using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Web ;
using System.Web.Services ;
using TradeModel ;
using NetLibrary.Data ;
using System.Data ;
using TradeData ;
using NetLibrary ;
using System.IO ;
using NetLibrary.ReportPrint ;
using NetLibrary.Log ;
using System.Drawing ;
using ZXing ;
using ZXing.Common ;
using ZXing.QrCode ;
using TradeManage ;
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel ;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel ;
using System.Net ;
using System.Web.UI ;
using System.Text ;
using NPOI.HSSF.Model ;
namespace TradeManageNew
/// <summary>
/// HuoWuServiceNew 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。
public class HuoWuServiceNew : System . Web . Services . WebService
public string HelloWorld ( )
return "Hello World" ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetail2 > > GetGoodsDetailList ( int TJ1 , int IsYC , int IsJQ , int StoreId , int AQNum , string Name , string Supplier , int TJ2 , int SNum , int ENum , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
HuoWuData data = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int num = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection where = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.IsYC,0)" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 2 )
where . Add ( "a.IsYC" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.CompanyId" , "=" , num , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum2,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.State" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( Supplier ! = "" )
where . Add ( "b.SupplierId" , "like" , Supplier , DbType . String ) ;
Name = Name . Trim ( ) ;
if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 0 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 1 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "=" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 2 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 3 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 4 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 5 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetail2 > > model = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetail2 > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
model . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsDetailNew ( StoreId , where , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out rowCount ) ;
model . RowCount = rowCount ;
string gids = "" ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
gids + = detail . GoodsId + "," ;
List < HW_GoodsStar > slist = null ;
if ( gids ! = "" )
slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsStar ( gids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
string html = "" ;
List < JC_Shop > czlist = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
if ( slist ! = null )
var smd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . GoodsId = = detail . GoodsId ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
foreach ( var ssmd in smd )
var czmd = czlist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = ssmd . ShopId ) ;
if ( czmd = = null )
decimal score = Convert . ToDecimal ( ssmd . Star1 . Value * 1.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star2 . Value * 2.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star3 * 3.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star4 * 4.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star5 * 5.00 / 100 ) ;
string starhtml = "" ;
if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4.5 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 3 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 2 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 1 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
html + = @"<div style='float:left'> " + ssmd . ShopName + ":" + starhtml + score . ToString ( "0.0" ) + " out of 5 Stars" + ssmd . Star6 + " " ;
html + = @"<br />5 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star5 . Value + "px;height:10px;'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star5 + @"% <br />4 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star4 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star4 + @"%<br />3 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star3 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star3 + @"% <br />2 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star2 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star2 + @"%<br />1 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star1 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star1 + @ "%
< / div > ";
var spmd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
spmd . ShopId = ssmd . ShopId ;
czlist . Add ( spmd ) ;
detail . UpdateName = html ;
if ( detail . Solid . HasValue )
detail . TotalSolid = detail . Solid * detail . GoodsNum ;
detail . TotalSolid = 0 ;
return model ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > GetGoodsDetailListNew2 ( int GNum , int TJ1 , int IsYC , int IsJQ , int StoreId , int AQNum , int AQNum2 , string Name , string Supplier , int TJ2 , int SNum , int ENum , int cgjh , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
HuoWuData data = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int num = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection where = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.IsYC,0)" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( cgjh > 0 )
where . Add ( "FHPlan" , "=" , cgjh , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 2 )
where . Add ( "a.IsYC" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.CompanyId" , "=" , num , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.WestNum,0)-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum12,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum2 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.EastNum,0)-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum13,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.State" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( Supplier ! = "" )
where . Add ( "b.SupplierId" , "like" , Supplier , DbType . String ) ;
Name = Name . Trim ( ) ;
if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 0 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 1 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "=" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 2 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 3 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 4 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 5 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( GNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "a.CGNum" , ">" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > model = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
model . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsDetailNew2 ( StoreId , where , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out rowCount ) ;
model . RowCount = rowCount ;
string gids = "" ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
gids + = detail . GoodsId + "," ;
List < HW_GoodsStar > slist = null ;
if ( gids ! = "" )
slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsStar ( gids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
string html = "" ;
List < JC_Shop > czlist = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
if ( slist ! = null )
var smd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . GoodsId = = detail . GoodsId ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
foreach ( var ssmd in smd )
var czmd = czlist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = ssmd . ShopId ) ;
if ( czmd = = null )
decimal score = Convert . ToDecimal ( ssmd . Star1 . Value * 1.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star2 . Value * 2.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star3 * 3.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star4 * 4.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star5 * 5.00 / 100 ) ;
string starhtml = "" ;
if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4.5 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 3 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 2 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 1 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
html + = @"<div style='float:left'> " + ssmd . ShopName + ":" + starhtml + score . ToString ( "0.0" ) + " out of 5 Stars" + ssmd . Star6 + " " ;
html + = @"<br />5 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star5 . Value + "px;height:10px;'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star5 + @"% <br />4 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star4 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star4 + @"%<br />3 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star3 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star3 + @"% <br />2 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star2 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star2 + @"%<br />1 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star1 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star1 + @ "%
< / div > ";
var spmd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
spmd . ShopId = ssmd . ShopId ;
czlist . Add ( spmd ) ;
detail . UpdateName = html ;
if ( detail . Solid . HasValue )
detail . TotalSolid = detail . Solid * detail . GoodsNum ;
detail . TotalSolid = 0 ;
return model ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > GetGoodsDetailListNew22 ( int platid , int MUserId , int cpzt , int GNum , int TJ1 , int IsYC , int IsJQ , int StoreId , int AQNum , int AQNum2 , string Name , string Supplier , int TJ2 , int SNum , int ENum , int cgjh , int kh , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
HuoWuData data = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int num = 0 ;
if ( base . Session [ "CompanyId" ] ! = null )
num = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
num = 1 ;
RefParameterCollection where = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( cpzt > 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.SalesType,0)" , "=" , cpzt , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.IsYC,0)" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 2 )
where . Add ( "a.IsYC" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.CompanyId" , "=" , num , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( cgjh > 0 )
where . Add ( "FHPlan" , "=" , cgjh , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( cgjh > 0 )
where . Add ( "FHPlan" , "=" , cgjh , DbType . Int32 ) ;
// if (MName!=""&&platid==2)
// where.Add("b.MName", "=", MName, DbType.String);
//else if (MName != "" && platid == 3)
// where.Add("b.groupname_ebay", "=", MName, DbType.String);
// else if (MName != "" && platid == 6)
// where.Add("b.groupname_wlmart", "=", MName, DbType.String);
// else if (MName != "" && platid == 15)
// where.Add("b.groupname_shopify", "=", MName, DbType.String);
// else if (MName != "" && platid == 18)
// where.Add("b.groupname_wayfair", "=", MName, DbType.String);
// else if (MName != "" && platid ==21)
// where.Add("b.groupname_sheIn", "=", MName, DbType.String);
if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.muserid" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 3 )
where . Add ( "b.guserid_ebay" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 6 )
where . Add ( "b.guserid_wlmart" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 15 )
where . Add ( "b.guserid_shopify" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 18 )
where . Add ( "b.guserid_wayfair" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 21 )
where . Add ( "b.guserid_sheIn" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( MUserId ! = 0 & & platid = = 23 )
where . Add ( "b.guserid_temu" , "=" , MUserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.WestNum,0)-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum12,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum2 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.EastNum,0)-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum13,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.State" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( Supplier ! = "" )
where . Add ( "b.SupplierId" , "like" , Supplier , DbType . String ) ;
Name = Name . Trim ( ) ;
if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 0 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 1 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "=" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
if ( StoreId = = 6 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.WestNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.WestNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( StoreId = = 11 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.EastNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.EastNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 2 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 3 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 4 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 5 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( GNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "a.CGNum" , ">" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( kh ! = - 1 )
where . Add ( "b.IsExamine" , "=" , kh , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > model = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
model . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsDetailNew22 ( platid , StoreId , where , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out rowCount ) ;
model . RowCount = rowCount ;
string gids = "" ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
gids + = detail . GoodsId + "," ;
List < HW_GoodsStar > slist = null ;
if ( gids ! = "" )
slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsStar ( gids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
var saleNums = DataNew . GetStoreGoodsSaleNumsNowDay ( ) ;
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
string html = "" ;
List < JC_Shop > czlist = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
if ( slist ! = null )
var smd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . GoodsId = = detail . GoodsId ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
foreach ( var ssmd in smd )
var czmd = czlist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = ssmd . ShopId ) ;
if ( czmd = = null )
decimal score = Convert . ToDecimal ( ssmd . Star1 . Value * 1.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star2 . Value * 2.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star3 * 3.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star4 * 4.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star5 * 5.00 / 100 ) ;
string starhtml = "" ;
if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4.5 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 3 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 2 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 1 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
html + = @"<div style='float:left'> " + ssmd . ShopName + ":" + starhtml + score . ToString ( "0.0" ) + " out of 5 Stars" + ssmd . Star6 + " " ;
html + = @"<br />5 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star5 . Value + "px;height:10px;'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star5 + @"% <br />4 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star4 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star4 + @"%<br />3 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star3 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star3 + @"% <br />2 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star2 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star2 + @"%<br />1 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star1 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star1 + @ "%
< / div > ";
var spmd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
spmd . ShopId = ssmd . ShopId ;
czlist . Add ( spmd ) ;
detail . UpdateName = html ;
if ( detail . Solid . HasValue )
detail . TotalSolid = detail . Solid * detail . GoodsNum ;
detail . TotalSolid = 0 ;
if ( saleNums ! = null )
var _EsaleNum = saleNums . Where ( r = > r . StoreId = = 11 & & r . DetailId = = detail . DetailId ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
detail . ENowDaySaleNum = _EsaleNum = = null ? 0 : _EsaleNum . SaleNum ;
var _WsaleNum = saleNums . Where ( r = > r . StoreId = = 6 & & r . DetailId = = detail . DetailId ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
detail . WNowDaySaleNum = _WsaleNum = = null ? 0 : _WsaleNum . SaleNum ;
return model ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > GetGoodsDetailListNew5 ( int GNum , int TJ1 , int IsYC , int IsJQ , int StoreId , int AQNum , int AQNum2 , string Name , string Supplier , int TJ2 , int SNum , int ENum , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
HuoWuData data = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int num = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection where = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( Session [ "KTSKU" ] . ToString ( ) = = "" )
return null ;
string ktsku = Session [ "KTSKU" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.IsYC,0)" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsYC = = 2 )
where . Add ( "a.IsYC" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.CompanyId" , "=" , num , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.WestNum,0)-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum12,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum2 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.EastNum,0)-isnull(a.GoodsHJNum13,0)" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
where . Add ( "b.State" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( Supplier ! = "" )
where . Add ( "b.SupplierId" , "like" , Supplier , DbType . String ) ;
Name = Name . Trim ( ) ;
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "like right" , ktsku , DbType . String ) ;
if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 0 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( ( Name ! = "" ) & & ( IsJQ = = 1 ) )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
where . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "=" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 2 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 3 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 4 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 5 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( GNum = = 1 )
where . Add ( "a.CGNum" , ">" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > model = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetailNew2 > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
model . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsDetailNew2 ( StoreId , where , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out rowCount ) ;
model . RowCount = rowCount ;
string gids = "" ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
gids + = detail . GoodsId + "," ;
List < HW_GoodsStar > slist = null ;
if ( gids ! = "" )
slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsStar ( gids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var detail in model . DataSource )
string html = "" ;
List < JC_Shop > czlist = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
if ( slist ! = null )
var smd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . GoodsId = = detail . GoodsId ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
foreach ( var ssmd in smd )
var czmd = czlist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = ssmd . ShopId ) ;
if ( czmd = = null )
decimal score = Convert . ToDecimal ( ssmd . Star1 . Value * 1.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star2 . Value * 2.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star3 * 3.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star4 * 4.00 / 100 + ssmd . Star5 * 5.00 / 100 ) ;
string starhtml = "" ;
if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4.5 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 4 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 3 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 2 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
else if ( score > = Convert . ToDecimal ( 1 ) )
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
starhtml + = "<img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/><img src='../images/star2.png'/>" ;
html + = @"<div style='float:left'> " + ssmd . ShopName + ":" + starhtml + score . ToString ( "0.0" ) + " out of 5 Stars" + ssmd . Star6 + " " ;
html + = @"<br />5 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star5 . Value + "px;height:10px;'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star5 + @"% <br />4 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star4 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star4 + @"%<br />3 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star3 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star3 + @"% <br />2 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star2 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star2 + @"%<br />1 Star<div style='border:1px solid gray;width:100px;height:10px;display:inline-block;'><div style='background-color:#ffce00;width:" + ssmd . Star1 . Value + "px;height:10px'></div></div>" + ssmd . Star1 + @ "%
< / div > ";
var spmd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
spmd . ShopId = ssmd . ShopId ;
czlist . Add ( spmd ) ;
detail . UpdateName = html ;
if ( detail . Solid . HasValue )
detail . TotalSolid = detail . Solid * detail . GoodsNum ;
detail . TotalSolid = 0 ;
return model ;
#region 导入运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSavePostFee ( int IsFG , string FileName )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "Express or Ground Tracking ID" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 Express or Ground Tracking ID 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "Net Charge Amount" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 Net Charge Amount 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "Ground Tracking ID Prefix" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 Ground Tracking ID Prefix 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Count = 0 ;
int Count2 = 0 ;
string trinfo = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
string TrackCode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Ground Tracking ID Prefix" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) + tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Express or Ground Tracking ID" ] . ToString ( ) . Replace ( " " , "" ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Net Charge Amount" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | TrackCode = = "" )
continue ;
decimal PostFee = 0 ;
PostFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Net Charge Amount" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
continue ;
if ( IsFG = = 1 )
obj . ImportTrackCodeClear ( TrackCode ) ;
int a = DataNew . ImportTrackCode ( TrackCode , PostFee , 0 ) ;
if ( a > 0 )
Count + + ;
Count2 + + ;
trinfo + = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Express or Ground Tracking ID" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) + "\r\n" ;
error = "导入成功" + Count . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
if ( Count2 > 0 )
error + = Count2 + "条数据运单号在系统找不对到\r\n" + trinfo ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsDetailNew > GetGoodsDeatilListForTM ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var obj1 = new BaseService ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetGoodsDetail ( GoodsId ) ;
//var list1 = obj.GetFirstGoodsInList(GoodsId);
int TypeNo = 0 ;
if ( list ! = null )
foreach ( var md in list )
if ( md . TypeCode ! = null & & md . TypeCode ! = "" )
int TypeNo1 = Convert . ToInt32 ( md . TypeCode ) ;
if ( TypeNo1 > TypeNo )
TypeNo = TypeNo1 ;
if ( md . GoodsImageIds ! = null & & md . GoodsImageIds ! = "" )
md . ImgList = obj1 . GetResourceList ( md . GoodsImageIds ) ;
//if (list != null && list1 != null)
// foreach (var md in list)
// {
// md.GoodsPostion = list1.FindAll(n => n.DetailId == md.DetailId);
// if (md.GoodsPostion != null && md.GoodsPostion.Count > 0)
// md.PostPrice = md.GoodsPostion[0].PostPrice;
// else
// md.PostPrice = 0;
// }
if ( list ! = null & & list . Count > 0 )
