using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Web ;
using System.Web.Services ;
using TradeManageNew ;
using NetLibrary.Data ;
using System.Data ;
using TradeData ;
using System.Text ;
using NetLibrary.ReportPrint ;
using NetLibrary ;
using TradeModel ;
using NetLibrary.Log ;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
namespace TradeManage
/// <summary>
/// SysManageServiceNew 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。
public class SysManageServiceNew : System . Web . Services . WebService
public string HelloWorld ( )
return "Hello World" ;
#region 保存店铺数据
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int SaveShopData2 ( JC_ShopDataNew Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
if ( Model . Id = = null | | Model . Id . Value = = 0 )
Model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
Model . InName = Session [ "Name" ] . ToString ( ) ;
Model . InUserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int Id = DataNew . SaveShopData ( Model ) ;
return Id ;
# endregion
#region 查询店铺数据
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < JC_ShopDataNew > > GetListJC_ShopData2 ( int ShopId , string ShopIds , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
RefParameterCollection Param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
Param . Add ( "a.ShopId" , "=" , ShopId , DbType . Int32 ) ;
else if ( ShopIds ! = "" )
Param . Add ( "a.ShopId" , "in" , ShopIds . Trim ( ',' ) , DbType . String ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
Param . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
JsonModel < List < JC_ShopDataNew > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < JC_ShopDataNew > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
string Sort = "Id desc" ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListJC_ShopData2 ( Param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 报表182
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable182 ( DateTime ? InDate , DateTime ? EDate , int DeptId , int ShopId , int PlatId , string MoneyCode , string Sort )
string dd = "" ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
EDate = EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj1 = "" ;
if ( DeptId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
if ( MoneyCode ! = "0" )
tj + = " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' " ;
decimal hj = DataNew . GetListTotalPrice2 ( InDate . Value , EDate . Value ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value - InDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days ;
decimal thj = 100000 * 12 * days / 365 ; //每月10w 每天平摊仓储费
decimal fje = 0 ;
if ( hj > 0 )
fje = thj * 1.00 M / hj ;
string sql = @ "
select a . ShopId , a . ShopName , OrderNum = isnull ( c . OrderNum , 0 ) , USDMoney = isnull ( c . USDMoney , 0 ) , RMBMoney = isnull ( c . RMBMoney , 0 ) , AvgPrice = case when c . OrderNum is null or c . USDMoney is null or c . OrderNum = 0 then 0 else c . USDMoney / c . OrderNum end , InPrice = d . InPrice , InPrice = d . InPrice , BZ = case when d . InPrice > 0 then RMBMoney / d . InPrice else 0 end , LR = 0 , MLL = ' ' , ShopCDGoods = 0 , ShopTJGoods = 0 , ckfee = 0.00 , mdfee = isnull ( c . OrderNum , 0 ) * 0.6 , ftckfee = isnull ( c . USDMoney , 0 ) * " + fje + @" , LR2 = 0 , MLL2 = ' ' , b . Rate3 from JC_Shop a
inner join ( select b . ShopId , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , USDMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) , RMBMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join JC_Shop b with ( nolock ) on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
where a . State > 0 " + tj + " and a . State < 3 and a . OrderDate > = ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ")+" ' and a . OrderDate < ' " + EDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ")+@" ' group by b . ShopId ) c on a . ShopId = c . ShopId
left join ( select ShopId , Rate3 = sum ( isnull ( Rate3 , 0 ) ) from JC_ShopData with ( nolock ) where InDate > = ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + " ' and InDate < ' " + EDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" '
group by ShopId ) b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
inner join ( select a . ShopId , InPrice = sum ( isnull ( d . InPrice , 0 ) * b . GoodsNum ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderGoods b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d with ( nolock ) on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 and a . OrderDate > = ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + " ' and a . OrderDate < ' " + EDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' group by a . ShopId ) d on a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where a . CompanyId = 1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
string sql2 = @ "
select a . * , Num2 = isnull ( b . Num2 , 0 ) from (
select b . ShopId , Num = COUNT ( 0 ) from HW_GoodsInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_Shop b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
group by b . ShopId ) a
left join (
select a . ShopId , Num2 = COUNT ( distinct c . GoodsId ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderGoods b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 and a . OrderDate > = ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + " ' and a . OrderDate < ' " + EDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' group by a . ShopId ) b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId ";
DataTable dt2 = obj . GetReportData ( sql2 ) ;
var dlist = DataNew . GetListGoodsDays ( InDate . Value ) ;
DD_OrderData data = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
decimal f1 = 0 ;
decimal f2 = 0 ;
decimal f3 = 0 ;
decimal f4 = 0 ;
decimal f5 = 0 ;
decimal f6 = 0 ;
// int ds = 0;
// decimal f9 = 0;
decimal cyxs = 0 ;
decimal cyyj = 0 ;
decimal hwcb = 0 ;
decimal hwtc = 0 ;
decimal hwyf = 0 ;
decimal hwyf1 = 0 ;
decimal hwyf2 = 0 ;
int yf1 = 0 ;
int yf2 = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dt . Rows . Count ; i + + )
decimal ckfee = 0 ; //存储费
decimal mdfee = 0 ; //面单费
decimal MRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > list7 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
var olist = DataNew . GetListShopList2 ( Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopId" ] ) , InDate ) ;
string ids = "" ;
if ( olist ! = null )
foreach ( var order in olist )
ids + = order . OrderId . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( ids ! = "" )
// List<DT_OrderGoods> orderGoodsListPP = DataNew.GetOrderGoodsListPP(ids.Trim(','));
List < DT_OrderGoods > orderGoodsList = DataNew . GetOrderGoodsList ( ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( orderGoodsList ! = null )
//ds += orderGoodsList.Count;
//foreach (var md in orderGoodsList)
// f9 += md.GoodsPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
foreach ( var md in olist )
List < DT_OrderGoods > gmd = null ;
if ( gmd = = null )
gmd = orderGoodsList . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
md . GoodsList = gmd ;
decimal lr = 0 ;
decimal lr2 = 0 ;
string AddrType = "" ;
decimal tweight = 0 ;
if ( olist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in olist )
//if (md.PlatOrderCode == "2793358899439")
// string cc = "";
JC_Money money = list7 . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" & & n . PlatId = = md . PlatId ) ;
if ( money ! = null )
MRate = money . MRate . Value ;
money = list7 . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
MRate = money . MRate . Value ;
decimal TotalPrice = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
decimal yj = 0 M ;
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
int PlatType = md . PlatId . Value ;
if ( PlatType = = 1 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
else if ( PlatType = = 4 )
yj = 0 ;
else if ( PlatType = = 5 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
f1 + = TotalPrice ;
f2 + = yj ;
decimal GoodsPrice = 0 M ;
decimal TCFee = 0 M ;
decimal TCFee2 = 0 M ;
decimal SolidFee = 0 M ;
decimal GoodsPrice2 = 0 M ;
decimal ckfee2 = 0 M ;
tweight = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsList ! = null )
if ( md . GoodsList . Count > 0 )
AddrType = md . GoodsList [ 0 ] . JoinOrderCode ;
if ( md . GoodsList ! = null )
foreach ( DT_OrderGoods goods in md . GoodsList )
if ( dlist ! = null )
var dmd = dlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId & & n . DetailId = = goods . DetailId ) ;
if ( dmd ! = null & & dmd . days > 0 )
ckfee2 + = dmd . days . Value * 1.00 M * goods . Solid2 . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value * 0.3 M ;
ckfee + = dmd . days . Value * 1.00 M * goods . Solid2 . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value * 0.3 M ;
//if (goods.GoodsFee.HasValue && (goods.GoodsFee.Value > 0M))
// GoodsPrice += goods.GoodsFee.Value;
if ( goods . Weight ! = null )
tweight + = goods . Weight . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( goods . GoodsPrice . HasValue )
GoodsPrice2 + = goods . GoodsPrice . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
//f9 += goods.GoodsPrice.Value * goods.GoodsNum.Value;
// ds++;
if ( goods . TCFee ! = null & & goods . TCFee > 0 & & goods . GoodsPrice ! = null ) //税费
GoodsPrice2 + = goods . GoodsPrice . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value * goods . TCFee . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.01 ) ;
//if (goods.Solid != null && goods.Solid > 0)//匹配的头程费
// TCFee2 += goods.Solid.Value * goods.GoodsNum.Value;
if ( goods . Solid2 . HasValue )
SolidFee + = goods . Solid2 . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( GoodsPrice2 > 0 M )
GoodsPrice = GoodsPrice2 / MRate ;
f4 + = GoodsPrice ;
decimal escrowFee = 0 M ;
if ( ( TCFee = = 0 M ) & & ( SolidFee > 0 M ) )
TCFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( 65 ) * SolidFee ;
// TCFee += TCFee2;
f5 + = TCFee ; // +TCFee2;
if ( md . escrowFee . HasValue )
escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value ;
decimal num10 = 0 M ;
if ( md . PostFee . HasValue )
num10 = md . PostFee . Value ;
// decimal num11 = 0M;
// decimal num12 = 0M;
// decimal num13 = 0M;
//if (md.Post == 222 || md.Post == 226 || md.Post == 227)
// num13 = num10 * Convert.ToDecimal((double)0.1);
decimal feestore11 = 0 M ; //e仓运费
decimal feestore6 = 0 M ; //w仓运费
decimal feestore = 0 M ;
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( feestore11 = = 0 & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < feestore11 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( feestore11 = = 0 & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < feestore11 )
feestore11 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee13 )
feestore11 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee11 > md . Fee13 )
feestore11 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee12 )
feestore11 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee11 > md . Fee12 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( feestore11 > 0 )
hwyf1 + = feestore11 ;
yf1 + + ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, num14);
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( feestore6 = = 0 & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < feestore6 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( feestore6 = = 0 & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < feestore6 )
feestore6 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee8 )
feestore6 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee6 > md . Fee8 )
feestore6 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee7 )
feestore6 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee6 > md . Fee7 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( feestore6 > 0 )
hwyf2 + = feestore6 ;
yf2 + + ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, num14);
feestore = feestore11 ;
if ( feestore11 = = 0 )
feestore = feestore6 ;
if ( feestore6 > 0 & & feestore6 < feestore11 )
feestore = feestore6 ;
f6 + = feestore ;
md . PostFee = new decimal? ( num10 ) ;
md . BoxFee = new decimal? ( feestore ) ; //运费
//decimal num15 = 0M;
decimal num16 = 0 M ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, TCFee);
num16 = TotalPrice - yj - GoodsPrice - escrowFee - feestore - TCFee - ckfee2 - 0.6 M ;
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("Fee18", md.PlatOrderCode, "TotalPrice:" + TotalPrice + "|yj:" + yj + "|GoodsPrice:" + GoodsPrice + "|feestore:" + feestore + "|escrowFee:" + escrowFee + "|TCFee:" + TCFee + "|lr:" + num16);
decimal lrje2 = TotalPrice - yj - GoodsPrice - escrowFee - feestore - TCFee - TotalPrice * fje - 0.6 M ;
if ( feestore > 0 & & GoodsPrice > 0 )
//cyxs += TotalPrice;
//cyyj += yj;
//hwcb += GoodsPrice;
//hwtc += TCFee;
//hwyf += num14;
lr + = num16 ;
lr2 + = lrje2 ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ckfee" ] = Convert . ToDecimal ( ckfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ;
decimal ptckfee2 = 0 ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ftckfee" ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" )
ptckfee2 = Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ftckfee" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ftckfee" ] = Convert . ToDecimal ( ptckfee2 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ;
decimal ggfee = 0 ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "Rate3" ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" )
ggfee = Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "Rate3" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
lr = lr - ggfee ;
lr2 = lr2 - ggfee ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "LR" ] = lr ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "LR2" ] = lr2 ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] ) > 0 )
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "MLL" ] = ( lr * 100 / Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] ) > 0 )
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "MLL2" ] = ( lr2 * 100 / Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
if ( dt2 ! = null )
var row = dt2 . Select ( "shopId=" + Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopId" ] ) ) ;
if ( row ! = null & & row . Length > 0 )
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopCDGoods" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( row [ 0 ] [ "Num2" ] ) ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopTJGoods" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( row [ 0 ] [ "Num" ] ) ;
//decimal f0 = f1 - f2 - f4 - f5 - f6;
//decimal zlr = cyxs - cyyj - hwcb - hwtc - hwyf - hwyf1 - hwyf2-yf1-yf2;
return GetReport3 ( dt , 46 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
string a = dd ;
return "" ;
# endregion
#region 报表401
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable401 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int UserId , string GoodsCode )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj2 = "" ;
EDate = EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
// tj2 += " b.LastOrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
// tj2 += " and b.LastOrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if ( UserId > 0 )
tj2 + = " where a.UserId=" + UserId + " " ;
string tj3 = "" ;
string tj4 = "" ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj3 + = " OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
tj4 + = " addate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj3 + = " and OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
tj4 + = " and addate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
//decimal hj = DataNew.GetListTotalPrice2(SDate.Value, EDate.Value);
//TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
//int days = ts.Days;
//decimal thj = 100000 * 12 * days / 365;//每月10w 每天平摊仓储费
//decimal fje = 0;
//if (hj > 0)
// fje = thj * 1.00M / hj;
//if (GoodsCode != "")
// tj2 += " and e.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
string sql = @ "
declare @MRate decimal ( 18 , 4 )
select top 1 @MRate = MRate from JC_Money where MCode = ' USD ' and PlatId = 2
- - 参 与 计 算 得 订 单
select * , zje = dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , MoneyCode , 1 ) , yj = dbo . getYJRate2 ( PlatId , dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , MoneyCode , 2 ) ) into # DT_OrderInfoUser from DT_OrderInfo with ( nolock ) where CompanyId = 1 and State > 0 and State < 3 " + tj + @" and dbo . [ GetOrderPostFee ] ( OrderId ) > 0
- - 退 款 费 用
select DR_BackFee , orderid into # BackFee_ls from DT_OrderInfo where " + tj3 + @"
- - 退 货 运 费
select DR_PostFee , orderid into # PostFee_ls from DT_OrderInfo where " + tj3 + @"
- - 退 货 申 诉 赔 款
select DR_SSFee , orderid into # SSFee_ls from DT_OrderInfo where " + tj3 + @"
- - 广 告 费
select shopid , goodsid , addfee = SUM ( dec3 ) into # ADFee_ls from DT_AdFee where " + tj4 + @" group by shopid , goodsid
