 'animate' or 'attr' */ drawOutline: function(zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb) { var navigator = this, maskInside = navigator.navigatorOptions.maskInside, outlineWidth = navigator.outline.strokeWidth(), halfOutline = outlineWidth / 2, outlineCorrection = (outlineWidth % 2) / 2, // #5800 outlineHeight = navigator.outlineHeight, scrollbarHeight = navigator.scrollbarHeight, navigatorSize = navigator.size, left = navigator.left - scrollbarHeight, navigatorTop = navigator.top, verticalMin, path; if (inverted) { left -= halfOutline; verticalMin = navigatorTop + zoomedMax + outlineCorrection; zoomedMax = navigatorTop + zoomedMin + outlineCorrection; path = [ 'M', left + outlineHeight, navigatorTop - scrollbarHeight - outlineCorrection, // top edge 'L', left + outlineHeight, verticalMin, // top right of zoomed range 'L', left, verticalMin, // top left of z.r. 'L', left, zoomedMax, // bottom left of z.r. 'L', left + outlineHeight, zoomedMax, // bottom right of z.r. 'L', left + outlineHeight, navigatorTop + navigatorSize + scrollbarHeight // bottom edge ].concat(maskInside ? [ 'M', left + outlineHeight, verticalMin - halfOutline, // upper left of zoomed range 'L', left + outlineHeight, zoomedMax + halfOutline // upper right of z.r. ] : []); } else { zoomedMin += left + scrollbarHeight - outlineCorrection; zoomedMax += left + scrollbarHeight - outlineCorrection; navigatorTop += halfOutline; path = [ 'M', left, navigatorTop, // left 'L', zoomedMin, navigatorTop, // upper left of zoomed range 'L', zoomedMin, navigatorTop + outlineHeight, // lower left of z.r. 'L', zoomedMax, navigatorTop + outlineHeight, // lower right of z.r. 'L', zoomedMax, navigatorTop, // upper right of z.r. 'L', left + navigatorSize + scrollbarHeight * 2, navigatorTop // right ].concat(maskInside ? [ 'M', zoomedMin - halfOutline, navigatorTop, // upper left of zoomed range 'L', zoomedMax + halfOutline, navigatorTop // upper right of z.r. ] : []); } navigator.outline[verb]({ d: path }); }, /** * Render outline around the zoomed range * @param {Number} zoomedMin in pixels position where zoomed range starts * @param {Number} zoomedMax in pixels position where zoomed range ends * @param {Boolean} inverted flag if chart is inverted * @param {String} verb use 'animate' or 'attr' */ drawMasks: function(zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb) { var navigator = this, left = navigator.left, top = navigator.top, navigatorHeight = navigator.height, height, width, x, y; // Determine rectangle position & size // According to (non)inverted position: if (inverted) { x = [left, left, left]; y = [top, top + zoomedMin, top + zoomedMax]; width = [navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight]; height = [ zoomedMin, zoomedMax - zoomedMin, navigator.size - zoomedMax ]; } else { x = [left, left + zoomedMin, left + zoomedMax]; y = [top, top, top]; width = [ zoomedMin, zoomedMax - zoomedMin, navigator.size - zoomedMax ]; height = [navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight]; } each(navigator.shades, function(shade, i) { shade[verb]({ x: x[i], y: y[i], width: width[i], height: height[i] }); }); }, /** * Generate DOM elements for a navigator: * - main navigator group * - all shades * - outline * - handles */ renderElements: function() { var navigator = this, navigatorOptions = navigator.navigatorOptions, maskInside = navigatorOptions.maskInside, chart = navigator.chart, inverted = chart.inverted, renderer = chart.renderer, navigatorGroup; // Create the main navigator group navigator.navigatorGroup = navigatorGroup = renderer.g('navigator') .attr({ zIndex: 8, visibility: 'hidden' }) .add(); // Create masks, each mask will get events and fill: each([!maskInside, maskInside, !maskInside], function(hasMask, index) { navigator.shades[index] = renderer.rect() .addClass('highcharts-navigator-mask' + (index === 1 ? '-inside' : '-outside')) .add(navigatorGroup); }); // Create the outline: navigator.outline = renderer.path() .addClass('highcharts-navigator-outline') .add(navigatorGroup); // Create the handlers: each([0, 1], function(index) { navigator.handles[index] = renderer .path(navigator.getHandlePath(inverted)) // zIndex = 6 for right handle, 7 for left. // Can't be 10, because of the tooltip in inverted chart #2908 .attr({ zIndex: 7 - index }) .addClass( 'highcharts-navigator-handle highcharts-navigator-handle-' + ['left', 'right'][index] ).add(navigatorGroup); }); }, /** * Update navigator * @param {Object} options Options to merge in when updating navigator */ update: function(options) { this.destroy(); var chartOptions = this.chart.options; merge(true, chartOptions.navigator, this.options, options); this.init(this.chart); }, /** * Render the navigator * @param {Number} min X axis value minimum * @param {Number} max X axis value maximum * @param {Number} pxMin Pixel value minimum * @param {Number} pxMax Pixel value maximum */ render: function(min, max, pxMin, pxMax) { var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, navigatorWidth, scrollbarLeft, scrollbarTop, scrollbarHeight = navigator.scrollbarHeight, navigatorSize, xAxis = navigator.xAxis, navigatorEnabled = navigator.navigatorEnabled, zoomedMin, zoomedMax, rendered = navigator.rendered, inverted = chart.inverted, verb, newMin, newMax, minRange = chart.xAxis[0].minRange; // Don't redraw while moving the handles (#4703). if (this.hasDragged && !defined(pxMin)) { return; } // Don't render the navigator until we have data (#486, #4202, #5172). if (!isNumber(min) || !isNumber(max)) { // However, if navigator was already rendered, we may need to resize // it. For example hidden series, but visible navigator (#6022). if (rendered) { pxMin = 0; pxMax = xAxis.width; } else { return; } } navigator.left = pick( xAxis.left, // in case of scrollbar only, without navigator chart.plotLeft + scrollbarHeight + (inverted ? chart.plotWidth : 0) ); navigator.size = zoomedMax = navigatorSize = pick( xAxis.len, (inverted ? chart.plotHeight : chart.plotWidth) - 2 * scrollbarHeight ); if (inverted) { navigatorWidth = scrollbarHeight; } else { navigatorWidth = navigatorSize + 2 * scrollbarHeight; } // Get the pixel position of the handles pxMin = pick(pxMin, xAxis.toPixels(min, true)); pxMax = pick(pxMax, xAxis.toPixels(max, true)); if (!isNumber(pxMin) || Math.abs(pxMin) === Infinity) { // Verify (#1851, #2238) pxMin = 0; pxMax = navigatorWidth; } // Are we below the minRange? (#2618, #6191) newMin = xAxis.toValue(pxMin, true); newMax = xAxis.toValue(pxMax, true); if (Math.abs(newMax - newMin) < minRange) { if (this.grabbedLeft) { pxMin = xAxis.toPixels(newMax - minRange, true); } else if (this.grabbedRight) { pxMax = xAxis.toPixels(newMin + minRange, true); } else { return; } } // Handles are allowed to cross, but never exceed the plot area navigator.zoomedMax = Math.min(Math.max(pxMin, pxMax, 0), zoomedMax); navigator.zoomedMin = Math.min( Math.max( navigator.fixedWidth ? navigator.zoomedMax - navigator.fixedWidth : Math.min(pxMin, pxMax), 0 ), zoomedMax ); navigator.range = navigator.zoomedMax - navigator.zoomedMin; zoomedMax = Math.round(navigator.zoomedMax); zoomedMin = Math.round(navigator.zoomedMin); if (navigatorEnabled) { navigator.navigatorGroup.attr({ visibility: 'visible' }); // Place elements verb = rendered && !navigator.hasDragged ? 'animate' : 'attr'; navigator.drawMasks(zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb); navigator.drawOutline(zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb); navigator.drawHandle(zoomedMin, 0, inverted, verb); navigator.drawHandle(zoomedMax, 1, inverted, verb); } if (navigator.scrollbar) { if (inverted) { scrollbarTop = navigator.top - scrollbarHeight; scrollbarLeft = navigator.left - scrollbarHeight + (navigatorEnabled ? 0 : navigator.height); scrollbarHeight = navigatorSize + 2 * scrollbarHeight; } else { scrollbarTop = navigator.top + (navigatorEnabled ? navigator.height : -scrollbarHeight); scrollbarLeft = navigator.left - scrollbarHeight; } // Reposition scrollbar navigator.scrollbar.position( scrollbarLeft, scrollbarTop, navigatorWidth, scrollbarHeight ); // Keep scale 0-1 navigator.scrollbar.setRange( zoomedMin / navigatorSize, zoomedMax / navigatorSize ); } navigator.rendered = true; }, /** * Set up the mouse and touch events for the navigator */ addMouseEvents: function() { var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, container = chart.container, eventsToUnbind = [], mouseMoveHandler, mouseUpHandler, // iOS calls both events: mousedown+touchstart and mouseup+touchend // So we add them just once, #6187 eventNames = hasTouch ? ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend'] : ['mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup']; /** * Create mouse events' handlers. * Make them as separate functions to enable wrapping them: */ navigator.mouseMoveHandler = mouseMoveHandler = function(e) { navigator.onMouseMove(e); }; navigator.mouseUpHandler = mouseUpHandler = function(e) { navigator.onMouseUp(e); }; // Add shades and handles mousedown events eventsToUnbind = navigator.getPartsEvents(eventNames[0]); // Add mouse move and mouseup events. These are bind to doc/container, // because Navigator.grabbedSomething flags are stored in mousedown events: eventsToUnbind.push( addEvent(container, eventNames[1], mouseMoveHandler), addEvent(doc, eventNames[2], mouseUpHandler) ); navigator.eventsToUnbind = eventsToUnbind; // Data events if (navigator.series && navigator.series[0]) { eventsToUnbind.push( addEvent(navigator.series[0].xAxis, 'foundExtremes', function() { chart.navigator.modifyNavigatorAxisExtremes(); }) ); } }, /** * Generate events for handles and masks * @param {String} eventName Event name handler, 'mousedown' or 'touchstart' * @returns {Array} An array of arrays: [DOMElement, eventName, callback]. */ getPartsEvents: function(eventName) { var navigator = this, events = []; each(['shades', 'handles'], function(name) { each(navigator[name], function(navigatorItem, index) { events.push( addEvent( navigatorItem.element, eventName, function(e) { navigator[name + 'Mousedown'](e, index); } ) ); }); }); return events; }, /** * Mousedown on a shaded mask, either: * - will be stored for future drag&drop * - will directly shift to a new range * * @param {Object} e Mouse event * @param {Number} index Index of a mask in Navigator.shades array */ shadesMousedown: function(e, index) { e = this.chart.pointer.normalize(e); var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, xAxis = navigator.xAxis, zoomedMin = navigator.zoomedMin, navigatorPosition = navigator.left, navigatorSize = navigator.size, range = navigator.range, chartX = e.chartX, fixedMax, ext, left; // For inverted chart, swap some options: if (chart.inverted) { chartX = e.chartY; navigatorPosition = navigator.top; } if (index === 1) { // Store information for drag&drop navigator.grabbedCenter = chartX; navigator.fixedWidth = range; navigator.dragOffset = chartX - zoomedMin; } else { // Shift the range by clicking on shaded areas left = chartX - navigatorPosition - range / 2; if (index === 0) { left = Math.max(0, left); } else if (index === 2 && left + range >= navigatorSize) { left = navigatorSize - range; fixedMax = navigator.getUnionExtremes().dataMax; // #2293, #3543 } if (left !== zoomedMin) { // it has actually moved navigator.fixedWidth = range; // #1370 ext = xAxis.toFixedRange(left, left + range, null, fixedMax); chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes( Math.min(ext.min, ext.max), Math.max(ext.min, ext.max), true, null, // auto animation { trigger: 'navigator' } ); } } }, /** * Mousedown on a handle mask. * Will store necessary information for drag&drop. * * @param {Object} e Mouse event * @param {Number} index Index of a handle in Navigator.handles array */ handlesMousedown: function(e, index) { e = this.chart.pointer.normalize(e); var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, baseXAxis = chart.xAxis[0], // For reversed axes, min and max are chagned, // so the other extreme should be stored reverse = (chart.inverted && !baseXAxis.reversed) || (!chart.inverted && baseXAxis.reversed); if (index === 0) { // Grab the left handle navigator.grabbedLeft = true; navigator.otherHandlePos = navigator.zoomedMax; navigator.fixedExtreme = reverse ? baseXAxis.min : baseXAxis.max; } else { // Grab the right handle navigator.grabbedRight = true; navigator.otherHandlePos = navigator.zoomedMin; navigator.fixedExtreme = reverse ? baseXAxis.max : baseXAxis.min; } chart.fixedRange = null; }, /** * Mouse move event based on x/y mouse position. * @param {Object} e Mouse event */ onMouseMove: function(e) { var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, left = navigator.left, navigatorSize = navigator.navigatorSize, range = navigator.range, dragOffset = navigator.dragOffset, inverted = chart.inverted, chartX; // In iOS, a mousemove event with e.pageX === 0 is fired when holding the finger // down in the center of the scrollbar. This should be ignored. if (!e.touches || e.touches[0].pageX !== 0) { // #4696, scrollbar failed on Android e = chart.pointer.normalize(e); chartX = e.chartX; // Swap some options for inverted chart if (inverted) { left = navigator.top; chartX = e.chartY; } // Drag left handle or top handle if (navigator.grabbedLeft) { navigator.hasDragged = true; navigator.render( 0, 0, chartX - left, navigator.otherHandlePos ); // Drag right handle or bottom handle } else if (navigator.grabbedRight) { navigator.hasDragged = true; navigator.render( 0, 0, navigator.otherHandlePos, chartX - left ); // Drag scrollbar or open area in navigator } else if (navigator.grabbedCenter) { navigator.hasDragged = true; if (chartX < dragOffset) { // outside left chartX = dragOffset; } else if (chartX > navigatorSize + dragOffset - range) { // outside right chartX = navigatorSize + dragOffset - range; } navigator.render( 0, 0, chartX - dragOffset, chartX - dragOffset + range ); } if (navigator.hasDragged && navigator.scrollbar && navigator.scrollbar.options.liveRedraw) { e.DOMType = e.type; // DOMType is for IE8 because it can't read type async setTimeout(function() { navigator.onMouseUp(e); }, 0); } } }, /** * Mouse up event based on x/y mouse position. * @param {Object} e Mouse event */ onMouseUp: function(e) { var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, xAxis = navigator.xAxis, scrollbar = navigator.scrollbar, fixedMin, fixedMax, ext, DOMEvent = e.DOMEvent || e; if ( // MouseUp is called for both, navigator and scrollbar (that order), // which causes calling afterSetExtremes twice. Prevent first call // by checking if scrollbar is going to set new extremes (#6334) (navigator.hasDragged && (!scrollbar || !scrollbar.hasDragged)) || e.trigger === 'scrollbar' ) { // When dragging one handle, make sure the other one doesn't change if (navigator.zoomedMin === navigator.otherHandlePos) { fixedMin = navigator.fixedExtreme; } else if (navigator.zoomedMax === navigator.otherHandlePos) { fixedMax = navigator.fixedExtreme; } // Snap to right edge (#4076) if (navigator.zoomedMax === navigator.size) { fixedMax = navigator.getUnionExtremes().dataMax; } ext = xAxis.toFixedRange( navigator.zoomedMin, navigator.zoomedMax, fixedMin, fixedMax ); if (defined(ext.min)) { chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes( Math.min(ext.min, ext.max), Math.max(ext.min, ext.max), true, navigator.hasDragged ? false : null, // Run animation when clicking buttons, scrollbar track etc, but not when dragging handles or scrollbar { trigger: 'navigator', triggerOp: 'navigator-drag', DOMEvent: DOMEvent // #1838 } ); } } if (e.DOMType !== 'mousemove') { navigator.grabbedLeft = navigator.grabbedRight = navigator.grabbedCenter = navigator.fixedWidth = navigator.fixedExtreme = navigator.otherHandlePos = navigator.hasDragged = navigator.dragOffset = null; } }, /** * Removes the event handlers attached previously with addEvents. */ removeEvents: function() { if (this.eventsToUnbind) { each(this.eventsToUnbind, function(unbind) { unbind(); }); this.eventsToUnbind = undefined; } this.removeBaseSeriesEvents(); }, /** * Remove data events. */ removeBaseSeriesEvents: function() { var baseSeries = this.baseSeries || []; if (this.navigatorEnabled && baseSeries[0] && this.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData !== false) { each(baseSeries, function(series) { removeEvent(series, 'updatedData', this.updatedDataHandler); }, this); // We only listen for extremes-events on the first baseSeries if (baseSeries[0].xAxis) { removeEvent(baseSeries[0].xAxis, 'foundExtremes', this.modifyBaseAxisExtremes); } } }, /** * Initiate the Navigator object */ init: function(chart) { var chartOptions = chart.options, navigatorOptions = chartOptions.navigator, navigatorEnabled = navigatorOptions.enabled, scrollbarOptions = chartOptions.scrollbar, scrollbarEnabled = scrollbarOptions.enabled, height = navigatorEnabled ? navigatorOptions.height : 0, scrollbarHeight = scrollbarEnabled ? scrollbarOptions.height : 0; this.handles = []; this.shades = []; this.chart = chart; this.setBaseSeries(); this.height = height; this.scrollbarHeight = scrollbarHeight; this.scrollbarEnabled = scrollbarEnabled; this.navigatorEnabled = navigatorEnabled; this.navigatorOptions = navigatorOptions; this.scrollbarOptions = scrollbarOptions; this.outlineHeight = height + scrollbarHeight; this.opposite = pick(navigatorOptions.opposite, !navigatorEnabled && chart.inverted); // #6262 var navigator = this, baseSeries = navigator.baseSeries, xAxisIndex = chart.xAxis.length, yAxisIndex = chart.yAxis.length, baseXaxis = baseSeries && baseSeries[0] && baseSeries[0].xAxis || chart.xAxis[0]; // Make room for the navigator, can be placed around the chart: chart.extraMargin = { type: navigator.opposite ? 'plotTop' : 'marginBottom', value: (navigatorEnabled || !chart.inverted ? navigator.outlineHeight : 0) + navigatorOptions.margin }; if (chart.inverted) { chart.extraMargin.type = navigator.opposite ? 