list [ 0 ] . TypeNo = TypeNo ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 保存货物
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string SaveGoodsForTM ( HW_Goods model , List < HW_GoodsDetailNew > DetailList , List < HW_BuyLink > LinkList , List < HW_Shop > shoplist )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
if ( model . GoodsId = = null )
model . GoodsId = 0 ;
if ( model . XPId > 0 & & model . GoodsId = = 0 )
if ( obj . IsGoodsXP ( model . XPId . Value ) > 0 )
return "-1" ; //"这个选品货物已经加过编号,不能重复添加";
if ( model . GoodsId = = 0 & & obj . IsGoodsCode ( CompanyId , model . GoodsId . Value , model . GoodsCode ) > 0 )
return "-2" ; //"这个货物编号已经存在";
if ( model . SupplierId . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
int SId = BaseService . GetSupplierIdForTM ( CompanyId , model . SupplierId . Trim ( ) , model . IsGYS . Value , InUserId ) ;
if ( SId = = 0 )
return "-3" ; //"供应商名字不存在,请确定填写是否正确或者勾选新供应商";
model . Supplier = SId ;
// model.Solid = 1;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
if ( model . GoodsId > 0 )
model . UpdateDate = DateTime . Now ;
if ( model . GoodsId = = 0 )
model . SortName = obj . GetGoodsSortName ( model . SortId . Value ) ;
string goodEg = model . GoodsCode . Substring ( 0 , 3 ) ;
string goodNo = model . GoodsCode . Substring ( 3 , model . GoodsCode . Length - 3 ) ;
model . GoodsEg = goodEg ;
model . GoodsNo = Convert . ToInt32 ( goodNo ) ;
if ( model . UpdateName ! = null )
if ( ! model . UpdateName . Contains ( Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ) )
model . UpdateName = model . UpdateName + ";" + Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
model . UpdateName = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
int GoodsId = DataNew . SaveGoodsInfoForTM ( model ) ;
if ( DetailList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in DetailList )
md . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
if ( md . GoodsInNum = = null )
md . GoodsInNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsLockNum = = null )
md . GoodsLockNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsOutNum = = null )
md . GoodsOutNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsPlanNum = = null )
md . GoodsPlanNum = 0 ;
md . PostPrice = model . PostPrice ;
if ( md . Weight = = null )
md . Weight = model . Weight ;
md . Solid = 1 ;
int DetailId = DataNew . SaveGoodsDetail ( md ) ;
if ( md . GoodsPostion ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < md . GoodsPostion . Count ; i + + )
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . DetailId = DetailId ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . ChaseId = 0 ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . Price = md . Price ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . PostPrice = model . PostPrice ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . GoodsLockNum = 0 ;
obj . SaveGoodsInListNew ( md . GoodsPostion [ i ] ) ;
PagesNew . SaveLog ( InUserId , "货物信息" , "修改货物信息" , GoodsId ) ;
if ( LinkList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in LinkList )
md . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
obj . SaveBuyLink ( md ) ;
string InName = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
if ( shoplist ! = null )
foreach ( var md1 in shoplist )
md1 . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
md1 . InName = InName ;
int Id = obj . SaveShopForTM ( md1 ) ;
Ids + = Id . ToString ( ) + "," ;
obj . DeleteShopForTM ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) , GoodsId ) ;
return GoodsId . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
return ex . Message ;
# endregion
#region 货物链接
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_BuyLinkNew > GetGoodsLink ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetGoodsBuyLink ( GoodsId , UserId ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 保存货物
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string SaveGoodsForTMNew ( HW_GoodsNew model , List < HW_GoodsDetailNew > DetailList , List < HW_BuyLinkNew > LinkList , List < HW_Shop > shoplist )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
if ( model . GoodsId = = null )
model . GoodsId = 0 ;
if ( model . XPId > 0 & & model . GoodsId = = 0 )
if ( obj . IsGoodsXP ( model . XPId . Value ) > 0 )
return "-1" ; //"这个选品货物已经加过编号,不能重复添加";
if ( model . GoodsId = = 0 & & obj . IsGoodsCode ( CompanyId , model . GoodsId . Value , model . GoodsCode ) > 0 )
return "-2" ; //"这个货物编号已经存在";
if ( model . SupplierId . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
int SId = BaseService . GetSupplierIdForTM ( CompanyId , model . SupplierId . Trim ( ) , model . IsGYS . Value , InUserId ) ;
if ( SId = = 0 )
return "-3" ; //"供应商名字不存在,请确定填写是否正确或者勾选新供应商";
model . Supplier = SId ;
// model.Solid = 1;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
if ( model . GoodsId > 0 )
model . UpdateDate = DateTime . Now ;
// if (model.GoodsId == 0)
// model.SortName = obj.GetGoodsSortName(model.SortId.Value);
string goodEg = model . GoodsCode . Substring ( 0 , 3 ) ;
string goodNo = model . GoodsCode . Substring ( 3 , model . GoodsCode . Length - 3 ) ;
model . GoodsEg = goodEg ;
model . GoodsNo = Convert . ToInt32 ( goodNo ) ;
if ( model . UpdateName ! = null )
if ( ! model . UpdateName . Contains ( Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ) )
model . UpdateName = model . UpdateName + ";" + Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
model . UpdateName = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
int GoodsId = DataNew . SaveGoodsInfoForTMNew ( model ) ;
if ( DetailList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in DetailList )
md . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
if ( md . GoodsInNum = = null )
md . GoodsInNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsLockNum = = null )
md . GoodsLockNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsOutNum = = null )
md . GoodsOutNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsPlanNum = = null )
md . GoodsPlanNum = 0 ;
md . PostPrice = model . PostPrice ;
if ( md . Weight = = null )
md . Weight = model . Weight ;
md . Solid = 1 ;
int DetailId = DataNew . SaveGoodsDetail ( md ) ;
DataNew . Delete_CFSKU ( DetailId ) ; //删除拆分sku
if ( md . SKU14 ! = null & & md . SKU14 ! = "" ) //拆分sku
md . SKU14 = md . SKU14 . Replace ( ", " , "," ) . Trim ( ',' ) ;
string [ ] sks = md . SKU14 . Split ( ',' ) ;
for ( int m = 0 ; m < sks . Length ; m + + )
DataNew . Save_CFSKU ( DetailId , sks [ m ] . Trim ( ) , Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( md . GoodsPostion ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < md . GoodsPostion . Count ; i + + )
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . DetailId = DetailId ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . ChaseId = 0 ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . Price = md . Price ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . PostPrice = model . PostPrice ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . GoodsLockNum = 0 ;
obj . SaveGoodsInListNew ( md . GoodsPostion [ i ] ) ;
PagesNew . SaveLog ( InUserId , "货物信息" , "修改货物信息" , GoodsId ) ;
if ( LinkList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in LinkList )
md . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
DataNew . SaveBuyLink ( md ) ;
string InName = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
if ( shoplist ! = null )
foreach ( var md1 in shoplist )
md1 . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
md1 . InName = InName ;
int Id = DataNew . SaveShopForTM ( md1 ) ;
Ids + = Id . ToString ( ) + "," ;
DataNew . DeleteShopForTM ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) , GoodsId , InName ) ;
return GoodsId . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
return ex . Message ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_GoodsNew GetGoodsInfoModelForTM ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var Model = DataNew . GetGoodsModelNew ( GoodsId ) ;
var obj1 = new BaseService ( ) ;
//var list = obj1.GetSupplierListFromGoods(CompanyId, GoodsId);
//string sname = "";
//if (list != null)
// foreach (var md in list)
// {
// sname += md.SupplierName + ",";
// }
//Model.SupplierList = list;
//Model.SupplierId = sname.Trim(',');
if ( Model . GoodsImageIds ! = null & & Model . GoodsImageIds ! = "" )
Model . ImgList = obj1 . GetResourceList ( Model . GoodsImageIds ) ;
return Model ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateGoodsDays ( )
DataNew . UpdateGoodsDays ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateGoodsFees ( )
DataNew . UpdateGoodsFees ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsUserNew > GetGoodsUser2 ( int Type , int UserId , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetListGoodsUser2 ( Type , UserId , SDate , EDate ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 导入货物
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSaveGoodsHWC ( string FileName , string SortName , int CompanyId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
//int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "货物编号" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 货物编号 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "报关名称" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 报关名称 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "体积(立方)" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 体积(立方) 列不存在" ; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("单价") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 单价 列不存在"; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("重量(克)") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 重量(克) 列不存在"; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("入库数量") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 入库数量 列不存在"; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Num = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
var md = new HW_GoodsExcelModel2 ( ) ;
md . GoodsCode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "货物编号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( md . GoodsCode = = "" )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的货物编号没填<br/>";
continue ;
md . GoodsName = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "报关名称" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( md . GoodsName = = "" )
md . GoodsName = md . GoodsCode ;
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的货物名称没填<br/>";
// continue;
md . SortName1 = SortName ;
md . SortId = 0 ;
md . SKU1 = "" ;
md . SKU2 = "" ;
md . SKU3 = "" ;
md . SKU4 = "" ;
md . SKU1 = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU2" ) = = true )
md . SKU2 = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU2" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU3" ) = = true )
md . SKU3 = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU3" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU4" ) = = true )
md . SKU4 = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU4" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . GoodsEngLishName = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "报关英文名" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) . Replace ( "," , "" ) ;
if ( md . GoodsEngLishName = = "" )
md . GoodsEngLishName = "Goods" ;
if ( md . GoodsEngLishName . Length > 20 )
md . GoodsEngLishName = md . GoodsEngLishName . Substring ( 0 , 20 ) ;
//md.Link1 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接1"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName1 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接1名称"].ToString().Trim();
//md.Link2 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接2"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName2 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接2名称"].ToString().Trim();
//md.Link3 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接3"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName3 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接3名称"].ToString().Trim();
//md.Link4 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接4"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName4 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接4名称"].ToString().Trim();
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "进价" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Price = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "进价" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的单价必须是数字<br/>";
md . Price = 0 ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "重量(克)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
md . Weight = 0 ;
md . Weight2 = 0 ;
md . Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "重量(克)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
md . Weight2 = md . Weight * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.035274 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "长(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
md . Long = 0 ;
md . Long = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "长(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
md . Width = 0 ;
md . Width = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "高(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
md . Height = 0 ;
md . Height = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "高(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "体积(立方)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
md . Solid = 0 ;
if ( md . Long > 0 & & md . Height > 0 & & md . Width > 0 )
md . Solid = md . Long * md . Height * md . Weight * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.0283168 ) ;
md . Solid = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "体积(立方)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
md . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
md . InUserId = UserId ;
md . GoodsEg = md . GoodsCode ;
md . GoodsNo = 0 ;
md . GoodsNum = 0 ;
md . TypeDesc = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "描述" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "图片" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . ImgUrl = "../attached/hwc" + CompanyId . ToString ( ) + "/" + tb . Rows [ i ] [ "图片" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
int a = DataNew . ExcelSaveGoodsHWC ( md ) ;
if ( a = = 2 )
error + = "第" + ( i + 2 ) . ToString ( ) + " 行的SKU已经存在<br/>" ;
continue ;
Num + + ;
if ( error = = "" )
error = "数据导入成功;" + Num . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
error + = "其它数据导入成功;" ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 导入货物入库
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSaveGoodsRKHWC ( string FileName , int CompanyId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
// int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 SKU 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "入库数量" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 入库数量 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "库位" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 库位 列不存在" ; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("单价") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 单价 列不存在"; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("重量(克)") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 重量(克) 列不存在"; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "入库日期" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 入库日期 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Num = 0 ;
HW_GoodsInRecord model = new HW_GoodsInRecord ( ) ;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
model . InUserId = UserId ;
model . InNum = 0 ;
model . IsDelete = 0 ;
model . ChaseId = 0 ;
var InId = obj . SaveGoodsInRecordForTM ( model ) ;
DateTime ? st = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
var md = new HW_GoodsInDetailHWC ( ) ;
md . SKU = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( md . SKU = = "" )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的SKU没填<br/>";
continue ;
md . PostionCode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "库位" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
DateTime InDate = DateTime . Now ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "入库日期" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . InDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "入库日期" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
error + = "第" + ( i + 2 ) . ToString ( ) + " 行的入库日期格式不正确<br/>" ;
md . InDate = InDate ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "入库数量" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . KCNum = Convert . ToInt32 ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "入库数量" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
error + = "第" + ( i + 2 ) . ToString ( ) + " 行的入库数量必须是数字<br/>" ;
md . KCNum = 0 ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单价" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
md . Price = 0 ;
md . Price = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单价" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
md . Price = 0 ;
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
HW_GoodsInRK rmd = new HW_GoodsInRK ( ) ;
rmd . InId = InId ;
int rkid = obj . SaveInRecordDetail ( rmd ) ;
md . OrderGoodsId = 0 ;
md . ChaseId = 0 ;
md . CKDetailId = 0 ;
md . RKDetailId = rkid ;
md . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
md . InUserId = UserId ;
md . DetailId = 0 ;
md . PostionId = 0 ;
md . OldNum = md . KCNum ;
md . PostPrice = 0 ;
md . InDate = md . InDate ;
md . HWCFee = 0 ;
int a = obj . Save_GoodsInDetailHWC ( md ) ;
if ( a = = - 1 )
error + = "第" + ( i + 2 ) . ToString ( ) + " 行的sku不存在<br/>" ;
continue ;
if ( a = = - 2 )
error + = "第" + ( i + 2 ) . ToString ( ) + " 行的入库库位不存在<br/>" ;
continue ;
Num + + ;
if ( st ! = null & & md . InDate ! = st )
DataNew . SumInDoFee ( st . Value , CompanyId ) ;
st = md . InDate ;
if ( st ! = null )
DataNew . SumInDoFee ( st . Value , CompanyId ) ;
if ( error = = "" )
error = "数据导入成功;" + Num . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
error + = "其它数据导入成功;" ;
DataNew . SumKC ( CompanyId ) ; //库存合计
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 保存货物
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string SaveGoodsForHWC ( int CompanyId , HW_Goods model , List < HW_GoodsDetail > DetailList , List < HW_BuyLink > LinkList , List < HW_Shop > shoplist )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
// int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
int InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
if ( model . GoodsId = = null )
model . GoodsId = 0 ;
//if (model.XPId > 0 && model.GoodsId == 0)
// if (obj.IsGoodsXP(model.XPId.Value) > 0)
// return "-1";//"这个选品货物已经加过编号,不能重复添加";
if ( model . GoodsId = = 0 & & obj . IsGoodsCode ( CompanyId , model . GoodsId . Value , model . GoodsCode ) > 0 )
return "-2" ; //"这个货物编号已经存在";
if ( model . SupplierId . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
int SId = BaseService . GetSupplierIdForTM ( CompanyId , model . SupplierId . Trim ( ) , model . IsGYS . Value , InUserId ) ;
if ( SId = = 0 )
return "-3" ; //"供应商名字不存在,请确定填写是否正确或者勾选新供应商";
model . Supplier = SId ;
// model.Solid = 1;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
if ( model . GoodsId > 0 )
model . UpdateDate = DateTime . Now ;
// if (model.GoodsId == 0)
// model.SortName = obj.GetGoodsSortName(model.SortId.Value);
string goodEg = model . GoodsCode . Substring ( 0 , 3 ) ;
string goodNo = model . GoodsCode . Substring ( 3 , model . GoodsCode . Length - 3 ) ;
model . GoodsEg = goodEg ;
model . GoodsNo = Convert . ToInt32 ( goodNo ) ;
if ( model . UpdateName ! = null )
if ( ! model . UpdateName . Contains ( Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ) )
model . UpdateName = model . UpdateName + ";" + Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
model . UpdateName = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
int GoodsId = obj . SaveGoodsInfoForHWC ( model ) ;
if ( DetailList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in DetailList )
md . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
if ( md . GoodsInNum = = null )
md . GoodsInNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsLockNum = = null )
md . GoodsLockNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsOutNum = = null )
md . GoodsOutNum = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsPlanNum = = null )
md . GoodsPlanNum = 0 ;
md . PostPrice = model . PostPrice ;
if ( md . Weight = = null )
md . Weight = model . Weight ;
md . Solid = 1 ;
int DetailId = obj . SaveGoodsDetail ( md ) ;
if ( md . GoodsPostion ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < md . GoodsPostion . Count ; i + + )
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . DetailId = DetailId ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . ChaseId = 0 ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . Price = md . Price ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . PostPrice = model . PostPrice ;
md . GoodsPostion [ i ] . GoodsLockNum = 0 ;
obj . SaveGoodsInListNew ( md . GoodsPostion [ i ] ) ;
PagesNew . SaveLog ( InUserId , "货物信息" , "修改货物信息" , GoodsId ) ;
if ( LinkList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in LinkList )
md . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
obj . SaveBuyLink ( md ) ;
string InName = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
if ( shoplist ! = null )
foreach ( var md1 in shoplist )
md1 . GoodsId = GoodsId ;
md1 . InName = InName ;
int Id = obj . SaveShopForTM ( md1 ) ;
Ids + = Id . ToString ( ) + "," ;
obj . DeleteShopForTM ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) , GoodsId ) ;
return GoodsId . ToString ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
return ex . Message ;
# endregion
#region 刷新库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateGoodsNum ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsNumHWC ( GoodsId ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存分类
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int SaveGoodsSort ( HW_GoodsSortModel model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
if ( model . ParentId > 0 )
model . SortCode = model . SortCode . ToUpper ( ) ;
var md = obj . GetSortModelModel ( model . ParentId . Value ) ;
if ( md ! = null )
model . Layer = md . Layer + 1 ;
model . ParentCode = md . EnglishCode + md . ParentCode ;
model . EnglishCode = model . SortCode ;
model . ParentSort = md . SortNo ;
int Pid = 0 ;
if ( model . ParentId ! = null )
Pid = model . ParentId . Value ;
//if (obj.IsGoodsEgCode(CompanyId, model.SortId.Value, model.EnglishCode, Pid) > 0)
// return -1;
model . SortNo = model . SortNo . PadLeft ( 3 , '0' ) ;
int SortId = obj . SaveGoodsSort ( model ) ;
return 0 ;
# endregion
#region 导入运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSavePostFeeHWC ( int CompanyId , int IsFG , string FileName )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
// int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "Express or Ground Tracking ID" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 Express or Ground Tracking ID 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "Net Charge Amount" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 Net Charge Amount 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "Ground Tracking ID Prefix" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 Ground Tracking ID Prefix 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Count = 0 ;
int Count2 = 0 ;
string trinfo = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
string TrackCode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Ground Tracking ID Prefix" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) + tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Express or Ground Tracking ID" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Net Charge Amount" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | TrackCode = = "" )
continue ;
decimal PostFee = 0 ;
PostFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Net Charge Amount" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
continue ;
if ( IsFG = = 1 )
DataNew . ImportTrackCodeClear ( TrackCode ) ;
int a = DataNew . ImportTrackCodeNew ( TrackCode , PostFee , 0 ) ;
if ( a > 0 )
Count + + ;
Count2 + + ;
trinfo + = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "Express or Ground Tracking ID" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) + "\r\n" ;
DataNew . SumPostFee ( CompanyId ) ;
error = "导入成功" + Count . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
if ( Count2 > 0 )
