@ -31440,7 +31440,42 @@ left join jc_userinfo c on a.CreateUserId=c.UserId
return ListModel;
#region 分页动态条件查询
public static List<TemuShopGoodActive> GetListTemuShopGoodActive_Test(string shopid, string Sku, string SkuId)
string Where = string.Empty;
string order = " ) a order by a.ID desc";
string tsql = @"select ID,Shopid,SKU,SPUID,BasePrice,CreateUserId,CreateTime,PostPrice,State,ShopName,CreateUserName from (
select distinct ID=cast(a.ID as int),a.Shopid,a.SKU,a.SPUID,a.BasePrice,a.CreateUserId,a.CreateTime,a.PostPrice,a.State,b.ShopName,CreateUserName=c.Name
from TemuShopGoodActive a
left Join JC_Shop b on a.Shopid = b.Shopid
left join jc_userinfo c on a.CreateUserId=c.UserId
left join TemuShopGoodActiveDetail d on a.ID=d.ActiveId where 1=1
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shopid))
Where += shopid;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sku))
Where += " and d.sku like '%" + Sku + "%'";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SkuId))
Where += " and d.SKUId = '" + SkuId + "'";
tsql = tsql + Where + order;
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(tsql);
DataTable tb = db.ExecuteDataTable(cmd);
List<TemuShopGoodActive> ListModel = tb.ToList<TemuShopGoodActive>();
ListModel = tb.ToList<TemuShopGoodActive>();
return ListModel;
#region 根据sku读temu订单
public static List<TemuSKUOrder> GetTemuOrderFromSKU(string SKU)