- - select * from # ADFee_ls where addfee > 10000
- - 仓 储 费
/ * select e . OrderId , ckfee = isnull ( sum ( ( DATEDIFF ( day , a . InDate , a . UpDateTime ) + 1 ) * 0.5 * d . GoodsNum * ISNULL ( c . Solid , 0 ) ) , 0 ) into # CKFee_ls from HW_GoodsInDetail a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b with ( nolock ) on a . DetailId = b . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c with ( nolock ) on b . GoodsId = c . GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d with ( nolock ) on a . OrderGoodsId = d . Id
inner join # DT_OrderInfoUser e on d . OrderId = e . OrderId
where a . UpDateTime is not null group by e . OrderId * /
update # DT_OrderInfoUser set GoodsNum = 1 where ISNULL ( GoodsNum , 0 ) = 0
select a . ShopId , PlatId = case when a . PlatId = 2 then 2 else 1 end , c . GoodsId , zje = SUM ( a . zje * b . GoodsNum / a . GoodsNum ) , yj = SUM ( a . yj * b . GoodsNum / a . GoodsNum ) , OrderNum = COUNT ( distinct a . PlatOrderCode ) , Num = sum ( b . GoodsNum ) , OutGoods = count ( distinct d . GoodsId ) , cb = sum ( b . GoodsNum * isnull ( d . InPrice , 0 ) ) / 6.6 , tc = sum ( 170 * isnull ( d . Solid , 0 ) * isnull ( b . GoodsNum , 0 ) ) , md = sum ( b . GoodsNum ) * 0.6 , yf = SUM ( L . yf ) , sf = sum ( b . GoodsNum * isnull ( d . InPrice , 0 ) * isnull ( d . FeeRate , 0 ) * 0.01 ) / 6.6 , ck = isnull ( sum ( L . ck ) , 0 ) , tkf = isnull ( sum ( e . DR_BackFee ) , 0 ) , thyf = isnull ( sum ( f . DR_PostFee ) , 0 ) , ssf = isnull ( sum ( g . DR_SSFee ) , 0 ) into # DT_Fee_LS from # DT_OrderInfoUser a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderGoods b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d with ( nolock ) on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
left join [ DT_Fees ] L on a . OrderId = L . OrderId
left join # BackFee_ls e on a . OrderId = e . OrderId
left join # PostFee_ls f on a . OrderId = f . OrderId
left join # SSFee_ls g on a . OrderId = g . OrderId
group by a . PlatId , a . ShopId , c . GoodsId
- - drop table # DT_Fee_LS
select a . * , ggf = isnull ( b . addfee , 0 ) , ml = zje - yj - cb - tc - md - yf - sf - ck - tkf - thyf - isnull ( b . addfee , 0 ) + ssf , ml2 = zje - yj - cb - tc - yf - sf - tkf - thyf - isnull ( b . addfee , 0 ) + ssf into # DT_Fee_LS2 from # DT_Fee_LS a
left join # ADFee_ls b on a . GoodsId = b . goodsid and a . ShopId = b . shopid
select b . UserId , ml = SUM ( c . ml2 ) * @MRate into # DT_Fee_LS3 from HW_GoodsUser a with ( nolock )
inner join JC_UserInfo b on a . UserId = b . UserId
inner join # DT_Fee_LS2 c on a . GoodsId = c . GoodsId and a . ShopId = c . ShopId
where b . State = 1
group by b . UserId
- - select SUM ( zje ) , sum ( cb ) , SUM ( tc ) , SUM ( yf ) from # DT_Fee_LS2
select a . * , GoodsNum = d . Num , NoGoods = d . Num - OutGoods , Rate = OutGoods * 1.00 / d . Num , ymxml = isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) , rylx = case when kh = 0 then ' 新 人 不 考 核 ' else ' 正 常 考 核 ' end , ymxkh = kh , ymxjj = case when kh = 0 then 0 when kh > = 80000 and isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) > = kh then floor ( ( isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) - kh ) / 10000 ) * 300 when kh > = 80000 and isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) < kh then floor ( ( kh - isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) ) / 10000 ) * - 300 when kh < 80000 and isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) > = kh then floor ( ( isnull ( e . ml , 0 ) - kh ) / 10000 ) * 300 else 0 end from (
select b . UserId , b . UserName , b . Name , Num = SUM ( Num ) , OutGoods = SUM ( OutGoods ) , OrderNum = SUM ( OrderNum ) , zje = SUM ( c . zje ) , yj = SUM ( c . yj ) , cb = SUM ( c . cb ) , tc = SUM ( c . tc ) , md = SUM ( c . md ) , yf = SUM ( c . yf ) , sf = SUM ( c . sf ) , ck = SUM ( c . ck ) , tkf = SUM ( c . tkf ) , thyf = SUM ( c . thyf ) , ggf = SUM ( c . ggf ) , ssf = SUM ( c . ssf ) , ml = SUM ( c . ml ) , mll = SUM ( c . ml ) / SUM ( c . zje ) , kh = MAX ( isnull ( AnnualDay , 0 ) ) from HW_GoodsUser a with ( nolock )
inner join JC_UserInfo b on a . UserId = b . UserId
inner join # DT_Fee_LS2 c on a . GoodsId = c . GoodsId and a . ShopId = c . ShopId
where b . State = 1
group by b . UserId , b . UserName , b . Name ) a
inner join ( select UserId , Num = COUNT ( distinct GoodsId ) from HW_GoodsUser with ( nolock )
group by UserId ) d on a . UserId = d . UserId
left join # DT_Fee_LS3 e on a . UserId = e . UserId
" + tj2 + @"
- - select * from HW_GoodsUser
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport2 ( dt , 50 ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表403
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable403 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int UserId , string GoodsCode , decimal? moneyrate )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj2 = "" ;
string tj3 = "" ;
EDate = EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
tj3 + = " and d.OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
tj3 + = " and d.OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
tj2 + = " where a.UserId=" + UserId + " " ;
//decimal hj = DataNew.GetListTotalPrice2(SDate.Value, EDate.Value);
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value - SDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days ;
//decimal thj = 100000 * 12 * days / 365;//每月10w 每天平摊仓储费
//decimal fje = 0;
//if (hj > 0)
// fje = thj * 1.00M / hj;
if ( moneyrate = = null )
moneyrate = 6.8 M ;
//if (GoodsCode != "")
// tj2 += " and e.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
string sql = @ "
declare @MRate decimal ( 18 , 4 )
select top 1 @MRate = " + moneyrate + @"
- - MRate from JC_Money where MCode = ' USD ' and PlatId = 2
- - sjyf 实 际 运 费 thf 退 货 费 thyf 退 货 运 费 wlssf 物 流 申 诉 费 qtfy 其 他 费 用 ggf 广 告 费
- - yj 佣 金 , escrowFee 税 费 , yf 预 估 运 费 , b . cb 成 本 人 民 币 , b . sjcb 匹 配 成 本 人 民 币 , b . hwsf 货 物 税 费 人 民 币 , b . sjhwsf 匹 配 税 费 人 民 币 , b . ck 仓 储 费 , b . md 面 单 费 tc 头 程 费
select a . OrderId , a . ShopId , a . PlatId , a . PlatOrderCode , a . OrderCode , a . OrderDate , a . InDate , a . TotalPrice , escrowFee = isnull ( a . escrowFee , 0 ) , a . MoneyCode , a . GoodsNum , thf = DR_BackFee , thyf = DR_PostFee , wlssf = DR_SSFee , qtfy = Other_Fee , ggf = Ad_Fee , b . yj , yf = case when c . PostFee > 0 then c . PostFee else isnull ( b . yf , 0 ) end , cb = case when b . sjcb > 0 then b . sjcb / isnull ( b . moneyrate , 1 ) else ISNULL ( b . cb , 0 ) / isnull ( b . moneyrate , 1 ) end , hwsf = case when b . sjhwsf > 0 then b . sjhwsf / isnull ( b . moneyrate , 1 ) else isnull ( b . hwsf , 0 ) / isnull ( b . moneyrate , 1 ) end , b . ck , b . md , tc = case when isnull ( b . sjtc , 0 ) > 0 then b . sjtc else b . tc end into # ls_fee from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo c with ( nolock ) on a . orderid = c . orderid
left join DT_Fees b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . orderid
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 " + tj + @"
select a . UserId , ordernum = COUNT ( distinct d . OrderId ) , codenum = COUNT ( distinct a . GoodsId ) , GoodsNum = sum ( c . GoodsNum ) into # ls_fee5 from HW_GoodsUser a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d with ( nolock ) on c . OrderId = d . OrderId and a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where d . State > 0 and d . State < 3 " + tj3 + @"
group by a . UserId
select a . UserId , a . ShopId , d . OrderId into # ls_fee2 from HW_GoodsUser a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d with ( nolock ) on c . OrderId = d . OrderId and a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where d . State > 0 and d . State < 3 " + tj3 + @"
group by a . UserId , a . ShopId , d . OrderId
select a . UserId , zje = SUM ( b . TotalPrice ) into # ls_fee3 from # ls_fee2 a
inner join # ls_fee b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
group by a . UserId
select a . UserId , zje , escrowFee , yj , yf , cb , hwsf , tc , ck , md , thf , thyf , ggf , qtfy , wlssf , ml = zje - escrowFee - yj - yf - cb - hwsf - tc - ck - md - thf - thyf - ggf - qtfy + wlssf , ymxml = zje - escrowFee - yj - yf - cb - hwsf - tc - thf - thyf - ggf - qtfy + wlssf , mll = case when zje > 0 then ( zje - escrowFee - yj - yf - cb - hwsf - tc - ck - md - thf - thyf - ggf - qtfy + wlssf ) * 100.00 / zje else 0 end into # ls_fee4 from (
select a . UserId , zje = SUM ( b . TotalPrice ) , escrowFee = SUM ( b . escrowFee ) , yj = SUM ( isnull ( yj , 0 ) ) , yf = SUM ( isnull ( yf , 0 ) ) , cb = SUM ( isnull ( cb , 0 ) ) , hwsf = SUM ( isnull ( hwsf , 0 ) ) , tc = SUM ( isnull ( tc , 0 ) ) , ck = SUM ( isnull ( ck , 0 ) ) , md = SUM ( isnull ( md , 0 ) ) , thf = SUM ( isnull ( thf , 0 ) ) , thyf = SUM ( isnull ( thyf , 0 ) ) , qtfy = SUM ( isnull ( qtfy , 0 ) ) , ggf = SUM ( isnull ( ggf , 0 ) ) , wlssf = SUM ( isnull ( wlssf , 0 ) ) from # ls_fee2 a
inner join # ls_fee b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
where b . yf > 0 and b . cb > 0
group by a . UserId ) a
select a . UserName , GoodsNum = a . Num , OutGoods = g . codenum , NoGoods = a . Num - g . codenum , Rate = g . codenum * 1.00 / a . Num , a . Name , sjzje = f . zje , OrderNum = g . ordernum , Num = g . GoodsNum , e . * , rylx = case when kh = 0 then ' 新 人 不 考 核 ' else ' 正 常 考 核 ' end , ymxkh = kh , ymxjj = isnull ( e . ymxml , 0 ) - kh from (
select a . UserId , a . UserName , a . Name , kh = 550 * " + days + @" , b . Num from JC_UserInfo a
inner join (
select UserId , Num = COUNT ( distinct GoodsId ) from HW_GoodsUser with ( nolock )
group by UserId ) b on a . UserId = b . UserId
where a . state = 1 ) a
inner join # ls_fee4 e on a . UserId = e . UserId
left join # ls_fee3 f on a . UserId = f . UserId
left join # ls_fee5 g on a . UserId = g . UserId
" + tj2 + @" ";
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport2 ( dt , 53 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "GetReportTable401" , "" , ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
# endregion
// #region 报表18
// [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
// public string GetReportTable18(DateTime? InDate, int DeptId, int ShopId, int PlatId, string MoneyCode, string Sort, bool isyc)
// {
// string dd = "";
// try
// {
// var obj = new BaseService();
// string tj = "";
// string tj1 = "";
// //if (DeptId > 0)
// //{
// // tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
// // tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
// //}
// if (PlatId > 0)
// {
// tj += " and a.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
// tj1 += " and a.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
// }
// if (ShopId > 0)
// {
// tj += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
// tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
// }
// //if (MoneyCode != "0")
// // tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
// // string sql = @"
// //declare @moneyrate decimal(18,4)
// //select @moneyrate=MRate from JC_Money where MCode='USD' and PlatId=2
// //select a.ShopId,a.TotalPrice,escrowFee=isnull(a.escrowFee,0),a.RMBPrice,c.yj,yf=c.yf,cb=c.cb,hwsf=c.hwsf,,,,a.Ad_Fee,a.DR_BackFee,a.DR_PostFee,a.DR_SSFee,a.Other_Fee,moneyrate=isnull(c.moneyrate,@moneyrate) into #ls from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
// //inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
// //left join DT_Fees c with(nolock) on a.OrderId=c.orderid
// //where DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 " + tj + @" and a.State>0 and a.State<3
// //select a.*,Num2=isnull(b.Num2,0) into #ls2 from (
// //select b.ShopId,Num=COUNT(0) from HW_GoodsInfo a with(nolock)
// //inner join HW_Shop b with(nolock) on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
// //group by b.ShopId)a
// //left join (
// //select a.ShopId,Num2=COUNT(distinct c.GoodsId) from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
// //inner join DT_OrderGoods b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
// //inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with(nolock) on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
// //where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by a.ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
// //select d.ShopName,Master=case when d.Master=d.buyer then d.Master when d.buyer is not null and d.buyer<>'' then d.Master+'-'+d.buyer else d.Master end,a.OrderNum,a.RMBMoney,a.USDMoney,AvgPrice=case when a.OrderNum>0 then cast(a.USDMoney/a.OrderNum as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.InPrice,LR=cast( as decimal(18,2)),MLL=case when b.TotalPrice>0 then cast(*100/b.TotalPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,ShopTJGoods=e.Num,ShopCDGoods=e.Num2,ckfee,a.mdfee,a.adfee,bz=case when a.InPrice>0 then CAST(a.RMBMoney/a.InPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,c.GoodRate,c.ODR,c.DSRService,c.DSRGoods,h.DSRPost,c.USDUseMoney,c.USDNoMoney,c.RMBUseMoney,c.RMBNoMoney,c.Rate1,c.Rate2,f.Rate3,c.Rate4,c.PropertyViolate,c.Rate5,g.Rate6,Rate7=isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),JL=cast( as decimal(18,2))+isnull(ckfee,0)+isnull(mdfee,0)-isnull(c.Rate3,0)-isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),FeeDate=isnull(c.FeeDate,d.FeeDate),TXFee=isnull(c.TXFee,d.TXFee) from
// //JC_Shop d left join (
// //select ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),RMBMoney=SUM(RMBPrice),escrowFee=sum(escrowFee),USDMoney=SUM(TotalPrice),InPrice=SUM(cb),ckfee=SUM(ck),mdfee=SUM(md),adfee=SUM(Ad_Fee) from #ls
// //group by ShopId)a on d.ShopId=a.ShopId
// //left join (select ShopId,TotalPrice=sum(TotalPrice),ml=sum(isnull(TotalPrice,0)-isnull(escrowFee,0)-isnull(yj,0)-isnull(yf,0)-((isnull(cb,0)+isnull(hwsf,0))/moneyrate)-isnull(tc,0)-isnull(ck,0)-isnull(md,0)-isnull(Ad_Fee,0)) from #ls where yf>0
// //group by ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
// //left join (
// //select GoodRate,ODR,DSRService,DSRGoods,DSRPost,USDUseMoney,USDNoMoney,RMBUseMoney, RMBNoMoney,Rate1,Rate2,Rate3,Rate4,PropertyViolate,Rate5,Rate6,Rate7,FeeDate,TXFee
// //TXFee,ShopId from JC_ShopData
// //where DATEDIFF(day,indate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 )c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
// //left Join #ls2 e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId
// // left join (select shopid,SUM(ABS(adfee)) Rate3 from AD_FeeList where DATEDIFF(day,addate,'" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')=0 group by shopid) f on d.ShopId=f.shopid "+
// // " left join ( select shopid,SUM(ABS(adfee)) Rate6 from AD_FeeList where CONVERT(varchar(7), addate, 120)='"+ InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "' group by shopid) g on d.ShopId=g.shopid "+
// // " left join(select shopName,case when a.Spend=0 or a.ad_sale_amount=0 then 0 else cast((Spend/ad_sale_amount)*100 as decimal(12,2)) end DSRPost from ( select sid,SUM(ISNULL(ABS(spend),0)) Spend, SUM(ISNULL(ad_sales_amount,0)) ad_sale_amount from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_ProductPerformance where summary_field='Asin' and RequestDate='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid) a left join [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_Amazon_Shop b on a.sid=b.sid) h on d.ShopName=h.shopName "
// // + " order by " + Sort;
// string sql = @"
//declare @moneyrate decimal(18,4)
//select @moneyrate=MRate from JC_Money where MCode='USD' and PlatId=2
//select a.ShopId,a.TotalPrice,escrowFee=isnull(a.escrowFee,0),a.RMBPrice,c.yj,yf=c.yf,cb=c.cb,hwsf=c.hwsf,,,,a.Ad_Fee,a.DR_BackFee,a.DR_PostFee,a.DR_SSFee,a.Other_Fee,moneyrate=isnull(c.moneyrate,@moneyrate),ISnull( c.SubsidyFee,0) SubsidyFee into #ls from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
//left join DT_Fees c with(nolock) on a.OrderId=c.orderid
//where DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 " + tj + @" and a.State>0 and a.State<3
//select a.*,Num2=isnull(b.Num2,0) into #ls2 from (
//select b.ShopId,Num=COUNT(0) from HW_GoodsInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join HW_Shop b with(nolock) on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//group by b.ShopId)a
//left join (
//select a.ShopId,Num2=COUNT(distinct c.GoodsId) from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join DT_OrderGoods b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
//inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with(nolock) on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
//where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by a.ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
//select * from (
