@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ using NetLibrary.Log;
using System.IO;
using System.IO;
using TradeModel;
using TradeModel;
using NetLibrary;
using NetLibrary;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Encoders;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing;
using LinqToDB;
using LinqToDB;
using TradeManageNew.Models.Shage;
using TradeManageNew.Models.Shage;
@ -1371,291 +1370,146 @@ namespace TradeManageNew.OuterService
md.Data = null;
md.Data = null;
if (Method == "OrderUsedSaleEntry")
if (Method == "GetOrderUsedSalePlatform")
var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrderUsedSaleEntryInput>(ResponseContent);
var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetOrderUsedSalePlatformInput>(ResponseContent);
var validatedSuccess = true;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.OrderCode))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.SkuCode))
md.Code = "400";
md.Code = "400";
md.Result = "Please enter order code";
md.Result = "Please enter sku code";
md.Data = null;
md.Data = null;
validatedSuccess = false;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.GoodsCode))
input.SkuCode = input.SkuCode.Trim();
using (var db = new ErpDbContext())
var sku = db.HW_GoodsDetail.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SKU1 == input.SkuCode ||
x.SKU2 == input.SkuCode ||
x.SKU3 == input.SkuCode ||
x.SKU4 == input.SkuCode ||
x.SKU5 == input.SkuCode);
if (sku is null)
throw new Exception($"There is no SKU encoded as {input.SkuCode}");
var product = db.HW_GoodsInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GoodsId == sku.GoodsId);
var result = new GetOrderUsedSalePlatformDto
ProductCode = product?.GoodsCode,
ProductDescription = product?.GoodsEnglisgName,
SkuId = sku.DetailId,
SkuCode = sku.SKU1
md.Code = "100";
md.Result = "Success";
md.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
if (Method == "PostOrderUsedSalePlatform")
var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrderUsedSalePlatformInput>(ResponseContent);
var validatedSuccess = true;
if (input.SkuId<=0)
md.Code = "400";
md.Code = "400";
md.Result = "Please enter sku code";
md.Result = "Please enter sku code";
md.Data = null;
md.Data = null;
validatedSuccess = false;
validatedSuccess = false;
input.GoodsCode = input.GoodsCode.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.TrackingCode))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.WarehousePositionCode))
md.Code = "400";
md.Code = "400";
md.Result = "Please enter tracking code";
md.Result = "Please enter the storage location";
md.Data = null;
md.Data = null;
validatedSuccess = false;
validatedSuccess = false;
if (input.ImageUrls is null || !input.ImageUrls.Any())
input.TrackingCode = input.TrackingCode.Trim();
if (input.Quantity<=0)
md.Code = "400";
md.Code = "400";
md.Result = "The quantity must be greater than 0";
md.Result = "Please upload photos";
md.Data = null;
md.Data = null;
validatedSuccess = false;
validatedSuccess = false;
if (validatedSuccess)
if (validatedSuccess)
using (var db = new ErpDbContext())
using (var db = new ErpDbContext())
var user = db.JC_UserInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == input.UserId);
var order = db.DT_OrderInfo.FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.PlatOrderCode == input.OrderCode || x.OrderCode == input.OrderCode);
if (user is null || (user.WorkDesc != "西仓" && user.WorkDesc != "东仓"))
if (order is null)
throw new Exception("Non warehouse staff");
var warehouseLocation = WarehouseLocation.East;
if (user.WorkDesc == "西仓")
throw new Exception($"There is no order with order number {input.OrderCode}");
warehouseLocation = WarehouseLocation.West;
var storePosition = db.CK_StorePostion.FirstOrDefault(x =>
var orderItem = db.DT_OrderGoods
