Aspose.PDF Class describes aps load options. Default constructor. Save options for export to APS XML format. Constructor of APsSaveOptions class. Load options for PdfXml format. Constructor of PdfXmlLoadOptions class. Save options for PdfXml format. Constructor ofr PdfXml format. Enumeration describes associated files relationship. Source Data Alternative Supplement Unspecified EncryptedPayload None Represents the fragment of aps object added onto Pdf page. The page that stores fragment. The rectangle area that stores fragment. The collections that stores fragment operators. Gets/sets the clipping flag for entire fragment (excluded inner elements). Gets/sets the adding content onto the page flag. True - the oprators are added; false - not. Initializes new aps fragment. The page to host fragment. The rectangle area on the page where fragment placed. The flag determines whether fragment is being clipped or not. The flag determines whether content is added onto page or not. Copies the resource dictionary from page to source page and vica versa (for non adding content mode only). The flag manages the direction of copy. If the values is true, than data is copied from new page to original page. Represents collection of aps fragments added onto the pdf page. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An System.Collections.IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An System.Collections.IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Copies the aps fragments entries to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index. The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination. Must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Gets the total number of aps fragments. Gets the object that can be used to synchronize access to this collection. Gets the value indicating whether access to this collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets the value indicating if collection is readonly. Gets aps fragment from the collection using index. Index within the collection. ApsFragment object. Initializes new instance of this class. Page that hosts aps fragment collection. Adds aps fragment to collection. The aps fragment to be added. Deletes this aps fragment from the collection by the index. Index within the collection. Clears all aps fragments from the collection. Returns aps fragment that located in rectangle area. The rectangle area where aps fragment placed. If it was found than the aps fragment object; otherwise, null. Clears all aps fragments from the collection. checks if fragment belongs to collection. Fragment to delete. Deletes specified aps fragment from the collection. Fragment to delete. The tray to take APS pages from. The pipe to put APS pages to. The maximum number of threads that can be run for the node. Registers parent-child relationship between the pipeline and the node threads. The node thread Id. The method which performs APS pages serialization and ZIP-packing when run by a pipeline. Method for ordinary conversion mode. The list of APS pages. The PNG file name template. Visits the page start. The aps page. Visits the page end. The aps page. Visits the canvas start. The canvas. Pushes the transform. The render transform provider. Visits the canvas end. The canvas. Pops the transform. Visits the glyphs. The glyphs. Visits the path start. The aps path. Visits the path end. The aps path. Visits the path figure start. The path figure. Visits the path figure end. The path figure. Visits the poly line segment. The segment. Visits the bezier segment. The segment. Visits the image. The image. Visits the bookmark. The bookmark. Visits the outline item. The outline item. Visits the form field text. The field. Visits the form field checkbox. The field. Visits the form combo box. The field. Visits the form field radio button. The field. Visits the form field button. The field. Returns False if child nodes of the group must not be visited. The group. Returns False if child nodes of the group must not be visited. Calculates the bounding box. The aps node. Returns calculated bounding box. Adjusts the bounding box. The bounds. Adjusts the bounding box. The bounds. Calculates bounding box of Bezier curves. Based on code from b^2 - 4ac = Determinant Class incapsulates basic actions wuth page/annotation/field interactive actions Returns action by its name. Name of action. Sets action by its name. Action name. Action to be insert. Removes all actions of the annotation. Represents base class for operator collection. Gets operator by its index. Index of operator. Numbering is starts from 1. Operator from requested index Returns enumerator for collection Collection enumerator Returns enumerator of collection. Enumerator of collection. Returns opetator list. opetator list. Copies operators into operators list. Array with operators which must to be copied. This array must be Object[] or Operator[]. Starting index from which operators will be copied Gets count of operators in the collection. Returns true if collection is read only. Indicates wheather collection is limited to fast text extraction Suppresses update contents data. The contents stream is not updated until ResumeUpdate is called. Resumes document update. Updates contents stream in case there are any pending changes. Inserts operator into collection. Index where new operator must be added Operator which will be insterted Adds new operator into collection. Operator which must be added Removes operator from collection. Operator item to remove. True - if item removed; otherwise, false. Checks if operator exists in collection. Operator item to find. True - if item found; otherwise, false. Clears collection. Cancels last update. This method may be called when the change should not raise contents update. ( Determines whether a given point is inside or outside a clipping path. The Aspose.Pdf.Engine.CommonData.Text.CMaps is a root namespace for all CMap classes. Base class for all CMaps. Declares type of CMap object Declares coding scheme for CMap - 1 byte per char, 2 bytes per char or mixed bytes per char. Detects is codespace ranges have another dimensions except start passed - "dimension" parameter Gets character code for character selector selector char code/uint.MaxValue if char code absent in map Detects whether CMap contain specified character code Gets all the character codes which references on a specified character selector. Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Gets character selector for specified character code. Gets char selector for specified char code. Return type depends on CMap's type. char code char selector Gets character code for character selector Could be a string or string[] for CMaps like ToUnicode or CMaps for Type3 fonts, or integer for CIDFonts char code Gets all the codes which references on a specified selector. character selector, concrete type depends on CMap's type Gets all the character codes which concrete CMap has. Maps specified character code on specified character selector. Type for selector depends from concrete CMap's type. Clears all the CMap's data Returns count of mapped pairs. Base class for all CMap data holders. Used for mapping operations - MapCodeUniversal(). Enables checks whether mapped code belongs to acceptable codespace ranges. Used for mapping operations - MapCodeUniversal(). Disables checks whether mapped code belongs to acceptable codespace ranges. Adds notdef mapping (code, cid) into CMap. Gets CID for code which hasn't successfull CID in CMap. NotDef ranges are used to get special CID for this case. special CID Detects is character code belongs to notdef range in concrete CMap. Contains all the functionality to create desired CMap. Also has a reference to CMapManager object to let load/save CMap. Creates empty CMap based on CMapType type. Creates empty CMap and sets correspondent cmapName, isHorizontal and other parameters for new CMap. Type of created CMap(simple, ToUnicode, Identity) is specified in 'type' parameter. Creates empty CMap and sets correspondent and parameters. Other parameters are set to default. Type of created CMap(simple, ToUnicode, Identity) is specified in parameter. Do not confuse with name of predefined CMaps! This method only sets as name of new empty CMap but doesn't load CMap by this from predefined Cmaps. type of new CMap name for new CMap whether CMap is horizontal new CMap Creates a new CMap and fill it with a data from passed stream. type of CMap to create stream with a CMap data new CMap Creates and loads a predefined CMap. type of CMap to create predefined CMap name new CMap Creates a new CMap which is based on another CMap - 'baseCMmap'. CMap data is loaded from passed stream. Includes methods designed to load CMap specified. Loads CMap based on stream data CMap object to load stream with CMap's data Loads predefined CMap CMap object to load predefined CMap name Includes functionality to serialize specified CMap into binary data Serializes CMap into binary array. CMap to serialize binary array This interface is responsible for load/save/copy/update operations with CMap objects. Detects is Aspose.Pdf library has data for predefined CMap predefined CMap name true/false Loads CMap specified by parameter 'predifinedCMap' and returns resultant CMap in a form of base CMap object which then must be casted to concrete CMap type (CMap, ToUnicodeCMap). Gets stream with predefined CMap CMap name stream Copies CMap from src to dest. source CMap destination CMap Updates CMap data from stream. CMap stream to get data Contains methods to manipulate CMap's data for all CMap types. All the CMap-related classes(CMapBase, CMap, ToUnicodeCMap, CMapIentity) are not full implementation for CMap object from PDF's specification. These classes controls a CMap data related to CMap's settings(name, stream, coding scheme, codespace ranges, etc). But main CMap data - mapped pairs from character codes to character selectors is taked out to family of CMapDataHolder interfaces and objects. Gets char selector for specified char code. Return type depends on CMap's type. char code char selector Gets character code for character selector Could be a string or string[] for CMaps like ToUnicode or CMaps for Type3 fonts, or integer for CIDFonts char code Gets all the codes which references on a specified selector. character selector, concrete type depends on CMap's type Gets all the character codes which concrete CMap has. Maps specified character code on specified character selector. Type for selector depends from concrete CMap's type. Clears all the CMap's data Used for mapping operations - MapCodeUniversal(). Disables checks whether mapped code belongs to acceptable codespace ranges. Used for mapping operations - MapCodeUniversal(). Enables checks whether mapped code belongs to acceptable codespace ranges. Detects is character code belongs to notdef range in concrete CMap. Gets CID for code which hasn't successfull CID in CMap. NotDef ranges are used to get special CID for this case. special CID Detects whether CMap contain specified character code Returns count of mapped pairs. Updates all the CMap data Extends base interface ICMapDataHolder with a methods designed for simple CMaps. Gets character selector for specified character code. Gets character code for character selector selector char code Gets all the character codes which references on a specified character selector. Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Extends base interface ICMapDataHolder with a methods designed for ToUnicode CMaps. Gets character selector for a specified character code. In ToUnicode CMap character selector presented as array of unicodes, so it will be returned as string from selector's unicodes. selectors' data Returns a raw representation of selector for character code specified. Returns selector as unicode symbol. If concrete selector is array of several unicodes - the first element will be returned. code unicode Gets character code which references on selector specified. selector code Gets character code for specified selector. Passed unicode will be transformed into selector internal representation. selector as unicode char code Gets all the character codes which references on selector specified as array of unicodes selector char code Gets all the character codes which references on selector specified as single unicode selector as unicode char codes Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(array of unicodes). character code character selector as array of unicodes Maps character code with character selector(array of unicodes). character code character selector as array of unicodes Supercedes selector for a code 'charCode' with a new 'unicode' value. code new unicode Supercedes selector for a code 'charCode' with a new 'unicodes' value. code new unicodes for "charCode" Implements functionality to manage CMap objects. Loads CMap based on stream data CMap object to load stream with CMap's data Loads predefined CMap CMap object to load predefined CMap name Serializes CMap into binary array. CMap to serialize binary array Detects is Aspose.Pdf library has data for predefined CMap predefined CMap name true/false Copies CMap from src to dest. source CMap destination CMap Updates CMap data from stream. CMap stream to get data Loads CMap specified by parameter 'predifinedCMap' and returns resultant CMap in a form of base CMap object which then must be casted to concrete CMap type (CMap, ToUnicodeCMap). Gets stream with predefined CMap CMap name stream Checks hex string about surrogate pair and extract unicode value hex string, must have length of 8 bytes strongly extracted unicode/-1 if check was fail Detects whether passed unicode in surragate unicode range. Converts surrogate unicode into hex string form, which can be used then in CMap data. Detectes whether passed CMap's name is name of identity CMap name of Cmap true/false Declares a functionality for codespace ranges used by all CMaps. Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range. byte to check true/false Detects is passed code, represented as array of bytes belongs to codespace range. bytes to check count of bytes in a checked byte array true/false Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range. byte to check true/false Detects is passed code, represented as array of chars belongs to codespace range. chars to check count of bytes in a checked char array true/false Detects is the passed raw code represented in byte array form has a partial match with CMap's codespace ranges - partial match means that first element(s) in array is in range(s) but all the raw code bytes are not fully in any range. raw code in a byte array form count of bytes in byte array true/false Returns size for codespace range Gets codespace range data - all start and end bytes. Detects whether CMap contain specified character code Gets character code for character selector selector char code Gets all the character codes which references on a specified character selector. Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Maps character code with character selector. character code character selector Gets character selector for specified character code. Gets character code for character selector Could be a string or string[] for CMaps like ToUnicode or CMaps for Type3 fonts, or integer for CIDFonts char code Gets all the codes which references on a specified selector. character selector, concrete type depends on CMap's type Gets CID for code which hasn't successfull CID in CMap. NotDef ranges are used to get special CID for this case. special CID Reads the word. The reader. Reads the word. This version returns readed word in System.Text.StringBuilder form to optimize time for string manipulation with returned word. The reader. System.Text.StringBuilder object Overloaded version of ReadWordAsStringBuilder() which reads all the symbols from input stream until def word appears. The reader. System.Text.StringBuilder object Determines whether [is escape char] [the specified reader]. The reader. true if [is escape char] [the specified reader]; otherwise, false. Determines whether [is escape char] [the specified reader]. The reader. chars to escape. true if [is escape char] [the specified reader]; otherwise, false. Determines tagged word begin symbol. Serializes CMap into binary array. CMap to serialize binary array Serializes CMap into binary array. CMap to serialize name of CMap horizontal mode CIDSystem information binary array Serializes the CIDs. The ?. Serializes the code space range. Returns text representation for codespace ranges based on calcluated minimal and maximal values for each {1,2,3,4}-bytes range. Input arrays must has such addressing: 0 - 1-byte range 1 - 2-bytes range 2 - 3-bytes range 3 - 4-bytes range array with minimal codes array with maximal codes output count for codespace ranges(sum) text representation for codespace ranges Serializes the CIDs. The ?. Serializes the code space range. Serializes the code space range. Gets character selector for a specified character code. In ToUnicode CMap character selector presented as array of unicodes, so it will be returned as string from selector's unicodes. selectors' data Returns a raw representation of selector for character code specified. Returns selector as unicode symbol. If concrete selector is array of several unicodes - the first element will be returned. code unicode Detects whether CMap contain specified character code Gets character code which references on selector specified. selector code Gets character code for specified selector. Passed unicode will be transformed into selector internal representation. selector as unicode char code Gets all the character codes which references on selector specified as array of unicodes selector char code Gets all the character codes which references on selector specified as single unicode selector as unicode char codes Gets all the character codes which concrete CMap has. Maps character code with character selector(array of unicodes). character code character selector as array of unicodes Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Maps character code with character selector(single unicode). character code character selector as single unicode Gets char selector for specified char code. Return type depends on CMap's type. char code char selector Gets character code for character selector Could be a string or string[] for CMaps like ToUnicode or CMaps for Type3 fonts, or integer for CIDFonts char code Gets all the codes which references on a specified selector. character selector, concrete type depends on CMap's type Maps specified character code on specified character selector. Type for selector depends from concrete CMap's type. Clears all the CMap's data Returns count of mapped pairs. Predefined CJK CMap predefinedCJKNames According to "TABLE 5.15 Predefined CJK CMap predefinedCJKNames" of PDF Spec #1.7 without Identity-H and Identity-V static constructor must be present (even empty) Hashtable is used because of quick item access (O(1)) returns true if the CMap name is in Predefined CJK CMap names list, Excluding Identity-H and IDentity-V returns true if the collection name is in list, specified in Pdf Spec: Pdf #1.7 Spec: "Adobe-GB1, Adobe-CNS1, Adobe-Japan1, or Adobe-Korea1 character collection" This class represents a CMap file. Initializes a new instance of the class. This struct represents a range. Minimal point of a range interval. Maximal point of a range interval. Start value in range. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The min. The max. The start value. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is legature. true if this instance is legature; otherwise, false. Base class for both encodings Decodes string. Encodes specified value The value encoded value Decodes the specified value code to decode decoded value Decodes the specified value code to decode decoded text Calculates a raw code for a passed byte sequence byte array count of bytes to calculate raw code from code calculated Overloaded verion of GetRawCode(byte[] bytes, int length) cause multiple versions of this method works faster than generic version code calculated Overloaded version for a method GetRawCode(byte[] bytes, int length) string with PDF bytes position to start calculation size of bytes code calculated Gets not all the the raw codes from string but only 'appropriate' codes - such codes that had passed checks with codespace range compartibility Gets not all the the raw codes from string but only 'appropriate' codes - such codes that had passed checks with codespace range compartibility Extracts all the character codes from string and calls a ProcessCharCodeDelegate with every extracted character code. string in a form of PDF raw bytes callback delegate count of raw codes processed It's a version of ProcessAllCharCodes() method for hexademical strings. hexademical text callback delegate count of raw codes processed Decodes usual string, if this version will be called it has sense to use direct access to string data when check bytes on codespace ranges have place. So method like bool IsInRange(string values, int pos, int length) must be added into ICMapCodeSpaceRange interface. This enumeration defines rules which control encoding logic for simple fonts Leave encoding logic "as is" - in accordance with PDF specification ToUnicode is a special mechanism which helps to decode input codes to unicode symbols. According to specification it must be used first of all mechanisms to get unicode symbols for specific input code. But some documents has non-standard fonts and to convert these documents correctly it may be necessary to decrease ToUnicode priority to lowest level. replaces unicode values with another, more compativle with viewers. For example there might be an exotic unicode, that has equivalent non-exotic unicode. Adobe performs such replacement, so we also may do it Returns substitution table used in UnicodeSubstitutor to substitute char codes on unicodes char code to unicode map Returns substitution table which is mirrored version to GetUnicodeSubstitutionTable() unicode to char code map decodes pdf content bytes into GlyphId array decodes pdf content bytes into GlyphId array decodes pdf content bytes into unicode and stores all additional extraction information in IPdfString object. Use of this method has sence only for CIDFont encoding. Decodes the specified value code to decode decoded text Gets font of this encoding Performs initialization or Reinitialization of the encoding decodes pdf content bytes into unicode decodes pdf content bytes into unicode and stores all additional extraction information in IPdfString object. Use of this method has sence only for CIDFont encoding. decodes code to unicode decodes code to unicode decodes pdf content bytes into GlyphId array decodes pdf content bytes into GlyphId array code to GlyphId code to GlyphId Font of thos encoding initializes encoding inheritors provide their own init encoding implementation decodes pdf content bytes into GlyphId array decodes pdf cvontent bytes into GlyphId array code to GlyphId code to GlyphId decodes pdf content bytes into unicode decodes pdf content bytes into unicode and stores all additional extraction information in IPdfString object. Use of this method has sence only for CIDFont encoding. decodes code to unicode decodes code to unicode Decodes the specified code. The code to encode. Gets or sets CodeToName encoding map decodes pdf content bytes into GlyphId array decodes pdf content bytes into unicode decodes code to unicode decodes code to unicode returns nulls if encoding entry is not present Designed to tell to Encoding object - can it skip ToUnicode table processing and use font's predefined encoding it's required by special logic or the Encoding's font can't use predefined encodings instead of ToUnicode true/false Designed to tell to Encoding object - can it skip ToUnicode table processing and use font's predefined encoding it's required by special logic or the Encoding's font can't use predefined encodings instead of ToUnicode true/false decodes code to unicode Factory for ttf encoding strategy interface for encoding strategy code to GlyphId This method is callback to call from PdfFonts when internal font data was changed. Designed to tell to Encoding object - can it skip ToUnicode table processing and use font's predefined encoding it's required by special logic or the Encoding's font can't use predefined encodings instead of ToUnicode true/false Gets or sets CodeToName encoding map code to GlyphId Designed to tell to Encoding object - can it skip ToUnicode table processing and use font's predefined encoding it's required by special logic or the Encoding's font can't use predefined encodings instead of ToUnicode true/false code to GlyphId Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Decodes the specified value code to decode decoded text This class represents mapping char name to unicode Registers charcode and performs substitution if required. Save format will be taken into account. Registers charcode and performs substitution if required. For case split one PDF font to several fonts Registers ligature and performs substitution if required. Save format will be taken into account. Registers charcode and performs substitution if required Substitutes reguired chars in the string Substitutes reguired chars in the string This class represents mapping char name to unicode Converts a code to unicode. The code. The encoding. Unicodes to code. The c. The encoding. This class represents mapping char name to unicode Initializes the class. Map name to unicode. Converts a code to unicode. The code. The encoding. Unicodes to code. The c. The encoding. Unicodes to name. The c. This class represents a CMap encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. CMap used by this encoding CMap's dataholder object Decodes the specified value code to decode decoded text Resolves ligatures. This class represents named character. Initializes a new instance of the class. The entry. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name. The name. Sets the name. The value. Gets or sets the code. The code. Sets the code. The value. Gets the unicode. The unicode. This class represents factory for encodings Creates the specified encoding. Type of the encoding. Creates the specified encoding. The font. This enum represents encoding types. Adobe standard Latin-text encoding. This is the built-in encoding defined in Type 1 Latin-text font programs (but generally not in TrueType font programs). Conforming readers shall not have a predefined encoding named StandardEncoding. However, it is necessary to describe this encoding, since a font�s built-in encoding can be used as the base encoding from which differences may be specified in an encoding dictionary. Mac OS standard encoding for Latin text in Western writing systems. Conforming readers shall have a predefined encoding named MacRomanEncoding that may be used with both Type 1 and TrueType fonts. Windows Code Page 1252, often called the �Windows ANSI� encoding. This is the standard Windows encoding for Latin text in Western writing systems. Conforming readers shall have a predefined encoding named WinAnsiEncoding that may be used with both Type 1 and TrueType fonts. Encoding for text strings in a PDF document outside the document�s content streams. This is one of two encodings (the other being Unicode) that may be used to represent text strings; see, "Text String Type". PDF does not have a predefined encoding named PDFDocEncoding; it is not customary to use this encoding to show text from fonts. An encoding for use with expert fonts�ones containing the expert character set. Conforming readers shall have a predefined encoding named MacExpertEncoding. Despite its name, it is not a platform-specific encoding; however, only certain fonts have the appropriate character set for use with this encoding. No such fonts are among the standard 14 predefined fonts. Participates in glyph encoding of TrueType fonts This items represents encoding. This items represents encoding without BOM. This type represents encoding based on differences. This type represenrs encoding base on This type represents Symbol encoding. This type represents ZapfDingbats encoding. Encoding is absent. This class represents named char. Initializes a new instance of the class. The s. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. The hex. Gets the unicodes. This property should be used when equals true. The unicodes. Gets the unicode.If equals true this property returns code of the all components of ligature. The code. Gets or sets the name. The name. Sets the name. The value. Gets or sets the hex. The hex. Sets the hex. The value. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . 2 base class for code-to-name pdf encodings copying constructor returns all names from the map Encodes the specified value. The value. Decodes the specified value. The value. Encodes the specified code. The code to encode. Decodes the specified code. The code to encode. Decodes the specified code. The code to encode. CustomEncoding is used to build encoding. based on internal font encoding. This class represents based on encoding dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. base encoding encoding differences dictionary Encodes the specified value. The value. Decodes the specified value. The value. Encodes the specified code. The code to encode. Decodes the specified code. The code to encode. Decodes the specified code. The code to encode. This class represents latin encoding. Initializes the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The line. Gets or sets the name. The name. Sets the name. The value. Gets or sets the standart code. The STD. Sets the STD. The value. Gets or sets the mac code. The mac. Sets the mac. The value. Gets or sets the win code. The win. Sets the win. The value. Gets or sets the PDF code. The PDF. Sets the PDF. The value. Gets the unicode. The unicode. MacRomanEncoding pdf encoding MacRomanEncoding pdf encoding MacRomanEncoding pdf encoding PdfDocEncoding pdf encoding StandardEncoding pdf encoding WinAnsiEncoding pdf encoding WinAnsiEncoding pdf encoding Gets unicode for glyph name used to retrieve unicode based on glyph name Gets unicode for glyph name Gets unicode for glyph name Initializes the class. Codes to name. The code. Names to code. The name. Used to check fonts on license restrictions before embed. Checks that passed font has no license restrictions to be embedded into PDF document true - all OK, no license restrictions, false - embedding is prohibited This flag is related only to TryRegisterString() method area, and designed for cases when problem OTL text must be processed as usual text(these cases have place when necessary OTL font for problem text was not found) This utility class used to get correct text(glyph sequence) for problem language fonts like hindi, telugu, etc At current moment checks that text belongs to problem language only for such languages as hindi, Telugu, Thai unicode text font to check This class used for holding map of OpenTypeLayputFont utility classes which correspond to TtfFont objects - for escape register the same text twice with the same TtfFont Iterate fonts from pages, XObjects, AcroForm.DR To get all the document fonts annotations needed to be processed else (use PageAnnotationProcessor) ResourcesCallback delegate for the section AcroForm.DR.Font called with page number 0. A foundation of this class - Aspose.Pdf.Engine.IO.ConvertStrategies.ConversionFontData. This concrete class SimpleFontSubsetData is short version of ConversionFontData, this is needed for performance resons PDF font for which all tha data is collected Holds all the symbols(every symbol - included only 1 time) which is typed by _font in PDF document Auxillary array to speed up collecting of all document's symbols for PDF font Holds all the symbols(every symbol - included only 1 time) which is typed by _font in PDF document Contains all the pages(numbers) which references the specified font If original PDF font must be substituted - this field must have reference on new font. PDF font for which all tha data is collected Holds all the symbols(every symbol - included only 1 time) which is typed by _font in PDF document Contains all the pages(numbers) which references the specified font If original PDF font must be substituted this field must have reference on new font. returns source font Holds functionality to subset fonts Subsets all the fonts in document Holds functionality to substitute all the fonts with new fonts specified. Substitutes all the fonts according to IDocumentFontSubstitutionData requirements dictionary with IDocumentFontSubstitutionData values Substitutes all the fonts according to IDocumentFontSubstitutionDataEx requirements dictionary with IDocumentFontSubstitutionDataEx values Holds minimal information required to substitute fonts - source and new font Extends IDocumentFontSubstitutionData with new property PageNumbers Holds all the pages where source font placed Holds functionality to remove all specified fonta from document Removes all the fonts according to IDocumentFontSubstitutionData requirements array of IDocumentFontSubstitutionData values Service interface, used in callback mechanisms to process operator collections for annotations Callback method to process operator collections page operator colection resources Service interface to process annotations and call IOperatorCollectionProcessorCallback for operator collections found Processes annotations for page specified and calls IOperatorCollectionProcessorCallback.ProcessOperatorCollection for operator collections found page callback interface Holds functionality to create new fonts based on IFont specified Creates Type0Font for IFont specified font page new font Different font utility methods Gets name for font Pdf font font name Detects whether passed font must be checked with PDF specification Glyph Selection in CIDFonts to detect whether it is TrueType font with CIDFontType2 type. This verification is necessary for embedding/unembedding operations for CIDFontType2 font types. font to check Gets mapping between font object identifiers and resource names for font collection. collections of fonts Mapping between font object identifiers and resource names for font collection Changes PDFString for TextShowOperator passed(Tj, TJ, ', etc) in accordance with current font - registers old text with font via unicode text representation and sets new text for TextShowOperator passed. operators chain TextShowOperator index of TextShowOperator in perator's chain current font to register string with Gets the standard font names. The standard font names. Gets the standard font names. The standard font names. Gets default substitutions for simple fonts Dictionary of KeyValuePairs where key string is pattern should be present in the original font name and value is substitution font name Gets CJK substitutions for not-embedded fonts Dictionary of KeyValuePairs where key string is pattern should be present in the original font name and value is substitution font name Determines whether [is standard font name] [the specified font name]. Name of the font. true if [is standard font name] [the specified font name]; otherwise, false. Standarts the font name to enum. The name. Enums to name. The name. Normalizes the name of the font. The s. Normalizes the name of the font by current rules of standard name understanding. The s. Returns true in case string consists from base latin characters. Rapid check for match standard fonts chartable. Select pages which hold some of changed(emedded/unembedded) fonts and return map of such pages/fonts. If some page is out of this map - it resources is cleared by this method. Resources for pages which are in map returned must be cleared by external code which call this method! This struct represents an adobe char metric. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The model. C "C value" ; WX "WX value" ; N "N value" ; B "B value" ; Parses the double. The STR. Parses the box. The STR. Parses the double value. The STR. Parses the name. The STR. Gets the parts. The model. Gets the C. The C. Gets the B. The B. Gets the N. The N. Gets the WX. The WX. This class represents AFM file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Gets or sets the descender. The descender. Sets the descender. The value. Gets or sets the ascender. The ascender. Sets the ascender. The value. Gets or sets the height of the X. The height of the X. Sets the height of the X. The value. Gets or sets the height of the cap. The height of the cap. Sets the height of the cap. The value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is fixed V. true if this instance is fixed V; otherwise, false. Sets the is fixed V. if set to true [value]. Gets or sets the V vector. The V vector. Sets the V vector. The value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is base font. true if this instance is base font; otherwise, false. Sets the is base font. if set to true [value]. Gets or sets the characters. The characters. Sets the characters. The value. Gets or sets the character set. The character set. Sets the character set. The value. Gets or sets the esc char. The esc char. Sets the esc char. The value. Gets or sets the mapping scheme. The mapping scheme. Sets the mapping scheme. The value. Gets or sets the encoding scheme. The encoding scheme. Sets the encoding scheme. The value. Gets or sets the notice. The notice. Sets the notice. The value. Gets or sets the version. The version. Sets the version. The value. Gets or sets the font B box. The font B box. Sets the font B box. The value. Gets or sets the weight. The weight. Sets the weight. The value. Gets or sets the name of the family. The name of the family. Sets the name of the family. The value. Gets the full name. The full name. Sets the full name. The value. Gets the name of the font. The name of the font. Sets the name of the font. The value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is fixed pitch. true if this instance is fixed pitch; otherwise, false. Sets the is fixed pitch. if set to true [value]. Gets or sets the width of the char. The width of the char. Sets the width of the char. The value. Gets or sets the italic angle. The italic angle. Sets the italic angle. The value. Gets or sets the underline thickness. The underline thickness. Sets the underline thickness. The value. Gets or sets the underline position. The underline position. Sets the underline position. The value. Gets or sets the STD VW. The STD VW. Sets the STD VW. The value. Gets or sets the STD HW. The STD HW. Sets the STD HW. The value. Parses the specified stream. The stream. Parses the char metrix. The reader. Reads the word. The reader. Passes the white spaces. Measuses the string. The STR. Size of the font. The encoding. Measuses the string. The STR. begin string index. end string index. Size of the font. The encoding. Gets the underline thikness. Gets the underline position. Size of the font. for serialization Returns font file stream Don't forget to close the stream after use the direct stream source assumes that the stream is not closed after use normalized full font name map normalized postscript font name map standard fonts postscript font name map Gets font substitution strategies collection. Gets font sources collection. returns font file path by unknown font name this can be full font name or postscript name returns font file path by unknown font name this can be full font name or postscript name returns font file path by unknown font name ignoring or honoring case sensitivity, this can be full font name or postscript name returns font file path by unknown font name ignoring or honoring case sensitivity, this can be full font name or postscript name. This function performs search only for non-standard fonts returns raw fonts internal map Optimizes the name of the font for search. The s. Gets font name without the style postfix. Consolidated cache implementation contains caches needed for document processing Gets optimizer instance for given context Represents character metrics This class represents CID's font widths model. Creates empty object based on font Creates object based on font and existing data Appends characters from the string to the collection Appends characters from the string to the collection Appends characters from the string to the collection without updating data in FontDescriptor Appends character specified by glyph identifier to the collection without updating data in FontDescriptor glyph identifier Gets the model. Detects that this CharSet contains all the string GlyphIDs from another CharSet. It's not verification are these CharSets equal, cause this CharSet can contain additional string GlyphIDs, which another CharSet doesn't contain. Appends array of glyphs to CharSet, no verifications whether appended glyph is presented in _chars will be made for performance reason, so caller must be sure that any appended glyph name is absent in _cids map to prevent data corruption Appends array of character names to CharSet, no verifications whether appended character name is presented in _chars will be made for performance reason, so caller must be sure that any appended character name is absent in _cids map to prevent data corruption This class represents CIDFont. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. iFont. Initializes a new instance of the class. This constructor was added for purpose to check font descriptor(some PDF fonts like Acrobat's fonts with name ended on 'MT' has non-standard font format and it's impossible to create font descriptor for such fonts The page. iFont. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is overloaed version of constructor with source PdfFont object, additional parameter binaryFont is designed for cases when PdfFont.Font member has not actual binary font data. In this case we must use independent object with actual font data to initialize new CIDFont correctly. That independent object with actual font data must be passed into this constructor using parameter binaryFont. Pdf/A conversion is an example for cases, when PdfFont.Font member has not actual binary font data. The page. source Pdf font. binary font of the source Pdf font Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. font descriptor. Creates font descriptor based on font file name Creates font descriptor based on IFont Gets the composite font. The composite font. Gets the widths. Gets the widths. (Required) A dictionary containing entries that define the character collection of the CIDFont. See Table 116. The CID system info. (Optional) The default width for glyphs in the CIDFont (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: 1000 (defined in user units). The DW. (Optional) A description of the widths for the glyphs in the CIDFont. NOTE The array’s elements have a variable format that can specify individual widths for consecutive CIDs or one width for a range of CIDs (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: none (the DW value shall be used for all glyphs). The W. Updates widths array with new values, this method implemented to use chiefly for PDF_A conversion needs. array with widths values Updates the widths. (Optional; applies only to CIDFonts used for vertical writing) An array of two numbers specifying the default metrics for vertical writing (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: [ 880 −1000 ]. The D w2. (Optional; applies only to CIDFonts used for vertical writing) A description of the metrics for vertical writing for the glyphs in the CIDFont (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: none (the DW2 value shall be used for all glyphs). The w2. (Optional; Type 2 CIDFonts only) A specification of the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices. If the value is a stream, the bytes in the stream shall contain the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices: the glyph index for a particular CID value c shall be a 2-byte value stored in bytes 2 × c and 2 × c + 1, where the first byte shall be the high-order byte. If the value of CIDToGIDMap is a name, it shall be Identity, indicating that the mapping between CIDs and glyph indices is the identity mapping. Default value: Identity. This entry may appear only in a Type 2 CIDFont whose associated TrueType font program is embedded in the PDF file. The CID to GID map. This property is designed only for cases with shared links on CID2GID maps, so this property must be used only from PDF/A functionality Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. Measures the string. The STR. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Gets default width Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Internals the measure string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Gets the font ascent Gets the font descent Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status Copies all the data from this font to replace Designed for objectives when CIDFont have not include CIDToGIDMap This class represents CID's font widths model. Creates empty object based on font Creates object based on font and existing data Appends characters from the string to the collection Appends characters from the string to the collection Returns all the cids from this CIDSet Gets the model. Appends characters from the string to the collection without flushing data into FontDescriptor Appends symbol to the collection without flushing data into FontDescriptor cid Overloaded version of AppendCIDs(), no verifications whether appended cid is already presented in _cids map will be made for performance reason, so caller must be sure that any appended cid is absent in _cids map to prevent data corruption cid array This method designed to optimize performance for cases when it's necessary to fill CIDSet with all possible cids from current font. Requirements to CIDSet for PDF/UA area is one of these cases. The CIDSystemInfo entry in a CIDFont is a dictionary that shall specify the CIDFont�s character collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The registry. The ordering. The suppliment. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Gets the content. The content. Gets the value. The key. (Required) A string identifying the issuer of the character collection. For information about assigning a registry identifier, contact the Adobe Solutions Network or consult the ASN Web site (see the Bibliography). The registry. (Required) A string that uniquely names the character collection within the specified registry. The ordering. (Required) The supplement number of the character collection. An original character collection has a supplement number of 0. Whenever additional CIDs are assigned in a character collection, the supplement number shall be increased. Supplements shall not alter the ordering of existing CIDs in the character collection. This value shall not be used in determining compatibility between character collections. The supplement. This class represents a CIDToGIDMap structure. Initializes a new empty instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The CIDToGIDMap stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The predifined CIDToGIDMap name. Gets GID for the CID. The cid code. Returns true is the structure contains all of the cids Returns true is the structure contains all of the cids cids to check Returns true is the structure contains cid specified cid to check Appends characters from the string to the collection Appends characters from the string to the collection and doesn't updates internal CIDToGIDMap data Appends symbol to the collection and doesn't updates internal CIDToGIDMap data Maps the code. The CID code. The GID code. returns a CIDFont for which CIDToGIDMap was created(this CIDFont will include data from this CIDToGIDMap object as CIDToGID map data in FontDescriptor dictionary) Gets CID for te specified GID gid cid Updates internal CIDToGIDMap data Supresses updates of internal data Enables mode to update interbal data This class represents CID's font widths model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Parses the model. The model. Gets the width. The code. Determines whether [contains] [the specified code]. The code. true if [contains] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. Joins the specified code. The code. The width. Gets the model. This class represents CID's font widths model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Parses the model. The model. Gets the width. The code. Determines whether [contains] [the specified code]. The code. true if [contains] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. Joins the specified code. The code. The metrics. Gets the model. The value of the Flags entry in a font descriptor shall be an unsigned 32-bit integer containing flags specifying various characteristics of the font. Bit positions within the flag word are numbered from 1 (low-order) to 32 (high-order). Table�123 shows the meanings of the flags; all undefined flag bits are reserved and shall be set to 0 by conforming writers. Figure 48 shows examples of fonts with these characteristics. All glyphs have the same width (as opposed to proportional or variable-pitch fonts, which have different widths). Glyphs have serifs, which are short strokes drawn at an angle on the top and bottom of glyph stems. (Sans serif fonts do not have serifs.) Font contains glyphs outside the Adobe standard Latin character set. This flag and the Nonsymbolic flag shall not both be set or both be clear. Glyphs resemble cursive handwriting. Font uses the Adobe standard Latin character set or a subset of it. Glyphs have dominant vertical strokes that are slanted. Font contains no lowercase letters; typically used for display purposes, such as for titles or headlines. Font contains both uppercase and lowercase letters. The uppercase letters are similar to those in the regular version of the same typeface family. The glyphs for the lowercase letters have the same shapes as the corresponding uppercase letters, but they are sized and their proportions adjusted so that they have the same size and stroke weight as lowercase glyphs in the same typeface family. See description after Note 1 in this sub-clause. This interface represents CIDFont. (Required) A dictionary containing entries that define the character collection of the CIDFont. See Table 116. The CID system info. (Optional) The default width for glyphs in the CIDFont (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: 1000 (defined in user units). The DW. (Optional) A description of the widths for the glyphs in the CIDFont. NOTE The array’s elements have a variable format that can specify individual widths for consecutive CIDs or one width for a range of CIDs (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: none (the DW value shall be used for all glyphs). The W. (Optional; applies only to CIDFonts used for vertical writing) An array of two numbers specifying the default metrics for vertical writing (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: [ 880 −1000 ]. The D w2. (Optional; applies only to CIDFonts used for vertical writing) A description of the metrics for vertical writing for the glyphs in the CIDFont (see, "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts"). Default value: none (the DW2 value shall be used for all glyphs). The w2. (Optional; Type 2 CIDFonts only) A specification of the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices. If the value is a stream, the bytes in the stream shall contain the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices: the glyph index for a particular CID value c shall be a 2-byte value stored in bytes 2 × c and 2 × c + 1, where the first byte shall be the high-order byte. If the value of CIDToGIDMap is a name, it shall be Identity, indicating that the mapping between CIDs and glyph indices is the identity mapping. Default value: Identity. This entry may appear only in a Type 2 CIDFont whose associated TrueType font program is embedded in the PDF file. The CID to GID map. Gets the composite font. The composite font. Gets the widths. The CIDSystemInfo entry in a CIDFont is a dictionary that shall specify the CIDFont�s character collection. (Required) A string identifying the issuer of the character collection. For information about assigning a registry identifier, contact the Adobe Solutions Network or consult the ASN Web site (see the Bibliography). The registry. (Required) A string that uniquely names the character collection within the specified registry. The ordering. (Required) The supplement number of the character collection. An original character collection has a supplement number of 0. Whenever additional CIDs are assigned in a character collection, the supplement number shall be increased. Supplements shall not alter the ordering of existing CIDs in the character collection. This value shall not be used in determining compatibility between character collections. The supplement. This class represents font registrar. This interface represents a PDF's font. (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; shall be Font for a font dictionary. The type. (Required) The type of font; shall be Type1 for a Type 1 font. The subtype. (Required) The PostScript name of the font. For Type 1 fonts, this is always the value of the FontName entry in the font program; for more information, see Section 5.2 of the PostScript Language Reference, Third Edition. The PostScript name of the font may be used to find the font program in the conforming reader or its environment. It is also the name that is used when printing to a PostScript output device. The base font. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts; shall be an indirect reference) A font descriptor describing the font’s metrics other than its glyph widths (see 9.8, "Font Descriptors"”\). For the standard 14 fonts, the entries FirstChar, LastChar, Widths, and FontDescriptor shall either all be present or all be absent. Ordinarily, these dictionary keys may be absent; specifying them enables a standard font to be overridden; see, "Standard Type 1 Fonts (Standard 14 Fonts)". Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The font descpriptor. Gets the font. The font. Gets the font definition. The font definition. Gets the original font in case font substitution. The font. Gets the original font definition. The font definition. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is standart font. true if this instance is standart font; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font was substituted and Font property contains another (substituted font). Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is embeded. true if this instance is embeded; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this font is system (IFont is OS-system inside the PdfFont). Gets value indicating whether the font is a subset Gets BaseFontName without subset prefix (Ex: "TimesNewRoman" from "BGDSRT+TimesNewRoman") Gets subset prefix (siz character symbols in BaseFont value (ex: "BGDSRT+TimesNewRoman") Gets unique id that is based on font properties, unique for particular font in pdf document exceept object id since it is cross-document value in case document splitting scenario. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Gets default width Extracts the unicode string from . The PDF string. Extracts the unicode string from . The PDF string. Gets the underline thinkness. The underline thinkness. Gets the underline position. The underline position. Gets the font ascent Gets the font descent Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status returns font encoding Begins subset building Cancels subset building Ends subset building Returns true if subset is in progress Indicates that font is accessible This interface represents PDF's font descriptor (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; shall be FontDescriptor for a font descriptor. The type. (Required) The PostScript name of the font. This name shall be the same as the value of BaseFont in the font or CIDFont dictionary that refers to this font descriptor. The name of the font. In case subset returns font name without the subset prefix The name of the font. (Optional; PDF 1.5; should be used for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) A byte string specifying the preferred font family name. EXAMPLE 1 For the font Times Bold Italic, the FontFamily is Times. The font family. (Optional; PDF 1.5; should be used for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) The font stretch value. It shall be one of these names (ordered from narrowest to widest): UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed, Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded or UltraExpanded. The specific interpretation of these values varies from font to font. EXAMPLE 2 Condensed in one font may appear most similar to Normal in another. The font stretch. (Optional; PDF 1.5; should be used for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) The weight (thickness) component of the fully-qualified font name or font specifier. The possible values shall be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900, where each number indicates a weight that is at least as dark as its predecessor. A value of 400 shall indicate a normal weight; 700 shall indicate bold. The specific interpretation of these values varies from font to font. EXAMPLE 3300 in one font may appear most similar to 500 in another. The font weight. (Required) A collection of flags defining various characteristics of the font (see 9.8.2, "Font Descriptor Flags"). The flags. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) A rectangle (see 7.9.5, "Rectangles"), expressed in the glyph coordinate system, that shall specify the font bounding box. This should be the smallest rectangle enclosing the shape that would result if all of the glyphs of the font were placed with their origins coincident and then filled. The font B box. (Required) The angle, expressed in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical, of the dominant vertical strokes of the font. EXAMPLE 4The 9-o�clock position is 90 degrees, and the 3-o�clock position is �90 degrees. The value shall be negative for fonts that slope to the right, as almost all italic fonts do. The italic angle. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) The maximum height above the baseline reached by glyphs in this font. The height of glyphs for accented characters shall be excluded. The ascent. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) The maximum depth below the baseline reached by glyphs in this font. The value shall be a negative number. The descent. (Optional) The spacing between baselines of consecutive lines of text. Default value: 0. The leading. (Required for fonts that have Latin characters, except for Type 3 fonts)The vertical coordinate of the top of flat capital letters, measured from the baseline. The height of the cap. (Optional) The font�s x height: the vertical coordinate of the top of flat nonascending lowercase letters (like the letter x), measured from the baseline, in fonts that have Latin characters. Default value: 0. The height of the X. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) The thickness, measured horizontally, of the dominant vertical stems of glyphs in the font. The stem V. (Optional) The thickness, measured vertically, of the dominant horizontal stems of glyphs in the font. Default value: 0. The stem H. (Optional) The average width of glyphs in the font. Default value: 0. The width of the avg. (Optional) The maximum width of glyphs in the font. Default value: 0. The width of the max. (Optional) The width to use for character codes whose widths are not specified in a font dictionary�s Widths array. This shall have a predictable effect only if all such codes map to glyphs whose actual widths are the same as the value of the MissingWidth entry. Default value: 0. The width of the missing. (Optional) A stream containing a Type 1 font program (see 9.9, "Embedded Font Programs"). The font file. (Optional; PDF 1.1) A stream containing a TrueType font program (see 9.9, "Embedded Font Programs"). The font file2. (Optional; PDF 1.2) A stream containing a font program whose format is specified by the Subtype entry in the stream dictionary (see Table�126). The font file3. (Optional; meaningful only in Type�1 fonts; PDF 1.1) A string listing the character names defined in a font subset. The names in this string shall be in PDF syntax�that is, each name preceded by a slash (/). The names may appear in any order. The name . notdef shall be omitted; it shall exist in the font subset. If this entry is absent, the only indication of a font subset shall be the subset tag in the FontNameentry (see 9.6.4, "Font Subsets"). The char set. (Optional) A dictionary containing entries that describe the style of the glyphs in the font (see, "Style"). The style. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name specifying the language of the font, which may be used for encodings where the language is not implied by the encoding itself. The value shall be one of the codes defined by Internet RFC 3066, Tags for the Identification of Languages or (PDF 1.0) 2-character language codes defined by ISO 639 (see the Bibliography). If this entry is absent, the language shall be considered to be unknown. The lang. (Optional) A dictionary whose keys identify a class of glyphs in a CIDFont. Each value shall be a dictionary containing entries that shall override the corresponding values in the main font descriptor dictionary for that class of glyphs (see, "FD"). The FD. (Optional) A stream identifying which CIDs are present in the CIDFont file. If this entry is present, the CIDFont shall contain only a subset of the glyphs in the character collection defined by the CIDSystemInfo dictionary. If it is absent, the only indication of a CIDFont subset shall be the subset tag in the FontName entry (see 9.6.4, "Font Subsets"). The stream�s data shall be organized as a table of bits indexed by CID. The bits shall be stored in bytes with the high-order bit first. Each bit shall correspond to a CID. The most significant bit of the first byte shall correspond to CID 0, the next bit to CID 1, and so on. The CID set. Returns true if the font is embedded This interface represents simple pdf font. (Required in PDF 1.0; optional otherwise) The name by which this font is referenced in the Font subdictionary of the current resource dictionary. This entry is obsolete and should not be used. The name. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts; indirect reference preferred) An array of (LastChar�?�FirstChar�+�1) widths, each element being the glyph width for the character code that equals FirstChar plus the array index. For character codes outside the range FirstChar to LastChar, the value of MissingWidth from the FontDescriptor entry for this font shall be used. The glyph widths shall be measured in units in which 1000 units correspond to 1 unit in text space. These widths shall be consistent with the actual widths given in the font program. For more information on glyph widths and other glyph metrics, see 9.2.4, "Glyph Positioning and Metrics". Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The widths. (Optional) A specification of the font�s character encoding if different from its built-in encoding. The value of Encoding shall be either the name of a predefined encoding (MacRomanEncoding, MacExpertEncoding, or WinAnsiEncoding, as described in Annex D) or an encoding dictionary that shall specify differences from the font�s built-in encoding or from a specified predefined encoding (see 9.6.6, "Character Encoding"). The encoding. (Optional; PDF�1.2) A stream containing a CMap file that maps character codes to Unicode values (see 9.10, "Extraction of Text Content"). To unicode. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts) The first character code defined in the font�s Widths array. Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The first char. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts) The last character code defined in the font�s Widths array. Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The last char. This interface represents Type3 pdf font. (Required) An array of six numbers specifying the font matrix, mapping glyph space to text space (see 9.2.4, "Glyph Positioning and Metrics"). NOTE A common practice is to define glyphs in terms of a 1000-unit glyph coordinate system, in which case the font matrix is [ 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 ]. (Required) A dictionary in which each key shall be a glyph name and the value associated with that key shall be a content stream that constructs and paints the glyph for that character. The stream shall include as its first operator either d0 or d1, followed by operators describing one or more graphics objects, which may include path, text, or image objects. See below for more details about Type 3 glyph descriptions. (Optional but should be used; PDF 1.2) A list of the named resources, such as fonts and images, required by the glyph descriptions in this font (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). If any glyph descriptions refer to named resources but this dictionary is absent, the names shall be looked up in the resource dictionary of the page on which the font is used. Gets the start. The start. Gets the end. The end. Gets the metrics. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Joins the specified code. The code. The metrics. Determines whether [contains] [the specified code]. The code. true if [contains] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Gets the start. The start. Gets the end. The end. Gets the width. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Joins the specified code. The code. The width. Determines whether [contains] [the specified code]. The code. true if [contains] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. Gets the model. This class represents PDF's Multiple Master Fonts Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. This class represents CIDFont. the GetInstance method must be called Gets the instance of the registrat Registers new CIDFont registers the font once and returns the same object for all subsequent calls to define new fonts once Registers new Type1 standard font registers the font once and returns the same object for all subsequent calls to define new fonts once adds subset for the font cancels subset for the font ends building subset returns subset for the font returns true if the font is newly registered font Builds font cache key This flag declares that font embedding checks must be disabled. It's permitted to set this flag only from PDF/A conversion-related code Original font before substitution (if present) ( for some scenarion we substitute fonts even if they are present(ex: Type1MetricFont) indicates that the font is accessible (is found in system, or embedded Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. will be called from derived classes' ctors. (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; shall be Font for a font dictionary. The type. (Required) The type of font; shall be Type1 for a Type 1 font. The subtype. returns font substitution The font substitution. (Required) The PostScript name of the font. For Type 1 fonts, this is always the value of the FontName entry in the font program; for more information, see Section 5.2 of the PostScript Language Reference, Third Edition. The PostScript name of the font may be used to find the font program in the conforming reader or its environment. It is also the name that is used when printing to a PostScript output device. The base font. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts; shall be an indirect reference) A font descriptor describing the font�s metrics other than its glyph widths (see 9.8, "Font Descriptors"�\). For the standard 14 fonts, the entries FirstChar, LastChar, Widths, and FontDescriptor shall either all be present or all be absent. Ordinarily, these dictionary keys may be absent; specifying them enables a standard font to be overridden; see, "Standard Type 1 Fonts (Standard 14 Fonts)". Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The font descpriptor. Designed for cases when original PdfFont has not FontDescriptor in PDF data, alghough it's prohibited by PDF specification(except 14 standard Type1 fonts). This method helps to correct case with absent FontDescriptor. new FontDescriptor dictionary Gets the font. The font. Gets the font before substitution if was present. The font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. Measures the string. The STR. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Gets default width Extracts the unicode string from . The PDF string. Extracts the unicode string from . The PDF string. Gets the underline thinkness. The underline thinkness. Gets the underline position. The underline position. Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status Gets the content. The content. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is standart font. true if this instance is standart font; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font was substituted and Font property contains another (substituted font). Gets value indicating whether the font is a subset Gets or sets a value indicating whether this font is system (IFont is OS-system inside the PdfFont). Gets BaseFontName without subset prefix (Ex: "TimesNewRoman" from "BGDSRT+TimesNewRoman") Gets subset prefix (siz character symbols in BaseFont value (ex: "BGDSRT+TimesNewRoman") Sets the is standart font. if set to true [value]. Indicates is the font is accessible Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is embeded. true if this instance is embeded; otherwise, false. Embeds font and returns ID of resultant PDF object stream ID of resultant PDF object stream, 0 - if an error occured, -1 - if font already embedded This propery is for the same property at Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font class. Must be set only from Aspose.Pdf.Font methods! This method is injected for the same Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font.GetLastFontEmbeddingError() method. Error description This method was created for cases when current PdfFont object is created from another PdfFont, so new PdfFont need to set special data from base PdfFont IPdfFont from which current font was created This method was created for cases when current PdfFont object is created from Aspoe.Pdf.Text.Font object, so new PdfFont need to set special data from base Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font IPdfFont from which current font was created Used for cases when current PdfFont was linked with Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font to exclude superfluous calls of method . This member can be null. Sets the is embeded font. if set to true [value]. The sense of this method is that could be the case when new PdfFont initially was created without embedded FP, but then new Font Programm was embedded into this PdfFont. In cases like this it's necessary to correctly update information about _isEmbeddedFont flag, cause property IsFontEmbedded will not look into FontDescriptor data This method is created due to current bugs in subset functionality to avoid problems in subset building via PdfFont.BeginSubsetBuilding()/PdfFont.EndSubsetBuilding(). To use this method it's necessary to subset/unsubset internal IFont manually, and then call this method with appropriate new subset(unsubset)FontName and subset flag. Basically this method needed for PDF/A conversion purposes. inits font names properties Resets _font and _fontDefinition Loads IFont on demand Updates data for new _fontDefinition, must be called only for not-null _fontDefinition This function must be called from catch block of Font property - for cases when normal font loading based on _fontDefinition was failed It's permitted to call this function only from PDF/A conversion-related code It's permitted to call this function only from PDF/A conversion-related code An objective of this method - to replace FontDescriptor dictionary of current font with new one, this is needed for cases when 2 fonts share same FontDescriptor, like case of task PDFNET-40285 new FontDescriptor dictionary Objective of this method - to update internal data(_fontDefinition, _font and others) for new font. Data for new font is reperesented via FontDefinition object, name for new font is passed into this method for performance reasons only( for composite fonts) FontDefinition of new font new font name Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The descriptor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. The flags. The font B box. The intalic angel. The ascent. The descent. Height of the cap. The stem V. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Name of the pdfFont. The flags. The pdfFont B box. The intalic angel. The ascent. The descent. Gets the content. The content. Gets the value. The key. Determines whether the specified key has value. The key. true if the specified key has value; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified key has value. The key. true if the specified key has value; otherwise, false. (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; shall be FontDescriptor for a font descriptor. The type. (Required) The PostScript name of the font. This name shall be the same as the value of BaseFont in the font or CIDFont dictionary that refers to this font descriptor. The name of the font. (Optional; PDF 1.5; should be used for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) A byte string specifying the preferred font family name. EXAMPLE 1 For the font Times Bold Italic, the FontFamily is Times. The font family. (Optional; PDF 1.5; should be used for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) The font stretch value. It shall be one of these names (ordered from narrowest to widest): UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed, Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded or UltraExpanded. The specific interpretation of these values varies from font to font. EXAMPLE 2 Condensed in one font may appear most similar to Normal in another. The font stretch. (Optional; PDF 1.5; should be used for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) The weight (thickness) component of the fully-qualified font name or font specifier. The possible values shall be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900, where each number indicates a weight that is at least as dark as its predecessor. A value of 400 shall indicate a normal weight; 700 shall indicate bold. The specific interpretation of these values varies from font to font. EXAMPLE 3300 in one font may appear most similar to 500 in another. The font weight. (Required) A collection of flags defining various characteristics of the font (see 9.8.2, "Font Descriptor Flags"). The flags. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) A rectangle (see 7.9.5, "Rectangles"), expressed in the glyph coordinate system, that shall specify the font bounding box. This should be the smallest rectangle enclosing the shape that would result if all of the glyphs of the font were placed with their origins coincident and then filled. The font B box. (Required) The angle, expressed in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical, of the dominant vertical strokes of the font. EXAMPLE 4 The 9-o�clock position is 90 degrees, and the 3-o�clock position is �90 degrees. The value shall be negative for fonts that slope to the right, as almost all italic fonts do. The italic angle. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) The maximum height above the baseline reached by glyphs in this font. The height of glyphs for accented characters shall be excluded. The ascent. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) The maximum depth below the baseline reached by glyphs in this font. The value shall be a negative number. The descent. (Optional) The spacing between baselines of consecutive lines of text. Default value: 0. The leading. (Required for fonts that have Latin characters, except for Type 3 fonts)The vertical coordinate of the top of flat capital letters, measured from the baseline. The height of the cap. (Optional) The font�s x height: the vertical coordinate of the top of flat nonascending lowercase letters (like the letter x), measured from the baseline, in fonts that have Latin characters. Default value: 0. The height of the X. (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) The thickness, measured horizontally, of the dominant vertical stems of glyphs in the font. The stem V. (Optional) The thickness, measured vertically, of the dominant horizontal stems of glyphs in the font. Default value: 0. The stem H. (Optional) The average width of glyphs in the font. Default value: 0. The width of the avg. (Optional) The maximum width of glyphs in the font. Default value: 0. The width of the max. (Optional) The width to use for character codes whose widths are not specified in a font dictionary�s Widths array. This shall have a predictable effect only if all such codes map to glyphs whose actual widths are the same as the value of the MissingWidth entry. Default value: 0. The width of the missing. (Optional) A stream containing a Type 1 font program (see 9.9, "Embedded Font Programs"). The font file. (Optional; PDF 1.1) A stream containing a TrueType font program (see 9.9, "Embedded Font Programs"). The font file2. (Optional; PDF 1.2) A stream containing a font program whose format is specified by the Subtype entry in the stream dictionary (see Table�126). The font file3. (Optional; meaningful only in Type�1 fonts; PDF 1.1) A string listing the character names defined in a font subset. The names in this string shall be in PDF syntax�that is, each name preceded by a slash (/). The names may appear in any order. The name . notdef shall be omitted; it shall exist in the font subset. If this entry is absent, the only indication of a font subset shall be the subset tag in the FontNameentry (see 9.6.4, "Font Subsets"). The char set. (Optional) A dictionary containing entries that describe the style of the glyphs in the font (see, "Style"). The style. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name specifying the language of the font, which may be used for encodings where the language is not implied by the encoding itself. The value shall be one of the codes defined by Internet RFC 3066, Tags for the Identification of Languages or (PDF 1.0) 2-character language codes defined by ISO 639 (see the Bibliography). If this entry is absent, the language shall be considered to be unknown. The lang. (Optional) A dictionary whose keys identify a class of glyphs in a CIDFont. Each value shall be a dictionary containing entries that shall override the corresponding values in the main font descriptor dictionary for that class of glyphs (see, "FD"). The FD. (Optional) A stream identifying which CIDs are present in the CIDFont file. If this entry is present, the CIDFont shall contain only a subset of the glyphs in the character collection defined by the CIDSystemInfo dictionary. If it is absent, the only indication of a CIDFont subset shall be the subset tag in the FontName entry (see 9.6.4, "Font Subsets"). The stream�s data shall be organized as a table of bits indexed by CID. The bits shall be stored in bytes with the high-order bit first. Each bit shall correspond to a CID. The most significant bit of the first byte shall correspond to CID 0, the next bit to CID 1, and so on. The CID set. inits font names properties This class represents base for simple PDF's fonts. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. (Required in PDF 1.0; optional otherwise) The name by which this font is referenced in the Font subdictionary of the current resource dictionary. This entry is obsolete and should not be used. The name. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts; indirect reference preferred) An array of (LastChar�?�FirstChar�+�1) widths, each element being the glyph width for the character code that equals FirstChar plus the array index. For character codes outside the range FirstChar to LastChar, the value of MissingWidth from the FontDescriptor entry for this font shall be used. The glyph widths shall be measured in units in which 1000 units correspond to 1 unit in text space. These widths shall be consistent with the actual widths given in the font program. For more information on glyph widths and other glyph metrics, see 9.2.4, "Glyph Positioning and Metrics". Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The widths. (Optional) A specification of the font�s character encoding if different from its built-in encoding. The value of Encoding shall be either the name of a predefined encoding (MacRomanEncoding, MacExpertEncoding, or WinAnsiEncoding, as described in Annex D) or an encoding dictionary that shall specify differences from the font�s built-in encoding or from a specified predefined encoding (see 9.6.6, "Character Encoding"). The encoding. (Optional; PDF�1.2) A stream containing a CMap file that maps character codes to Unicode values (see 9.10, "Extraction of Text Content"). To unicode. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts) The first character code defined in the font�s Widths array. Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The first char. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts) The last character code defined in the font�s Widths array. Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The last char. Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status Gets default width The PostScript names of 14 Type 1 fonts Times-Roman Helvetica Courier Symbol Times-Bold Helvetica-Bold Courier-Bold ZapfDingbats Times-Italic Helvetica-Oblique Courier-Oblique Times-BoldItalic Helvetica-BoldOblique Courier-BoldOblique Defines a way to process font choosing strategies Performs font substitution embeds font Selects existing fonr for the text or adds new font to the resources and returns it Selects existing fonr for the text or adds new font to the resources and returns it string resources the string encoded with the font existing or new font existing or new font resource key determines if the text can be written with desired font determines if the text can be written with desired font determines if the text can be written with desired font, this is overloaded verison of TryRegisterString() family. An implementation objective is related to OTL support logic. Base method implements such logic that if current font is problem OTL font(one of problem OTL fonts) and if it can't process input string with OTL support than registration must be failed. The reason is that it's necessary to try find special OTL font which will process input string with OTL support correctly. This overloaded version is designed for cases when special OTL font to process input string with correct OTL support was not found. In this case we need to register string without OTL support - it will be not 100% correct string for many cases but at the same time it is more preferrable result than failed registration and empty string. Performs font substitution Returns Font substitution for IPdfFont Returns Font substitution for IPdfFont Tries possible CJK substitutions. Original font name Substitution font name FontDefinition object true - if substitution is found for the font, otherwise - false Returns Font substitution font name Tries possible default substitutions. Original font name Substitution font name FontDefinition object true - if substitution is found for the font, otherwise - false Iterates all the FontSubstitutions, if fontSubstitution marked by flag IsForcedBySaveOption is found, than removes it when FontRegistry.DefaultFontName is null or if fontSbstitution.SubstitutionFontName != FontRegistry.DefaultFontName(only first met), than if FontRegistry.DefaultFontName exists, adds new substitution (originalFontName->FontRegistry.DefaultFontName) Return font that is suitable for font substitution returns TimesNewRoman if this is enough. if TimesNewRoman is not enough - returns MSGothic Determines if the font contains specified chars Determines if the font contains specified chars Checks whether the font contains all the required glyphs Returns chunks with substituted fonts Returns true in case font contains the glyph Represents text chunk Returns true in case font contains widths for all glyphs that need to show the string This class represents PDF's TrueType Fonts. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Name of the system font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. TtfFont. Builds the widths. The font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. Measures the string. The STR. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Measures the encoded string. The STR. Size of the font. Gets the font ascent Gets the font descent Registers string in the font status This class represents Type0 font Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The descedant font. (Required except for the standard 14 fonts; shall be an indirect reference) A font descriptor describing the font�s metrics other than its glyph widths (see 9.8, "Font Descriptors"�\). For the standard 14 fonts, the entries FirstChar, LastChar, Widths, and FontDescriptor shall either all be present or all be absent. Ordinarily, these dictionary keys may be absent; specifying them enables a standard font to be overridden; see, "Standard Type 1 Fonts (Standard 14 Fonts)". Beginning with PDF 1.5, the special treatment given to the standard 14 fonts is deprecated. Conforming writers should represent all fonts using a complete font descriptor. For backwards capability, conforming readers shall still provide the special treatment identified for the standard 14 fonts. The font descpriptor. Gets the descendant fonts. The descendant fonts. Changes child descendant font with new one. There are some cases when existing descendant font must be changed. One of this cases is PDF document which includes shared fonts. Shared fonts are the fonts which have common shared objects. Document from task PDFNET-42410 is an example of these fonts. CIDFont #203 is shared by some composite fonts, like font #232, #238, #275 and others. When PDF document with shared fonts like described above is used only for reading, there is no sense in replacing shared fonts, but when PDF this document is needed in edit operations, for example PDF/A conversion, shared fonts must be replaced with appropriate copies. new descendant font Returns encoding as a CMap (Encoding for Type0 fonts is a CMap ) This propery is for the same property at Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font class. Must be set only from Aspose.Pdf.Font methods! This method is injected for the same Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font.GetLastFontEmbeddingError() method. Error description This method was created for cases when current PdfFont object is created from another PdfFont, so new PdfFont need to set special data from base PdfFont IPdfFont from which current font was created This method was created for cases when current PdfFont object is created from Aspoe.Pdf.Text.Font object, so new PdfFont need to set special data from base Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font IPdfFont from which current font was created Embeds encoding in case in case name is used. Used to detect OTL problem fonts Measures the string. The STR. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Internals the measure string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Gets default width Gets the underline thinkness. The underline thinkness. Gets the underline position. The underline position. Gets the font ascent Gets the font descent Registers string in the font Updates internal font structures (such as Widths, W, Differences etc) Returns correctly encoded string status Copies all the data from this font to replace An objective of this method - to replace FontDescriptor dictionary of current font with new one, this is needed for cases when 2 fonts share same FontDescriptor, like case of task PDFNET-40285 This overrided version implemented due to fact that DocumentFontsCollector doesn't collect CIDFonts, so methods like this will be called only for parent Type0 fonts, but not for child CIDFonts, so we need to set data for child CIDFont here FontDefinition of new font new font name This class represents standart type1 font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. Gets or sets the metrics. The metrics. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. Measures the string. The STR. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. Measures the encoded string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Gets the underline thinkness. The underline thinkness. Gets the underline position. The underline position. Gets the font ascent Gets the font descent This class represents Type3 font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The font. (Required) An array of six numbers specifying the font matrix, mapping glyph space to text space (see 9.2.4, "Glyph Positioning and Metrics"). NOTE A common practice is to define glyphs in terms of a 1000-unit glyph coordinate system, in which case the font matrix is [ 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 ]. (Required) A dictionary in which each key shall be a glyph name and the value associated with that key shall be a content stream that constructs and paints the glyph for that character. The stream shall include as its first operator either d0 or d1, followed by operators describing one or more graphics objects, which may include path, text, or image objects. See below for more details about Type 3 glyph descriptions. (Optional but should be used; PDF 1.2) A list of the named resources, such as fonts and images, required by the glyph descriptions in this font (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). If any glyph descriptions refer to named resources but this dictionary is absent, the names shall be looked up in the resource dictionary of the page on which the font is used. Measures the string. The STR. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. returned string width. returned string height. returned individual character metrics. returned true if string is horizontal Internals the measure string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. Individual character widths. width of the string. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Measures the string. The STR. Size of the font. Individual character widths. Measures the string. The STR. character index of the beginning of the string character index of the end of the string Size of the font. returned individual character metrics. width of the string. This class represents an abstract width entry. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start code. The end code. Gets the start. The start. Gets the end. The end. Gets the metrics. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Joins the specified code. The code. The metrics. Determines whether [contains] [the specified code]. The code. true if [contains] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Adds the code. The code. The metrics. This class represents first type of range: 120 [ 400 325 500 ] Initializes a new instance of the class. The start code. The widths. Gets the metrics. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Adds the code. The code. The metrics. This class represents second type of range: c1 c2 w Initializes a new instance of the class. The start code. The end code. The metrics. Gets the metrics. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Adds the code. The code. The metrics. This class represents an abstract width entry. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start code. The end code. Gets the start. The start. Gets the end. The end. Gets the width. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Joins the specified code. The code. The width. Determines whether [contains] [the specified code]. The code. true if [contains] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Adds the code. The code. The width. This class represents first type of range: 120 [ 400 325 500 ] Initializes a new instance of the class. The start code. The widths. Gets the width. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Adds the code. The code. The width. This class represents second type of range: c1 c2 w Initializes a new instance of the class. The start code. The end code. The width. Gets the width. The code. Determines whether this instance can join the specified code. The code. true if this instance can join the specified code; otherwise, false. Gets the model. Adds the code. The code. The width. Expands current clipping Subpath to include the rectangle. Use it with care because clipping pathes of current graphic state interact with each other. Rectangle to include into current Subpath Value that indicates whether actual changing of page contents has performed. Gets Rectangle that describes (includes all points of the) graphic element in the user space. Index of the last operator that affected by graphics element when it represents a clipping path. Represents show text operators that accept array ([] TJ) initializes new instance Replaces text with new one Text Replaces text with new one Text Object that describes options of text edit operations Adjusts segments positions in line after text replacement to avoid extra spaces and overlap of text. Collection of PhysicalTextSegment representing line of text. Value representing current segment length change that need to adjust. updates contents stream text representation. it is required if font is changed, for example. This version of minimize adjustments method works until difference in segment length will not excess specified parameter. Maximum total change of ajustments. Difference in segment length. Returns absolute value of maximum adjustment of the segment in text space units. Absolute value of maximum adjustment of the segment. Checks when adjustments used for column formating. Splits the segment into two segments by specified parameter index. It is assumed parameter IsNumber primitive that defines column gap. Index of parameter that defines column gap. This method is called in case parameters were forcibly updated Returns parameters for isolated fragment (in case fragment splitting) Creates parameters list, specific for concrtete type of physical segment (TJ or Tj) creates operator, specific for concrete type of physical segment (TJ or Tj) Modifies segment operators to avoid Tw and make spacing with glyph positioning. Updates adjustments in this segment for fonts that got explicit widths. List of fonts that got explicit widths. Determines if the char index is adjustment space compute shift of every parameter (string of number shift) compute shift of every parameter (string of number shift) width of segment and information about char spacings represents marked content paragraph. represents physical text segments collection adds segment to collection returns physocal segment by index represents sorted list of physical text segments index for quick search the hashtable key access is O(1), but soltedList key access is O(log(n))) adds physical segments to the collection returns physocal segments list for the xIndent Gets physical segments by xIndent Gets Last segment of the word Gets Last segment of the word text segment behavior settings Segments group state keeps data related to segment groups - fragments, paragraphs etc represents physical text segment. wraps show text operators (Tj, TJ) with reading and updating logic Factory method to create appropriate physical segment implementation base constructor Determines if the char index is adjustment space. returns false for non-array segment extracted text of current physical segment (text show operator) Gets actual text (may be null) Gets physical text (may be null) Text state (font, font size, color etc) returns segment height (font size with all required matrix transformations) text x indent text y indent text y indent Replaces text with new one Text Replaces text with new one Text Object that describes options of text edit operations updates contents stream text representation. it is required if font is changed, for example. Splits the segment into several segments and leave this segment with given text Sets font for specified physical segment PdfFont from which new font will be created, if exists, this parameter can be null Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font from which new font will be created, if exists, this parameter can be null Sets font for specified physical segment Sets font for specified physical segment This version of AttachFont functionality relies on such thing that newFont was corectly created and added to segment's resources. This method calls AttachFont(IPdfFont newFont, string fontResourseKey) to correctly update text operators for newFont and to update string representation for segment. This method used primarily for PDF_A conversion purposes. new font name of resource for new font Sets font size for segment Set text matrix for the segment Sets background color for group of segments (for example, for found phrase) Gets rectangle for the characters range Sets background color for group of segments (for example, for found phrase) Sets background color for group of segments (for example, for found phrase) removes background color removes group underline color removes group strikeout state removes clipbox Sets strikeout Removes strikeout objects Removes strikeout oiperators Sets strikeout for group of segments (for example, for found phrase) Sets underline Removes underline objects Removes underline oiperators Sets background color for group of segments (for example, for found phrase) Background Info Sets background color for group of segments (for example, for found phrase) Sets background color Sets background color Sets foreground color Sets color for stroking operations (stroke text) IColor instance generates new font resource key TODO: probably we should move this code to some common helper class Deletes the physical segment Deletes the physical segment taking into account TextEditOptions object physical segment init method shift of the text - when the text is forcibly isolated it is often shifted Decodes string of pdf text TODO: we need to reimplement this in the Engine fonts level. But this to be done later when this subsystem moleding is finished raw pdf string data unicode string This method must be protected It doesn't substitute font and assumes that it encodes existing string (the string that must be able to be encoded successfully). This method must be protected It doesn't substitute font and assumes that it encodes existing string (the string that must be able to be encoded successfully). Encodes string to write to pdf TODO: we need to reimplement this in the Engine fonts level. But this to be done later when this subsystem moleding is finished unicode string raw pdf string data measures text that the current operator represents takes into account adjustments of TJ command measures text that the current operator represents takes into account adjustments of TJ command compute shift of every parameter (string of number shift) compute shift of every parameter (string of number shift) width of segment and information about char spacings Transforms width UnTransforms width returns text that should be measured Updates underlying document This method is called in case parameters were forcibly updated Returns parameters for isolated fragment (in case fragment splitting) Creates parameters list, specific for concrtete type of physical segment (TJ or Tj) creates operator, specific for concrete type of physical segment (TJ or Tj) Set character spacing value Value of character spacing Set word spacing value Value of word spacing Set rendering mode Value of text rendering mode Gets font for actual text actually actualText is not physically linked to document's font and it is just unicode string so, we have to leverage system font to measure the text etc The purpose of this method to return index to insert PostMatrix(Tm) before. Calculates rotation angle from transformation matrix. Transformation matrix Angle in radians Get absolute rotation angle of this physical text segment. It takes into account both CTM and Text matrices of current segment. To get separated/relative angle values please use PhysicalTextSegment.GetAngleFromMatrix(matrix) with CTM or Text matrix as parameter. Angle in radians Fast / simplified check for this physical text segment rotation. Result 'false' means this segment is NOT rotated. Result 'true' means that this segment has at least one non-default rotation matrix, it may be actually rotated or not depending from the matrix values. Please use GetAbsoluteRotationAngle() to get final rotation value. true if this segment has at least one non-default rotation matrix. Otherwise false. Modifies segment operators to avoid Tw and make spacing with Td or glyph positioning. Searches for operators that used for orginizing text underline for current text block. If those operators are found it will be removed. Contains rectange for restore Restore underlining for another segments after removing third party underlining for this segment. Rectangle where was source underlining. Restore underlining for another segments after removing third party underlining for this segment. Subpath of underlining. Determines wheather the segment not visible because of the reasons differ from rendered mode setting. Two possible reasons are known: current clipping path, overlapping by background. Additional reason handling will be added as needed. true - if the segment actually not visible because out of current clipping path or overlapping by background. Otherwise - false. Checks if the given subpath belongs to a table cell. Subpath to check. true-if the subpath is part of a subpath table cell, otherwise-false. Gets value that indicates this physical segment has own underlining independent from TextSegment. Gets value of bBoxFontSizeCoefficient preset Indicates whether left shift is allowed during fix segment position after modifying previous segment. Left shift will be denied when this segment looks as start of the new column of text. Link for segment that becomes right from current after isolation of this segment. Link is used to perform fix next segment position after modifying this segment. Text state of physical segment (text show operator) this is a logical state (it may include not only pdf specified text state paramentes) Tc=0 (default) black by default black by default Th=100 (default) initial value i 1,0,0,1,0,0 Tw=0 (default) Ts=0 (default) common transformation matrix text leading. default value is 0 Character spacing Text rendering mode Current font resource key operator link to color operator operator link to color operator Contains object (Page, XForm) that is source of the text. It is used to avoid double processing text of the XForm referenced on several pages. Used only for XForm text now. Contains graphics elements that represents current Clipping Path (see: p.8.5.1 of spec) Copies the state Action to perform if font does not contain required character Throw exception Repalce font to standard font which contains required character Replace text anyway without font substitution Represents show text operators (() Tj) Replaces text with new one Text Replaces text with new one Text Object that describes options of text edit operations updates contents stream text representation. it is required if font is changed, for example. This method is called in case parameters were forcibly updated Returns parameters for isolated fragment (in case fragment splitting) Creates parameters list, specific for concrtete type of physical segment (TJ or Tj) creates operator, specific for concrete type of physical segment (TJ or Tj) Modifies segment operators to avoid Tw and make spacing with Td. compute shift of every parameter (string of number shift) compute shift of every parameter (string of number shift) width of segment and information about char spacings Simple raw text mapper Gets text that the physical segments represent Searches text and returns physical segments that represent the text Gets phrase next occurence (simple string or regex) Simple raw text mapper Gets text that the physical segments represent Searches text and returns physical segments that represent the text Searches text and returns physical segments that represent the text Gets phrase next occurence (simple string) Gets matches using regex Updates adjustments in ArrayTextSegments for fonts that got explicit widths. Declares base functionality for text segment mappers as objects that perform map from physical text segments to real text Initializes the object with physical segments list Gets text that the physical segments represent Searches text and returns physical segments that represent the text represents text container that keeps pdf physically ordered text (which is always left to right) and normally ordered text handles RTL, BIDI text ordering depending on text Normally ordered text PDF physically ordered text PDF physically ordered text sets normally ordered text sets normally ordered text sets pdf physically ordered text sets pdf physically ordered text Some fonts cannot display ligature glyphs. This method checks for it. Font to check. Parses command queue, builds physical segments with states Initializes the object with command queue, contents stream, resources Initializes the object with command queue, contents stream, resources, ..., text segment settings Initializes the object with command queue, contents stream, resources current command list (formed on command queue) physical segments excluding xobject nexted segments physical segments including xobject nexted segments returns all retrieved physical segments suppresses document update resumes document update flushes changes to the document notifies that the operator is replaced for the link Adds new operator before mentioned one Adds new operator after mentioned one Removes operator Returns operator operator Returns operator operator Parses command queue and builds physical segments collection inside This CS/cs operators processing was implemented to allow sc_scn() determine a name of color space used only. (Case PDFNEWNET-35239.) It is not exhaustive. Operator Restore state Save state to allow command inserting/deleting and support objects that have already created based on commands that may be shifted. link to the command is created when some object wants to operate with it withoud break when some other object shofts the command this list keeps text showing commands since last text position was ecplicitly set. This means that we must compute indents for every text showing operator after the first one. Returns new PhysicalTextSegment basing on specified font Font for segment When value is true ShowTextWithPositions (TJ) operator will be used. When value is false type of operator will be determinated according to font. new PhysicalTextSegment object Appends builder commands collection to the external collection. Additionally it removes from collection commands that were added previously but became inactual (removed). List of commands Represents text segmenting mechanisms for pdf text Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with page and partial page contents. Page. List of operators to extract text. Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with the page Constructs the object with the xForm Constructs the object with the xForm Constructs the object with the xForm Constructs the object with the xForm Constructs the object with the xForm Constructs the object with the xForm Searches text phrase, and represents the occurences as physical segments collection simple text or regexp Searches text phrase, and represents the occurences as physical segments collection using extracted text simple text or regexp Array of search result objects Gets the text tht has been met during search Gets the text tht has been met during search with formatting Gets the text tht has been met during search with formatting Searches text phrase, and represents the occurences as physical segments collection using not extracted text but basing on relative segments positions. It is usefull when text is rendered as couple of characters (segments) along non-horizontal line. simple text or regexp Array of search result objects detect cases when correction and rebuild is reguired sets character with specified coordinates returns formatted text as stream Extends buffers if required represents text line Gets or sets words list of the line the words are sorted by xIndent height of the line Bottom yIndent of the line Top yIndent of the line Middle yIndent of the line splits text fragments to lines Returns splitted lines splits text into lines gets physical segments sorted by yIndent represents text space Performs text formatting Temp limit. shound be detected in future returns formatted text result returns formatted text in FormattedTextGrid representation represents text word Physical segments that represent the word begin index of the first physical segment end index of the last physical segment represents physical text segments collection returns last word represents sorted list of physical text segments index for quick search the hashtable key access is O(1), but soltedList key access is O(log(n))) adds physical segments to the collection returns physocal segments list for the xIndent Gets word by index The purpose of this class is to get objects which are represent document's strategies with default values. Purpose of this interface - to return different strategies which could be used if user sets special flag which affects usual logic Describes list of document's strategies for which default values are needed. Represente character info Objective of this class - to find appropriate font as substitution for a font which has not all glyphs. This class can be used only when fonts are pre-builded before showing - flag ConvertFontsToUnicodeTTF must be set Designed to hold functionality for caching and other memory-related operations which are used in command queue processing and text showing areas This class represent mapping initialFont from PDF to several pairs "newFont - charCodeSubstitutor" This class represents base class for show text operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Moves to next line. The context. Shows the text. The context. The STR. The tj move. Part of ShowText method. Set some text metrics, creates text and added it to context.Presenter. Gets the char widths. Gets the char widths. Gets the char widths. Gets the char widths. Move to the next line and show a text string. This operator shall have the same effect as the code T* string Tj Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. Internals the execute. Show a text string. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. Internals the execute. Move to the next line and show a text string, using aw as the word spacing and ac as the character spacing (setting the corresponding parameters in the text state). aw and ac shall be numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. This operator shall have the same effect as this code: aw Tw ac Tc string ' Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Show one or more text strings, allowing individual glyph positioning. Each element of array shall be either a string or a number. If the element is a string, this operator shall show the string. If it is a number, the operator shall adjust the text position by that amount; that is, it shall translate the text matrix, Tm . The number shall be expressed in thousandths of a unit of text space (see 9.4.4, "Text Space Details"). This amount shall be subtracted from the current horizontal or vertical coordinate, depending on the writing mode. In the default coordinate system, a positive adjustment has the effect of moving the next glyph painted either to the left or down by the given amount. Figure 46 shows an example of the effect of passing offsets to TJ. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Describes document instance. Gets value of document instance. Describes page coordinate type. Gets value of coordinate type. Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the even-odd rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. (PDF�1.2) Same as SCN but used for nonstroking operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Internals the execute. (PDF�1.2) Same as SC but also supports Pattern, Separation, DeviceN and ICCBased colour spaces. If the current stroking colour space is a Separation, DeviceN, or ICCBased colour space, the operands c1� cn shall be numbers. The number of operands and their interpretation depends on the colour space. If the current stroking colour space is a Pattern colour space, name shall be the name of an entry in the Pattern subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). For an uncoloured tiling pattern (PatternType�=�1 and PaintType�=�2), c1� cnshall be component values specifying a colour in the pattern�s underlying colour space. For other types of patterns, these operands shall not be specified. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Internals the execute. Same as K but used for nonstroking operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The c. The m. The y. The k. Internals the execute. Set the stroking colour space to DeviceCMYK (or the DefaultCMYKcolour space; see, "Default Colour Spaces") and set the colour to use for stroking operations. Each operand shall be a number between 0.0 (zero concentration) and 1.0 (maximum concentration). The behaviour of this operator is affected by the overprint mode (see 8.6.7, "Overprint Control"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The c. The m. The y. The k. Internals the execute. This class represents base SetColor operator. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. The name. Gets the color. Sets the color. The color. The color space. The context. Sets the color of the non stroking. The color. The color space. The context. This is the base class for set color space operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the color space. The name. Gets the color space. The context. (PDF 1.1) Same as CS but used for nonstroking operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Internals the execute. (PDF 1.1) Set the current colour space to use for stroking operations. The operand name shall be a name object. If the colour space is one that can be specified by a name and no additional parameters (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, and certain cases of Pattern), the name may be specified directly. Otherwise, it shall be a name defined in the ColorSpace subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"); the associated value shall be an array describing the colour space (see 8.6.3, "Colour Space Families"). The names DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, and Patternalways identify the corresponding colour spaces directly; they never refer to resources in the ColorSpace subdictionary. The CS operator shall also set the current stroking colour to its initial value, which depends on the colour space: In a DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, CalGray, or CalRGB colour space, the initial colour shall have all components equal to 0.0. In a DeviceCMYK colour space, the initial colour shall be [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ]. In a Lab or ICCBased colour space, the initial colour shall have all components equal to 0.0 unless that falls outside the intervals specified by the space�s Range entry, in which case the nearest valid value shall be substituted. In an Indexed colour space, the initial colour value shall be 0. In a Separation or DeviceN colour space, the initial tint value shall be 1.0 for all colorants. In a Pattern colour space, the initial colour shall be a pattern object that causes nothing to be painted. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Determines whether parameters are valid. true if parameters are valid; otherwise, false. Internals the execute. Same as G but used for nonstroking operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The g. Internals the execute. Set the stroking colour space to DeviceGray (or the DefaultGray colour space; see, "Default Colour Spaces") and set the gray level to use for stroking operations. gray shall be a number between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The g. Internals the execute. (PDF�1.1) Same as SC but used for nonstroking operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Internals the execute. Same as RG but used for nonstroking operations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Internals the execute. Set the stroking colour space to DeviceRGB (or the DefaultRGB colour space; see, "Default Colour Spaces") and set the colour to use for stroking operations. Each operand shall be a number between 0.0 (minimum intensity) and 1.0 (maximum intensity). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Internals the execute. (PDF 1.1) Set the colour to use for stroking operations in a device, CIE-based (other than ICCBased), or Indexed colour space. The number of operands required and their interpretation depends on the current stroking colour space: For DeviceGray, CalGray, and Indexed colour spaces, one operand shall be required (n�=�1). For DeviceRGB, CalRGB, and Lab colour spaces, three operands shall be required (n�=�3). For DeviceCMYK, four operands shall be required (n�=�4). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. Internals the execute. Initializes a new instance of the class. The state. Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed. true if the operation is complete; otherwise, false. 2 Gets a that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete. A that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete. 2 Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation. A user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation. 2 Gets an indication of whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously. true if the asynchronous operation completed synchronously; otherwise, false. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when command's parameter has been changed. Occurs when command parameter is changinging. Resets this instance. Serializes the specified writer. The writer. Gets the name. The name. Gets or sets the value. The value. Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Converts instance to . This class represents event argument for Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the old value. The old value. Gets the new value. The new value. Gets the name of the command. The name of the command. This class represents event argument for Initializes a new instance of the class. This class represents abstract command processor. Stores the flag controling command parameters option. Adds the command. The command. replaces fonts with TTF unicode fonts to solve compatibility issues replaces fonts with TTF unicode fonts to solve compatibility issues Usage of this flag turn on font hinting mechanism. Font hinting is the use of mathematical instructions to adjust the display of an outline font. In some cases turning this flag on may solve problems with text legibility. Usage of this flag could give effect only for TTF fonts, if these fonts are used in source document Note: turn caching only in case readonly mode (the contents changes are not updated in the cache) Gets/sets the command parameters caching option. Note: turn caching only in case readonly mode. Indicates wheather processing is limited to fast text extraction Gets the with the specified name. Gets the name. The name. Processes the specified contents (asynchronously). The contents. The resources. The width. The height. Processes the specified contents. The contents. The resources. The width. The height. Processes the specified contents (asynchronously). The contents. The resources. The context. Processes the specified contents. The contents. The resources. The context. Processes the specified page (asynchronously). The page. The context. Processes the specified page. The page. The context. Create "cm" command. The xMin. The yMin. Extract annotation object. The annotation. Draw annotations (asynchronously). The page. The context. Build rect The pdf array Transform rect The matrix The source rect Extracts Annotations Fonts from source page. The page. The context. Draw annotations. The page. The context. Gets the commands queue. The contents. The trailerable. Wrap the command queue with q/Q operator pair. Executes commands (asynchronously). Executes commands Called when commands executed. The result. performs state handling monitoring and repairs it is case broken contents (non-paired q/Q operators) This enum represents states of command during execution. Command is in initialization state. Command is running. Command has been finished. Command has been failed. This delegate represents event for . This class represents event args for . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the old state. The old state. Gets the new state. The new state. This interface represents simple command. Gets the state of the command. The state of the command. Gets the name. The name. Gets or sets the with the specified name. Gets or sets the at the specified index. Indicates that the command is always processed without optional contents respect Gets the parameters count. The parameters count. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is sync. true if this instance is sync; otherwise, false. Occurs when state of the has been changed. Executes this instance. Resets this instance. Initializes the specified args with disabled caching option. The args. Initializes the specified args with disabled caching option. The args. Initializes the specified args with disabled caching option. The args. Initializes the specified args and provides caching option. The args. Caching option. Initializes the specified args and provides caching option. The args. Caching option. Initializes the specified args and provides caching option. The args. Caching option. Serializes the specified stream writer. The stream writer. This interface represents a command's parameter. Gets the name. The name. Gets or sets the value. The value. Occurs when command's parameter has been changed. Occurs when command parameter is changinging. Resets this instance. Serializes the specified writer. The writer. This interface represents command processor. Allows to determine that content is corrupt and probably contains part of total commands list. Gets the with the specified name. Gets the name. The name. replaces fonts with TTF unicode fonts to solve compatibility issues Usage of this flag turn on font hinting mechanism. Font hinting is the use of mathematical instructions to adjust the display of an outline font. In some cases turning this flag on may solve problems with text legibility. Usage of this flag could give effect only for TTF fonts, if these fonts are used in source document Note: turn caching only in case readonly mode (the contents changes are not updated in the cache) Gets/sets the command parameters cahing option. Note: turn caching only in case readonly mode. Processes the specified page with specified dimensions The page. Processes the specified page with specified dimensions Processes the specified contents (asynchronously). The contents. The resources. The width. The height. Processes the specified contents. The contents. The resources. The width. The height. Gets the commands queue. The contents. The trailerable. Processes the specified contents (asynchronously). The contents. The resources. The context. Processes the specified contents. The contents. The resources. The context. Processes the specified page (asynchronously). The page. The context. Processes the specified page. The page. The context. Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . Converts instance to . This interface represents a page operator. This command represents abstract command. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. if set to true [is sync]. The args. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. if set to true [is sync]. Allows to subscribe parameter changing notifications This must be user only if this is necessarry for particular case (command, or scenario) the subscriptions are slow operations in context of large content models (related to 30318 case) Initializes the specified args with disabled caching option. The args. Initializes the specified args and provides caching option. The args. Caching option. Initializes the specified args with disabled caching option. The args. Initializes the specified args and provides caching option. The args. Caching option. Initializes the specified args with disabled caching option. The args. Initializes the specified args and provides caching option. The args. Caching option. Serializes the specified stream writer. The stream writer. Internals the execute. Called when [internal finished]. The ar. Determines whether parameters are valid. true if parameters are valid; otherwise, false. Handles the CommandParameterChanged event of the parameter control. The source of the event. The instance containing the event data. Handles the CommandParameterChanging event of the parameter control. The source of the event. The instance containing the event data. Adds the parameter. The parameter. Gets the parameter. The name. Wrappeds the internal execute. Removes the parameter. The name. Gets the name. The name. Gets the state of the command. The state of the command. Indicates that the command is always processed without optional contents respect Gets the parameters count. The parameters count. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is sync. true if this instance is sync; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the with the specified name. Gets or sets the at the specified index. Executes this instance (asynchronously). Executes this instance. Resets this instance. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. 2 (PDF�1.1) Begin a compatibility section. Unrecognized operators (along with their operands) shall be ignored without error until the balancing EX operator is encountered. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. (PDF�1.1) End a compatibility section begun by a balancing BX operator. Ignore any unrecognized operands and operators from previous matching BX onward. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Modify the current transformation matrix (CTM) by concatenating the specified matrix (see 8.3.2, "Coordinate Spaces"). Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be written as six separate numbers, not as an array. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Determines whether parameters are valid. true if parameters are valid; otherwise, false. Internals the execute. Restore the graphics state by removing the most recently saved state from the stack and making it the current state (see 8.4.2, "Graphics State Stack"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Save the current graphics state on the graphics state stack (see 8.4.2, "Graphics State Stack"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. (PDF 1.1) Set the colour rendering intent in the graphics state (see, "Rendering Intents"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The intent. Internals the execute. This class represents a set flatness tolerance operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The flatness. Internals the execute. Set the line cap style in the graphics state (see, "Line Cap Style"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The cap. Internals the execute. Set the line dash pattern in the graphics state (see, "Line Dash Pattern"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The phase. Internals the execute. Set the line join style in the graphics state (see, "Line Join Style"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The join. Internals the execute. Set the line width in the graphics state (see, "Line Width"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width. Internals the execute. Set the miter limit in the graphics state (see, "Miter Limit"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The mitter limit. Internals the execute. (PDF�1.2) Set the specified parameters in the graphics state. dictName shall be the name of a graphics state parameter dictionary in the ExtGState subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see the next sub-clause). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Internals the execute. Begin the image data for an inline image object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Begin an inline image object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. End an inline image object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The samples. Internals the execute. Begin a marked-content sequence terminated by a balancing EMCoperator. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the sequence. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates that the command is always processed without optional contents respect Internals the execute. Begin a marked-content sequence with an associated property list, terminated by a balancing EMC operator. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the sequence. properties shall be either an inline dictionary containing the property list or a name object associated with it in the Properties subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 14.6.2, �Property Lists�). Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Designate a marked-content point. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the point. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Internals the execute. Designate a marked-content point with an associated property list. tagshall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the point. properties shall be either an inline dictionary containing the property list or a name object associated with it in the Properties subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 14.6.2, �Property Lists�). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. The list. Internals the execute. End a marked-content sequence begun by a BMC or BDC operator. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. This class represents an operation context. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The page. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The resources. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Sets the color conversion strategy. Get dimensions based on resolution Builds rotation matrix Builds rotation matrix Builds rotation matrix Gets the ContentVisibilityManager. The ContentVisibilityManager. Gets the EmptyPageDetectionManager. Gets the page of an operation. The page. Gets or sets XObject stack depth Gets the document Gets the presenter. The presenter. Gets the color conversion strategy. Gets the resources. The resources. Merge the resources. The resources. Restore the resources. Push resources into stack. The resources. Pop resources from stack The resources. Gets the command stack. This object helps to communicate within commands Indicates that all fonts will be converted to TTF unicode versions. That is useful for compatibility reasons. Expecially it is useful in pdf to some other document type conversion task. Most products work with TTF fonts. But there are no products that support all font types that can be used in pdf. With converting fonts to TTF unicode fonts presenter makes it possible to write text with TTF font and never mind what initial font type was used to write the text. Note, that there might be problems when text is not mapped to unicode properly in a pdf document. RenderingOptions to use in conversion tasks Indicates that rendered contents is not intended for visual rendering (bbox computation etc) So visual features may be eliminated and optimized for performance Indicates that rendered contents is not intended for visual rendering (bbox computation etc) So visual features may be eliminated and optimized for performance Indicates that invalid xml characters will be remapped to another valid char codes Font memory manager finalizes ttf fonts that have been built Clears font cache Gets or sets target format for conversion scenarious. Note: This property is mainly for additional information. Changing will have effect on minor features only. Indicates that full font will be saved, supports only True Type Fonts. By default SaveFullFont = false and the converter saves the subset of the initial font needed to display the text of the document. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Internals the execute. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using the current point and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 ,). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Internals the execute. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 ,), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x3 ,) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x1. The y1. The x3. The y3. Internals the execute. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The width. The height. Internals the execute. Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x,The new current point shall be (x,�y). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Internals the execute. Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x,�y), omitting any connecting line segment. If the previous path construction operator in the current path was also m, the new m overrides it; no vestige of the previous m operation remains in the path. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Internals the execute. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Close and stroke the path. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h S. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B*. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. End the path object without filling or stroking it. This operator shall be a path-painting no-op, used primarily for the side effect of changing the current clipping path (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Fill and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as constructing two identical path objects, painting the first with f and the second with S. NOTE The filling and stroking portions of the operation consult different values of several graphics state parameters, such as the current colour. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Fill and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as B, except that the path is filled as if with f* instead of f. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Nonzero Winding Number Rule"). Any subpaths that are open shall be implicitly closed before being filled. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Internals the execute. Fill the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Even-Odd Rule"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Equivalent to f; included only for compatibility. Although PDF readerapplications shall be able to accept this operator, PDF writer applications should use f instead. Stroke the path. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Gets or sets optimize dimensions mode. Gets or sets barcode optimization mode. Gets or sets a mode where system fonts are rendered natively. Gets or sets a flag determines whether new imaging engine is used or not. Gets or sets a value used to increase or decrease the width of rectangle for AppendRectangle operator. Gets or sets a value used to increase or decrease the height of rectangle for AppendRectangle operator. Gets or sets a values used to scale all images on the page to fit page's width. Gets or sets hiqh quality mode for interpolation. Sets optional contents properties (PDF�1.3) Paint the shape and colour shading described by a shading dictionary, subject to the current clipping path. The current colour in the graphics state is neither used nor altered. The effect is different from that of painting a path using a shading pattern as the current colour. name is the name of a shading dictionary resource in the Shadingsubdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). All coordinates in the shading dictionary are interpreted relative to the current user space. (By contrast, when a shading dictionary is used in a type 2 pattern, the coordinates are expressed in pattern space.) All colours are interpreted in the colour space identified by the shading dictionary�s ColorSpace entry (see Table�78). The Background entry, if present, is ignored. This operator should be applied only to bounded or geometrically defined shadings. If applied to an unbounded shading, it paints the shading�s gradient fill across the entire clipping region, which may be time-consuming. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Begin a text object, initializing the text matrix, Tm , and the text line matrix, Tlm , to the identity matrix. Text objects shall not be nested; a second BT shall not appear before an ET. Internals the execute. End a text object, discarding the text matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx ,�ty ). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments: Tm = Tlm = [(1 0 0), (0 1 0), (tx ty 1)]*Tlm Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Internals the execute. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx , ty ). As a side effect, this operator shall set the leading parameter in the text state. This operator shall have the same effect as this code: −ty TL tx ty Td Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Internals the execute. Move to the start of the next line. This operator has the same effect as the code 0 -Tl Td where Tl denotes the current leading parameter in the text state. The negative of Tl is used here because Tl is the text leading expressed as a positive number. Going to the next line entails decreasing the y�coordinate. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Set the text matrix, Tm , and the text line matrix, Tlm : Tm = Tlm = [(a b 0), (c d 0), (e f 1)] The operands shall all be numbers, and the initial value for Tm and Tlm shall be the identity matrix, [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be passed to Tm as six separate numbers, not as an array. The matrix specified by the operands shall not be concatenated onto the current text matrix, but shall replace it. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Set the character spacing, Tc , to charSpace, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Character spacing shall be used by the Tj, TJ, and ' operators. Initial value: 0. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The char space. Internals the execute. Set the horizontal scaling, Th , to (scale ÷ 100). scale shall be a number specifying the percentage of the normal width. Initial value: 100 (normal width). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The scale. Internals the execute. Set the text font, Tf , to font and the text font size, Tfs , to size. font shall be the name of a font resource in the Font subdictionary of the current resource dictionary; size shall be a number representing a scale factor. There is no initial value for either font or size; they shall be specified explicitly by using Tf before any text is shown. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. The size. Internals the execute. Set the text leading, Tl , to leading, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Text leading shall be used only by the T*, ', and " operators. Initial value: 0. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The leading. Initializes a new instance of the class. The leading. Internals the execute. Set the text rendering mode, Tmode , to render, which shall be an integer. Initial value: 0. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The renderer. Internals the execute. Set the text rise, Trise , to rise, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Initial value: 0. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rise. Internals the execute. Set the word spacing, Tw , to wordSpace, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Word spacing shall be used by the Tj, TJ, and ' operators. Initial value:�0. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The space. Internals the execute. Set width and bounding box information for the glyph and declare that the glyph description specifies only shape, not colour. NOTE This operator name ends in the digit 1. wx denotes the horizontal displacement in the glyph coordinate system; it shall be consistent with the corresponding width in the font�s Widths array. wy shall be 0 (see 9.2.4, "Glyph Positioning and Metrics"). llx and lly denote the coordinates of the lower-left corner, and urxand ury denote the upper-right corner, of the glyph bounding box. The glyph bounding box is the smallest rectangle, oriented with the axes of the glyph coordinate system, that completely encloses all marks placed on the page as a result of executing the glyph�s description. The declared bounding box shall be correct�in other words, sufficiently large to enclose the entire glyph. If any marks fall outside this bounding box, the result is unpredictable. A glyph description that begins with the d1 operator should not execute any operators that set the colour (or other colour-related parameters) in the graphics state; any use of such operators shall be ignored. The glyph description is executed solely to determine the glyph�s shape. Its colour shall be determined by the graphics state in effect each time this glyph is painted by a text-showing operator. For the same reason, the glyph description shall not include an image; however, an image mask is acceptable, since it merely defines a region of the page to be painted with the current colour. This operator shall be used only in a content stream appearing in a Type�3 font�s CharProcs dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Set width information for the glyph and declare that the glyph description specifies both its shape and its colour. NOTE This operator name ends in the digit 0. wx denotes the horizontal displacement in the glyph coordinate system; it shall be consistent with the corresponding width in the font�s Widths array. wy shall be 0 (see 9.2.4, "Glyph Positioning and Metrics"). This operator shall only be permitted in a content stream appearing in a Type�3 font�s CharProcs dictionary. It is typically used only if the glyph description executes operators to set the colour explicitly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Internals the execute. Paint the specified XObject. The operand name shall appear as a key in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). The associated value shall be a stream whose Type entry, if present, is XObject. The effect of Do depends on the value of the XObject�s Subtype entry, which may be Image (see 8.9.5, "Image Dictionaries"), Form (see 8.10, "Form XObjects"), or PS (see 8.8.2, "PostScript XObjects"). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Internals the execute. Helps to detect blank pages Initializes internal structures for new page processing Sets or gets indication that page is not empty unconditionally Sets fill factor for the page. The value is used when empty page detection logic is performed. Returns true in case page is evaluated as empty (taking into account the fill factor value) This class represents page content builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The content. The resources. Initializes a new instance of the class. The content. The resources. if set to true [is uncolored]. Gets the resources. The resources. Sets the resources. The value. Gets the contents. The contents. Sets the contents. The value. Gets the text. The text. Gets the path. The path. Gets the color content builder. The color. Gets the state of the graphics. The state of the graphics. Gets the XObject content builder. The X object. Gets the inline image content builder. The inline image. Gets the content of the marked. The content of the marked. Gets the content builder. The content builder. Applies all changes. Builds from commands. Paints the inline image. The width. The height. The color space. The bits per component. The samples. Paint the specified XObject. The operand name shall appear as a key in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). The associated value shall be a stream whose Type entry, if present, is XObject. The effect of Do depends on the value of the XObject’s Subtype entry, which may be Image (see 8.9.5, "Image Dictionaries"), Form (see 8.10, "Form XObjects"), or PS (see 8.8.2, "PostScript XObjects"). The name. Paint the specified XObject. The operand name shall appear as a key in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). The associated value shall be a stream whose Type entry, if present, is XObject. The effect of Do depends on the value of the XObject’s Subtype entry, which may be Image (see 8.9.5, "Image Dictionaries"), Form (see 8.10, "Form XObjects"), or PS (see 8.8.2, "PostScript XObjects"). The name. The x. The y. The width. The heitgh. Begin a text object, initializing the text matrix, Tm, and the text line matrix, Tlm, to the identity matrix. Text objects shall not be nested; a second BT shall not appear before an ET. End a text object, discarding the text matrix. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments: The x. The y. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). As a side effect, this operator shall set the leading parameter in the text state. This operator shall have the same effect as this code: −ty TL tx ty Td The x. The y. Move to the start of the next line. This operator has the same effect as the code 0 -Tl Td where Tl denotes the current leading parameter in the text state. The negative of Tl is used here because Tl is the text leading expressed as a positive number. Going to the next line entails decreasing the y coordinate. Set the text matrix, Tm, and the text line matrix, Tlm: The operands shall all be numbers, and the initial value for Tm and Tlmshall be the identity matrix, [1 0 0 1 0 0]. Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be passed to Tm as six separate numbers, not as an array. The matrix specified by the operands shall not be concatenated onto the current text matrix, but shall replace it. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Adds the text. The text. The x. The y. The font. Adds the text using current forn and size. The text. The x. The y. Adds the text. The text. The x. The y. The font. Size of the font. Adds the text using system font. The text. The x. The y. Name of the font. Size of the font. Adds the text. The text. The x. The y. Name of the font. Size of the font. Adds the text. The text. The x. The y. Name of the font. Size of the font. Set the character spacing, Tc, to charSpace, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Character spacing shall be used by the Tj, TJ, and ' operators. Initial value: 0. The char space. Set the word spacing, Tw, to wordSpace, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Word spacing shall be used by the Tj, TJ, and ' operators. Initial value: 0. The word space. Set the horizontal scaling, Th, to (scale ? 100). scale shall be a number specifying the percentage of the normal width. Initial value: 100 (normal width). The scale. Set the text leading, Tl, to leading, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Text leading shall be used only by the T*, ', and " operators. Initial value: 0. The leading. Set the text font, Tf, to font and the text font size, Tfs, to size. font shall be the name of a font resource in the Font subdictionary of the current resource dictionary; size shall be a number representing a scale factor. There is no initial value for either font or size; they shall be specified explicitly by using Tf before any text is shown. Name of the font. The size. Set the text rendering mode, Tmode, to render, which shall be an integer. Initial value: 0. The renderer. Set the text rise, Trise, to rise, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Initial value: 0. The rise. Sets the color space. The color space. Sets the non stroking color space. The color space. Sets the stroking color. The color. Sets the non-stroking color. The color. Sets the color of the RGB stroking. The r. The g. The b. Sets the color of the RGB non stroking. The r. The g. The b. Sets the color of the gray stroking. The g. Sets the color of the gray non stroking. The g. Sets the color of the smyk strokling. The c. The m. The y. The k. Sets the color of the smyk non strokling. The c. The m. The y. The k. Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath, with lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions widthand height in user space. The x. The y. The width. The height. Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x, y), omitting any connecting line segment. If the previous path construction operator in the current path was also m, the new m overrides it; no vestige of the previous m operation remains in the path. The x. The y. Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y). The new current point shall be (x, y). The x. The y. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3, y3). The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using the current point and (x2, y2) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3, y3). The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x3, y3) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3, y3). The x1. The y1. The x3. The y3. Closes the path. Strokes the path. Close and stroke the path. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h S. Fills the path. Fill the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Even-Odd Rule"). Fill and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as constructing two identical path objects, painting the first with f and the second with S. NOTE The filling and stroking portions of the operation consult different values of several graphics state parameters, such as the current colour. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Fill and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as B, except that the path is filled as if with f* instead of f. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Closes, fills and then stroke the path. Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B*. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". End the path object without filling or stroking it. This operator shall be a path-painting no-op, used primarily for the side effect of changing the current clipping path (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the even-odd rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Save the current graphics state on the graphics state stack (see 8.4.2, "Graphics State Stack"). Restore the graphics state by removing the most recently saved state from the stack and making it the current state (see 8.4.2, "Graphics State Stack"). Modify the current transformation matrix (CTM) by concatenating the specified matrix (see 8.3.2, "Coordinate Spaces"). Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be written as six separate numbers, not as an array. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Set the line width in the graphics state (see, "Line Width"). The width. Set the line cap style in the graphics state (see, "Line Cap Style"). The line cap. Sets the line join. The line join. Set the miter limit in the graphics state (see, "Miter Limit"). The mitter limit. Set the line dash pattern in the graphics state (see, "Line Dash Pattern"). The dash array. The dash phase. (PDF 1.1) Set the colour rendering intent in the graphics state (see, "Rendering Intents"). The intent. Set the flatness tolerance in the graphics state (see 10.6.2, "Flatness Tolerance"). flatness is a number in the range 0 to 100; a value of 0 shall specify the output device’s default flatness tolerance. The flatness. (PDF 1.2) Set the specified parameters in the graphics state. dictName shall be the name of a graphics state parameter dictionary in the ExtGState subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see the next sub-clause). Name of the dict. Begin a marked-content sequence terminated by a balancing EMCoperator. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the sequence. The name. End a marked-content sequence begun by a BMC or BDC operator. Designate a marked-content point. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the point. The name. Designate a marked-content point with an associated property list. tagshall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the point. properties shall be either an inline dictionary containing the property list or a name object associated with it in the Properties subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 14.6.2, “Property Lists”). Gets or sets the content. The content. Adds the text. The x. The y. The name. Size of the font. The PDF texts. Shows the text. The x. The y. The PDF texts. Appends builder commands collection to the external collection. Another types of updating operations (removing inactual ops, etc.) didn't implemented yet. List of commands Indicates that content is visible Gets the MarkedContentManager. The MarkedContentManager. manages marked content groups visibility contains all oc profile properties contains off oc profile properties only returns appropriate property type object. returns null if property cannot be retrieved, or in case unsupported property type represents optional content property returns opetional content property. OC properties equality is their names equality manages optional content groups visibility This interface represents a common builder. Gets the content builder. The content builder. Gets the text content builder. The text. Gets the path content builder. The path. Gets the color content builder. The color. Gets the graphics state content builder. The state of the graphics. Gets the XObject content builder. The X object. Gets the inline image content builder. The inline image. Gets the content of the marked. The content of the marked. Applies the changes. Builds from commands. This class represents a color content builder. Sets the color space. The color space. Sets the non stroking color space. The color space. Sets the stroking color. The color. Sets the non-stroking color. The color. Sets the color of the RGB stroking. The r. The g. The b. Sets the color of the RGB non stroking. The r. The g. The b. Sets the color of the gray stroking. The g. Sets the color of the gray non stroking. The g. Sets the color of the smyk strokling. The c. The m. The y. The k. Sets the color of the smyk non strokling. The c. The m. The y. The k. This interface represents page content builder. Gets the resources. The resources. Gets the contents. The contents. This interface represent a graphics state content builder. Save the current graphics state on the graphics state stack (see 8.4.2, "Graphics State Stack"). Restore the graphics state by removing the most recently saved state from the stack and making it the current state (see 8.4.2, "Graphics State Stack"). Modify the current transformation matrix (CTM) by concatenating the specified matrix (see 8.3.2, "Coordinate Spaces"). Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be written as six separate numbers, not as an array. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Set the line width in the graphics state (see, "Line Width"). The width. Set the line cap style in the graphics state (see, "Line Cap Style"). The line cap. Sets the line join. The line join. Set the miter limit in the graphics state (see, "Miter Limit"). The mitter limit. Set the line dash pattern in the graphics state (see, "Line Dash Pattern"). The dash array. The dash phase. (PDF 1.1) Set the colour rendering intent in the graphics state (see, "Rendering Intents"). The intent. Set the flatness tolerance in the graphics state (see 10.6.2, "Flatness Tolerance"). flatness is a number in the range 0 to 100; a value of 0 shall specify the output device�s default flatness tolerance. The flatness. (PDF 1.2) Set the specified parameters in the graphics state. dictName shall be the name of a graphics state parameter dictionary in the ExtGState subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see the next sub-clause). Name of the dict. Paints the inline image. The width. The height. The color space. The bits per component. The samples. This interface represents marked content builder. Begin a marked-content sequence terminated by a balancing EMCoperator. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the sequence. The name. End a marked-content sequence begun by a BMC or BDC operator. Designate a marked-content point. tag shall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the point. The name. Designate a marked-content point with an associated property list. tagshall be a name object indicating the role or significance of the point. properties shall be either an inline dictionary containing the property list or a name object associated with it in the Properties subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 14.6.2, “Property Lists”). This interface represenrs a source of IPageOperator commands. This class represents a path content builder. Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath, with lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions widthand height in user space. The x. The y. The width. The height. Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x, y), omitting any connecting line segment. If the previous path construction operator in the current path was also m, the new m overrides it; no vestige of the previous m operation remains in the path. The x. The y. Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y). The new current point shall be (x, y). The x. The y. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3, y3). The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using the current point and (x2, y2) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3, y3). The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x3, y3) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3, y3). The x1. The y1. The x3. The y3. Close the current subpath by appending a straight line segment from the current point to the starting point of the subpath. If the current subpath is already closed, h shall donothing. This operator terminates the current subpath. Appending another segment to the current path shall begin a new subpath, even if the new segment begins at the endpoint reached by the h operation. Stroke the path. Close and stroke the path. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h S. Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Nonzero Winding Number Rule"). Any subpaths that are open shall be implicitly closed before being filled. Fill the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Even-Odd Rule"). Fill and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as constructing two identical path objects, painting the first with f and the second with S. NOTE The filling and stroking portions of the operation consult different values of several graphics state parameters, such as the current colour. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Fill and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as B, except that the path is filled as if with f* instead of f. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B*. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". End the path object without filling or stroking it. This operator shall be a path-painting no-op, used primarily for the side effect of changing the current clipping path (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the even-odd rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. This interface represents content stream�s named resources. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to graphics state parameter dictionaries (see 8.4.5, "Graphics State Parameter Dictionaries"). The state of the ext G. (Optional) A dictionary that maps each resource name to either the name of a device-dependent colour space or an array describing a colour space (see 8.6, "Colour Spaces"). The color space. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to pattern objects (see 8.7, "Patterns"). The pattern. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A dictionary that maps resource names to shading dictionaries (see, "Shading Dictionaries"). The shading. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to external objects (see 8.8, "External Objects"). The X object. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to font dictionaries (see clause 9, "Text"). The font. (Optional) An array of predefined procedure set names (see 14.2, "Procedure Sets"). The proc set. (Optional; PDF�1.2) A dictionary that maps resource names to property list dictionaries for marked content (see 14.6.2, "Property Lists"). The properties. Adds the font. The font. Adds the image. The image. Gets the font. Determines whether the specified font has font. The font. The name. true if the specified font has font; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified image has image. The image. The name. true if the specified image has image; otherwise, false. This interface represents a text content builder. Begin a text object, initializing the text matrix, Tm, and the text line matrix, Tlm, to the identity matrix. Text objects shall not be nested; a second BT shall not appear before an ET. End a text object, discarding the text matrix. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments: The x. The y. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). As a side effect, this operator shall set the leading parameter in the text state. This operator shall have the same effect as this code: −ty TL tx ty Td The x. The y. Move to the start of the next line. This operator has the same effect as the code 0 -Tl Td where Tl denotes the current leading parameter in the text state. The negative of Tl is used here because Tl is the text leading expressed as a positive number. Going to the next line entails decreasing the y coordinate. Set the text matrix, Tm, and the text line matrix, Tlm: The operands shall all be numbers, and the initial value for Tm and Tlmshall be the identity matrix, [1 0 0 1 0 0]. Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be passed to Tm as six separate numbers, not as an array. The matrix specified by the operands shall not be concatenated onto the current text matrix, but shall replace it. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Adds the text using specified StandartFont1 font and default size. The text. The x. The y. The font. Adds the text using current forn and size. The text. The x. The y. /// Adds the text using specified StandartFont1 font and size. The text. The x. The y. The font. Size of the font. Adds the text using system font. The text. The x. The y. Name of the font. Size of the font. Adds the text. The text. The x. The y. Name of the font. Size of the font. Adds the text. The text. The x. The y. Name of the font. Size of the font. Set the character spacing, Tc, to charSpace, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Character spacing shall be used by the Tj, TJ, and ' operators. Initial value: 0. The char space. Set the word spacing, Tw, to wordSpace, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Word spacing shall be used by the Tj, TJ, and ' operators. Initial value: 0. The word space. Set the horizontal scaling, Th, to (scale ? 100). scale shall be a number specifying the percentage of the normal width. Initial value: 100 (normal width). The scale. Set the text leading, Tl, to leading, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Text leading shall be used only by the T*, ', and " operators. Initial value: 0. The leading. Set the text font, Tf, to font and the text font size, Tfs, to size. font shall be the name of a font resource in the Font subdictionary of the current resource dictionary; size shall be a number representing a scale factor. There is no initial value for either font or size; they shall be specified explicitly by using Tf before any text is shown. Name of the font. The size. Set the text rendering mode, Tmode, to render, which shall be an integer. Initial value: 0. The renderer. Set the text rise, Trise, to rise, which shall be a number expressed in unscaled text space units. Initial value: 0. The rise. This interface represents a XObject content builder. Paint the specified XObject. The operand name shall appear as a key in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). The associated value shall be a stream whose Type entry, if present, is XObject. The effect of Do depends on the value of the XObject�s Subtype entry, which may be Image (see 8.9.5, "Image Dictionaries"), Form (see 8.10, "Form XObjects"), or PS (see 8.8.2, "PostScript XObjects"). The name. Paint the specified XObject. The operand name shall appear as a key in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). The associated value shall be a stream whose Type entry, if present, is XObject. The effect of Do depends on the value of the XObject�s Subtype entry, which may be Image (see 8.9.5, "Image Dictionaries"), Form (see 8.10, "Form XObjects"), or PS (see 8.8.2, "PostScript XObjects"). The name. The x. The y. The width. The height. This class represents a merger of IPageOperator commands Adds commands to array. Adds commands to array. Removes inactual commands (for text related commands only). Builds page content from commands. Pdf Page This class represents command processor for a content of page. Initializes a new instance of the class. This class represents content stream�s named resources. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resource. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to graphics state parameter dictionaries (see 8.4.5, "Graphics State Parameter Dictionaries"). The state of the ext G. (Optional) A dictionary that maps each resource name to either the name of a device-dependent colour space or an array describing a colour space (see 8.6, "Colour Spaces"). The color space. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to pattern objects (see 8.7, "Patterns"). The pattern. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A dictionary that maps resource names to shading dictionaries (see, "Shading Dictionaries"). The shading. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to external objects (see 8.8, "External Objects"). The X object. (Optional) A dictionary that maps resource names to font dictionaries (see clause 9, "Text"). The font. (Optional) An array of predefined procedure set names (see 14.2, "Procedure Sets"). The proc set. (Optional; PDF�1.2) A dictionary that maps resource names to property list dictionaries for marked content (see 14.6.2, "Property Lists"). The properties. Determines whether the specified font has font. The font. The name. true if the specified font has font; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified image has image. The image. The name. true if the specified image has image; otherwise, false. Adds the font. The font. Adds the image. The image. Gets the font. Gets the name of the font unique. Gets the name of the image unique. This class represents an article thread. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Thread for a thread dictionary. The type. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The first bead in the thread. The F. (Optional) A thread information dictionary containing information about the thread, such as its title, author, and creation date. The contents of this dictionary shall conform to the syntax for the document information dictionary (see 14.3.3, “Document Information Dictionary”). The I. This class represents an article bead. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Bead for a bead dictionary. The type. (Required for the first bead of a thread; optional for all others; shall be an indirect reference) The thread to which this bead belongs. (PDF 1.1) This entry shall be permitted only for the first bead of a thread. (PDF 1.2) It shall be permitted for any bead but required only for the first. The T. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The next bead in the thread. In the last bead, this entry shall refer to the first bead. The N. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The previous bead in the thread. In the first bead, this entry shall refer to the last bead. The V. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The page object representing the page on which this bead appears. The P. (Required) A rectangle specifying the location of this bead on the page. The R. This interface represents an article thread. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Thread for a thread dictionary. The type. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The first bead in the thread. The F. (Optional) A thread information dictionary containing information about the thread, such as its title, author, and creation date. The contents of this dictionary shall conform to the syntax for the document information dictionary (see 14.3.3, �Document Information Dictionary�). The I. This interface represents an article bead. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Bead for a bead dictionary. The type. (Required for the first bead of a thread; optional for all others; shall be an indirect reference) The thread to which this bead belongs. (PDF 1.1) This entry shall be permitted only for the first bead of a thread. (PDF 1.2) It shall be permitted for any bead but required only for the first. The T. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The next bead in the thread. In the last bead, this entry shall refer to the first bead. The N. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The previous bead in the thread. In the first bead, this entry shall refer to the last bead. The V. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The page object representing the page on which this bead appears. The P. (Required) A rectangle specifying the location of this bead on the page. The R. This class represents PDF's date common structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The PDF string. Initializes a new instance of the class. The date time. The destination. Gets or sets the date. The date. Gets or sets the initializer. The initializer. Updates the string. The value. Builds the date time. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 This class represents an abstract destination open action. A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed or an action that shall be performed when the document is opened. The value shall be either an array defining a destination (see 12.3.2, "Destinations") Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The type. The left. The top. The right. The bottom. The zoom. Gets the page. The page. Gets the name of the destination. The name of the destination. Gets the type of the destination. The type of the destination. Gets the left. The left. Gets the top. The top. Gets the right. The right. Gets the bottom. The bottom. Gets the zoom. The zoom. This enum represents types of destination Display the page designated by page, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate toppositioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and top entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the rectangle within the window in the other dimension. (PDF 1.1) Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension. (PDF 1.1) Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. (PDF 1.1) Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. (PDF 1.1) Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. (PDF 1.1) Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The top. (PDF 1.1) Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The left. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate toppositioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The top. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and top entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the rectangle within the window in the other dimension. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The left. The top. The right. The bottom. Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The left. This interface represents an abstract destination open action. A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed or an action that shall be performed when the document is opened. The value shall be either an array defining a destination (see 12.3.2, "Destinations") Gets the page. The page. Gets the type of the destination. The type of the destination. Display the page designated by page, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter shall be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The left. The top. The zoom. This class represents ExtGState dictionary Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The line width (see, "Line Width"). The LW. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The line cap style (see, "Line Cap Style"). The LC. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The line join style (see, "Line Join Style"). The LJ. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The miter limit (see, "Miter Limit"). The ML. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The line dash pattern, expressed as an array of the form [ dashArray dashPhase ], where dashArray shall be itself an array and dashPhase shall be an integer (see, "Line Dash Pattern"). The D. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The name of the rendering intent (see, "Rendering Intents"). The RI. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A flag specifying whether to apply overprint (see 8.6.7, "Overprint Control") for painting operations other than stroking. If this entry is absent, the OP entry, if any, shall also set this parameter. The OP. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The overprint mode (see 8.6.7, "Overprint Control"). The OPM. (Optional; PDF�1.3) An array of the form [ font size ], where font shall be an indirect reference to a font dictionary and size shall be a number expressed in text space units. These two objects correspond to the operands of the Tf operator (see 9.3, "Text State Parameters and Operators"); however, the first operand shall be an indirect object reference instead of a resource name. The font. (Optional) The black-generation function, which maps the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] to the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] (see 10.3.4, "Conversion from DeviceRGB to DeviceCMYK"). The BG. (Optional; PDF�1.3) Same as BG except that the value may also be the name Default, denoting the black-generation function that was in effect at the start of the page. If both BG and BG2 are present in the same graphics state parameter dictionary, BG2 shall take precedence. The B g2. (Optional) The undercolor-removal function, which maps the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] to the interval [ ?1.0 1.0 ] (see 10.3.4, "Conversion from DeviceRGB to DeviceCMYK"). The UCR. (Optional; PDF�1.3) Same as UCR except that the value may also be the name Default, denoting the undercolor-removal function that was in effect at the start of the page. If both UCR and UCR2 are present in the same graphics state parameter dictionary, UCR2 shall takeprecedence. The UC r2. (Optional) The transfer function, which maps the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] to the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] (see 10.4, "Transfer Functions"). The value shall be either a single function (which applies to all process colorants) or an array of four functions (which apply to the process colorants individually). The name Identity may be used to represent the identity function. The TR. (Optional; PDF�1.3) Same as TR except that the value may also be the name Default, denoting the transfer function that was in effect at the start of the page. If both TR and TR2 are present in the same graphics state parameter dictionary, TR2 shall take precedence. The T r2. (Optional) The halftone dictionary or stream (see 10.5, "Halftones") or the name Default, denoting the halftone that was in effect at the start of the page. The HT. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The flatness tolerance (see 10.6.2, "Flatness Tolerance"). The FL. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The smoothness tolerance (see 10.6.3, "Smoothness Tolerance"). The SM. (Optional) A flag specifying whether to apply automatic stroke adjustment (see 10.6.5, "Automatic Stroke Adjustment"). The SA. (Optional; PDF�1.4) The current blend mode to be used in the transparent imaging model (see 11.3.5, "Blend Mode" and 11.6.3, "Specifying Blending Colour Space and Blend Mode"). The BM.(Name or Array) (Optional; PDF�1.4) The current soft mask, specifying the mask shape or mask opacity values that shall be used in the transparent imaging model (see, "Source Shape and Opacity" and, "Mask Shape and Opacity"). Although the current soft mask is sometimes referred to as a �soft clip,� altering it with the gs operator completely replaces the old value with the new one, rather than intersecting the two as is done with the current clipping path parameter (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). The S mask.(Dictionary or Name) (Optional; PDF�1.4) The current stroking alpha constant, specifying the constant shape or constant opacity value that shall be used for stroking operations in the transparent imaging model (see, "Source Shape and Opacity" and, "Constant Shape and Opacity"). The CA. (Optional; PDF�1.4) Same as CA, but for nonstroking operations. The ca. (Optional; PDF�1.4) The alpha source flag (�alpha is shape�), specifying whether the current soft mask and alpha constant shall beinterpreted as shape values (true) or opacity values (false). The AIS. (Optional; PDF�1.4) The alpha source flag (�alpha is shape�), specifying whether the current soft mask and alpha constant shall beinterpreted as shape values (true) or opacity values (false). The TK. This interface represents a pdf image data reader. Bitmap width. Bitmap height. The color space. Reads next pixel from the data stream. EndOfStreamException ignored inside. will be filled with color components. Skips image row. Finalizes current row. Seek stream to begin. Indicates if the stream can be read. This class represents a pdf image data reader. Reads next pixel from the data stream. EndOfStreamException ignored inside. will be filled with color components. This class represents a pdf image data reader. Bitmap width Bitmap height The color space. Skips image row Reads next pixel from the data stream. EndOfStreamException ignored inside. will be filled with color components. Reads next pixel from the data stream. Return readed BytesBuffer[0]. Presumably the index of the first bit. Presumably the number of pixels read. This class represents an image. This interface represents a color key image mask. This interface represents an image mask. This class represents an image. This interface represents a soft image mask. This interface represents a stencil image mask. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. This interface represents a pdf image. (Required) The width of the image, in samples. The width. (Required) The height of the image, in samples. The height. (Required for images, except those that use the JPXDecode filter; not allowed forbidden for image masks) The colour space in which image samples shall be specified; it can be any type of colour space except Pattern. If the image uses the JPXDecode filter, this entry may be present: �If ColorSpace is present, any colour space specifications in the JPEG2000 data shall be ignored. �If ColorSpace is absent, the colour space specifications in the JPEG2000 data shall be used. The Decode array shall also be ignored unless ImageMask is true. The color space. (Required except for image masks and images that use the JPXDecode filter) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. Only a single value shall be specified; the number of bits shall be the same for all colour components. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, or (in PDF 1.5) 16. If ImageMask is true, this entry is optional, but if specified, its value shall be 1. If the image stream uses a filter, the value of BitsPerComponentshall be consistent with the size of the data samples that the filter delivers. In particular, a CCITTFaxDecode or JBIG2Decode filter shall always deliver 1-bit samples, a RunLengthDecode or DCTDecode filter shall always deliver 8-bit samples, and an LZWDecode or FlateDecode filter shall deliver samples of a specified size if a predictor function is used. If the image stream uses the JPXDecode filter, this entry is optional and shall be ignored if present. The bit depth is determined by the conforming reader in the process of decoding the JPEG2000 image. The bits per component. (Optional; PDF 1.1) The name of a colour rendering intent to be used in rendering the image (see, "Rendering Intents"). Default value: the current rendering intent in the graphics state. The intent. (Optional) A flag indicating whether the image shall be treated as an image mask (see 8.9.6, "Masked Images"). If this flag is true, the value of BitsPerComponent shall be 1 and Mask and ColorSpace shall not be specified; unmasked areas shall bepainted using the current nonstroking colour. Default value: false. The image mask. (Optional except for image masks; not allowed for image masks; PDF 1.3) An image XObject defining an image mask to be applied to this image (see, "Explicit Masking"), or an array specifying a range of colours to be applied to it as a colour key mask (see, "Colour Key Masking"). If ImageMask is true, this entry shall not be present. The mask. (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of component values specifying the matte color with which the image data in the parent image has been preblended. The array consists of nnumbers, where n is the number of components in the color space specified by the ColorSpace entry in the parent image�s image dictionary; the numbers must be valid color components in that color space. If this entry is absent, the image data is not preblended. The mask. (Optional) An array of numbers describing how to map image samples into the range of values appropriate for the image�s colour space (see, "Decode Arrays"). If ImageMask is true, the array shall be either [0 1] or [1 0]; otherwise, its length shall betwice the number of colour components required by ColorSpace. If the image uses the JPXDecode filter and ImageMask is false, Decode shall be ignored by a conforming reader. Default value: see, "Decode Arrays". The decode. (Optional) A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall beperformed by a conforming reader (see, "Image Interpolation"). Default value: false. The interpolate. (Optional; PDF 1.3) An array of alternate image dictionaries for this image (see, "Alternate Images"). The order of elements within the array shall have no significance. This entry shall not bepresent in an image XObject that is itself an alternate image. The alternates. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A subsidiary image XObject defining a soft-mask image (see, "Soft-Mask Images") that shall be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity values in the transparent imaging model. The alpha source parameter in the graphics state determines whether the mask values shall beinterpreted as shape or opacity. If present, this entry shall override the current soft mask in the graphics state, as well as the image�s Mask entry, if any. However, the other transparency-related graphics state parameters�blend mode and alpha constant�shall remain in effect. If SMask is absent, the image shall have no associated soft mask (although the current soft mask in the graphics state may still apply). The mask. (Optional for images that use the JPXDecode filter, meaningless otherwise; PDF 1.5) A code specifying how soft-mask information (see, "Soft-Mask Images") encoded with image samples shall be used: 0 If present, encoded soft-mask image information shall beignored. 1 The image�s data stream includes encoded soft-mask values. Aconforming reader may create a soft-mask image from the information to be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity in the transparency imaging model. 2 The image�s data stream includes colour channels that have been preblended with a background; the image data also includes an opacity channel. A conforming reader may create a soft-mask image with a Matte entry from the opacity channel information to be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity in the transparency model. If this entry has a nonzero value, SMask shall not be specified. See also 7.4.9, "JPXDecode Filter". Default value: 0. The S mask in data. (Required in PDF 1.0; optional otherwise) The name by which this image XObject is referenced in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). This entry is obsolescent and shall no longer be used. The name. (Required if the image is a structural content item; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the image�s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). The struct parent. (Optional; PDF 1.3; indirect reference preferred) The digital identifier of the image�s parent Web Capture content set (see 14.10.6, "Object Attributes Related to Web Capture"). The ID. (Optional; PDF 1.2) An OPI version dictionary for the image; see 14.11.7, "Open Prepress Interface (OPI)". If ImageMask is true, this entry shall be ignored. The OPI. (Optional; PDF 1.5) An optional content group or optional content membership dictionary (see 8.11, "Optional Content"), specifying the optional content properties for this image XObject. Before the image is processed by a conforming reader, its visibility shall bedetermined based on this entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the entire image shall be skipped, as if there were no Do operator to invoke it. The OC. Gets the BMP. Creates bitmap with blending support. The document instance. The resultion. The bitmap with blending support. Returns true if the image is a stensil mask Gets mask that is used to mask out the main image Returns true in case the image provides image bitmap directly Gets Bitmap directly stored in the image without decoding etc This class represents an image. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. The width. The height. The color space. The bits per component. The samples. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The width. The height. The color space. The bits per component. The original data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Returns true in case the image provides image bitmap directly Saves image into stream with requested format. (Required) The width of the image, in samples. The width. (Required) The height of the image, in samples. The height. (Required for images, except those that use the JPXDecode filter; not allowed forbidden for image masks) The colour space in which image samples shall be specified; it can be any type of colour space except Pattern. If the image uses the JPXDecode filter, this entry may be present: �If ColorSpace is present, any colour space specifications in the JPEG2000 data shall be ignored. �If ColorSpace is absent, the colour space specifications in the JPEG2000 data shall be used. The Decode array shall also be ignored unless ImageMask is true. The color space. (Required except for image masks and images that use the JPXDecode filter) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. Only a single value shall be specified; the number of bits shall be the same for all colour components. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, or (in PDF 1.5) 16. If ImageMask is true, this entry is optional, but if specified, its value shall be 1. If the image stream uses a filter, the value of BitsPerComponentshall be consistent with the size of the data samples that the filter delivers. In particular, a CCITTFaxDecode or JBIG2Decode filter shall always deliver 1-bit samples, a RunLengthDecode or DCTDecode filter shall always deliver 8-bit samples, and an LZWDecode or FlateDecode filter shall deliver samples of a specified size if a predictor function is used. If the image stream uses the JPXDecode filter, this entry is optional and shall be ignored if present. The bit depth is determined by the conforming reader in the process of decoding the JPEG2000 image. The bits per component. (Optional; PDF 1.1) The name of a colour rendering intent to be used in rendering the image (see, "Rendering Intents"). Default value: the current rendering intent in the graphics state. The intent. (Optional) A flag indicating whether the image shall be treated as an image mask (see 8.9.6, "Masked Images"). If this flag is true, the value of BitsPerComponent shall be 1 and Mask and ColorSpace shall not be specified; unmasked areas shall bepainted using the current nonstroking colour. Default value: false. The image mask. (Optional except for image masks; not allowed for image masks; PDF 1.3) An image XObject defining an image mask to be applied to this image (see, "Explicit Masking"), or an array specifying a range of colours to be applied to it as a colour key mask (see, "Colour Key Masking"). If ImageMask is true, this entry shall not be present. The mask. returns decoder (Optional) An array of numbers describing how to map image samples into the range of values appropriate for the image�s colour space (see, "Decode Arrays"). If ImageMask is true, the array shall be either [0 1] or [1 0]; otherwise, its length shall betwice the number of colour components required by ColorSpace. If the image uses the JPXDecode filter and ImageMask is false, Decode shall be ignored by a conforming reader. Returns null if absent The decode. Default Decode value: see, "Decode Arrays". The decode. (Optional) A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall beperformed by a conforming reader (see, "Image Interpolation"). Default value: false. The interpolate. (Optional; PDF 1.3) An array of alternate image dictionaries for this image (see, "Alternate Images"). The order of elements within the array shall have no significance. This entry shall not bepresent in an image XObject that is itself an alternate image. The alternates. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A subsidiary image XObject defining a soft-mask image (see, "Soft-Mask Images") that shall be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity values in the transparent imaging model. The alpha source parameter in the graphics state determines whether the mask values shall beinterpreted as shape or opacity. If present, this entry shall override the current soft mask in the graphics state, as well as the image�s Mask entry, if any. However, the other transparency-related graphics state parameters�blend mode and alpha constant�shall remain in effect. If SMask is absent, the image shall have no associated soft mask (although the current soft mask in the graphics state may still apply). The mask. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A subsidiary image XObject defining a soft-mask image (see, "Soft-Mask Images") that shall be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity values in the transparent imaging model. The alpha source parameter in the graphics state determines whether the mask values shall beinterpreted as shape or opacity. If present, this entry shall override the current soft mask in the graphics state, as well as the image�s Mask entry, if any. However, the other transparency-related graphics state parameters�blend mode and alpha constant�shall remain in effect. If SMask is absent, the image shall have no associated soft mask (although the current soft mask in the graphics state may still apply). The mask. (Optional for images that use the JPXDecode filter, meaningless otherwise; PDF 1.5) A code specifying how soft-mask information (see, "Soft-Mask Images") encoded with image samples shall be used: 0 If present, encoded soft-mask image information shall beignored. 1 The image�s data stream includes encoded soft-mask values. Aconforming reader may create a soft-mask image from the information to be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity in the transparency imaging model. 2 The image�s data stream includes colour channels that have been preblended with a background; the image data also includes an opacity channel. A conforming reader may create a soft-mask image with a Matte entry from the opacity channel information to be used as a source of mask shape or mask opacity in the transparency model. If this entry has a nonzero value, SMask shall not be specified. See also 7.4.9, "JPXDecode Filter". Default value: 0. The S mask in data. (Required in PDF 1.0; optional otherwise) The name by which this image XObject is referenced in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). This entry is obsolescent and shall no longer be used. The name. (Required if the image is a structural content item; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the image�s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). The struct parent. (Optional; PDF 1.3; indirect reference preferred) The digital identifier of the image�s parent Web Capture content set (see 14.10.6, "Object Attributes Related to Web Capture"). The ID. (Optional; PDF 1.2) An OPI version dictionary for the image; see 14.11.7, "Open Prepress Interface (OPI)". If ImageMask is true, this entry shall be ignored. The OPI. (Optional; PDF 1.5) An optional content group or optional content membership dictionary (see 8.11, "Optional Content"), specifying the optional content properties for this image XObject. Before the image is processed by a conforming reader, its visibility shall bedetermined based on this entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the entire image shall be skipped, as if there were no Do operator to invoke it. The OC. Returns true if the image is a stensil mask Gets the BMP. Creates bitmap with blending support. The document instance. The resultion. The bitmap with blending support. Provides color caching Provides color caching of last color This class represents abstract color space. Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the name of the instance. The name of the identity. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Converts color to RGB Converts color to Indexed color Converts color to Gray Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. A CalGray colour space (PDF 1.1) is a special case of a single-component CIE-based colour space, known as a CIE-based A colour space. This type of space is the one-dimensional (and usually achromatic) analog of CIE-based ABC spaces. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The name. Converts color to RGB Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. Gets the XYZ. The parameters. (Optional) A number G defining the gamma for the gray (A)component. G shall be positive and is generally greater than or equal to 1. Default value: 1. The gamma. A CalRGB colour space is a CIE-based ABC colour space with only one transformation stage instead of two. In this type of space, A, B, and C represent calibrated red, green, and blue colour values. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The name. Converts color to RGB Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. Gets the XYZ. The parameters. (Optional) An array of nine numbers [ XA YA ZA XB YB ZB XC YC ZC] specifying the linear interpretation of the decoded A, B, and C components of the colour space with respect to the final XYZ representation. Default value: the identity matrix [ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ]. The matrix. (Optional) An array of three numbers [ GR GG GB ] specifying the gamma for the red, green, and blue (A, B, and C) components of the colour space. Default value: [ 1.0 1.0 1.0 ]. The gamma. This class represents abstract CIE-Based color space. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the XYZ. The parameters. Gets the definition. The definition. Gets the parameters. The parameters. Gets the white point. The white point. (Optional) An array of three numbers [ XB�YB�ZB ] specifying the tristimulus value, in the CIE 1931 XYZ space, of the diffuse black point; see, "CalRGB Colour Spaces", for further discussion. All three of these numbers shall be non-negative. Default value: [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]. The black point. This enum represents color space famili. Device colour spaces directly specify colours or shades of gray that the output device shall produce. They provide a variety of colour specification methods, including grayscale, RGB (red-green-blue), and CMYK(cyan-magenta-yellow-black), corresponding to the colour space families DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and DeviceCMYK. Since each of these families consists of just a single colour space with no parameters, they may be referred to as the DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and DeviceCMYK colour spaces. CIE-based colour spaces shall be based on an international standard for colour specification created by the Commission Internationale de l�Eclairage (International Commission on Illumination). These spaces specify colours in a way that is independent of the characteristics of any particular output device. Colour space families in this category include CalGray, CalRGB, Lab, and ICCBased. Individual colour spaces within these families shall be specified by means of dictionaries containing the parameter values needed to define the space. Special colour spaces add features or properties to an underlying colour space. They include facilities for patterns, colour mapping, separations, and high-fidelity and multitone colour. The corresponding colour space families are Pattern, Indexed, Separation, and DeviceN. Individual colour spaces within these families shall be specified by means of additional parameters. This class represents a device cmyk color space. Converts color to RGB Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. This class represents device gray color space Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. This class represents device N attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. The trailers. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. The trailers. The subtype. (Optional; PDF 1.6) A name specifying the preferred treatment for the colour space. Values shall be DeviceN or NChannel. Default value: DeviceN. The subtype. (Required if Subtype is NChannel and the colour space includes spot colorants; otherwise optional) A dictionary describing the individual colorants that shall be used in the DeviceN colour space. For each entry in this dictionary, the key shall be a colorant name and the value shall be an array defining a Separation colour space for that colorant (see, "Separation Colour Spaces"). The key shall match the colorant name given in that colour space. This dictionary provides information about the individual colorants that may be useful to some conforming readers. In particular, the alternate colour space and tint transformation function of a Separation colour space describe the appearance of that colorant alone, whereas those of a DeviceN colour space describe only the appearance of its colorants in combination. If Subtype is NChannel, this dictionary shall have entries for all spot colorants in this colour space. This dictionary may also include additional colorants not used by this colour space. The colorants. (Required if Subtype is NChannel and the colour space includes components of a process colour space, otherwise optional; PDF 1.6) A dictionary (see Table 72) that describes the process colour space whose components are included in this colour space. The process. (Optional; PDF 1.6) A dictionary (see Table 73) that specifies optional attributes of the inks that shall be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the tint transformation function. The mixing hints. Adds the colorant. The name. The color space. Adds the process. The components. The color space. (Optional) A dictionary specifying the solidity of inks that shall be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the tint transformation function. For each entry, the key shall be a colorantname, and the value shall be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. This dictionary need not contain entries for all colorants used in this colour space; it may also include additional colorants not used by this colour space. A value of 1.0 simulates an ink that completely covers the inks beneath; a value of 0.0 simulates a transparent ink that completely reveals the inks beneath. An entry with a key of Default specifies a value that shall be used by all components in the associated DeviceN colour space for which a solidity value is not explicitly provided. If Default is not present, the default value for unspecified colorants shall be 0.0; conforming readers may choose to use other values. If this entry is present, PrintingOrder shall also be present. The names. The solidities. (Required if Solidities is present) An array of colorant names, specifying the order in which inks shall be laid down. Each component in the names array of the DeviceN colour space shall appear in this array (although the order is unrelated to the order specified in the names array). This entry may also list colorants unused by this specific DeviceN instance. The names. (Optional) A dictionary specifying the dot gain of inks that shall be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the tint transformation function. Dot gain (or loss) represents the amount by which a printer�s halftone dots change as the ink spreads and is absorbed by paper. For each entry, the key shall be a colorant name, and the value shall bea function that maps values in the range 0 to 1 to values in the range 0 to 1. The dictionary may list colorants unused by this specific DeviceNinstance and need not list all colorants. An entry with a key of Defaultshall specify a function to be used by all colorants for which a dot gain function is not explicitly specified. Conforming readers may ignore values in this dictionary when other sources of dot gain information are available, such as ICC profiles associated with the process colour space or tint transformation functions associated with individual colorants. The names. The functions. This class represents the DeviceN color space. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The name. The names parameter shall be an array of name objects specifying the individual colour components. The length of the array shall determine the number of components in the DeviceN colour space, which is subject to an implementation limit; see Annex C.The component names shall all be different from one another, except for the name None, which may be repeated as described later in this sub-clause. The special name All, used by Separation colour spaces, shall not be used. The names. The alternateSpace parameter shall be an array or name object that can be any device or CIE-based colour space but shall not be another special colour space (Pattern, Indexed, Separation, or DeviceN). When the colour space is set to a DeviceN space, if any of the component names in the colour space do not correspond to a colorant available on the device, the conforming reader shall perform subsequent painting operations in the alternate colour space specified by this parameter. The alternate. The tintTransform parameter shall specify a function (see 7.10, "Functions") that is used to transform the tint values into the alternate colour space. It shall be called with n tint values and returns m colour component values, where n is the number of components needed to specify a colour in the DeviceN colour space and m is the number required by the alternate colour space. The tint transform. The optional attributes parameter shall be a dictionary (see Table�71) containing additional information about the components of colour space that conforming readers may use. Conforming readers need not use the alternateSpace and tintTransform parameters, and may instead use custom blending algorithms, along with other information provided in the attributes dictionary if present. (If the value of the Subtype entry in the attributes dictionary is NChannel, such information shall be present.) However, alternateSpace and tintTransform shall always be provided for conforming readers that want to use them or do not support PDF 1.6. The attributes. Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. This class represents a device rgb color space. Converts color to RGB Converts rgb color to gray Converts color to CMYK Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. ICCBased colour spaces (PDF 1.3) shall be based on a cross-platform colour profile as defined by the International Color Consortium (ICC) (see, “Bibliography“). Unlike the CalGray, CalRGB, and Lab colour spaces, which are characterized by entries in the colour space dictionary, an ICCBased colour space shall be characterized by a sequence of bytes in a standard format. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The name. Gets the stream parameters. The stream parameters. (Required) The number of colour components in the colour space described by the ICC profile data. This number shall match the number of components actually in the ICC profile. N shall be 1, 3, or 4. The N. (Optional) An alternate colour space that shall be used in case the one specified in the stream data is not supported. Non-conforming readers may use this colour space. The alternate space may be any valid colour space (except a Pattern colour space) that has the number of components specified by N. If this entry is omitted and the conforming reader does not understand the ICC profile data, the colour space that shall be used is DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, or DeviceCMYK, depending on whether the value of N is 1, 3, or 4, respectively. There shall not be conversion of source colour values, such as a tint transformation, when using the alternate colour space. Colour values within the range of the ICCBased colour space might not be within the range of the alternate colour space. In this case, the nearest values within the range of the alternate space shall be substituted. The alternate. (Optional) An array of 2 × N numbers [ min0 max0 min1 max1 … ] that shall specify the minimum and maximum valid values of the corresponding colour components. These values shall match the information in the ICC profile. Default value: [ 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 … ]. The range. Gets the metadata. The metadata. Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the name of the instance. The name of the identity. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Converts color to RGB Converts color to gray This interface represents a DeviceN attributes dictionary. (Optional; PDF 1.6) A name specifying the preferred treatment for the colour space. Values shall be DeviceN or NChannel. Default value: DeviceN. The subtype. (Required if Subtype is NChannel and the colour space includes spot colorants; otherwise optional) A dictionary describing the individual colorants that shall be used in the DeviceN colour space. For each entry in this dictionary, the key shall be a colorant name and the value shall be an array defining a Separation colour space for that colorant (see, "Separation Colour Spaces"). The key shall match the colorant name given in that colour space. This dictionary provides information about the individual colorants that may be useful to some conforming readers. In particular, the alternate colour space and tint transformation function of a Separation colour space describe the appearance of that colorant alone, whereas those of a DeviceN colour space describe only the appearance of its colorants in combination. If Subtype is NChannel, this dictionary shall have entries for all spot colorants in this colour space. This dictionary may also include additional colorants not used by this colour space. The colorants. (Required if Subtype is NChannel and the colour space includes components of a process colour space, otherwise optional; PDF 1.6) A dictionary (see Table 72) that describes the process colour space whose components are included in this colour space. The process. (Optional; PDF 1.6) A dictionary (see Table 73) that specifies optional attributes of the inks that shall be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the tint transformation function. The mixing hints. Adds the colorant. The name. The color space. Adds the process. The components. The color space. (Optional) A dictionary specifying the solidity of inks that shall be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the tint transformation function. For each entry, the key shall be a colorantname, and the value shall be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. This dictionary need not contain entries for all colorants used in this colour space; it may also include additional colorants not used by this colour space. A value of 1.0 simulates an ink that completely covers the inks beneath; a value of 0.0 simulates a transparent ink that completely reveals the inks beneath. An entry with a key of Default specifies a value that shall be used by all components in the associated DeviceN colour space for which a solidity value is not explicitly provided. If Default is not present, the default value for unspecified colorants shall be 0.0; conforming readers may choose to use other values. If this entry is present, PrintingOrder shall also be present. The names. The solidities. (Required if Solidities is present) An array of colorant names, specifying the order in which inks shall be laid down. Each component in the names array of the DeviceN colour space shall appear in this array (although the order is unrelated to the order specified in the namesarray). This entry may also list colorants unused by this specific DeviceN instance. The names. (Optional) A dictionary specifying the dot gain of inks that shall be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the tint transformation function. Dot gain (or loss) represents the amount by which a printer�s halftone dots change as the ink spreads and is absorbed by paper. For each entry, the key shall be a colorant name, and the value shall bea function that maps values in the range 0 to 1 to values in the range 0 to 1. The dictionary may list colorants unused by this specific DeviceNinstance and need not list all colorants. An entry with a key of Defaultshall specify a function to be used by all colorants for which a dot gain function is not explicitly specified. Conforming readers may ignore values in this dictionary when other sources of dot gain information are available, such as ICC profiles associated with the process colour space or tint transformation functions associated with individual colorants. The names. The functions. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The name. The base parameter shall be an array or name that identifies the base colour space in which the values in the colour table are to be interpreted. It shall be any device or CIE-based colour space or (PDF 1.3) a Separationor DeviceN space, but shall not be a Pattern space or another Indexed space. If the base colour space is DeviceRGB, the values in the colour table shall be interpreted as red, green, and blue components; if the base colour space is a CIE-based ABC space such as a CalRGB or Lab space, the values shall be interpreted as A, B, and C components. The base. The hival parameter shall be an integer that specifies the maximum valid index value. The colour table shall be indexed by integers in the range 0 to hival. hival shall be no greater than 255, which is the integer required to index a table with 8-bit index values. The hi val. The colour table shall be defined by the lookup parameter, which may be either a stream or (PDF 1.2) a byte string. It shall provide the mapping between index values and the corresponding colours in the base colour space. The lookup. Gets the color. The index. Gets the color. The index. Creates the lookup. The trailable. The colors. Creates the string lookup. The trailable. The colors. Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. A Lab colour space is a CIE-based ABC colour space with two transformation stages (see Figure 22). In this type of space, A, B, and C represent the L*, a*, and b* components of a CIE 1976 L*a*b* space. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The name. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. Gets the XYZ. The parameters. A function The x. (Optional) An array of four numbers [ amin�amax bmin�bmax] that shall specify the range of valid values for the a* and b* (B and C) components of the colour space�that is, a* in [Amin, Amax] and b* in [Bmin, Bmax] Component values falling outside the specified range shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value without error indication. Default value: [?100 100 ?100 100 ]. The range. This class represent pattern color space Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The definition. The name. Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. This class represents Separation color space. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. The name. The alternateSpace parameter shall be an array or name object that identifies the alternate colour space, which may be any device or CIE-based colour space but may not be another special colour space (Pattern, Indexed, Separation, or DeviceN). The alternate. The tintTransform parameter shall be a function (see 7.10, "Functions"). During subsequent painting operations, a conforming reader calls this function to transform a tint value into colour component values in the alternate colour space. The function shall be called with the tint value and shall return the corresponding colour component values. That is, the number of components and the interpretation of their values shall depend on the alternate colour space. The tint transform. Gets the name. The name. Converts color to RGB Gets the color space family. The color space family. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets the compounents count. The compounents count. Gets the default color. The default color. Gets the definition. The definition. Determines whether [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]. The parameters. true if [is valid parameters] [the specified parameters]; otherwise, false. This class represents an axial based shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. The function. The coords. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. The dest color space. The background. The function. The coords. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents a base color. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets or sets the components. The components. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid color. true if this instance is valid color; otherwise, false. Determines whether is valid component at the specified index. The index. The value. true if is valid component at the specified index; otherwise, false. Sets the component. The value. The i. Components to byte. The value. The i. Convert components to bytes. Inits from bytes. The bytes. Gets the components. The components. This class represents CalGray color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gray. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gray. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents the CalRGBColor. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents a CMYK color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The c. The m. The y. The k. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets or sets the Cyan component. The C. Gets or sets the Magenta component. The M. Gets or sets the Yellow component. The Y. Gets or sets the Kooficient component. The K. This class represents a coons patch shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex (see below). The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall beused. The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. The patch data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each patch (see below). The value shall be 2, 4, or 8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used. Valid values for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2, and 3. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. The patch data. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents a DeviceN color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The tints. The color space. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. Gets or sets the tint component. The tint. This class represents a free-form based shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex (see below). The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall beused. The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. stream contains a sequence of vertex coordinates and colour data that defines the triangle mesh. In a type 4 shading, each vertex is specified by the following values, in the order shown: f x y c1�cn where f is the vertex�s edge flag (discussed below) x and y are its horizontal and vertical coordinates c1�cn are its colour components All vertex coordinates shall be expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. If the shading dictionary includes a Function entry, only a single parametric value, t, shall be specified for each vertex in place of the colour components c1�cn. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex (see below). The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall beused. The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. stream contains a sequence of vertex coordinates and colour data that defines the triangle mesh. In a type 4 shading, each vertex is specified by the following values, in the order shown: f x y c1�cn where f is the vertex�s edge flag (discussed below) x and y are its horizontal and vertical coordinates c1�cn are its colour components All vertex coordinates shall be expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. If the shading dictionary includes a Function entry, only a single parametric value, t, shall be specified for each vertex in place of the colour components c1�cn. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents a function-base shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Name of the pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. Name of the pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The destination color space. The function. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The destination color space. The background. The function. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The destination color space. The background. The function. The matrix. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents gray color Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The gray. Gets or sets the gray component. The gray. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents the IIC color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The components. The color space. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This interface represents a color. Gets the components. The components. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents the Indexed color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index. The hi val. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index. The color space. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. Gets or sets the index. The index. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents the L*a*b color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The l. A. The b. Initializes a new instance of the class. The l. A. The b. The Lab color space. Gets or sets the L component. The L. Gets or sets the A component. A. Gets or sets the B component. The B. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents a lattice based shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Name of the pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of vertices in each row of the lattice; the value shall be greater than or equal to 2. The number of rows need not be specified. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. stream contains a sequence of vertex coordinates and colour data that defines the triangle mesh. In a type 4 shading, each vertex is specified by the following values, in the order shown: f x y c1�cn where f is the vertex�s edge flag (discussed below) x and y are its horizontal and vertical coordinates c1�cn are its colour components All vertex coordinates shall be expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. If the shading dictionary includes a Function entry, only a single parametric value, t, shall be specified for each vertex in place of the colour components c1�cn. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of vertices in each row of the lattice; the value shall be greater than or equal to 2. The number of rows need not be specified. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. stream contains a sequence of vertex coordinates and colour data that defines the triangle mesh. In a type 4 shading, each vertex is specified by the following values, in the order shown: f x y c1�cn where f is the vertex�s edge flag (discussed below) x and y are its horizontal and vertical coordinates c1�cn are its colour components All vertex coordinates shall be expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. If the shading dictionary includes a Function entry, only a single parametric value, t, shall be specified for each vertex in place of the colour components c1�cn. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents an abstract patch shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex (see below). The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall beused. The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. The patch data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each patch (see below). The value shall be 2, 4, or 8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used. Valid values for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2, and 3. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. The patch data. This class represetns a radial based shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). The function(s) shall be called with values of the parametric variable t in the domain defined by the shading dictionary�s Domain entry. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that of the shading dictionary. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. (Required) An array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1] specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles, expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0. If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point; if both are 0, nothing shall be painted. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. The dest color space. The background. (Required) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). The function(s) shall be called with values of the parametric variable t in the domain defined by the shading dictionary�s Domain entry. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that of the shading dictionary. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. (Required) An array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1] specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles, expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0. If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point; if both are 0, nothing shall be painted. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. Name of the pattern. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents RGB color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Gets the red component. The R. Gets the green component. The G. Gets the blue component. The B. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represent the Separate color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The tint. Gets or sets the tint component. The tint. Gets or sets color space object name IPdfName representing name of color space object Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents an abstract shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Name of the pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. Name of the pattern. Gets the pattern. The pattern. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. Gets the name of the patter. The name of the patter. Gets the components. The components. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents a tensor patch shading color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resources. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex (see below). The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall beused. The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. The patch data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The dest color space. The background. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each patch (see below). The value shall be 2, 4, or 8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used. Valid values for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2, and 3. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. The patch data. Gets the type of the shading. The type of the shading. This class represents the Tiling Pattern Color Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Type of the tiling. The b box. The x step. The y step. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The color space. Type of the tiling. The b box. The x step. The y step. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color space. Name of the pattern. The resources. Gets pattern Gets the name of the patter. The name of the patter. Gets the content builder. The content builder. Gets the content. Gets the resources. Gets the width. Gets the height. Gets the underlying color space. The underlying color space. Gets the color of the underlying. The color of the underlying. Gets the components. The components. Ranges of components [xmin xmax ymin ymax ... zmin zmax] The ranges. Gets the name of the color space. The name of the color space. This class represents a Form XObject. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The parent resources. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The width. The height. (Optional) A code identifying the type of form XObject that this dictionary describes. The only valid value is 1. Default value: 1. (Required) An array of four numbers in the form coordinate system (see above), giving the coordinates of the left, bottom, right, and top edges, respectively, of the form XObject’s bounding box. These boundaries shall be used to clip the form XObject and to determine its size for caching. (Optional) An array of six numbers specifying the form matrix, which maps form space into user space (see 8.3.4, "Transformation Matrices"). Default value: the identity matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. (Optional but strongly recommended; PDF 1.2) A dictionary specifying any resources (such as fonts and images) required by the form XObject (see 7.8, "Content Streams and Resources"). In a PDF whose version is 1.1 and earlier, all named resources used in the form XObject shall be included in the resource dictionary of each page object on which the form XObject appears, regardless of whether they also appear in the resource dictionary of the form XObject. These resources should also be specified in the form XObject’s resource dictionary as well, to determine which resources are used inside the form XObject. If a resource is included in both dictionaries, it shall have the same name in both locations. In PDF 1.2 and later versions, form XObjects may be independent of the content streams in which they appear, and this is strongly recommended although not required. In an independent form XObject, the resource dictionary of the form XObject is required and shall contain all named resources used by the form XObject. These resources shall not be promoted to the outer content stream’s resource dictionary, although that stream’s resource dictionary refers to the form XObject. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A group attributes dictionary indicating that the contents of the form XObject shall be treated as a group and specifying the attributes of that group (see 8.10.3, "Group XObjects"). If a Ref entry (see below) is present, the group attributes shall also apply to the external page imported by that entry, which allows such an imported page to be treated as a group without further modification. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A reference dictionary identifying a page to be imported from another PDF file, and for which the form XObject serves as a proxy (see 8.10.4, "Reference XObjects"). (Optional; PDF 1.3) A page-piece dictionary associated with the form XObject (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). (Required if PieceInfo is present; optional otherwise; PDF 1.3) The date and time (see 7.9.4, "Dates") when the form XObject’s contents were most recently modified. If a page-piece dictionary (PieceInfo) is present, the modification date shall be used to ascertain which of the application data dictionaries it contains correspond to the current content of the form (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). (Required if the form XObject is a structural content item; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the form XObject’s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). (Required if the form XObject contains marked-content sequences that are structural content items; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the form XObject’s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). At most one of the entries StructParent or StructParents shall be present. A form XObject shall be either a content item in its entirety or a container for marked-content sequences that are content items, but not both. (Optional; PDF 1.2) An OPI version dictionary for the form XObject (see 14.11.7, "Open Prepress Interface (OPI)"). (Optional; PDF 1.5) An optional content group or optional content membership dictionary (see 8.11, "Optional Content") specifying the optional content properties for the form XObject. Before the form is processed, its visibility shall be determined based on this entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the entire form shall be skipped, as if there were no Do operator to invoke it. (Required in PDF 1.0; optional otherwise) The name by which this form XObject is referenced in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). NOTE This entry is obsolescent and its use is no longer recommended. This interface represents a Form XObject. (Optional) A code identifying the type of form XObject that this dictionary describes. The only valid value is 1. Default value: 1. (Required) An array of four numbers in the form coordinate system (see above), giving the coordinates of the left, bottom, right, and top edges, respectively, of the form XObject’s bounding box. These boundaries shall be used to clip the form XObject and to determine its size for caching. (Optional) An array of six numbers specifying the form matrix, which maps form space into user space (see 8.3.4, "Transformation Matrices"). Default value: the identity matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. (Optional but strongly recommended; PDF 1.2) A dictionary specifying any resources (such as fonts and images) required by the form XObject (see 7.8, "Content Streams and Resources"). In a PDF whose version is 1.1 and earlier, all named resources used in the form XObject shall be included in the resource dictionary of each page object on which the form XObject appears, regardless of whether they also appear in the resource dictionary of the form XObject. These resources should also be specified in the form XObject’s resource dictionary as well, to determine which resources are used inside the form XObject. If a resource is included in both dictionaries, it shall have the same name in both locations. In PDF 1.2 and later versions, form XObjects may be independent of the content streams in which they appear, and this is strongly recommended although not required. In an independent form XObject, the resource dictionary of the form XObject is required and shall contain all named resources used by the form XObject. These resources shall not be promoted to the outer content stream’s resource dictionary, although that stream’s resource dictionary refers to the form XObject. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A group attributes dictionary indicating that the contents of the form XObject shall be treated as a group and specifying the attributes of that group (see 8.10.3, "Group XObjects"). If a Ref entry (see below) is present, the group attributes shall also apply to the external page imported by that entry, which allows such an imported page to be treated as a group without further modification. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A reference dictionary identifying a page to be imported from another PDF file, and for which the form XObject serves as a proxy (see 8.10.4, "Reference XObjects"). Gets the metadata. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A page-piece dictionary associated with the form XObject (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). (Required if PieceInfo is present; optional otherwise; PDF 1.3) The date and time (see 7.9.4, "Dates") when the form XObject’s contents were most recently modified. If a page-piece dictionary (PieceInfo) is present, the modification date shall be used to ascertain which of the application data dictionaries it contains correspond to the current content of the form (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). (Required if the form XObject is a structural content item; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the form XObject’s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). (Required if the form XObject contains marked-content sequences that are structural content items; PDF 1.3) The integer key of the form XObject’s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). At most one of the entries StructParent or StructParents shall be present. A form XObject shall be either a content item in its entirety or a container for marked-content sequences that are content items, but not both. (Optional; PDF 1.2) An OPI version dictionary for the form XObject (see 14.11.7, "Open Prepress Interface (OPI)"). (Optional; PDF 1.5) An optional content group or optional content membership dictionary (see 8.11, "Optional Content") specifying the optional content properties for the form XObject. Before the form is processed, its visibility shall be determined based on this entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the entire form shall be skipped, as if there were no Do operator to invoke it. (Required in PDF 1.0; optional otherwise) The name by which this form XObject is referenced in the XObject subdictionary of the current resource dictionary (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). NOTE This entry is obsolescent and its use is no longer recommended. An external object (commonly called an XObject) is a graphics object whose contents are defined by a self-contained stream, separate from the content stream in which it is used. There are three types of external objects: �An image XObject (8.9.5, "Image Dictionaries") represents a sampled visual image such as a photograph. �A form XObject (8.10, "Form XObjects") is a self-contained description of an arbitrary sequence of graphics objects. �A PostScript XObject (8.8.2, "PostScript XObjects") contains a fragment of code expressed in the PostScript page description language. PostScript XObjects should not be used. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be XObject for a PostScript XObject. The type. (Required) The type of XObject that this dictionary describes; shall be PS for a PostScript XObject. Alternatively, the value of this entry may be Form, with an additional Subtype2 entry whose value shall be PS. The subtype. This class represnts a PostScript XObject. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. The post script expression. (Optional) A stream whose contents shall be used in place of the PostScript XObject�s stream when the target PostScript interpreter is known to support only LanguageLevel 1. The level1. This class represents a XObject. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be XObject for a PostScript XObject. The type. (Required) The type of XObject that this dictionary describes; shall be PS for a PostScript XObject. Alternatively, the value of this entry may be Form, with an additional Subtype2 entry whose value shall be PS. The subtype. This interface represents pattern dictionary. (Required) A code identifying the type of pattern that this dictionary describes; shall be 2 for a shading pattern. shall be 1 for a tiling pattern. The type of the pattern. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Pattern for a pattern dictionary. The type. (Optional) An array of six numbers specifying the pattern matrix (see 8.7.2, "General Properties of Patterns"). Default value: the identity matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. The matrix. This enum represents a code that determines how the colour of the pattern cell shall be specified. Coloured tiling pattern. The pattern�s content stream shall specifythe colours used to paint the pattern cell. When the content stream begins execution, the current colour is the one that was initially in effect in the pattern�s parent content stream. This is similar to the definition of the pattern matrix; see 8.7.2, "General Properties of Patterns". Uncoloured tiling pattern. The pattern�s content stream shall not specify any colour information. Instead, the entire pattern cell is painted with a separately specified colour each time the pattern is used. Essentially, the content stream describes a stencil through which the current colour shall be poured. The content stream shall not invoke operators that specify colours or other colour-related parameters in the graphics state; otherwise, an error occurs (see 8.6.8, "Colour Operators"). The content stream may paint an image mask, however, since it does not specify any colour information (see, "Stencil Masking"). This class represents pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the parameters. The parameters. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Pattern for a pattern dictionary. The type. Gets the type of the pattern. The type of the pattern. (Optional) An array of six numbers specifying the pattern matrix (see 8.7.2, "General Properties of Patterns"). Default value: the identity matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. The matrix. This enum represents pattern's type. Tiling pattern. Shading pattern. This class represents an axial shading object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The functions. The dest color space. The background. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The functions. The dest color space. The background. The domain. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The function. The dest color space. The background. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The function. The dest color space. The background. The domain. (Required) An array of four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1] specifying the starting and ending coordinates of the axis, expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space The coords. (Optional) An array of two numbers [t0 t1] specifying the limiting values of a parametric variable t. The variable is considered to vary linearly between these two values as the colour gradient varies between the starting and ending points of the axis. The variable t becomes the input argument to the colour function(s). Default value: [0.0 1.0]. The doamin. (Optional) An array of two boolean values specifying whether to extend the shading beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively. Default value: [false false]. The extend. This class represents a coons patch mashes shading object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The function. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The functions. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The data. This class represents a Free-Form Gouraud-Shaded Triangle Meshes shading. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The function. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The functions. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The data. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. The bits per coordinate. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. The bits per component. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex (see below). The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall beused. The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2. The bits per flag. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. The decode. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. The function. This class represents Function Based shading object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The function. The dest color space. The background. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The function. The destination color space. The background. The domain. The matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The functions. The dest color space. The background. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The functions. The dest color space. The background. The doamin. The matrix. (Optional) An array of four numbers [xmin xmax ymin ymax] specifying the rectangular domain of coordinates over which the colour function(s) are defined. Default value: [0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0]. The doamin. (Optional) An array of six numbers specifying a transformation matrix mapping the coordinate space specified by the Domain entry into the shading�s target coordinate space. NOTE To map the domain rectangle [0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0] to a 1-inch square with lower-left corner at coordinates (100, 100) in default user space, the Matrix value would be [72 0 0 72 100 100]. Default value: the identity matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]. The matrix. (Required) A 2-in, n-out function or an array of n 2-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that of the shading dictionary. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. The function. This interface represents common properties for shading dictionaries. (Required) The shading type: 1 Function-based shading 2 Axial shading 3 Radial shading 4 Free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh 5 Lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh 6 Coons patch mesh 7 Tensor-product patch mesh The type of the shading. (Required) The colour space in which colour values shall beexpressed. This may be any device, CIE-based, or special colour space except a Pattern space. See, "Colour Space: Special Considerations" for further information. The color space. (Optional) An array of colour components appropriate to the colour space, specifying a single background colour value. If present, this colour shall be used, before any painting operation involving the shading, to fill those portions of the area to be painted that lie outside the bounds of the shading object. NOTE In the opaque imaging model, the effect is as if the painting operation were performed twice: first with the background colour and then with the shading. NOTE The background colour is applied only when the shading is used as part of a shading pattern, not when it is painted directly with the sh operator. The background. (Optional) An array of four numbers giving the left, bottom, right, and top coordinates, respectively, of the shading�s bounding box. The coordinates shall be interpreted in the shading�s target coordinate space. If present, this bounding box shall be applied as a temporary clipping boundary when the shading is painted, in addition to the current clipping path and any other clipping boundaries in effect at that time. The B box. (Optional) A flag indicating whether to filter the shading function to prevent aliasing artifacts. NOTE The shading operators sample shading functions at a rate determined by the resolution of the output device. Aliasing can occur if the function is not smooth�that is, if it has a high spatial frequency relative to the sampling rate. Anti-aliasing can be computationally expensive and is usually unnecessary, since most shading functions are smooth enough or are sampled at a high enough frequency to avoid aliasing effects. Anti-aliasing may not be implemented on some output devices, in which case this flag is ignored. Default value: false. The anti alias. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The function. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The vertices per row. The decode. The functions. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The vertices per row. The decode. The data. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. The bits per coordinate. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. The bits per component. (Required) The number of vertices in each row of the lattice; the value shall be greater than or equal to 2. The number of rows need not be specified. The vertices per row. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. The decode. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. The function. This class represents base class for a coons and tense patch meshes shading objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The function. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The functions. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The data. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32. The bits per coordinate. (Required) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16. The bits per component. (Required) The number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each patch (see below). The value shall be 2, 4, or 8, but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used. Valid values for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2, and 3. The bits per flag. (Required) An array of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components into the appropriate ranges of values. The decoding method is similar to that used in image dictionaries (see, "Decode Arrays"). The ranges shall bespecified as follows: [xmin xmax ymin ymax c1,min c1,max � cn,min cn,max] Only one pair of c values shall be specified if a Function entry is present. The decode. (Optional) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). If this entry is present, the colour data for each vertex shall be specified by a single parametric variable rather than by n separate colour components. The designated function(s) shall be called with each interpolated value of the parametric variable to determine the actual colour at each point. Each input value shall be forced into the range interval specified for the corresponding colour component in the shading dictionary�s Decode array. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that interval. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. This entry shall not be used with an Indexed colour space. The function. This class represents base dictionary shading object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The color space. The background. The functions. A shading dictionary specifies details of a particular gradient fill, including the type of shading to be used, the geometry of the area to be shaded, and the geometry of the gradient fill. Various shading types are available, depending on the value of the dictionary�s ShadingType entry The type of the shading. (Required) The colour space in which colour values shall beexpressed. This may be any device, CIE-based, or special colour space except a Pattern space. See, "Colour Space: Special Considerations" for further information. The color space. (Optional) An array of colour components appropriate to the colour space, specifying a single background colour value. If present, this colour shall be used, before any painting operation involving the shading, to fill those portions of the area to be painted that lie outside the bounds of the shading object. NOTE In the opaque imaging model, the effect is as if the painting operation were performed twice: first with the background colour and then with the shading. NOTE The background colour is applied only when the shading is used as part of a shading pattern, not when it is painted directly with the sh operator. The background. (Optional) An array of four numbers giving the left, bottom, right, and top coordinates, respectively, of the shading�s bounding box. The coordinates shall be interpreted in the shading�s target coordinate space. If present, this bounding box shall be applied as a temporary clipping boundary when the shading is painted, in addition to the current clipping path and any other clipping boundaries in effect at that time. The B box. (Optional) A flag indicating whether to filter the shading function to prevent aliasing artifacts. NOTE The shading operators sample shading functions at a rate determined by the resolution of the output device. Aliasing can occur if the function is not smooth�that is, if it has a high spatial frequency relative to the sampling rate. Anti-aliasing can be computationally expensive and is usually unnecessary, since most shading functions are smooth enough or are sampled at a high enough frequency to avoid aliasing effects. Anti-aliasing may not be implemented on some output devices, in which case this flag is ignored. Default value: false. The anti alias. (Required) A 1-in, n-out function or an array of n 1-in, 1-out functions (where n is the number of colour components in the shading dictionary�s colour space). The function(s) shall be called with values of the parametric variable t in the domain defined by the Domain entry. Each function�s domain shall be a superset of that of the shading dictionary. If the value returned by the function for a given colour component is out of range, it shall be adjusted to the nearest valid value. The function. This class represents base stream shading object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The color space. The background. A shading dictionary specifies details of a particular gradient fill, including the type of shading to be used, the geometry of the area to be shaded, and the geometry of the gradient fill. Various shading types are available, depending on the value of the dictionary�s ShadingType entry The type of the shading. (Required) The colour space in which colour values shall beexpressed. This may be any device, CIE-based, or special colour space except a Pattern space. See, "Colour Space: Special Considerations" for further information. The color space. (Optional) An array of colour components appropriate to the colour space, specifying a single background colour value. If present, this colour shall be used, before any painting operation involving the shading, to fill those portions of the area to be painted that lie outside the bounds of the shading object. NOTE In the opaque imaging model, the effect is as if the painting operation were performed twice: first with the background colour and then with the shading. NOTE The background colour is applied only when the shading is used as part of a shading pattern, not when it is painted directly with the sh operator. The background. (Optional) An array of four numbers giving the left, bottom, right, and top coordinates, respectively, of the shading�s bounding box. The coordinates shall be interpreted in the shading�s target coordinate space. If present, this bounding box shall be applied as a temporary clipping boundary when the shading is painted, in addition to the current clipping path and any other clipping boundaries in effect at that time. The B box. (Optional) A flag indicating whether to filter the shading function to prevent aliasing artifacts. NOTE The shading operators sample shading functions at a rate determined by the resolution of the output device. Aliasing can occur if the function is not smooth�that is, if it has a high spatial frequency relative to the sampling rate. Anti-aliasing can be computationally expensive and is usually unnecessary, since most shading functions are smooth enough or are sampled at a high enough frequency to avoid aliasing effects. Anti-aliasing may not be implemented on some output devices, in which case this flag is ignored. Default value: false. The anti alias. This class represensts a radial shading obeject. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The functions. The dest color space. The background. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The functions. The dest color space. The background. The domain. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The function. The dest color space. The background. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The coords. The function. The dest color space. The background. The doamin. (Required) An array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1] specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles, expressed in the shading�s target coordinate space. The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0. If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point; if both are 0, nothing shall be painted. The coords. (Optional) An array of two numbers [t0 t1] specifying the limiting values of a parametric variable t. The variable is considered to vary linearly between these two values as the colour gradient varies between the starting and ending points of the axis. The variable t becomes the input argument to the colour function(s). Default value: [0.0 1.0]. The doamin. (Optional) An array of two boolean values specifying whether to extend the shading beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively. Default value: [false false]. The extend. This class represents a tensor patch meshes shading object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The function. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The functions. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode. The data. This class represents shading pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The shading. Gets the shading. The shading. Gets the state of the ext G. The state of the ext G. A shading dictionary specifies details of a particular gradient fill, including the type of shading to be used, the geometry of the area to be shaded, and the geometry of the gradient fill. Various shading types are available, depending on the value of the dictionary�s ShadingType entry Function-based shadings (type 1) define the colour of every point in the domain using a mathematical function (not necessarily smooth or continuous). Axial shadings (type 2) define a colour blend along a line between two points, optionally extended beyond the boundary points by continuing the boundary colours. Radial shadings (type 3) define a blend between two circles, optionally extended beyond the boundary circles by continuing the boundary colours. This type of shading is commonly used to represent three-dimensional spheres and cones. Free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle meshes (type 4) define a common construct used by many three-dimensional applications to represent complex coloured and shaded shapes. Vertices are specified in free-form geometry. Lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle meshes (type 5) are based on the same geometrical construct as type 4 but with vertices specified as a pseudorectangular lattice. Coons patch meshes (type 6) construct a shading from one or more colour patches, each bounded by four cubic Bezier curves. Tensor-product patch meshes (type 7) are similar to type 6 but with additional control points in each patch, affording greater control over colour mapping. This class represents tiling pattern Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. (Required) A code that determines how the colour of the pattern cell shall be specified. The type of the paint. (Required) A code that controls adjustments to the spacing of tiles relative to the device pixel grid. The type of the tiling. (Required) An array of four numbers in the pattern coordinate system giving the coordinates of the left, bottom, right, and top edges, respectively, of the pattern cell�s bounding box. These boundaries shall be used to clip the pattern cell. The B box. (Required) The desired horizontal spacing between pattern cells, measured in the pattern coordinate system. The X step. (Required) The desired vertical spacing between pattern cells, measured in the pattern coordinate system. NOTE XStep and YStep may differ from the dimensions of the pattern cell implied by the BBox entry. This allows tiling with irregularly shaped figures. XStep and YStep may be either positive or negative but shall not be zero. The Y step. (Required) A resource dictionary that shall contain all of the named resources required by the pattern�s content stream (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). The resources. Gets the content of the pattern. The content. Gets the content builder. The content builder. A code that controls adjustments to the spacing of tiles relative to the device pixel grid. Constant spacing. Pattern cells shall be spaced consistently�that is, by a multiple of a device pixel. To achieve this, the conforming reader may need to distort the pattern cell slightly by making small adjustments to XStep, YStep, and the transformation matrix. The amount of distortion shall not exceed 1 device pixel. No distortion. The pattern cell shall not be distorted, but the spacing between pattern cells may vary by as much as 1 device pixel, both horizontally and vertically, when the pattern is painted. This achieves the spacing requested by XStep and YStep on average but not necessarily for each individual pattern cell. Constant spacing and faster tiling. Pattern cells shall be spaced consistently as in tiling type 1 but with additional distortion permitted to enable a more efficient implementation. This class represents Group dictionary Initializes a new instance of the class. The model. (Required) The group subtype, which identifies the type of group whose attributes this dictionary describes; must be Transparency for a transparency group. The S. name or array (Sometimes required (see PDF spec)) The group color space, which is used for the following purposes: �As the color space into which colors are converted when painted into the group �As the blending color space in which objects are composited within the group (see Section 7.2.3, �Blending Color Space�) �As the color space of the group as a whole when it in turn is painted as an object onto its backdrop The CS. boolean (Optional) A flag specifying whether the transparency group is isolated (see Section 7.3.4, �Isolated Groups�). The I. boolean (Optional) A flag specifying whether the transparency group is isolated (see Section 7.3.4, �Isolated Groups�). The K. returns true if the group is isolated returns true if the group is isolated Gets the color space. This interface represents PDF's date common structure. Gets or sets the date. The date. Gets or sets time zone. Gets or sets the initializer. The initializer. This interface represents ExtGState dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line width (see, "Line Width"). The LW. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line cap style (see, "Line Cap Style"). The LC. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line join style (see, "Line Join Style"). The LJ. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The miter limit (see, "Miter Limit"). The ML. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line dash pattern, expressed as an array of the form [ dashArray dashPhase ], where dashArray shall be itself an array and dashPhase shall be an integer (see, "Line Dash Pattern"). The D. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The name of the rendering intent (see, "Rendering Intents"). The RI. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A flag specifying whether to apply overprint (see 8.6.7, "Overprint Control") for painting operations other than stroking. If this entry is absent, the OP entry, if any, shall also set this parameter. The OP. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The overprint mode (see 8.6.7, "Overprint Control"). The OPM. (Optional; PDF 1.3) An array of the form [ font size ], where font shall be an indirect reference to a font dictionary and size shall be a number expressed in text space units. These two objects correspond to the operands of the Tf operator (see 9.3, "Text State Parameters and Operators"); however, the first operand shall be an indirect object reference instead of a resource name. The font. (Optional) The black-generation function, which maps the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] to the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] (see 10.3.4, "Conversion from DeviceRGB to DeviceCMYK"). The BG. (Optional; PDF 1.3) Same as BG except that the value may also be the name Default, denoting the black-generation function that was in effect at the start of the page. If both BG and BG2 are present in the same graphics state parameter dictionary, BG2 shall take precedence. The B g2. (Optional) The undercolor-removal function, which maps the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] to the interval [ −1.0 1.0 ] (see 10.3.4, "Conversion from DeviceRGB to DeviceCMYK"). The UCR. (Optional; PDF 1.3) Same as UCR except that the value may also be the name Default, denoting the undercolor-removal function that was in effect at the start of the page. If both UCR and UCR2 are present in the same graphics state parameter dictionary, UCR2 shall takeprecedence. The UC r2. (Optional) The transfer function, which maps the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] to the interval [ 0.0 1.0 ] (see 10.4, "Transfer Functions"). The value shall be either a single function (which applies to all process colorants) or an array of four functions (which apply to the process colorants individually). The name Identity may be used to represent the identity function. The TR. (Optional; PDF 1.3) Same as TR except that the value may also be the name Default, denoting the transfer function that was in effect at the start of the page. If both TR and TR2 are present in the same graphics state parameter dictionary, TR2 shall take precedence. The T r2. (Optional) The halftone dictionary or stream (see 10.5, "Halftones") or the name Default, denoting the halftone that was in effect at the start of the page. The HT. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The flatness tolerance (see 10.6.2, "Flatness Tolerance"). The FL. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The smoothness tolerance (see 10.6.3, "Smoothness Tolerance"). The SM. (Optional) A flag specifying whether to apply automatic stroke adjustment (see 10.6.5, "Automatic Stroke Adjustment"). The SA. (Optional; PDF 1.4) The current blend mode to be used in the transparent imaging model (see 11.3.5, "Blend Mode" and 11.6.3, "Specifying Blending Colour Space and Blend Mode"). The BM.(Name or Array) (Optional; PDF 1.4) The current soft mask, specifying the mask shape or mask opacity values that shall be used in the transparent imaging model (see, "Source Shape and Opacity" and, "Mask Shape and Opacity"). Although the current soft mask is sometimes referred to as a “soft clip,” altering it with the gs operator completely replaces the old value with the new one, rather than intersecting the two as is done with the current clipping path parameter (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). The S mask.(Dictionary or Name) (Optional; PDF 1.4) The current stroking alpha constant, specifying the constant shape or constant opacity value that shall be used for stroking operations in the transparent imaging model (see, "Source Shape and Opacity" and, "Constant Shape and Opacity"). The CA. (Optional; PDF 1.4) Same as CA, but for nonstroking operations. The ca. (Optional; PDF 1.4) The alpha source flag (“alpha is shape”), specifying whether the current soft mask and alpha constant shall beinterpreted as shape values (true) or opacity values (false). The AIS. (Optional; PDF 1.4) The alpha source flag (“alpha is shape”), specifying whether the current soft mask and alpha constant shall beinterpreted as shape values (true) or opacity values (false). The TK. This interface represents ExtGState dictionary (Required) The group subtype, which identifies the type of group whose attributes this dictionary describes; must be Transparency for a transparency group. The S. name or array (Sometimes required (see PDF spec)) The group color space, which is used for the following purposes: •As the color space into which colors are converted when painted into the group •As the blending color space in which objects are composited within the group (see Section 7.2.3, “Blending Color Space”) •As the color space of the group as a whole when it in turn is painted as an object onto its backdrop The CS. boolean (Optional) A flag specifying whether the transparency group is isolated (see Section 7.3.4, “Isolated Groups”). The I. boolean (Optional) A flag specifying whether the transparency group is isolated (see Section 7.3.4, “Isolated Groups”). The K. returns true if the group is isolated returns true if the group is isolated Gets the color space object This interface represents Entries in the linearization parameter dictionary. A version identification for the linearized format.. The linearized. The length of the entire file in bytes. The L. An array of two or four integers, [ offset1 length1 ] or [ offset1 length1 offset2 length2 ]. offset1 shall be the offset of the primary hint stream from the beginning of the file. The H. The object number of the first page�s page object. The O. The offset of the end of the first page. The E. The number of pages in the document. The N. In documents that use standard main cross-reference tables (including hybrid-reference files; see, "Compatibility with Applications That Do Not Support Compressed Reference Streams"), this entry shall represent the offset of the white-space character preceding the first entry of the main cross-reference table (the entry for object number 0), relative to the beginning of the file. Note that this differs from the Prev entry in the first-page trailer, which gives the location of the xref line that precedes the table. (PDF 1.5) Documents that use cross-reference streams exclusively (see 7.5.8, "Cross-Reference Streams"), this entry shall represent the offset of the main cross-reference stream object. The T. The page number of the first page; see F.3.4, "First-Page Cross-Reference Table and Trailer (Part 3)". Default value: 0. The P. This interface represents a name dictionary. Some categories of objects in a PDF file can be referred to by name rather than by object reference. The correspondence between names and objects is established by the document�s name dictionary (PDF 1.2), located by means of the Names entry in the document�s catalog (see 7.7.2, "Document Catalog"). Each entry in this dictionary designates the root of a name tree (see 7.9.6, "Name Trees") defining names for a particular category of objects. Table 31 shows the contents of the name dictionary. (Optional; PDF 1.2) A name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, "Named Destinations"). The dests. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to annotation appearance streams (see 12.5.5, "Appearance Streams"). The AP. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to document-level JavaScript actions (see, "JavaScript Actions"). The java script. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to visible pages for use in interactive forms (see 12.7.6, "Named Pages"). The pages. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to invisible (template) pages for use in interactive forms (see 12.7.6, "Named Pages"). The templates. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping digital identifiers to Web Capture content sets (see 14.10.4, "Content Sets"). The IDS. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping uniform resource locators (URLs) to Web Capture content sets (see 14.10.4, "Content Sets"). The URLS. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A name tree mapping name strings to file specifications for embedded file streams (see 7.11.4, "Embedded File Streams"). The embedded files. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A name tree mapping name strings to alternate presentations (see 13.5, "Alternate Presentations"). The alternate presentations. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name tree mapping name strings (which shall have Unicode encoding) to rendition objects (see 13.2.3, "Renditions"). The renditions. Adds the java script. The javascript. This interface represents a page. Gets the page information. The page information. Gets the content builder. The content builder. This interface represents PDF's page information (Required if PieceInfo is present; optional otherwise; PDF�1.3) The date and time (see 7.9.4, "Dates") when the page�s contents were most recently modified. If a page-piece dictionary (PieceInfo) is present, the modification date shall be used to ascertain which of the application data dictionaries that it contains correspond to the current content of the page (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). The last modified. (Required; inheritable) A dictionary containing any resources required by the page (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). If the page requires no resources, the value of this entry shall be an empty dictionary. Omitting the entry entirely indicates that the resources shall be inherited from an ancestor node in the page tree. The resources. (Required; inheritable) A rectangle (see 7.9.5, "Rectangles"), expressed in default user space units, that shall define the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page shall be displayed or printed (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). The media box. (Optional; inheritable) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the visible region of default user space. When the page is displayed or printed, its contents shall be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle and then shall be imposed on the output medium in some implementation- defined manner (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of MediaBox. The crop box. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped when output in a production environment (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of CropBox. The bleed box. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of CropBox. The treem box. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the extent of the page�s meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page�s creator (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of CropBox. The art box. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A box colour information dictionary that shall specify the colours and other visual characteristics that should be used in displaying guidelines on the screen for the various page boundaries (see, "Display of Page Boundaries"). If this entry is absent, the application shall use its own current default settings. The box color info. (Optional) A content stream (see 7.8.2, "Content Streams") that shall describe the contents of this page. If this entry is absent, the page shall be empty. The value shall be either a single stream or an array of streams. If the value is an array, the effect shall be as if all of the streams in the array were concatenated, in order, to form a single stream. Conforming writers can create image objects and other resources as they occur, even though they interrupt the content stream. The division between streams may occur only at the boundaries between lexical tokens (see 7.2, "Lexical Conventions") but shall be unrelated to the page�s logical content or organization. Applications that consume or produce PDF files need not preserve the existing structure of the Contents array. Conforming writers shall not create a Contents array containing no elements. The contents. (Optional) A content stream (see 7.8.2, "Content Streams") that shall describe the contents of this page. If this entry is absent, the page shall be empty. The value shall be either a single stream or an array of streams. If the value is an array, the effect shall be as if all of the streams in the array were concatenated, in order, to form a single stream. Conforming writers can create image objects and other resources as they occur, even though they interrupt the content stream. The division between streams may occur only at the boundaries between lexical tokens (see 7.2, "Lexical Conventions") but shall be unrelated to the page�s logical content or organization. Applications that consume or produce PDF files need not preserve the existing structure of the Contents array. Conforming writers shall not create a Contents array containing no elements. The rotate. (Optional; PDF�1.4) A group attributes dictionary that shall specify the attributes of the page�s page group for use in the transparent imaging model (see 11.4.7, "Page Group" and 11.6.6, "Transparency Group XObjects"). The group. (Optional) A stream object that shall define the page�s thumbnail image (see 12.3.4, "Thumbnail Images"). The thumb. (Optional; PDF�1.1; recommended if the page contains article beads) An array that shall contain indirect references to all article beads appearing on the page (see 12.4.3, "Articles"). The beads shall be listed in the array in natural reading order. NOTEThe information in this entry can be created or recreated from the information obtained from the Threads key in the Catalog. The B. (Optional; PDF�1.1) The page�s display duration (also called its advance timing): the maximum length of time, in seconds, that the page shall be displayed during presentations before the viewer application shall automatically advance to the next page (see 12.4.4, "Presentations"). By default, the viewer shall not advance automatically. The dur. (Optional; PDF�1.1) A transition dictionary describing the transition effect that shall be used when displaying the page during presentations (see 12.4.4, "Presentations"). The trans. (Optional) An array of annotation dictionaries that shall contain indirect references to all annotations associated with the page (see 12.5, "Annotations"). The annots. (Optional; PDF�1.2) An additional-actions dictionary that shall define actions to be performed when the page is opened or closed (see 12.6.3, "Trigger Events"). (PDF 1.3) additional-actions dictionaries are not inheritable. The AA. (Optional; PDF�1.4) A metadata stream that shall contain metadata for the page (see 14.3.2, "Metadata Streams"). The metadata. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A page-piece dictionary associated with the page (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). The peace info. (Required if the page contains structural content items; PDF�1.3)The integer key of the page�s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). The struct parents. (Optional; PDF�1.3; indirect reference preferred) The digital identifier of the page�s parent Web Capture content set (see 14.10.6, "Object Attributes Related to Web Capture"). The ID. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The page�s preferred zoom (magnification) factor: the factor by which it shall be scaled to achieve the natural display magnification (see 14.10.6, "Object Attributes Related to Web Capture"). The PZ. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A separation dictionary that shall contain information needed to generate colour separations for the page (see 14.11.4, "Separation Dictionaries"). The separation info. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name specifying the tab order that shall be used for annotations on the page. The possible values shall be R (row order), C (column order), and S (structure order). See 12.5, "Annotations" for details. The tabs. (Required if this page was created from a named page object; PDF 1.5) The name of the originating page object (see 12.7.6, "Named Pages"). The template instantiated. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A navigation node dictionary that shall represent the first node on the page (see, "Sub-page Navigation"). The pres steps. (Optional; PDF 1.6) A positive number that shall give the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1 ? 72 inch. The range of supported values shall be implementation-dependent. Default value: 1.0 (user space unit is 1 ? 72 inch). The user unit. (Optional; PDF 1.6) An array of viewport dictionaries (see Table�260) that shall specify rectangular regions of the page. The VP. Updates the content. Content of the update. Updates the content. Index of the content. The content. Sets the size of the page. The width. The height. Sets the size of the page. Size of the page. Copies the inheritable resources. This interface repreesnets pages. Gets the page. The page number. if such page exists then returns otherwise null Inserts the page. The page number. Removes the page. The page number. Adds the page to the end of the document. Gets the count. The count. This interface represents Page Tree Node. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is page. true if this instance is page; otherwise, false. Gets the parent tree node. The parent tree node. Gets the root. The root. Gets the kids. The kids. Gets list of the kids. The kids. This interface represents document's catalogue object. (Optional; PDF 1.4) The version of the PDF specification to which the document conforms (for example, 1.4) if later than the version specified in the file�s header (see 7.5.2, "File Header"). If the header specifies a later version, or if this entry is absent, the document shall conform to the version specified in the header. This entry enables a conforming writer to update the version using an incremental update; see 7.5.6, "Incremental Updates." The value of this entry shall be a name object, not a number, and therefore shall be preceded by a SOLIDUS (2Fh) character (/) when written in the PDF file (for example, /1.4). The version. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The page tree node that shall be the root of the document�s page tree (see 7.7.3, "Page Tree"). The pages. (Optional) A name object specifying how the document shall be displayed when opened: UseNoneNeither document outline nor thumbnail images visible UseOutlinesDocument outline visible UseThumbsThumbnail images visible FullScreenFull-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible UseOC(PDF 1.5) Optional content group panel visible UseAttachments(PDF 1.6) Attachments panel visible Default value: UseNone. The page mode. (Optional; PDF 1.2) A viewer preferences dictionary (see 12.2, "Viewer Preferences") specifying the way the document shall be displayed on the screen. If this entry is absent, conforming readers shall use their own current user preference settings. The preferences. (Optional; PDF 1.1; shall be an indirect reference) An array of thread dictionaries that shall represent the document�s article threads (see 12.4.3, "Articles"). The threads. (Optional; PDF 1.1) A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed or an action that shall be performed when the document is opened. The value shall be either an array defining a destination (see 12.3.2, "Destinations") or an action dictionary representing an action (12.6, "Actions"). If this entry is absent, the document shall be opened to the top of the first page at the default magnification factor. The open action. (Optional; PDF 1.2) The document�s interactive form (AcroForm) dictionary (see 12.7.2, "Interactive Form Dictionary"). The acro form. (Optional; PDF 1.2) The document�s name dictionary (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary"). The names. (Optional; shall be an indirect reference) The outline dictionary that shall be the root of the document�s outline hierarchy (see 12.3.3, "Document Outline"). The outlines. (Optional; PDF 1.1; shall be an indirect reference) A dictionary of names and corresponding destinations (see, "Named Destinations"). The dests. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The document�s structure tree root dictionary (see 14.7.2, "Structure Hierarchy"). The struct tree root. (Optional; PDF 1.4; shall be an indirect reference) A metadata stream that shall contain metadata for the document (see 14.3.2, "Metadata Streams"). The metadata. Gets Metadata collection to read/update XMP information. Gets object that represents optional contents properties (Optional; PDF 1.5) A permissions dictionary that specifies user access permissions for the document. Section 8.7.3, �Permissions,� describes this dictionary and how it is used. The permissions. Sets the metadata of the document. The XMP. Remove existing pdf object Sets the metadata of the document. Metadata as binary Remove existing pdf object (Optional; PDF 1.7) A collection dictionary that a PDF consumer uses to enhance the presentation of file attachments stored in the PDF document. (see Section 8.2.4, �Collections�). Sets the permissions of the document. The key of value in Perms dictionary to update or add. The value to update or add. This interface represents PDF's rectangle Gets or sets the lower left X. The lower left X. Gets or sets the lower left Y. The lower left Y. Gets or sets the upper right X. The upper right X. Gets or sets the upper right Y. The upper right Y. This inetrface represents a PDF's Tree Node Gets the kids. The kids. Gets the limits. The limits. Gets the values. The values. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is root. true if this instance is root; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is intermediate. true if this instance is intermediate; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is leaf. true if this instance is leaf; otherwise, false. Adds the node. Adds the leaf. Adds the value. The key. The value. Gets the values by key. The key. Remove all values by key. The key. This struct represents key-value pair of IPdfPrimetive Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the key. The key. Gets the value. The value. This class represents Entries in the linearization parameter dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The obj. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the dictionary. The dictionary. A version identification for the linearized format.. The linearized. The length of the entire file in bytes. The L. An array of two or four integers, [ offset1 length1 ] or [ offset1 length1 offset2 length2 ]. offset1 shall be the offset of the primary hint stream from the beginning of the file. The H. The object number of the first page�s page object. The O. The offset of the end of the first page. The E. The number of pages in the document. The N. In documents that use standard main cross-reference tables (including hybrid-reference files; see, "Compatibility with Applications That Do Not Support Compressed Reference Streams"), this entry shall represent the offset of the white-space character preceding the first entry of the main cross-reference table (the entry for object number 0), relative to the beginning of the file. Note that this differs from the Prev entry in the first-page trailer, which gives the location of the xref line that precedes the table. (PDF 1.5) Documents that use cross-reference streams exclusively (see 7.5.8, "Cross-Reference Streams"), this entry shall represent the offset of the main cross-reference stream object. The T. The page number of the first page; see F.3.4, "First-Page Cross-Reference Table and Trailer (Part 3)". Default value: 0. The P. This class reprsensts a name dictionary. Some categories of objects in a PDF file can be referred to by name rather than by object reference. The correspondence between names and objects is established by the document�s name dictionary (PDF 1.2), located by means of the Names entry in the document�s catalog (see 7.7.2, "Document Catalog"). Each entry in this dictionary designates the root of a name tree (see 7.9.6, "Name Trees") defining names for a particular category of objects. Table 31 shows the contents of the name dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. (Optional; PDF 1.2) A name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, "Named Destinations"). The dests. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to annotation appearance streams (see 12.5.5, "Appearance Streams"). The AP. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to document-level JavaScript actions (see, "JavaScript Actions"). The java script. Creates (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to visible pages for use in interactive forms (see 12.7.6, "Named Pages"). The pages. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping name strings to invisible (template) pages for use in interactive forms (see 12.7.6, "Named Pages"). The templates. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping digital identifiers to Web Capture content sets (see 14.10.4, "Content Sets"). The IDS. (Optional; PDF 1.3) A name tree mapping uniform resource locators (URLs) to Web Capture content sets (see 14.10.4, "Content Sets"). The URLS. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A name tree mapping name strings to file specifications for embedded file streams (see 7.11.4, "Embedded File Streams"). The embedded files. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A name tree mapping name strings to alternate presentations (see 13.5, "Alternate Presentations"). The alternate presentations. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name tree mapping name strings (which shall have Unicode encoding) to rendition objects (see 13.2.3, "Renditions"). The renditions. Adds the java script. The javascript. This class represents a PDF's Names Tree Node Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. if set to true [is leaf]. Creates the node. The parent. if set to true [is leaf]. Gets the name of the lives. Gets the order of keys. This class represents a PdfName comparer. Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. Value Condition Less than zero x is less than y. Zero x equals y. Greater than zero x is greater than y. The second object to compare. The first object to compare. Neither x nor y implements the interface.-or- x and y are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other. 2 Validates the value. The key. The value. Creates the node. The node. This class represents a PDF's Nums Tree Node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. if set to true [is leaf]. Creates the node. The node. Creates the node. The parent. if set to true [is leaf]. Gets the name of the lives. Gets the order of keys. This class represents a PdfName comparer. Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. Value Condition Less than zero x is less than y. Zero x equals y. Greater than zero x is greater than y. The second object to compare. The first object to compare. Neither x nor y implements the interface.-or- x and y are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other. 2 Validates the value. The key. The value. This interface represents a outline dictionary. The root of a document�s outline hierarchy is an outline dictionary specified by the Outlines entry in the document catalogue (see 7.7.2, �Document Catalog�). (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Outlines for an outline dictionary. The type. (Required if there are any open or closed outline entries; shall be an indirect reference) An outline item dictionary representing the first top-level item in the outline. The first. (Required if there are any open or closed outline entries; shall be an indirect reference) An outline item dictionary representing the last top-level item in the outline. The last. (Required if the document has any open outline entries) Total number of visible outline items at all levels of the outline. The value cannot be negative. This entry shall be omitted if there are no open outline items. The count. This interface represents an outline item dictionary. (Required) The text that shall be displayed on the screen for this item. The title. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The parent of this item in the outline hierarchy. The parent of a top-level item shall be the outline dictionary itself. The parent. (Required for all but the first item at each level; shall be an indirect reference) The previous item at this outline level. The prev. (Required for all but the last item at each level; shall be an indirect reference) The next item at this outline level. The next. (Optional; shall not be present if an A entry is present) The destination that shall be displayed when this item is activated (see 12.3.2, �Destinations�). name, byte string, or array The dest. (Optional; PDF 1.1; shall not be present if a Dest entry is present) The action that shall be performed when this item is activated (see 12.6, �Actions�). The A. (Optional; PDF 1.3; shall be an indirect reference) The structure element to which the item refers (see 14.7.2, �Structure Hierarchy�). (PDF 1.0) An item may also specify a destination (Dest) corresponding to an area of a page where the contents of the designated structure element are displayed. The SE. (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of three numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing the components in the DeviceRGB colour space of the colour that shall be used for the outline entry�s text. Default value: [0.0 0.0 0.0]. The C. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A set of flags specifying style characteristics for displaying the outline item�s text (see Table 154). Default value: 0. The F. This class represenst an outline dictionary. The root of a document�s outline hierarchy is an outline dictionary specified by the Outlines entry in the document catalogue (see 7.7.2, �Document Catalog�). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Outlines for an outline dictionary. The type. (Required if there are any open or closed outline entries; shall be an indirect reference) An outline item dictionary representing the first top-level item in the outline. The first. (Required if there are any open or closed outline entries; shall be an indirect reference) An outline item dictionary representing the last top-level item in the outline. The last. (Required if the document has any open outline entries) Total number of visible outline items at all levels of the outline. The value cannot be negative. This entry shall be omitted if there are no open outline items. The count. This class represents an outline item dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. (Required) The text that shall be displayed on the screen for this item. The title. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The parent of this item in the outline hierarchy. The parent of a top-level item shall be the outline dictionary itself. The parent. (Required for all but the first item at each level; shall be an indirect reference) The previous item at this outline level. The prev. (Required for all but the last item at each level; shall be an indirect reference) The next item at this outline level. The next. (Optional; shall not be present if an A entry is present) The destination that shall be displayed when this item is activated (see 12.3.2, �Destinations�). name, byte string, or array The dest. (Optional; PDF 1.1; shall not be present if a Dest entry is present) The action that shall be performed when this item is activated (see 12.6, �Actions�). The A. (Optional; PDF 1.3; shall be an indirect reference) The structure element to which the item refers (see 14.7.2, �Structure Hierarchy�). (PDF 1.0) An item may also specify a destination (Dest) corresponding to an area of a page where the contents of the designated structure element are displayed. The SE. (Optional; PDF 1.4) An array of three numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing the components in the DeviceRGB colour space of the colour that shall be used for the outline entry�s text. Default value: [0.0 0.0 0.0]. The C. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A set of flags specifying style characteristics for displaying the outline item�s text (see Table 154). Default value: 0. The F. This class represents PDF's page information structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the content. The content. Gets the inheritance value. The key. Gets the value. The key. Determines whether the specified key has key. The key. true if the specified key has key; otherwise, false. (Required if PieceInfo is present; optional otherwise; PDF�1.3) The date and time (see 7.9.4, "Dates") when the page�s contents were most recently modified. If a page-piece dictionary (PieceInfo) is present, the modification date shall be used to ascertain which of the application data dictionaries that it contains correspond to the current content of the page (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). The last modified. (Required; inheritable) A dictionary containing any resources required by the page (see 7.8.3, "Resource Dictionaries"). If the page requires no resources, the value of this entry shall be an empty dictionary. Omitting the entry entirely indicates that the resources shall be inherited from an ancestor node in the page tree. The resources. (Required; inheritable) A rectangle (see 7.9.5, "Rectangles"), expressed in default user space units, that shall define the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page shall be displayed or printed (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). The media box. (Optional; inheritable) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the visible region of default user space. When the page is displayed or printed, its contents shall be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle and then shall be imposed on the output medium in some implementation- defined manner (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of MediaBox. The crop box. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped when output in a production environment (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of CropBox. The bleed box. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of CropBox. The treem box. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the extent of the page�s meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page�s creator (see 14.11.2, "Page Boundaries"). Default value: the value of CropBox. The art box. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A box colour information dictionary that shall specify the colours and other visual characteristics that should be used in displaying guidelines on the screen for the various page boundaries (see, "Display of Page Boundaries"). If this entry is absent, the application shall use its own current default settings. The box color info. Returns PDF object of contents. (Optional) A content stream (see 7.8.2, "Content Streams") that shall describe the contents of this page. If this entry is absent, the page shall be empty. The value shall be either a single stream or an array of streams. If the value is an array, the effect shall be as if all of the streams in the array were concatenated, in order, to form a single stream. Conforming writers can create image objects and other resources as they occur, even though they interrupt the content stream. The division between streams may occur only at the boundaries between lexical tokens (see 7.2, "Lexical Conventions") but shall be unrelated to the page�s logical content or organization. Applications that consume or produce PDF files need not preserve the existing structure of the Contents array. Conforming writers shall not create a Contents array containing no elements. The contents. (Optional) A content stream (see 7.8.2, "Content Streams") that shall describe the contents of this page. If this entry is absent, the page shall be empty. The value shall be either a single stream or an array of streams. If the value is an array, the effect shall be as if all of the streams in the array were concatenated, in order, to form a single stream. Conforming writers can create image objects and other resources as they occur, even though they interrupt the content stream. The division between streams may occur only at the boundaries between lexical tokens (see 7.2, "Lexical Conventions") but shall be unrelated to the page�s logical content or organization. Applications that consume or produce PDF files need not preserve the existing structure of the Contents array. Conforming writers shall not create a Contents array containing no elements. The rotate. (Optional; PDF�1.4) A group attributes dictionary that shall specify the attributes of the page�s page group for use in the transparent imaging model (see 11.4.7, "Page Group" and 11.6.6, "Transparency Group XObjects"). The group. (Optional) A stream object that shall define the page�s thumbnail image (see 12.3.4, "Thumbnail Images"). The thumb. (Optional; PDF�1.1; recommended if the page contains article beads) An array that shall contain indirect references to all article beads appearing on the page (see 12.4.3, "Articles"). The beads shall be listed in the array in natural reading order. NOTEThe information in this entry can be created or recreated from the information obtained from the Threads key in the Catalog. The B. (Optional; PDF�1.1) The page�s display duration (also called its advance timing): the maximum length of time, in seconds, that the page shall be displayed during presentations before the viewer application shall automatically advance to the next page (see 12.4.4, "Presentations"). By default, the viewer shall not advance automatically. The dur. (Optional; PDF�1.1) A transition dictionary describing the transition effect that shall be used when displaying the page during presentations (see 12.4.4, "Presentations"). The trans. (Optional) An array of annotation dictionaries that shall contain indirect references to all annotations associated with the page (see 12.5, "Annotations"). The annots. (Optional; PDF�1.2) An additional-actions dictionary that shall define actions to be performed when the page is opened or closed (see 12.6.3, "Trigger Events"). (PDF 1.3) additional-actions dictionaries are not inheritable. The AA. (Optional; PDF�1.4) A metadata stream that shall contain metadata for the page (see 14.3.2, "Metadata Streams"). The metadata. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A page-piece dictionary associated with the page (see 14.5, "Page-Piece Dictionaries"). The peace info. (Required if the page contains structural content items; PDF�1.3)The integer key of the page�s entry in the structural parent tree (see, "Finding Structure Elements from Content Items"). The struct parents. (Optional; PDF�1.3; indirect reference preferred) The digital identifier of the page�s parent Web Capture content set (see 14.10.6, "Object Attributes Related to Web Capture"). The ID. (Optional; PDF�1.3) The page�s preferred zoom (magnification) factor: the factor by which it shall be scaled to achieve the natural display magnification (see 14.10.6, "Object Attributes Related to Web Capture"). The PZ. (Optional; PDF�1.3) A separation dictionary that shall contain information needed to generate colour separations for the page (see 14.11.4, "Separation Dictionaries"). The separation info. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A name specifying the tab order that shall be used for annotations on the page. The possible values shall be R (row order), C (column order), and S (structure order). See 12.5, "Annotations" for details. The tabs. (Required if this page was created from a named page object; PDF 1.5) The name of the originating page object (see 12.7.6, "Named Pages"). The template instantiated. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A navigation node dictionary that shall represent the first node on the page (see, "Sub-page Navigation"). The pres steps. (Optional; PDF 1.6) A positive number that shall give the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1 ? 72 inch. The range of supported values shall be implementation-dependent. Default value: 1.0 (user space unit is 1 ? 72 inch). The user unit. (Optional; PDF 1.6) An array of viewport dictionaries (see Table�260) that shall specify rectangular regions of the page. The VP. Updates the content. Content of the update. Updates the content. Index of the content. The content. Sets the size of the page. The width. The height. Sets the size of the page. Size of the page. Copies the inheritable resources. Returns PDF primitive which contains inherited requested value. (Note: The value itself may be read as GetInheritedValueContainer(key).ToDictionary()[key]) (Optional) A name object specifying how the document shall be displayed when opened: UseNoneNeither document outline nor thumbnail images visible UseOutlinesDocument outline visible UseThumbsThumbnail images visible FullScreenFull-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible UseOC(PDF 1.5) Optional content group panel visible UseAttachments(PDF 1.6) Attachments panel visible Default value: UseNone. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. Document outline visible. Thumbnail images visible. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible. (PDF 1.5) Optional content group panel visible.. (PDF 1.6) Attachments panel visible. This class represents a PDF's page tree node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. The object id. The generation. The value. Gets the content. The content. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is page. true if this instance is page; otherwise, false. Gets the page information. The page information. Gets the parent tree node. The parent tree node. Gets the content builder. The content builder. Gets the root. The root. Gets the kids. The kids. Gets the count. The count. Gets the page. The page number. if such page exists then returns otherwise null Inserts the page. The page number. Removes the page. The page number. Adds the page to the end of the document. Removes the page internal. The position. The original number. Splits the array into two subarrays. Adds the page internal. Gets the relative page node. The page number. The relative number. Gets the relative page. The page number. The prev page number. This class represents document's catalogue Initializes a new instance of the class. The catalog. (Optional; PDF 1.4) The version of the PDF specification to which the document conforms (for example, 1.4) if later than the version specified in the file’s header (see 7.5.2, "File Header"). If the header specifies a later version, or if this entry is absent, the document shall conform to the version specified in the header. This entry enables a conforming writer to update the version using an incremental update; see 7.5.6, "Incremental Updates." The value of this entry shall be a name object, not a number, and therefore shall be preceded by a SOLIDUS (2Fh) character (/) when written in the PDF file (for example, /1.4). The version. (Required; shall be an indirect reference) The page tree node that shall be the root of the document’s page tree (see 7.7.3, "Page Tree"). The pages. (Optional) A name object specifying how the document shall be displayed when opened: UseNoneNeither document outline nor thumbnail images visible UseOutlinesDocument outline visible UseThumbsThumbnail images visible FullScreenFull-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible UseOC(PDF 1.5) Optional content group panel visible UseAttachments(PDF 1.6) Attachments panel visible Default value: UseNone. The page mode. (Optional; PDF 1.5) A permissions dictionary that specifies user access permissions for the document. Section 8.7.3, “Permissions,” describes this dictionary and how it is used. The permissions. (Optional; PDF 1.2) A viewer preferences dictionary (see 12.2, "Viewer Preferences") specifying the way the document shall be displayed on the screen. If this entry is absent, conforming readers shall use their own current user preference settings. The preferences. (Optional; PDF 1.1; shall be an indirect reference) An array of thread dictionaries that shall represent the document’s article threads (see 12.4.3, "Articles"). The threads. NOTE: This property only for destination (Optional; PDF 1.1) A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed or an action that shall be performed when the document is opened. The value shall be either an array defining a destination (see 12.3.2, "Destinations") or an action dictionary representing an action (12.6, "Actions"). If this entry is absent, the document shall be opened to the top of the first page at the default magnification factor. The destination. (Optional; PDF 1.1) A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed or an action that shall be performed when the document is opened. The value shall be either an array defining a destination (see 12.3.2, "Destinations") or an action dictionary representing an action (12.6, "Actions"). If this entry is absent, the document shall be opened to the top of the first page at the default magnification factor. The open action. (Optional; PDF 1.2) The document’s interactive form (AcroForm) dictionary (see 12.7.2, "Interactive Form Dictionary"). The acro form. Get Names entry, create it if required. If tru Names entry will be created. Name Dictionary (Optional; PDF 1.2) The document’s name dictionary (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary"). The names. (Optional; shall be an indirect reference) The outline dictionary that shall be the root of the document’s outline hierarchy (see 12.3.3, "Document Outline"). The outlines. (Optional; PDF 1.1; shall be an indirect reference) A dictionary of names and corresponding destinations (see, "Named Destinations"). The dests. (Optional; PDF 1.3) The document’s structure tree root dictionary (see 14.7.2, "Structure Hierarchy"). The struct tree root. (Optional; PDF 1.4; shall be an indirect reference) A metadata stream that shall contain metadata for the document (see 14.3.2, "Metadata Streams"). The metadata. (Optional; PDF 1.7) A collection dictionary that a PDF consumer uses to enhance the presentation of file attachments stored in the PDF document. (see Section 8.2.4, “Collections”). Sets the metadata of the document. The XMP. Remove existing pdf object Set metadata Remove existing pdf object Set metadata Binary data containing metadata XML Remove existing pdf object Sets the permissions of the document. The key of value in Perms dictionary to update or add. The value to update or add. This class represents PDF's rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The lower left X. The lower left Y. The upper right X. The upper right Y. Gets or sets the lower left X. The lower left X. Gets or sets the lower left Y. The lower left Y. Gets or sets the upper right X. The upper right X. Gets or sets the upper right Y. The upper right Y. This class represents formatter for "Adobe XML Architecture". Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The source. Start index of the finding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The source. Gets the start index. The start index. Gets or sets the end index. The end index. Gets the count. The count. Gets the substring. The value. Moves the quoted string to new start index. New index of the start. Formats the date time. The date time. The format. Formats the time. The date time. The format. Formats the number. The number. The format. Formats the text. The text. The format. Formats the number. The number. The format. Formats the number. The number. The format. Formats the number. The number. The format. Initializes the quoted substrings. The format. Replaces the specified string. The format. The old value. The new value. The quoted strings. Indexes the of. The source. The value. The quoted substrings. The start index. Converts the value of a specified object to an equivalent string representation using specified format and culture-specific formatting information. The string representation of the value of arg, formatted as specified by format and formatProvider. An object to format. A format string containing formatting specifications. An object that supplies format information about the current instance. 2 Gets an object that provides formatting services for the specified type. The current instance, if formatType is the same type as the current instance; otherwise, null. An object that specifies the type of format object to get. 1 This interface represents a transition dictionary describing the style and duration of the visual transition to use when moving from another page to the given page during a presentation. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shallbe Trans for a transition dictionary. The type. (Optional) The transition style that shall be used when moving to this page from another during a presentation. Default value: R. The S. (Optional) The duration of the transition effect, in seconds. Default value: 1. The D. (Optional; Split and Blinds transition styles only) The dimension in which the specified transition effect shall occur: H Horizontal V Vertical Default value: H. The dm. (Optional; Split, Box and Fly transition styles only) The direction of motion for the specified transition effect: I Inward from the edges of the page O Outward from the center of the page Default value: I. The M. (Optional; Wipe, Glitter, Fly, Cover, Uncover and Push transition styles only)The direction in which the specified transition effect shall moves, expressed in degrees counterclockwise starting from a left-to-right direction. (This differs from the page object�s Rotate entry, which is measured clockwise from the top.) If the value is a number, it shall be one of: 0 Left to right 90 Bottom to top (Wipe only) 180 Right to left (Wipe only) 270 Top to bottom 315 Top-left to bottom-right (Glitter only) If the value is a name, it shall be None, which is relevant only for the Fly transition when the value of SS is not 1.0. Default value: 0. The di. (Optional; PDF 1.5; Fly transition style only) The starting or ending scale at which the changes shall be drawn. If M specifies an inward transition, the scale of the changes drawn shall progress from SS to 1.0 over the course of the transition. If M specifies an outward transition, the scale of the changes drawn shall progress from 1.0 to SS over the course of the transition Default: 1.0. The SS. (Optional; PDF 1.5; Fly transition style only) If true, the area that shall be flown in is rectangular and opaque. Default: false. The B. This interface represents a transition dictionary describing the style and duration of the visual transition to use when moving from another page to the given page during a presentation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. The style. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shallbe Trans for a transition dictionary. The type. (Optional) The transition style that shall be used when moving to this page from another during a presentation. Default value: R. The S. (Optional) The duration of the transition effect, in seconds. Default value: 1. The D. (Optional; Split and Blinds transition styles only) The dimension in which the specified transition effect shall occur: H Horizontal V Vertical Default value: H. The dm. (Optional; Split, Box and Fly transition styles only) The direction of motion for the specified transition effect: I Inward from the edges of the page O Outward from the center of the page Default value: I. The M. (Optional; Wipe, Glitter, Fly, Cover, Uncover and Push transition styles only)The direction in which the specified transition effect shall moves, expressed in degrees counterclockwise starting from a left-to-right direction. (This differs from the page object�s Rotate entry, which is measured clockwise from the top.) If the value is a number, it shall be one of: 0 Left to right 90 Bottom to top (Wipe only) 180 Right to left (Wipe only) 270 Top to bottom 315 Top-left to bottom-right (Glitter only) If the value is a name, it shall be None, which is relevant only for the Fly transition when the value of SS is not 1.0. Default value: 0. The di. (Optional; PDF 1.5; Fly transition style only) The starting or ending scale at which the changes shall be drawn. If M specifies an inward transition, the scale of the changes drawn shall progress from SS to 1.0 over the course of the transition. If M specifies an outward transition, the scale of the changes drawn shall progress from 1.0 to SS over the course of the transition Default: 1.0. The SS. (Optional; PDF 1.5; Fly transition style only) If true, the area that shall be flown in is rectangular and opaque. Default: false. The B. The dimension in which the specified transition effect shall occur Horizontal Vertical The direction of motion for the specified transition effect Inward from the edges of the page Outward from the center of the page The direction in which the specified transition effect shall moves, expressed in degrees counterclockwise starting from a left-to-right direction. Left to right. Bottom to top (Wipe only) Right to left (Wipe only) Top to bottom Top-left to bottom-right (Glitter only) If the value is a name, it shall be None, which is relevant only for the Fly transition when the value of SS is not 1.0. The transition style that shall be used when moving to this page from another during a presentation. Two lines sweep across the screen, revealing the new page. The lines may be either horizontal or vertical and may move inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center, as specified by the Dmand M entries, respectively. Multiple lines, evenly spaced across the screen, synchronously sweep in the same direction to reveal the new page. The lines may be either horizontal or vertical, as specified by the Dm entry. Horizontal lines move downward; vertical lines move to the right. A rectangular box sweeps inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center, as specified by the M entry, revealing the new page. A single line sweeps across the screen from one edge to the other in the direction specified by the Di entry, revealing the new page. The old page dissolves gradually to reveal the new one. Similar to Dissolve, except that the effect sweeps across the page in a wide band moving from one side of the screen to the other in the direction specified by the Di entry. The new page simply replaces the old one with no special transition effect; the D entry shall be ignored. (PDF 1.5) Changes are flown out or in (as specified by M), in the direction specified by Di, to or from a location that is offscreen except when Di is None. (PDF 1.5) The old page slides off the screen while the new page slides in, pushing the old page out in the direction specified by Di. (PDF 1.5) The new page slides on to the screen in the direction specified by Di, covering the old page. (PDF 1.5) The old page slides off the screen in the direction specified by Di, uncovering the new page in the direction specified by Di. (PDF 1.5) The new page gradually becomes visible through the old one. Adds items of the collection to the list. Adds an object to the end of the . The to be added to the end of the . The value can be null. The index at which the has been added. The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. Determines whether an element is in the . The to locate in the . The value can be null. true if is found in the ; otherwise, false. This method is to implement RemoveReferenceDuplicates in PdfTrailer; This class represents an abstract PDF's tree node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Gets the content. The content. Gets the kids. The kids. Gets the limits. The limits. Gets the values. The values. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is root. true if this instance is root; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is intermediate. true if this instance is intermediate; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is leaf. true if this instance is leaf; otherwise, false. Adds the node. Adds the leaf. Gets the values by key. The key. Remove all key value pairs by key. The key. Adds the value. The key. The value. Sorts the values. Gets the order of keys. Validates the value. The key. The value. Creates the node. The node. Creates the node. The parent. if set to true [is leaf]. Gets the name of the lives. Returns substitution table used to substitute codes from PUA area on unicodes PUA code to unicode map Reads the word. This version returns readed word in System.Text.StringBuilder form to optimize time for string manipulation with returned word. The reader. System.Text.StringBuilder object Overloaded version of ReadWordAsStringBuilder() which reads all the symbols from input stream until def word appears. The reader. System.Text.StringBuilder object Determines whether [is escape char] [the specified reader]. The reader. true if [is escape char] [the specified reader]; otherwise, false. Determines whether [is escape char] [the specified reader]. The reader. chars to escape. true if [is escape char] [the specified reader]; otherwise, false. Determines tagged word begin symbol. Represents errors that occur during PDF_A conversion with helpers objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Used to align segments in PDF/A document with special align strategy This method must be called before font substitution take place on converted page page original segment to take snapshot for geometry metrics Executes segment aligning operations for converted page page This method command SegmentAligner to stop align operations, this is for cases when there is a suspicion, that align operations could corrupt text structure Used to check document text about notDef glyphs Gets widths for all the glyphs in ConversionFontData passed. font data to get glyph widths for list with glyph widths Compares PdfString with usual string. If both strings are null returns false. Uses PdfString.Value as string data to compare with usual string PdfString string comparison result Compares PdfString with usual string. If both strings are null returns false. Uses PdfString.ExtractedString as string data to compare with usual string PdfString string comparison result Detects whether PDF font type declared is incompartible with format of actual font used Calculates FP for embedded font, registers it in shared registry structures and saves FP into relevant ConversionFontData object for next usages until FP will be saved into font at post-update phase font embedded font error info object Overloaded version which supports CIDFont object to update FP for composite fonts CIDFont embedded font error info object Objectives of this class - functionality to substitute fonts in document on low level, not with the help of segment subsystem but with using of operators directly Maps all problem codes(where gid = null) on space symbol. original font problem symbols glyphID for space symbol width for space symbol font info status of font update Changes mapping for problem unicodes on new GlyphID in new font. Problem unicodes are unicodes from related FontSymbols(notDefSymbols, which reference on problem(notDef/null) gid). if FontSymbol.Unicode is PUA then substitutes it with new unicode. Encodes unicodes with new GlyphID(newGid) specified and then, if necessary, calls ToUnicodeProessor.ProcessPUASymbols() (to affect unicode substitution (PUA on new unicode) in font's ToUnicode table ) new font where problem gid wil be encoded source font problem FontSymbols gid to map problem unicodes with info Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. A signed integer that indicates the relative values of and , Less than zero mens that is less than . Zero - equals . Greater than zero - is greater than . The first object to compare. The second object to compare. Creates new cmap table(subtable) - (3,0), then copies all encoding info from macTable(1,0) into this new (3,0) table and, finally, removes table (1,0) and saves all the font data font info font cmap mac table (1,0) This class and child classes below are designed for using in font shared objects functionality This class is designed to manage problems with shared font objects, so it provides a functionality to register all problem font objects and to unshare them. Unshares descendant font fontID of single parent(composite font) This class represents PDF/UA conversion strategy. CIDFonts(CID2GIDMap) CIDFont font data page number Checks that CharSet of FontDescriptor has all the the character names of all glyphs present in the font program. This version is designd for fonts of type Type1 which are represented in CFF format(so these fonts are not CID-Keyed). CFF font from base Type1 font is requested as parameter due to fact that there are cases when actual CFF font used by main Type1 font is placed into TTF font and member font.Font holds object of type TtfFont instead of type CffFont in these cases. These cases are related to TTF OpenType fonts (CFF font is placed in CFF table). When font.Font is TTF OpenType font, additional operations are needed to access CFF font, so these operations are redirected to caller side. It's a caller responsibility - to pass correct reference on CFF font used by main Type1 font. font of type Type1 internal font of CFF format from main font(font.Font) font's data page number Clause General composite font font data error cche page number 6.3.4 Embedded font programs Used by PDF_A conversion functionality to hold and process all necessary data for specified font PDF font for which all tha data is collected New font which has substituted original font on processing step Contains all the pages(numbers) which references the specified font Auxillary array to speed up collecting of all document's symbols for PDF font All text symbols If original PDF font must be substituted on next steps - this field must reference on new font. Used for glyph width processing functionality This interface used for callback purposes this flag tells are PUA symbols was detected this flag tells that unicode substitutions for PUA symbols were observed during segments processing Why this font must be substituted on processing step Font file program, which must be embedded into font at final font processing step. This field was added due to necessity to work with shared font programs. This field must hold up-to-date version of font file program for current font, all updates to font file program must affect only this field. Font program source, related to - field name in FontDescriptor - FontFile, FontFile2, FontFile3 IPostUpdateFontInfo member Field to hold IPdfFont.Font binary font object, the reason for this field - post-update functionality, which enforces to block usage of IPdfFont.Font member cause this member bay be unsynchronized with font program from same font(up-to-date version of this font program is holded by _fontFileProgram member in this class) PDF font for which all that data is collected Original font for this font data object New font which has substituted original font on processing step Sets font which has substituted original font on processing step Contains all the pages(numbers) which references the specified font All the symbols which font has in document Holds new CharSet for Type1 fonts Holds new CIDSet for Type0 fonts If original PDF font must be substituted on next steps - this field must reference on new font. Used for glyph width processing functionality Detects if Type1 font is needed in CharSet checks Detects if Type0 font is needed in CIDSet checks Detects if Type0 font is needed in CIDToGIDMap checks this flag tells are PUA symbols was detected Contains all PUA symbols which font has this flag tells that unicode substitutions for PUA symbols were observed during segments processing Why this font must be substituted on processing step Gets new CIDToGIDMap for Type0 fonts returns IPostUpdateFontInfo member returns IPdfFont.Font member Designed to update _binaryFont member with IFont edited IFont modified by conversion functionality Designed to update data for only such fonts, which object type (Type1Font, TrueTypeFont, etc) has been changed. Call of this method for any other font is strongly prohibited. font to update data for This interface used for callback purposes Used to provide all the necessary information about Conversion data to objects which are external to PdfConvertStrategy-related objects Contains information needed to process some font-specific tasks. Mainly used by glyph width processing functionality Represents every text symbol divided on all meaningful parts Used by PDF/UA functionality to hold and process all necessary data for specified font Spec 7.21.7 Unicode character maps. Type 1 and Type 3 fonts where the glyph names of the glyphs referenced are all contained in the Adobe Glyph List or the set of named characters in the Symbol font, as defined in ISO 32000-1:2008, Annex D; Declares functionality to access special ToUnicode CMaps Returns ToUnicode CMap(from predefined CMap list) for name specified name of predefined ToUnicode CMap ToUnicodeCmap or null if specified CMap is not present Declares functionality to check and fix character encoding mapping problems according to clause 7.21.6 Character encodings and ISO 32000-1, Base class for classes which process glyph widths Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. A signed integer that indicates the relative values of and , as shown in the following table. Value Meaning Less than zero is less than . Zero equals . Greater than zero is greater than . The first object to compare. The second object to compare. Neither nor implements the interface. -or- and are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other. 2 Implements functionality to process glyph widths from CFF fonts for PDF_A conversion Implements functionality to check glyph widths from Type0 TTF fonts for PDF_A conversion Implements functionality to check glyph widths from TrueType TTF fonts for PDF_A conversion Implements functionality for update glyph widths with the specified values on TTF font level Used to tell widths processing code that updates on font level ar impossible - to make updates in font dictionary Used for PDF_A conversion to create all necessary objects from glyph widths area This class contains many service methods which are used by functionality which processes glyph widths PDF units per EM This function must detect are glyph widths confirm to consistency rules. Basic question here is what difference between compared widths could concerned as normal in glyph width consistency context. PDF/A-1b spec. only states that the width "shall be consistent". For PDF/A-2,3 the description has been enhanced and is now requesting "consistent is defined to be a difference of no more than 1/1000 unit" Due to it third-party code like PDFBox uses value 0.001f(latest versions accepts only PDFWidth==FontProgramWidth) but our multiple tests had showed that these values doesn't confirm to consistency(or our system metrics transfotmation is not fully well), so we will use value 0.9 as threshold for consistency Glyph widths by PDF font dictionary real glyph width in font Gets width for the specified glyph from font's binary data real font ID of the specified glyph Gets width of the specified glyph from CFF font real font ID of glyph Gets width for specefied glyph from TTF font TTF font ID of glyph width of glyph Converts glyph's width from Font's system metric into PDF system metric glyph's width TTF font converted width value Converts glyph's width from PDF system metric into TTF system metric glyph's width TTF font converted width value Scan all the widths for the font of type Simple Font and replaces all zero widths width real widths of this font Detects is font program data editable font true/false Extracts font program data from PDF font dictionary. Also returns font programm key(FontFile, FontFile2, etc). PDF font font program name font program data in IPdfDataStream form Extracts font program data from PDF font dictionary. PDF font descriptor of font passed - to speed up performance font program data in IPdfDataStream form Creates TTF font based on font program data in PDF font dictionary, used to create "tear-off" TTF fonts(due to unresolved yet problems with references on same TTF font from multiple PDF fonts) Creates TTF font based on font program data in PDF font dictionary, used to create "tear-off" TTF fonts(due to unresolved yet problems with references on same TTF font from multiple PDF fonts). This overloaded version uses special cache to improve performance Implements functionality to update binary font data in PDF font dictionaries Define functionality to process glyph widths for PDF_A conversion This interface must be used for update glyph widths with specified values on font level This method compares width of glyph with the specified GlyphID with passed glyphWidth(really width declared in PDF font dictionary) and if compared widths are not equal - updates glyph's width on font level if conversion mode is on GlyphID new width for specified glyph Implements the same functionality as method "CheckAndUpdateGlyphWidth" but this method designed to hide all error messages if glyph widths will not be consistent Defines functionality to update binary font data in PDF font dictionaries This is abstract class conversion strategy for PDF/A, PDF/X and PDF/UA. This map used to hold information about already embedded fonts - as association between font name and embedded stream data, this information is needed to prevent embed for font which has the same font name as already embedded font - in this case we can use already embedded IPdfStream and it can economy file size and memory usage, this map is intented to be used only for usual processing mode - not for reduce memory mode Gets/sets run of image streams in async mode. 6.3.4 CMaps cmaps processing is actual for composite fonts, so font must be of type Type0Font or CIDFont, no checks for these types will be made for performance reasons 6.3.5 Font Subsets Font license embedding restrictions must be checked before call of this method font to embed font collection id(PDF object number) of embedded font stream embedded font Font license embedding restrictions must be checked before call of this method font to embed id(PDF object number) of embedded font stream Attempts to embed font and if an error occurs, force embedding of font data with the help of font data updater font to embed font collection id(PDF object number) of embedded font stream embedded font Designed to be used in font embedding functionality, which uses special mapping from font names to to compact embedded font streams for similiar fonts. Checks whether font, which is intended to embed body from another font, has appropriate compartible type. Example of incompartible type: source font(already embedded) is TrueType, and destination font(intended to embed body from source font) is CIDFontType0 font. font, which body is intended to be embedded into another font with same name font which is intended to embed body from embeddedFont Convert pdf file and store comments to stream. The stream for validating comments. Pdf format. The document. Only document validation. Action for objects that can not be converted This class represents PDF/X conversion strategy. 6.3.4 Embedded font programs Class for stroting current graphic states List of objects which were processed and should be removed. They can not be removed after page processing because may be used in other pages. This interface represents how to convert file. Convert pdf file and store comments to stream. The stream for validating comments. Pdf format. The document. Only document validation. Action for objects that can not be converted Convert pdf file and store comments to stream set of options for convert PDF document result of conversion This class represents PDF/A conversion strategy. Used to hold info about all embedded fonts in reduce memory mode This map used to hold information of fonts excluded from embedding for reduce memory mode. The key of this map - every font excluded from embedding, value - font to substitute this excluded font(key) in document - already embedded font which is a duplicate for excluded font(key). Returns Font substitution for IPdfFont CIDFonts 6.3.5 Font Subsets 6.3.7 CharacterEncodings 6.3.4 Embedded font programs Checks CIDSet in CFF fonts(cid-keyed) Composite font internal font of CFF format Gets PDF/A format string. PdfFormat format value. Pdf/A format string representation. Convert pdf file and store comments to stream. The stream for validating comments. /// The pdf format. The document. Only document validation. Action for objects that can not be converted This class represents PDF 1.4 to PDF 1.3 strategy. This class represents PDF 1.5 to PDF 1.4 strategy. This class represents PDF 1.6 to PDF 1.5 strategy. This class represents PDF 1.7 to PDF 1.6 strategy. Convert pdf file and store comments to stream. The stream for validating comments. The document structure. The document. Only document validation. Action for objects that can not be converted Remove deprecated signatures. The document for the process. Validates encryption algorithm. The document for the validation. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits in a value type. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bits per element in the internal buffer. This field is constant. An value defining the number of bit shifts equivalent to the number of bits per element in the internal buffer. This field is constant. An value defining the equivalent of a divisor in bitwise AND operations emulating modulo calculations. This field is constant. An array defining a series of values useful in generating bit masks in read and write operations. This field is static. A value specifying whether the current stream is able to process data. This field is set to true by default. An array of values specifying the internal bit buffer for the current stream. . An value specifying the current length of the internal bit buffer for the current stream. . An value specifying the current elemental index of the internal bit buffer for the current stream. . An value specifying the current bit index for the current element of the internal bit buffer for the current stream. . An object specifying the format specifier for the current stream. This field is set to by default. Gets the length of this stream in bits. The current stream is closed. . An value specifying the length of this stream in bits. Gets the maximum number of 8-bit values required to store this stream. The current stream is closed. . // This property can be used in conjunction with the method