error + = Count2 + "条数据运单号在系统找不对到\r\n" + trinfo ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 导入运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSavePostFeeHWC2 ( int CompanyId , int IsFG , string FileName )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
//int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "order id" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 order id 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "fba fees" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 fba fees 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Count = 0 ;
int Count2 = 0 ;
string trinfo = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
string ordercode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "order id" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "fba fees" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | ordercode = = "" )
continue ;
decimal PostFee = 0 ;
PostFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "fba fees" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
continue ;
if ( PostFee < 0 )
PostFee = PostFee * - 1 ;
if ( IsFG = = 1 )
DataNew . ImportTrackCode2Clear ( ordercode ) ;
string TrackCode = "FBA" + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyyMMddHHmm" ) + i . ToString ( ) ;
int a = DataNew . ImportTrackCode2 ( ordercode , TrackCode , PostFee ) ;
if ( a > 0 )
Count + + ;
Count2 + + ;
trinfo + = ordercode + "\r\n" ;
error = "导入成功" + Count . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
DataNew . SumPostFee ( CompanyId ) ;
if ( Count2 > 0 )
error + = Count2 + "条数据订单在系统找不对到\r\n" + trinfo ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 导入运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSavePostFeeHWC3 ( int CompanyId , int IsFG , string FileName , int PostId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
// int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string Name = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "订单号" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 订单号 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "跟踪码" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 跟踪码 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Count = 0 ;
int Count2 = 0 ;
string trinfo = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
string ordercode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "订单号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "跟踪码" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | ordercode = = "" )
continue ;
string trackcode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "跟踪码" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( IsFG = = 1 )
obj . ImportTrackCode3Clear ( ordercode ) ;
int a = obj . ImportTrackCode3 ( PostId , ordercode , trackcode , Name ) ;
if ( a > 0 )
Count + + ;
Count2 + + ;
trinfo + = ordercode + "\r\n" ;
error = "导入成功" + Count . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
if ( Count2 > 0 )
error + = Count2 + "条数据订单在系统找不对到\r\n" + trinfo ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 导入订单跟踪码
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSavePostFee3 ( int IsFG , string FileName , int PostId )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
string Name = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "订单号" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 订单号 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "跟踪码" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 跟踪码 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 SKU 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Count = 0 ;
int Count2 = 0 ;
string trinfo = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "订单号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) )
return "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行订单号为空" ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "跟踪码" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) )
return "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行跟踪码为空" ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) )
return "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行SKU为空" ;
var skuStr = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
var sku = skuStr . Split ( 'x' ) [ 1 ] ;
var hwDetail = DataNew . GetHWGoodsDetailBySKU ( sku ) ;
if ( hwDetail = = null )
return "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行SKU:" + sku + "在系统中未找到" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
string ordercode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "订单号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "跟踪码" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | ordercode = = "" )
continue ;
string trackcode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "跟踪码" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
continue ;
//var sku = tb.Rows[i]["SKU"].ToString().Trim();
var skuStr = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
var newsku = "" ;
var qty = skuStr . Split ( 'x' ) [ 0 ] ;
var sku = skuStr . Split ( 'x' ) [ 1 ] ;
var hwDetail = DataNew . GetHWGoodsDetailBySKU ( sku ) ;
if ( hwDetail = = null )
return "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行SKU:" + sku + "在系统中未找到" ;
if ( hwDetail . GoodsId = = 5527 ) //组合商品, SKU对应SKU14
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( hwDetail . SKU14 ) )
return "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行SKU:" + hwDetail . SKU1 + "的组合SKU为空" ;
var skuarr = hwDetail . SKU14 . Split ( ',' ) ;
foreach ( var _sku in skuarr )
newsku + = qty + "x" + _sku + "+" ;
newsku = newsku . TrimEnd ( '+' ) ;
newsku + = ( qty + "x" + hwDetail . SKU1 ) ; //导入时统一转化成货物的SKU1
if ( IsFG = = 1 )
obj . ImportTrackCode3Clear ( ordercode ) ;
int a = DataNew . ImportTrackCode3 ( PostId , ordercode , trackcode , Name , newsku ) ;
if ( a > 0 )
Count + + ;
Count2 + + ;
trinfo + = ordercode + "\r\n" ;
error = "导入成功" + Count . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
if ( Count2 > 0 )
error + = Count2 + "条数据订单在系统找不对到\r\n" + trinfo ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_Goods GetGoodsInfoModelForHWC ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var Model = DataNew . GetGoodsModel ( GoodsId ) ;
var obj1 = new BaseService ( ) ;
if ( Model . GoodsImageIds ! = null & & Model . GoodsImageIds ! = "" )
Model . ImgList = obj1 . GetResourceList ( Model . GoodsImageIds ) ;
return Model ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void Update_GoodsSure ( int GoodsId , int IsSure )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
DataNew . Update_GoodsSure ( GoodsId , IsSure ) ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void Update_GoodsSureList ( List < HW_GoodsDetail > list , int IsSure )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
foreach ( var md in list )
DataNew . Update_GoodsSure ( md . GoodsId . Value , IsSure ) ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetail > > GetGoodsDetailList2 ( int CompanyId , int TJ1 , int IsJQ , int StoreId , int AQNum , string Name , string Supplier , int TJ2 , int SNum , int ENum , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
// int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( AQNum = = 1 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsNum-a.SafeNum" , "<" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.State" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( Supplier ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "b.SupplierId" , "like" , Supplier , DbType . String ) ;
Name = Name . Trim ( ) ;
if ( Name ! = "" & & IsJQ = = 0 )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
Param . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( Name ! = "" & & IsJQ = = 1 )
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsName" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 2 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 4 )
Param . Add ( "(a.SKU1" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU2" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU3" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU4" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU5" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU6" , "=" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.SKU7" , "=" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 2 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 3 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum2" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 4 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum3" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( TJ2 = = 5 )
if ( SNum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.GoodsHJNum4" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetail > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsDetail > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsDetail ( StoreId , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
if ( md . Solid ! = null )
md . TotalSolid = md . Solid * md . GoodsNum ;
md . TotalSolid = 0 ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 首页编号前三
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetDefaultDataForGoodsCode ( int Days )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
BaseService obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
// DateTime st=new DateTime();
// st =Convert.ToDateTime("2014-04-10");
// DateTime sdate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
//DateTime sdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 08:00");
//DateTime edate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 08:00");
DateTime sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
DateTime edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
if ( Days = = 0 )
sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetDefaultDataForCode ( CompanyId , sdate2 , edate2 ) ;
string shtml = "" ;
if ( list ! = null )
foreach ( var md in list )
if ( md . Num2 ! = null & & md . Num2 ! = "" )
shtml + = "<img width='40px' height='40px' src=" + md . Num2 + " />" + md . Num1 + "销量:【" + md . Num3 + "】 " ;
shtml + = md . Num1 + " 销量:【" + md . Num3 + "】 " ;
return shtml ;
# endregion
#region 首页编号前三
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetDefaultDataForGoodsCode11 ( int Days )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
BaseService obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
// DateTime st=new DateTime();
// st =Convert.ToDateTime("2014-04-10");
// DateTime sdate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
//DateTime sdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 08:00");
//DateTime edate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 08:00");
DateTime sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
DateTime edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
if ( Days = = 0 )
sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetDefaultDataForCode ( CompanyId , sdate2 , edate2 ) ;
string shtml = "" ;
if ( list ! = null )
int i = 1 ;
foreach ( var md in list )
if ( md . Num2 ! = null & & md . Num2 ! = "" )
shtml + = "<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + i . ToString ( ) + "</td><td sgcode='" + md . Num1 + "'><img src=" + md . Num2 + " width ='50px' height ='50px'/> " + md . Num1 + " </td><td class='hidden-xs'>" + md . Num3 . Value + "</td></tr>" ;
shtml + = "<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + i . ToString ( ) + "</td><td sgcode='" + md . Num1 + "'>" + md . Num1 + " </td><td class='hidden-xs'>" + md . Num3 . Value + "</td></tr>" ;
i + + ;
return shtml ;
# endregion
#region 首页编号前三
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetDefaultDataForGoodsCode2 ( int Days )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
BaseService obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
// DateTime st=new DateTime();
// st =Convert.ToDateTime("2014-04-10");
DateTime sdate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) ;
DateTime sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
DateTime edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
if ( Days = = 0 )
sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
var list2 = DataNew . GetDefaultDataForCode2 ( CompanyId , sdate2 , edate2 ) ;
string shtml = "" ;
if ( list2 ! = null )
foreach ( var md in list2 )
if ( md . Num2 ! = null & & md . Num2 ! = "" )
shtml + = "<img width='40px' height='40px' src=" + md . Num2 + " />" + md . Num1 + "销售额:【" + md . Num4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "$】 " ;
shtml + = md . Num1 + " 销售额:【" + md . Num4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "$】 " ;
return shtml ;
# endregion
#region 首页编号前三
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetDefaultDataForGoodsCode22 ( int Days )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
BaseService obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
// DateTime st=new DateTime();
// st =Convert.ToDateTime("2014-04-10");
DateTime sdate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) ;
DateTime sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
DateTime edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
if ( Days = = 0 )
sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 00:00" ) ;
var list2 = DataNew . GetDefaultDataForCode2 ( CompanyId , sdate2 , edate2 ) ;
string shtml = "" ;
if ( list2 ! = null )
int i = 1 ;
foreach ( var md in list2 )
if ( md . Num2 ! = null & & md . Num2 ! = "" )
shtml + = "<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + i . ToString ( ) + "</td><td sgcode='" + md . Num1 + "'><img src=" + md . Num2 + " width ='50px' height ='50px'/> " + md . Num1 + " </td><td class='hidden-xs'>" + ( md . Num4 . HasValue ? md . Num4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) : "0.00" ) + "$</td></tr>" ;
shtml + = "<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + i . ToString ( ) + "</td><td sgcode='" + md . Num1 + "'>" + md . Num1 + " </td><td class='hidden-xs'>" + ( md . Num4 . HasValue ? md . Num4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) : "0.00" ) + "$</td></tr>" ;
i + + ;
return shtml ;
# endregion
#region 导入货物图片
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelPhoto ( int CompanyId , string FileName )
string unRarPath = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + "attached/hwc" + CompanyId . ToString ( ) ;
string unRarPath2 = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + "attached/rar" + CompanyId . ToString ( ) + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyyMMddHHmmss" ) ;
if ( Directory . Exists ( unRarPath ) = = false ) Directory . CreateDirectory ( unRarPath ) ;
CustomIO . RarDecompress ( unRarPath2 , AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + "ServerCookies" , System . IO . Path . GetFileName ( FileName ) ) ;
List < string > ListModel = new List < string > ( ) ;
CustomIO . GetListFile ( unRarPath2 , ListModel ) ;
foreach ( var PhotoUrl in ListModel )
string name = Path . GetFileName ( PhotoUrl ) ;
File . Copy ( PhotoUrl , unRarPath + "/" + name , true ) ;
Directory . Delete ( unRarPath2 , true ) ;
string error = "数据导入成功" ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "导入失败;" + e . Message . ToString ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 影藏
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void Update_GoodsShow ( int Id , int IsYC )
DataNew . Update_GoodsShow ( Id , IsYC ) ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void Update_CGGoodsNum ( int DetailId , int sjout , int Num , int Num2 , int pstate , string bhremark , List < HW_GoodsBFPlan > list )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
DataNew . Delete_GoodsBFPlan ( Year , DetailId , sjout ) ;
DataNew . Update_CGGoodsNum2 ( DetailId , Num , Num2 , pstate , bhremark ) ;
if ( pstate = = 3 ) //审批通过
DataNew . Update_CGGoodsNum ( DetailId , Num2 ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return ;
foreach ( var md in list )
md . year = Year ;
if ( sjout = = 1 )
md . outdate = DateTime . Now ;
md . outname = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
md . indate = DateTime . Now ;
md . inname = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
DataNew . Save_GoodsBFPlan ( md ) ;
//DataNew.UpdateGoodsBFPlan(DetailId, pstate);
if ( pstate = = 1 )
DataNew . SaveIOpenMess ( 32 , "领导添加了产品需要采购,请尽快去货物信息那边确定" ) ;
if ( pstate = = 2 )
DataNew . SaveIOpenMess ( 1 , "采购已经确认了采购数量,请尽快去货物信息那边审批通过" ) ;
if ( pstate = = 3 )
DataNew . SaveIOpenMess ( 32 , "领导已经审批了你的采购,请尽快去下单采购" ) ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void Update_CGGoodsNum2 ( int DetailId , int sjout , int Num , int Num2 , int pstate , List < HW_GoodsBFPlan > list )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
DataNew . Delete_GoodsBFPlan ( Year , DetailId , sjout ) ;
if ( list = = null | | list . Count = = 0 )
return ;
foreach ( var md in list )
md . year = Year ;
if ( sjout = = 1 )
md . outdate = DateTime . Now ;
md . outname = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
md . indate = DateTime . Now ;
md . inname = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
DataNew . Save_GoodsBFPlan ( md ) ;
if ( pstate = = 3 ) //审批通过
DataNew . delete_ProductionDetail ( list [ 0 ] . detailid . Value ) ;
foreach ( var md in list )
HW_ProductionDetail Model = new HW_ProductionDetail ( ) ;
Model . mid = md . detailid ;
Model . weeknum = md . cgsl ;
Model . sdate = md . sdate ;
Model . edate = md . edate ;
Model . weekname = "Week" + md . weekno . ToString ( ) + "【" + md . sdate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "---" + md . edate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
DataNew . Save_ProductionDetail2 ( Model ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_GoodsBFPlan ( List < HW_GoodsBFPlan > list )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return 0 ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
DataNew . Delete_GoodsBFPlan ( Year , list [ 0 ] . detailid . Value , list [ 0 ] . sjout . Value ) ;
foreach ( var md in list )
md . year = Year ;
md . indate = DateTime . Now ;
md . inname = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
DataNew . Save_GoodsBFPlan ( md ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_WeekName > GetPlanWeekList ( int detailid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
System . DateTime fDt = DateTime . Parse ( Year . ToString ( ) + "-01-01" ) ;
int k = Convert . ToInt32 ( DateTime . Today . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
DateTime sdt = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
DateTime ssdt = sdt . AddDays ( - 56 ) ;
if ( ssdt > fDt )
k = Convert . ToInt32 ( fDt . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
sdt = fDt . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
sdt = ssdt ;
var slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsBFPlan ( Year , detailid , 0 ) ;
List < HW_WeekName > wlist = new List < HW_WeekName > ( ) ;
// int j = 1;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 52 ; i + + )
HW_WeekName wmd = new HW_WeekName ( ) ;
//var md = GetWeekName2(sdt.AddDays(i * 7).Year, sdt.AddDays(i * 7));
wmd . SDate = sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ;
wmd . EDate = wmd . SDate . Value . AddDays ( 6 ) ;
wmd . Num = i + 1 ;
if ( slist ! = null )
var smd = slist . Find ( n = > n . weekno = = wmd . Num ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
wmd . cgsl = smd . cgsl ;
//if (md.SDate >= ssdt && md.SDate <= ssdt.AddDays(7))
// md.IsNow = 1;
//if (md.SDate <= DateTime.Today && md.EDate >= DateTime.Today)
// md.IsNow = 2;
wlist . Add ( wmd ) ;
return wlist ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_WeekName > GetPlanWeekList2 ( int detailid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
System . DateTime fDt = DateTime . Parse ( Year . ToString ( ) + "-01-01" ) ;
int k = Convert . ToInt32 ( DateTime . Today . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
DateTime sdt = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
DateTime ssdt = sdt . AddDays ( - 56 ) ;
if ( ssdt > fDt )
k = Convert . ToInt32 ( fDt . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
sdt = fDt . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
sdt = ssdt ;
var slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsBFPlan ( Year , detailid , 1 ) ;
List < HW_WeekName > wlist = new List < HW_WeekName > ( ) ;
// int j = 1;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 52 ; i + + )
HW_WeekName wmd = new HW_WeekName ( ) ;
//var md = GetWeekName2(sdt.AddDays(i * 7).Year, sdt.AddDays(i * 7));
wmd . SDate = sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ;
wmd . EDate = wmd . SDate . Value . AddDays ( 6 ) ;
wmd . Num = i + 1 ;
if ( slist ! = null )
var smd = slist . Find ( n = > n . weekno = = wmd . Num ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
wmd . cgsl = smd . cgsl ;
wmd . remark = smd . remark ;
wmd . checknote = smd . checknote ;
//if (md.SDate >= ssdt && md.SDate <= ssdt.AddDays(7))
// md.IsNow = 1;
//if (md.SDate <= DateTime.Today && md.EDate >= DateTime.Today)
// md.IsNow = 2;
wlist . Add ( wmd ) ;
return wlist ;
# endregion
#region 查询入库记录
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsInRecord > > GetListHW_GoodsInListForTM ( int TJ , string RKType , string GoodsName , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int IsDetail , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.IsDelete" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
// if (RKType == 1)
// Param.Add("a.ChaseId", ">", 0, DbType.String);
// else if (RKType == 2)
// Param.Add("a.ChaseId", "=", 0, DbType.String);
// if(RKType!="")
// Param.Add("a.InReason", "in", "'采购管理','库存调整'", DbType.String);
if ( SDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( TJ = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "a.InCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ = = 7 )
Param . Add ( "b.BuyCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsInRecord > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsInRecord > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
if ( TJ > 4 )
GoodsName = "" ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsInRecordForTM2 ( TJ , RKType . TrimEnd ( ',' ) , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( IsDetail = = 1 & & resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var list = obj . GetRKDetailListForTM ( md . Id . Value ) ;
md . GoodsInRecordList = list ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 查询出库记录
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecord > > GetListHW_GoodsOutListForTM ( int TJ , string GoodsName , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int IsDetail , string CKType , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.IsDelete" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
//if (CKType == 1)
// Param.Add("a.OrderId", ">", 0, DbType.String);
//else if (CKType == 2)
// Param.Add("a.OrderId", "=", 0, DbType.String);
if ( SDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( TJ = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "a.OutCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ = = 7 )
Param . Add ( "b.PlatOrderCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ > 4 )
GoodsName = "" ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecord > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecord > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsOutListForTM ( TJ , CKType . TrimEnd ( ',' ) , GoodsName , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( IsDetail = = 1 & & resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var list = obj . GetOutCKDetailListForTM ( md . OutId . Value ) ;
md . GoodsOutCKList = list ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 导出出库记录
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel ImportListHW_GoodsOutListForTM ( int TJ , string GoodsName , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , string CKType )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
var datas = DataNew . GetImportHW_GoodsOutList ( TJ , CKType , GoodsName , SDate , EDate ) ;
DataTable tb = new DataTable ( ) ;
tb . Columns . Add ( "订单号" , Type . GetType ( "System.String" ) ) ;
tb . Columns . Add ( "SKU" , Type . GetType ( "System.String" ) ) ;
tb . Columns . Add ( "出库时间" , Type . GetType ( "System.String" ) ) ;
tb . Columns . Add ( "出库原因" , Type . GetType ( "System.String" ) ) ;
tb . Columns . Add ( "出库库位" , Type . GetType ( "System.String" ) ) ;
tb . Columns . Add ( "出库数量" , Type . GetType ( "System.String" ) ) ;
if ( datas ! = null )
foreach ( var item in datas )
DataRow row = tb . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "订单号" ] = item . OrderCode ;
row [ "SKU" ] = item . SKU ;
row [ "出库时间" ] = item . InDate . HasValue ? item . InDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" ) : "" ;