x.PostionCode == input.WarehousePositionCode.Trim());
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OrderId == order.OrderId && x.GoodsSKU == input.GoodsCode);
if (storePosition is null)
if (orderItem is null)
throw new Exception(
throw new Exception(
$"There is no SKU with code {input.GoodsCode} in order [{input.OrderCode}]");
$"There is no storage location encoded as {input.WarehousePositionCode}");
var sku = db.HW_GoodsDetail.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DetailId == input.SkuId);
var sku = db.HW_GoodsDetail.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DetailId == orderItem.DetailId);
if (sku is null)
if (sku is null)
throw new Exception(
throw new Exception($"There is no SKU with ID {input.SkuId}");
$"There is no product information with ID {orderItem.DetailId}");
var product = db.HW_GoodsInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GoodsId == sku.GoodsId);
var repeatTrackingCodeOrderIds = db.DT_OrderUsedSaleEntry
.Where(x => x.TrackingCode == input.TrackingCode)
if (product is null)
.Select(x => x.OrderId)
if (repeatTrackingCodeOrderIds.Any() && !repeatTrackingCodeOrderIds.Contains(order.OrderId))
throw new Exception(
throw new Exception($"There is no product with ID {sku.GoodsId}");
$"The tracking number has already been linked to an order");
var newOrderUsedSalePlatform =
var newOrderUsedSaleEntry =
new TradeUsedSale.Repositories.Models.DT_OrderUsedSalePlatform
new TradeUsedSale.Repositories.Models.DT_OrderUsedSaleEntry
OrderId = order.OrderId,
ProductId = product.GoodsId,
OrderCode = order.OrderCode,
ProductCode = product.GoodsCode,
GoodsId = sku.DetailId,
SkuId = sku.DetailId,
GoodsCode = sku.SKU1,
SkuCode = sku.SKU1,
Quantity = input.Quantity,
BarCode =string.Empty,
TrackingCode = input.TrackingCode,
IsPrinted = false,
WarehouseLocation = input.WarehouseLocation,
Status = UsedSalePlatformStatus.NotListed,
WarehouseLocation = warehouseLocation,
WarehousePositionId = storePosition.PostionId,
WarehousePositionCode = storePosition.PostionCode,
ImageUrls = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input.ImageUrls),
CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
CreatorId = input.UserId
CreatorId = input.UserId,
md.Code = "100";
md.Result = "Success";
md.Data = "";
if (Method == "GetOrderUsedSale")
var newOrderUsedSalePlatformId = db.InsertWithInt32Identity(newOrderUsedSalePlatform);
var barCode =
var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetOrderUsedSale>(ResponseContent);
$"{(warehouseLocation == WarehouseLocation.East ? "E" : "W")}{newOrderUsedSalePlatformId.ToString().PadLeft(7, '0')}";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.TrackingCode))
md.Code = "400";
md.Result = "Please enter tracking code";
md.Data = null;
input.TrackingCode = input.TrackingCode.Trim();
using (var db = new ErpDbContext())
var orderUsedSaleEntryList = db.DT_OrderUsedSaleEntry
.Where(x => x.TrackingCode == input.TrackingCode)
var groupOrderUsedSaleEntry = orderUsedSaleEntryList.GroupBy(x => x.GoodsId)
db.DT_OrderUsedSalePlatform.Where(x => x.Id == newOrderUsedSalePlatformId)
.Select(o => new
.Set(x => x.BarCode, barCode)
Quantity = o.Sum(x => x.Quantity)
md.Code = "100";
md.Result = "Success";
md.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newOrderUsedSalePlatform);
// if (Method == "ReturnUsedSale")
// {
// var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Sync_ReturnGoodsSave>(ResponseContent);
// var validatedSuccess = true;
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.StoreCode))
// {
// md.Code = "400";
// md.Result = "Please enter storage Location";
// md.Data = null;
// validatedSuccess = false;
// }
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.TrackCode))
// {
// md.Code = "400";
// md.Result = "Please enter tracking code";
// md.Data = null;