// to read the entire stream into a array.


BitStream bstrm = new BitStream();



byte [] abytBuffer = new byte [bstrm.Length8];

int iBitsRead = Read(abytBuffer, 0, (int)bstrm.Length8);


An value specifying the maximum number of 8-bit values required to store this stream.
Gets the maximum number of 16-bit values required to store this stream. The current stream is closed. . // This property can be used in conjunction with the method

// to read the entire stream into an array.


BitStream bstrm = new BitStream();



short [] asBuffer = new short [bstrm.Length16];

int iBitsRead = Read(asBuffer, 0, (int)bstrm.Length16);


An value specifying the maximum number of 16-bit values required to store this stream.
Gets the maximum number of 32-bit values required to store this stream. The current stream is closed. . // This property can be used in conjunction with the method

// to read the entire stream into an array.


BitStream bstrm = new BitStream();



int [] aiBuffer = new int [bstrm.Length32];

int iBitsRead = Read(aiBuffer, 0, (int)bstrm.Length32);


An value specifying the maximum number of 32-bit values required to store this stream.
Gets the maximum number of 64-bit values required to store this stream. The current stream is closed. . // This property can be used in conjunction with the method

// to read the entire stream into an array.


BitStream bstrm = new BitStream();



long [] alBuffer = new long [bstrm.Length64];

int iBitsRead = Read(alBuffer, 0, (int)bstrm.Length64);


An value specifying the maximum number of 64-bit values required to store this stream.
Gets the number of bits allocatated to this stream. The current stream is closed. . An value specifying the number of bits allocated to this stream. Gets or sets the current bit position within this stream. The current stream is closed. The position is set to a negative value or position + 1 is geater than . . An value specifying the current position within this stream. Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading. . A value indicating whether the current stream supports reading. Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. This method always returns false. To set the position within the current stream use the property instead. A value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing. . A value indicating whether the current stream supports writing. Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports setting its length. This field always returns false. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream automatically. A value indicating whether the current stream supports setting its length. Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports the flush operation. This field always returns false. Since any data written to a BitStream is written into RAM, flush operations become redundant. A value indicating whether the current stream supports the flush operation. Initialises a new instance of the class with an expandable capacity initialised to one. . Initialises a new instance of the class with an expandable capacity initialised to the specified capacity in bits. capacity is negative or zero. . An specifying the initial size of the internal bit buffer in bits. Initialises a new instance of the class with the bits provided by the specified . bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Added [20051122]. A object containing the specified bits. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bit represented by a value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A value representing the bit to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes a byte to the current stream at the current position. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream.

Modified [20051124]
The byte to write.
Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream.

Fixed [20051201].
An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write.
Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. An array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the bits contained in a value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A value specifying the bits to write data from. Writes the bits contained in an value to the current stream. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A value specifying the bits to write data from. An value specifying the little-endian bit index to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to write. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. Writes the bits contained in a buffer to the current stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream. A array specifying the buffer to write data from. An value specifying the offset to begin writing from. An value specifying the maximum number of values to write. Writes the entire contents of this bit stream to another stream. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Added [20051127]

All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream.
A object specifying the stream to write this bit stream to.
Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bit contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bit between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bit read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be 1 or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before the bit is read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads a byte from the stream and advances the position within the stream by one byte, or returns -1 if at the end of the stream. Modified [20051124] The unsigned byte cast to an int, or -1 if at the end of the stream. Added [20051124]. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning.