row [ "出库原因" ] = item . OutReason ;
row [ "出库库位" ] = item . PostionCode ;
row [ "出库数量" ] = item . OutNum . ToString ( ) ;
tb . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "订单号" , "订单号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SKU" , "SKU" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "出库时间" , "出库时间" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "出库原因" , "出库原因" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "出库库位" , "出库库位" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "出库数量" , "出库数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
var filePath = obj2 . Export ( tb , listColumns ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = filePath ;
catch ( Exception ex )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = ex . Message ;
return rmodel ;
# endregion
#region 修改数量
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateGoodsOutNum ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsOutNum ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 刷新库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateGoodsNumNew ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsNumNew ( GoodsId ) ;
# endregion
#region 刷新库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateGoodsNumNew2 ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsNumNew2 ( GoodsId ) ;
# endregion
#region 计算运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GoodsFedexFee ( int PostId , string RevAddr , string RevPhone , string RevCity , string RevProvinceCode , string RevPostCode , string Width , string Height , string Long , string Weight , int Num , string PostType )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
JC_ExpressService service = new JC_ExpressService ( ) ;
JC_ExpressPost expressModel = service . GetExpressModel ( 1 , PostId ) ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 rate = new TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 ( ) ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . Key = expressModel . UserCode ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . Password = expressModel . CheckCode ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . AccountNumber = expressModel . client_id ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . MeterNumber = expressModel . client_secret ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . PayAccountNumber = expressModel . refresh_token ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . HubId = expressModel . Code ;
TradeManageNew . FedexFeeMdNew md = new TradeManageNew . FedexFeeMdNew ( ) ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . Addr2 = 1 ;
md . RevName = "jack" ;
md . RevPhone = RevPhone ;
md . RevAddr = RevAddr ;
md . RevCity = RevCity ;
md . RevProv = RevProvinceCode ;
md . RevPostCode = RevPostCode ;
md . RevCountry = "US" ;
md . OrderId = 0 ;
md . SendAddr = "2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO" ; // address.EnglishAddress;
md . SendCountry = "US" ; // address.countycode;
md . SendCity = "ONTARIO" ; //;
md . SendProv = "CA" ; // address.provincecode;
md . SendPostCode = "91761" ; // address.PostCode;
//md.SendAddr = "480 W 83rd St";// address.EnglishAddress;
//md.SendCountry = "US";// address.countycode;
//md.SendCity = "Hialeah";//;
//md.SendProv = "FL";// address.provincecode;
//md.SendPostCode = "33166";// address.PostCode;3 1 JIDE TOYS CORP. JIDE TOYS CORP. 2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO 2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO 9012637906 91761 CA ONTARIO US 315000 CA ONTARIO US NULL
if ( Width ! = null & & Width ! = "" )
md . Width = ( Math . Ceiling ( Convert . ToDecimal ( Width ) * Num ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( Height ! = null & & Height ! = "" )
md . Height = Math . Ceiling ( Convert . ToDecimal ( Height ) * Num ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Long ! = null & & Long ! = "" )
md . Lenght = Math . Ceiling ( Convert . ToDecimal ( Long ) * Num ) . ToString ( ) ;
md . Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Weight ) * 0.0625 M * Num ;
md . PostType = PostType ; // "SMART_POST";
string str = "" ;
string html = rate . GetFee ( md , out str ) ;
if ( str ! = "" )
return str ;
return html ;
# endregion
#region 导出库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetList_GoodsLeftExcel ( string PostionCode , string GoodsName , int StoreId )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( PostionCode ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "d.PostionCode" , "=" , PostionCode , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "d.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "c.GoodsOldCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Contains ( " " ) )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "c.GoodsOldCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.TypeCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ] . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
string Sort = "c.GoodsCode,b.TypeCode" ;
DataTable tb = DataNew . GetList_GoodsLeftExcel ( Param , Sort ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsOldCode" , "编码" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "新编码" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsName" , "名称" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TypeCode" , "型号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TypeDesc" , "规格描述" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsNum" , "库存数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "LockNum" , "匹配锁定数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "LeftNum" , "剩余数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PostionCode" , "库位" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Solid" , "单个立方" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Solid2" , "剩余总立方" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "pk" , "盘库" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( tb , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_JZLink ( List < HW_JZLink > list )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return 0 ;
foreach ( var md in list )
DataNew . Save_JZLink ( md ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 删除
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public bool Delete_JZLink ( int Id )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . Delete_JZLink ( Id ) ;
return true ;
# endregion
#region 多条件普通查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_JZLink > GetListJZLink2 ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var ListModel = DataNew . GetListJZLink ( GoodsId , UserId ) ;
return ListModel ;
# endregion
#region 货物运费model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_PostFee GetModelPostFee ( int GoodsId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var md = DataNew . GetModelPostFee ( GoodsId ) ;
List < JC_Money > list2 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
if ( md ! = null & & list2 ! = null )
var fmd = list2 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = 2 & & n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( fmd ! = null )
md . FeeRate = fmd . MRate ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 计算运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GoodsFedexFee2 ( int GoodsId , string RevAddr , string RevPhone , string RevCity , string RevProvinceCode , string RevPostCode , string Width , string Height , string Long , string Weight , int Num )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
if ( Long = = "" | | Long = = "0" )
var gmd = DataNew . GetGoodsModelNew ( GoodsId ) ;
if ( gmd ! = null )
Long = Math . Ceiling ( gmd . Long . Value * 0.3937008 M ) . ToString ( ) ;
Height = Math . Ceiling ( gmd . Height . Value * 0.3937008 M ) . ToString ( ) ;
Width = Math . Ceiling ( gmd . Width . Value * 0.3937008 M ) . ToString ( ) ;
Weight = Math . Ceiling ( gmd . Weight . Value * 0.035274 M ) . ToString ( ) ;
string str = GoodsFedexFee3 ( GoodsId , 237 , RevAddr , RevPhone , RevCity , RevProvinceCode , RevPostCode , Width , Height , Long , Weight , Num , "SMART_POST" ) ;
string str2 = "" ;
string str3 = "" ;
string str4 = "" ;
string str5 = "" ;
if ( str ! = "" )
str2 = GoodsFedexFee3 ( GoodsId , 237 , RevAddr , RevPhone , RevCity , RevProvinceCode , RevPostCode , Width , Height , Long , Weight , Num , "FEDEX_GROUND" ) ;
if ( str2 ! = "" )
str3 = GoodsFedexFee3 ( GoodsId , 237 , RevAddr , RevPhone , RevCity , RevProvinceCode , RevPostCode , Width , Height , Long , Weight , Num , "GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY" ) ;
if ( str3 ! = "" )
str4 = GoodsFedexFee3 ( GoodsId , 228 , RevAddr , RevPhone , RevCity , RevProvinceCode , RevPostCode , Width , Height , Long , Weight , Num , "SMART_POST" ) ;
if ( str4 ! = "" )
str5 = GoodsFedexFee3 ( GoodsId , 228 , RevAddr , RevPhone , RevCity , RevProvinceCode , RevPostCode , Width , Height , Long , Weight , Num , "FEDEX_GROUND" ) ;
if ( str5 ! = "" )
GoodsFedexFee3 ( GoodsId , 228 , RevAddr , RevPhone , RevCity , RevProvinceCode , RevPostCode , Width , Height , Long , Weight , Num , "GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY" ) ;
return "ok" ;
# endregion
#region 计算运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GoodsFedexFee3 ( int GoodsId , int PostId , string RevAddr , string RevPhone , string RevCity , string RevProvinceCode , string RevPostCode , string Width , string Height , string Long , string Weight , int Num , string PostType )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
JC_ExpressService service = new JC_ExpressService ( ) ;
JC_ExpressPost expressModel = service . GetExpressModel ( 1 , PostId ) ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 rate = new TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 ( ) ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . Key = expressModel . UserCode ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . Password = expressModel . CheckCode ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . AccountNumber = expressModel . client_id ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . MeterNumber = expressModel . client_secret ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . PayAccountNumber = expressModel . refresh_token ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . HubId = expressModel . Code ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . PostId = PostId ;
TradeManageNew . FedexFeeMdNew md = new TradeManageNew . FedexFeeMdNew ( ) ;
TradeManageNew . FedexRateNew2 . Addr2 = 1 ;
md . OrderGoodsId = GoodsId ;
md . RevName = "jack" ;
md . RevPhone = RevPhone ;
md . RevAddr = RevAddr ;
md . RevCity = RevCity ;
md . RevProv = RevProvinceCode ;
md . RevPostCode = RevPostCode ;
md . RevCountry = "US" ;
md . OrderId = 0 ;
JC_PostAddress address = new BaseService ( ) . GetAddressModel2 ( PostId ) ;
md . SendAddr = address . EnglishAddress ;
md . SendAddr = address . EnglishAddress ;
md . SendCountry = address . countycode ;
md . SendCity = address . city ;
md . SendProv = address . provincecode ;
md . SendPostCode = address . PostCode ;
//md.SendAddr = "2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO";// address.EnglishAddress;
//md.SendCountry = "US";// address.countycode;
//md.SendCity = "ONTARIO";//;
//md.SendProv = "CA";// address.provincecode;
//md.SendPostCode = "91761";// address.PostCode;
//md.SendAddr = "480 W 83rd St";// address.EnglishAddress;
//md.SendCountry = "US";// address.countycode;
//md.SendCity = "Hialeah";//;
//md.SendProv = "FL";// address.provincecode;
//md.SendPostCode = "33166";// address.PostCode;3 1 JIDE TOYS CORP. JIDE TOYS CORP. 2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO 2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO 9012637906 91761 CA ONTARIO US 315000 CA ONTARIO US NULL
if ( Width ! = null & & Width ! = "" )
md . Width = ( Math . Ceiling ( Convert . ToDecimal ( Width ) * Num ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( Height ! = null & & Height ! = "" )
md . Height = Math . Ceiling ( Convert . ToDecimal ( Height ) * Num ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( Long ! = null & & Long ! = "" )
md . Lenght = Math . Ceiling ( Convert . ToDecimal ( Long ) * Num ) . ToString ( ) ;
md . Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( Weight ) * 0.0625 M * Num ;
md . PostType = PostType ; // "SMART_POST";
string str = "" ;
string html = rate . GetFee ( md , out str ) ;
if ( str ! = "" )
return str ;
return html ;
# endregion
#region 查询库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeft2 > > GetList_GoodsLeftPostion ( string PostionCode , string GoodsName , int StoreId , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
// Param.Add("f.CompanyId", "=", CompanyId, DbType.Int32);
if ( PostionCode ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "d.PostionCode" , "like" , PostionCode , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "d.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "c.GoodsCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeft2 > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeft2 > > ( ) ;
string Sort = "a.PostionId,a.GoodsId" ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetList_GoodsLeftPostion ( Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 查询库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeft > > GetList_GoodsLeftForTM ( string PostionCode , string GoodsName , int StoreId , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
// Param.Add("f.CompanyId", "=", CompanyId, DbType.Int32);
if ( PostionCode ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "d.PostionCode" , "=" , PostionCode , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "d.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "c.GoodsOldCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.SKU1" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeft > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeft > > ( ) ;
string Sort = "c.GoodsCode,b.TypeCode" ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = obj . GetList_GoodsLeftForTM ( Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_WeekName > GetHW_WeekNameList3 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
System . DateTime fDt = DateTime . Parse ( Year . ToString ( ) + "-01-01" ) ;
int k = Convert . ToInt32 ( fDt . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
DateTime sdt = fDt . AddDays ( k - 1 ) ;
List < HW_WeekName > wlist = new List < HW_WeekName > ( ) ;
int j = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 54 ; i + + )
HW_WeekName wmd = new HW_WeekName ( ) ;
wmd . SDate = sdt . AddDays ( ( i - 1 ) * 7 ) ;
wmd . EDate = sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ;
wmd . Num = i + 1 ;
if ( wmd . SDate < = DateTime . Today & & wmd . EDate > = DateTime . Today )
wmd . IsNow = 1 ;
if ( wmd . SDate . Value . Year > Year )
wmd . WeekName = "Week" + j . ToString ( ) + "【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "----" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
j + + ;
wmd . WeekName = "Week" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "----" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
sdt . AddDays ( 7 ) ;
wlist . Add ( wmd ) ;
if ( DateTime . Today . Month < = 2 )
sdt = sdt . AddDays ( - 28 ) ;
int m = 49 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
HW_WeekName wmd = new HW_WeekName ( ) ;
wmd . SDate = sdt . AddDays ( ( i - 1 ) * 7 ) ;
wmd . EDate = sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ;
wmd . Num = m ;
m + + ;
if ( wmd . SDate . Value . Year > Year )
wmd . WeekName = "Week" + j . ToString ( ) + "【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "----" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
j + + ;
wmd . WeekName = "Week" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "----" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
sdt . AddDays ( 7 ) ;
wlist . Add ( wmd ) ;
var wwlist = wlist . OrderBy ( n = > n . SDate ) ;
return wlist ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_WeekName > GetHW_WeekNameList ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int Year = DateTime . Today . Year ;
System . DateTime fDt = DateTime . Parse ( Year . ToString ( ) + "-01-01" ) ;
int k = Convert . ToInt32 ( DateTime . Today . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
DateTime sdt = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
DateTime ssdt = sdt . AddDays ( - 56 ) ;
if ( ssdt > fDt )
k = Convert . ToInt32 ( fDt . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
sdt = fDt . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
sdt = ssdt ;
List < HW_WeekName > wlist = new List < HW_WeekName > ( ) ;
// int j = 1;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 57 ; i + + )
var md = GetWeekName ( sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) . Year , sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ) ;
if ( md ! = null )
if ( md . SDate > = ssdt & & md . SDate < = ssdt . AddDays ( 7 ) )
md . IsNow = 1 ;
if ( md . SDate < = DateTime . Today & & md . EDate > = DateTime . Today )
md . IsNow = 2 ;
wlist . Add ( md ) ;
return wlist ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_WeekName GetWeekName2 ( int Year , DateTime sdate )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
DateTime sdt = sdate ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 54 ; i + + )
HW_WeekName wmd = new HW_WeekName ( ) ;
wmd . SDate = sdt . AddDays ( ( i - 1 ) * 7 ) ;
wmd . EDate = wmd . SDate . Value . AddDays ( 6 ) ;
wmd . Num = i + 1 ;
wmd . WeekName = "Week" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "----" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
wmd . WeekName2 = "Week" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
sdt . AddDays ( 7 ) ;
if ( wmd . SDate > = sdate & & sdate < = wmd . EDate )
return wmd ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_WeekName GetWeekName ( int Year , DateTime sdate )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
System . DateTime fDt = DateTime . Parse ( Year . ToString ( ) + "-01-01" ) ;
int k = Convert . ToInt32 ( fDt . DayOfWeek ) ; //得到该年的第一天是周几
if ( k = = 0 )
k = 7 ;
DateTime sdt = fDt . AddDays ( - 1 * ( k - 1 ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 54 ; i + + )
HW_WeekName wmd = new HW_WeekName ( ) ;
wmd . SDate = sdt . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ;
wmd . EDate = wmd . SDate . Value . AddDays ( 6 ) ;
wmd . Num = i + 1 ;
if ( wmd . SDate . Value . Year ! = wmd . EDate . Value . Year )
wmd . WeekName = "Week1【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "---" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
wmd . WeekName2 = "Week1" ;
wmd . WeekName = "Week" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "【" + wmd . SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "---" + wmd . EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "】" ;
wmd . WeekName2 = "Week" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
sdt . AddDays ( 7 ) ;
if ( wmd . SDate > = sdate & & sdate < = wmd . EDate )
return wmd ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 返回周次
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_WeekName > GetHW_WeekNameList2 ( DateTime SDate , DateTime EDate )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
//int k = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek);//得到该年的第一天是周几
//if (k == 0)
// k = 7;
//DateTime sdt = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * (k - 1));
List < HW_WeekName > wlist = new List < HW_WeekName > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 60 ; i + + )
if ( SDate . AddDays ( i * 7 ) > EDate )
break ;
var md = GetWeekName ( SDate . AddDays ( i * 7 ) . Year , SDate . AddDays ( i * 7 ) ) ;
if ( md ! = null )
wlist . Add ( md ) ;
return wlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_ProductionPlan > > GetListProductionPlan ( string cs , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
string where = CustomIO . Base64StringToString ( cs ) ;
if ( where ! = "" ) where = "where " + where . Substring ( 4 ) ;
var resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_ProductionPlan > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListProductionPlan ( where , PageIndex , PageSize , "" , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
string mids = "" ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
mids + = md . id + "," ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource . Count > 0 )
resultModel . DataSource [ 0 ] . mids = mids ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_ProductionDetail > GetListProductionPlanDetail ( string mids )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListProductionDetail ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_ProductionDetail > GetListProductionPlanDetail2 ( int mid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListProductionDetail2 ( mid ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 删除
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Delete_ProductionDetail ( int id )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . Delete_ProductionDetail ( id ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_Production ( HW_ProductionPlan Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( Model . ListModel ! = null )
foreach ( var md in Model . ListModel )
md . mid = Model . detailid ;
DataNew . Save_ProductionDetail ( md ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 删除
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Delete_Production ( int id )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . Delete_Production ( id ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 货物model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_ProductionDetail GetModel_ProductionDetail ( int id , string weekname )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var md = DataNew . GetModel_ProductionDetail ( id , weekname ) ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsUserNew > GetListGoodsPlanDetail ( string mids )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsPlanDetail ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_BuyLink > GetListGoodsPlanUrl ( string mids )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsPlanUrl ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetListGoodsShop ( int platid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsShop ( platid ) ;
return slist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetListGoodsShop2 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
List < JC_Shop > shop = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "3" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊3" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "4" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊4" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "5" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊5" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ; //EBAY1 EBAY2 WALMART1 WALMALT2 WISH1 WISH2 速卖通 自建站
smd . ShopId = 3 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "EBAY1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 3 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "EBAY2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 6 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "WALMART1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 6 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "WALMALT2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 18 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "WayFair1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 18 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "WayFair2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 1 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "速卖通" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 15 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "自建站" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
return shop ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetListGoodsShopNew2 ( int platid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
List < JC_Shop > shop = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
if ( platid = = 2 )
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "3" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊3" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "4" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊4" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = "5" ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊5" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
else if ( platid = = 3 )