// validatedSuccess = false;
// }
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.OrderCode))
// {
// md.Code = "400";
// md.Result = "Please enter order no";
// md.Data = null;
// validatedSuccess = false;
// }
// if (input.GoodsList==null || !input.GoodsList.Any())
// {
// md.Code = "400";
// md.Result = "Please enter goods information";
// md.Data = null;
// validatedSuccess = false;
// }
// if (validatedSuccess)
// {
// var detailIds = input.GoodsList.Select(x => x.GoodsId).ToList();
// using (var db = new ErpDbContext())
// {
// var orderReturns = db.DT_OrderReturn.Where(x =>
// x.tracking_id == input.TrackCode &&
// x.ordercode==input.OrderCode &&
// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.InType) || x.InType == "6") &&
// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ScanState) || x.ScanState == "1") &&
// x.detailid != null && detailIds.Contains(x.detailid.Value))
// .ToList();
// var orderReturnIds = orderReturns.Select(x => x.id).ToList();
// if (!orderReturnIds.Any())
// {
// throw new Exception("Return order information not obtained");
// }
// //二手平台上架信息
// var orderReturnUsedSales = db.DT_OrderReturnUsedSale
// .Where(x => orderReturnIds.Contains(x.OrderReturnId))
// .ToList();
// foreach (var inputItem in input.GoodsList)
// {
// var returnItem = orderReturns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.detailid == inputItem.GoodsId);
// if (returnItem is null)
// {
// throw new Exception(
// $"Return order information not obtained. tracking id {input.TrackCode},order no {input.OrderCode},sku {inputItem.GoodsId}");
// }
// //已上架二手平台的数量
// var usedSalesQuantity = orderReturnUsedSales
// .Where(x => x.OrderReturnId == returnItem.id)
// .Sum(x => x.Quantity);
// //剩余可以上架二手平台的数量
// var remainingQuantity = returnItem.return_quantity - usedSalesQuantity;
// if (inputItem.GoodsNum > remainingQuantity)
// {
// throw new Exception(
// $"sku {returnItem.merchant_sku} submitted quantity {inputItem.GoodsNum} exceeds the remaining submittable quantity {remainingQuantity}");
// }
// }
// db.BeginTransaction();
// try
// {
// #region 插入二手商品信息
// foreach (var inputItem in input.GoodsList)
// {
// var returnItem = orderReturns.First(x => x.detailid == inputItem.GoodsId);
// //更新退货订单表数据
// db.DT_OrderReturn.Where(x => x.id == returnItem.id)
// .Set(x => x.InType, "6")
// .Set(x => x.ScanState, "1")
// .Set(x => x.ScanDate, DateTime.Now)
// .Set(x => x.ScanUserId, input.UserId)
// .Set(x => x.PostionCode, input.StoreCode)
// .Set(x => x.ImgUrl, input.Photo1)
// .Set(x => x.ImgUrl2, input.Photo2)
// .Set(x => x.ImgUrl3, input.Photo3)
// .Set(x => x.ImgUrl4, input.Photo4)
// .Set(x => x.ImgUrl5, input.Photo5)
// .Update();
// var newOrderReturnUsedSale =
// new TradeUsedSale.Repositories.Models.DT_OrderReturnUsedSale
// {
// OrderReturnId = returnItem.id,
// OrderId = returnItem.orderid,
// OrderCode = returnItem.ordercode,
// GoodsId = returnItem.detailid.Value,
// MerchantSku = returnItem.merchant_sku,
// Quantity = inputItem.GoodsNum,
// CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
// CreatorId = input.UserId
// };
// var newOrderReturnUsedSaleId =
// db.InsertWithInt32Identity(newOrderReturnUsedSale);
// for (var i = 1; i <= inputItem.GoodsNum; i++)
// {
// var newOrderReturnUsedSaleItem =
// new TradeUsedSale.Repositories.Models.DT_OrderReturnUsedSaleItem
// {
// OrderReturnUsedSaleId = newOrderReturnUsedSaleId,
// IsPublished = false,
// CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
// CreatorId = input.UserId,
// };
// db.InsertWithInt32Identity(newOrderReturnUsedSaleItem);
// }
// }
// #endregion
// db.CommitTransaction();
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// db.RollbackTransaction();
// throw;
// }
// }
// }
// }
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)