//select d.ShopName,Master=case when d.Master=d.buyer then d.Master when d.buyer is not null and d.buyer<>'' then d.Master+'-'+d.buyer else d.Master end,a.OrderNum,a.RMBMoney,a.USDMoney,AvgPrice=case when a.OrderNum>0 then cast(a.USDMoney/a.OrderNum as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.InPrice,LR=cast( as decimal(18,2)),MLL=case when b.TotalPrice>0 then cast(*100/b.TotalPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,ShopTJGoods=e.Num,ShopCDGoods=e.Num2,ckfee,a.mdfee,a.adfee,bz=case when a.InPrice>0 then CAST(a.RMBMoney/a.InPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.yf,c.GoodRate,c.ODR,t3.CVR DSRService,t3.user_sessions DSRGoods,f.DSRPost,c.USDUseMoney, n1.originalTotalCurrencyAmount as USDNoMoney,c.RMBUseMoney,c.RMBNoMoney,t2.orderDefectRate Rate1,t2.validTrackingRate Rate2,Case when d.PlatType=2 then f.Rate3 else c.Rate3 end Rate3,t4.RefundRate as Rate4, ABS( ISNULL( t4.RefundAmount,0) ) as PropertyViolate,t2.cancelRate Rate5,Case when d.PlatType=2 then g.Rate6 else (select SUM(ISNULL(Rate3,0)) from JC_ShopData where ShopId=d.ShopId and DATEDIFF(MONTH,InDate,'2023-10-18')=0) end Rate6,Rate7=isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),JL=cast( as decimal(18,2))+isnull(ckfee,0)-isnull(c.Rate3,0)-isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),t1.financialEventGroupEndLocale as FeeDate,t1.originalTotalCurrencyAmount as TXFee from
//JC_Shop d left join (
//select ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),RMBMoney=SUM(RMBPrice),escrowFee=sum(escrowFee),USDMoney=SUM(TotalPrice),InPrice=SUM(cb),ckfee=SUM(ck),mdfee=SUM(md),adfee=SUM(Ad_Fee),yf=SUM(yf) from #ls
//group by ShopId)a on d.ShopId=a.ShopId
//left join (select ShopId,TotalPrice=sum(TotalPrice),ml=sum(isnull(TotalPrice,0)-isnull(escrowFee,0)-isnull(yj,0)-isnull(yf,0)-((isnull(cb,0)+isnull(hwsf,0))/moneyrate)-isnull(tc,0)-isnull(ck,0)-isnull(md,0)-isnull(Ad_Fee,0)+SubsidyFee ) from #ls where yf>0
//group by ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
//left join (
//select GoodRate,ODR,DSRService,DSRGoods,DSRPost,USDUseMoney,USDNoMoney,RMBUseMoney, RMBNoMoney,Rate1,Rate2,Rate3,Rate4,PropertyViolate,Rate5,Rate6,Rate7,FeeDate,TXFee
//TXFee,ShopId from JC_ShopData
//where DATEDIFF(day,indate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 )c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
//left Join #ls2 e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId
//left join [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_Amazon_Shop o on
//left join ( select sid, CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.cost)) as Rate3,CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.sales)) as ad_sales , case when CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.sales))<=0 then '∞' else CONVERT(nvarchar(20), convert(decimal(12,2), (CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.cost))/CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.sales)))*100)) end DSRPost from( select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost,SUM(ISNULL(sales,0))sales from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SPAdGroupReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid union all select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost,SUM(ISNULL(sales,0))sales from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SBCampaignReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid union all select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost,SUM(ISNULL(sales,0))sales from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SDAdGroupReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid) t group by sid ) f on f.sid=o.sid" +
//" \r\n left join (select sid, CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.cost)) as Rate6 from( select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SPAdGroupReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)<='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' and CONVERT(date,report_date)>='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-31).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid union all select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SBCampaignReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)<='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' and CONVERT(date,report_date)>='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-31).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid union all select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SDAdGroupReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)<='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' and CONVERT(date,report_date)>='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-31).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid) t group by sid) g on o.sid=g.sid " +
// " \r\n left join(select t.row, t.storename,t.financialEventGroupEndLocale,t.originCurrencyIcon,CAST(ISNULL( t.originalTotalCurrencyAmount,0) as decimal(12,2)) as originalTotalCurrencyAmount from ( select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY storename ORDER BY requestDate DESC) row,storename, financialEventGroupEndLocale,originCurrencyIcon,originalTotalCurrencyAmount from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SettlementSummaryData where accountType='Standard' and processingStatus='Closed ') t where t.row=1) t1 on d.ShopName=t1.storeName left join (select storename,CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(ISNULL(originalTotalCurrencyAmount,0))) originalTotalCurrencyAmount from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SettlementSummaryData where processingStatus='Open' and accountType='Standard' group by storename) n1 on d.ShopName=n1.storeName " +
// "\r\n" +
// " left join (select sid, CAST( orderDefectRate *100 as decimal(12,2)) orderDefectRate,CAST( validTrackingRate *100 as decimal(12,2)) validTrackingRate,cast(CancelRate *100 as decimal(12,2)) cancelRate from (\r\nselect ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY sid ORDER BY requestDate DESC) row,sid, orderDefectRate,validTrackingRate,CancelRate from [].[UpGoods].dbo.Amazon_V2_SELLER_PERFORMANCE_REPORT where CONVERT(date, RequestDate)='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-1).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "') t where t.row=1)t2 on t2.sid=o.sid \r\nleft join (select sid, user_sessions,totalOrderItems, case when user_sessions=0 or totalOrderItems=0 then 0 else convert(decimal(12,2),(totalOrderItems*1.00/user_sessions)*100 ) end as CVR from [].[UpGoods].dbo.Amazon_SALES_AND_TRAFFIC_REPORT where CONVERT(date, ReportDate)='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "') t3 on t3.sid=o.sid\r\nleft join [].[UpGoods].dbo.AmazonStoreRefundAmountAndRate t4 on t4.sid=o.sid and Convert(date, t4.ReportDate)='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'\r\n"
// + " where d.PlatType=2 union all\r\n select d.ShopName,Master=case when d.Master=d.buyer then d.Master when d.buyer is not null and d.buyer<>'' then d.Master+'-'+d.buyer else d.Master end,a.OrderNum,a.RMBMoney,a.USDMoney,AvgPrice=case when a.OrderNum>0 then cast(a.USDMoney/a.OrderNum as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.InPrice,LR=cast( as decimal(18,2)),MLL=case when b.TotalPrice>0 then cast(*100/b.TotalPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,ShopTJGoods=e.Num,ShopCDGoods=e.Num2,ckfee,a.mdfee,a.adfee,bz=case when a.InPrice>0 then CAST(a.RMBMoney/a.InPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.yf,c.GoodRate,c.ODR,c.DSRService,c.DSRGoods,case when ISNULL(c.DSRPost,0)=0 then '' else CONVERT(nvarchar(20),c.DSRPost) end DSRPost,c.USDUseMoney,c.USDNoMoney,c.RMBUseMoney,c.RMBNoMoney,c.Rate1,c.Rate2,c.Rate3,c.Rate4,c.PropertyViolate,c.Rate5,c.Rate6,Rate7=isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),JL=cast( as decimal(18,2))+isnull(ckfee,0)-isnull(c.Rate3,0)-isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),FeeDate=isnull(c.FeeDate,d.FeeDate),TXFee=isnull(c.TXFee,d.TXFee) from \r\nJC_Shop d left join (\r\nselect ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),RMBMoney=SUM(RMBPrice),escrowFee=sum(escrowFee),USDMoney=SUM(TotalPrice),InPrice=SUM(cb),ckfee=SUM(ck),mdfee=SUM(md),adfee=SUM(Ad_Fee),yf=SUM(yf) from #ls\r\ngroup by ShopId)a on d.ShopId=a.ShopId\r\nleft join (select ShopId,TotalPrice=sum(TotalPrice),ml=sum(isnull(TotalPrice,0)-isnull(escrowFee,0)-isnull(yj,0)-isnull(yf,0)-((isnull(cb,0)+isnull(hwsf,0))/moneyrate)-isnull(tc,0)-isnull(ck,0)-isnull(md,0)-isnull(Ad_Fee,0)+ SubsidyFee) from #ls where yf>0\r\ngroup by ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId\r\nleft join (\r\nselect GoodRate,ODR,DSRService,DSRGoods,DSRPost,USDUseMoney,USDNoMoney,RMBUseMoney, RMBNoMoney,Rate1,Rate2,Rate3,Rate4,PropertyViolate,Rate5,Rate6,Rate7,FeeDate,TXFee\r\nTXFee,ShopId from JC_ShopData\r\nwhere DATEDIFF(day,indate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')=0 )c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId\r\nleft Join #ls2 e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId where d.PlatType!=2 " + (isyc ? " and d.Master!='东南亚专用'" : "") + "\r\n) a order by " + Sort;
// DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
// return GetReport3(dt, 18);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// string a = dd;
// return "";
// }
// }
// #endregion
#region 报表18
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable18 ( DateTime ? InDate , int DeptId , int ShopId , int PlatId , string MoneyCode , string Sort , bool isyc )
string dd = "" ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj1 = "" ;
//if (DeptId > 0)
// tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
// tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj + = " and a.PlatId=" + PlatId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.PlatId=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
string tj2 = "" ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj2 + = " where c.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj2 + = " where c.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
string tj3 = "" ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj3 + = " where d.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj3 + = " where d.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
//if (MoneyCode != "0")
// tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
// string sql = @"
//declare @moneyrate decimal(18,4)
//select @moneyrate=MRate from JC_Money where MCode='USD' and PlatId=2
//select a.ShopId,a.TotalPrice,escrowFee=isnull(a.escrowFee,0),a.RMBPrice,c.yj,yf=c.yf,cb=c.cb,hwsf=c.hwsf,,,,a.Ad_Fee,a.DR_BackFee,a.DR_PostFee,a.DR_SSFee,a.Other_Fee,moneyrate=isnull(c.moneyrate,@moneyrate) into #ls from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
//left join DT_Fees c with(nolock) on a.OrderId=c.orderid
//where DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 " + tj + @" and a.State>0 and a.State<3
//select a.*,Num2=isnull(b.Num2,0) into #ls2 from (
//select b.ShopId,Num=COUNT(0) from HW_GoodsInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join HW_Shop b with(nolock) on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//group by b.ShopId)a
//left join (
//select a.ShopId,Num2=COUNT(distinct c.GoodsId) from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join DT_OrderGoods b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
//inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with(nolock) on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
//where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by a.ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
//select d.ShopName,Master=case when d.Master=d.buyer then d.Master when d.buyer is not null and d.buyer<>'' then d.Master+'-'+d.buyer else d.Master end,a.OrderNum,a.RMBMoney,a.USDMoney,AvgPrice=case when a.OrderNum>0 then cast(a.USDMoney/a.OrderNum as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.InPrice,LR=cast( as decimal(18,2)),MLL=case when b.TotalPrice>0 then cast(*100/b.TotalPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,ShopTJGoods=e.Num,ShopCDGoods=e.Num2,ckfee,a.mdfee,a.adfee,bz=case when a.InPrice>0 then CAST(a.RMBMoney/a.InPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,c.GoodRate,c.ODR,c.DSRService,c.DSRGoods,h.DSRPost,c.USDUseMoney,c.USDNoMoney,c.RMBUseMoney,c.RMBNoMoney,c.Rate1,c.Rate2,f.Rate3,c.Rate4,c.PropertyViolate,c.Rate5,g.Rate6,Rate7=isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),JL=cast( as decimal(18,2))+isnull(ckfee,0)+isnull(mdfee,0)-isnull(c.Rate3,0)-isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),FeeDate=isnull(c.FeeDate,d.FeeDate),TXFee=isnull(c.TXFee,d.TXFee) from
//JC_Shop d left join (
//select ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),RMBMoney=SUM(RMBPrice),escrowFee=sum(escrowFee),USDMoney=SUM(TotalPrice),InPrice=SUM(cb),ckfee=SUM(ck),mdfee=SUM(md),adfee=SUM(Ad_Fee) from #ls
//group by ShopId)a on d.ShopId=a.ShopId
//left join (select ShopId,TotalPrice=sum(TotalPrice),ml=sum(isnull(TotalPrice,0)-isnull(escrowFee,0)-isnull(yj,0)-isnull(yf,0)-((isnull(cb,0)+isnull(hwsf,0))/moneyrate)-isnull(tc,0)-isnull(ck,0)-isnull(md,0)-isnull(Ad_Fee,0)) from #ls where yf>0
//group by ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
//left join (
//select GoodRate,ODR,DSRService,DSRGoods,DSRPost,USDUseMoney,USDNoMoney,RMBUseMoney, RMBNoMoney,Rate1,Rate2,Rate3,Rate4,PropertyViolate,Rate5,Rate6,Rate7,FeeDate,TXFee
//TXFee,ShopId from JC_ShopData
//where DATEDIFF(day,indate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 )c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
//left Join #ls2 e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId
// left join (select shopid,SUM(ABS(adfee)) Rate3 from AD_FeeList where DATEDIFF(day,addate,'" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')=0 group by shopid) f on d.ShopId=f.shopid "+
// " left join ( select shopid,SUM(ABS(adfee)) Rate6 from AD_FeeList where CONVERT(varchar(7), addate, 120)='"+ InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "' group by shopid) g on d.ShopId=g.shopid "+
// " left join(select shopName,case when a.Spend=0 or a.ad_sale_amount=0 then 0 else cast((Spend/ad_sale_amount)*100 as decimal(12,2)) end DSRPost from ( select sid,SUM(ISNULL(ABS(spend),0)) Spend, SUM(ISNULL(ad_sales_amount,0)) ad_sale_amount from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_ProductPerformance where summary_field='Asin' and RequestDate='" + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' group by sid) a left join [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_Amazon_Shop b on a.sid=b.sid) h on d.ShopName=h.shopName "
// + " order by " + Sort;
//string sql = @"
//declare @moneyrate decimal(18,4)
//select @moneyrate=MRate from JC_Money where MCode='USD' and PlatId=2
//select a.ShopId,a.TotalPrice,escrowFee=isnull(a.escrowFee,0),a.RMBPrice,c.yj,yf=c.yf,cb=c.cb,hwsf=c.hwsf,,,,a.Ad_Fee,a.DR_BackFee,a.DR_PostFee,a.DR_SSFee,a.Other_Fee,moneyrate=isnull(c.moneyrate,@moneyrate),ISnull( c.SubsidyFee,0) SubsidyFee into #ls from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
//left join DT_Fees c with(nolock) on a.OrderId=c.orderid
//where DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 " + tj + @" and a.State>0 and a.State<3
//select a.*,Num2=isnull(b.Num2,0) into #ls2 from (
//select b.ShopId,Num=COUNT(0) from HW_GoodsInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join HW_Shop b with(nolock) on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//left join jc_shop c on b.ShopId=c.ShopId " + tj2 + @"
//group by b.ShopId)a
//left join (
//select a.ShopId,Num2=COUNT(distinct c.GoodsId) from DT_OrderInfo a with(nolock)
//inner join DT_OrderGoods b with(nolock) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
//inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with(nolock) on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
//where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by a.ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
//select * from (
//select d.ShopName,Master=case when d.Master=d.buyer then d.Master when d.buyer is not null and d.buyer<>'' then d.Master+'-'+d.buyer else d.Master end,a.OrderNum,a.RMBMoney,a.USDMoney,AvgPrice=case when a.OrderNum>0 then cast(a.USDMoney/a.OrderNum as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.InPrice,LR=cast( as decimal(18,2)),MLL=case when b.TotalPrice>0 then cast(*100/b.TotalPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,ShopTJGoods=e.Num,ShopCDGoods=e.Num2,ckfee,a.mdfee,a.adfee,bz=case when a.InPrice>0 then CAST(a.RMBMoney/a.InPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.yf,c.GoodRate,c.ODR,DSRService=0,DSRGoods=null,DSRPost=0,c.USDUseMoney, USDNoMoney=0,c.RMBUseMoney,c.RMBNoMoney,Rate1=null,Rate2=null,Rate4=null, PropertyViolate=0, Rate5=0,Rate6=0,Rate7=isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),JL=cast( as decimal(18,2))+isnull(ckfee,0)-isnull(c.Rate3,0)-isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),FeeDate=null,TXFee=0 from
//JC_Shop d left join (
//select ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),RMBMoney=SUM(RMBPrice),escrowFee=sum(escrowFee),USDMoney=SUM(TotalPrice),InPrice=SUM(cb),ckfee=SUM(ck),mdfee=SUM(md),adfee=SUM(Ad_Fee),yf=SUM(yf) from #ls