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ; //EBAY1 EBAY2 WALMART1 WALMALT2 WISH1 WISH2 速卖通 自建站
smd . ShopId = 3 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "EBAY1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 3 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "EBAY2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
else if ( platid = = 6 )
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 6 ;
smd . ShopNo = "1" ;
smd . ShopName = "WALMART1" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 6 ;
smd . ShopNo = "2" ;
smd . ShopName = "WALMALT2" ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
//smd = new JC_Shop();
//smd.ShopId = 18;
//smd.ShopNo = "1";
//smd.ShopName = "WayFair1";
//smd = new JC_Shop();
//smd.ShopId = 18;
//smd.ShopNo = "2";
//smd.ShopName = "WayFair2";
//smd = new JC_Shop();
//smd.ShopId = 1;
//smd.ShopNo = "1";
//smd.ShopName = "速卖通";
//smd = new JC_Shop();
//smd.ShopId = 15;
//smd.ShopNo = "1";
//smd.ShopName = "自建站";
return shop ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetListGoodsShop22 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
List < JC_Shop > shop = new List < JC_Shop > ( ) ;
var slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsShop ( 0 ) ;
var ymxmd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . PlatType = = 2 ) ;
if ( ymxmd ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in ymxmd )
i + + ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 2 ;
smd . ShopNo = i . ToString ( ) ;
smd . ShopName = "亚马逊" + i . ToString ( ) ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
var ebaymd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . PlatType = = 3 ) ;
if ( ebaymd ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in ebaymd )
i + + ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 3 ;
smd . ShopNo = i . ToString ( ) ;
smd . ShopName = "Ebay" + i . ToString ( ) ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
var wemmd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . PlatType = = 6 ) ;
if ( wemmd ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in wemmd )
i + + ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 6 ;
smd . ShopNo = i . ToString ( ) ;
smd . ShopName = "沃尔玛" + i . ToString ( ) ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
var wishmd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . PlatType = = 18 ) ;
if ( wishmd ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in wishmd )
i + + ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 18 ;
smd . ShopNo = i . ToString ( ) ;
smd . ShopName = "Wayfair" + i . ToString ( ) ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
var smtmd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . PlatType = = 1 ) ;
if ( smtmd ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in smtmd )
i + + ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = 1 ;
smd . ShopNo = i . ToString ( ) ;
smd . ShopName = "速卖通" + i . ToString ( ) ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
var zjzmd = slist . FindAll ( n = > n . PlatType = = 15 ) ;
if ( zjzmd ! = null )
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in zjzmd )
i + + ;
JC_Shop smd = new JC_Shop ( ) ;
smd . ShopId = md . ShopId ;
smd . ShopNo = i . ToString ( ) ;
smd . ShopName = "自建站" + i . ToString ( ) ;
shop . Add ( smd ) ;
return shop ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsPlanCount > GetListGoodsShopCount3 ( string mids )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
mids = mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsShopCount3 ( mids ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsPlanCount > GetListGoodsShopCount4 ( string mids )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
mids = mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsShopCount4 ( mids ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsPlanCount > GetListGoodsShopCount2 ( int ShopId , int GoodsId , int Year )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsShopCount2 ( GoodsId , ShopId , Year ) ;
return dlist ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_UserInfo > GetListGoodsUserInfo ( string name )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var ulist = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserInfo ( name ) ;
return ulist ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_GoodsUser ( HW_GoodsUser Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
return DataNew . Save_GoodsUser ( Model ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void SaveGoodsPlan ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . SaveGoodsPlan ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_GoodsExtra ( HW_GoodsExtra Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
return DataNew . Save_GoodsExtra ( Model ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateIsEnd ( int GoodsId , int IsEnd )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
return DataNew . UpdateIsEnd ( GoodsId , IsEnd ) ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsUserNew2 > > GetGoodsUser22 ( int UserId , string GoodsCode , int ShopId , string grade , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( grade ! = "0" )
Param . Add ( "a.grade" , "=" , grade , DbType . String ) ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.UserId" , "=" , UserId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( GoodsCode ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "d.GoodsCode" , "like" , GoodsCode , DbType . String ) ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.ShopId" , "=" , ShopId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsUserNew2 > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsUserNew2 > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListGoodsUser22 ( Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsStoreNumCount > GetListGoodsStoreCount ( int storeId , string sku )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetListGoodsStoreCount ( storeId , sku ) ;
int num = 0 ;
decimal tj = 0 M ;
decimal je = 0 M ;
if ( list ! = null )
foreach ( var md in list )
if ( md . KCNum ! = null )
num + = md . KCNum . Value ;
if ( md . TJSolid ! = null )
tj + = md . TJSolid . Value ;
if ( md . TJPrice ! = null )
je + = md . TJPrice . Value ;
if ( list ! = null )
list [ 0 ] . HJKCNum = num ;
list [ 0 ] . HJPrice = je ;
list [ 0 ] . HJSolid = tj ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物sku
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetListGoodsStoreCountExcel ( int storeId , string sku )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetListGoodsStoreCount ( storeId , sku ) ;
int num = 0 ;
decimal tj = 0 M ;
decimal je = 0 M ;
foreach ( var md in list )
if ( md . KCNum ! = null )
num + = md . KCNum . Value ;
if ( md . TJSolid ! = null )
tj + = md . TJSolid . Value ;
if ( md . TJPrice ! = null )
je + = md . TJPrice . Value ;
if ( list ! = null )
HW_GoodsStoreNumCount md = new HW_GoodsStoreNumCount ( ) ;
md . GoodsCode = "合计:" ;
md . KCNum = num ;
md . TJPrice = je ;
md . TJSolid = tj ;
list . Add ( md ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "货物SKU" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "KCNum" , "库存数" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Solid" , "单个体积" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TJSolid" , "合计体积" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "InPrice" , "单个价格" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TJPrice" , "合计价格" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( list , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 查询库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeftNew > > GetList_GoodsLeftForTMNew ( string PostionCode , string GoodsName , string GoodsName2 , int StoreId , int sdays , int edays , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
// Param.Add("f.CompanyId", "=", CompanyId, DbType.Int32);
if ( PostionCode ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "d.PostionCode" , "=" , PostionCode , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "d.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.sku1" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName2 . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "like" , GoodsName2 . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.sku1" , "like" , GoodsName2 . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Contains ( " " ) )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "c.GoodsOldCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.TypeCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ] . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( sdays > = 0 )
Param . Add ( " DATEDIFF(DAY,a.indate,GETDATE())" , ">=" , sdays , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( edays > = 0 )
Param . Add ( " DATEDIFF(DAY,a.indate,GETDATE())" , "<=" , edays , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeftNew > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeftNew > > ( ) ;
string Sort = "c.GoodsCode,b.TypeCode" ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetList_GoodsLeftForTMNew ( Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpDoPrice ( List < HW_GoodsLeftNew > list , decimal doprice )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( list ! = null )
foreach ( var md in list )
DataNew . UpDoPrice ( md . PostionId . Value , md . DetailId . Value , doprice ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 导出库存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetList_GoodsLeftExcel2 ( string PostionCode , string GoodsName , string GoodsName2 , int StoreId , int sdays , int edays )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
// Param.Add("f.CompanyId", "=", CompanyId, DbType.Int32);
if ( PostionCode ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "d.PostionCode" , "=" , PostionCode , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "d.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.sku1" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName2 . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "like" , GoodsName2 . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.sku1" , "like" , GoodsName2 . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Contains ( " " ) )
Param . Add ( "(c.GoodsCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "c.GoodsOldCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "b.TypeCode" , "=" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ] . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( sdays > = 0 )
Param . Add ( " DATEDIFF(DAY,a.indate,GETDATE())" , ">=" , sdays , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( edays > = 0 )
Param . Add ( " DATEDIFF(DAY,a.indate,GETDATE())" , "<=" , edays , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeftNew > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsLeftNew > > ( ) ;
string Sort = "c.GoodsCode,b.TypeCode" ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetList_GoodsLeftForTMNew ( Param , 1 , 50000 , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "编码" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsOldCode" , "老编码" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TypeCode" , "SKU" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsName" , "名称" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TypeDesc" , "规格描述" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsNum" , "库存数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "LockNum" , "匹配锁定数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "StoreName" , "仓库" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PostionCode" , "库位" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "LeftNum" , "库龄" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "DoPrice" , "处理价格$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
if ( Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) = = 53 | | Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) = = 1 )
listColumns . Add ( "Solid" , "单个体积" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "price" , "单价" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( resultModel . DataSource , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Update_Grade ( List < HW_GoodsUserNew2 > list , string grade )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( list ! = null )
foreach ( var md in list )
DataNew . UpdateGoodsGrade ( md . Id . Value , grade ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateGoodsUser ( int shopid , string name , int userid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsUser ( shopid , name , userid ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_Goods_New > > GetGoodsInfoListForTM22 ( int SortId , int OffNum , string SortName , int TypeCode , string Name , string Supplier , int SNum , int ENum , decimal SPrice , decimal EPrice , int IsWH , int IsHW , int IsDH , int IsBH , int accurate , int jybh , int IsShowAll , int IsOnlyYC , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( SortName ! = "" & & SortName ! = "-全部-" & & SortName ! = "全部" )
Param . Add ( "SortName" , "like" , SortName , DbType . String ) ;
if ( SortId ! = 0 )
Param . Add ( "SortId" , "=" , SortId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
//if (Edate != null)
// Param.Add("InDate", "<", Edate.Value.AddDays(1), DbType.DateTime);
Param . Add ( "State" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsShowAll ! = 1 ) //不展示所有
if ( IsOnlyYC = = 1 ) //只展示隐藏
Param . Add ( "IsYC" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "IsNull(IsYC,0)" , "=" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else //展示所有
if ( IsOnlyYC = = 1 ) //只展示隐藏
Param . Add ( "IsYC" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( Supplier ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "SupplierId" , "like" , Supplier , DbType . String ) ;
Name = Name . Trim ( ) ;
if ( Name ! = "" & & accurate = = 0 )
//if (TypeCode == 1)
// Param.Add("GoodsName", "like", Name, DbType.String);
if ( TypeCode = = 2 )
Param . Add ( "(GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "GoodsOldCode" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TypeCode = = 3 )
Param . Add ( "GoodsSupplyCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
//if (TypeCode == 4)
// Param.Add("b.SKU1", "=", Name, DbType.String);
if ( TypeCode = = 5 )
Param . Add ( "GoodsSupplyCode" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TypeCode = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "UpdateName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( Name ! = "" & & accurate = = 1 )
//if (TypeCode == 1)
// Param.Add("GoodsName", "=", Name, DbType.String);
if ( TypeCode = = 2 )
Param . Add ( "(GoodsCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
Param . Add ( "GoodsOldCode" , "=" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TypeCode = = 3 )
Param . Add ( "GoodsSupplyCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
//if (TypeCode == 4)
// Param.Add("b.SKU1", "=", Name, DbType.String);
if ( TypeCode = = 5 )
Param . Add ( "GoodsSupplyCode" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TypeCode = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "UpdateName" , "=" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
string sku = "" ;
if ( Name ! = "" & & ( TypeCode = = 4 | | TypeCode = = 1 ) & & accurate = = 0 )
sku = Name ;
if ( OffNum ! = 99999 )
if ( OffNum > = 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.UpOff" , ">=" , OffNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.UpOff" , "<=" , OffNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( SNum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsNum" , ">=" , SNum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ENum > 0 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsNum" , "<=" , ENum , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( SPrice > 0 )
Param . Add ( "NowPrice" , ">=" , SPrice , DbType . Decimal ) ;
if ( EPrice > 0 )
Param . Add ( "NowPrice" , "<=" , EPrice , DbType . Decimal ) ;
if ( IsWH = = 1 )
Param . Add ( "NoGoods" , "=" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( jybh = = 1 )
Param . Add ( "b.GoodsHJNum2-isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsInNum2,0)" , ">" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
JsonModel < List < HW_Goods_New > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_Goods_New > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsInfoNewForTM ( CompanyId , sku , IsDH , IsBH , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
string Ids = "" ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
Ids + = md . GoodsId . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( md . Solid ! = null )
md . TotalSolid = md . Solid * md . GoodsNum ;
if ( IsHW = = 1 & & resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
if ( Ids ! = "" )
var list1 = obj . GetGoodsDetailList ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( list1 ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var list2 = list1 . FindAll ( n = > n . GoodsId = = md . GoodsId ) ;
if ( list2 ! = null )
md . GoodsList = list2 ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 导入货物
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSaveGoodsSKUNew ( string FileName , string SortName )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
//int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "货物编号" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 货物编号 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "报关名称" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 报关名称 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 SKU 列不存在" ; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("单价") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 单价 列不存在"; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("重量(克)") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 重量(克) 列不存在"; }
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("入库数量") == false) { error = error + "导入模板的 入库数量 列不存在"; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
HuoWuData obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Num = 0 ;
HW_GoodsExcelModel2 omd = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
var md = new HW_GoodsExcelModel2 ( ) ;
if ( omd ! = null )
md = omd ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
continue ;
md . SKU1 = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "货物编号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . GoodsCode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "货物编号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "报关名称" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . GoodsName = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "报关名称" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . SortName1 = SortName ;
md . SortId = 0 ;
md . SKU1 = "" ;
md . SKU2 = "" ;
md . SKU3 = "" ;
md . SKU4 = "" ;
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("SKU2") == true)
// md.SKU2 = tb.Rows[i]["SKU2"].ToString().Trim();
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("SKU3") == true)
// md.SKU3 = tb.Rows[i]["SKU3"].ToString().Trim();
//if (tb.Columns.Contains("SKU4") == true)
// md.SKU4 = tb.Rows[i]["SKU4"].ToString().Trim();
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "报关英文名" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . GoodsEngLishName = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "报关英文名" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) . Replace ( "," , "" ) ;
if ( md . GoodsEngLishName = = "" )
md . GoodsEngLishName = "Goods" ;
if ( md . GoodsEngLishName . Length > = 50 )
md . GoodsEngLishName = md . GoodsEngLishName . Substring ( 0 , 49 ) ;
// if (tb.Rows[i]["描述"].ToString().Trim() != "")
md . TypeDesc = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "描述" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "箱率" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . BoxRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "箱率" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个毛重(克)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Weight2 = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个毛重(克)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) * 0.035274 M ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个净重( g) " ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . NetWeight = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个净重( g) " ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱毛重( g) " ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Weight = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱毛重( g) " ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
//md.Link1 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接1"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName1 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接1名称"].ToString().Trim();
//md.Link2 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接2"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName2 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接2名称"].ToString().Trim();
//md.Link3 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接3"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName3 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接3名称"].ToString().Trim();
//md.Link4 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接4"].ToString().Trim();
//md.LinkName4 = tb.Rows[i]["购买链接4名称"].ToString().Trim();
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "进价" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Price = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "进价" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的单价必须是数字<br/>";
md . Price = 0 ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱长(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Long = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱长(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Width = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱高(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Height = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "外箱高(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个长(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Long2 = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个长(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Width2 = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . Height2 = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "单个宽(英寸)" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// error += "第" + (i + 2).ToString() + " 行的重量(克)必须是数字<br/>";
// continue;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "产品开发人员" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . KFName = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "产品开发人员" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "产品维护人员" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . KFName2 = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "产品维护人员" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . KFName2 = md . KFName ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "税率" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . FeeRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "税率" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
if ( md . Long2 > 0 & & md . Height2 > 0 & & md . Width2 > 0 )
md . Solid = md . Long2 * md . Height2 * md . Width2 * 0.0000164 M ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "备注" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . GoodsInfo = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "备注" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . CompanyId = 1 ;
md . InUserId = UserId ;
md . GoodsEg = md . GoodsCode ;
md . GoodsNo = 0 ;
md . GoodsNum = 0 ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "图片" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . ImgUrl = "../attached/gimg/" + tb . Rows [ i ] [ "图片" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
omd = md ;
int a = DataNew . ExcelSaveGoodsSKUNEW ( md ) ;
if ( a = = 2 )
error + = "第" + ( i + 2 ) . ToString ( ) + " 行的SKU已经存在<br/>" ;
continue ;
Num + + ;
if ( error = = "" )
error = "数据导入成功;" + Num . ToString ( ) + "条" ;
error + = "其它数据导入成功;" ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 查询出库货物明细
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsOutCKNew > GetGoodsOutDetailNew ( string GoodsCode , int StoreId , string barcode )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
string TypeCode = "" ;
if ( GoodsCode . Trim ( ) . Contains ( " " ) )
TypeCode = GoodsCode . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ] . Trim ( ) ;
GoodsCode = GoodsCode . Trim ( ) . Split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
