diff --git a/TradeManage/bin/TradeManageNew.dll b/TradeManage/bin/TradeManageNew.dll
index 0b01a2d..d26a6b3 100644
Binary files a/TradeManage/bin/TradeManageNew.dll and b/TradeManage/bin/TradeManageNew.dll differ
diff --git a/TradeManageNew/DataNew.cs b/TradeManageNew/DataNew.cs
index f89535b..0056991 100644
--- a/TradeManageNew/DataNew.cs
+++ b/TradeManageNew/DataNew.cs
@@ -7245,8 +7245,8 @@ inner join DT_OrderGoods g on a.OrderId=g.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail e on g.DetailId=e.DetailId
left Join DT_Fees b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.orderid
where a.State>0 and c.StoreId in (6,9,11) and a.State<3 and a.PlatId=23)t group by GoodsId) Gr on a.GoodsId=Gr.GoodsId
-) t
-where 1=1 " + sqlPage + where + " order by GoodsHJNum desc ";
+ where 1=1 "+ where + @") t
+where 1=1 " + sqlPage + " order by GoodsHJNum desc ";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
@@ -31213,14 +31213,14 @@ left Join JC_Shop b on a.Shopid = b.Shopid";
string tsql = @"
-select c.SKU1,KcNum=c.WestNum+c.EastNum,c.WestNum,c.EastNum,b.*,lr=b.TotalPrice-b.yj-b.ck-b.cb-b.hwsf-b.sjyf-b.sjtc from DT_OrderGoods a
+select c.SKU1,KcNum=c.WestNum+c.EastNum,c.WestNum,c.EastNum,b.*,lr=b.TotalPrice-b.yj-b.ck-b.cb-b.hwsf-b.sjyf-b.sjtc,a.GoodsNum from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join (
select a.orderid,c.ShopName,a.PlatOrderCode,a.InDate,TotalPrice=isnull(a.TotalPrice,0),yj=isnull(b.yj,0),ck=isnull(b.ck,0),sjtc=isnull(b.sjtc,isnull(b.tc,0)),sjyf=isnull(b.sjyf,isnull(b.yf,0)),cb=isnull(b.sjcb,isnull(b.cb,0))/6.3,hwsf=isnull(b.hwsf,0)/6.3,b.sku from DT_OrderInfo a
left join JC_Shop c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
left join DT_Fees b on a.OrderId=b.orderid
where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and a.PlatId=23)b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
-where a.SKU1=@SKU";
+where c.SKU1=@SKU";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@SKU", DbType.String, SKU);
diff --git a/TradeManageNew/HuoWuServiceNew.asmx.cs b/TradeManageNew/HuoWuServiceNew.asmx.cs
index 28836c2..d92eb13 100644
--- a/TradeManageNew/HuoWuServiceNew.asmx.cs
+++ b/TradeManageNew/HuoWuServiceNew.asmx.cs
@@ -7688,9 +7688,47 @@ namespace TradeManageNew
var datas = DataNew.GetTemuOrderFromSKU(sku);
+ if (datas != null&& datas.Count>0)
+ {
+ TemuSKUOrder amd = new TemuSKUOrder();
+ decimal TotalPrice = 0;
+ decimal yj = 0;
+ decimal ck = 0;
+ decimal sjtc = 0;
+ decimal sjyf = 0;
+ decimal cb = 0;
+ decimal hwsf = 0;
+ decimal lr = 0;
+ int num = 0;
+ foreach (var md in datas)
+ {
+ md.InDate2 = md.InDate.Value.ToString("yyy-MM-dd");
+ TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
+ yj += md.yj.Value;
+ ck += md.ck.Value;
+ sjtc += md.sjtc.Value;
+ sjyf += md.sjyf.Value;
+ cb += md.cb.Value;
+ hwsf += md.hwsf.Value;
+ lr += md.lr.Value;
+ num += md.GoodsNum.Value;
+ }
+ amd.SKU1 = "合计:";
+ amd.TotalPrice = TotalPrice;
+ amd.yj = yj;
+ amd.ck = ck;
+ amd.sjtc = sjtc;
+ amd.sjyf = sjyf;
+ amd.cb = cb;
+ amd.lr = lr;
+ amd.KCNum = datas[0].KCNum;
+ amd.GoodsNum = num;
+ datas.Insert(0,amd);
+ }
return datas;
- }
+ }
diff --git a/TradeManageNew/Huowu/TemuOrderGoodsFee.aspx b/TradeManageNew/Huowu/TemuOrderGoodsFee.aspx
index d66484b..cddec49 100644
--- a/TradeManageNew/Huowu/TemuOrderGoodsFee.aspx
+++ b/TradeManageNew/Huowu/TemuOrderGoodsFee.aspx
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@