//group by ShopId)a on d.ShopId=a.ShopId
//left join (select ShopId,TotalPrice=sum(TotalPrice),ml=sum(isnull(TotalPrice,0)-isnull(escrowFee,0)-isnull(yj,0)-isnull(yf,0)-((isnull(cb,0)+isnull(hwsf,0))/moneyrate)-isnull(tc,0)-isnull(ck,0)-isnull(md,0)-isnull(Ad_Fee,0)+SubsidyFee) from #ls where yf>0
//group by ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
//left join (
//select GoodRate,ODR,DSRService,DSRGoods,DSRPost,USDUseMoney,USDNoMoney,RMBUseMoney, RMBNoMoney,Rate1,Rate2,Rate3,Rate4,PropertyViolate,Rate5,Rate6,Rate7,FeeDate,TXFee
//TXFee,ShopId from JC_ShopData
//where DATEDIFF(day,indate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 )c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
//left Join #ls2 e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId "+ tj3 + @"
//) a order by " + Sort;
string sql = @ "
declare @moneyrate decimal ( 18 , 4 )
select @moneyrate = MRate from JC_Money where MCode = ' USD ' and PlatId = 2
select a . ShopId , a . TotalPrice , escrowFee = isnull ( a . escrowFee , 0 ) , a . RMBPrice , c . yj , yf = c . yf , cb = c . cb , hwsf = c . hwsf , c . tc , c . ck , c . md , a . Ad_Fee , a . DR_BackFee , a . DR_PostFee , a . DR_SSFee , a . Other_Fee , moneyrate = isnull ( c . moneyrate , @moneyrate ) , ISnull ( c . SubsidyFee , 0 ) SubsidyFee into # ls from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
left join DT_Fees c with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = c . orderid
where DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 " + tj + @" and a . State > 0 and a . State < 3
select a . * , Num2 = isnull ( b . Num2 , 0 ) into # ls2 from (
select b . ShopId , Num = COUNT ( 0 ) from HW_GoodsInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_Shop b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
inner join jc_shop c on b . ShopId = c . ShopId " + tj2 + @"
group by b . ShopId ) a
left join (
select a . ShopId , Num2 = COUNT ( distinct c . GoodsId ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderGoods b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 and DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 group by a . ShopId ) b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
select * from (
select d . ShopName , Master = case when d . Master = d . buyer then d . Master when d . buyer is not null and d . buyer < > ' ' then d . Master + '-' + d . buyer else d . Master end , a . OrderNum , a . RMBMoney , a . USDMoney , AvgPrice = case when a . OrderNum > 0 then cast ( a . USDMoney / a . OrderNum as decimal ( 18 , 2 ) ) else 0 end , a . InPrice , LR = cast ( b . ml as decimal ( 18 , 2 ) ) , MLL = case when b . TotalPrice > 0 then cast ( b . ml * 100 / b . TotalPrice as decimal ( 18 , 2 ) ) else 0 end , ShopTJGoods = e . Num , ShopCDGoods = e . Num2 , ckfee , a . mdfee , a . adfee , bz = case when a . InPrice > 0 then CAST ( a . RMBMoney / a . InPrice as decimal ( 18 , 2 ) ) else 0 end , a . yf , c . GoodRate , c . ODR , t3 . CVR DSRService , t3 . user_sessions DSRGoods , f . DSRPost , c . USDUseMoney , n1 . originalTotalCurrencyAmount as USDNoMoney , c . RMBUseMoney , c . RMBNoMoney , t2 . orderDefectRate Rate1 , t2 . validTrackingRate Rate2 , Case when d . PlatType = 2 then f . Rate3 else c . Rate3 end Rate3 , t4 . RefundRate as Rate4 , ABS ( ISNULL ( t4 . RefundAmount , 0 ) ) as PropertyViolate , t2 . cancelRate Rate5 , Case when d . PlatType = 2 then g . Rate6 else ( select SUM ( ISNULL ( Rate3 , 0 ) ) from JC_ShopData where ShopId = d . ShopId and DATEDIFF ( MONTH , InDate , ' 2023 - 10 - 18 ' ) = 0 ) end Rate6 , Rate7 = isnull ( c . Rate7 , d . dayfee ) , JL = cast ( b . ml as decimal ( 18 , 2 ) ) + isnull ( ckfee , 0 ) - isnull ( c . Rate3 , 0 ) - isnull ( c . Rate7 , d . dayfee ) , t1 . financialEventGroupEndLocale as FeeDate , t1 . originalTotalCurrencyAmount as TXFee from
JC_Shop d left join (
select ShopId , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , RMBMoney = SUM ( RMBPrice ) , escrowFee = sum ( escrowFee ) , USDMoney = SUM ( TotalPrice ) , InPrice = SUM ( cb ) , ckfee = SUM ( ck ) , mdfee = SUM ( md ) , adfee = SUM ( Ad_Fee ) , yf = SUM ( yf ) from # ls
group by ShopId ) a on d . ShopId = a . ShopId
left join ( select ShopId , TotalPrice = sum ( TotalPrice ) , ml = sum ( isnull ( TotalPrice , 0 ) - isnull ( escrowFee , 0 ) - isnull ( yj , 0 ) - isnull ( yf , 0 ) - ( ( isnull ( cb , 0 ) + isnull ( hwsf , 0 ) ) / moneyrate ) - isnull ( tc , 0 ) - isnull ( ck , 0 ) - isnull ( md , 0 ) - isnull ( Ad_Fee , 0 ) + SubsidyFee ) from # ls where yf > 0
group by ShopId ) b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
left join (
select GoodRate , ODR , DSRService , DSRGoods , DSRPost , USDUseMoney , USDNoMoney , RMBUseMoney , RMBNoMoney , Rate1 , Rate2 , Rate3 , Rate4 , PropertyViolate , Rate5 , Rate6 , Rate7 , FeeDate , TXFee
TXFee , ShopId from JC_ShopData
where DATEDIFF ( day , indate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 ) c on a . ShopId = c . ShopId
inner Join # ls2 e on a . ShopId = e . ShopId
left join [ 192.168 . 1.187 ] . [ UpGoods ] . dbo . LxERP_Amazon_Shop o on d . ShopName = o . name
left join ( select sid , CONVERT ( decimal ( 12 , 2 ) , SUM ( t . cost ) ) as Rate3 , CONVERT ( decimal ( 12 , 2 ) , SUM ( t . sales ) ) as ad_sales , case when CONVERT ( decimal ( 12 , 2 ) , SUM ( t . sales ) ) < = 0 then '∞' else CONVERT ( nvarchar ( 20 ) , convert ( decimal ( 12 , 2 ) , ( CONVERT ( decimal ( 12 , 2 ) , SUM ( t . cost ) ) / CONVERT ( decimal ( 12 , 2 ) , SUM ( t . sales ) ) ) * 100 ) ) end DSRPost from ( select sid , SUM ( ISNULL ( cost , 0 ) ) as cost , SUM ( ISNULL ( sales , 0 ) ) sales from [ 192.168 . 1.187 ] . [ UpGoods ] . dbo . LxERP_SPAdGroupReports where CONVERT ( date , report_date ) = ' " + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + " ' group by sid union all select sid , SUM ( ISNULL ( cost , 0 ) ) as cost , SUM ( ISNULL ( sales , 0 ) ) sales from [ 192.168 . 1.187 ] . [ UpGoods ] . dbo . LxERP_SBCampaignReports where CONVERT ( date , report_date ) = ' " + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + " ' group by sid union all select sid , SUM ( ISNULL ( cost , 0 ) ) as cost , SUM ( ISNULL ( sales , 0 ) ) sales from [ 192.168 . 1.187 ] . [ UpGoods ] . dbo . LxERP_SDAdGroupReports where CONVERT ( date , report_date ) = ' " + InDate.Value.AddDays(-2).Date.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + " ' group by sid ) t group by sid ) f on f . sid = o . sid " +
" \r\n left join (select sid, CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(t.cost)) as Rate6 from( select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SPAdGroupReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)<='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 2 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' and CONVERT(date,report_date)>='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 31 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' group by sid union all select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SBCampaignReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)<='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 2 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' and CONVERT(date,report_date)>='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 31 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' group by sid union all select sid, SUM( ISNULL(cost,0)) as cost from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SDAdGroupReports where CONVERT(date,report_date)<='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 2 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' and CONVERT(date,report_date)>='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 31 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' group by sid) t group by sid) g on o.sid=g.sid " +
" \r\n left join(select t.row, t.storename,t.financialEventGroupEndLocale,t.originCurrencyIcon,CAST(ISNULL( t.originalTotalCurrencyAmount,0) as decimal(12,2)) as originalTotalCurrencyAmount from ( select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY storename ORDER BY requestDate DESC) row,storename, financialEventGroupEndLocale,originCurrencyIcon,originalTotalCurrencyAmount from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SettlementSummaryData where accountType='Standard' and processingStatus='Closed ') t where t.row=1) t1 on d.ShopName=t1.storeName left join (select storename,CONVERT(decimal(12,2), SUM(ISNULL(originalTotalCurrencyAmount,0))) originalTotalCurrencyAmount from [].[UpGoods].dbo.LxERP_SettlementSummaryData where processingStatus='Open' and accountType='Standard' group by storename) n1 on d.ShopName=n1.storeName " +
"\r\n" +
" left join (select sid, CAST( orderDefectRate *100 as decimal(12,2)) orderDefectRate,CAST( validTrackingRate *100 as decimal(12,2)) validTrackingRate,cast(CancelRate *100 as decimal(12,2)) cancelRate from (\r\nselect ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY sid ORDER BY requestDate DESC) row,sid, orderDefectRate,validTrackingRate,CancelRate from [].[UpGoods].dbo.Amazon_V2_SELLER_PERFORMANCE_REPORT where CONVERT(date, RequestDate)='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 1 ) . Date . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "') t where t.row=1)t2 on t2.sid=o.sid \r\nleft join (select sid, user_sessions,totalOrderItems, case when user_sessions=0 or totalOrderItems=0 then 0 else convert(decimal(12,2),(totalOrderItems*1.00/user_sessions)*100 ) end as CVR from [].[UpGoods].dbo.Amazon_SALES_AND_TRAFFIC_REPORT where CONVERT(date, ReportDate)='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 2 ) . Date . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "') t3 on t3.sid=o.sid\r\nleft join [].[UpGoods].dbo.AmazonStoreRefundAmountAndRate t4 on t4.sid=o.sid and Convert(date, t4.ReportDate)='" + InDate . Value . AddDays ( - 2 ) . Date . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "'\r\n"
+ " where d.PlatType=2 union all\r\n select d.ShopName,Master=case when d.Master=d.buyer then d.Master when d.buyer is not null and d.buyer<>'' then d.Master+'-'+d.buyer else d.Master end,a.OrderNum,a.RMBMoney,a.USDMoney,AvgPrice=case when a.OrderNum>0 then cast(a.USDMoney/a.OrderNum as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.InPrice,LR=cast( as decimal(18,2)),MLL=case when b.TotalPrice>0 then cast(*100/b.TotalPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,ShopTJGoods=e.Num,ShopCDGoods=e.Num2,ckfee,a.mdfee,a.adfee,bz=case when a.InPrice>0 then CAST(a.RMBMoney/a.InPrice as decimal(18,2)) else 0 end,a.yf,c.GoodRate,c.ODR,c.DSRService,c.DSRGoods,case when ISNULL(c.DSRPost,0)=0 then '' else CONVERT(nvarchar(20),c.DSRPost) end DSRPost,c.USDUseMoney,c.USDNoMoney,c.RMBUseMoney,c.RMBNoMoney,c.Rate1,c.Rate2,c.Rate3,c.Rate4,c.PropertyViolate,c.Rate5,c.Rate6,Rate7=isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),JL=cast( as decimal(18,2))+isnull(ckfee,0)-isnull(c.Rate3,0)-isnull(c.Rate7,d.dayfee),FeeDate=isnull(c.FeeDate,d.FeeDate),TXFee=isnull(c.TXFee,d.TXFee) from \r\nJC_Shop d left join (\r\nselect ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),RMBMoney=SUM(RMBPrice),escrowFee=sum(escrowFee),USDMoney=SUM(TotalPrice),InPrice=SUM(cb),ckfee=SUM(ck),mdfee=SUM(md),adfee=SUM(Ad_Fee),yf=SUM(yf) from #ls\r\ngroup by ShopId)a on d.ShopId=a.ShopId\r\nleft join (select ShopId,TotalPrice=sum(TotalPrice),ml=sum(isnull(TotalPrice,0)-isnull(escrowFee,0)-isnull(yj,0)-isnull(yf,0)-((isnull(cb,0)+isnull(hwsf,0))/moneyrate)-isnull(tc,0)-isnull(ck,0)-isnull(md,0)-isnull(Ad_Fee,0) + SubsidyFee) from #ls where yf>0\r\ngroup by ShopId)b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId\r\nleft join (\r\nselect GoodRate,ODR,DSRService,DSRGoods,DSRPost,USDUseMoney,USDNoMoney,RMBUseMoney, RMBNoMoney,Rate1,Rate2,Rate3,Rate4,PropertyViolate,Rate5,Rate6,Rate7,FeeDate,TXFee\r\nTXFee,ShopId from JC_ShopData\r\nwhere DATEDIFF(day,indate,'" + InDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "')=0 )c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId\r\nleft Join #ls2 e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId where d.PlatType!=2 " + ( isyc ? " and d.Master!='东南亚专用'" : "" ) + "\r\n) a order by " + Sort ;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport3 ( dt , 18 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
string a = dd ;
return "" ;
# endregion
#region 报表18(备份0518)
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable1822 ( DateTime ? InDate , int DeptId , int ShopId , int PlatId , string MoneyCode , string Sort )
string dd = "" ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj1 = "" ;
if ( DeptId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
if ( MoneyCode ! = "0" )
tj + = " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' " ;
string sql = @ "
select a . ShopId , a . ShopName , OrderNum = isnull ( c . OrderNum , 0 ) , USDMoney = isnull ( c . USDMoney , 0 ) , RMBMoney = isnull ( c . RMBMoney , 0 ) , AvgPrice = case when c . OrderNum is null or c . USDMoney is null or c . OrderNum = 0 then 0 else c . USDMoney / c . OrderNum end , b . GoodRate , b . ODR , b . DSRGoods , b . DSRService , b . DSRPost , b . USDUseMoney , b . USDUseMoney , b . USDNoMoney , b . RMBUseMoney , b . RMBNoMoney , b . InforViolate , b . PropertyViolate , b . OtherViolate , b . Rate1 , b . Rate2 , b . Rate3 , b . Rate4 , b . Rate5 , b . Rate6 , FeeDate = isnull ( b . FeeDate , a . FeeDate ) , TXFee = isnull ( b . TXFee , a . TXFee ) , InPrice = d . InPrice , InPrice = d . InPrice , BZ = case when d . InPrice > 0 then RMBMoney / d . InPrice else 0 end , LR = 0 , MLL = ' ' , ShopCDGoods = 0 , ShopTJGoods = 0 , ckfee = 0.00 , mdfee = 0.00 , adfee = 0.00 from JC_Shop a
inner join ( select b . ShopId , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , USDMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) , RMBMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join JC_Shop b with ( nolock ) on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
where a . State > 0 " + tj + " and a . State < 3 and DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 group by b . ShopId ) c on a . ShopId = c . ShopId
left join JC_ShopData b with ( nolock ) on a . ShopId = b . ShopId and DATEDIFF ( day , b . InDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0
inner join ( select a . ShopId , InPrice = sum ( isnull ( d . InPrice , 0 ) * b . GoodsNum ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderGoods b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d with ( nolock ) on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 and DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 group by a . ShopId ) d on a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where a . CompanyId = 1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
string sql2 = @ "
select a . * , Num2 = isnull ( b . Num2 , 0 ) from (
select b . ShopId , Num = COUNT ( 0 ) from HW_GoodsInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_Shop b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
group by b . ShopId ) a
left join (
select a . ShopId , Num2 = COUNT ( distinct c . GoodsId ) from DT_OrderInfo a with ( nolock )
inner join DT_OrderGoods b with ( nolock ) on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c with ( nolock ) on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 and DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 group by a . ShopId ) b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId ";
DataTable dt2 = obj . GetReportData ( sql2 ) ;
DataNew . updatestorefee ( InDate . Value , InDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ) ;
DD_OrderData data = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
decimal f1 = 0 ;
decimal f2 = 0 ;
decimal f3 = 0 ;
decimal f4 = 0 ;
decimal f5 = 0 ;
decimal f6 = 0 ;
// int ds = 0;
// decimal f9 = 0;
decimal cyxs = 0 ;
decimal cyyj = 0 ;
decimal hwcb = 0 ;
decimal hwtc = 0 ;
decimal hwyf = 0 ;
decimal hwyf1 = 0 ;
decimal hwyf2 = 0 ;
int yf1 = 0 ;
int yf2 = 0 ;
decimal zlr = 0 ; //总利润
decimal hjyj = 0 ;
decimal hjyf = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dt . Rows . Count ; i + + )
decimal MRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > list7 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
var olist = DataNew . GetListShopList2 ( Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopId" ] ) , InDate ) ;
string ids = "" ;
if ( olist ! = null )
foreach ( var order in olist )
ids + = order . OrderId . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( ids ! = "" )
// List<DT_OrderGoods> orderGoodsListPP = DataNew.GetOrderGoodsListPP(ids.Trim(','));
List < DT_OrderGoods_tj > orderGoodsList = DataNew . GetOrderGoodsListtj ( ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( orderGoodsList ! = null )
//ds += orderGoodsList.Count;
//foreach (var md in orderGoodsList)