if ( barcode . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
var list = DataNew . GetGoodsOutDetailNew2 ( barcode ) ;
return list ;
var list = DataNew . GetGoodsOutDetailNew ( CompanyId , GoodsCode , TypeCode , StoreId ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 保存货物出库单
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy SaveGoodsOutBuy ( HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy model , List < HW_GoodsOutCKNew > CKList , int state )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
// bool bk = BaseService.SyncLock3();
// if (bk == false)
// return "当前有其他人正在操作库存匹配,为保证库存数据准确您暂时无法出库";
HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy rmd = new HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
model . InUserId = UserId ;
model . IsDelete = state ;
int Num = 0 ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in CKList )
if ( md . OutNum ! = null )
Num + = md . OutNum . Value ;
model . OutNum = Num ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
//var OutDetailList = new List<HW_GoodsOutDetail>();
string error = "" ;
foreach ( var md in CKList )
int kc = DataNew . iskc ( md . PostionId . Value , md . DetailId . Value ) ;
if ( md . OutNum > kc )
error + = md . SKU1 + "[" + md . PostionDesc + "] " ;
if ( error ! = "" )
rmd . OutReason = error + "Insufficient inventory,Please modify the quantity;" ;
return rmd ;
var OutId = DataNew . SaveGoodsOutBuy ( model ) ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
//var OutDetailList = new List<HW_GoodsOutDetail>();
DataNew . DeleteGoodsOutDetailBuy ( OutId ) ;
foreach ( var md in CKList )
md . Id = 0 ;
md . OutId = OutId ;
int ckid = DataNew . SaveGoodsOutDetailBuy ( md , state ) ;
if ( md . OutNum ! = null & & md . OutNum . Value > 0 & & state = = 2 )
//for (int i = 0; i < md.OutNum.Value; i++)
obj . SaveGoodsOutInnerForTM2 ( md . DetailId . Value , md . PostionId . Value , md . StoreId . Value , md . OutNum . Value , ckid ) ;
// }
// obj.SaveGoodsOutGoodsNum(OutId);
if ( state = = 2 )
PagesNew . SaveLog ( UserId , "出库调整" , model . OutCode + "出库单" , OutId ) ;
rmd . OutId = OutId ;
return rmd ;
# endregion
#region 保存货物出库单(南美)
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy SaveGoodsOutBuy_NMLock ( HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy model , List < HW_GoodsOutCKNew > CKList , int state )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
// bool bk = BaseService.SyncLock3();
// if (bk == false)
// return "当前有其他人正在操作库存匹配,为保证库存数据准确您暂时无法出库";
HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy rmd = new HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
model . CompanyId = CompanyId ;
model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
model . InUserId = UserId ;
model . IsDelete = state ;
int Num = 0 ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in CKList )
if ( md . OutNum ! = null )
Num + = md . OutNum . Value ;
model . OutNum = Num ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
//var OutDetailList = new List<HW_GoodsOutDetail>();
string error = "" ;
foreach ( var md in CKList )
int kc = DataNew . iskc ( md . PostionId . Value , md . DetailId . Value ) ;
if ( md . OutNum > kc )
error + = md . SKU1 + "[" + md . PostionDesc + "] " ;
if ( error ! = "" )
rmd . OutReason = error + "Insufficient inventory,Please modify the quantity;" ;
return rmd ;
var OutId = DataNew . SaveGoodsOutBuy ( model ) ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
//var OutDetailList = new List<HW_GoodsOutDetail>();
DataNew . DeleteGoodsOutDetailBuy ( OutId ) ;
foreach ( var md in CKList )
md . Id = 0 ;
md . OutId = OutId ;
int ckid = DataNew . SaveGoodsOutDetailBuy_NM ( md , state ) ;
if ( md . OutNum ! = null & & md . OutNum . Value > 0 & & state = = 3 )
//for (int i = 0; i < md.OutNum.Value; i++)
DataNew . SaveGoodsOutInnerForNMLock ( md . DetailId . Value , md . PostionId . Value , md . StoreId . Value , md . OutNum . Value , ckid ) ;
// }
// obj.SaveGoodsOutGoodsNum(OutId);
rmd . OutId = OutId ;
return rmd ;
# endregion
#region 保存货物出库单(南美)
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int SaveGoodsOutBuy_NMOut ( int OutId , List < HW_GoodsOutCKNew > CKList , int state , string PayType )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsOutBuyNM ( OutId , state , PayType ) ;
if ( CKList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in CKList )
DataNew . SaveGoodsOutInnerForNMOut ( md . Id . Value ) ;
// obj.SaveGoodsOutGoodsNum(OutId);
//int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
// int UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
// PagesNew.SaveLog(UserId, "南美直销", model.OutCode + "出库单", OutId);
// rmd.OutId = OutId;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 批量删除
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int NM_DeleteOrder ( int outid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
string Name = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyyMMddhhmm" ) + "操作删除" ;
DataNew . DeleteNMOrder ( outid , Name ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 查询出库记录
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > GetListHW_GoodsOutListBuy ( int TJ , string GoodsName , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int IsDetail , string CKType , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
// Param.Add("a.IsDelete", "=", 0, DbType.Int32);
//if (CKType == 1)
// Param.Add("a.OrderId", ">", 0, DbType.String);
//else if (CKType == 2)
// Param.Add("a.OrderId", "=", 0, DbType.String);
if ( SDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( TJ = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "a.OutCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ = = 7 )
Param . Add ( "b.PlatOrderCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ > 4 )
GoodsName = "" ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsOutListBuy ( TJ , CKType . TrimEnd ( ',' ) , GoodsName , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( IsDetail = = 1 & & resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var list = DataNew . GetOutCKDetailListForTM ( md . OutId . Value ) ;
md . GoodsOutCKList2 = list ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 查询出库记录
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > GetListHW_GoodsOutListBuyNM ( int TJ , int StoreId , int State , string GoodsName , string PayType , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int IsDetail , string CKType , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
// Param.Add("a.IsDelete", "=", 0, DbType.Int32);
if ( PayType ! = "-1" )
Param . Add ( "a.PayType" , "=" , PayType , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( State > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.IsDelete" , "=" , State , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.IsDelete" , "<>" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( TJ = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "a.OutCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ = = 7 )
Param . Add ( "b.PlatOrderCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ > 4 )
GoodsName = "" ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsOutListBuy ( TJ , CKType . TrimEnd ( ',' ) , GoodsName , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( IsDetail = = 1 & & resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var list = DataNew . GetOutCKDetailListForTM ( md . OutId . Value ) ;
md . GoodsOutCKList2 = list ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 查询出库记录
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetListHW_GoodsOutListBuyExcel ( int TJ , int StoreId , int State , string GoodsName , string PayType , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int IsDetail , string CKType , int PageIndex , int PageSize , string Sort )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.CompanyId" , "=" , CompanyId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
// Param.Add("a.IsDelete", "=", 0, DbType.Int32);
if ( PayType ! = "-1" )
Param . Add ( "a.PayType" , "=" , PayType , DbType . String ) ;
if ( StoreId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.StoreId" , "=" , StoreId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( State > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.IsDelete" , "=" , State , DbType . Int32 ) ;
Param . Add ( "a.IsDelete" , "<>" , 1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( TJ = = 6 )
Param . Add ( "a.OutCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ = = 7 )
Param . Add ( "b.PlatOrderCode" , "like" , GoodsName . Trim ( ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( TJ > 4 )
GoodsName = "" ;
JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListHW_GoodsOutListBuy ( TJ , CKType . TrimEnd ( ',' ) , GoodsName , Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > excellist = new List < HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy > ( ) ;
if ( IsDetail = = 1 & & resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
excellist . Add ( md ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetOutCKDetailListForTM ( md . OutId . Value ) ;
md . GoodsOutCKList2 = list ;
if ( list ! = null )
foreach ( var gmd in list )
HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy ggmd = new HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy ( ) ;
// ggmd.BuyName = gmd.GoodsCode + " " + gmd.TypeDesc;
ggmd . State = "Commodity list: " ;
ggmd . ExcelName = gmd . SKU1 ;
ggmd . ExcelName2 = gmd . OutNum . ToString ( ) ;
ggmd . ExcelName3 = gmd . FinalPrice . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
excellist . Add ( ggmd ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "OutCode" , "OrderCode" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "InName" , "Operator" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "InDate" , "BuyDate" , DbType . String , "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "BuyName" , "Purchaser Name" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "BuyPhone" , "Purchaser Phone" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Price" , "Total Money" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "commission" , "commission" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "StoreName" , "StoreName" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PayType" , "PayType" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "State" , "Status" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "ExcelName" , "SKU" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "ExcelName2" , "Selling Quantity" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "ExcelName3" , "Selling Price" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( excellist , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 返回出库Model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_GoodsOutRecordBuy GetOutCKModelBuy ( int OutId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
return DataNew . GetOutCKModelBuy ( OutId ) ;
# endregion
#region 返回出库明细
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsOutCKNew > GetOutCKDetailListBuy ( int OutId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetOutCKDetailListForTM ( OutId ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 导出采购单
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetListBuyOutExcel ( int outid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetOutCKDetailListBuyExcel ( outid ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return "" ;
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in list )
if ( i = = 1 )
md . OutCode = "" ;
md . BuyName = "" ;
md . BuyPhone = "" ;
i + + ;
var md2 = new HW_GoodsOutCKNew ( ) ;
md2 . PostionDesc = "Total: " ;
md2 . FinalPrice = list [ 0 ] . Price ;
list . Add ( md2 ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "OutCode" , "OrderCode" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "BuyName" , "BuyName" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "BuyPhone" , "BuyPhone" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "Products Code" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SKU1" , "SKU" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "OutNum" , "Selling Quantity" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Price" , "Unit Price" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "OffPrice" , "Discount" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PostionDesc" , "Storage Location" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "FinalPrice" , "Total price" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( list , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 返回出库Model
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string PrintReturnCode ( string code , string ordercode )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
string url = System . AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + "ServerCookies/" + Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) + ".jpg" ;
Image img = null ;
GetBarcode ( 200 , 500 , BarcodeLib . TYPE . CODE128 , code , out img , url ) ;
JC_ExpressService service = new JC_ExpressService ( ) ;
DataTable table = new DataTable ( ) ;
table . Columns . Add ( "SKU2" ) ;
table . Columns . Add ( "Photo0" ) ;
string str2 = "" ;
DataRow row = table . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "Photo0" ] = url ;
row [ "SKU2" ] = ordercode ;
table . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SKU2" , "SKU2" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Photo0" , "Photo0" , DbType . Object , "200*100" ) ;
MicrosoftWord word = new MicrosoftWord ( ) ;
str2 = word . Export ( "Scripts/returnlabel.doc" , table , listColumns , ".pdf" ) ;
return str2 ;
# endregion
public static void GetBarcode ( int height , int width , BarcodeLib . TYPE type , string code , out System . Drawing . Image image , string fileSaveUrl )
image = null ;
BarcodeLib . Barcode b = new BarcodeLib . Barcode ( ) ;
b . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ; //图片背景颜色
b . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ; //条码颜色
b . IncludeLabel = true ;
b . Alignment = BarcodeLib . AlignmentPositions . LEFT ;
b . LabelPosition = BarcodeLib . LabelPositions . BOTTOMCENTER ;
b . ImageFormat = System . Drawing . Imaging . ImageFormat . Jpeg ; //图片格式
System . Drawing . Font font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "verdana" , 10f ) ; //字体设置
b . LabelFont = font ;
b . Height = height ; //图片高度设置(px单位)
b . Width = width ; //图片宽度设置(px单位)
image = b . Encode ( type , code ) ; //生成图片
image . Save ( fileSaveUrl , System . Drawing . Imaging . ImageFormat . Jpeg ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
image = null ;
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_BFNum1 ( int detailid , int num1 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateBuyBFNum1 ( detailid , num1 ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_BFNum2 ( int detailid , int num2 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateBuyBFNum2 ( detailid , num2 ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_BFNum3 ( int detailid , DateTime ? JH_Date )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateBuyBFNum3 ( detailid , JH_Date ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_BFNum4 ( int detailid , int num3 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateBuyBFNum4 ( detailid , num3 ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_BFNum ( int detailid , int num1 , int num2 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateBuyBFNum ( detailid , num1 , num2 ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateSalesType ( int detailid , int SalesType )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateSalesType ( detailid , SalesType ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Clear_BFNum ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateClearBFNum ( ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 导出备货
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetList_GoodsBF ( int CK )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetListBFNum ( CK ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return "" ;
var hjnum = list . Sum ( n = > n . BHNum ) ;
var hjtj = list . Sum ( n = > n . TSolid ) ;
var md = new HW_GoodsDetailNew ( ) ;
md . SKU1 = "合计:" ;
md . BHNum = hjnum ;
md . TSolid = hjtj ;
list . Add ( md ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SKU1" , "货号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Solid" , "CMB" , DbType . Decimal , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "BHNum" , "Number" , DbType . Int32 , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TSolid" , "Total立方" , DbType . Decimal , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "JH_Date" , "交货日期" , DbType . String , "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Cert" , "已经出" , DbType . Int32 , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcelNew obj2 = new MicrosoftExcelNew ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( list , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 返回
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public HW_GoodsDetailNew GetGoodsModelForBF ( int detailid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
return DataNew . GetGoodsModelForBF ( detailid ) ;
# endregion
#region 导出库存总立方前一百/两百
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetList_GoodsSolid ( int count )
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetGoodsSolidTopDatas ( count ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return "" ;
var hjObj = new GoodsSolidTopModel ( ) ;
hjObj . SKU = "合计" ;
hjObj . WestNum = list . Sum ( r = > r . WestNum ) ;
hjObj . WestSolids = list . Sum ( r = > r . WestSolids ) ;
hjObj . EastNum = list . Sum ( r = > r . EastNum ) ;
hjObj . EastSolids = list . Sum ( r = > r . EastSolids ) ;
hjObj . TotalNum = list . Sum ( r = > r . TotalNum ) ;
hjObj . TotalSolid = list . Sum ( r = > r . TotalSolid ) ;
list . Add ( hjObj ) ;
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook ( ) ;
HSSFSheet sheet = ( HSSFSheet ) workbook . CreateSheet ( "Sheet1" ) ;
sheet . SetColumnWidth ( 0 , 18 * 256 ) ;
var drawing = sheet . CreateDrawingPatriarch ( ) ;
int rowsNum = 0 ; //行号
HSSFRow headerRow = ( HSSFRow ) sheet . CreateRow ( rowsNum ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 0 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "图片" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 1 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "SKU" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 2 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "编号" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 3 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "名称" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 4 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "人员" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 5 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "单个立方" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 6 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "西部库存数量" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 7 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "西部库存立方" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 8 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "东部库存数量" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 9 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "东部库存立方" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 10 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "总库存数量" ) ;
headerRow . CreateCell ( 11 , CellType . STRING ) . SetCellValue ( "总库存立方" ) ;
rowsNum = 1 ; //行号
foreach ( var link in list )
var pictureData = GetImageFromUrl ( link . FirstImgUrl ) ;
//byte[] pictureData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + link.FirstImgUrl);
if ( pictureData ! = null )
var pictureIndex = workbook . AddPicture ( pictureData , PictureType . PNG ) ;
// 在每一行的第一列插入图片
var pictureCell = sheet . CreateRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 0 ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . Height = 80 * 20 ;
pictureCell . CellStyle = workbook . CreateCellStyle ( ) ;
var anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , rowsNum , 1 , rowsNum + 1 ) ;
anchor . AnchorType = 2 ;
var picture = drawing . CreatePicture ( anchor , pictureIndex ) ;
var _dataCell = sheet . CreateRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 0 ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . Height = 80 * 20 ;
_dataCell . SetCellValue ( "" ) ;
// 在每一行的第二列插入数据
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 1 ) . SetCellValue ( link . SKU ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 2 ) . SetCellValue ( link . GoodsCode ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 3 ) . SetCellValue ( link . GoodsName ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 4 ) . SetCellValue ( link . UserName ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 5 ) . SetCellValue ( link . SingleSolid . ToString ( ) ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 6 ) . SetCellValue ( link . WestNum . ToString ( ) ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 7 ) . SetCellValue ( link . WestSolids . ToString ( ) ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 8 ) . SetCellValue ( link . EastNum . ToString ( ) ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 9 ) . SetCellValue ( link . EastSolids . ToString ( ) ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 10 ) . SetCellValue ( link . TotalNum . ToString ( ) ) ;
sheet . GetRow ( rowsNum ) . CreateCell ( 11 ) . SetCellValue ( link . TotalSolid . ToString ( ) ) ;
rowsNum + + ;
string filename = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) + ".xls" ;
string DirectoryName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + "ServerCookies" ;
if ( System . IO . Directory . Exists ( DirectoryName ) = = false ) System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( DirectoryName ) ;
string ServerFileName = DirectoryName + "/" + filename ;
using ( FileStream fs = new FileStream ( ServerFileName , FileMode . Create , FileAccess . Write ) )
workbook . Write ( fs ) ;
workbook . Dispose ( ) ;
return "ServerCookies/" + filename ;
// 从URL获取图片数据
public byte [ ] GetImageFromUrl ( string url )
using ( WebClient webClient = new WebClient ( ) )
return webClient . DownloadData ( new Uri ( url ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
return null ;
# endregion
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetGoodsCodeLabel ( string code , int num )
PagesNew . Login ( base . Session ) ;
OrderPrintData data = new OrderPrintData ( ) ;
DataTable table = new DataTable ( ) ;
table . Columns . Add ( "SKU2" ) ;
string str2 = "" ;
string wordTemplatePath = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + )
wordTemplatePath = "Scripts/code.doc" ;
DataRow row = table . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "SKU2" ] = code ;
table . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SKU2" , "SKU2" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftWord word = new MicrosoftWord ( ) ;
if ( wordTemplatePath ! = null )
str2 = word . Export ( wordTemplatePath , table , listColumns , ".pdf" ) ;
return str2 ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GeStoreLabel ( List < CK_StorePostion > list )
PagesNew . Login ( base . Session ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return "" ;
OrderPrintData data = new OrderPrintData ( ) ;
DataTable table = new DataTable ( ) ;
table . Columns . Add ( "Photo2" ) ;
table . Columns . Add ( "SKU2" ) ;
string str2 = "" ;
string wordTemplatePath = "" ;
wordTemplatePath = "Scripts/storecode.doc" ;
foreach ( var md in list )
string code = md . PostionCode ;
System . Drawing . Image img = GetBarcodeBitmap ( code , 80 , 270 ) ;
string path = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + "attached/storecode/" + code + "code.jpg" ;
img . Save ( path , System . Drawing . Imaging . ImageFormat . Jpeg ) ;
DataRow row = table . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ "Photo2" ] = path ;
row [ "SKU2" ] = code ;
table . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SKU2" , "SKU2" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Photo2" , "Photo2" , DbType . Object , "80*270" ) ;
MicrosoftWord word = new MicrosoftWord ( ) ;
if ( wordTemplatePath ! = null )
str2 = word . Export ( wordTemplatePath , table , listColumns , ".pdf" ) ;
return str2 ;
/// <summary>
/// 生成条形码
/// </summary>
/// <param name="barcodeContent">需要生成条码的内容</param>
/// <param name="barcodeWidth">条码宽度</param>
/// <param name="barcodeHeight">条码长度</param>