Fixed [20051201].
When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read.
Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The current stream is closed. bitIndex or count is negative. bitIndex subtracted from the number of bits in a is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to an buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). offset or count is negative. offset subtracted from the buffer length is less than count. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the offset at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of values to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a value. The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified value with the bits between bitIndex and (bitIndex + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the bit index at which to begin reading. An value specifying the maximum number of bits to read. An value specifying the number of bits written into the value. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Reads the bits contained in the current stream to a buffer. The current stream is closed. bits is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). The Read method returns zero if the end of the current stream is reached. In all other cases, Read always reads at least one bit from the current stream before returning. When this method returns, contains the specified array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bits read from the current stream. An value specifying the number of bits written into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bits requested if that number of bits are not currently available, or zero if the end of the current stream is reached before any bits are read. Updates the length of the internal buffer after wrinting to the current stream by the specified number of bits. . An value defining the specified number of bits. Updates the internal buffer's bit indices after writing to the current stream by the specified number of bits. The internal buffer's bit index is greater than 32. . An value defining the specified number of bits. Updates the internal buffer's bit indices after reading to the current stream by the specified number of bits. The internal buffer's bit index is greater than 32. . An value defining the specified number of bits. Re-dimensions and preserves the contents of a buffer by the specified amount. . An array specifying the buffer to re-dimension. An value specifying the new length of the buffer. An array secifying the re-dimensioned array. Closes the current stream for reading and writing. . Returns the array of unsigned integers from which this stream was created. This method works even when the current stream is closed. The integer array from which this stream was created. Creates a copy of the current stream. This method works even when the current stream is closed. A object representing the copy of the current stream. Begins an asynchronous read operation. This method is not supported. Notes to Callers: This method is not supported, and cannot be used. Asynchronous operations are not supported by the class. The buffer to read the data into. The byte offset in buffer at which to begin writing data read from the stream. The maximum number of bytes to read. An optional asynchronous callback, to be called when the read is complete. A user-provided object that distinguishes this particular asynchronous read request from other requests. An that represents the asynchronous read, which could still be pending. Begins an asynchronous write operation. This method is not supported. Notes to Callers: This method is not supported, and cannot be used. Asynchronous operations are not supported by the class. The buffer to write data from. The byte offset in buffer from which to begin writing. The maximum number of bytes to write. An optional asynchronous callback, to be called when the write is complete. A user-provided object that distinguishes this particular asynchronous write request from other requests. An that represents the asynchronous write, which could still be pending. Waits for the pending asynchronous read to complete. This method is not supported. Notes to Callers: This method is not supported, and cannot be used. Asynchronous operations are not supported by the class. The reference to the pending asynchronous request to finish. The number of bytes read from the stream, between zero (0) and the number of bytes you requested. Streams only return zero (0) at the end of the stream, otherwise, they should block until at least one byte is available. Ends an asynchronous write operation. This method is not supported. Notes to Callers: This method is not supported, and cannot be used. Asynchronous operations are not supported by the class. A reference to the outstanding asynchronous I/O request. When overridden in a derived class, sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported. Notes to Callers: This method is not supported, and cannot be used. To set the position within the current stream use the property instead. A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. A value of type indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position. The new position within the current stream. When overridden in a derived class, sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported. Notes to Callers: This method is not supported, and cannot be used. All write operations at the end of the BitStream expand the BitStream automatically. The desired length of the current stream in bytes. the quickest way to manage 1-bit streams Read one bit into buffer. Read one bit into buffer. Reads bits into buffer. Returns true if the stream is seekable. Seek Skips components from the stream Returns true is the stream can be read. the quickest way to manage 4-bit streams Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer returns true if the stream is seekable Seek Skips components from the stream returns true is the stream can be read the quickest way to manage 8-bit streams Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer returns true is the stream can be read returns true if the stream is seekable Seek Wraps bitStream implementations for the quickest stream access Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer returns true is the stream can be read returns true if the stream is seekable Seek bit stream interface Reads bits into buffer Reads bits into buffer Seek Skips components from the stream returns true is the stream can be read returns true if the stream is seekable This interface represents accessor to PDF's structure. Gets the document ctalog. The document ctalog. Gets the info. The info. Gets the ID. The ID. Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. Gets the version. Gets the pages. The pages. Gets the linearized. The linearized. Gets the header. The header. Gets the hints. The hints. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is linearized. true if this instance is linearized; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is PDF/A compliant. true if this instance is PDF/A compliant; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is signed. true if this instance is signed; otherwise, false. Gets the reader. The reader. Gets the structure. The structure. Saves the specified file name. Name of the file. Saves the PDF file to the specified stream. The stream. The Pdf Reader interface. Gets the trailers collection. The trailers collection. Gets the trailer info. The trailer info. Reads the first object. Reads the bytes. The buffer. Defines the stream position from which reading begins. The index. The count. Reads the object located on offset. The offset. The origin. Gets the original stream. Gets the work stream. This stream is a copy of original stream for small documents and is equal original stream for huge. The Pdf Writer interface. Saves this instance. Updates this instance. This class represents a storage for constants and main methods. Minimal possible length of the linearized file (Adobe treats small files with size less then 4096 as non-linearized) Used for PdfObject serialization Determines whether [is reserved char] [the specified c]. The c. true if [is reserved char] [the specified c]; otherwise, false. Froms the hex. The hi. The low. Froms the hex. The 1sr char. The 2nd char. The 3rd char. The 4th char. Determines whether the specified char is escape. The c. true if the specified char is escapse char ; otherwise, false. Used to escape string after encrypting. String is passed as byte array for convenience. Bytes to escape. Escaped byte array. Removes invalid chars from the string. Determines whether the specified string is hex string. Determines whether the specified string is hex string. Determines whether the specified c is hex character. The c. true if the specified c is hex; otherwise, false. creates regex if the code really needs it creates regex if the code really needs it creates regex if the code really needs it Char to hex. The c. Char to hex. The c. Char to hex. The c. Char to hex. The c. Char to hex. The c. Converts the char to hex. The c. Converts string to bytes. Writes string directly to byte[] aray without encoding (that preserved characters from encoding modifications) see pdfA_Fonts_PagesArray_nonEmbeddedFont.pdf document-related tests The STR. The flag determines whether string sasl preparation used or not. Converts string to bytes. Writes string directly to byte[] aray without encoding (that preserved characters from encoding modifications) see pdfA_Fonts_PagesArray_nonEmbeddedFont.pdf document-related tests The STR. Bytes to string. Writes string bytes directly to string without encoding (that preserved characters from encoding modifications) see pdfA_Fonts_PagesArray_nonEmbeddedFont.pdf document-related tests The bytes. Gets a value indicating whether those arrays are equal. The _a. The _b. Gets a value indicating whether those arrays are equal. The _a. The _b. The size. Gets byte[] array on BitArray data Gets the escape character. The c. Converts an octal value to decimal. The octal. Decimals to octal. The dec. Parses the color space name. The name. Gets orientation angle of the matrix Expands the size of the page. Size of the page. The width. The height. returns bool if the symbol is command name allowed symbol According to the XML specification valid characters are: #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] RK In DOC files we could sometimes get characters that will be invalid from XML point of view. Also, a user can insert text that contains invalid XML characters via the model. So we should actually take care and filter all text and document properties (and probably all attribute values) before writing to any XML format. Valid xml font rendered characters are: [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] Note: \t \r \n and all whitespace characters are excluded detects is the character is a whitespace see unicode whitespace characters list Detects whether character must be excluded from invalid in PDF conversion scenarios depending from target format The standard font names. Incorrect detection of charCode puts glyphs in the font in the Nonspacing Mark area so that the glyph is shifted one character to the left in HTML Generates new key that may be added to the dictionary returns true if the character is non-breaking space Converts color component from double (0-1) to byte (0-255) Performs transformation of a color, specified in array (grayscale, cmyk, rgb) into RGB Returns IFont matrix based on the matrix determines if the byte array starts with the string determines if the byte array contains the string TODO: currently it is slow algorithm. In future it must be replaced with something quick (like knuth-morris-pratt) hash algorithm: hash algorithm: Get version number by format Get format by version number Converts Rotate to int angle value Normalizes angle. Makes it positive and below 360 Returns RotateFlipType enu, for rotation angle value Returns image codec ingo Fast int to string (for pozitive values) Converts string to double independing of current culture String to convert Converted value Converts string to single independing of current culture String to convert Converted value Creates two byte character First byte Second byte Convert PDF version from double to PdfFormat enum Version value PdfFormat value The Pdf File. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Inititaluzes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Password to open encrypted document. Inititaluzes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Password to open encrypted document. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Inititaluzes a new instance of the class. Document stream. Password to open encrypted document. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Inititaluzes a new instance of the class. Document stream. Password to open encrypted document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The version. Gets the structure. The structure. Saves the specified file name. Name of the file. Saves the PDF file to the specified stream. The stream. Saves this instance. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 This class represents reader for PDF. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. The password. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. The password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The version. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Reads the trailers. The added trailer shall contain ALL the entries except the Prev entry (if present) from the previous trailer, whether modified or not. In addition, the added trailer dictionary shall contain a Prev entry giving the location of the previous cross-reference section. Gets the trailer. The offset. The trailer offsets. Gets the trailers collection. The trailers collection. Gets the trailer info. The trailer info. Reads the first object. Reads the bytes. The buffer. Defines the stream position from which reading begins. The index. The count. Reads the object located on offset. Gets the original stream. Gets the work stream. This stream is a copy of original stream for small documents and is equal original stream for huge. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 Gets the header. The header. Gets the document catalog. The document catalog. Gets the pages. The pages. Gets the version. Gets or sets the linearized. The linearized. Sets the linearize. The value. Gets the hints. The hints. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is linearized. true if this instance is linearized; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is PDF/A compliant. true if this instance is PDF/A compliant; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is signed. true if this instance is signed; otherwise, false. Gets the registrar. The registrar. Gets the password. The password. Gets the encryptor. The encryptor. Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. Creates encryptor object using user password. The user password. Pass null to skip it. Encryptor object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. The structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The structure. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 Gets the header. The header. Gets the PDF document structure. The PDF document structure. Saves this instance. This interface represents strategy how to save file. Saves pdf file into the specified stream writer. The stream writer. The document structure. This class represents a lineariozation info Updates the extended groups so usage. This struct represents an embedded file stream hint table, per-embedded file stream group entries The object number of the embedded file stream that this entry is associated with. The number of objects in this embedded file streams group. This item may be 0, meaning that there are only shared object references. In this case, item 4 for this group shall be greater than zero and item 3 shall be zero. The length of this embedded file stream group, in bytes. This item may be 0, which shall mean that there are only shared object references. In this case, item 4 for this group shall be greater than zero and item 2 shall be zero. The number of shared objects referenced by this embedded file stream group. A bit-packed list of shared object identifiers; that is, indices into the shared object hint table (see F.4.2, �Shared Object Hint Table�). Item 4 for this group shall specify how many shared object identifiers shall be associated with the group. This struct represents a Embedded file stream hint table, header section The object number of the first object in the first embedded file stream group. The location of the first object in the first embedded file stream group. The number of embedded file stream groups referenced by this hint table. The number of bits needed to represent the highest object number corresponding to an embedded file stream object. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of objects in an embedded file stream group. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest length of an embedded file stream group, in bytes. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of shared object references in any embedded file stream group. This struct represents a Extended generic hint table. The number of shared object references. The number of bits needed to represent the numerically greatest shared object identifier used by the objects in the group. Starting with item 7, each of the remaining items in this table shall be a shared object identifier�that is, an index into the shared object hint table (described in F.4.2, �Shared Object Hint Table�). This struct represents a generic hint table. The object number of the first object in the group. The location of the first object in the group. The number of objects in the group. The length of the object group in bytes. s This class represents a Hint Table. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. (Required) Shared object hint table (see F.4.2, �Shared Object Hint Table�) (Present only if thumbnail images exist) Thumbnail hint table (see F.4.3, "Thumbnail Hint Table") (Present only if a document outline exists) Outline hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if article threads exist) Thread information hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if named destinations exist) Named destination hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if an interactive form dictionary exists) Interactive form hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if a document information dictionary exists) Information dictionary hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if a logical structure hierarchy exists; PDF 1.3) Logical structure hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) (PDF 1.3) Page label hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if a renditions name tree exists; PDF 1.5) Renditionsname tree hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) (Present only if embedded file streams exist; PDF 1.5) Embedded file stream hint table (see F.4.6, �Embedded File Stream Hint Tables�) Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. Gets the number. The key. (Required) Shared object hint table (see F.4.2, �Shared Object Hint Table�) The S. (Present only if thumbnail images exist) Thumbnail hint table (see F.4.3, "Thumbnail Hint Table") The T. (Present only if a document outline exists) Outline hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The O. (Present only if article threads exist) Thread information hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The A. (Present only if named destinations exist) Named destination hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The E. (Present only if an interactive form dictionary exists) Interactive form hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) The V. (Present only if a document information dictionary exists) Information dictionary hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The I. (Present only if a logical structure hierarchy exists; PDF 1.3) Logical structure hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) The C. (PDF 1.3) Page label hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The L. (Present only if a renditions name tree exists; PDF 1.5) Renditions name tree hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) The R. (Present only if embedded file streams exist; PDF 1.5) Embedded file stream hint table (see F.4.6, �Embedded File Stream Hint Tables�) The B. This interface represents a Hint Table. (Required) Shared object hint table (see F.4.2, �Shared Object Hint Table�) The S. (Present only if thumbnail images exist) Thumbnail hint table (see F.4.3, "Thumbnail Hint Table") The T. (Present only if a document outline exists) Outline hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The O. (Present only if article threads exist) Thread information hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The A. (Present only if named destinations exist) Named destination hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The E. (Present only if an interactive form dictionary exists) Interactive form hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) The V. (Present only if a document information dictionary exists) Information dictionary hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The I. (Present only if a logical structure hierarchy exists; PDF 1.3) Logical structure hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) The C. (PDF 1.3) Page label hint table (see F.4.4, �Generic Hint Tables�) The L. (Present only if a renditions name tree exists; PDF 1.5) Renditions name tree hint table (see F.4.5, �Extended Generic Hint Tables�) The R. (Present only if embedded file streams exist; PDF 1.5) Embedded file stream hint table (see F.4.6, �Embedded File Stream Hint Tables�) The B. This class represensts per-page entry. A number that, when added to the least number of objects in a page (Table F.3, item 1), shall give the number of objects in the page. The first object of the first page shall have an object number that is the value of the O entry in the linearization parameter dictionary at the beginning of the file. The first object of the second page shall have an object number of 1. Object numbers for subsequent pages shall be determined by accumulating the number of objects in all previous pages. A number that, when added to the least page length (Table F.3, item 4), shall give the length of the page in bytes. The location of the first object of the first page may be determined from its object number (the O entry in the linearization parameter dictionary) and the cross-reference table entry for that object; see F.3.4, "First-Page Cross-Reference Table and Trailer (Part 3)". The locations of subsequent pages shall be determined by accumulating the lengths of all previous pages. A conforming product shall skip over the primary hint stream, wherever it is located. The number of shared objects referenced from the page. For the first page, this number shall be 0; the next two items start with the second page. (One item for each shared object referenced from the page) A shared object identifier�that is, an index into the shared object hint table (described in F.4.2, �Shared Object Hint Table�). A single entry in the shared object hint table may designate a group of shared objects, but only one of which shall be referenced from outside the group. That is, shared object identifiers shall not be directly related to object numbers. This identifier combines with the numerators provided in item 5 to form a shared object reference. (One item for each shared object referenced from the page) The numerator of the fractional position for each shared object reference, which shall be in the same order as the preceding item. The fraction shall indicate where in the page�s content stream the shared object is first referenced. This item shall be interpreted as the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is specified once for the entire document (Table F.3, item 13). EXAMPLE If the denominator is d, a numerator ranging from 0 to d - 1 indicates the corresponding portion of the page�s content stream. For example, if the denominator is 4, a numerator of 0, 1, 2, or 3 indicates that the first reference lies in the first, second, third, or fourth quarter of the content stream, respectively. There are two (or more) other possible values for the numerator, which shall indicate that the shared object is not referenced from the content stream but instead is needed by annotations or other objects that are drawn after the contents. The value d shall indicate that the shared object is needed before image XObjects and other nonshared objects that are at the end of the page. A value of d + 1 or greater shall indicate that the shared object is needed after those objects. NOTE This method of dividing the page into fractions is only approximate. Determining the first reference to a shared object entails inspecting the unencoded content stream. The relationship between positions in the unencoded and encoded streams is not necessarily linear. A number that, when added to the least offset to the start of the content stream (Table F.3, item 6), shall give the offset in bytes of the start of the page�s content stream (the stream object, not the stream data), relative to the beginning of the page. A number that, when added to the least content stream length (Table F.3, item 8), shall give the length of the page�s content stream in bytes. This length shall include object overhead preceding and following the stream data. This class represents page offset hint table. The least number of objects in a page (including the page object itself). The location of the first page�s page object. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least number of objects in a page. The least length of a page in bytes. This shall be the least length from the beginning of a page object to the last byte of the last object used by that page. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least length of a page, in bytes. The least offset of the start of any content stream, relative to the beginning of its page. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least offset to the start of the content stream. The least content stream length. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least content stream length. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of shared object references. The number of bits needed to represent the numerically greatest shared object identifier used by the pages (discussed further in Table F.4, item 4). The number of bits needed to represent the numerator of the fractional position for each shared object reference. For each shared object referenced from a page, there shall be an indication of where in the page�s content stream the object is first referenced. That position shall be given as the numerator of a fraction, whose denominator is specified once for the entire document (in the next item in this table). The fraction is explained in more detail in Table F.4, item 5. The denominator of the fractional position for each shared object reference. This class represents a shared object group entry. A number that, when added to the least shared object group length (Table F.5, item 6), gives the length of the object group in bytes. The location of the first object of the first page shall be given in the page offset hint table, header section (Table F.3, item 4). The locations of subsequent object groups can be determined by accumulating the lengths of all previous object groups until all shared objects in the first page have been enumerated. Following that, the location of the first object in the shared objects section can be obtained from the header section of the shared object hint table (Table F.5, item 2). A flag indicating whether the shared object signature (item 3) is present; its value shall be 1 if the signature is present and 0 if it is absent. (Only if item 2 is 1) The shared object signature, a 16-byte MD5 hash that uniquely identifies the resource that the group of objects represents. NOTE It enables the conforming reader to substitute a locally cached copy of the resource instead of reading it from the PDF file. Note that this signature is unrelated to signature fields in interactive forms, as defined in, "Signature Fields". A number equal to 1 less than the number of objects in the group. The first object of the first page shall be the one whose object number is given by the O entry in the linearization parameter dictionary at the beginning of the file. Object numbers for subsequent entries can be determined by accumulating the number of objects in all previous entries until all shared objects in the first page have been enumerated. Following that, the first object in the shared objects section has a number that can be obtained from the header section of the shared object hint table (Table F.5, item 1). This struct represents shared object hint table, header section. The object number of the first object in the shared objects section (part 8). The location of the first object in the shared objects section. The number of shared object entries for the first page (including nonshared objects, as noted above). The number of shared object entries for the shared objects section, including the number of shared object entries for the first page (that is, the value of item 3). The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of objects in a shared object group. The least length of a shared object group in bytes. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least length of a shared object group, in bytes. This class represents a thumbnail header section. The object number of the first thumbnail image (that is, the thumbnail image that is described by the first entry in the thumbnails section). The location of the first thumbnail image. The number of pages that have thumbnail images. The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of consecutive pages that do not have a thumbnail image. The least length of a thumbnail image in bytes. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least length of a thumbnail image. The least number of objects in a thumbnail image. The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the greatest and least number of objects in a thumbnail image. The object number of the first object in the thumbnail shared objects section (a subsection of part 9). This section includes objects (colour spaces, for example) that shall be referenced from some or all thumbnail objects and are not referenced from any other objects. The thumbnail shared objects shall be undifferentiated; there is no indication of which shared objects shall be referenced from any given page�s thumbnail image. The location of the first object in the thumbnail shared objects section. The number of thumbnail shared objects. The length of the thumbnail shared objects section in bytes. This struct represents Thumbnail hint table, per-page entry (Optional) The number of preceding pages lacking a thumbnail image. This number indicates how many pages without a thumbnail image lie between the previous entry�s page and this page. A number that, when added to the least number of objects in a thumbnail image (Table F.7, item 7), gives the number of objects in this page�s thumbnail image. A number that, when added to the least length of a thumbnail image (Table F.7, item 5), gives the length of this page�s thumbnail image in bytes. Prepares the pages. The catalog. type is set to ou_bad if ou_trailer_key or ou_root_key if ou_page This class represents simple strategy of saving PDF file. Saves pdf file into the specified stream writer. The stream writer. The document structure. gets all of the objects. getting objects may follow to start references repair procedure that follows to references collection change. the method goal - initiale all possible repair procedure before we save document This strategy to use incrimental update. Saves pdf file into the specified stream writer. The stream writer. The document structure. This interface represents level context Gets the type. The type. Gets the descriptor. The descriptor. Gets the tag. The tag - for the additional information. This is base interface for PDF Serialization Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Offset from begin of the file to serealized object Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Offset from begin of the file to serealized object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. This interface allow to serialize Pdf Object Creates Serializer The sertializer Gets the type of object. The type. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. serializes if possible. Returns true if successfull. Gets or sets contents parsing mode This interface represents context of serialization process. Gets the deep. The deep. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is object group processing. true if this instance is object group processing; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can use encriptor. true if this instance can use encriptor; otherwise, false. Pushes the specified CTX. The CTX. Pops . Gets the level. The level. Resets this instance. Empties this instance. Restores the specified context. The context. This class represents level's context Initializes a new instance of the class. The type. Gets the type. The type. Gets the descriptor. The descriptor. Gets the tag. The tag. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Serializer for Initializes a new instance of the class. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Makes the white spaces. The serializable. The stream writer. The level. Gets or sets the last writed. The last writed. Does the need space ? The going to write. The last writed. The level. This class represents serioalizatin context structure. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The context. Pushes the specified CTX. The CTX. Pops . Gets the level. The level. Gets the deep. The deep. Resets this instance. Empties this instance. Restores the specified context. The context. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is object group processing. true if this instance is object group processing; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can use encriptor. true if this instance can use encriptor; otherwise, false. Gets the successor. The successor. Gets or sets the first. The first. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is first. true if this instance is first; otherwise, false. Gets the objects structure. The objects structure. Gets the read resolver. The read resolver. Gets a value indicating whether end of stream. true if end of stream; otherwise, false. Gets the current position in the stream. The position. Gets the length. The length. Gets the format version. The format version. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is base on file. true if this instance is base on file; otherwise, false. Seeks to the specified offset. The offset. The origin. Closes this instance. Reads the char. Reads a maximum of count characters from the current stream into buffer, beginning at index. When this method returns, contains the specified character array with the values between index and (index + count - 1) replaced by the characters read from the current source. The index of buffer at which to begin writing. The maximum number of characters to read. Value of sucessfully readed chars Reads the bytes. The buffer. The index. The count. Reads the byte. Reads the string. The start condition. The endcondition. if set to true [include conditions]. Reads the string. The start conditions. The endconditions. if set to true [include conditions]. Reads the string. The start condition. The endcondition. if set to true [include conditions]. Reads the string. Reads the name. Peeks on the specified count forward. The count. Peeks on the specified count forward. The count. Peeks this instance. Peeks a byte from the stream Checks if the stream points to the specified string The string to check. true if stream points to the specified string; false otherwise Passes the whitespaces. Reads to the ond of current line. When overridden in a derived class, exposes access to the underlying stream. Reads primitive Reads command name This interface represents PDF Writer Gets the last writed byte. The last writed byte. Writes the string. The @string. Writes the byte. The b. Writes the bytes. The bytes. Writes the char. The c. Writes the chars. The chars. Writes the specified buffer. The buffer. The offset. The count. Chain of Responsibility. Gets the buffer. The buffer. Resolve object type. The Pdf Stream Reader. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. if set to true [is file]. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The stream kind. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The stream kind. if set to true [is file]. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Gets stream kind Reads the string. The start condition. The endcondition. if set to true [include conditions]. Reads the string. The start conditions. The endconditions. if set to true [include conditions]. Reads the string. The start condition. The endcondition. if set to true [include conditions]. Reads the string. Reads the name. Reads primitive Reades command name Passes the whitespaces. Reads to the ond of current line. Gets the format version. The format version. Gets the objects structure. The objects structure. Sets the context. The value. Gets the read resolver. The read resolver. Checks the condition. The conditions. Stream kind - common or contents stream specifics The Pdf Stream Reader. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. if set to true [is file]. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Reads the char. Reads the byte. Reads a maximum of count characters from the current stream into buffer, beginning at index. When this method returns, contains the specified character array with the values between index and (index + count - 1) replaced by the characters read from the current source. The index of buffer at which to begin writing. The maximum number of characters to read. Value of sucessfully readed chars Reads the bytes. The buffer. The index. The count. Reads bytes from the stream Peeks on the specified count forward. The count. Peeks on the specified count forward. The count. Peeks this instance. Peeks this instance. Gets the length. The length. Seeks to the specified offset. The capacity. The origin. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is base on file. true if this instance is base on file; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, exposes access to the underlying stream. Ends the of stream. Gets the current position in the stream. The position. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 Closes this instance. The Pdf Stream Writer. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Writes the string. The @string. Writes the byte. The b. Writes the bytes. The bytes. Writes the specified buffer. The buffer. The offset. The count. Writes the char. The c. Writes the chars. The chars. Closes this instance. Gets the last writed byte. The last writed byte. Seeks to the specified offset. The offset. The origin. Gets the length. NOTE: USE THIS PROPERTY CAREFULLY The often property usage follows to performance degradation. Every time the BinaryWriter perfroms access to BaseStream it performs Flush that kills buffered output profits The length. Gets the format version. The format version. Gets the objects structure. The objects structure. Sets the context. The value. Gets the write resolver. The write resolver. Gets a value indicating whether end of stream. NOTE: USE THIS PROPERTY CAREFULLY The often property usage follows to performance degradation. Every time the BinaryWriter perfroms access to BaseStream it performs Flush that kills buffered output profits true if end of stream; otherwise, false. Gets the current position in the stream. NOTE: USE THIS PROPERTY CAREFULLY The often property usage follows to performance degradation. Every time the BinaryWriter perfroms access to BaseStream it performs Flush that kills buffered output profits The position. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is base on file. true if this instance is base on file; otherwise, false. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 Chain of Responsibility for reading. Resolve object type. Chain of Responsibility for reading. Designed to avoid runtime multiple dynamic casts IPdfPrimitive to ISerializable Resolve object type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The serializable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The serializable. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is first. true if this instance is first; otherwise, false. Gets the buffer. The buffer. Gets or sets the first. The first. Gets the serializable. The serializable. Gets the successor. The successor. Resolve object type. // TODO: Create class (IStringExpression.Validate(readed, next)) ? Resolve object type. This interface represents additional info about decoded string. This interface represents XMP Array Gets or sets the type of the array. The type of the array. Gets the values. The values. Adds simple value to the array. The value. Gets the namespace provider. The namespace provider. Gets the type. The type. Gets the value. The value. Gets the qualifiers. The qualifiers. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has qualifiers. true if this instance has qualifiers; otherwise, false. Adds the qualifier. The qualifier. Removes the qualifier. The name. This interface represents enumerable XMP field. Gets the count. The count. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the fields. The fields. Adds the field. The field. Removes the field. The field. Removes the field at. The index. This interface represents XMP namespace provider. Gets the RDF prefix. The RDF prefix. Gets the RDF namespace URI. The RDF namespace URI. Gets the resolver. The resolver. Gets the name of the RDF value (rdf:value). The name of the RDF value. Gets the name of the RDF li (rdf:li). The name of the RDF li. Gets the name of the RDF seq (rdf:Seq). The name of the RDF seq. Gets the name of the RDF bag (rdf:Bag). The name of the RDF bag. Gets the name of the RDF alt (rdf:alt). The name of the RDF alt. Gets the name of the RDF description. The name of the RDF description. Gets the name of the RDF parse type. The name of the RDF parse type. Gets the name of the RDF resource. The name of the RDF resource. Registers the namespace. The prefix. The namespace URI. Registers the namespace. The prefix. The namespace URI. Gets the namespace URI by prefix. The prefix. Gets the prefix by namespace URI. The namespace URI. Returns namespace manager associated with the document. Namespace manager object. This class represents a XMP packet. Gets the with the specified name. This interface represents XMP property Gets a value indicating whether this instance is URI property. true if this instance is URI property; otherwise, false. This interface represents serializable XMP element. Gets the XML. Initializes from XML. The node. Determines whether this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node. The node. true if this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node; otherwise, false. This interface represents IXmpProperty Gets the with the specified name. Gets the fields. The fields. Removes the field. The name. This interface represents XmpType resolver. Gets the successor. The successor. Sets the successor. The resolver. Resolves the type. This class represents XMP Array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. The namespace provider. Type of the array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. The namespace provider. Gets the XML. Initializes from XML. The node. Determines whether this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node. The node. true if this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node; otherwise, false. Gets the type. The type. Prepares the value. Gets or sets the type of the array. The type of the array. Adds simple value to the array. The value. Gets the values. The values. Creates the li field. The namespace provider. The value. This enum represents types of XMP Array The items in an ordered array are ordered according to their ordinal position in the array. The items in an ordered array shall not be arbitrarily reordered. The meaning of the order may be defined by data type or by application. Except for the data types defined in 8, �Core properties�, this document does not specify any assumed or default meaning to the order of items in an ordered array. An unordered array shall have no meaning or constraints on the order of items within it. The items in an unordered array may be reordered at any time. The items in an alternative array are ordered and shall not be arbitrarily reordered. The meaning of the order may be defined by data type or by application. Except for the data types defined in 8, �Core properties�, this document does not specify any assumed or default ordering. If any item is a preferred default, it should be the first item in the array.The first item in the array should be chosen when no other criteria apply. An alternative array need not have an explicitly designed default item. This class represents base a XMP element Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. True if created class implements IXmpNamespaceProvider Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace provider. True if created class implements IXmpNamespaceProvider Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. The namespace provider. True if created class implements IXmpNamespaceProvider Gets the XML. Initializes from XML. The node. Determines whether this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node. The node. true if this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node; otherwise, false. Gets the namespace provider. The namespace provider. Gets the type. The type. Gets the value. The value. Gets the qualifiers. The qualifiers. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has qualifiers. true if this instance has qualifiers; otherwise, false. Adds the qualifier. The qualifier. Removes the qualifier. The name. Determines whether the specified node is qualifier. The node. true if the specified node is qualifier; otherwise, false. Gets the XML factory. The XML factory. Initializes the qualifiers. The root node. Content node Determines whether this instance can add the specified qualifier. The qualifier. true if this instance can add the specified qualifier; otherwise, false. Formats the string. The value. Creates the element. The node. The namespace provider. Creates the element. The field. The namespace provider. Makes the qualifier wrapper. Root element of XmlNode. Container for XMP field. Finds the name of the node by. The container. Name of the node. This class represnts XMP metadata file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. Initializes a new instance of the class for pdfa. The date created. The pdfa format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes from stream. The stream. Gets the index of the working packet. The index of the working packet. Registers the namespace URI in the working packet. The prefix. The namespace URI. Registers the namespace URI in the working packet. The prefix. The namespace URI. Gets the namespace URI by prefix. The prefix. Gets the prefix by namespace URI. The namespace URI. Gets namespace manager. Namespace manager object. Gets the dictionary of extension fields. Saves the specified file name. Name of the file. Name of the top level node. Saves the packet. Name of the file. Index of the packet. Saves the specified stream. The stream. Name of the top level node. Saves the specified packet. The stream. Index of the packet. Initilizes from document. The document. Initializes from XML node. The node. Determines whether the object contains an element with the specified key. true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false. The key to locate in the object. key is null. 2 Determines whether the object contains an element with the specified prefix. true if the contains an prefix of extension; otherwise, false. The prefix to locate in the object. The value to find. Adds an element with the provided key and value to the object. The to use as the value of the element to add. The to use as the key of the element to add. An element with the same key already exists in the object. key is null. The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. 2 Adds an element with the provided key and value to the object. The to use as the value of the element to add. The to use as the key of the element to add. An element with the same key already exists in the object. key is null. The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. 2 Adds pdf a extension object. The prefix of schema. The value to add. Removes all elements from the object. The object is read-only. 2 Removes the element with the specified key from the object. The key of the element to remove. The object is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. key is null. 2 Removes the extension with the specified prefix from the object. The prefix of the element to remove. The extension object to remove. Gets or sets the element with the specified key. The element with the specified key. The key of the element to get or set. The property is set and the object is read-only.-or- The property is set, key does not exist in the collection, and the has a fixed size. key is null. 2 Gets an object containing the keys of the object. An object containing the keys of the object. 2 Gets an object containing the values in the object. An object containing the values in the object. 2 Gets a value indicating whether the object is read-only. true if the object is read-only; otherwise, false. 2 Gets a value indicating whether the object has a fixed size. true if the object has a fixed size; otherwise, false. 2 Returns an System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator object. An object for the object. 2 Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Adds the structure. The key. The fields. Adds the array. The key. The items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. 2 Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. 2 Gets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last element. 2 Gets the current element in the collection. The current element in the collection. The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last element. 2 Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. array is null. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array. 2 Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. array is null. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array. 2 Gets the number of elements contained in the . The number of elements contained in the . 2 Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . 2 Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe). true if access to the is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false. 2 Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. Key to search in the dictionary. true if key is found. Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. Key to search in the dictionary. Retreived value. true if key was found. Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. Item to be added. Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. Key-value pair. true if this pauir was found. Removes key/value pair from the colleciton. Key/value pair to be removed. true if pair was found and removed. Gets the working packet. The working packet. Gets the packets count. The packets count. Adds the packet. index of new packet Switches the working packet. Index of the packet. This class represents an enumerable xmp element Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. True if created class implements IXmpNamespaceProvider Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace provider. True if created class implements IXmpNamespaceProvider Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. The namespace provider. True if created class implements IXmpNamespaceProvider Gets the count. The count. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the fields. The fields. Adds the field. The field. Removes the field. The field. Removes the field at. The index. Determines whether this instance can add the specified field. The field. true if this instance can add the specified field; otherwise, false. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 This class represents XMP packet. Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the XML. Gets the XML. Initializes from XML. The node. Determines whether this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node. The node. true if this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node; otherwise, false. Gets the type. The type. Registers the namespace. The prefix. The namespace URI. Registers the namespace of pdf extension. The prefix. The namespace URI. The optional description. Gets the namespace URI by prefix. The prefix. Gets the prefix by namespace URI. The namespace URI. Gets the RDF prefix. The RDF prefix. Gets the RDF namespace URI. The RDF namespace URI. Gets the resolver. The resolver. Gets the name of the RDF value (rdf:value). The name of the RDF value. Gets the name of the RDF li (rdf:li). The name of the RDF li. Gets the name of the RDF seq (rdf:Seq). The name of the RDF seq. Gets the name of the RDF bag (rdf:Bag). The name of the RDF bag. Gets the name of the RDF alt (rdf:alt). The name of the RDF alt. Gets the name of the RDF description. The name of the RDF description. Gets the name of the RDF parse type. The name of the RDF parse type. Gets the name of the RDF resource. The name of the RDF resource. Gets the value. The value. Gets the with the specified name. Determines whether this instance can add the specified field. The field. true if this instance can add the specified field; otherwise, false. Gets the dictionary of extension fields. Adds a pdf extension object. The prefix of schema. The value to add. Determines whether this extension fiels exists. The prefix value of extension field. The value to find. True - the value was successfully found; otherwise, false. Removes extension field. The prefix of extension field to remove. The value to remove. Clears all extensions fields. This class represnets a XMP property. Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. The namespace provider. Gets the XML. Initializes from XML. The node. Determines whether this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node. The node. true if this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node; otherwise, false. Gets the type. The type. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is URI property. true if this instance is URI property; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can add the specified qualifier. The qualifier. true if this instance can add the specified qualifier; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. The field. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. The node. The namespace provider. Gets the XML. Initializes from XML. The node. Determines whether this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node. The node. true if this instance [can initialize from XML] the specified node; otherwise, false. Gets the type. The type. Determines whether this instance can add the specified field. The field. true if this instance can add the specified field; otherwise, false. Gets the with the specified name. Removes the field. The name. Gets the fields. The fields. Initializes a new instance of the class. The element. Gets the successor. The successor. Sets the successor. The resolver. Resolves the type. Creates serializer corresponding to the type This interface represents pdf array. Gets the at the specified index. Gets the count. The count. Adds the specified @object. The @object. Adds the specified objects. The objects. Inserts the @object in specified position. The @object. The index. Removes the specified @object. The @object. Removes at specified index. The index. Gets index of object. The @object. Gets the value. The value. This interface represents pdf boolean. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is value. true if value; otherwise, false. This intreface represents pdf comment Gets the comment. The comment. Gets or sets the value. The comment. Gets a string representation of a value. This interface represents pdf stream Gets the stream data. The stream data. This interface represents pdf dictionary. Gets the values. The values. Gets the keys. The keys. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only. true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false. Gets the with the specified key. Gets the with the specified key. Gets the metadata. The metadata. Gets the value. The key. Gets the value. The key. Gets the value. The key. The default value. if set to true [is required]. Gets the value. The key. The default value. if set to true [is required]. Updates the value. The key. The value. Updates the value. The key. The value. Determines whether the specified key has key. The key. true if the specified key has key; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified name has key. The name. true if the specified name has key; otherwise, false. Adds the specified pair. The key. The @object. Adds the specified pair. The key. The @object. Removes the specified key. The key. Removes the specified key. The key. Find value by path for example Find("Pages", "Kids") will find "Pages" entry, cast it to dictionary and find "Kids" key in this dictionary and return found value. If key not found or parent is not key on any step null is returned. This interface represents PDF's header. Gets the version. The version. Represents interface for PdfName object. Gets the name. The name. Gets or sets the value. The name. Gets a string representation of a value. This interface represents pdf null. Gets or sets the value. Always returns null. Set value is ignored. This interface represents pdf number. Gets value as . Gets value as . Gets value as . Gets value as . Gets value as . Gets or sets value a value. Gets a string representation of a value. This intreface represents pdf object. Gets the content. The content. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is modified. true if this instance is modified; otherwise, false. Gets the reference. The reference. Gets the object ID. The object ID. Gets the generation. The generation. Gets or sets the value. Object to which PdfObject references. This interface represents container for objects. Gets the count. The count. Gets the with the specified objectId. Gets the object ids. The object ids. Gets the base object. The base object. Adds the specified item. The item. Removes the specified object. The object id. Synchronizes this instance with objects. Gets or sets the container of this instance. The parent. Gets the bytes those represents a pdf primitive. The bytes. Gets the version of appearence. The version of appearence. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is stream. true if this instance is stream; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is name. true if this instance is name; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dictionary. true if this instance is dictionary; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is array. true if this instance is array; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is string. true if this instance is string; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is null. true if this instance is null; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is object. true if this instance is object; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is comment. true if this instance is comment; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is boolean. true if this instance is boolean; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is number. true if this instance is number; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Copies this instance. Primitive type Creates serializer corresponding to the type representation of instance. Value of representation of instance This interface represents pdf string. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is hexadecimal. true if this instance is hexadecimal; otherwise, false. Gets the string (ANSII). The string. Gets the human readable string (BE-16/PDFDocEncoding). The human readable string. Gets the human readable string (BE-16/PDFDocEncoding). The human readable string. returns extracted character of the string Gets or sets the encoding. The encoding. Returns gids count returns additional extraction info. Gets or sets the value. The string value. Gets a string representation of a value. This interface represents Pdf Trailers Gets or sets the object offset. The object offset. Gets or sets the last section offset. The last section offset. Gets the offset. The offset. Gets the PDF stream reader. The PDF stream reader. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is cross reference stream. true if this instance is cross reference stream; otherwise (Cross Reference Table), false. Gets the trailer info. The trailer info. Gets the first entry offset. The first entry offset. Gets the object. The object id. The generation. Gets or sets the value. The value. This interface represents an object that can update information. Gets the original trailerable object (not wrapper). The original. Gets the registrar. The registrar. Gets the password. The password. Gets the encryptor. The encryptor. Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. Gets context of the execution Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the original trailerable objectc (not wrapper). The original. Gets the registrar. The registrar. Gets the password. The password. Gets the encryptor. The encryptor. Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. returns the context This class represents Pdf Array object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The array. Determines whether this instance is wrapper. true if this instance is wrapper; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. The capacity. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. The objects. Gets or sets the container of this instance. The parent. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is array. true if this instance is array; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Gets the value. The value. Gets the objects. The objects. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Gets the at the specified index. Adds the specified @object. The @object. Adds the specified objects. The objects. Inserts the @object in specified position. The @object. The index. Removes the specified @object. The @object. Removes at specified index. The index. Gets index of object. The @object. Gets the count. The count. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents boolean type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true [value]. Gets the value. The value. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is boolean. true if this instance is boolean; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The value. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . if set to true [value]. The result of the conversion. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Gets the value. The value. Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents Pdf Comment object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The comment. Gets the value. The value. Creates the instance. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The STR. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The STR. The result of the conversion. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Gets the comment. The comment. Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents Pdf Dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailers. if set to true then instance will be read only. Gets or sets the container of this instance. The parent. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dictionary. true if this instance is dictionary; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets the value. Returns null if object is absent The key. Gets the value. The key. Gets the value. The key. The default value. if set to true [is reqiered]. Gets the value. The key. The default value. if set to true [is required]. Gets the with the specified key. Gets the with the specified key. Updates the value. The key. The value. Updates the value. The key. The value. Determines whether the specified key has key. The key. true if the specified key has key; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified name has key. The name. true if the specified name has key; otherwise, false. Gets the values. The values. Gets the keys. The keys. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only. true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false. Adds the specified key. The key. The @object. Adds the specified pair. The key. The @object. Removes the specified key. The key. Removes the specified key. The key. Gets the metadata. The metadata. Determines whether this instance is wrapper. true if this instance is wrapper; otherwise, false. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents the Header of Pdf File Initializes a new instance of the class. The comment. Gets the value. The value. Creates the instance. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Gets the version. The version. Creates serializer corresponding to the type Reads the header string from the stream. The reader. String of readed header or empty string if fail. This class represents Pdf Name object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Gets the value. The value. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is name. true if this instance is name; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The STR. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The name. The result of the conversion. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether that specified c is end of . Gets the PDF name. The name. Checks if string contains two-digit hexadecimal number at specified index. (This is required to process names like XXX#2_: this number after number sign must not be treated as hexadecimal sequence) Converts the PDF name to string. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Gets the name. The name. Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents Pdf Null object. Gets the value. The value. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is null. true if this instance is null; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents Pdf Number type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The number. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the value. The value. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is number. true if this instance is number; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . 2 Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The buffer has been read from the stream. The number value. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Deserializes if possible. Returns true if successfull Gets the type of object. The type. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The number. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The number. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The number. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The number. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The number. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The number. The result of the conversion. Toes the int. Gets value as . Toes the double. Toes the long. Toes the float. Creates serializer corresponding to the type Reference to data of PdfObject. This reference may be strong (normal reference) or weak (which will be collected at garbage collector call) Weak references should be used ONLY for decrease memory usage. Using weak refernces can sufficiently affect performance. This class represents the Pdf Object type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. The object id. The _generation. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The object id. The generation. Copies this instance. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is object. true if this instance is object; otherwise, false. Gets the value. The value. Gets or sets the container of this instance. The parent. Gets the content. The content. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is modified. true if this instance is modified; otherwise, false. Gets the reference. The reference. Gets the object ID. The object ID. Gets the generation. The generation. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Gets the type of object. The type. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . 2 Determines whether the specified is equal to the current . true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. The to compare with the current . 2 Serves as a hash function for a particular type. is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. A hash code for the current . 2 Creates serializer corresponding to the type This property shows is value initialized in the PdfObject Load parsed data from source stream again. This method called when object was mdofied; modified object never should be unloaded. This class represents Pdf Object Streams - for more information see "7.5.7 Object Streams" Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Reads the objects. Adds the specified item. The item. Removes the specified object. The object id. Synchronizes this instance with objects. Gets the count. The count. Gets the with the specified objectId. Gets the object ids. The object ids. Gets the base object. The base object. Helps to work with pdf objects. Inboxes the specified primitive. The primitive. Unboxes the specified primitive. The primitive. Encryption applies to all strings and streams in the document's PDF file, with the following exceptions: �The values for the ID entry in the trailer �Any strings in an Encrypt dictionary �Any strings that are inside streams such as content streams and compressed object streams, which themselves are encrypted Gets the involved objects. The main. Updates the queue. The value. The result. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Gets the original trailerable objectc (not wrapper). The original. Gets the registrar. The registrar. Gets the password. The password. Gets the encryptor. The encryptor. Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. Sets the value. The value. Is true when document is loaded in Deserialize. This property is used to prevent put objects into Registrar._modified array See: PDFNEWNET-33441 Deserializes tis possible and returns true if success. Gets or sets the container of this instance. The parent. Gets the bytes those represents a pdf primetive. The bytes. Gets the version of appearence. The version of appearence. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is stream. true if this instance is stream; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is name. true if this instance is name; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is header. true if this instance is header; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dictionary. true if this instance is dictionary; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is array. true if this instance is array; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is string. true if this instance is string; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is null. true if this instance is null; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is object. true if this instance is object; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is comment. true if this instance is comment; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is boolean. true if this instance is boolean; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is number. true if this instance is number; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is . true if this instance is ; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Copies this instance. Creates serializer corresponding to the type Creates the instance. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . 2 Sets the modified. if set to true [value]. None. Pdf Null. Pdf String/Hexadecimal String. Pdf Name. Pdf Comment. Pdf Boolean. Pdf Array. Pdf Dictionary. Pdf Object. Pdf Stream. Pdf Number. Pdf Trailers Fdf Trailers Pdf Header This class represents Pdf Stream object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailer. The accessor. Called when data chenged. Gets or sets the container of this instance. The parent. Determines whether this instance is wrapper. true if this instance is wrapper; otherwise, false. Copies this instance. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is stream. true if this instance is stream; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Gets the value. The value. Creates the instance. Gets the stream data. The stream data. Gets referPDF object Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Gets the values. The values. Gets the keys. The keys. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only. true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false. Gets the with the specified key. Gets the with the specified key. Gets the value. The key. Gets the value. The key. Gets the value. The key. The default value. if set to true [is reqiered]. Gets the value. The key. The default value. if set to true [is required]. Updates the value. The key. The value. Updates the value. The key. The value. Determines whether the specified key has key. The key. true if the specified key has key; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified name has key. The name. true if the specified name has key; otherwise, false. Adds the specified pair. The key. The @object. Adds the specified pair. The key. The @object. Removes the specified key. The key. Removes the specified key. The key. Gets the metadata. The metadata. Creates serializer corresponding to the type This class represents Pdf String object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The value. The encoding. Encoding should be BigEndianUnicode or UTF8 Occurs if Encoding is not BigEndianUnicode and UTF8 Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The @string. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The @string. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. The encoding. if set to true [is byte string]. Encodes the specified STR. The STR. Type of the encoding. The encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The @string. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is hexadecimal. true if this instance is hexadecimal; otherwise, false. Gets the string (ANSII). The string. Gets or sets raw string representation. The string. Gets the human readable string (BE-16/PDFDocEncoding). The human readable string. Gets the human readable string (BE-16/PDFDocEncoding). The human readable string. get extracted character Gets or sets the encoding. The encoding. Gets gids count Gets additional information about decoded string. Gets the value. The value. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is string. true if this instance is string; otherwise, false. Tries cast this instance to . null if instance is not else Creates the instance. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The STR. The result of the conversion. Contains additional information about decoded string. Array of raw codes extracted from string at decoding for CIDFonts. Service function to set extracted string for parent PdfString object. extracted string is extracted string ligaturized Converts string to the valid form. The @string. Converts string to the hex form. The @string. Gets the PDF string. The PDF string. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. if set to true [encript]. Gets the string. The PDF string.Hexadecimal:<123456789ABCDEF0>Simple:(The string //n) The @string. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the type of object. The type. Creates serializer corresponding to the type initializes raw string Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. This class represents Pdf Trailer. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Return xRefType. The parameters. Determines if PDF file is hybrid-reference ( Compatibility with Applications That Do Not Support Compressed Reference Streams). Initializes a new instance of the class. The items. The parameters. The trailerable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The items. The parameters. The trailerable. Builds the crstream CR items. The trailer. The crstream. Builds the cross reference items. The data. The dictionary. Reads the xref CR items. The reader. The trailer. Gets the xref data. The items. Gets the stream accessor. The items. The parameters. The objects offset. Check existance. The founded offset. The already founded trailer offsets. Find cross reference table. The stream reader. The xref position. The start position. The end position. The already founded trailer offsets. Find cross reference table. The stream reader. The xref position. The start position. The end position. The already founded trailer offsets. Deserializes the trailer. The stream reader. The trailer. Deserializes the trailer. The stream reader. The PDF primitive. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Serializes the specified using The writer. The PDF object. Deserializes the specified using . The reader. The PDF object. Gets the type of object. The type. Determines whether this instance can read from the specified reader. The reader. true if this instance can read the specified reader; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can read the specified buffer. The buffer. true if this instance can read the specified buffer; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance can write to the specified writer. The writer. true if this instance can write the specified writer; otherwise, false. Gets the value. The value. Gets the version of appearence. The version of appearence. Creates the instance. Gets or sets the cross reference stream. The cross reference stream. Sets the cross reference stream. The value. Gets or sets the object offset. The object offset. Gets or sets the last section offset. The last section offset. Gets the offset. The offset. Gets the first entry offset. The first entry offset. Sets the first entry offset. The value. Gets the registrar. The registrar. Gets the PDF stream reader. The PDF stream reader. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is cross reference stream. true if this instance is cross reference stream; otherwise (Cross Reference Table), false. Gets the encryption info. The encryption info. Returns null if there is no encription dictionary Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. Gets the object. The object id. The generation. Gets the trailer info. The trailer info. Gets the encrypt. The encrypt. Gets the registrar. The registrar. Gets the original trailerable objectc (not wrapper). The original. Gets the password. The password. Gets the encryptor. The encryptor. Creates serializer corresponding to the type Creates encryptor object using user password. The user password. Encryptor object. Represents data of the interface. Gets or sets the element with the specified key. Returns null if object is absent. The element with the specified key. The key of the element to get or set. The property is set and the object is read-only.-or- The property is set, key does not exist in the collection, and the has a fixed size. key is null. 2 Gets an object containing the keys of the object. An object containing the keys of the object. 2 Gets an object containing the values in the object. An object containing the values in the object. 2 Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. 2 Determines whether the object contains an element with the specified key. true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false. The key to locate in the object. key is null. 2 Adds an element with the provided key and value to the object. The to use as the value of the element to add. The to use as the key of the element to add. An element with the same key already exists in the object. key is null. The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. 2 Adds an element with the provided key and value to the object. The to use as the key of the element to add. The @object. An element with the same key already exists in the object. key is null. The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. Removes all elements from the object. The object is read-only. 2 Returns an object for the object. An object for the object. 2 Removes the element with the specified key from the object. The key of the element to remove. The object is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. key is null. 2 Gets the number of elements contained in the . The number of elements contained in the . 2 This interface represents accessor for . Occurs when data chenged. Gets the stream reader. Gets the native stream. Note: native stream most likely doesn't support Seek. please use CanSeek to check. Gets the parameters. The parameters. Gets the length of the original(not decoded) stream. The length of the original. Gets the original data. The original data. Updates the data. The decoder. The parameters. The original data. This class represents accessor for . Creates new instance of class. The decoder. The parameters. The original data. Occurs when data chenged. Gets the stream. Note: native stream most likely doesn't support Seek. Please check with CanSeek property. Gets the stream decoder. Gets the stream reader. Gets the parameters. The parameters. Gets the length of the original(not decoded) stream. The length of the original. Gets the original data. The original data. Updates the data. The decoder. The parameters. The original data. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 This class performs optimization tasks. Gets optimizer instance for given context Dramatic level. 0 is less dramatic (no OOM heppened) 1 OOM happened 2 OOM happened and with 1 level OOM happened already - much more dramatic optimizations are required >=3 reserved for future use fail anywhere else after page bounds is set otherwise pageBoundsOptimizationTesting must be set to true Creates Bitmap with out of memory ahndling. returns smaller bitmap object Optimizes Optimizes Optimizes This class performs optimization tasks. returns true if the stream may be loaded to the memory entirely length in bytes Tries to get available memory Note: performance couinter usage is a very slow approach Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Encodes the specified data. The data. The parameters. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Encodes the specified data. The data. The parameters. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming This class represents filter 1 to 1. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Encodes the specified data. The data. The parameters. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Encodes the specified data. The data. The parameters. fail (by default) return something successfully read Summary description for DeflaterOutputStream. Summary description for DeflaterOutputStream. fail (by default) return something successfully read Suppresses reading using predictor and reads the raw stream data Resumes reading using predictor and reads the raw stream data Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Peeks bits from input stream, reading bytes if needed Required number of bits Skips bits from input stream (To read n bits we need 1. PeekBits(n); 2. SkipBits(n)) Gets MMR mode code from input stream Class for JBIG2 symbol dictionary. See 7.4.2 "Symbol dictionary segment syntax" Class for JBIG2 Text Region. See 7.4.3 Text Region Syntax. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming This class represents composite decoder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the decoders. The decoders. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming This class represents "Bridge" for pdf filters. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. Decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming Factory of the Pdf Filters. Creates the specified filter. Type of the filter. Creates the specified filter. Type of the filter. retrueves DecodeParms Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Encodes the specified data. The data. The parameters. Creates the specified filter. Type of the filter. Creates the specified filter. Type of the filter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the decoder. Type of the encoder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the decoder. Type of the encoder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the filter. Gets the decoder. The decoder. Gets the encoder. The encoder. Represents filer Gets the type of the filter. The type of the filter. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. The input stream. The output stream of decoded data. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. When overridden in a derived class, decodes input stream into output stream. Returns output stream The input stream. The filter index in filter chain array. The parameters of decoding. Indicates whether the stream type supports direct streaming This interface represents simple encoder. Encodes the specified data. The data. The parameters. This interface represenst standart filter. Gets the decoder. The decoder. Gets the encoder. The encoder. represents stream that supports predictor Suppresses reading using predictor and reads the raw stream data Resumes reading using predictor and reads the raw stream data This class represents an and boolean operation Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. This class represents an eq boolean operation Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. This class represents an ge boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represents an gt boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represents an le boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represents an lt boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represents an ne boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represents an not boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represents an or boolean operation Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. This class represents an xor boolean operation Interprets this instance. This class represnts a ifelse conditional. Interprets this instance. This class represnts a if conditional. Interprets this instance. Evals the specified expression. The expression. Evals the specified expression. The ps program. This class represents an abstract expression. Interprets this instance. Validates the parameters. The variables. The expected count. The expected types. Tries to convert object to double This class represents an abs operation. 10 abs Interprets this instance. This class represents an add operation. 10 20 add Interprets this instance. This class represents a atan operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a seiling operation. 10 ceiling Interprets this instance. This class represents a cos operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a cvi operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a cvr operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a div operation. 10 20 div Interprets this instance. This class represents a exp operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a floor operation. 10 floor Interprets this instance. This class represents an idiv operation 10 20 idiv Interprets this instance. This class represents a ln operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a log operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a mod operation. 10 20 mod Interprets this instance. This class represents a mul operation. 10 20 mul Interprets this instance. This class represents a neg operation. 10 neg Interprets this instance. This class represents a round operation. 10 round Interprets this instance. This class represents a sin operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a sqrt operation. Interprets this instance. This class represents a sub operation. 10 20 sub Interprets this instance. This class represents a truncate operation. 10 truncate Interprets this instance. This interface represents an expression. Interprets this instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. The expression. Interprets this instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. The expression. Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. This class represents a pop operation. Interprets this instance. Interprets this instance. This class represents a simple variabe. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. Interprets this instance. Gets variable as int. Gets variable as double. Gets variable as bool. This class represents function. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the type of the function. The type of the function. Evals the specified parameters. The parameters. (Optional) An array of n numbers that shall define the function result when x = 0.0. Default value: [ 0.0 ]. The c0. (Optional) An array of n numbers that shall define the function result when x = 1.0. Default value: [ 1.0 ]. The c1. (Required) The interpolation exponent. Each input value x shall return n values, given by yj = C0j + xN × (C1j − C0j ), for 0 ≤ j < n. The N. Four types of functions are available, as indicated by the dictionary�s FunctionType entry Sampled function. Exponential interpolation function. Stitching function. PostScript calculator function. This interface represents a PDF's function Gets the type of the function. The type of the function. Gets the domain. The domain. Gets the range. The range. Gets the input count. The input count. Gets the output count. The output count. Evals the specified parameters. The parameters. This class represents abstract function. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the type of the function. The type of the function. Gets the domain. The domain. Gets the range. The range. Gets the input count. The input count. Gets the output count. The output count.(-1 means that output count is not speciofied.) Evals the specified parameters. The parameters. Gets the params. The params. Normalizes the specified x. The x. The i. Clips the by range. The x. The i. Interpolates the specified x. The x. The xmin. The xmax. The ymin. The ymax. This class represents function. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the type of the function. The type of the function. Evals the specified parameters. The parameters. This class represents function. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the type of the function. The type of the function. Evals the specified parameters. The parameters. Clips the specified x. The x. The i. Gets the order. The order. Gets the size. The size. Gets the bits per sample. The bits per sample. Gets the encode. The encode. Gets the decode. The decode. Inits the sample tabale. Type 3 functions (PDF 1.3) define a stitching of the subdomains of several 1-input functions to produce a single new 1-input function. Since the resulting stitching function is a 1-input function, the domain is given by a two-element array, [ Domain0 Domain1 ]. Initializes a new instance of the class. (Required) An array of k 1-input functions that shall make up the stitching function. The output dimensionality of all functions shall be the same, and compatible with the value of Range if Range is present. The functions. (Required) An array of k�?�1 numbers that, in combination with Domain, shall define the intervals to which each function from the Functions array shall apply. Bounds elements shall be in order of increasing value, and each value shall be within the domain defined by Domain. The bounds. (Required) An array of 2�?�k numbers that, taken in pairs, shall map each subset of the domain defined by Domain and the Bounds array to the domain of the corresponding function. The encode. Gets the type of the function. The type of the function. Evals the specified parameters. The parameters. Find delegate Type parameter The item. True if found otherwise false Action delegate Type parameter The item. Action delegate Select delegate The type of the result. The type of the initialize. The item. Select item Sum delegate The type of the result. Type parameter The item. Sum result Func delegate Type parameter The type of the result. The item. The Item Func delegate The type of the 1. The type of the 2. The type of the result. The item1. The item2. The Item Wrapper for Linq expressions Counts the specified source. The source. Count items Returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. The type of the source. The System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable to return the first element of. default(TSource) if source is empty; otherwise, the first element in source. source is null. Wheres the specified array. Type paremeter The array. The where clause. Array of items Excepts the specified array. Type paremeter The array. The except. IEnumerable of sequence Anies the specified array. Type paremeter The array. The search clause. Has sequence any element that requires conditions or not To the list. Type paremeter The array. List of sequence To the array. Type paremeter The array. Array of items Parallels for. The start. The end. The action. The action is null The action is null For each Type parameter The array. The process function. Selects the specified array. The type of the result. The type of the initialize. The array. The select delegate. The Sequence Sums the specified source. Type paremeter The source. The selector. The Sum of items source or selector Sums the specified source. Type paremeter The source. The selector. The sum of items source is null. or selector is null. Sums the specified source. Type paremeter The source. The selector. The Sum of items source or selector Casts the specified source. The type of the result. The source. Casted sequence The source is null Select many. The type of the source. The type of the result. The source. The selector. The Sequence source or selector Skips the items in specified array. Type paremeter The array. The count. The Sequence Takes the specified array items. Type paremeter The array. The count. The start index. The Sequence Takes the specified array items. Type paremeter The array. The count. The Sequence Gets the count range of int elements starting at start The start. The count. Array of items Count can not be lover than 1 or Start page can not be lover than 0 Count can not be lover than 1 or Start page can not be lover than 0 Gets the count range of int elements starting at start The start. The count. The delta. Array of items Count can not be lover than 1 or Start page can not be lover than 0 Distincts the specified source. The type of the source. The source. The comparer. Distinct items, witout repeated items Determines whether [is supported type] [the specified item]. Type paremeter The item. The type. If type is supported Select many implementation. The type of the source. The type of the collection. The type of the result. The source. The collection selector. The result selector. The Sequence Sets the indexed pixel. The x. The bitmap data. if set to true [pixel]. Sets the indexed pixel. The x. The bitmap data. This class represents cache of coloro initializers. Initializes the class. Gets the RGB strategy. This class helps to convert PDF colors. Creates from . Color of the cmyk. Creates from . Color of the gray. Creates from . Color of the gray. Creates from . Color of the gray. Creates from . Color of the cal gray. Creates from . Color of the cal gray. The cs. Creates from . The lab. The cs. Creates from . The color. The cs. Creates from . Color of the indexed. The cs. Converts CIE components to RGB. The a. The b. The c. The cs. This class represents a strategy to convert any pdf color to rgb. Converts the PDF color to strategie's color. Color of the PDF. The cs. Resets the cache. Converts the PDF color to presenter's color. Color of the PDF. The cs. Converts the PDF color to presenter's color. Color of the PDF. The cs. Processes the tiling color. Color of the PDF. Dimension Presenter type Adds rendering parameter Returns true is contains parameter type returns rendering parameter Resolution Presenter type This class represents group. Initializes a new instance of the class. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolated group color space Gets a value indicating that the group is knockout group. Gets a value indicating that the group is isolated group. Gets color space This class represents stack of . returns last group Adds a group to the list The group. Removes element from the groups list. Removes element from the groups list. Clears list. returns group by index Gets enumerator Gets enumerator Gets the count. This class represents an image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the native object. Gets fill factor for the image. The value indicates how much pixels are actually drawn on the image. This is used in empty page detection logic Gets the height. Gets the width. Gets the image mask Gets the image bitmap returns image bitmap This class represents an image save options. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image format. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image format. The quality. Gets the image format. Gets the quality. This class represents stack of . Sets specified as a top element of stack. The path. Removes and returns top element from stack. Gets top path from stack Clears stack. Gets enumerator Gets enumerator Gets the count. This class represents a presenter graphics state. Initial value: 1.0. Initial value: 10.0 Initial value is 1.0 Initial value is 1.0 Initial value is 1.0 Initial value is 1.0 Initial value is 1.0 Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Disposes the instance. 2 Gets the transformation matrix. The transformation matrix. Gets or sets the rendering intent. The rendering intent. Gets or sets the blend mode. The blend mode. Gets or sets the flatness. The flatness. Gets or sets the line cap. The line cap. Gets or sets the line join. The line join. Gets or sets the line dash pattern. [1..n-1, n] 1..n-1 dash array n dash phase The line dash pattern. Gets or sets the mitter limit. The mitter limit. Gets or sets the width of the line. The width of the line. Gets the clipping path. Gets the clipping path. Gets or sets the color of the stroking. The color of the stroking. Gets or sets the color of the nonstroking. The color of the nonstroking. Gets or sets the stroking color space. The stroking color space. Gets or sets the nonstroking color space. The nonstroking color space. gets or sets SMask Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The state. Gets the transformation matrix. The transformation matrix. Gets or sets the rendering intent. The rendering intent. Gets or sets the blend mode. The blend mode. Gets or sets the flatness. The flatness. Gets or sets the line cap. The line cap. Gets or sets the line join. The line join. Gets or sets the line dash pattern. [1..n-1, n] 1..n-1 dash array n dash phase The line dash pattern. Gets or sets the mitter limit. The mitter limit. Gets or sets the width of the line. The width of the line. Gets the clipping path. Gets the text clipping path. Gets or sets the color of the stroking. The color of the stroking. Gets or sets the color of the nonstroking. The color of the nonstroking. Gets or sets the stroking color space. The stroking color space. Gets or sets the nonstroking color space. The nonstroking color space. Gets or sets SMask. Creates new object, that is the copy of current instance. This class represents a presenter state. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Gets the next. The next. Gets the prev. The prev. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has next. true if this instance has next; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has prev. true if this instance has prev; otherwise, false. Saves the state. Restores the state. Occurs when property changed. Disposes the instance. 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The state. Creates new object, that is the copy of current instance. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has next. true if this instance has next; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has prev. true if this instance has prev; otherwise, false. Saves the state. Restores the state. Gets the state. Raises the property changed. Name of the property. ��������� ������������ ����������� ������, ��������� � ���������, �������������� ��� ������� ������������� ��������. 2 This class represents a presenter text state imlementation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the presenter. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Disposes the instance. 2 Gets or sets the character spacing. The character spacing. Gets or sets the horizontal scaling. The horizontal scaling. Represents a number specifying the percentage of the normal width. Initial value: 100 (normal width). Gets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font. The font. Gets or sets the text leading. The text leading. Gets or sets the rendering mode. The rendering mode. Gets or sets the text rise. The text rise. Gets or sets the word spacing. The word spacing. Gets the text matrix. Gets the text line matrix. Gets or sets the external font. The external font. Gets the text rendering matrix. The current transformation matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The state. Gets or sets the character spacing. The character spacing. Gets or sets the horizontal scaling. The horizontal scaling. Gets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font. The font. Gets or sets the text leading. The text leading. Gets or sets the rendering mode. The rendering mode. Gets or sets the text rise. The text rise. Gets or sets the word spacing. The word spacing. Gets the text matrix. Gets the text line matrix. Gets or sets the external font. The external font. Gets the text rendering matrix. The current transformation matrix. Creates new object, that is the copy of current instance. This class represents text. user specified matric if used (ex: GdiTransformationMatrix) Initializes a new instance of the class. The presenter. All CharInfo objects and extracted string. Whether text has single byte per char. Width of the text. Widths of the chars. The hash table should contains width only for bytes Heights of the chars. The hash table should contains width only for bytes Default width of the char. The font flags. The right padding. user-specified matrix. indicates if the tet is horizontal. indicates that the object should return scaled data. font. Gets the string. Whether text has single byte per char. Gets the font. Gets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets value indicating whether the text is horizontal or vertical true assumes horizontal. CharWidths collection is used to place characters false assumes vertical. CharHeights collection is used to place characters Gets the char widths. Gets the width of the text. The width of the text. Gets the width of the text. The width of the text. Gets the font flags. Gets the text matrix. Gets the text line matrix. Gets the default width of the char. The default width of the char. Gets the padding. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. represents character info collection enumerates through chars in the IText returns ICharInfo object with character information, metrics etc. This class represents seventh type of shadings. Tensor patch. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color function. The native functions. The native color space. The bbox. The bits per coordinate. The The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode array. The background. The transformation matrix. The data stream. This class represents second type of shadings. Axial. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color function. The native functions. The native color space. The bbox. The coords. The extend. The domain. The background. The transformation matrix. This class represents GDI brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. The alpha. The presenter. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets the color. This class represents GDI color Initializes a new instance of the class. The r. The g. The b. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the R. Gets the G. Gets the B. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets or sets the transparancy. The transparancy. Clones this instance. This function performs transformation of coordinates to . The x. The y. The native functions. The native color space. This class represents GDI color This class represents GDI device Gets printer graphics This class represents first type of shadings. Function-based. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color function. The native functions. The native color space. The bbox. The matrix. The domain. The background. Gets the image. Gets or sets the resolution X. The resolution X. Gets or sets the resolution Y. The resolution Y. Gets the func path. Interpolates the specified x. The x. The xmin. The xmax. The ymin. The ymax. This class represents a GDI presenter. initial matrix (includex resolution scaling Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the resolution. Gets the native object. returns page graphics Draws the path. The pen. The path. Fills the path. The brush. The path. Appends the text. The text. Appends the shading image. The image. Appends the shading image. The image. Sets the clipping path. The path. The fill mode. Saves the state. Restores graphics state and updates presenter-specific graphics state data Disposes instance. 2 returns raw transparent result bitmap Gets the result image. non transparent image is returned Draws a pixel Draws the text by system font. The text. returns font style fo IFont Ensures that GraphicsPath is valid The method fixes .Net behavior related to zero-width lines with caps Adobe Pdf allows zero-length lines with start/end caps to be but .Net doesn't related to PDFNEWNET-31366.pdf page 24 also related to PDFNEWNET-33764 Throws an draw string exception if the out of memory exception was thrown. It is used to avoid GDI+ DrawString in Windows 7. This class represents group. Initializes a new instance of the class. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolated group color space Initializes a new instance of the class. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolated group color space soft mask returns group bitmap Gets the soft mask. This class represents an image. ctor for inheritors only ctor for inheritors only Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. Indicates that the image is soft-masked or not. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. Indicates that the image is soft-masked or not. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. Gets the native object. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color function. The native functions. The native color space. The bbox. The domain. The background. The transformation background. Gets the color from the specified coordinates. The x. The y. Gets the image. Gets or sets the transparancy. The transparancy. Clones this instance. This class represets GDI matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets or sets the A component. The A. Gets or sets the B component. The B. Gets or sets the C component. The C. Gets or sets the D component. The D. Gets or sets the E component. The E. Gets or sets the F compounent. The F. Gets the elements. Clones this instance. Resets to the identity matrix. Invert the matrix. Multiplies this instance to specified matrix. The matrix. Multiplies this instance to specified matrix. The matrix. The order Translates the specified tx. The tx. The ty. Initializes the instance by the specified initial matrix. The initial matrix. Initializes the specified a. [(a b 0) {c d 0} (e f 1)] A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Scales x and y with the matrix x1 = A*x + C*y y1 = B*x + D*y Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the matrix transformation Transforms x and y with the matrix x1 = A*x + C*y + E y1 = B*x + D*y + F Dispose instnce. 2 Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. This class represents GDI path. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Transforms the specified matrix. The matrix. Closes current path. Clones this instance. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using the current point and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x3 , y3 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x1. The y1. The x3. The y3. Appends the rectangle. The x. The y. The width. The height. Moves current point to specified position. The x. The y. Appends line from current point to specified. The x. The y. Adds subpath to the path The subpath Adds subpath to the path The subpath Gets the current Y. Gets the current X. Gets or sets the fill mode. The fill mode. Gets the bounds. Determines whether the specified x is visible. The x. The y. true if the specified x is visible; otherwise, false. Determines if the path is a simple rectangle Determines whether the path is empty. This class represents GDI pen. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. The width. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets the color. Gets or sets the width. The width. Prepares the brush. The path. This class represents GDI point. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Gets the native object. Gets the X. Gets the Y. This class represents third type of shadings. Radial. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color function. The native functions. The native color space. The bbox. The coords. The extend. The domain. The background. The matrix. This class represents a GDI rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rectangle. Gets the native object. Gets the X. Gets the Y. Gets the width. Gets the height. Initializes a new instance of the class. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The region. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Intersects the instance with the specified path. The path. Intersects the instance with the specified region. The region. Determines whether the specified presenter is empty. The presenter. true if the specified presenter is empty; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified presenter is infinite. The presenter. true if the specified presenter is infinite; otherwise, false. Clones this instance. represents saturation between 0 to 255 initialises new saturation struct with a value min value of the saturation max value of the saturation Value of the saturation This class represents seventh type of shadings. Tensor patch. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color function. The native functions. The native color space. The bbox. The bits per coordinate. The The bits per component. The bits per flag. The decode array. The background. The transformation matrix. The data stream. This class represents text. Initializes a new instance of the class. The presenter. All CharInfo objects and extracted string. Whether text has single byte per char. Width of the text. Widths of the chars. The hash table should contains width only for bytes Default width of the char. The font flags. The right padding. user-specified matrix. indicates if the tet is horizontal. indicates that the object should return scaled data. font. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. This class represents a tiling pattern color. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The image. The matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. The matrix. Gets the native object. Gets or sets the transparancy. The transparancy. matric of the tiling texture placement correction Clones this instance. performs blending tasks Current graphics to draw Gets original bitmap; Gets original graphics; must be called to support blend operation if not called - the drawing is performed without blending without taking to account blend mode and opacity Must be called when blend operation is finished seta clip for all layers If the soft mask dictionary has Luminosity subtype than convert the group’s computed color to a single-component luminosity value using transform function. The soft mask dictionary of group. The RGB components used to get luminosity value. The blending component value. Mask color - if the soft mask dictionary has Luminosity subtype; otherwise, the input default masked component value returned. Suppresses mask application Resume mask application after suppress Used to specify the parameter value passed to a TIFF image encoder when using the PdfViewer.SaveAsTiff method. Default color depth 8 bits per pixel. Equal 4 bits per pixel. Equal 1 bit per pixel. Equal Used to specify the parameter value passed to a TIFF image encoder when using the PdfViewer.SaveAsTiff method. Specifies the LZW compression scheme. Can be passed to the TIFF encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies the CCITT4 compression scheme. Can be passed to the CCITT4 encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies the CCITT3 compression scheme. Can be passed to the CCITT3 encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies the RLE compression scheme. Can be passed to the RLE encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies no compression. Can be passed to the TIFF encoder as a parameter that belongs to the compression category. This class represents margins of an image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left. The right. The top. The bottom. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the top. The top. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Quantize using an Octree Construct the octree quantizer The Octree quantizer is a two pass algorithm. The initial pass sets up the octree, the second pass quantizes a color based on the nodes in the tree The maximum number of colors to return The number of significant bits Process the pixel in the first pass of the algorithm The pixel to quantize This function need only be overridden if your quantize algorithm needs two passes, such as an Octree quantizer. Override this to process the pixel in the second pass of the algorithm The pixel to quantize The quantized value Retrieve the palette for the quantized image Any old palette, this is overrwritten The new color palette Stores the tree Maximum allowed color depth Class which does the actual quantization Construct the octree The maximum number of significant bits in the image Add a given color value to the octree Reduce the depth of the tree Get/Set the number of leaves in the tree Return the array of reducible nodes Keep track of the previous node that was quantized The node last quantized Get the palette index for the passed color Mask used when getting the appropriate pixels for a given node The root of the octree Number of leaves in the tree Array of reducible nodes Maximum number of significant bits in the image Store the last node quantized Cache the previous color quantized Class which encapsulates each node in the tree Construct the node The level in the tree = 0 - 7 The number of significant color bits in the image The tree to which this node belongs Add a color into the tree The color The number of significant color bits The level in the tree The tree to which this node belongs Get/Set the next reducible node Return the child nodes Reduce this node by removing all of its children The number of leaves removed Traverse the tree, building up the color palette The palette The current palette index Return the palette index for the passed color Increment the pixel count and add to the color information Flag indicating that this is a leaf node Number of pixels in this node Red component Green Component Blue component Pointers to any child nodes Pointer to next reducible node The index of this node in the palette Summary description for Quantizer. Construct the quantizer If true, the quantization only needs to loop through the source pixels once If you construct this class with a true value for singlePass, then the code will, when quantizing your image, only call the 'QuantizeImage' function. If two passes are required, the code will call 'InitialQuantizeImage' and then 'QuantizeImage'. Quantize an image and return the resulting output bitmap The image to quantize A quantized version of the image Execute the first pass through the pixels in the image The source data The width in pixels of the image The height in pixels of the image Execute a second pass through the bitmap The source bitmap, locked into memory The output bitmap The width in pixels of the image The height in pixels of the image The bounding rectangle Maximum number of significant bits in the image Write byte to outpup bitmap output bitmap pixel value Override this to process the pixel in the first pass of the algorithm The pixel to quantize This function need only be overridden if your quantize algorithm needs two passes, such as an Octree quantizer. Override this to process the pixel in the second pass of the algorithm The pixel to quantize The quantized value Retrieve the palette for the quantized image Any old palette, this is overrwritten The new color palette Flag used to indicate whether a single pass or two passes are needed for quantization. This enum represents shape type for the extracted images. As it is. Landscape Shape. Portrait Shape. This class represents a tiff maker. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The stream. The resolution X. The resolution Y. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Adds the image to tiff. The image. Ends the building of tiff image. Initialize TiffImage object by initial bitmap image. Initial bitmap image. Adds new frame in TiffImage. Bitmap image being added as new frame. Converts the bitmap. The bitmap. The resolution X. The resolution Y. Convert bitmap to bitonal. The SRC. Converts an image to 4bpp format. The SRC. Converts image to 8bpp format. The SRC bitmap. The converted 8bpp bitmap This method matches indices from pallete (256 colors) for each given 24-32bit color. Buffer that contains color for each pixel. Destination buffer that will contain index for each color. Size of pixel info (24-32bit colors supported). Colors pallete (256 colors). Returns similar color. Color palette. The value of color to process. The the index of similar color. Updates the type of the shape. The pages. Type of the shape. Updates the margins. The BMP. The margins. The resolution X. The resolution Y. Gets the image by format. The bitmap. The format. Prepares the bitmap to convertation. The SRC bitmap. The dest bitmap. The SRC bitmap data. The dest bitmap data. The new format. Sets the indexed pixel. The x. The bitmap data. if set to true [pixel]. Determines whether is image blank. The SRC bitmap. true if is image blank; otherwise, false. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 This class represents settings for importing pdf to Tiff Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color depth. Initializes a new instance of the class. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. The color depth. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. The color depth. The margins. if set to true need to skip blank pages. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. The color depth. The margins. if set to true need to skip blank pages. Type of the shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true [skip blank pages]. Gets or sets the type of the compression. The type of the compression. Gets or sets the color depth. The color depth. Gets or sets the margins. The margins. Gets or sets a value indicating whether skip blank pages. true if need to skip blank pages; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the type of the shape. The type of the shape. Get or sets a value boundary of the transformation of colors in white and black. This parameter can be applied with EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4, EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT3, EncoderValue.CompressionRle or ColorDepth.Format1bpp == 1 Value of brightness should be in the range from 0 to 1. By default value is equal to 0.33f Get or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. Gets the color depth value. The depth value in bits. This class represents a GDI rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. The width. The height. Initializes a new instance of the class. The rectangle. Gets the native object. Gets the X. Gets the Y. Gets the width. Gets the height. This class represents a APS presenter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Indecates the begining of PDF marked content layer The name of layer. Indecates the ending of PDF marked content layer Сhecks if the apsPath contains graphics ApsNode true/false Сhecks if the canvas or nested canvases contain graphics and images by canvas.Attributes apsGraphic ApsNode true/false Visits the path start. The aps path. Appends the image using current point and transformation. The image. Appends the shading image. The image. Add text by DrFont. The text. images are kept alive for ApsPresenter (they are reused after AppendImage and must not be disposed) This class represents APS brush. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets the color. Prepares the brush. The path. This class represents APS device. This class represents group. Initializes a new instance of the class. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolated group color space Initializes a new instance of the class. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolated group color space soft mask Gets the soft mask. This class represents an image. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. Indicates that the image is soft-masked or not. Initializes a new instance of the class. The image. Indicates that the image is soft-masked or not. Gets the native object. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. This class represents an image. This class represents APS matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The matrix. Initializes a new instance of the class. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets or sets the A component. The A. Gets or sets the B component. The B. Gets or sets the C component. The C. Gets or sets the D component. The D. Gets or sets the E component. The E. Gets or sets the F component. The F. Gets the elements. Clones this instance. Resets to the identity matrix. Invert the matrix. Multiplies this instance to specified matrix. The matrix. Multiplies this instance to specified matrix. The matrix. The order Translates the specified tx. The tx. The ty. Initializes the instance by the specified initial matrix. The initial matrix. Initializes the specified a. [(a b 0) {c d 0} (e f 1)] A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Scales x and y with the matrix x1 = A*x + C*y y1 = B*x + D*y Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the matrix transformation Transforms x and y with the matrix x1 = A*x + C*y + E y1 = B*x + D*y + F Dispose instance. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Cover System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix to DrMatrix Drawing2D.Matrix DrMatrix This class represents APS path. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Transforms the specified matrix. The matrix. Closes current path. Clones this instance. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using the current point and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x3 , y3 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x1. The y1. The x3. The y3. Appends the rectangle. The x. The y. The width. The height. Moves current point to specified position. The x. The y. Appends line from current point to specified. The x. The y. Adds subpath to the path The subpath Gets the current Y. Gets the current X. Gets or sets the fill mode. The fill mode. Gets the bounds. Determines whether the specified x is visible. The x. The y. true if the specified x is visible; otherwise, false. Determines if the path is a simple rectangle Determines whether the path is empty. This class represents APS pen. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color. The width. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Gets the color. Gets or sets the width. The width. Prepares the brush. The path. This class represents APS point. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x. The y. Gets the native object. Gets the X. Gets the Y. Initializes a new instance of the class. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The region. Gets or sets the native object. The native object. Intersects the instance with the specified path. The path. Intersects the instance with the specified region. The region. Determines whether the specified presenter is empty. The presenter. true if the specified presenter is empty; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified presenter is infinite. The presenter. true if the specified presenter is infinite; otherwise, false. Clones this instance. This class represents APS text. Calculate location of the text startin point Initializes a new instance of the class. The presenter. All CharInfo objects and extracted string. Whether text has single byte per char. Width of the text. Metrics of the chars. The hash table should contains width only for bytes Default width of the char. The font flags. The right padding. user-specified matrix. indicates if the tet is horizontal. indicates that the object should return scaled data. font. This class represents image saver. Saves the presenter into the specified file name. Name of the file. Saves the into the specified stream with the specified . Name of the file. The save options. Saves the presenter into the specified stream. The stream. Saves the into the specified stream with the specified . The stream. The save options. The Aspose.Pdf.Presentation namespace provides classes that allow to interact with document presentation. The class represents the wrapper for Aspose.Pdf.Engine.Presentation raster image types that fix the issue with watermark. Returns the type of image. Gets/sets the JpegImage object. Gets/sets the Jpeg2000Image object. Constructs the RasterImage object from path. The path to image. The type of image. Constructs the RasterImage object from stream. The stream. The type of image. Saves the RasterImage into the stream. The stream to save. Implements the IDisposable pattern. Implements IGlyphOutlinePainter - outline painter for Aspose.Font glyph renderer This interface represents a strategy to convert color in known space. Converts the PDF color to strategie's color. Color of the PDF. The cs. Converts the PDF color to presenter's color. Color of the PDF. The cs. Converts the PDF color to presenter's color. Color of the PDF. The cs. The cs. Converts to presenter color using cache. Color of the PDF. The cs. Resets the cache. Gets the native object. This interface represenrs a presenter. Next command of PDF commandsQueue to check "W f" sequence Returns result image Indicatees that images must be kept alive (no dispose must be called other then on presenter level itself) Gets the height. Gets the width. Clears subpaths stack. Gets the state of the text. The state of the text. Gets the state of the graphics. The state of the graphics. Gets the current path. Gets the type of the presenter. The type of the presenter. returns presenter device Saves the state of the graphics. Restores the state of the graphics. Saves the state of the text. Restores the state of the text. Closes the current path. Close and stroke the path. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h S. Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B*. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". End the path object without filling or stroking it. This operator shall be a path- painting no-op, used primarily for the side effect of changing the current clipping path (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). Fill and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as constructing two identical path objects, painting the first with f and the second with S. NOTE The filling and stroking portions of the operation consult different values of several graphics state parameters, such as the current colour. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Fill and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as B, except that the path is filled as if with f* instead of f. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Nonzero Winding Number Rule"). Any subpaths that are open shall be implicitly closed before being filled. Strokes the path. Fill the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Even-Odd Rule"). Modifies the current clipping path. Modifies the current clipping path EO. Modifies the current transformation matrix. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Begin a text object, initializing the text matrix, Tm , and the text line matrix, Tlm , to the identity matrix. Text objects shall not be nested; a second BT shall not appear before an ET. End a text object, discarding the text matrix. Begin a group object, End a group. Begin a mask object, End a mask. Removes mask Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx ,�ty ). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments: Tm = Tlm = [(1 0 0), (0 1 0), (tx ty 1)]*Tlm The tx. The ty. Set the text matrix, Tm , and the text line matrix, Tlm : Tm = Tlm = [(a b 0), (c d 0), (e f 1)] The operands shall all be numbers, and the initial value for Tm and Tlm shall be the identity matrix, [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be passed to Tm as six separate numbers, not as an array. The matrix specified by the operands shall not be concatenated onto the current text matrix, but shall replace it. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Begins the new subpath. The x. The y. Appends the rectangle. The x. The y. The width. The height. Appends the text. The text. Draws a pixel The x. The y. Appends the image using current point and transformation. The image. Appends the shading image. The shading drawer. Indecates the begining of PDF marked content layer The name of layer. Indecates the ending of PDF marked content layer This interface represenrs a presenter graphics state. Gets the transformation matrix. The transformation matrix. Gets or sets the rendering intent. The rendering intent. Gets or sets the blend mode. The blend mode. Gets or sets the flatness. The flatness. Gets or sets the line cap. The line cap. Gets or sets the line join. The line join. Gets or sets the line dash pattern. [1..n-1, n] 1..n-1 dash array n dash phase The line dash pattern. Gets or sets the mitter limit. The mitter limit. Gets or sets the width of the line. The width of the line. Gets or sets the stroking alpha constant. The stroking alpha constant. Gets or sets the nonstroking alpha constant. The nonstroking alpha constant. Gets or sets the stroking alpha constant for an XObject group. The stroking alpha constant. Gets or sets the nonstroking alpha constant for an XObject group. The nonstroking alpha constant. Gets the clipping path. Gets the text clipping path. Gets or sets the color of the stroking. The color of the stroking. Gets or sets the color of the nonstroking. The color of the nonstroking. Gets or sets the stroking color space. The stroking color space. Gets or sets the nonstroking color space. The nonstroking color space. gets or sets SMask Cleans up the resources: Disposes bitmaps, brushes etc Gets a value indicating whether this instance has next. true if this instance has next; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has prev. true if this instance has prev; otherwise, false. Saves the state. Restores the state. Gets the next. The next. Gets the prev. The prev. This interface represenrs a presenter text state. Gets or sets the character spacing. The character spacing. Gets or sets the horizontal scaling. The horizontal scaling. Represents a number specifying the percentage of the normal width. Initial value: 100 (normal width). Gets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets or sets the font. The font. Gets or sets the text leading. The text leading. Gets or sets the rendering mode. The rendering mode. Gets or sets the text rise. The text rise. Gets or sets the word spacing. The word spacing. Gets the text matrix. Gets the text line matrix. Gets or sets the external font. The external font. Gets the text rendering matrix. The current transformation matrix. This interface represents an object that support PropertyChanged behaviour. Occurs when property changed. This interface represents save options. This class represents a presentation factory. Creates the state of the graphics. Type of the presenter. Creates the state of the text. Creates the presenter. The type. The width. The height. Creates the presenter. The presenter device. The transformation matrix. Creates the initial matrix (1 0 0) (0 1 0) (0 0 1). Creates the initial matrix (1 0 0) (0 1 0) (0 0 1). Creates the matrix. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Type of the presenter. Creates the pen. The color. The alpha. Type of the presenter. Creates the path. Type of the presenter. Creates the path. Type of the presenter. The transformator. The x. The y. Creates the clipping path. Type of the presenter. Creates the brush. The color. Type of the presenter. Creates the brush. The color. Type alpha. The presenter type. The presenter. Creates the point. Type of the presenter. The x. The y. Creates the group. The presenter. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolate Creates the group. The presenter. true if the group is knockout. true is the group is isolate soft mask Creates the text. The presenter. All CharInfo objects and extracted string. The bytes. The bytes per char. Width of the text. The char widths. The font flags. Default width of the char. Creates the text. The presenter. All CharInfo objects and extracted string. The bytes. The bytes per char. Width of the text. The char widths. The font flags. Default width of the char. Creates the text. The presenter. The extracted string. The font. The font size. Creates the image. Creates the image. Creates the image. Creates the image. Creates the stencil mask. Creates the image. Creates the image. Creates the color of the tiling. The image. Type of the presenter. Creates the rectangle. The x. The y. The width. The height. Type of the presenter. This class represents a GDI+ presenter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of Presenter, APS or GDI. Next command of PDF commandsQueue Returns retult image of the presenter Indicatees that images must be kept alive (no dispose must be called other then on presenter level itself) Gets the height. Gets the width. Clears subpaths stack. Gets the state of the text. The state of the text. Gets the state of the graphics. The state of the graphics. Gets the current path. Gets the type of the presenter. The type of the presenter. returns presenter device Saves the state of the graphics. Restores the state of the graphics. Saves the state of the text. Restores the state of the text. Closes the current path. Close and stroke the path. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h S. Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Close, fill, and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall have the same effect as the sequence h B*. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". End the path object without filling or stroking it. This operator shall be a path- painting no-op, used primarily for the side effect of changing the current clipping path (see 8.5.4, "Clipping Path Operators"). Fill and then stroke the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as constructing two identical path objects, painting the first with f and the second with S. NOTE The filling and stroking portions of the operation consult different values of several graphics state parameters, such as the current colour. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Fill and then stroke the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. This operator shall produce the same result as B, except that the path is filled as if with f* instead of f. See also, "Special Path-Painting Considerations". Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Nonzero Winding Number Rule"). Any subpaths that are open shall be implicitly closed before being filled. Strokes the path. Strokes the path. Draws the path. The pen. The path. Fill the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Even-Odd Rule"). Modifies the current clipping path. Modifies the current clipping path. Modifies the current clipping path. The subpath. The fill mode. Modifies the current transformation matrix. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Begin a text object, initializing the text matrix, Tm , and the text line matrix, Tlm , to the identity matrix. Text objects shall not be nested; a second BT shall not appear before an ET. End a text object, discarding the text matrix. Begin a group object, End a group. Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx ,�ty ). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments: Tm = Tlm = [(1 0 0), (0 1 0), (tx ty 1)]*Tlm The tx. The ty. Set the text matrix, Tm , and the text line matrix, Tlm : Tm = Tlm = [(a b 0), (c d 0), (e f 1)] The operands shall all be numbers, and the initial value for Tm and Tlm shall be the identity matrix, [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]. Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be passed to Tm as six separate numbers, not as an array. The matrix specified by the operands shall not be concatenated onto the current text matrix, but shall replace it. A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Begins the new subpath. The x. The y. Appends the rectangle. The x. The y. The width. The height. Fills the path. The subpath. The fill mode. Begin mask End mask End mask Fills the path. The brush. The path. Appends the text. The text. Draws a pixel Appends the image using current point and transformation. The image. Appends the shading image. The image. Indecates the begining of PDF marked content layer The name of layer. Indecates the ending of PDF marked content layer Sets the clipping path. The path. The fill mode. Occurs when property changed. Raises the property changed. Name of the property. Disposes instance. 2 Transforms width This enum represents presenter's types. This type represents GDI+ presenter. This type represents APS presenter. Represents standard separable blend modes available in PDF Selects the source color, ignoring the backdrop Multiplies the backdrop and source color values Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value. Source colors overlay the backdrop while preserving its highlights and shadows. The backdrop color is not replaced but is mixed with the source color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the backdrop Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors: Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with black produces no changes Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with white produces no change Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the backdrop Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the backdrop Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color. Painting with this mode in an area of the backdrop that is a pure gray (no saturation) produces no change. Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color. This preserves the gray levels of the backdrop and is useful for coloring monochrome images or tinting color images. Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color. This produces an inverse effect to that of the Color mode. This enum represents fill modes An alternative to the nonzero winding number rule is the even-odd rule. This rule determines whether a point is inside a path by drawing a ray from that point in any direction and simply counting the number of path segments that cross the ray, regardless of direction. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside. This yields the same results as the nonzero winding number rule for paths with simple shapes, but produces different results for more complex shapes. The nonzero winding number rule determines whether a given point is inside a path by conceptually drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the path crosses the ray. Starting with a count of 0, the rule adds 1 each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtracts 1 each time a segment crosses from right to left. After counting all the crossings, if the result is 0, the point is outside the path; otherwise, it is inside. This interface represenrs a brush. Gets the color. This interface represenrs a color. Gets or sets the transparancy. The transparancy. Clones this instance. This interface represenrs a group. Gets a value indicating that the group is knockout group. Gets a value indicating that the group is isolated group. This interface represents an image. Gets fill factor for the image. The value indicates how much pixels are actually drawn on the image. This is used in empty page detection logic Gets the height. Gets the width. Gets the image mask if defined Gets bitmap Gets individual color space for the image if set returns null if color space is not set individually for image This interface represents a color key image mask. This interface represents an image mask. This interface represents a soft image mask. This interface represents a stencil image mask. This interface represenrs a matrix. Gets or sets the A component. The A. Gets or sets the B component. The B. Gets or sets the C component. The C. Gets or sets the D component. The D. Gets or sets the E component. The E. Gets or sets the F compounent. The F. Gets the elements. Clones this instance. Resets to the identity matrix. Invert the matrix. Multiplies this instance to specified matrix. The matrix. Multiplies this instance to specified matrix. The matrix. The order Translates the specified tx. The tx. The ty. Initializes the instance by the specified initial matrix. The initial matrix. Initializes the specified a. [(a b 0) {c d 0} (e f 1)] A. The b. The c. The d. The e. The f. Scales x and y with the matrix x1 = A*x + C*y y1 = B*x + D*y Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the matrix transformation Transforms x and y with the matrix x1 = A*x + C*y + E y1 = B*x + D*y + F This interface represenrs a path. Symplifies path (replaces tiny elements with one summary element) f.e. sometimes path contains huge amount of tiny lines that really visible as one line - simlifiyng allows deminish amount of objects that are created in result APS Amount of digits after comma, that says how close must be points to be treated as one. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using the current point and (x2 , y2 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x3. The y3. Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3 , y3 ), using (x1 , y1 ) and (x3 , y3 ) as the Bézier control points (see, "Cubic Bézier Curves"). The new current point shall be (x3 , y3 ). The x1. The y1. The x3. The y3. Appends the rectangle. The x. The y. The width. The height. Adds subpath to the path The subpath Moves current point to specified position. The x. The y. Appends line from current point to specified. The x. The y. Transforms the specified matrix. The matrix. Closes current path. Clones this instance. Gets the current Y. Gets the current X. Gets or sets the fill mode. The fill mode. Gets the bounds. Determines whether the specified x is visible. The x. The y. true if the specified x is visible; otherwise, false. Determines if the path is a simple rectangle Determines whether the path is empty. This interface represenrs a pen. Gets the color. Gets or sets the width. The width. Prepares the brush. The path. This interface represents a point. Gets the X. Gets the Y. This class represents base primitive of presentation This interface represents a rectangle. Gets the X. Gets the Y. Gets the width. Gets the height. This interface represents a region. Intersects the instance with the specified path. The path. Intersects the instance with the specified region. The region. Determines whether the specified presenter is empty. The presenter. true if the specified presenter is empty; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified presenter is infinite. The presenter. true if the specified presenter is infinite; otherwise, false. Clones this instance. represents color saturation min value of the saturation max value of the saturation Value of the saturation This interface represenrs a text. Gets scaled version of the object All the properties are correctly adjusted with text state properties. NOTE: excluding matrix appliance Gets the string. Count of char codes in string Whether text has single byte per char. Gets the font. Gets the size of the font. The size of the font. Gets value indicating whether the text is horizontal or vertical true assumes horizontal. CharWidths collection is used to place characters false assumes vertical. CharHeights collection is used to place characters Gets the char metrics. The table should contains widths only for . Gets the width of the text. The width of the text. Gets the height of the text. The height of the text. Gets the text matrix. Gets the text line matrix. Gets the font flags. Gets the default width of the char. The default width of the char. Gets the padding (horizontal: right padding; vertical: bottom padding). represents char collection of ICharInfo instances Gets character info character index The line cap style shall specify the shape that shall be used at the ends of open subpaths (and dashes, if any) when they are stroked. Butt cap. The stroke shall be squared off at the endpoint of the path. There shall be no projection beyond the end of the path. Round cap. A semicircular arc with a diameter equal to the line width shall be drawn around the endpoint and shall be filled in. Projecting square cap. The stroke shall continue beyond the endpoint of the path for a distance equal to half the line width and shall besquared off. The line join style shall specify the shape to be used at the corners of paths that are stroked. Miter join. The outer edges of the strokes for the two segments shall beextended until they meet at an angle, as in a picture frame. If the segments meet at too sharp an angle (as defined by the miter limit parameter�see, "Miter Limit"), a bevel join shall be used instead. Round join. An arc of a circle with a diameter equal to the line width shall be drawn around the point where the two segments meet, connecting the outer edges of the strokes for the two segments. This pieslice-shaped figure shall be filled in, producing a rounded corner. Bevel join. The two segments shall be finished with butt caps (see, "Line Cap Style") and the resulting notch beyond the ends of the segments shall be filled with a triangle. Although CIE-based colour specifications are theoretically device-independent, they are subject to practical limitations in the colour reproduction capabilities of the output device. Such limitations may sometimes require compromises to be made among various properties of a colour specification when rendering colours for a given device. Specifying a rendering intent (PDF 1.1) allows a conforming writer to set priorities regarding which of these properties to preserve and which to sacrifice. Colours shall be represented solely with respect to the light source; no correction shall be made for the output medium�s white point (such as the colour of unprinted paper). Thus, for example, a monitor�s white point, which is bluish compared to that of a printer�s paper, would be reproduced with a blue cast. In-gamut colours shall bereproduced exactly; out-of-gamut colours shall be mapped to the nearest value within the reproducible gamut. NOTE 1 This style of reproduction has the advantage of providing exact colour matches from one output medium to another. It has the disadvantage of causing colours with Yvalues between the medium�s white point and 1.0 to be out of gamut. A typical use might be for logos and solid colours that require exact reproduction across different media. Colours shall be represented with respect to the combination of the light source and the output medium�s white point (such as the colour of unprinted paper). Thus, a monitor�s white point can be reproduced on a printer by simply leaving the paper unmarked, ignoring colour differences between the two media. In-gamut colours shall be reproduced exactly; out-of-gamut colours shall bemapped to the nearest value within the reproducible gamut. NOTE 2 This style of reproduction has the advantage of adapting for the varying white points of different output media. It has the disadvantage of not providing exact colour matches from one medium to another. A typical use might be for vector graphics. Colours shall be represented in a manner that preserves or emphasizes saturation. Reproduction of in-gamut colours may or may not be colourimetrically accurate. NOTE 3 A typical use might be for business graphics, where saturation is the most important attribute of the colour. Colours shall be represented in a manner that provides a pleasing perceptual appearance. To preserve colour relationships, both in-gamut and out-of-gamut colours shall be generally modified from their precise colourimetric values. NOTE 4 A typical use might be for scanned images. represents resolution object The X resolution The Y resolution This delegate represents an property changed event. Name of the property. Represents MD5 hash algorithm. Creates an instance of the default implementation of MD5. Represents data structure for Sha512 (Message Digest) computation and provides necessary methods to compute. Creates an instance of the default implementation of SHA256. Represents data structure for Sha1 (Message Digest) computation and provides necessary methods to compute. Performs the hash algorithm on the data provided. The array containing the data. The position in the array to begin reading from. How many bytes in the array to read. Performs any final activities required by the hash algorithm. The final hash value. Process a block of data. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. Process the last block of data. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. How many bytes need to be processed. The results of the completed hash calculation. Pads the final block. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. How many bytes need to be processed. Creates an instance of the default implementation of SHA1. Represents data structure for Sha384 (Message Digest) computation and provides necessary methods to compute. Performs the hash algorithm on the data provided. The array containing the data. The position in the array to begin reading from. How many bytes in the array to read. Performs any final activities required by the hash algorithm. The final hash value. Process a block of data. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. Process the last block of data. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. How many bytes need to be processed. The results of the completed hash calculation. Pads the final block. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. How many bytes need to be processed. Creates an instance of the default implementation of SHA384. Represents data structure for Sha512 (Message Digest) computation and provides necessary methods to compute. Performs the hash algorithm on the data provided. The array containing the data. The position in the array to begin reading from. How many bytes in the array to read. Performs any final activities required by the hash algorithm. The final hash value. Process a block of data. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. Process the last block of data. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. How many bytes need to be processed. The results of the completed hash calculation. Pads the final block. The block of data to process. Where to start in the block. How many bytes need to be processed. Creates an instance of the default implementation of SHA512. Represents the names identifying the algorithm to be used when computing the digest. Represents the class specifying transform parameters (variable data) for the transform method DocMDP. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be TransformParams for a transform parameters dictionary. (Optional) The access permissions granted for this document. Valid values are: 1 - No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. 2 - Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature. 3 - Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature. (Optional) The DocMDP transform parameters dictionary version. The only valid value is 1.2. (Note that this value is a name object, not a number.) Default value: 1.2. Default parameterless constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes. The access permissions granted for this document. The transform parameters dictionary version. Returns a that represents the current . The trailerable. Array of fields. Not used. A new instance of class. Represents the list of names that, along with the Fields array, describe which form fields are included in the object digest (and hence do not permit changes after the signature is applied). All form fields. Only those form fields that are specified in Fields. Only those form fields that are not specified in Fields. Represents the class specifying transform parameters (variable data) for the transform method FieldMDP. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be TransformParams for a transform parameters dictionary. (Required) A name that, along with the Fields array, describes which form fields are included in the object digest (and hence do not permit changes after the signature is applied). Valid values are: All - All form fields. Include - Only those form fields that are specified in Fields. Exclude - Only those form fields that are not specified in Fields. (Required if Action is Include or Exclude) An array of text strings containing field names. (Optional) The transform parameters dictionary version. The value for PDF 1.5 and later is 1.2. (Note that this value is a name object, not a number.) Default value: 1.2. Default parameterless constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes. A name that, along with the Fields array, describes which form fields are included in the object digest. The transform parameters dictionary version. Returns a that represents the current . The trailerable. Array of fields. A new instance of class. Represents the dictionary that specifies a set of form fields to be locked when this signature field is signed. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be SigFieldLock for a signature field lock dictionary. (Required) A name which, in conjunction with Fields, indicates the set of fields that should be locked. Valid values are: All - All fields in the document Include - All fields specified in Fields Exclude - All fields except those specified in Fields (Required if the value of Action is Include or Exclude) An array of text strings containing field names. Creates a instance from a object. The dictionary object to parse. A new instance of class. OCSP only. CRL only. OCSP and CRL. If OCSP are not provided than use CRL. Represents the signature reference dictionary. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be SigRef for a signature reference dictionary. (Required) The name of the transform method that guides the object digest computation or modification analysis that takes place when the signature is validated. Valid values are: DocMDP - Used to detect modifications to a document relative to a signature field that is signed by the originator of a document. UR - Used to detect modifications to a document that would invalidate a signature in a rights-enabled document. FieldMDP - Used to detect modifications to a list of form fields specified in TransformParams. Identity- Used when signing a single object, which is specified by the value of Data in the signature reference dictionary. This transform method supports signing of FDF files. (Optional) A dictionary specifying transform parameters (variable data) for the transform method specified by TransformMethod. Each method except Identity takes its own set of parameters. (Required when TransformMethod is FieldMDP or Identity) An indirect reference to the object in the document over which the digest was computed or upon which the object modification analysis should be performed. For transform methods other than FieldMDPand Identity, this object is implicitly defined. (Optional) A name identifying the algorithm to be used when computing the digest. Valid values are MD5 and SHA1. (Required in some situations) When present, the computed value of the digest. (Required when DigestValue is required and TransformMethod is FieldMDP or DocMDP) An array of two integers specifying the location in the PDF file of the DigestValue string. The integers represent the starting offset and length in bytes, respectively. This entry is required when DigestValue is written directly to the PDF file, bypassing any encryption that has been performed on the document. When specified, the values must be used to read DigestValue directly from the file during validation. Default parameterless constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes. The name of the transform method that guides the object digest computation. The transform parameters. A name identifying the algorithm to be used when computing the digest. Creates a instance from a object. The dictionary object to parse. A new instance of class. Returns a that represents the current . The trailerable. A new instance of class. Returns a hash algorithm object (MD5, SHA1 are supported). The digest algorithm to create. Returns a hash algorithm object. Create the hex string representation of digest value bytes array. The digest value. The hex string representation of digest value. Computes digest value for the list of form fields. The list of form fields. The string hex representation of digest value. Computes digest value for the NoChanges access permissions type (the whole pdf document). The pdf document bytes array. The string hex representation of digest value. Computes the digest value length formatted as hex string based on the hash algorithm type (md5 = 32 + 2 bytes, sha1 = 40 + 2 bytes). Represents the name of the transform method that guides the object digest computation or modification analysis that takes place when the signature is validated. Used to detect modifications to a document relative to a signature field that is signed by the originator of a document. Used to detect modifications to a document that would invalidate a signature in a rights-enabled document. Used to detect modifications to a list of form fields specified in TransformParams. Used when signing a single object, which is specified by the value of Data in the signature reference dictionary. This transform method supports signing of FDF files. Represents the base class specifying transform parameters (variable data) for the transform method specified by TransformMethod. Creates a instance from a object. The transform method. The dictionary object to parse. A new instance of class. Returns a that represents the current . The trailerable. Array of fields. A new instance of class. Gets or sets the StmF. The name of the crypt filter that is used by default when decrypting streams. Gets or sets the StrF. The name of the crypt filter that is used when decrypting all strings in the document. Gets or sets the EFF. The name of the crypt filter that shall be used when encrypting embedded file streams that do not have their own crypt filter specifier. Returns the result of calculation of hash code for rev. 6 (pdf 2.0). User or owner password cut to 127 bytes length. Validation or key salt value. U field in case of using owner password; otherwise, zero length. The 32 bytes hash code value. Encrypts data using Rijndael crypto provider. The input data to encrypt. The vector value. The password value. The padding flag. The cipher mode (CBC, EBC). The encrypted data. Encrypts data using Rijndael crypto provider with padding flag by default. The input data to encrypt. The vector value. The password value. The cipher mode (CBC, EBC). The encrypted data. Encrypts data using Rijndael crypto provider with CBC cipher mode by default. The input data to encrypt. The vector value. The password value. The padding flag. The encrypted data. Encrypts data using Rijndael crypto provider with empty vector value. The input data to encrypt. The key value. The encrypted data. Decrypts data using Rijndael crypto provider. The input data to encrypt. The vector value. The key value. The padding flag. The encrypted data. Decrypts data using Rijndael crypto provider. The input data to encrypt. The key value. The padding flag. The encrypted data. Authority Info Access. Gets the trailerable. The trailerable. Gets or sets the StmF. The name of the crypt filter that is used by default when decrypting streams. Gets or sets the StrF. The name of the crypt filter that is used when decrypting all strings in the document. Gets or sets the EFF. The name of the crypt filter that shall be used when encrypting embedded file streams that do not have their own crypt filter specifier. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The ID of document. The permissions values. The password to decrypt/encrypt. Creates the encryption dictionary. RevocationInfoArchival ::= SEQUENCE { crl [0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of CRLs, OPTIONAL ocsp [1] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of OCSP Responses, OPTIONAL otherRevInfo [2] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of OtherRevInfo, OPTIONAL } OtherRevInfo ::= SEQUENCE { Type OBJECT IDENTIFIER Value OCTET STRING } Gets or sets vector value. Gets or sets padding flag. Gets or sets cipher mode (CBC, ECB). Initialize key expansion. The key value. Encrypts a stream. The input stream to encrypt. The encrypted data. Decrypts a stream. The input stream to decrypt. The decrypted data. Calculate the necessary round keys. The number of calculations depends on key size and block size AES specified a fixed block size of 128 bits and key sizes 128/192/256 bits This code is written assuming those are the only possible values. Key value. Encrypt or decrypt. The round keys. Initialise an AES cipher. whether or not we are for encryption key value Implements Normalization Form KC (Unicode Standard Annex #15). Normalization the given string. The normalized string. Decomposes string. String to decompose. A decomposed string. Orders characters. String to order. A ordered string. Composes characters (combination). String to compose. A composed string. Implements routines that used in normalization proceess. Decomposes the given character. The character to decompose. The decomposition for c. Returns the combining class for the given character. Character to find. Combining class for this character. Composes two characters into canonical form. First character. Second character. If composition was found - the composed character; othrewise, -1. Composes two hangul characters. First character. Second character. If the two characters cannot be composed - the composed character; otherwise, -1. Decomposes a hangul character. A character to decompose. A string containing the hangul decomposition of the input character. If no hangul decomposition can be found, a string containing the character itself is returned. Implements SASL profile for user names and passwords (RFC 4013). The main phases are: 1) Map -- For each character in the input, check if it has a mapping and, if so, replace it with its mapping. 2) Normalize -- Possibly normalize the result of step 1 using Unicode normalization. 3) Prohibit -- Check for any characters that are not allowed in the output. If any are found, return an error. 4) Check bidi strings -- Possibly check for right-to-left characters The source utf8 encoded string. Stores result of processing. Gets the result of processing. Constructor. Converts bytes to utf8 string. Input data. Constructor. Initializes source string converted to UTF8. The input string. Constructor. Converts bytes from stream to utf8 string. Input data. Converts stream of bytes to utf8 string. Stream of bytes. Converted utf8 string. Unicode representation of SPACE character (U+0020). Non-ASCII space characters that can be mapped to SPACE (U+0020) (C.1.2) The "commonly mapped to nothing" characters that can be mapped to nothing (B.1) Processes the convertion of input data to SASL profile based string. Converted to SASL profile based string. Validates for each character in the input, check if it has a mapping and, if so, replace it with its mapping. Object contains utf8 encoded string. Normalizes input data using Unicode normalization form KC. Object contains utf8 encoded string. Non-ASCII space characters (Section C.1.2). ASCII control characters (C.2.1). Non-ASCII control characters (C.2.2). Non-ASCII control characters (32-bit) (C.2.2). Private use characters (C.3). Private use characters (32 bit) (C.3). Non-character code points (C.4). Non-character code points (32 bit) (C.4). Prohibitesd surrogate code (C.5). Inappropriate for plain text (C.6). Inappropriate for canonical representation characters (C.7). Change display properties or deprecated characters (C.8). Tagging characters (32 bit) (C.9). Checks for any characters that are not allowed in the output. If any are found, return an error. Object contains utf8 encoded string. Characters with bidirectional property "R" or "AL" (D.1). Characters with bidirectional property "L" (D.2). Characters with bidirectional property "L" (32 bit) (D.2). Checks bidi strings -- Possibly check for right-to-left characters, and if any are found, make sure that the whole string satisfies the requirements for bidirectional strings. If the string does not satisfy the requirements for bidirectional strings, return an error. [Unicode3.2] defines several bidirectional categories; each character has one bidirectional category assigned to it. For the purposes of the requirements below, an "RandALCat character" is a character that has Unicode bidirectional categories "R" or "AL"; an "LCat character" is a character that has Unicode bidirectional category "L". Note that there are many characters which fall in neither of the above definitions; Latin digits (U0030 through U0039) are examples of this because they have bidirectional category "EN". In any profile that specifies bidirectional character handling, all three of the following requirements MUST be met: 1) The characters in section 5.8 MUST be prohibited. 2) If a string contains any RandALCat character, the string MUST NOT contain any LCat character. 3) If a string contains any RandALCat character, a RandALCat character MUST be the first character of the string, and a RandALCat character MUST be the last character of the string. Object contains utf8 encoded string. Returns byte array representation of result utf8 encoded string. The byte array representation of result utf8 encoded string. Exception is thrown if a stringprep profile processing fails to validate. Initializes new stringprep exception object. This class represents empty encriptor. This class represents pdf encriptor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The encription info. The yser password. Pass null to ignore it. Builds the encryption. Shows if encrypting is enabled, i.e. if we decrypt the document (i.e. the document becomes open) then this value equals to false, otherwise - true. This is base class for encryption. Gets or sets the trailerable. The trailerable. Gets or sets the trailer. The trailer. Gets or sets the decryption, this object is used to decrypt pdf strings and streams. The decryption. Gets or sets the encryption, this object is used to encrypt pdf strings and streams. The encryption. Gets or sets the password. The password. Checks if given password is actually owner password. String value to check if it is owner password. Checks if given password is actually user password. String value to check if it is user password. Gets the permission manager. The permission manager. Gets cryto algorithm, it is used on side of decrypting data (another algorythm can be used for crypting data). Shows if encrypting is enabled, i.e. if we decrypt the document (i.e. the document becomes open) then this value equals to false, otherwise - true. Creates the document id. Encrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Encripts the specified data. The data. The source. Encrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Decrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Decrypts the specified data. The data. The source. This interface represents a abstract scrambler. Gets or sets the password. The password. Checks if given password is actually owner password. String value to check if it is owner password. Checks if given password is actually user password. String value to check if it is user password. Gets the permission manager. The permission manager. Gets cryto algorithm, it is used on side of decrypting data (another algorythm can be used for crypting data). Shows if encrypting is enabled, i.e. if we decrypt the document (i.e. the document becomes open) then this value equals to false, otherwise - true. Encrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Encripts the specified data. The data. The source. Encrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Decrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Decrypts the specified data. The data. The source. Decrypts the specified data. The data. The source. This interface represents manager for enum. Determines whether the specified permission is allowed. The permission. true if the specified permission is allowed; otherwise, false. Gets permissions value. CertID ::= Sequence { hashAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, issuerNameHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of Issuer's DN issuerKeyHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of Issuers public key serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber } CertStatus ::= CHOICE { good [0] IMPLICIT Null, revoked [1] IMPLICIT RevokedInfo, unknown [2] IMPLICIT UnknownInfo } GeneralName ::= CHOICE { otherName [0] OtherName, rfc822Name [1] IA5String, dNSName [2] IA5String, x400Address [3] ORAddress, directoryName [4] Name, ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER} OtherName ::= Sequence { type-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER, value [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id } EDIPartyName ::= Sequence { nameAssigner [0] DirectoryString OPTIONAL, partyName [1] DirectoryString } RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE { type OBJECT IDENTIFIER, value ANY } Country code - StringType(SIZE(2)). Organization - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). Organizational unit name - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). Title. Common name - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). Street - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). Device serial number name - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). Locality name - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). State, or province name - StringType(SIZE(1..64)). Naming attributes of type X520name. BusinessCategory - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..128)). PostalCode - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..40)). DnQualifier - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..64)). RFC 3039 Pseudonym - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..64)). RFC 3039 DateOfBirth - GeneralizedTime - YYYYMMDD000000Z. RFC 3039 PlaceOfBirth - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..128)). RFC 3039 DateOfBirth - PrintableString (SIZE(1)) -- "M", "F", "m" or "f". RFC 3039 CountryOfCitizenship - PrintableString (SIZE (2)) -- ISO 3166 codes only. RFC 3039 CountryOfCitizenship - PrintableString (SIZE (2)) -- ISO 3166 codes only. ISIS-MTT NameAtBirth - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..64)). RFC 3039 PostalAddress - SEQUENCE SIZE (1..6) OF DirectoryString(SIZE(1..30)). RFC 2256 dmdName. Id at-telephoneNumber. Id at-name. Email address (RSA PKCS#9 extension) - IA5String. More from PKCS#9. Email address in Verisign certificates. LDAP User id. Default look up table translating OID values into their common symbols following the convention in RFC 2253 with a few extras. Look up table translating OID values into their common symbols following the convention in RFC 2253. Look up table translating OID values into their common symbols following the convention in RFC 1779. Look up table translating common symbols into their OIDS. Gets and sets a value indicating whether or not strings should be processed and printed from back to front. Constructor. ASN1 object. Returns the encoded value of byte array. Encoded byte array. Creates from an issuer certificate and the serial number of the certificate it signed. The hash algorithm. The issuer certificate. The serial number value. Returns the serial number for the certificate associated with this request. Ocsp client provides ability to query responses and revocation status. Queries ocsp response. The client certificate. The issuer certificate. Ocsp response. Queries certificate status. The client certificate. The issuer certificate. Ocsp revocation status. The certificate identified in a received response corresponds to that which was identified in the corresponding request. The clinet x509 certificate. The issuer x509certificate. The certificate id to validate. OcspRequest ::= SEQUENCE { tbsRequest TBSRequest, optionalSignature [0] EXPLICIT Signature OPTIONAL } TBSRequest ::= SEQUENCE { version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, requestorName [1] EXPLICIT GeneralName OPTIONAL, requestList SEQUENCE OF Request, requestExtensions [2] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } Signature ::= SEQUENCE { signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, signature BIT STRING, certs [0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Certificate OPTIONAL} Version ::= INTEGER { v1(0) } Request ::= SEQUENCE { reqCert CertID, singleRequestExtensions [0] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } CertID ::= SEQUENCE { hashAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, issuerNameHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of Issuer's DN issuerKeyHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of Issuers public key serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber } TBSRequest ::= Sequence { version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, requestorName [1] EXPLICIT GeneralName OPTIONAL, requestList Sequence OF Request, requestExtensions [2] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } Creates a Asn1 sequence. OcspRequest ::= Sequence { tbsRequest TBSRequest, optionalSignature [0] EXPLICIT Signature OPTIONAL } ASN1 sequence. Adds a request for the given CertificateID. Certificate ID of interest. Generates an unsigned request. Unsigned request object. BasicOcspResponse ::= Sequence { tbsResponseData ResponseData, signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, signature BIT STRING, certs [0] EXPLICIT Sequence OF Certificate OPTIONAL } OcspResponse ::= Sequence { responseStatus OcspResponseStatus, responseBytes [0] EXPLICIT ResponseBytes OPTIONAL } OcspResponseStatus ::= Enumerated { successful (0), --Response has valid confirmations malformedRequest (1), --Illegal confirmation request internalError (2), --Internal error in issuer tryLater (3), --Try again later --(4) is not used sigRequired (5), --Must sign the request unauthorized (6) --Request unauthorized } Construstor. The status value. ResponderID ::= CHOICE { byName [1] Name, byKey [2] KeyHash } ResponseBytes ::= Sequence { responseType OBJECT IDENTIFIER, response OCTET STRING } ResponseData ::= Sequence { version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, responderID ResponderID, producedAt GeneralizedTime, responses Sequence OF SingleResponse, responseExtensions [1] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } Signature ::= Sequence { signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, signature BIT STRING, certs [0] EXPLICIT Sequence OF Certificate OPTIONAL} SingleResponse ::= Sequence { certID CertID, certStatus CertStatus, thisUpdate GeneralizedTime, nextUpdate [0] EXPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, singleExtensions [1] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } Returns the status object for the response - null indicates good. The status object for the response, null if it is good. Returns the status object for the response - null indicates good. The status object for the response, null if it is good. RevokedInfo ::= Sequence { revocationTime GeneralizedTime, revocationReason [0] EXPLICIT CRLReason OPTIONAL } The object that contains the public key stored in a certficate. SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= Sequence { algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, publicKey BIT STRING } Creates an object. The TbsCertificate object. TbsCertificate ::= Sequence { version [ 0 ] Version DEFAULT v1(0), serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, signature AlgorithmIdentifier, issuer Name, validity Validity, subject Name, subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, issuerUniqueID [ 1 ] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, subjectUniqueID [ 2 ] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, extensions [ 3 ] Extensions OPTIONAL } Exception is thrown if a Ocsp request or response fails. This class represents Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The permission. Initializes a new instance of the class. The permissions. Initializes a new instance of the class. The permission. Gets permissions value. Determines whether the specified permissions is allowed. The permissions. true if the specified permissions is allowed; otherwise, false. Gets the timestamp settings. Gets the ocsp settings. Gets the list of signature references entries. Gets use LTV verification flag. Initializes a new instance of the class. The authority value. The date. The location. The reason. The contact info. The list of signature references entries. The timestamp settings. The ocsp settings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The authority value. The date. The location. The reason. The contact info. The list of signature references entries. The timestamp settings. The ocsp settings. Use LTV verification. PKIFailureInfo ::= BIT STRING { badAlg (0), -- unrecognized or unsupported Algorithm Identifier badMessageCheck (1), -- integrity check failed (e.g., signature did not verify) badRequest (2), -- transaction not permitted or supported badTime (3), -- messageTime was not sufficiently close to the system time, as defined by local policy badCertId (4), -- no certificate could be found matching the provided criteria badDataFormat (5), -- the data submitted has the wrong format wrongAuthority (6), -- the authority indicated in the request is different from the one creating the response token incorrectData (7), -- the requester's data is incorrect (for notary services) missingTimeStamp (8), -- when the timestamp is missing but should be there (by policy) badPOP (9) -- the proof-of-possession failed timeNotAvailable (14), -- the TSA's time source is not available unacceptedPolicy (15), -- the requested TSA policy is not supported by the TSA unacceptedExtension (16), -- the requested extension is not supported by the TSA addInfoNotAvailable (17) -- the additional information requested could not be understood -- or is not available systemFailure (25) -- the request cannot be handled due to system failure PkiFreeText ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF UTF8String. Return the UTF8STRING by index. PkiStatusInfo ::= SEQUENCE { status PKIStatus, (INTEGER) statusString PkiFreeText OPTIONAL, failInfo PkiFailureInfo OPTIONAL (BIT STRING) } PKIStatus: granted (0), -- you got exactly what you asked for grantedWithMods (1), -- you got something like what you asked for rejection (2), -- you don't get it, more information elsewhere in the message waiting (3), -- the request body part has not yet been processed, expect to hear more later revocationWarning (4), -- this message contains a warning that a revocation is imminent revocationNotification (5), -- notification that a revocation has occurred keyUpdateWarning (6) -- update already done for the oldCertId specified in CertReqMsg PkiFailureInfo: badAlg (0), -- unrecognized or unsupported Algorithm Identifier badMessageCheck (1), -- integrity check failed (e.g., signature did not verify) badRequest (2), -- transaction not permitted or supported badTime (3), -- messageTime was not sufficiently close to the system time, as defined by local policy badCertId (4), -- no certificate could be found matching the provided criteria badDataFormat (5), -- the data submitted has the wrong format wrongAuthority (6), -- the authority indicated in the request is different from the one creating the response token incorrectData (7), -- the requester's data is incorrect (for notary services) missingTimeStamp (8), -- when the timestamp is missing but should be there (by policy) badPOP (9) -- the proof-of-possession failed PolicyInformation ::= Sequence { policyIdentifier CertPolicyId, policyQualifiers Sequence SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL } Accuracy ::= SEQUENCE { seconds INTEGER OPTIONAL, millis [0] INTEGER (1..999) OPTIONAL, micros [1] INTEGER (1..999) OPTIONAL } MessageImprint ::= SEQUENCE { hashAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, hashedMessage OCTET STRING } TstInfo ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { v1(1) }, policy TSAPolicyId, messageImprint MessageImprint, -- MUST have the same value as the similar field in -- TimeStampReq serialNumber INTEGER, -- Time-Stamping users MUST be ready to accommodate integers -- up to 160 bits. genTime GeneralizedTime, accuracy Accuracy OPTIONAL, ordering BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, nonce INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- MUST be present if the similar field was present -- in TimeStampReq. In that case it MUST have the same value. tsa [0] GeneralName OPTIONAL, extensions EssCertID ::= SEQUENCE { certHash Hash, issuerSerial IssuerSerial OPTIONAL } EssCertIDv2 ::= SEQUENCE { hashAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier DEFAULT {algorithm id-sha256}, certHash Hash, issuerSerial IssuerSerial OPTIONAL } Hash ::= OCTET STRING IssuerSerial ::= SEQUENCE { issuer GeneralNames, serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber } TimeStampReq ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { v1(1) }, messageImprint MessageImprint, --a hash algorithm OID and the hash value of the data to be --time-stamped reqPolicy TSAPolicyId OPTIONAL, nonce INTEGER OPTIONAL, certReq BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, extensions [0] IMPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } RFC 3161 Time Stamp Request. Create a TimeStampRequest from the past in input stream. The input stream. Validate the timestamp request, checking the digest to see if it is of an accepted type and whether it is of the correct length for the algorithm specified. a set of string OIDS giving accepted algorithms. if non-null a set of policies we are willing to sign under. if non-null a set of extensions we are willing to accept. Creator of RFC 3161 Time Stamp Request objects. Add a given extension field for the standard extensions tag (tag 3) Add a given extension field for the standard extensions tag The value parameter becomes the contents of the octet string associated with the extension. TimeStampResp ::= SEQUENCE { status PkiStatusInfo, timeStampToken TimeStampToken OPTIONAL } RFC 3161 Time Stamp Response object. Create a TimeStampResponse from an input stream containing an ASN.1 encoding. the input stream containing the encoded response. Validate response against to see if it a well formed response for the passed in request. Validation will include checking the time stamp token if the response status is GRANTED or GRANTED_WITH_MODS. the request to be checked against SigningCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { certs SEQUENCE OF EssCertID, policies SEQUENCE OF PolicyInformation OPTIONAL } id-aa-signingCertificate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs9(9) smime(16) id-aa(2) 12 } SigningCertificateV2 ::= SEQUENCE { certs SEQUENCE OF EssCertIDv2, policies SEQUENCE OF PolicyInformation OPTIONAL } id-aa-signingCertificateV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs9(9) smime(16) id-aa(2) 47 } Timestamp client provides ability to query timestamp token. Queries timestamp token. The hashed data. The timestamp response. Validate the time stamp token. The x509 certificate. Validate the passed in certificate as being of the correct type to be used for time stamping. Exception is thrown if a TSP request or response fails to validate. This class represents the reffernce to the object Initializes a new instance of the class. The object id. The generation. The offset. This class represents the reffernce to the object Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The PDF object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object id. The generation. The offset. Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. Value Condition Less than zero x is less than y. Zero x equals y. Greater than zero x is greater than y. The second object to compare. The first object to compare. Neither x nor y implements the interface.-or- x and y are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other. 2 Gets or sets the offset. The offset. Sets the offset. The value. Gets or sets the object ID. The object ID. Sets the object ID. The value. Gets or sets the generation. The generation. Sets the generation. The value. Gets or sets the index in stream. The index in stream. Sets the index in stream. The value. Gets or sets the stream object id. The stream object id. Sets the stream object id. The value. Gets or sets the next freed id. The next freed id. Sets the next freed id. The value. Gets or sets the in use. The in use. Sets the in use. The value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compressed. true if compressed; otherwise, false. Sets the is compressed. if set to true [value]. Initializes from xref. The chars. The id. Gets the xref data. Gets the xref tuple. The additional offset. Gets the stream data. The bits Per Generation. The bits per objectId. Clones this instance. This enum represents an enumeration of fonts' types. Type of in use. In-use entry Free entry (for objects that have been deleted) This interface represents a PDF resource manager. Gets the font map. The font map. Registers the font. Name of the font. The font. Determines whether the specified font name has font. Name of the font. The type. true if the specified font name has font; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified font name has font. Name of the font. true if the specified font name has font; otherwise, false. Gets the font. Name of the font. The type. Gets the font. Name of the font. Creates the font. Name of the font. Creates the font. Name of the font. Creates the font. Name of the font. Creates the I font. Name of the font. This interface represents registar for . Gets the resource manager. The resource manager. Gets the references. The references. Registers the specified PDF object. The PDF object. Exports the specified PDF object from another . The PDF object. Changes the object id for the specified . The PDF object. The new object id. Deletes the object. The PDF object. Registers the specified object group. The object group. Clear cache. Gets the registered object. The object id. The generation. Gets the object group. The object id. Unregister all object groups. Unregister all objects but remain encrypt. Determines whether the specified object is registered. The object. true if the specified object is registered; otherwise, false. Gets the next object ID. Gets the last object ID. Removes the unused objects. This method will read all document - so it can be long operation Document instance. Updates the object id. The object id. Searches the reference. The object id. The generation. Gets the reference. The PDF object. Gets the object. The reference. Changes the object id. The old object id. The generation. The new object id. Unregisters the object. The reference. Determines whether the specified PDF object is modified. The PDF object. true if the specified PDF object is modified; otherwise, false. Sets the modified. The PDF object. if set to true [value]. Gets the modified references. Indicates that trailers have been read successfully Indicates xref table may contains gaps Indicates that is save document starts get all object groups convert object stream to set of objects repair problematic table Gets the cached primitive. The object id. The generation. Add the cached primitive. The object id. The generation. This class represents pdf resource manager. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. Creates the I font. Name of the font. Gets the font map. The font map. Registers the font. Name of the font. The font. Determines whether the specified font name has font. Name of the font. The type. true if the specified font name has font; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified font name has font. Name of the font. true if the specified font name has font; otherwise, false. Gets the font. Name of the font. The type. Gets the font. Name of the font. Creates the font. Name of the font. Creates the font. Name of the font. Creates the font. Name of the font. Gets the font path. Name of the font. Gets the font name to path mapping. Normalizes the name of the font. The key. This class represents Pdf Registrar. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The PDF stream reader. Gets the PDF stream reader. The PDF stream reader. Gets the resource manager. The resource manager. Gets the references. The references. Registers the specified PDF object. The PDF object. Exports the specified PDF object from another . The PDF object. convert object stream to set of objects Changes the object id for the specified . The PDF object. The new object id. Changes the object id. The old object id. The generation. The new object id. Updates the object id. The object id. Gets the original object id. The object id. Deletes the reference. Removes the cross reference. The cross reference. Deletes the object. The PDF object. Determines whether the specified PDF object is modified. The PDF object. true if the specified PDF object is modified; otherwise, false. Sets the modified. The PDF object. if set to true [value]. Gets the modified references. Indicates that trailers have been read successfully Indicates that is save document starts Indicates xref table may contains gaps Registers the specified object group. The object group. Unregister all object groups. Unregister all objects but remain encrypt. Searches the reference. The object id. The generation. Gets the reference. The PDF object. Get object offset The object header. The start search position. The end search position. Get object offset The object ID. The object generation. repair problematic table Check object header The object ID. The object generation. The object offset. Clear cache. Gets the object. The reference. Gets the registered object. The object id. The generation. Gets the object group. The object id. Determines whether the specified object is registered. The object. true if the specified object is registered; otherwise, false. Removes the unused objects. This method will read all document - so it can be long operation Document instance. tries to find object in cache. returns null if absent Get count of objects which are not allowed to unload. This method was implemented to investigate PDFNEWNET-39684 Count of fixed objects. Get count of loaded objects in cache. This is to investigate PDFNEWNET-39684 Count of loaded objects. Get total count of objects in cache. Gets the cached primitive. The object id. The generation. Add the cached primitive. The object id. The generation. ParsedContentsCache cache implementation ParsedContentsCache cache implementation XObjectsCache cache implementation CommandParameterCache cache implementation. Adds pdf primitive (number, name, boolean) object into tha cache and returns it or if object is already cached just returns. The count of parameters. The pdf primitive object. If object is cached than returns it; otherwise, returns null. EncodingCache cache implementation NewTtfFontsCache cache implementation. One PDF font can splits into several fonts NewTtfFontsCache cache implementation NewTtfFontsCache cache implementation ColorSpacesCache cache implementation FontEncodedStreamsCache cache implementation IFontsCache cache implementation StandardIFontsCache cache implementation IPdfFontsCache cache implementation This property added for PDF_A conversion and other purposes. ParsedContentsCache cache implementation NotResolvedNewTtfFontsCache implementation Consolidated cache implementation contains caches needed for document processing Global cache instance use it carefully because objects are placed to global cache forever Gets the instance of command parameter cache. Gets the instance of cache for problem fonts of ShowText operators. Gets optimizer instance for given context Analyses command list to prepare info for caching The Factory for the Pdf Objects Creates the document. Name of the file. Creates the document. The stream. Creates the document. The version.[1,7] The author. The subject. The title. Creates the document. The version. This class represents the Factory for PDF Document. Creates the specified type. The type. Creates the object. The type. The @params. Creates the PDF header. Creates the header. The header. Creates the PDF boolean. The @params. Creates the PDF comment. The @params. Creates the PDF comment. The comment. Creates the name of the PDF. The @params. Creates the name of the PDF. The name. Creates the PDF null. Creates the comment. The comment. Creates the PDF boolean. if set to true [boolean]. Creates the PDF object. The @params. Creates the object. The trailerable. Creates the PDF object. The trailerable. The object ID. The generation. Creates the PDF object. The trailerable. The object ID. The generation. The value. Creates the object group. The container. Creates the PDF string. The @params. Creates the PDF string. The value. The trailerable. Creates the PDF string. The value. The encoding. The trailerable. Encoding should be BigEndianUnicode or UTF8 Occurs if Encoding is not BigEndianUnicode and UTF8 Creates the PDF string. The trailerable. Creates the PDF string. The text. The trailable. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. Creates the PDF string. The text. The trailable. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. The encoding. Creates the PDF string. The text. The trailable. if set to true [is hexadecimal]. The encoding. Creates the PDF dictionary. The trailerable. Creates the PDF dictionary. The trailerable. The type. Creates the PDF dictionary. The @params. Creates the PDF number. The @params. Creates the PDF number. The value. Creates the PDF number. The value. Creates the PDF number. The value. Creates the PDF number. The value. Creates the PDF stream. The trailerable. The accessor. Creates the PDF stream. The trailerable. Creates the PDF stream. The trailerable. Type of the filter. The original (not encoded) data. Creates the PDF stream. The trailerable. Type of the filter. The bytes(original not encoded bytes). if set to true container for the stream should be created. Creates the stream accessor. The decoder. The parameters. The encoded data. Creates the stream accessor. The decoder. The parameters. The encoded data. Creates the PDF stream. The @params. Creates the PDF array. The trailerable. Creates the PDF array. The @params. Creates the PDF array. The trailerable. The items. Creates the PDF array. The trailerable. The items. for compability with c++ Creates the PDF trailer. The @params. Makes the trailer parameters. The structure. Creates the registrar. The trailerable. The PDF stream reader. Creates the date. The PDF string. Creates the rectangle. The array. Creates the rectangle. The trailerable. The lower left X. The lower left Y. The upper right X. The upper right Y. Creates the date. The value. The PDF string. Creates the page tree node. The PDF object. Creates the names tree node. The node. Creates the names root tree node. The trailerable. Creates the nums root tree node. The trailerable. Creates the nums tree node. The node. Creates the page information. The page tree node. Creates the resource. The PDF object. Creates the resource. The trailerable. Creates the state of the ext G. The dictionary. Creates the group. The dictionary. group Creates the page operation context. Creates the page operation context. The page. Creates the page content builder. The page. Creates the page content builder. The content. The resources. Creates the content builder. The content. The resources. if set to true [is uncolored]. Creates the save strategy. The structure. Creates the convert strategy. Pdf format. Creates the Fixup strategy. Fixup type. Documnt for convertation. Log. Parameters for Fixup (optional). Fixup strategy. Creates the serializer. Creates the serialization context. Creates the level context. The type. Creates the reader. The stream. Creates the reader for the encrypted document. Document stream. Password to decrypt strings and streams. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Creates the reader for the encrypted document. Document stream. Password to decrypt strings and streams. Creates the reader. The stream. The version. Creates the reader. Name of the file. Creates the reader for the encrypted document. Document file name. Password to decrypt strings and streams. Creates the reader for the encrypted document. Document file name. Password to decrypt strings and streams. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Creates the stream reader. Name of the file. Creates the stream reader. The stream. Creates the stream reader. The stream. Creates the stream reader. The stream. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Creates the stream reader. The stream. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. optimized for contents parsing Creates the writer. The stream. The structure. Creates the writer. Name of the file. The structure. Creates the stream writer. Name of the file. Creates the stream writer. The stream. Creates the stream writer. The stream. Generates the document ID. Creates the encryptor using user password. It occures when pdf document created from the scratch. The trailerable. The dictionary. The user password. Pass null to ignore it. Encryptor object. Creates the document catalog. The catalog. Creates the name dictionary. The trailerable. Creates the name dictionary. The dictionary. Creates the linearize. The PDF object. Creates the PDF file. The version. Creates the PDF file. Name of the file. Creates encrypted PDF file. Name of the file. Password for encrypting pdf data. Creates encrypted PDF file. Name of the file. Password for encrypting pdf data. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Creates the PDF file. The stream. Creates encrypted PDF file. The stream. Password for encrypting pdf data. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Creates encrypted PDF file. The stream. Password for encrypting pdf data. Creates the document. The stream. Creates the document. The version. The author. The subject. The title. Creates the document. Name of the file. Creates the empty document. The trailerable. The version. Creates the destination. The array. Creates the PDF trailer. The structure. The parameters. Creates the PDF trailer. The structure. The parameters. The references. Returns font name suitable to save in PDF Creates the PDF font descriptor. The font. The font descriptor. Creates the standart type1 font. The font. Creates the standart type1 font. The page. The font. Creates the PDF true type pdfFont descriptor. The font. Name of the file. Name of the font. Creates the true type collection font descriptor. The PDF font. Name of the file. The font id. Creates the PDF true type font descriptor. The PDF font. Name of the file. Creates the true type font descriptor. The font. The PDF font. Creates the true type font descriptor. The font. The PDF font. Whether TrueTypeFont is symbolic Creates the IFont from collection. Name of the file. Name of the font. Creates the IFont from collection. Name of the file. The font id. Creates the I font. Name of the file. Creates the I font. font definition. Creates the I font. font definition. context for caching Creates standard IFont based on metrics only Creates the Pdf font. The model. Creates the type3 font. The model. Creates the MM type1 font. The model. Creates the PDF font descriptor. The font. The name. Gets the type1 metrics. The name. Creates the CID font. The model. Creates the type0 font. The model. Creates the type0 font. The font. Creates the true type font. The font. Creates the true type font. The page. Name of the system font. Creates the CID system info. The model. Creates the CID system info. Creates the CID system info. The trailable. Creates the CID font. The page. iFont - base for the font Creates the color. The resources. The components. The color space. Creates the color. The components. The color space. Creates the color. The components. The color space. Creates the color space by name. Name of the space. Creates the color space by name. Name of the space. The resources. The parameters. ICCBased: stream with icc data. UncoloredTillingPatern : ColorSpaceName Indexed: base, hival, lookup Creates the tiling pattern. The resources. Type of the paint. Type of the tiling. The b box. The x step. The y step. The name. Creates the color space by parameters. The parameters. The name. Creates the name of the color space by. The name. Gets the default decode array. The trailerable. The color space. Creates the separation color space. The resources. The name. The alternate color space. The tint transform. Creates the device N color space. The resources. The names. The alternate color space. The titn transform. Creates the indexed color space. The resource. The base CS. The hi val. The lookup. Creates the uncolored pattern color space. The resources. The name. Creates the default cal RGB color space. Gets the name of the color space. The resources. Gets the name of the color space. The dictionary. The prefix. Gets the name of the pattern. The resources. Creates the cal gray color space. The resources. Creates the lab color space. The resources. Creates the ICC based color space. The resources. The icc file. Registers the color space. The resources. The color space definition. The name. Registers the shading. The resources. The pattern definition. The name. Gets the name of the shading. The resources. Creates the function shading pattern. The resource. The destination color space. The background. The function. Creates the function shading pattern. The resource. The destination color space. The background. The function. The matrix. The name. Creates the shading pattern. The resource. The shading. The name. Creates the axial shading pattern. The resource. The dest color space. The background. The function. The coords. Creates the radial shading pattern. The resource. The dest color space. The background. The function. The coords. The name. Creates the free form shading pattern. The resource. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The function. The decode. The vertex data. The name. Creates the coons shading pattern. The resource. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The bits per flag. The function. The decode. The vertex data. The name. Creates the lattice form shading pattern. The resource. The dest color space. The background. The bits per coordinate. The bits per component. The vertices per row. The function. The decode. The vertex data. The name. Creates the PDF function. Type of the function. The PDF object. Creates the PDF function. The PDF object. Creates the PDF object. The trailerable. Creates the PDF function type4. The trailerable. The post script expression. An array of 2 ? m numbers, where m shall be the number of input values. For each i from 0 to m - 1, Domain2i shall be less than or equal to Domain2i+1, and the ith input value, xi, shall lie in the interval Domain2i = xi = Domain2i+1. Input values outside the declared domain shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. An array of 2 ? n numbers, where n shall be the number of output values. For each j from 0 to n - 1, Range2j shall be less than or equal to Range2j+1, and the jth output value, yj , shall lie in the interval Range2j = yj = Range2j+1. Output values outside the declared range shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. If this entry is absent, no clipping shall be done. Creates the PDF function type1. The trailerable. An array of 2 ? m numbers, where m shall be the number of input values. For each i from 0 to m - 1, Domain2i shall be less than or equal to Domain2i+1, and the ith input value, xi, shall lie in the interval Domain2i = xi = Domain2i+1. Input values outside the declared domain shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. An array of 2 ? n numbers, where n shall be the number of output values. For each j from 0 to n - 1, Range2j shall be less than or equal to Range2j+1, and the jth output value, yj , shall lie in the interval Range2j = yj = Range2j+1. Output values outside the declared range shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. If this entry is absent, no clipping shall be done. An array of m positive integers that shall specify the number of samples in each input dimension of the sample table. The number of bits that shall represent each sample. (If the function has multiple output values, each one shall occupy BitsPerSample bits.) Valid values shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 32. The samples. Creates the PDF function type1. The trailerable. An array of 2 ? m numbers, where m shall be the number of input values. For each i from 0 to m - 1, Domain2i shall be less than or equal to Domain2i+1, and the ith input value, xi, shall lie in the interval Domain2i = xi = Domain2i+1. Input values outside the declared domain shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. An array of 2 ? n numbers, where n shall be the number of output values. For each j from 0 to n - 1, Range2j shall be less than or equal to Range2j+1, and the jth output value, yj , shall lie in the interval Range2j = yj = Range2j+1. Output values outside the declared range shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. If this entry is absent, no clipping shall be done. An array of m positive integers that shall specify the number of samples in each input dimension of the sample table. The number of bits that shall represent each sample. (If the function has multiple output values, each one shall occupy BitsPerSample bits.) Valid values shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 32. The order of interpolation between samples. Valid values shall be 1 and 3, specifying linear and cubic spline interpolation, respectively. Default value: 1. An array of 2 ? m numbers specifying the linear mapping of input values into the domain of the function�s sample table. Default value: [0 (Size0 - 1) 0 (Size1 - 1) �]. An array of 2 ? n numbers specifying the linear mapping of sample values into the range appropriate for the function�s output values. Default value: same as the value of Range. The samples. Creates the PDF function type2. The trailerable. An array of 2 ? m numbers, where m shall be the number of input values. For each i from 0 to m - 1, Domain2i shall be less than or equal to Domain2i+1, and the ith input value, xi, shall lie in the interval Domain2i = xi = Domain2i+1. Input values outside the declared domain shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. The interpolation exponent. Each input value x shall return n values, given by yj = C0j + xN ? (C1j - C0j), for 0 = j less n. Creates the PDF function type2. The trailerable. An array of 2 ? m numbers, where m shall be the number of input values. For each i from 0 to m - 1, Domain2i shall be less than or equal to Domain2i+1, and the ith input value, xi, shall lie in the interval Domain2i = xi = Domain2i+1. Input values outside the declared domain shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. The interpolation exponent. Each input value x shall return n values, given by yj = C0j + xN ? (C1j - C0j), for 0 = j less n. An array of n numbers that shall define the function result when x = 0.0. Default value: [0.0]. An array of n numbers that shall define the function result when x = 1.0. Default value: [1.0]. An array of 2 ? n numbers, where n shall be the number of output values. For each j from 0 to n - 1, Range2j shall be less than or equal to Range2j+1, and the jth output value, yj , shall lie in the interval Range2j = yj = Range2j+1. Output values outside the declared range shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. If this entry is absent, no clipping shall be done. Creates the PDF function type3. The trailerable. An array of 2 ? m numbers, where m shall be the number of input values. For each i from 0 to m - 1, Domain2i shall be less than or equal to Domain2i+1, and the ith input value, xi, shall lie in the interval Domain2i = xi = Domain2i+1. Input values outside the declared domain shall be clipped to the nearest boundary value. An array of k 1-input functions that shall make up the stitching function. The output dimensionality of all functions shall be the same, and compatible with the value of Range if Range is present. An array of k - 1 numbers that, in combination with Domain, shall define the intervals to which each function from the Functions array shall apply. Bounds elements shall be in order of increasing value, and each value shall be within the domain defined by Domain. An array of 2 ? k numbers that, taken in pairs, shall map each subset of the domain defined by Domain and the Bounds array to the domain of the corresponding function. Creates the PDF image. The resources. (Required) The width of the image, in samples. (Required) The height of the image, in samples. (Required for images, except those that use the JPXDecode filter; not allowed forbidden for image masks) The colour space in which image samples shall be specified; it can be any type of colour space except Pattern. (Required except for image masks and images that use the JPXDecode filter) The number of bits used to represent each colour component. Only a single value shall be specified; the number of bits shall be the same for all colour components. The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, or (in PDF 1.5) 16. The samples. Creates the PDF image. The trailerable. The width. The height. The color space. The bits per component. The samples. Creates the PDF image. The model. Updates the proc set. The resources. The color space. Updates the proc set. The resources. The proc. Creates the java script action. The trailerable. The javascript. Creates the java script action. The value. Creates the outline item dictionary. The PDF object. Creates the outline dictionary. The PDF object. Creates the PDF trailer. The document structure. The trailer parameters. The references. if set to true [is stream]. Creates the linearize. The trailerable. Creates the PDF document info. The structure. Creates the article bead. The model. Creates the PDF document info. The model. Creates the article thread. The model. Creates the X object. The model. Creates execution context Creates the shading object. The shading. Creates read resolver Creates bit stream Creates version strategy This class represents a common action. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Action for an action dictionary. The type. (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; see Table 194 for specific values. The S. (Optional; PDF 1.2) The next action or sequence of actions that shall be performed after the action represented by this dictionary. The value is either a single action dictionary or an array of action dictionaries that shall be performed in order; see the Note for further discussion. The next. Action types Go to a destination in the current document. (�Go-to remote�) Go to a destination in another document. (�Go-to embedded�; PDF 1.6) Go to a destination in an embedded file. Launch an application, usually to open a file. Begin reading an article thread. Resolve a uniform resource identifier. (PDF 1.2) Play a sound. (PDF 1.2) Play a movie. (PDF 1.2) Set an annotation�s Hidden flag. (PDF 1.2) Execute an action predefined by the conforming reader. (PDF 1.2) Send data to a uniform resource locator. (PDF 1.2) Set fields to their default values. (PDF 1.2) Import field values from a file. (PDF 1.3) Execute a JavaScript script. (PDF 1.5) Set the states of optional content groups. (PDF 1.5) Controls the playing of multimedia content. (PDF 1.5) Updates the display of a document, using a transition dictionary. (PDF 1.6) Set the current view of a 3D annotation This interface represents a common action. (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, shall be Action for an action dictionary. The type. (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; see Table 194 for specific values. The S. (Optional; PDF 1.2) The next action or sequence of actions that shall be performed after the action represented by this dictionary. The value is either a single action dictionary or an array of action dictionaries that shall be performed in order; see the Note for further discussion. The next. This class represents a java script action. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets node with supplied . Path for the node to get. XML node. Paves the way if given doesn't exist. The path to check and if necessary to add nodes in order to pave the way. Initializes new instance of the class. XFA entry object from AcroForm dictionary which is used to read XML data package. Find place for node in names array. Returns index of names array item which corresponds to most high parent of node. Node which is changed; at output parent node which must be saved Names array Index in the array. Array of packet names when XFA is representet as array. Saves changed packet into document structure Index of packet Changed node. Save all cached changes into appropriate XML packets. Changes are stored in _changedPackets. Start cached updates. Changes in XML will not be saved to document structure (AcroForm/XFA entry) until EndCachedUpdates called. This allows to avoid redudant operations on saving XML packets into document structure and improve performance when a lot of XML changes are made. End cached updates of XFA data and save all changes to XFA Save all cached updates into document structure This routine is invoked after changing XML data package. All packages are in one XML document in spite of the way they are in pdf document (i.e. like one document or like separate packages as elements in XFA array. XDP Config component. XDP Form compoment. XDP Template component. List of field names in the form template. XDP Datasets component. XML Data Package. Indexer used to obtain data values. String path to the data node. Data node which is located on the given . This interface represents the simple Pdf Document. Gets the document file. The document file. Gets the document catalog. The document catalog. Gets the pages. The pages. Gets the document information. The document info. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is linearized. true if this instance is linearized; otherwise, false. Gets a version of Pdf from Pdf file header or root. Gets the ID. Gets Object usage monitor Opens the specified file name. Name of the file. Opens encrypted document with the given password. Document filename. User or owner password. Performs incremental update. Performs incremental update with specified options. Save options for save operation. Saves document into specified file. Name of the file. Saves document into specified file. Name of file. Save options. Saves the PDF Document to the specified stream. The stream. Saves the PDF Document to the specified stream. The stream. Save options. Verify PDF document regarding signature. Signature field name. Sign PDF document regarding signature and save it in output stream. Signature field name for signing. Signature object. The set of signature properties like contact info, reason and image. Stream with pfx data. Password to get access to the private key in the pfx. Sign PDF document regarding signature and save it in output stream. Signature field name for signing. Signature object. The set of signature properties like contact info, reason and image. Encrypts the document but don't save changes immediately. You should call Save to get encrypted document. User password, allows to read the document but prevents to change document permissions. Owner password, it gives full control when working with document. Permissins flag, see for details. Security algorithm to encrypt the document, see for details. Support for revision 6 (Extension 8). Used to change passwords. Owner password must be provided to fulfill this action. Owner password. New user password. New owner password. Decrypts the document, in other words clear document security properties and make them open. To get unencrypted version of the document Save method must be invoked after Decrypt. Opens the PDF Document from the specified stream. Name of the file. Opens encrypted document with the given password. Document Stream. User or owner password. Make portfolio from this document. Gets the work stream. This stream is a copy of original input stream for small documents and is equal original stream for huge. This interface represents information of a PDF document. Gets the info dictionary. The info dictionary. (Optional; PDF 1.1; deprecated in PDF 2.0) The document's title. The title. (Optional; deprecated in PDF 2.0) If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the conforming product that created the original document from which it was converted. The creator. (Optional; deprecated in PDF 2.0) The name of the person who created the document. The author. (Optional; PDF 1.1; deprecated in PDF 2.0) The subject of the document. The subject. (Optional; PDF 1.1; deprecated in PDF 2.0) Keywords associated with the document. The keywords. (Optional; deprecated in PDF 2.0) If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the conforming product that converted it to PDF. The producer. (Optional) The date and time the document was created, in human-readable form (see 7.9.4, �Dates�). The creation date. Time zone for creation date. (Required if PieceInfo is present in the document catalogue; otherwise optional; PDF 1.1) The date and time the document was most recently modified, in human-readable form (see 7.9.4, �Dates�). The last modified. Time zone of modification time. Gets/sets the flag of changing modification date. (Optional; deprecated in PDF 2.0) Gets or sets a name object indicating whether the document has been modified to include trapping information. True - The document has been fully trapped; no further trapping is needed. (This is the name True, not the boolean value true.) False - The document has not yet been trapped; any desired trapping must still be done. (This is the name False, not the boolean value false.) Unknown - Either it is unknown whether the document has been trapped or it has been partly but not yet fully trapped; some additional trapping may still be needed. The Pdf Document class. Initializes common global properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Document filename. User or owner password. If set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Initializes a new instance of the class. Document Stream. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Initializes a new instance of the class. The version. The author. The subject. The title. Saves the PDF Document to the specified stream. The stream. Saves the PDF Document to the specified stream. The stream. Save options. Verify PDF Document regarding signature. Signature field name. Sign PDF document regarding signature and save it in output stream. Signature field name for signing. Signature object. The set of signature params like authority, contact info, reason, location etc. Stream with pfx data. Password to get access to the private key in the pfx. Removes signature value from document. The signature name to remove. Encrypts the document but don't save changes immediately. You should call Save to get encrypted document. User password, allows to read the document but prevents to change document permissions. Owner password, it gives full control when working with document. Permissins flag, see for details. Security algorithm to encrypt the document, see for details. Encrypts the document but don't save changes immediately. You should call Save to get encrypted document. User password, allows to read the document but prevents to change document permissions. Owner password, it gives full control when working with document. Permissins flag, see for details. Security algorithm to encrypt the document, see for details. Support for revision 6 (Extension 8). Used to change passwords. Owner password must be provided to fulfill this action. Owner password. New user password. New owner password. Decrypts the document, in other words clear document security properties and make them open. To get unencrypted version of the document Save method must be invoked after Decrypt. Opens the PDF Document from the specified stream. Name of the file. Opens encrypted document with the given password. Document Stream. User or owner password. Opens encrypted document with the given password. Document Stream. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Gets Object usage monitor Opens the specified file name. Name of the file. Opens encrypted document with the given password. Document filename. User or owner password. Opens encrypted document with the given password. Document filename. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Performs incremental update. Performs incremental update. Save options. Saves the specified file name. Name of the file. Make portfolio from this document. Gets the document file. The document file. Gets the document catalog. The document catalog. Gets the pages. The pages. Gets the document information. The document info. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is linearized. true if this instance is linearized; otherwise, false. Gets a version of Pdf from Pdf file header or root. Gets the ID. Gets the work stream. This stream is a copy of original stream for small documents and is equal original stream for huge. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 This class represents information of a PDF Document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Sets the value. The key. The value. Sets the value. The key. The value. Gets the value. The key. Gets the info dictionary. The info dictionary. (Optional; PDF 1.1) The document�s title. The title. (Optional) If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the conforming product that created the original document from which it was converted. The creator. (Optional) The name of the person who created the document. The author. (Optional; PDF 1.1) The subject of the document. The subject. (Optional; PDF 1.1) Keywords associated with the document. The keywords. (Optional) If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the conforming product that converted it to PDF. The producer. (Optional) The date and time the document was created, in human-readable form (see 7.9.4, �Dates�). The creation date. Gets or sets timezone of the modification time. (Required if PieceInfo is present in the document catalogue; otherwise optional; PDF 1.1) The date and time the document was most recently modified, in human-readable form (see 7.9.4, �Dates�). The last modified. Gets or sets timezone of the modification time. Gets/sets the flag of changing modification date. Gets or sets a name object indicating whether the document has been modified to include trapping information. This class represents settings for this tool. This enum represents list of options for goals. Tool must decide. Performace is important. Memory is important. Set this field to value that This field represents a path to the repository of fonts. The exception that is thrown when a feature is deprecated in current pdf version. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Exception message. Implements operations with PDF file: concatenation, splitting, extracting pages, making booklet, etc. Try to invoke the action and catch exceptions. The action. True if operation was succeeded, otherwise false. Concatenates two files. First file to concatenate. Second file to concatenate. Output file. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = fileEditor.TryConcatenate("file1.pdf", "file2.pdf", "outfile.pdf"); Concatenates documents. Array of source documents. Destination document. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. Concatenates files into one file. Array of files to concatenate. Name of output file. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryConcatenate(new string[] { "src1.pdf", "src2.pdf" }, "dest.pdf"); Concatenates files Array of streams to be concatenated. Stream where result file will be stored. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryConcatenate(new Stream[] { stream1, stream2 } , outstream); Merges two Pdf documents into a new Pdf document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two Pdf document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. First file. Second file. PDF file with blank page. Result file. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryConcatenate("src1.pdf", "src2.pdf", "blank.pdf", "dest.pdf"); Merges two Pdf documents into a new Pdf document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two Pdf document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. The first Pdf Stream. The second Pdf Stream. The Pdf Stream with blank page. Output Pdf Stream. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream blank = new FileStream("blank.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryConcatenate(new Stream[] { stream1, stream2, blank } , outstream); Appends pages, which are chosen from array of documents in portStreams. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portStreams documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. Input Pdf stream. Documents to copy pages from. Page starts in portStreams documents. Page ends in portStreams documents . Output Pdf stream. True for success, or false. The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream instream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = fileEditor.TryAppend(instream, new Stream[] { stream1, stream2}, 3, 5, outstream); Appends pages, which are chosen from portFiles documents. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portFiles documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. Input Pdf file. Documents to copy pages from. Page starts in portFiles documents. Page ends in portFiles documents . Output Pdf document. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = fileEditor.TryAppend("input.pdf", new string[] { "file1.pdf", "file2.pdf"}, 3, 5, "outfile.pdf"); Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file. Input Pdf file. Insert position in input file. Pages from the Pdf file. The page number of the ported in portFile. Output Pdf file. True for success, or false. The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryInsert("file1.pdf", 1, "file2.pdf", new int[] { 2, 6 }, "out.pdf"); Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file. Input Stream of Pdf file. Insert position in input file. Stream of Pdf file for pages. The page number of the ported in portFile. Output Stream. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream insertedStream = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryInsert(sourceStream, 1, insertedStream, new int[] { 3, 4, 5}, outStream); Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new Pdf file. Input file path. Index of page out of the input file. Output file path. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryDelete("input.pdf", new int[] { 2, 3 }, "out.pdf"); Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new Pdf file. Input file Stream. Index of page out of the input file. Output file stream. True for success, or false. The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream intputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryDelete(inputStream, new int[] { 2, 3 }, outputStream); Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new Pdf file. Input Pdf file path. Start page number. End page number. Output Pdf file path. True for success, or false. The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryExtract("input.pdf", 3, 7, "output.pdf"); Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new PDF file. Input file path. Index of page out of the input file. Output file path. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryExtract("input.pdf", new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, "output.pdf"); Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new Pdf file. Input file Stream. Index of page out of the input file. Output file stream. True for success, or false. The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryExtract(sourceStream, new int[] { 3, 5, 8 }, outStream); Splits Pdf file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file. Source Pdf file. The splitting point. Output Pdf file. True for success, or false. The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TrySplitFromFirst("input.pdf", 5, "out.pdf"); Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream. Source Pdf file Stream. The splitting point. Output file Stream. True for success, or false. The streams are NOT closed after this operation. The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.TrySplitFromFirst(sourceStream, 5, outStream); Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file. Source Pdf file. The splitting position. Output Pdf file path. True for success, or false. The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TrySplitToEnd("input.pdf", 5, "out.pdf"); Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream. Source Pdf file Stream. The splitting position. Output Pdf file Stream. True for success, or false. The streams are NOT closed after this operation unless CloseConcatedStreams is specified. The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TrySplitToEnd(sourceStream, 5, outStream); Makes booklet from the input file to output file. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Makes booklet from the InputStream to outputStream. Input pdf stream. output pdf stream. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream); Makes booklet from the inputFile to outputFile. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. The page size of the output pdf file. True if operation is succeeded. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf", PageSize.A4); Makes booklet from the input stream and save result into output stream. Input PDF stream. output pdf stream. The page size of the output pdf file. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream, PageSize.A4); Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. The input file. Output pdf file path and name. The left pages of the booklet. The right pages of the booklet. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf", new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes customized booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. The input stream. output pdf stream. The left pages. The right pages. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. The input file. Output pdf file path and name. The page size of the output pdf file. The left pages. The right pages. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf", PageSize.A4, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. The input stream. output pdf stream. The page size of the output pdf file. The left pages. The right pages. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream, PageSize.A4, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. Number of columns. Number of rows. true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp("input.pdf", "output.pdf", 3, 3); Makes N-Up document from the input stream and saves result into output stream. Input pdf stream. Output pdf stream. Number of columns. Number of rows. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp(inputStream, outputStream, 3, 3); Makes N-Up document from the first input stream to output stream. Input pdf stream. Output pdf stream. Number of columns. Number of rows. The page size of the output pdf file. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp(inputStream, outputStream, 3, 3, PageSize.A4); Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain two pages, one page is from the first input file and another is from the second input file. The two pages are piled up horizontally. first input file. second input file. Output pdf file path and name. true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp("input1.pdf", "input2.pdf", "output.pdf"); Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF streams to outputStream. first input stream. second input stream. Output pdf stream. true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream input1 = new FileStream("input1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream input2 = new FileStream("input2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream output = new FileStream("output.pdf"); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp(input1, input2, output); Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input files of the same page number. The multi pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. Input Pdf files. Output pdf file path and name. Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp(new string[] { "input1.pdf", "input2.pdf", "input3.pdf" }, "output.pdf", false); Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. Input Pdf streams. Output pdf stream. Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("input1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("input2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream3 = new FileStream("input3.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream output = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp(new Stream[] { stream1, stream2, stream3 }, output, false); Makes N-Up document from the input file to outputFile. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. Number of columns. Number of rows. The page size of the output pdf file. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); bool result = pfe.TryMakeNUp("input.pdf", "output.pdf", 3, 3, PageSize.A4); Resizes contents of pages of the document. Stream with source document. Stream with the destination document. Array of page indexes. Resize parameters. Returns true if success. The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters parameters = new PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters( //left margin = 10% of page width PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents width calculated automatically as width - left margin - right margin (100% - 10% - 10% = 80%) null, //right margin is 10% of page PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //top margin = 10% of height PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents height is calculated automatically (similar to width) null, //bottom margin is 10% PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10) ); bool result = fileEditor.TryResizeContents(src, dest, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, parameters); dest.Close(); Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. Stream which contains source document. Stream where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. New width of page contents in default space units. New height of page contents in default space units. true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); bool result = fileEditor.TryResizeContents(src, dest, //resize all pages of document null, //new contents width = 200 200, //new contents height = 300 300); // rest area of page will be empty Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Source document path. Destination document path. Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). Parameters of page resize. true if resize was successful. The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters parameters = new PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters( //left margin = 10% of page width PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents width calculated automatically as width - left margin - right margin (100% - 10% - 10% = 80%) null, //right margin is 10% of page PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //top margin = 10% of height PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents height is calculated automatically (similar to width) null, //bottom margin is 10% PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10) ); bool result = fileEditor.TryResizeContents("input.pdf", "output.pdf", new int[] { 1, 2, 3}, parameters); Action performed when corrupted file was met in concatenation process. If corrupted file was met, then stop concatentation process and return error. If corrupted file was met, then don't stop concatenation and don't process corrupted file. List of corrupted files is accessible in Failures property. When corrupted object is met in source document, process will not stopped and corrupted object only is ignored. Class which provides information about corrupted files in time of concatenation. Index of corrupted file. Exception thrown for this file which indicates problem with the file. constructor. Value of margin or content size specified in percents of default space units. This class is used in ContentsResizeParameters. Sets value in percents of page size. Sets value in default space units. Gets specified value. Use Unit property to get value units. Gets true if value is expressed in percents; False if value is expressed in default units. Initializes value in percents. Value in percents. New value instance. Initializes value in default space units. Value in units. New value instance. Initializes automatically calculated value. New value instance. Class for specifing page resize parameters. Allow to set the following parameters: Size of result page (width, height) in default space units or in percents of initial pages size; Left, Top, Bottom and Right margins in default space units or in percents of initial page size; Some values may be left null for automatic calculation. These values will be calculated from rest of page size after calculation explicitly specified values. For example: if page width = 100 and new page width specified 60 units then left and right margins are automatically calculated: (100 - 60) / 2 = 15. This class is used in ResizeContents method. Gets or sets left margin on the resultant page. Gets or sets right margin on the resultant page. Gets or sets top margin on the resultant page. Gets or sets bottom margin on the resultant page. Gets or sets width of the content of the source page on the resultant page. Gets or sets height of the content of the source page on the resultant page. Creates resize parameters where al values are set to "auto". Later margins and contents size may be specified if required. Creates resize parameters with specified margin values and contents size. Left margin value. Contents width. Right margin. Top margin. Contents height. Bottom margin. Empty values means that corresponding value calculated automatically Creates resize parameters with specifed margins value. Contents size is automatically calculated. Left margin. Right margin. Top margin. Bottom margin. Created resize parameters. Creates resize parameters. Margins are specified in percents of initial page size. Left margin (in percents of page width). Right margin (in percents of page height). Top margin (in percents of page height). Bottom margin (in percents of page height). Returns new resize parameters. Creates resize parameters with specified contents size. New width of contents. New height of contetns. Returns new resize parameters. Creates resize parameters with specified contents size in percents of initial page size. Margins are caculated automatically. New content width in percents. New contents height in percents. New resize parameters. Creates resize paramters for page resize. New page width in units. New page height in units. New resize paramteres. Creates resize paramters for page resize. New sizes are specified in percent. New page width in percents. New page height in percents. New resize paramteres. Class describes created optional contents item and its status. Data of page break position. Number of page (starting from 1) where page break must be added. Vertical position of page break. Constructor to create PageBreak object. Number of page where page break is placed. Vertical position of page break. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Gets log of conversion process. Optional contents of concatentated documents with equal names will be merged into one layer in resulstant document if this property is true. Else, layers with equal names will be save as different layers in resultant document. If true then outlines will be copied. If true then logical structure of the file is copied when concatenation is performed. If true, duplicate outlines are merged. If true, user rights of first document are applied to concatenated document. User rights of all other documents are ignored. If true, incremental updates are made during concatenation. Gets or sets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. Array of encountered problems when concatenation was performed. For every corrupted document from passed to Concatenate() function new CorruptedItem entry is created. This property may be used only when CorruptedFileAction is ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted. //concatenate documents and show information about corrupted documents PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.CorruptedFileAction = PdfFileEditor.ConcatenateCorruptedFileActions.ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted; if (pfe.CorruptedItems.Length >0) { foreach(PdfFileEditor.CorruptedItem item in pfe.CorruptedItems) { Console.WriteLine(item.Index + " reason: " + item.Exception); } } This property defines behavior when concatenating process met corrupted file. Possible values are: StopWithError and ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted. Sets owner's password if the source input Pdf file is encrypted. This property is not implemented yet. If set to true, exceptions are thrown if error occured. Else excetion are not thrown and methods return false if failed. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.AllowConcatenatedException = true; Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. If set to true, streams are closed after operation. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.CloseConcatenatedStreams = true; Format of the suffix which is added to field name to make it unique when forms are concatenated. This string must contain %NUM% substring which will be replaced with numbers. For example if UniqueSuffix = "ABC%NUM%" then for field "fieldName" names will be: fieldNameABC1, fieldNameABC2, fieldNameABC3 etc. PdfFileEditor ed = new PdfFileEditor(); ed.UniqueSuffix = "_%NUM%"; If true actions will be copied from source documents. Defaulkt value : true. If true then field names will be made unique when forms are concatenated. Suffixes will be added to field names, suffix template may be specified in UniqueSuffix property. If true, all signatures will be removed from fields (fields will remain); otherwise, you can get invalid signatures. Gets last occured exception. May be used to check the reason of failure. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); if (!pfe.TryConcatenate("file1.pdf", "file2.pdf", "file3.pdf")) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured:"); if (pfe.LastException != null) { Console.WriteLine(pfe.LastException.Message); if (pfe.LastException.InnerException != null) Console.WriteLine(pfe.LastException.InnerException.Message); } } If this option used then destination document will be saved on disk periodically and further concatenation will appllied to it as incremental updates. Number of documents concatenated before new incremental update was made during concatenation when UseDiskBuffer is set to true. PdfFileEditor constructor. Concatenates two files. First file to concatenate. Second file to concatenate. Output file. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.Concatenate("file1.pdf", "file2.pdf", "outfile.pdf"); True if operation was succeeded. Concatenates two files. Stream of first file. Stream of second file. Stream where result file will be stored. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fileEditor.Concatenate(stream1, stream2, outstream); True if operation was succeeded. Concatenates documents. Array of source documents. Destination document. True if concatenation is successful. Concatenates files into one file. Array of files to concatenate. Name of output file. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Concatenate(new string[] { "src1.pdf", "src2.pdf" }, "dest.pdf"); Concatenates files Array of streams to be concatenated. Stream where result file will be stored. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fileEditor.Concatenate(new Stream[] { stream1, stream2 } , outstream); Merges two Pdf documents into a new Pdf document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two Pdf document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. First file. Second file. PDF file with blank page. Result file. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Concatenate("src1.pdf", "src2.pdf", "blank.pdf", "dest.pdf"); Merges two Pdf documents into a new Pdf document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two Pdf document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. The first Pdf Stream. The second Pdf Stream. The Pdf Stream with blank page. Output Pdf Stream. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream blank = new FileStream("blank.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fileEditor.Concatenate(new Stream[] { stream1, stream2, blank } , outstream); Internal function to append documents to source document Appends pages, which are chosen from array of documents in portStreams. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portStreams documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. Input Pdf stream. Documents to copy pages from. Page starts in portStreams documents. Page ends in portStreams documents . Output Pdf stream. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream instream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fileEditor.Append(instream, new Stream[] { stream1, stream2}, 3, 5, outstream); Appends pages, which are chosen from portFiles documents. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portFiles documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. Input Pdf file. Documents to copy pages from. Page starts in portFiles documents. Page ends in portFiles documents . Output Pdf document. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.Append("input.pdf", new string[] { "file1.pdf", "file2.pdf"}, 3, 5, "outfile.pdf"); Appends pages, which are chosen from portFile within the range from startPage to endPage, in portFile at the end of firstInputFile. Input Pdf file. Pages from Pdf file. Page starts in portFile. Page ends in portFile. Output Pdf document. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.Append("input.pdf", "file1.pdf", 3, 5, "outfile.pdf"); Appends pages,which are chosen from portStream within the range from startPage to endPage, in portStream at the end of firstInputStream. Input file Stream. Pages from Pdf file Stream. Page starts in portFile Stream. Page ends in portFile Stream. Output Pdf file Stream. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream instream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outstream = new FileStream("outfile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fileEditor.Append(instream, stream1, 3, 5, "outfile.pdf"); Inserts pages from an other file into the Pdf file at a position. Input Pdf file. Position in input file. The porting Pdf file. Start position in portFile. End position in portFile. Output Pdf file. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Insert("file1.pdf", 1, "file2.pdf", 2, 6, "out.pdf"); Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file. Input Stream of Pdf file. Insert position in input file. Stream of Pdf file for pages. From which page to start. To which page to end. Output Stream. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream insertedStream = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.Insert(sourceStream, 1, insertedStream, 2, 6, outStream); Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file. Input Pdf file. Insert position in input file. Pages from the Pdf file. The page number of the ported in portFile. Output Pdf file. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Insert("file1.pdf", 1, "file2.pdf", new int[] { 2, 6 }, "out.pdf"); Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file. Input Stream of Pdf file. Insert position in input file. Stream of Pdf file for pages. The page number of the ported in portFile. Output Stream. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream insertedStream = new FileStream("file2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.Insert(sourceStream, 1, insertedStream, new int[] { 3, 4, 5}, outStream); Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new Pdf file. Input file path. Index of page out of the input file. Output file path. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Delete("input.pdf", new int[] { 2, 3 }, "out.pdf"); Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new Pdf file. Input file Stream. Index of page out of the input file. Output file stream. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream intputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.Delete(inputStream, new int[] { 2, 3 }, outputStream); Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new Pdf file. Input Pdf file path. Start page number. End page number. Output Pdf file path. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Extract("input.pdf", 3, 7, "output.pdf"); Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new PDF file. Input file path. Index of page out of the input file. Output file path. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.Extract("input.pdf", new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, "output.pdf"); Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new Pdf file. Input file Stream. Start page number. End page number. Output Pdf file Stream. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.Extract(sourceStream, 1, 3, 6, outStream); Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new Pdf file. Input file Stream. Index of page out of the input file. Output file stream. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.Extract(sourceStream, new int[] { 3, 5, 8 }, outStream); Splits Pdf file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file. Source Pdf file. The splitting point. Output Pdf file. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.SplitFromFirst("input.pdf", 5, "out.pdf"); Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream. Source Pdf file Stream. The splitting point. Output file Stream. True for success, or false. The streams are NOT closed after this operation. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.SplitFromFirst(sourceStream, 5, outStream); Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file. Source Pdf file. The splitting position. Output Pdf file path. True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.SplitToEnd("input.pdf", 5, "out.pdf"); Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream. Source Pdf file Stream. The splitting position. Output Pdf file Stream. True for success, or false. The streams are NOT closed after this operation unless CloseConcatedStreams is specified. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream sourceStream = new FileStream("file1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outStream = new FileStream("out.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.SplitToEnd(sourceStream, 5, outStream); Makes booklet from the input file to output file. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Makes booklet from the InputStream to outputStream. Input pdf stream. output pdf stream. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream); Makes booklet from the inputFile to outputFile. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. The page size of the output pdf file. True if operation is succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf", PageSize.A4); Makes booklet from the input stream and save result into output stream. Input PDF stream. output pdf stream. The page size of the output pdf file. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream, PageSize.A4); True if operation was succeeded. Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. The input file. Output pdf file path and name. The left pages of the booklet. The right pages of the booklet. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf", new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes customized booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. The input stream. output pdf stream. The left pages. The right pages. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. The input file. Output pdf file path and name. The page size of the output pdf file. The left pages. The right pages. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeBooklet("input.pdf", "output.pdf", PageSize.A4, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. The input stream. output pdf stream. The page size of the output pdf file. The left pages. The right pages. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeBooklet(inputStream, outputStream, PageSize.A4, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }, new int[] 1, 3, 5, 7 }); Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. Number of columns. Number of rows. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeNUp("input.pdf", "output.pdf", 3, 3); Makes N-Up document from the input stream and saves result into output stream. Input pdf stream. Output pdf stream. Number of columns. Number of rows. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeNUp(inputStream, outputStream, 3, 3); Makes N-Up document from the first input stream to output stream. Input pdf stream. Output pdf stream. Number of columns. Number of rows. The page size of the output pdf file. True if operation was succeeded. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream inputStream = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream outputStream = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeNUp(inputStream, outputStream, 3, 3, PageSize.A4); Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain two pages, one page is from the first input file and another is from the second input file. The two pages are piled up horizontally. first input file. second input file. Output pdf file path and name. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeNUp("input1.pdf", "input2.pdf", "output.pdf"); Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF streams to outputStream. first input stream. second input stream. Output pdf stream. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream input1 = new FileStream("input1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream input2 = new FileStream("input2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream output = new FileStream("output.pdf"); pfe.MakeNUp(input1, input2, output); Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input files of the same page number. The multi pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. Input Pdf files. Output pdf file path and name. Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeNUp(new string[] { "input1.pdf", "input2.pdf", "input3.pdf" }, "output.pdf", false); Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. Input Pdf streams. Output pdf stream. Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream stream1 = new FileStream("input1.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream2 = new FileStream("input2.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream3 = new FileStream("input3.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream output = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pfe.MakeNUp(new Stream[] { stream1, stream2, stream3 }, output, false); Makes N-Up document from the input file to outputFile. Input pdf file path and name. Output pdf file path and name. Number of columns. Number of rows. The page size of the output pdf file. boolean - True for success, or false. PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor(); pfe.MakeNUp("input.pdf", "output.pdf", 3, 3, PageSize.A4); Splits the PDF file into single-page documents. Input PDF file name. Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a single-page PDF document. Splits the Pdf file into single-page documents. Input Pdf stream. Array of memory streams which contain pages of the document. Split the Pdf file into single-page documents and saves it into specified path. Path is specifield by field name temaplate. Input file name. Template of resultant file name. Must contain %NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/page%NUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. Split the Pdf file into single-page documents and saves it into specified path. Path is specifield by field name temaplate. Stream of the soruce document. Template of resultant file name. Must contain %NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/page%NUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. Splits the Pdf file into several documents.The documents can be single-page or multi-pages. Input PDF file. Array which contains array of double elements, which is start and end pages of document. Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a PDF document. Splits the Pdf file into several documents.The documents can be single-page or multi-pages. Input PDF stream. The start page and the end page of each document. Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a PDF document. Create XForm from page. XForm of the page. Place source page on the specified page of the document, on the specified position and with zoom. abscissa where page will be placed ordinate where page will be placed XForm of the page placed on desitnation page. Place page from the source document into destination docunment on specified page into specified rectangle. Source document Destionation document Index of source page Index of page where page will be placed. Rectangle where page must be placed. Copier object used to copy resources Create booklet from source document. Source document Destiantion document Page layout: left pages Page layout: right pages width of the page in result document heighr of the page in result document Generate layout (arrays of left and right pages) by total number of pages in the document. Array of arrays of int which describes layout of the page. Close streams if flag CloseConcatenatedStreams is set. close stream is CloseConcatenateStreams is set. Merge acro forms soruce acro form dictionary destination acroform dictionary copier object map of field renamings Returns key on the specified position in the Names Tree Array of the names tree Index of the key String key Returns index in the names tree array where specified key may be inserted Name tree array Key to insert Starting index index of key found in Number Tree Concatenates pages of the documents into destination document. Pages of every document are added to Pages/Kids of destination document. Array of streams of pathes to document file. Destination document. Resizes contents of pages of the document. Stream with source document. Stream with the destination document. Array of page indexes. Resize parameters. Returns true if success. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters parameters = new PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters( //left margin = 10% of page width PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents width calculated automatically as width - left margin - right margin (100% - 10% - 10% = 80%) null, //right margin is 10% of page PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //top margin = 10% of height PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents height is calculated automatically (similar to width) null, //bottom margin is 10% PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10) ); fileEditor.ResizeContents(src, dest, new int[] { 1, 2,.3}, parameters); dest.Close(); Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. Stream which contains source document. Stream where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. New width of page contents in default space units. New height of page contents in default space units. True if resize was successful. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); fileEditor.ResizeContents(src, dest, //resize all pages of document null, //new contents width = 200 200, //new contents height = 300 300); // rest area of page will be empty Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New contents size is specified in percents. Stream which contains source document. Stream where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. New width of page contents in percents. New height of page contents in percetns. true if resized sucessfully. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); fileEditor.ResizePct(src, dest, //resize all pages of document null, //new contents width = 60% of initial size 60, //new contents height = 60% of initial size 60); // Rest area of page will be empty (page margins). Size of left and right margins is (100% - 60%) / 2 = 20% // The same for top and bottom margins. Resizes page contents and add specifed margins. Margins are specified in default space units. Stream which contains source document. Stream where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. Left margin. Right margin. Top margin. Bottom margin. true if operation was successful. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); fileEditor.AddMargins(src, dest, //process pages 1, 2, 3 new int[] { 1, 2, 3}, //left margin is 10 units 10, //right margin is 5 units 5, //top margin is 5 units 5, //bottom margin is 5 units 5); dest.Close(); Resizes page contents and add specified margins. Margins are specified in percents of intitial page size. Stream which contains source document. Stream where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. Left margin in percents of initial page size. Right margin in percents of initial page size. Top margin in percents of initial page size. Bottom margin in percents of initial page size. true if action was performed successfully. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Stream src = new Stream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open); Stream dest = new Stream("output.pdf", FileMode.Create); fileEditor.AddMarginsPct(src, dest, //process pages 1, 2, 3 new int[] { 1, 2, 3}, //left margin is 15% of page width 15, //right margin is 10% of page width 10, //top margin is 20% of page width 20, //bottom margin is 5% of page width 5); dest.Close(); Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. Path to source document. Path where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. New width of page contents in default space units. New height of page contents in default space units. true if resize was successful. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.ResizeContents("input.pdf", "output.pdf", //resize all pages of document null, //new contents width = 200 200, //new contents height = 300 300); // rest area of page will be empty Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New contents size is specified in percents. Path to source document. Path where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. New width of page contents in percents. New height of page contents in percetns. true if resize was successful. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.ResizePct("input.pdf", "output.pdf", //resize all pages of document null, //new contents width = 60% of initial size 60, //new contents height = 60% of initial size 60); // Rest area of page will be empty (page margins). Size of left and right margins is (100% - 60%) / 2 = 20% // The same for top and bottom margins. Resizes page contents and add specifed margins. Margins are specified in default space units. Path to source document. Path where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. Left margin. Right margin. Top margin. Bottom margin. true if resize was successful. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.AddMargins("input.pdf", "output.pdf", //process pages 1, 2, 3 new int[] { 1, 2, 3}, //left margin is 10 units 10, //right margin is 5 units 5, //top margin is 5 units 5, //bottom margin is 5 units 5); Resizes page contents and add specified margins. Margins are specified in percents of intitial page size. Path to source document. Path where resultant document will be saved. Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. Left margin in percents of initial page size. Right margin in percents of initial page size. Top margin in percents of initial page size. Bottom margin in percents of initial page size. true if resize was successful PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); fileEditor.AddMarginsPct("input.pdf", "output.pdf", //process pages 1, 2, 3 new int[] { 1, 2, 3}, //left margin is 15% of page width 15, //right margin is 10% of page width 10, //top margin is 20% of page width 20, //bottom margin is 5% of page width 5); Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Source document path. Destination document path. Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). Parameters of page resize. true if resize was successful. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters parameters = new PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters( //left margin = 10% of page width PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents width calculated automatically as width - left margin - right margin (100% - 10% - 10% = 80%) null, //right margin is 10% of page PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //top margin = 10% of height PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents height is calculated automatically (similar to width) null, //bottom margin is 10% PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10) ); fileEditor.ResizeContents("input.pdf", "output.pdf", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, parameters); Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page. Source document. List of page indexes. Resize parameters. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters parameters = new PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters( //left margin = 10% of page width PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents width calculated automatically as width - left margin - right margin (100% - 10% - 10% = 80%) null, //right margin is 10% of page PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //top margin = 10% of height PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents height is calculated automatically (similar to width) null, //bottom margin is 10% PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10) ); fileEditor.ResizeContents(doc, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, parameters); doc.Save("output.pdf"); Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page. Source document. Resize parameters. PdfFileEditor fileEditor = new PdfFileEditor(); Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters parameters = new PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeParameters( //left margin = 10% of page width PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents width calculated automatically as width - left margin - right margin (100% - 10% - 10% = 80%) null, //right margin is 10% of page PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //top margin = 10% of height PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10), //new contents height is calculated automatically (similar to width) null, //bottom margin is 10% PdfFileEditor.ContentsResizeValue.Percents(10) ); fileEditor.ResizeContents(doc, parameters); doc.Save("output.pdf"); Adds page breaks into document pages. Source document. Destination document. Array of PageBreak objects which describe places of page breaks. Adds page breaks into document pages. Path to source document. Path to destination document. Array of PageBreak object describing pages and places where page break will be added. Adds page breaks into document pages. Source which contains source document. Source where destination document will be saved. Array of PageBreak object describing pages and places where page break will be added. Represents modes for merging images. Images merged vertically. Images merged horizontally. Images aligned by center. Represents an object that contains current printing page info. Initializes new PdfPrintPageInfo object. Currently printed page number. Gets currently printed page number; Represents the method that handles the QueryPageSettings event of a PrintDocument. The source of the event. A QueryPageSettingsEventArgs that contains the event data. Currently printed page info. Represents algorithms which can be used to encrypt pdf document. RC4 algorithm. AES algorithm. Class contains possibly alignment types. Constructor of AlignmentType. Alignment type name. Center alignment. Left alignment. Right alignment. Returns string representation. Name value. Represents a class to receive data from database or other datasource, fills them into the designed fields of the template pdf and at last generates new pdf file or stream. It has two template file input modes:input as a stream or a pdf file. It has four types of output modes:one merged stream, one merged file, many small streams, many small files. It can recieve literal data contained in a System.Data.DataTable. [C#] //Note: mail.pdf is a template pdf which has seven text fields. NorthWind.mdb is the microsoft access db. ////Common part: Get the data from the database NorthWind.mdb fill it into the DataTable. OleDbCommand mQueryCommand; OleDbDataAdapter mDbDataAdapter; OleDbConnection mDbConnection; //Construct the data table. DataTable mDataTable = new DataTable("MailMerge"); DataColumnCollection columns = mDataTable.Columns; columns.Add("CompanyName",typeof(string)); columns.Add("ContactName",typeof(string)); columns.Add("Address",typeof(string)); columns.Add("PostalCode",typeof(string)); columns.Add("City",typeof(string)); columns.Add("Country",typeof(string)); columns.Add("Heading",typeof(string)); //Connect to the database source and query the data. mDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(); mDbConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + DbPath + "NorthWind.mdb"; mQueryCommand = new OleDbCommand(); mQueryCommand.Connection = mDbConnection; mDbConnection.Open(); mQueryCommand.CommandText = "select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, PostalCode, City, Country from Customers;"; mDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(mQueryCommand); mDbDataAdapter.Fill(mDataTable); for (int i = 0; i<mDataTable.Rows.Count;i++) { mDataTable.Rows[i][mDataTable.Columns.Count - 1] = "Dear " + mDataTable.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; System.Console.WriteLine("postalCode:" + mDataTable.Rows[i][3].ToString()); System.Console.WriteLine("Heading:" + mDataTable.Rows[i][mDataTable.Columns.Count - 1].ToString()); } mDbDataAdapter.Dispose(); mDbConnection.Close(); ////End of Common part. ////case one: ////Input template pdf is a pdf file and output is a big merged stream. AutoFiller autoFiller = new AutoFiller(); autoFiller.InputFileName = "mail.pdf"; autoFiller.OutputStream = Response.OutputStream; autoFiller.ImportDataTable(mDataTable); autoFiller.Save(); ////case two: ////Input template pdf is a pdf file and output is a lot of small files. AutoFiller autoFiller = new AutoFiller(); autoFiller.InputFileName = "mail.pdf"; autoFiller.GeneratingPath = ".\\"; autoFiller.BasicFileName = "outputFile"; autoFiller.ImportDataTable(mDataTable); autoFiller.Save(); [Visual Basic] 'Note: mail.pdf is a template pdf which has seven text fields. NorthWind.mdb is the microsoft access db. 'Common part: Get the data from the database NorthWind.mdb fill it into the DataTable. mQueryCommand As OleDbCommand = Nothing mDbDataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = Nothing mDbConnection As OleDbConnection = Nothing mDataTable As DataTable = Nothing mPath As String = Nothing mTemplatePdf As String = Nothing 'Construct the data table. mDataTable = New DataTable("MailMerge") Dim columns As DataColumnCollection = mDataTable.Columns 'Create columns for the datatable. 'Every column's name should be the same as one field's name of the templatePdf. columns.Add("CompanyName", Type.GetType("System.String")) columns.Add("ContactName", Type.GetType("System.String")) columns.Add("Address", Type.GetType("System.String")) columns.Add("PostalCode", Type.GetType("System.String")) columns.Add("City", Type.GetType("System.String")) columns.Add("Country", Type.GetType("System.String")) columns.Add("Heading", Type.GetType("System.String")) 'Connect to the database source and query the data. mDbConnection = New OleDbConnection mDbConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + DbPath + "NorthWind.mdb" mQueryCommand = New OleDbCommand mQueryCommand.Connection = mDbConnection mDbConnection.Open() 'Query the data and insert into the datatable. mQueryCommand.CommandText = "select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, PostalCode, City, Country from Customers;" mDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(mQueryCommand) mDbDataAdapter.Fill(mDataTable) 'Construct the last column of the Datatable. Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To mDataTable.Rows.Count - 1 Step i + 1 mDataTable.Rows(i)(mDataTable.Columns.Count - 1) = "Dear " + mDataTable.Rows(i)(0).ToString() + "," System.Console.WriteLine("postalCode:" + mDataTable.Rows(i)(3).ToString()) System.Console.WriteLine("Heading:" + mDataTable.Rows(i)(mDataTable.Columns.Count - 1).ToString()) Next mDbDataAdapter.Dispose() mDbConnection.Close() 'End of Common part. 'case one: 'Input template pdf is a pdf file and output is a big merged stream. Dim autoFiller As AutoFiller = New AutoFiller autoFiller.InputFileName = "mail.pdf" autoFiller.OutputStream = Response.OutputStream autoFiller.ImportDataTable(mDataTable) autoFiller.Save() 'case two: 'Input template pdf is a pdf file and output is a lot of small files. Dim autoFiller As AutoFiller = New AutoFiller autoFiller.InputFileName = "mail.pdf" autoFiller.GeneratingPath = ".\"; autoFiller.BasicFileName = "outputFile" autoFiller.ImportDataTable(mDataTable) autoFiller.Save() Judges whether the field is a field to be flattened. Sets the fields which will not be flattened. If this property is not set, all the fields will be flattened. Gets or sets the OutputStream. One of four output modes. Its classical use case is Response.OutputStream. Please refer to the online demo. Gets or sets the many Output Streams. One of four output modes. Gets or sets the input template stream. One of two input modes. Gets or sets the input template file. One of two input modes. Gets or sets the one big merged output file. One of the four output modes. Gets or sets the Generating Path of the small pdf files if many small pdf files to be generated. It works with another property BasicFileName. One of the four output modes. Gets or sets the basic file name if many small files will be generated. The generated file will be like "BasicFileName0","BasicFileName1",... It works with another property GeneratingPath. Saves all the pdfs. Imports data of DataTable type. Every column's name of the dataTable must be the same as one field name of the template pdf in case sensitive. The dataTable which contains all the data from database or other data source. Saves all the pdfs. Output file name. Saves all the pdfs. Output stream. Binds a Pdf file. Pdf file name. Binds a Pdf file. Pdf file stream. Binds a Pdf document. Pdf document. Closes the object and output streams. Closes the object and output streams. Class represents blending color space. The blending color space is not changed. The blending color space is determined automatically. Blending color space is set to DeviceRGB. Blending color space is set to DeviceCMYK. Represents a bookmark. Gets or sets the action bound with the bookmark. If PageNumber is presented the action can not be specified. The action type includes: "GoTo", "GoToR", "Launch", "Named". Gets or sets the bold flag of bookmark's title. Gets or sets bookmark's children. Gets or sets bookmark's children. The action name corresponding to execute a menu item in Acrobat viewer. Gets or sets bookmark's destination page. Required if action is set as string.Empty. Gets or sets the italic flag of bookmark's title. Gets or sets bookmark's hierarchy level. Gets or sets the type of display bookmark's destination page. Gets or sets the bottom coordinate of page display. Gets or sets the left coordinate of page display. Gets or sets the right coordinate of page display. Gets or sets the top coordinate of page display. Gets or sets the zoom factor of page display. Gets or sets the number of bookmark's destination page. Gets or sets the file (path) which is required for "GoToR" action of bookmark. Gets or sets bookmark's title. Gets or sets the color of bookmark's title. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets bookmark state (open, close). Represents a collection of objects. Represents a class to produce PDF from Computer Graphics Metafile(CGM) format. Produce the PDF stream from CGM stream. Input stream. Output PDF stream. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Enumerates field types definitions. FDF stream. XML stream. XFDF stream. PDF stream. OLEDB database, such as MS Access. ODBC database, such as MS SQL Server. Enumeration of standard XMP properties. xmp:Advisory property. An unordered array specifying properties that were edited outside the authoring application. Each item should contain a single /// namespace and XPath separated by one ASCII space xmp:BaseURL property. The base URL for relative URLs in the document content. If this document contains Internet links, and those links are relative, /// they are relative to this base URL. This property provides a standard way for embedded relative URLs to be interpreted by tools. /// Web authoring tools should set the value based on their notion of where URLs will be interpreted xmp:CreateDate property. The date and time the resource was originally created. xmp:CreatorTool property. The name of the first known tool used to create the resource. xmp:Identifier property. An unordered array of text strings that unambiguously identify the resource within a given context xmp:MetadataDate property. The date and time that any metadata for this resource was last changed xmp:ModifyDate property. The date and time the resource was last modified. xmp:Nickname property. A short informal name for the resource. xmp:Thumbnails property. An alternative array of thumbnail images for a file, which can differ in characteristics such as size or image encoding. Represents the privileges for accessing Pdf file. Refer to. There are 4 ways using this class: 1.Using predefined privilege directly. 2.Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical permissions. 3.Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical Adobe Professional permissions combination. 4.Mixes the way2 and way3. [C#] //Way1: Using predefined privilege directly. DocumentPrivilege privilege = DocumentPrivilege.Print; //Way2: Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical permissions. DocumentPrivilege privilege = DocumentPrivilege.AllowAll; privilege.AllowPrint = false; privilege.AllowModifyContents = false; //Way3: Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical Adobe Professional permissions combination. DocumentPrivilege privilege = DocumentPrivilege.ForbidAll; privilege.ChangeAllowLevel = 1; privilege.PrintAllowLevel = 2; //Way4: Mixes the way2 and way3 DocumentPrivilege privilege = DocumentPrivilege.ForbidAll; privilege.ChangeAllowLevel = 1; privilege.AllowPrint = true; [Visual Basic] 'Way1: Using predefined privilege directly. Dim privilege As DocumentPrivilege = DocumentPrivilege.Print 'Way2: Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical permissions. Dim privilege As DocumentPrivilege = DocumentPrivilege.AllowAll privilege.AllowPrint = False privilege.AllowModifyContents = False 'Way3: Based on a predefined privilege and change some specifical Adobe Professional permissions combination. Dim privilege As DocumentPrivilege = DocumentPrivilege.ForbidAll privilege.ChangeAllowLevel = 1 privilege.PrintAllowLevel = 2 'Way4: Mixes the way2 and way3 Dim privilege As DocumentPrivilege = DocumentPrivilege.ForbidAll privilege.ChangeAllowLevel = 1 privilege.AllowPrint = True Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. Sets the print level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's Printing Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Low Resolution (150 dpi). 2: High Resolution. Sets the change level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's Changes Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Inserting, Deleting and Rotating pages. 2: Filling in form fields and signing existing signature fields. 3: Commenting, filling in form fields, and signing existing signature fields. 4: Any except extracting pages. Sets the copy level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's permission settings. 0: None. 1: Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired. 2: Enable copying of text, images and other content. Compares two objects. The object to compare with. A signed integer that indicates the relative values of this instance and value. Less than zero this instance is less than value. Zero this instance is equal to value. Greater than zero this instance is greater than value. Allows degraded printing. Allows printing file. Allows modifying file. Allows copying file. Allows modifying annotations of file. Allows filling forms in file. Allows to reader on screen only. Allows assemblying file. All allowed. All Forbidded. Enumerates encoding types of the text using. The Unicode encoding with horizontal writing. The Unicode encoding with vertical writing. A windows text encoding name. A windows text encoding name. A windows text encoding name. Windows ansi encoding. Mac os standard encoding for Latin text. Enumeration of possible field types. Text field. Combo box field. List box field. Radio button field. Check box field. Push button field. Multiline text field. Barcode field. Invalid field type. Signature field. Image field. Numeric field Date/time field Class representing color of the text. Green component of color. Red component of color. Blue component of color. Initializes color with specified color components. Red component. Green component. Blue component. Initializes color. Enumerates 14 types of font. Courier font. Bold Courier font. Oblique Curier font. Bold oblique Courier font. Helvetica font. Bold Helvetica font. Oblique Helvetica font. Bold oblique Helvetica font. Symbol font. Times-Roman font. Bold Times font. Italic Times font. Bold italic Times font. ZapfDingbats font. Unknown font. Standard font will be used. True Type Font for CJK supporting ,default is MS PGothic font. Class representing Acro form object. Status of imported field Field was successfully imported Field with this name was not found in the document form. Class which describes result if field import. Status of field import. Full name of the field. Result of last import operation. Array of objects which descibre result of import for each field. Gets or sets source file name. Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form(); form.SrcFileName = "file.pdf"; Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. Gets or sets destiination file name. Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form(); form.DestFileName = "file.pdf"; Gets or sets source stream. Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form(); form.SrcStream = new FileStream("source.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Gets or sets destination stream. Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form(); form.DestStream = new FileStream("file.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Initializes the facade. The stream of PDF file. The password of the PDF document. Initializes the facade. The PDF file. The password of the PDF document. Gets list of field names on the form. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); string[] fields = form.FieldNames; foreach(string field in fields) { Console.WriteLine(field); } Gets all form submit button names. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); string[] submits = form.FormSubmitButtonNames; foreach(string btn in submits) { Console.WriteLine(btn); } Returns FrofmFieldFacade object containing all appearance attributes. Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form("form.pdf"); FormFieldFacade field = form.GetFieldFacade("field1"); Console.WriteLine("Color of field border: " + field.BorderColor); Name of field to read. FormFieldFacade object Constructor of Form with two stream parameters. Specify same source and destination stream for incremental update. Source stream. Destination stream. Form form = new Form( new FileStream( "InFile.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), new FileStream("OutFile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); Construtcor of Form without parameters. Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form(); form.SrcFileName = "file.pdf"; Fills the field with a valid value according to a fully qualified field name. Before filling the fields, every field's names and its corresponding valid values must be known. Both the fields' name and values are case sensitive. Please note that Aspose.Pdf.Facades supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.TextField" you should specify full name and not "TextField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. The field's name to be filled. The field's value which must be a valid value for some fields. true if field is found and filled successfully. Form form = new Form(TestSettings.GetInputFile("PdfForm.pdf")); form.FillField("FirstName", "John"); form.FillField("LastName", "Smith"); //how to search field by its partial name: Form form = new Form("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); foreach(string fieldName in form.FieldNames) { if (fieldName.EndsWith("TextField")) { Console.WriteLine("Full name is: " + fieldName); } } Fills the radio box field with a valid index value according to a fully qualified field name. Before filling the fields, only field's name must be known. While the value can be specified by its index. Notice: Only be applied to Radio Box, Combo Box and List Box fields. Please note that Aspose.Pdf.Facades supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.ListBoxField" you should specify full name and not "ListBoxField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. Name of field to be filled. Index of chosen item. true if field was found and successfully filled. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); form.FillField("listboxField", 2); form.FillField("comboboxField", 2); form.FillField("radiobuttonField", 2); //how to search field by its partial name: Form form = new Form("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); foreach(string fieldName in form.FieldNames) { if (fieldName.EndsWith("ListBoxField")) { Console.WriteLine("Full name is: " + fieldName); } } Fills the check box field with a boolean value. Notice: Only be applied to Check Box. Please note that Aspose.Pdf.Facades supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.CheckBoxField" you should specify full name and not "CheckBoxField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); form.FillField("checkboxField", true); //how to search field by its partial name: Form form = new Form("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); foreach(string fieldName in form.FieldNames) { if (fieldName.EndsWith("CheckBoxField")) { Console.WriteLine("Full name is: " + fieldName); } } The field's name to be filled. A boolean flag: true means to check the box, while false to uncheck it. true if field was found and successfully filled. Fills the text box fields with a text values and save the document. Relevant for signed documents. Notice: Only be applied to Text Box. Both the fields' name and values are case sensitive. var form = new Form(dataDir + "SignedPdfForm.pdf"); Stream stream; form.FillFields(new string[] {"Field1"}, new string[] {"+"}, out stream); Names of fields. New values of the fields. Stream where document will be saved. true if fields was found and successfully filled. Returns the current value for radio button option fields. Field Name String value for the current radio group optino. See also Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(form.GetButtonOptionCurrentValue("btnField")); Gets the radio button option fields and related values based on the field name. This method has meaning for radio button groups. Field Name Hash table of option values keyed by form item name Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Hashtable values = form.GetButtonOptionValues("Color"); Console.WriteLine(values["White"].ToString()); Console.WriteLine(values["Black"].ToString()); Gets the field's value according to its field name. The fully qualified field name. The field's value. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Console.WriteLine("Field value = " + form.GetField("Field1")); Gets the full field name according to its short field name. The fully qualified field name. The full field name. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Console.WriteLine("Full field name is : " + form.GetFullFieldName("textField")); Get the limitation of text field. The qualified field name. Return the limitation number of characters a text field can be filled. It not set, return 0. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(form.GetFieldLimit("textfieldBox")); Saves the value of the filled fields and close the opened Pdf document. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_Changed.pdf"); form.FillField("textField", "new value"); form.Save(); Saves document into specified file. File where document will be saved. Saves document into specified stream. Stream where document will be saved. Closes opened files without any changes. Flattens all the fields. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); form.FlattenAllFields(); Flattens a specified field with the fully qualified field name. Any other field will remain unchangable. If the fieldName is invalid, all the fields will remain unchangable. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); form.FlattenField("textField"); The name of the field to be flattened. Fill a barcode field according to its fully qualified field name. The fully qualified field name. The new barcode value. If filling succeed, return true; otherwise, false. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); form.FillBarcodeField("textField", "42207252"); Imports the content of the fields from the fdf file and put them into the new pdf. The input fdf stream. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_imported.pdf"); form.ImportFdf(new FileStream("data.fdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); form.Save(); Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the fdf stream. The output fdf stream. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Stream stream = new FileStream("export.fdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); form.ExportFdf(stream); stream.Close(); Imports the content of the fields from the xml file and put them into the new pdf. Stream from which XML for import is read. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "Form_Imported.pdf"); FileStream fs = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("import.xml"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); form.ImportXml(fs); form.Save(); Read all fields from XFA template and write data into XML file. This is used if dataset is empty to create correct XML export data packet. Current node. Writer where data will be stored. Read all fields from XFA template and write data into XML file. This is used if dataset is empty to create correct XML export data packet. Writer where data are stored. Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the xml stream. The button field's value will not be exported. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf")); FileStream fs = new FileStream("export.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); form.ExportXml(fs); fs.Close(); Output Xml stream. Extracts XFA data packet Stream where XML data will be stored. Replaces XFA data with specified data packet. Data packet may be extracted using ExtractXfaData. Stream where XML is stored. Imports the content of the fields from the xfdf(xml) file and put them into the new pdf. The input xfdf(xml) stream. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "Form_ImportXfdf.pdf"); Stream fs = new FileStream("export_old.xfdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); form.ImportXfdf(fs); fs.Close(); form.Save(); Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the xml stream. The button field's value will not be exported. The output xml stream. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); FileStream fs = new FileStream("export.xfdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); form.ExportXfdf(fs); fs.Close(); Fill a field with multiple selections.Note: only for AcroForm List Box Field. The fully qualified field name. A string array which contains several items to be selected. Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form("PdfForm.pdf", "Form_Updated.pdf"); form.FillField("ListBox1", new String[] { "Three", "One" }); form.Save(); Renames a field. Either AcroForm field or XFA field is OK. the old field name the new field name Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfFormUpdated.pdf"); form.RenameField("field", "field1"); form.Save(); Get a Rich Text field's value, including the formattinf information of every character. The fully qualified field name of the Rich Text field. Return a string containing formatting information of the Rich Text field. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(form.GetRichText("txtDescriptionRTF")); Returns the submit button's submission flags The qualified field name. Submission flags of the button. Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form("PdfForm.pdf"); System.Console.WriteLine((form.GetSubmitFlags("btnSubmit") | Aspose.Pdf.Facades.SubmitFormFlag.Xfdf )!= 0 ? " XFDF" : " "); System.Console.WriteLine((form.GetSubmitFlags("btnSubmit") | Aspose.Pdf.Facades.SubmitFormFlag.Fdf )!= 0 ? " FDF" : " "); System.Console.WriteLine((form.GetSubmitFlags("btnSubmit") | Aspose.Pdf.Facades.SubmitFormFlag.Pdf )!= 0 ? " PDF" : " "); Constructor of Form. Source file path. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); Constructor for form. source stream. Form form = new Form(new FileStream("PdfForm.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); Constructor of Form class. Specify same source file name and destination file name to perform incremental update. Path of the source file. Path of the destination file. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_Updated.pdf"); Constructor of Form. Source file path. Destination file path. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_Updated.pdf"); Constructor of Form Source stream. Destination file path. Form form = new Form(new FileStream("PdfForm.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), "PdfForm_Updated.pdf"); Returns type of field. Field name. Element of FileType enumeration corresponding to field type. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); if (form.GetFieldType("textField") == FieldType.Text) { Console.WriteLine("Type of field is text"); } Determines whether field is required or not. The name of field. True - the field is required; otherwise, false. Returns flags of the field. Field name Property flag (ReadOnly/ Required/NoExport Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf"); if (form.GetFieldFlag("textField") == PropertyFlag.ReadOnly) { Console.WriteLine("Field is read-only"); } Pastes an image onto the existing button field as its appearance according to its fully qualified field name. The fully qualified field name of the image button field. The path of the image file, relative and absolute are both ok. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_filled.pdf"); form.FillImageField("fieldName", "file.jpg"); form.Save(); Overloads function of FillImageField. The input is a image stream. The fully qualified field name. The image's stream. Form form = new Form("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_filled.pdf"); form.FillImageField("fieldName", new FileStream("file.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Path of the destination file. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Destination stream. Collects field from field tree Collection which contains fields of the current level. Path to the container. List where found fields will be placed. Find node by index in Number tree Root number tree node Index of element to retreive Find sturct element by index. Index Struct element Retreive element MCID by index Struct parent index marked content ID Gets list of operators inside of marked contnet block from operator collection. Operator collection MCID Tag of marked content block Operators list Imports the content of the fields from the xml file and put them into the new pdf. The input xml stream. If this parameter is true then all changes of the XFA form template will not be saved Fills field with specified value. Name of field New value of the field If true, the font size in the edit boxes will be fitted. true if field was found and successfully filled. Class which represents formatted text. Contains information about text and its color, size, style. Returns line height for the specific line of the multi-line text Initializes properties with default values Sets the font based on FontStyle Sets encoding Sets line spacing Gets first line Gets text color Gets back color Gets font Gets font size Gets height of text. Gets width of text. Initializes FormattedText. Initializes FormattedText. Text which contained in FormattedText. Initializes FormattedText. Text content of the string. Color of the text. Style of the text. Encoding type (value of EncodingType enumeration). True if the font will be embedded. Size of the text. Initialize FormattedText. Text content of the string. Color of the text. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. True if text will be embedded. Size of the text. Additional spacing. Initializes FormattedText. Text content of the string. Color of the text. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. True if text will be embedded. Size of the text. Initializes FormattedText. Text contents of the string. Color of the text. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. If true font will be embedded. Size of the text. Additional spacing. Initializes FormattedText. Text content of the string. Color of the text. Color of background. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. If true font will be embedded. Size of the text. Initializes FormattedText. Text content. Color of the text. Color of background. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. If true font will be embedded. Size of the text. Additional spacing. Initializes FormattedText. Text content of the string. Color of the text. Color of background. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. True if font will be embedded. Size of the text. Initializes FormattedText. Text contents of the string. Color of the text. Color of the background. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. If true font is embedded. Size of the text. Additional spacing. Initializes FormattedText. Text content. Color of the text. Color of background. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. If true font will be embedded. Size of the text. Initializes FormattedText. Text content. Color of the text. Color of background. Adds a new line to the FormattedText object and sets the newLineText to the next line's text. Text of new added line. Adds a new line to the FormattedText object and sets the newLineText to the next line's text. Text of new added line. Spacing of the line. Initializes FormattedText. Text content. Color of the text. Font of the text. Encoding of the text. If true font will be embedded. Size of the text. Represents a class to convert data from one format to another format. It can convert the data in fdf/xml/pdf/xfdf to the OLEDB/OdbcDB. It also can convert the data in the OLEDB/OdbcDB to the data in fdf/xml/xfdf. It can convert the fdf to the xml with "hard-named" tag. Gets or sets the middle data container, one DataTable. It must be defined before converting data from one format to another format. The Columns and TableName of the DataTable should be defined. The TableName is the name of the Table in the database. Every column's ColumnName is the qualified field name of the pdf. Every column's Caption is the column name of table in the database. If the field name is the same as the table column name, the Caption need not specified. ConvertToDataTable will create required field if it does not exists in Table. ImportIntoDatabase will drop existing table and create new table if this property set to true. ExportFromData will clear table before data export. ImportIntoDatabase will create table if it does not exists. Convert XML import/export form data file into FDF format. Source stream which contains XML file. Destination source where resultant FDF file will be stored. Convert FDF file into XML. Stream which contains FDF to convert. Source where reuslt XML will be placed. src = new FileStream("test.fdf", FileMode.Open); dest = new FileStream("converted_fdf.xml", FileMode.Create); FormDataConverter.ConvertFdfToXml(src, dest); src.Close(); dest.Close(); Constructor for FormDataConverter class. Convert files of strems into table. Array of source streams in specified format. Format of data in streams. Valid values are: PDF, FDF, XFDF, XML. DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("radiobuttonField"); table.Columns.Add("textField"); table.Columns.Add("checkboxField"); table.Columns.Add("listboxField"); table.Columns.Add("comboboxField"); FormDataConverter fc = new FormDataConverter(); Stream stream = new FileStream("PdfWithAcroForm.pdf", FileMode.Open); fc.Table = table; fc.ConvertToDataTable(new Stream[] { stream }, DataType.PDF); stream.Close(); Imports data from table into database. Connection string of database. Type of database connection: OLEDB or ODBC. FormDataConverter fc = new FormDataConverter(); DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.TableName = "test"; table.Columns.Add("TEXT_VALUE"); table.Columns.Add("INT_VALUE"); fc.Table = table; DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row["TEXT_VALUE"] = "AAA"; row["INT_VALUE"] = "123"; table.Rows.Add(row); string connection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=ConverterDatabase.mdb"; fc.ImportIntoDataBase(connection, DataType.OLEDB); Exports data from database into table. Connection string for database. Connection type: OLEDB or ODBC. FormDataConverter fc = new FormDataConverter(); string connection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=ConverterDatabase.mdb"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.TableName = "TestSource"; table.Columns.Add("TEXT_VALUE"); table.Columns.Add("INT_VALUE"); fc.Table = table; fc.ExportFromDataBase(connection, DataType.OLEDB); Convert data in table into streams. Streams where data will be stored. Type of stored data. Valid values are: XML, FDF, XFDF. DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("radiobuttonField"); table.Columns.Add("textField"); table.Columns.Add("checkboxField"); table.Columns.Add("listboxField"); table.Columns.Add("comboboxField"); DataRow newrow = table.NewRow(); newrow["textField"] = "NEW DATA"; newrow["listboxField"] = "Item1"; newrow["comboboxField"] = "Item1"; newrow["checkboxField"] = "true"; newrow["radiobuttonField"] = "true"; table.Rows.Add(newrow); fc.Table = table; fc.ConvertToStreams(new Stream[] { stream }, DataType.XML); This method is obsolete. Please use ConvertToStreams() instead. Destination stream object. Destination type value. Class for editing forms (ading/deleting field etc) Gets or sets name of source file. FormEditor editor = new FormEditor(); editor.SrcFileName = "InputFile.pdf"; Gets or sets destination file name. FormEditor editor = new FormEditor(); editor.DestFileName = "OutFile.pdf"; Gets or sets source stream. FormEditor editor = new FormEditor(); editor.SrcStream = new FileStream("InFile.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. Gets or sets destination stream. FormEditor editor = new FormEditor(); editor.DestStream = new FileStream("OutFile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); Sets items which will be added t onewly created list box or combo box. formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); formEditor.Items = new string[] { "AAA", "BBB", "CCC" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.ListBox, "AddedListBoxField", "BBB", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); Sets options for combo box with export values. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_Updated.pdf")); formEditor.ExportItems = new string[][] { new string[] { "1", "Firs" }, new string[] { "2", "Second" }, new string[] { "3", "Third" } }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.ListBox, "AddedListBoxField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); Sets visual attributes of the field. FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_DecorateField_text.pdf"); fe.Facade = new FormFieldFacade(); fe.Facade.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; fe.Facade.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; fe.Facade.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; fe.Facade.Alignment = FormFieldFacade.AlignCenter; fe.DecorateField("textField"); fe.Save(); The member to record the gap between two neighboring radio buttons in pixels,default is 50. formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Radio, "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); The flag to indicate whether the radios are arranged horizontally or vertically, default value is true. formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Radio, "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); Gets or sets size of radio button item size (when new radio button field is added). formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.RadioButtonItemSize = 20; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Radio, "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); Set the submit button's submission flags Constructor for FormEditor. Source stream. Destination stream. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor( new FileStream(new FileStream("InFile.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), new FileStream("OutFile.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); Constructor for FormEditor Name of source file. Name of destination file. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("InFile.pdf", "OutFile.pdf"); Constructor for FormEditor. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor(); Saves changes into destination file. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("InFile.pdf", "OutFile.pdf"); //make some changes... formEditor.Save(); Set attributes of field. Name of field which attributes should be set. Flag (NoExport/ReadOnly/Required) true if attribute was set successfully. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_SetFieldAttribute.pdf"); formEditor.SetFieldAttribute("listboxField", PropertyFlag.ReadOnly); formEditor.SetFieldAttribute("textField", PropertyFlag.NoExport); Set field flags Name of field whose flags should be updated. Flag of the field. true if flags were updated successfully. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm1.pdf", "FormEditor_SetFieldAppearance.pdf"); formEditor.SetFieldAppearance("Name", AnnotationFlags.Hidden); formEditor.SetFieldAppearance("Phone", AnnotationFlags.NoView | AnnotationFlags.Print); Get field flags. Name of the field. Set of field flags Set submit flag of submit button. Name of submit button. Submit flag. true if field was found and submit flag was successfully set. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_SetSubmitFlag.pdf"); formEditor.SetSubmitFlag("btnSubmit", SubmitFormFlag.Fdf); Sets URL of the button. Submit button name. Fully qualified URL. true if URL for button was successfully set. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_SetSubmitUrl.pdf"); formEditor.SetSubmitUrl("btnSubmit", ""); Sets maximum character count of the text field. Name of the text field. New value of limit for the field. true if field limit was successfully set. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_SetFieldLimit.pdf"); formEditor.SetFieldLimit("textField", 15); Sets number of combs for a regular single-line text field (the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of combNumber parameter). The qualified field name. The number of combs to divide the field into. If success, return true;else false. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfWithAcroForm.pdf", "FormEditor_SetFieldComb.pdf")); formEditor.SetFieldCombNumber("textCombField", 5); Set new position of field. Name of field which must be moved. Abscissa of the lower-left corner of the field. Ordinate of the lower-left coerner of the field. Abscissa of the upper-right corner of the field. Ordinate of the upper-right corner of the field. true if field position was changed successfully. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_MoveField.pdf"); formEditor.MoveField("textField", 20.5f, 20.3f, 120.6f, 40.8f); Add field of specified type to the form. Type of the field which must be added. Name of the field whic must be added. Page number where new field must be placed. Abscissa of the lower-left corner of the field. Ordinate of the lower-left corner of the field. Abscissa of the upper-right corner of the field. Ordinate of the upper-right corner of the field. true if field was successfully added. FormEditor formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_Text.pdf"); formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Text, "AddedTextField", 1, 10, 30, 110, 46); formEditor.Save(); Add field of specified type to the form. Type of the field which must be added. Name of the field whic must be added. Initial value of the field. Page number where new field must be placed. Abscissa of the lower-left corner of the field. Ordinate of the lower-left corner of the field. Abscissa of the upper-right corner of the field. Ordinate of the upper-right corner of the field. true if field was successfully added. /// FormEditor formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_Text.pdf"); formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Text, "AddedTextField", "Text Value", 1, 10, 30, 110, 46); formEditor.Items = new string[] { "Item1", "Item2", Item3" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Radio, "RadioButtonField", 1, 265, 695, 365, 720); formEditor.Save(); Remove field from the form. Name of the field which must be removed. FormEditr formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_RemoveField.pdf"); formEditor.RemoveField("listboxField"); formEditor.RemoveField("textField"); Reset all visual attribtues to empty value. Reset all visual attribtues of inner facade to empty value. Copies an existing field to the same position in specified page number. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field. The old fully qualified field name. The new fully qualified field name. If null, it will be set as fieldName + "~". The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_out.pdf"); //Creates copy of text field on psecond page. formEditor.CopyInnerField("textField", "textFieldCopy", 2); Copies an existing field to a new position specified by both page number and ordinates. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field. The old fully qualified field name. The new fully qualified field name. If null, it will be set as fieldName + "~". The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. The abscissa of the new field. If -1, the abscissa will be equaled to the original one. The ordinate of the new field. If -1, the ordinate will be equaled to the original one. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_out.pdf"); //Creates copy of text field on psecond page. formEditor.CopyInnerField("textField", "textFieldCopy", 2, 100, 200); Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with original page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. The original fully qualified field name. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_updated.pdf"); //copies text field from source.pdf to PdfForm.pdf formEditor.CopyOuterField("source.pdf", "textField"); formEditor.Save(); Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with specified page number and original ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. The original fully qualified field name. The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_updated.pdf"); formEditor.CopyOuterField("source.pdf", "textField", 2); formEditor.Save(); Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with specified page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. The original fully qualified field name. The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. The abscissa of the new field. If -1, the abscissa will be equaled to the original one. The ordinate of the new field. If -1, the ordinate will be equaled to the original one. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_updated.pdf"); formEditor.CopyOuterField("source.pdf", "textField" , 2, 100, 200); Changes visual attributes of the specified field. The fully qualified field name. FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfWithAcroForm.pdf", "FormEditor_DecorateField_text.pdf"); fe.Facade = new FormFieldFacade(); fe.Facade.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; fe.Facade.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; fe.Facade.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; fe.Facade.Alignment = FormFieldFacade.AlignCenter; fe.DecorateField("textField"); Changes visual attributes of all fields with the specified field type. Type of fields which will be decorated. FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_DecorateField.pdf"); fe.Facade = new FormFieldFacade(); fe.Facade.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; fe.Facade.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; fe.Facade.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; fe.Facade.Alignment = FormFieldFacade.AlignRight; //decorate all text fields. fe.DecorateField(FieldType.Text); Changes visual attributes of all fields in the PDF document. FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_DecorateField.pdf"); fe.Facade = new FormFieldFacade(); fe.Facade.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; fe.Facade.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; fe.Facade.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; fe.Facade.Alignment = FormFieldFacade.AlignRight; //decorate all fields. fe.DecorateField(); Change name of the field. Old name of the field. New name of the field. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_updated.pdf"); formEditor.RenameField("textField", "textField_Renamed"); Remove submit action of the field. Name of the field. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_RemoveFieldAction.pdf"); formEditor.RemoveFieldAction("btnSubmit"); Add submit button on the form. Name of new button. Page where button will be placed. Button caption. URL of the submit button. Abscissa of the lower-left corner. Ordinate of the lower-left corner. Abscissa of the upper-right corner. Ordinate of the upper-right corner. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddSubmitBtn.pdf"); formEditor.AddSubmitBtn("submit", 1, "Submit", "", 10, 200, 70, 270); Adds new item to the list box. Name of the field ot which new item will be added. Name if new item. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", PdfForm_out.pdf"); formEditor.AddListItem("listBoxField", "Item 4 (New Item)"); Add a new item with Export value to the existing list box field, only for AcroForm combo box field. Name of field to which items will be added. A string array denoting a new list item with Export Value, i.e. (Item Label, Export Value). FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddListItem2.pdf"); fe.AddListItem("listboxField", new string[] { "4", "Item4(Added)" }); Delete item from the list field. Name of the field. Name of the item which must be deleted. formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_DelListItem.pdf"); formEditor.DelListItem("listboxField", "item2"); Set JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old JavaScript existed, it will be replaced by the new one. The fully qualified field name. The Java script to be added/placed into a push button field. true if field scrip was successfully set. Add JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old event exists, new event is added after it. The fully qualified field name. The Java script to be added/placed into a push button field. True in case script was added successfully. Change a single-lined text field to a multiple-lined one. The qualified field name. If success, return true;else false. FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "PdfForm_updated.pdf"); formEditor.Single2Multiple("textField"); Set the alignment style of a text field. The qualified field name. The alignment style definition, including FormFieldFacade.AlignLeft, FormFieldFacade.AlignCenter and FormFieldFacade.AlignRight. true if true if field was found and alignment was set. FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfStaticForm.pdf", "VerticalAlign.pdf"); fe.SetFieldAlignment("form1[0].TextField[0]", FormFieldFacade.AlignLeft); Set the vertical alignment style of a text field. The qualified field name. The alignment style definition, including FormFieldFacade.AlignTop, FormFieldFacade.AlignMiddle and FormFieldFacade.AlignRight. true if field was found and alignment was successfully filled. FormEditor fe = new FormEditor("PdfStaticForm.pdf", "VerticalAlign.pdf"); fe.SetFieldAlignmentV("form1[0].TextField[0]", FormFieldFacade.AlignBottom); Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Path of the destination file. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Destination stream. Closes the facade. Class for representing field properties. The color of a field border. The style of a field border. The width of a field border. The font type of a field text. Gets or sets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts). The size of a field text. The color of the field text. The text encoding type of the field text. The alignment of a field text, default is left alignment. The rotation of a field text. The normal caption of form field. The style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle*. A rectangle object holding field's location. A rectangle object holding field's location. An integer value holding the number of page on which field locates. An array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field. The options for adding a list/combo/radio box The color of a field background, default is white. Reset all visual attribtues to empty value. Undefined border width. Undefined border width. Defines a thin border width. Defines a medium border width. Defines a thick border width. Defines a solid border style. Defines a dashed border style. Defines a beveled border style. Defines an inseted border style. Defines an underlined border style. Undefined border style. Defines aglignment to left style. Defines aglignment to center style. Defines aglignment to right style. Undefined aglignment style. Defines text justification alignment style. Defines vertical aglignment as top style. Defines vertical aglignment as middle style. Defines vertical aglignment as bottom style. Defines a circle check box style. Defines the shape of a check box field when it checked. Defines a cross check box style. Defines a diamond check box style. Defines a star check box style. Defines a square check box style. Defines an undefined check box style. Obsolete property. Use BackgroundColor. Converts font name into fotn style name. Defines different key sizes which can be used to encrypt pdf documents. 40 bit key. Such key size is used with RC4 algorithm and provides low level of security. Nevertheless old versions of pdf documents can be encrypted only with such keys (v. 1.3 and lower); 128 bit key. Both RC4 and AES algorithms can use such key size. 256 bit key. Such key size can be used only with AES and is recognized with the last Adobe Reader versions (starting from v.9). Represents the information of line. Gets or sets an array of numbers representing the alternating horizontal and vertical,coordinates, respectively, of each vertex. Gets or sets the color of a line. Gets or sets the width of a line. Gets or sets the visibility of a line. Gets or sets the dash pattern of a line. Gets or sets the border style of a line, 0 represents solid, 1 represents dashed, 2 represents beleved, 3 represents insert, 4 represents underline. Represents a class for work with PDF document annotations (comments). Imports all annotations from XFDF file. The input XFDF file. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf("annots.xfdf"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports all annotations from XFDF file. The input XFDF file. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf("annots.xfdf"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports the specified annotations from XFDF file. The input XFDF file. The annotations array to be imported. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); AnnotationType[] annotTypes = {AnnotationType.Highlight, AnnotationType.Text}; editor.ImportAnnotationFromXfdf("annots.xfdf", annotTypes); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports the specified annotations from XFDF data stream. The input XFDF data stream. The array of annotation types to be imported. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); AnnotationType[] annotTypes ={ AnnotationType.Highlight, AnnotationType.Line }; editor.ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(File.OpenRead("annots.xfdf"), annotTypes); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. The input XFDF data stream. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(File.OpenRead("annots.xfdf")); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. The input XFDF data stream. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(File.OpenRead("annots.xfdf")); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. The array of annotation types to be imported. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); string[] paths = new string[2] {"with_annots1.pdf", "with_annots2.pdf"}; AnnotationType[] annotTypes = {AnnotationType.Highlight, AnnotationType.Text}; editor.ImportAnnotations(paths, annotTypes); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); string[] paths = new string[2] {"with_annots1.pdf", "with_annots2.pdf"}; editor.ImportAnnotations(paths); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. The annotation types to be imported. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); Stream[] streams = new FileStream[2]; stream[0]= File.OpenRead("with_annots1.pdf"); stream[1]= File.OpenRead("with_annots2.pdf"); AnnotationType[] annotTypes = {AnnotationType.Highlight, AnnotationType.Text}; editor.ImportAnnotations(streams, annotTypes); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); stream[0].Close(); stream[1].Close(); Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); Stream[] streams = new FileStream[2]; streams[0]= File.OpenRead("with_annots1.pdf"); streams[1]= File.OpenRead("with_annots2.pdf"); editor.ImportAnnotations(streams); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); streams[0].Close(); streams[1].Close(); Modifies the annotations of the specifed type on the specified page range. It supports to modify next annotation properties: Modified, Title, Contents, Color, Subject and Open. The start page number. The end page number. The annotation type. The annotation object contains new properties. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); TextAnnotation annot = new TextAnnotation(); annot.Modified = DateTime.Now; annot.Title = "NEW AUTHOR"; annot.Contents = "NEW CONTENTS"; annot.Color = Color.Red; annot.Subject = "NEW SUBJECT"; annot.Open = true; editor.ModifyAnnotations(1, 2, AnnotationType.Text, annot); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Modifies the author of annotations on the specified page range. The start page number. The end page number. The author that must be modified. The new author. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ModifyAnnotationsAuthor(1, 2, "PREV AUTHOR", "NEW AUTHOR"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Flattens all annotations in the document. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.FlatteningAnnotations(); editor.Save(example_out.pdf"); Flattens all annotations in the document. Specifies modes of flattening. Flattens the annotations of the specified types. The start page. Then end page. The annotation types should be flattened. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); AnnotationType[] annotTypes ={AnnotationType.Line, AnnotationType.FreeText}; editor.FlatteningAnnotations(1, 2, annotTypes); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes all annotations in the document. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteAnnotations(); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes all annotations of the specified type in the document. The type of annotation will be deleted. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteAnnotations("Text"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes the annotation with specified annotation name. The annotation name PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteAnnotation("4cfa69cd-9bff-49e0-9005-e22a77cebf38"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Exports the content of the specified annotation types into XFDF The output XFDF stream. Start page from which the annotations of the document will be exported. End page to which the annotations of the document will be exported. The array of annotation types need be exported. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); string[] annotTypes = new string[] {"Text", "Highlight"}; using (Stream stream = File.Create("example.xfdf")) { editor.ExportAnnotationsXfdf(stream, 1, 2, annotTypes); } Exports the content of the specified annotations types into XFDF The output XFDF stream. Start page from which the annotations of the document will be exported. End page to which the annotations of the document will be exported. The array of annotation types need be exported. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); AnnotationType[] annotTypes = new AnnotationType[] {AnnotationType.Text, AnnotationType.Highlight}; using (Stream stream = File.Create("example.xfdf")) { editor.ExportAnnotationsXfdf(stream, 1, 2, annotTypes); } Exports annotations to stream. Output stream. Gets the list of annotations of the specified types. Start page from which the annotations will be selected. End page to which the annotations will be selected. The array of needed annotation types. Annotations list. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); string[] annotTypes = new string[] {"Text", "Highlight"}; IList annotList = editor.ExtractAnnotations(1, 2 , annotTypes); Gets the list of annotations of the specified types. Start page from which the annotations will be selected. End page to which the annotations will be selected. The array of needed annotation types. Annotations list. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); AnnotationType[] annotTypes = new AnnotationType[] {AnnotationType.Text, AnnotationType.Highlight}; IList annotList = editor.ExtractAnnotations(1, 2 , annotTypes); Initializes new object. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Modifies the annotations of the specifed type on the specified page range. It supports to modify next annotation properties: Modified, Title, Contents, Color, Subject and Open. The start page number. The end page number. The annotation object contains new properties. PdfAnnotationEditor editor = new PdfAnnotationEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); TextAnnotation annot = new TextAnnotation(); annot.Modified = DateTime.Now; annot.Title = "NEW AUTHOR"; annot.Contents = "NEW CONTENTS"; annot.Color = Color.Red; annot.Subject = "NEW SUBJECT"; annot.Open = true; editor.ModifyAnnotations(1, 2, annot); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Redacts area on the specified page. All contents is removed. Index of the page. Area rectangle. Filling color. Represents a class to work with PDF file's bookmarks including create, modify, export, import and delete. Creates bookmarks for all pages. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateBookmarks(); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates bookmark for the specified page. The specified bookmark name. The specified desination page. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateBookmarkOfPage("bookmark for page 1", 1); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates the specified bookmark in the document. The method can be used for forming nested bookmarks hierarchy. The bookmark will be added to the document. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); Bookmark bm1=new Bookmark(); bm1.PageNumber=1; bm1.Title="First child"; Bookmark bm2=new Bookmark(); bm2.PageNumber=2; bm2.Title="Second child"; Bookmark bm=new Bookmark(); bm.Action="GoTo"; bm.PageNumber=1; bm.Title="Parent"; Bookmarks bms=new Bookmarks(); bms.Add(bm1); bms.Add(bm2); bm.ChildItem=bms; editor.CreateBookmarks(bm); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Create bookmarks for all pages with specified color and style (bold, italic). The color of title. The flag of bold attribution. The flag of italic attribution. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateBookmarks(System.Drawing.Color.Red, true, true); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates bookmarks for the specified pages. Bookmarks title array. Bookmarks desination page array. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateBookmarkOfPage("bookmark for page 1", 1); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes all bookmarks of the PDF document. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteBookmarks(); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes the bookmark of the PDF document. The title of bookmark deleted. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteBookmarks("existing bookmark title"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Modifys bookmark title according to the specified bookmark title. Source bookmark title. Modified bookmark title. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ModifyBookmarks("existing bookmark title", "new bookmark title"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Extracts bookmarks of all levels from the document. The bookmarks collection of all bookmarks that exist in the document. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); Bookmarks bms = editor.ExtractBookmarks(); foreach(Bookmark bm in bms) Console.WriteLine(bm.Title); Extracts bookmarks of all levels from the document. If true, extracts only upper level bookmarks. Else, extracts all bookmarks recursively. List of extracted bookmarks. Extracts the bookmarks with the specified title. Extracted item title. Bookmark collection has items with the same title. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); Bookmarks bms = editor.ExtractBookmarks("Title"); foreach(Bookmark bm in bms) Console.WriteLine(bm.Title); Extracts the children of a bookmark with a title like in specified bookamrk. The specified bookamrk. Bookmark collection with child bookmarks. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); Bookmark bookmark = new Bookmark(); bookmark.Title = "Title"; Bookmarks bms = editor.ExtractBookmarks(bookmark); foreach(Bookmark bm in bms) Console.WriteLine(bm.Title); Exports bookmarks to HTML file. The PDF file which bookmarks will be exported. The CSS file to display HTML file, can be null. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.ExtractBookmarksToHTML("example.pdf", null); Exports bookmarks to XML file. The output XML file. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ExportBookmarksToXML("bookmarks.xml"); Exports bookmarks to XML stream. Output stream where data will be stored. Imports bookmarks to the document from XML file. The XML file containing bookmarks list. PdfBookmarkEditor editor = new PdfBookmarkEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ImportBookmarksWithXML("bookmarks.xml"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Imports bookmarks to the document from XML file. Stream with bookmarks data. Initializes new object. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Exports bookmarks to HTML file. Input PDF file which bookmarks will be exported. Output HTML file PdfBookmarkEditor.ExtractBookmarksToHTML("example.pdf", "bookmarks.html"); Represents a class to edit PDF file's content. Internal class for representing stamps. Gets visibility of stamp. Moves the stamp into new location Horizontal coordinate. Vertical coordinate. Deletes the stamp. Hides the stamp. Shows previously hidden stamp the stamp. Gets or sets text search options. Gets or sets text edit options. Gets or sets text replace options. A set of parameters for replace text operation Binds a PDF file for editing. A PDF file to be edited. Binds a PDF stream for editing. A PDF stream to be edited. Extracts the collection of Link instances contained in PDF document. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); IList links = editor.ExtractLink(); foreach (object obj in links) { Link link = (Link)obj; // work with Link instance } The collection of Link objects Creates a web link in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The web link destination. The number of original page on which rectangle bound with web link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateWebLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "", 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, new Enum[] { PredefinedAction.FirstPage, PredefinedAction.PrintDialog }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a web link in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The web link destination. The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateWebLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "", 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a web link in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The web link destination. The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateWebLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "", 1 }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a local link in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The destination page. The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateLocalLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 2, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, new Enum[] { PredefinedAction.FirstPage, PredefinedAction.PrintDialog }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a local link in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The destination page. The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateLocalLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 2, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to another PDF document page. The rectangle for active click. The PDF document which page will be opened. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The destination page. The colour of rectangle for active click. The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreatePdfDocumentLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "another_example.pdf", 1, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, new Enum[] { PredefinedAction.FirstPage, PredefinedAction.PrintDialog }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to another PDF document page. The rectangle for active click. The PDF document which page will be opened. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The destination page. The colour of rectangle for active click. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreatePdfDocumentLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "another_example.pdf", 1, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to another PDF document page. The rectangle for active click. The PDF document which page will be opened. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The destination page. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreatePdfDocumentLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "another_example.pdf", 1, 1 }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to custom actions in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer./// PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateCustomActionLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, new Enum[] { PredefinedAction.FirstPage, PredefinedAction.PrintDialog }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The path of application to be launched. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer./// PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateApplicationLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "explorer", 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, new Enum[] { PredefinedAction.FirstPage, PredefinedAction.PrintDialog }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The path of application to be launched. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateApplicationLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "explorer", 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The path of application to be launched. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateApplicationLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "explorer", 1 }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a link to JavaScript in PDF document. The JavaScript code. The rectangle for active click. The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. The colour of rectangle for active click. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateJavaScriptLink("app.alert('welcome to aspose!');", new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red }); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates text annotation in PDF document The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The title of the annotation. The contents of the annotation. A flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open. The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Comment", "Key", "Note", "Help", "NewParagraph", "Paragraph", "Insert" The number of original page where the text annotation will be created. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateText(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", "You are welcome to Aspose!", true, "Key", 1); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates free text annotation in PDF document The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The number of original page where the text annotation will be created. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateFreeText(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", 1); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates markup annotation it PDF document. The rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The type of markup annotation. Can be 0 (Highlight), 1 (Underline), 2 (StrikeOut), 3 (Squiggly). The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The color of markup. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateMarkup(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", 0, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates popup annotation in PDF document. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. A flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreatePopup(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", true, 1); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates file attachment annotation. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The path of the file will be attached. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateFileAttachment(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", "attachment_file.pdf", 1, "Graph"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates file attachment annotation. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The path of the file will be attached. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". Icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateFileAttachment(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", "attachment_file.pdf", 1, "Graph", 0.5); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates file attachment annotation. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The attachment file stream. The attachment name. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); using(System.IO.FileStream attStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("attachment_file.pdf")) { editor.CreateFileAttachment(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", attStream, "attachment_file.pdf", 1, "Graph"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); } Creates file attachment annotation. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The attachment file stream. The attachment name. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". Icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); using(System.IO.FileStream attStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("attachment_file.pdf")) { editor.CreateFileAttachment(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", attStream, "attachment_file.pdf", 1, "Graph", 0.5); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); } Adds document attachment with no annotation. The path of the file will be attached. The description information. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.AddDocumentAttachment("attachment_file.pdf", "description of attachment_file"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Adds document attachment with no annotation. The stream of the file will be attached. The attachment name. The description information. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); using(System.IO.FileStream attStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("attachment_file.pdf")) { editor.AddDocumentAttachment(attStream, "attachment_file.pdf", "description of attachment_file"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); } Deletes all attachments in PDF document. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteAttachments(); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates line annotation. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The starting horizontal coordinate of the line. The starting vertical coordinate of the line. The ending horizontal coordinate of the line. The ending vertical coordinate of the line. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The border width in points. If this value is 0 no border is drawn. Default value is 1. The color of line. The border style specifying the width and dash pattern to be used in drawing the line. This value can be: "S" (Solid), "D" (Dashed), "B" (Beveled), "I" (Inset), "U" (Underline). A dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing a dashed border. If it is used, borderSyle must be accordingly set to "D". An array of two values respectively specifying the beginning and ending style of the drawing line. The values can be: "Square", "Circle", "Diamond", "OpenArrow", "ClosedArrow", "None", "Butt", "ROpenArrow", "RClosedArrow", "Slash". PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateLine(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, "D", new int[] {2, 3}, new string[] {"OpenArrow", "ClosedArrow"}); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates square-circle annotation. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The colour of square or circle. True (square), false (sircle). The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The border width of square or circle. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateSquareCircle(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", System.Drawing.Color.Red, false, 1, 5); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates curve annotation. The instance of LineInfo class. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); newApiEditor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(); lineInfo.VerticeCoordinate = new float[] { 0, 0, 100, 100 }; //x1, y1, x2, y2, .. xn, yn lineInfo.Visibility = true; editor.DrawCurve(lineInfo, 1, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "Welcome to Aspose"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates polygon annotation. The instance of LineInfo class. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(); lineInfo.VerticeCoordinate = new float[] { 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 50 }; lineInfo.Visibility = true; editor.CreatePolygon(lineInfo, 1 , new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "Welcome to Aspose"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates polyline annotation. The instance of LineInfo class. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(); lineInfo.VerticeCoordinate = new float[] { 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 50 }; lineInfo.Visibility = true; editor.CreatePolyLine(lineInfo, 1 , new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "Welcome to Aspose"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates caret annotation. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The actual boundaries of the underlying caret. A symbol will be associated with the caret. Value can be: "P" (Paragraph), "None". The contents of the annotation. The colour of the annotation. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateCaret(1, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 100), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(60, 60, 70, 70), "None", "Welcome to Aspose", System.Drawing.Color.Red); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a rubber stamp annotation. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. An icon is to be used in displaying the annotation. Default value: 'Draft'." The contents of the annotation. The colour of the annotation. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateRubberStamp(1, System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", System.Drawing.Color.Red); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a rubber stamp annotation. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The colour of the annotation. The path of appearance file. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateRubberStamp(1, System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", System.Drawing.Color.Red, "appearance_file.pdf"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Creates a rubber stamp annotation. The number of original page where the annotation will be created. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The contents of the annotation. The colour of the annotation. The stream of appearance file. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); using (System.IO.FileStream appStream = File.OpenRead("appearance_file.pdf")) { editor.CreateRubberStamp(1, System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), "Welcome to Aspose", System.Drawing.Color.Red, appStream); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); } Creates a bookmark with the specified action. The title of the bookmark. The colour of the bookmark's title. The flag of bold attribution. The flag of italic attribution. Another file or application required when the action type is "GoToR" or "Launch". The action type. The value can be: "GoToR", "Launch", "GoTo", "URI". The local destination or remote destination or URL. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateBookmarksAction("bookmark title", System.Drawing.Color.Red, true, true, null, "GoTo", 1/*page number*/); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Adds additional action for document event. The document event types. The code of JavaScript. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.AddDocumentAdditionalAction(PdfContentEditor.DocumentClose, "app.alert('Good-bye!');"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Removes open action from the document. This operation is useful when concatenating multiple documents that use explicit 'GoTo' action on startup. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.RemoveDocumentOpenAction(); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Changes the view preference. The view attribution defined in the ViewerPreference class. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ChangeViewerPreference(ViewerPreference.HideMenubar); editor.ChangeViewerPreference(ViewerPreference.PageModeUseNone); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Returns the view preference. Returns set of ViewerPrefernece flags PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); int prefValue = editor.GetViewerPreference(); if ((prefValue & ViewerPreference.PageModeUseOutline) != 0) { // ... } Replaces the specified image on the specified page of PDF document with another image. The number of page on which the image is replaced. The index of the image object must be replaced. The image file will be used for replacing. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.ReplaceImage(1, 1, "image.jpg"); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes the specified images on the specified page. The number of page on which images must be deleted. An array repsents images' indexes. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteImage(1, new int[] {1, 2}); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Deletes all images from PDF document. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.DeleteImage(); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. The example demonstrates how to replace text on the first page of the PDF document and set text properties for the new text. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // Create font and mark it to be embedded Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Courier New"); font.IsEmbedded = true; // create PdfContentEditor object to edit text PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf(doc); // create textState object TextState textState = new TextState(); textState.Font = font; textState.FontSize = 17; textState.FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic; textState.ForegroundColor = Color.Red; // change text with specified font editor.ReplaceText("hello world", 1, "hi world", textState); // save document doc.Save(outFile); The string to be replaced. Page number (0 means "all pages"). The replaced string. Text state (Text Color, Font etc). Returns true if replacement was made. Replaces text in the PDF file. The example demonstrates how to replace text in PDF document. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create PdfContentEditor object to edit text PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf(doc); // change text editor.ReplaceText("hello world", "hi world"); // save document doc.Save(outFile); The string to be replaced. Replacing string. Returns true if replacement was made. Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. The example demonstrates how to replace text in PDF document on the specified page. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create PdfContentEditor object to edit text PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf(doc); // change text editor.ReplaceText("hello world", 1, "hi world"); // save document doc.Save(outFile); The sting to be replaced. Page number (0 for all pages) Replacing string. Returns true if replacement was made. Replaces text in the PDF file using specified object. The example demonstrates how to replace text and set text properties for the new text. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // Create font and mark it to be embedded Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Courier New"); font.IsEmbedded = true; // create PdfContentEditor object to edit text PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf(doc); // create textState object TextState textState = new TextState(); textState.Font = font; textState.FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic; // change text with specified font editor.ReplaceText("hello world", "hi world", textState); // save document doc.Save(outFile); String to be replaced Replacing string Text state (Text Color, Font etc) Returns true if replacement was made. Creates Movie Annotations. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The path of movie file to be played. The page in which the Line annotation is created. Creates Sound Annotations. The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. The file path of sound file. The name of an icon to be used in displaying the annotation,include:Speaker and Mic. The page in which the Sound annotation is created. The sampling rate, in samples per second. Deletes multiple stamps on the specified page by stamp indexes. Page number where stamp will be deleted. Stamp indexes. PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor(); contentEditor.BindPdf("file.pdf"); contentEditor.DeleteStamp(1, new int[] { 2, 3, 5} ); contentEditor.Save("outfile.pdf"); Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. Array of stamp IDs. PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor(); contentEditor.BindPdf("file.pdf"); contentEditor.DeleteStampByIds(new int[] { 102, 103 } ); contentEditor.Save("outfile.pdf"); Deletes stamps on the specified page by multiple stamp IDs. Page number where stamps will be deleted. Array of stamp IDs. PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor(); contentEditor.BindPdf("file.pdf"); contentEditor.DeleteStampByIds(1, new int[] { 100, 101 } ); contentEditor.Save("outfile.pdf"); Deletes stamp on the specified page by stamp ID. Page number where stamp will be deleted. Identifier of stanp which should be deleted. PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor(); contentEditor.BindPdf("file.pdf"); contentEditor.DeleteStampById(1, 100); contentEditor.Save("outfile.pdf"); Hides the stamp. After hiding, stamp visibility may be restored with ShowStampById method. Number of the page. Identifier of stamp which should be hidden. Shows stamp which was hidden by HiddenStampById. Number of the page. Identifier of stamp which should be shown. Changes position of the stamp on page. Numer of page. Identifier of stamp which should be moved. New stamp horizontal pozition on the page. New stamp vertical position on the page. Changes position of the stamp on page. Number of page. Index of stamp on the page. New stamp horizontal position. New stamp vertical position. Delete stamp by ID from all pages of the document. Identifier of stamp which should be deleted. PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor(); contentEditor.BindPdf("file.pdf"); contentEditor.DeleteStampById(100); contentEditor.Save("outfile.pdf"); A document event type. Opens a document. A document event type. Closes a document. A document event type. Excute a action before saving. A document event type. Excute a action after saving. A document event type. Excute a action before printing. A document event type. Excute a action after printing. The constructor of the PdfContentEditor object. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Creates a local link in PDF document. The rectangle for active click. The destination page. The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf("example.pdf"); editor.CreateLocalLink(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 2, 1}); editor.Save("example_out.pdf"); Check that XForm is used in sequence of operators specific to Aspose stamps. This is required to distinguish from other pictures, forms etc. (See Stamp.drawStampOnPage: q - gs - cm - Do - Q operators must be). Replaces text in the PDF file and sets font size. The example demonstrates how to replace text and set font size for the new text. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // Create font and mark it to be embedded Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Courier New"); font.IsEmbedded = true; // create PdfContentEditor object to edit text PdfContentEditor editor = new PdfContentEditor(); editor.BindPdf(doc); // change text with specified font editor.ReplaceText("hello world", "hi world", 14); // save document doc.Save(outFile); String to be replaced. Replacing string. Font size. Returns true if replacement was made. Returns array of stamps on the page. Page number where stamps will be searched. Array of stamps. Closes opened document. Represents a class to convert a pdf file's each page to images, supporting BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF now. Supported content in pdfs: pictures, form, comment. Stores the flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page. Gets or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. Gets or sets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page. Gets or sets rendering options. Gets or sets form presentation mode. Gets or sets resolution during convertting. The higher resolution, the slower convertting speed. The default value is 150. Gets or sets start position which you want to convert. The minimal value is 1. Gets or sets end position which you want to convert. Gets or sets document OwnerPassword. Gets or sets document UserPassword. Gets the page count. Do some initial works for converting a pdf document to images. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); String prefix = @"D:\Test\"; String suffix = ".jpg"; int imageCount = 1; while (converter.HasNextImage()) { converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix); imageCount++; } [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() Dim prefix As String = "D:\Test\" Dim suffix As String = ".jpg" Dim imageCount As Integer = 1 While converter.HasNextImage() converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix) imageCount = imageCount + 1 End While Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file to save the TIFF image. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); converter.SaveAsTIFF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff"); [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() converter.SaveAsTIFF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff") Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. The output file. Type of the compression. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); converter.SaveAsTIFF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff"); [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() converter.SaveAsTIFF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff") Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image The page size of the image. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image The page size of the image. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Type of the compression. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. External converter Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. The stream to save the TIFF image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); converter.SaveAsTIFFClassF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff",204,196); [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() converter.SaveAsTIFFClassF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff",204,196) Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. The stream to save the TIFF image. The page size of the image. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The page size of the image. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. The output stream. Type of the compression. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The page size of the image. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The page size of the image. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Type of the compression. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. External converter Indicates whether the pdf file has more images or not. Can get more images or not, true if can, or false. Saves image to file with default image format - jpeg. The file path and name to save the image. Saves image to file with ith given page size and default image format - jpeg. The file path and name to save the image. The page size of the image. Saves image to file with the givin image format. The file path and name to save the image. The format of the image. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); String prefix = @"D:\Test\"; String suffix = ".png"; int imageCount = 1; while (converter.HasNextImage()) { converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Png); imageCount++; } [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() Dim prefix As String = "D:\Test\" Dim suffix As String = ".png" Dim imageCount As Integer = 1 While converter.HasNextImage() converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Png) imageCount = imageCount + 1 End While Saves image to file with given page size and image format. The file path and name to save the image. The page size of the image. The format of the image. Saves image to stream with default image format - jpeg. The stream to save the image. Saves image to stream with given page size. The stream to save the image. The page size of the image. Saves image to stream with given image format. The stream to save the image. The format of the image. Saves image to stream with given page size. The stream to save the image. The page size of the image. The format of the image. Saves image to file with the given image format, dimensions and quality. The file path and name to save the image. The format of the image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); String prefix = @"D:\Test\"; String suffix = ".jpg"; int imageCount = 1; while (converter.HasNextImage()) { converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Jpeg, 800, 1000, 50); imageCount++; } [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() Dim prefix As String = "D:\Test\" Dim suffix As String = ".jpg" Dim imageCount As Integer = 1 While converter.HasNextImage() converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Jpeg, 800, 1000, 50) imageCount = imageCount + 1 End While Saves image to stream with the givin image format, dimensions and quality. The stream to save the image. The format of the image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest Saves image to file with the givin image format, image size, and quality. The file path and name to save the image. The format of the image. The image width, the unit is pixels. The image height, the unit is pixels.. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); String prefix = @"D:\Test\"; String suffix = ".jpg"; int imageCount = 1; float pixelX=800f; float pixelY=600f; while (converter.HasNextImage()) { converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Jpeg, pixelX, pixelY, 50); imageCount++; } [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() Dim prefix As String = "D:\Test\" Dim suffix As String = ".jpg" Dim pixelX As float =800 Dim pixelY As float=600 Dim imageCount As Integer = 1 While converter.HasNextImage() converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Jpeg, pixelX, pixelY, 50) imageCount = imageCount + 1 End While Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality. The stream to save the image. The format of the image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest Convert Dynamic Xfa Fomrs into "static" pdf document Binds a Pdf file for converting. The pdf file. Binds a Pdf Stream for convert. The pdf Stream. Initializes new object. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Close the instance of PdfConverter and release the resources. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. The stream to save the TIFF image. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); converter.SaveAsTIFFClassF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff"); [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() converter.SaveAsTIFFClassF(@"D:\Test\test.tiff") Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with and saves images to a single TIFF file. The file name to save the TIFF image Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. External converter Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. The stream to save the TIFF image. Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. External converter Saves image to file with the given image format and dimensions. The file path and name to save the image. The format of the image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. [C#] PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter(); converter.BindPdf(@"D:\Test\test.pdf"); converter.DoConvert(); String prefix = @"D:\Test\"; String suffix = ".jpg"; int imageCount = 1; while (converter.HasNextImage()) { converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Jpeg, 800, 1000); imageCount++; } [Visual Basic] Dim converter As PdfConverter = New PdfConverter() converter.BindPdf("D:\Test\test.pdf") converter.DoConvert() Dim prefix As String = "D:\Test\" Dim suffix As String = ".jpg" Dim imageCount As Integer = 1 While converter.HasNextImage() converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Jpeg, 800, 1000) imageCount = imageCount + 1 End While Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality. The stream to save the image. The format of the image. The image width, the unit is pixel. The image height, the unit is pixel. Saves image to stream with given image format and quality. The stream to save the image. The format of the image. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest Saves image to stream with given page size, image format and quality. The stream to save the image. The page size of the image. The format of the image. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest Saves image to file with given image format and quality. The file path and name to save the image. The format of the image. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest Saves image to file with given page size, image format and quality. The file path and name to save the image. The page size of the image. The format of the image. The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest draws page to graphics Merges list of image streams as one image stream. Png/jpg/tiff outputs formats are supported, in case of using non supported format output stream encoded as Jpeg by default. The list of image streams to merge. Image output format for merged stream. Merge mode. Used for Png/Jpg formats. Horizontal ratio to set canvas width for output image stream. Used for Png/Jpg formats with ImageMergeMode.Center only. Vertical ratio to set canvas height for output image stream. Used for Png/Jpg formats with ImageMergeMode.Center only. Image stream encoded as output image format. Merges list of tiff streams as one multiple frames tiff stream. The list of tiff streams. Multiple frames tiff stream. Class for extracting images and text from PDF document. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Gets or sets start page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed. PdfExtractor ext = new PdfExtractor(); ext.BindBdf("sample.pdf"); ext.StartPage = 2; ext.EndPage = 5; ext.ExtractText(); Gets or sets end page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed. PdfExtractor ext = new PdfExtractor(); ext.BindBdf("sample.pdf"); ext.StartPage = 2; ext.EndPage = 3; ext.ExtractText(); Sets the mode for extract text's result. 0 is pure text mode and 1 is raw ordering mode. Default is 0. The example demonstratres the property usage in text extraction scenario. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(@"D:\Text\text.pdf"); extractor.ExtractTextMode = 1; extractor.ExtractText(); extractor.GetText(@"D:\Text\text.txt"); Gets or sets text search options. Sets the mode for extract images process. Default value is ExtractImageMode.DefinedInResources that extracts all images defined in resources. To extract actually shown images ExtractImageMode.ActuallyUsed mode should be used. Is true when text has hebriew or arabic symbols. This case must be specially considered because string functions change their behaviour and start process text from right to left (except numbers and other non text chars). Extracts text from a Pdf document using Unicode encoding. First example demonstratres how to extract all the text from PDF file. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(@"D:\Text\text.pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(); extractor.GetText(@"D:\Text\text.txt"); Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf("D:\Text\text.pdf") extractor.ExtractText() extractor.GetText("D:\Text\text.txt") Second example demonstratres how to extract each page's text into one txt file. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(); String prefix = TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit"; String suffix = ".txt"; int pageCount = 1; while (extractor.HasNextPageText()) { extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix); pageCount++; } Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf") extractor.ExtractText() Dim prefix As String = TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit" Dim suffix As String = ".txt" Dim pageCount As Integer = 1 While extractor.HasNextPageText() extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix) pageCount = pageCount + 1 End While Extracts text from a Pdf document using specified encoding. First example demonstratres how to extract all the text from PDF file. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(@"D:\Text\text.pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode); extractor.GetText(@"D:\Text\text.txt"); Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf("D:\Text\text.pdf") extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode) extractor.GetText("D:\Text\text.txt") Second example demonstratres how to extract each page's text into one txt file. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode); String prefix = TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit"; String suffix = ".txt"; int pageCount = 1; while (extractor.HasNextPageText()) { extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix); pageCount++; } Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf") extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode) Dim prefix As String = TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit" Dim suffix As String = ".txt" Dim pageCount As Integer = 1 While extractor.HasNextPageText() extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix) pageCount = pageCount + 1 End While The encoding of the extracted text. Saves text to file. see also: The file path and name to save the text. Saves text to stream. see also: The stream to save the text. Bind input PDF file. PDF fiel to bind PdfExtractor ext = new PdfExtractor(); ext.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); Binds PDF document from stream. Stream containing PDF document data PdfExtractor ext = new PdfExtractor(); Stream stream = new FileStream("sample.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); ext.BindPdf(stream); Extract images from PDF file. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); extractor.ExtractImage(); int i = 1; while (extractor.HasNextImage()) { extractor.GetNextImage("image-" + i +".pdf"); } Checks if more images are accessible in PDF document. Note: ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. Trues if more images are accessible PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); extractor.ExtractImage(); int i = 1; while (extractor.HasNextImage()) { extractor.GetNextImage("image-" + i +".pdf"); } Retreives next image from PDF document. Note: ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. File where image will be stored True is image is successfully extracted PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); extractor.ExtractImage(); int i = 1; while (extractor.HasNextImage()) { extractor.GetNextImage("image-" + i +".pdf"); } Retreives next image from PDF document with given image format. Note: ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. File where image will be stored The format of the image. True is image is successfully extracted Retreive next image from PDF file and stores it into stream with given image format. Stream where image data will be saved The format of the image. True in case the image is successfully extracted. Retreive next image from PDF file and stores it into stream. Stream where image data will be saved True in case the image is successfully extracted. Returns list of attachments in PDF file. Note: ExtractAttachments must be called befor using this method. List of attachments Example demonstrates how to extract attachment names form PDF file. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(TestSettings.GetInputFile("sample.pdf")); extractor.ExtractAttachment(); IList attachments = extractor.GetAttachNames(); foreach (string name in attachments) Console.WriteLine(name); Extracts attachments from a Pdf document. Extracts attachment to PDF file by attachment name. Name of attachment to extract Stores attachment into file. Directory path where attachment(s) will be stored. Null or empty string means attachment(s) will be placed in the application directory. Indicates that whether can get more texts or not. The example demonstratres the property usage in text extraction scenario. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode); String prefix = TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit"; String suffix = ".txt"; int pageCount = 1; while (extractor.HasNextPageText()) { extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix); pageCount++; } Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf") extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode) Dim prefix As String = TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit" Dim suffix As String = ".txt" Dim pageCount As Integer = 1 While extractor.HasNextPageText() extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix) pageCount = pageCount + 1 End While Can get more texts or not, true is can, or false. Saves one page's text to file. The example demonstratres the GetNextPageText method usage in text extraction scenario. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode); String prefix = TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit"; String suffix = ".txt"; int pageCount = 1; while (extractor.HasNextPageText()) { extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix); pageCount++; } Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf") extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode) Dim prefix As String = TestPath + "Aspose.Pdf.Kit" Dim suffix As String = ".txt" Dim pageCount As Integer = 1 While extractor.HasNextPageText() extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix) pageCount = pageCount + 1 End While The file path and name to save the text. Saves one page's text to stream. The example demonstratres the method usage in text extraction scenario. PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Pdf"); extractor.ExtractText(Encoding.Unicode); String prefix = TestPath + @"Aspose.Pdf.Kit"; String suffix = ".txt"; int pageCount = 1; while (extractor.HasNextPageText()) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(prefix + pageCount + suffix, FileMode.Create); extractor.GetNextPageText(prefix + pageCount + suffix); fs.Close(); pageCount++; } The stream to save the text. Initializes new object. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Saves text to stream. see also: The stream to save the text. If this parameter is true all Not ASCII simbols will be removed Saves all the attachment file to streams. The stream array of the attachment file in the pdf document. [C#] PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor(); extractor.BindPdf(path + "Attach.pdf"); extractor.ExtractAttachment(); IList names = extractor.GetAttachNames(); MemoryStream[] tempStreams = extractor.GetAttachment(); for (int i=0; i<tempStreams.Length; i++) { string name = (string)names[i]; FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + name,System.IO.FileMode.Create); byte[] tempBytes = new byte[4096]; tempStreams[i].Position = 0; for (; ; ) { int numOfBytes = tempStreams[i].Read(tempBytes, 0, 4096); if (numOfBytes < 1) break; fs.Write(tempBytes, 0, numOfBytes); } fs.Close(); } [Visual Basic] Dim extractor As PdfExtractor = New PdfExtractor() extractor.BindPdf(path + "Attach.pdf") extractor.ExtractAttachment() extractor.GetAttachment(path) Dim names As IList = extractor.GetAttachNames() Dim tempStreams() As MemoryStream = extractor.GetAttachment() for(Integer i = 0 i<tempStreams.Length i++) { Dim name As String = CType(names(i), String) Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(path + name,System.IO.FileMode.Create) Dim tempBytes() As Byte = New Byte(4096) {} tempStreams(i).Position = 0 for() { Dim numOfBytes As Integer = tempStreams(i).Read(tempBytes,0,4096) If numOfBytes < 1 Then break End If fs.Write(tempBytes, 0, numOfBytes) } fs.Close() } Gets the list of attachments. Returns a List<FileSpecificatio>>. Set or gets resolution for extracted images. Default value is 150. Images which have greater resolution value are more clear. However increasing resolution value results in increasing time and memory needed to extract images. Usually to get clear image it's enough to set resolution to 150 or 300. Gets or sets input file's password. Represents a class for accessing meta information of PDF document. Initializes the facade. The stream of PDF file. The password of the PDF document. Initializes the facade. The PDF file. The password of the PDF document. Initializes the facade. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Asserts if the facade is initialized. Gets or sets the Author information of PDF document. Checkes whether the PDF document is encrypted. Checkes whether the source input is a valid PDF file. Uses strict validation rules via using property. Gets or sets the CreationDate information of PDF document. Gets or sets the Creator information of PDF document. Returns true if the current input file is a 'Portfolio' file containing collection of PDF files in it. Gets or sets the customized information of PDF document. Gets or sets the input file. Gets or sets the input stream. Gets or sets the Keywords information of PDF document. Gets or sets the ModDate date information of PDF document. Gets the number of document pages. Gets the Producer information of PDF document. Gets or sets the Subject information of PDF document. Gets or sets the Title information of PDF document. Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo class with default values. Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo class. Stream where input file is placed. Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo class. Stream where input file is placed. Password for access to file. Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo class. Name of file containing input file. Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo class. Name of file containing input file. Password for access to file. Clears all meta information of PDF document. Gets the PDF document privilege settings. The PDF document privilege settings. Gets customized information of PDF document with property name. If there is no property match the name it will return a blank string. Custom meta property key. Custom meta property value. Gets the height of the specified page. Page number. The height of the page. Gets the rotation of the specified page. Page number. The rotation of the page. The value may be 0,90,180,270. Gets the width of the specified page. Page number. The width of the page. Gets the horizontal offset of the specified page display area. Page number. The horizontal offset from the left side of the page. Gets the vertical offset of the specified page display area. Page number. The vertical offset of the page display area. Gets the version info of PDF document. The version string. Save updated PDF document into specified stream. Output stream. True if success otherwise is false. Save updated PDF document into specified file. Output file. True if success otherwise is false. Saves the PDF document to the specified file. The destination stream. Saves the PDF document to the specified file. The destination file. Sets customized information of PDF document. Custom meta property key. Custom meta property value. Changes the properties specified explicitly by setting file information, other properties remain. Output file. True for success, or false. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Returns the type of password which was passed for creating PdfFileInfo instance. See possible values in . Pay attention that pdf document can be opened using both user (or open) password and owner (or permissions, edit) password. Returns true if password is needed to open password protected pdf document. Returns true if password is needed to modify permissions or document security property. Pay attention that this property can be read only if valid password was provided in constructor. In case PasswordType is Inaccessible (means that invalid password was provided) reading this property will fail with . Deinitializes the instance. Checks stream content. Extra text can misused in scripts (like sql injection). True - if the document contains forbidden symbols; otherwise, false. Represents a class for adding texts and images on the pages of existing PDF document. This const is used by addLine method The consts are from Pdf.Kit for backward compatibility Sets the input stream. Sets the output stream. Sets the input file. Sets the output file. Sets a bool value that indicates word wrap in AddText methods. If the value is true, the text in FormattedText will word wrap. By defalt, the value is false. Sets or gets word wrapping algorithm. See WordWrapMode and IsWordWrap. Sets or gets text positioning strategy. Default mode is Legacy. Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. Input image stream. The number of page that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead("picture.jpg")) { mendor.AddImage(stream, 1, 10, 10, 100, 100); } mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. Input image stream. The number of page that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. The graphics compositing parameters for the image. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead("picture.jpg")) { mendor.AddImage(stream, 1, 10, 10, 100, 100, new CompositingParameters(BlendMode.Multiply); } mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. Input image stream. The numbers of pages that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead("picture.jpg")) { mendor.AddImage(stream, new int[]{1, 2}, 10, 10, 100, 100); } mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. Input image stream. The numbers of pages that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. The graphics compositing parameters for the images. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead("picture.jpg")) { mendor.AddImage(stream, new int[]{1, 2}, 10, 10, 100, 100, new CompositingParameters(BlendMode.Multiply); } mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. The path of input image file. The number of page that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); mendor.AddImage("picture.jpg", 1, 10, 10, 100, 100); mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. The path of input image file. The number of page that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. The graphics compositing parameters for the images. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); mendor.AddImage("picture.jpg", 1, 10, 10, 100, 100, new CompositingParameters(BlendMode.Multiply)); mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. The path of input image file. The numbers of pages that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); mendor.AddImage("picture.jpg", 1, 10, 10, 100, 100); mendor.Close(); Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. The path of input image file. The numbers of pages that will receive the image. The lower left x of image rectangle. The lower left y of image rectangle. The upper right x of image rectangle. The upper right y of image rectangle. The graphics compositing parameters for the images. True if success false otherwise. PdfFileMend mendor = new PdfFileMend("example.pdf", "out_example.pdf"); mendor.AddImage("picture.jpg", 1, 10, 10, 100, 100, new CompositingParameters(BlendMode.Multiply)); mendor.Close(); Not implemented. FormattedText object. Page number. Lower left X coordinate. Lower left Y coordinate. True in case text was successfully added. Not implemented. FormattedText object. Page number. Lower left X coordinate. Lower left Y coordinate. Upper right X coordinate. Upper right Y coordinate. True in case text was successfully added. Not implemented. FormattedText object. Page numbers array. Lower left X coordinate. Lower left Y coordinate. Upper right X coordinate. Upper right Y coordinate. True in case text was successfully added. Closes PdfFileMend object. Constructor. Constructor. Input PDF file name. Output PDF file name. Constructor. Input PDF stream. Output PDF stream. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Output PDF file name. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Output PDF stream. Saves the PDF document to the specified file. The destination file. Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. The destination stream. Represents encrypting or decrypting a Pdf file with owner or user password, changing the security setting and password. Sets the input file. Sets the input stream. Sets the output file. Sets the output stream. If this value set to true, exception will be thrown on opearation failure. Else, method returns false on failure and last exception can be checked with LastException property. Returns exception which was thrown by last operation. Initialize the object of PdfFileSecurity with input and output stream. Input Pdf Stream. Output Pdf Stream. Initializes the object of PdfFileSecurity with input and output file. Source input Pdf file. Output Pdf file. Initialize the object of PdfFileSecurity. Encrypts Pdf file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document's privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Throws exception if process failed. User password. Owner password. Set privilege. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. True for success. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.EncryptFile("userpass", "ownerpass", DocumentPrivilege.Print, KeySize.x256); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.EncryptFile("userpass", "ownerpass", DocumentPrivilege.Print, KeySize.x256) Encrypts Pdf file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document's privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Does not throw an exception if process failed. User password. Owner password. Set privilege. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. True for success, or false. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); bool result = fileSecurity.TryEncryptFile("userpass", "ownerpass", DocumentPrivilege.Print, KeySize.x256); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.TryEncryptFile("userpass", "ownerpass", DocumentPrivilege.Print, KeySize.x256) Encrypts Pdf file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document's privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. There are 6 possible combinations of KeySize and Algorithm values. However (KeySize.x40, Algorithm.AES) and (KeySize.x256, Algorithm.RC4) are invalid and corresponding exception will be raised if kit encounters this combination. Throws an exception if process failed. User password. Owner password. Set privilege. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. Algorithm.AES to encrypt using AES algorithm or Algorithm.RC4 for RC4 encryption. True for success. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.EncryptFile("userpass","ownerpass",DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256,Algorithm.AES); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.EncryptFile("userpass","ownerpass",DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256,Algorithm.AES) Decrypts an encrypted Pdf document by owner password. If the document hasn't owner password, it is allow to use user password. Throws an exception if process failed. Owner password. True for success. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.DecryptFile("ownerpass"); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.DecryptFile("ownerpass") Decrypts an encrypted Pdf document by owner password. If the document hasn't owner password, it is allow to use user password. Does not throw an exception if process failed. Owner password. True for success,or false. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); bool result = fileSecurity.TryDecryptFile("ownerpass"); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.TryDecryptFile("ownerpass") Sets Pdf file security with empty user/owner passwords. The owner password will be added by a random string. Throws an exception if process failed. Set privilege. True for success. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.SetPrivilege(DocumentPrivilege.Print); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.SetPrivilege(DocumentPrivilege.Print) Sets Pdf file security with original password. Throws an exception if process failed. Original user password. Original owner password. Set privilege. True for success. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.SetPrivilege(userPassword, ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege.Print); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.SetPrivilege(userPassword, ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege.Print) Sets Pdf file security with original password. Does not throw an exception if process failed. Original user password. Original owner password. Set privilege. True for success, or false. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); bool result = fileSecurity.TrySetPrivilege(userPassword, ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege.Print); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = "D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.TrySetPrivilege(userPassword, ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege.Print) Changes the user password and owner password by owner password, keeps the original security settings. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Throws an exception if process failed. Original Owner password. New User password. New Owner password. True for success. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner"); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = ".D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner") Changes the user password and owner password by owner password, keeps the original security settings. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced Does not throw an exception if process failed. with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Original Owner password. New User password. New Owner password. True for success,or false. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); bool result = fileSecurity.TryChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner"); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = ".D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.TryChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner") Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset Pdf documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Throws an exception if process failed. Original owner password. New User password. New Owner password. Reset security. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. True for success. [C#] string inFile = ".D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = ".D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256) Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset Pdf documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Does not throw an exception if process failed. Original owner password. New User password. New Owner password. Reset security. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. True for success, or false. [C#] string inFile = ".D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); bool result = fileSecurity.TryChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = ".D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.TryChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256) Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset Pdf documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. There are 6 possible combinations of KeySize and Algorithm values. However (KeySize.x40, Algorithm.AES) and (KeySize.x256, Algorithm.RC4) are invalid and corresponding exception will be raised if kit encounters this combination. Throws an exception if process failed. Original owner password. New User password. New Owner password. Reset security. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. Algorithm.AES to encrypt using AES algorithm or Algorithm.RC4 for RC4 encryption. True for success. [C#] string inFile = ".D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256,Algorithm.AES); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = ".D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256,Algorithm.AES) Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset Pdf documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. There are 6 possible combinations of KeySize and Algorithm values. However (KeySize.x40, Algorithm.AES) and (KeySize.x256, Algorithm.RC4) are invalid and corresponding exception will be raised if kit encounters this combination. Does not throw an exception if process failed. Original owner password. New User password. New Owner password. Reset security. KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. Algorithm.AES to encrypt using AES algorithm or Algorithm.RC4 for RC4 encryption. True for success, or false. [C#] string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //The TestPath may be re-assigned. PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile); bool result = fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256,Algorithm.AES); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = ".D:\\input.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim outFile As String = "D:\\output.pdf" 'The TestPath may be re-assigned.' Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.ChangePassword("owner","newuser","newowner", DocumentPrivilege.Print,KeySize.x256,Algorithm.AES) Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Output Pdf file. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Output Pdf Stream. Initializes the facade. The PDF file. Initializes the facade. The stream of PDF file. Closes the facade. Represents a class to sign a pdf file with a certificate. Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image file name. Gets the LTV enabled flag. The constructor of PdfFileSignature class. The constructor of PdfFileSignature class. The input file for signature. The constructor of PdfFileSignature class. The input file for signature. The output file. Binds a Pdf file for editing. The pdf file to be edited. Binds a Pdf stream for editing. The pdf stream to be edited. Saves the result PDF to file. output pdf file Saves the result PDF to stream. output pdf stream Make a signature on the pdf document. The page number on which signature is made. The reason of signature. The contact of signature. The location of signature. The visiblity of signature. The rect of signature. [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; string outFile = TestPath + "signature.pdf"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(); pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200); pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg"; pdfSign.SetCertificate("certificate.pfx", "password"); pdfSign.Sign(2, "Allen", "success", "ChangSha", true, rect); pdfSign.Save(outFile); [Visual Basic] Dim pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature() pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile) Dim rect as System.Drawing.Rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200) pdfSign.SetCertificate("certificate.pfx", "password") pdfSign.Sign(2, "Allen", "success", "ChangSha", true, rect) pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Save(outFile) Sign the document with the given type signature. The page number on which signature is made. The reason of signature. The contact of signature. The location of signature. The visiblity of signature. The rect of signature. The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; string outFile = TestPath + "signature.pdf"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 100); pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg"; pdfSign.Sign(2, "Allen", "success", "ChangSha", true, rect, new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password")); pdfSign.Save(); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = TestPath & "example1.pdf" Dim outFile As String = TestPath & "signature.pdf" Dim sig As PKCS1 = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password") Dim pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile) Dim rect as System.Drawing.Rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 100) pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath & "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Sign(2, "Allen", "success", "ChangSha", true, rect, sig) pdfSign.Save() Sign the document with the given type signature. The page number on which signature is made. The visiblity of signature. The rect of signature. The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be already present in this object (see corresponding properties). [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; string outFile = TestPath + "signature.pdf"; PKCS1 sig = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password"); sig.Reason = "Some reason"; sig.Contact = "Smith"; sig.Location = "New York"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 100); pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg"; pdfSign.Sign(2, true, rect, sig); pdfSign.Save(); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = TestPath & "example1.pdf" Dim outFile As String = TestPath & "signature.pdf" Dim sig As PKCS1 = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password") sig.Reason = "Some reason" sig.Contact = "Smith" sig.Location = "New York" Dim pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile) Dim rect as System.Drawing.Rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 100) pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath & "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Sign(2, true, rect, sig) pdfSign.Save() Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). The name of the signature field. The reason of signature. The contact of signature. The location of signature. The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; string outFile = TestPath + "signature.pdf"; PKCS1 sig = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password"); PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile); pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg"; pdfSign.Sign("Signature1", "Allen", "success", "ChangSha", sig); pdfSign.Save(); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = TestPath & "example1.pdf" Dim outFile As String = TestPath & "signature.pdf" Dim sig As PKCS1 = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password") Dim pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile) pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath & "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Sign("Signature1", "Allen", "success", "ChangSha", sig) pdfSign.Save() Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing pdf document should already has signature field, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). The page number on which signature is made. The name of the signature field. The reason of signature. The contact of signature. The location of signature. The visiblity of signature. The rect of signature. The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "blankWithSignature.pdf"; string outFile = TestPath + "signature.pdf"; PKCS7 sig = new PKCS7("certificate.pfx", "password"); PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100); pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Sign(1, "Signature1", "ReasonToTest", "ContactMe", "SomeLocation", true, rect, sig); pdfSign.Save(outFile); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = TestPath & "blankWithSignature.pdf" Dim outFile As String = TestPath & "signature.pdf" Dim sig As PKCS7 = new PKCS7("certificate.pfx", "password") Dim pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile) pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath & "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Sign("Signature1", "ReasonToTest", "ContactMe", "SomeLocation", true, rect, sig) pdfSign.Save(outFile) Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be provided by corresponding properties of the Signature object sig. The name of the signature field. The type of the signature, could be PKCS1 (Pkcs1Signature object), PKCS7 and PKCS7 detached (Pkcs7Signature object) [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; string outFile = TestPath + "signature.pdf"; PKCS1 sig = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password"); sig.Reason = "Some reason"; sig.Contact = "Smith"; sig.Location = "New York"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile); pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath + "butterfly.jpg"; pdfSign.Sign("Signature1", sig); pdfSign.Save(); [Visual Basic] Dim inFile As String = TestPath & "example1.pdf" Dim outFile As String = TestPath & "signature.pdf" Dim sig As PKCS1 = new PKCS1("certificate.pfx", "password") sig.Reason = "Some reason" sig.Contact = "Smith" sig.Location = "New York" Dim pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(inFile, outFile) pdfSign.SignatureAppearance = TestPath & "butterfly.jpg" pdfSign.Sign("Signature1", sig) pdfSign.Save() Gets the flag determining whether a document is certified or not. Returns the access permissions value of certified document by the MDP signature type. If the document is being certified, than returns access permissions value; otherwise, is thrown. Certify the document with the MDP signature. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be provided by corresponding properties of the Signature object sig. The page on which signature is made. The reason of signature. The contact of signature. The location of signature. The visiblity of signature. The rect of signature. The document MDP type of the signature. Certify the document with the MDP signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see sigName parameter). The name of the signature field. The type of the signature, could be , and Gets the names of all not empty signatures. if true, return only active signatures; otherwise, return all signatures. Return an IList<string>. [C#] string inFile=TestPath + "example1.pdf"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign=new PdfFileSignature(); pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile); var names=pdfSign.GetSignNames(); for(int i=0;i<names.Count;i++) { Console.WriteLine("signature name:"+names[i]); Console.WriteLine("coverswholedocument:"+pdfSign.IsCoversWholeDocument(names[i])); Console.WriteLine("revision:"+pdfSign.GetRevision(names[i])); Console.WriteLine("verifysigned:"+pdfSign.VerifySigned(names[i])); Console.WriteLine("reason:"+pdfSign.GetReason(names[i])); Console.WriteLine("location:"+pdfSign.GetLocation(names[i])); Console.WriteLine("datatime:"+pdfSign.GetDateTime(names[i])); } Console.WriteLine("totalvision:"+pdfSign.GetTotalRevision()); [Visual Basic] Dim pdfSign as PdfFileSignature =new PdfFileSignature pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile) Dim names as IList names=pdfSign.GetSignNames() For i=0 To names.Count Console.WriteLine("signature name:" + (string)names[i]) Console.WriteLine("coverswholedocument:" + pdfSign.IsCoversWholeDocument((string)names[i])) Console.WriteLine("revision:" + pdfSign.GetRevision((string)names[i])) Console.WriteLine("verifysigned:" + pdfSign.VerifySigned((string)names[i])) Console.WriteLine("reason:" + pdfSign.GetReason((string)names[i])) Console.WriteLine("location:" + pdfSign.GetLocation((string)names[i])) Console.WriteLine("datatime:" + pdfSign.GetDateTime((string)names[i])) Next i Console.WriteLine("totalvision:"+pdfSign.GetTotalRevision()) Gets the names of all empty signature fields. Return an IList. Checks if the pdf has a digital signature or not. Return a result of bool type. Checks if the pdf has a digital signature or not. Return a result of bool type. Checks if the pdf has a usage rights or not. Returns a result of bool type. Checks if the signature covers the whole document. The name of signature. Return a result of bool type. Checks if the signature covers the whole document. The name of signature. Return a result of bool type. Gets the revision of a signature. The name of signature. Return the number of signature revision. Gets the toltal revision. Return the total number of signature revision. Removes the usage rights entry. Remove the signature according to the name of the signature. The name of signature. [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(); pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile); IList names = pdfSign.GetSignNames(); for(int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { pdfSign.RemoveSignature((string)names[i]); } pdfSign.Save(TestPath + "signed_removed.pdf"); [Visual Basic] Dim pdfSign as PdfFileSignature = new PdfFileSignature pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile) Dim names as IList names = pdfSign.GetSignNames() For i = 0 To names.Count pdfSign.RemoveSignature((string)names[i]) Next i pdfSign.Save(TestPath + "signed_removed.pdf") Removes the signature according to the name of the signature. The name of signature. If set to true, than removes both of signature and field from document; otherwise, signature only. [C#] string inFile = TestPath + "example1.pdf"; PdfFileSignature pdfSign = new PdfFileSignature(); pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile); IList names = pdfSign.GetSignNames(); for(int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { pdfSign.RemoveSignature((string)names[i], false); } pdfSign.Save(TestPath + "signed_removed.pdf"); [Visual Basic] Dim pdfSign as PdfFileSignature = new PdfFileSignature pdfSign.BindPdf(inFile) Dim names as IList names = pdfSign.GetSignNames() For i = 0 To names.Count pdfSign.RemoveSignature((string)names[i], false) Next i pdfSign.Save(TestPath + "signed_removed.pdf") Checks the validity of a signature. The name of signature. Return a result of bool type. Gets the name of person or organization who signing the pdf document. The name of signature. Returns the result of the signer's name. Gets the signature's datetime. The name of signature. Return the result of DateTime type. Gets the reason of a signature. The name of signature. Returns a result of string type. Gets the location of a signature. The name of signature. Returns a result of string type. Gets the contact information of a signature. The name of signature. Returns a result of string type. Checks the validity of a signature. The name of signature. Return a result of bool type. Extracts signature's image. The name of signature. If image was successfully found than returns stream object; otherwise, null. Extracts signature's single X.509 certificate as a stream. The name of signature. If certificate was found returns X.509 single certificate; otherwise, null. Save signed pdf file. Output filename must be provided before with the help of coresponding PdfFileSignature constructor. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. The output file. Set certificate file and password for signing routine. PKCS #12 certificate file. Password to get access for the certificate private key. Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image stream. Closes the facade. Class for adding stamps (watermark or background) to PDF files. Bottom middle position. Bottom right position. Right upper position. Right position. Upper middle position. Bottom left position. Left position. Upper let position. Gets or sets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. Keeps security if true. (This feature will be implemented in next versions). Gets or sets name and path of input file. Gets or sets input stream. Gets or sets name and path of output file. Gets or sets output stream. Gets or sets rotation of page number. Rotation is in degrees. Default is 0. Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. Gets height of first page in souorce file. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Console.WriteLine("Height = " + fileStamp.PageHeight); fileStamp.Close(); Gets width of first page in input file. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Console.WriteLine("Width = " + fileStamp.PageWidth); fileStamp.Close(); Gets or sets starting number for first page in input file. Next pages will be numbered starting from this value. For example if StartingNumber is set to 100, document pages will have numbers 100, 101, 102... PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.StartingNumber = 100; fileStamp.AddPageNumber("Page #"); fileStamp.Close(); Constructor for PdfFileStamp. Input file name and path. Output file name and path. PdfFileStamp stamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Constructor for PdfFileStamp. Input stream. Output stream. Stream input = new FileStream("input.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream output = new FileStream("output.pdf", FileMode.Creat, FileAccess.Write); PdfFileStamp stamp = new PdfFileStamp(input, output); Constructor for PdfFileStamp. Input file name and path. Output file name and path. Keep security if true. Constructor of PdfFileStamp. Input stream. Output stream. Keep security if true. Closes opened files and saves changes. Warning. If input or output streams are specified they are not closed by Close() method. PdfFileStamp stamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); //do some work... stamp.Close(); Saves result into specified file. Path to file where document will be saved. Saves document into specified stream. Stream where document will be saved. Adds stamp to the file. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Stamp(); stamp.SetOrigin(140, 400); stamp.SetImageSize(50, 50); stamp.Opacity = 0.8f; stamp.IsBackground = true; stamp.BindImage("image.jpg"); fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Stamp object which. Gets or sets pabge numbering style. Possible values: NumeralsArabic, NumeralsRomanUppercase, NumeralsRomanLowercase, LettersAppercase, LettersLowercase Add page number to file. Page number text may contain # sign which will be replaced with number of the page. Page number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally. Text of page number PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber("Page #"); fileStamp.Close(); Adds page number to the page. Page number may contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. Page number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber(new FormattedText("Page #")); fileStamp.Close(); Format string for page number representes as FormattedText. Adds page number to the pages of document. Format string for page number. Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft Margin on the left edge of the page. Margin on the right edge of the page. Margin on the top edge of the page. Margin on the bottom edge of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber("Page #", PdfFileStamp.PosBottomLeft, 100, 100, 200, 200); fileStamp.Close(); Adds page number at the specified position on the page. Format string. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. X coordinate of page number. Y coordinate of page number. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber(new FormattedText("Page #"), 123, 357); fileStamp.Close(); Adds page number to the pages of document. FormattedText object which represents page number format and properties iof the text. Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft Margin on the left edge of the page. Margin on the right edge of the page. Margin on the top edge of the page. Margin on the bottom edge of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber(new FormattedText("Page #"), PdfFileStamp.PosBottomLeft, 100, 100, 200, 200); fileStamp.Close(); Adds page number at the specified position on the page. Formatted text which represents page number format and properties of the text. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. X coordinate of page number. Y coordinate of page number. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber(new FormattedText("Page #"), 123, 357); fileStamp.Close(); Adds header to the page. Text for header and properties of the text. Margin on the top of page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddHeader(new FormattedText("Head of the page"), 50); fileStamp.Close(); Adds header to the pages of file. Formatted text object which contains page text and its properties. Margin on the top of the page. Margin on the left of the page. Margin on the right of the page. PdfFileStamp stamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); stamp.AddHeader(new FormattedText("Head of the page"), 10, 50, 50); Adds image as header to the pages of the file. Path to the image file. Margin at top of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddHeader("image.jpg", 50); fileStamp.Close(); Adds image as header on the pages. Path to the image file. Margin at top of the page. Margin at left side of the page. Margin at right side of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddHeader("image.jpg", 50, 100, 100); fileStamp.Close(); Adds image as header on the pages. Stream of the image. Margin at top of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddHeader(new FileStream("image.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), 50); fileStamp.Close(); Adds image at the top of the page. Stream which contains image data. Margin at top of the page. Margin at left side of the page. Margin at right side of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddHeader(new FileStream("image.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), 50, 100, 100); fileStamp.Close(); Adds footer to the pages of the document. FormattedText object which contains text of the footer and text properties. Margin at the top of page. PdfFileStamp stamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); stamp.AddFooter(new FormattedText("Foot of the page"), 10); Adds footer to the pages of the document. FormattedText object which contains footer text and text properties. Margin at the bottom of the page. Margin at the left side of the page. Margin at the right side of the page. PdfFileStamp stamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); stamp.AddFooter(new FormattedText("Foot of the page"), 10, 50, 50); Adds image as footer to the pages of the document. Image file name and path. Margin at the bottom of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddFooter("image.jpg", 50); fileStamp.Close(); Adds image as footer of the pages. Iamge file name and path. Margin at the bottom of the page. Margin at the left side of the page. Margin at the right side of the page. /// PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddFooter("image.jpg", 50, 100, 100); fileStamp.Close(); Adds image as footer of the page. Stream contains image data. Margin at the bottom of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddFooter(new FileStream("image.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), 50); fileStamp.Close(); Adds image as footer of the page. Stream contains image data. Margin at the bottom of the page. Margin at the left side of the page. Margin at the right side of the page. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", output.pdf"); Stream input = new FileStream(TestSettings.GetInputFile("test.jpg"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fileStamp.AddFooter(new FileStream("image.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), 50, 50, 50); fileStamp.Close(); Adds page number to the pages. Format of the page number. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber("Page #", PdfFileStamp.PosUpperRight); fileStamp.Close(); Adds page number to the pages. FormattedText object which contains format of the page number and text properties. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); fileStamp.AddPageNumber("Page #", PdfFileStamp.PosUpperRight); fileStamp.Close(); Constructor of the PdfFileStamp. Input file and output file may be specified via corresponding properties. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp(); fileStamp.InputFile = "input.pdf"; fileStamp.OutputFile = "output.pdf"; Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Output file name and path. Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Output stream. Stamp ID of next added stamp (incluiding page headers/hooters/page numbers). Class for removing all Java Script code. Remove Java Script from document. File containig the document. File where document will be stored. true if JavaScript was stripped successfully. Remove Java Script from the document. Stream containing document. Stream where the document will be stored. true if JavaScript was stripped successfully. Represents a class to edit the PDF file's page, including rotating page, zooming page, moving position and changing page size. Constructor for PdfPageEditor class. Constructor for PdfPageEditor class. Document object which should be processed. Out Vertical Split Out Horizontal Split In Vertical Split IN Horizontal Split Vertical Blinds Vertical Blinds Inward Box Outward Box Left-Right Wipe Right-Left Wipe Bottom-Top Wipe Top-Bottom Wipe The old page dissolves Left-Right Glitter Top-Bottom Glitter Diagonal Glitter Gets or sets duration of the transition effect. Gets or sets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation. Gets or sets display duration for pages. Gets or sets the page numbers to be edited. By default, each page would be edited. Gets or sets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0. A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees. Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0. The following example demonstrates how to change zoom of the document pages. PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); editor.Zoom = 0.5f; Gets or sets the output file's page size. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left. Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom. Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom. Moves the origin from (0, 0) to the point that appointted. The origin is left-bottom and the unit is point(1 inch = 72 points). X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("input.pdf"); editor.MovePosition(-100, 60); editor.Save("moved.pdf"); Returns total number of pages. Number of pages. The following example demonstrates using of GetPages() method: PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); Console.WriteLine("Document has: " + editor.GetPages()); Returns the page size of the specified page. Page index. Document pages are numbered from 1. Result is instance of PageSize. Use Width and Height properties of the returned object to get page width and height. The following example demonstrates using of GetPageSize method: PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); PageSize size = editor.GetPageSize(1); Console.WriteLine("Size of 1st page : " + size.Width + " x " + size.Height); Returns the rotation of specified page. Page index. Document pages are numbered from 1. Page rotation in degrees. The following example demonstrates how to get page rotation: PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); int rotation = editor.GetPageSize(1); Console.WriteLine("Rotation of 1st page : " + rotation + " degrees"); Returns size of specified box in document. Page index. Document pages are numbered from 1. Box type name. Valid values are: "art", "bleed", "crop", "media", "trim". Rectangle which contains requested box. The following example demonstrates how to get media box of the 1st page: PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = editor.GetBoxSize(1, "media"); Saves changed document into file. Path to file where document will be saved. The following sample demonstrates how to save changed PDF document PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); editor.Zoom = 0.5f; editor.Save("newdocument.pdf"); Saves changed document into stream. Stream where changed PDF document will be saved. The following sample demonstrates how to save changed PDF document into stream. PdfPageEditor editor = new PdfPageEditor(); editor.BindPdf("sample.pdf"); editor.Zoom = 0.5f; editor.Save("newdocument.pdf"); Apply changes made to the document pages. Returns rotation value (in degrees) specified by customer for given page. Page index (starting from 1) Rotation angle for page. Represents a class to produce PDF from other formats. This sample shows how to produce Pdf file from CGM file. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; try { PdfProducer.Produce(inputFile, ImportFormat.Cgm, outputFile); // Success produced pdf file. } catch (InvalidCgmFileFormatException e) { // Do something... } ImportOptions holds level of abstraction on individual import options. Constructor. Import option. Produce the PDF stream using specified import format. This sample shows how to produce Pdf stream from CGM stream. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; using (FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead(inputFile)) using (FileStream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile)) { PdfProducer.Produce(inputStream, ImportFormat.Cgm, outputStream); } Input stream. Import format. Output PDF stream. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Input or output stream is null Produce the PDF stream using specified import format. This sample shows how to produce Pdf stream from CGM file. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; using (FileStream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile)) { PdfProducer.Produce(inputFile, ImportFormat.Cgm, outputStream); } Input file name. Import format. Output PDF stream. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Output stream is null Input file name is an empty string Produce the PDF file using specified import format. This sample shows how to produce Pdf file from CGM stream. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; using (FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead(inputFile)) using (FileStream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile)) { PdfProducer.Produce(inputStream, ImportFormat.Cgm, outputStream); } Input stream. Import format. Output PDF file The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Input stream is null Output file name is an empty string Produce the PDF file using specified import format. This sample shows how to produce Pdf file from CGM file. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; PdfProducer.Produce(inputFile, ImportFormat.Cgm, outputFile); Input file name. Import format. Output PDF file The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Input or output file name is an empty string Produce the PDF stream using specified import option. This sample shows how to produce Pdf stream from CGM file. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; ImportOptions importOptions = new CgmImportOptions(); using (FileStream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile)) { PdfProducer.Produce(inputFile, importOptions, outputStream); } Input file name. Import option. Output PDF stream. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Output stream is null Input file name is an empty string Produce the PDF file using specified import option. This sample shows how to produce Pdf file from CGM stream. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; ImportOptions importOptions = new CgmImportOptions(); using (FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead(inputFile)) { PdfProducer.Produce(inputStream, importOptions, outputFile); } Input stream. Import option. Output PDF file. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Input stream is null Output file name is an empty string Produce the PDF file using specified import option. This sample shows how to produce Pdf file from CGM file. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; ImportOptions importOptions = new CgmImportOptions(); PdfProducer.Produce(inputStream, importOptions, outputStream); Input file name. Import option. Output PDF stream. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Input or output file name is an empty string Produce the PDF file using specified import option. This sample shows how to produce Pdf stream from CGM stream. string inputFile = "myImage.cgm"; string outputFile = "myPdf.pdf"; ImportOptions importOptions = new CgmImportOptions(); using (FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead(inputFile)) using (FileStream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile)) { PdfProducer.Produce(inputStream, importOptions, outputStream); } Input stream. Import option. Output PDF stream. The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. Input or output stream is null. Produce the PDF stream from specified stream. Input stream. Output PDF stream. Get the producer for specified import option. Import option PDF producer. Get the producer for specified import format. Import option PDF producer. Get the for specified import format. Import format. Import option. Checks an argument isn't null. Throw is argument equal null. The argument value to check. The name of the argument. Checks an argument isn't null. Throw is argument equal null. The argument value to check. The name of the argument. Represents a class to view or print a pdf. printing mode Occurs when the last page of the document has printed. Adds/removes subscription on the last page printing event. Stores the flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page. Stores the flag that controls is page being printed as grascale or not. Gets or sets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page. Stores the result of printing job. If success than null; otherwise, exception object. Gets the result of printing job. If success than null; otherwise, exception object. Uses for thread synchronization. Occurs when the last page of the document has printed. Adds/removes subscription on the last page printing event. Stores using of conversion of pdf page into intermidiate png file during printing in file mode. Gets/sets the using of conversion of pdf page into intermidiate png file during printing in file mode. Use it when the size of output file is important. Initializes new object. Initializes new object. Document object. Gets copies printed Gets or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. Sets or gets a mode for PdfViewer to print as image. If true prints always as image (generates image that is printed) If false prints directly to device if all features are supported. In case document contains non-supported features the system may automatically decide to print as image. Default falue is false. Gets page count of the current Pdf file. return page count. Gets or sets input document password. Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether produce the page number dialog when printing. Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the page is being printed as grayscale. By default is false. Default falue is false. Gets or sets name of document in printer queue when document is printed. Default value is file name. Gets or sets form presentation mode. Gets or sets rendering options. Gets or sets a value that indicates vertical alignment Gets or sets a value that indicates horizontal alignment Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the file be printed with optimized size. If false print page without page scaling. If true print page with scaling to fit to printable area. Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the file be printed with auto rotation Gets or sets a AutoRotateMode value that indicates direction of rotation Gets or sets resolution during viewing and printing. The higher resolution, the slower speed. The default value is 150. Opens and prints a large Pdf file. If your Pdf file has hundreds of pages or more or its size is more than 3 MB, this method is recommended to get better performance. This method has integrated the opening and the printing of the file and you need not calling the OpenPdfFile() explicitly. The path of Pdf file. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintLargePdf(@"d:\test.pdf"); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintLargePdf(@"d:\test.pdf") viewer.ClosePdfFile(); Opens and prints a large Pdf stream. If your Pdf file has hundreds of pages or more or its size is more than 3 MB, this method is recommended to get better performance. This method has integrated the opening and the printing of the file and you need not calling the OpenPdfFile() explicitly. The pdf stream to be opened and printed.. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintLargePdf(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\test.pdf"))); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintLargePdf(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\test.pdf"))) viewer.ClosePdfFile() Opens and prints a large Pdf file with specified printer settings. If your Pdf file has hundreds of pages or more or its size is more than 3 MB, this method is recommended to get better performance. This method has integrated the opening and the printing of the file and you need not calling the OpenPdfFile() explicitly. The path of Pdf file. The printer settings. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument(); ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; viewer.PrintLargePdf(@"d:\test.pdf",ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing Dim ps As System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() Dim prtdoc As PrintDocument = new PrintDocument() ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName viewer.PrintLargePdf(@"d:\test.pdf",ps) viewer.ClosePdfFile() Opens and prints a large Pdf stream with specified printer settings. If your Pdf file has hundreds of pages or more or its size is more than 3 MB, this method is recommended to get better performance. This method has integrated the opening and the printing of the file and you need not calling the OpenPdfFile() explicitly. The pdf stream to be opened and printed.. The printer settings. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument(); ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; viewer.PrintLargePdf(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\middleware.pdf")),ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing Dim ps As System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() Dim prtdoc As PrintDocument = new PrintDocument() ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName viewer.PrintLargePdf(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\middleware.pdf")),ps) viewer.ClosePdfFile() Opens and prints a large Pdf file with specified page settings and printer settings. If your Pdf file has hundreds of pages or more or its size is more than 3 MB, this method is recommended to get better performance. This method has integrated the opening and the printing of the file and you need not calling the OpenPdfFile() explicitly. The path of Pdf file. The page settings. The printer settings. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument(); ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; PageSettings pgs = new PageSettings(); pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169); pgs.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); viewer.PrintLargePdf(@"d:\test.pdf",pgs,ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing Dim ps As System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() Dim prtdoc As PrintDocument = new PrintDocument() ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName Dim pgs As PageSettings=new PageSettings() pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169) pgs.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0) viewer.PrintLargePdf(@"d:\test.pdf",pgs,ps) viewer.ClosePdfFile() Opens and prints a large Pdf stream with specified page settings and printer settings. If your Pdf file has hundreds of pages or more or its size is more than 3 MB, this method is recommended to get better performance. This method has integrated the opening and the printing of the file and you need not calling the OpenPdfFile() explicitly. The pdf stream to be opened and printed. The page settings. The printer settings. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument(); ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; PageSettings pgs = new PageSettings(); pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169); pgs.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); viewer.PrintLargePdf(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\middleware.pdf")),pgs,ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing Dim ps As System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() Dim prtdoc As PrintDocument = new PrintDocument() ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName Dim pgs As PageSettings=new PageSettings() pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169) pgs.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0) viewer.PrintLargePdf(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\middleware.pdf")),pgs,ps) viewer.ClosePdfFile() Get pages of current pdf file. return the array of Pdf page images. Decodes a page of one Pdf file. The page number of one Pdf file which must be between 1 and PageCount. return the Pdf page image. Prints the Pdf document with a setup dialog. Choose a printer using the dialog. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf"); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintDocumentWithSetup(); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer() viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf") viewer.AutoResize = true 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintDocumentWithSetup() viewer.ClosePdfFile() Prints the Pdf document with settings. If the document size is not complatible to page size, pdf.kit will extend it to fit page size. The page setting of the printing document. The printer setting of the printing document. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf"); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument(); ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; PageSettings pgs = new PageSettings(); pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169); pgs.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0); viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer() viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf") viewer.AutoResize = true; 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing Dim ps As System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() Dim prtdoc As PrintDocument = new PrintDocument() ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName Dim pgs As PageSettings=new PageSettings() pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169) pgs.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0) viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, ps) viewer.ClosePdfFile() printerSettings object is used to print the document. pageSettings.PrinterSettings object is ignored. Prints the Pdf document with printer settings. The output page size will fit the the document first page size. The printer setting of the printing document. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf"); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument(); ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer() viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf") viewer.AutoResize = true; 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing Dim ps As System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() Dim prtdoc As PrintDocument = new PrintDocument() ps.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile() Prints the Pdf document using default printer. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf"); viewer.AutoResize = true; //print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; //print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintDocument(ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer() viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf") viewer.AutoResize = true; 'print the file with adjusted size viewer.AutoRotate = true; 'print the file with adjusted rotation viewer.PrintPageDialog=false;//do not produce the page number dialog when printing viewer.PrintDocument(ps); viewer.ClosePdfFile() Gets the default page settings. Page settings object. Gets the default printer settings. Printer settings object. Opens a Pdf file, but does not actually decode the pages of the Pdf file. The path of Pdf file. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf"); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer() viewer.OpenPdfFile(@"d:\test.pdf") viewer.ClosePdfFile() Opens a Pdf file stream. But does not actually decode the pages of the Pdf file. The pdf stream to be opened. [C#] PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer(); viewer.OpenPdfFile(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\test.pdf"))); viewer.ClosePdfFile(); [VisualBasic] Dim viewer As PdfViewer = new PdfViewer() viewer.OpenPdfFile(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\test.pdf"))) viewer.ClosePdfFile() Closes the current Pdf file. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Decodes page and draws to the graphics Gets or sets a floating point value that indicates scale factor. The default value is 1.0. checks if the resources contain group Occurs when the last page of the document has printed. PrintDocument object. The printing event arguments. Initializes the facade. The PDF file. Initializes the facade. The stream of PDF file. Initializes the facade. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Saves the result PDF document to file. The path of output PDF document. Saves the result PDF document to stream. The stream of output PDF document. Closes the facade. Disposes the facade resources. Class for manipulation with XMP metadata. Constructor for PdfXmpMetadata. PdfXmlMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); Initializes new object on base of the . Pdf document. Registers the namespace URI. The prefix. The namespace URI. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata("input.pdf"); xmp.RegisterNamespaceURI("xmp", ""); Registers the namespace URI of pdf extension. The prefix. The namespace URI. The optional description value. Gets namespace URI by prefix. The prefix. Namespace URI. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata("input.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(xmp.GetNamespaceURIByPrefix("xmp")); Gets the prefix by namespace URI. Namespace URI. The prefix value. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata("input.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(xmp.GetPrefixByNamespaceURI("")); Adds value to XMP metadata. The key name. Value which will be added. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); xmp.Add(DefaultMetadataProperties.Nickname, "name1"); xmp.Save(TestSettings.GetOutputFile("XMP_AddedValue.pdf")); Adds extension field into metadata. The pdf extension object to add. The prefix of schema. The namespace uri of schema. The optional description of schema. Removes all elements from the object. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); xmp.Clear(); Removes element with specified key. Key of the element which will be deleted. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); xmp.Remove(DefaultMetadataProperties.Nickname); Adds new element to the dictionary object. Key of new element. Value of the element. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); xmp.Add("xmp:Nickname", "Nickname1"); Adds new element to the dictionary object. Key of new element. Value of the element. Checks if dictionary contains the specified key. Key which will be checked. True - if the dictionary contains the specified key; otherwise, false. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); xmp.Add("xmp:Nickname", "Nickname1"); if (!xmp.Contains("xmp:Nickname")) Console.WriteLine("Key does not exists"); Checks if dictionary contains the specified property. Property which will be checked. True - if the dictionary contains the specified property; otherwise, false. Gets enumerator object of the dictionary. The enumerator object. Gets keys from the dictionary. Removes key from the dictionary. Key which will be removed. PdfXmpMetadata xmp = new PdfXmpMetadata(); xmp.BindPdf("input.pdf"); xmp.Remove("xmp:Nickname"); True - if key removed; otherwise, false. Gets the dictionary of extension fields. Gets the collection of values in dictionary. Gets or sets value by key. The key name to get/set. Object by key PdfXmpMetadata pxm = new PdfXmpMetadata(); pxm.BindPdf("PdfFile.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(pxm["xmp:Nickname"]); Returns true is collection has fixed size. Returns true if collection is read-only. Copy metadata into array. The destination array. The starting index. Gets count if items in the collection. PdfXmpMetadata pxm = new PdfXmpMetadata(); pxm.BindPdf("PdfFile.pdf"); Console.WriteLine("Count = " + pxm.Count); Returns true if collection is synchronized. Gets synchroniztion object of the collection. Gets enumerator object of the collection. Gets value of XMP metadata by key. Key of the value. Value from XMP metadata. PdfXmpMetadata pxm = new PdfXmpMetadata(); pxm.BindPdf("PdfFile.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(pxm[DefaultMetadataProperties.CreatorTool]); Get the XmpMetadata of the input pdf in a xml format. The bytes of the XmpMetadata. PdfXmpMetadata pxm = new PdfXmpMetadata(); pxm.BindPdf("PdfFile.pdf"); byte[] data = pxm.GetXmpMetadata(); Get a part of the XmpMetadata of the input pdf according to a meta name. Metadata name. Bytes of metadata. PdfXmpMetadata pxm = new PdfXmpMetadata(); pxm.BindPdf("PdfFile.pdf"); byte[] data = pxm.GetXmpMetadata("dc:creator"); Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. Key to search in the dictionary. true if key is found. Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. Key to search in the dictionary. Retreived value. true if key was found. Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. Item to be added. Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. Key-value pair. true if this pauir was found. Removes key/value pair from the collection. Key/value pair to be removed. true if pair was found and removed. Defines positioning mode. Possible values include Legacy (backward compatibility) and Current (updated text position calculation method) Legacy text positioning Updated line spacing, vertical position calculation is done by the old rules (i.e. text is positioned relative to bottom-left corner of the specified rectangle) Updated line spacing and vertical position calculation is done based on left-top corner rather than left-bottom. Enumeration of possible field flags. Field is read-only. Field is required. Field is not exportable. Invalid field flag. Class represeting stamp. Gets or sets identifier of stamp. Gets or sets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100%. Gets or sets opacity of the stamp. Gets or sets page number. Gets or sets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Stamp(); stamp.BindLogo(new FormattedText(text)); //put stamp only on 1st, 4th and 6th page. stamp.Pages = new int[] { 1, 4, 6 }; fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Gets or sets rotation of the stamp in degrees. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Stamp(); stamp.BindLogo(new FormattedText("STAMP")); stamp.Rotation = 90; fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Gets or sets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false. /// PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Stamp(); stamp.BindLogo(new FormattedText("STAMP")); stamp.IsBackground = true; fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Gets or sets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page. Constructor for Stamp object. Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp. Path to PDF file. Number of page in PDF file PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Stamp(); //First page will be used as stamp. stamp.BindPdf("stamp.pdf", 1); stamp.IsBackground = true; fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp. Stream which contains PDF document. Page index of the document whihc will be used as stamp. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Stamp(); //First page will be used as stamp. Stream stream = new FileStream("stamp.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); stamp.BindPdf(stream, 1); fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Sets image as a stamp. Image file name and path. PdfFileStamp fileStamp = new PdfFileStamp("input.pdf", "output.pdf"); Stamp stamp = new Stamp(); stamp.BindImage("image.jpg"); fileStamp.AddStamp(stamp); fileStamp.Close(); Sets text as stamp. FormattedText object which specifies text and text properties. Sets text state of stamp text. TextState object which specifies text properties. Sets position on page where stamp will be placed. X coordinate of the stamp. Y coordinate of the stamp. Sets size of image stamp. Image will be scaled according to the specified values. Image width. Image height. Sets image which will be used as stamp. Stream which contains image data. Translates Stamp into corresponding Aspose.Pdf.Stamp descendant (TextStamp / ImageStamp / PdfPageStamp ) Class representing stamp information. Gets identifier of the stamp. Gets stamp index on the page. Gets stamp type (image / form). Gets rectangle where stamp is placed. Gets image of stamp. May be null if stamp does not contain images (for example for text stamp). Gets XForm of the stamp. Gets text in the stamp. Gets visibility of stamp. If false then stamp is hidden (with HideStampById). Hidden stamp may be restored by ShowStampById. Constructor of StampInfo class. Stamp identifier. Stamp type. Index of the stamp on the page. Describes stamp types. Stamp if Form. Stamp is image. Enumeration of possible submit form flags. Data will be returned in FDF format. Data will be returned in HTML format. Data will be returned in XFDF format. Data will be returned in FDF format with comments. Data will be returned in XFDF format with comments. Whole PDF file will be submitted. Represents text properties such as: text size, color, style etc. Gets or sets text color. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the property is specified. Gets or sets text size. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the property is specified. Creates object for the specified text size Text size value. Class representing possible vertical alignment values. Initializes vertical alignment by its name. Vertical alignment type name. Top alignment. Center alignment type. Bottom alignment type. Returns string representation. Name value. Describes viewer prefereces (page mode, non full screen page mode, page layout). Optional content group panel visible. A flag specifying whether the window�s title bar should display the document title Optional content group panel visible. Display one page at a time. Display the pages in one column. Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible Document outline visible. Thumbnail images visible. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible. Page mode with attacments. A flag specifying whether to hide the conforming reader�s tool bars when the document is active. A flag specifying whether to hide the conforming reader�s menu bar when the document is active. A flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document�s window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document�s contents displayed. A flag specifying whether to resize the document�s window to fit the size of the first displayed page. A flag specifying whether to position the document�s window in the center of the screen. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. Document outline visible. Thumbnail images visible Text reading order left to right. Text reading order right to left. Print single-sided. Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet. Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet. Defines word wrapping strategies Default algorithm (allows breaking words in the middle) Word wrapping only wraps complete words. If the complete word cannot be wrapped, attempts to wrap word in the middle Represents sanitization and recovery API. Use it if you can't create/open documents in any other way. After file has Saved you can check what was done with file. Allows to remove data before pdf data. Allows to remove data after pdf data Initializes a new instance. Saves the result PDF to file. output pdf file Saves the result PDF to stream. output pdf stream Binds a Pdf file for Sanitize. The pdf file to be edited. Binds a Pdf stream for Sanitize. The pdf stream to be edited. Initializes the facade. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Recovers document. Use properties to customize. Removes data before %PDF. Removes data after last %%EOF. Closes the facade. This class contains parameters which define PdfContentEditor behavior when ReplaceText operation is performed. Scope where replace text operation is applied REPLACE_FIRST by default Replace only first occurence of the text on each of affected pages Replace all text occurences on all affected pages Action to perform if font does not contain required character Throw exception Repalce font to standard font which contains required character Replace text anyway without font substitution If false, string to find is a simple text. If true, string to find is regular expression. Action which is performed when no approppriate font found for changed text (Throw exception / Substitute other font / Replace anyway). Scope of the replacement operation (replace first occurence or replace all occurences). Direction of the rotation when document is printed. No rotation. Rotation direction is clockwise. Rotation directon is counterclockwise. The Aspose.Pdf.Facades namespace provides classes originaly came from Aspose.Pdf.Kit. These classes are used for manipulating documents perfoming operations like concatenating, stamping, signing, annotating etc. but on the high level without access to a document's inner structure. Base facade class. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Gets the document facade is working on. The constructor. The constructor. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Initializes the facade. The PDF file. Initializes the facade. The stream of PDF file. Initializes the facade. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Initializes the facade. The PDF file. The password of the PDF document. Initializes the facade. The stream of PDF file. The password of the PDF document. Disposes Aspose.Pdf.Document bound with a facade. Disposes the facade. Asserts if the facade is initialized. Base class for all saveable facades. The constructor. The constructor. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Saves the PDF document to the specified file. The destination file. Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. The destination stream. General facade interface that defines common facades methods. Binds PDF document for editing. The path of input PDF document. Binds PDF document for editing. The stream of input PDF document. Binds PDF document for editing. Input PDF document. Releases any resources associates with the current facade. Facade interface that defines methods common for all saveable facades. Saves the result PDF document to file. The path of output PDF document. Saves the result PDF document to stream. The stream of output PDF document. Constructor With this property You can explicitely define what pages of document should be converted. Pages in this list must have 1-based numbers. I.e. valid numbers of pages must be taken from range (1...[NumberOfPagesInConvertedDocument]) Order of appearing of pages in this list does not affect their order in result HTML page(s) - in result pages always will go in order in which they are present in source PDF. If this list is null (as it is by default), all pages will be converted. If any page number of this list will go out of range of present pages(1-[amountOfPagesInDocument]) exception will be thrown. Specifies flags that together other options determine sizes and layouts of pages. Default value which indicates that the HtmlPageLayoutOption will not affect the sizes and layouts of pages. Indicates that the width of the page is determinated from the content size itself, not from the specified page width. Indicates the content of the document will be scaled to fit the page. Date field with calendar view. DateField dateField = new DateField(page, rect); doc.Form.Add(dateField); dateField.Init(page); Gets or sets Date. Gets or sets the date format. The date format. Default dd/MM/yyyy Initializes a new instance of the Constructor which should be used with Generator. Document where field will be created. Initializes a new instance of the Page needed for create. Rectangle where the text field will be placed on the page. Initializes a new instance of the Document where field will be created. Rectangle of the field. Initializes the JS Action. The page. Image adding denied for this field. The image. Text Field with specified valid chars Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page where text field is placed. Rectangle where the field will be placed on the page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Document where field will be created. Rectangle of the field. Gets or sets the allowed chars. The allowed chars string. 0123456789 by default Initializes JS action. This class used when we do XFA to standard form conversion(implemented in FloatToFixed) And allowed loading of external resources to XFA converter(look at Form attributes) fired when came request from internal converter and it not an external resource Creates a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2. It supports usb smartcards, tokens without exportable private keys. The certificate with the private key. Creates a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2. It supports usb smartcards, tokens without exportable private keys. The certificate with the private key An abstract class which represents signature custon appearance object. Gets/sets font family name. It should be existed in the document. Default value: Arial. Gets/sets font size. Default value: 10. Gets/sets foreground color (color of text). Default value: Blue. Gets/sets background color. Default value: Transparent. Gets/sets contact info visibility. Default value: true. Gets/sets reason visibility. Default value: true. Gets/sets location visibility. Default value: true. Gets/sets contact info label. Default value: "Contact". Gets/sets reason label. Default value: "Reason". Gets/sets location label. Default value: "Location". Gets/sets digital signed label. Default value: "Digitally signed by". Gets/sets date signed label. Default value: "Date". Gets/sets datetime local format. Default value: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss zzz". Gets/sets datetime format. Default value: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss". Gets/sets culture info value. Default value: InvariantCulture. Gets or sets signature rotation. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Radio button border is circle for "circle" styled and square for "cross", "check" and other styles. Radio button border is circle. Radio button border is square. This class represents field of XFA form. It incapsulates behavior of the XFA field. Constructor for XFA field. Instance of XFA form. Path to the field. Instance of XFA form which contains the field. Path of the field. Creates instance of the field in specified XFA form and with specified path. XFA form which contains field. Path to the field. Returns field template node. Field full path Field template node. Construct path from two parts. Returns reference to field data (according to bind option in field template). If no bind specified field path is used. Field template node Path to field template. Returns path to data in data packet according to bind entries in field templates (if present). Path to field template. Path to data. Gets node from XFA template which describes the field. Returns visible or not visiblbe choice items list If true returns displayed string list; else returns stored values list Returns list of values in Choice List. Gets or sets value of the field. The access permissions granted for this document. Valid values are: 1 - No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. 2 - Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature. 3 - Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature. 1 - No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. 2 - Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature. 3 - Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature. Represents the class of document MDP (modification detection and prevention) signature type. Returns the signature object that used during signing. Returns the access permissions granted for this document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The signature object that used during signing. The access permissions granted for this document. Initializes the new signature reference entry. The access permissions granted for this document. Enumeration of posible types of Acro Form. Standard AcroForm. Static XFA form. Dynamic XFA form. Represents XML form regarding XML Forms Architecture (XFA). XFA Template component of an XFA form. XFA Form Component of an XFA form. XFA Datasets component of an XFA form. XFA Config component of an XFA form. XML Data Package (all XFA form components within a surrounding XML container). Initializes new instance of the class. Gets of sets data node value according . Data node path, e.g. form1[0].Subform1[0].Subform2[0].Subform3[0].TextField[0]. Be sure to include indices even if data contains only single occurences of each nodes, i.e. write node1[0].node2[0]... instead of node1.node2... Data node value. Fill _fieldPath hashtable which reflects relation between reference path and field. This relation is obtained from XFA template, bind tags. Collection of fields. Name of root field. Hash of field paths. Gets table of fields by field path. List of field names in the form template. Returns XML node of XFA field tempalte. Path of the field which template must be found. XL node with field template. Returns list of all field templates on XFA form. List of field templates. Returns namespace manager with namespaces used for template and data. Gets the namespace for the XFA form. The following namepsaces are defined: "data" for form data and "tpl" for form template. Flatten field of XFA form. XFA form field node. Returns data node for XFA field. Field path Field node. Start cached updates mode. All changes made to XFA will be cached and saved into document structure at EndCachedUpdates call. This allows to improve preformacne by avoiding redudant operations on saving XML packets into document when a lot of changes to XFA are made. Ends cahced updates and saves all data into document structure. Class for parsing and recalculation positions, sizes, coordinates in different units (mm, in, pt etc) Gets value recalculated to pixels. Returns page area position PDF page (to get UserUnits value) Describes field caption Gets reserved space for the caption. Sets image for XFA field. Name of the field. Stream which contains image. Returns node by its path. Returns string value by data reference string. Data reference string. Value Sets value by reference string. Data reference string Value Class represents barcode field. Gets the resolution, in dots-per-inch (dpi), at which the barcode object is rendered. Gets the caption of the barcode object. Specifies which barcode or glyph technology is to be used on this annotation, see for details. Gets The horizontal distance, in pixels, between two barcode modules. Gets the the vertical distance between two barcode modules, measured in pixels. The ratio XSymHeight/XSymWidth shall be an integer value. For PDF417, the acceptable ratio range is from 1 to 4. For QRCode and DataMatrix, this ratio shall always be 1 Gets an integer value representing the error correction coefficient. For PDF417, shall be from 0 to 8. For QRCode, shall be from 0 to 3 (0 for �L�, 1 for �M�, 2 for �Q�, and 3 for �H�). Initializes new instance of the class. The page where to place new barcode. Barcode sizes given in rectangle. Initializes new instance of the class. Document where field will be created. Rectangle where field will be placed on the page. Applies "cached" added options. This method is required in order to provide Generator functioning: When field is created, no Page object is yet attached. Represents styles of check box. Circle style. Check style. Cross style. Diamond style. Square style. Star style. Class represnets push button field. Gets or sets normal caption. Gets or sets rollover caption of button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. Gets or sets alternate caption of the button which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. Gets or sets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. Gets or sets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. Gets or sets alternate icon which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. Gets icon fit object specifying how the widget annotation's icon shall be displayed within its annotation rectangle. Gets or sets icon caption position. Constructor for ButtonField class Annotation object which describes button. Document which owns button. Button field constructor for Generator. Adds image into the field resources an draws it. Image ot add into text field. Initialize the field. Aspose.Pdf.Page object. Creates operators sequence for drawing of appearance of the button. Parameters of the appearance. Annotation for which appearance is generated. ButtonField constructor. Page where button will be placed. Rectangle where button is placed on the page. ButtonField constructore. Docuemtn where new field will be created. Rectangle hwere button is placed on the page. Returns button caption Add image to the button appearance Appearance where images will be added. Image stream Array with image position [x, y ,width, height] Check if all chars from the index up to index + number are digits. The text to check. Starting index. Number of the chars to check. True if all chars are digits. Packs the digits into string. The string to pack. Indext to start from. Number of the digits to pack. String where each character equals 2 digits. Translates the human readable text into the characters to create a barcode. To get the shortest code possible optimization is done. Human readable text. The string for getting barcode. Generates the bars. The actual barcodes. Array of bars. Gets the area barcode occupies. The rectangle which can contain barcode. Gets or sets the text to be used for barcoding. Adds barcode into xform. Here will appear barcode from the very beginning. Barcode size. Creates new instance of the . The text to be used for barcoding. Class representing checkbox field Returns list of allowed states. Returns name of state which is "Checked" state of checkbox. This is "Yes" if presents or any other value other then "Off" and "No"; Returns name of non-checked state; This is "no" if presents or "Off" in common state. Gets or sets style of check box. Gets or sets current annotation appearance state. Gets or sets state of check box. Gets normal caption of the field. Constructor for CheckboxField class. Page where check box will be placed. Position and size of the check box. Constructor for CheckboxField class. Document where will be new field created. Rectangle where new field will be created. Create instance of CheckboxField. Constructor to use with Generator. Document where field will be created. Initialize the field. object. Creates sequense of operators for drawing appearance of the check box. Appearance parameters. Annotation for which appearance will be generated List of the operators. Gets or sets value of check box field. Clone the checkbox. The cloned object Gets or sets export value of CheckBox field. Represents base class for choice fields. Gets or sets commit on selection change flag. Gets or sets multiselection flag. Gets or sets index of selected option. This property allows to change selection. Gets or sets array of selected items. For multiselect list array contains more then one item. For single selection list it contains single item. Gets collection of choice options. Constructor for ChoiceField. Page where field is situated. Rectangle of the field. Creates choice field (for Generator) Document where choice field will be created. Constructor for ChoiceField. Document where field will be created. Rectangle of the field. Adds new option with specified name. Name of the new option. Adds new option with specified export value and name. Export value. Name of the new option. Deletes option by its name. Name of the option which must be deleted. Gets or sets value of the field. Synchronize V value with I value; Class representing Combobox field of the form. Gets or sets editable status of the field. Gets or sets spellchaeck activiity status. Constructor for ComboBoxField to be used in Generator. Creates CombBox field to work with Generator. Document where field will be created. Constructor for Combobox Field. Page where field will be placed. Rectangle which defines size and position of the field on the page. Constructor for Combobox field. Document where field should be created. Rectangle which defines size and position of the field. Initialize the field. Aspose.Pdf.Page object. Returns sequence of the operators for drawing of the combo box. Appearance parameters. Annotation where appearance will be added. Listof appearance operators. The Aspose.Pdf.Forms namespace has classes which describes forms (standard, static, dynamic) and various types of fields like text box, list box, radio button etc. Base class for acro form fields. Operator for comparision field value with given value. Value to check the field value on. True if field value and passed value are equals. Returns value correctly encoded for placing into XFA dataset. Value for placing into XFA form. Encoded value. Gets or sets partial name of the field. Gets or sets alternate name of the field (An alternate field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface). Alternate name is used as field tooltip in Adobe Acrobat. Gets or sets mapping name of the field that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. Recaculates all calculated fields on the form. true if field value was changed during recalculation. Gets or sets value of the field. Returns true if dictionary is synchronized. Gets or sets number of subfields in this field. (For example number of items in radio button field). Synchronization object. Gets or sets boolean value which indicates is this field non-terminal field i.e. group of fields. Copies subfields of this field into array starting from specified index. Array where field must be copied. Starting index where fields will be copied. Returns enumerator of contained fields. Enumerator. Returns enumerator of contained fields. Enumerator. Initialize the field. The trailerable. Creates field for use in Generator. Document where field will be created. Removes this field and place its value directly on the page. Gets subfield contained in this field by name of the subfield. Contained subfield name. Field instance. Gets subfield contained in this field by index. Index of the reuqested subfield. Field instance. Set value of the field. NEw value of the field. Set position of the field. Point where field should be positioned. Gets or sets index of this anotation on the page. Gets index of page which contains this field. Returns rectangle of all kids of the field. This is required for fields Gets or sets the field rectangle. This method is required for Generator support. This method creates copy of field "template" when generator uses Footer/Header functionality. Property for Generator support. Used when field is added to header or footer. If true, this field will created once and it's appearance will be visible on all pages of the document. If false, separated field will be created for every document page. If true then font size will reduced to fit text to specified rectangle. Maximail font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don't check size. Minimal font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don't check size. Gets or sets tab order of the field. Field for file select box element. Class representing form object. Class which describes settings for Form flattening procedure. If set, all field appearances will be regenerated before flattening. This option may help if field is incorrectly flattened. This option may decrease performance. By default set to false. If set, formatting and other JavaScript events will be called. True by default. If set, buttons will be removed from flattened document. False by default. If true, redaction specified Redaction annotation will be applied Returns true if object is thread-safe. Returns synchronization object. If set, all form fields will be recalculated when any field is changed. Default value is true. Set to false in order to increase performance when filling form with large amount of calculated fields. If set, absent form fields will be automatically created if they present in annotations. Gets number of the fields on this form. Gets default resources placed on this form. Gets or sets default appearance of the form (object which describes default font, text size and color for fields on the form). Gets XFA data of the form (if presents). new issues requres loading of advanced sets of data - LocaleSet, Config,Form - this parameter defines wheter they are needed. They are not needed when we for some reason want recreate xfadataset-file for old issue. Forms can contain signing information and can be signed or unsigned. Sometimes view of forms in viewer must depend on whether form is signed or not. This enum enumerates possible rendering modes during convertion of form type in regard to sign. Render form as unsigned. Render form as signed. Forms can contain signing information, i.e. can be signed or unsigned. And form's view sometimes must depend on whether form is signed or not. This property tells to form's converter (f.e. during conversion XFA form to Standard form) whether result form must be rendered as signed or as unsigned. If this property is true the value of NeedsRendering key will be ignored during conversion XFA form to Standard form. It is false by default. If this property is true the "Perms" dictionary will be removed from the pdf document after conversion dynamic documents to standard. The "Perms" dictionary can contain a rules that disturb displaying selection of mandatory fields in Adobe Acrobat reader. It is false by default. If this property is true then additional red boundary rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa exclGroup elements containers This property was introduced because absences of analogues for the exclGroup during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default. Gets type of the form. Possible values are: Standard, Static, Dynamic. Clears cashed fields. This is required when form is flatteing. Copies fields placed on the form into array. Array where fields must be placed. Starting index. Gets enumeration of form fields. Field enumerator. Gets enumeration of form fields. Field enumerator. Searches field by field name. Returns null if field was not found. Field name. Field object. Delete field from the form. Field which must be deleted. Deletes field from the form by its name. Name of the filed which must be deleted. Removes all form fields and place their values directly on the page. Adds field on the form. Field which must be added. Deletes all fields from form. Not supported. Determines if field is presented on form.. Field to search. Copies form's fields to array. Array to copy. Index of array's item where copying begins. Determines if collection is readonly. Always returns false. Deletes field from the form. Field to delete. True if field was deleted. False if field was not found on form. Gets field of the form by field name. Throws excpetion if the field was not found. Name of the field. Retreived field. Gets field of the form by field index. Index of the field. Retreived field. Adds field on the form. Field which must be added. Page index where added field will be placed. Adds field on the form. Field which must be added. Adds new field to the form; If this field is already placed on other or this form, the copy of field is created. Field name. Name of field on the form. Page number where field will be added. Added field returned. If copy of the field was created it will be returned. Adds additional appearance of the field to specified page of the document in the specified location. Field which appearance should be added on form. Number of the page where field must be placed. Rectangle where field will be placed. Sets XFA of the form to specified value. Xml document which concains new XFA data. Gets list of all fields in lowest level of hierarhical form. Check if the form already has specified field. Field to check. true if the specified field name added to Form; otherwise, false. Determines if the field with specified name already added to the Form. PartialName of the field. true if the specified field name added to Form; otherwise, false. Returns fields inside of specified rectangle. Rectangle where fields should be found. Array with found fields. Recalculates calculated fields of the form. true if at least one field was changed. Allows to set order of field calculation. If set, the document contains at least one signature field. If set, the document contains signatures that may be invalidated if the file is saved (written) in a way that alters its previous contents, as opposed to an incremental update. Describes position of icon. Icon is not displayed. Caption is not displayed. Caption is below icon. Caption is above icon. Caption to the right. Caption to the left. Caption over laid. Describes how the widget annotation's icon shall be displayed within its annotation rectangle. Gets or sets scaling reason. The type of scaling that shall be used. /// Gets or sets space to allocate at the left of the icon. Gets or sets space to allocate at the bottom of the icon. If true, indicates that the button appearance shall be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border. Converts name of scaling reason into ScalingReason object. Name of scaling reason. Scaling reason object. Converts scaling reason obejct to name. Scaling reason object to be converted. Name of scaling reasong. Converts scaling mode name into ScalingMode object. Scaling mode name. Scaling mode object. Converts scaling mode object into name. Scaling mode object. Scaling mode name. Class represents ListBox field. Gets or sets index of the top visible element of the list. Gets or sets index of the selected item. Items are numbered from 1. Constructor for ListBoxField to be used in Generator. Constructor for ListBoxField class. List box annotation. Document which contains list box. Gets or sets array of the selected items in the multiselect list. For single-select list returns array with single item. Creates new ListBox field. Page where list box will be placed. Rectangle where list box will be placed on the page. Constructor for ListBox field. Document to which this field will belong. Rectangle where list box will be placed. Initialize the field. The Aspose.Pdf.Page object where the field should be located. Returns sequence of operators which are appearance of ListBox. Appearance parameters. Annotation for which appearance will be generated. Class represents option of choice field. Gets or sets option export value. Gets or sets name of option. Gets or sets selected status of option. Returns true if option is selected. Gets index of the option. Class representing collection of options of the choice field. Returns true of object is synchronized. Gets a value indicating if collection is readonly. Synchronization object of the collection. Gets number of options. Copies options into array. Array where options wil lbe copied. Startign index in array. Returns enumerator for options in collection. Options enumerator. Returns enumerator for options in collection. Options enumerator. Gets option by index. Option index. Index should be in range [1..n] where n is options count. Retreived option. Gets option from colleciton by option name. Option name. Retreived option. Gets option by index. Index of the option. Option on the specified index. Gets option by its name. Name of the option. Found option. Adds option to the colleciton. Name of new option. Adds option to the colleciton. Name of new option. Is big endian encoding Adds option to the colleciton. Export identifer of the option. Name of the option. Deletes option by its name. Name of the option to delete. Adds item in collection, throws NotImplementedException. Operator item to add. Removes all items from collection, throws NotImplementedException. Checks if item exists in collection, throws NotImplementedException. Operator item to find. Throws NotImplementedException Removes item from collection, throws NotImplementedException. Operator item to remove. Throws NotImplementedException Class descibes text field for entering password. Constructor for PasswordBoxField class. Represents signature object regarding PKCS#1 standard. RSA encryption algorithm and SHA-1 digest method are used for signing. Initializes new instance of the class. This image will define signature appearance on the page. Initialize signature object from signature dictionary. Then this object will be used for verifying the document. Signature dictionary. The document, it is used then to get file data in order to verify signature. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Pfx file which contains certificate for signing. Password for certificate. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Stream with certificate data organized as pfx. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Represents the PKCS#7 object that conform to the PKCS#7 specification in Internet RFC 2315, PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax, Version 1.5. The SHA1 digest of the document's byte range is encapsulated in the PKCS#7 SignedData field. Initializes new instance of the class. This image will define signature appearance on the page. Initialize signature object from signature dictionary. Then this object will be used for verifying the document. Signature dictionary. The document, it is used then to get file data in order to verify signature. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Pfx file which contains certificate for signing. Password for certificate. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Stream with certificate data organized as pfx. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Represents the PKCS#7 object that conform to the PKCS#7 specification in Internet RFC 2315, PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax, Version 1.5. The original signed message digest over the document's byte range is incorporated as the normal PKCS#7 SignedData field. No data shall is encapsulated in the PKCS#7 SignedData field. Initializes new instance of the class. This image will define signature appearance on the page. Initialize signature object from signature dictionary. Then this object will be used for verifying the document. Signature dictionary. The document, it is used then to get file data in order to verify signature. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Pfx file which contains certificate for signing. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Stream with certificate data organized as pfx. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Class representing radio button field. Returns true if checkbox value is equal to specified value. Value to compare. True if checkbox value equals to specified value. Set shape of radio button items. Style of field box. Gets or sets index of selected item. Numbering of items is started from 1. Gets collection of options of the radio button. Constructor for RadiouttonField Page where radio button will be placed. Constructor for RadioButtonField. Document where radio button will be created. Initialize the field. The Aspose.Pdf.Page object where the field should be located. Adds new option field to RadioButton field Item which should be added. Add to radio button option with specifed rectangle. Name of new option. New item rectangle. Add option to radion button. Name of the option which will be added. Move all subitems of radio button to specified positins on the page. Sets position of RadioButton field annotations. Gets index of page which contains this RadioButton field. Gets or sets value of field. Returns name of option with specified index in RadioButton field. Return state of option if field has Kids entry (i.e if field is RadioButton) Sets currenttly selected option for field which has "Kids" entry (i.e. for RadioButton field) Class represents item of RadioButton field. Initializes RadioButtonOptionField. Initialize the field. The Aspose.Pdf.Page object where the field should be located. Create new RadioButtonOptionField instance. Shape of Radio Button border. May be circle or square. If this value set to Default, shape depends of box style (circle for circle style and square for others). This property is for internal use only. Creates sequence of the operators to show radio button option. Appearance parameters (state of element). Annotation where appearance is created. Operator list of the apperance operators. Creates radiobutton in the specified recangle on specified page. Page where RadioButton will be placed; Recangle of RadioButton. Gets or sets name of the option. Gets or sets caption. Gets normal caption of the field. Gets or sets style of check box. Class describes rich text editor component. Gets or sets default style string of the rich text field. Gets or sets rich text value. Gets or sets formatted rich text value with markup. Value of RichTextField. Gets or sets justification of the rich text box. Initialize the field. The Aspose.Pdf.Page object where the field should be located. Constructor for Rich Text Box field. Page where field will be placed. Position of the field on the page. The type of scaling that shall be used. Scale the icon to fit the width or height of the annotation rectangle while maintaining the icon�s original aspect ratio. Scale the icon to fill the annotation rectangle exactly. The circumstances under which the icon shall be scaled inside the annotation rectangle. Always scale. BScale only when the icon is bigger than the annotation rectangle. Scale only when the icon is smaller than the annotation rectangle. Never scale. An abstract class which represents signature object in the pdf document. Signatures are fields with values of signature objects, the last contain data which is used to verify the document validity. Gets/sets the custom appearance. The name of the person or authority signing the document. The time of signing. The CPU host name or physical location of the signing. The reason for the signing, such as (I agree…). Information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature, e.g. a phone number. An array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) that shall describe the exact byte range for the digest calculation. Gets/sets timestamp settings. Gets/sets ocsp settings. Gets/sets ltv validation flag. Gets image stream. Gets the pfx container value. Gets the signature value. Verify the document regarding this signature and return true if document is valid or otherwise false. true if document is valid. Sign the document using data in this sugnature object. Represents the name of the signature field which will contain this signature object. Stream with certificate data organized as pfx. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Removes signature value, but keeps the field from document. Initializes signature object with image. Image data. Initialize signature object from signature dictionary. Then this object will be used for verifying the document. Signature dictionary. The document, it is used then to get file data in order to verify signature. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Force to show/hide signature properties. In case ShowProperties is true signature field has predefined format of appearance (strings to represent): ------------------------------------------- Digitally signed by {certificate subject} Date: {signature.Date} Reason: {signature.Reason} Location: {signature.Location} ------------------------------------------- where {X} is placeholder for X value. Also signature can have image, in this case listed strings are placed over image. ShowProperties is true by default. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Pfx file which contains certificate for signing. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Inititalizes new instance of the class. Stream with certificate data organized as pfx. Password to get access to the private key in the certificate. Destructor which closes temporary streams (if necessary). Represents signature form field. Gets signature object. This object contains signature data regarding public-key cryptographic standards. Classes , and represent all supported types of signature objects. Signs the document using this signature field. Signature object, see , , . Stream with certificate. Password to access private in the . Initializes new instance of the on reading pdf document. Signature field annotation. The document. This info is necessary for signing blank signature fields. Initializes new instance of the class. Page where signature field should be placed. Position and size of signature field. Initializes new instance of the class. Page where signature field should be placed. Position and size of signature field. Sign the document using this signature field. Signature object, see , and . Removes signature object from field. Extracts signature's image as jpeg encoded stream. If image was successfully found than returns jpeg encoded stream object; otherwise, null. Extracts signature's image as encoded stream. Image format for encoding. If image was successfully found than returns encodedstream object; otherwise, null. Extracts the single X.509 certificate in DER format as a stream. If certificate was found returns X.509 single certificate; otherwise, null. A (Barcode) Symbology defines the technical details of a particular type of barcode: the width of the bars, character set, method of encoding, checksum specifications, etc. A multi-row, variable-length 2D symbology with high data capacity and error-correction capability. QR code (short for Quick Response) is a specific matrix barcode (2D code), readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera phones. A 2D matrix symbology consisting of black and white square modules arranged in either a square or rectangular pattern. Class representing text box field. Gets or sets multiline flag of the field. If Multiline is true field can contain multiple lines of text. Gets or sets spellcheck flag for field. If true field shall be spell checked. Gets or sets scrollable flag of field. If true field can be scrolled. Gets or sets flag which indicates is field divided into spaced positions. Gets or sets maximum length of text in the field. Initializes field on the specified page. Page where field is placed. Constructor which should be used with Generator. Document where field will be created. Create instance of TextBoxField. Constructor of TextBox field. Page where text field is placed. Rectangle where the text field will be placed on the page. Constructor of TextBox field. Document where field will be created. Rectangle of the field. Returns width of text which is displayed usig specified font. Text whose width is calcualted. Font used to display the text. font size. Returns true if appearance is implemented in this class. true if createAppearance is implemented. Gets or sets text vertical alignment for annotation. Returns sequence of operators which displays curent state of this text field. Appearance parameters. Annotation where appearance is created. List of operators of text field appearance. Gets or sets value of the field. Adds image into the field resources an draws it. Image to add into text field. Adds barcode 128 into the field. Field value will be changed onto the code and field become read only. The text to generate barcode 128. Remove only operators which show text. (marked by /Tx BMC .... EMC) Class to generate representation for rich edit formatte strings. Used in RichEditField and TextBofField. Class represents attributes of text (parsed style property) names of style values Apply to text properties additional properties specified by style Parse style and create new text attributes based on current attributes Read numeric value from properties. Value format is defined by regular expression Pattern. Read value in format ####pt (e.g. 12.0pt) Class represents text fragment of out text; searches in annotation resources appropriate font to show text according to specified family and style Class represents line of text. Set Y - coordinate of this line Set X - coordinate of this line Get head fragment of word wich is fit to specified size Split fragment to fit into width of annotation. Calculate layout of text line(s) Returns list of operators which displays text model. Class describes media clip object of rendition. Class describes media clip data. Return file specification which contains actual media data . This class descibes Media clip section. Class describes media rendition. Gets or sets media clip obkects associated with rendition. Class which describes rendition object of RendtionAnnotation. Text string specifying the name of the rendition for use in a user interface and for name tree lookup by JavaScript actions. Gets rendition type. The operation to perform when the action is triggered. If no rendition is associated with the annotation, play the specified rendition, associating it with the annotation. If a rendition is already associated with the annotation, it shall be stopped, and the new rendition shall be associated with the annotation. Stop any rendition being played in association with the annotation. Pause any rendition being played in association with the annotation. Resume any rendition being played in association with the annotation. Play the specified rendition, associating it with the annotation. If a rendition is already associated with the annotation, resume the rendition if it is paused. Operation not defined. Enumeration describes possible types of Rendition. Media rendition object. Selector rendition object. Rendition type is undefined. Class describes selector rendition. Gets array of renditions. Represents custom explicit destination. Converts to page number. Page number. Upon invocation of an import-data action, Forms Data Format (FDF) data shall be imported into the document’s interactive form from a specified file. The FDF file from which to import the data. Represents a hide action that hides or shows one or more annotations on the screen by setting or clearing their Hidden flags. Gets or sets status of the annotation(s) to hide/display. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified annotation. An annotation to be hidden. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified annotation and invisibility flag. An annotation to be hidden or shown. A flag indicating whether to hide the annotation (true) or show it (false). Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified field name. A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified field name and invisibility flag. A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. A flag indicating whether to hide the field (true) or show it (false). Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified annotations. An array of annotations to be hidden. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified annotations and for invisibility flag. An array of annotations to be hidden or shown. A flag indicating whether to hide the annotations (true) or show it (false). Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified field names. An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified field names and for invisibility flag. An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. A flag indicating whether to hide the fields (true) or show it (false). Class describes list of actions. Gets count of actions. Gets action by its index. Action index value. Action index if found; otherwise, throws IndexOutOfRangeException Remove action by index. Index of action to remove. Add action to action list. Action to be added. Gets enumerator. PDfAction enumerator. Gets enumerator. PDfAction enumerator. Represent Fixed print data of Watermark Annotation. Gets or sets matrix value. Gets or sets horizontal translation. Gets or sets vertical translation. Draws line endings for annotations. Initializes new instance of the . The array with line endings. The starting point of line. The ending point of line. Draws line endings. The list of commands that draw line endings. Draws open arrows for line annotation. Value of arrow's angle in radians (20 degrees). Arrow's line length. Initializes new instance of the . Draws open arrow. The list of commands that draw open arrow. Class PDF3DAnnotation. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the 3D Artwork. The PDF3 d artwork. Gets the lighting scheme. The lighting scheme. Gets or sets the content. The content. Gets the render mode. The render mode. Sets the index of the default view. The default view index. Gets the view array. The view array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The rectangle. The 3D Artwork. Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. The rectangle. The 3D Artwork. The activation mode. 3D Stream is already added to current 3D Artwork Gets type of annotation. The type of the annotation. Accepts visitor for annotation processing. AnnotationSelector object. Sets the image preview. The image preview filename. Sets the image preview. The image stream. Clears the image preview. Gets the image preview. Image preview as stream. Enum PDF3DActivation: set of 3D annotation activation mode. The active when open The active when visible The activated by user or script action Class PDF3DArtwork. Gets or sets the lighting scheme. The lighting scheme. Gets or sets the render mode. The render mode. Gets the view array. The view array. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. The content. The lighting scheme. The render mode. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. The content. Get the views as list. ReadOnlyCollection<PDF3DView>. Gets the views array. Array of views. Class PDF3DContent. Gets the extension . The extension. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The filename. Unknown 3D Artwork type Loads 3D content with the specified filename. The filename. Unknown 3D content type Loads 3D content with the specified filename as PRC format. The filename. Loads 3D content with the specified filename as U3D format. The filename. Loads 3D content from stream as PRC format. The 3D content stream. Loads 3D content from stream as U3D format. The 3D content stream. Loads 3D content from byte array as PRC format. The stream. Loads 3D content from byte array as U3D format. The stream. Saves 3D content to file. The file name. 3DArtwork content format is PRC or U3D. Gets 3D content as stream. Stream. Gets 3D content as byte array. System.Byte[]. Class PDF3DCrossSectionArray. Gets the cross section count. The cross section count. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. Adds the specified cross section to views array . The cross section. Removes cross section from array at specified index. The index of removed cross section in array. Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the cross sections count. Removes all cross section from array. Gets or sets the at the specified index. The index. Cross section. Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the cross sections count. Class PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation. Gets or sets the angle to X axis. The angle to X axis. Gets or sets the angle to Y axis. The angle Y axis. Gets or sets the angle to Z axis. The angle to Z axis. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The angle x. The angle y. The angle z. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Class PDF3DLightingScheme. The "Artwork" lighting scheme. The "None" lighting scheme. The "White" lighting scheme. The "Day" lighting scheme. The "Night" lighting scheme. The "Hard" lighting scheme. The "Primary" lighting scheme. The "Blue" lighting scheme. The "Red" lighting scheme. The "Cube" lighting scheme. The "Cad" lighting scheme. The "Headlamp" lighting scheme. Gets the lighting scheme type. The lighting scheme type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The lighting scheme type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the lighting scheme type. Unknown lighting scheme type argument Enum LightingSchemeType: set of lighting scheme types. The "Artwork" lighting scheme. The "None" lighting scheme. The "White" lighting scheme. The "Day" lighting scheme. The "Night" lighting scheme. The "Hard" lighting scheme. The "Primary" lighting scheme. The "Blue" lighting scheme. The "Red" lighting scheme. The "Cube" lighting scheme. The "Cad" lighting scheme. The "Headlamp" lighting scheme. Class PDF3DRenderMode. The "Solid" render mode. The "SolidWireFrame" render mode. The "Transparent" render mode. The "TransparentWareFrame" render mode. The "BoundingBox" render mode. The "TransparentBoundingBox" render mode. The "TransparentBoundingBoxOutline" render mode. The "WireFrame" render mode. The "ShadedWireFrame" render mode. The "Vertices" render mode. The "ShadedVertices" render mode. The "Illustration" render mode. The "SolidOutline" render mode. The "ShadedIllustration" render mode. Initializes a new instance of the class. The render mode type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the type. Unknown a render mode type argument Gets the auxiliary colour. Color. Sets the auxiliary colour. The color. PDF3DRenderMode. Gets the color of the face. Object. Sets the color of the face. The color. PDF3DRenderMode. Gets the opacity. System.Double. Sets the opacity. The opacity. PDF3DRenderMode. Sets the crease value. The crease value. PDF3DRenderMode. Gets the crease value. System.Double. Gets the type. The type. Enum RenderModeType: set of render mode types The "Solid" render mode. The "SolidWireFrame" render mode. The "Transparent" render mode. The "TransparentWareFrame" render mode. The "BoundingBox" render mode. The "TransparentBoundingBox" render mode. The "TransparentBoundingBoxOutline" render mode. The "WireFrame" render mode. The "ShadedWireFrame" render mode. The "Vertices" render mode. The "ShadedVertices" render mode. The "Illustration" render mode. The "SolidOutline" render mode. The "ShadedIllustration" render mode. Class PDF3DStream. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. The 3D Artwork. Gets or sets the content. The content. Class PDF3DView. Gets or sets the lighting scheme of view. The lighting scheme of view. Gets or sets the render mode of view. The render mode of view. Gets the cross sections array of view. The cross sections array of view. Gets or sets the name of the view. The name of the view. Gets or sets the camera position of view. The camera position of view. Gets or sets the camera orbit of view. The camera orbit of view. Gets or sets the color of the back ground of view. The color of the back ground of view. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. The camera position. The camera orbit. Name of the view. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. The view. Name of the view. Class PDF3DViewArray. Gets the views count. The views count. Adds the specified view. The view. Only one entry of 3D view is allowed Removes view from views array at specified index. The view index. Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the views count. Removes all views. Gets or sets the to view array at the specified index. The index. PDF3DView. Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the views count. Class PDF3DCrossSection. Gets or sets the cross section rotation center. The center. Gets or sets the cutting plane opacity. The cutting plane opacity. The number must be in the range [0 , 1] Gets or sets the cutting plane orientation. The cutting plane orientation. Only one of the values shall be Null Gets or sets the color of the cutting plane. The color of the cutting plane. Gets or sets the color of the cutting planes intersection. The color of the cutting planes intersection. Gets or sets a value indicating visibility of the cutting planes intersection. true if visible; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. The document. Represents Redact annotation. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Constructor for RedactionAnnotation. For using in Generator. Document where new annotation will be created. An array of 8xN numbers specifying the coordinates of content region that is intended to be removed. Constructor for RedactAnnotation. Page where annotation will be placed. Annotation position on the page. Gets or sets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text. Gets or sets color to fill annotation. Gets or sets color of border which is drawn when redaction is not active. Text to print on redact annotation. If true overlay text will be repated on the annotation. Gets or sets. Alignment of Overlay Text. Flattens annotation i.e. removes annotation and adds its Flattens annotation and redacts page contents (i.e. removes text and image under redacted annotation) Gets type of annotation. Class describes RichMediaAnnotation which allows embed video/audio data into PDF document. Type of the multimedia. Audio data. Video data. Unknown/unsupported type of data. Event which activates annotation. Activated by click on the annotation. Activated on page open. Activated when page becames visible. Gets type of annotation. Accepts visitor for this annotation. Visitor instance. Initializes RichMediaAnnotation. Page where object being created. Rectangle coordinates. Sets or gets custom flash player to play video/audio data. Sets or gets flash variables which passed to player. Add custom named data (for example required for flash script). Name of the data. Data. Set content stream. Name of the stream. Data stream. Data of the Rich Media content. Gets or sets type of content. Possible values: Audio, Video. Event which activates application. Set poster of the annotation. Stream containing poster image. Updates data with specified parameters. Class describes Watermark annotation object. Constructor for Watermark annotation class. Page where annotation should be placed. Position of the annotation. Set text of the annotation. Text value. Set text of the annotation. Text value. Text state. Fuxed print object of Watermark annotation. Gets annotation type. Apply visitor for annotation. Visitor object. Gets or sets opacity of the annotation. Style of line ending of Ink annotation line. End is rectangular. End is rounded. Class which describes Measure coordinate system. Number format for measure. Constructor for NumberFormat class. Measure object which contains this number format. A text string specifying a label for displaying the units. The conversion factor used to multiply a value in partial units of the previous number format array element to obtain a value in the units of this number format. Value which indicates in which manner fraction values are displayed. Show fractional values as decimal fraction. Show fractional value as fraction. Round fractional values to the nearest whole integer. Truncate to achieve whole units. In what manner fractional values are displayed. If FractionDisplayment is ShowAsDecimal, this value is precision of fractional value; It shall me multiple of 10. Default is 100. If FractionDisplayment is ShowAsFraction, this value is denominator of the fraction. Default value is 16. If FractionDisplayment is ShowAsFraction, this value determines meay or not the fraction be reduced. If value is true fraction may not be reduced. Text that shall be used between orders of thousands in display of numerical values. An empty string indicates that no text shall be added. Default is comma. Text that shall be used as the decimal position in displaying numerical values. An empty string indicates that the default shall be used. Default is period character. Text that shall be concatenated to the left of the label. Text that shall be concatenated after the label Represents list of number formats. Constructor for NumberFormatList. Parent measure object. Adds number format to list. Value to be added into list. Inserts number format into list. Index where new element will be added. Value to be inserted. Removes number format from list. Index of item to be removed. Gets or sets number format in list by its index. Index of the item to be retreived. Retreived measure item. Count if items in the list. Creates Measure object for measure annotations. Annotation for which measure will be bound. A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing. A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis. A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction. A number format array for measurement of area. A number format array for measurement of angles. A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line. Point that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates. A factor that shall be used to convert the largest units along the y axis to the largest units along the x axis. Represents additional entries specific to a sound object (Section 9.2 PDF1-7) Default value for SamplingRate. Default value for Channels parameter. Default value for BitsPerchannel parameter. Default value for encoding format. The sampling rate, in samples per second. Default value: 11025. Required. The number of sound channels. Default value: 1. Optional. The number of bits per sample value per channel. Default value: 8. Optional. The encoding format for the sample data. Default value: Raw. Optional. Gets or sets the sampling rate. Gets or sets the number of sound channels. Gets or sets the number of bits per sample value per channel. Gets or sets the encoding format. Initializes new sound sample data. The sampling rate. Initializes new sound sample data. The sampling rate. The number of sound channels. Initializes new sound sample data. The sampling rate. The number of sound channels. The number of bits per sample value per channel. Initializes new sound sample data. The sampling rate. The number of sound channels. The number of bits per sample value per channel. The encoding format for the sample data. Returns string representation of encoding format parameter. Encoding parameter as a string. Reads the sample rate value from wav header. The wav input file. If successfully found - sample rate value; otherwise, default value 11025. The encoding format for the sound sample data. Unspecified or unsigned values in the range 0 to 2B − 1. Twos-complement values. μ-law–encoded samples. A-law–encoded samples. Collection of actions Count of actions on the collection. Returns true if object is synchronized. Gets synchronization object. Returns true if collection is readonly. Adds new action into colleciton. Action which should be added. Removes action from collection by index. Index of action to remove. Delete all actions. Copies actions array into collection. Array of actions which must be copied into collection. Index starting from which array will be copied. Returns enumerator for collection. Collection enumerator. Returns enumerator for collection. Collection enumerator. Clear collection. Returns true if give item presents in the collection. Item to find. Not implemented. Removes item from collection. Item to delete. Not implemented. Gets action by its index. Index of action. Retreived action. Represents the collection of annotation actions. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation�s active area. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation�s active area. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation�s active area. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation�s active area. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application�s user interface. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application�s user interface. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus. Gets or sets an action to be performed when user modifies character of the field. Gets or sets an action to be performed when user changes contents of the field. Gets or sets an action to be performed to format field value. Gets or sets an action to calculate field value. Class representing annotation collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationCollection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationCollection. Gets count of annotations in collection. Gets a value indicating if collection is readonly. Constructor of AnnotationCollection. Creates annotation collection for annotations on the given page. Parent page of annotations. Adds annotation to the collection. If page is rotated then annotation rectangle will be recalculated accordingly. Annotation which shall be added. If true and if page is rotated then annotation position will be recaculated accroding to page rotation. Adds annotation to the collection. Annotation which shall be added. Deletes annotation from the collection by index. Index of annotation which shall be deleted. Deletes all annotations from the collection. Returns annotation by its index. Index of annotation. Annotation indexes start from 1. Retreived annotation Copies array of annotations into collection. Array to copy into collection. Starting index where colleciton wil lbe copied. Returns collection enumerator. Enumerator object Returns collection enumerator. Enumerator object Accepts visitor to process annotation. Annotation selector object. Deletes specified annotation from the collection. Annotation which shall be deleted. Deletes all annotations from the collection. Checks if specified annotation belong to collection. Annotation to be searched. True - if annotation found; otherwise, false. Deletes specified annotation from the collection. Annotation which shall be deleted. True - if annotation removed; otherwise, false. The index of the element to get. The index value started from one. Annotation object Returns annotation by its name. Name of the annotation Annotation object if found; otherwise, null. A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation. Default value. If set, do not display the annotation if it does not belong to one of the standard annotation types and no annotation handler is available. If clear, display such an unknown annotation using an appearance stream specified by its appearance dictionary, if any. If set, do not display or print the annotation or allow it to interact with the user, regardless of its annotation type or whether an annotation handler is available. In cases where screen space is limited, the ability to hide and show annotations selectively can be used in combination with appearance streams to display auxiliary pop-up information similar in function to online help systems. If set, print the annotation when the page is printed. If clear, never print the annotation, regardless of whether it is displayed on the screen. This can be useful, for example, for annotations representing interactive pushbuttons, which would serve no meaningful purpose on the printed page. If set, do not scale the annotation�s appearance to match the magnification of the page. The location of the annotation on the page (defined by the upper-left corner of its annotation rectangle) remains fixed, regardless of the page magnification. If set, do not rotate the annotation�s appearance to match the rotation of the page. The upper-left corner of the annotation rectangle remains in a fixed location on the page, regardless of the page rotation. If set, do not display the annotation on the screen or allow it to interact with the user. The annotation may be printed (depending on the setting of the Print flag) but should be considered hidden for purposes of on-screen display and user interaction. If set, do not allow the annotation to interact with the user. The annotation may be displayed or printed (depending on the settings of the NoView and Print flags) but should not respond to mouse clicks or change its appearance in response to mouse motions. This flag is ignored for widget annotations; its function is subsumed by the ReadOnly flag of the associated form field. If set, do not allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties (including position and size) to be modified by the user. However, this flag does not restrict changes to the annotation�s contents, such as the value of a form field. If set, invert the interpretation of the NoView flag for certain events. A typical use is to have an annotation that appears only when a mouse cursor is held over it. If set, do not allow the contents of the annotation to be modified by the user. This flag does not restrict deletion of the annotation or changes to other annotation properties, such as position and size. The state model corresponding to state of annotation. Not defined state model. The annotation has been marked (or unmarked) by the user. The annotation has been reviewed (accepted, rejected, cancelled, completed, none) by the user. Enumeration of annotation types. Text annotation type. Circle annotation type. Polygon annotation type. Plyline annotation type. Line annotation type. Square annotatotion type. Free text annotation type. Highlight annotation type. Underline annotation type. Squiggle annotation type. Strikeout annotation type. Caret annotation type. Ink annotation type. Link annotation type. Popup annotation type. File attachment annotation type. Sound annotation type. Movie annotation type. Screen annotation type. Widget annotation type. Watermark annotation type. Trap network annotation type. Printer mark annotation type. Redaction annotation type. Rubber stamp annotation type. Rich media annotation type Unknown annotation. 3D annotation. Annotation appearance dictionary specifying how the annotation shall be presented visually on the page. Gets a value indicating whether dictionary is read-only. Gets a value indicating whether dictionary has a fixed size. Gets keys of the dictionary. If appearance dictionary has subditionaries, then contains (N|R|D).state values, where N - normal appearance, R - rollover appearance, D - down appearance and state - the name of the state (e.g. On, Off for checkboxes). Gets the list of the dictionary values. Result collection contains the list of XForm objects. Gets a value indicating whether access to the dictionary is synchronized (thread safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the dictionary. Gets the number of elements contained in the dictionary. Removes all elements from the dictionary. Adds an element with the provided key and value. Element key. Element value. Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator object for the dictionary. Enumerator of the dictionary. Copies the elements of the dictionary to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. Array where items must be copied. Index where items must be copied. Represents convenient form for getting appearance streams. Represents path to appearance stream. If appearance dictionary has subdictionaries, then path must contain 2 parts (), else path has only one part. XForm object (appearance stream) which corresponds to the given key. Retreives form by the string key. String key. Retreived form. Sets form for given key. String key. Form to be associated with the key. Enumerator of the key items. Add X form for specifed key. Element key. XForm object value. Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. Key to search in the dictionary. true if key is found. Gets key in the dictionary. Removes key from the dictionary. Key to be removed from the dictionary. true if key was successfully removed. Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. Key to search in the dictionary. Retreived value. true if key was found. Gets collection of values in the dictionary. Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. Item to be added. Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. Key-value pair. true if this pauir was found. Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from ICollection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Removes key/value pair from the collection. Key/value pair to be removed. true if pair was found and removed. Enumerator for the collection. enumerator of the collection items. Class representing Caret annotation. Gets type of annotation. Gets or sets caret rectangle. Gets or sets symbol associated with caret. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Constructor for usign in Generator. Document where annotation will be created. Creates new Caret annotation on the specified page. Document's page where annotation should be created. Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. Ititializes Caret annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Represents annotation characteristics Gets or sets color of the background Gets or sets color of the border. Gets or sets rotation of the annotation. Class representing Circle annotation. Ititializes Caret annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Constructor for Circle annotation. Document where annotation will be created. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Creates new Circle annotation on the specified page. Document's page where annotation should be created. Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. Gets type of annotation. Abstract class representing common figure annotation. Constructor. The page with which the annotation will be associated. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Constructor for using in Generator. Document where annotation will be placed. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation attributes into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation attributes from XFDF. Reader of XFDF file. Interior color with which to fill the annotation�s rectangle or ellipse. The rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and the actual boundaries of the underlying square or circle. Class describes file attachment annotation. Gets type of annotation. The specification of the file associated with this annotation. Gets or sets icon that shall be used in displaying annotation. Gets or sets icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. Ititializes FileAttachment annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Accepts visitor object to process annotation. Visitor object. Creates new FileAttachment annotation on the specified page. Document's page where annotation should be created. Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. Describes the file that shoud be bound with the annotation. Represents a free text annotation that displays text directly on the page. Unlike an ordinary text annotation, a free text annotation has no open or closed state; instead of being displayed in a pop-up window, the text is always visible. Constructor to use with Generator. Document where annotation will be created. Default Appearance Gets or sets line ending style for line ending point. OThis property is obsolete, please use EndingStyle. Gets or sets line ending style for line ending point. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation attributes into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation attributes from XFDF. Reader of XFDF file. Gets or set a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation�s text. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes FreeText annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new FreeText annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. The default appearance to be used in formatting the text. Gets or sets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text. This method must be overriden to return true in classes where apperance generation is supported. Object which represents default appearance of FreeText annotation. Gets or sets the intent of the free text annotation. Gets or sets a default style string. Sets text of the annotation and changes appearance . Obsolete - to be removed. Returns true if annotation has callout line parameters array. Draws callout line according to CL parameters. Gets or sets style of the text in appearance. when text style is changed, text appearance is updated. Angle of annotation rotation. Returns internal rectnagle of annotation, i.e. rectangle recalculated according to RD entry of annotation Create frame. Appearance parameters. The annotation. Gets type of annotation. Array of point specifying callout line. Rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and a rectangle contained within that rectangle. The inner rectangle is where the annotation�s text should be displayed. Enumerates the intents of the free text annotation. Not defined state. Means that the annotation is intended to function as a callout. Means that the annotation is intended to function as a click-to-type or typewriter object. Represents a highlight annotation that highlights a range of text in the document. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Highlight annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Highlight annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Gets type of annotation. Represents a freehand "scribble" composed of one or more disjoint paths. Style of ink annotation line endings. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Ink annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Constructor for Ink annotation for Generator. Document where ink annotation will be created. An array of Point[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. Creates new Ink annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. An array of Point[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. Creates new Ink annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. An array of Point[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. Gets or sets list of gestures that are independent lines which are represented by Point[] arrays. Gets type of annotation. Updates the points in InkList, according to the matrix transform. Matrix specifying the transformation. Class representing line annotation. Gets or sets starting point of line. Gets or sets line ending style for line starting point. Gets or sets line ending point. Gets or sets ending style for end point of line. Gets or sets interior color of the annotation. Gets or sets leader line length. Gets or sets length of leader line extension. Gets or sets boolean flag which determinies is contents must be shown as caption. Gets or sets leader line offset. Gets or sets caption text offset from its normal position. Gets or sets annotation caption position. Measure units specifed for this annotation. Accepts visitor to annotation processing. Visitor object Constructor for using with Generator. Document where annotation will be created. Starting point. Ending point. Ititializes Line annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Line annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. A point, specifying the starting coordinate of the line. A point, specifying the ending coordinate of the line. Gets or sets the intent of the line annotation. Gets type of annotation. Updates the Starting and Ending points, according to the matrix transform. Matrix specifying the transformation. Enumerates the intents of the line annotation. Undefined state. Means that the annotation is intended to function as an arrow. Means that the annotation is intended to function as a dimension line. Represents either a hypertext link to a destination elsewhere in the document or an action to be performed. An action to be performed when the link annotation is activated. A destination to be displayed when the annotation is activated. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Link annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. Document. Creates new Link annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. The visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. Gets type of annotation. Abstract class representing markup annotation. Constructor for markup annotation. Document where annotation will be created. Constructor. The page with which the annotation will be associated. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation attributes into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation elements into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation attributes from XFDF. Reader of XFDF file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation elements from XFDF. Hashtable with information parsed from the XFDF file. Gets or sets a text that shall be displayed in title bar of annotation. Gets or sets a rich text string to be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened. Gets date and time when annotation was created. Gets text representing desciption of the object. Pop-up annotation for entering or editing the text associated with this annotation. Gets or sets the constant opacity value to be used in painting the annotation. A reference to the annotation that this annotation is "in reply to". Both annotations must be on the same page of the document. A string specifying the relationship (the "reply type") between this annotation and one specified by InReplyTo. Drawes triangle ("arrow") whcih consists of two strokes by angles "angle1" and "angle2" to p1, p2 vector. First point. Second point. Angle of first stroke. Angle of second stroke. Is triangle closed. Represents a movie annotation that contains animated graphics and sound to be presented on the computer screen and through the speakers. When the annotation is activated, the movie is played. Gets or sets the title of the movie annotation. Gets or sets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file. Gets or sets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed. Gets or sets the width and height of the movie�s bounding box, in pixels. Gets or sets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90. Gets type of annotation. Constructor for using with Generator. Document where movie annotation will be created. Name of movie file. Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. A movie file to be played when the annotation is activated. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Abstract base class for poly- annotations. Constructor. Document where annotation will be created. An array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex. Constructor. The page with which the annotation will be associated. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. An array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex. Measure units specifed for this annotation. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation attributes into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation elements into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation attributes from XFDF. Reader of XFDF file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation elements from XFDF. Hashtable with information parsed from the XFDF file. Gets or sets an array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex. Gets or sets the interior color with which to fill the annotation�s line endings. Gets or sets the style of first line ending. Gets or sets the style of second line ending. Gets or sets the intent of the polygon or polyline annotation. Updates the points in Vertices, according to the matrix transform. Matrix specifying the transformation. Class representing polygon annotation. Accepts visitor object for annotation processing. Visitor object. Constructor for using with Generator. Document where annotation will be added. Array of points. Ititializes Polygon annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Polygon annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. An array of polygon vertices points. Gets type of annotation. Enumerates the intents of the polygon or polyline annotation. Undefined state. Means that the annotation is intended to function as a cloud object. Indicates that the polyline annotation is intended to function as a dimension. Indicates that the polygon annotation is intended to function as a dimension. Represents polyline annotation that is similar to polygon, except that the first and last vertex are not implicitly connected. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Polyline annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Polyline annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. An array of polygon vertices points. Gets type of annotation. Represents the pop-up annotation that displays text in a pop-up window for entry and editing. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open. Gets or sets the parent annotation with which this pop-up annotation shall be associated. If this entry is present, the parent annotation�s Contents, M, C, and T entries shall override those of the pop-up annotation itself. Gets type of annotation. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Constructor. for using in Generator. Document where new popup annotation will be created. Ititializes Popup annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. Document. Creates new Popup annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Enumerates the kinds of the relationships (the “reply type”) between the annotation and one specified by InReplyTo. Undefined relationship. The annotation is considered a reply to the annotation specified by InReplyTo. Viewer applications should not display replies to an annotation individually but together in the form of threaded comments. The annotation is grouped with the annotation specified by InReplyTo. Represents a sound annotation that contains sound recorded from the computer�s microphone or imported from a file. Gets or sets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. Gets a sound object defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. Gets type of annotation. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Sound annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. A sound file defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. A sound file defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. A sound sample data contains extra of sound parameters such as sampling rate, bits per sample and so on. Create new Sound annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Represents a sound data defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. Gets or sets the sampling rate, in samples per second. Gets or sets the number of sound channels. Gets or sets the number of bits per sample value per channel. Gets stream of the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. Gets or sets the encoding format for the sample data. The encoding format for the sample data. Unspecified or unsigned values in the range 0 to 2^bits − 1. Twos-complement values. μ-law–encoded samples. A-law–encoded samples. Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation. Speaker icon. Microphone icon. Class representing square annotation. Constructor for using with Generator. Documennt where annotation will be created. Ititializes Square annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Accepts visitor to process annotation. Visitor object. Creates new Square annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Gets type of annotation. Represents the squiggly annotation that appears as a jagged underline in the text of a document. Gets type of annotation. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Squiggly annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Squiggly annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Represents rubber stamp annotation. This type of annotation displays text or graphics intended to look as if they were stamped on the page with a rubber stamp. Next code snippet demonstrates how to add 2 stamps into the first pdf document page. Input document comes from inFile and changes are saved into the outFile. The first stamp has icon NotForPublicRelease and the second comes with image from rubber.jpg. Document document = new Document(inFile); StampAnnotation stamp1 = new StampAnnotation(StampIcon.NotForPublicRelease); stamp1.Rect = new Rectangle(100, 100, 120, 120) document.Pages[1].Annotations.Add(stamp1); StampAnnotation stamp2 = new StampAnnotation(new FileStream("rubber.jpg", FileMode.Open)); stamp2.Rect = new Rectangle(200, 200, 220, 220) document.Pages[1].Annotations.Add(stamp2); document.Save(outFile); Gets or sets icon for rubber stamp. Gets type of annotation. Acepts visitor when browsing annotation collection. Visitor object. Ititializes Stamp annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Constructor Document where annotation will be created. Creates new Stamp annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Gets or sets image of the annotation. Represents a strikeout annotation that appears as a strikeout in the text of the document. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes StrikeOut annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new StrikeOut annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Gets type of annotation. Alignment of text in annotation. Text is aligned to left. Text is centered. Text is aligned to right. Abstract base class for text markup annotations. Constructor. The page with which the annotation will be associated. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation attributes into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation attributes from XFDF. Reader of XFDF file. Gets or sets an array of points specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or group of contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation. Updates the QuadPoints, according to the matrix transform. Matrix that use for transformation (resize). Gets text under markup annotation as string. String containing text that is under markup annotation. Gets text under markup annotation as . containing s that is under markup annotation. Represents an underline annotation that appears as an underline in the text of the document. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Ititializes Underline annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that presents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Underline annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Gets type of annotation. Class representing widget annotation. An action which shall be performed when the annotation is activated. Gets the annotation actions. Annotation highlighting mode. Gets annotation parent. Search required font in default resources, add the font if is not added yet. Gets or sets default appearance of the field. Gets or sets read only status of the field. Gets or sets required status of the field. Gets or sets exportable flag of the field. Gets type of annotation. Gets certified status of the field. Accepts visitor. Visitor to be accepted. Ititializes Widget annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. Document. Creates new Widget annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Create annotation (used for Generator) Document where annotation will be created. Initialize the annotation. Aspose.Pdf.Page object. The rectangle of the annotation. Creates normal appearance for annotation and fills matrix and rectangle for appearance. Appearance type (N/D) Annotation where appearance should be changed. Remove operators of old appearance. This may be overriden to remove only required part of appearance (e.g. TextBoxField) Describes default appearance of field (font, text size and color). Gets font size in default apperance. Gets or sets the color of text in the default appearance. Gets or sets the color of border in the default appearance. Gets font name in the default appearance. Gets font name in the default appearance. Gets font specified as default for text. Constructor of DefaultAppearance. Gets the list of pdf operators which represent appearence. Constructor of DefaultAppearance. Font name. Font size. Color of text. Constructor of Default Appearance. Previously created font may be specified as default font. Font which will be used as default. Font size. Color of text. Class describes actions performed on some actions with document Document interface from Pdf.Kit.Engine. Gets or sets action performed before document saving. Gets or sets action that will be performed before documetn closing. Gets or sets action that will be performed after document saving. Action that will be performed before document printing. Action that will be performed after document printing. Constructor for DocumentActionCollection. Constructs DocumentActionCollection objects from Pdf.Kit.Engine Document object. Document for which action colleciton is created. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitB". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Gets the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitBH 100". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Gets the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitBV 100". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. Creates remote explicit destination. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. The destination page number. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 Fit". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Gets the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitH 100". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and topentirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the rectangle within the window in the other dimension. A null value for any of the parameters may result in unpredictable behavior. Gets left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Gets bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Gets right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Gets top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitR 100 200 300 400". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Gets the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitV 100". String value representing object state. Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value. Document doc = new Document("example.pdf"); XYZExplicitDestination dest = (XYZExplicitDestination)doc.Outlines[1].Destination; string left = dest.Left; string top = dest.Top; string zoom = dest.Zoom; Gets left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Gets top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Gets zoom factor. Creates local explicit destination. The destination page object. Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Zoom factor. Create destintion to specified location of the page considering page rotation if required. Destination page. Left position on the page. Top position on the page. Zoom factor (0 for default). If true position will be recalculated according to page rotation. Destination object. Create destionation to upper left corner of the specifed page. Destination page. Zoom factor. Destination object. Create destination to specified page. Destination page. Destination object. Creates remote explicit destination. The parent document that contains this object. The destination page number of remote document. Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Zoom factor. Creates remote explicit destination. The destination page number of remote document. Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. Zoom factor. Creates the instance and initializes it by engine destination object. Engine destination object. Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 XYZ 100 200 3". String value representing object state. Represents a go-to action that changes the view to a specified destination (page, location, and magnification factor). Gets or sets the destination to jump to. Constructor for GoToAction class. The destination page number to jump to. Constructor for GoToAction class. Aspose.Pdf.Page destination object to jump to. Constructor for GoToAction class. Destination page. Destination type. Action parameters. Constructor. Explicit destination. Constructor. Action which linked with Named Destination. Document where action will be created. Name of the destination. Represents a remote go-to action that is similar to an ordinary go-to action but jumps to a destination in another PDF file instead of the current file. Gets or sets the specification of the file in which the destination is located. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window. Initializes GoToRemoteAction object. Destination PDF document. Destination page number. Initializes GoToRemoteAction object. Destination PDF document. Destination in the PDF document. Gets or sets the destination to jump to. Represents a URI action causes a URI to be resolved. Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier to resolve. Constructor. The uniform resource identifier to resolve. Enumerates the annotation�s highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. No highlighting. Invert the contents of the annotation rectangle. Invert the annotation�s border. Display the annotation�s down appearance, if any. If no down appearance is defined, offset the contents of the annotation rectangle to appear as if it were being pushed below the surface of the page. Same as Push (which is preferred). Class representing javascript action. Gets or sets javascript code. Constructor. JavaScript code. Constructor for Javascript class. PDF dictionary which describes action. Represents a launch action that launches an application or opens or prints a document. Gets or sets the application to be launched or the document to be opened or printed. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window (affect PDF documents only). Creates a launch action. The file to be launched. Creates a launch action. Document where action will be created. The file to be launched. The Aspose.Pdf.Annotations namespace provides classes for working with various types of actions, destinations and other features of document which traditionally called as interactive providing means user can intercommunicate with it. Represents Action in PDF document Next actions in sequence. Next actions in sequence. Class which describes submit-form action. If clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission. If set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include/Exclude flag shall be submitted. If set, field names and values shall be submitted in HTML Form format. If set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request. If set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submit-form action shall be transmitted as part of the form data. If set, field names and values shall be submitted as XFDF. If set, the submitted FDF file shall include the contents of all incremental updates. If set, the submitted FDF file shall include includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document. If set, the document shall be submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf. If set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard format. If set, it shall include only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user. If set, the submitted FDF shall exclude the F entry. If set, the F entry of the submitted FDF shall be a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted. Gets or sets flagas of submit action Destination URL. Initializes SubmitFormAction object. Class representing annotation object. The message. If true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time. If this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true. Method which must be called after annotation import. Gets normal appearance. Class representing parameters which have influence on element appearance (checked/not checked etc) Appearance type : N for normal, D for "down"... applied for button True if element is checked. Applied for checkbox, radiobutton option etc. Constructor. Type of appearance (Normal etc) Constructor. true if checked (applicable for Checbox field) Constructor. Type of apperance true if checked (applicable for checkbox) This shows that Create frame. Appearance parameters. The annotation. List of frame appearance commands. Create program for displaying this annotation. Appearance parameters for this field (normal/mouse moved appearance, pressed/unpressed for button etc) Annotation of the appearance List of appearance program. This method must be overriden to return true in classes where apperance generation is supported. Updated appearance dictionary of the field. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation attributes into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, exports annotation elements into XFDF. Writer of destination file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation attributes from XFDF. Reader of XFDF file. When overridden in a derived class, import annotation elements from XFDF. Hashtable with information parsed from the XFDF file. Flags of the annotation. Gets the page object with which this annotation is associated. Gets rotated rectangle. Returns internal rectnagle of annotation, i.e. rectangle recalculated according to RD entry of annotation Constructor to use in Generator. Document where annotation will be created. Initialize the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Page object. The rectangle of the annotation. Create annotation data structure. Document where annotation is created. Annotation rectangle. Constructor. The page with which the annotation will be associated. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Constructor for Annotation. Document where annotation is added. Annotation rectangle. Pdf object which describes annotation. This annotation allows to get/set Title property. Gets type of annotation. Gets or sets width of the annotation. Gets list of annotatation actions. This method should be called if annotation requires some additional actions when generator updates its rectangle. Property for generator support. This property gets field width originally set by user (width of the "template"). Gets or sets height of the annotation. Property for generator support. This property gets field height originally set by user (height of the "template"). Gets or sets annotation rectangle. Returns rectangle of annotation taking into consideration page rotation. If true, page rotation is takein into consideration. True - if rectangle found; otherwise, false. Gets or sets annotation text. Gets or sets annotation name on the page. Gets or sets date and time when annotation was recently modified. Gets or sets annotation color. Gets or sets annotation border characteristics. Gets or sets current annotation appearance state. Gets annotation characteristics. Gets appearance dictionary of annotation. Returns name of "checked" state according to existing state names. Annotation alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead. Gets or sets text alignment for annotation. Gets or sets text alignment for annotation. Initializes annotation from PDF object which describes the annotation. PDF obejct describing annotation TODO: Created annotation object of appropriate type Initializes this object with internal engine annotation object. Internal engine annotEngineObj object. Accepts visitor for annotation processing. AnnotationSelector object. Moves rectangle to origin. true if the annotation must be background. Places annotation contents directly on the page, annotation object will be removed. Gets full qualified name of the annotation. Gets appearance dictionary of the annotation. Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform. Matrix that use for transformation (resize). Gets index of page which contains annotation. Converts annotation to image stream. Output image format. Stream with image. The class describes general annotation. Gets type of annotation. Class represents style of text in annotation Name of the font. Fonst size. Gets or sets horizontal alignment of the text. Text alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth. Color of the text. String representation of TextStyle. String representation. This class is used for selecting annotations using Visitor template idea. The list of selected objects. Initializes new instance of the AnnotationSelector class. Select link annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with LinkAnnotation object. LinkAnnotation object for selecting. Initializes new object. Annotation to be selected. This object only describes some characteristics we want found annotations to have, e.g. the type of annotation. Select attachment annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with FileAttachmentAnnotation object. FileAttachmentAnnotation object for selecting. Select text annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with TextAnnotation object. TextAnnotation object for selecting. Select redact annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with RedactAnnotation object. RedactAnnotation object for selecting. Select freetext annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with FreeTextAnnotation object. FreeTextAnnotation object for selecting. Select attachment annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with FreeTextAnnotation object. HighlightAnnotation object for selecting. Select underline annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with UnderlineAnnotation object. UnderlineAnnotation object for selecting. Select strikeOut annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with StrikeOutAnnotation object. StrikeOutAnnotation object for selecting. Select squiggly annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with SquigglyAnnotation object. SquigglyAnnotation object for selecting. Select popup annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with PopupAnnotation object. PopupAnnotation object for selecting. Select line annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with LineAnnotation object. LineAnnotation object for selecting. Select circle annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with CircleAnnotation object. CircleAnnotation object for selecting. Select square annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with SquareAnnotation object. SquareAnnotation object for selecting. Select ink annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with InkAnnotation object. InkAnnotation object for selecting. Select polyline annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with PolylineAnnotation object. PolylineAnnotation object for selecting. Select polygon annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with PolygonAnnotation object. PolygonAnnotation object for selecting. Select caret annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with CaretAnnotation object. CaretAnnotation object for selecting. Select stamp annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with StampAnnotation object. StampAnnotation object for selecting. Select widget annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with WidgetAnnotation object. WidgetAnnotation object for selecting. Select watermark annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with WatermarkAnnotation object. WatermarkAnnotation for selecting. Select movie annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with MovieAnnotation object. MovieAnnotation object for selecting. Select movie annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with RichMedia annotation object. RichMedia annotation. Select screen annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with ScreenAnnotation object. ScreenAnnotation object for selecting. Select PDF3D annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with PDF3DAnnotation object. PDF3DAnnotation object for selecting. The enumeration of states to which the original annotation can be set. Not defined state. The annotation has been marked by the user. The annotation has not been marked by the user. The user agrees with the change. The user disagrees with the change. The change has been cancelled. The change has been completed. The user has indicated nothing about the change. Class representing characteristics of annotation border. Writes attributes of effect property. Intensity value is being written only for cloudy type of effect. Xml writer. Gets or sets horizontal corner radius. Gets or sets vertical corner radius. Gets or sets border width. Gets or sets effect intencity. Valid range of value is [0..2]. Gets or sets border style. Gets or sets border effect. Gets or sets dash pattern. constructor of Border class. PDf object which describes annotation. Creates PDF object which describes the Border. Page where annotation which used this border is placed. PDF dictionary which contains border property. Constructor for border object. Parent annotation. Describes effect which should be applied to the border of the annotations. No effect. The border will appear "cloudly". Describes style of the annotation border. Solid border. Dashed border. Bevelled border. Inset border. Underlined border. Enumeration of the annotation�s caption positioning. The caption will be centered inside the line (default value). The caption will be on top of the line. A symbol to be associated with the caret. No symbol should be associated with the caret. A new paragraph symbol (�) should be associated with the caret. Class representing line dash pattern. Gets or sets length of dash. Gets or sets length of gap between dashes. Constructor for Dash. Length of the dash. Length of the gap. Creates PDF array which describes this dash object. Page where this object will be placed. PDF array representing dash style. An icon to be used in displaying the annotation. PushPin icon (default value). Graph icon. Paperclip icon. This is tag icon. Defines Visitor for visiting different document annotations. Visit/select link annotation. LinkAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select attachment annotation. FileAttachmentAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select text annotation. TextAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select freetext annotation. FreeTextAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select highlight annotation. HighlightAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select underline annotation. UnderlineAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select strikeOut annotation. StrikeOutAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select squiggly annotation. SquigglyAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select popup annotation. PopupAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select line annotation. LineAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select circle annotation. CircleAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select square annotation. SquareAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select ink annotation. InkAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select polyline annotation. PolylineAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select polygon annotation. PolygonAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select caret annotation. CaretAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select stamp annotation. StampAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select widget annotation. WidgetAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select movie annotation. MovieAnnotation object example/template. Visit/select screen annotation. ScreenAnnotation object example/template. Enumerates the line ending styles to be used in drawing the line. No line ending. A square filled with the annotation�s interior color, if any. A circle filled with the annotation�s interior color, if any. A diamond shape filled with the annotation�s interior color, if any. Two short lines meeting in an acute angle to form an open arrowhead. Two short lines meeting in an acute angle as in the OpenArrow style and connected by a third line to form a triangular closed arrowhead filled with the annotation�s interior color, if any. A short line at the endpoint perpendicular to the line itself. Two short lines in the reverse direction from OpenArrow. A triangular closed arrowhead in the reverse direction from ClosedArrow. A short line at the endpoint approximately 30 degrees clockwise from perpendicular to the line itself. Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation. Draft stamp icon. Approved stamp icon. Experimental stamp icon. Stamp icon is not approved. Stamp icon "as is". Stamp icon is expired. Not for public release. Confidential. Final stamp. Sold stamp. Departamental. For comment. For public release. Top secret. Represents a text annotation that is a �sticky note� attached to a point in the PDF document. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open. Gets or sets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. Gets or sets the state to which the original annotation should be set. Gets type of annotation. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Constructor for annotation when used in Generator. Document where text annotation will be created. Ititializes Text annotation with engine annotation object. Engine object that represents the annotation. The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. Creates new Text annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. Updates the Starting and Ending points, according to the matrix transform. Matrix specifying the transformation. Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation. Note icon. Comment icon. Key icon. Help icon. NewParagraph icon. Paragraph icon. Insert icon. Check icon. Cross icon. Circle icon. Star icon. Represents the base class for explicit destinations in PDF document. Gets the destination page object Gets the destination page number Creates instance of ExplicitDestination descendant classes. Engine destination object. DOM explicit destination object. Creates the explicit destination. The destination Aspose.Pdf.Page object. The type of explicit destination. The additional values of explicit destination type. Creates the explicit destination. The destination page number. The type of explicit destination. The additional values of explicit destination type. Creates instances of ExplicitDestination descendant classes. The object of destination page. The type of explicit destination. Array of double values. The explicit destination object. Creates instances of ExplicitDestination descendant classes. Document where destination will be created. Number of the page. Destionatyion type. Array of destination specific values. The explicit destination object. Creates instances of ExplicitDestination descendant classes. The destination page number. The type of explicit destination. Array of double values. The explicit destination object. Returns string representation of ExplicitDestination object. String representation. Represents general interface for actions and destinations. Returns string representation String representation. Enumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation�s text. Left justification. Center justification. Right justification. Represents named actions that PDF viewer applications are expected to support. Gets or sets the action to be performed. Constructor for Named Action class. Action for which this object is created. Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file. A named action to go to the first page. A named action to go to the last page. A named action to go to the next page. A named action to go to the previous page. A named action to open a print dialog (JavaScript). A named action to open a print dialog. A named action to find current bookmark. A named action to highlight current bookmark. A named action to add file attachment. A named action to crop document pages. A named action to delete document pages. A named action to exctract document pages. A named action to insert pages from a document. A named action to replace document pages. A named action to rotate document pages. A named action to check spelling in comments. A named action to find. A named action to edit preferences. A named action for searching. A named action for attaching current pdf document into email message. A named action to close the document. A named action to create pdf document from scanner. A named action to create pdf document from web page. A named action to exit pdf reader. A named action to open organizer. A named action to print the document. A named action to open the document properties. A named action to save the document with another name. A named action to zoom in the document. A named action to zoom out the document. A named action to print the document pages. A named action to go to the next view. A named action to go to the certain page. A named action to go to the previous document. A named action to go to the previous view. A named action to show/hide articles panel. A named action to show/hide attachment panel. A named action to show/hide bookmark panel. A named action to show/hide comments panel. A named action to show/hide fields panel. A named action to show/hide layers panel. A named action to show/hide model tree panel. A named action to show/hide pages panel. A named action to show/hide signatures panel. A named action to display single page. A named action to display single continious page. A named action to display pages as Two-Up. A named action to display pages as Two-Up continious. A named action to show/hide advanced editing toolbar. A named action to show/hide commenting toolbar. A named action to show/hide edit toolbar. A named action to show/hide file toolbar. A named action to show/hide find toolbar. A named action to show/hide forms toolbar. A named action to show/hide measuring toolbar. A named action to show/hide object data toolbar. A named action to show/hide page display toolbar. A named action to show/hide navigation toolbar. A named action to show/hide print production toolbar. A named action to show/hide property toolbar. A named action to show/hide redaction toolbar. A named action to show/hide select & zoom toolbar. A named action to show/hide tasks toolbar. A named action to show/hide typewriter toolbar. A named action to view pages in actual size. A named action to fit page on height. A named action to fit page. A named action to fit page visibility. A named action to fit page on width. A named action to make zoom. A named action to view the document in the full screen mode. Class which peroformes reading of XFDF format. Document doc = new Document("example.pdf"); Stream xfdfStream = File.OpenRead("file.xfdf"); XfdfReader.ReadAnnotations(xfdfStream, doc); xfdfStream.Close(); doc.Save("example_out.pdf"); Import annotations from XFDF file and put them into document. Source stream containing XFDF file. Document where annotations will be added. Import field values from XFDF file. Stream containing XFDF data. Document where fields data will be imported. Parses XFDF file and returns information as hashtable. XmlReader for the source file. Hashtable with information parsed from XFDF file. Aggregates methods of writing annotations and fields to XFDF file format Get Xfdf packet from XFA teamplate (this used when data packet is empty to get valid fields structure in exporeted data) Writes annotations from list to XFDF stream. XFDF stream. The document that holds the annotations. Enumerates the types of explicit destinations. Display the page with the coordinates (left,�top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value. Display the page with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Display the page with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Display the page with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Display the page with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and topentirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the rectangle within the window in the other dimension. A null value for any of the parameters may result in unpredictable behavior. Display the page with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension. Display the page with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Display the page with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Instead of being defined directly with the explicit syntax, a destination may be referred to indirectly by means of a name object or a byte string. Gets the name of named destination. Create named destination. Document where named destination should be created. Name to which destination refers. Converts destination to string value. String value. A screen annotation that specifies a region of a page upon which media clips may be played. Creates new Screen annotation on the specified page. The document's page where annotation should be created. The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. The path to multimedia file. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. Visitor object. Gets or sets the title of the screen annotation. Gets or sets an action to be performed when the annotation is activated. Gets type of annotation. A rendition action that controls the playing of multimedia content. Creates the rendition action. The path to multimedia file. The ScreenAnnotation object the RenditionAction will be bound with. Gets or sets rendition associated with the action. The operation to perform when the action is triggered. Gets or sets JavaScript code associated with the action. Enumerates the operations to perform with document during launch action executing. Undefined state. Open a document. Print a document. This enum represents version of pdf file. Adobe version 1.0 Adobe version 1.1 Adobe version 1.2 Adobe version 1.3 Adobe version 1.4 Adobe version 1.5 Adobe version 1.6 Adobe version 1.7 ISO Standard PDF 2.0 Extra methods for enum . Converts version to string format. The Version. Version in the string format '0.0'. The arial font encoded. Note arial name encoded using key. The global venture licenser Initializes static members of the class. Applies the venture licensing status to the Aspose.Imaging.Image instance. The object to license. if set to true the is licensed and no restrictions/watermarks applied. The evaluation watermark text. Size of the evaluation watermark font. Width of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Height of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Name of the evaluation watermark font. May be null if you do not want the default font to change. The vertical alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. The line alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. Applies the venture licensing status Licensed to the Aspose.Imaging.Image. The object to license. The global venture licenser Initializes static members of the class. Applies the venture licensing status to the Aspose.TeX.TeXJob instance. The object to license. if set to true the is licensed and no restrictions/watermarks applied. The evaluation watermark text. Size of the evaluation watermark font. Width of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Height of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Name of the evaluation watermark font. May be null if you do not want the default font to change. The vertical alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. The line alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. The global venture licenser Initializes static members of the class. Applies the venture licensing status to the Aspose.Page.Document instance. The object to license. if set to true the is licensed and no restrictions/watermarks applied. The evaluation watermark text. Size of the evaluation watermark font. Width of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Height of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Name of the evaluation watermark font. May be null if you do not want the default font to change. The vertical alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. The line alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. This is alternative class for checking document restrictions. Used for collections which are The global venture licenser Initializes static members of the class. Applies the venture licensing status to the Aspose.Pdf.Engine.Presentation.Image or Aspose.Pdf.Engine.Presentation.LoadOptions instance. The object to license. if set to true the is licensed and no restrictions/watermarks applied. The evaluation watermark text. Size of the evaluation watermark font. Width of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Height of the evaluation watermark in pixels. Name of the evaluation watermark font. May be null if you do not want the default font to change. The vertical alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. The line alignment. For the sake of security this is integer parameter which is one of the System.Drawing.StringAlignment values. The class is intended to specify that venture is actually using this product. FOR JAVA please try to hide this class. The licensed state is VentureLicenseState type. The Venture watermark to draw, this is an array of objects specifying parameters for watermark. The hash value to check that actually this instance was initialized correctly (using VentureLicenser class). The venture license decoder FOR JAVA please try to hide this class. Gets the state of the venture license. The document. The venture license state. Gets the state of the venture license. The editor. The venture license state. Gets the state of the venture license. The extractor. The venture license state. Gets the state of the venture license. The document. The venture license state. Gets the state of the venture license. The editor. The venture license state. Gets the state of the venture license. The extractor. The venture license state. Gets the state of the venture license. The venture license object. The venture license state. Decodes the state of the venture license. The venture license object. The decoded parameters. The Venture license parameters FOR JAVA please try to hide this class. The watermark string encoded This class is invoked by the GroupDocs.Product to license/watermak an Aspose.Product document instance. The calling must be done in a "secure" way so it is harder for hackers to find how GroupDocs uses Aspose without a license. To make the calling "secure" the class is internal so its name will be obfuscated, but it has a unique combination of default parameter values in its special constructor so GroupDocs can find it. This type has to be a struct, not a class. There is a situation where AppDomain sometimes cannot invoke internal members via reflection. We overcome this by creating default structure instances, it is somewhat a security hole in .NET. Related info FOR JAVA please try to hide this class. Determines whether the specified , is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. Gets the dummy value. The value 1. The value 2. The value 3. Venture licenser. Indicates the venture licensing status applied. FOR JAVA please try to hide this class. The venture has not called us. So we are working in normal standalone mode. The venture product is in the evaluation mode. The venture product is in the licensed mode. The Length of this BigInteger The data for this BigInteger Default length of a BigInteger in bytes Table of primes below 2000. This table was generated using Mathematica 4.1 using the following function: PrimeTable [x_] := Prime [Range [1, PrimePi [x]]] PrimeTable [6000] Tests if the specified bit is 1. The bit to test. The least significant bit is 0. True if bitNum is set to 1, else false. Normalizes this by setting the length to the actual number of uints used in data and by setting the sign to Sign.Zero if the value of this is 0. Low level functions for the BigInteger Adds two numbers with the same sign. A BigInteger A BigInteger bi1 + bi2 Compares two BigInteger A BigInteger A BigInteger The sign of bi1 - bi2 Performs n / d and n % d in one operation. A BigInteger, upon exit this will hold n / d The divisor n % d Defines a MemoryStream that can contains more standard capacity Default buffer size value in bytes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the specified byte array. Size of the underlying buffers. The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream. Initializes a new instance of the class. Size of the underlying buffers. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the specified byte array. The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading. true if the stream supports reading; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. true if the stream supports seeking; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing. true if the stream supports writing; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the size of the underlying buffers. The buffers size. When overridden in a derived class, gets the length in bytes of the stream. A long value representing the length of the stream in bytes. When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the position within the current stream. The current position within the stream. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to free the underlying buffers on dispose. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. When overridden in a derived class, reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read. An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values The zero-based byte offset in at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream. The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. Reads a byte from the stream and advances the position within the stream by one byte, or returns -1 if at the end of the stream. byte or -1 if at the end of the stream. When overridden in a derived class, sets the position within the current stream. A byte offset relative to the parameter. A value of type indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position. The new position within the current stream. The function overrided. When overridden in a derived class, sets the length of the current stream. The desired length of the current stream in bytes. Converts the current stream to a byte array. An array of bytes When overridden in a derived class, writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written. An array of bytes. This method copies bytes from to the current stream. The zero-based byte offset in at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream. The number of bytes to be written to the current stream. The sum of and is greater than the buffer length. Writes a byte to the current position in the stream and advances the position within the stream by one byte. The byte to write to the stream. Writes to the specified stream. The stream. The dictionary that implements Hashtable behavior when gets a value associated with the specified key. Implements 'ordered' dictionary in C++ version. It returns keys in order they were added to the dictionary. Key type Value type Initializes a new HashDictionary collection. Initializes a new HashDictionary collection with specified count of items. Initializes a new instance of the HashDictionary collection that contains elements copied from the specified HashDictionary. The HashDictionary whose elements are copied to the new HashDictionary. Repeats Hashtable behavior - returns null if the key is not found. The key whose value to get or set The value associated with the specified key. If the specified key is not found then returns null Specifies color type of elements on page. RGB color type. Grayscale color type. Black and white color type. Undefined color type value. Provides methods for COM clients to load a document into Aspose.Pdf. Use the ComHelper class to load a document from a file or stream into a Document object in a COM application. The Document class provides a default constructor to create a new document and also provides overloaded constructors to load a document from a file or stream. If you are using Aspose.Words from a .NET application, you can use all of the Document constructors directly, but if you are using Aspose.Pdf from a COM application, only the default Document constructor is available. Initialize and return new Document instance from the stream. Stream with pdf document. Document object Initialize and return new Document instance from the stream. Input stream object, corresponding pdf is password protected. User or owner password. Document object Initialize and return new Document instance from the stream. Stream with pdf document. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Document object Initialize and return new Document instance from the stream. Stream with pdf document. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Document object Open and return an existing document from a stream providing necessary converting to get pdf document. Input stream to convert into pdf document. Represents properties for converting into pdf document. Document object Just create and return Document using . The same as . The name of the pdf document file. Document object Initialize and return new instance of the class for working with encrypted document. Document file name. User or owner password. Document object Initialize new instance of the class for working with encrypted document. Document file name. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Document object Open an existing document from a file providing necessary converting oprions to get pdf document. Input file to convert into pdf document. Represents properties for converting into pdf document. Document object Basic objective of this class is to accumulate information about font substitutions and to send notifictions about font substitutions to subscribers Checks and registers(in case of successfull verification) new font substitution for parent Document. Duplicate substitutions are ignored. Notification about font substitution generated after registration. previous font new font trailerable Checks and registers(in case of successfull verification) new font substitution for parent Document. This overloaded version is added for implicit substitutions(occured in PdfFont object) which are majority cases of font substitutions. Duplicate substitutions are ignored. Notification about font substitution generated after registration. Returns all the font substitutions Pairs of (prevous font, new font) presented as Font objects This interface declares necessary functionality for register font substitutions Register substitution for passed fonts. Fonts passed as IPdfFont objects in this method. original font new font which replaces an original font trailerable Register substitution for fonts which are represented via FontDefinition objects. This method was added due to necessity to register "implicit" substitutions which have place in PdfFont object. Font definition for original font Font definition for new font This method must return all the substitutions registered for current document. Added for trace objectives. all the substitution pairs This interface declares a callback mechanism to send notifications Sends notification about font substitution via event mechanism original font new font Returns true if font substitutions are enabled IRegistrar for current document Represents single font file source. Initializes a new instance of class. Font file byte array. Font file byte array. Check if font file source objects are equal. Font file source object which will be compared. True if both objects are font file sources targeted to the same file. Releases internal resources. Represents single font file source. Initializes a new instance of class. Path to the font file. Path to the font file. Check if font file source objects are equal. Font file source object which will be compared. True if both objects are font file sources targeted to the same file. Represents the folder that contains font files. Initializes a new instance of class. Path to the folder. Path to the folder that contains font files. Check if folder font source objects are equal. Folder font source object which will be compared. True if both objects are folder font sources targeted to the same folder. Represents a base class fot font source. Represents font sources collection. Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether collection is read only. Always returns false; Initializes collection object Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Adds new font source object to the collection. Font source. Clears the font source collection. Deletes the font source element. FontSource object that will be deleted. Deletes the font source element at the specified index. Index of FontSource object within the collection that will be deleted. Gets the font element at the specified index. Index within the collection. Font source object. Determines whether an element is in the collection. FontSource object to search. True - if element found; otherwise, false. Deletes the font source element. FontSource object that will be deleted. True - if element found; otherwise, false. Represents all fonts installed to the system. Initializes a new instance of class. Check if system font source objects are equal. System font source object which will be compared. True if both objects are system font sources, false otherwise. Represents a base class for custom font substitution strategy. Substitutes original font with another font. The class CustomFontSubstitutionBase should be inherited to implement custom font substitution logic. TrySubstitute method should be overridden properly: Must return true in case substitution is required. substitutionFont must be set to valid Font object. Must return false in case no substitution is required. substitutionFont may be set to null. Original font specification. Substitution font. True in case substitution was successfull. Represents original font specification. Provides info related to original font such as , flag. Also provides flag that helps to check is the substitution will anyway happen with the font and the user may override the default substitution logic. Initializes new OriginalFontSpecification object. Gets original font name. Gets a value that indicates whether the font is embedded. Gets a value that indicates that the substitution is unavoidable. Returns true in case substitution was requested because of absence of the original font or in case original font cannot be used in context of some task. In case user ignores the flag and doesn't substitute the font - default font substitution procedure is performed. But it provides opportunity for the user to alternate standard font substitution procedure and set better font to the system. Returns false in case original font is present, valid, but it is allowed for the user to substitute it. Represents a class for font substitution strategy that substitutes fonts with system fonts. Initializes a new instance of class. Target font categories to substitute with system fonts Gets or sets substitution font categories that should be substituted with system fonts. Gets or sets default substitution font. The font is used when no other valid substitution were found but initial font belongs to target substitution category (). Represents font categories that can be substituted. The fonts that are named the same as system fonts. Those fonts are mostly safe to be substituted with the same named system fonts. All embedded fonts are substituted. Represents a base class fot font substitution strategies. Returns unicode substitution Represents font substitution strategies collection. Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether collection is read only. Always returns false; Initializes collection object Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Adds new font substitution object to the collection. Font substitution strategy. Clears the font substitution collection. Deletes the font substitution element at the specified index. Deletes the font substitution element. Determines whether an element is in the collection. FontSubstitution object to search. True - if element found; otherwise, false. Deletes the font substitution element. FontSubstitution object to delete. True - if element removed; otherwise, false. Gets the font element at the specified index. Index within the collection. FontSubstitution object. Represents a class for simple font substitution strategy. Gets original font name that should be substituted with Gets font name that should substitute the Gets unicode substitution objects that define characted code substitutions Gets the flag denoting whether substitution is forced by DefaultFontName save option Initializes a new instance of class. Original font name. Substitution font name. Substitution forced by DefaultFontName save option. Initializes a new instance of class. Original font name. Substitution font name. Unicode substitution object list. Represents character code substitution. In some cases substituting font may not contain original unicode character. For those cases characted substitution may be set explicitly with structs. Creates character code substitution struct. Original unicode value. Substitution unicode value. Represents original character unicode Represents character unicode that substitutes original unicode Lam-Alef is a ligature in the Arabic script. It is formed from the letters Lam and Alef. In contrast to the other ligatures found in Arabic texts, the Lam-Alef is an obligatory ligature and must be used whenever Lam and Alef meet. This also applies if the Alef is provided with a Hamza or Madda. String containing two characters. It is expected char with index 0 is Lam (U+0644), and char with index 1 is one of the form of Alef (U+0622 - U+0627) String representing corresponding form of Arabic Ligature Lam with Alef (U+FEF5 - U+FEFB). Or original string in the case it isn't an obligatory ligature. Digit shaping option: Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits. Digit shaping option: Replace Arabic-Indic digits by European digits (U+0030...U+0039). Digit shaping option: Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits if the most recent strongly directional character is an Arabic letter (its Bidi direction value is RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC). The initial state at the start of the text is assumed to be not an Arabic, letter, so European digits at the start of the text will not change. Compare to DIGITS_ALEN2AN_INIT_AL. Digit shaping option: Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits if the most recent strongly directional character is an Arabic letter (its Bidi direction value is RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC). The initial state at the start of the text is assumed to be an Arabic, letter, so European digits at the start of the text will change. Compare to DIGITS_ALEN2AN_INT_LR. Not a valid option value. Bit mask for digit shaping options. Digit type option: Use Arabic-Indic digits (U+0660...U+0669). Digit type option: Use Eastern (Extended) Arabic-Indic digits (U+06f0...U+06f9). Bit mask for digit type options. Returns true if the test consists of rtl chars Text Returns true if the char is RTL Char Returns Arabic text representation Returns Arabic text representation for TextEditOptions.LanguageTransformation.ExactlyAsISee Left-to-right Left-to-Right Embedding Left-to-Right Override Right-to-Left Right-to-Left Arabic Right-to-Left Embedding Right-to-Left Override Pop Directional Format European Number European Number Separator European Number Terminator Arabic Number Common Number Separator Non-Spacing Mark Boundary Neutral Paragraph Separator Segment Separator Whitespace Other Neutrals Minimum bidi type value. Maximum bidi type value. Initialize using an array of direction types. Types range from TYPE_MIN to TYPE_MAX inclusive and represent the direction codes of the characters in the text. @param types the types array Initialize using an array of direction types and an externally supplied paragraph embedding level. The embedding level may be -1, 0, or 1. -1 means to apply the default algorithm (rules P2 and P3), 0 is for LTR paragraphs, and 1 is for RTL paragraphs. @param types the types array @param paragraphEmbeddingLevel the externally supplied paragraph embedding level. The algorithm. Does not include line-based processing (Rules L1, L2). These are applied later in the line-based phase of the algorithm. Reinsert levels information for explicit codes. This is for ease of relating the level information to the original input data. Note that the levels assigned to these codes are arbitrary, they're chosen so as to avoid breaking level runs. @param textLength the length of the data after compression @return the length of the data (original length of types array supplied to constructor) 2) determining explicit levels Rules X1 - X8 The interaction of these rules makes handling them a bit complex. This examines resultTypes but does not modify it. It returns embedding and override information in the result array. The low 7 bits are the level, the high bit is set if the level is an override, and clear if it is an embedding. 3) resolving weak types Rules W1-W7. Note that some weak types (EN, AN) remain after this processing is complete. 6) resolving neutral types Rules N1-N2. 7) resolving implicit embedding levels Rules I1, I2. Return multiline reordering array for a given level array. Reordering does not occur across a line break. Return reordering array for a given level array. This reorders a single line. The reordering is a visual to logical map. For example, the leftmost char is string.CharAt(order[0]). Rule L2. Returns array of natural numbers from 0 to length - 1 Return the base level of the paragraph. Return true if the type is considered a whitespace type for the line break rules. Return the strong type (L or R) corresponding to the level. Return the limit of the run starting at index that includes only resultTypes in validSet. This checks the value at index, and will return index if that value is not in validSet. Return the start of the run including index that includes only resultTypes in validSet. This assumes the value at index is valid, and does not check it. Set resultTypes from start up to (but not including) limit to newType. Set resultLevels from start up to (but not including) limit to newLevel. Throw exception if type array is invalid. Throw exception if paragraph embedding level is invalid. Special allowance for -1 so that default processing can still be performed when using this API. Throw exception if line breaks array is invalid. Describes PDF matrix. It is used in text state,graphics state,etc. A member of metrix B member of metrix C member of metrix D member of metrix E member of metrix F member of metrix default constructor. Represents the state of PDF text. character spacing word spacing horizontal scaling leading slot number of the current font font size text matrix text rendering mode text rise text line matrix the width of text's inline paragarph (if has) Performs inspection of imported content and applies additional evaluation restrictions if necesssary Gets number of page that was inspected Gets value that shows whether process of string changing is finished with success Gets total number of fragments that will be replaced with EvaluationText Gets total evaluation text using for replacement Gets evaluation ending text Initializes new EvaluationTextExportInspector object Inspects input IPdfString and updates it according to evaluation export rules if necessary input IPdfString updated IPdfString Performs post processing of extrated text Class contains information about operators which references to the font Add font usage record ID of Page or XForm object Operator collection Resources Operator Add font reference record Class for unused fonts removal. Used to implement wokrk oof TextFragmentAbsorber with TextEditOptions.FontReplace.RemoveUnusedFonts option. Page or XForm ID Useful properties to tune Font behaviour Sometimes it's not possible to embed desired font into document. There are many reasons, for example license restrictions or when desired font was not found on destination computer. When this situation comes it's not simply to detect, because desired font is embedded via set of property flag Font.IsEmbedded = true; Of course it's possible to read this property immediately after it was set but it's not convenient approach. Flag NotifyAboutFontEmbeddingError enforces exception mechanism for cases when attempt to embed font became failed. If this flag is set an exception of type will be thrown. By default false. The Aspose.Pdf.Text namespace provides classes that allow to extract text, add text, manipulate existing text of a document. It also contain classes that allow to extract, replace, substitute fonts of a document. Contains additional information about OnSegmentChangedEvent that is delivered to listeners. Represents a paragraph. Points of polygon that describes paragraph. Starting point is lower left corner of the paragraph. And next points are in anti-clockwise sequence. Points of secondary polygon describes paragraph continuation. It will not be null if the paragraph is continued in the next column or page. Starting point is lower left corner of the paragraph. And next points are in anti-clockwise sequence. List of page numbers on which the paragraph is continued. It will match with page where the paragraph started if it is continuing in the next column on the same page. Collection of not empty objects of the paragraph. The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). Lines of paragraph. Each line represented by list of text fragments. The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). Gets text object that the object represents. Represents a markup section - the rectangular region of a page that contains text and can be visually divided from another text blocks. Section rectangle Collection of not empty objects that are inside the section. The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). Collection of objects that are inside the section. Lines of section. Each line represented by list of text fragments. The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). Picks text fragments associated with the section from input list. Returns list of remaining fragments. List of input text fragments. List of remaining text fragments. Distribute text of section for paragraphs. Determine whether section text looks aligned to left True if section text looks aligned to left. Otherwise - false. Determine whether section text looks aligned to right True if section text looks aligned to right. Otherwise - false. Distribute left aligned text of section for paragraphs. Distribute right aligned text of section for paragraphs. Page markup represented by collections of and . Gets processed page number. Gets processed page rectangle. Gets collection of that was found on the page. Gets collection of that was found on the page. Gets collection of that was found on the page. Gets collection of that was found on the page. The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). Gets or sets value that indicates whether starting text lines of a next section may be treated as continuation of the last paragraph of a previous section. Initializes this with page object. Page object Distributes page (markup) text fragments for sections. Calculates average fontsize of text on the markup. Average size of font Rebuilds paragraphs using 'cross-section' rule Rebuilds paragraphs using 'isolated section' rule Gets all paragraphs that is left from the specifified x-coordinate starting from most lower right one X-coordinate of the vertical line left from that search will be performed. List of MarkupParagraph objects Represents an absorber object of page structure objects such as sections and paragraphs. Performs search for sections and paragraphs of text and provides access for rectangles and polydons that describes it in text coordinate space. Also performs text segments search and provides access to search results via collections grouped by structure elements. When the search is completed the collection will contains objects that represents page structure by collections of and . The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). The example demonstrates how to find first text segment of each paragraph on the first PDF document page and highlight it. // Open document Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); // Create ParagraphAbsorber object ParagraphAbsorber absorber = new ParagraphAbsorber(); // Accept the absorber for first page absorber.Visit(doc.Pages[1]); // Get markup object of first page PageMarkup markup = absorber.PageMarkups[0]; // Loop through structure elements of the page text to find first text fragment of each paragraph foreach (MarkupSection section in markup.Sections) { foreach (MarkupParagraph paragraph in section.Paragraphs) { TextFragment fragment = paragraph.Fragments[0]; // Update text properties fragment.TextState.BackgroundColor = Color.LightBlue; } } // Save document doc.Save(GetOutputPath("output.pdf")); Initializes a new instance of the that performs search for sections/paragraphs of the document or page. Initializes a new instance of the that performs search for sections/paragraphs of the document or page. See property for more hints about the parameter. Number of sequential searches for more fine elements of structure that will be performed. Gets collection of that were absorbed. Gets or sets value that instructs how many times sequential searches for more fine elements of structure will be performed. Default search depth is 3. It means three searches for horizontally divided sections (headers, paragraphs etc) and three searches for vertically divided ones (columns). Increasing of this value may lead to minor decreasing performance with no visible changes in search result. Decreasing of this value may lead to incorrect determination of paragraphs in sections. We are not recommend to set value less than default if you aren't desire to get only 'rough' elements of page structure. Gets or sets value that indicates whether starting text lines of a next section may be treated as continuation of the last paragraph of a previous section. Performs search for sections and paragraphs on the specified . Pdf document object. Performs search on the specified . Pdf document page object. Represents cell of table that exist on the page Gets collection of objects that describes text containing in the cell Initializes new AbsorbedCell object with rectangle that describes position Rectangle object Adds TextFragment object to the cell TextFragment object Value indicates operation success. (Unused now.) Adds TextFragment object to the cell Value indicates operation success. (Unused now.) Gets rectangle that describes position of the cell on page Represents row of table that exist on the page Gets readonly IList containing cells of the row Gets rectangle that describes position of the row on page Set rectangle that describes position of the Row on page. Used for FlowEngine mode as RecomputeRectangle() less accurate for this mode Initializes new AbsorbedRow object with list of its cells List collection of cells of the row Initializes new AbsorbedRow object with AbsorbedCell object Object representing first cell of row Adds AbsorbedCell object to the row Object representing first cell of table Please call this after adding of cells to recompute rectangle of the row Represents table that exist on the page Gets readonly IList containing rows of the table Gets rectangle that describes position of the table on page Set rectangle that describes position of the table on page. Used for FlowEngine mode as RecomputeRectangle() less accurate for this mode Gets number of the page containing this table Initializes new AbsorbedTable object with list of its rows List collection of rows of the table Initializes new AbsorbedTable object with AbsorbedRow object Object representing first row of table Adds AbsorbedRow object to the table Object representing row of table Please call this after adding of rows to recompute rectangle of the table This interface represents an element of existing table extracted by TableAbsorber. Gets rectangle that describes position of table element on the page Represents an absorber object of table elements. Performs search and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find table on the first PDF document page and replace the text in a table cell. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TableAbsorber object to find tables TableAbsorber absorber = new TableAbsorber(); // Visit first page with absorber absorber.Visit(pdfDocument.Pages[1]); // Get access to first table on page, their first cell and text fragments in it TextFragment fragment = absorber.TableList[0].RowList[0].CellList[0].TextFragments[1]; // Change text of the first text fragment in the cell fragment.Text = "hi world"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets or sets text search options. Allows to define several options that will be used during search text containing in tables. Returns readonly IList containing tables that were found * Activate an early alfa version of alternative table recognition engine that could be used for conversion tables without borders. Doesn't support editing tables and getting text styles yet. Default value is false; Initializes a new instance of the with text search options. Performs searching for tables and provides access to the tables via object. Text search options Initializes a new instance of the . Performs searching for tables and provides access to the tables via object. Extracts tables on the specified page The example demonstrates how to extract table on the first PDF document page. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TableAbsorber object to find tables TableAbsorber absorber = new TableAbsorber(); // Visit first page with absorber absorber.Visit(pdfDocument.Pages[1]); // Get access to first table on page, their first cell and text fragments in it TextFragment fragment = absorber.TableList[0].RowList[0].CellList[0].TextFragments[1]; // Change text of the first text fragment in the cell fragment.Text = "hi world"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Pdf pocument page object. Removes an from the page. to remove. Please take into account it changes TableList collection. In case removing/replacing tables in loop please use copy of TableList collection. Replaces an with on the page. Pdf pocument page object. to be replaced. to replace old table. Please take into account it changes TableList collection. In case removing/replacing tables in loop please use copy of TableList collection. Gets reactangles array representing table cells found on the page. Internal usage of TableAbsorber for TextPostReplaceFixer (PDFNET-45252). Pdf pocument page object. Array of reactangles representing table cells. Distribute rectangles (lines) for ranges along the coordinate specified as 'primary' List of unsorted rectangles True when 'primary coordinate' is abscissa. False when 'primary coordinate' is ordinate. SortedList where key is aproximate range coordinate and value is list containing rectangles falling within the given range Restore state Save state Enumerates the tab alignment types. Text aligned left from tab stop Text aligned center from tab stop Text aligned right from tab stop Enumerates the tab leader types. Solid tab leader. Dash tab leader. Dot tab leader. No tab leader. Represents a custom Tab stop position in a paragraph. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with specified position. The position of the tab stop. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the tab stop position. Gets or sets a enum that indicates the tab leader type. Gets or sets a enum that indicates the tab tab alignment type. Gets value indicating that this instance is already attached to and became readonly Represents a collection of objects. Gets position from which distribution of tab stops will be continued. Gets shift from which distribution of tab stops will be continued. Gets current tab alignment. Gets current tab leader type. Contains pre-calculated tab leader length. It used by TextFragment. It should not use it if you don't sure. Gets value indicating that this instance is already attached to and became readonly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class and add it to the TabStops collection. The new object. Initializes a new instance of the class with specified position and add it to the TabStops collection. The position of the tab stop. The new object. Add instance of the class to the TabStops collection. The object. Initializes a new instance of the class with specified position and add it to the TabStops collection. The position of the tab stop. The new object. Initializes a new instance of the class with specified position and leader type and add it to the TabStops collection. The position of the tab stop. The leader type of the tab stop. The new object. Removes a object from the collection. Clones a new objects. The new object. Gets or sets a object from the collection according to TabStop index. Zero-based index of element in collection. object. Describes the text extraction error has appeared in the PDF document. Brief description of the error. Expanded description of the error. Location of the error. Key (PDF name) of the Font object that is used for showing text that causes extraction error. Readable (internal) name of the Font object that is used for showing text that causes extraction error. Text that was actually extracted. Returns string representation. String representation. Represents the location in the PDF document where text extraction error has appeared. Location of the PDF document where text extraction error has appeared. Number of the document page where text extraction error has located. Type of the PDF object (Page or xForm) in which contents stream text extraction error has located. Key (name) of the PDF Form XObject in which contents stream text extraction error has located. Not empty if ObjectType == 'xForm'. Index of text showing operator in the contents stream (operator collection) that causes text extraction error. Text showing operator that causes text extraction error. Key (name) of the PDF Font object that is used for showing of the operator that causes text extraction error. Key (name) of the PDF Font object that is used for showing of the operator that causes text extraction error. Returns string representation. String representation. A tool for verification text segments for possibility of text extraction and for errors in extraction result. Incapsulates logic of text adjusment after replace. Adjusts segments positions in line after text replacement to avoid extra spaces and overlap of text. Collection of PhysicalTextSegment representing line of text. Value representing current segment length change that need to adjust. When 'true' it minimize segment internal adjustments to 0. Despite of adjustment value. When 'false' internal adjustments minimizing stops on adjustment value is reached. Enlarges spaces to make string longer. Collection of PhysicalTextSegment representing line of text. Positive value representing line length enlarging. Moves whole words between lines represented by segment collections according to specified adjustment value. Segments collection representing adjusted line. Segments collection representing line on / from which words will be moved. in: Value representing necessary change of length of adjusted line. Actual change of length done. This method checks the overlapping of unselected segments selected segments Try to form new paragraph using available free space on the page. Used when no actual pargraphs were found. It designed for situation when lone text fragment is replaced with longer text. PhysicalTextSegment representing replacement text Length of the text that wasn't placed because of the free space lack. Returning of zero value indicates that operation was completely successful. Clips available area for better look if possible Rectangle representing initial area for place text Minimal square that required for text Height of the text Rectangle representing optimized area for place text The text rendering mode, Tmode, determines whether showing text shall cause glyph outlines to be stroked, filled, used as a clipping boundary, or some combination of the three. Fill text. Stroke text. Fill, then stroke text. Neither fill nor stroke text (invisible). Fill text and add to path for clipping (see 9.3.6, "Text Rendering Mode,"). Stroke text and add to path for clipping. Fill, then stroke text and add to path for clipping. Add text to path for clipping. Represents buffered stream source fot Aspose.Font font stream sources. Represents font usage context. The class allows to provide optimized access to fonts caching stream connections etc. Begins to suppress close strams. All streams in BufferedStreamSources will remain open until EndSuppressClose methiod is called Registers font to monitor it's opened stream. When EndSuppressClose method is called its stream will be closed. Ends suppress close. Closes all streams kept open. Represents an absorber object of fonts. Performs search for fonts and provides access to search results via collection. Initializes a new instance of the that performs search for fonts of the document. Gets collection of search occurrences that are presented with objects. Performs search in the specified range of pages of the document. Pdf pocument object. Pdf pocument start page. Pdf document page count Performs search on the specified document. Pdf pocument object. Represents CharInfo objects collection. Provides access to positioning information of text segment characters. The example demonstrates how to iterate throught all the characters and retrieve the charact //open document Document pdfDocument = new Document(inFile); //create TextFragmentAbsorber object to collect all the text objects of the page TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(); //accept the absorber for all the pages pdfDocument.Pages[1].Accept(textFragmentAbsorber); //get the extracted text fragments TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber.TextFragments; //loop through the fragments foreach (TextFragment textFragment in textFragmentCollection) { //loop through the segments foreach (TextSegment textSegment in textFragment.Segments) { //loop through the characters for (int i = 1; i <= textSegment.Text.Length; i++) { CharInfo charInfo = textSegment.Characters[i]; // print character position and rectangle info Console.WriteLine("XIndent : {0} ", charInfo.Position.XIndent); Console.WriteLine("YIndent : {0} ", charInfo.Position.YIndent); Console.WriteLine("Width : {0} ", charInfo.Rectangle.Width); Console.WriteLine("Height : {0} ", charInfo.Rectangle.Height); } } } Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether collection is read-only Initializes collection object with textSegment object Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Collection is read-only, throws NotImplementedException. Item to add. Collection is read-only. Always throws NotImplementedException. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Collection is read-only, throws NotImplementedException. Item to remove. NotImplementedException Gets the CharInfo element at the specified index. Index within the collection. CharInfo object. The analyzer provides several function related to analysis of text content and extraction quality control. It is internal yet but we are planing adding of public functions in future. Text language English only supported yet. Unknown or not defined English language Text style (purpose, substance) Business text style only supported yet. Please do not confuse with FontStyle. Unknown or not defined Business text style (invoices, agreements, reports ect.) Alphabet (latin, cyrillic, hebrew etc.) used for text It almost match to Unicode category but more flexible because it used as characteristic of text sample. Several alpabets only supported yet. Unknown or not defined Text contains mostly universal characters (numbers, spaces, punctuations ect.) Text based on Latin Text based on Cyrillic Text based on Hebrew Text based on Arabic (including most of Aramaic) Text based on Chinese, Japanese, or Korean Text based on Brahmic scripts Text based on other known language Get or sets expected language for analysing text Get or sets expected style for analysing text Gets known Unicode blocks. Initializes a new instance of the The analyzer provides several function related to analysis of text content and extraction quality control. Initializes a new instance of the with expected language and style The analyzer provides several function related to analysis of text content and extraction quality control. Only English language and Business text style supported yet. Expected text language. Expected text style. Determinants whether analyzer can choose readable string taking into account expected language / style and implemented patterns Analyzer might to make choose even if the method return 'false' but it will on your own risk. First (encoded) string Second (decoded) string True if analyzer can choose between the strings. False - analyzer doesn't ready for processing specified conditions. Choose more human readable string from two input strings Now it used only for checking quality of decoding with specified font First (encoded) string Second (decoded) string More human readable string Choose more human readable string from two input strings taking into account current font key success Now it used only for checking quality of decoding with specified font First (encoded) string Second (decoded) string Key string of font for using previouse statistics Gets text predominate alphabet (latin, cyrillic, hebrew etc.) Text for script determination. Alphabet likely associated with text Gets alphabet (latin, cyrillic, hebrew etc.) for the character Character for determination. Alphabet including the character Checks whether the character is of Latin alphabet and may be used in font name Character to check True when the char may be used in font name. Otherwise - false. Checks whether the string may be used as correct font name String to check True when the string may represent font name. Otherwise - false. Checks whether the character is Thai alphabet vowel that placed on the upper level of the line Character to check True when the char Thai alphabet vowel from the upper level of the line. Otherwise - false. Checks whether the character is Thai alphabet sign that placed on the highest level of the line Character to check True when the char Thai alphabet vowel from the upper level of the line. Otherwise - false. Represents Unicode block (range). It is internal yet but we are planing make it public in future. Gets block internal identifier. Gets block name Gets the first code point in the range represented by this UnicodeBlock instance. Gets the last code point in the range represented by this UnicodeBlock instance. Gets the number of code points in the range represented by this UnicodeBlock instance. Initializes a new instance of the Determines whether an character code point is in the Character code point Determines whether an character code point is in the Character code point Determines whether an character is in the character Unicode blocks (ranges). Supported font types enumeration. TTF font type OTF font type Represents a language transformation object Determines if the string contains chars of current language Performs transformation of the string Performs transformation of the string Checks if a character is vowel letter. @param ch the character that needs to be checked @return true if the characters is a vowel letter Checks if a character is vowel sign. @param ch the character that needs to be checked @return true if the characters is a vowel sign Checks if a character is consonant letter. @param ch the character that needs to be checked @return true if the chracter is a consonant letter Swaps two characters in a StringBuilder object @param s the StringBuilder @param i the index of one character @param j the index of the other character Constructor for the IndicLigaturizer for Devanagari. Represents a language transformation object Determines if the string contains chars of current language Performs transformation of the string Performs transformation of the string Represents a language transformation object Gets language transformation object Performs transformation of the string Performs transformation of the string Represents a position object Gets the X coordinate of the object Gets the Y coordinate of the object Initializes a new instance of class X coordinate value. Y coordinate value. Gets string representation for the current object. String representration of the Position object. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Object that is checked for equality. True in case objects are equal. Defines text subsystem defaults Default font Default font Default font size Default font size Represents text formatting options Initializes new instance of the object for the specified word wrap mode. Word wrap mode. Initializes new instance of the object with undefined word wrap mode. Clones TextFormattingOptions instance. Cloned TextFormattingOptions Gets or sets word wrap mode. Default value is WordWrapMode.NoWrap Defines word wrapping strategies No wrapping is performed Discretionary hyphenation is performed. Allows breaking words in the middle. Word wrapping only wraps complete words. If the complete word cannot be wrapped, attempts to use discretionary hyphenation WordWrapMode not set. Wrapping strategie of upper level structure (table cell, paragraph etc.) will be used. Gets or sets line spacing mode. Default value is LineSpacingMode.FontSize Gets or sets hyphen symbol that is used in hyphenation process. To eliminate hyphen drawing (with wrapping procedure still in place) please set empty string string.Empty for HyphenSymbol. Defines line spacing specifics Line spacing is font size Line spacing is a full space between descender and ascender Gets or sets subsequent lines indent value. Gets or sets first line indent value. Represents text paragraphs as multiline text object. The example demonstrates how to create text paragraph object and append it to the Pdf page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1]; // create text paragraph TextParagraph paragraph = new TextParagraph(); // set the paragraph rectangle paragraph.Rectangle = new Rectangle(100, 600, 200, 700); // set word wrapping options paragraph.FormattingOptions.WrapMode = TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode.ByWords; // append string lines paragraph.AppendLine("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); paragraph.AppendLine("line2"); paragraph.AppendLine("line3"); // append the paragraph to the Pdf page with the TextBuilder TextBuilder textBuilder = new TextBuilder(page); textBuilder.AppendParagraph(paragraph); // save Pdf document doc.Save(outFile); Background mode for TextParagraph Background is set for the whole paragraph as single solid rectangle. Each line will have it's own rectangle. background mode for the text paragraph Updates actual text ractangle of the object updates coordinates corresponding to matrix Sometimes it is reguires to calculate current positioning even in editing mode Updates lines positioning. Performs positioning of the text fragments and segments. Updates lines positioning. Performs positioning of the text fragments and segments. Gets linespacing for a line Creates new segment. Creates new segment. Clears all physical segments Flushes properties to physical segment object. Sets background color in attached mode. Flushes clipbox to pdf document's page. Computex max text height of the segments collection Attaches the TextParagraph to the segmenter. Returns physical text segments collection built on the text lines of the paragraph. Gets or sets background color for the text paragraph. Gets or sets vertical alignment for the text inside paragrph's . VerticalAlignment.None is equal to VerticalAlignment.Bottom. Gets or sets subsequent lines indent value. If set to a non-zero value, it has an advantage over the FormattingOptions.SubsequentLinesIndent value. Gets or sets subsequent lines indent value. If set to a non-zero value, it has an advantage over the FormattingOptions.SubsequentLinesIndent value. Gets or sets value whether text is justified. Gets or sets horizontal alignment for the text inside paragrph's . HorizontalAlignment.None is equal to HorizontalAlignment.Left. Gets or sets value whether text is placed behind the bounds (false), or not placed and collection RemainingLines is populated. Preserves original line spacing in Lines bloak when reformatting the paragraph. Actual in Search paragraph scenarios where line spacing is unique. Gets or sets hyphen symbol that is used in hyphenation process. The hyphenation symbol is "-" by default. To eliminate hyphen drawing (with wrapping procedure still in place) please set empty string string.Empty for HyphenSymbol. Gets lines. Gets remaining lines. Gets or sets formatting options. Gets or sets position of the paragraph. Gets rectangle of the text placed to the paragraph. Gets rectangle of the text with margins. Gets or sets rectangle of the paragraph. Gets or sets the padding. Gets or sets rotation angle in degrees. Gets technical rectangle with margins correction Gets position inside margins Creates object. Begins the editing of the TextParagraph. Improves performance of TextParagraph population. Any layout calculation is suspended until EndEdit method is invoked. Note that method invoke can't be nested. Ends the editing of the TextParagraph. Improves performance of TextParagraph population. Any layout calculation is suspended until EndEdit method is invoked. Note that method invoke can't be nested. Appends text line The new line's text. Appends text line. The new line's text. Additional spacing (0.0 is default and corresponds to default text line height). The spacing value is added to default line spacing for the particular line, so you may specify 12.0 to get empty row AFTER a text line drawn with 12pt font. Appends text line with text state parameters. The new line's text. Text state of the new line. Appends text line with text state parameters The new line's text. Text state of the new line. Additional spacing (0.0 is default and corresponds to default text line height). The spacing value is added to default line spacing for the particular line, so you may specify 12.0 to get empty row AFTER a text line drawn with 12pt font. Appends text line with text state parameters. The new line's text. Appends text line with text state parameters. The new line's text. Text state of the new line. Appends text line with text state parameters The new line's text. Text state of the new line. Additional spacing (0.0 is default and corresponds to default text line height). The spacing value is added to default line spacing for the particular line, so you may specify 12.0 to get empty row AFTER a text line drawn with 12pt font. Removes previously appended text line by index in collection. Index within the collection. Gets or sets Rotation of the paragraph. background mode for the text paragraph Inserts the TextSegment at the beginnining of line This is for low level paragraph post-processing. When in doubt, use a public function instead of this one. TextFragment representing line TextSegment to insert Adds the TextSegment to the end of line This is for low level paragraph post-processing. When in doubt, use a public function instead of this one. TextFragment representing line TextSegment to add Represents font object. The example demonstrates how to search text on first page and change font of a first search occurrence. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Create font and mark it to be embedded Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); font.IsEmbedded = true; // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets font name of the object. The example demonstrates how to search text on first page and view font name of a first text occurrence. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // View font name of first text occurrence Console.Out.WriteLine(absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font.FontName); Sometimes PDF fonts(usually Chinese/Japanese/Korean fonts) could have specificical font name. This name is value of PDF font property "BaseFont" and sometimes this property could be represented in hexademical form. If read this name directly it could be represented in non-readable form. To get readable form it's necessary to decode font's name by rules specifical for this font. This property returns decoded font name, so use it for cases when you meet with a non-readable . If property has readable form this property will be the same as , so you can use this property for any cases when you need to get font name in a readable form. Gets BaseFont value of PDF font object. Also known as PostScript name of the font. An objective of this method - to return description of error if an attempt to embed font was failed. If there are no error cases it returns empty string. Error description Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the font is embedded. The following example demonstrates how to find a font, mark it as embedded, search text on the document's page and replace the text font. // Create font and mark it to be embedded Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); font.IsEmbedded = true; // open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // change font for the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the font is a subset. The example demonstrates how to search text on first page and get the value that indicates whether the font is a subset. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // View font's IsSubset value of first text occurrence if(absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font.IsSubset) Console.Out.WriteLine("the font is a subset"); Gets indicating whether the font is present (installed) in the system. Some operations are not available with fonts that could not be found in the system. The example demonstrates how to search text on first page and get the value that indicates whether the font is installed in the system. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // View font's IsSubset value of first text occurrence if(absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font.IsAccessible) Console.Out.WriteLine("the font is installed in the system"); Useful properties to tune Font behaviour Pdf font object. For internal usage only System font object. For internal usage only Saves the font into the stream. Note that the font is saved to intermediate TTF format intended to be used in a converted copy of the original document only. The font file is not intended to be used outside the original document context. Stream to save the font. Measures the string. The string. Font size. Width of the string represented with this font and the specified size. Sometimes it's not possible to embed desired font into document. There are many reasons, for example license restrictions or when desired font was not found on destination computer. When this situation comes it's not simply to detect, because desired font is embedded via set of property flag Font.IsEmbedded = true; Of course it's possible to read this property immediately after it was set but it's not convenient approach. Flag NotifyAboutFontEmbeddingError manages an exceptions mechanism for cases when attempt to embed font became failed. If this flag is set an exception of type will be thrown. By default true. Represents font collection. Font collections represented by class are used in several scenarios. For example, in resources with property. The example demonstrates how to make all font declared on page as embedded. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // ensure all fonts declared on page resources are embedded // note that if fonts are declared on form resources they are not accessible from page resources foreach(Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font in doc.Pages[1].Resources.Fonts) { if(!font.IsEmbedded) font.IsEmbedded = true; } doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether collection is read-only Initializes empty font collection object Initializes collection object with resource dictionary object Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Adds new font to font resources and returns automatically assigned name of font resource. Font object. The automatically assigned resource item name. Adds the font element at the specified index. Deletes the font element at the specified index. Deletes Font with resource name specified name of Font resurce Clears all the collection contents. To reinitialize collection data use Init() methods. Initializes collection object with resource dictionary object. Initializes collection object with empty resources. Gets the font element at the specified index. Index within the collection. Font object. Gets font from the collection by font name. Exception is thrown if font was not found. Name of the font. Found font. Checks if font exists in font collection. Font name. True in case collection contains the font with specified name. Add new font to font collection. Adds to font resources new font entry with specified base font name. Adds Font into collection. Font to add into collection Clears all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Deletes specified item from collection. The object to delete true if item was deleted from collection; otherwise, false. Performs font search. Searches in system installed fonts and standard Pdf fonts. Also provides functionality to open custom fonts. The example demonstrates how to find font and replace the font of text of first page. // Find font Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets font substitution strategies collection. Gets font sources collection. Searches and returns font with specified font name. The example demonstrates how to find font and replace the font of text of first page. // Find font Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Font name. Font object. Searches and returns font with specified font name ignoring or honoring case sensitivity. The example demonstrates how to find font and replace the font of text of first page. // Find font Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Font name. case sensitivity Font object. Searches and returns font with specified font name and font style. The example demonstrates how to find font and replace the font of text of first page. // Find font Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial", FontStyle.Italic); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Font family name. Font style value. Font object corresponding to search request parameters. Searches and returns font with specified font name and font style ignoring or honoring case sensitivity. The example demonstrates how to find font and replace the font of text of first page. // Find font Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial", FontStyle.Italic); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Font family name. Font style value. case sensitivity Font object corresponding to search request parameters. Opens font with specified font stream. The example demonstrates how to open font and replace the font of text of first page. // Open font using (FileStream fontStream = File.OpenRead(@"C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf")) { Font font = FontRepository.OpenFont(fontStream, , FontTypes.TTF); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); } Font stream. Font type value. Font object. Opens font with specified font file path. The example demonstrates how to open font and replace the font of text of first page. // Open font Font font = FontRepository.OpenFont(@"C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf"); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Font file path. Font object. Opens font with specified font file path and metrics file path. The example demonstrates how to open Type1 font with metrics and replace the font of text of first page. // Open font Font font = FontRepository.OpenFont("courier.pfb", "courier.afm"); // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Font file path. Font metrics file patrh. Font object. Loads system installed fonts and standard Pdf fonts. This method was designed to speed up font loading process. By default fonts are loaded on first request for any font. Use of this method loads system and standard Pdf fonts immediately before any Pdf document was open. Reloads all fonts specified by property Specifies style information applied to text. This enumeration has a attribute that allows a combination of its member values. Regular text. Bold text. Italic text. Represents a character info object. Provides character positioning information. Initializes new CharInfo object Gets position of the character. Gets rectangle of the character. Represents an absorber object of a text. Performs text extraction and provides access to the result via object. The object is used to extract text from a Pdf document or the document's page. The example demonstrates how to extract text on the first PDF document page. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Gets extracted text that the extracts on the PDF document or page. The example demonstrates how to extract text from all pages of the PDF document. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // accept the absorber for all document's pages doc.Pages.Accept(absorber); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Value indicates whether errors were found during text extraction. Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance. List of objects. It contain information about errors were found during text extraction. Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance. Extracts text on the specified page The example demonstrates how to extract text on the first PDF document page. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // accept the absorber for all document's pages absorber.Visit(doc.Pages[1]); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Pdf pocument page object. Extracts text on the specified XForm. The example demonstrates how to extract text on the first PDF document page. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // accept the absorber for all document's pages absorber.Visit(doc.Pages[1].Resources.Forms["Xform1"]); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Pdf form object. Extracts text on the specified document The example demonstrates how to extract text on PDF document. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // accept the absorber for all document's pages absorber.Visit(doc); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Pdf pocument object. Initializes a new instance of the . Performs text extraction and provides access to the extracted text via object. The example demonstrates how to extract text from all pages of the PDF document. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // accept the absorber for all document's pages doc.Pages.Accept(absorber); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Gets or sets text extraction options. Allows to define text formatting mode during extraction. The default mode is The example demonstrates how to set Pure text formatting mode and perform text extraction. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text with formatting TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(); // set pure text formatting mode absorber.ExtractionOptions = new TextExtractionOptions(TextExtractionOptions.TextFormattingMode.Pure); // accept the absorber for all document's pages doc.Pages.Accept(absorber); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Gets or sets text search options. Allows to define rectangle which delimits the extracted text. By default the rectangle is empty. That means page boundaries only defines the text extraction region. Initializes a new instance of the with extraction options. Performs text extraction and provides access to the extracted text via object. The example demonstrates how to extract text from all pages of the PDF document. // open document Document doc = new Document(inFile); // create TextAbsorber object to extract text with formatting TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber(new TextExtractionOptions(TextExtractionOptions.TextFormattingMode.Pure)); // accept the absorber for all document's pages doc.Pages.Accept(absorber); // get the extracted text string extractedText = absorber.Text; Text extraction options Initializes a new instance of the with extraction and text search options. Performs text extraction and provides access to the extracted text via object. Text extraction options Text search options Initializes a new instance of the with text search options. Performs text extraction and provides access to the extracted text via object. Text search options Appends text object to Pdf page. Initializes a new instance of class for the Pdf page. The TextBuilder allows to append text objects to Pdf pages. Page object. Initializes a new instance of class for the Pdf page. The TextBuilder allows to append text objects to Pdf pages. Page object. Operator collection. Appends text paragraph to Pdf page. The example demonstrates how to create text paragraph object and append it to the Pdf page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1]; // create text paragraph TextParagraph paragraph = new TextParagraph(); // set the paragraph rectangle paragraph.Rectangle = new Rectangle(100, 600, 200, 700); // set word wrapping options paragraph.FormattingOptions.WrapMode = TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode.ByWords; // append string lines paragraph.AppendLine("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); paragraph.AppendLine("line2"); paragraph.AppendLine("line3"); // append the paragraph to the Pdf page with the TextBuilder TextBuilder textBuilder = new TextBuilder(page); textBuilder.AppendParagraph(paragraph); // save Pdf document doc.Save(outFile); Text paragraph object. Appends text fragment to Pdf page The example demonstrates how to create text fragment object, customize it's text segments and append it to the Pdf page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1]; // create text fragment TextFragment tf = new TextFragment("main text"); tf.Position = new Position(100, 600); // set it's text properties tf.TextState.FontSize = 5; tf.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman"); tf.TextState.BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray; tf.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Red; // add one more segment to text fragment's Segments collection TextSegment segment2 = new TextSegment(); segment2.Text = "another segment"; tf.Segments.Add(segment2); // create TextBuilder object TextBuilder builder = new TextBuilder(page); // append the text fragment to the Pdf page builder.AppendText(tf); //save document doc.Save(outFile); Text fragment object. Appends text with rotation /// Appends list of text fragments to Pdf page. Collection of text fragments Appends paragraph with rotation Represents fragment of Pdf text. In a few words, object contains list of objects. In details: Text of pdf document in is represented by two basic objects: and The differences between them is mostly context-dependent. Let's consider following scenario. User searches text "hello world" to operate with it, change it's properties, look etc. Document doc = new Document(docFile); TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); Phisycally pdf text's representation is very complex. The text "hello world" may consist of several phisycally independent text segments. The Aspose.Pdf text model basically establishes that object provides single logic operation set over physical objects set that represent user's query. In text search scenario, is logical "hello world" text representation, and object collection represents all physical segments that construct "hello world" text object. So, is close to logical text representation. And is close to physical text representation. Obviously each object may have it's own font, coloring, positioning properties. provides simple way to change text with it's properties: set font, set font size, set font color etc. Meanwhile objects are accessible and users are able to operate with objects independently. Note that changing TextFragment properties may change inner collection because TextFragment is an aggregate object and it may rearrange internal segments or merge them into single segment. If your requirement is to leave the collection unchanged, please change inner segments individually. The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace the text and it's font. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change text and font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "hi world"; absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets text replace options. The options define behavior when fragment text is replaced to more short/long. Sets font and indices inside the font Font of the fragment. Text value. Glyph indices inside the font. initializes the object initializes the object initielizes the object Attaches to the segmenter Isolates segments to single segment for simpler editing. Isolates segments to segment that represent the text only. i.e. we Trim from beginning and end Registers the text segment within the text fragment Gets or sets text object that the object represents. The example demonstrates how to search a text and replace first occurrence represented with object . // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "hi world"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets or sets a vertical alignment of text fragment. Gets or sets a horizontal alignment of text fragment. Sets the fragment hyperlink Gets or sets text state for the text that object represents. Provides a way to change following properties of the text: Font FontSize FontStyle ForegroundColor BackgroundColor The example demonstrates how to change text color and font size of the text with object. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change foreground color of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Red); // Change font size of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.FontSize = 15; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets text segments for current . In a few words, objects are children of object. Advanced users may access segments directly to perform more complex text edit scenarios. For details, please look at object description. The example demonstrates how to navigate all objects inside . // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Navigate all text segments and out their text and placement info foreach (TextSegment segment in absorber.TextFragments[1].Segments) { Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("segment text: {0}", segment.Text)); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("segment X indent: {0}", segment.Position.XIndent)); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("segment Y indent: {0}", segment.Position.YIndent)); } Gets or sets collection that contains current fragment Gets or sets text position for text, represented with object. The example demonstrates how to view placement of a text, represented by object. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // View text and placement info of first text occurrence TextFragment firstOccurrence = absorber.TextFragments[1]; Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("fragment text: {0}", firstOccurrence.Text)); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("fragment X indent: {0}", firstOccurrence.Position.XIndent)); Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("fragment Y indent: {0}", firstOccurrence.Position.YIndent)); Gets text position for text, represented with object. The YIndent of the Position structure represents baseline coordinate of the text fragment. Gets rectangle of the TextFragment Gets page that contains the TextFragment The value can be null in case the TextFragment object doesn't belong to any page. Gets form object that contains the TextFragment The value can be null in case the TextFragment object doesn't belong to a form. Gets or sets wrap lines count for this paragraph(for pdf generation only) Gets TextSegmenter that was used for creation segments of this fragment. Indicates whether position of the fragment is changed or default Indicates whether the fragment contains segments on different "text lines" Multiline text fragments may appeared for example as a result of hyphenation during text replacement or as a result of user manipulations. Gets or sets the paragraph end note.(for pdf generation only) Gets or sets the paragraph foot note.(for pdf generation only) Initializes new instance of the object. Initializes new instance of the object with predefined positions. Tabulation positions Creates object with single object inside. Specifies text string inside the segment. Text fragment's text. Creates object with single object inside and predefined positions. Text fragment's text. Tabulation positions Gets (s) representing specified part of the text. Position in text from which new (s) will start. Length of the text that will isolated into (s). containing text segments represeting text substring starting at a specifing position and having a specified length. Set text with no adjustment. But segment appearing after isolation of the fragment actually may be shifted. It is usefull for cases like changing font size. If you aren't desire any shifts of text please use LightWeightTextSetterWithNoTextShift() String representing new text value. Set text with no adjustment. And position of text after the fragment will be kept intact. String representing new text value. Clone the fragment. The cloned object Clone the fragment with all segments. The cloned object Represents an absorber object of text fragments. Performs text search and provides access to search results via collection. The object is basically used in text search scenario. When the search is completed the occurrences are represented with objects that the collection contains. The object provides access to the search occurrence text, text properties, and allows to edit text and change the text state (font, font size, color etc). The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace the text and it's font. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change text and font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "hi world"; absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets collection of search occurrences that are presented with objects. The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace all search occurrences with new text. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change text of all search occurrences foreach (TextFragment textFragment in absorber.TextFragments) { textFragment.Text = "hi world"; } // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets or sets phrase that the searches on the PDF document or page. The example demonstrates how to perform search text several times and perform text replacements. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello"); doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "Hi"; // search another word and replace it absorber.Phrase = "world"; doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "John"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets or sets search options. The options enable search using regular expressions. The example demonstrates how to perform search text using regular expression. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(); // make the absorber to search all words starting 'h' and ending 'o' using regular expression. absorber.Phrase = @"h\w*?o"; absorber.TextSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(true); // we should find "hello" word and replace it with "Hi" doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "Hi"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets or sets text edit options. The options define special behavior when requested symbol cannot be written with font. Gets or sets text replace options. The options define behavior when fragment text is replaced to more short/long. Value indicates whether errors were found during text extraction. Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance. List of objects. It contain information about errors were found during text extraction. Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance. Gets extracted text that the extracts on the PDF document or page. Initializes a new instance of the that performs search of all text segments of the document or page. Performs text search and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace the text. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(); // Make the absorber to search all "hello world" text occurrences absorber.Phrase = "hello world"; // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change text of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "hi world"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Initializes a new instance of the with text edit options, that performs search of all text segments of the document or page. Performs text search and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find all text fragments on the first PDF document page and replace font for them. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(new TextEditOptions(TextEditOptions.FontReplace.RemoveUnusedFonts)); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Find Courier font Pdf.Text.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Courier"); // Set the font for all the text fragments foreach (TextFragment textFragment in absorber.TextFragments) { textFragment.TextState.Font = font; } // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Text edit options (Allows to turn on some edit features). Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified text phrase. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace the text and it's font. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change text and font of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "hi world"; absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.Font = font; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Phrase that the searches Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class object. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace the text and it's font. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextAbsorber object to find all instances of the input regex TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"h\w*?o")); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // we should find "hello" word and replace it with "Hi" doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "Hi"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class object that the searches Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified text phrase and text search options. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find text with regular expression on the first PDF document page and replace the text. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object that searches all words starting 'h' and ending 'o' using regular expression. TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(@"h\w*?o", new TextSearchOptions(true)); // we should find "hello" word and replace it with "Hi" doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "Hi"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Phrase that the searches Text search options (Allows to turn on some search features. For example, search with regular expression) Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified text phrase and text search options. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find text with regular expression on the first PDF document page and replace the text. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object that searches all words starting 'h' and ending 'o' using regular expression. TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"h\w*?o"), new TextSearchOptions(true)); // we should find "hello" word and replace it with "Hi" doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "Hi"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class object that the searches Text search options (Allows to turn on some search features.) Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified text phrase, text search options and text edit options. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. The example demonstrates how to find text with regular expression on the first PDF document page and replace the text. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object that searches all words starting 'h' and ending 'o' using regular expression. TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(@"h\w*?o", new TextSearchOptions(true)); // we should find "hello" word and replace it with "Hi" doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "Hi"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Phrase that the searches Text search options (Allows to turn on some search features. For example, search with regular expression) Text edit options (Allows to turn on some edit features). Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified text phrase and text edit options. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. Phrase that the searches Text edit options (Allows to turn on some edit features). Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified text phrase and text edit options. Performs text search of the specified phrase and provides access to search results via collection. System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class object that the searches Text edit options (Allows to turn on some edit features). Performs search on the specified page. The example demonstrates how to find text on the first PDF document page and replace the text. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page absorber.Visit(doc.Pages[1]); // Change text of all search occurrences foreach (TextFragment textFragment in absorber.TextFragments) { textFragment.Text = "hi world"; } // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); PDF document page object. Performs search on the specified document. The example demonstrates how to find text on PDF document and replace text of all search occurrences. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Find font that will be used to change document text font Aspose.Pdf.Txt.Font font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page absorber.Visit(doc); // Change text of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Text = "hi world"; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); PDF document object. Applies font for all text fragments that were absorbed. It works faster than looping through the fragments if all fragments on the page(s) were absorbed. Otherwise it works similar with looping. of the text. Applies font size for all text fragments that were absorbed. It works faster than looping through the fragments if all fragments on the page(s) were absorbed. Otherwise it works similar with looping. Font size of the text. Applies font and size for all text fragments that were absorbed. It works faster than looping through the fragments if all fragments on the page(s) were absorbed. Otherwise it works similar with looping. of the text. Font size of the text. Clears TextFragments collection of this object. Removes all text from the specified page. PDF document page object. Removes text inside the specified rectangle from the specified page. PDF document page object. to remove text inside. Removes all text from the document. PDF document object. Performs search on the specified form object. Pdf form object. Gets or sets text extraction options. Register event handler for segments those are reference on single physical text segment Register event handler for segments that contains desired text Returns true if SearchResult is originated from XForm and duplicates one of the processed. The difference from RemoveAlreadyProcessedSegmentsFrom() method is that this one for processing search results containing only several segments. Removes from the search result segments that are originated from XForm and duplicates one of the processed. The difference from IsAlreadyProcessed() method is that this one for processing search results containing multitude of segments. Represents a text fragments collection Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether collection is read-only Initializes a new instance of collection class Adds the text fragment element at the specified index. Text fragment element to add. Deletes the text fragment element at the specified index. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Clears all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Deletes specified item from collection. The object to delete true if item was deleted from collection; otherwise, false. Gets the text fragment element at the specified index. Index within the collection. TextFragment object. Represents a text state of a text fragment. Provides a way to change following properties of the text: font ( property) font size ( property) font style ( property) foreground color ( property) background color ( property) Note that changing properties may change inner collection because TextFragment is an aggregate object and it may rearrange internal segments or merge them into single segment. If your requirement is to leave the collection unchanged, please change inner segments individually. The example demonstrates how to change text color and font size of the text with object. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change foreground color of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Red); // Change font size of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].TextState.FontSize = 15; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); Gets a value that indicates that all child objects have the same state (font, font size, foreground color etc.) Not supported yet. Gets or sets character spacing of the text, represented by the object. Gets or sets horizontal scaling of the text, represented by the object. Gets or sets word spacing of the text. Gets or sets invisibility of the text. Gets or sets rendering mode of the text. Gets or sets subscript of the text, represented by the object. Gets or sets superscript of the text, represented by the object. indicates whether TextWithPositions (TJ) operator must be used contains adjustments for TextWithPositions (TJ) operator Gets / sets a value indicates that text bounding box height will be enlarged by PhysicalTextSegment.BBoxFontSizeCoefficient. Default is true. Please don't change this default. Set value to false to avoide text rectangle intersection with nearest objects in the case of problems. Gets a value that indicates that all child objects have the same state (font, font size, foreground color etc.) Not supported yet. Gets tabstops for the text. Note that Tabstops property works in new document generation scenarios only. Tabstops may be added during initialization. Tabstops must be constructed before the text. Gets or sets line spacing of the text. Note that the value is not preserved as a text characteristic within the document. The LineSpacing property getter works for an object in case it was explicitly set previously with LineSpacing setter for those object. The property is used by runtime in context of current generation/modification process. Gets or sets foreground color of the text, represented by the object Gets or sets color stroking operations of rendering (stroke text, rectangle border) Sets background color of the text, represented by the object Gets or sets underline for the text, represented by the object Sets strikeout for the text, represented by the object Sets font style of the text, represented by the object Gets or sets font of the text, represented by the object Gets or sets font size of the text, represented by the object Gets or sets horizontal alignment for the text. HorizontalAlignment.None is equal to HorizontalAlignment.Left. Note that TextFragmentState.VerticalAlignment property works in new document generation scenarios only. Gets or sets vertical alignment for the text inside paragrph's . VerticalAlignment.None is equal to VerticalAlignment.Bottom. Note that TextFragmentState.VerticalAlignment property works in new document generation scenarios only. Gets or sets formatting options. Setting of the options will be effective in generator scenarios only. Gets text height, represented by the object AB: At the moment, it is only effective if set earlier than physical segments will be attached Gets or sets rotation angle in degrees. Gets or sets if text rectangle border drawn flag. Measures the string. The string. Width of the string. Initializes new instance of the object with specified object. This initialization is not supported. TextFragmentState is only available with property. Text fragment object. Applies settings from another textState. Only those properties will be copied that were changed explicitly. Text state object. Applies settings from another textState Text state object. if true inherit group changes only (without isolating the segments into single segment) Descubes options of text edit operations. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified no-character behavior mode. No-character behavior mode object. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified text rearrangement mode. Rearrangement mode object. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified font replacement behavior mode. Font replace behavior object. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified language transformation permission. Allows language transformation if set to true. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified language transformation behavior mode. language transformation behavior object. Action to perform if font does not contain required character Throw exception Repalce font to standard font which contains required character Replace text anyway without font substitution Repalce font to defined replacement font Gets or sets font used for replacing if user font does not contain required character Gets or sets mode that defines behavior in case fonts don't contain requested characters. Gets mode that defines text rearrangement behavior. Text rearrangement modes Text rearrangement is not performed. Text rearrangement is performed automatically. Gets mode that defines behavior for fonts replacement scenarios. Font replacement behavior. No additional changes performed during font replacement. Fonts that become unused during font replacement will be removed from resulting document. Gets or sets value that permits usage of language transformation during adding or editing of text. true - language transformation will be applied if necessary (default value). false - language transformation will NOT be applied. Gets mode that defines behavior for language transformation scenarios. Language transformation modes Default language transformation is performed. Language transformation is performed the same way as in a text editor. It usually means text will looks in the document exactly as You see it in code. But no warranties. Language transformation is not performed. Gets mode for processing clipping path of the edited text. Clipping path processing modes Keeps clipping paths of the original page layout. (Default) Original clipping path will be expanded in the case edited text requires more space. Original clipping path will be removed in the case edited text requires more space. Caution: Because of clipping paths may interact with each other removing of it may lead to unexpected result on the page layout. Gets or sets value that permits searching for text underlining on the page of source document. (Obsolete) Please use TextSearchOptions.SearchForTextRelatedGraphics instead this. Indicates that mass operation will performed. It instructs TextFragmentAbsorber (and underlying logic) to omit some checkings. It is for performance. That checkings are necessary if not all text segments are affected by operation. Don't set this to 'true' if you aren't sure that _all_ text operators must be affected. Represents text extraction options Initializes new instance of the object for the specified text formatting mode. Text formatting mode value. Defines different modes which can be used while converting pdf document into text. See class. Represent pdf content with a bit of formatting routines. Represent pdf content as is, i.e. without formatting. Extraction with memory saving. It is almost same to 'Raw' mode but works slightly faster and uses less memory. Gets formatting mode. Gets or sets factor that will be applied to scale font size during extraction in pure mode. Setting of less value leads to more spaces in the extracted text. Default value is 1 - no scaling; Setting value to zero allows algorithm choose scaling automatically. Represents text processing options Represents text replace options Scope where replace text operation is applied REPLACE_FIRST by default This obsolete option was kept for compatibility. It affects to PdfContentEditor and has no effect to TextFragmentAbsorber. Replace only first occurrence of the text on each of affected pages Replace all text occurrences on all affected pages Gets or sets a scope where replace text operation is applied Determines action that will be done after replace of text fragment to more short. None - no action, replaced text may overlaps rest of the line; AdjustSpaceWidth - tries adjust spaces between words to keep line length; WholeWordsHyphenation - tries distribute words between paragraph lines to keep paragraph's right field; ShiftRestOfLine - shifts rest of the line according to changing length of text, length of the line may be changed; Default value is ShiftRestOfLine. No action, replaced text may overlaps rest of the line Tries adjust spaces between words to keep line length Tries distribute words between paragraph lines to keep paragraph's right field (Default) Shifts rest of the line according to changing length of text, length of the line may be changed Gets or sets an action that will be done after replace of text fragment to more short. Gets or sets value of line spacing that used if replace adjustment is forced to create new line of text. The value expected is multiplier of font size of the replaced text. Default is 1.2. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified scope. Scope object. Initializes new instance of the object for the specified after replace action. ReplaceAdjustment object. Represents text search options Gets or sets indication that regular expression is used. Gets or sets indication that text is searched within the page bounds. Gets or sets rectangle that bounds the searched text. The property may be used in case it is required to delimit text extraction or text replace region. Gets or sets indication that text will be searched using font engine encoding. true - means that font engine encoding will be used (try this if text search fails because of imperfect encoding in the document) false - means that document font encoding will be used (default value) Gets or sets indication that text fragments representing shadow of normal text will be ignored during search. true - means that shadow text will not be found (try this if text search returns duplicated fragments on the close positions) false - means that shadow text will be found as well as normal text (default value) Gets or sets indication that text extraction (decoding) errors will be logged in the text (fragment) absorber. true - means that text extraction (decoding) errors will be loged. It may decrease performance. false (default) - no error loging. Gets or sets indication that errors related to absence of font will be ignored by text (fragment) absorber. true - means that errors of absence of font will be ignored. Text segments that refer to incorrect resources will be skipped during processing. false (default) - absence of font error will terminate processing by throwing exception. Gets or sets value that permits searching for text related graphics (underlining, background etc.) during text search. true - searching for text related graphics will be performed (default value). false - graphic elements that may present in source document will be ignored. Set this in case of performance issues or no need to handle underlining, background, or clipping. Gets or sets value that limits searching for text related graphics (underlining, background etc.) on a page for the speciefied number of elements. The default is 250. Set lesser value in the case of performance problems, try larger value in the case some graphic elements wasn't found. Gets or sets value that permits searching for text related clipping paths (invisible text boxes) during text search. false - text clipping path elements will be kept intact (default value). true - searching for text clipping path will be performed. It may decrease performance of text search and edit. It also may change graphical elements that look like text related. Gets or sets indication that fast mode will be used during search. Initializes new instance of the object. Specifies regular expression usage mode. Value that indicates that regularexpression is used. Initializes new instance of the object. Specifies rectangle that delimits the searched text. Rectangle that includes the extracted text. Initializes new instance of the object. Specifies rectangle that delimits the searched text and regular expression usage mode. Rectangle that includes the extracted text. Value that indicates that regularexpression is used. Represents text processing context Represents segment of Pdf text. In a few words, objects are children of object. In details: Text of pdf document in is represented by two basic objects: and The differences between them is mostly context-dependent. Let's consider following scenario. User searches text "hello world" to operate with it, change it's properties, look etc. Document doc = new Document(docFile); TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); Phisycally pdf text's representation is very complex. The text "hello world" may consist of several phisycally independent text segments. The Aspose.Pdf text model basically establishes that object provides single logic operation set over physical objects set that represent user's query. In text search scenario, is logical "hello world" text representation, and object collection represents all physical segments that construct "hello world" text object. So, is close to logical text representation. And is close to physical text representation. Obviously each object may have it's own font, coloring, positioning properties. provides simple way to change text with it's properties: set font, set font size, set font color etc. Meanwhile objects are accessible and users are able to operate with objects independently. The example demonstrates how to change text color and font size of the text with object of object. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find all "hello world" text occurrences TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("hello world"); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(absorber); // Change foreground color of the first text segment of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Segments[1].TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Red); // Change font size of the first text segment of the first text occurrence absorber.TextFragments[1].Segments[1].TextState.FontSize = 15; // Save document doc.Save(@"D:\Tests\output.pdf"); the state is attached to real physical text segment initializes detached segment initializes attached segment Attached the object to physical segment Detached the object from physical segment In case TextSegment is a part of physical segment, we have to isolate the working part in it's own physical segment to simplify segments operations Splits current on two segments by specified position in text. Position in text from which new will start. New containing text of parent segment starting from specified position. Parent segment will be truncated. Deletes physical segment Activates SegmentChanged event Call it from outside to be sure references to text of initial segment will be updated after direct call of PhysicalTextSegment.Isolate() event args Gets starting character index of current segment in the show text operator (Tj, TJ) segment. Gets ending character index of current segment in the show text operator (Tj, TJ) segment. Glyphs indices. Gets or sets text object that the object represents. Gets or sets text state for the text that object represents. Provides a way to change following properties of the text: Font FontSize FontStyle ForegroundColor BackgroundColor Gets text position for text, represented with object. Gets rectangle of the TextSegment Gets text position for text, represented with object. The YIndent of the Position structure represents baseline coordinate of the text segment. Gets or sets text edit options. The options define special behavior when requested symbol cannot be written with font. Gets collection of CharInfo objects that represent information on characters in the text segment. Gets or sets the segment hyperlink(for pdf generator). Gets or sets a segment id. Gets PhysicalTextSegment object that was created after current segment during isolation. May be null if isolation wasn't performed or created no segment after. Creates TextSegment object. The example demonstrates how to create text fragment object, add a text segment to the text fragment collection and append it to the Pdf page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1]; // create text fragment TextFragment tf = new TextFragment("main text"); tf.Position = new Position(100, 600); // set it's text properties tf.TextState.FontSize = 5; tf.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman"); tf.TextState.BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray; tf.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Red; // add one more segment to text fragment's Segments collection TextSegment segment2 = new TextSegment(); segment2.Text = "another segment"; tf.Segments.Add(segment2); // create TextBuilder object TextBuilder builder = new TextBuilder(page); // append the text fragment to the Pdf page builder.AppendText(tf); //save document doc.Save(outFile); Creates TextSegment object. The example demonstrates how to create text fragment object, add a text segment to the text fragment collection and append it to the Pdf page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1]; // create text fragment TextFragment tf = new TextFragment("main text"); tf.Position = new Position(100, 600); // set it's text properties tf.TextState.FontSize = 5; tf.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("TimesNewRoman"); tf.TextState.BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray; tf.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Red; // add one more segment to text fragment's Segments collection TextSegment segment2 = new TextSegment("another segment"); tf.Segments.Add(segment2); // create TextBuilder object TextBuilder builder = new TextBuilder(page); // append the text fragment to the Pdf page builder.AppendText(tf); //save document doc.Save(outFile); Text segment's text. Sets font and indices inside the font Font of the fragment. Text value. Glyph indices inside the font. Returns the segment width Returns the character info by character index. Index is started from 1 and must be a position within the string. It makes dirrect setting of text for internal procedures. Don't use it if you aren't sure, use public Text property instead. String to set as the segment text. Encodes string as html. String value to encode. Html encoded string. Represents a text segments collection Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether collection is read-only Initializes a new instance of collection class Adds the text segment element at the specified index. Text segment object Deletes the text segment element at the specified index. Excludes text segment element at the specified index from coolection. It doesn't remove the segment on physical level unlike of Delete operation. Excludes specified item from collection. It doesn't remove the segment on physical level unlike of Remove operation. The object to exclude true if item was excluded from collection; otherwise, false. Insertes the text segment element at the specified index. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Gets the text segment element at the specified index. Index within the collection. TextSegment object. internal unrestricted version of indexer Clears all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Deletes specified item from collection. The object to delete true if item was deleted from collection; otherwise, false. Represents a text state of a text underline strikeout superscript subscript background color character spacing character spacing font foreground color stroking color horizontal spacing (100 is by default) Subscript Superscript indicates whether font is already changed because of super/subscript was set text matrix word spacing text invisibility text rendering mode font style font size please don't set this, use IsTextWithPositions please don't set this, use Adjustments You can place this tag in text to declare tabulation. It has effect only in couple with . Default value of tabulation in widths of space character of default font. Enum for attached state of the objects the state is attached to real physical text segment Applies settings from another textState Applies settings from another textState. Only those properties will be copied that were changed explicitly. Text state object. Gets or sets character spacing of the text. Gets or sets line spacing of the text. Note that the value is not preserved as a text characteristic within the document. The LineSpacing property getter works for an object in case it was explicitly set previously with LineSpacing setter for those object. The property is used by runtime in context of current generation/modification process. Gets or sets horizontal scaling of the text. Gets or sets subscript of the text. Gets or sets superscript of the text. Gets or sets word spacing of the text. Gets or sets the invisibility of text. This basically reflects the state, except for some special cases (like clipping). Gets or sets rendering mode of text. indicates whether TextWithPositions (TJ) operator must be used contains adjustments for TextWithPositions (TJ) operator Gets or sets font size of the text. Gets text height. Gets or sets font of the text. Gets or sets foreground color of the text. Gets or sets foreground color of the text. Gets or sets underline for the text, represented by the object Searches for operators that used for orginizing text underline for current text block. If found it will be replaced for operators generated by our code. Sets strikeout for the text, represented by the object Sets background color of the text. Note that the value is not preserved as a text characteristic within the document. The BackgroundColor property getter works for an object in case it was explicitly set previously with BackgroundColor setter for those object. The property is used by runtime in context of current generation/modification process. Sets font style of the text. Gets or sets horizontal alignment for the text. HorizontalAlignment.None is equal to HorizontalAlignment.Left. Note that TextState.HorizontalAlignment property works in new document generation scenarios only. Gets or sets vertical alignment for the text inside paragrph's . VerticalAlignment.None is equal to VerticalAlignment.Bottom. Note that TextState.VerticalAlignment property works in new document generation scenarios only. foreground color stroking color horizontal spacing (100 is by default) AB: At the moment, it is only effective if set earlier than physical segment will be attached Tabstop shift of position of text segment. It is calculated by TextFragment. Shouldn't set it directly if you don't sure. Length of tab leader before text segment. It is calculated by TextFragment. Shouldn't set it directly if you don't sure. Type of tab leader before text segment. Creates text state object. Measures the string. insideLine indicate that the string is not ending. in case part of the whole string is measured - the insideLine should be true. in case the whole string is measured the insideLine should be false. in other words: in case insideLine = true only character widhts are taken into account. no additional transformations are taken into account in case insideLine = false end of the string is handled properly - italic transformation is taken into account. Measures the string. The string. Width of the string represented with this text state. Calculates the font size for the rectangle. Copying constructor Copies properties from Creates text state object with font size specification. Font size. Creates text state object with foreground color specification. Foreground color. Creates text state object with foreground color and font size specification. Foreground color. Font size. Creates text state object with font family specification. Font family. Creates text state object with font family and font style specification. Font family. Bold font style. Italic font style. Creates text state object with font family and font size specification. Font family. Font size. enumerates strategies for font subsetting Declares to subset only fonts which are embedded in document already Declares to subsets all the fonts, non-embedded and embedded both Gathering calls to CompareTo in one place For translation into C++ type T must have "equal", "less than", "greater than>" comparison operators to be defined Converts IPdfPRimitive to key value. I.e. extract string for NamesTree and number for NumberTree. Creates IPdfPRimitive on base of the key. Creates node of appropriate type (i.e. this is class factory) Returns name of the entry ("Names" for NameTree and "Nums" for Number tree). Initializes TreeNode objects with gived PdfObject. Searches PdfObject associated with the key; Returns Null if PdfObject not found. Represents Leaf data structure which contains pair "key - value" in PDf Array (Names entry for Name Tree and Nums entry for number tree). Array is treaten as "virtual" array of "key - value" pair i.e key and value have the same index starting from 0; Returns Value by Index in virtual "key-value" array. Index of key - value pair.Starting from 0; Returns Key by Index in "virtual" "key-value" array. Describes intermediate level of tree node (Kids entry) Extends the functionality of basic pipeline to store the source format and number of pages in the document to convert. Create the new instance of the conversion pipeline. Indicates whether the source format is PDF or not. The batch size. The number of pages in the source document. Indicates whether the source format is PDF or not. Returns the batch size. Returns the number of pages in the source document. Represents XMP value Constructor for string value. String value. Consructor for integer value. Integer value. Constructor for floating point Value. Double value. Constructor for date time value. Date time value. Constructor for array value. Array value. Returns true if value is string. Returns true if value is integer. Returns true if value is floating point value. Returns true if value is DateTime. Returns true if XmpValue is field. Returns true if XmpValue is named value. Value is unsupported/unknown and raw XML code is provided. True if value returned as raw data. Returns true is XmpValue represents named values. Returns true is XmpValue represents structure. Returns true is XmpValue is array. Converts to string. String value. Converts to integer. Integer value. Converts to double. Double value. Converts to date time. DateTime value. Returns array. Array value Raw XML code for unknown/unsupported values. XML node for this value. Returns XMP value as structure (set of fields). Structure value. Returns XMP value as XMP field. Field value. Returns XMP value as named value. Named value. Returns XMP value as named value collection. Named collection value. Returns dictionary which contains named values. Dictionary value. Returns string representation of XmpValue. String representation. Returns string representation. Format provider. String representation. Converts string to XmpValue. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts integer into XmpValue. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts double into XmpValue. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts DateTime into XmpValue. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts array to XmpValue. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts XmpValue to array. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts XmpValue into array. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts XmpValue into string. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts XmpValue to named value. Value to convert. XmlValue. Converts XmlValue to named collection value. Value to convert. XmlValue. Class which allows to create/load documents of different types. Create document. Input stream. Document load options. Created document. Create empty document. Created document. Load document from a stream. Input stream. Created document. Load password protected document from a stream. Source stream. Passowrd for access to document. Created document. Load document from a file. Name of PDF file. Created document. Represents encrypted payload in file specification. Gets type. Gets subtype. Gets version number. Initialize Encrypted payload instance. The file specification used for initialization. Class represents transformation matrix. A member of the transformation matrix. B member of the transformation matrix. C member of the transformation matrix. D member of the transformation matrix. E member of the transformation matrix. F member of the transformation matrix. G member of the transformation matrix. H member of the transformation matrix. I member of the transformation matrix. Tx member of the transformation matrix. Ty member of the transformation matrix. Tz member of the transformation matrix. Constructor creates standard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D E F G H I Tx Ty Tz] = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0] Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D(); Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F G H I Tx Ty Tz] Matrix data array. double[] c = new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20, 1, 0, 0, 17, 40, 13 }; Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D(c); Constructor accepts a matrix to create a copy Matrix3D object. Returns text representation of the matrix. String representation for the matrix Compares matrix against other object. Object to compare. Returns true is other object is Matrix3D and all matrix members are equal to corresponding members of the matrix Translates matrix into PDF array obect. Trailerable object Result of converting Transaltes rotation into angle (degrees) Rotation value. double angle = Matrix.GetAngle(Rotation.on90); Matrix m = Matrix.Rotation(angle); Angle value. Returns full matrix (4x4) corresponding the given matrix. Array containing matrix data. Data situated "by lines" i.e. all element of 1st line, all elements of 2nd line... Adds matrix to other matrix. Matrix to be added. Result of matrix add. Initializes transformation matrix with specified coefficients. A matrix value. B matrix value. C matrix value. D matrix value. E matrix value. F matrix value. G matrix value. H matrix value. I matrix value. TX matrix value. TY matrix value. TZ matrix value. Matrix m = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3); Hash-code for object. Hash-code. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Exception which thrown when requirested value does not exists. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Exception message. The exception that is thrown when an attempt to embed font became failed Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when font usage is incorrect. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Exception which thrown when requested value has incorrect format. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Exception message. Encoding of the attached file. Possible values: Zip - file is compressed with ZIP, None - file is non compressed. File is not compressed. File is compressed with ZIP algorithhm. Item have to processed after document processing This class represents a columns info. Initializes a new instance of the ColumnInfo class. Gets or sets a string that contains the width of columns. The value of each column should be separated by blank.The default unit is point, but cm, inch and percentage of available width are also supported. For example,"120 2.5cm 1.5inch" Gets or sets a string that contains the spacing between columns. The value of each spacing should be separated by blank. The default unit is point, but cm and inch are also supported.For example,"120 2.5cm 1.5inch". If this property is not set, default value 0 will be used for each spacing. Gets or sets a int value that indicates the number of columns. Represents gradient axial shading class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The start point. The end point. Gets or sets start point. Gets or sets end point. Gets or sets start color. Gets or sets end color. Represents gradient radial shading type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The starting circle color. The ending circle color. Gets or sets starting circle center point. Gets or sets ending circle center point. Gets or sets starting circle radius. Gets or sets ending circle radius. Gets or sets start color. Gets or sets end color. Represents base pattern class. This enum represents image formats. BMP format. JPEG format. GIF format. PNG format. TIFF format. EMF format. Represents ellipse. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left position of the ellipse. The bottom position of the ellipse. The width of the ellipse. The height of the ellipse. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the left position of the ellipse. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the ellipse. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the width of the ellipse. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the height of the ellipse. Represents arc. Initializes a new instance of the class. The shape array contains path segments set. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets shapes collection. The Aspose.Pdf.Drawing namespace provides classes describing graphic primitives like arc, line, circle etc. Corresponding objects can be used for creating new documents. Represents arc. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x-coordinate of the center point of the arc. The y-coordinate of the center point of the arc. The radius value of the arc. The beginning angle value of the arc. The end angle value of the arc. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the radius of the arc. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc. Represents circle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. The radius of the circle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the circle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the circle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the radius of the circle. Represents bezier curve. Initializes a new instance of the class. The position array of the control points of the curve.There should be four control points,so the length of the array should be eight. Gets or sets a float position array. Represents graph - graphics generator paragraph. Initializes a new instance of the class. The width of the graph. The height of the graph. Gets or sets a object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc. Gets or sets the border. Gets or sets change curret position after process paragraph.(default true) Gets or sets the table left coordinate. Gets or sets the table top coordinate. Gets or sets a collection that indicates all shapes in the graph. Gets or sets a string value that indicates the title of the graph. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the graph width. The unit is point. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the graph height. The unit is point. Gets or sets is left set (for internal use). Gets or sets is top set (for internal use). Clone the graph. The cloned object Represents line. Initializes a new instance of the class. The line position array. Gets or sets a object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly. Represents rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left position of the rectangle. The bottom position of the rectangle. The width of the rectangle. The height of the rectangle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the radius of rectangle corners. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the left position of the rectangle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the rectangle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the width of the rectangle. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the height of the rectangle. Represents shape - the base graphics object. Gets or sets a object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc. Gets or sets a text for shape Sets clip shading. Start point. End point. Represents file hyperlink object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Path to file. Gets or sets the path to file. Represents abstract formatted fragment. Text value. Rectangle value. Copies the resource dictionary from page to source page and vica versa (for non adding content mode only). The flag manages the direction of copy. If the values is true, than data is copied from new page to original page. The flag manages the direction of copy. If the values is true, than data is copied from new page to original page. Copy fields to fragment. Fragment. Represents TeX fragment. Gets or sets TeXLoadOptions that will be used for loading (and rendering) of LaTeX into this instance of class. Please use it when it's necessary use specific setting for import of LaTeX for this or that instance (f.e when this or that instance should use specific BasePath for imported LaTeX or should use specific loader of external resources) If parameter is default (null), then standard LaTeX loading options will be used. Gets or sets TeXLoadOptions that will be used for loading (and rendering) of LaTeX into this instance of class. Please use it when it's necessary use specific setting for import of LaTeX for this or that instance (f.e when this or that instance should use specific BasePath for imported LaTeX or should use specific loader of external resources) If parameter is default (null), then standard LaTeX loading options will be used. Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFragment class. The fragment text Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFragment class. The fragment text Determines whether not to make indents while typesetting LaTeX fragment Clones fragment. Cloned fragment. Represents TeX fragment. Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFragment class. The fragment text Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFragment class. The fragment text Determines whether not to make indents while typesetting LaTeX fragment Represents local hyperlink object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Target paragraph. Gets or sets the target paragraph. Gets or sets the target page number. This class represents generator paragraph note. Gets or sets a collection that indicates all paragraphs in the FootNote. Gets or sets a note text. Gets or sets a note text state. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The note content. Enumerates the image file types. Unknown type. svg image file type. Dicom image file type. Base64 image file type. Represents print controller. Gets or sets file name. Fires on page start printing. Document to print. Event arguments. Graphics object with printed page. Fires on page start printing. Document to print. Event arguments. Fires on page end printing. Document to print. Event arguments. Fires on page start printing. Document to print. Event arguments. Dispose. Imports one-dimensional array of data into table. Import goes one cell per new item starting from row and column defined in params. During import, if detected that necessary rows are still absent(i.e Table is too small to absorb all data, necessary rows will be created If 'isLeftColumnsFilled'=false, then in second and all subsequent rows cells that are to the left from startColumn will be skipped. target table of operation define number of first target row from wich import will start. If amount of rows in table less then required, missing rows will be created first define number of column from which filling of imported data Specifies possible media types used during rendering. Print. Screen. Return true for showing text operators Operators: /Tj /TJ /' /" Return true for showing path operators Operators: /b /B /b* /B* /f /F /f* /s /S /Do Return true for showing image operators Operators: /BI /EI /ID /Do (subtype = Image) This enum represents an Structure Content Items Kinds (Required) The structure type, a name object identifying the nature of the structure element and its role within the document, such as a chapter, paragraph, or footnote (Optional) The element identifier, a byte string designating this structure element. The string shall be unique among all elements in the document's structure hierarchy. The IDTree entry in the structure tree root (see Table 322) defines the correspondence between element identifiers and the structure elements they denote. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A language specifying the natural language for all text in the structure element except where overridden by language specifications for nested structure elements or marked content. If this entry is absent, the language (if any) specified in the document catalogue applies. (Optional) An attribute class name or array of class names associated with this structure element.If the value of this entry is an array, each class name in the array may be followed by an integer representing its revision number(see, "Attribute Classes," and, "Attribute Revision Numbers"). If both the A and C entries are present and a given attribute is specified by both, the one specified by the A entry shall take precedence. (Optional) An alternate description of the structure element and its children in human-readableform, which is useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. (Optional; PDF 1.5) The expanded form of an abbreviation. (Optional; PDF 1.4) Text that is an exact replacement for the structure element and its children. This replacement text (which should apply to as small a piece of content as possible) is useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. This enum represents an Structure type categories in logical structure This action represents actions for conversion of images with soft mask. Use default strategy. Soft mask will be converted into stencil mask. This enum represents an pdf formats group (standards PDF/A, PDF/X, PDF/UA). The actual code of the license class is put into an internal class and made into long functions to make it harder for the crackers to find anything meaningful after the dlls were cracked in November 2005. The obfuscation virtualization is also applied using custom attribute. Call this from your component code to check if running evaluation version or not. if (Aspose.Words.LicenseCore.GetLicenseState_ForInternalUse() == LicenseState.Evaluation) InjectWatermark(); This method has to be exactly the same as . It is created (and duplicated) to make hacking of Aspose licensing a little more difficult. The hacker can easily find this method and attempt to circumvent it, but it will not affect the real decision about watermark injection because it is made in . The issue was discussed and a solution proposed in Loads license and check signature. true> if license signature is correct; otherwise false. In January 2006 product names such as Aspose Word, Aspose Excel etc had to be changed. This function maps these product names so old licenses can be used in new products. Checks signarure. true> if license signature is correct; otherwise false. Verifies that content of the data element has not been tampered with. Safe to pass nulls. Note there is no direct action taken inside this method if the signature is invalid. If the signature is invalid, the VerificationSupervisor.SignatureInvalidFlag is set to greater than zero and you need to examine it somewhere later in your code. This is to confuse hackers. true> if license signature is correct; otherwise false. Verifies signature for a specified byte array. true> if license signature is correct; otherwise false. Tries to find the license in several locations: 1. Explicit path. 2. The folder of this assembly. 3. The folder of the client's calling assembly. 4. The folder of the entry assembly (does not apply for the .NET Compact Framework). 5. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly. This can be full or short file name or name of an embedded resource. Client's calling assembly. Used to find license in embedded resource. Returns a stream that contains the license or throws. Returns assembly path correctly even if the assembly is shadow-copied. Uses CodeBase instead of Location for that. The resource names can get prefixed with customer's namespace, so I do a partial name search. Loads and verifies black list from the specified resource, which must be present. For a moment we have following resources with blacklisted licenses: - Aspose.License.BlackList.Real.xml - Conholdate.License.BlackList.Real.xml Gets list of license products. Returns true, if license contains products with Conholdate string. The key is a string blacklisted license serial number. The value is null. The key is a string blacklisted license serial number. The value is null. Maps old product name into new. Used in the product mapping to build full product name. This is to avoid other developers accidentally damaging this code when doing global rename. Maps old product names into new. These are various public keys for checking license signatures. Performs RSA digital signature verification. This class should be fully inline after obfuscation to increase anti-patch protection. Checks license signature. true> if license signature is correct; otherwise false. The hash prefix for the digest algorithm of this verifier. The digest algorithm corresponded to a verifier key modulus length. One of the comparators used for complication of byte buffers comparison. The first buffer to compare should be passed here. The buffer. One of the comparators used for complication of byte buffers comparison. The second buffer to compare must be passed here. The buffer. The first comparator must be added here. The comparator. Performs comparison of the second half of the buffers. Passes control to the comparator 3. Must be false to really pass control. One of the comparators used for complication of byte buffers comparison. Comparator 2 should be passed here. Comparator 2. Contains flags set by the meaningful comparer methods. This is necessary to ensure that crackers have not cut out the entry point of the verification algorithm located in LicenseCore.VerifySignature() and all the methods have been called. The flags should be set by 3 comparer methods subsequently, each method must check if the previous method has been invoked. Also see SignatureInvalidFlag in this class. Made accessible so license unit tests can reset the static state properly. Returns 0x100 if all methods have been invoked properly, returns 0x1000 otherwise. If EnsureIfAllMethodsInvoked says that verification methods were called and SignatureInvalidFlag is zero, then the signature was verified and it was correct. This is set to greater than zero if signature verification failed at some stage. Used for checking if methods 1 and 2 were invoked. Initial value = 0x30. Method 1 must check it and if it is 0x30, set it to 0xff, otherwise leave intact. Method 2 then must check it and if it is 0xff, set it to 0x80, otherwise leave intact. Used for checking if method 3 was invoked. Initial value = true. Method 3 must set it to false. Load options for Markdown format conversion. Creates load options for converting markdown into pdf document. Collection of Named Destinations. Gets or sets destination by its name. Name value. Destination object. Returns count of the destinations. Removes destination by its name. Name value. Adds new named destination. Name value. Appointment object. Gets array of names of the destinations. Class represents the collection of all destinations (a name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, "Named Destinations") and (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary")) in the pdf document. Gets or sets appointment by its name. Name of the appointment. Appoitnemt Count of named destinations. Delete named destination. Name of the destination to delete. Add new named destination. Destination name. Appointment to add. List of names of the destinations. Class contains set options for image compression. If this flag is set to true images will be compressed in the document. compression level is specfied with ImageQuality property. If this flag set to true and CompressImages is true images will be resized if image resoultion is greater then specified MaxResolution parameter. Specifies level of image compression when CompressIamges flag is used. Specifies maximum resolution of images. If image has higher resolition it will be scaled Version of compression algorithm. Possible values are: 1. standard compression, 2. fast (improved compression which is faster then standard but may be applicable not for all images), 3. mixed (standard compression is applied to images which can not be compressed by faster algorithm, this may give best compression but more slow then "fast" algorithm. Version "Fast" is not applicable for resizing images (standard method will be used). Default is "Standard". Gets or sets encoding used to store images. Describes versions of image compression algorithm. Standard algorithm. Default value. Improved algorithm faster then standard but applicable not for all cases. Use fast algorithm when possible and standard for other cases. May be slower then "Fast" but may produce better compression. Image encoding types. Don't change encoding. JPEG (DCT) encoding. Flate encoding. JPEG2000 (JPX) encoding. The Aspose.Pdf.Optimization is a namespace for classes for managing of document optimization process. Class which describes document optimization algorithm. Instance of this class may be used as parameter of OptimizeResources() method. If this flag is set to true, Resource streams will be analyzed. If duplicate streams are found (i.e. if stream contents is equal), then thes streams will be stored as one object. This allows to decrease document size in some cases (for example, when same document was concatenedted multiple times). If true page contents will be reused when document is optimized for equal pages. If this flag set to true, every resource is checked on it's usage. If resource is never used, then resources is removed. This may decrease document size for example when pages were extracted from document. If this flag is set to true, all document objects will be checked and unused objects (i.e. objects which does not have any reference) are removed from document. Set of options which describe will images in the document be compressed and parameters of the compression. If this flag is set to true images will be compressed in the document. compression level is specfied with ImageQuality property. If this flag set to true and CompressImages is true images will be resized if image resoultion is greater then specified MaxResolution parameter. Specifies level of image compression when CompressIamges flag is used. Specifies maximum resolution of images. If image has higher resolition it will be scaled [Obsolete("Please use ImageCompressionOptions.MaxResolution instead.")] Make fonts not embedded if set to true. Fonts will be converted into subsets if set to true. Remove private information (page piece info). Image encodre which will be used. Creates optimization strategy will all options activated. Please note that activated only options which does not change any functionality of the document. I.e. image compressing and fonts unembedding will not enabled (and can be embedded manually). OptimizationOptions object. Class describes collection of outlines. Gets count. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Gets the total number of outline items at all levels in the document outline hierarchy. Adds outline item to collection. The outline item to be added. Clears all items from the collection. Always throws NotImplementedException. The object to locate in the collection NotImplementedException Copies the outline entries to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index. The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination. Must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An System.Collections.IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Remove outline collection item. Item to delete. True - if item removed; otherwise, false. The pipe to put APS pages to. The maximum number of threads that can be run for the node. Registers parent-child relationship between the pipeline and the node threads. The node thread Id. The method which performs APS pages loading. The hyperlink rectangle in the PDF is specified in the DefaultUserSpace coordinates. Method returns rectangle in CropBox coordinates. Sometimes exported APSes reqires post-processing - f.e. adding of hyperlinks or gluing ajacent backgrount tiling images. This method do such post-processing when necessary Multiplies line width to DashPattern for DrPen Attaches all link annototations found in pdf page to aps glyphs. The source pdf page. The destination aps page. Sometimes backggrounds are created from tale of same images put to ajacent canvases It leads to apeearing of smotning-lines in exported XPS HTML ETC. This optimization allows to find and replace such thing with one big element The source pdf page. The destination aps page. The tray to take APS pages from. The pipe to put APS pages to. The maximum number of threads that can be run for the node. Registers parent-child relationship between the pipeline and the node threads. The node thread Id. The method which performs APS pages loading. Represents rgb to device gray color spaces conversion strategy. Converts the page of document. The page of document. Interface for color space conversion strategies. Converts the page of document. The page of document. Represents options for loading/importing of .mht-file into pdf document. Creates load options for converting PostScript into pdf document with empty base path. Gets or sets fonts folders paths. Represents The Open Prepress Interface (OPI) is a mechanism for creating low-resolution placeholders, or proxies, for such high-resolution images. The constructor. Xform object. Gets the version of OPI to which this dictionary refers. Gets the external file containing the low- resolution proxy image. Gets an array of eight numbers of the form specifying the location on the page of the cropped image. This class is intended to preserve for saving pens and brushes Convert DrTextureBrush or DrHatchBrush to pdf tilling pattern Brush. Page. Applay soft mask arrays of Alpha values Image width Image height Trailer Image emulate WrapMode by means placing addition rotated images on bitmap Bitmap with image Texture brush Composite bitmap Convert ILinearGradientBrush to ITextureBrush LinearGradient brush Texture brush Creates an appropriate PDF pattern object from a DrBrush brush object. Brush. Page. Determines whether brush is valid or not. brush True - if it is valid; otherwise, false. Sets the PDF graphics state so that it corresponds to the specified brush properties. brush page Converts a pen line cap style to a corresponding PDF value. Pen Converts a pen line join style to a corresponding PDF value. pen Converts a pen dash cap style to a corresponding PDF value. pen PDF does not seem to automatically adjust dash and gap widths depending on line width and cap style, so I need to do that myself. Specifies whether pen or dash cap style is not default. Retrieves a pen dash pattern depending on the dash style. dash style Specifies whether pen or dash cap style is not default. This class is contains pdf page information This class represents action for conversion of transparency. Use default strategy, no adding masks. Add transparent mask image. This class represents collection of JavaScript. List of keys in JavaScript collection. Gets or sets JavaScript from collection by its key. Key value. Javascript collection. Removes JavaScript by its name. Key value. True - if javascript removed; otherwise, false. Represents possible metered states. The metered is evaluation The metered is a paid customer. Provides methods to set metered key. In this example, an attempt will be made to set metered public and private key [C#] Metered matered = new Metered(); matered.SetMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey"); [Visual Basic] Dim matered As Metered = New Metered matered.SetMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey") the component jar file: Metered matered = new Metered(); matered.setMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey"); Initializes a new instance of this class. Sets metered public and private key public key private key Gets consumption file size consumption quantity Gets consumption credit consumption quantity This internal class is used to handle customer's consumption data, the unit is MB. In this example, an attempt will be made to increase of 9MB on customer consumption data. [C#] MeteredCountService.Instance.IncreaseCount(9); Increase customer consumption file size, and try to upload data increased quantities, in unit of MB Increase customer consumption credit, and try to upload increased credit Increase customer consumption credit increased credit whether upload data Increase customer consumption file size increased file quantities, in unit of MB whether upload data Gets and Resets customer consumption file size quantities of customer consumption data Get and Reset customer consumption credit This internal class is used to handle customer's matered state In this example, an attempt will be check customer's matered state. [C#] MeteredState materedState = MeteredBillingService.GetMeteredState(); Sets the subscription public and private key subscription public key subscription private key Gets metered state matered state Uploads customer consumption data The paper handling option to use when printing the file from the print dialog.. Print single-sided. Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet. Duplex and flip on the long edge of the sheet. This is class for extracting all graphics operators from page contents. Gets type of graphic state operator. Processes operator and if this operator is graphic state then adds it to this state. Page element is abstract class which represents element of the page contents (text, image etc). Represent text element of the page. Ensure that this font is in page resources. If font is not found then add it. Return key name of the font. Page. Font. Key name of the font in page resources. The Aspose.PdfAOptionClasses is a namespace for PDF/A convertsion optins. This class describes rules which can be used to solve Adobe Preflight error "Text cannot be mapped to Unicode". Constructor Constructor sets flag Constructor sets flag sets flag Some fonts have ToUnicode character code maps with spaces in names. These spaces could call errors with unicode text mapping. This flag commands to remove spaces from names of ToUnicode character code maps. By default false. Some fonts doesn't provide information about unicodes for some text symbols. This lack of information calls an error "Text cannot be mapped to Unicode". Use this flag to map non-linked symbols on unicode "space"(code 32). PDF/A standard requires, that all fonts must be embedded into document. This class includes flags for cases when it's not possible to embed some font cause this font is absent on destination PC. Constructor Declares to substitute non-embedded font using default font substitution strategy. By default false; represents set of options for convert PDF document Constructor Path to file where comments will be stored. The pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted Constructor Path to file where comments will be stored. The pdf format. Constructor The pdf format. Constructor The pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted Constructor Path to file where comments will be stored. The pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted Action for image masked objects Constructor Stream where comments will be stored The pdf format Action for objects that can not be converted Gets/sets run of image streams in async mode. Is low memory conversion mode enabled PDF format. Path to file where comments will be stored. Stream where comments will be stored. Action for objects that can not be converted Action for image masked objects Action for images with soft mask. Gets PdfFormatConversionOptions object with default parameters Holds flags to control PDF/A conversion process for cases when source document doesn't correspond to PDF/A specification. Strategy to copy encoding data for symbolic fonts if symbolic TrueType font has more than one encoding subtable. This flag controls text alignment in converted document. By default document conversion doesn't affect text alignment and leave text as is. But in some cases font substitution causes text overlapping or extra spaces in converted document. When this flag is set special alignment operations will be performed. This flag should be set only for documents which have problems with overlapped text or extra text spaces cause using of this flag decrease performance and in some cases could corrupt text content. Strategy to align text. This parameter has sense only when flag is set to true. Strategy to process symbols from unicode Private Use Area (PUA). Gets or sets a flag which enables/disables special conversion mode to get PDF/A document with reduced file size. Now this flag impacts on optimization of fonts used in PDF document, possibly, in future, this flag also will be used to switch on optimization for another data structures, such as graphic. Set of this flag and mode could significantly reduce file size but at the same time it could significantly decrease performance of conversion. Strategy(ies) to exclude superfluous fonts and reduce document file size. This parameter has sense only when flag is set to true. By default combination of strategies and is used. Options for cases when it's not possible to embed some fonts into PDF document. Rules to solve problems with unicode mapping. Can be null. Gets or sets the filename of icc profile name. In case of null the default icc profile used. This property is out-property. It holds all the fonts(font names) which were not found on computer at last PDF/A conversion. Gets or sets whether to pass data from Info to Metadata when converted to PDF 2.0. True by default. Describes strategies used to align document text segments. Now only strategy to restore segments to original bounds is supported. In future another strategies could be added. None. Restore segment bounds. Some PDF documents have special unicode symbols, which are belonged to Private Use Area (PUA), see description at This symbols cause an PDF/A compliant errors like "Text is mapped to Unicode Private Use Area but no ActualText entry is present". This enumeration declares a strategies which can be used to handle PUA symbols. Disable PUA symbol processing. This strategy used by default for PDF/A documents with Level B conformance. Inserts marked content block with ActualText entry which contains empty text. This strategy gives good results for documents without marked content blocks. Used by default for PDF/A documents with Level A conformance. This strategy works slower than 'SurroundPuaTextWithEmptyActualText' but it can remove PUA compliant errors for documents which can't be handled properly by SurroundPuaTextWithEmptyActualText. PUA symbols are substituted on symbol 'space' or special unicode (some PUA symbols have unicode analogs). Substitution applied not to document's text but to font's internal data ToUnicode so it doesn't affects symbol's vision but it affects symbol's presentation in copy/paste operation system buffer. Some documens have large size after converison into PDF/A format. To reduce file size for these documents it's necessary to define a strategy of fonts removing. This enumeration declares a strategies which can be used to optimize fonts usage. Every strategy from this enumeration has sense only when flag is set. This strategy removes all the fonts which have duplicates in document. If document contains group of duplicated fonts only one font from this group is embedded in document. All other fonts from this group are removed from document, every removed font substituted with the already embedded analog. This strategy looks like but it removes not fully duplicated fonts but fonts which are similar one to another and differs only by parameter "Widths". This parameter contains set of some widths for specified symbols of font. Every value of width from this "Widths" set is not the real width of symbol(glyph), real width for this symbol already defined in font's binary data. Value of width from "Widths" set means visual width for this symbol - the width which PDF viewer software must set on displaying symbol instead of real width defined in the font. More accurately specification tells: Acrobat 5.0 and later viewers use the glyph widths stored in the font dictionary to override the widths of glyphs in the font program itself, which improves the consistency of the display and printing of the document. This strategy is more effective than but using of this strategy in some cases theoretically could damage visual presentation of converted document. This defect is possible due to that declared widths of fonts could be different for the same symbol and in this case width of this symbol will be changed to new one after font substitution - when removed font will be replaced in document with already embedded one. And if symbol's visual width will be changed - it will be shown incorrectly and this distinction could cause visual defects such as text overlapping or another problems. But visual defect described is a very rare case and this strategy reduces size of document more effectively. This is most effective strategy to reduce document's size. It takes fully embedded font sets and trim them down to only the subsets used. It's recommended to use this strategy in combination with or to get multiple compression effect for file size. Using of all three strategies simultaneously has no sense and strategy will not be used in this case. This class holds flags to control PDF/A conversion for cases when source PDF document doesn't correspond to PDF specification. If flags of this clas are used it decreases performance but it's necessary when source PDF document can't be convert into PDF/A format by usual way. By default all flags are set to false. Some PDF documents contain fonts which have different names in internal data. Use of this flag enforces special processing logic for cases when fields BaseFont and FontDescriptor.FontName are different. Constructor This class describes rules which can be used to tune process of copy encoding data for cases when TrueType symbolic font has more than one encoding. Some PDF documents after conversion into PDF/A format could have error "More than one encoding in symbolic TrueType font's cmap". What is a reason of this error? All TrueType symbolic fonts have special table "cmap" in it's internal data. This table maps character codes to glyph indices. And this table could contain different encoding subtables which describe encodings used. See advanced info about cmap tables at Usually cmap table contains several encoding subtables, but PDF/A standard requires that only one encoding subtable (3,0) must be leaved for this font in PDF/A document. And key question here - what data must be taken from another subtables to copy into destination encoding table (3,0)? Majority of fonts have 'well-formed' cmap tables where every encoding subtable is fully consistent with another subtable. But some fonts have cmap tables with collisions - where for example one subtable has glyph index 100 for unicode 100, but another subtable has glyph index 200 for the same unicode 100. To solve this problems special strategy needed. By default following strategy used: mac subtable(1,0) is looked for. If this table is found, only this data used to fill destination table (3,0). If mac subtable is not found then all subtables except (3,0) are iterated and used to copy data into destination (3,0) subtable. Also mapping for every unicode(unicode, glyph index) is copied into destination table only if destination table has no this unicode at current moment. So, for example if first subtabe has glyph index 100 for unicode 100, and next subtable has glyph index 200 for the same unicode 100, only data from first subtable (unicode=100, glyph index = 100) will be copied. So each previous subtable takes precedence over the next. Properties of this class help tune default behaviour. If property of type is set, then relevant subtable will be used in precedence to mac subtable(1,0). Value 'MacTable' from enumeration has no sense in this case, cause it points on the same mac subtable (1,0) which will be used by default. Property discards all priorities for any subtable. If this property is set, then only subtables from declared queue will be used in specified order. If subtables specified are not found then default iteration of all subtables and copy strategy described above will be used. Object specifies encoding subtable used. This subtable can be set via combination of members(PlatformID, PlatformSpecificId) or via enumeration. Constructor. Sets default subtable (mac 1,0) Constructor queue of encoding subtables to iterate Constructor encoding subtable which will be used in precedence to mac subtable(1,0) Specifies subtable which will be used in precedence to mac subtable(1,0). Value 'MacTable' from enumeration has no sense in this case. Specifies queue of encoding subtables to process. Specifies encoding subtable. Each encoding subtable has unique combination of parameters (PlatformID, PlatformSpecificId). Enumeration and property were implemented to make easier set of encoding subtable needed. Constructor, specifies mac subtable(1,0) by default Constructor Platform identifier for encoding subtable Platform-specific encoding identifier for encoding subtable Constructor encoding subtable Specifies encoding subtable via enumeration Platform identifier for encoding subtable Platform-specific encoding identifier for encoding subtable Declares set of some known encoding subtables Specifies windows unicode table(3,1) - Unicode BMP-only (UCS-2) Specifies windows symbolic table - (3,0) Specifies mac table(1,0) Specifies unicode table(0,3) Represent point with fractional coordinates. X coordinate value. Y coordinate value. Z coordinate value. Initializes new instance of the . x coordinate value. y coordinate value. z coordinate value. Gets point with zero coordinates. Enumerates column adjustment types. Customized. Auto fit to content. Auto fit to window. Represents the ocsp settings using during signing process. Gets/sets the ocsp server url. Initializes a new instance of the class. The ocsp server url. Document instance. Log of Convert/Validate process. Optional parameters. Check Parameters are set. Use it when parameters are required. Main method for validating/analyzing Fixup. Checks the document for Fixup problem. If document have not problems than returns true; otherwise, returns false. Checks the document for Fixup problem. Main method for converting/applying Fixup. If conversion completed succesfully than returns true; otherwise, returns false. Document instance. Log of Convert/Validate process. Optional parameters. If the Fixup supports parameters. Checks the document for Fixup problem. If document have not problems than returns true; otherwise, returns false. Applies conversion to solve the Fixup problem. If conversion completed succesfully than returns true; otherwise, returns false. This enum represents an type of Fixup. Not supported. Not supported. Not supported. Not supported. Rotate all pages to landscape if portrait by 90 degrees. Rotate all pages to portrait if landscape by 90 degrees. This interface represents recovery API. Gets the history of recovery. Cleaning up a document for recovery. Removes data before %PDF. Removes data after last %%EOF. The Aspose.Pdf.Sanitization is a namespace for sanitization operations. The exception that is thrown when an sanitization operation failed. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Objective of this class - to hold functionality for secure data, fix Veracode vulnerabilities and so forth SecureString usage for hard coded values for password SecureString usage for hard coded values for password Random Number Generators Random Number Generators Canocolize and validate the file paths and the files that are used in the code Represent type of algoritm that maps data to a "hash" SHA-1. Secure Hash Algorithm 1 SHA-256. Secure Hash Algorithm 2 SHA-512. Secure Hash Algorithm 2 Represents the ocsp settings using during signing process. Gets/sets the timestamp server url. Gets/sets the basic authentication credentials, Username and password are combined into a string "username:password". Gets/sets the digest algorithm for internal hash functions. Initializes a new instance of the class. The timestamp server url. The basic authentication credentials, username and password are combined into a string "username:password". The hash algorithm name, if it is omitted then sha1 is used.