'marginRight' : 'plotLeft'; } chart.isDirtyBox = true; if (navigator.navigatorEnabled) { // an x axis is required for scrollbar also navigator.xAxis = new Axis(chart, merge({ // inherit base xAxis' break and ordinal options breaks: baseXaxis.options.breaks, ordinal: baseXaxis.options.ordinal }, navigatorOptions.xAxis, { id: 'navigator-x-axis', yAxis: 'navigator-y-axis', isX: true, type: 'datetime', index: xAxisIndex, offset: 0, keepOrdinalPadding: true, // #2436 startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, zoomEnabled: false }, chart.inverted ? { offsets: [scrollbarHeight, 0, -scrollbarHeight, 0], width: height } : { offsets: [0, -scrollbarHeight, 0, scrollbarHeight], height: height })); navigator.yAxis = new Axis(chart, merge(navigatorOptions.yAxis, { id: 'navigator-y-axis', alignTicks: false, offset: 0, index: yAxisIndex, zoomEnabled: false }, chart.inverted ? { width: height } : { height: height })); // If we have a base series, initialize the navigator series if (baseSeries || navigatorOptions.series.data) { navigator.addBaseSeries(); // If not, set up an event to listen for added series } else if (chart.series.length === 0) { wrap(chart, 'redraw', function(proceed, animation) { // We've got one, now add it as base and reset chart.redraw if (chart.series.length > 0 && !navigator.series) { navigator.setBaseSeries(); chart.redraw = proceed; // reset } proceed.call(chart, animation); }); } // Render items, so we can bind events to them: navigator.renderElements(); // Add mouse events navigator.addMouseEvents(); // in case of scrollbar only, fake an x axis to get translation } else { navigator.xAxis = { translate: function(value, reverse) { var axis = chart.xAxis[0], ext = axis.getExtremes(), scrollTrackWidth = axis.len - 2 * scrollbarHeight, min = numExt('min', axis.options.min, ext.dataMin), valueRange = numExt('max', axis.options.max, ext.dataMax) - min; return reverse ? // from pixel to value (value * valueRange / scrollTrackWidth) + min : // from value to pixel scrollTrackWidth * (value - min) / valueRange; }, toPixels: function(value) { return this.translate(value); }, toValue: function(value) { return this.translate(value, true); }, toFixedRange: Axis.prototype.toFixedRange, fake: true }; } // Initialize the scrollbar if (chart.options.scrollbar.enabled) { chart.scrollbar = navigator.scrollbar = new Scrollbar( chart.renderer, merge(chart.options.scrollbar, { margin: navigator.navigatorEnabled ? 0 : 10, vertical: chart.inverted }), chart ); addEvent(navigator.scrollbar, 'changed', function(e) { var range = navigator.size, to = range * this.to, from = range * this.from; navigator.hasDragged = navigator.scrollbar.hasDragged; navigator.render(0, 0, from, to); if (chart.options.scrollbar.liveRedraw || e.DOMType !== 'mousemove') { setTimeout(function() { navigator.onMouseUp(e); }); } }); } // Add data events navigator.addBaseSeriesEvents(); // Add redraw events navigator.addChartEvents(); }, /** * Get the union data extremes of the chart - the outer data extremes of the base * X axis and the navigator axis. * @param {boolean} returnFalseOnNoBaseSeries - as the param says. */ getUnionExtremes: function(returnFalseOnNoBaseSeries) { var baseAxis = this.chart.xAxis[0], navAxis = this.xAxis, navAxisOptions = navAxis.options, baseAxisOptions = baseAxis.options, ret; if (!returnFalseOnNoBaseSeries || baseAxis.dataMin !== null) { ret = { dataMin: pick( // #4053 navAxisOptions && navAxisOptions.min, numExt( 'min', baseAxisOptions.min, baseAxis.dataMin, navAxis.dataMin, navAxis.min ) ), dataMax: pick( navAxisOptions && navAxisOptions.max, numExt( 'max', baseAxisOptions.max, baseAxis.dataMax, navAxis.dataMax, navAxis.max ) ) }; } return ret; }, /** * Set the base series. With a bit of modification we should be able to make * this an API method to be called from the outside * @param {Object} baseSeriesOptions - series options for a navigator */ setBaseSeries: function(baseSeriesOptions) { var chart = this.chart, baseSeries; baseSeriesOptions = baseSeriesOptions || chart.options && chart.options.navigator.baseSeries || 0; // If we're resetting, remove the existing series if (this.series) { this.removeBaseSeriesEvents(); each(this.series, function(s) { s.destroy(); }); } baseSeries = this.baseSeries = []; // Iterate through series and add the ones that should be shown in navigator each(chart.series || [], function(series, i) { if (series.options.showInNavigator || (i === baseSeriesOptions || series.options.id === baseSeriesOptions) && series.options.showInNavigator !== false) { baseSeries.push(series); } }); // When run after render, this.xAxis already exists if (this.xAxis && !this.xAxis.fake) { this.addBaseSeries(); } }, /* * Add base series to the navigator. */ addBaseSeries: function() { var navigator = this, chart = navigator.chart, navigatorSeries = navigator.series = [], baseSeries = navigator.baseSeries, baseOptions, mergedNavSeriesOptions, chartNavigatorOptions = navigator.navigatorOptions.series, baseNavigatorOptions, navSeriesMixin = { enableMouseTracking: false, index: null, // #6162 group: 'nav', // for columns padXAxis: false, xAxis: 'navigator-x-axis', yAxis: 'navigator-y-axis', showInLegend: false, stacking: false, // #4823 isInternal: true, visible: true }; // Go through each base series and merge the options to create new series if (baseSeries) { each(baseSeries, function(base, i) { navSeriesMixin.name = 'Navigator ' + (i + 1); baseOptions = base.options || {}; baseNavigatorOptions = baseOptions.navigatorOptions || {}; mergedNavSeriesOptions = merge(baseOptions, navSeriesMixin, chartNavigatorOptions, baseNavigatorOptions); // Merge data separately. Do a slice to avoid mutating the navigator options from base series (#4923). var navigatorSeriesData = baseNavigatorOptions.data || chartNavigatorOptions.data; navigator.hasNavigatorData = navigator.hasNavigatorData || !!navigatorSeriesData; mergedNavSeriesOptions.data = navigatorSeriesData || baseOptions.data && baseOptions.data.slice(0); // Add the series base.navigatorSeries = chart.initSeries(mergedNavSeriesOptions); navigatorSeries.push(base.navigatorSeries); }); } else { // No base series, build from mixin and chart wide options mergedNavSeriesOptions = merge(chartNavigatorOptions, navSeriesMixin); mergedNavSeriesOptions.data = chartNavigatorOptions.data; navigator.hasNavigatorData = !!mergedNavSeriesOptions.data; navigatorSeries.push(chart.initSeries(mergedNavSeriesOptions)); } this.addBaseSeriesEvents(); }, /** * Add data events. * For example when main series is updated we need to recalculate extremes */ addBaseSeriesEvents: function() { var navigator = this, baseSeries = navigator.baseSeries || []; // Bind modified extremes event to first base's xAxis only. In event of > 1 base-xAxes, the navigator will ignore those. if (baseSeries[0] && baseSeries[0].xAxis) { addEvent(baseSeries[0].xAxis, 'foundExtremes', this.modifyBaseAxisExtremes); } if (this.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData !== false) { // Respond to updated data in the base series. // Abort if lazy-loading data from the server. each(baseSeries, function(base) { if (base.xAxis) { addEvent(base, 'updatedData', this.updatedDataHandler); } // Handle series removal addEvent(base, 'remove', function() { if (this.navigatorSeries) { erase(navigator.series, this.navigatorSeries); this.navigatorSeries.remove(false); delete this.navigatorSeries; } }); }, this); } }, /** * Set the navigator x axis extremes to reflect the total. The navigator extremes * should always be the extremes of the union of all series in the chart as * well as the navigator series. */ modifyNavigatorAxisExtremes: function() { var xAxis = this.xAxis, unionExtremes; if (xAxis.getExtremes) { unionExtremes = this.getUnionExtremes(true); if (unionExtremes && (unionExtremes.dataMin !== xAxis.min || unionExtremes.dataMax !== xAxis.max)) { xAxis.min = unionExtremes.dataMin; xAxis.max = unionExtremes.dataMax; } } }, /** * Hook to modify the base axis extremes with information from the Navigator */ modifyBaseAxisExtremes: function() { var baseXAxis = this, navigator = baseXAxis.chart.navigator, baseExtremes = baseXAxis.getExtremes(), baseMin = baseExtremes.min, baseMax = baseExtremes.max, baseDataMin = baseExtremes.dataMin, baseDataMax = baseExtremes.dataMax, range = baseMax - baseMin, stickToMin = navigator.stickToMin, stickToMax = navigator.stickToMax, newMax, newMin, navigatorSeries = navigator.series && navigator.series[0], hasSetExtremes = !!baseXAxis.setExtremes, // When the extremes have been set by range selector button, don't stick to min or max. // The range selector buttons will handle the extremes. (#5489) unmutable = baseXAxis.eventArgs && baseXAxis.eventArgs.trigger === 'rangeSelectorButton'; if (!unmutable) { // If the zoomed range is already at the min, move it to the right as new data // comes in if (stickToMin) { newMin = baseDataMin; newMax = newMin + range; } // If the zoomed range is already at the max, move it to the right as new data // comes in if (stickToMax) { newMax = baseDataMax; if (!stickToMin) { // if stickToMin is true, the new min value is set above newMin = Math.max( newMax - range, navigatorSeries && navigatorSeries.xData ? navigatorSeries.xData[0] : -Number.MAX_VALUE ); } } // Update the extremes if (hasSetExtremes && (stickToMin || stickToMax)) { if (isNumber(newMin)) { baseXAxis.min = baseXAxis.userMin = newMin; baseXAxis.max = baseXAxis.userMax = newMax; } } } // Reset navigator.stickToMin = navigator.stickToMax = null; }, /** * Handler for updated data on the base series. When data is modified, the navigator series * must reflect it. This is called from the Chart.redraw function before axis and series * extremes are computed. */ updatedDataHandler: function() { var navigator = this.chart.navigator, baseSeries = this, navigatorSeries = this.navigatorSeries; // Detect whether the zoomed area should stick to the minimum or maximum. If the current // axis minimum falls outside the new updated dataset, we must adjust. navigator.stickToMin = isNumber(baseSeries.xAxis.min) && (baseSeries.xAxis.min <= baseSeries.xData[0]); // If the scrollbar is scrolled all the way to the right, keep right as new data // comes in. navigator.stickToMax = Math.round(navigator.zoomedMax) >= Math.round(navigator.size); // Set the navigator series data to the new data of the base series if (navigatorSeries && !navigator.hasNavigatorData) { navigatorSeries.options.pointStart = baseSeries.xData[0]; navigatorSeries.setData(baseSeries.options.data, false, null, false); // #5414 } }, /** * Add chart events, like redrawing navigator, when chart requires that. */ addChartEvents: function() { addEvent(this.chart, 'redraw', function() { // Move the scrollbar after redraw, like after data updata even if axes don't redraw var navigator = this.navigator, xAxis = navigator && ( navigator.baseSeries && navigator.baseSeries[0] && navigator.baseSeries[0].xAxis || navigator.scrollbar && this.xAxis[0] ); // #5709 if (xAxis) { navigator.render(xAxis.min, xAxis.max); } }); }, /** * Destroys allocated elements. */ destroy: function() { // Disconnect events added in addEvents this.removeEvents(); if (this.xAxis) { erase(this.chart.xAxis, this.xAxis); erase(this.chart.axes, this.xAxis); } if (this.yAxis) { erase(this.chart.yAxis, this.yAxis); erase(this.chart.axes, this.yAxis); } // Destroy series each(this.series || [], function(s) { if (s.destroy) { s.destroy(); } }); // Destroy properties each([ 'series', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'shades', 'outline', 'scrollbarTrack', 'scrollbarRifles', 'scrollbarGroup', 'scrollbar', 'navigatorGroup', 'rendered' ], function(prop) { if (this[prop] && this[prop].destroy) { this[prop].destroy(); } this[prop] = null; }, this); // Destroy elements in collection each([this.handles], function(coll) { destroyObjectProperties(coll); }, this); } }; H.Navigator = Navigator; /** * For Stock charts, override selection zooming with some special features because * X axis zooming is already allowed by the Navigator and Range selector. */ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'zoom', function(proceed, newMin, newMax) { var chart = this.chart, chartOptions = chart.options, zoomType = chartOptions.chart.zoomType, previousZoom, navigator = chartOptions.navigator, rangeSelector = chartOptions.rangeSelector, ret; if (this.isXAxis && ((navigator && navigator.enabled) || (rangeSelector && rangeSelector.enabled))) { // For x only zooming, fool the chart.zoom method not to create the zoom button // because the property already exists if (zoomType === 'x') { chart.resetZoomButton = 'blocked'; // For y only zooming, ignore the X axis completely } else if (zoomType === 'y') { ret = false; // For xy zooming, record the state of the zoom before zoom selection, then when // the reset button is pressed, revert to this state } else if (zoomType === 'xy') { previousZoom = this.previousZoom; if (defined(newMin)) { this.previousZoom = [this.min, this.max]; } else if (previousZoom) { newMin = previousZoom[0]; newMax = previousZoom[1]; delete this.previousZoom; } } } return ret !== undefined ? ret : proceed.call(this, newMin, newMax); }); // Initialize navigator for stock charts wrap(Chart.prototype, 'init', function(proceed, options, callback) { addEvent(this, 'beforeRender', function() { var options = this.options; if (options.navigator.enabled || options.scrollbar.enabled) { this.scroller = this.navigator = new Navigator(this); } }); proceed.call(this, options, callback); }); /** * For stock charts, extend the Chart.setChartSize method so that we can set the final top position * of the navigator once the height of the chart, including the legend, is determined. #367. * We can't use Chart.getMargins, because labels offsets are not calculated yet. */ wrap(Chart.prototype, 'setChartSize', function(proceed) { var legend = this.legend, navigator = this.navigator, scrollbarHeight, legendOptions, xAxis, yAxis; proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (navigator) { legendOptions = legend.options; xAxis = navigator.xAxis; yAxis = navigator.yAxis; scrollbarHeight = navigator.scrollbarHeight; // Compute the top position if (this.inverted) { navigator.left = navigator.opposite ? this.chartWidth - scrollbarHeight - navigator.height : this.spacing[3] + scrollbarHeight; navigator.top = this.plotTop + scrollbarHeight; } else { navigator.left = this.plotLeft + scrollbarHeight; navigator.top = navigator.navigatorOptions.top || this.chartHeight - navigator.height - scrollbarHeight - this.spacing[2] - (legendOptions.verticalAlign === 'bottom' && legendOptions.enabled && !legendOptions.floating ? legend.legendHeight + pick(legendOptions.margin, 10) : 0); } if (xAxis && yAxis) { // false if navigator is disabled (#904) if (this.inverted) { xAxis.options.left = yAxis.options.left = navigator.left; } else { xAxis.options.top = yAxis.options.top = navigator.top; } xAxis.setAxisSize(); yAxis.setAxisSize(); } } }); // Pick up badly formatted point options to addPoint wrap(Series.prototype, 'addPoint', function(proceed, options, redraw, shift, animation) { var turboThreshold = this.options.turboThreshold; if (turboThreshold && this.xData.length > turboThreshold && isObject(options, true) && this.chart.navigator) { error(20, true); } proceed.call(this, options, redraw, shift, animation); }); // Handle adding new series wrap(Chart.prototype, 'addSeries', function(proceed, options, redraw, animation) { var series = proceed.call(this, options, false, animation); if (this.navigator) { this.navigator.setBaseSeries(); // Recompute which series should be shown in navigator, and add them } if (pick(redraw, true)) { this.redraw(); } return series; }); // Handle updating series wrap(Series.prototype, 'update', function(proceed, newOptions, redraw) { proceed.call(this, newOptions, false); if (this.chart.navigator) { this.chart.navigator.setBaseSeries(); } if (pick(redraw, true)) { this.chart.redraw(); } }); Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function(chart) { var extremes, navigator = chart.navigator; // Initiate the navigator if (navigator) { extremes = chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes(); navigator.render(extremes.min, extremes.max); } }); /* **************************************************************************** * End Navigator code * *****************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var addEvent = H.addEvent, Axis = H.Axis, Chart = H.Chart, css = H.css, createElement = H.createElement, dateFormat = H.dateFormat, defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions, useUTC = defaultOptions.global.useUTC, defined = H.defined, destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties, discardElement = H.discardElement, each = H.each, extend = H.extend, fireEvent = H.fireEvent, HCDate = H.Date, isNumber = H.isNumber, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick, pInt = H.pInt, splat = H.splat, wrap = H.wrap; /* **************************************************************************** * Start Range Selector code * *****************************************************************************/ extend(defaultOptions, { rangeSelector: { // allButtonsEnabled: false, // enabled: true, // buttons: {Object} // buttonSpacing: 0, buttonTheme: { 'stroke-width': 0, width: 28, height: 18, padding: 2, zIndex: 7 // #484, #852 }, height: 35, // reserved space for buttons and input inputPosition: { align: 'right' }, // inputDateFormat: '%b %e, %Y', // inputEditDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', // inputEnabled: true, // selected: undefined } }); defaultOptions.lang = merge(defaultOptions.lang, { rangeSelectorZoom: 'Zoom', rangeSelectorFrom: 'From', rangeSelectorTo: 'To' }); /** * The range selector. * @class * @param {Object} chart */ function RangeSelector(chart) { // Run RangeSelector this.init(chart); } RangeSelector.prototype = { /** * The method to run when one of the buttons in the range selectors is clicked * @param {Number} i The index of the button * @param {Object} rangeOptions * @param {Boolean} redraw */ clickButton: function(i, redraw) { var rangeSelector = this, chart = rangeSelector.chart, rangeOptions = rangeSelector.buttonOptions[i], baseAxis = chart.xAxis[0], unionExtremes = (chart.scroller && chart.scroller.getUnionExtremes()) || baseAxis || {}, dataMin = unionExtremes.dataMin, dataMax = unionExtremes.dataMax, newMin, newMax = baseAxis && Math.round(Math.min(baseAxis.max, pick(dataMax, baseAxis.max))), // #1568 type = rangeOptions.type, baseXAxisOptions, range = rangeOptions._range, rangeMin, minSetting, rangeSetting, ctx, ytdExtremes, dataGrouping = rangeOptions.dataGrouping; if (dataMin === null || dataMax === null) { // chart has no data, base series is removed return; } // Set the fixed range before range is altered chart.fixedRange = range; // Apply dataGrouping associated to button if (dataGrouping) { this.forcedDataGrouping = true; Axis.prototype.setDataGrouping.call(baseAxis || { chart: this.chart }, dataGrouping, false); } // Apply range if (type === 'month' || type === 'year') { if (!baseAxis) { // This is set to the user options and picked up later when the axis is instantiated // so that we know the min and max. range = rangeOptions; } else { ctx = { range: rangeOptions, max: newMax, dataMin: dataMin, dataMax: dataMax }; newMin = baseAxis.minFromRange.call(ctx); if (isNumber(ctx.newMax)) { newMax = ctx.newMax; } } // Fixed times like minutes, hours, days } else if (range) { newMin = Math.max(newMax - range, dataMin); newMax = Math.min(newMin + range, dataMax); } else if (type === 'ytd') { // On user clicks on the buttons, or a delayed action running from the beforeRender // event (below), the baseAxis is defined. if (baseAxis) { // When "ytd" is the pre-selected button for the initial view, its calculation // is delayed and rerun in the beforeRender event (below). When the series // are initialized, but before the chart is rendered, we have access to the xData // array (#942). if (dataMax === undefined) { dataMin = Number.MAX_VALUE; dataMax = Number.MIN_VALUE; each(chart.series, function(series) { var xData = series.xData; // reassign it to the last item dataMin = Math.min(xData[0], dataMin); dataMax = Math.max(xData[xData.length - 1], dataMax); }); redraw = false; } ytdExtremes = rangeSelector.getYTDExtremes(dataMax, dataMin, useUTC); newMin = rangeMin = ytdExtremes.min; newMax = ytdExtremes.max; // "ytd" is pre-selected. We don't yet have access to processed point and extremes data // (things like pointStart and pointInterval are missing), so we delay the process (#942) } else { addEvent(chart, 'beforeRender', function() { rangeSelector.clickButton(i); }); return; } } else if (type === 'all' && baseAxis) { newMin = dataMin; newMax = dataMax; } rangeSelector.setSelected(i); // Update the chart if (!baseAxis) { // Axis not yet instanciated. Temporarily set min and range // options and remove them on chart load (#4317). baseXAxisOptions = splat(chart.options.xAxis)[0]; rangeSetting = baseXAxisOptions.range; baseXAxisOptions.range = range; minSetting = baseXAxisOptions.min; baseXAxisOptions.min = rangeMin; addEvent(chart, 'load', function resetMinAndRange() { baseXAxisOptions.range = rangeSetting; baseXAxisOptions.min = minSetting; }); } else { // Existing axis object. Set extremes after render time. baseAxis.setExtremes( newMin, newMax, pick(redraw, 1), null, // auto animation { trigger: 'rangeSelectorButton', rangeSelectorButton: rangeOptions } ); } }, /** * Set the selected option. This method only sets the internal flag, it doesn't * update the buttons or the actual zoomed range. */ setSelected: function(selected) { this.selected = this.options.selected = selected; }, /** * The default buttons for pre-selecting time frames */ defaultButtons: [{ type: 'month', count: 1, text: '1m' }, { type: 'month', count: 3, text: '3m' }, { type: 'month', count: 6, text: '6m' }, { type: 'ytd', text: 'YTD' }, { type: 'year', count: 1, text: '1y' }, { type: 'all', text: 'All' }], /** * Initialize the range selector */ init: function(chart) { var rangeSelector = this, options = chart.options.rangeSelector, buttonOptions = options.buttons || [].concat(rangeSelector.defaultButtons), selectedOption = options.selected, blurInputs = function() { var minInput = rangeSelector.minInput, maxInput = rangeSelector.maxInput; if (minInput && minInput.blur) { //#3274 in some case blur is not defined fireEvent(minInput, 'blur'); //#3274 } if (maxInput && maxInput.blur) { //#3274 in some case blur is not defined fireEvent(maxInput, 'blur'); //#3274 } }; rangeSelector.chart = chart; rangeSelector.options = options; rangeSelector.buttons = []; chart.extraTopMargin = options.height; rangeSelector.buttonOptions = buttonOptions; this.unMouseDown = addEvent(chart.container, 'mousedown', blurInputs); this.unResize = addEvent(chart, 'resize', blurInputs); // Extend the buttonOptions with actual range each(buttonOptions, rangeSelector.computeButtonRange); // zoomed range based on a pre-selected button index if (selectedOption !== undefined && buttonOptions[selectedOption]) { this.clickButton(selectedOption, false); } addEvent(chart, 'load', function() { // If a data grouping is applied to the current button, release it when extremes change addEvent(chart.xAxis[0], 'setExtremes', function(e) { if (this.max - this.min !== chart.fixedRange && e.trigger !== 'rangeSelectorButton' && e.trigger !== 'updatedData' && rangeSelector.forcedDataGrouping) { this.setDataGrouping(false, false); } }); }); }, /** * Dynamically update the range selector buttons after a new range has been set */ updateButtonStates: function() { var rangeSelector = this, chart = this.chart, baseAxis = chart.xAxis[0], actualRange = Math.round(baseAxis.max - baseAxis.min), hasNoData = !baseAxis.hasVisibleSeries, day = 24 * 36e5, // A single day in milliseconds unionExtremes = (chart.scroller && chart.scroller.getUnionExtremes()) || baseAxis, dataMin = unionExtremes.dataMin, dataMax = unionExtremes.dataMax, ytdExtremes = rangeSelector.getYTDExtremes(dataMax, dataMin, useUTC), ytdMin = ytdExtremes.min, ytdMax = ytdExtremes.max, selected = rangeSelector.selected, selectedExists = isNumber(selected), allButtonsEnabled = rangeSelector.options.allButtonsEnabled, buttons = rangeSelector.buttons; each(rangeSelector.buttonOptions, function(rangeOptions, i) { var range = rangeOptions._range, type = rangeOptions.type, count = rangeOptions.count || 1, button = buttons[i], state = 0, disable, select, isSelected = i === selected, // Disable buttons where the range exceeds what is allowed in the current view isTooGreatRange = range > dataMax - dataMin, // Disable buttons where the range is smaller than the minimum range isTooSmallRange = range < baseAxis.minRange, // Do not select the YTD button if not explicitly told so isYTDButNotSelected = false, // Disable the All button if we're already showing all isAllButAlreadyShowingAll = false, isSameRange = range === actualRange; // Months and years have a variable range so we check the extremes if ( (type === 'month' || type === 'year') && (actualRange >= { month: 28, year: 365 }[type] * day * count) && (actualRange <= { month: 31, year: 366 }[type] * day * count) ) { isSameRange = true; } else if (type === 'ytd') { isSameRange = (ytdMax - ytdMin) === actualRange; isYTDButNotSelected = !isSelected; } else if (type === 'all') { isSameRange = baseAxis.max - baseAxis.min >= dataMax - dataMin; isAllButAlreadyShowingAll = !isSelected && selectedExists && isSameRange; } // The new zoom area happens to match the range for a button - mark it selected. // This happens when scrolling across an ordinal gap. It can be seen in the intraday // demos when selecting 1h and scroll across the night gap. disable = (!allButtonsEnabled && ( isTooGreatRange || isTooSmallRange || isAllButAlreadyShowingAll || hasNoData ) ); select = ( (isSelected && isSameRange) || (isSameRange && !selectedExists && !isYTDButNotSelected) ); if (disable) { state = 3; } else if (select) { selectedExists = true; // Only one button can be selected state = 2; } // If state has changed, update the button if (button.state !== state) { button.setState(state); } }); }, /** * Compute and cache the range for an individual button */ computeButtonRange: function(rangeOptions) { var type = rangeOptions.type, count = rangeOptions.count || 1, // these time intervals have a fixed number of milliseconds, as opposed // to month, ytd and year fixedTimes = { millisecond: 1, second: 1000, minute: 60 * 1000, hour: 3600 * 1000, day: 24 * 3600 * 1000, week: 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 }; // Store the range on the button object if (fixedTimes[type]) { rangeOptions._range = fixedTimes[type] * count; } else if (type === 'month' || type === 'year') { rangeOptions._range = { month: 30, year: 365 }[type] * 24 * 36e5 * count; } }, /** * Set the internal and displayed value of a HTML input for the dates * @param {String} name * @param {Number} time */ setInputValue: function(name, time) { var options = this.chart.options.rangeSelector, input = this[name + 'Input']; if (defined(time)) { input.previousValue = input.HCTime; input.HCTime = time; } input.value = dateFormat( options.inputEditDateFormat || '%Y-%m-%d', input.HCTime ); this[name + 'DateBox'].attr({ text: dateFormat(options.inputDateFormat || '%b %e, %Y', input.HCTime) }); }, showInput: function(name) { var inputGroup = this.inputGroup, dateBox = this[name + 'DateBox']; css(this[name + 'Input'], { left: (inputGroup.translateX + dateBox.x) + 'px', top: inputGroup.translateY + 'px', width: (dateBox.width - 2) + 'px', height: (dateBox.height - 2) + 'px', border: '2px solid silver' }); }, hideInput: function(name) { css(this[name + 'Input'], { border: 0, width: '1px', height: '1px' }); this.setInputValue(name); }, /** * Draw either the 'from' or the 'to' HTML input box of the range selector * @param {Object} name */ drawInput: function(name) { var rangeSelector = this, chart = rangeSelector.chart, chartStyle = chart.renderer.style || {}, renderer = chart.renderer, options = chart.options.rangeSelector, lang = defaultOptions.lang, div = rangeSelector.div, isMin = name === 'min', input, label, dateBox, inputGroup = this.inputGroup; function updateExtremes() { var inputValue = input.value, value = (options.inputDateParser || Date.parse)(inputValue), chartAxis = chart.xAxis[0], dataAxis = chart.scroller && chart.scroller.xAxis ? chart.scroller.xAxis : chartAxis, dataMin = dataAxis.dataMin, dataMax = dataAxis.dataMax; if (value !