/// <returns>返回条码图形</returns>
public static Bitmap GetBarcodeBitmap ( string barcodeContent , int barcodeWidth , int barcodeHeight )
BarcodeWriter barcodeWriter = new BarcodeWriter ( ) ;
barcodeWriter . Format = BarcodeFormat . CODE_39 ; //设置编码格式
EncodingOptions encodingOptions = new EncodingOptions ( ) ;
encodingOptions . Width = barcodeWidth ; //设置宽度
encodingOptions . Height = barcodeHeight ; //设置长度
encodingOptions . Margin = 2 ; //设置边距
barcodeWriter . Options = encodingOptions ;
Bitmap bitmap = barcodeWriter . Write ( barcodeContent ) ;
return bitmap ;
#region 导入新ASIN
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ImportASIN ( string FileName )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "ASIN" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 ASIN 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 SKU 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "店铺" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 店铺 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请导入格式不正确" ;
List < DD_GoodsPM > OrderList = new List < DD_GoodsPM > ( ) ;
int count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
DD_GoodsPM md = new DD_GoodsPM ( ) ;
if ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "ASIN" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ! = "" )
md . asin = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "ASIN" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . sku = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . shopname = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "店铺" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
md . state = 1 ;
md . sync = 0 ;
int a = DataNew . Save_GoodsPMExcel ( md ) ;
if ( a = = - 1 )
error + = md . asin + "店铺名对应不上" ;
else if ( a = = - 2 )
error + = md . asin + "sku对应不上" ;
count + + ;
error = "数据导入成功【" + count + "条】;" + error ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion
#region 批量删除
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int PL_DeletePM ( List < DD_GoodsPM > list )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
foreach ( var md in list )
DataNew . Delete_GoodsPM ( md . id . Value ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_GoodsPM ( DD_GoodsPM Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
return DataNew . Save_GoodsPM ( Model ) ;
# endregion
#region 删除
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public bool Delete_GoodsPM ( int id )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . Delete_GoodsPM ( id ) ;
return true ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < DD_GoodsPM > > GetListGoodsPM ( string cs , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
string where = CustomIO . Base64StringToString ( cs ) ;
if ( where ! = "" ) where = "where " + where . Substring ( 4 ) ;
var resultModel = new JsonModel < List < DD_GoodsPM > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListGoodsPM ( where , PageIndex , PageSize , "" , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_IsSp ( int detailid , Boolean issp )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdatetGoodsIsSP ( detailid , issp ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物分类
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsSortModel > GetGoodsSortList ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var list = obj . GetGoodsSort ( CompanyId ) ;
//if (list != null)
// var md = new HW_GoodsSortModel();
// md.SortId = 0;
// md.SortNo = "";
// md.SortName = "-无-";
// list.Add(md);
return list ;
# endregion
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int GetGoodsOutMess ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int num = DataNew . GetGoodsOutMess ( UserId ) ;
return num ;
# endregion
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public decimal GetGoodsKCTJNum ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
decimal num = DataNew . GetGoodsKCTJNum ( ) ;
return num ;
# endregion
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_DefaultDataNew GetNMOrderTJ ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
var md = DataNew . GetNMOrderTJ ( ) ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 返回人员列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_UserInfo > GetListUserSelect ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetListUserSelect ( ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 修改编号分配
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateGoodsMate ( int platid , int goodsid , int userid , string name )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsMate ( platid , goodsid , userid , name ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 修改商品方案数
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateGoodsPlanCount ( int goodsid , int? planCount )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsPlanCount ( goodsid , planCount ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 修改商品方案数
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel UpdateGoodsEditPlanCount ( int goodsid , int? edplanCount )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsEditPlanCount ( goodsid , edplanCount ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "成功" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = "失败:" + ex . Message ;
return rmodel ;
# endregion
#region 修改编号分配
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateGoodsMateFromGoodids ( List < HW_ProductionPlan > list , int userid , string name , int platid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
foreach ( var md in list )
DataNew . UpdateGoodsMate ( platid , md . id . Value , userid , name ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 查询货物分类
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsSortModel > GetGoodsSortListNew ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new HuoWuData ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetGoodsSort ( CompanyId ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 保存sku计划
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_GoodsUserPlanCount ( HW_GoodsUserPlanCount Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
return DataNew . Save_GoodsUserPlanCount ( Model ) ;
# endregion
#region 人员部门
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int GetModel_UserDept ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int userid = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetModel_UserDept ( userid ) ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsUserPlanCount > > GetListGoodsUserPlanCount ( string cs , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
string where = CustomIO . Base64StringToString ( cs ) ;
if ( where ! = "" ) where = "where " + where . Substring ( 4 ) ;
var resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_GoodsUserPlanCount > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserPlanCount ( where , PageIndex , PageSize , "" , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < HW_ProductionPlan > > GetListGoodsPlan ( int iscg , int platid , int muserid , int isly , DateTime ? lysdt , DateTime ? lyedt , DateTime ? lysdt2 , DateTime ? lyedt2 , string lynr , string cs , string name , int IsFP , int IsLJ , int IsEnd , int cdtj , int iskc , int fas , int shopId , int isShowAll , int isOnlyYC , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
string where = CustomIO . Base64StringToString ( cs ) ;
if ( where ! = "" ) where = "where " + where . Substring ( 4 ) + " and a.state=1 and a.companyid=1 " ;
where = "where a.state=1 and a.companyid=1 " ;
if ( isShowAll ! = 1 ) //不展示所有
if ( isOnlyYC = = 1 ) //只展示隐藏
where + = " and Isnull(a.IsYC,0)=1" ;
where + = " and Isnull(a.IsYC,0)=0" ;
else //展示所有
if ( isOnlyYC = = 1 ) //只展示隐藏
where + = " and Isnull(a.IsYC,0)=1" ;
//if (platid == 2 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and a.muserid=" + muserid + " ";
//else if (platid == 3 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and a.guserid_ebay=" + muserid + " ";
//else if (platid == 6 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and a.guserid_wlmart=" + muserid + " ";
//else if (platid == 15 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and a.guserid_shopify=" + muserid + " ";
//else if (platid == 18&& muserid > 0)
// where += " and a.guserid_wayfair=" + muserid + " ";
//else if (platid == 21 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and a.guserid_sheIn=" + muserid + " ";
//if (platid == 2 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and (a.muserid=" + muserid + " or a.muserid in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))";
//else if (platid == 3 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and (a.guserid_ebay=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_ebay in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))";
//else if (platid == 6 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and (a.guserid_wlmart=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_wlmart in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))";
//else if (platid == 15 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and (a.guserid_shopify=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_shopify in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))";
//else if (platid == 18 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and (a.guserid_wayfair=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_wayfair in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))";
//else if (platid == 21 && muserid > 0)
// where += " and (a.guserid_sheIn=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_sheIn in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))";
int userid = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
if ( userid = = 126 ) //美工需要看到所有商品
iscg = 0 ;
if ( userid = = 1 | | userid = = 51 | | userid = = 53 | | userid = = 114 | | userid = = 32 | | userid = = 170 | | userid = = 225 | | userid = = 126 | | userid = = 115 | | userid = = 251 )
if ( platid = = 2 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.muserid=" + muserid + " or a.muserid in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 3 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_ebay=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_ebay in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 6 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_wlmart=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_wlmart in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 15 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_shopify=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_shopify in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 18 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_wayfair=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_wayfair in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 21 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_sheIn=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_sheIn in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 22 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_tiktok=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_tiktok in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 23 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_temu=" + muserid + " or a.guserid_temu in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + muserid + " ))" ;
else //如果不是管理员,选择全部是才显示自己以及下属所有组员数据,选择单个人时,只显示选中人的数据
if ( muserid = = 0 ) //选择全部
if ( platid = = 2 )
where + = " and (a.muserid=" + userid + " or a.muserid in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 3 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_ebay=" + userid + " or a.guserid_ebay in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 6 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_wlmart=" + userid + " or a.guserid_wlmart in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 15 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_shopify=" + userid + " or a.guserid_shopify in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 18 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_wayfair=" + userid + " or a.guserid_wayfair in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 21 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_sheIn=" + userid + " or a.guserid_sheIn in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 22 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_tiktok=" + userid + " or a.guserid_tiktok in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else if ( platid = = 23 )
where + = " and (a.guserid_temu=" + userid + " or a.guserid_temu in( select UserId from JC_UserInfo where guserid=" + userid + " ))" ;
else //选择单个人
if ( platid = = 2 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.muserid=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 3 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_ebay=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 6 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_wlmart=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 15 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_shopify=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 18 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_wayfair=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 21 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_sheIn=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 22 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_tiktok=" + muserid + " " ;
else if ( platid = = 23 & & muserid > 0 )
where + = " and a.guserid_temu=" + muserid + " " ;
string cgname = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
if ( iscg = = 1 & & userid ! = 32 & & userid ! = 170 )
where + = " and (a.KFName='" + cgname + "' or a.KFName2='" + cgname + "' )" ;
if ( IsEnd = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.IsEnd,0)=0 " ;
if ( fas ! = - 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.PlanCount,0)=" + fas ;
if ( platid = = 2 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.Leaveword,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 3 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_ebay,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_ebay,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 6 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_walmart,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_walmart,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 15 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_shopify,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_shopify,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 18 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_wayfair,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_wayfair,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 21 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_shein,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_shein,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 22 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_tiktok,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_tiktok,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( platid = = 23 )
if ( isly = = 1 & & userid = = 1 )
where + = " and (isnull(a.LeaveWord_temu,'')<>'' or isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'') " ;
if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 0 )
where + = " and isnull(a.LeaveWord_temu,'')<>'' " ;
else if ( isly = = 1 & & iscg = = 1 )
where + = " and isnull(a.Leaveword_cg,'')<>'' " ;
string goodsids = "" ;
List < DT_OrderGoods > olist = null ;
if ( lysdt2 ! = null & & lyedt2 ! = null ) //根据没有留言日期查留言
var lylist = DataNew . GetListGoodsLeaveWordFromDate ( lysdt2 , lyedt2 . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , platid , "" ) ;
if ( lylist ! = null )
foreach ( var lmd in lylist )
goodsids + = lmd . goodsid . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( goodsids ! = "" )
goodsids = goodsids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
where + = " and a.goodsid not in (" + goodsids + ") " ; //在这个日期范围内没有留言的产品
if ( lysdt ! = null & & lyedt ! = null ) //根据日期查留言
var lylist = DataNew . GetListGoodsLeaveWordFromDate ( lysdt , lyedt . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , platid , lynr ) ;
if ( lylist ! = null )
foreach ( var lmd in lylist )
goodsids + = lmd . goodsid . ToString ( ) + "," ;
goodsids = "0," ;
if ( goodsids ! = "" )
goodsids = goodsids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
where + = " and a.goodsid in (" + goodsids + ") " ;
olist = DataNew . GetListGoodsOrdersFromDate ( lysdt , lyedt . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , goodsids , platid ) ; //根据留言货统计订单数量
var resultModel = new JsonModel < List < HW_ProductionPlan > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListGoodsPlan ( platid , name , IsFP , IsLJ , where , cdtj , iskc , shopId , PageIndex , PageSize , "" , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
string mids = "" ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
mids + = md . id + "," ;
if ( md . Leaveword ! = null & & md . Leaveword ! = "" )
md . readname = "阅读" ;
if ( md . Leaveword_cg ! = null & & md . Leaveword_cg ! = "" )
md . readname_cg = "阅读" ;
if ( olist ! = null )
var oomd = olist . Find ( n = > n . GoodsId = = md . id ) ;
if ( oomd ! = null )
md . OrderNum = oomd . GoodsNum ;
List < AD_FeeCompute > adlist = null ;
if ( mids ! = "" )
var glist = DataNew . GetListGoodsPlanDetail2 ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) , platid ) ;
var upDayList = DataNew . GetGoodsUpFirstList ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //商品第一次上架日期
var imList = DataNew . GetGoodsDayImpressionsList ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //商品每天的曝光量
var last2DayadFees = DataNew . GetGoodsLast2DayAdFeeList ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //商品前天的广告花费
var imDaysList = DataNew . GetShopGoodDayImpressionsList ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //获取商品前三十天的曝光量
var ginNumList = DataNew . GetGoodsInNumList ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //获取商品生产中和完成的数量
var goodsSortList = DataNew . GetGoodsSortShopModelForGoodIds ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //获取商品所属类目关联的店铺
var goodsBuyLinkList = DataNew . GetHWBuyLinkModelForGoodIds ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ; //获取商品的所有购买链接
var nullImDaysList = new List < ZXTDataModel > ( ) ;
for ( var d = - 30 ; d < 0 ; d + + )
nullImDaysList . Add ( new ZXTDataModel { Name = DateTime . Now . AddDays ( d ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , Value = 0 } ) ;
if ( platid = = 2 )
adlist = DataNew . GetListFeeCompute ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
var pmList = DataNew . GetOrderGoodsCodeData ( ) ;
if ( glist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var gmdlist = glist . FindAll ( n = > n . GoodsId = = md . id ) ;
if ( gmdlist ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < gmdlist . Count ; i + + )
string pmStr = "" ; //小类/大类排名
decimal? lastWeekFee = null ;
decimal? prefee = null ;
decimal? weeklr = null ;
decimal? nextfee = 0.1 M ;
string UpDay = "" ; //商品第一次上传时间
int? impressinos = 0 ; //曝光量
decimal? last2dayAdFee = null ; //前天广告费用
List < ZXTDataModel > zxtDatas = new List < ZXTDataModel > ( ) ; //前三十天的曝光量折线图数据
int ftype = 0 ;
if ( adlist ! = null )
var sadmd = adlist . Find ( n = > n . GoodsId = = gmdlist [ i ] . GoodsId & & n . ShopId = = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopId ) ;
if ( sadmd ! = null )
lastWeekFee = sadmd . WeekFee2 ;
prefee = sadmd . PreDayFee1 ;
weeklr = sadmd . WeekLR2 - sadmd . WeekFee2 ;
nextfee = sadmd . NextFee ;
if ( sadmd . Type ! = null )
ftype = sadmd . Type . Value ;
var pmobj = pmList ! = null ? pmList . Find ( n = > n . GoodsId = = gmdlist [ i ] . GoodsId & & n . ShopId = = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopId ) : null ;
if ( pmobj ! = null )
pmStr = pmobj . Int3 . ToString ( ) + "/" + pmobj . Int2 . ToString ( ) ;
var upDayObj = upDayList ! = null ? upDayList . Find ( n = > n . GoodsId = = gmdlist [ i ] . GoodsId & & n . ShopId = = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopId ) : null ;
if ( upDayObj ! = null )
UpDay = upDayObj . FirstDay ;
var imObj = imList ! = null ? imList . Find ( n = > n . GoodsId = = gmdlist [ i ] . GoodsId & & n . ShopId = = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopId ) : null ;
if ( imObj ! = null )
impressinos = imObj . Impressions ;
var lastAdfeeObj = last2DayadFees ! = null ? last2DayadFees . Find ( n = > n . goodsid = = gmdlist [ i ] . GoodsId & & n . shopid = = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopId ) : null ;
if ( lastAdfeeObj ! = null )
last2dayAdFee = lastAdfeeObj . spend ;
var zxtDataList = imDaysList ! = null ? imDaysList . Where ( r = > r . ShopId = = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopId & & r . GoodsId = = gmdlist [ i ] . GoodsId ) . ToList ( ) : null ;
if ( zxtDataList ! = null )
zxtDatas = zxtDataList . OrderBy ( r = > r . RDate ) . Select ( r = > new ZXTDataModel { Name = r . RDate . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , Value = r . Impressions } ) . ToList ( ) ;
zxtDatas = nullImDaysList ;
switch ( i )
case 0 :
md . ShopName1 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl1 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee1 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR1 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee1 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType1 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee1 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank1 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay1 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions1 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee1 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData1 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 1 :
md . ShopName2 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl2 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee2 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR2 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee2 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType2 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee2 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank2 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay2 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions2 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee2 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData2 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 2 :
md . ShopName3 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl3 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee3 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR3 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee3 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType3 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee3 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank3 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay3 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions3 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee3 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData3 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 3 :
md . ShopName4 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl4 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee4 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR4 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee4 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType4 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee4 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank4 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay4 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions4 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee4 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData4 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 4 :
md . ShopName5 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl5 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee5 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR5 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee5 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType5 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee5 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank5 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay5 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions5 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee5 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData5 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 5 :