Renders a layout node and all its contents into a Excel document.

@param node The aps node.

Visits the glyphs.

@param apsGlyphs

Visits the image.

@param image The image.
Save options for export to Excel format Constructor Set true if you need to minimize the number of worksheets in resultant workbook. Default value is false; it means save of each PDF page as separated worksheet. Set true if you need inserting of blank column as the first column of worksheet. Default value is false; it means that blank column will not be inserted. Set true for using uniform columns division through the document. Default value is false; it means that columns division will independent for each page. Output format Allows to specify .xlsx, .xls/xml or csv file format. Default value is XLSX; Excel 2003 XML Format Office Open XML (.xlsx) File Format A comma-separated values (CSV) File Format A macro-enabled Office Open XML (.xlsm) File Format OpenDocument Spreadsheet Represents graphics info. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the line width of the graph. Gets or sets a object that indicates the color of the graph. Gets or sets a dash array. Gets or sets a dash phase. Gets or sets a object that indicates the fill color of the graph. Gets or sets is border doubled. Gets border Ratio for doubled and not doubled borders. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the skew angle of the x-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the skew angle of the y-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the scaling rate of the x-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the scaling rate of the y-coordinate when transforming a coordinate system. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the rotation angle of the coordinate system when transforming a coordinate system. Clone the graphics info. The cloned object Represents html fragment. Gets rectangle of the HtmlFragment Gets or sets is paragraph has default margin otherwise margin is 0 Gets or sets words break Gets or sets font Gets or sets HtmlLoadOptions that will be used for loading (and rendering) of HTML into this instance of class. Please use it when it's necessary use specific setting for import of HTML for this or that instance (f.e when this or that instance should use specific BasePath for imported HTML or should use specific loader of external resources) If parameter is default (null), then standard HTML loading options will be used. Initializes a new instance of the HtmlFragment class. The fragment text Clones html fragment. Cloned html fragment object. The interface defines ways to cleanup memory in case mass operations. Clears cached data, frees memory etc. The exception that is thrown when a font type is not supported. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Represents boolean type that supports Undefined value. Undefined value value of ExtendnedBoolean. False value of ExtendnedBoolean. True value of ExtendnedBoolean. Represents XMP field. Gets an Empty xmp field. Gets xml:lang qualifier. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The prefix. The name. The namespace URI. The value. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The prefix. The name. The namespace URI. The value. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The prefix. The name. The namespace URI. The value. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The prefix. The name. The namespace URI. The value. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The base field. The value. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The base field. The value. Gets the prefix. The prefix. Gets the namespace URI. The namespace URI. Gets or sets the name of the local. The name of the local. Gets the name. The name. Gets the value. The value. Sets value of XMP field. Gets the type of the field. The type of the field. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty. true if this instance is empty; otherwise, false. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. Another object to compare to. 2 Returns a hash code for this instance. A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Implements the operator ==. The field1. The field2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The field1. The field2. The result of the operator. Gets value as a structure. The tructure. Gets value as an array. The array. This enum represents types of a XMP field. This type represents a structure. This type represents a array. This type represents a property. This type represents a packet. This field represents an unknown type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when font usage is incorrect. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when a file is invalid. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when invalid password is provided by user. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when a pdf file is invalid. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Represents errors that occur during PDF application execution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. This class represents action for conversion errors. Delete convert errors Do nothing with convert errors This class represents an pdf format. Pdf/A-1a format Pdf/A-1b format Pdf/A-2a format Pdf/A-3a format Pdf/A-2b format Pdf/A-2u format Pdf/A-3b format Pdf/A-3u format Adobe version 1.0 Adobe version 1.1 Adobe version 1.2 Adobe version 1.3 Adobe version 1.4 Adobe version 1.5 Adobe version 1.6 Adobe version 1.7 ISO Standard PDF 2.0 PDF/UA-1 format PDF/X-1a-2001 format PDF/X-1a format PDF/X-3 format ZUGFeRD format This interface declared for customization algorithms of quantization. Users can implement their own realization of this algorithms (for example algorithms based on unmanaged code). Returns 1Bpp bitmap representation Source bitmap. Bitmap in 1 bpp image format. Returns 4Bpp bitmap representation Source bitmap. Bitmap in 4 bpp image format. Returns 8Bpp bitmap representation Source bitmap. Bitmap in 8 bpp image format. Represent type of cryptographic algorithm that used in encryption/decryption routines. RC4 with key length 40. RC4 with key length 128. AES with key length 128. AES with key length 256. This enum represents user's permissions for a pdf. (Security handlers of revision 2) Print the document. (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document (possibly not at the highest quality level, depending on whether is also set). Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by , , and 11. (Security handlers of revision 2) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document, including extracting text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by . Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields, and, if is also set, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if is clear. (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if is clear. (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this bit is clear (and bit 3 is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality. The Aspose.Pdf.Tagged is a namespace for classes for support of Tagged PDF documents. Represents interface for work with TaggedPdf content of document. Get settings for whole document. settings for whole document. Gets of PDF document. of PDF document. Gets root of logical structure of PDF document. Root of logical structure of PDF document. Sets natural language for pdf document. A language identifier that shall specify the natural language for all text in the document except where overridden by language specifications for structure elements or marked content. A language identifier shall either be the empty text string, to indicate that the language is unknown, or a Language-Tag as defined in RFC 3066, Tags for the Identification of Languages. Sets title for PDF document. The title of PDF document. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates with level. The level of Header. Must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Creates . Created structure element. Get settings for whole document. settings for whole document. Gets of PDF document. of PDF document. Gets root of logical structure of PDF document. Root of logical structure of PDF document. Represents exception for TaggedPDF content of document. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The TaggedException Code The params list Represents Standard Attribute Owners. Get Attribute Owner. Attribute Owner. Layout attribute owner. List attribute owner. PrintField attribute owner. Table attribute owner. XML-1.0.0 attribute owner. HTML-3.20 attribute owner. HTML-4.01 attribute owner. OEB-1.00 attribute owner. RTF-1.05 attribute owner. CSS-1.00 attribute owner. CSS-2.00 attribute owner. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The owner. The result of the conversion. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents Standard Attribute Keys. Get Attribute Key. Attribute Key. Get Attribute Owner. Attribute Owner. Placement attribute (Layout attribute owner). WritingMode attribute (Layout attribute owner). BackgroundColor attribute (Layout attribute owner). BorderColor attribute (Layout attribute owner). BorderStyle attribute (Layout attribute owner). BorderThickness attribute (Layout attribute owner). Padding attribute (Layout attribute owner). Color attribute (Layout attribute owner). SpaceBefore attribute (Layout attribute owner). SpaceAfter attribute (Layout attribute owner). StartIndent attribute (Layout attribute owner). EndIndent attribute (Layout attribute owner). TextIndent attribute (Layout attribute owner). TextAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner). BBox attribute (Layout attribute owner). Width attribute (Layout attribute owner). Height attribute (Layout attribute owner). BlockAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner). InlineAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner). TBorderStyle attribute (Layout attribute owner). TPadding attribute (Layout attribute owner). BaselineShift attribute (Layout attribute owner). LineHeight attribute (Layout attribute owner). TextDecorationColor attribute (Layout attribute owner). TextDecorationThickness attribute (Layout attribute owner). TextDecorationType attribute (Layout attribute owner). RubyAlign attribute (Layout attribute owner). RubyPosition attribute (Layout attribute owner). GlyphOrientationVertical attribute (Layout attribute owner). ColumnCount attribute (Layout attribute owner). ColumnGap attribute (Layout attribute owner). ColumnWidths attribute (Layout attribute owner). ListNumbering attribute (List attribute owner). Role attribute (PrintField attribute owner). Checked attribute (PrintField attribute owner). Desc attribute (PrintField attribute owner). RowSpan attribute (Table attribute owner). ColSpan attribute (Table attribute owner). Headers attribute (Table attribute owner). Scope attribute (Table attribute owner). Summary attribute (Table attribute owner). Performs an explicit conversion from to . The attribute key. The result of the conversion. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents class for Attribute Name Values. Gets name value of attribute. Gets attribute key. Creation attribute name with acceptable value for attribute key. Attribute key Acceptable value for attribute Attribute Placement: Block - Stacked in the block-progression direction within an enclosing reference area or parent BLSE. Attribute Placement: Inline - Packed in the inline-progression direction within an enclosing BLSE. Attribute Placement: Before - Placed so that the before edge of the element's allocation rectangle coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference area. Attribute Placement: Start - Placed so that the start edge of the element's allocation rectangle coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference area. Attribute Placement: End - Placed so that the end edge of the element's allocation rectangle coincides with that of the nearest enclosing reference area. Attribute WritingMode: LrTb - Inline progression from left to right; block progression from top to bottom. This is the typical writing mode for Western writing systems. Attribute WritingMode: RlTb - Inline progression from right to left; block progression from top to bottom. This is the typical writing mode for Arabic and Hebrew writing systems. Attribute WritingMode: TbRl - Inline progression from top to bottom; block progression from right to left. This is the typical writing mode for Chinese and Japanese writing systems. Attribute BorderStyle: None - No border. Forces the computed value of BorderThicknessto be 0. Attribute BorderStyle: Hidden - Same as None, except in terms of border conflict resolution for table elements. Attribute BorderStyle: Dotted - The border is a series of dots. Attribute BorderStyle: Dashed - The border is a series of short line segments. Attribute BorderStyle: Solid - The border is a single line segment. Attribute BorderStyle: Double - The border is two solid lines. The sum of the two lines and the space between them equals the value of BorderThickness. Attribute BorderStyle: Groove - The border looks as though it were carved into the canvas. Attribute BorderStyle: Ridge - The border looks as though it were coming out of the canvas (the opposite of Groove). Attribute BorderStyle: Inset - The border makes the entire box look as though it were embedded in the canvas. Attribute BorderStyle: Outset - The border makes the entire box look as though it were coming out of the canvas (the opposite of Inset). Attribute TextAlign: Start - Aligned with the start edge. Attribute TextAlign: Center - Centered between the start and end edges. Attribute TextAlign: End - Aligned with the end edge. Attribute TextAlign: Justify - Aligned with both the start and end edges, with internal spacing within each line expanded, if necessary, to achieve such alignment. The last (or only) line shall be aligned with the start edge only. Attribute Width: Auto - the element's width shall be determined by the intrinsic width of its content. Attribute Height: Auto - The element's height shall be determined by the intrinsic height of its content. Attribute BlockAlign: Before - Before edge of the first child's allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell's content rectangle. Attribute BlockAlign: Middle- Children centered within the table cell. The distance between the before edge of the first child's allocation rectangle and that of the table cell's content rectangle shall be the same as the distance between the after edge of the last child's allocation rectangle and that of the table cell's content rectangle. Attribute BlockAlign: After - After edge of the last child's allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell's content rectangle. Attribute BlockAlign: Justify - Children aligned with both the before and after edges of the table cell's content rectangle. The first child shall be placed as described for Before and the last child as described for After, with equal spacing between the children. If there is only one child, it shall be aligned with the before edge only, as for Before. Attribute InlineAlign: Start - Start edge of each child's allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell's content rectangle. Attribute InlineAlign: Center - Each child centered within the table cell. The distance between the start edges of the child's allocation rectangle and the table cell's content rectangle shall be the same as the distance between their end edges. Attribute InlineAlign: End - End edge of each child's allocation rectangle aligned with that of the table cell's content rectangle. Attribute LineHeight: Normal - Adjust the line height to include any nonzero value specified for BaselineShift. Attribute LineHeight: Auto - Adjustment for the value of BaselineShift shall not be made. Attribute TextDecorationType: None - No text decoration. Attribute TextDecorationType: Underline - A line below the text. Attribute TextDecorationType: Overline - A line above the text. Attribute TextDecorationType: LineThrough - A line through the middle of the text. Attribute RubyAlign: Start - The content shall be aligned on the start edge in the inline-progression direction. Attribute RubyAlign: Center - The content shall be centered in the inline-progression direction. Attribute RubyAlign: End - The content shall be aligned on the end edge in the inline-progression direction. Attribute RubyAlign: Justify - The content shall be expanded to fill the available width in the inline-progression direction. Attribute RubyAlign: Distribute - The content shall be expanded to fill the available width in the inline-progression direction. However, space shall also be inserted at the start edge and end edge of the text. The spacing shall be distributed using a 1:2:1 (start:infix:end) ratio. It shall be changed to a 0:1:1 ratio if the ruby appears at the start of a text line or to a 1:1:0 ratio if the ruby appears at the end of the text line. Attribute RubyPosition: Before - The RT content shall be aligned along the before edge of the element. Attribute RubyPosition: After - The RT content shall be aligned along the after edge of the element. Attribute RubyPosition: Warichu - The RT and associated RP elements shall be formatted as a warichu, following the RB element. Attribute RubyPosition: Inline - The RT and associated RP elements shall be formatted as a parenthesis comment, following the RB element. Attribute GlyphOrientationVertical: Auto - Specifies a default orientation for text, depending on whether it is fullwidth (as wide as it is high). Attribute ListNumbering: None - No autonumbering; Lbl elements (if present) contain arbitrary text not subject to any numbering scheme. Attribute ListNumbering: Disc - Solid circular bullet. Attribute ListNumbering: Circle - Open circular bullet. Attribute ListNumbering: Square - Solid square bullet. Attribute ListNumbering: Decimal - Decimal arabic numerals (1-9, 10-99, ...). Attribute ListNumbering: UpperRoman - Uppercase roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, ...). Attribute ListNumbering: LowerRoman - Lowercase roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, ...). Attribute ListNumbering: UpperAlpha - Uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...). Attribute ListNumbering: LowerAlpha - Lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...). Attribute Role: rb - Radio button. Attribute Role: cb - Check box. Attribute Role: pb - Push button. Attribute Role: tv - Text-value field. Attribute checked: On - The state of a radio button or check box field. Attribute checked: Off - The state of a radio button or check box field. Attribute checked: Neutral - The state of a radio button or check box field. Attribute Scope: Row. Attribute Scope: Column. Attribute Scope: Both. Gets attribute name for attribute key. Attribute name Attribute key Attribute name Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents a base class for block-level structure elements in logical structure. Represents a base class for block-level text structure elements in logical structure. Gets object for current element. object for current element. Appends text content to current text element. Text content Represents Paragraph structure element in logical structure. Represents Header structure element in logical structure. Represents List structure element in logical structure. Represents a base class for children elements of the List in logical structure. Represents LI structure element in logical structure of the list. Represents Lbl structure element in logical structure of the list. Represents LBody structure element in logical structure of the list. Represents Table structure element in logical structure. Gets or sets the table background color. Gets or sets the table border. Gets or sets the table alignment. Gets or sets the styles of the border corners Gets or sets table vertial broken; Gets or sets the table column adjustment. Gets the column widths of the table. Gets default cell border. Gets or sets the default cell padding. Gets or sets the default cell text state. Gets or sets default column width. Gets or sets the table is broken - will be truncated for next page. Gets or sets border included in column widhts. Gets or sets the table left coordinate. Gets or sets the table top coordinate. Gets or sets the maximum columns count for table. Gets the first rows count repeated for several pages. Gets the style for repeating rows. Creates and added it to current table. Created structure element. Creates and added it to current table. Created structure element. Creates and added it to current table. Created structure element. Represents a base class for children elements of the Table in logical structure. Represents a base class for children elements of the Table Head, Body and Foot in logical structure. Creates and added it to current table. Created structure element. Represents THead structure element in logical structure of the table. Represents TBody structure element in logical structure of the table. Represents TFoot structure element in logical structure of the table. Represents TR structure element in logical structure of the table. Gets or sets the row background color. Gets or sets the row border. Gets default cell border. Gets height for row. Gets fixed row height - row may have fixed height. Gets fixed row is in new page - page with this property should be printed to next page Default false. Gets is row can be broken between two pages. Gets or sets default text state for row cells Gets or sets default margin for row cells. Gets or sets the vertical alignment. Creates and added it to current table. Created structure element. Creates and added it to current table. Created structure element. Represents a base class for table cell elements (TH and TD) in logical structure. Gets or sets the cell background color. Gets or sets the cell border. Gets or sets the cell have border. Gets or sets the padding. Gets or sets the cell alignment. Gets or sets the default cell text state. Gets or sets the cell's text word wrapped. Gets or sets the vertical alignment. Gets or sets the column span. Gets or sets the row span. Gets object for current element. object for current element. Appends text content to current text element. Text content Represents TH structure element in logical structure of the table. Represents TD structure element in logical structure of the table. The Aspose.Pdf.Tagged.LogicalStructure is a namespace for PDF Logical Structure classes. Represents a base class for element in logical structure. Get parent element. Parent element. Gets children collection of objects. Children collection of objects. Find Elements of a given type Type of Structure Element for search (Optional) Recursive Search (default false, search only from direct children) List of found Elements Append to collection of children. object to add. which has been added. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents an ordered collection of elements. Gets the number of elements in the ElementList. Retrieves a element at the given index. The index into the list of elements. The with the specified index in the collection. If is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the list, this returns null. Gets an element at the given index. The index into the list of elements. The with the specified index in the collection. If index is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the list, this returns null. Gets an enumerator that iterates through the collection of elements. An enumerator used to iterate through the collection of elements. Represents a base class for grouping structure elements in logical structure. Represents Document structure element in logical structure. Represents Part structure element in logical structure. Represents Art structure element in logical structure. Represents Sect structure element in logical structure. Represents Div structure element in logical structure. Represents BlockQuote structure element in logical structure. Represents Caption structure element in logical structure. Represents TOC structure element in logical structure. Represents TOCI structure element in logical structure. Represents Index structure element in logical structure. Represents NonStruct structure element in logical structure. Represents Private structure element in logical structure. Represents a base class for illustration structure elements in logical structure. Appends image to current illustration element. Image source. (Optional) Image Resolution. Default: 300 DPI. Appends image to current illustration element. Image source. Image width. Image height. Represents Figure structure element in logical structure. Represents Formula structure element in logical structure. Represents Form structure element in logical structure. Represents a base class for inline-level structure elements in logical structure. Represents a base class for inline-level text structure elements in logical structure. Gets object for current element. object for current element. Appends text content to current text element. Text content. Represents a base class for annotation structure elements in logical structure. Gets or Sets the Alternate Descriptions for annotation. Text that shall be displayed for the annotation or, if this type of annotation does not display text, an alternate description of the annotation's contents in human-readable form. Represents Span structure element in logical structure. Represents Quote structure element in logical structure. Represents Note structure element in logical structure. Represents Reference structure element in logical structure. Represents BibEntry structure element in logical structure. Represents Code structure element in logical structure. Represents Link structure element in logical structure. Gets or Sets Hyperlink for Link Element. Gets object for current element. object for current element. Appends text content to current text element. Text content. Represents Annot structure element in logical structure. Represents Ruby structure element in logical structure. Represents Warichu structure element in logical structure. Represents a base class for children elements of the Ruby in logical structure. Represents a base class for children elements of the Warichu in logical structure. Represents RB structure element in logical structure of the Ruby. Represents RT structure element in logical structure of the Ruby. Represents RP structure element in logical structure of the Ruby. Represents WT structure element in logical structure of the Warichu. Represents WP structure element in logical structure of the Warichu. Interface for presenting text structure elements. Gets object for text structure element. object for text structure element. Appends text content to current text element. Text content Represents marked-content reference object in logical structure. Gets image source for marked-content reference element. For just created . Is null in other cases. Image source for marked-content reference element. Gets text content for marked-content reference element. For just created object wich implement . Is null in other cases. Text content for marked-content reference element. Gets MCID of marked-content reference object. MCID of marked-content reference object. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents object reference entity in logical structure. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents StructTreeRoot object in logical structure. Represents attribute of structure element. Gets attribute key. Attribute Key. Gets Value Name. Value Name. Gets Value String. Value String. Gets Value Number. Value Number. Gets Value Name Array. Value Name Array. Gets Value Number Array. Value Number Array. Sets Value Name. Allowable Value Name. Sets Value String. Value String. Sets Value Number. Value Number. Sets Value Name Array. Array of allowable Value Names. Sets Value Number Array. Array of Numbers. Sets Value Color. Color. Sets Value Rectangle. Rectangle. Gets status of structure attribute value. True if value is set. Initializes a new instance of the StructureAttribute. Attribute Key Represents collection of attributes of structure elements. Return of structure element by standard attribute owner. Standard attribute owner. of structure element. Return null if not found. Create and return of structure element by standard attribute owner. Standard attribute owner. of structure element. Structure Attributes will be created if it needed. Represents attributes of structure element for standard attribute owners. Gets standard attribute owner. Standard attribute owner. Gets StructureAttribute by AttributeKey. AttributeKey. StructureAttribute Sets StructureAttribute into StructureAttributes. StructureAttribute. Represents a base class for structure elements in logical structure. Gets object. object. Gets object. object. Gets type of structure element. object of structure element. Gets the ID for structure element. ID of the structure element. Gets or sets the title for structure element. Title of the structure element. Gets or sets the language for structure element. Language of the structure element. Gets or sets the alternative text for structure element. Alternative text of the structure element. Gets or sets the expansion text for structure element. Expansion text of the structure element. Gets or sets the actual text for structure element. Actual text of the structure element. Change parent element for current structure element New parent structure element Generate ID for structure element. Sets ID for structure element. ID value for structure element Clear ID for structure element. Sets custom tag for structure element. Tag name Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents text state settings for Text Structure Elements and TaggedContent (ITextElement, ITaggedContent) Gets or sets the font of text. Can be null. Use null to inherit Font property from parent structure element. Gets or sets font size of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit FontSize property from parent structure element. Gets or sets font style of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit FontStyle property from parent structure element. Gets or sets foreground color of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit ForegroundColor property from parent structure element. Gets or sets background color of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit BackgroundColor property from parent structure element. Gets or sets underline for the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit Underline property from parent structure element. Gets or sets strikeout for the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit StrikeOut property from parent structure element. Gets or sets superscript of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit Superscript property from parent structure element. Gets or sets subscript of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit Subscript property from parent structure element. Gets or sets horizontal scaling of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit HorizontalScaling property from parent structure element. Gets or sets line spacing of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit LineSpacing property from parent structure element. Gets or sets character spacing of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit CharacterSpacing property from parent structure element. Gets or sets word spacing of the text. Can be null. Use null to inherit WordSpacing property from parent structure element. Gets or sets margin for block structure element. Represents Categories of Standard Structure Types. Grouping elements group other elements into sequences or hierarchies but hold no content directly and have no direct effect on layout. Block-level structure elements (BLSEs) describe the overall layout of content on the page, proceeding in the block-progression direction. Inline-level structure elements (ILSEs) describe the layout of content within a BLSE, proceeding in the inline-progression direction. Illustration elements are compact sequences of content, in page content order, that are considered to be unitary objects with respect to page layout. An illustration can be treated as either a BLSE or an ILSE. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The name. The result of the conversion. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Represents Standard Structure Types. (Document) A complete document. This is the root element of any structure tree containing multiple parts or multiple articles. (Part) A large-scale division of a document. This type of element is appropriate for grouping articles or sections. (Article) A relatively self-contained body of text constituting a single narrative or exposition. Articles should be disjoint; that is, they should not contain other articles as constituent elements. (Section) A container for grouping related content elements. (Division) A generic block-level element or group of elements. (Block quotation) A portion of text consisting of one or more paragraphs attributed to someone other than the author of the surrounding text. (Caption) A brief portion of text describing a table or figure. (Table of contents) A list made up of table of contents item entries (structure type TOCI) and/or other nested table of contents entries (TOC). A TOC entry that includes only TOCI entries represents a flat hierarchy. A TOC entry that includes other nested TOC entries (and possibly TOCI entries) represents a more complex hierarchy.Ideally, the hierarchy of a top level TOC entry reflects the structure of the main body of the document. (Table of contents item) An individual member of a table of contents. This entry’s children may be any of the following structure types: Lbl A label Reference A reference to the title and the page number NonStruct Non-structure elements for wrapping a leader artifact P Descriptive text TOC Table of content elements for hierarchical tables of content, as described for the TOC entry (Index) A sequence of entries containing identifying text accompanied by reference elements that point out occurrences of the specified text in the main body of a document. (Nonstructural element) A grouping element having no inherent structural significance; it serves solely for grouping purposes. This type of element differs from a division (structure type Div) in that it shall not be interpreted or exported to other document formats; however, its descendants shall be processed normally. (Private element) A grouping element containing private content belonging to the application producing it. The structural significance of this type of element is unspecified and shall be determined entirely by the conforming writer. Neither the Private element nor any of its descendants shall be interpreted or exported to other document formats. (Paragraph) A low-level division of text. (Heading) A label for a subdivision of a document's content. It should be the first child of the division that it heads. Level 1 Heading, for use in conforming writers that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Level 2 Heading, for use in conforming writers that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Level 3 Heading, for use in conforming writers that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Level 4 Heading, for use in conforming writers that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Level 5 Heading, for use in conforming writers that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Level 6 Heading, for use in conforming writers that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. (List) A sequence of items of like meaning and importance. Its immediate children should be an optional caption (structure type Caption) followed by one or more list items (structure type LI). (List item) An individual member of a list. Its children may be one or more labels, list bodies, or both (structure types Lbl or LBody). (Label) A name or number that distinguishes a given item from others in the same list or other group of like items. (List body) The descriptive content of a list item. In a dictionary list, for example, it contains the definition of the term. It may either contain the content directly or have other BLSEs, perhaps including nested lists, as children. (Table) A two-dimensional layout of rectangular data cells, possibly having a complex substructure. It contains either one or more table rows (structure type TR) as children; or an optional table head (structure type THead) followed by one or more table body elements (structure type TBody) and an optional table footer (structure type TFoot). In addition, a table may have a caption (structure type Caption) as its first or last child. (Table header row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the header of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the top of each table fragment (although there is only one THead element). (Table body row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the main body portion of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, the body area may be broken apart on a row boundary. A table may have multiple TBody elements to allow for the drawing of a border or background for a set of rows. (Table footer row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the footer of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the bottom of each table fragment (although there is only one TFoot element.) (Table row) A row of headings or data in a table. It may contain table header cells and table data cells (structure types TH and TD). (Table header cell) A table cell containing header text describing one or more rows or columns of the table. (Table data cell) A table cell containing data that is part of the table's content. (Span) A generic inline portion of text having no particular inherent characteristics. It can be used, for example, to delimit a range of text with a given set of styling attributes. (Quotation) An inline portion of text attributed to someone other than the author of the surrounding text. The quoted text should be contained inline within a single paragraph. This differs from the block-level element BlockQuote, which consists of one or more complete paragraphs (or other elements presented as if they were complete paragraphs). (Note) An item of explanatory text, such as a footnote or an endnote, that is referred to from within the body of the document. It may have a label (structure type Lbl) as a child. The note may be included as a child of the structure element in the body text that refers to it, or it may be included elsewhere (such as in an endnotes section) and accessed by means of a reference (structure type Reference). Tagged PDF does not prescribe the placement of footnotes in the page content order. They may be either inline or at the end of the page, at the discretion of theconforming writer. (Reference) A citation to content elsewhere in the document. (Bibliography entry) A reference identifying the external source of some cited content. It may contain a label (structure type Lbl) as a child. Although a bibliography entry is likely to include component parts identifying the cited content's author, work, publisher, and so forth, no standard structure types are defined at this level of detail. (Code) A fragment of computer program text. (Link) An association between a portion of the ILSE's content and a corresponding link annotation or annotations. Its children should be one or more content items or child ILSEs and one or more object references identifying the associated link annotations. (Annotation; PDF 1.5) An association between a portion of the ILSE's content and a corresponding PDF annotation. Annot shall be used for all PDF annotations except link annotations and widget annotations. (Ruby; PDF 1.5) A side-note (annotation) written in a smaller text size and placed adjacent to the base text to which it refers. A Ruby element may also contain the RB, RT, and RP elements. (Ruby) The wrapper around the entire ruby assembly. It shall contain one RB element followed by either an RT element or a three-element group consisting of RP, RT, and RP. Ruby elements and their content elements shall not break across multiple lines. (Ruby base text) The full-size text to which the ruby annotation is applied. RB may contain text, other inline elements, or a mixture of both. It may have the RubyAlignattribute. (Ruby annotation text) The smaller-size text that shall be placed adjacent to the ruby base text. It may contain text, other inline elements, or a mixture of both. It may have the RubyAlign and RubyPosition attributes. (Ruby punctuation) Punctuation surrounding the ruby annotation text. It is used only when a ruby annotation cannot be properly formatted in a ruby style and instead is formatted as a normal comment, or when it is formatted as a warichu. It contains text (usually a single LEFT or RIGHT PARENTHESIS or similar bracketing character). (Warichu; PDF 1.5) A comment or annotation in a smaller text size and formatted onto two smaller lines within the height of the containing text line and placed following (inline) the base text to which it refers. A Warichu element may also contain the WT and WP elements. (Warichu) The wrapper around the entire warichu assembly. It may contain a three-element group consisting of WP, WT, and WP. Warichu elements (and their content elements) may wrap across multiple lines, according to the warichu breaking rules described in the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051-1995. (Warichu text) The smaller-size text of a warichu comment that is formatted into two lines and placed between surrounding WP elements. (Warichu punctuation) The punctuation that surrounds the WT text. It contains text (usually a single LEFT or RIGHT PARENTHESIS or similar bracketing character). According to JIS X 4051-1995, the parentheses surrounding a warichu may be converted to a SPACE (nominally 1/4 EM in width) at the discretion of the formatter. (Figure) An item of graphical content. Its placement may be specified with the Placement layout attribute. (Formula) A mathematical formula. This structure type is useful only for identifying an entire content element as a formula. No standard structure types are defined for identifying individual components within the formula. From a formatting standpoint, the formula shall be treated similarly to a figure (structure type Figure). (Form) A widget annotation representing an interactive form field. Gets tag name of . Tag name of . Gets category of Standard Structure Type. Category of Standard Structure Type. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The tag name. The result of the conversion. Returns a string that represents the current object. String that represents the current object. Describes bytes range.

The Aspose.Pdf.GroupProcessor namespace provides classes used to work text and fonts.

Represents factory for creating IPdfTypeExtractor objects. Conains creator of IPdfTypeExtractor object. Interface for document page text extractor. Extracted page text. Page number. Extracted page text. Returns page count. Interface for document text extractor. Returns collection of extracted text values. Extracted text values. Represents interface to interacting with extractor. Returns collection of extracted text values. Collection of extracted text values. Returns page text. Page number. Page text. Returns page count. Dispose. Returns version. Returns if fast extraction mechanism used. Contains all pdf font properties. Contains pdf object parameters and all descendant ones. Creates a new PdfTreeNode object. Adds new node in tree. New node. Finds all fonts in descendant tree nodes. Dictionary that contains found fonts with its names. Tries to find fonts in descendants nodes. Root node. Container for storing found fonts.

The Aspose.Pdf.GroupProcessor.Creators namespace provides classes used to create instances of GroupProcessor classes.

Represents an creator of IPdfTypeExtractor object. Creates IPdfTypeExtractor object. Path to a pdf document. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. object of IPdfTypeExtractor Creates IPdfTypeExtractor object. Stream containing pdf document. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. object of IPdfTypeExtractor Creates IPdfTypeExtractor object. Path to a pdf document. Document password. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. object of IPdfTypeExtractor Creates IPdfTypeExtractor object. Stream containing pdf document. Document password. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. object of IPdfTypeExtractor Creates TextExtractor instance. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Path to a pdf document. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Path to a pdf document. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Stream containing pdf document. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Path to a pdf document. Document password. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Stream containing pdf document. Document password. Maximum size of content in bytes that can be kept in memory. Allows async initialization of resources. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Path to a pdf document. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Stream containing pdf document. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Path to a pdf document. Initializes TextExtractor instance. Stream containing pdf document. Method is searching for all indirect pdf objects and store their byte indexes so that later we will be able to get any of these pdf objects the fastest way. Builds tree of nodes those contain all pdf parameters with their values. Byte range where to parse parameters. Initial (root) node for building tree. For recursive calling. Just shows that next recursive function should find parameter value but not parameter itself. Last index of the parsed range. Extracts text from the document Array of strings representing document text Extracts text from the page 1-based number of the page Text Gets count of pages in the document. The exception that is thrown when a font is not found. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Defines different modes which can be used while extracting images from documents. Defines image extraction mode in which all images defined in resources for particular page are extracted. Defines image extraction mode in which only those images are extracted that are actually shown on a page. Used to specify the form presentation mode when printing or converting to image pdf documents. Specifies Production form presentation mode (used by default). Specifies Editor form presentation mode. The Editor mode is used by some products to display forms. In Editor mode some form elements are displayed as they are shown in form designer. Represents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into bmp. Initializes a new instance of the class with default resolution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and resolution. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size and resolution. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Converts the page into bmp and saves it in the output stream. The page to convert. Output stream with bmp image. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). Page size of the output image. renders page on the graphics Used to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device. Default color depth. 32 bit depth is used by default. 8 bits per pixel. Equal 4 bits per pixel. Equal 1 bit per pixel. Equal Used to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device. Specifies the LZW compression scheme. Can be passed to the Tiff encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies the CCITT4 compression scheme. Can be passed to the CCITT4 encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies the CCITT3 compression scheme. Can be passed to the CCITT3 encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies the RLE compression scheme. Can be passed to the RLE encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. Specifies no compression. Can be passed to the Tiff encoder as a parameter that belongs to the compression category. The Aspose.Pdf.Devices namespace provides classes which are used for representing document as image(s) or a plain text. So document can be sent on to textual or various graphic devices which means we want to get it textual or graphic representation. Abstract class for all types of devices. Device is used to represent pdf document in some format. For example, document page can be represented as image or text. Document which is processed by this device instance. Abstract class for all devices which is used to process the whole pdf document. Each device represents some operation on the document, e.g. we can convert pdf document into another format. The document to process. Defines the page from which to start processing. Defines the last page to process. Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. Processes the whole document and saves results into stream. The document to process. Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. Processes the whole document and saves results into file. The document to process. Defines file where the results of processing are stored. Processes certain pages of the document and saves results into file. The document to process. The first page to start processing. The last page of processing. Defines file where the results of processing are stored. Do Bradley binarization for input stream. The input image stream. The output image stream. The threshold value between 0.0 and 1.0. Represents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into gif. Initializes a new instance of the class with default resolution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and resolution. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size and resolution. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Converts the page into gif and saves it in the output stream. The page to convert. Output stream with gif image. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). Page size of the output image. An abstract class for image devices. Gets or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. Gets or sets rendering options. Gets or sets form presentation mode. Gets image resolution. Gets image output width. Gets image output height. Abstract initializer for descendants, set resolution to 150x150. Abstract initializer for descendants. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and default resolution (=150). Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and default resolution (=150). Page size of the output image. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and resolution. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and resolution. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. processes current page and returns presenter processes current page with the graphics and returns presenter Generates images using presenter. Adds evaluation message Represents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into jpeg. Initializes a new instance of the class with default resolution and maximum quality. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality. Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality. Page size of the output image. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, resolution and maximum quality. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, resolution and maximum quality. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, resolution and quality. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, resolution and quality. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. Converts the page into jpeg and saves it in the output stream. The page to convert. Output stream with jpeg image. Represents image device that save pdf document pages into Thumbnail image. Initializes a new instance of the class with default size of thumbnail image (200x200 pixels). Initializes a new instance of the class. Thumbnail image output width. Thumbnail image output height. Converts the page into thumbnail image png and saves it in the output stream. The page to convert. Output stream with png image. This class represents margins of an image. Gets or sets the left. The left. Gets or sets the right. The right. Gets or sets the top. The top. Gets or sets the bottom. The bottom. Initializes a new instance of the class. The left coordinate. The right coordinate. The top coordinate. The bottom coordinate. Initializes a new instance of the class. Abstract class for all devices which is used to process certain page the pdf document. Perfoms some operation on the given page, e.g. converts page into graphic image. The page to process. This stream contains the results of processing. Perfoms some operation on the given page and saves results into the file. The page to process. This file contains the results of processing. renders page on the graphics Represents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into png. Initializes a new instance of the class with default resolution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and resolution. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size and resolution. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. Converts the page into png and saves it in the output stream. The page to convert. Output stream with png image. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). Page size of the output image. Represents class for holding image resolution. Gets or sets horizontal image resolution. Gets or sets vertical image resolution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Value which represents the horizontal and vertical resolution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Horizontal resolution. Vertical resolution. This enum represents shape type for the extracted images. Original image shape. Landscape Shape. Portrait Shape. Represents class for converting pdf document pages into text. The object is basically used to extract text from pdf page. The example demonstrates how to extract text on the first PDF document page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); string extractedText; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { // create text device TextDevice device = new TextDevice(); // convert the page and save text to the stream device.Process(doc.Pages[1], ms); // use the extracted text ms.Close(); extractedText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ms.ToArray()); } Gets or sets text extraction options. The example demonstrates how to extracted text in raw order. Document doc = new Document(inFile); string extractedText; // create text device TextDevice device = new TextDevice(new TextExtractionOptions(TextExtractionOptions.TextFormattingMode.Raw)); // convert the page and save text to the stream device.Process(doc.Pages[1], outFile); // use the extracted text extractedText = File.ReadAllText(outFile, Encoding.Unicode); Gets or sets encoding of extracted text. The example demonstrates how to represent extracted text in UTF-8 encoding. Document doc = new Document(inFile); string extractedText; // create text device TextDevice device = new TextDevice(Encoding.UTF8); // convert the page and save text to the stream device.Process(doc.Pages[1], outFile); // use the extracted text extractedText = File.ReadAllText(outFile, Encoding.UTF8); Convert page and save it as text stream. The example demonstrates how to extract text on the first PDF document page. Document doc = new Document(inFile); string extractedText; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { // create text device TextDevice device = new TextDevice(); // convert the page and save text to the stream device.Process(doc.Pages[1], ms); // use the extracted text ms.Close(); extractedText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ms.ToArray()); } The page to convert. Result stream. Initializes a new instance of the with text extraction options. Text extraction options. Initializes a new instance of the with the Raw text formatting mode and Unicode text encoding. Initializes a new instance of the for the specified encoding. Encoding of extracted text Initializes a new instance of the for the specified encoding with text extraction options. Text extraction options. Encoding of extracted text. This class helps to save pdf document page by page into the one tiff image. For internal usage only replaces fonts with TTF unicode fonts to solve compatibility issues Gets or sets rendering options. Gets or sets form presentation mode. Gets settings for mapping pdf into tiff image. Gets image resolution. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the result image file. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the output image. Tiff settings, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the output image. Tiff settings, see class. External converter Initializes a new instance of the class. Tiff settings, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Tiff settings, see class. External converter Initializes a new instance of the class with default settings. Converts certain document pages into tiff and save it in the output stream. The document to convert. Defines page number from which converting will start. Defines page number which will end the converting. Output stream with tiff image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the output image. Tiff settings, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the output image. Tiff settings, see class. External converter Initializes a new instance of the class. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the output image. Tiff settings, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the output image. Tiff settings, see class. External converter Initializes a new instance of the class. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the output image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the output image. Initializes a new instance of the class. Image output width. Image output height. Tiff settings, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Image output width. Image output height. Tiff settings, see class. External converter Initializes a new instance of the class. Page size of the output image. Tiff settings, see class. External converter Initializes a new instance of the class. Page size of the output image. Tiff settings, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class. Page size of the output image. Gets image output width. Gets image output height. This class represents settings for importing pdf to Tiff. Gets the margins. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to skip blank pages. Default value is false true if need to skip blank pages; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the type of the compression. Default value is CompressionType.LZW The type of the compression. Gets or sets the color depth. Default value is ColorDepth.Default The color depth. Gets or sets the type of the shape. Default value is ShapeType.None The type of the shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. Initializes a new instance of the class. The color depth. Initializes a new instance of the class. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. The color depth. The margins. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. The color depth. The margins. if set to true need to skip blank pages. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the compression. The color depth. The margins. if set to true need to skip blank pages. Type of the shape. Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true [skip blank pages]. Get or sets a value boundary of the transformation of colors in white and black. This parameter can be applied with EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4, EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT3, EncoderValue.CompressionRle or ColorDepth.Format1bpp == 1 Value of brightness should be in the range from 0 to 1. By default value is equal to 0.33f Get or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. Represents image device that helps to save pdf document pages into emf. Initializes a new instance of the class with default resolution of raster image written to emf. Initializes a new instance of the class. Resolution for the raster image written to emf, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, and default resolution for the raster image written to emf (=150) Image output width. Image output height. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, and default resolution for the raster image written to emf (=150) Page size of the output image. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions, and resolution for the raster image written to emf. Image output width. Image output height. Resolution for the for the raster image written to emf, see class. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided page size, and resolution for the raster image written to emf. Page size of the output image. Resolution for the for the raster image written to emf, see class. Converts the page into emf and saves it in the output stream. The page to convert. Output stream with emf image. Represents image device that helps to render pdf document pages into graphics. Initializes a new instance of the class with provided image dimensions and resolution. Top Left image coordinate Image output width. Image output height. Width that the image is auto-sized to Height that the image is auto-sized to Scale factor of the outpot image. Resolution for the result image file, see class. degrees Perfoms some operation on the given page, e.g. converts page into graphic image. The page to process. This stream contains the results of processing. renders page on the graphics Represents a abstract base object can be added to the page(doc.Paragraphs.Add()). Gets or sets a vertical alignment of paragraph Gets or sets a horizontal alignment of paragraph Gets or sets a outer margin for paragraph (for pdf generation) Gets or sets a paragraph id. Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether this paragraph will be at next column. Default is false.(for pdf generation) Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether current paragraph remains in the same page along with next paragraph. Default is false.(for pdf generation) Gets or sets a bool value that force this paragraph generates at new page. Default is false.(for pdf generation) Gets or sets a paragraph is inline. Default is false.(for pdf generation) Gets or sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). Gets or sets a int value that indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be negative. Graph with negative ZIndex will be placed behind the text in the page. Gets or sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator performance internal use). Gets or sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator internal use). Clones this instance. Virtual method. Always return null. Null. Enumerates the border corner styles for border. None border style. Round border style. Enumerates the border corner styles for border. Top left corner. Top left corner. Top right corner. Bottom right corner. BottomLeft corner. This class represents border for graphics elements. Gets or sets a object that indicates left of the border. Gets or sets a object that indicates right of the border. Gets or sets a object that indicates the top border. Gets or sets a object that indicates bottom of the border. Gets or sets a rouded border radius Gets bool is all four border parts. Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates the border sides info. For example: (int)(BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Top). The border color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates the border sides info. For example: (BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Top). Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates the border sides info. For example: (BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Top). The width of the border. Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates the border sides info. For example: (BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Top). The width of the border. The border color. Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates the border sides info. For example: (BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Top). The border info. Clones a new BorderInfo object. The new BorderInfo object. Enumerates the border sides. No border. Left border. Top border. Right border. Bottom border. All sides borders.It has the same meaning when useing "Box" and will be replaced by "Box" one year later. So, please use "Box" if possible. Four sides borders. Represents a FloatingBox in a Pdf document. FloatingBox is custom positioned. Initializes a new instance of the class with specified width and height. The width of the box. The height of the box. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a column info Gets or sets a float value that indicates the width of the floating box. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the height of the floating box. Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the paragraph need to be repeated on next page. Default value is false.The attribute is only valid when the paragraph itself and the object its ReferenceParagraphID referred to both are included in RepeatingRows. Gets or sets a collection that indicates all paragraphs in the cell. Gets or sets a object that indicates the border info of the floating box. Gets or sets a object that indicates the background color of the floating box. Gets or sets background image for page (for generator only). Gets or sets a object that indicates the padding of the floating box. Gets or sets the table left coordinate. Gets or sets the table top coordinate. Clones a new object. Paragraphs in the floating box are not cloned. The new object. Class represents header or footer pdf page. Gets or sets is clip extra content. Gets or sets is note more than page. Gets or sets footer with footnotes size. Gets or sets end note footer top line rightX. Gets or sets footer top line rightX. Gets or sets the paragraphs. Gets or sets the paragraphs. Gets or sets paragraphs without footnotes height. Gets all paragraphs. Gets or sets the end note paragraphs. Gets or sets the rectangles for links for notes. Gets or sets the margin info. Gets or sets page generator. Clones a new object. The new object. Gets a object with specified ID in the document. The object id. The object with specified id. Null if the id is not found. Default ctor Represents heading. Initializes a new instance of the Cell class. The headings level. Gets the page that contains this heading. DefaultTocInfo. The page. Gets the left X of this headings(for internal use). Gets the top Y of this headings. Gets the heading start number. Gets the heading should be numered automatically. Gets the heading should be in toc list. Gets the destination page. Gets the level. Gets or sets style. Gets or sets user label. Gets the heading number. Clone the heading. The cloned object Clone the heading with all segments. The cloned object Process headings for table of contents. The heading. The text builder. Represents abstract hyperlink. Represents image. Gets or sets the image file. Gets or sets the image width. Gets or sets the image height. Gets or sets the image file type. Gets or sets the image scale. Gets or sets the image stream. Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the image use resolution during generation Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the image is forced to be black-and-white. If TIFF image of CCITT subformat is used, this property must be set to true. Gets or sets a string value that indicates the title of the image. Gets or sets a custom tag for serialization. Get file from url and local path Returns mime type for image. Image object/ Mime type as string if found; otherwise, "image/unknown" value. Process image generation. Clone the image. The cloned object Represents format of the table of contents. Gets or sets TOC line dash. Gets or sets a list level margin Gets or sets a subsequent lines indent Gets or sets a list level text state This class represents a margin for different objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor of Rectangle. Left margin. Bottom margin Right margin. Top margin. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the left margin. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the right margin. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the top margin. Gets or sets a float value that indicates the bottom margin. Clones a new object. The new object. Represents the class for page generation(internal). Get the paragraph collection Get maximum X from generator Get current Y from generator Get information is something generated Get processes paragraphs count Get operators for header and footer Remove processed paragraphs. The processed paragraphs count for this page. Process page generation. Convert TextFragment to TextParagraph. The text fragment. The text paragraph rectangle. Clones a new object. The new object. Represents the page information. Clone page info. The cloned object Gets or sets page margin for any page except first. Gets or sets default font. Gets or sets page height. Gets or sets page pure height without margins. Gets page pure width without margins. Gets or sets is page landscaped. Gets or sets page margin. Gets or sets page width. Gets is width is set. Gets is height is set. This class represents paragraph collection. Add paragraph to collection. The paragraph. Remove paragraphs range. The first paragraph index. The paragraphs count. The paragraphs collection Remove paragraphs range. The first paragraph index. The paragraphs count. Remove paragraph from collection. The paragraph. Insert paragraph to collection. The index for paragraph. The paragraph. Get paragraphs count. Clear paragraphs. Inserts the elements of a collection into the list at the specified index. Index value. Collection. Gets or sets paragraph from or to collection. The paragraph index. Gets the enumerator. Enumerator object. Sort collection by zindex. Clones a new object. The new object. Represents table of contents info. Gets headings numbers for auto numnering(internal). Gets or sets column info. Gets or sets format array for table of contents. Gets or sets format array length Gets or sets table of contents title. Gets or sets is count or passed toc pages. Gets or sets is prefix before page number. Gets or sets is show page numbers at Toc. Gets or sets TOC line dash. Gets or sets TOC pages count(for internal use). Gets or sets inserted toc number(for internal use). Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents web hyperlink object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Web url for hyperlink. Gets or sets the web url. Represents page layer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The layer id The layer name Gets the layer name. Gets the layer id. Gets the layer position in content stream. Gets the layer content. Ligntweight operator collection. Intended to be used in scenarios when underlying contents stream is not attached, where just operator collection is required as a result. Gets operator by its index. Index of operator. Numbering is starts from 1. Operator from requested index Example demonstrates how to get operator of page contents by index. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; Operator first = oc[1]; Indicates wheather collection is limited to fast text extraction Suppresses update contents data. The contents stream is not updated until ResumeUpdate is called. Resumes document update. Updates contents stream in case there are any pending changes. Cancels last update. This method may be called when the change should not raise contents update. Returns opetator list. opetator list. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Class PdfToXmlConverter. Converts the specified document. The document. The output file path. Extra data (fonts and images) will be saved near. The options. Converts the specified document. The document. The output stream. All data will be packed in zip. The options. Save options for export to Xml format Constructor Class represents the collection of all destinations (a name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, "Named Destinations") and (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary")) in the pdf document. Class represents enumerator of the collection. Initializes new DestinationEnumerator collection instance from the . The collection of destinations. Advances the enumerator to the next destination of the collection. True if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next destination; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Sets the enumerator to the initial position, which is before the first destination in the collection. Gets the current destination in the collection. Gets the current destination in the collection. Stores pdf document contained destinations. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Gets the destination object by index. The index of destination to get. Destination. Initializes new Destination collection instance from the . Document contained destinations. Initializes the collection of destinations. Returns the page number of destination by the name. The name of destination. Determines whether cached version of collection is used or not. The page number if destination was found; otherwise, -1. Returns the explicit destination by the name. The name of destination. Determines whether cached version of collection is used or not. The ExplicitDestination object for destination found; otherwise, null. Returns the enumerator. The enumerator. Returns the enumerator. The enumerator. Returns the index of destination in collection. The value to find. The index of destination in collection. Determines whether this instance contains the object. The value. true if [contains] [the specified value]; otherwise, false. Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from collection The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Adds the specified item. Collection is read-only. Always throws NotSupportedException exception. The item. Collection is read-only. Always throws NotSupportedException exception. Removes the specified item. Collection is read-only. Always throws NotSupportedException exception. The item. Enumeration of supported page numbering style for PageLabel class. Arabic decimal numbers. Uppercase roman numbers (I, II, III...). Lowercase roman numbers (i, ii, iii...). Uppercase latin letters (A, B, C...). Lowercase latin letters (a, b, c...). No numbering. Class represeting Number tree structure of PDF file. 7.9.7Number Trees Remove key from number tree. Gets item by key. Gets all keys in the tree. This class describes page actions An action that shall be performed when the page is opened. An action that shall be performed when the page is closed. Describes page coordinate type. The MediaBox is used to specify the width and height of the page. For the average user, this probably equals the actual page size. The MediaBox is the largest page box in a PDF. The other page boxes can equal the size of the MediaBox but they cannot be larger. The CropBox defines the region to which the page contents are to be clipped. Acrobat uses this size for screen display and printing. Class representing Page Label range. Gets or sets starting value of the page numbering range. Gets or sets numbering style. Gets or sets page number prefix. Constructor for page label. Class represeingting page label collection. Gets page label by page index (page index is started from 0). Index of the page. Page label for specified page index or null if page label does not exist. Update label for given page index (page index is started from 0). Index of page to change lable of the page. New label of the page. Remove label by page index (page index is started from 0). Index of page where label must be deleted. true if operation was executed successfully. Gets page indexes in collection. Array of integers which contains indexes of the pages. Class representing size of page in PDF document. Gets or sets page width. Gets or sets page height. Gets page orientation. Returns true of this is landscape orientation and false if this is portrait. A0 size (1189x840 mm). A1 size (840x594 mm). A2 size (594x420 mm). A3 size (420x297 mm). A4 size (297x210 mm). A5 size (210x148 mm). A6 size (148x105 mm). B5 size (250x176 mm). Letter size (279x216 mm). Legal size (356x216 mm). Ledger size (432x279 mm). 11x17 inches format. Constructor for PageSize. Width of the page. Height of the page. Represents an object containing graphics compositing parameters of current graphics state. Initializes new instance of the object. Blend mode of current graphics state. Initializes new instance of the object. Blend mode of current graphics state. The image filter type. Initializes new instance of the object. Blend mode of current graphics state. The image filter type. The adding mask flag. Gets blend mode of current graphics state. Gets the image filter type. Gets the mask flag. The blend modes enumeration. Normal blend mode. Multiply blend mode. Screen blend mode. Overlay blend mode. Darken blend mode. Lighten blend mode. ColorDodge blend mode. ColorBurn blend mode. HardLight blend mode. SoftLight blend mode. Difference blend mode. Exclusion blend mode. Hue blend mode. Saturation blend mode. Color blend mode. Luminosity blend mode. Compatible blend mode. The exception that is thrown when an operation with form type is not valid. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. The exception that is thrown when a Cgm file is invalid. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. This class provides information about current product build. Assembly Version Product Name File Version Defines the constants that participate in the license check for the component. These used to be defined directly as assembly attributes, but I moved them into separate class because in .NET Compact Framework I cannot access assembly attributes. Now the licensing code when compiled for the .NET Compact Framework uses these constants instead of the assembly attributes. This is used by Aspose licensing code to verify the license is for the correct product. The version of the assembly. This is used by Aspose licensing code to check for subscription expiry. You need to set this to the date you publish a release or a hotfix. The producer of the Pdf file. Represents class for color value which can be expressed in different color space. Represents empty color. Gets the alpha component value Gets color value. Gets color space that the color represents. Default constructor. If true this is empty (transparent) color. Extracts color components from the string. String value with color component values. Color object. Converts to string. String representation of the Color object. Converts color into rgb. Rgb color value. Gets valid pdf Color object from System.Drawing.Color value. System.Drawing.Color value. Color object with each component value in [0..1] range. Gets valid pdf Color object from RGB color components. The Red color component (value 0 - 255). The Green color component (value 0 - 255). The Blue color component (value 0 - 255). Color object with each component value in [0..255] range. Gets valid pdf Color object from RGB color components. The alpha component value (value 0 - 255). The Red color component (value 0 - 255). The Green color component (value 0 - 255). The Blue color component (value 0 - 255). Color object with each component value in [0..255] range. Gets valid pdf Color object from RGB color components. The Red color component (value 0 - 1). The Green color component (value 0 - 1). The Blue color component (value 0 - 1). Color object with each component value in [0..1] range. Gets valid pdf Color object from Gray color component. The Gray color component (value 0 - 1). Color object with each component value in [0..1] range. Gets valid pdf Color object from RGB color components. The Cyan color component (value 0 - 1). The Magenta color component (value 0 - 1). The Yellow color component (value 0 - 1). The Key color component (value 0 - 1). Color object with each component value in [0..1] range. Returns true if two Colors are equal. Object to compare. True in case Color objects are equal. Returns true if two Colors are equal. First Color object. Second Color object. True in case Color objects are equal. Returns true if two Colors are not equal. First Color object. Second Color object. True in case Color objects are not equal. The pattern colorspace. Represents a object that indicates the pattern colorspace. Gets a system-defined color. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF0F8FF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFAEBD7. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00FFFF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF7FFFD4. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF0FFFF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF5F5DC. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFE4C4. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF000000. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFEBCD. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF0000FF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF8A2BE2. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFA52A2A. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFDEB887. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF5F9EA0. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF7FFF00. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFD2691E. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFF7F50. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF6495ED. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFF8DC. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFDC143C. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00FFFF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00008B. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF008B8B. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFB8860B. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFA9A9A9. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF006400. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFBDB76B. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF8B008B. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF556B2F. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFF8C00. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF9932CC. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF8B0000. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFE9967A. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF8FBC8F. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF483D8B. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF2F4F4F. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00CED1. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF9400D3. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFF1493. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00BFFF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF696969. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF1E90FF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFB22222. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFFAF0. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF228B22. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFF00FF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFDCDCDC. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF8F8FF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFD700. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFDAA520. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF808080. A strcture representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF008000. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFADFF2F. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF0FFF0. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFF69B4. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFCD5C5C. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF4B0082. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFFFF0. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF0E68C. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFE6E6FA. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFF0F5. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF7CFC00. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFFACD. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFADD8E6. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF08080. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFE0FFFF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFAFAD2. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF90EE90. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFD3D3D3. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFB6C1. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFA07A. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF20B2AA. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF87CEFA. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF778899. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFB0C4DE. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFFFE0. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00FF00. A representing a system-defined color. 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Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF7B68EE. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00FA9A. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF48D1CC. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFC71585. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF191970. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF5FFFA. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFE4E1. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFE4B5. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFDEAD. A representing a system-defined color. 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Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFD8BFD8. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFF6347. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF40E0D0. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFEE82EE. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF5DEB3. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFF5F5F5. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFFF00. A representing a system-defined color. Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF9ACD32. A representing a system-defined color. Convert document to HTML format. Maybe in the future class will be released into public API to allow customers override method members, so members that should be allowed to override marked as 'public' though right now class is internal Gets or sets path to directory to which must be saved only SVG-images if they are encountered during saving of document as HTML. If parameter is empty or null then SVG files(if any) wil be saved together with other image-files (near to output file or in special folder for images - when it specified in SpecialImagesFolderIfAny option) Gets or sets path to directory to which must be saved any images if they are encountered during saving of document as HTML. If parameter is empty or null then image files(if any) wil be saved together with other linked-files this method used to create resorce saver for specified target HTML file relative pathes in target file will be supposet to have folder of outputHtmlFile as start point path to target HTML file returns relative path that was in fact used for saving This method is used to save an image that is referenced by main HTML (or embedded in SVG and was extracted from it) and represented as byte arrays. The byte array to be saved. The type of saved image. What the image is referenced by: HTML or SVG. The suggested file name for teh saved image. The relative path that was actually used for saving. This method is used to save font that is referenced by main HTML and that can be loaded from supplied stream. The font's data stream to be read and then saved. The suggested file name for the saved font. The relative path that was actually used for saving. This method used to save CSS that is referenced by main HTML and that can be loaded from supplied stream. The saved CSS' data stream to be read and then saved. The suggested URL for saved CSS. The relative path that was actually used for saving. This method is used to save linked HTML-document that is referenced by main HTML and can be loaded from the supplied stream. The saved HTML's data stream to be read and then saved. The suggested file name for the saved HTML. The relative path that was actually used for saving. Convet document to Html format. Pdf document. Path to file where the document will be stored. If called for writing into stream, can be null OutputStream. If called for writing into file, must be null Save options. Order of events (CssReady and HTML ready ) in underlying converter depends on selected SplitCssIntoPages. Order of processing of embedding CSS to HTML depends on that order, so we need to know it and control Resource saver processing logic depending on that order of events. Represents enumeration of the Html document types. The XHtml Document Type. The HTML5 Document Type. Save options for export to Html format This handler can be used to handle conversion progress events f.e. it can be used to show progress bar or messages about current amount of processed pages, example of handler's code that shows progress on console is : public static void ConvertWithShowingProgress() { (new Aspose.Pdf.License()).SetLicense(@"F:\_Sources\Aspose_5\trunk\testdata\License\Aspose.Total.lic"); Document doc = new Document(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.pdf"); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.CustomProgressHandler = new HtmlSaveOptions.ConversionProgressEventHandler(ShowProgressOnConsole); doc.Save(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.doc", saveOptions); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void ShowProgressOnConsole(HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventHandlerInfo eventInfo) { switch (eventInfo.EventType) { case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.TotalProgress: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Conversion progress : {1}% .", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.SourcePageAnalized: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Source page {1} of {2} analyzed.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageCreated: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page's {1} of {2} layout created.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageSaved: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page {1} of {2} exported.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; default: break; } } Enumerates modes that can be used for saving of fonts referenced in saved PDF All referenced fonts will be saved and referenced as WOFF-fonts All referenced fonts will be saved and referenced as TTF-fonts All referenced fonts will be saved and referenced as EOT-fonts All referenced fonts will be saved (and referenced in CSS) as 3 independent files : EOT, TTH,WOFF. It increases size of output data but makes output sutable for overhelming majority of web brawsers All referenced fonts will not be saved. Indicates that full font will be saved, supports only True Type Fonts. By default SaveFullFont = false and the converter saves the subset of the initial font needed to display the text of the document. This enum describes possible antialiasing measures during conversion no special antialiasing processing in use. This is an optimal option for overhelming majority of documents and it does not require additional time during conversion In such case converter tries to detect places with ajacent background graphical elements and correct result HTML in relevant way. This option allows enhance result of export for documents that contain backgrounds built from several ajacent graphical elements (for such kind of documents PDF renderers , f.e. Acrobat Reader, usually try smooth boundaries of elements during rendering. With this option converter imitates that behaviour of PDF-renderers. This option allows enhance layout of result of export for some specific documents (that use such compound backgrounds), but it requires additional time for processng (usually about 10-15% of additional time). So usage of this mode in general case is not recommended. This parameter defines required antialiasing measures during conversion of compound background images from PDF to HTML Pdf can contain transparent texts that can be selected to clipboard (usually it happen when document contains images and OCRed texts extracted from it). This settings tells to converter whether we need save such texts as transparent selectable texts in result HTML Pdf can contain texts that are shadowed by another elements (f.e. by images) but can be selected to clipboard in Acrobat Reader (usually it happen when document contains images and OCRed texts extracted from it). This settings tells to converter whether we need save such texts as transparent selectable texts in result HTML to mimic behaviour of Acrobat Reader (othervise such texts are usually saved as hidden, not available for copying to clipboard) Defines font saving mode that will be used during saving of PDF to desirable format This class represents set of data that related to custom saving of CSS during conversion of PDF to HTML format Set by converter. During conversion several CSS-files are created . This properties shows ordinal of saved CSS-file during conversion. It can be used in logic of custom code to decide how to process or where to save CSS content Set by converter. Supposed file name that goes from converter to code of custom method Can be used in custom code to decide how to process or where to save content Set by converter. Represents binary content of saved CSS If SplitToPages property of HtmlSaveOptions, then several HTML-files (one HTML file per converted page) are created during conversion of PDF to HTML. This class represents set of data that related to custom saving of one HTML-page's markup during conversion of PDF to HTML Set by converter. Supposed file name that goes from converter to code of custom method Can be used in custom code to decide how to process or where to save content Set by converter. Represents saved HTML as stream Set by converter. If SplitToPages property set, then several HTML-files(one HTML file per converted page) are created during conversion created . This property tells to custom code from what page of original PDF was created saved HTML-markup. If original page number for some reason is inknown or SplitOnPages=false,then this property allways contains '0' that signals that converter cannot supply exact original PDF's page number for supplied HTML-markup file. Set by converter. If set SplitToPages property, then several HTML-files(one HTML file per converted page) are created during conversion created . This property contains ordinal of saved HTML page's file. The property can be used in logic of custom code to decide how to process or where to save HTML page and If splitting on pages turned off this value always contains '1' since in such case only one big HTML page is generated for whole source document. Should be set in custom code when necessary. This flag must be set to "true" in custom code if for some reasons supplied html-markup should be processed not with custom code but with converter's code itself in standard for converter way. So, setting if this flag in custom code means that custom code did not process referenced file and converter must handle it itself Represents set of data that related to request from converter to custom code aimed to get desirable URL (or URL template)of subject CSS Should be set by custom code if it cannot or should not define URL that will be used in generated HTML for referencing of that CSS. If it's 'true', then CSS file will be saved in standard way in standard place. Creates instance of CssUrlRequestInfo This attribute represents set of settings used for drawing border (if any) in result HTML document around area that represent source PDF page. In essence it concerns of showing of page's paper edges, not page border referenced in PDF page itself. This attribute represents set of extra page margin (if any) in result HTML document around area that represent source PDF page. It enumerates possible modes of positioning of letters in words in result HTML It's default method. It uses EM-units and special alhorithm of compensation of rounding errors It's preferable for usage in IE10.0 and more fresh versions and gives better scaling of captions when scaling is necessary It allows to get sometimes more precise results in old IE browser versions Sets mode of positioning of letters in words in result HTML This class represents set of data that related to external resource image file's saving during PDF to HTML conversion. Represents type of saved image referenced in HTML. Set by converter and can be used in custom code to decide what should be done Saved image can pertain to HTML itself or can be extracted. from SVG embedded to HTML. This property can tell to custom code what's that type of parent of processed image. It set by converter and can be used in custom code to decide what should be done with that image (f.e. custom code can decide where to save image or how it must be referenced in parent's content). Tells to custom code to what page of original PDF document pertains saved image Since it's possible that will be saved not all pages of original document, this value tells us about host page number in original PDF. If original page number for some reason is inknown, it allways return '1' Tells to custom code to what page of generated set of HTML page-files pertains saved image. If splitting on pages turned off this value always contains '1' since in such case Only one HTML page is generated. creates new instance of SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo To this property You can assign delegate created from custom method that implements processing of external resource(Font or Image) that was extracted from PDF and must be saved as external resource during conversion of PDF to HTML. In such case processing (like saving in stream or disk) can be done in that custom code and that custom code must return path(or any another string without quotemarks) that will be afterwards incorporated into generated HTML instead of original supposed path to that image resource. In such case All the necessary actions for saving of image must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use . If processing for this or that file for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'resourceSavingInfo' parameter's variable It signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself as if there was no any external custom code . represents set of data for saving of resource must return URL to saved resource that will be used during generation of HTML Result of conversion can contain one or several HTML-pages ( that also can reference external files like images or fonts) You can assign to this property delegate created from custom method that implements processing of got HTML-page(HTML itself) that was created during conversion. In such case processing (like saving in stream or disk) can be done in that custom code . In such case All the necessary actions for saving of HTML page's markup must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use. If processing for this or that case for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'htmlSavingInfo' parameter's variable : it signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself in same way as if there was no any external custom saving code . represents data that can be used for saving or processing of supplied HTML page You can assign to this property custom strategy that implements processing or/and saving of one CSS's part that was created during conversion of PDF to HTML . In such case processing (like saving to stream or disk) must be done in that custom code represents set of data that can be used for saving of supplied CSS part You can assign to this property delegate created from custom method that implements creation of URL of CSS referenced in generated HTML document. F.e. if You want to make CSS referenced in HTML f.e. as "otherPage.ASPX?CssID=zjjkklj" Then such custom strategy must return "otherPage.ASPX?CssID=zjjkklj" represents set of data that can be used for generation of CSS' URL must return string that represents CSS's URL or URL's template List of PDF embedded font names that not be embedded in HTML. enumerates possible types of image files that can be saved as external resources during Pdf to Html conversion Jpeg format Png format Bmp format Gif format Tiff format Svg format Zipped Svg format Unknown - means that converter cannot detect type of content itself Enumerates possible types of image's parents Image can pertain to HTML page or to SVG parent image Image pertains to HTML page itself Image was embedded in SVG image This field can contain saving strategy that must be used (if present) during conversion for customized handling of created referenced resource files (like images and fonts) related to nodes of saved HTML. That strategy must process resources and return string that represents desirable URL of saved resource in generated HTML. This field can contain saving strategy that must be used (if present) during conversion of Pdf to Html for handling of saving of CSSes related to created HTML document as whole or to it's pages(if several HTMLpages are generated) If You want handle CSS file in some specific way, that just please create relevant method and assign delegate created from it to this property. Result of conversion can contain one or several HTML-pages You can assign to this property delegate created from custom method that implements processing of one HTML-page(to be accurately - markup-HTML, without exteranl linked files if any) that was created during conversion. In such case processing (like saving of paage's HTML in stream or disk) can be done in that custom code . In such case all the necessary actions for saving of HTML page must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use . If processing for this or that case for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'htmlSavingInfo' parameter's variable : it will signal to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself in same way as if there was no any external custom code for procesing . This field can contain custom method that returns URL (Or URL template if multipage generation is on - see details below) of subject CSS as it should be put in generated result HTML. F.e. if You want converter put some specific URL instead of standard CSS file name into generated CSS, then You should just create and put into this property method that generates desirable URL. If flag 'SplitCssIntoPages' set, then this custom strategy (if any) must return not exact URL of CSS but rather template string that (after substitution of placeholder with page number with string.Format() function inside converter) can be resolved into URL for this or that page's CSS' URL. Examples of expected return string in such case are: 'SomeTargetLocation-page_{0}.css','../PartHandlers/GetCss.aspx?DocumentId=45654&CssPage={0}') Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true HTML is created as fixed layout. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . if set to true HTML is created as fixed layout. Gets or sets the . The . Gets or sets the flag that indicates whether found SVG graphics(if any) will be compressed(zipped) into SVGZ format during saving The . Gets or sets path to directory to which must be saved only SVG-images if they are encountered during saving of document as HTML. If parameter is empty or null then SVG files(if any) wil be saved together with other image-files (near to output file) or in special folder for images (if it specified in SpecialImagesFolderIfAny option). It does not affect anything if CustomImageSavingStrategy property was successfully used to process relevant image file. Gets or sets path to directory to which must be saved any images if they are encountered during saving of document as HTML. If parameter is empty or null then image files(if any) wil be saved together with other files linked to HTML It does not affect anything if CustomImageSavingStrategy property was successfully used to process relevant image file. When multipage-mode selected(i.e 'SplitIntoPages' is 'true'), then this attribute defines whether should be created separate CSS-file for each result HTML page. By default this attribute is false, so, will be created one big common CSS for all created pages. Summary size of all CSSes generated in this mode(one CSS per page) usually much more than size of one big CSS file, because in former case CSS classes are duplicates in such case in several CSS files for each page. So, this setting is worse to be used only when You are interested in future processing of each HTML page independently, and therefore size of CSS of each one page taken apart is the most critical issue. When PDFtoHTML converter generates result CSSs, CSS class names (something like ".stl_01 {}" ... ".stl_NN {}) are generated and used in result CSS. This property allows forcibly set class name prefix For example, if You want that all class names start with 'my_prefix_' (i.e. were something like 'my_prefix_1' ... 'my_prefix_NNN' ) , then just assign 'my_prefix_' to this property before conversion. If this property will stay untouched(i.e. null will be leaved as value ), then converter will generate class names itself (it wil be something like ".stl_01 {}" ... ".stl_NN {}") Gets or sets the flag that indicates whether each page of source document will be converted into it's own target HTML document, i.e whether result HTML will be splitted into several HTML-pages. Converted PDF can contain raster images(.png, *.jpeg etc.) This enum defines methods of how raster images can be handled during conversion of PDF to HTML for each distinct raster file will be generated wrapper SVG image, and raster image will be embedded as Base64 encoded strings into that SVG image distinct raster images will be put apart as PNG files but will be referenced through wrapping SVG images, i.e. will be generated one PNG file and one SVG for each raster image, and each of such SVGs will contain links to relevant PNG file Will be generated one big PNG background file for each result page. Raster images will be embedded into that file and rendered as regions of that image. No external PNG files for each image will be generated, only one PNG file per page will be present in conversion result set of files. Sometimes specific reqirments to created HTML are present. This enum defines HTML preparing modes that can be used during conversion of PDF to HTML to match such specific requirments. Default mode any specific requirments are absent. Will be generated output that will contain all parts of HTML without any special additional processing. will be stripped away all HTML content that is outside HTML's body, i.e. will be left only content that is inside tags This enum enumerates possible modes of embedding of files referenced in HTML It allows to control whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts,Images, CSSes) will be embedded into main HTML file or will be generated as apart binary entities Enforces embed all referenced files(Css,Images,Fonts) into generated HTML markup (i.e. into HTML itself) This approach generates one HTML file, but total size of output becames bigger(because Base64 encoding of binaries is in use) and not all browsers (especially legacy) successfully process binaries embedded into HTML. But it allows get HTML that contains whole result, without any additional files. Enforces put apart all referenced files except CSS (Images and Fonts) I.e. CSS will be embedded into result HTML , and all other referenced files(Images and Fonts) will be processed as external parts It generates HTML that is sutable for wide set of browsers Enforces put apart referenced files(Css,Images,Fonts) This approach generates set of files, but total size of output becames smaller(because no Base64 encoding of binaries is in use) Also such approach generates HTML that is sutable for wide set of browsers It defines whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts,Images, CSSes) will be embedded into main HTML file or will be generated as apart binary entities Sometimes specific reqirments to generation of HTML markup are present. This parameter defines HTML preparing modes that can be used during conversion of PDF to HTML to match such specific requirments. Converted PDF can contain raster images This parameter defines how they should be handled during conversion of PDF to HTML Defines whether in created HTML will be removed top and bottom empty area without any content (if any). With this property You can explicitely define what pages of document should be converted. Pages in this list must have 1-based numbers. I.e. valid numbers of pages must be taken from range (1...[NumberOfPagesInConvertedDocument]) Order of appearing of pages in this list does not affect their order in result HTML page(s) - in result pages allways will go in order in which they are present in source PDF. If this list is null (as it is by default), all pages will be converted. If any page number of this list will go out of range of present pages(1-[amountOfPagesInDocument]) exception will be thrown. Gets or sets a value indicating whether that HTML is created as fixed layout. true if [fixed layout]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets resolution for image rendering. Resolution Specifies the name of an installed font which is used to substitute any document font that is not embedded and not installed in the system. If null then default substitution font is used. Font name Defines batch size if batched conversion is applicable to source and destination formats pair. Font sources of pre-saved fonts. Fonts may be saved preliminarily for cache purpose and then passed into Html conversion process. For example it may be useful in document splitting scenario and processing document pages in multiple threads with single set of fonts. This enumeration defines rules which tune encoding logic Leave encoding logic "as is" - in accordance with PDF specification ToUnicode is a special mechanism which helps to decode input codes to unicode symbols. According to specification it must be used first of all mechanisms to get unicode symbols for specific input code. But some documents has non-standard fonts and to convert these documents correctly it may be necessary to decrease ToUnicode priority and use another mechanisms to decode input codes. Defines encoding special rule to tune PDF decoding for current document If attribute 'SplitOnPages=false', than whole HTML representing all input PDF pages will be put into one big result HTML file. This flag defines whether result HTML will be generated in such way that flow of areas that represent PDF pages in result HTML will depend on screen resolution of viewer. Suppose width of screen on viewer side is big enough to put 2 or more pages one near other in horizontal direction. If this flag set to true, then this opportunity will be used (as many pages will be shown in horizontal direction one near another as it possible, then next horizontal group of pages will be shown under first one ). Otherwise pages will flow in such way: next page goes always under previous one. PDF itself does not contain underlining markers for texts. It emulated with line situated under text. This option allows converter try guess that this or that line is a text's underlining and put this info into CSS instead of drawing of underlining graphically If attribute 'SplitOnPages=false', than whole HTML representing all input PDF pages wont be not split into different HTML pages, but will be put into one big result HTML file. But each source PDF page will be represented with it's own rectangle area in HTML (if necessary that areas can be bordered to show page paper edges with special attribute 'PageBorderIfAny'. This parameter defines width of margin that will be forcibly left around that output HTML-areas that represent pages of source PDF document.In essence it defines guaranteed interval between HTML-representations of PDF "paper" pages such mode of conversion. If attribute UseZORder set to true, graphics and text are added to resultant HTML document accordingly Z-order in original PDF document. If this attribute is false all graphics is put as single layer which may cause some unnecessary effects for overlapped objects. If attribute ConvertMarkedContentToLayers set to true then an all elements inside a PDF marked content (layer) will be put into an HTML div with "data-pdflayer" attribute specifying a layer name. This layer name will be extracted from optional properties of PDF marked content. If this attribute is false (by default) then no any layers will be created from PDF marked content. This attribute sets minimal width of graphic path line. If thickness of line is less than 1px Adobe Acrobat rounds it to this value. So this attribute can be used to emulate this behavior for HTML browsers. This attribute switch on the mode when text glyphs will not be grouped into words and strings This mode allows to keep maximum precision during positioning of glyphs on the page and it can be used for conversion documents with music notes or glyphs that should be placed separately each other. This parameter will be applied to document only when the value of FixedLayout attribute is true. This attribute specifies a sequential grouping of glyphs and words into strings For example tags and words has different order in converted HTML and you want them to match. This parameter will be applied to document only when the value of FixedLayout attribute is true. This attribute specifies full width paragraph text for Flow mode, FixedLayout = false If attribute RenderTextAsImage set to true, the text from the source becomes an image in HTML. May be useful to make text unselectable or HTML text is not rendered properly. This attribute determines text direction in converted document. Represents options for document loading/importing with the aid of a plugin. Gets or sets name of plugin used. Gets or sets version of plugin used. Save options for export to format that defined by a plugin Gets or sets version of plugin used. Set correct state of current instance of class. Instance of class implementing . Returns APS page generated from current . APS page Generates fake APS page with information about error. String error message Srting url error caused APS page Parses comma delimited string into . comma delimited string representing six numbers Parses comma delimited string into System.Drawing.PointF String representing two number delimited by comma System.Drawing.PointF Parses strings into BrushAPS String representing html color String representing opacity value BrushAPS Incapsulate functional for html rendering using Webkit library. Represents path to plugin library being loaded. Represents name of the plugin. Creates a new instance of HtmlWebkitRenderer using class container. Render specified url to ApsPage using plugin library. URL of webpage to render. Object that represent resulting ApsPage. Implement PluginCreator to create HtmlWebkitRenderer plugin instance. Interface for any external library class for converting XML to XLSX. Make conversion of input stream representing Office 2003 XML to output stream representing XLSX. stream representing Office 2003 XML. stream for saving resultant representing XLSX. True if conversion is successful. Otherwize false. Incapsulate functional for XML to XLSX conversion using Open XML SDK library. Gets name of the Plugin. Creates a new instance of OpenXmlMediator using class container. Make conversion of input stream representing Office 2003 XML to output stream representing XLSX. With the aid of external library. stream representing Office 2003 XML. stream for saving resultant representing XLSX. True if conversion is successful. Otherwize false. Implement PluginCreator to create OpenXmlMediator plugin instance. Base class for plugins. This class knows how assembly name is bound to the plugin name. It is planned to replace it with some resource. Returns string representing assembly name of specified plugin. String representing plugin name. String representing brief assembly name Base class for plugin creators. This artribute used for mark plugin creator classes. Scan specific folder for plugin assembles and makes it available for load. Full path to folder. List of AssemblyName available for load. Scan specific folder for plugin assembles and makes it available for load. Full path to folder. List of AssemblyName available for load. Load options for TXT to PDF conversion. Creates load options for converting text into pdf document. This enum describes possible progress event types that can occure during conversion means that occured event informs about total progress of conversion means that occured event informs about end of analysis of one of pages before conversion means that occured event informs about creation of one result page before phisical export means that occured event informs about finished saving of one result page Defines conversion options related to pipeline configuration. Specifies the size of a portion of pages to pass from node to node. Defines conversion options related to a set of pages to convert. Specifies the array of numbers of pages to convert. This class represents saving options for saving that uses unified conversion way (with unified internal document model) Sometimes PDFs contain background images (of pages or table cells) constructed from several same tiling background images put one near other. In such case renderers of target formats (f.e MsWord for DOCS format) sometimes generates visible boundaries beetween parts of background images, cause their techniques of image edge smoothing (anti-aliasing) is different from Acrobat Reader. If it looks like exported document contains such visible boundaries between parts of same background images, please try use this setting to get rid of that unwanted effect. ATTENTION! This optimization of quality usually essentially slows down conversion, so, please, use this option only when it's really necessary. This class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external applicatuion to show conversion progress to end user Type of progress event that occured current value of progress value maximum possible value of progress value Represents method that usually supplied by calling side and handles progress events that comes from converter. Usually such suplied customer's handler can be used to show total conversion progress on console or in progress bar. represents information about occured progress event Represents internal progress events processor that works during conversion and translates conversion events of internal conversion stages into external total progress events Also class broadcasts events that allow to free resources that not needed anymore This internal class handles events of PDF to APS and APS to [Other format] progress to calculate total progress and inform customer's code about that total progress events this class uses two types of events : ApsToExternal model conversion and events of conversion Pdf to APS to generate total progress events Export has three stage : 1) Pdf to Aps 2) Aps recognition 3_ Aps export to target format Constructor allows tune how much pages are converted and what is approximmate part of this or that stage in total progress This atrribute turned on functionality for extracting image or text for PDF documents with OCR sublayer. true text will be extracted in result document; otherwise, false. Specifies import format. Computer Graphics Metafile format. ImportOptions type hold level of abstraction on individual import options. Constructor Import format. Import format. Class for coping object Internal class for memory usage statistics collection Creates copy of object with all dependent object. The object may be from part of other document (e.g. coping pages between documents, etc.) Reads type entry of object dictionary.Returns null if this entry is absent. Returns true if object is page dictionary This is for internal useage. Gets or sets statistics collectin flag. This is for internal usage. Gets instance of statistics object. Add current object into stub references list. Checks if the object is in the stubs list. Scan all objects in references list for the given stub and replace stub with actual page Stub to replace ASctual page object Organizes cache of streams for reusing equal streams. Import option for import from Computer Graphics Metafile(CGM) format. Constructor Gets or sets output page size for import. Default page size - A4 300dpi 2480 X 3508. Text direction. Left to right direction. Right to left direction. The Aspose.Pdf is a root namespace for all classes of Aspose.Pdf library which are either directly in it like Document or indirectly through several subnamespaces. Class representing PDF document Collection of JavaScript of document level. List of APS pages for the case of F1-to-F2 conversion when neither F1 nor F2 is PDF. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Gets licensed state of the system. Returns true is system works in licensed mode and false otherwise. Gets or sets the page info.(for generator only) The page info. Gets or sets flag to manage signature fields sanitization. Enabled by default. Gets the is document pdfa compliant. Gets the is document pdfua compliant. Gets or sets the is document pdfa compliant. Collection of Named Destination in the document. Gets the collection of destinations. Obsolete. Please use NamedDestinations. Gets PDF format Property which declares that document must embed all standard Type1 fonts which has flag IsEmbedded set into true. All PDF fonts can be embedded into document simply via setting of flag IsEmbedded into true, but PDF standard Type1 fonts is an exception from this rule. Standard Type1 font embedding requires much time, so to embed these fonts it's necessary not only set flag IsEmbedded into true for specified font but also set an additiona flag on document's level - EmbedStandardFonts = true; This property can be set only one time for all fonts. By default false. Many operations with font can't be executed if these operations are prohibited by license of this font. For example some font can't be embedded into PDF document if license rules disable embedding for this font. This flag is used to disable any license restrictions for all fonts in current PDF document. Be careful when using this flag. When it is set it means that person who sets this flag, takes all responsibility of possible license/law violations on himself. So He takes it on it's own risk. It's strongly recommended to use this flag only when you are fully confident that you are not breaking the copyright law. By default false. Represents the method that will handle FontSubstitution event. original font new font Occurs when font replaces another font in document. Holds functionality to tune fonts Subsets all fonts in document strategy Returns all fonts from document fonts IDocumentFontUtilities instance Subsets all fonts in document Returns all fonts from document fonts The collection of internal hyperlink targets. Remove pdfa compliance from the document Remove pdfUa compliance from the document Initializes the internal hyperlinks targets data on document loading. Set Title for Pdf Document Document's title Gets collection of document. Instance of IPdfDocument used to access to internal document structure. Gets a metadata check for pdf/a(validation should pass this because it updates after on save). Gets convert parameter for pdf/ua converter (Convert only Metadata and Document Catalog if set true) Gets a version of Pdf from Pdf file header. Gets or sets action performed at document opening. Example demonstrates how to get CenterWindow flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); IAppointment value = document.OpenAction; Gets or sets flag specifying whether toolbar should be hidden when document is active. Example demonstrates how to get HideToolBar flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); bool value = document.HideToolBar; Gets or sets flag specifying whether menu bar should be hidden when document is active. Example demonstrates how to get HideMenubar flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); bool value = document.HideMenubar; Gets or sets flag specifying whether user interface elements should be hidden when document is active. Example demonstrates how to get HideWindowUI flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); bool value = document.HideWindowUI; Gets or sets flag specifying whether document window must be resized to fit the first displayed page. Example demonstrates how to get FitWindow flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); bool value = document.FitWindow; Gets or sets flag specifying whether position of the document's window will be centerd on the screen. Example demonstrates how to get CenterWindow flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); bool value = document.CenterWindow; Gets or sets flag specifying whether document's window title bar should display document title. Example demonstrates how to get DisplayDocTitle flag: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); bool value = document.DisplayDocTitle; Gets or sets collection of document pages. Note that pages are numbered from 1 in collection. Example below demonstrates how to operate with the document pages: How to obtain number of pages and how to obtain rectangle of starting page of the document. Aspose.Pdf.Document document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document("sample.pdf"); Aspose.Pdf.PageCollection pages = document.Pages; System.Console.WriteLine("Document contains " + pages.Count); Page page = pages[1]; Rectangle rect = page.Rect; Gets document outlines. Gets document actions. This property is instance of DocumentActions class which allows to get/set BeforClosing, BeforSaving, etc. actions. This example demonstrates how to obtain after open action of the document: Aspose.Pdf.Document document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document("d:\\work\\aspose\\\\trunk\\testdata\\Aspose.Pdf\\PdfWithOpenAction.pdf"); Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.DocumentActionCollection actions = document.Actions; Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.PdfAction afterSavingAction = actions.AfterSaving; Gets Acro Form of the document. Gets collection of files embedded to document. Gets or sets reading order of text: L2R (left to right) or R2L (right to left). Gets or sets page mode, specifying how document should be displayed when opened. Gets or sets page mode, specifying how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode. Gets or sets page layout which shall be used when the document is opened. Gets or sets print duplex mode handling option to use when printing the file from the print dialog. Name of the PDF file that caused this document Gets document info. Document metadata. (A PDF document may include general information, such as the document's title, author, and creation and modification dates. Such global information about the document (as opposed to its content or structure) is called metadata and is intended to assist in cataloguing and searching for documents in external databases.) Gets logical structure of the document. Initialize new Document instance from the stream. Stream with pdf document. Initialize new Document instance from the stream. Stream with pdf document. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Initialize new Document instance from the stream. Stream with pdf document. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Just init Document using . The same as . The name of the pdf document file. Process layers for generator. Process paragraphs for generator. Stores document into stream. Stream where document shell be stored. Initialize new Document instance from the stream. Input stream object, corresponding pdf is password protected. User or owner password. Saves document into the specified file. Path to file where the document will be stored. Exports all document annotations to XFDF file XFDF file name Export all document annotations into stream. Stream where store XFDF. Sends the whole document to the document device for processing. Document device which is used to process the document. Output stream contains the results of the document processing with given device. Sends the certain pages of the document to the document device for processing. Document device which is used to process the document. The first page for processing. The last page for processing. Output stream contains the results of the document pages processing with given device. Sends the whole document to the document device for processing. Document device which is used to process the document. Output file name with the results of processing. Sends the whole document to the document device for processing. Document device which is used to process the document. The first page for processing. The last page for processing. Output file name with the results of processing. Removes metadata from the document. Imports annotations from XFDF file to document. XFDF file name Imports annotations from stream to document. Stream contains XFDF data. Validate document into the specified file. Path to file where the comments will be stored. The pdf format. The operation result Convert document and save errors into the specified file. Path to file where the comments will be stored. The pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted Action for image masked objects The operation result Convert document and save errors into the specified file. Stream where the comments will be stored. The pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted Action for image masked objects The operation result Convert document and save errors into the specified file. Path to file where the comments will be stored. The pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted The operation result Convert document using specified conversion options set of options for convert PDF document The operation result Convert page to PNG for DSR, OMR, OCR image stream. Page to convert. Image stream. Validate document into the specified file. Stream where the comments will be stored. The pdf format. The operation result Validate document into the specified file. set of options for convert PDF document The operation result The call back procedure for hocr recognize. The hocr image. The hocr text Convert document and save errors into the specified file. Action for objects that can not be converted The operation result Convert document and save errors into the specified stream. Stream where the comments will be stored. Pdf format. Action for objects that can not be converted The operation result Copies shared resources into pages. Copies resources from Page into its XForm. Convert the PDF Document and log results. The log. Pdf format. Only document validation. Action for objects that can not be converted Action for image masked objects The operation result Convert the PDF Document and log results. The log. Pdf format. Only document validation. Action for objects that can not be converted The operation result Convert document by applying the Fixup. The Fixup type. The log of process. Only document validation. Properties for Fixup that can not be set. The operation result. Convert document by applying the Fixup. The Fixup type. The log of process. Only document validation. Properties for Fixup that can not be set. The operation result. Conversion into PDF/A require allocation of specific resources, also this conversion puts some document's data into special state. So conversion functionality is needed in pair of methods, when the first method is responsible about resource allocation, and the last method in this pair is responsible for cleaning resources, allocated by first method at the end of PDF/A conversion process. Method is a first method in pair described above. This method is a second method for this pair. It is designed to be called at the end of any PDF/A conversion process and this method must have all the functionality to clear relevant resources, which were created by method . Throw Exception if the document will save with changes and have signature If the document has at least 1 signature - true Initializes empty document. Initializes empty document by version. Opens an existing document from a file providing necessary converting options to get pdf document. Input file to convert into pdf document. Represents properties for converting into pdf document. Describes the usage mode. Converts source file in source format into destination file in destination format. The source file name. The source file format. The destination file name. The destination file format. Converts stream in source format into destination file in destination format. The source stream. The source stream format. The destination file name. The destination file format. Converts source file in source format into stream in destination format. The source file name. The source file format. The destination stream. The destination stream format. Converts stream in source format into stream in destination format. The source stream. The source stream format. The destination stream. The destination file format. Opens an existing document from a stream providing necessary converting to get pdf document. Input stream to convert into pdf document. Represents properties for converting into pdf document. Removes all fields from the document and place their values instead. Removes all fields from the document and place their values instead. Settings for flattening process. Gets security settings if document is encrypted. If document is not encrypted then corresponding exception will be raised in .net 1.1 or CryptoAlgorithm will be null for other .net versions. Encrypts the document. Call then Save to get encrypted version of the document. User password. Owner password. Document permissions, see for details. Cryptographic algorithm, see for details. Support for revision 6 (Extension 8). Encrypts the document. Call then Save to get encrypted version of the document. User password. Owner password. Document permissions, see for details. Cryptographic algorithm, see for details. Encrypts the document. Call then Save to get encrypted version of the document. User password. Owner password. Document permissions, see for details. Cryptographic algorithm, see for details. Support for revision 6 (Extension 8). Changes document passwords. This action can be done only using owner password. Owner password. New user password. New owner password. Initializes new instance of the class for working with encrypted document. Document file name. User or owner password. Initializes new instance of the class for working with encrypted document. Document file name. User or owner password. if set to true inner stream is closed before exit; otherwise, is not. Gets or sets a value indicating whether document is linearized. Decrypts the document. Call then Save to obtain decrypted version of the document. Gets permissions of the document. Gets encrypted status of the document. True if document is encrypted. Linearize document in order to - open the first page as quickly as possible; - display next page or follow by link to the next page as quickly as possible; - display the page incrementally as it arrives when data for a page is delivered over a slow channel (display the most useful data first); - permit user interaction, such as following a link, to be performed even before the entire page has been received and displayed. Invoking this method doesn't actually saves the document. On the contrary the document only is prepared to have optimized structure, call then Save to get optimized document. Save document incrementally (i.e. using incremental update technique). In order to save document incrementally we should open the document file for writing. Therefore Document must be initialized with writable stream like in the next code snippet: Document doc = new Document(new FileStream("document.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)); // make some changes and save the document incrementally doc.Save(); Saves the document with save options. Save options. Saves the document with a new name along with a file format. Path to file where the document will be stored. Format options. Saves the document with a new name along with a file format. when is passed to a method. Save a document to the html stream is not supported. Please use method save to the file. Stream where the document will be stored. Format options. Saves the document with a new name setting its save options. Path to file where the document will be stored. Save options. Saves the document with a new name setting its save options. Path to file where the document will be stored. Save options. Saves the document to a stream with a save options. when is passed to a method. Save a document to the html stream is not supported. Please use method save to the file. Stream where the document will be stored. Save options. Gets the ID. Returns raw metadata stream Suppresses update contents data for all pages The contents is not updated until ResumeUpdate is called resumes document update Closes all resources used by this document. Gets or sets the background color of the document. Returns copier used for coping pages to this document. Optimize resources in the document: 1. Resources which are not used on the document pages are removed; 2. Equal resources are joined into one object; 3. Unused objects are deleted. Optimize resources in the document according to defined optimization strategy. Optimization strategy. Gets or sets optimization flag. When pages are added to document, equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. Allows to merge page contents to optimize docuement size. If used then differnet but duplicated pages may reference to the same content object. Please note that this mode may cause side effects like changing page content when other page is changed. Class which describes document optimization algorithm. Instance of this class may be used as parameter of OptimizeResources() method. Creates optimization strategy will all options activated. OptimizationOptions object. Gets or sets flag of ignoring errors in source files. When pages from source document copied into destination document, copying process is stopped with exception if some objects in source files are corrupted when this flag is false. example: dest.Pages.Add(src.Pages); If this flag is set to true then corrupted objects will be replaced with empty values. By default: true. Returns item value from catalog dictionary. The key of item. Item value - if key was successfully found; otherwise, null. Substitutes all not accessible fonts in document using default font name passed document default font name Removed unused fonts from document Gets page labels in the document. Clears memory Register annotation for which AfterImport method must be called after import finished. Enumerate all registered annotations and call AfterImport for each of them. Save document to XML. The document model xml file Gets a object with specified ID in the document. The object id. The object with specified id. Null if the id is not found. Bind xml to document The xml file Repairs broken document. Bind xml/xsl to document The xml file. The xsl file if XSLT is used. Bind xml/xsl to document The xml stream. The xsl stream if XSLT is used. Bind xml/xsl to document The xml stream. The xsl stream if XSLT is used. The xml reader settings. Bind xml to document The xml stream. Get XMP metadata from document. Stream where metadata will be stored. Set XMP metadata of document. Stream which contains XMP metadata. Get or sets flag which enables document partially be unloaded from memory. This allow to decrease memory usage but may have negative effect on perfomance. Validates document. If true found issues will be repaired. True - if document repaired; otherwise, false. Gets access to TaggedPdf content. The example demonstrates how to use tagged content for creating new document with header, paragraphs and images. // Create new document Document document = new Document(); // Get the tagged content ITaggedContent taggedContent = document.TaggedContent; // Set language for document taggedContent.SetLanguage("en-US"); // Set title for PDF document taggedContent.SetTitle("Example document"); // Creating and adding Section SectElement sect = taggedContent.CreateSectElement(); taggedContent.RootElement.AppendChild(sect); // Create Header HeaderElement h1 = taggedContent.CreateHeaderElement(1); h1.SetText("The Header"); sect.AppendChild(h1); // Create paragraph ParagraphElement p = taggedContent.CreateParagraphElement(); p.SetTag("Paragraph"); p.SetText("The text of paragraph."); sect.AppendChild(p); // Create illustration IllustrationElement figure1 = taggedContent.CreateFigureElement(); sect.AppendChild(figure1); figure1.AlternativeText = "Figure 1"; figure1.Title = "Image 1"; figure1.SetTag("Fig"); figure1.SetImage("path/of/image.jpg"); // Save document document.Save("example.pdf"); Represents meta information of PDF document. Gets or sets document title. Gets or sets document creator. Gets or sets document author. Gets or sets the subject of the document. Gets or set the keywords of the document. Gets or sets the document producer. Gets or sets the date of document creation. Time zone of creation date. Time zone of modification date. Gets or sets the date of document modification. Gets or sets the trapped flag. Initialize DocumentInfo instance. The info of this document will be used for initialization. Clears the document info. Adds an element with the specified key and value into the collection. The key of the element to add. The value of the element to add. The value can be null. Removes the element with the specified key from the collection. The key of the element to remove. Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. The key whose value to get or set. Clears custom data only, leaves all other predefined values (Title, Author, etc.). Determines if the key is predefined (Title, Author, etc.), not custom. Selected key True in case the key is predefined. Class represents transformation matrix. Gets data of Matrix as array. A member of the transformation matrix. B member of the transformation matrix. C member of the transformation matrix. D member of the transformation matrix. E member of the transformation matrix. F member of the transformation matrix. Constructor creates stanrard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D E F ] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] Matrix m = new Matrix(); Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F ] Matrix data array. double[] c = new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20 }; Matrix m = new Matrix(c); Constructor accepts a matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D E F ] Matrix data array. Elements of the matrix. Constructor accepts a matrix to create a copy Matrix object. Returns text reporesentation of the matrix. String representation for the matrix Compares matrix agains other object. Object to compare. Returns true is other object is Matrix and all matrix member are equal to correspondim members of the matrix Translates matrix into PDF array obect. Trailerable object Result of converting Creates matrix for given rotation angle. Rotation angle in radians. Transformation matrix. Matrix m = Matrix.Rotation(Math.PI / 2); Creates matrix for given rotation. Rotation. Valid values are: None, on90, on180, on270 Matrix with rotation. Creates matrix for given rotation angle. Skew x angle in radians. Skew y angle in radians. Transformation matrix. Matrix m = Matrix.Skew(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2); Creates matrix for given scale. Scale x. Scale y. Transformation matrix. Matrix m = Matrix.Scale(x, y); Transaltes rotation into angle (degrees) Rotation value. double angle = Matrix.GetAngle(Rotation.on90); Matrix m = Matrix.Rotation(angle); Angle value. Gets angle (radians) that corresponds rotation of specified Matrix. Matrix object. Angle value in radians. Returns full matrix (3x3) corresponding the given matrix. Array containing matrix data. Data situated "by lines" i.e. all element of 1st line, all elements of 2nd line... Multiplies the matrix by other matrix. Multiplier matrix. Result of multiplication. Matrix a = new Matrix(new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20 }); Matrix b = new Matrix(new double[] { 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0 } ); Matrix c= a.Multiply(b); Adds matrix to other matrix. Matrix to be added. Result of matrix add. Transforms point using this matrix. Point which will be transformed. Transformation result. Aspose.Pdf.DOM.Matrix m = new Aspose.Pdf.DOM.Matrix(new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20 } ); Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle r = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle r1 = m.Transform(r); Transformes rectangle. If angle is not 90 * N degrees then bounding rectangle is returned. Rectangle to be transformed. Transformed rectangle. Matrix m = new Matrix(new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20 } ); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); Rectangle r1 = m.Transform(r1); Initializes transformation matrix with specified coefficients. A matrix value. B matrix value. C matrix value. D matrix value. E matrix value. F matrix value. Matrix m = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3); Calculates reverse matrix. Reverse matrix. Matrix m = Matrix.Rotation(Math.PI / 2); Matrix m1 = m.Reverse(); Hash-code for object. Hash-code. Creates matrix for given Aspose.Font.TransformationMatrix Aspose.Font.TransformationMatrix Transformation matrix. Class descibes used components of the document page. Dont use any components. Document outline visible. Thumbnail images visible. FullScreenFull-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible. Optional content group panel visible. Attachments panel visible. Class representing embedded files collection. PDF document where embedded files are placed. Gets a value indicating whether access to this collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to this collection. Gets number of embedded files in collection. Determines if collection is read only. Always returns false. Copies array of FileSpecification object into colleciton. Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Returns colleciton enumerator. Enumerator of colleciton. Returns colleciton enumerator. Enumerator of colleciton. Constructor of EmbeddedFileCollection. Constructor of EmbeddedFileCollection. Document where embedded files are placed. LoadCache procedure. Gets embedded file by index. Numbering is started from 1. Embedded file index. FileSpecification of embedded file. Gets embedded file specification by its name. File specification name Embedded file specification Check is Embedded Files structure exists and create if does not. Adds embedded file specification into collection. FileSpecification which should be added into colleciton. Adds file to embedded files with the specified key. Key in the embedded files. File specification. Converts all dictionaries into objects. Deletes file from the collection by its key in the collection. Key name. Returns list of file attachment keys. Returns embedded file by its name. Name of the file. File specification object if found; otherwise, null. Delete embedded file by name. Name of the embedded file which should be deleted. Remove all embedded files from document. Removes specified FileSpecification from collection. Not supported. Determines if collection contains specified FileSpecification. Not supported. Remove all embedded files from document. Gets embedded file by its index. Index of embedded file. Numbering is started from 1. Retreived embedded file specification Gets embedded file by its name. Embedded file name. Retreived embedded file specification. Defines an embedded file parameter dictionary that shall contain additional file-specific information. The size of the uncompressed embedded file, in bytes. The date and time when the embedded file was created. The date and time when the embedded file was last modified. A 16-byte string that is the checksum of the bytes of the uncompressed embedded file. The checksum is calculated by applying the standard MD5 message-digest algorithm to the bytes of the embedded file stream. Constructor for FileParams class. File specification. Class representing embedded file. Gets or sets encoding format. Possible values: Zip - file is compressed with ZIP, None - file is not compressed. If true, contents of the file will be included in the file specification. Pdf dictionary containing information about the file. Gets encrypted payload. Gets or sets text associated with the file specification. Associated file Relationship. Gets contents of file as stream. Contents is not loaded into memory which allows to decrease memory usage. But this stream does not support positioning and Length property. If you need this features please use Contents property instead. Gets or sets contents file. This property returns data loaded in memory which may cause Out of memory exception for large data. To decrease memory usage please use StreamContents. Gets file paramteres. Gets subtype of the embedded file Gets or sets file specification name. Gets or sets file specification unicode name. Creates file specification Trailerable object. PDF object which describes file specification Constructor for FileSpecification File path. Constructor for file specification. Stream containing data file. File specification. Constructor for FileSpecification. File path. File description. Constructor for FileSpecification. Stream to be used in the document. A file specification string. File description. Constructor for FileSpecification. File path. The annotation. Create new empty file specification. Gets or sets name of the file system. Gets application-specific parameter. Parameter name. Value - if parameter found; otherwise, null. Sets application-specific parameter. Parameter name. New parameter value. Dispose contents. Describes horizontal alignment. No alignment. Align to left. Center alignment. Align to right. Justify alignment. Text will be aligned on both left and right margins. Similar to 'Justify' alignment, except that the very last line will only be left-aligned in 'Justify' mode, while in 'FullJustify' mode all lines will be left- and right-aligned. Represents file identifier structure. Document doc = new Document("example.pdf"); string original = doc.Id.Original; string modified = doc.Id.Modified; Permanent identifier based on the contents of the document at the time it was originally created. Changing identifier based on the document's contents at the time it was last updated. Reresents graphic stamp. Gets image stream used for stamping. Gets or sets image width. Setting this property allos to scal image horizontally. Gets or sets image height. Setting this image allows to scale image vertically. Gets or sets quality of image stamp in percent. Valid values are 0..100%. Initializes a new instance of the class. Stream which contains image data. Adds graphic stamp on the page. Page for stamping. Returns rectangle where image stamp Rectangle of the image stamp. returns size matrix Creates image stamp by image in the specified file. Name of the file which contains image. Defines Visitor for visiting different pdf operators. Visit/select f operator. Fill path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select F operator. Fill path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select operator f*. Fill path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select G operator. Set gray level operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select g operator. Set gray level operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select gs operator. Set graphics state operator. Visit/select h operator. Close subpath operator. Visit/select i operator. Set flatness tolerance operator. Visit/select ID operator. Begin inline image data operator. Visit/select ri operator. Set color rendering intent operator. Visit/select J operator. Set line cap style operator. Visit/select M operator. Set miter limit operator. Visit/select MP operator. Define marked-content point operator. Visit/select n operator. End path operator (without filling or stroking). Visit/select q operator. Save graphics state operator. Visit/select Q operator. Restore graphics state operator. Visit/select re operator. Append rectangle to path operator. Visit/select RG operator. Set RGB color operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select rg operator. Set RGB color operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select K operator. Set CMYK color operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select k operator. Set CMYK color operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select l operator. Append straight line segment to path operator. Visit/select m operator. Begin new subpath operator. Visit/select Tw operator. Set word spacing operator. Visit/select s operator. Close and stroke path operator. Visit/select TD operator. Move text position and set leading operator. Visit/select Tf operator. Set text font and size operator. Visit/select Tj operator. Show text operator. Visit/select TJ operator. Show text operator (allowing individual glyph positioning). Visit/select TL operator. Set text leading operator. Visit/select Tm operator. Set text matrix and text line matrix operator. Visit/select Tr operator. Set text rendering mode operator. Visit/select Ts operator. Set text rise operator. Visit/select S operator. Stroke path operator. Visit/select SC operator. Set color operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select sc operator. Set color operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select SCN operator. Set color operator (for stroking operations, ICCBasedand special colour spaces). Visit/select scn operator. Set color operator (for nonstroking operations, ICCBased and special colour spaces). Visit/select sh operator. Paint area defined by shading pattern operator. Visit/select T* operator. Move to start of next text line operator. Visit/select Tc operator. Set character spacing operator. Visit/select Td operator. Move text position operator. Visit/select y operator. Append curved segment to path operator (final point replicated). Visit/select W* operator. Set clipping path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select Tz operator. Set horizontal text scaling operator. Visit/select v operator. Append curved segment to path operator (initial point replicated). Visit/select W operator. Set clipping path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select w operator. Set line width operator. Visit/select j operator. Set line join style operator. Visit/select EX operator. End compatibility section operator. Visit/select ET operator. End text object operator. Visit/select EMC operator. End marked-content sequence operator. Visit/select EI operator. End inline image object operator. Visit/select DP operator. Define marked-content point operator (with property list). Visit/select Do operator. Invoke named XObject operator. Visit/select d operator. Set line dash pattern operator. Visit/select d0 operator. Set glyph width in Type 3 font operator. Visit/select d1 operator. Set glyph width and bounding box in Type 3 font operator. Visit/select CS operator. Set color space operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select cs operator. Set color space operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select cm operator. Concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix operator. Visit/select c operator. Append curved segment to path operator (three control points). Visit/select BX operator. Begin compatibility section operator. Visit/select BT operator. Begin text object operator. Visit/select BMC operator. Begin marked-content sequence operator. Visit/select BI operator. Begin inline image object operator. Visit/select BDC operator. Begin marked-content sequence operator (with property list). Visit/select B operator. Fill and stroke path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select b operator. Close, fill, and stroke path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select B* operator. Fill and stroke path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select b* operator. Close, fill, and stroke path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select ' operator. Move to next line and show text operator. Visit/select '' operator. Set word and character spacing, move to next line, and show text operator. Visit/select any text operator operator. General text operator which is used to select the set of corresponding pdf operators. Specifies the edition type of the license. Which product of the license or black list : Aspose or Conholdate. Represents possible license states. The license is Evaluation The license is a proper valid license. Provides methods to license the component. Initializes a new instance of this class. License number was added as embedded resource. Licenses the component.

Tries to find the license in the following locations:

1. Explicit path.

2. The folder that contains the Aspose component assembly.

3. The folder that contains the client's calling assembly.

4. The folder that contains the entry (startup) assembly.

5. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly.

Note:On the .NET Compact Framework, tries to find the license only in these locations:

1. Explicit path.

2. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly.

2. The folder that contains the Aspose component JAR file.

3. The folder that contains the client's calling JAR file.

Can be a full or short file name or name of an embedded resource. Use an empty string to switch to evaluation mode.
Licenses the component. A stream that contains the license.

Use this method to load a license from a stream.

