/* * Title: jQuery Etalage plugin CSS * Author: Berend de Jong, Frique * Author URI: http://www.frique.me/ * Version: 1.3.1 (20120705.1) * * ------------------------------------ STYLE ------------------------------------ * Edit this section to style your thumbnails, zoom area, magnifier etc. * If the id of your Etalage instance is different, do a find/replace on #etalage. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Etalage container (large thumb + small thumbs): */ #etalage{ display: none; margin-bottom: 50px; } /* Large thumbnail: */ #etalage .etalage_thumb{ background:url(../images/loading.gif) center no-repeat; border: 1px solid #eee; } /* Large thumbnail - image (in case you want to add a border around the image within the frame) */ #etalage .etalage_thumb_image{ } /* Small thumbnails: */ #etalage .etalage_small_thumbs li{ border: 1px solid #ddd; margin: 10px; padding: 3px; } /* The one on the left that makes them slide */ #etalage ul li.etalage_smallthumb_first{ } /* The one on the right that makes them slide */ #etalage ul li.etalage_smallthumb_last{ } /* The currently active one */ #etalage ul li.etalage_smallthumb_active{ } /* Zoomed image area: */ #etalage .etalage_zoom_area, .etalage_zoom_area{ background: white url(../images/loading.gif) center no-repeat; border: 1px solid #EEE; padding: 6px; } /* Magnifier area (thumbnail hovering rectangle): */ #etalage .etalage_magnifier{ background: white; border: 1px solid #eee; } /* Icon that will apear at the left bottom of the large thumbnail (optional): */ #etalage .etalage_icon{ background: url(../images/zoom.png) no-repeat rgba(184, 183, 181, 0.32); width: 104px; height: 104px; } /* Hint that will apear at the top right of the large thumbnail (optional): */ #etalage .etalage_hint{ background: url(../images/hint.gif) no-repeat; width: 130px; height: 57px; } /* Description area (optional) */ #etalage .etalage_description{ background: white; font-style: italic; margin: 10px; padding: 6px 10px; } /* * ------------------------------------ FUNCTIONALITY -------------------------------------- * The following CSS serves to make Etalage function properly. Don't edit or edit carefully. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .etalage, .etalage_thumb, .etalage_thumb_image, .etalage_source_image, .etalage_zoom_preview, .etalage_icon, .etalage_hint{ display:none } .etalage, .etalage ul, .etalage li, .etalage img, .etalage_hint, .etalage_icon, .etalage_description{ margin:0; padding:0; border:0; list-style:none } .etalage, .etalage_magnifier div, .etalage_magnifier div img, .etalage_small_thumbs ul, ul .etalage_small_thumbs li, .etalage_zoom_area div, .etalage_zoom_img{ position:relative } .etalage img, .etalage li{ -webkit-user-select:none; -khtml-user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none; -o-user-select:none; user-select:none; -webkit-user-drag:none; -moz-user-drag:none; user-drag:none } .etalage, .etalage_small_thumbs li{ float:left } .etalage_right{ float:right } .etalage li{ position:absolute } .etalage img{ vertical-align:bottom; max-width:none } .etalage_magnifier{ cursor:default } .etalage_magnifier div, .etalage_small_thumbs{ overflow:hidden } .etalage_magnifier div img{ display:none } .etalage_icon, .etalage_hint{ cursor:default; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden } .etalage_small_thumbs li.vertical{ float:none } .etalage_zoom_area{ z-index:996 } .etalage_zoom_area div{ overflow:hidden; z-index:997 } .etalage_zoom_preview{ position:absolute; z-index:998 } .etalage_zoom_img, .etalage_hint{ z-index:999 } .etalage{ direction:ltr } div.etalage_description{ position:absolute; bottom:0; left:0; z-index:999 } div.etalage_description.rtl{ direction:rtl; text-align:right }