md . ShopName6 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl6 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee6 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR6 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee6 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType6 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee6 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank6 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay6 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions6 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee6 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData6 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 6 :
md . ShopName7 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl7 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee7 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR7 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee7 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType7 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee7 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank7 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay7 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions7 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee7 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData7 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 7 :
md . ShopName8 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl8 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee8 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR8 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee8 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType8 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee8 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank8 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay8 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions8 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee8 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData8 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 8 :
md . ShopName9 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl9 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee9 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR9 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee9 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType9 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee9 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank9 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay9 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions9 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee9 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData9 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
case 9 :
md . ShopName10 = gmdlist [ i ] . ShopName ; // + "[" + gmdlist[i].Name + "]";
md . ShopUrl10 = gmdlist [ i ] . url ;
md . PreDayFee10 = prefee ;
md . WeekLR10 = weeklr ;
md . NextFee10 = nextfee ;
md . NextFeeType10 = ftype ;
md . LastWeekFee10 = lastWeekFee ;
md . SmallAndBigRank10 = pmStr ;
md . UpFirstDay10 = UpDay ;
md . Impressions10 = impressinos ;
md . Last2DayAdfee10 = last2dayAdFee ;
md . BGLZXTData10 = zxtDatas ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( ginNumList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var gmd = ginNumList . Find ( r = > r . GoodsId = = md . id ) ;
if ( gmd ! = null )
md . GoodsInNum = gmd . GoodsInNum ;
md . BHNum3 = gmd . BHNum3 ;
md . JYCGNum = gmd . JYCGNum ;
if ( goodsSortList ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var goodMustShop = "" ;
var gsls = goodsSortList . Where ( r = > r . GoodsId = = md . id ) ;
if ( gsls ! = null & & gsls . Count ( ) > 0 )
foreach ( var gsl in gsls )
var link = goodsBuyLinkList . Where ( r = > r . GoodsId = = md . id & & r . LinkDesc . Trim ( ) . ToUpper ( ) = = gsl . ShopName . Trim ( ) . ToUpper ( ) ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
goodMustShop + = link = = null ? ( "<p style='margin:2px 0;white-space: nowrap;'><a style='color:red;margin-left:5px;'>" + gsl . ShopName + "</a></p>" ) : ( "<p style='margin:2px 0;white-space: nowrap;'><a style='color:green;margin-left:5px;' target='_blank' href='" + link . LinkUrl + "'>" + gsl . ShopName + "</a></p>" ) ;
md . GoodMustShop = goodMustShop ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource . Count > 0 )
resultModel . DataSource [ 0 ] . mids = mids ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsDetailLeftNum ( mids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in dlist )
var rmd = resultModel . DataSource . Find ( n = > n . id = = md . goodsid ) ;
if ( rmd ! = null )
rmd . LeftNumE = md . LeftNumE ;
rmd . LeftNumW = md . LeftNumW ;
rmd . StockAndOnloadNumE = md . StockAndOnloadNumE ;
rmd . StockAndOnloadNumW = md . StockAndOnloadNumW ;
if ( rmd . LeftNumE + rmd . LeftNumW < = 0 )
rmd . NoOutDaysColor = "black" ;
if ( ! rmd . NoOutDays . HasValue | | rmd . NoOutDays . Value > = 0 & & rmd . NoOutDays . Value < = 9 )
rmd . NoOutDaysColor = "black" ;
else if ( rmd . NoOutDays . Value > = 10 & & rmd . NoOutDays . Value < = 19 )
rmd . NoOutDaysColor = "yellowgreen" ;
else if ( rmd . NoOutDays . Value > = 20 & & rmd . NoOutDays . Value < = 30 )
rmd . NoOutDaysColor = "deeppink" ;
else if ( rmd . NoOutDays . Value > 30 )
rmd . NoOutDaysColor = "red" ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 平台店铺
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetZTShopList ( string ShopNames )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetShopList ( 1 , 2 ) ;
if ( ShopNames ! = null & & ShopNames ! = "" )
string [ ] sps = ShopNames . Trim ( ',' ) . Split ( ',' ) ;
if ( list ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sps . Length ; i + + )
var smd = list . Find ( n = > n . ShopName = = sps [ i ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( smd ! = null )
smd . IsCheck = true ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 平台店铺
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < TJ_UserGoodsScore > > GetUserGoodsScore ( int platid , int UserId , int SNum , int ENum , DateTime ? sdate , DateTime ? edate , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
List < TJ_UserGoodsScore > list = null ;
if ( platid = = 2 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 3 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore3 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 6 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore6 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 15 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore15 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 18 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore18 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 21 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore21 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
JsonModel < List < TJ_UserGoodsScore > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < TJ_UserGoodsScore > > ( ) ;
if ( list ! = null )
resultModel . DataSource = list . Take ( PageSize ) . Skip ( PageSize * ( PageIndex - 1 ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = list . Count ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 导出积分
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetUserGoodsScoreExcel ( int platid , int UserId , int SNum , int ENum , DateTime ? sdate , DateTime ? edate )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
List < TJ_UserGoodsScore > list = null ;
if ( platid = = 2 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 3 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore3 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 6 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore6 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 15 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore15 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 18 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore18 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 21 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore21 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
if ( list = = null )
return "" ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "货号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Name" , "人员" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GroupName" , "组长" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonzjeweek1" , "7Days销售额$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonzjeweek2" , "14Days销售额$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonzjeweek3" , "21Days销售额$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonzje" , "Month销售额$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmlweek1" , "7Days利润$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmlweek2" , "14Days利润$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmlweek3" , "21Days利润$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonml" , "Month利润$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmllweek1" , "7Days利润率" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmllweek2" , "14Days利润率" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmllweek3" , "21Days利润率" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonmll" , "Month利润率" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "amzonjf" , "计分" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( list , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 导出积分
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetUserGoodsScoreExcel2 ( int platid , int UserId , int SNum , int ENum , DateTime ? sdate , DateTime ? edate )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
List < TJ_UserGoodsScore > list = null ;
if ( platid = = 2 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 3 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore3 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 6 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore6 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 15 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore15 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 18 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore18 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
else if ( platid = = 21 )
list = DataNew . GetUserGoodsScore21 ( UserId , sdate , edate , SNum , ENum ) ;
if ( list = = null | | list . Count = = 0 )
return "" ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Name" , "人员" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Num" , "产品个数" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TGRate" , "通过率%" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Num1" , "小于500$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Num2" , "500-1000$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Num3" , "1000-10000$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Num4" , "10000-100000$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Num5" , "大于100000$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "HJ" , "计分" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( list [ 0 ] . Data2 , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string Save_GoodsLeaveWord ( HW_GoodsLeaveWord Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
Model . indate = DateTime . Now ;
Model . inname = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
Model . isread = 0 ;
Model . leaveword2 = Model . inname + "[" + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "MM-dd" ) + "]:" + Model . leaveword ;
DataNew . Save_GoodsLeaveWord ( Model ) ;
return Model . leaveword2 ;
# endregion
#region 多条件普通查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsLeaveWord > GetListGoodsLeaveWord ( int goodsid , int leavetype , int platid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var ListModel = DataNew . GetListGoodsLeaveWord ( goodsid , leavetype , platid ) ;
return ListModel ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int UpdateIsExamine ( int goodsId , int isExamine )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . UpdateIsExamine ( goodsId , isExamine ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 取消智能库存页面有计划未确认的采购数据
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public ApiResponseModel CancelCGPlanByDetailids ( string detailids )
PagesNew . Login ( base . Session ) ;
var robj = new ApiResponseModel ( ) ;
detailids = detailids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
int count = DataNew . GetCancelCGPlanNoQueRen ( detailids ) ;
if ( count > 0 )
robj . Code = 0 ;
robj . Message = "取消失败:只能取消状态是有计划未确认的数据" ;
return robj ;
DataNew . CancelCGPlan ( detailids , DateTime . Now . Year ) ;
robj . Code = 1 ;
robj . Message = "Success" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
robj . Code = 0 ;
robj . Message = "取消失败:" + ex . Message ;
return robj ;
# endregion
#region 显示隐藏货物信息--商品信息页面的数据
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public ApiResponseModel XSYCGoodsInfoData ( int goodsId , int isyc )
PagesNew . Login ( base . Session ) ;
var robj = new ApiResponseModel ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateGoodsInfoXSYC ( goodsId , isyc ) ;
robj . Code = 1 ;
robj . Message = "Success" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
robj . Code = 0 ;
robj . Message = "取消失败:" + ex . Message ;
return robj ;
# endregion
#region 保存产品补贴价格
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel SaveGoodsBTPrice ( decimal? btPrice , int goodsid )
PagesNew . Login ( base . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
DataNew . SaveGoodsBTPrice ( goodsid , btPrice ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "成功" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = "失败:" + ex . Message ;
return rmodel ;
# endregion
#region 刷新2024-04-01到2024-07-31的此产品订单补贴费用
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel UpdateOrderBTPrice ( int goodsid , int platid )
PagesNew . Login ( base . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
DataNew . UpdateOrderBTPrice ( goodsid , platid ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "成功" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = "失败:" + ex . Message ;
return rmodel ;
# endregion
#region TEMU店铺商品价格
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < TemuShopGoodPrice > > GetTemuShopGoodPriceDatas ( int shopid , string search , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rdata = new JsonModel < List < TemuShopGoodPrice > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
var datas = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodPriceList ( shopid , search , PageIndex , PageSize , out rowCount ) ;
rdata . DataSource = datas ;
rdata . RowCount = rowCount ;
return rdata ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel SaveTemuShopGoodPrice ( TemuShopGoodPrice md )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var userid = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
var data = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodPrice ( md . Shopid , md . SKU , md . SPUID ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = "已存在相同的店铺商品数据" ;
return rmodel ;
md . CreateUserId = userid ;
DataNew . SaveTemuShopGoodPrice ( md ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "" ;
return rmodel ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel ImportTemuShopGoodPrices ( string filePath )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var userid = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + filePath ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "店铺名" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 店铺名 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SKU" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 SKU 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "SPUID" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 SPU 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "价格" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 价格 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = error ;
var goods = new List < TemuShopGoodPrice > ( ) ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
var shopName = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "店铺名" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( shopName ) )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行店铺名不能为空;" ) ;
continue ;
var shop = DataNew . GetShopByShopName ( shopName ) ;
if ( shop = = null )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行店铺名:" + shopName + "不存在;" ) ;
continue ;
var sku = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SKU" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( sku ) )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行SKU不能为空; " ) ;
continue ;
var spuid = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "SPUID" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( spuid ) )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行SPUID不能为空; " ) ;
continue ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "价格" ] . ToString ( ) ) )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行价格不能为空;" ) ;
continue ;
var data = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodPrice ( shop . ShopId . Value , sku , spuid ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "行已存在相同数据;" ) ;
continue ;
var md = new TemuShopGoodPrice ( )
Shopid = shop . ShopId . Value ,
SPUID = spuid ,
SKU = sku ,
SalePrice = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "价格" ] ) ,
CreateUserId = userid ,
} ;
goods . Add ( md ) ;
if ( sb . Length > 0 )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = sb . ToString ( ) ;
return rmodel ;
foreach ( var md in goods )
DataNew . SaveTemuShopGoodPrice ( md ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "" ;
return rmodel ;
catch ( Exception ex )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = ex . Message ;
return rmodel ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel DeleteTemuShopGoodPrice ( int id )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
DataNew . DeleteTemuShopGoodPrice ( id ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "" ;
return rmodel ;
# endregion
#region TEMU商品价格审核
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < TemuShopGoodPriceCheck > > GetTemuShopGoodPriceCheckDatas ( int shopid , string search , int? state , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rdata = new JsonModel < List < TemuShopGoodPriceCheck > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
var datas = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodPriceChecks ( shopid , search , state , PageIndex , PageSize , out rowCount ) ;
if ( datas ! = null )
decimal usdrate = 6.5 M ; //美金汇率
List < JC_Money > list2 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
if ( list2 ! = null )
var fmd = list2 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = 2 & & n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( fmd ! = null )
usdrate = fmd . MRate . Value ;
foreach ( var md in datas )
// var yfmd = DataNew.GetModelPostFee(md.GoodsId);
decimal? jsygyf = 0 ; //预估运费
if ( md . PostPrice ! = null )
jsygyf = md . PostPrice ;
if ( jsygyf > 0 )
// if (yfmd.Fee1 != null)
// {
// jsygyf = yfmd.Fee1;
// }
// if (yfmd.Fee3 != null)
// {
// if (yfmd.Fee3 > 0 && yfmd.Fee3 < jsygyf)
// jsygyf = yfmd.Fee3;
// }
// if (yfmd.Fee5 != null)
// {
// if (yfmd.Fee5 > 0 && yfmd.Fee5 < jsygyf)
// jsygyf = yfmd.Fee5;
// }
// if (yfmd.Fee7 != null)
// {
// if (yfmd.Fee7 > 0 && yfmd.Fee7 < jsygyf)
// jsygyf = yfmd.Fee7;
// }
decimal? cb = null ;
if ( md . InPrice ! = null )
cb = Math . Round ( md . InPrice . Value / usdrate , 2 ) ;
if ( md . FeeRate ! = null )
cb + = Math . Round ( md . InPrice . Value * md . FeeRate . Value * 0.01 M / usdrate , 2 ) ;
if ( md . Solid ! = null )
cb + = md . Solid . Value * 130 M ;
if ( jsygyf > 0 & & cb > 0 ) //运费或者成本没有不计算
cb + = jsygyf ;
cb = Math . Round ( ( cb . Value / 0.8 M ) * 1.1 M , 2 ) ; //先除以0.8再乘以1.1 固定加成
md . CBPrice = cb ;
rdata . DataSource = datas ;
rdata . RowCount = rowCount ;
return rdata ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel SaveTemuShopGoodPriceCheck ( TemuShopGoodPriceCheck md )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var userid = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
var data = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodPriceCheck ( md . TemuShopGoodPriceId . Value ) ;
if ( data ! = null & & data . State = = 0 )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = "已存在相同的店铺商品数据正在审核中" ;
return rmodel ;
md . CreateUserId = userid ;
md . State = 0 ;
DataNew . SaveTemuShopGoodPriceCheck ( md ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "" ;
return rmodel ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel DeleteTemuShopGoodPriceCheck ( int id )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
var data = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodPriceCheckById ( id ) ;
if ( data ! = null & & data . State ! = 0 )
rmodel . Code = 0 ;
rmodel . Message = "审批已结束,不能删除" ;
return rmodel ;
DataNew . DeleteTemuShopGoodPrice ( id ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "" ;
return rmodel ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < TemuShopGoodPrice > GetTemuShopGoodsByShop ( int shopid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var datas = DataNew . GetTemuShopGoodsByShop ( shopid ) ;
return datas ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public APIReturnModel CheckTemuShopGoodsPrice ( string ids , int state )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rmodel = new APIReturnModel ( ) ;
var userid = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
ids = ids . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
var _ids = ids . Split ( ',' ) . ToList ( ) ;
foreach ( var id in _ids )
DataNew . CheckTemuShopGoodPrice ( Convert . ToInt32 ( id ) , userid , state ) ;
rmodel . Code = 1 ;
rmodel . Message = "" ;
return rmodel ;
# endregion
#region 获取TEMU待审核价格的数量
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int GetTemuShopGoodCheckingQty ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var rdata = new JsonModel < int > ( ) ;
var qty = DataNew . GetTemuGoodPriceCheckingQty ( ) ;
return qty ;
catch ( Exception ex )
return 0 ;
# endregion
#region 导入运费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelSaveDT_FeeForYF ( int IsFG , string FileName , int PostId )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "Excel导入订单运费修改开始" , "文件名称:" + FileName , "" ) ;
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( FileName ) = = true ) return "要导入的文件路径不能为空" ;
string ServerFileName = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory + FileName ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( ServerFileName ) = = false ) return "要导入的文件路径不存在" ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
DataTable tb = excel . ImportExcel ( ServerFileName ) ;
string error = "" ;
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "订单号" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 订单号 列不存在" ; }
if ( tb . Columns . Contains ( "运费" ) = = false ) { error = error + "导入模板的 运费 列不存在" ; }
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( error ) = = false ) return error + ";请重新下载模板导入" ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Count = 0 ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb . Rows . Count ; i + + )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "Excel导入订单运费修改读取第" + ( i + 1 ) + "行" , "文件名称:" + FileName , error ) ;
string orderCode = tb . Rows [ i ] [ "订单号" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( orderCode ) )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) + "行订单号为空;" ) ;
continue ;
decimal PostFee = 0 ;
PostFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( tb . Rows [ i ] [ "运费" ] . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
sb . Append ( "第" + ( i + 1 ) + "行运费格式不正确;" ) ;
continue ;
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "Excel导入订单运费修改读取第" + ( i + 1 ) + "行" , "订单号:" + orderCode , "运费:" + PostFee ) ;
var a = DataNew . UpdateDT_FeeYFByOrderCode ( orderCode , PostFee ) ;
if ( a > 0 )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "Excel导入订单运费修改读取第" + ( i + 1 ) + "行" , "更新成功" , "" ) ;
Count + + ;
error = "导入成功" + Count . ToString ( ) + "条;" ;
error + = sb . ToString ( ) ;
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "Excel导入订单运费修改结束" , "文件名称:" + FileName , error ) ;
return error ;
catch ( Exception e )
return "文件导入失败!请确定模板格式是否正确,或者重新下载模板,填写数据,重新导入!!!" + e . Message ;
return "导入成功" ;
# endregion