== input.previousValue) { input.previousValue = value; // If the value isn't parsed directly to a value by the browser's Date.parse method, // like YYYY-MM-DD in IE, try parsing it a different way if (!isNumber(value)) { value = inputValue.split('-'); value = Date.UTC(pInt(value[0]), pInt(value[1]) - 1, pInt(value[2])); } if (isNumber(value)) { // Correct for timezone offset (#433) if (!useUTC) { value = value + new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; } // Validate the extremes. If it goes beyound the data min or max, use the // actual data extreme (#2438). if (isMin) { if (value > rangeSelector.maxInput.HCTime) { value = undefined; } else if (value < dataMin) { value = dataMin; } } else { if (value < rangeSelector.minInput.HCTime) { value = undefined; } else if (value > dataMax) { value = dataMax; } } // Set the extremes if (value !== undefined) { chartAxis.setExtremes( isMin ? value : chartAxis.min, isMin ? chartAxis.max : value, undefined, undefined, { trigger: 'rangeSelectorInput' } ); } } } } // Create the text label this[name + 'Label'] = label = renderer.label(lang[isMin ? 'rangeSelectorFrom' : 'rangeSelectorTo'], this.inputGroup.offset) .addClass('highcharts-range-label') .attr({ padding: 2 }) .add(inputGroup); inputGroup.offset += label.width + 5; // Create an SVG label that shows updated date ranges and and records click events that // bring in the HTML input. this[name + 'DateBox'] = dateBox = renderer.label('', inputGroup.offset) .addClass('highcharts-range-input') .attr({ padding: 2, width: options.inputBoxWidth || 90, height: options.inputBoxHeight || 17, stroke: options.inputBoxBorderColor || '#cccccc', 'stroke-width': 1, 'text-align': 'center' }) .on('click', function() { rangeSelector.showInput(name); // If it is already focused, the onfocus event doesn't fire (#3713) rangeSelector[name + 'Input'].focus(); }) .add(inputGroup); inputGroup.offset += dateBox.width + (isMin ? 10 : 0); // Create the HTML input element. This is rendered as 1x1 pixel then set to the right size // when focused. this[name + 'Input'] = input = createElement('input', { name: name, className: 'highcharts-range-selector', type: 'text' }, { top: chart.plotTop + 'px' // prevent jump on focus in Firefox }, div); // Blow up the input box input.onfocus = function() { rangeSelector.showInput(name); }; // Hide away the input box input.onblur = function() { rangeSelector.hideInput(name); }; // handle changes in the input boxes input.onchange = updateExtremes; input.onkeypress = function(event) { // IE does not fire onchange on enter if (event.keyCode === 13) { updateExtremes(); } }; }, /** * Get the position of the range selector buttons and inputs. This can be overridden from outside for custom positioning. */ getPosition: function() { var chart = this.chart, options = chart.options.rangeSelector, buttonTop = pick((options.buttonPosition || {}).y, chart.plotTop - chart.axisOffset[0] - options.height); return { buttonTop: buttonTop, inputTop: buttonTop - 10 }; }, /** * Get the extremes of YTD. * Will choose dataMax if its value is lower than the current timestamp. * Will choose dataMin if its value is higher than the timestamp for * the start of current year. * @param {number} dataMax * @param {number} dataMin * @return {object} Returns min and max for the YTD */ getYTDExtremes: function(dataMax, dataMin, useUTC) { var min, now = new HCDate(dataMax), year = now[HCDate.hcGetFullYear](), startOfYear = useUTC ? HCDate.UTC(year, 0, 1) : +new HCDate(year, 0, 1); // eslint-disable-line new-cap min = Math.max(dataMin || 0, startOfYear); now = now.getTime(); return { max: Math.min(dataMax || now, now), min: min }; }, /** * Render the range selector including the buttons and the inputs. The first time render * is called, the elements are created and positioned. On subsequent calls, they are * moved and updated. * @param {Number} min X axis minimum * @param {Number} max X axis maximum */ render: function(min, max) { var rangeSelector = this, chart = rangeSelector.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, container = chart.container, chartOptions = chart.options, navButtonOptions = chartOptions.exporting && chartOptions.exporting.enabled !== false && chartOptions.navigation && chartOptions.navigation.buttonOptions, options = chartOptions.rangeSelector, buttons = rangeSelector.buttons, lang = defaultOptions.lang, div = rangeSelector.div, inputGroup = rangeSelector.inputGroup, buttonTheme = options.buttonTheme, buttonPosition = options.buttonPosition || {}, inputEnabled = options.inputEnabled, states = buttonTheme && buttonTheme.states, plotLeft = chart.plotLeft, buttonLeft, pos = this.getPosition(), buttonGroup = rangeSelector.group, buttonBBox, rendered = rangeSelector.rendered; if (options.enabled === false) { return; } // create the elements if (!rendered) { rangeSelector.group = buttonGroup = renderer.g('range-selector-buttons').add(); rangeSelector.zoomText = renderer.text(lang.rangeSelectorZoom, pick(buttonPosition.x, plotLeft), 15) .css(options.labelStyle) .add(buttonGroup); // button starting position buttonLeft = pick(buttonPosition.x, plotLeft) + rangeSelector.zoomText.getBBox().width + 5; each(rangeSelector.buttonOptions, function(rangeOptions, i) { buttons[i] = renderer.button( rangeOptions.text, buttonLeft, 0, function() { rangeSelector.clickButton(i); rangeSelector.isActive = true; }, buttonTheme, states && states.hover, states && states.select, states && states.disabled ) .attr({ 'text-align': 'center' }) .add(buttonGroup); // increase button position for the next button buttonLeft += buttons[i].width + pick(options.buttonSpacing, 5); }); // first create a wrapper outside the container in order to make // the inputs work and make export correct if (inputEnabled !== false) { rangeSelector.div = div = createElement('div', null, { position: 'relative', height: 0, zIndex: 1 // above container }); container.parentNode.insertBefore(div, container); // Create the group to keep the inputs rangeSelector.inputGroup = inputGroup = renderer.g('input-group') .add(); inputGroup.offset = 0; rangeSelector.drawInput('min'); rangeSelector.drawInput('max'); } } rangeSelector.updateButtonStates(); // Set or update the group position buttonGroup[rendered ? 'animate' : 'attr']({ translateY: pos.buttonTop }); if (inputEnabled !== false) { // Update the alignment to the updated spacing box inputGroup.align(extend({ y: pos.inputTop, width: inputGroup.offset, // Detect collision with the exporting buttons x: navButtonOptions && (pos.inputTop < (navButtonOptions.y || 0) + navButtonOptions.height - chart.spacing[0]) ? -40 : 0 }, options.inputPosition), true, chart.spacingBox); // Hide if overlapping - inputEnabled is null or undefined if (!defined(inputEnabled)) { buttonBBox = buttonGroup.getBBox(); inputGroup[inputGroup.alignAttr.translateX < buttonBBox.x + buttonBBox.width + 10 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); } // Set or reset the input values rangeSelector.setInputValue('min', min); rangeSelector.setInputValue('max', max); } rangeSelector.rendered = true; }, /** * Update the range selector with new options */ update: function(options) { var chart = this.chart; merge(true, chart.options.rangeSelector, options); this.destroy(); this.init(chart); }, /** * Destroys allocated elements. */ destroy: function() { var minInput = this.minInput, maxInput = this.maxInput, key; this.unMouseDown(); this.unResize(); // Destroy elements in collections destroyObjectProperties(this.buttons); // Clear input element events if (minInput) { minInput.onfocus = minInput.onblur = minInput.onchange = null; } if (maxInput) { maxInput.onfocus = maxInput.onblur = maxInput.onchange = null; } // Destroy HTML and SVG elements for (key in this) { if (this[key] && key !== 'chart') { if (this[key].destroy) { // SVGElement this[key].destroy(); } else if (this[key].nodeType) { // HTML element discardElement(this[key]); } } if (this[key] !== RangeSelector.prototype[key]) { this[key] = null; } } } }; /** * Add logic to normalize the zoomed range in order to preserve the pressed state of range selector buttons */ Axis.prototype.toFixedRange = function(pxMin, pxMax, fixedMin, fixedMax) { var fixedRange = this.chart && this.chart.fixedRange, newMin = pick(fixedMin, this.translate(pxMin, true, !this.horiz)), newMax = pick(fixedMax, this.translate(pxMax, true, !this.horiz)), changeRatio = fixedRange && (newMax - newMin) / fixedRange; // If the difference between the fixed range and the actual requested range is // too great, the user is dragging across an ordinal gap, and we need to release // the range selector button. if (changeRatio > 0.7 && changeRatio < 1.3) { if (fixedMax) { newMin = newMax - fixedRange; } else { newMax = newMin + fixedRange; } } if (!isNumber(newMin)) { // #1195 newMin = newMax = undefined; } return { min: newMin, max: newMax }; }; /** * Get the axis min value based on the range option and the current max. For * stock charts this is extended via the {@link RangeSelector} so that if the * selected range is a multiple of months or years, it is compensated for * various month lengths. * * @return {number} The new minimum value. */ Axis.prototype.minFromRange = function() { var rangeOptions = this.range, type = rangeOptions.type, timeName = { month: 'Month', year: 'FullYear' }[type], min, max = this.max, dataMin, range, // Get the true range from a start date getTrueRange = function(base, count) { var date = new Date(base); date['set' + timeName](date['get' + timeName]() + count); return date.getTime() - base; }; if (isNumber(rangeOptions)) { min = max - rangeOptions; range = rangeOptions; } else { min = max + getTrueRange(max, -rangeOptions.count); // Let the fixedRange reflect initial settings (#5930) if (this.chart) { this.chart.fixedRange = max - min; } } dataMin = pick(this.dataMin, Number.MIN_VALUE); if (!isNumber(min)) { min = dataMin; } if (min <= dataMin) { min = dataMin; if (range === undefined) { // #4501 range = getTrueRange(min, rangeOptions.count); } this.newMax = Math.min(min + range, this.dataMax); } if (!isNumber(max)) { min = undefined; } return min; }; // Initialize scroller for stock charts wrap(Chart.prototype, 'init', function(proceed, options, callback) { addEvent(this, 'init', function() { if (this.options.rangeSelector.enabled) { this.rangeSelector = new RangeSelector(this); } }); proceed.call(this, options, callback); }); Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function(chart) { var extremes, rangeSelector = chart.rangeSelector, unbindRender, unbindSetExtremes; function renderRangeSelector() { extremes = chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes(); if (isNumber(extremes.min)) { rangeSelector.render(extremes.min, extremes.max); } } if (rangeSelector) { // redraw the scroller on setExtremes unbindSetExtremes = addEvent( chart.xAxis[0], 'afterSetExtremes', function(e) { rangeSelector.render(e.min, e.max); } ); // redraw the scroller chart resize unbindRender = addEvent(chart, 'redraw', renderRangeSelector); // do it now renderRangeSelector(); } // Remove resize/afterSetExtremes at chart destroy addEvent(chart, 'destroy', function destroyEvents() { if (rangeSelector) { unbindRender(); unbindSetExtremes(); } }); }); H.RangeSelector = RangeSelector; /* **************************************************************************** * End Range Selector code * *****************************************************************************/ }(Highcharts)); (function(H) { /** * (c) 2010-2016 Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ var arrayMax = H.arrayMax, arrayMin = H.arrayMin, Axis = H.Axis, Chart = H.Chart, defined = H.defined, each = H.each, extend = H.extend, format = H.format, inArray = H.inArray, isNumber = H.isNumber, isString = H.isString, map = H.map, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick, Point = H.Point, Renderer = H.Renderer, Series = H.Series, splat = H.splat, SVGRenderer = H.SVGRenderer, VMLRenderer = H.VMLRenderer, wrap = H.wrap, seriesProto = Series.prototype, seriesInit = seriesProto.init, seriesProcessData = seriesProto.processData, pointTooltipFormatter = Point.prototype.tooltipFormatter; /** * A wrapper for Chart with all the default values for a Stock chart */ H.StockChart = H.stockChart = function(a, b, c) { var hasRenderToArg = isString(a) || a.nodeName, options = arguments[hasRenderToArg ? 1 : 0], seriesOptions = options.series, // to increase performance, don't merge the data defaultOptions = H.getOptions(), opposite, // Always disable startOnTick:true on the main axis when the navigator // is enabled (#1090) navigatorEnabled = pick( options.navigator && options.navigator.enabled, defaultOptions.navigator.enabled, true ), disableStartOnTick = navigatorEnabled ? { startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false } : null, lineOptions = { marker: { enabled: false, radius: 2 } // gapSize: 0 }, columnOptions = { shadow: false, borderWidth: 0 }; // apply X axis options to both single and multi y axes options.xAxis = map(splat(options.xAxis || {}), function(xAxisOptions) { return merge({ // defaults minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, ordinal: true, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' }, showLastLabel: true }, defaultOptions.xAxis, // #3802 xAxisOptions, // user options { // forced options type: 'datetime', categories: null }, disableStartOnTick ); }); // apply Y axis options to both single and multi y axes options.yAxis = map(splat(options.yAxis || {}), function(yAxisOptions) { opposite = pick(yAxisOptions.opposite, true); return merge({ // defaults labels: { y: -2 }, opposite: opposite, showLastLabel: false, title: { text: null } }, defaultOptions.yAxis, // #3802 yAxisOptions // user options ); }); options.series = null; options = merge({ chart: { panning: true, pinchType: 'x' }, navigator: { enabled: navigatorEnabled }, scrollbar: { // #4988 - check if setOptions was called enabled: pick(defaultOptions.scrollbar.enabled, true) }, rangeSelector: { // #4988 - check if setOptions was called enabled: pick(defaultOptions.rangeSelector.enabled, true) }, title: { text: null }, tooltip: { shared: true, crosshairs: true }, legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { line: lineOptions, spline: lineOptions, area: lineOptions, areaspline: lineOptions, arearange: lineOptions, areasplinerange: lineOptions, column: columnOptions, columnrange: columnOptions, candlestick: columnOptions, ohlc: columnOptions } }, options, // user's options { // forced options isStock: true // internal flag } ); options.series = seriesOptions; return hasRenderToArg ? new Chart(a, options, c) : new Chart(options, b); }; // Override the automatic label alignment so that the first Y axis' labels // are drawn on top of the grid line, and subsequent axes are drawn outside wrap(Axis.prototype, 'autoLabelAlign', function(proceed) { var chart = this.chart, options = this.options, panes = chart._labelPanes = chart._labelPanes || {}, key, labelOptions = this.options.labels; if (this.chart.options.isStock && this.coll === 'yAxis') { key = options.top + ',' + options.height; if (!panes[key] && labelOptions.enabled) { // do it only for the first Y axis of each pane if (labelOptions.x === 15) { // default labelOptions.x = 0; } if (labelOptions.align === undefined) { labelOptions.align = 'right'; } panes[key] = this; return 'right'; } } return proceed.call(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); }); // Clear axis from label panes (#6071) wrap(Axis.prototype, 'destroy', function(proceed) { var chart = this.chart, key = this.options && (this.options.top + ',' + this.options.height); if (key && chart._labelPanes && chart._labelPanes[key] === this) { delete chart._labelPanes[key]; } return proceed.call(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }); // Override getPlotLinePath to allow for multipane charts wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getPlotLinePath', function(proceed, value, lineWidth, old, force, translatedValue) { var axis = this, series = (this.isLinked && !this.series ? this.linkedParent.series : this.series), chart = axis.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, axisLeft = axis.left, axisTop = axis.top, x1, y1, x2, y2, result = [], axes = [], //#3416 need a default array axes2, uniqueAxes, transVal; /** * Return the other axis based on either the axis option or on related series. */ function getAxis(coll) { var otherColl = coll === 'xAxis' ? 'yAxis' : 'xAxis', opt = axis.options[otherColl]; // Other axis indexed by number if (isNumber(opt)) { return [chart[otherColl][opt]]; } // Other axis indexed by id (like navigator) if (isString(opt)) { return [chart.get(opt)]; } // Auto detect based on existing series return map(series, function(s) { return s[otherColl]; }); } // Ignore in case of color Axis. #3360, #3524 if (axis.coll === 'colorAxis') { return proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); } // Get the related axes based on series axes = getAxis(axis.coll); // Get the related axes based options.*Axis setting #2810 axes2 = (axis.isXAxis ? chart.yAxis : chart.xAxis); each(axes2, function(A) { if (defined(A.options.id) ? A.options.id.indexOf('navigator') === -1 : true) { var a = (A.isXAxis ? 'yAxis' : 'xAxis'), rax = (defined(A.options[a]) ? chart[a][A.options[a]] : chart[a][0]); if (axis === rax) { axes.push(A); } } }); // Remove duplicates in the axes array. If there are no axes in the axes array, // we are adding an axis without data, so we need to populate this with grid // lines (#2796). uniqueAxes = axes.length ? [] : [axis.isXAxis ? chart.yAxis[0] : chart.xAxis[0]]; //#3742 each(axes, function(axis2) { if (inArray(axis2, uniqueAxes) === -1) { uniqueAxes.push(axis2); } }); transVal = pick(translatedValue, axis.translate(value, null, null, old)); if (isNumber(transVal)) { if (axis.horiz) { each(uniqueAxes, function(axis2) { var skip; y1 = axis2.pos; y2 = y1 + axis2.len; x1 = x2 = Math.round(transVal + axis.transB); if (x1 < axisLeft || x1 > axisLeft + axis.width) { // outside plot area if (force) { x1 = x2 = Math.min(Math.max(axisLeft, x1), axisLeft + axis.width); } else { skip = true; } } if (!skip) { result.push('M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2); } }); } else { each(uniqueAxes, function(axis2) { var skip; x1 = axis2.pos; x2 = x1 + axis2.len; y1 = y2 = Math.round(axisTop + axis.height - transVal); if (y1 < axisTop || y1 > axisTop + axis.height) { // outside plot area if (force) { y1 = y2 = Math.min(Math.max(axisTop, y1), axis.top + axis.height); } else { skip = true; } } if (!skip) { result.push('M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2); } }); } } return result.length > 0 ? renderer.crispPolyLine(result, lineWidth || 1) : null; //#3557 getPlotLinePath in regular Highcharts also returns null }); // Override getPlotBandPath to allow for multipane charts Axis.prototype.getPlotBandPath = function(from, to) { var toPath = this.getPlotLinePath(to, null, null, true), path = this.getPlotLinePath(from, null, null, true), result = [], i; if (path && toPath) { if (path.toString() === toPath.toString()) { // #6166 result = path; result.flat = true; } else { // Go over each subpath for (i = 0; i < path.length; i += 6) { result.push( 'M', path[i + 1], path[i + 2], 'L', path[i + 4], path[i + 5], toPath[i + 4], toPath[i + 5], toPath[i + 1], toPath[i + 2], 'z' ); } } } else { // outside the axis area result = null; } return result; }; // Function to crisp a line with multiple segments SVGRenderer.prototype.crispPolyLine = function(points, width) { // points format: ['M', 0, 0, 'L', 100, 0] // normalize to a crisp line var i; for (i = 0; i < points.length; i = i + 6) { if (points[i + 1] === points[i + 4]) { // Substract due to #1129. Now bottom and left axis gridlines behave the same. points[i + 1] = points[i + 4] = Math.round(points[i + 1]) - (width % 2 / 2); } if (points[i + 2] === points[i + 5]) { points[i + 2] = points[i + 5] = Math.round(points[i + 2]) + (width % 2 / 2); } } return points; }; // Wrapper to hide the label wrap(Axis.prototype, 'hideCrosshair', function(proceed, i) { proceed.call(this, i); if (this.crossLabel) { this.crossLabel = this.crossLabel.hide(); } }); // Wrapper to draw the label wrap(Axis.prototype, 'drawCrosshair', function(proceed, e, point) { // Draw the crosshair proceed.call(this, e, point); // Check if the label has to be drawn if (!defined(this.crosshair.label) || !this.crosshair.label.enabled || !this.cross) { return; } var chart = this.chart, options = this.options.crosshair.label, // the label's options horiz = this.horiz, // axis orientation opposite = this.opposite, // axis position left = this.left, // left position top = this.top, // top position crossLabel = this.crossLabel, // reference to the svgElement posx, posy, crossBox, formatOption = options.format, formatFormat = '', limit, align, tickInside = this.options.tickPosition === 'inside', snap = this.crosshair.snap !== false, value, offset = 0; // Use last available event (#5287) if (!e) { e = this.cross && this.cross.e; } align = (horiz ? 'center' : opposite ? (this.labelAlign === 'right' ? 'right' : 'left') : (this.labelAlign === 'left' ? 'left' : 'center')); // If the label does not exist yet, create it. if (!crossLabel) { crossLabel = this.crossLabel = chart.renderer.label(null, null, null, options.shape || 'callout') .addClass('highcharts-crosshair-label' + (this.series[0] && ' highcharts-color-' + this.series[0].colorIndex)) .attr({ align: options.align || align, padding: pick(options.padding, 8), r: pick(options.borderRadius, 3), zIndex: 2 }) .add(this.labelGroup); } if (horiz) { posx = snap ? point.plotX + left : e.chartX; posy = top + (opposite ? 0 : this.height); } else { posx = opposite ? this.width + left : 0; posy = snap ? point.plotY + top : e.chartY; } if (!formatOption && !options.formatter) { if (this.isDatetimeAxis) { formatFormat = '%b %d, %Y'; } formatOption = '{value' + (formatFormat ? ':' + formatFormat : '') + '}'; } // Show the label value = snap ? point[this.isXAxis ? 'x' : 'y'] : this.toValue(horiz ? e.chartX : e.chartY); crossLabel.attr({ text: formatOption ? format(formatOption, { value: value }) : options.formatter.call(this, value), x: posx, y: posy, visibility: 'visible' }); crossBox = crossLabel.getBBox(); // now it is placed we can correct its position if (horiz) { if ((tickInside && !opposite) || (!tickInside && opposite)) { posy = crossLabel.y - crossBox.height; } } else { posy = crossLabel.y - (crossBox.height / 2); } // check the edges if (horiz) { limit = { left: left - crossBox.x, right: left + this.width - crossBox.x }; } else { limit = { left: this.labelAlign === 'left' ? left : 0, right: this.labelAlign === 'right' ? left + this.width : chart.chartWidth }; } // left edge if (crossLabel.translateX < limit.left) { offset = limit.left - crossLabel.translateX; } // right edge if (crossLabel.translateX + crossBox.width >= limit.right) { offset = -(crossLabel.translateX + crossBox.width - limit.right); } // show the crosslabel crossLabel.attr({ x: posx + offset, y: posy, // First set x and y, then anchorX and anchorY, when box is actually calculated, #5702 anchorX: horiz ? posx : (this.opposite ? 0 : chart.chartWidth), anchorY: horiz ? (this.opposite ? chart.chartHeight : 0) : posy + crossBox.height / 2 }); }); /* **************************************************************************** * Start value compare logic * *****************************************************************************/ /** * Extend series.init by adding a method to modify the y value used for plotting * on the y axis. This method is called both from the axis when finding dataMin * and dataMax, and from the series.translate method. */ seriesProto.init = function() { // Call base method seriesInit.apply(this, arguments); // Set comparison mode this.setCompare(this.options.compare); }; /** * The setCompare method can be called also from the outside after render time */ seriesProto.setCompare = function(compare) { // Set or unset the modifyValue method this.modifyValue = (compare === 'value' || compare === 'percent') ? function(value, point) { var compareValue = this.compareValue; if (value !== undefined && compareValue !== undefined) { // #2601, #5814 // Get the modified value if (compare === 'value') { value -= compareValue; // Compare percent } else { value = 100 * (value / compareValue) - (this.options.compareBase === 100 ? 0 : 100); } // record for tooltip etc. if (point) { point.change = value; } return value; } } : null; // Survive to export, #5485 this.userOptions.compare = compare; // Mark dirty if (this.chart.hasRendered) { this.isDirty = true; } }; /** * Extend series.processData by finding the first y value in the plot area, * used for comparing the following values */ seriesProto.processData = function() { var series = this, i, keyIndex = -1, processedXData, processedYData, length, compareValue; // call base method seriesProcessData.apply(this, arguments); if (series.xAxis && series.processedYData) { // not pies // local variables processedXData = series.processedXData; processedYData = series.processedYData; length = processedYData.length; // For series with more than one value (range, OHLC etc), compare against // close or the pointValKey (#4922, #3112) if (series.pointArrayMap) { // Use close if present (#3112) keyIndex = inArray('close', series.pointArrayMap); if (keyIndex === -1) { keyIndex = inArray(series.pointValKey || 'y', series.pointArrayMap); } } // find the first value for comparison for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { compareValue = keyIndex > -1 ? processedYData[i][keyIndex] : processedYData[i]; if (isNumber(compareValue) && processedXData[i + 1] >= series.xAxis.min && compareValue !== 0) { series.compareValue = compareValue; break; } } } }; /** * Modify series extremes */ wrap(seriesProto, 'getExtremes', function(proceed) { var extremes; proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (this.modifyValue) { extremes = [this.modifyValue(this.dataMin), this.modifyValue(this.dataMax)]; this.dataMin = arrayMin(extremes); this.dataMax = arrayMax(extremes); } }); /** * Add a utility method, setCompare, to the Y axis */ Axis.prototype.setCompare = function(compare, redraw) { if (!this.isXAxis) { each(this.series, function(series) { series.setCompare(compare); }); if (pick(redraw, true)) { this.chart.redraw(); } } }; /** * Extend the tooltip formatter by adding support for the point.change variable * as well as the changeDecimals option */ Point.prototype.tooltipFormatter = function(pointFormat) { var point = this; pointFormat = pointFormat.replace( '{point.change}', (point.change > 0 ? '+' : '') + H.numberFormat(point.change, pick(point.series.tooltipOptions.changeDecimals, 2)) ); return pointTooltipFormatter.apply(this, [pointFormat]); }; /* **************************************************************************** * End value compare logic * *****************************************************************************/ /** * Extend the Series prototype to create a separate series clip box. This is * related to using multiple panes, and a future pane logic should incorporate * this feature (#2754). */ wrap(Series.prototype, 'render', function(proceed) { // Only do this on not 3d (#2939, #5904) nor polar (#6057) charts, and only // if the series type handles clipping in the animate method (#2975). if (!(this.chart.is3d && this.chart.is3d()) && !this.chart.polar && this.xAxis && !this.xAxis.isRadial // Gauge, #6192 ) { // First render, initial clip box if (!this.clipBox && this.animate) { this.clipBox = merge(this.chart.clipBox); this.clipBox.width = this.xAxis.len; this.clipBox.height = this.yAxis.len; // On redrawing, resizing etc, update the clip rectangle } else if (this.chart[this.sharedClipKey]) { this.chart[this.sharedClipKey].attr({ width: this.xAxis.len, height: this.yAxis.len }); // #3111 } else if (this.clipBox) { this.clipBox.width = this.xAxis.len; this.clipBox.height = this.yAxis.len; } } proceed.call(this); }); }(Highcharts)); }));