// f9 += md.GoodsPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
foreach ( var md in olist )
List < DT_OrderGoods_tj > gmd = null ;
if ( gmd = = null )
gmd = orderGoodsList . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
md . GoodsListtj = gmd ;
decimal lr = 0 ;
string AddrType = "" ;
decimal tweight = 0 ;
decimal hjckfee = 0 ; //仓储费
decimal hjmdfee = 0 ; //面单费
decimal hjadfee = 0 ; //广告费
if ( olist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in olist )
//if (md.PlatOrderCode == "2793358899439")
// string cc = "";
JC_Money money = list7 . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" & & n . PlatId = = md . PlatId ) ;
if ( money ! = null )
MRate = money . MRate . Value ;
money = list7 . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
MRate = money . MRate . Value ;
decimal TotalPrice = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
decimal yj = 0 M ;
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
int PlatType = md . PlatId . Value ;
if ( PlatType = = 1 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
else if ( PlatType = = 4 )
yj = 0 ;
else if ( PlatType = = 5 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
else if ( PlatType = = 18 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.06 ) ;
else if ( PlatType = = 15 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ;
f1 + = TotalPrice ;
f2 + = yj ;
decimal GoodsPrice = 0 M ;
decimal TCFee = 0 M ;
decimal TCFee2 = 0 M ;
decimal SolidFee = 0 M ;
decimal GoodsPrice2 = 0 M ;
decimal ckfee = 0 ; //仓储费
decimal mdfee = 0 ; //面单费
decimal adfee = 0 ; //广告费
tweight = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsListtj ! = null )
if ( md . GoodsListtj . Count > 0 )
AddrType = md . GoodsListtj [ 0 ] . JoinOrderCode ;
if ( md . GoodsListtj ! = null )
foreach ( DT_OrderGoods_tj goods in md . GoodsListtj )
//if (goods.GoodsFee.HasValue && (goods.GoodsFee.Value > 0M))
// GoodsPrice += goods.GoodsFee.Value;
if ( goods . Weight ! = null )
tweight + = goods . Weight . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( goods . GoodsPrice . HasValue )
GoodsPrice2 + = goods . GoodsPrice . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
//f9 += goods.GoodsPrice.Value * goods.GoodsNum.Value;
// ds++;
if ( goods . TCFee ! = null & & goods . TCFee > 0 & & goods . GoodsPrice ! = null ) //税费
GoodsPrice2 + = goods . GoodsPrice . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value * goods . TCFee . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.01 ) ;
//if (goods.Solid != null && goods.Solid > 0)//匹配的头程费
// TCFee2 += goods.Solid.Value * goods.GoodsNum.Value;
if ( goods . Solid2 . HasValue )
SolidFee + = goods . Solid2 . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( goods . ckfee ! = null )
ckfee + = goods . ckfee . Value ;
if ( goods . mdfee ! = null )
mdfee + = goods . mdfee . Value ;
if ( goods . adfee ! = null )
adfee + = goods . adfee . Value ;
if ( goods . ckfee ! = null )
hjckfee + = ckfee ;
if ( goods . mdfee ! = null )
hjmdfee + = mdfee ;
if ( goods . adfee ! = null )
hjadfee + = adfee ;
if ( GoodsPrice2 > 0 M )
GoodsPrice = GoodsPrice2 / MRate ;
f4 + = GoodsPrice ;
decimal escrowFee = 0 M ;
if ( ( TCFee = = 0 M ) & & ( SolidFee > 0 M ) )
TCFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( 170 ) * SolidFee ;
// TCFee += TCFee2;
f5 + = TCFee ; // +TCFee2;
if ( md . escrowFee . HasValue )
escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value ;
decimal num10 = 0 M ;
if ( md . PostFee . HasValue )
num10 = md . PostFee . Value ;
// decimal num11 = 0M;
// decimal num12 = 0M;
// decimal num13 = 0M;
//if (md.Post == 222 || md.Post == 226 || md.Post == 227)
// num13 = num10 * Convert.ToDecimal((double)0.1);
decimal feestore11 = 0 M ; //e仓运费
decimal feestore6 = 0 M ; //w仓运费
decimal feestore = 0 M ;
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( feestore11 = = 0 & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < feestore11 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( feestore11 = = 0 & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < feestore11 )
feestore11 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee13 )
feestore11 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee11 > md . Fee13 )
feestore11 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee12 )
feestore11 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee11 > md . Fee12 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
feestore11 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( feestore11 > 0 )
hwyf1 + = feestore11 ;
yf1 + + ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, num14);
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( feestore6 = = 0 & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < feestore6 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( feestore6 = = 0 & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < feestore6 )
feestore6 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee8 )
feestore6 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee6 > md . Fee8 )
feestore6 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee7 )
feestore6 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee6 > md . Fee7 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
feestore6 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( feestore6 > 0 )
hwyf2 + = feestore6 ;
yf2 + + ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, num14);
feestore = feestore11 ;
if ( feestore11 = = 0 )
feestore = feestore6 ;
if ( feestore6 > 0 & & feestore6 < feestore11 )
feestore = feestore6 ;
f6 + = feestore ;
md . PostFee = new decimal? ( num10 ) ;
md . BoxFee = new decimal? ( feestore ) ; //运费
//var admd = DataNew.GetModel_OrderFee(md.OrderId.Value);///仓储 面单 广告费
//if (admd != null)
// ckfee = admd.ckfee.Value;
// mdfee = admd.mdfee.Value;
// adfee = admd.adfee.Value;
// hjckfee += ckfee;
// hjmdfee += mdfee;
// hjadfee += adfee;
//decimal num15 = 0M;
decimal num16 = 0 M ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, TCFee);
hjyj + = yj ;
hjyf + = feestore ;
num16 = TotalPrice - yj - GoodsPrice - escrowFee - feestore - TCFee - ckfee - adfee ;
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("Fee18", md.PlatOrderCode, "TotalPrice:" + TotalPrice + "|yj:" + yj + "|GoodsPrice:" + GoodsPrice + "|feestore:" + feestore + "|escrowFee:" + escrowFee + "|TCFee:" + TCFee + "|lr:" + num16);
if ( feestore > 0 & & GoodsPrice > 0 )
//cyxs += TotalPrice;
//cyyj += yj;
//hwcb += GoodsPrice;
//hwtc += TCFee;
//hwyf += num14;
lr + = num16 ;
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "利润" , hjyj . ToString ( ) , hjyf . ToString ( ) ) ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ckfee" ] = hjckfee ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "mdfee" ] = hjmdfee ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "adfee" ] = hjadfee ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "LR" ] = lr ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] ) > 0 )
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "MLL" ] = ( lr * 100 / Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "USDMoney" ] ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
if ( dt2 ! = null )
var row = dt2 . Select ( "shopId=" + Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopId" ] ) ) ;
if ( row ! = null & & row . Length > 0 )
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopCDGoods" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( row [ 0 ] [ "Num2" ] ) ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopTJGoods" ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( row [ 0 ] [ "Num" ] ) ;
//decimal f0 = f1 - f2 - f4 - f5 - f6;
//decimal zlr = cyxs - cyyj - hwcb - hwtc - hwyf - hwyf1 - hwyf2-yf1-yf2;
return GetReport3 ( dt , 18 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
string a = dd ;
return "" ;
# endregion
#region 报表18
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel18 ( DateTime ? InDate , int DeptId , int ShopId , int PlatId , string MoneyCode , string Sort )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj1 = "" ;
if ( DeptId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
if ( MoneyCode ! = "0" )
tj + = " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' " ;
string sql = @ "
select a . ShopId , a . ShopName , OrderNum = isnull ( c . OrderNum , 0 ) , USDMoney = isnull ( c . USDMoney , 0 ) , RMBMoney = isnull ( c . RMBMoney , 0 ) , AvgPrice = case when c . OrderNum is null or c . USDMoney is null or c . OrderNum = 0 then 0 else c . USDMoney / c . OrderNum end , b . GoodRate , b . ODR , b . DSRGoods , b . DSRService , b . DSRPost , b . USDUseMoney , b . USDUseMoney , b . USDNoMoney , b . RMBUseMoney , b . RMBNoMoney , b . InforViolate , b . PropertyViolate , b . OtherViolate , b . Rate1 , b . Rate2 , b . Rate3 , b . Rate4 , b . Rate5 , b . Rate6 , FeeDate = isnull ( b . FeeDate , a . FeeDate ) , TXFee = isnull ( b . TXFee , a . TXFee ) , InPrice = d . InPrice , InPrice = d . InPrice , BZ = case when d . InPrice > 0 then RMBMoney / d . InPrice else 0 end , LR = 0 from JC_Shop a
inner join ( select b . ShopId , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , USDMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) , RMBMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
where a . State > 0 " + tj + " and a . State < 3 and DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 group by b . ShopId ) c on a . ShopId = c . ShopId
left join JC_ShopData b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId and DATEDIFF ( day , b . InDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0
inner join ( select a . ShopId , InPrice = sum ( isnull ( d . InPrice , 0 ) * b . GoodsNum ) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . State > 0 and a . State < 3 and DATEDIFF ( day , a . OrderDate , ' " + InDate.Value.ToString(" yyyy - MM - dd ") + @" ' ) = 0 group by a . ShopId ) d on a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where a . CompanyId = 1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
DD_OrderData data = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
decimal f1 = 0 ;
decimal f2 = 0 ;
decimal f3 = 0 ;
decimal f4 = 0 ;
decimal f5 = 0 ;
decimal f6 = 0 ;
decimal cyxs = 0 ;
decimal cyyj = 0 ;
decimal hwcb = 0 ;
decimal hwtc = 0 ;
decimal hwyf = 0 ;
decimal hwyf1 = 0 ;
decimal hwyf2 = 0 ;
int yf1 = 0 ;
int yf2 = 0 ;
// int ds = 0;
// decimal f9 = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dt . Rows . Count ; i + + )
decimal MRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > list7 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
var olist = DataNew . GetListShopList2 ( Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ "ShopId" ] ) , InDate ) ;
string ids = "" ;
if ( olist ! = null )
foreach ( var order in olist )
ids + = order . OrderId . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( ids ! = "" )
// List<DT_OrderGoods> orderGoodsListPP = DataNew.GetOrderGoodsListPP(ids.Trim(','));
List < DT_OrderGoods > orderGoodsList = DataNew . GetOrderGoodsList ( ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( orderGoodsList ! = null )
//ds += orderGoodsList.Count;
//foreach (var md in orderGoodsList)
// f9 += md.GoodsPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
foreach ( var md in olist )
List < DT_OrderGoods > gmd = null ;
if ( gmd = = null )
gmd = orderGoodsList . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
md . GoodsList = gmd ;
decimal lr = 0 ;
string AddrType = "" ;
decimal tweight = 0 ;
if ( olist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in olist )
//if (md.PlatOrderCode == "2793358899439")
// string cc = "";
JC_Money money = list7 . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" & & n . PlatId = = md . PlatId ) ;
if ( money ! = null )
MRate = money . MRate . Value ;
money = list7 . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
MRate = money . MRate . Value ;
decimal TotalPrice = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
decimal yj = 0 M ;
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
int PlatType = md . PlatId . Value ;
if ( PlatType = = 1 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
else if ( PlatType = = 4 )
yj = 0 ;
else if ( PlatType = = 5 )
yj = TotalPrice * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
f1 + = TotalPrice ;
f2 + = yj ;
decimal GoodsPrice = 0 M ;
decimal TCFee = 0 M ;
decimal TCFee2 = 0 M ;
decimal SolidFee = 0 M ;
decimal GoodsPrice2 = 0 M ;
tweight = 0 ;
if ( md . GoodsList ! = null )
if ( md . GoodsList . Count > 0 )
AddrType = md . GoodsList [ 0 ] . JoinOrderCode ;
if ( md . GoodsList ! = null )
foreach ( DT_OrderGoods goods in md . GoodsList )
//if (goods.GoodsFee.HasValue && (goods.GoodsFee.Value > 0M))
// GoodsPrice += goods.GoodsFee.Value;
if ( goods . Weight ! = null )
tweight + = goods . Weight . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( goods . GoodsPrice . HasValue )
GoodsPrice2 + = goods . GoodsPrice . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
//f9 += goods.GoodsPrice.Value * goods.GoodsNum.Value;
// ds++;
if ( goods . TCFee ! = null & & goods . TCFee > 0 & & goods . GoodsPrice ! = null ) //税费
GoodsPrice2 + = goods . GoodsPrice . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value * goods . TCFee . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.01 ) ;
//if (goods.Solid != null && goods.Solid > 0)//匹配的头程费
// TCFee2 += goods.Solid.Value * goods.GoodsNum.Value;
if ( goods . Solid2 . HasValue )
SolidFee + = goods . Solid2 . Value * goods . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( GoodsPrice2 > 0 M )
GoodsPrice = GoodsPrice2 / MRate ;
f4 + = GoodsPrice ;
decimal escrowFee = 0 M ;
if ( ( TCFee = = 0 M ) & & ( SolidFee > 0 M ) )
TCFee = Convert . ToDecimal ( 65 ) * SolidFee ;
// TCFee += TCFee2;
f5 + = TCFee ; // +TCFee2;
//if (md.escrowFee.HasValue)
// escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value;
decimal num10 = 0 M ;
if ( md . PostFee . HasValue )
num10 = md . PostFee . Value ;
decimal num11 = 0 M ;
decimal num12 = 0 M ;
decimal num13 = 0 M ;
//if (md.Post == 222 || md.Post == 226 || md.Post == 227)
// num13 = num10 * Convert.ToDecimal((double)0.1);
decimal num14 = 0 M ;
if ( md . StoreId = = 11 )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( num14 = = 0 & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < num14 )
num14 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( num14 = = 0 & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < num14 )
num14 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee13 )
num14 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee11 > md . Fee13 )
num14 = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee12 )
num14 = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee11 > md . Fee12 )
num14 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( num14 > 0 )
hwyf1 + = num14 ;
yf1 + + ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, num14);
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( num14 = = 0 & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < num14 )
num14 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( num14 = = 0 & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < num14 )
num14 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee8 )
num14 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee6 > md . Fee8 )
num14 = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee7 )
num14 = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee6 > md . Fee7 )
num14 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
num14 = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( num14 > 0 )
hwyf2 + = num14 ;
yf2 + + ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, num14);
f6 + = num14 ;
md . PostFee = new decimal? ( num10 ) ;
md . BoxFee = new decimal? ( num14 ) ;
//decimal num15 = 0M;
decimal num16 = 0 M ;
// DD_OrderData.GetGoodsFee2(md.OrderId.Value, TCFee);
num16 = ( ( ( ( ( ( TotalPrice - yj ) - GoodsPrice ) - escrowFee ) - num14 ) - TCFee ) - num11 ) - num12 ;
if ( num14 > 0 & & GoodsPrice > 0 )
//cyxs += TotalPrice;
//cyyj += yj;
//hwcb += GoodsPrice;
//hwtc += TCFee;
//hwyf += num14;
lr + = num16 ;
dt . Rows [ i ] [ "LR" ] = lr ;
//decimal f0 = f1 - f2 - f4 - f5 - f6;
return GetExcelReport ( dt , 18 ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表
public string GetReport3 ( DataTable dt , int ReportId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
var rmd = BaseService . GetReportModel ( ReportId ) ;
var rlist = obj . GetRepoartColsList ( ReportId ) ;
if ( rmd = = null | | rlist = = null )
return "" ;
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
html . Append ( "<tr class='HeaderStyle'><th>序号</th>" ) ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
html . Append ( "<th>" + md . ColName + "</th>" ) ;
html . Append ( "</tr>" ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
DataRow row = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dt . Rows . Count ; i + + )