void setLicense( stream)
Provides access to XMP metadata stream. Registers namespace URI. The value of prefix. The value of namespace URI. Registers namespace URI. The value of prefix. The value of namespace URI. The value of schema description. Returns namespace URI by prefix. The value of prefix. The value of namespace URI. Returns prefix by namespace URI. Namespace URI. The value of prefix. Adds value to metadata. The key to add. Value which will be added. Adds value to metadata. The key to add. Value which will be added. Adds pdf extension to metadata. The prefix of extension. Value which will be added. Clears metadata. Checks does key is contained in metadata. The key of entry to find. True if key is contained in the metadata. Returns dictionary enumerator. Enumerator. Checks if colleciton has fixed size. Checks if collection is read-only. Gets collection of metadata keys. Removes entry from metadata. The key of entry to remove. True - if key removed; otherwise, false. Gets values in the metadata. Gets the dictionary of extension fields. Gets or sets data from metadata. The key name. Metadata object. Copies elements of the collection into array. Destination array. Starting index. Gets count of elements in the collection. Checks if collection is synchronized. Gets collection synchronization object. Gets enumerator of the collection. Constructor of the Metadata. Creates empty metadata object. Returns XmpDataCollection object. Metadata object. Gets namespace manager. Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. Key to search in the dictionary. true if key is found. Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. Key to search in the dictionary. Retreived value. true if key was found. Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. Item to be added. Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. Key-value pair. true if this pauir was found. Removes key/value pair from the colleciton. Key/value pair to be removed. true if pair was found and removed. Abstract class representing operator. Index of operator in list. Command instance from Pdf.Kit.Engine The collection of the operator Operator index in page operators list. Gets operator name. Returns true if operator has binary parameter. Gets array of operator parameters. Creates operator from Pdf.Kit.Engine.ICommand instance. Pdf.Kit.Engine.ICommand instance representing this operator Created operator Creates operator from Aspose.Pdf.Engine.CommonData.PageContent.Operators.Commands.ICommand instance, using virtual method CreateOperator Index of operator in operators list Aspose.Pdf.Engine.CommonData.PageContent.Operators.Commands.ICommand instance representing this operator Created operator Creates operator by name of Aspose.Pdf.Engine.CommonData.PageContent.Operators.Commands.ICommand instance. The method is used for test purposes in Aspose.Pdf.Tests.Mocks.Engine.Commands Index of operator in operators list Aspose.Pdf.Engine.CommonData.PageContent.Operators.Commands.ICommand instance representing this operator Created operator Loads operator from command saves operator to command Accepts visitor IOperatorSelector which provides operators processing. Visitor object Returns text of operator and its parameters. Operator text Constructor of Operators. Creates operator by command object and operator index. Index of operator in operators list Command object of operator Returns text representation of Pdf primitive (string, array, dictionary etc.) according to PDF specification. Primitive Text representation of the primitive Escapese special characters in string according to PDF specification Source string Escaped string Determines if the operator is operator which responsible for text output (Tj, TJ, etc) Operator object True if this is text output operator This function is created to avoid .NET-specific IFormatProvider usage Value to be converted String representation. The Aspose.Pdf.Operators is a namespace for Operator implementations. These classes describes operators used in PDF page contents. Class representing b operator (close, fill and stroke path with nonzer winding rule). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns string representation of operator. String representation Class representing B operator (fill and stroke path using nonzero winding rule) Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing b* operator (close, fill and stroke path using even-odd rule). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing B* operator (fill and stroke path usign even-odd rule). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. class representing BDC operator (Begin marked-content sequence) Initializes operator. Tag value. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Gets or sets marked content tag Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing BI operator (Begin inline image obect). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing BMC operator (Begin marked-content sequence). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Marked content tag. Gets or sets marked content tag Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Abstract base class for text-related operators (TJ, Tj, Tm, BT, ET, etc). Initializes TextOperator Index of operator in operators list. Operator command. Initializes operator. Text operator which accepts text properties. Text properties. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Abstract base class for text block operators i.e. Begin and End text operators (BT/ET) Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Initializes BlockTextOperator which accepts TextProperties. Text properties. Abstract base class for all operators which used to out text (Tj, TJ, etc). Gets text which operator out on the page. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes TextShowOperator. Initializes TextShowOperator which allows to pass TextProperties. Text properties. Abstract base class for operators which changes current text state (Tc, Tf, TL, etc). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes TextStateOperator. Initializes TextStateoperator which allows to pass TextProperties. Text properties. Abstract base class for operators which changes text position (Tm, Td, etc). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes TextPlaceOperator. Initializes TextPlaceOperator which accepts TextProperties. Text properties. Class representing BT operator (Begin of text block). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Produces text code of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing BX operator (begin compatibility section). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing c operator (append curve to path). Points of the curve. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes curve operator. Abscissa of first point. Ordinate of first point. Abscissa of second point. Ordinate of second point. Abscissa of third point. Ordinate of third point. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing cm operator (concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix). Matrix argument of the operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. A coefficient B coefficient C coefficient D coefficient E coefficient F coefficient Initializes operator by matrix. Transfomation matrix. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of representation Class representing CS operator (set color for stroking operations). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Color space name. Gets or sets color space name. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing cs operator (set colorspace for non-stroking operations) Initializes operator. Color space name. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Gets or sets color space name. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing d operator (set line dash pattern). Dash pattern. Array�s elements shall be numbers that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps. In case of one element array dash and gap lengths are equal. Dash phase. Before beginning to stroke a path, the dash array shall be cycled through, adding up the lengths of dashes and gaps. When the accumulated length equals the value specified by the dash phase, stroking of the path shall begin, and the dash array shall be used cyclically from that point onward. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Creates set dash pattern operator. Array which defines dash pattern. Dash phase. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Gets operator string representation. [x1 x2] y d, where x1 - dash length, x2 - gap length, y - phase. Class representing d0 operator (set glyph width). Horizontal displacement of glyph coordinate. Vertical displacement of glyph coordinate. Constructor. Horizontal displacement of glyph. Vertical displacement of glyph. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of representation Class representing d1 operator (set glyph and bounding box). Horizontal displacement of glyph. Vertical displacement of glyph. Lower-left horizontal coordinate of bounding rectangle. Lower-left vertical coordinate of bounding rectangle. Upper-right horizontal coordinate of bounding rectangle. Upper-right vertical coordinate of bounding rectangle. Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of representation Class representing Do operator (Invoke XObject). Name of XObject argument of the operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Constructs new Do operator. Name of invoked XObject. Constructs new Do operator. Used for retrieving all Do operators, i.e. without checking their argument names. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class represeting DP operator (designamte marked content point). Initializes operator. Tag value. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Gets or sets marked content tag Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing EI operator (End inline image object). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Clsss representing EMC oeprator (End of marked-content sequence). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of the operator. Class representing operator ET (End of text block). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Produces text code of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing EX operator (End of compatibility section). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing f operator (fill path with nonzero winding number rule). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initilizes new f operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing F operator (fill path using nonzero winding rule). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing f* operator (fill path using even-odd rule). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing gs operator (set parameters from graphic state parameter dictionary). Gets or sets name of graphic state resource. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes gs operator. Name of graphic state. Returns string representation of operator. String representation of operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing h operator (close path). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing i operator (set flatness tolerance). Initializes operator. The value of flatness. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Gets or sets the flatness. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing ID operator (Begin inline image data). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing j operator (set line join style). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing J operator (set line cap style). Gets or sets line caps style. Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing l operator (add line to the path). X coordinate of line point. Y coordinate of line point. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes line operator. X coordinate. Y coordinate. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Class representing m operator (move to and begin new subpath). X coordinate Y coordinate Inintalizes new (move to) operator. The x-coordinate. The y-coordinate. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Class representing M operator (set miter limit). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Mitel limit. Gets or sets the miter limit. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing MP operator (define marked-content point). Initializes operator. Marked content tag. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Gets or sets marked content tag Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing n operator (end path without filling or stroking). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing q operator (save graphics state). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes q operator. Returns text of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing Q operator (restore graphics state). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes Q operator. Returns text of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing re operator (add rectangle to the path). X coordinate of most left side of rectangle. Y corrdinate of bottom side of rectangle. Width of the rectangle. Height of the rectangle. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Initializes operator. The x-coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the rectangle. The y-coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the rectangle. The width of the rectangle. The height of the rectangle. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Class representing set color operation. Retirns color specified by the operator. Color specified by operator. Initializes SetColorOperator Class representing gray level for stroking operations. Returns color specified by operator. Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator with the specified color. The level of gray value. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Set gray level for non-stroking operations. Returns color specified by operator. Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. The level of gray value. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns string represnetation of operator. String representation of operator. Class representing K operator (set CMYK color for stroking operations). Returns the RGB color Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. The level of cyan from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of magenta from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of yellow from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of black from 0.0 to 1.0 Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing k operator (set CMYK color for non-stroking operations). Returns color. Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. The level of cyan from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of magenta from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of yellow from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of black from 0.0 to 1.0 Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing RG operator (set RGB color for stroking operators). Returns color specified by operator. Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. The level of red from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of green from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of blue from 0.0 to 1.0 Initializes operator with color. Operator color. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing rg operator (set RGB color for non-stroking operators). Returns color specified by operator. Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. The level of red from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of green from 0.0 to 1.0 The level of blue from 0.0 to 1.0 Initializes operator with color. Specified color. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing ri operator (set color rendering intent). Initializes operator. Set Color Rendering Intent operator constructor. Color Rendering Intent. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Gets or sets color rendering intent name. Class representing s operator (Close and stroke path). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Class representing S operator (stroke path). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of the operator. Base class for set color operators. Gets red component of color Gets green component of color Gets red component of color Gets cyan component of CMYK color. Gets magenta component of CMYK color. Gets yellow component of CMYK color. Gets black component of CMYK color. Gets black component of gray color. Gets array of color components. Class representing SC operator set color for stroking color operators. Returns color specified by operator. Color specified by operator. Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Set color for stroking operators for DeviceGrey, CalGrey and Indexed color spaces. Color value. Set color for stroking operator for DeviceRGB, CalRGB, and Lab color spaces Red component. Green component. Blue component. Constructor which allows to set color components. Array of color components. Set color for stroking operator for CMYK color space cyan component. Magenta component. Yellow component. Black component. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Represents class for sc operator (set color for non-stroking operations). Returns color specified by the operator. Operator color. Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Set color for stroking operators for DeviceGrey, CalGrey and Indexed color spaces. Color value. Set color for stroking operator for DeviceRGB, CalRGB, and Lab color spaces Red component. Green component. Blue component. Set color for non-stroking operator for CMYK color space Cyan component. Magenta component. Yellow component. Black component. Constructor which allows to specify color components. Array of color components. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns string representation of color. String representation of color. Base operator for all Set Color operators. Pattern name. Gets Pattern Name. Class representing SCN operator (set color for stroking operations). Returns color specified by operator. Color specifid by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Constructor for scn operator Gray color value. Constructor for scn operator. Gray color value. Name of the pattern. Constructor for scn operator. Red component of the color/ Green component of the color. Blue component of the color. Name of the pattern. Constructor for scn operator. Cyan component of the color. Magenta component of the color. Yellow component of the color. Black component of the color Name of the pattern. Class representing scn operator (set color for non-stroking operations). Returns color specified by operator. Color set by operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Constructor for scn operator. Color value. Pattern name. Constructor for scn operator. Color value. Constructor for scn operator. Red component of the color. Green component of the color. Blue component of the color. Pattern name. Constructor for scn operator. Cyan component of the color. Magenta component of the color. Yellow component of the color. Black component of the color. Pattern name. Class representing sh operator (paint area with shading pattern). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Gets or sets the shading name. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Initializes operator. Shading name. Class representing T* operator (Move to start of the next line). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text of the operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing Tc operator (set character spacing). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Character spacing. Gets or sets the character spacing. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing Td operator (move text position). X coordinate of text position. Y coordinate of text position. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. X coordinate of text position. Y coordinate of text position. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing TD operator (move position and set leading). X coordinate of text position. Y coordinate of text position. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. X coordinate of text position. Y coordinate of text position. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing Tf operator (set text font and size). Name of font. Size of text. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. The name of font resource, e.g. F1, F2 etc. Size of the font. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing Tj operator (show text). Text of operator. Text of operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes Tj opearor. Index of operator in operators list. argument of the operator. Initializes Tj operator. argument of the operator. Initializes Tj opearor. text to add. font that is used to draw the text. Initializes Tj operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Produces text code of operator. Text representation of operator. Class describes text and position to use with operator TJ (set glyph with position) Constructs glyph position. Text value. Position value. Constructor for Glyph Position. Text calue. Text of operator. Position off the text in the operator. Class representing TJ operator (show text with glyph positioning). Returns positions of glyphs. Gets text from operator argument (glyph positioning is ignored). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Constructor for TJ operator. List of Glyph Positions. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class represenging TL operator (set text leading). Initializes text leading operator. Text leading. Gets or sets the text leading. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Produces text code of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing Tm operator (set text matrix). Matrix argument of the operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. A coefficient B coefficient C coefficient D coefficient E coefficient F coefficient Initializes operator by matrix. Transfomation matrix. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation of operator. Class representing Tr operator (set text rendering mode). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing Ts operator (set text rise). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Text rise. Gets or sets the text rise. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing Tw operator (set word spacing). Initializes operator. Word spacing. Gets or sets the word spacing. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing Tz operator (set horizontal text scaling). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Horizontal scaling. Gets or sets the horizontal scaling. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing v operator (append curve to path, initial point replicated). Points of the curve. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes curve operator. Abscissa of second point. Ordinate of second point. Abscissa of third point. Ordinate of third point. Accepts operator selector. Visitor object Class representing w operator (set line width). Gets or sets width of the line. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator with width value. Line width. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operator. Text representation. Class representing W operator (set clipping path using non-zero winding rule). Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Returns text representation of operators. Text representation of operator. Class representing W* operator (set clipping path using even-odd rule). Initializes operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing y operator (append curve to path, final point replicated). Points of the curve. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes curve operator. Abscissa of second point. Ordinate of second point. Abscissa of third point. Ordinate of third point. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing ' operator (move to next line and show text). Gets operator text. Initializes operator. Initializes operator. The text. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class representing " operator (set word and character spacing, move to the next line and show text). Gets word spacing. Get character spacing. Gets text of operator. Initializes operator. Index of operator. Operator command. Initializes operator. Word spacing. Character spacing. Text value. Initializes operator. Accepts visitor object to process operator. Visitor object. Class represents collection of operators Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Update object stream. Update indexes of operators. This required when operators were inserted/deleted. If we dont reindex, incorect indexes may cause fault when we're trying to delete operator by its index. Example: PDFNEWNET-33455. PDF primitive which contains operators list. Gets count of operators in the collection. Indicates wheather collection is limited to fast text extraction Constructor of OperatorCollection. Constructs operators from primitive contains operators list. Constructor of OperatorCollection. Constructs operators from primitive contains operators list. Destruct object and clears registered events Unregisters events Copies operators into operators list. Array with operators which must to be copied. This array must be Object[] or Operator[]. Starting index from which operators will be copied Returns enumerator for collection Collection enumerator Accepts IOperatorSelector visitor object to process operators. Visitor object Returns operator by its index. Index of requested operator. Operators numbering starts from 1. Adds new operator into collection. Operator which must be added Example demonstrates how to add operators to the end of page.contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); doc.Pages[1].Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.q()); doc.Pages[1].Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Q()); Deletes operator from collection. Index of operator which must be deleted. Operators numbering starts from 1. Example demonstrates how to delete operator by its index. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; oc.Delete(3); internal unrestricted version of Delete(index) Inserts operator into collection. Index where new operator must be added Operator which will be insterted Example demonstrates how to insert operator to the page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; oc.Insert(1, new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.q()); oc.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Q()); Replace operators in collection with other operators. Operators list which will replace operators currently contained in the collection. Eash operator from the list must have correct index in range [1..N] where N is count of operators in the collection Add operators at the end of the contents operators. Array of operators to be added. Each operator can have any index (by default -1) because they come to the end of the contents operators i.e. indices are assigned automatically. Example demonstrates how to add operator to the end of page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; oc.Add(new Operator[] { new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.q(), new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Q() } ); Insert operators at the the given position. Index from which operators are being started to insert. Array of operators to be inserted. Each operator can have any index (by default -1) because their indices adjusted automatically starting from . Example demonstrates how to insert operator to the page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; oc.Insert(1, new Operator[] { new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.q(), new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Q() } ); Gets operator by its index. Index of operator. Numbering is starts from 1. Operator from requested index Example demonstrates how to get operator of page contents by index. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; Operator first = oc[1]; internal unrestricted version of indexer Deletes operators from collection. Array of operators to delete Example demonstrates how to remove operator from page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; oc.Delete(new Operator[] { oc[1] } ); Deletes operators from collection. The list of operators to delete Example demonstrates how to remove operator from page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; List<Operator> opList = new List<Operator>(); opList.Add(oc[1]); oc.Delete(opList); Insert operators at the the given position. Index from which operators are being started to insert. Array of operators to be inserted. Example demonstrates how to insert operators to page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; List<Operator> opList = new List<Operator>(); opList.Add(new Operators.q()); opList.Add(new Operators.Q()); oc.Insert(1, opList); Removes all operators from list. Example demonstrates how to clear page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); doc.Pages[1].Clear(); Returns text representation of the operator. Text representation of operator. Adds to collection all operators from other collection. collection whitch contains operators which will be added. Example demonstrates how to add operator collection to the page contents. Document doc = new Document("input.pdf"); OperatorCollection oc = doc.Pages[1].Contents; List<Operator> opList = new List<Operator>(); opList.Add(new AOperator.q()); opList.Add(new Operators.Q()); oc.Add(opList); Gets bracketed status of operator sequence i.e. is this operators are inside of q - Q blocks Suppresses update contents data. The contents stream is not updated until ResumeUpdate is called. Resumes document update. Updates contents stream in case there are any pending changes. Cancels last update. This method may be called when the change should not raise contents update. Returns opetator list. opetator list. Remove operator from the collection. Operator to be removed. True if operator was found and removed. False if operator did not belong to the collection. Returns true if the collection contains given operator. Operator value. True - if operator found; otherwise, false. This class is used for selecting operators using Visitor template idea. The list of selected objects. Initializes new instance of the class. Initializes new . The operator to visit/select. Visit/select j operator. Set line join style operator. Visit/select EX operator. End compatibility section operator. Visit/select ET operator. End text object operator. Visit/select EMC operator. End marked-content sequence operator. Visit/select EI operator. End inline image object operator. Visit/select DP operator. Define marked-content point operator (with property list). Visit/select Do operator. Invoke named XObject operator. Visit/select d1 operator. Set glyph width and bounding box in Type 3 font operator. Visit/select d0 operator. Set glyph width in Type 3 font operator. Visit/select d operator. Set line dash pattern operator. Visit/select CS operator. Set color space operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select cs operator. Set color space operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select cm operator. Concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix operator. Visit/select c operator. Append curved segment to path operator (three control points). Visit/select BX operator. Begin compatibility section operator. Visit/select BT operator. Begin text object operator. Visit/select BMC operator. Begin marked-content sequence operator. Visit/select BI operator. Begin inline image object operator. Visit/select BDC operator. Begin marked-content sequence operator (with property list). Visit/select B operator. Fill and stroke path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select b operator. Close, fill, and stroke path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select B* operator. Fill and stroke path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select b* operator. Close, fill, and stroke path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select ' operator. Move to next line and show text operator. Visit/select '' operator. Set word and character spacing, move to next line, and show text operator. Visit/select operator f*. Fill path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select f operator. Fill path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select F operator. Fill path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select g operator. Set gray level operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select G operator. Set gray level operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select gs operator. Set graphics state operator. Visit/select h operator. Close subpath operator. Visit/select i operator. Set flatness tolerance operator. Visit/select ID operator. Begin inline image data operator. Visit/select J operator. Set line cap style operator. Visit/select k operator. Set CMYK color operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select K operator. Set CMYK color operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select l operator. Append straight line segment to path operator. Visit/select m operator. Begin new subpath operator. Visit/select M operator. Set miter limit operator. Visit/select MP operator. Define marked-content point operator. Visit/select n operator. End path operator (without filling or stroking). Visit/select q operator. Save graphics state operator. Visit/select Q operator. Restore graphics state operator. Visit/select re operator. Append rectangle to path operator. Visit/select rg operator. Set RGB color operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select RG operator. Set RGB color operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select ri operator. Set color rendering intent operator. Visit/select s operator. Close and stroke path operator. Visit/select S operator. Stroke path operator. Visit/select sc operator. Set color operator (for nonstroking operations). Visit/select SC operator. Set color operator (for stroking operations). Visit/select scn operator. Set color operator (for nonstroking operations, ICCBased and special colour spaces). Visit/select SCN operator. Set color operator (for stroking operations, ICCBasedand special colour spaces). Visit/select sh operator. Paint area defined by shading pattern operator. Visit/select T* operator. Move to start of next text line operator. Visit/select Tc operator. Set character spacing operator. Visit/select Td operator. Move text position operator. Visit/select TD operator. Move text position and set leading operator. Visit/select Tf operator. Set text font and size operator. Visit/select Tj operator. Show text operator. Visit/select TJ operator. Show text operator (allowing individual glyph positioning). Visit/select TL operator. Set text leading operator. Visit/select Tm operator. Set text matrix and text line matrix operator. Visit/select Tr operator. Set text rendering mode operator. Visit/select Ts operator. Set text rise operator. Visit/select Tw operator. Set word spacing operator. Visit/select Tz operator. Set horizontal text scaling operator. Visit/select v operator. Append curved segment to path operator (initial point replicated). Visit/select W* operator. Set clipping path operator (even-odd rule). Visit/select w operator. Set line width operator. Visit/select W operator. Set clipping path operator (nonzero winding number rule). Visit/select y operator. Append curved segment to path operator (final point replicated). Visit/select any text operator operator. General text operator which is used to select the set of corresponding pdf operators. Represents document outline hierarchy. Document instance. Count is the sum of the number of visible descendent outline items at all levels. Note: please don't confuse with Count which is number if items in collection. Returns true if outlines is empty. Count of collection items. Please dont confuse with VisibleCount: VisibleCount gets number of visible outline item on all levels. Gets an outline item representing the first top-level item in the outline. Gets an outline item representing the last top-level item in the outline. Gets a value indicating whether access to this collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to this collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Initializes a new instance of OutlineCollection class using document object. Document instance. Adds outline item to collection. The outline item to be added. Add new bookmark. Bookmark. If true, required data validation (last and count) will be performed. This should be false for massive operations (when set of multiple bookmarks are added) for performance reasons. Deletes all outline items from the document outline. Deletes the outline item with specified title from the specified OutlineCollection instance. OutlineCollection instance The title of outline item to be deleted. Deletes the outline item with specified title from the document outline. The title of outline item to be deleted Copies the outline items to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index. The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination. Must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An System.Collections.IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Clears all items from the collection. Checks does collection contains given item. The object to locate in the collection True - if item found; otherwise, false. Always throws NotImplementedException The object to locate in the collection NotImplementedException Remove item by index. Index of the item to be removed. Gets outline item from collection by index. Index of requested item. Represents outline entry in outline hierarchy of PDF document. Internal engine object of outline entry. Gets or sets the title for this outline item. Gets or sets the destination for this outline item. Gets or sets the action for this outline item. Gets or sets the color for the title text of this outline item. Gets or sets italic flag for the title text of this outline item Gets or sets bold flag for the title text of this outline item Gets the outline item representing the first top-level item in the outline hierarchy. Gets the outline item representing the last top-level item in the outline hierarchy. Gets the outline item representing previous item relatively this item in the outline hierarchy. Gets the outline item representing next item relatively this item in the outline hierarchy. Check if outline item representing next item relatively this item in the outline hierarchy. Gets the parent object of this outline item in the outline hierarchy. Gets the total number of outline items at all levels in the document outline hierarchy. Gets the value indicating whether access to this collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets the object that can be used to synchronize access to this collection. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Get or sets open status (true/false) for outline item. Deletes this outline item from the document outline hierarchy. Initializes new instance of this class using internal engine outline entry object. Internal engine object of outline entry. Initializes outline item instance using root hierarchy object. Outlune collection. Creates new outline entry object in document outline hierarchy. Internal engine trailer object. New created outline entry object. Sets parent to this outline entry. New parent object of this outline entry. Inserts the specified outline entry before this entry in the document outline hierarchy. Outline entry will be inserted. Deletes outline entry with specified name from the document outline hierarchy. Title of outline entry will be deleted. Copies the outline entries to an System.Array, starting at a particular System.Array index. The one-dimensional System.Array that is the destination. Must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An System.Collections.IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Needed for C++. Used in Count property Adds outline item to collection. The outline item to be added. Inserts the outline item into collection at the specified place. The index specifying place for inserting. The outline item should be inserted. Clears all items from the collection. Checks if collection contains given item. The object to locate in the collection True - if item found; otherwise, false. Remove outline collection item. Item to delete. True - if item removed; otherwise, false. Remove item by index. Index of item to be deleted. Count of collection items. Please dont confuse with VisibleCount: VisibleCount gets number of visible outline item on all levels. Gets outline item from the collection using index. Index within the collection. OutlineItemCollection object. Gets hierarchy level of outline item. Class representing page of PDF document. Gets or sets the addition of paragraphs after the last paragraph of the page Value indicates whether paragraphs will be added after the last paragraph of the page. Paragraphs will be added after the last paragraph of the page if value is true. Gets or sets whether text is added on page. Value indicates if the text operators on the page have been changed. Need if we use ContentsAppender class to update contents. See PDFNET-47949. Gets or sets background image for page (for generator only). Gets or sets page current Y coordinate. Determines should be exceptions ignored during processing of annotations. Gets or sets table of contents info. The table of contents info - default null. If it set this page will contain table of contents. Gets or sets page header. The page header. Gets or sets layers collection. The layers collection. Gets or sets page footer. The page footer. Gets the paragraphs. The paragraphs. Gets the pages collection. The pages collection. Gets or sets the page info (for generator only, not filled in when reading file). The page info. Gets or sets the page id The page id. Copy data from this page to another. The source page. Get next page and apply defaults. Convert page to PNG for DSR, OMR, OCR image stream. Image stream. Procedure for customize header and footer. /// The current page. Event for customize header and footer. Process header and footer. Process generator paragraphs. Accepts aps root node (page, canvas, path, etc) object that needed to add onto the page, the clipping feature is skipped. The content is added onto the page. The aps root node object. The size of area to add apps node object. Accepts aps root node (page, canvas, path, etc) object that needed to add onto the page with clipping feature. The content is added onto the page. The aps root node object. The size of area to add apps node object. The flag determines whether aps fragment is being clipped or not. Accepts aps root node (page, canvas, path, etc) object that needed to add onto the page. The aps root node object. The size of area to add apps node object. The flag determines whether aps fragment is being clipped or not. The flag determines whether aps fragment is being drawed or not. The list of operators that aps fragment conatains. Returns rectanlge of the page according to its CropBox and Meia box; Gets or sets rectangle of the page. Page crop box is returned if specified, otherwise page media box is returned. Please note that this property don't consider page rotation. To get page rectangle considering rotation please use ActualRect. Example demonstrates how to get page rectangle: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Page page = document.Pages[1]; Rectangle pageRect = page.Rect; Sets color type of the pages based on information getting from operators SetColor, images and forms. Gets or sets the line style for notes.(for generator only) The note style. Gets the flag whether page is blank or not. The fill threshold value that manages the sensitivity of detection. Should be equal or greater than 0.01. True - if page is blank; otherwise, false. Returns rectangle of the page. If true then rotation of the page will be considered in rect calculation. Rectangle of the page. Calculates bbox value - rectangle containing contents without visible margins. Bbox value - rectangle containing contents without visible margins Gets or sets tab order of the page. Possible values: Row, Column. Default, Manual Gets of set page display duration. This is time in seconds that page shall be displayed during presentation. Returs -1 if duration is not defined. Example demonstrates how to get page duration Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Page page = document.Pages[1]; int pageRect = page.Duration; Gets collection of operators in the content stream of the page. Example is demonstrates how to scan operators stream of page. Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Operators contents = document.Pages[1].Contents; foreach(Operator op in contents) { Console.WriteLine(op); } Gets or sets a group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page�s page group for use in the transparent imaging model. Gets collection of page annotations. Gets page resources. Resources object contains collections of images, forms and fonts. Example demonstrates scan through page images: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); DocumentActions actions = document.Actions; Resources resources = document.Pages[1].Resources; foreach(XImage image in resources.Images) { Console.WriteLine(image.Width + ":" + image.Height); } Gets or sets rotation of the page. Example demonstrates how to determine page rotation. Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Console.WriteLine(document.Pages[1].Rotate); Gets or sets trim box of the page. Example demonstrates how to get trim box of the page: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Rectangle trimBox = document.Pages[1].TrimBox; Gets or sets art box of the page. Example demonstrates how to get art box of the page: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Rectangle artBox = document.Pages[1].ArtBox; Gets or sets bleed box of the page. Example demonstrates how to get bleed box of the page: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Rectangle bleedBox = document.Pages[1].BleedBox; Gets or sets crop box of the page. Example demonstrates how to get crop box of the page: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Rectangle cropBox = document.Pages[1].CropBox; Gets or sets media box of the page. Example demonstrates how to get media box of the page: Document document = new Document("sample.pdf"); Rectangle mediaBox = document.Pages[1].MediaBox; Sends page to process with given page device. The device to process page. Result stream which is used with device to save its output. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with annotations. Annotation selector sobject. Translates rotation enumeration member into integer value. Rotation enumeratioom member. Corresponding integer value Translates integer value into corresponding rotation enumeration member. Integer value to convert Rotation enumeration member Returns dictionary that contains frequencies for every unique rotation angle of text found. Returns dictionary that contains frequencies for every unique rotation angle of text found. Put stamp into page. Stamp can be page number, image or simple text, e.g. some logo. Stamp to add on the page. Each stamp has its coordinates and corresponding properties regarding to the kind of stamp, i.e. image or text value. Updates the resources. Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image's proportion. The stream of the image. The position of the image. Adds searchable image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image's proportion. The hocr of the image. The stream of the image. The position of the image. Adds image on page and places it depend on image rectangle position. The stream of the image. The default position of the image on page. The width of the image. The height of the image. If the flag set to true than image placed in rectangle position; otherwise, the size of rectange is becoming equal to image size. Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image's proportion. The path to image. The position of the image. Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image's proportion. The stream of the image. The position of the image. The compositing parameters. List of operators that add image. Adds image onto the page and locates it in the middle of specified rectangle saving image's proportion. The stream of the image. The position of the image. The rotation matrix. The compositing parameters. Returns the created image pdf object. List of operators that add image. Adds image onto the page. The stream of the image. The position of the image. If the rectangle is the point image will be added in original size. The compositing parameters. If true image will be added otherwise not. If true the image is black and white otherwise not. List of operators that add image. Adds image onto the page. The stream of the image. The position of the image. If the rectangle is the point image will be added in original size. The rotation matrix. The compositing parameters. If true image will be added otherwise not. If true the image is black and white otherwise not. Returns the created image pdf object. List of operators that add image. Sends page to process with given page device. The device to process page. File which is used with device to save its output. Removes all fields located on the page and place their values instead. Initializes Annotation apperacne if it is not found. PDF Object which contains annotation. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects. Text absorber object. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with image placement objects. Image placement absorber object. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects. Text absorber object. Sets page size for page. Page width. Page size. Get number of the page. Get number of the page. Gets transofmation matrix for the page. Gets current contents appender. Gets or sets the background color of the page. Gets or sets the watermark of the page. Remove references to XObject from page contents (i.e. all Do operators which use name of object). Returns list of operators which uses resource with specified name. Frees up memory Mark IPdfObject and all its subobjects as used. Gets collection of artifacts on the page. Gets collection of page properties. Converts the page to grayscale. Clears cached data Returns notifications about inside operations with page content. (Only notifications about paragraph events in text adding scenarios are supported now.) String representing notifications about inside operations with page content. Converts current page as bitmap and than returns array of bytes. The resolution. Converted array of image bytes. Converts current page as xml in utf8 encoding. Converted xml string. Gets list of Field object in Tab order on this page. Gets or sets UserUnit value. A positive number giving the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1 ⁄ 72 inch. Default value is 1. Please set zero or negative value in order to clear this entry in page. Collection of PDF document pages. PageCollection object from Pdf Engine Cache of initialized pages. Gets count of pages in the document. Returns true of object is synchorinzed. Gets synchronization object of the collection. Gets value indicating of collection is readonly. Always returns false. Constructor of PageCollection class. Document instance Initializes cache array Adds page to collection. Page which should be added. Added page. Clear page collection. Delete specified page. Number of page that will be deleted. Pages numbers start from 1. Deletes all pages from collection. Returns index of the specified page. Pages numbers start from 1. Returns 0 in case collection doesn't contain the page. Page object. Pages numbers start from 1. Index of the page in collection. Returns page by its index. Index of requested page. Pages are numbered from 1. Requested page Returns page by its index. Index of requested page. Pages are numbered from 1. Requested page Copyies pages into document. Array containing Pages object to insert into document. It must be Object[] or Page[]. Starting index where pages will be inserted Returns enumerator of pages. Enumerator of pages Returns enumerator of pages. Enumerator of pages Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with annotations. AnnotationSelector Visitor Delete pages specified which numbers are specified in array. Array of pages to be deleted. Insert empty apge into collection at the specified position. Position of the new page. Inserted page. Adds empty page Added page. Adds to collection all pages from list. List which contains all pages which must be added. Inserts page into page collection at specified place. Required page index in collection. Page to be inserted. Inserted page. Gets page by index. Index of page. Retreived page. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with image placement objects. Image placement object. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects. Text fragment absorber object. Accepts visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects. Text absorber object. Adds to collection all pages from array. Array of pages which will be added. Inserts page into document using specified copier. Starting position of the new pages. Page to be inserted. Copier object. Inserts pages from the collection into document. Starting position of the new pages. Pages collection. Inserts pages of the array into document. Starting number of the new pages. Array of pages which will be inserted. Create a page copy. For example , to add page to other document etc. Copier object to copy page; If null then new copier will be created. After coping page from other document, fields from page annotations must be added to AcroForm Removes all fields located on the pages and place their values instead. Adds page to document using passed copier object. frees up memory Clears cached data Adds page to collection. Page which should be added. Added page. Determines whether this instance contains the object. The item. true if [contains] [the specified item]; otherwise, false. Removes the specified item, throws NotSupportedException. The item. NotSupportedException Descibes page layout. Single page. Display the pages in one column. Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the left. Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right. Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the left. Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the right. Default layout. Represents page number stamp and used to number pages. String value for stamping page numbers. Value must include char '#' which is replaced with the page number in the process of stamping. Gets or sets value of the number of starting page. Other pages will be numbered starting from this value. Initializes a new instance of the class. String value used for stamping. See property for details. Adds page number. Page for stamping. Initializes a new instance of the class. Format is set to "#". Creates PageNumberStamp by formatted text. Formatted text which used to create Page Number Stamp. Numbering style which used by this stamp. Class represents stamp which uses PDF page as stamp. Gets or sets page which will be used as stamp. Constructor of PdfPageStamp. Page which is used for stamping. Put stamp on the specified page. Page where stamp will be placed. Moves font resources from XForm object into Page resources. If XForm fonts are in XForm resources then it causes "font not found" error: see PDFNEWNET-30912 Font error in Adobe Reader when stamping PDF on PDF using Stream object Returns rectangle of stamp. Rectangle of PDF page stamp. Creates Pdf page stamp from specifed page of the document in specified file. Name and page of PDF file. Index of the page. Creates Pdf page stamp from specifed page in the document from the stream. Stream which contains PDF Index of the page. This enum represents user's permissions for a pdf. (Security handlers of revision 2) Print the document. (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document (possibly not at the highest quality level, depending on whether is also set). Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by , , and 11. (Security handlers of revision 2) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document, including extracting text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by . Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields, and, if is also set, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if is clear. (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if is clear. (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this bit is clear (and bit 3 is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality. Represent point with fractional coordinates. X coordinate value. Y coordinate value. Initializes new instance of the . x coordinate value. y coordinate value. Gets point with zero coordinates. Converts point into System.Drawing.PointF object. PointF structure. Class represents rectangle. Width of rectangle. Height of rectangle. X-coordinate of lower - left corner. Y - coordinate of lower-left corner. X - coordinate of upper-right corner. Y - coordinate of upper-right corner. Constructor of Rectangle. X of lower left corner. Y of lower left corner. X of upper right corner. Y of upper right corner. Constructor of Rectangle. X of lower left corner. Y of lower left corner. X of upper right corner. Y of upper right corner. Converts rectangle to instance of System.Drawing.Rectangle. Floating-point positions and size are truncated. Result of conversion. Initializes new rectangle from given instance of System.Drawing.Rectangle. Source rectangle which position and size will be set to new rectangle. New rectangle. Gets rectangle string representation. String has format llx,lly,urx,ury. Try to parse string and extract from it rectangle components llx, lly, urx, ury. String to parse. Rectangle object. Empty rectangle Initializes trivial rectangle i.e. rectangle with zero position and size. Checks if rectangle is trivial i.e. has zero size and position. Checks if rectangle is empty. Checks if rectangle is point i.e. LLX is equal URX and LLY is equal URY. Check if rectangles are equal i.e. have same position and sizes. Rectangle which will be compared. True if rectangles are eqals, false otherwise. Check if rectangles are near equal i.e. have near same (up to delta) position and sizes. Rectangle which will be compared. Value of comparation tollerance. True if rectangles are eqals, false otherwise. Intersects to rectangles. Rectangle to which this recatangle be intersected. Intersection of rectangles; null if rectangles are not intersected. Joins rectangles. Rectangle to which this recatangle be joined. Described rectangle. Intersects rectangles. OBolsete method. Please use Intersect instead. Determines whether this rectangle intersects with other rectangle. Intersection will be tested with specified rectangle. True if this rectangle intersects with specified rectangle. Otherwise false. Determinces whether given point is inside of the rectangle. Point to check. True if point is inside of the recatngle. Returncs coordinates of center of the rectangle. Point which is center of the rectangle. Checks that this rectangle includes whole another rectangle. I.e. whole another rectangle is inside this rectangle. Difference with IsIntersect method is that IsIntersect will true for partly intersected rectangles but IsInclude will false. Rectangle for which including is checked. Rotation angle of another rectangle in radians. True if this rectangle includes whole specified rectangle. Otherwise false. Checks that this rectangle includes whole another rectangle. I.e. whole another rectangle is inside this rectangle. Difference with IsIntersect method is that IsIntersect will true for partly intersected rectangles but IsInclude will false. Rectangle for which including is checked. True if this rectangle includes whole specified rectangle. Otherwise false. Checks that this rectangle includes a point with given coordinates. I.e. a point is inside this rectangle. X-coordinate of point for which including is checked. Y-coordinate of point for which including is checked. True if this rectangle includes whole specified rectangle. Otherwise false. Rotate rectangle by the specified angle. Angle of rotation. Member of Rotation enumeration. Rotate rectangle by the specified angle. Angle of rotation in degrees between 0 and 360. Clones the Rectangle object. Clone object. Converts rectangle into array of points ("QuadPoints"). Array of points. Class representing page resources. Clears cached forms (this required when fields are flattened) Gets forms collection Gets images collection Returns fonts collection. If resources don't contain fonts entry it will be created in depends of CreateIfAbsent flag. If this flag is true then fonts will be created if this entry is absent. Fonts collection. Gets resources collection True if this resources are common i.e. are shared for several pages (placed in pages dictionary as inherited resouirces or in every page as object reference) Manipulation with common resources must be performed very carefully for example deleting object form common resources in one page may cause errors on other pages if deleted object was used for other pages. Create resource entry in the desired section Section name ("XObject, ExtGState etc.) Desired name of the entry. Determines whether common images are existed in the document. The image object id to validate. True - the image is common resource; otherwise, false. Enumeration of possible rotation values. Non-rotated. Rotated on 90 degrees clockwise. Rotated on 180 degrees. Rotated on 270 degrees clockwise. An abstract class for various kinds of stamps which come as descendants. Horizontal alignment of the stamp. Vertical alignemtn of the stamp. Sets or gets a bool value that indicates the content is stamped as background. If the value is true, the stamp content is layed at the bottom. By defalt, the value is false, the stamp content is layed at the top. Gets or sets a value to indicate the stamp opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0. Gets or sets a value to indicate the stamp outline opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0. Gets or sets a value of the stamp outline width. By default the value is 1.0. Sets or gets the rotation of stamp content according values. Note. This property is for set angles which are multiples of 90 degrees (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). To set arbitrary angle use RotateAngle property. If angle set by ArbitraryAngle is not multiple of 90 then Rotate property returns Rotation.None. Horizontal stamp coordinate, starting from the left. Vertical stamp coordinate, starting from the bottom. Gets or sets Horizontal alignment of stamp on the page. Gets or sets vertical alignment of stamp on page. Gets or sets left margin of stamp. Gets or sets right margin of stamp. Gets or sets bottom margin of stamp. Gets or sets top margin of stamp. Horizontal zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp horizontally. Desired width of the stamp on the page. Desired height of the stamp on the page. Vertical zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp vertically. Zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp. Please note that pair of properties ZoomX and ZoomY allows to set zoom factor for every axe separately. Setting of this property changes both ZoomX and ZoomY properties. If ZoomX and ZoomY are different then Zoom property returns ZoomX value. Gets or sets rotate angle of stamp in degrees. This property allows to set arbitrary rotate angle. Adds stamp on the page. The page to add stamp. Returns rectangle of the stamp on page. Stamp rectangle. Returns point if the stamp on the page. Page where the stamp is placed. Point of the stamp. This method checks document to which stamp is applied. If the document was changed then cached objects (for example Form XObject, Image, graphic state etc) Are cleared. This is made to avoid document damage (see for example 36049) Add G state on the page for stamp. Page where Name of added GState. Calculates matrix of the stamp Page for which matrix is requested. Matrix of the page. Retuns matrix which used for rotation the stamp; Rotation matrix for the stamp. Returns transformation matrix for page. Page where stamp is placed. Rotation matrix of the stamp. Returns scaling matrix of the stamp. Scale matrix of the stamp. This matrix used in CM operator; it's must be different for Image Stamp Requested matrix. Write operators for showing stamp to the page contents. Page where stamp should be drawn. Name of the stamp. Sets stamp Id. New value of Stamp ID. Returns stamp ID. Identifier of the stamp. Represents characteristics of an image placed to Pdf document page. When an image is placed to a page it may have dimensions other than physical dimensions defined in . The object is intended to provide such information like dimensions, resolution and so on. The example demonstrates how to find images on the first PDF document page and get images as bitmaps with visible dimensions. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create ImagePlacementAbsorber object to perform image placement search ImagePlacementAbsorber abs = new ImagePlacementAbsorber(); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(abs); // Retrieve images with visible dimensions foreach (ImagePlacement imagePlacement in abs.ImagePlacements) { Bitmap scaledImage; using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream()) { // Retrieve image from resources imagePlacement.Image.Save(imageStream, ImageFormat.Png); Bitmap resourceImage = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromStream(imageStream); // Create new bitmap with actual dimensions scaledImage = new Bitmap(resourceImage, (int)imagePlacement.Rectangle.Width, (int)imagePlacement.Rectangle.Height); } } Initializes new instance of the object. Current transformation matrix for this image. Gets rectangle of the Image. Operator used for displaying the image. Delete image from the page. Gets rotation angle of the Image. Gets resolution of the Image. Gets related XImage resource object. Gets the page containing the image. Gets compositing parameters of graphics state active for the image placed to the page. Replace image in collection with another image. Stream containing image data. Saves image with corresponding transformations: scaling, rotation and resolution. Stream where image will be saved Saves image with corresponding transformations: scaling, rotation and resolution. Stream where image will be saved Format which will be used for image enconding. Represents an image placements collection Gets the number of object elements actually contained in the collection. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Initializes a new instance of collection class Adds the text fragment element at the specified index. Text fragment element to add. Deletes the text fragment element at the specified index. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Returns an enumerator for the entire collection. Enumerator object. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array of objects which will be copied. Starting index from which copying will be started. Clears all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Deletes specified item from collection Item to delete true if item was deleted; otherwise, false. Gets the text fragment element at the specified index. Index of image placement. ImagePlacement object. Represents an absorber object of image placement objects. Performs search of image usages and provides access to search results via collection. The object is basically used in images search scenario. When the search is completed the occurrences are represented with objects that the collection contains. The object provides access to the image placement properties: dimensions, resolution etc. The example demonstrates how to find images on the first PDF document page and get the image placement properties. // Open document Document doc = new Document(@"D:\Tests\input.pdf"); // Create ImagePlacementAbsorber object to perform image placement search ImagePlacementAbsorber abs = new ImagePlacementAbsorber(); // Accept the absorber for first page doc.Pages[1].Accept(abs); // Display image placement properties for all placements foreach (ImagePlacement imagePlacement in abs.ImagePlacements) { Console.Out.WriteLine("image width:" + imagePlacement.Rectangle.Width); Console.Out.WriteLine("image height:" + imagePlacement.Rectangle.Height); Console.Out.WriteLine("image LLX:" + imagePlacement.Rectangle.LLX); Console.Out.WriteLine("image LLY:" + imagePlacement.Rectangle.LLY); Console.Out.WriteLine("image horizontal resolution:" + imagePlacement.Resolution.X); Console.Out.WriteLine("image vertical resolution:" + imagePlacement.Resolution.Y); } Gets/sets read only mode for parsing operations collection. It may help against out of memory exceptions. Initializes new instance of the object. Gets collection of image placement occurrences that are presented with objects. Performs search on the specified page. Pdf pocument page object. Performs search on the specified document. Pdf pocument object. Represents a cell of the table's row. Gets or sets is horizontal aligmnent set. Gets or sets the cell have border. Gets or sets the padding. Gets or sets the border. Gets or sets the background color. Gets or sets the background image file. Gets or sets the background image Gets or sets the alignment. Gets or sets the default cell text state. Sets the cell's TextState property is overriden by TextFragment TextState property. Gets or sets the cell's formatted text. Gets processed paragraphs for (row.IsRowBroken property). Gets or sets is nothing write for this property. Gets or sets the cell's text word wrapped. Gets cell rect. Gets or sets the vertical alignment. Gets or sets the column span. Gets or sets the row span. Gets or sets the column width. Gets or sets the column height(processed internally). Gets or sets the is height exceed size(processed internally). Gets or sets the row span additional cell(processed internally). Gets or sets cell is left border opened(processed internally). Gets or sets cell is right border opened(processed internally). Gets or sets the cell inserted internally(processed internally). Initializes a new instance of the Cell class. The rectangle of the cell in page's coordinates. Initializes a new instance of the Cell class. Gets cell height. Apply cell text paragraphs The text state. Adds graphic element into the page's content. The table The page The pure cell height without borders Is cell is child of broken row Get table from paragraphs. Clone the cell. The cloned object Represents a cells collection of row. Add cell to collection. The new cell Add cell to collection. The text for cell. The text state. The new cell Add cell to collection. The text for cell. The new cell Add cell to collection. The cell to collection. Remove cell set from collection. The collection index. The rows count. Remove cell set from collection. The object. Remove cell set from collection. The cell object. Insert cell to collection. The selected index. The selected cell. Returns enumerator of collection. Gets collection's enumerator. Enumerator object. Dispose method The items count. Gets or sets cells. The cell index. Represents a row of the table. Initializes a new instance of the Row class. Apply defaults The table. Process row. The table. The current Y coordinate. The current X coordinate. The calculation mode for nested tables. The page width without margins. The min bottom Y. The page bottom margin. The row number. Gets row height. The table The page Clone the row. The cloned object Gets or sets the background color. Gets or sets the border. Gets or sets cell count for current page(for internal use) Gets the cells of the row. Gets default cell border; Gets height for row; Gets fixed row height - row may have fixed height; Gets or sets row height(for internal use) Gets fixed row is in new page - page with this property should be printed to next page Default false; Gets is row can be broken between two pages Gets is row exceed page Gets or sets row width(for internal use) Gets or sets default text state for row cells Gets or sets default margin for row cells Gets or sets the vertical alignment. Represents a rows collection of table. Add row to collection. The new row Add row to cellection. The new row. Returns index of row in collection. The existing row. The row index Remove row from collection. The existing row. Remove row at position from collection. The collection index. Remove row set from collection. The collection index. The rows count. Gets collection's enumerator Enumerator object. Dispose. The items count. Gets or sets row. The row index. Enumerates the table broken. No broken. Vertical broken. Vertical broken in same page. Broken to next page. Represents rendering options. Gets or sets barcode optimization mode. Gets or sets optimize dimensions mode. Gets or sets a mode where system fonts are rendered natively. Gets or sets a flag determines whether new imaging engine is used or not. Gets or sets a value used to increase or decrease the width of rectangle for AppendRectangle operator. Gets or sets a value used to increase or decrease the width of rectangle for AppendRectangle operator. Indicates that all fonts will be converted to TTF unicode versions. That is useful for compatibility reasons and to optimize font usage, cause every new TTF font will have not all the symbols from source font, but only symbols which are used in text. Usage of this flag turn on font hinting mechanism. Font hinting is the use of mathematical instructions to adjust the display of an outline font. In some cases turning this flag on may solve problems with text legibility. At current moment usage of this flag could give effect only for TTF fonts, if these fonts are used in source document. Gets or sets a values used to scale all images on the page to fit page's width. Gets or sets hiqh quality mode for interpolation. Maximum count of fonts in fonts cache. Default value is 10. Maximum count of symbols in symbol cache. Default value is 100. Gets/sets the default name of font used to substitute of missing fonts. Initializes new instance of the object. Reresents textual stamp. This property determines how stamp is drawn on page. If Draw = true stamp is drawn as graphic operators and if draw = false then stamp is drawn as text. Defines coordinate origin for placing text. If TreatYIndentAsBaseLine = true (default when Draw = true) YIndent value will be treated as text base line. If TreatYIndentAsBaseLine = false (default when Draw = false) YIndent value will be treated as bottom (descent line) of text. Defines word wrap. If this property set to true and Width value specified, text will be broken in the several lines to fit into specified width. Default value: false. Defines text justification. If this property is set to true, both left and right edges of the text are aligned. Default value: false. Defines scaling of the text. If this property is set to true and Width value specified, text will be scaled in order to fit to specified width. Alignment of the text. Gets or sets string value which is used as stamp on the page. Gets text properties of the stamp. See for details. Alignment of the text inside the stamp. Initializes a new instance of the class. Stamp value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Stamp value. Stamp text state. Adds textual stamp on the page. Page for stamping. Initializes a new instance of the class with formattedText object FormattedText object which contains text of the stamp. Returns position and size of text stamp. Rectangle of the stamp. Creates XForm which contains operators for text output. Page where stamp should be placed. Created XForm. Desired width of the stamp on the page. Desired height of the stamp on the page. Max row height for WordWrap option. Constructor for DocumentValidator Assigns stream where log will be stored. Validates document and repairs if appropriate flag was specified. If true found issues will be reparied. true if not errors were found. Enumeration of possible vertical alignment values. No alignment (use specified position). Align to top. Center alignment. Align to bottom. Represents sequence of barcode bars. For example 'A' of code3of9 described as [2.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2.5, 1, 1, 2.5]. Encodes bar sequence for Code39. Text to encode Wide to narrow (bar width) ratio Declared data length (in characters) of the barcode. Barcode1dBars object Renders barcode type code3of9. Renders barcode type code3of9. Actually forms APS objects for further physical drawing. ApsCanvas for rendering on it Position to place barcode Size of the area to place barcode XFA container of the barcode object (actually XfaField) Barcode1dBars object represents sequence of barcode bars. Renders graphical part of the barcode. ApsPath that will result of rendering Barcode1dBars sequence Scale factor along X (length/width of the code) Scale factor along Y (height of the code) X offset Y offset Actual barcode image width after rendering Calculates scale needed to fit barcode into it field. Taking into account minimal bar width requirement. Field width (in pt.) Data Length value declared at barcode attribute Actual bars count after encoding Actual wide to narrow ratio after encoding Scale factor Renders human-readable presentaion of the barcode. ApsCanvas for rendering on it Text to render Font of the text Left offset of text (now it useless but may be usefull later) Y position of text baseline Actual width of rendered bars A processing instruction that describes design of the template. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Bounds width. Bounds height. Bounds value 3. Bounds value 4. Margin (left?) Margin (top?) Margin (right?) Margin (bottom?) Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaProcessingInstruction. The tag Gets the tag. string. A processing instruction that describes design of the template. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaProcessingInstruction. The tag Gets the tag. string. A processing instruction that describes design of the template. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Text to render. Unknown value 1 Rendered text position X. Rendered text position Y. Color of rendered text. Rendered text font name. True whether text style is bold. Otherwise - false. True whether text style is italic. Otherwise - false. Rendered text font size. Rendered text code page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaProcessingInstruction. The tag Gets the tag. string. A processing instruction that describes design of the template. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Class Xfa. Gets or sets the identifier elements dictionary. The identifier elements dictionary. The _layout model Gets or sets the layout model. The layout model. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Clones this instance. object. Gets the tag. The tag. An element that controls whether the document can be signed with a choice of named signature appearances. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A curve that can be used for describing either an arc or an ellipse. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A container representing a geographical grouping of other containers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the type of the layout. The type of the layout. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets or sets the h. The h. Gets or sets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Calculates the size. SizeF. Resets the size. The size. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. An element that supplies additional information about a container for users of interactive applications. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Class XfaFloatAttribute. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Class XfaIntAttribute. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Class XfaBoolAttribute. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Class XfaStringAttribute. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Class XfaCharAttribute. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Class XfaColumnWidthsAttribute. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Class XfaEnumAttribute. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Class XfaAttributeBuilder. Adds the attribute. The attribute. The parent. The name. The value. Creates the attribute. The parent. The name. The default. AttributeProperty. Creates the attribute. The parent. The name. The default. AttributeProperty. Creates the attribute. The parent. The name. if set to true [default]. AttributeProperty. Creates the attribute. The parent. The name. The default. AttributeProperty. Creates the attribute. The parent. The name. The default. AttributeProperty. Creates the enum attribute. The parent. The name. The default. AttributeProperty. Creates the column widths attribute. The parent. The name. AttributeProperty. An element that represents a barcode. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that controls the behavior during merge operations of its enclosing element. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets or sets the match. The match. Gets or sets the reference. The reference. Gets the tag. string. Gets the bind. The node. XfaBind. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that extracts data into an item list. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element controlling content that is inserted to "bookend" the contents of the parent object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A content element describing single unit of data content representing a bool logical value. The _value Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is value. true if value; otherwise, false. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. A box model element that describes the border surrounding an object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The position. The size. Gets the presence. The presence. (DEPRECATED) An element that describes the constraints on moving to a new page or content area before or after rendering an object. The _processed Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the after target. The after target. Gets the after. The after. Gets or sets the before. The before. Gets or sets the before target. The before target. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is processed. true if processed; otherwise, false. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that controls actions to be taken after laying down the contents of the parent object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that controls actions to be taken before laying down the contents of the parent object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the tag. The tag. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A user interface element that describes a push-button widget. The _button Clones this instance. object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The text canvas. The builder. The position. The size. An automation element that controls the calculation of its container's value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A box model element that describes a descriptive label associated with an object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the placement. The placement. Gets or sets the reserve. The reserve. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that holds a suitable Base64 DER-encoded X.509v3 certificate. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that holds a collection of certificate filters used to identify the signer. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A user interface element that describes either a checkbox or radio-button widget. The _box Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the excl group. The parent. XfaExclGroup. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the size. The size. Gets the tag. string. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The text canvas. The builder. The position. The size. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Draws the circle. The mid x. The mid y. The radius. The canvas. if set to true [fill]. A user interface element that describes a widget presenting a list of options. The list of options is specified by one or more sibling items elements. The _CB Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The text canvas. The builder. The position. The size. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Class XfaColor. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the value. The value. Gets the tag. string. Determines whether this instance is RGB. true if this instance is RGB; otherwise, false. An element that causes a field to be presented with vertical lines between the character positions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Returns the number of character positions available for input or display An element that describes the relationship between its containing object and a connection to a web service, schema, or data description. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that describes a region within a page area eligible for receiving content. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the y. The y. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Calculates the size. SizeF. Resets the size. The size. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. Gets the font. DrFont. A formatting element that describes the appearance of a vertex between two edges Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the raidus. The raidus. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content element that describes a single unit of data content representing a date. The _value Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. A content element that describes a single unit of data content representing a date and time value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. A user interface element describing a widget intended to aid in the selection of date and/or time. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content type element that describes a single unit of data content representing a number with a fixed number of digits after the decimal. The _value Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the value. The value. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. An element for widgets whose depiction is delegated to the XFA application. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element to hold human-readable metadata. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element to hold the name of an acceptable digest method for a signature. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element to hold a list of names of acceptable digest methods for a signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Class XfaDraw. The _draw builder Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the presence. The presence. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Gets or sets the value. The value. Adds reference on the container. The element. Gets the embeded value. Calculates the size. SizeF. Recalculates the size. Resets the size. The size. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. A formatting element that describes an arc, line, or one side of a border or rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the presence. The presence. Gets the stroke. The thickness. Gets the thickness. The thickness. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element holding the name of an acceptable recipe for signature encoding. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element holding a list of names of acceptable recipes for signature encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that controls encryption of barcode or submit data. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Class XfaEnums. Enum Hand The even Gets the hand. The value. Hand. Enum Checksum The none Gets the checksum. The value. Checksum. Enum Prep The none Gets the prep. The value. Prep. Enum TextLocation The below Gets the text location. The value. TextLocation. Enum UpsMode The us carrier Gets the ups mode. The value. UpsMode. Enum Match The once Gets the match. The value. Match. Enum Break Gets the break. The value. Break. Enum Presence The visible Gets the presence. The value. Presence. Enum Target The automatic Gets the target. The value. Target. Enum Highlight The inverted Gets the highlight. The value. Highlight. Enum Override The disabled Gets the override. The value. Override. Enum Placement The left Gets the placement. The value. Placement. Enum Optional The optional Gets the optional. The value. Optional. Enum Mark The default Gets the mark. The value. Mark. Enum Shape The square Gets the shape. The value. Shape. Enum Select The select Gets the select. The value. Select. Enum Open The user control Gets the open. The value. Open. Enum Usage The export and import Gets the usage. The value. Usage. Enum Join The square Gets the join. The value. Join. Enum Stroke The solid Gets the stroke. The value. Stroke. Enum ScrollPolicy The automatic Gets the scroll policy. The value. ScrollPolicy. Enum Picker The host Gets the picker. The value. Picker. Enum AnchorType The top left Gets the type of the anchor. The value. AnchorType. Enum Cap The square Gets the cap. The value. Cap. Enum Activity The click The mouse down The post save Gets the activity. The value. Activity. Enum Listen The reference only Gets the listen. The value. Listen. Enum Access The open Gets the access. The value. Access. Enum LayoutType The position Gets the type of the layout. The value. LayoutType. Enum KerningMode The none Gets the kerning mode. The value. KerningMode. Enum Period All Gets the period. The value. Period. Enum Posture The normal Gets the posture. The value. Posture. Enum Weight The normal Gets the weight. The value. Weight. Enum ImageRepresent The link Gets the image represent. The value. ImageRepresent. Enum Intact The none Gets the intact. The value. Intact. Enum Action The include Gets the action. The value. Action. Enum HScrollPolicy The automatic Gets the h scroll policy. The value. HScrollPolicy. Enum BlankOrNotBlank Any Gets the blank or not blank. The value. BlankOrNotBlank. Enum OddOrEven Any Gets the odd or even. The value. OddOrEven. Enum PagePosition Any Gets the page position. The value. PagePosition. Enum PageSetPresence The ordered occurrence Gets the page set presence. The value. PageSetPresence. Enum HAlign The left Gets the h align. The value. HAlign. Enum VAlign The top Gets the v align. The value. VAlign. Enum PatternType The cross hatch Gets the type of the pattern. The value. PatternType. Enum RadialType To edge Gets the type of the radial. The value. RadialType. Enum SignOperation The sign Gets the sign operation. The value. SignOperation. Enum RestoreState The manual Gets the state of the restore. The value. RestoreState. Enum Scope The name Gets the scope. The value. Scope. Enum SubformSetLayoutType The ordered Gets the type of the subform set layout. The value. SubformSetLayoutType. Enum SubmitHand The XDP Gets the submit hand. The value. SubmitHand. Enum TraverseOperation The next Gets the traverse operation. The value. TraverseOperation. Enum ValidateTest The warning Gets the validate test. The value. ValidateTest. Enum AppearanceFilterType The optional Gets the type of the appearance filter. The value. AppearanceFilterType. Enum TransferEncoding The none Gets the transfer encoding. The value. TransferEncoding. Enum ExecuteType The import Gets the type of the execute. The value. ExecuteType. Enum Run The client Gets the run. The value. Run. Enum Aspect The fit Gets the aspect. The value. Aspect. Enum SignatureType The filler Gets the type of the signature. The value. SignatureType. Enum Orientation The portrait Gets the orientation. The value. Orientation. Enum Priority The custom Gets the priority. The value. Priority. Enum LinearType To right To bottom To left To top Gets the type of the linear. The value. LinearType. An automation element that causes a script to be executed or data to be submitted whenever a particular event occurs. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A container element that describes a mutual exclusion relationship between a set of containers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the value. The value. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the type of the layout. The type of the layout. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Calculates the size. SizeF. Resets the size. The size. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. A content element that describes a single unit of data of a foreign datatype. The _text renderer Clones this instance. object. The _value Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Gets the type of the content. The type of the content. Gets or sets the value. The value. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. An element that causes an event to invoke a WSDL-based web service. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that describes a single program or implementation-dependent foreign object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An enclosure around one or more sets of custom properties. The content of this element may be used by custom applications. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A container element that describes a single interactive container capable of capturing and presenting data content. The _draw builder Clones this instance. object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the access. The access. Gets the presence. The presence. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Calculates the size. SizeF. Recalculates the size. Resets the size. The size. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. Gets or sets the value. The value. Recalculates the embeded containers. Adds reference on the container. The element. Gets the embeded value. Gets the parent subform. XfaSubform. Gets image type value that wasn't loaded, if exist. XfaImage object with no actual data. A formatting element that applies a color and optional rendered designs to the region enclosed by an object. The _presence Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Draws the rect. The canvas. The position. The size. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that contains the criteria for filtering signing certificates used to generate XML digital signatures. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content element that describes a single unit of data content representing a floating point value. The _value Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the value. The value. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. A formatting element that describes a font. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the size. The size. Gets the typeface. The typeface. Gets the weight. The weight. Gets the posture. The posture. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A rendering element that encloses output formatting information such as the picture clause. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element controlling what signature handler is used for a data-signing operation for an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that controls auto-hyphenation of text. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether [exclude all caps]. true if [exclude all caps]; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether [exclude initial cap]. true if [exclude initial cap]; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this is hyphenate. true if hyphenate; otherwise, false. Gets the push character count. The push character count. Gets the word character count. The word character count. Gets the remain character count. The remain character count. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A content element that describes a single image. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the imagesize. The img data. The width. The height. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. Initializes image from outside. Base64 string containing image data A user interface element that encloses a widget intended to aid in the manipulation of image content. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content element that describes a single unit of data content representing an integer value. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. A collection of issuer certificates that are acceptable for data signing an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that supplies a set of values for a choice list or a check button. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the value. string. An element that describes the constraints on keeping content together within a page or content area. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the intact. The intact. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that specifies the key usage settings required in the signing certificate. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A content element that describes a single rendered line. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The position. The size. The angle. Class XfaLinear. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that controls whether the document locks when it is signed. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that contains a list of references to all the nodes that are included in a node collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A box model element that specifies one or more insets for an object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the bottom inset. The bottom inset. Gets the left inset. The left inset. Gets the right inset. The right inset. Gets the top inset. The top inset. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that controls an MDP+ signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that describes a physical medium upon which to render. Some hybrid paper/glass media, such as PDF, may require both paper and glass properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the s. The s. Gets the l. The l. Gets the orientation. The orientation. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A automation element that holds one or more sub-elements containing messages used with validations and calculations. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A user interface element that describes a widget intended to aid in the manipulation of numeric content. The _text field Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that describes the constraints over the number of allowable instances for its enclosing container. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets or sets the maximum. The maximum. Gets or sets the minimum. The minimum. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An object Identifier (OID) of the certificate policies that must be present in the signing certificate. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A collection of object Identifiers (OIDs) which apply to signing data with an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that controls what happens when the parent subform or subform set overflows the current layout container. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that describes a rendering surface. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the type of the layout. The type of the layout. An element that describes a set of related page area objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A formatting element that specifies default paragraph and alignment properties to be applied to the content of an enclosing container. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the h align. The h align. Gets the v align. The v align. Gets the height of the line. The height of the line. Gets the margin left. The margin left. Gets the margin right. The margin right. Gets the orphans. The orphans. Gets the preserve. The preserve. Gets the radix offset. The radix offset. Gets the space above. The space above. Gets the space below. The space below. Gets the tab default. The tab default. Gets the tab stops. The tab stops. Gets the text indent. The text indent. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A user interface element that describes a widget intended to aid in the manipulation of password content. Typically the user-interface will obscure any visual representation of the content. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A fill type element that describes a hatching pattern. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A rendering element that describes input parsing and output formatting information. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that describes a set of reusable element definitions, as described in the section Prototypes. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A fill type element that describes a radial gradient fill. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element containing a candidate reason string for inclusion in an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element containing a choice of reason strings for including with an XML Digital Signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content element that describes a single rendered rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Draws the rect. The contatiner. The rect hand. The canvas. The position. The size. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The position. The size. An element holding an XFA-SOM expression that identifies a node to be included in an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An automation element that contains a script. The _value Gets the value. The value. Clones this instance. object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that causes a property of the container to be copied from a value in the XFA Data DOM or from data returned by a web service. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A user interface element that describes a widget intended to allow a user to sign a completed form, making it a document of record. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element controlling an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A collection of signing certificates that are acceptable for use in affixing an XML digital signature. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A fill type element that describes a solid fill. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An audible prompt describing the contents of a container. This element is ignored by non-interactive applications. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. A fill type element that describes a stippling effect. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A container element that describes a single subform capable of enclosing other containers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the presence. The presence. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Gets the type of the layout. The type of the layout. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Gets the column widths. The column widths. Calculates the size. SizeF. Resets the size. The size. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. An element that describes a set of related subform objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that contains a key-value pair used to specify the Subject Distinguished Name (DN) that must be present within the certificate for it to be acceptable for signing. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that contains the collection of key-value pairs used to specify the Subject Distinguished Name (DN) that must be present within the certificate for it to be acceptable for signing. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that describes how to submit data to a host, using an HTTP POST operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Class XfaTemplate. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Clones this instance. object. Gets the tag. The tag. Class XfaTemplate. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. Clones this instance. object. Gets the tag. The tag. A content element that describes a single unit of data content representing a plain textual value. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. A user interface element that encloses a widget intended to aid in the manipulation of textual content. The _init The _text field Gets the field. The parent. XfaField. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. The _caption placement Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The text canvas. The builder. The position. The size. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content element that describes a single unit of data content representing a time value. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Clones this instance. object. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. The tag Gets the tag. string. Gets or sets the use. The use. Gets or sets the usehref. The usehref. An element that controls the time-stamping of a signature. The _text field Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The text canvas. The builder. The position. The size. An element that supplies text for a tool tip. This element is ignored by non-interactive applications. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. An element that links its container to other objects in sequence. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. An element that declares a single link from its container to another object in a unidirectional chain of links. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A user-interface element that encloses the actual user interface widget element. Initializes a new instance of the class. The _value tags Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Draws the e. The builder. The position. The size. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A automation element that controls validation of user-supplied data. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. A content element that encloses a single unit of data content. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the value. The value. string. Gets the value. string. Crates the text value. Sets the value. The value. Gets the tag. string. Draws the e. The builder. The position. The size. Gets the size. The size. SizeF. An element to hold document variables. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. string. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. The Aspose.Pdf.XfaConverter namespace provides classes that allow to convert XFA. This class pretended for conversion of XFA form into array of ApsPages Converts the specified xfa dictionary. The xfa dictionary. The options. The list of ApsPages class to handle related data incapsulation Initializes a new instance of the class. Size of the page. Gets or sets the URI resolver. The URI resolver. Gets or sets the size of the page. The size of the page. If this property is true then document will be converted with using of xfa form stream (if it exists). If it is false then xfa form stream will be ignored. This property was inrtoduced because it's not clear how to calculate check sum that used for checking sygnature. If this property is true then additional red rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa "excluded groups" This property was introduced because absences of analogues of excluded groups during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default. Gets or sets the base path. The base path. The xfa stream tag The template tag The datasets tag The config tag The localset tag The form tag Initializes a new instance of the class. The trailerable. The @string. Class represent XForm Pdf.Kit.Engine obejct decribes form Gets or sets form bounding box. Gets or sets form name. Form name is name which used to reference form in XObejct ductionary in page resources. Gets operators of the form. Gets The Open Prepress Interface (OPI). Gets or sets matrix of the form. Returns resources of Form X-Object If For does not have resources and allowCreate is true, Resources will be automatically created for the form. Resources. Returns resources of Form X-Object. If For does not have resources and allowCreate is true, Resources will be automatically created for the form. Resources object Gets Form XObject resources. Constructor of XForm.Constructs XForm on base of Pdf.Kit.Engine PDf object. Creates new XForm in the document. Describes ITrailerable object Newly created XForm Change resources entry for x-form. Encodes stream data using specified encoder. (TODO: do we need to have IEncoder.Encode(Stream) method? So we dont need to allocate memory for all stream data... Creates XForm which duplicates contents of the page. Source page Document where new XForm will be added. Newly created XForm. Compares rectnangle with bounding rectangle and update bounding rectangle Returns rectangle occupied by text of XForm. X-Form object rectangle Gets or sets rectangel of the form. Frees up memory Clears cached data Class represents collection of XFormCollection. Resources where XForm obejcts are situated. Cash to store initialized XForm instances. Hash containing XForms by their names. Gets count of XForms in collection. Returns true if object is synchronized. Synchronization object. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Adds new XForm into collection. XForm to add into collection Delete XForm from collectin Index of XForm which must be deleted Deletes all XForms from collection. Gets XForm by index. Index of the XForm to retreive. Index must be in range [1..N] where N is XForm count in collection. Retreived xForm Gets XForm by its name. Throws exception if form is not found. XForm name Retreived XForm Copies XFormCollection into collection. Array of XForm to be copied Index where XFormCollection will be copied Retunrs collection enumerator. Enumerator for collection Retunrs collection enumerator. Enumerator for collection XForm constructor Resources object which contains forms Dictionary object which contains XFormCollection Deletes XForm from collection by form name. Name of XForm to be deleted. Returns XForm by index. Index of XFormCollection. XForms numbering is started from 1 Retreived XForm Returns XForm by its name. Exception is thrown if XForm with specified name is not found. Name of XForm Generates unique name for form. Form name is generated in style "Xf(number)". Unique form name. Extract XForm by its name and update cache and hashed values Gets XObject dictionary. Returns name of the form in this form collection Form which name is searhced Form name in the collection; Null if form is not contained in the colleciton Clears all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Deletes specified item from collection. The object to delete true if item was deleted from collection; otherwise, false. Enumeration representing image filter type. Jpeg 2000. Jpeg. Flate. CCIT Fax. Class representing image X-Object. If the image contains transparancy than return true; otherwise, false. If the image contains smask than return true; otherwise, false. Gets black and white version of image. Gets grayscaled version of image. Gets image filter type. Deletes image from the parent collection. Replaces image onto stream specified in . Stream with image data. IPdfImage object which decribes image. Gets default image format. Gets width of the image. Gets height of the image. Gets or sets image name. Please note that if you change name of the image which has references in page contents, document may became incorrect. Please use XImage.Rename method in this case. Renames image and replaces all references to the image with the new name New image name. Saves image data into stream as JPEG image. Stream where image data will be saved. Saves image into stream with requested format. Stream where image will be saved Format which will be used for image enconding. Saves image data into stream as JPEG image with specified resolution. Stream where image data will be saved. Image resolution Saves image into stream with requested format with specified resolution. Stream where image will be saved Format which will be used for image enconding. Image resolution Returns true if the primitive is an image. Creates grayscaled version of image. Grayscaled version of original image. Returns color type of image. The color type value. Returns color type of image. Image. Color type. Returns true if both images references to the same object. Image to be compared with "this" image. Boolean value which is true if images references to the same object. Grayscale would have a delta of 0. The color for which to calculate the delta. The difference in the RGB values. Returns name of the image in ints collection. Image key (name). Returns the original image stream. The original image stream. Metadata of the image. Action which performed with image object when image is removed from collection. If image object is removed Image will be removed from the collection. If page contents contains references to the image they will not be removed. Document may became invalid. Image will be removed from the collection and from page contents, but image object will not be deleted. File size will not be decreased. Image will be removed from the collection and image object will be removed from the document. If other references on the same object exist the document may be corrupted. Image will be removed from the collection and image object will be removed only if no other references to the image from other pages. This may require more time in comparision with ForceDelete option. Class representing XImage collection. Determines whether emf format is used. Input stream with image. Is emf format is detected than jpeg stream returned; otherwise, input stream. Count of images in collection. Returns true if object is synchronized. Returns synchronization object. Gets array of image names. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. Adds new image to Image list. This method adds image as reference to the same PdfObject (which allows to decrease file size) XImage to be added. Name of the added image. Adds entity to the end of the collection, so entity can be accessed by the last index. Stream containing image data (in JPEG format). Name of the added image. Adds entity to the end of the collection, so entity can be accessed by the last index. Stream containing image data. The image filter type. Adds entity to the end of the collection, so entity can be accessed by the last index. Stream containing image data (in JPEG format). JPEG quality. Removes index from collection by index. Image index. Removes image from collection by index performing action specified by action parameter. Index of the image to be removed. Action perfromed after image deleting. Returns ObjectID of deleted image. Removes item from collection by name. Name of image which must to be deleted. Removes item from collection by name. Name of image which must to be deleted. Action to be performed with image object. Deletes images from collection. Returns collection enumerator. Enumerator of collection Returns collection enumerator. Enumerator of collection Copies array of images into collection. Array to be copied. Index where images will be copied into collection. Replace image in collection with another image. Index of collection item which will be replaced. Stream containing image data (in JPEG format). Replace image in collection with another image. Index of collection item which will be replaced. Stream containing image data (in JPEG format). Quality of JPEG compression, in percent (valid vaues are 0..100). If true, image is compressed with CCITT compression method which provides better compression for black nad white image. May be used only for black and white images. Replace image in collection with another image. Index of collection item which will be replaced. Stream containing image data (in JPEG format). JPEG quality. Gets image from collection by its index. Image index Retrieved image. Gets image from collection by its name. Image name. Retrieved image. Returns name in images list which is key of the given image. Image to search. Name (key) of the found image; null if images was not found. Adds new image to Image list. This method adds image as reference to the same PdfObject (which allows to decrease file size) XImage to be added. Clears all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection. true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false. Removes item from collection, throws NotImplementedException. Item to remove. NotImplementedException This schema describes a field in a structured type. It is very similar to the PDF/A Property Value Type schema, but defines a field in a structure instead of a property. Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaField. Field name. Field names must be valid XML element names. Field value type, drawn from XMP Specification 2004, or an embedded PDF/A value type extension schema. Predefined XMP type names or names of custom types. Initializes object. The field name. The field value. The field value type. The field description. Returns the list of xml elements that represent field in xml tree. The source xml document. The list of fields. Returns the list of fields found in li element of xml tree. Used during loading of metadata. The root node of fields in xml document. Returns the list of fields. Returns the field found in li element of xml tree. Used during loading of metadata. The root node of field in xml document. The new field object. Represents the base class for field, property, value type instances. Description. Value. Gets the description. Gets or sets the value. Returns the list of xml elements that represent object in xml tree. The source xml document. >The list of xml elements. Initializes new object. The value. The description. Describes a single property. Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaProperty Property category: internal or external. Internal properties are created automatically from document content. External properties are based on user input. Gets the property category. Gets or sets the extension value type instance that contains Value of the property in case of user defined type used. Initializes new object. The property name. The property value. The property value type. The property category. The property description. Returns the list of properties found in li element of xml tree. Used during loading of metadata. The root node of properties in xml document. Returns the list of properties. Returns the property found in li element of xml tree. Used during loading of metadata. The root node of property in xml document. The new property object. Returns the list of xml elements that represent property in xml tree. The source xml document. The list of xml elements. Returns the list of xml elements that represent property value in case of user defined valueType. The source xml document. The list of xml elements. Property category: internal or external. Internal properties are created automatically from document content. External properties are based on user input. Describes the XMP extension schema which is provided by PDF/A-1. Default extension namespace prefix. Default extension namespace uri. Default schema namespace prefix. Default schema namespace uri. Default property namespace prefix. Default property namespace uri. Default valie type namespace prefix. Default value namespace uri. Default field namespace prefix. Default extension namespace uri. Default rdf namespace prefix. Default rdf namespace uri. The list of objects (properties, value types). The schema description. Gets the schema description. Gets the list of objects (properties, value types). Initializes new object. The schema description. Adds new object into schema. The new object. Determines whether obj exists in schema. The obj to find. True - object exists in schema; otherwise, false. Removes the object from schema. The object to remove. Returns the xml element (tag - li) that represents schema in xml tree. The source xml document. The xml element. Writes the list properties into xml representation of schema. The source xml document. The root node of properties list. Writes the list of value types into xml representation of schema. The source xml document. The root node of value type list. Gets the values of properties as xml tree representation. The source xml document. The root node of properties values list. Returns index of property with given name. Property name. Index of property within Objects List, Returns PDF/A property by its name. Property name. The property. Determines whether prefix value is a part of pdf-a extension. The prefix value to validate. True - prefix is a part of pdf-a extension; otherwise, false. Creates the list of schemas elements from xml tree. The root node for schemas elements. The dictionary of schemas elements in format (key, value): schema_prefix, schema value. Initializes the value of property. The current node that stores property value. The schema that contains property definition. Tries get XmpPdfAExtensionValueType by string representing type. String representing type. The schema that contains type definition. Type found. True if XmpPdfAExtensionValueType represented by string was found. Otherwise false. Creates a single schema object from xml tree. The root node of schema. The new schema. Creates the description xml element for the block of properties values. The source xml document. The description xml element. Creates the description xml element for the all schemas. The source xml document. The description xml element. Represents the description of XMP extension schema which is provided by PDF/A-1. Preferred schema namespace prefix. Unique URI which describes the schema. Optional description of schema. Gets the prefix. Gets the namespace URI. Gets the optional description. Initializes new object. The prefix. The namespace URI. The optional desciption. Creates a single schema description object from xml tree. The root node of schema description. The new schema description. Returns the list of xml elements that represent schema description in xml tree. The source xml document. The list of xml elements. The PDF/A ValueType schema is required for all property value types which are not defined in the XMP 2004 specification, i.e. for value types outside of the following list: - Array types (these are container types which may contain one or more fields): Alt, Bag, Seq - Basic value types: Boolean, (open and closed) Choice, Date, Dimensions, Integer, Lang Alt, Locale, MIMEType, ProperName, Real, Text, Thumbnail, URI, URL, XPath - Media Management value types: AgentName, RenditionClass, ResourceEvent, ResourceRef, Version - Basic Job/Workflow value type: Job - EXIF schema value types: Flash, CFAPattern, DeviceSettings, GPSCoordinate, OECF/SFR, Rational Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaType Property value type name. Property value type field namespace URI. Preferred value type field namespace prefix. The list of fields. Gets the value type. Gets the namespace URI. Gets the prefix. Gets the list of fields. Initializes new object. The value type. The namespace URI. The prefix. The description. Add new field. The field to add. Adds the range of fields. The fields to add. Removes the field from the list of fields. The field to remove. Clears all fields. Returns the list of xml elements that represent value type in xml tree. The source xml document. The list of xml elements. Returns the list of value types found in li element of xml tree. Used during loading of metadata. The root node of value types in xml document. Returns the list of value types. Returns the value type found in li element of xml tree. Used during loading of metadata. The root node of value type in xml document. The new value type object. Clones XmpPdfAExtensionValueType instance. (Used for initializing properties. Because one ValueType may be used for several properties.) Clonned XmpPdfAExtensionValueType instance. Convert document to Doc format Pdf document. Stream where the document will be stored. Save options. Save options for export to Doc format Internal parameter for OCR files conversion. Parameter is temporary Constructor Allows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document. Use the mode when the resulting document is not goining to be heavily edited futher. Textboxes are easy to modify when there is not a lot to do. Use the mode when the output document needs further editing. Paragraphs and texlines in the flow mode allow easy modification of text, but unupported formatting objects will look worse than in the mode. This mode is fast and good for maximally preserving original look of the PDF file, but editability of the resulting document could be limited. Every visually grouped block of text int the original PDF file is converted into a textbox in the resulting document. This achieves maximal resemblance of the output document to the original PDF file. The output document will look good, but it will consist entirely of textboxes and it could makes further editing of the document in Microsoft Word quite hard. This is the default mode. Full recognition mode, the engine performs grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce a maximally editable document. The downside is that the output document might look different from the original PDF file. An early alfa version of a new Flow mode supporting recognition of tables. Allows to specify .doc or .docx file format. [MS-DOC]: Word (.doc) Binary File Format Office Open XML (.docx) File Format Recognition mode. In Pdf words may be innerly represented with operators that prints words by independently printing their letters or syllables. So, to detect words sometimes we need detect groups of independent chars that are in fact words. This setting defines width of space between text elements(letters, syllables) that must be treated as distance between words during recognition of words in source PDF. (presence of empty space at least with this width between letters means that textual elements pertain to different words). It's normed to font size - 1.0 means 100% of supposed word's font size. ATTENTION!It's used only in cases when source PDF contains specific rarely used fonts for which optimal value cannot be calculated from font. So, in vast majority of cases this parameter changes nothing in result document. This parameter is used for grouping text lines into paragraphs. Determines how far apart can be two relative text lines. Specified in hundreds of percent of the text lines height. Switch on the recognition of bullets Use paragraph or line breaks Converted images X resolution. Converted images Y resolution. Output format Defines batch size if batched conversion is applicable to source and destination formats pair. Defines the path (file name or directory name) to hold temporary data when converting in memory save mode. This handler can be used to handle conversion progress events f.e. it can be used to show progress bar or messages about current amount of processed pages, example of handler's code that shows progress on console is : public static void ConvertWithShowingProgress() { (new Aspose.Pdf.License()).SetLicense(@"F:\_Sources\Aspose_5\trunk\testdata\License\Aspose.Total.lic"); Document doc = new Document(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.pdf"); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.CustomProgressHandler = new HtmlSaveOptions.ConversionProgressEventHandler(ShowProgressOnConsole); doc.Save(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.doc", saveOptions); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void ShowProgressOnConsole(HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventHandlerInfo eventInfo) { switch (eventInfo.EventType) { case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.TotalProgress: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Conversion progress : {1}% .", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.SourcePageAnalized: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Source page {1} of {2} analyzed.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageCreated: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page's {1} of {2} layout created.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageSaved: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page {1} of {2} exported.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; default: break; } } Save options for export to Pdf format Path for temporary files. Constructor Font name used by default for fonts which are absent on computer. When the PDF document that is saved into PDF contains fonts, that are not available in the document itself and on the device, API replaces this fonts with the default font(if font with is found on device) Specifies format means saving without change of format, i.e. as PDF use it please instead of 'SaveFormat.None', that is obsolete one means saving without change of format, i.e. as PDF It's obsolete one and will be deleted eventually, please use instead 'SaveFormat.Pdf' means saving in DOC format means saving in XPS format means saving in HTML format means saving in XML format means saving in TEX format i.e. format suitable for Latex text editor means saving in DOCX format means saving in SVG format means saving in MobiXML format(special format of e-books) means saving in MsExcel format means saving in EPUB format(special format of e-books) means saving in PPTX format Saving as APS XML file. Internal PDF document structure in XML format SaveOptions type hold level of abstraction on individual save options Represents line types that can be used in result document for drawing borders or another lines No line will be shown dotted line will be shown dashed line will be shown solid line will be shown double line will be shown grove line will be shown ridhe line will be shown inset line will be shown outset line will be shown Represents information of one part of border(top, botom, left side or right side) Represents border line's line color Represents border line's type - f.e. Dashed or Solid Represents border line's width in points. Must be number greater then zero. Instance of this class represents information about border That can be drown on some result document. Creates instance of BorderInfo class Creates instance of BorderInfo class and initializes all elements of border(Top, Left, Right, Bottom) with attributes copied from supplied border style style of border parts that will be used for all elements of border(left, right, top, bottom) Represents top part(if any) of border Represents left part(if any) of border Represents right part(if any) of border Represents bottom part(if any) of border Instance of this class represents information about page margin That can be drown on some result document. Represents top page margin(if any) Represents right page margin(if any) Represents bottom page margin(if any) Represents left page margin(if any) Creates instance of MarginInfo Creates instance of MarginInfo class and initializes all elements of page margin(Top, Left, Right, Bottom) with attributes copied from supplied margin style style of margin parts that will be used for all elements of margin(left, right, top, bottom) Represents information of one part of margin(top, botom, left side or right side) Creates instance of MarginPartStyle class and set its value in points Integer value in points Creates instance of MarginPartStyle class and initializes its value in points Mark margin auto Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is auto. true if this instance is auto; otherwise, false. Represents margin in points. Must be number greater then zero. enumerates possible types of saved external resources Means that supplied resource is image Means that supplied resource is font This class represents set of data that related to external resource file's saving that occures during conversion of PDF to some other format (f.e. HTML) Set by converter. Supposed file name that goes from converter to code of custom method Can be use in custom code to decide how to process or where save that file Set by converter. Supposed file name that goes from converter to code of custom method Can be use in custom code to decide how to process or where save that file Set by converter. Represents binary content of saved file. this flag must set to "true" in custom code if for some reasons proposed file should be processed not with custom code but with converter's code itself in standard for converter way. So, it' setting set to true means that custom code did not process referenced file and converter must handle it itself (in both sences - for saving somewhere and for naming in referencing file). Callback to handle any warnings generated. The WarningHandler returns ReturnAction enum item specifying either Continue or Abort. Continue is the default action and the Save operation continues, however the user may also return Abort in which case the Save operation should cease. Format of data save. Gets or sets boolean value which indicates will Response object be closed after document saved into response. Sometimes we need use temp file to save APS during conversion to avoid OOM exceptions in PalZipWriter For such hard tests can be used this parameter - it will force usage of ile instead of MemoryStream Splitted byte array Delimiter bytes Detects user Linux OS true/false Detects user MacOS true/false Detects that the user's OS is not Windows true/false possible Linux font directories possible MacOS font directories Compares 2 double values with epsilon. This is a rough implementation for comparing double values. Use it only when you 100% sure that epsilon(delta) value in current context is well enough for any compiler/system settings and will be resistent to different changes of compiler/system settings. For other cases use NearlyEqualEx() function. first compared value second compared value maximum error value(error margin) true/false Compares 2 double values with epsilon. This is a rough implementation for comparing double values. Use it only when you 100% sure that epsilon(delta) value in current context is well enough for any compiler/system settings and will be resistent to different changes of compiler/system settings. For other cases use NearlyEqualEx() function. first compared value second compared value true/false Compares 2 double values with epsilon. Extended version implemented by Bruce Dawson principals ( first compared value second compared value maximum error value(error margin) true/false compare string with pattern string for few difference (one char) extraChar defines a strategy-distinguishing a single character in pattern or find a single added character to a pattern the strings must be the same length (if extraChar==false) or the length of the str must be 1 character longer than the length of the strPattern (if extraChar==true) if strings equal then return false return true when differ one char (if extraChar==false) or return true when added one extra char (if extraChar==true) string to compare with pattern pattern string to compare compare one differ char in pattern when false or find extra char added to pattern when true ignore case sensitivity when true true when length equal and differ one char only (if extraChar==false) or true when finded extra char added to pattern (if extraChar==true) Verify that the text contains only ASCII 127 characters. verifiable text True - if the text contains only ASCII 127 characters; otherwise, false. Returns angle between vector from p0 to p and OX axis. Start of vector. End of vector. Angle (radians). Sorts quadrilaterals array to make points order clockwise in every quadrilateral. Returns smallest rectangle which includes given quadrilateral. Points of quadrilateral Starting point of the quadrilateral This class is intended to preserve for saving pens and brushes Saves the state, sets transormation matrix and a clipping path. Node. Page. Convert DrTextureBrush or DrHatchBrush to pdf tilling pattern Brush. Page. Applay soft mask arrays of Alpha values Image width Image height Trailer Image emulate WrapMode by means placing addition rotated images on bitmap Bitmap with image Texture brush Composite bitmap Convert DrLinearGradientBrush to DrTextureBrush LinearGradient brush Texture brush Creates an appropriate PDF pattern object from a DrBrush brush object. Brush. Page. Determines whether brush is valid or not. brush True - if it is valid; otherwise, false. Sets the PDF graphics state so that it corresponds to the specified brush properties. brush page Converts a pen line cap style to a corresponding PDF value. Pen Converts a pen line join style to a corresponding PDF value. pen Converts a pen dash cap style to a corresponding PDF value. pen PDF does not seem to automatically adjust dash and gap widths depending on line width and cap style, so I need to do that myself. Specifies whether pen or dash cap style is not default. Retrieves a pen dash pattern depending on the dash style. pen Specifies whether pen or dash cap style is not default. Sets the PDF graphics state so that it corresponds to the specified pen properties. pen page Converts an APS path or a clipping region into PDF path commands. Path builder. True when a new path figure has started and no segments have been processed yet. Initializes a new instance of the class. Path builder Contains options for loading/importing CGM file into pdf document. Gets or sets output page size for import. Creates default load options for converting CGM file into pdf document. Default pdf page size - A4 300dpi 2480 X 3508. Creates load options with defined . Defines pdf page width and height. MIME protocol Content-Disposition header. Result is shown inline. Result is saved as attachment. Performs contents modifications in APPEND mode only. this mode allows to avoid unneeded and heavy contents parsing before some change is made to the contents. It only appends new operators to the end or to the begin of the contents Initializez new instance of the contents appender with page attached Initializes new instanse of the contets appender with Form XObject. returns begin operators String containing opertors to insert into start of page. Stirng containing operators to append to the end of page. returns end operators Appends operator to the begin of the contents Appends operators to the begin of the contents Appends operators to the begin of the contents Appends operator to the end of the contents Appends operators to the end of the contents Appends operators to the end of the contents Suppresses update contents data The contents is not updated until ResumeUpdate is called resumes document update Must be called to apply the changes This class is designed to simplify the work with graphic entities like brushes and pens Gets the PDF document being built. This property used for XpsToAps converter Gets or sets flag that determines whether fields borders are shown or not. Gets or sets flag that determines color of hyperlinks borders in created PDF Please set this color to Color.Transparent if you want hide border Gets or sets information that form is signed. Initializes new object with aps fragmnent. The aps fragment. The tray to take APS pages from. The pipe to put APS pages to. The maximum number of threads that can be run for the node. Registers parent-child relationship between the pipeline and the node threads. The node thread Id. The method which performs APS pages serialization and ZIP-packing when run by a pipeline. Renders a layout node and all its contents into a PDF document. Renders a layout node and all its contents into a PDF document. The node to convert. The size of area to add the node. Initializes variables before page conversion is started. The aps page to convert. Save data to document Convert glyphs to text fragments The glyphs Converts a hyperlink into PDF. We use PDF annotations to represent hyperlinks. The hyperlink object. The rectangle to fit hyperlynk. Creates operators sequence for drawing of appearance of the button. Parameters of the appearance. Annotation for which appearance is generated. ButtonField constructor. Page where button will be placed. Rectangle where button is placed on the page. Represents options for loading/importing html file into pdf document. Gets or sets rendering all document to single page Gets or sets fonts embedding to result document Gets or sets layout option. Gets or sets possible media types used during rendering. Gets or sets the attribute specifying the encoding used for this document at the time of the parsing. If this attribute is null the encoding will determine from document character set atribute. Gets or sets the flag that controls visibility of fields borders (button, text, combobox). The base path/url for the html file. Creates load options for converting html into pdf document with empty base path. If loading of external data referenced in HTML requirs credentials, You can put them into this parameter - they will be used during loading of external resources Creates load options for converting html into pdf document with defined base path. The base path/url for the html file. Sometimes it's necessary to avoid usage of internal loader of external resources(like images or CSSes) and supply custom method that will get requested resources from somewhere. For example, during usage of Aspose.PDF in cloude direct access to referenced files impossible: in such case some custome code put into special method should be used, and delegate that refers that method should be assygned to this attribute. Gets or sets document page info Represents options for loading/importing of .mht-file into pdf document. Stores the value of flag that controls visibility of fields borders (button, text, combobox). Gets or sets the flag that controls visibility of fields borders (button, text, combobox). Creates load options for converting html into pdf document with empty base path. if it's necessary to save parts into some folder for testing Gets or sets document page info Specifies load format. means loading of document in CGM format means loading of document in HTML format means loading of document in EPUB format(special format of e-books) means loading of document in XML format(special XML that represent logical structure of PDF document) means loading of document in XSLFO format means loading of document in PCL format means loading of document in XPS format means loading of document in TEX format - format of Latex text editor means loading of document in SVG format - format of Latex text editor means loading of document in MHT format(that is packed HTML format) means loading of document in PS format(format of PostScript document) means loading document is in MD format (markdown). means loading document is in TXT format. means loading document in APS format. Internal PDF document structure in XML format. Enum represented warning type. The file is corrupted. Text/chart/image or other data is completely missing from either the documet tree following load, or the created document following save. Major formatting losses compared to the original document. This is for occasions when the formatting loss is substantial but the data is still there. Minor formatting losses compared to the original document. This is for minor losses of fidelity. Known issue that will prevent the document being opened by certain user agents, or previous versions of user agents. Invalid input stream type The file has unexpected content. Immutable object for encapsulating warning information. The string message of the warning. The type of the warning. Constructs instance for gathering information. the warning type to set the warning message to set Returns string representation of warning message. the warning message Returns warning type. the warning type Interface for user's callback mechanism support. The callback method for some program notifications. the warning information for some happened warning the result of further program workflow Enum represented a program workflow action in case of invoking the method. Used for continue flow. Used for abort flow. LoadOptions type holds level of abstraction on individual load options Represents mode of usage of margins area during conversion (like HTML, EPUB etc), defines treatement of instructions of imported format related to usage of margins. In this mode converter obeyes format of imported document (f.e. CSS of imported HTML) in usage of margins area.So, if format of imported document requires usage of margins area for rendering , converter will allow that This mode strictly forbids usage of margins area, so, converter will never use area of margins for rendering, even if CSS or format of source document allows or requirs that ATTENTION! The feature implemented but did not put yet to public API since blocker issue in OSHARED layer revealed for sample document. Represents mode of usage of page size during conversion. Formats (like HTML, EPUB etc), usually have float design, so, it allows to fit required pagesize. But sometimes content has specifies horizontal positions or size that does not allow put content into required page size. In such case we can define what should be done in this case (i.e when size of content does not fit required initial page size of result PDF document). In this mode result pages will have required pagesize defined in LoadOptions, no matter whether content after conversion goes out of page boundaries or no. This mode defines such behaviour: after getting of conversion result , and detecting of fact that some content has been truncated, width of portview is enlarged to fit content and conversion is repeated. This mode allows getting of less pages in result in such case but requires repeated rendering(and therefore more processing time). Callback to handle any warnings generated. The WarningHandler returns ReturnAction enum item specifying either Continue or Abort. Continue is the default action and the Load operation continues, however the user may also return Abort in which case the Load operation should cease. Represents file format which describes. Sometimes we need use temp file to save APS during conversion to avoid OOM exceptions in PalZipWriter For such hard tests can be used this parameter - it will force usage of ile instead of MemoryStream Result of custom loading of resource Creates instance of loading result reult of custom loading must be allways provided, it can be zero-length array if it's impossible to get any result Bynary data that loaded with custom loader - it must be set after loading Sometimes encoding of resource is known after or during loading. In such case custom code can provide converter with that knowledge via this parameter. You can leave null in this parameter if encoding is unknown or does not matter. Sometimes it's impossible to load requested resource for some reason. Unavailability of resource often does not lead to crash of conversiov and result document can be created anyway(but maybe in a bit worse quality, without images etc.). If exception occured during loading, just catch it and put in this parameter - sometimes that information is usefull for converter for rendering of result. Sometimes knowledge about MIME type of loaded resource is usefull for converter You can provide MIME type(if it'd known after loading) in this parameter. Please leave parameter equal to null when MIME type unknown or it's not necessary to supply it. Sometimes for some reasons loading should not occure custom code. In such case please set this flag as True. In such case converter will try use internal default resource loader to get that result(as it behave in situation when custom strategy not supplied). Sometimes it's necessary to avoid usage of internal loader of external resources(like images or CSSes) and supply custom method, that will get requested resources from somewhere. For example during usage of Aspose.Pdf in cloud direct access to referenced files impossible, and some custome code put into special method should be used. This delegate defines signature of such custom method. Resource URI. ResourceLoadingResult object. This enum represents known password types used for password protected pdf documents. Pdf document is not password protected. Pdf document was opened using document open password (restricted access). Pdf document was opened using change permissions password (full access). Pdf document is password protected but both user and owner passwords are not empty and none of the passwords was defined or supplied password was incorrect. So it impossible to deduce the type of the password. The Aspose.Pdf.Structure namespace provides classes which help to work with a logical structure of a document which presents the organization of the document into chapters and sections or the identification of special elements such as figures, tables, and footnotes. Class representing base element of logical structure. Ctor. Engine dictionary. Gets child elements collection. (Optional; PDF 1.4) A language specifying the natural language for all text in the structure element except where overridden by language specifications for nested structure elements or marked content. (Optional; PDF 1.4) Text that is an exact replacement for the structure element and its children. This replacement text (which should apply to as small a piece of content as possible) is useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. (Optional) An alternate description of the structure element and its children in human-readableform, which is useful when extracting the document’s contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. (Optional; PDF 1.5) The expanded form of an abbreviation. General structure element. Root structure element. Class representing logical structure figure. Gets the value of figure structure element. Creates logical element. Creates logical element. General text element of document logical structure. Gets the value of text structure element. Represents options for loading(import) PCL file into pdf document. Creates object. Defines conversion engine that will be used for conversion Gets or sets boolean value which indicates will PCL conversion errors should be supressed. List of conversion errors. Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion Legacy conversion engine is conversion engine thay was used for a while and is used by default. New conversion engine is currently in A-testing state. We open it into public API to get some feedback. It's currently recommended to use it only when old conversion engine cannot convert document for some reasons. Defines batch size if batched conversion is applicable to source and destination formats pair. Save options for export to Pdf format Constructor Represents options for loading/importing SVG file into pdf document. Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion Represents legacy SVG to PDF conversion engine. Represents new SVG to PDF conversion engine. Allows select conversion engine that will be in use during conversion. Currently new engine is in B-testing stage, so this value by default set to ConversionEngines.LegacyEngine Gets or sets page info that should be applied during loading of document. NOTE that this parameter only works when ConversionEngine == ConversionEngines.NewEngine Adust pdf page size to svg size The base path/url for the SVG file. It's a compulsory parameter when document is loaded from stream Creates object. Represents class for Collection(12.3.5 Collections). Initializes new Collection object. Initializes new Collection object. Document object. Default embedded file name. Convert document to Xml format Convert document to Xml format. Pdf document. Stream where the document will be stored. Save options. Represents options for loading/importing XML file into pdf document. enumerates engine that loads XML that describes document Legacy engine. Internally uses old engine for rendering defines rendering engine that will be used for loading and rendering of XML model of document Gets xsl data for converting xml into pdf document. Creates object without xsl data. Creates object with xsl data. Xsl file to convert xml document into pdf document. Creates object with xsl data. Xsl stream to convert xml document into pdf document. Save options for export to Xml format Constructor Convert document to Xps format Convert xps file to document file document options Convert xps stream to document stream document options Convet document to Xps format. Pdf document. Stream where the document will be stored. Save options. Save options for export to Xps format Constructor Indicates whether to preserve transparent (OCR'ed) text. Defines batch size if batched conversion is applicable to source and destination formats pair. Represents options for loading/importing XSL-FO file into pdf document. Source XSLFO document can contain formatting errors. This enum enumerates possible strategies of handling of such formatting errors In this case converter will be instructed to try proceed with conversion and ignore found formatting errors. In this case success not guaranteed, serious problems can occure later in converter, anf in suck case will be thrown exception with list of found formatting errors. In this case conversion will be stopped immediately and exception will be thrown immediately after detecting of first formatting error This is the most agile method - custom code must supply (in WarningCallback property) special handler that will be called when formatting error detected. That handler can f.e. log or count errors etc and will supply decision whether processing can be continued for this or that error. Source XSLFO document can contain formatting errors. This enum enumerates possible strategies of handking of that errors Creates object without xsl data. Creates object with xsl data. Xsl file to convert XSL-FO document into pdf document. Creates object with xsl data. Xsl stream to convert XSL-FO document into pdf document. The base path/url from which are searched relative paths to external resources (if any) referenced in loaded SVG file. XsltArgumentList for inserting values into existing xls parameters XLS file has 'animal' parameter without value: XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); args.AddParam("animal", "", "cat"); now the converter assumes that there is an 'animal' parameter with the value 'cat' in the XLS file. Internal parameter - we can ask with it to save XML that will be get after XML+XSLT to XSLFO transformation Internal class for XFA merging operations Appends XFA form of soruce document to destination docyument Map of field renamings Creates root form node of template and moves existing form into this root form. Gets root subform of template Fills destination node with copies of source node children. Convert document to TEX format Converts specified to TeX file storing result in stream. the PDF document the stream where the document will be stored the save options Save options for export to TeX format Output directory path for help files. E.g. for converting APSImages it is needed that the image should belongs to the same directory as output TEX file. List of additional (to T1) font encodings Initializes a new instance of the class. Property for parameter. Gets font encodings list Adds a font ancoding to the font encoding list The font encs. Clears the font encoding list Returns the number of pages after conversion. Save options for export to TeX format. Interface of generalized TeX input directory. Returns the stream to read from or to write to. The file name. The full file name. Indicates whether to look for a file in subdirectories. The stream. Interface of generalized TeX output directory. Returns the stream to write to. The file name. The full file name. The stream. Implements the regular file system's method for getting a file stream to read from. Creates new instance. The base path of the directory. Returns the stream to read from. The file name. The full file name. Indicates whether to look for a file in subdirectories. The stream. Disposes the instance. Implements the regular file system's method for getting a file stream to write to. Creates new instance. The base path of the directory. Returns the stream to write to. The file name. The full file name. The stream. Implements fetching an output stream from memory. You can use it, for example, when you don't want the accompanying output (like a log file) to be written to disk but you'd like to read it afterwards from memory. Creates new instance. Returns the stream to read from. The file name. The full file name. Indicates whether to look for a file in subdirectories. In this implementation has no effect. The stream. Returns the stream to write to. The file name. The full file name. The stream. Disposes the instance. Represents options for loading/importing TeX file into PDF document. Creates default load options for converting TeX file into PDF document. Gets/set the name of the job. Gets/sets TeX input directory. Gets/sets TeX output directory. Gets/sets the flag indicating whether it is necessary to run the TeX job twice in case, for example, there are references in input TeX file(s). In general, this behavior is useful when the engine collects some data along the typesetting process and stores it in an auxilliary file, all at the first run. And at the second run, the engine somehow uses that data. Gets/sets the flag indicating whether to subset fonts in output file or not. Gets/sets the flag indicating whether to show terminal output on the console. Gets/sets a certain value for date/time primitives like \year, \month, \day and \time. Gets/sets a flag that cancels ligatures in all fonts. Gets/sets a flag that allows to rasterize math formulas. Represents options for loading/importing TeX file into PDF document. Converts TeX file to PDF document. The TeX file name. The PDF document. The options. Converts TeX file to PDF document. The TeX input stream. The PDF document. The options. The color spaces enumeration. The device-dependent RGB color space. The device-dependent CMYK color space. The device-dependent gray color space. A group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model. The constructor. Pdf page object. The group color space. The group transparency flag. If this flag is false, later objects within the group are composited with earlier ones with which they overlap; if true, they are composited with the group’s initial backdrop and overwrite (“knock out”) any earlier overlapping objects. Tab order on the page No tab order. Row order. Column order. Default tab order. Manual tab order. Represents options for loading/importing xps file into pdf document. Creates default load options for converting xps file into pdf document. Defines batch size if batched conversion is applicable to source and destination formats pair. Represents a table that can be added to the page. Gets max table cells count(for internal use) Gets printed rows count(for internal use) Gets or sets table background color Gets or sets break text for table Gets or sets the styles of the border corners Gets the column widths of the table.(for internal use) Gets the style for repeating rows Gets columns count from colwidhts Gets or sets the maximum columns count for table Gets the first rows count repeated for several pages Gets the column widths of the table. Gets or sets table vertial broken; Gets default cell border; Gets default cell border; Gets the rows of the table. Gets or sets the border. Gets or sets the default cell padding. Gets or sets the default cell text state. Gets or sets the table alignment. Gets or sets the table left coordinate. Gets or sets the table top coordinate. Gets or sets the table is broken - will be truncated for next page. Gets or sets border included in column widhts. Gets or sets the table column adjustment. Gets or sets special symbols processing like $P $p etc.. Gets text states for columns(for internally use). Gets top margin nested table. Gets or sets the parent table(for internal use only). Gets or sets McName property for marked content (TaggedPdf) Gets or sets McId property for marked content (TaggedPdf) Default ctor Gets border height. Gets border width. Gets the column widths of the table.(for internal use) The index of column. Adds border into the page's content. The operators list to be added into the page's content. The border info. The start point. The end point. Add operators for rectangle. The border info. The left top point. The right bottom point. The operators list to be added into the page's content. Add operators for rectangle. The border info. The left top point. The right bottom point. The operators list to be added into the page's content. The border radius. Returns line width. The border info. Returns line single width. The border info. Adds border into the page's content. The border style. The left top point. The right bottom point. The operators list to be added into the page's content. The border corner style. Gets a object with specified ID in the document. The object id. The object with specified id. Null if the id is not found. Process table. The current X positon. The current Y positon. The calculation mode for nested tables. The real page width. The page bottom Y coordinate. The page. The condition for special symbols processing like $P $p etc. The operators list to be added into the page's content. Get column width The string representation. Apply column width. The real width. The current page object. Get width. The table width Reset isConverted property of formatted fragments Get height. The table's parent page (optional). The table height. Set height. The column number. The text state for column. Imports one-dimensional array of data into table. Import goes one cell per each array's item and starts from row and column defined in parameters. During import, if detected that necessary rows are still absent(i.e. target table is too small to absorb all data), necessary rows will be created imported data, nulls will be imported as empty strings define number of first target row in target table from wich import will start. If amount of rows in target table less then required, missing rows will be created first. specifies number of first target column in target table , column must be present in target table before start of import If 'isLeftColumnsFilled'=false, then in second and all subsequent filled rows cells that are on the left hand from firstFilledColumn will be skipped Imports data from System.Data.DataTable into Aspose.Pdf.Table source instance of System.Data.DataTable specifies whether column names will be imported as first row specifies zero based number of first row in target table from which import will start, if row with such number(and some previous rows) are absent in target table, they will be created first specifies number of first target column in target table , column must be present in target table before start of import Imports a object into the table. The object to be imported. Specifies whether the column names of the source datatable will be imported as first row. specifies zero based number of first row in target table from which import will start, if row with such number(and some previous rows) are absent in target table, they will be created first specifies number of first target column in target table , column must be present in target table before start of import Maximum amount of rows to be imported from source table. Maximum amount of columns to be imported from source table. Specifies whether the text is html string. Imports a object, but not as whole entity. Only specified rows and columns are imported. The object to be imported. The array of numbers of rows in source object that must be imported. List must be not null and must contain only numbers of existing rows, otherwise exception will be thrown. The array of numbers of columns in source object that must be imported. List must be not null and must contain only numbers of existing columns, otherwise exception will be thrown. The zero based row number of the first cell in targer table from which import will start. If target table does not contain that row, it (and all previous if necessary) will be created The zero based column number of the first cell in targer table from which import will start. The target table must contain that column befor import starts, otherwise exception will be thrown. Specifies whether the column names of source datatable will be imported as first row. Specifies whether the text is html string. Imports a object's data into the table. The object to be imported. Indicates whether the column names will be imported as first row. The zero based row number of the first cell in targer table from which import will start. If target table does not contain that row, it (and all previous if necessary) will be created The zero based column number of the first cell in targer table from which import will start. The target table must contain that column before import starts, otherwise exception will be thrown. Maximum amount of rows to be imported from source dataview. Maximum columns to be imported from source dataview. Clone the table. The cloned object Represents a watermark of the page. Initializes a new watermark object. Initializes a watermark object with an image and it's position on a page. Image of the watermark. Position of the watermark on the page. Initializes a watermark object with an image. Image of the watermark. Gets an image of the watermark. Gets a position of the watermark's image on a page. Gets a flag the watermark is present. Class represents PDF Artifact object. Enumeration of possuble artifact types. Pagination artifacts. Ancillary page features such as running heads and folios (page numbers). Layout artifacts. Purely cosmetic typographical or design elements such as footnote rules or background screens. Page artifacts. Production aids extraneous to the document itself, such as cut marks and colour bars. Background artifacts. Images, patterns or coloured blocks. Artifact type is not defined or unknown. Enumeration of possible artifacts subtype. Header artifact. Footer artifact. Watermark artifact. Background artifact. Artifact subtype is not defined or unknown. Top margin of artifact. Bottom margin of artifact. Left margin of artifact. Right margin of artifact. Horizontal alginemt of artifact. Vertical alignment of artifact. artifacts collection to which artifact does belongs This value is filled if artifact contents should be handled "as is" i.e for artifacts of undefined/unknown types. This class describes state of page (Matrix, selected font etc.) This constructor is used when artifact is read from the page. ARtifactCollection passes page resources, initial matrix, operators of the artifact ("contents") and properties dictionary. Constructor of artifact with specified type and subtype Name of artifact type. NAme of artifact subtype. Constructor of artifact with specified type and subtype Artifact type. Artifact subtype. Gets name of artifact type. May be used if artifact type is non standard. Gets name of artifact subtype. May be used if artifact subtype is not standard subtype. Gets artifact type. Gets artifact subtype. If artifact has non-standard subtype, name of the subtype may be read via CustomSubtype. Gets collection of artifact internal operators. Gets XForm of the artifact (if XForm is used). Gets rectangle of the artifact. Gets or sets artifact position. If this property is specified, then margins and alignments are ignored. Right margin of artifact. If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored. Left margin of artifact. If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored. Top margin of artifact. If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored. Bottom margin of artifact. If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored. Horizontal alignment of artifact. If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored. Vertical alignment of artifact. If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored. Gets or sets artifact rotation angle. This property is for internal usage only. Sometimes AdobeAcrobat sets scale for artifacts. This property is for correct update of these artifacts. Contains text attributes in original artifact Gets text of the artifact. Gets image of the artifact (if presents). Gets or sets opacity of the artifact. Possible values are in range 0..1. Sets text of the artifact. FormattedText object which contains artifact text. Set text and text properties of the artifact. Text string. Text state. Lines of multiline text artifact. Text state for artifact text. Set text and text properties of the artifact. Allows to specify multiple lines. Array of text string. Text properties. Sets image of the artifact. Stream which contains image data. Sets image of the artifact. Name of image file. Sets PDF page which is placed on the document page as artifact. Page which is placed as Artifcact. Generates operators of artifact contents. List of artifact operators. Gets operators inside the artifact. List of operators in the artifact. Returns artifact matrix. Generates operators to show artifact text and adds required font to the page resources. Generates operators to show image of the artifact and adds image as resource. Generates operators to show PDF page as artifact and adds PDF page into page resources as XForm. Generates operator to set artifact opacity and adds required graphic state object to resources. Dispose the artifact. Initializes custom data in in the artifact dictionary. Gets custom value of artifact. Name of value. Value, or null if value does not exists. Sets custom value of artifact. Name of custom value. Custom value in the artifact. Remove custom value from the artifact. Name of custom value to be removed. Start delated updates. Use this feature if you need make several changes to the same artifact to improve performance. Usually artifact operators are changed anytime when artifact property was changed. This causes changing of page contents everytime when artifact was changed. To avoid this effect put all artifact updates between StartUpdates/SaveUpdates calls. This allows to change page contents only once. Artifact art = doc.Pages[1].Artifacts[1]; art.BeginUpdates(); art.Opacity = 0.3f; art.Position = new Point(10,10); art.Rotation = 30; art.SaveUpdates(); Saves all updates in artifact which were made after BeginUpdates() call. If true Artifact is placed behind page contents. Clones artifact on "low level" i.e. only set of operators without analysis Class represents artifact collection. Is this object synchronized. Gets count of artifacts in collection. Gets synchronization object of the collection. Copies colection into an array. Destination array. Starting index. Gets enumerator for the collection. Enumerator object. Gets enumerator for the collection. Enumerator object. Gets artifact by index. Index is started from 1. Index of the artifact. Artifact on the page. Adds artifacts to the collection. Artifact which sould be added to collection. Finds artifacts by custom value. Name of custom value. Value to find. List of found artifacts. Gets if collection is readonly. Always returns false. Returns index of the artifact in page contents. If page contents was changed, tryes re-find this artifact in new contents. Deletes specified artifact. Artifact which will be deleted. Update artifact inside the collection. Artifact to be updated. Deletes artifact by its index. Index of artifact to delete. Clears collection. Method is not supported. Checks if collection contains specified artifact. Artifact to search. Deletes specified artifact. Artifact which will be deleted. Class descibes background artifact. This artifact allows to set background of the page. Initializes BackgroundArtifact object. Gets or sets bacground color of background artifact Gets or sets bacground image of background artifact Describes footer artifact. This may be used to set footer of the page. Creates Footer Artifact instance. Class describes Heaader artifact. This artifacgt may be used to set heading of the page. Creates Header Artifact instance. Class describes watermark artifact. This may be used to Creates instance of Watermark artifact. Class implements handling of formatting errors in XSLFO parcer Convert xslfo stream to document stream document The flag enum describing the way of using convertors. Ordinary loading, arbitrary editing and saving the document. Direct conversion from one format to another with static Covert() metods. Indicates whether to use pipelined conversion. Indicates whether the source format is PDF. Indicates whether the destination format is PDF. The list of source formats for pipelined conversion. The list of destination formats for pipelined conversion. Maybe in the future class will be released into public API to allow customers override method-members, so members that should be allowed to override marked as 'public' though right now class is internal Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another. Contains the directory that defines the start of the relative path. Contains the path that defines the endpoint of the relative path. The relative path from the start directory to the end path. Shortcut method to determine whether the source format is sutable for pipelined conversion. The load options. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether the destination format is sutable for pipelined conversion. The destination format. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether the destination format is sutable for pipelined conversion. The save options. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether the direct conversion is being performed. The usage mode. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether the source format is PDF. The usage mode. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether the destination format is PDF. The usage mode. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether transitional conversion to PDF is needed. The usage mode. True or False. Shortcut method to determine whether the pipelinable conversion is being performed. The usage mode. True or False. Creates the mapping of source document page number to the number of page in APS pages list to perform correct internal hyperlinks building. Sometimes exported APSes reqires post-processing - f.e. adding of hyperlinks or gluing ajacent backgrount tiling images. This method do such post-processing when necessary The hyperlink rectangle in the PDF is specified in the DefaultUserSpace coordinates. Method returns rectangle in CropBox coordinates. Attaches all link annototations found in pdf page to aps glyphs. The source pdf page. The destination aps page. Sometimes backggrounds are created from tale of same images put to ajacent canvases It leads to apeearing of smotning-lines in exported XPS HTML ETC. This optimization allows to find and replace such thing with one big element The source pdf page. The destination aps page. Adds link action uri from pdf annotation to aps glyph. The aps root node. The annotation rectangle. The target uri. This method applies XSLT-transformation to source XML(XSLFO) - text This method applies XSLT-transformation to source XML(XSLFO) - text The tray to take APS pages from. The pipe to put APS pages to. The maximum number of threads that can be run for the node. Registers parent-child relationship between the pipeline and the node threads. The node thread Id. The method which performs APS pages serialization and ZIP-packing when run by a pipeline. Contains options for loading/importing EPUB file into pdf document. Gets or sets output page size for import. Represents mode of usage of margins area - defines treatement of instructions (if any) of CSS of imported document related to usage of margins. ATTENTION! The feature implemented but did not put yet to public API since blocker issue in OSHARED layer revealed for sample document. Represents mode of usage of page size during conversion. Formats (like HTML, EPUB etc), usually have float design, so, it allows to fit required pagesize. But sometimes content has specified horizontal positions or size that does not allow put content into required page size. In such case we can define what should be done in this case (i.e when size of content does not fit required initial page size of result PDF document). Gets reference on object that represent marging info. Creates default load options for converting EPUB file into pdf document. Default pdf page size - A4 300dpi 2480 X 3508. Creates load options with specified page size. Defines pdf page width and height. Convert html stream to PDF document The source HTML stream The target pdf document This object used to supply loading options. Converts PCL stream to PDF document via APS model The source pclStream stream The target pdf document This object used to supply loading options. Convert Mht stream to PDF document The source Mht stream The target pdf document According to format specification Mht file can contain external links on parts that not present in Mht-file itself. In such case calling code can supply resource loader that will return external resourse's byte array when it's necessary. set of options related to MhtToPdf conversion Convet document to Mht format. This code was experimental one used during works related to is not going on production, cause there are cross-browsers problems with created MHT - so, it can be used in the future if finally it will be necessary to create MHT itself. PDFNEWNET-36340 was resolved with usage of DataSceme URLs(embedding data into HTML So, this conversion really not used right now. Converted Pdf-document. Target output stream Conversion options. Convert document to Svg format This field can contain saving strategy that must be used (if present) during conversion for customized handling of created referenced external images files (like embedded BMP or JPEG) embedded into saved SVG. That strategy must process resources and return string that represents desirable URI of saved resource in generated SVG. If processing for this or that file for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'imageSavingInfo' parameter's variable It signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself as if there was no any external custom code . this method used to save linked HTML-document that referensed in main HTML and that can be loaded from supplied stream saved HTML's data as stream to be read and then saved suggested file name for saved image returns relative path that was in fact used for saving this method used to save linked HTML-document that referensed in main HTML and that can be loaded from supplied stream saved font as bytes to be saved suggested file name for saved image returns relative path that was in fact used for saving this method used to save linked HTML-document that referensed in main HTML and that can be loaded from supplied stream saved image's data as bytes to be saved saved image's type suggested file name for saved image returns relative path that was in fact used for saving Converts document to Svg format. Pdf document. Path to file(of folder - if it required by SaveOptions) where the document will be stored. Output stream. Save options. SVG output is splitted to separate files, one file to one page. So hyperlink to page needs to know filename. Updates the fileName for Hyperlink target. ApsPage Target SVG base name without extensions, ex: 'outputSvg' for './folder/outputSvg.svg' Convert html stream to PDF document The source SVG stream The target pdf document This object used to supply loading options. Save options for export to SVG format To property of such type You can assign delegate created from custom method that implements processing of external saving of image that was extracted from SVG created from PDF and must be saved as external resource during conversion of PDF to HTML. In such case processing (like self-made saving into stream or on disk) can be done in that custom code and that custom code must return path(or any another string without quotemarks) that will be afterwards incorporated into generated SVG instead of original supposed path to that image resource. In such case all the necessary actions for saving of image must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use. If processing for this or that file for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'imageSavingInfo' parameter's variable It signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself as if there was no any external custom code . represents information about saved image that can be use in custom code must return string that represents URL of image that will be put into SVG This field can contain saving strategy that must be used (if present) during conversion for customized handling of created referenced external images files (like embedded BMP or JPEG) embedded into saved SVG. That strategy must process resources and return string that represents desirable URI of saved resource in generated SVG. If processing for this or that file for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'imageSavingInfo' parameter's variable It signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself as if there was no any external custom code . enumerates possible types of image files that can be saved as external resources during during Pdf to SVG conversion Jpeg format Png format Bmp format Gif format Tiff format Unknown - means that converter cannot detect type of content itself This options defines whether will be created target directory (if absent yet) with same name as requested output file instead of requested output file itself. It so, that directory will contain all output SVG-images of pages (like described below). If no, output files of pages other then first one will be created exactly in requested directory as main output file, but will contain in file name suffix _[2...n], that is defined by page number, f.e. if You define output file "C:\AsposeTests\output.svg" and output will contain several svg-files of pages, then files of pages will be created also in directory "C:\AsposeTests\" and have names 'output.svg', 'output_2.svg', 'output_3.svg' etc. Specifies whether output will be created as one zip-archive. Please refer comment to 'TreatTargetFileNameAsDirectory' options to see rules of naming of svg-files of pages for multipage source document, that are also applied to zipped set of output files. Specifies whether to scale the output document from typographic points to pixels. This class represents set of data that related to external resource image file's saving during PDF to HTML conversion. creates new instance of HtmlImageSavingInfo represent type os saved image referenced in HTML. Set by converter and can be used in custom code to decide what should be done Constructor Save options for export to EPUB format When PDF file (that usually has fixed layout) is being converted, the conversion engine tries to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce result in flow layout. This property tunes that conversion for this or that desirable method of recognition of content. Full recognition mode, the engine tries to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce xhtml in flow layout. The main idea of this conversion is based on saving "natural" order of content rendering that is formed during processing of pdf documents. In the general cases pdf documents keep top-down\left-right rendering order (see attachment directions.png). This assumption allows to create a single-path algorithm that will transform Aps elements that have positions (fixed-layout) into flow formats like HTML,EPUB,DOC. This mode will be especially useful for converting from PDF(APS) into EPUB, because the EPUB format was developed for e-readers like the Kindle or smart-phones. The size of screen those devices usually is less than the size of screen of ordinary PC. Therefore the content of EPUB documents is better to save in the flow format, for correct rendering on screens with different sizes. In this mode every column will be added to the end of previous column this allows to keep the logical structure of transformed document during "pagination" in EPUB readers. This achievement allows correctly render scientific or magazine articles. This mode is fast and good for maximally preserving the original look pages, but unfortunately many EPUB readeres don't support xhtml with fixed layout When PDF file (that usually has fixed layout) is being converted, the conversion engine tries to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce result in flow layout. This property tunes that conversion for this or that desirable method of recognition of content. Constructor During export to EPUB several modes of entity recognition of layout can be used This parameter defines such mode. This class represents utility that can be use for processing/preparing of usage etc of APS model Sometimes backgrounds are created from tale of same images put to ajacent canvases It leads in some targhet viewerss(like Word) to apeearing of smotning-lines in exported document. This optimization allows to find and replace such thing with one big image The processed APS page. Convert document to Html format Save options for export to MHT format This code was experimental one used during works related to is not going on production, cause there are cross-browsers problems with created MHT - so, it can be used in the future if finally it will be necessary to create MHT itself. PDFNEWNET-36340 was resolved with usage of DataSceme URLs(embedding data into HTML So, this conversion (PDF to MHT) is not really used right now. This handler can be used to handle conversion progress events f.e. it can be used to show progress bar or messages about current amount of processed pages, example of handler's code that shows progress on console is : public static void ConvertWithShowingProgress() { (new Aspose.Pdf.License()).SetLicense(@"F:\_Sources\Aspose_5\trunk\testdata\License\Aspose.Total.lic"); Document doc = new Document(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.pdf"); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.CustomProgressHandler = new HtmlSaveOptions.ConversionProgressEventHandler(ShowProgressOnConsole); doc.Save(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.doc", saveOptions); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void ShowProgressOnConsole(HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventHandlerInfo eventInfo) { switch (eventInfo.EventType) { case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.TotalProgress: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Conversion progress : {1}% .", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.SourcePageAnalized: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Source page {1} of {2} analyzed.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageCreated: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page's {1} of {2} layout created.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageSaved: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page {1} of {2} exported.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; default: break; } } Enumerates modes that can be used for saving of fonts referenced in saved PDF All referenced fonts will be saved and referenced as WOFF-fonts All referenced fonts will be saved and referenced as TTF-fonts All referenced fonts will be saved and referenced as EOT-fonts All referenced fonts will be saved (and referenced in CSS) as 3 independent files : EOT, TTH,WOFF. It increases size of output data but makes output sutable for overhelming majority of web brawsers MHT is set of HTML and set of referenced files packed into one file this setting defines what parts of HTML will be saved as MHT parts or will be previousely embedded into main HTML part All external resources referenced in HTML will be packed as parts of MHT and will not be previously embedded into HTML All referenced in HTML resources will be previousely embedded into HTML and then HTML will be packed as main part of MHT MHT is set of HTML and set of referenced files packed into one file this setting defines what parts of HTML will be saved as MHT parts or will be previousely embedded into main HTML part of HTML previousely Gets or sets the . The . Defines font saving mode that will be used during saving of PDF to desirable format This attribute represents set of settings used for drawing border (if any) in result HTML document around area that represent source PDF page. In essence it concerns of showing of page's paper edges, not page border referenced in PDF page itself. Sets mode of positioning of letters in words in result HTML Sets mode of positioning of letters in words in result HTML With this property You can explicitely define what pages of document should be converted. Pages in this list must have 1-based numbers. I.e. valid numbers of pages must be taken from range (1...[NumberOfPagesInConvertedDocument]) Order of appearing of pages in this list does not affect their order in result HTML page(s) - in result pages allways will go in order in which they are present in source PDF. If this list is null (as it is by default), all pages will be converted. If any page number of this list will go out of range of present pages(1-[amountOfPagesInDocument]) exception will be thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true HTML is created as fixed layout. Initializes a new instance of the class. The . if set to true HTML is created as fixed layout. Defines whether in created main HTML will be removed top and bottom empty area without any content (if any). Gets or sets a value indicating whether that HTML is created as fixed layout. true if [fixed layout]; otherwise, false. PDF itself does not contain underlining markers for texts. It emulated with line situated under text. This option allows converter try guess that this or that line is a text's underlining and put this info into CSS instead of drawing of underlining graphically Whole HTML representing all input PDF pages wont be not split into different HTML pages, but will be put into one big result HTML file. But each source PDF page will be represented with it's own rectangle area in HTML (if necessary that areas can be bordered to show page paper edges with special attribute 'PageBorderIfAny'. This parameter defines width of margin that will be forcibly left around that output HTML-areas that represent pages of source PDF document.In essence it defines guaranteed interval between HTML-representations of PDF "paper" pages such mode of conversion. Pdf document. Stream where the document will be stored. Save options. Save options for export to SVG format Constructor If set to true then all the content is recognized as images (one per page) Gets or sets the image resolution (dpi). Default is 192 dpi. If set to true then images are separated from all other graphics Toggles text columns recognition This handler can be used to handle conversion progress events f.e. it can be used to show progress bar or messages about current amount of processed pages, example of handler's code that shows progress on console is : public static void ConvertWithShowingProgress() { (new Aspose.Pdf.License()).SetLicense(@"F:\_Sources\Aspose_5\trunk\testdata\License\Aspose.Total.lic"); Document doc = new Document(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.pdf"); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.CustomProgressHandler = new HtmlSaveOptions.ConversionProgressEventHandler(ShowProgressOnConsole); doc.Save(@"F:\ExternalTestsData\Booklet.doc", saveOptions); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void ShowProgressOnConsole(HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventHandlerInfo eventInfo) { switch (eventInfo.EventType) { case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.TotalProgress: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Conversion progress : {1}% .", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.SourcePageAnalized: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Source page {1} of {2} analyzed.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageCreated: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page's {1} of {2} layout created.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; case HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressEventType.ResultPageSaved: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Result page {1} of {2} exported.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), eventInfo.Value.ToString(), eventInfo.MaxValue.ToString())); break; default: break; } } Adds the command. The command. Represents encoded string structure Constructs EncodedString struct. strin Constructs EncodedString struct. strin Unicode string. Indicies of the string. Returns objects count that use the object removes one usage of the object Privides DateTime.New functionality that works much faster Gets or sets fonts embedding to result document The collections that stores fragment operators. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. Gets the tag. The tag. The exception that is thrown when PDF text can't be decoded Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message The message. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Initializes a new instance of the class with a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Represents counter converter Initializes a new instance of the class. The style. Gets the counter style. Converts the specified value. The value. Returns string representation Creates the specified style. The style. Returns counter converter Represents CounterStyle object Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the style. Sets the owner. The counter styles. Gets the name of the style. The name of the style. Gets the counter styles. Gets or sets the type. The type. Gets or sets the first glyph value. The first glyph value. Adds the unicode glyphs. The glyphs. Uns the escape. The value. Gets or sets the glyphs. The glyphs. Gets or sets the suffix. The suffix. Gets or sets the prefix. The prefix. Gets or sets the range from. The range from. Gets or sets the range to. The range to. Gets the additive glyphs. Gets or sets the fallback. The fallback. Represents additive tuple Initializes a new instance of the class. The weight. The glyph. Gets the weight. Gets the glyph. Gets the converter. Gets the fallback converter. Represents CSS counters collection Gets the with the specified style name. The style name The Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Represents CSS counters factory Gets the default. Represents enumeration of the counter styles Repeating style Numeric style Alphabetic style Symbolic style Additive style NonRepeating style Override style Represents CounterStyle interface Gets the counter name. The counter name. Gets the counter style type. The counter type. Gets the counter converter. The counter converter. Represents base interface for the all counter converters Converts the specified value to string representation. The value. The string representation. Used to compare fonts in PDF/A conversions for reduce memory mode - to get duplicate for a font and exclude this duplicate from document Converts colorspace to indexed Class ApsDocumentBuilder. The _pages The _canvases Gets the pages. The pages. Begins the new page. The size. Appends the text. The glyphs. Appends the form field. The field. Appends the path. The path. Appends the image. The image. Appends the canvas. The canvas. Pushes the canvas. The canvas. Pops the canvas. ApsCanvas. Ends the page. Saves the specified file. The file. If this property is true then additional red rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa "excluded groups" This property was introduced because absences of analogues of excluded groups during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default. This font cash will be used during creation of DrFonts during conversion xsl-fo document to Aps pages Returns a hash code for this instance. A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Class IFontResolver. Resolves the specified name. The name. The style. TTFont. Class . Class XfaAttributeCollection. Adds the specified format type. Type of the format. The format value. Contains the specified type. The type. true if XXXX, false otherwise. Gets the with the specified type. The type. object. Gets the count. The count. Deletes the specified type. The type. Please report exception. Gets the keys. The keys. Gets the value. The type. The object. Gets the value. The type. The object. Gets the value. The type. The object. Gets the value. The type. if set to true [object]. Gets the value. The type. The object. Gets the value. The type. The object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The collection. The _children Class XfaDrawContentArea. The _layout Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Gets or sets the layout. The layout. Class XfaPage. The _number The _height The _width The _page The _content areas Initializes a new instance of the class. The page. Gets or sets the number. The number. Gets or sets the height. The height. Gets or sets the width. The width. Gets the page. The page. Gets the content areas. The content areas. Gets the xfa content area layouts. XfaContentAreaLayout[]. Class XfaContentAreaLayout. The _content area The _layout Initializes a new instance of the class. The content area. The layout. Gets the content area. The content area. Gets the layout. The layout. Class XfaContentProvider. The _page areas The _current page The _content areas The _current content The _xfa pages The _current xfa page Initializes a new instance of the class. The page set. Gets the current content area. XfaContentArea. Moves to next content area. true if XXXX, false otherwise. Adds the layout. The layout. Gets the xfa pages. XfaPage[]. Class XfaDataContainer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Creates the node. Node. Loads the specified node. The node. Prepares the som. The som. string. Class DataFilter. Determines whether the specified node is acceptable. The node. true if the specified node is acceptable; otherwise, false. Sets the data. The xfa. Som expression Nodes. Class XfaDataValue. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Creates the node. Node. Loads the specified node. The node. Sets the data. The xfa. Som expression Node. Class XfaDrawBuilder. The _owner The _size initialize The _ui size The caption size The text size The draw value size Initializes a new instance of the class. The owner. Reinits this instance. Gets the calculated size. SizeF. Calculates the size. SizeF. Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. Draws the rectangle. The canvas. The position. The size. Draws the line. The canvas. The position. The size. Draws the border. The canvas. The position. The size. Interface IXfaControl Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The text canvas. The builder. The position. The size. Interface IXfaLocation Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets the h. The h. Gets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Gets the rotate. The rotate. Interface IXfaGrowable Calculates the size. SizeF. Resets the size. The size. Interface IXfaDrawable Draws the specified builder. The builder. The position. The size. Interface IXfaLayout Class XfaSizeLocation. The _size Initializes a new instance of the class. The size. Gets the margin. The margin. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Gets the x. The x. Gets the y. The y. Gets or sets the h. The h. Gets or sets the w. The w. Gets the minimum h. The minimum h. Gets the maximum h. The maximum h. Gets the minimum w. The minimum w. Gets the maximum w. The maximum w. Gets the col span. The col span. Class XfaDrawElement. The _native object The _pos The _size Gets a value indicating whether this instance is hidden. true if this instance is hidden; otherwise, false. Gets the native object. The native object. Gets or sets the position. The position. Gets the type of the anchor. The type of the anchor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Gets the size. SizeF. Gets or sets the size. The size. Determines whether this instance is splittable. true if this instance is splittable; otherwise, false. Splits the specified height. The height. The page. XfaDrawElement[]. Class XfaElement. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the name of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. The prototyped elements. Merges the with prototype. The prototype. Creates the node. Node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. string. Gets the size. The size. SizeF. Class XfaElementsContainer. Gets the elements tags. System.string[]. The _processed nodes Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. Merges the with prototype. The prototype. Gets the first element. The tag. XfaElement. Adds the element. The tag. The element. Gets the size. The size. SizeF. Class XfaElementsFactory. The _tag to elements The _instance Gets the instance. The instance. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. Creates the element. The element tag. XfaElement. Creates the layout. The element. XfaLayout. Creates the processing instruction. The instruction tag. XfaProcessingInstruction. Class XfaLayout. The _type The growable h The growable w The margin The layout widht The layout height The location The elements The _splitted The _break The _intact Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Gets the maximum width. float. Gets the maximum height. float. Gets the size. SizeF. Calculates this instance. Adds the element. The element. Gets the type. The type. Gets or sets the break. The break. Shows whether this layout is breaked (splitted) for pages and both nearest pages has matching positions. True if one of the elements (except of first) contains XfaBreak. And position/sizes of parts are equal Otherwise - false. AB: Unusual Break is appered at PDFNET-46409. Additioanal investigation is necessary to know frequency of it appering in the source XFA/PDFs. Splits the specified height. The height. The page. XfaDrawElement[]. Locates the specified page content provider. The page content provider. Writes the traces. Determines whether this instance is splittable. true if this instance is splittable; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the current layout. string. The _layouts Draws the specified builder. The builder. Interface IXfaLayoutType Gets the type of the layout. The type of the layout. Class XfaElementPlace. The _page The _rect Gets or sets the page. The page. Gets or sets the rect. The rect. Class XfaLayoutBuilder. Builds the layout. The element. if set to true [is common]. XfaLayout. Class XfaLayoutLr_Tb. The filled height The row height The row width Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Calculates this instance. Class XfaLayoutPosition. The _calculated Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Calculates the page. The common layout. The page. Calculates this instance. Class XfaLayoutPseudoModel. The _layouts The _page areas Gets or sets the page count. The page count. Gets the page sizes. The page sizes. Gets the page areas. The page areas. The _pages index Gets the layouts. The layouts. The _is ready The _current page number The _xfa Initializes a new instance of the class. The xfa. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is ready. true if this instance is ready; otherwise, false. Indexings the layout elements. The layout. The page number. Adds the layout. The layout. The page area. The page size. Adds the root subform. The root. Pages the specified element. The element. int. Pages the span. The element. int. Class XfaLayoutRl_Tb. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Calculates this instance. Calculates the specified index. The index. The width. The height. Class XfaLayoutRow. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Calculates this instance. Class XfaLayoutTable. The _column widths Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Gets the width of the column. The column. The col span. float. Calculates this instance. Struct CellAttributes The col span The width The index Class XfaLayoutTb. The filled height Initializes a new instance of the class. The native object. Calculates this instance. Class XfaOneOff. The _elements tags The _value The _parent Gets or sets the parent. The parent. Gets or sets the value. The value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The elements tags. The parent. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The XML node. The parent node. Clones this instance. clone object. Class XfaProcessingInstruction. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the name of the class. Loads the specified reader. The reader. The node. The prototyped elements. Creates the node. Node. Creates this instance. XfaElement. Gets the tag. string. Class XfaReader. The _ci The _NSMGR The _JS engine Gets the URI resolver. The URI resolver. Gets the prototyped elements. The prototyped elements. Gets the js eengine. The js eengine. Gets the NSMGR. The NSMGR. Initializes a new instance of the class. The NSMGR. The js engine. The URI resolver. The base path. Gets the XML elements. The tag. The node. XmlNodeList. Loads the tags. The node. The specified tags. System.string[]. Measurements to points. The value. float. Gets the bool value. The node. true if XXXX, false otherwise. Gets the decimal value. The node. System.Decimal. Gets the float value. The node. float. Gets the int value. The node. int. Gets the string value. The node. string. Gets the text. The node. string. Gets the XML text. The node. string. Class XfaRenderer. Gets the java script engine. JavaScriptEngine. The _executed The _failed Restores the XML forbidden symbols. The value. string. Adds the with prefix. The node. Content of the variables. Adds the with prefix. The node. Content of the variables. Runs the scripts. The nodes. The java script engine. Content of the variables. The level. Builds the layouts model. The xfa dictionary. The size. The java script engine. The URI resolver. The base path. XfaLayoutPseudoModel. Draws the layouts. The document builder. The layouts model. The size. The java script engine. Sets the data. The node. The xfa. if set to true [set values]. Loads the data. The datasets. The xfa. Calculates the layouts. The subform. The pseudo model. The size. Enum XfaAttributeEnum The font family The font size The font stile The font weight The line height The rich text align The rich paragraph The rich margin The rich margin bottom The rich margin left The rich margin right The rich margin top The rich text indent The rich xfa tab count The rich tab interval The break The text The h align The v align The embed type The embed mode The embed The underline The line through Reserve height Space between letters Class XfaDataReader. Class XfaSubformNameNode. The _fields or draws The prefix Initializes a new instance of the class. The subform. Adds the field. The field. Adds the draw. The field. Class XfaRichText. Adds the rich text attributes. The XML attributes. The attributes. Adds the attributes. The node. The attribute collection. XfaAttributeCollection. Recurses the XML document. The root. The attribute collection. The parsed text. Parses the specified text. The text. The text attributes. The parsed text. Class XfaTextRenderer. Class TextStub. The text The font The position The size The paragraph The halign The valign The color LetterSpacing; Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. The font. The position. The size. The paragraph. The h align. The v align. The _initialized The _text fragments Gets a value indicating whether this is initialized. true if initialized; otherwise, false. Draws the specified canvas. The canvas. The position. The size. Adds the text fragment. The text. The font. The position. The size. The paragraph. The h align. The v align. Initializes the specified text attributes. The text attributes. The para. The margin. The location. SizeF. Alligns the specified text fragments. The text fragments. Width of the element. Height of the element. The height. Context of operation. List . Justiffies the specified tm. The tm. Width of the element. The inline tex fragments. The text fragments new. Gets width of the line including the inline fragment from text fragments text fragments representing line or paragraph an fragment of the line to measure line width Class ArcExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class AreaExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class AssistExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class AttributeProperty. The _default Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is default. true if default; otherwise, false. The _value Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets the attribute string value. The node. The name. string. Loads the specified node. The node. The name. true if attribute exist, false otherwise. Sets the value. The value. Gets the value. string. Creates the clone. AttributeProperty. Clones this instance. object. Class BarcodeExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BindExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BindItemsExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BookendExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BooleanExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class BorderExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BreakAfterExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BreakBeforeExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class BreakExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ButtonExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CalculateExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CaptionExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CertificateExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CertificatesExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CheckButtonExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ChoiceListExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ColorExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CombExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ConnectExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ContentAreaExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class CornerExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class DateExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class DateTimeEditExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class DateTimeExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class DecimalExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class DefaultUiExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class DescExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class DrawExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class DynamincFieldsTypeExtension. Called when [new instance created]. The instance. Class EdgeExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class EventExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ExclGroupExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class ExDataExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class ExecuteExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ExObjectExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ExtrasExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class FieldExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class FilterExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class FloatExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class FontExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class FormatExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class FormTypeExtension. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class HandlerExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class HyphenationExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ImageEditExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ImageExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class PictureExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class IntegerExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class IssuersExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ItemsExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class KeepExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class LayoutExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class LinearExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class LineExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ManifestExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class MarginExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class MediumExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class MessageExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Interface IClonable Clones this instance. object. Class Node. true if Node was generated from dataset The _id The _attributes Gets the attributes. The attributes. Gets the attribute. Name of the attribute. AttributeProperty. Gets or sets the identifier. The identifier. Determines whether this instance is container. true if this instance is container; otherwise, false. Gets the one of child. Node. Clones this instance. object. Creates the node. Node. Class Model. Clones this instance. object. Creates the node. Node. Class NodeExtension. The type The instance Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Constructs the string instace. The value. Instance. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class NumericEditExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class Object. The _class name Gets or sets the name of the class. The name of the class. Class ObjectExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class OccurExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class OidExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class OidsExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class OverflowExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class PageAreaExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class PageSetExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ParaExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class PasswordEditExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class PatternExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ProtoExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class RadialExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ReasonExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ReasonsExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. The type The instance Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Constructs the string instace. The value. Instance. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class RectangleExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class RefExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ScriptExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SetPropertyExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SignatureExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SignDataPropertiesExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SolidExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class StippleExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SubformExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SubformSetExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class SubmitExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class TemplateExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class TextEditExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class TextExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. Class TimeExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class ToolTipExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class TraversalExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class TraverseExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class Tree. The _parent The _nodes The _name The _som expression Interface IFindFilter Determines whether the specified node is acceptable. The node. true if the specified node is acceptable; otherwise, false. Gets the index. The index. Calculates the som expression. The node. Some. Gets the som expression. The som expression. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the parent. The parent. Gets the nodes. The nodes. Finds the nodes. The list. The name. if set to true [is property]. if set to true [ignore index]. The index. if set to true [is any depth]. The filter. TreeList. Resolves the node. The som expression. Node. Resolves the node. The som expression. The filter. Node. Gets the xfa node. Node. Resolves the nodes. The som expression. TreeList. Resolves the nodes. The som expression. The filter. TreeList. Class TreeExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class TreeList. The _list Gets the list. The list. Gets the length. The length. Appends the specified node. The node. Inserts the specified node. The node. The node before. Items the specified index. The index. Node. Nameds the item. The name. Node. Classes the named item. The name. Node. Removes the specified node. The node. Class TreeListExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Executes the specified function. The function. The instance. The parameters. Instance. unknown function Class UiExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ValidateExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class ValueExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class VariablesExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Class XfaExtension. The type Initializes this instance. Gets the type. The type. Gets the type of the inherited. The type of the inherited. Called when [new instance created]. The instance. Represents basic information about a PricingPlan Id of the PricingPlan record Product price plan of this subscription A list of PricingPlans This is the primary interface to the BanckleBilling Gateway. This class interacts with:
  • Subscriptions
Quick Start Example: using System using BanckleBilling namespace BanckleBillingExample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var gateway = new BillingGateway { Environment = Environment.PRODUCTION, PublicKey = "a_public_key", PrivateKey = "a_private_key" } var request = new SubscriptionRequest { ProductId = 11, ... CustomerRequest = new CustomerRequest { Name = "John Doe", ... } } SubscriptionResponse subscription = gateway.Subscription.Create(request) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Subscription ID: {0}", subscription.Id)) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Status: {0}", subscription.Status)) } } }
Remove the UTF8 BOM, if present (BILLING-757) this causes the client/server signatures to not correspond, although the content and the key are identical Represents basic information about a PricingPlan Id of the PricingPlan record Name of the PricingPlan A list of ProductItems represented as a collection of ProductItem objects Id of the Product to which PricingPlan is attached A list of PricingPlans Represents a Product. Product's unique identifier Name of the Product A list of Pricing Plans represented as a collection of PricingPlanRequest objects Product Item ProductItem's unique identifier. It is generated and managed by database Name of the ProductItem A list of ProductItems A list of Products Represents a Subscription (Customers make Subscriptions to Products) A list of SubscriptionPricingPlans to be assigned to the Subscription Actual status of the Subscription (e.g. Active, Trialing, BillNotPaid, Expired etc. The subscription identifier The product item identifier The value of the quantity The update details The name The unit name Whether this item is an acumulator. When set to true it will influence the way subscription items are updated. A lists of the subscription's components. Provides metered license related RESTful API calls Gets a Product by Id. The Id of the Product to be retrieved. A Product object corresponding to the specified ProductId. Updates the subscription item. The Id of the Subscription The subscription items. Gets the subscription items. The subscription id. SubscriptionItemList A list of Subscriptions represented as a collection of SubscriptionResponse objects