jQuery(function ($) { $('.easy-pie-chart.percentage').each(function () { var $box = $(this).closest('.infobox'); var barColor = $(this).data('color') || (!$box.hasClass('infobox-dark') ? $box.css('color') : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.95)'); var trackColor = barColor == 'rgba(255,255,255,0.95)' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.25)' : '#E2E2E2'; var size = parseInt($(this).data('size')) || 50; $(this).easyPieChart({ barColor: barColor, trackColor: trackColor, scaleColor: false, lineCap: 'butt', lineWidth: parseInt(size / 10), animate: /msie\s*(8|7|6)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ? false : 1000, size: size }); }) $('.sparkline').each(function () { var $box = $(this).closest('.infobox'); var barColor = !$box.hasClass('infobox-dark') ? $box.css('color') : '#FFF'; $(this).sparkline('html', { tagValuesAttribute: 'data-values', type: 'bar', barColor: barColor, chartRangeMin: $(this).data('min') || 0 }); }); var placeholder = $('#piechart-placeholder').css({ 'width': '90%', 'min-height': '150px' }); var data = [ { label: "social networks", data: 38.7, color: "#68BC31" }, { label: "search engines", data: 24.5, color: "#2091CF" }, { label: "ad campaigns", data: 8.2, color: "#AF4E96" }, { label: "direct traffic", data: 18.6, color: "#DA5430" }, { label: "other", data: 10, color: "#FEE074" } ] function drawPieChart(placeholder, data, position) { $.plot(placeholder, data, { series: { pie: { show: true, tilt: 0.8, highlight: { opacity: 0.25 }, stroke: { color: '#fff', width: 2 }, startAngle: 2 } }, legend: { show: true, position: position || "ne", labelBoxBorderColor: null, margin: [-30, 15] } , grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true } }) } drawPieChart(placeholder, data); /** we saved the drawing function and the data to redraw with different position later when switching to RTL mode dynamically so that's not needed actually. */ placeholder.data('chart', data); placeholder.data('draw', drawPieChart); var $tooltip = $("
").hide().appendTo('body'); var previousPoint = null; placeholder.on('plothover', function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.seriesIndex) { previousPoint = item.seriesIndex; var tip = item.series['label'] + " : " + item.series['percent'] + '%'; $tooltip.show().children(0).text(tip); } $tooltip.css({ top: pos.pageY + 10, left: pos.pageX + 10 }); } else { $tooltip.hide(); previousPoint = null; } }); var d1 = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.5) { d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]); } var d2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.5) { d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]); } var d3 = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.2) { d3.push([i, Math.tan(i)]); } var sales_charts = $('#sales-charts').css({ 'width': '100%', 'height': '220px' }); $.plot("#sales-charts", [ { label: "Domains", data: d1 }, { label: "Hosting", data: d2 }, { label: "Services", data: d3 } ], { hoverable: true, shadowSize: 0, series: { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } }, xaxis: { tickLength: 0 }, yaxis: { ticks: 10, min: -2, max: 2, tickDecimals: 3 }, grid: { backgroundColor: { colors: ["#fff", "#fff"] }, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#555' } }); $('#recent-box [data-rel="tooltip"]').tooltip({ placement: tooltip_placement }); function tooltip_placement(context, source) { var $source = $(source); var $parent = $source.closest('.tab-content') var off1 = $parent.offset(); var w1 = $parent.width(); var off2 = $source.offset(); var w2 = $source.width(); if (parseInt(off2.left) < parseInt(off1.left) + parseInt(w1 / 2)) return 'right'; return 'left'; } $('.dialogs,.comments').slimScroll({ height: '300px' }); //Android's default browser somehow is confused when tapping on label which will lead to dragging the task //so disable dragging when clicking on label var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ("ontouchstart" in document && /applewebkit/.test(agent) && /android/.test(agent)) $('#tasks').on('touchstart', function (e) { var li = $(e.target).closest('#tasks li'); if (li.length == 0) return; var label = li.find('label.inline').get(0); if (label == e.target || $.contains(label, e.target)) e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); $('#tasks').sortable({ opacity: 0.8, revert: true, forceHelperSize: true, placeholder: 'draggable-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, tolerance: 'pointer', stop: function (event, ui) {//just for Chrome!!!! so that dropdowns on items don't appear below other items after being moved $(ui.item).css('z-index', 'auto'); } } ); $('#tasks').disableSelection(); $('#tasks input:checkbox').removeAttr('checked').on('click', function () { if (this.checked) $(this).closest('li').addClass('selected'); else $(this).closest('li').removeClass('selected'); }); })