html . Append ( "<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "</td>" ) ;
int rowindex = 1 ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
if ( dt . Columns . Contains ( md . ColValue ) = = false )
html . Append ( "<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "' rname='" + md . ColName + "'></td>" ) ;
rowindex + + ;
continue ;
if ( md . IsSum = = 1 & & i = = 0 )
if ( row = = null )
row = dt . NewRow ( ) ;
if ( md . ColType = = "int" )
row [ md . ColValue ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Compute ( "sum(" + md . ColValue + ")" , "" + md . ColValue + " is not null" ) ) ;
row [ md . ColValue ] = 0 ;
else if ( md . ColType = = "dec" )
row [ md . ColValue ] = Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Compute ( "sum(" + md . ColValue + ")" , "" + md . ColValue + ">0" ) ) ;
row [ md . ColValue ] = 0 ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ! = null & & dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" )
string csscolor = "" ;
if ( md . ContionType = = "=" & & dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] . ToString ( ) = = md . SValue )
csscolor = md . ColColor ;
if ( md . ContionType = = ">" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) > Convert . ToDecimal ( md . SValue ) & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) < Convert . ToDecimal ( md . EValue ) )
csscolor = md . ColColor ;
if ( md . ContionType = = ">=" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) > = Convert . ToDecimal ( md . SValue ) & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) < = Convert . ToDecimal ( md . EValue ) )
csscolor = md . ColColor ;
if ( csscolor ! = "" )
csscolor = "style='color:" + csscolor + "'" ;
string datav = "" ;
if ( md . ColType = = "date1" )
datav = Convert . ToDateTime ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
if ( md . ColType = = "date2" )
datav = Convert . ToDateTime ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" ) ;
datav = dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] . ToString ( ) ;
html . Append ( "<td " + csscolor + " rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "' rname='" + md . ColName + "'>" + datav + "</td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "' rname='" + md . ColName + "'></td>" ) ;
rowindex + + ;
html . Append ( "</tr>" ) ;
int hj = 0 ;
if ( row ! = null )
html . Append ( "<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>合计:</td>" ) ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
if ( dt . Columns . Contains ( md . ColValue ) = = false )
html . Append ( "<td></td>" ) ;
continue ;
if ( md . IsSum = = 1 & & row [ md . ColValue ] ! = null )
if ( hj = = 0 )
hj = 1 ;
html . Append ( "<td rtype='hj' rname='" + md . ColName + "'>" + row [ md . ColValue ] + "</td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "<td rtype='hj' rname='" + md . ColName + "'>" + row [ md . ColValue ] + "</td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "<td></td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "</tr>" ) ;
return html . ToString ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 导出报表
public string GetExcelReport ( DataTable dt , int ReportId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
var rmd = BaseService . GetReportModel ( ReportId ) ;
var rlist = obj . GetRepoartColsList ( ReportId ) ;
if ( rmd = = null | | rlist = = null | | dt = = null )
return "" ;
DataRow row = null ;
int hj = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
if ( md . IsExcel = = 1 )
listColumns . Add ( md . ColValue , md . ColName , DbType . String , "" ) ;
if ( md . IsSum = = 1 )
if ( row = = null )
row = dt . NewRow ( ) ;
if ( md . ColType = = "int" & & dt ! = null & & dt . Rows . Count > 0 )
row [ md . ColValue ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Compute ( "sum(" + md . ColValue + ")" , "" ) ) ;
else if ( md . ColType = = "dec" & & dt ! = null & & dt . Rows . Count > 0 )
row [ md . ColValue ] = Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Compute ( "sum(" + md . ColValue + ")" , "" ) ) ;
else if ( hj = = 0 & & md . ColType = = "str" )
if ( row = = null )
row = dt . NewRow ( ) ;
row [ md . ColValue ] = "合计:" ;
if ( row ! = null )
dt . Rows . Add ( row ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj2 . Export ( dt , listColumns ) ;
# endregion
#region 计算当天
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void GetCountSum ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . GetCountSum ( DateTime . Today ) ;
# endregion
#region 订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountReport1 ( int Type , int ShopId , int PlatId , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , Int32 ? TJ1 , Int32 ? TJ2 , Int32 ? TJ3 , Int32 ? TJ4 , Int32 ? TJ5 , Int32 ? TJ6 , Int32 ? TJ7 , Int32 ? TJ8 , Int32 ? TJ9 , Int32 ? TJ10 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value - SDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days + 1 ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist2 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist3 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist4 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist5 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist6 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist7 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist8 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist9 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist10 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
countlist = DataNew . GetCountListReport ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
countlist2 = DataNew . GetCountListReport2 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
countlist3 = DataNew . GetCountListReport3 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
countlist4 = DataNew . GetCountListReport4 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
countlist5 = DataNew . GetCountListReport5 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
countlist6 = DataNew . GetCountListReport6 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
countlist7 = DataNew . GetCountListReport7 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
countlist8 = DataNew . GetCountListReport8 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
countlist9 = DataNew . GetCountListReport9 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
countlist10 = DataNew . GetCountListReport10 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = ( SDate . Value . AddDays ( i ) ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist10 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist10 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "总销售额" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmd = countlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "总销售额扣除佣金" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist2 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "参与预估销售额" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist3 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist3 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "参与实际销售额" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist4 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist4 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "预估货物成本" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist5 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist5 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际货物成本" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist6 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist6 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "预估运费" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist7 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist7 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际运费" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist8 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist8 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "预估利润" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist9 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist9 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际利润" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountReportNew1 ( int Type , string ShopIds , int PlatId , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , Int32 ? TJ1 , Int32 ? TJ2 , Int32 ? TJ3 , Int32 ? TJ4 , Int32 ? TJ5 , Int32 ? TJ6 , Int32 ? TJ7 , Int32 ? TJ8 , Int32 ? TJ9 , Int32 ? TJ10 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value - SDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days + 1 ;
int ShopId = 0 ;
if ( ShopIds . StartsWith ( "-1" ) = = false )
ShopId = 1 ;
ShopIds = ShopIds . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist2 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist3 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist4 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist5 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist6 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist7 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist8 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist9 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist10 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
countlist = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
countlist2 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew2 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
countlist3 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew3 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
countlist4 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew4 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
countlist5 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew5 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
countlist6 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew6 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
countlist7 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew7 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
countlist8 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew8 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
countlist9 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew9 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
countlist10 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew10 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = ( SDate . Value . AddDays ( i ) ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) ;
var shoplist = DataNew . GetShopAllList ( 1 , PlatId ) ;
if ( ShopIds . StartsWith ( "-1" ) = = true )
ShopIds = "" ;
foreach ( var smd in shoplist )
ShopIds + = smd . ShopId + "," ;
ShopIds = ShopIds . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
string [ ] shops = ShopIds . Split ( ',' ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist10 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist10 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "总销售额";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist10 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist10 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmd = countlist . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "总销售额扣除佣金";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist2 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "参与预估销售额";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist2 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist3 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist3 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "参与实际销售额";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist3 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist3 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist4 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist4 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "预估货物成本";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist4 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist4 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist5 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist5 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "实际货物成本";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist5 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist5 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist6 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist6 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "预估运费";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist6 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist6 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist7 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist7 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "实际运费";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist7 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist7 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist8 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist8 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "预估利润";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist8 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist8 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist9 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist9 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "实际利润";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist9 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist9 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountReportNew2 ( int Type , int PlatId , string ShopIds , int SYear , int SMonth , int EYear , int EMonth , Int32 ? TJ1 , Int32 ? TJ2 , Int32 ? TJ3 , Int32 ? TJ4 , Int32 ? TJ5 , Int32 ? TJ6 , Int32 ? TJ7 , Int32 ? TJ8 , Int32 ? TJ9 , Int32 ? TJ10 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
int ShopId = 0 ;
if ( ShopIds . StartsWith ( "-1" ) = = false )
ShopId = 1 ;
ShopIds = ShopIds . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
string sm = SMonth . ToString ( ) ;
if ( SMonth < 10 )
sm = "0" + SMonth . ToString ( ) ;
string em = ( EMonth + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( EMonth < 9 )
em = "0" + ( EMonth + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
DateTime ? SDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( SYear . ToString ( ) + "-" + sm + "-01" ) ;
DateTime ? EDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( EYear . ToString ( ) + "-" + em + "-01" ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist2 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist3 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist4 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist5 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist6 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist7 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist8 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist9 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist10 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
countlist = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
countlist2 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew2 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
countlist3 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew3 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
countlist4 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew4 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
countlist5 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew5 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
countlist6 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew6 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
countlist7 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew7 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
countlist8 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew8 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
countlist9 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew9 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
countlist10 = DataNew . GetCountListReportNew10 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , ShopIds , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
int days = 0 ;
if ( SYear = = EYear )
days = EMonth - SMonth + 1 ;
days = 12 - SMonth + EMonth + 1 ;
var shoplist = DataNew . GetShopAllList ( 1 , PlatId ) ;
if ( ShopIds . StartsWith ( "-1" ) = = true )
ShopIds = "" ;
foreach ( var smd in shoplist )
ShopIds + = smd . ShopId + "," ;
ShopIds = ShopIds . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
