/*! Copyright (c) 2011 Piotr Rochala (http://rocha.la) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * * Version: 1.3.2 * */ ! function (e) { jQuery.fn.extend({ slimScroll: function (i) { var o = { width: "auto", height: "250px", size: "7px", color: "#000", position: "right", distance: "1px", start: "top", opacity: .4, alwaysVisible: !1, disableFadeOut: !1, railVisible: !1, railColor: "#333", railOpacity: .2, railDraggable: !0, railClass: "slimScrollRail", barClass: "slimScrollBar", wrapperClass: "slimScrollDiv", allowPageScroll: !1, wheelStep: 20, touchScrollStep: 200, borderRadius: "7px", railBorderRadius: "7px", animate: !0 }, a = e.extend(o, i); return this.each(function () { function o(t) { if (u) { var t = t || window.event, i = 0; t.wheelDelta && (i = -t.wheelDelta / 120), t.detail && (i = t.detail / 3); var o = t.target || t.srcTarget || t.srcElement; e(o).closest("." + a.wrapperClass).is(S.parent()) && r(i, !0), t.preventDefault && !y && t.preventDefault(), y || (t.returnValue = !1) } } function r(e, t, i) { y = !1; var o = e, r = S.outerHeight() - M.outerHeight(); if (t && (o = parseInt(M.css("top")) + e * parseInt(a.wheelStep) / 100 * M.outerHeight(), o = Math.min(Math.max(o, 0), r), o = e > 0 ? Math.ceil(o) : Math.floor(o), M.css({ top: o + "px" })), v = parseInt(M.css("top")) / (S.outerHeight() - M.outerHeight()), o = v * (S[0].scrollHeight - S.outerHeight()), i) { o = e; var s = o / S[0].scrollHeight * S.outerHeight(); s = Math.min(Math.max(s, 0), r), M.css({ top: s + "px" }) } "scrollTo" in a && a.animate ? S.animate({ scrollTop: o }) : S.scrollTop(o), S.trigger("slimscrolling", ~~o), l(), c() } function s() { window.addEventListener ? (this.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", o, !1), this.addEventListener("mousewheel", o, !1)) : document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", o) } function n() { f = Math.max(S.outerHeight() / S[0].scrollHeight * S.outerHeight(), m), M.css({ height: f + "px" }); var e = f == S.outerHeight() ? "none" : "block"; M.css({ display: e }) } function l() { if (n(), clearTimeout(p), v == ~~v) { if (y = a.allowPageScroll, b != v) { var e = 0 == ~~v ? "top" : "bottom"; S.trigger("slimscroll", e) } } else y = !1; return b = v, f >= S.outerHeight() ? void(y = !0) : (M.stop(!0, !0).fadeIn("fast"), void(a.railVisible && H.stop(!0, !0).fadeIn("fast"))) } function c() { a.alwaysVisible || (p = setTimeout(function () { a.disableFadeOut && u || h || d || (M.fadeOut("slow"), H.fadeOut("slow")) }, 1e3)) } var u, h, d, p, g, f, v, b, w = "
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