string [ ] shops = ShopIds . Split ( ',' ) ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = ( SDate . Value . AddMonths ( i ) ) . ToString ( "yyyy年MM月" ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist10 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist10 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "总销售额";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist10 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist10 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmd = countlist . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "总销售额扣除佣金";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist2 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "参与预估销售额";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist2 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist3 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist3 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "参与实际销售额";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist3 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist3 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist4 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist4 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "预估货物成本";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist4 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist4 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist5 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist5 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "实际货物成本";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist5 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist5 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist6 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist6 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "预估运费";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist6 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist6 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist7 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist7 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "实际运费";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist7 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist7 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist8 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist8 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = shopmd . ShopName ; // "预估利润";
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist8 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist8 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
for ( int m = 0 ; m < shops . Length ; m + + )
var shopmd = shoplist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = Convert . ToInt32 ( shops [ m ] ) ) ;
if ( shopmd = = null )
continue ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist9 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist9 . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = shopmd . ShopId & & n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际利润" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
var datamdz = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
decimal [ ] dataz = new decimal [ days ] ;
datamdz . name = "合计" ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist9 ! = null )
var countmdall = countlist9 . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
decimal tzj = 0 ;
if ( countmdall ! = null )
foreach ( var cmd in countmdall )
if ( cmd . Price ! = null )
tzj + = cmd . Price . Value ;
dataz [ j ] = tzj ;
datamdz . data = dataz ;
list . Add ( datamdz ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountReport2 ( int Type , int PlatId , int ShopId , int SYear , int SMonth , int EYear , int EMonth , Int32 ? TJ1 , Int32 ? TJ2 , Int32 ? TJ3 , Int32 ? TJ4 , Int32 ? TJ5 , Int32 ? TJ6 , Int32 ? TJ7 , Int32 ? TJ8 , Int32 ? TJ9 , Int32 ? TJ10 )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
string sm = SMonth . ToString ( ) ;
if ( SMonth < 10 )
sm = "0" + SMonth . ToString ( ) ;
string em = ( EMonth + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( EMonth < 9 )
em = "0" + ( EMonth + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
DateTime ? SDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( SYear . ToString ( ) + "-" + sm + "-01" ) ;
DateTime ? EDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( EYear . ToString ( ) + "-" + em + "-01" ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist2 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist3 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist4 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist5 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist6 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist7 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist8 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist9 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
List < DT_CountListFromDay > countlist10 = new List < DT_CountListFromDay > ( ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
countlist = DataNew . GetCountListReport ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
countlist2 = DataNew . GetCountListReport2 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
countlist3 = DataNew . GetCountListReport3 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
countlist4 = DataNew . GetCountListReport4 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
countlist5 = DataNew . GetCountListReport5 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
countlist6 = DataNew . GetCountListReport6 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
countlist7 = DataNew . GetCountListReport7 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
countlist8 = DataNew . GetCountListReport8 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
countlist9 = DataNew . GetCountListReport9 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
countlist10 = DataNew . GetCountListReport10 ( Type , PlatId , ShopId , SDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
int days = 0 ;
if ( SYear = = EYear )
days = EMonth - SMonth + 1 ;
days = 12 - SMonth + EMonth + 1 ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = ( SDate . Value . AddMonths ( i ) ) . ToString ( "yyyy年MM月" ) ;
if ( TJ10 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist10 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist10 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "总销售额" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ1 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmd = countlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "总销售额扣除佣金" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ2 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist2 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "参与预估销售额" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ3 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist3 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist3 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "参与实际销售额" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ4 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist4 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist4 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "预估货物成本" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ5 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist5 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist5 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际货物成本" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ6 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist6 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist6 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "预估运费" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ7 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist7 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist7 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际运费" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ8 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist8 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist8 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "预估利润" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
if ( TJ9 = = 1 )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
if ( days > 0 )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
if ( countlist9 ! = null )
var countmd = countlist9 . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM" ) ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "实际利润" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 个人订单列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < DT_OrderUserListNew > > GetUserOrderList2 ( int BJState , int UserId , int OrderState , int PlatId , int ShopId , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , string GoodsCode , decimal? GDFee , decimal YJRate , string OrderCode , string Name , string TrackCode , int OffType , decimal? Offfee , int PageSize , int PageIndex )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserNew > dlist = null ;
var slist = obj . Get_ShopList ( CompanyId ) ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
dlist = DataNew . Get_OrderUser ( BJState , CompanyId , OrderState , PlatId , ShopId , UserId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode , OrderCode , TrackCode , Name , OffType , Offfee ) ;
dlist = DataNew . Get_OrderUser2 ( BJState , CompanyId , OrderState , PlatId , ShopId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode , OrderCode , TrackCode , Name , OffType , Offfee ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserNew > glist = null ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
glist = DataNew . Get_OrderGoods ( CompanyId , PlatId , ShopId , UserId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode ) ;
glist = DataNew . Get_OrderGoods2 ( CompanyId , PlatId , ShopId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode ) ;
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", dlist.Count().ToString() + " " + glist.Count().ToString());
if ( dlist = = null | | glist = = null )
return null ;
decimal USDRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 6.5 ) ;
var obj2 = new BaseService ( ) ;
var mlist = obj2 . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserListNew > olist = new List < DT_OrderUserListNew > ( ) ;
int rowindex = 1 ;
string Ids = "" ;
string Ids2 = "" ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in dlist )
Ids2 + = md . OrderId . Value + "," ;
if ( md . OrderState2 = = 1 )
Ids + = md . OrderId . Value + "," ;
var backorderlist = new List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > ( ) ;
if ( Ids ! = "" )
backorderlist = DataNew . GetListOrderBackMoneyApply ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
var trackorderlist = new List < DT_TrackCodeApply > ( ) ;
if ( Ids2 ! = "" )
trackorderlist = DataNew . GetListOrderTrackCodeApply ( Ids2 . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
decimal hj1 = 0 ;
decimal hj11 = 0 ;
decimal hj21 = 0 ;
decimal hj2 = 0 ;
decimal hj3 = 0 ;
decimal hj4 = 0 ;
decimal hj5 = 0 ;
decimal hj51 = 0 ;
decimal hj6 = 0 ;
decimal hj7 = 0 ;
decimal hj8 = 0 ;
decimal hj9 = 0 ; //赔款
decimal hj10 = 0 ; //我们承担运费
decimal Tckfee = 0 ; / /
decimal Tmdfee = 0 ; / /
decimal Tadfee = 0 ; / /
decimal TDR_BackFee = 0 ; / /
decimal TDR_PostFee = 0 ; / /
decimal TDR_SSFee = 0 ; / /
int hjsl = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in dlist )
var mmd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = md . PlatId & & n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( mmd ! = null )
USDRate = mmd . MRate . Value ;
decimal? Lr = 0 ;
DT_OrderUserListNew model = new DT_OrderUserListNew ( ) ;
model . BJState = md . BJState ;
model . OrderId = md . OrderId ;
model . StateName = "正常订单" ;
int BackType = 0 ; //退款类型
int BackOrderState = 0 ; //订单类型
int? GoodsBackType = 0 ; //退款类型
int IsBackOrder = 0 ; //是否退货订单
int GoodsState = 0 ; //是否退货订单
decimal PKPrice = 0 ; //赔款金额
decimal OurPostFee = 0 ; //退货运费
string TrackCode2 = "" ;
if ( trackorderlist ! = null & & trackorderlist . Count > 0 )
var tlist = trackorderlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
if ( tlist ! = null )
foreach ( var tmd in tlist )
TrackCode2 + = tmd . TrackCode + "<br/>" ;
if ( md . OrderState2 = = 1 & & backorderlist ! = null )
var bmd = backorderlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
if ( bmd ! = null )
IsBackOrder = 1 ;
model . StateName = "退货赔款订单" ;
// <option value="0">退款退货</option>
//<option value="1">退款不退货</option>
//<option value="2">赔款不退货</option>
//<option value="3">赔款退货</option>
// <option value="0">取消订单收取佣金20%</option>
//<option value="1">订单和佣金正常</option>
if ( bmd . FactPrice ! = null )
PKPrice = bmd . FactPrice . Value ;
if ( bmd . GoodState ! = null )
GoodsState = bmd . GoodState . Value ;
if ( bmd . PostFee ! = null & & bmd . PostFee > 0 )
OurPostFee = bmd . PostFee . Value ;
GoodsBackType = bmd . BackState ;
if ( bmd . BackType ! = null )
BackType = bmd . BackType . Value ;
if ( bmd . BackType = = 0 )
model . Remark = "退款/退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 1 )
model . Remark = "退款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 2 )
model . Remark = "部分赔款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 3 )
model . Remark = "部分赔款/退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 6 )
model . Remark = "补发配件" ;
if ( bmd . OrderState ! = null )
BackOrderState = bmd . OrderState . Value ;
if ( bmd . OrderState = = 0 )
model . Remark + = "取消订单收取佣金20%" ;
else if ( bmd . OrderState = = 1 )
model . Remark + = "订单和佣金正常" ;
var shopmd = slist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = md . ShopId ) ;
if ( shopmd ! = null )
model . PlatName = shopmd . PlatName + "|" + shopmd . ShopName ;
model . PlatName = "" ;
model . RevName = md . RevName ;
model . RevProvince = md . RevProvince ;
model . TrackCode = TrackCode2 ; // md.TrackCode2;
model . PlatOrderCode = md . PlatOrderCode ;
model . JoinOrderCode = md . JoinOrderCode ;
model . CountryName = md . CountryName ;
model . OrderDate = md . OrderDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
if ( md . PostDate ! = null )
model . PostDate = md . PostDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
model . PostDate = "" ;
model . PostInfo = md . PostInfo ;
model . GoodsNum = md . GoodsNum ;
hjsl + = md . GoodsNum . Value ;
var gglist = glist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
decimal hwcb = 0 ;
decimal tc = 0 ;
decimal sf = 0 ;
decimal ckfee = 0 ; / /
decimal mdfee = 0 ; / /
decimal adfee = 0 ; / /
decimal DR_BackFee = 0 ; / /
decimal DR_PostFee = 0 ; / /
decimal DR_SSFee = 0 ; / /
//var admd = DataNew.GetModel_OrderFee(md.OrderId.Value);///仓储 面单 广告费
//if (admd != null)
// ckfee = admd.ckfee.Value;
// mdfee = admd.mdfee.Value;
// adfee = admd.adfee.Value;
// DR_BackFee = admd.DR_BackFee.Value;
// DR_PostFee = admd.DR_PostFee.Value;
// DR_SSFee = admd.DR_SSFee.Value;
// Lr -= ckfee;
// Lr -= mdfee;
// Lr -= adfee;
// Lr -= DR_BackFee;
// Lr -= DR_PostFee;
// Lr += DR_SSFee;
string ghtml = "" ;
if ( gglist ! = null )
foreach ( var ggmd in gglist )
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null )
hwcb + = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate ! = null )
sf + = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value * ggmd . FeeRate . Value / 100 ;
if ( ggmd . TCFee ! = null )
tc + = ggmd . TCFee . Value ;
decimal hwcb2 = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsNum ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsNum . Value > 0 )
hwcb2 = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value / ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
ghtml + = "<a gid='" + ggmd . Id + "' gcb='" + hwcb2 + "'>" + ggmd . GoodsCode + "</a>" + ggmd . TypeDesc + "数量:" + ggmd . GoodsNum + "; " ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null )
ghtml + = "成本:" + ( ggmd . GoodsFee . Value / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "; " ;
ghtml + = "成本: 0" ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate ! = null )
ghtml + = "税率:" + ggmd . FeeRate . Value + "%; " ;
// if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// ghtml += "税费:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100 / USDRate).ToString("0.00") +"; ";
// else
// ghtml += "税费: 0; ";
ghtml + = "税率: 0; " ;
// ghtml += "税费: 0; ";
//if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "; <br/>";
// ghtml += "头程: 0; <br/>";
if ( ggmd . ckfee ! = null )
ckfee + = ggmd . ckfee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . mdfee ! = null )
mdfee + = ggmd . mdfee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . adfee ! = null )
adfee + = ggmd . adfee . Value ;
Lr - = ckfee ;
Lr - = mdfee ;
Lr - = adfee ;
model . GoodsCode = ghtml ;
Tckfee + = ckfee ; / /
Tmdfee + = mdfee ; / /
Tadfee + = adfee ; / /
if ( md . DR_BackFee ! = null )
DR_BackFee = md . DR_BackFee . Value ;
if ( md . DR_PostFee ! = null )
DR_PostFee = md . DR_PostFee . Value ;
if ( md . DR_SSFee ! = null )
DR_SSFee = md . DR_SSFee . Value ;
Lr - = DR_BackFee ;
Lr - = DR_PostFee ;
Lr + = DR_SSFee ;
TDR_BackFee + = DR_BackFee ; / /
TDR_PostFee + = DR_PostFee ; / /
TDR_SSFee + = DR_SSFee ; / /
//if @PlatId=1 set @escrowFee=0.95else if @PlatId=2 or @PlatId=3set @escrowFee=0.85else if @PlatId=5 set @escrowFee=0.9
decimal ptyjrate = 0 ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 1 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.05 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 2 | | md . PlatId = = 3 | | md . PlatId = = 6 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.15 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 5 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 18 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.06 ) ;
if ( md . TotalPrice ! = null )
if ( md . MoneyCode ! = "USD" )
var opmd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = md . MoneyCode ) ;
var opmd2 = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( opmd ! = null )
md . TotalPrice = opmd . MRate * md . TotalPrice / opmd2 . MRate ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & BackOrderState = = 0 ) //取消订单
model . TotalPrice = "0" ;
model . YJPrice = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
decimal yj = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 15 )
yj = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ) * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ;
Lr - = yj ;
Lr - = md . escrowFee . Value ;
hj11 + = yj ;
hj21 + = md . escrowFee . Value ;
model . TotalPrice = md . TotalPrice . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
decimal yj = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 15 )
yj = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ) ;
model . YJPrice = yj . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 15 )
model . YJPrice = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr + = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
Lr - = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ;
Lr - = md . escrowFee . Value ;
hj1 + = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
hj11 + = yj ;
hj21 + = md . escrowFee . Value ;
model . TotalPrice = "" ;
model . YJPrice = "" ;
model . escrowFee = "" ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & ( GoodsBackType = = 1 | | GoodsBackType = = 2 ) ) //退货已经入库 不计成本
model . GoodsFee = "0" ;
model . Fee1 = "0" ;
model . Fee3 = "0" ;
if ( md . Fee4 ! = null ) //货物成本
model . GoodsFee = md . Fee4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj2 + = md . Fee4 . Value ;
Lr - = md . Fee4 . Value ;
if ( hwcb > 0 )
model . GoodsFee = ( hwcb / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj2 + = hwcb / USDRate ;
Lr - = hwcb / USDRate ;
model . GoodsFee = "0" ;
// html.Append("<td></td>");
if ( sf > 0 )
model . Fee1 = ( sf / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj3 + = sf / USDRate ;
Lr - = sf / USDRate ;
model . Fee1 = "" ;
if ( md . Fee3 ! = null ) //头程
tc = md . Fee3 . Value ;
if ( tc > 0 )
model . Fee3 = tc . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = tc ;
hj4 + = tc ;
model . Fee3 = "0" ;
decimal yjyf = 0 ;
if ( md . StoreId = = 6 | | md . StoreId = = 9 )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . RevFax = = "Commercial" | | md . RevFax = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee7 )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < md . Fee6 )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
else if ( md . RevFax = = "Residential" | | md . RevFax = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee8 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < md . Fee6 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee12 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . RevFax = = "Commercial" | | md . RevFax = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee12 )
yjyf = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < md . Fee11 )
yjyf = md . Fee12 . Value ;
else if ( md . RevFax = = "Residential" | | md . RevFax = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee13 )
yjyf = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < md . Fee11 )
yjyf = md . Fee13 . Value ;
md . Fee2 = yjyf ;
if ( md . Fee2 ! = null )
model . Fee2 = ( md . Fee2 . Value ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj51 + = md . Fee2 . Value ;
model . Fee2 = "0" ;
if ( md . PostFee ! = null )
model . PostFee = ( md . PostFee . Value ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . PostFee . Value ;
hj5 + = md . PostFee . Value ;
model . PostFee = "0" ;
if ( md . PostInfo ! = null & & md . PostInfo . Contains ( "Fedex" ) & & md . PostFee ! = null )
model . Fee4 = ( md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ;
hj6 + = md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ;
model . Fee4 = "0" ;
if ( md . GDFee ! = null )
model . GDFee = md . GDFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . GDFee . Value ;
hj7 + = md . GDFee . Value ;
model . GDFee = "" ;
model . BackPostFee = OurPostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = OurPostFee ;
hj10 + = OurPostFee ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & PKPrice > 0 )
model . BackMoney = PKPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = PKPrice ;
hj9 + = PKPrice ;
model . CCFee = ckfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . MDFee = mdfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . GGFee = adfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . DR_BackFee = DR_BackFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . DR_PostFee = DR_PostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . DR_SSFee = DR_SSFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . LRFee = Lr . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj8 + = Lr . Value ;
if ( Lr . Value > 0 & & md . TotalPrice ! = null & & md . TotalPrice > 0 )
model . LRRate = ( ( Lr . Value / md . TotalPrice . Value ) * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
else if ( Lr . Value = = 0 )
model . LRRate = "0%" ;
if ( Lr . Value < 0 & & md . TotalPrice ! = null & & md . TotalPrice > 0 )
model . LRRate = "-" + ( ( Lr . Value * - 1 / md . TotalPrice . Value ) * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
if ( rowindex > PageSize * ( PageIndex - 1 ) & & rowindex < = PageSize * PageIndex )
olist . Add ( model ) ;
rowindex + + ;
DT_OrderUserListNew model2 = new DT_OrderUserListNew ( ) ;
model2 . GoodsCode = "合计:" ;
model2 . GoodsNum = hjsl ;
model2 . TotalPrice = hj1 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . YJPrice = hj11 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . GoodsFee = hj2 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . escrowFee = hj21 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee1 = hj3 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee3 = hj4 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . PostFee = hj5 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee4 = hj6 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . BackPostFee = hj10 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . BackMoney = hj9 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . LRFee = hj8 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . CCFee = Tckfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . MDFee = Tmdfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . GGFee = Tadfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . DR_BackFee = TDR_BackFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . DR_PostFee = TDR_PostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . DR_SSFee = TDR_SSFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( hj8 > 0 & & hj1 > 0 )
model2 . LRRate = ( hj8 / hj1 * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
else if ( hj8 = = 0 )
model2 . LRRate = "0%" ;
else if ( hj1 > 0 )
model2 . LRRate = "<font color='red'>-" + ( hj8 * - 1 / hj1 * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%<font>" ;
olist . Add ( model2 ) ;
// html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
//model2. 合计:</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj1.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj2.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// // html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj3.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj4.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj51.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj5.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj6.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj7.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj8.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// if (hj8 > 0)
// html.Append("<td>" + (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// else if (hj8 == 0)
// html.Append("<td>0%</td>");
// else
// html.Append("<td>-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// html.Append("</tr>");
JsonModel < List < DT_OrderUserListNew > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < DT_OrderUserListNew > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = olist ;
resultModel . RowCount = rowindex ;
return resultModel ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "GetUserOrderList2" , "" , ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region 个人订单列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetUserOrderExcel2 ( int BJState , int UserId , int OrderState , int PlatId , int ShopId , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , string GoodsCode , decimal? GDFee , decimal YJRate , string OrderCode , string Name , string TrackCode , int OffType , decimal? Offfee )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserNew > dlist = null ;
var slist = obj . Get_ShopList ( CompanyId ) ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
dlist = DataNew . Get_OrderUser ( BJState , CompanyId , OrderState , PlatId , ShopId , UserId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode , OrderCode , TrackCode , Name , OffType , Offfee ) ;
dlist = DataNew . Get_OrderUser2 ( BJState , CompanyId , OrderState , PlatId , ShopId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode , OrderCode , TrackCode , Name , OffType , Offfee ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserNew > glist = null ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
glist = DataNew . Get_OrderGoods ( CompanyId , PlatId , ShopId , UserId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode ) ;
glist = DataNew . Get_OrderGoods2 ( CompanyId , PlatId , ShopId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode ) ;
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", dlist.Count().ToString() + " " + glist.Count().ToString());
if ( dlist = = null | | glist = = null )
return null ;
decimal USDRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 6.5 ) ;
var obj2 = new BaseService ( ) ;
var mlist = obj2 . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserListNew > olist = new List < DT_OrderUserListNew > ( ) ;
int rowindex = 1 ;
string Ids = "" ;
string Ids2 = "" ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in dlist )
Ids2 + = md . OrderId . Value + "," ;
if ( md . OrderState2 = = 1 )
Ids + = md . OrderId . Value + "," ;
var backorderlist = new List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > ( ) ;
if ( Ids ! = "" )
backorderlist = DataNew . GetListOrderBackMoneyApply ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
var trackorderlist = new List < DT_TrackCodeApply > ( ) ;
if ( Ids2 ! = "" )
trackorderlist = DataNew . GetListOrderTrackCodeApply ( Ids2 . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
decimal hj1 = 0 ;
decimal hj11 = 0 ;
decimal hj21 = 0 ;
decimal hj2 = 0 ;
decimal hj3 = 0 ;
decimal hj4 = 0 ;
decimal hj5 = 0 ;
decimal hj51 = 0 ;
decimal hj6 = 0 ;
decimal hj7 = 0 ;
decimal hj8 = 0 ;
decimal hj9 = 0 ; //赔款
decimal hj10 = 0 ; //我们承担运费
decimal Tckfee = 0 ; / /
decimal Tmdfee = 0 ; / /
decimal Tadfee = 0 ; / /
decimal TDR_BackFee = 0 ; / /
decimal TDR_PostFee = 0 ; / /
decimal TDR_SSFee = 0 ; / /
int hjsl = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in dlist )
var mmd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = md . PlatId & & n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( mmd ! = null )
USDRate = mmd . MRate . Value ;
decimal? Lr = 0 ;
DT_OrderUserListNew model = new DT_OrderUserListNew ( ) ;
model . BJState = md . BJState ;
model . OrderId = md . OrderId ;
model . StateName = "正常订单" ;
int BackType = 0 ; //退款类型
int BackOrderState = 0 ; //订单类型
int? GoodsBackType = 0 ; //退款类型
int IsBackOrder = 0 ; //是否退货订单
int GoodsState = 0 ; //是否退货订单
decimal PKPrice = 0 ; //赔款金额
decimal OurPostFee = 0 ; //退货运费
string TrackCode2 = "" ;
if ( trackorderlist ! = null & & trackorderlist . Count > 0 )
var tlist = trackorderlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
if ( tlist ! = null )
foreach ( var tmd in tlist )
TrackCode2 + = tmd . TrackCode + "," ;
if ( md . OrderState2 = = 1 & & backorderlist ! = null )
var bmd = backorderlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
if ( bmd ! = null )
IsBackOrder = 1 ;
model . StateName = "退货赔款订单" ;
// <option value="0">退款退货</option>
//<option value="1">退款不退货</option>
//<option value="2">赔款不退货</option>
//<option value="3">赔款退货</option>
// <option value="0">取消订单收取佣金20%</option>
//<option value="1">订单和佣金正常</option>
if ( bmd . FactPrice ! = null )
PKPrice = bmd . FactPrice . Value ;
if ( bmd . GoodState ! = null )
GoodsState = bmd . GoodState . Value ;
if ( bmd . PostFee ! = null & & bmd . PostFee > 0 )
OurPostFee = bmd . PostFee . Value ;
GoodsBackType = bmd . BackState ;
if ( bmd . BackType ! = null )
BackType = bmd . BackType . Value ;
if ( bmd . BackType = = 0 )
model . Remark = "退款/退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 1 )
model . Remark = "退款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 2 )
model . Remark = "部分赔款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 3 )
model . Remark = "部分赔款/退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 6 )
model . Remark = "补发配件" ;
if ( bmd . OrderState ! = null )
BackOrderState = bmd . OrderState . Value ;
if ( bmd . OrderState = = 0 )
model . Remark + = "取消订单收取佣金20%" ;
else if ( bmd . OrderState = = 1 )
model . Remark + = "订单和佣金正常" ;
var shopmd = slist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = md . ShopId ) ;
if ( shopmd ! = null )
model . PlatName = shopmd . PlatName + "|" + shopmd . ShopName ;
model . PlatName = "" ;
model . RevName = md . RevName ;
model . RevProvince = md . RevProvince ;
model . TrackCode = TrackCode2 ; // md.TrackCode2;
model . PlatOrderCode = md . PlatOrderCode ;
model . JoinOrderCode = md . JoinOrderCode ;
model . CountryName = md . CountryName ;
model . OrderDate = md . OrderDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
if ( md . PostDate ! = null )
model . PostDate = md . PostDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
model . PostDate = "" ;
model . PostInfo = md . PostInfo ;
model . GoodsNum = md . GoodsNum ;
hjsl + = md . GoodsNum . Value ;
var gglist = glist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
decimal hwcb = 0 ;
decimal tc = 0 ;
decimal sf = 0 ;
decimal ckfee = 0 ; / /
decimal mdfee = 0 ; / /
decimal adfee = 0 ; / /
decimal DR_BackFee = 0 ; / /
decimal DR_PostFee = 0 ; / /
decimal DR_SSFee = 0 ; / /
//var admd = DataNew.GetModel_OrderFee(md.OrderId.Value);///仓储 面单 广告费
//if (admd != null)
// ckfee = admd.ckfee.Value;
// mdfee = admd.mdfee.Value;
// adfee = admd.adfee.Value;
// DR_BackFee = admd.DR_BackFee.Value;
// DR_PostFee = admd.DR_PostFee.Value;
// DR_SSFee = admd.DR_SSFee.Value;
// Lr -= ckfee;
// Lr -= mdfee;
// Lr -= adfee;
// Lr -= DR_BackFee;
// Lr -= DR_PostFee;
// Lr += DR_SSFee;
string ghtml = "" ;
if ( gglist ! = null )
foreach ( var ggmd in gglist )
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null )
hwcb + = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate ! = null )
sf + = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value * ggmd . FeeRate . Value / 100 ;
if ( ggmd . TCFee ! = null )
tc + = ggmd . TCFee . Value ;
decimal hwcb2 = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsNum ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsNum . Value > 0 )
hwcb2 = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value / ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
ghtml + = ggmd . GoodsCode + " " + ggmd . TypeDesc + " 数量:" + ggmd . GoodsNum ;
//if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "; <br/>";
// ghtml += "头程: 0; <br/>";
if ( ggmd . ckfee ! = null )
ckfee + = ggmd . ckfee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . mdfee ! = null )
mdfee + = ggmd . mdfee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . adfee ! = null )
adfee + = ggmd . adfee . Value ;
Lr - = ckfee ;
Lr - = mdfee ;
Lr - = adfee ;
model . SortName = ggmd . SortName ;
model . GoodsCode = ghtml ;
Tckfee + = ckfee ; / /
Tmdfee + = mdfee ; / /
Tadfee + = adfee ; / /
if ( md . DR_BackFee ! = null )
DR_BackFee = md . DR_BackFee . Value ;
if ( md . DR_PostFee ! = null )
DR_PostFee = md . DR_PostFee . Value ;
if ( md . DR_SSFee ! = null )
DR_SSFee = md . DR_SSFee . Value ;
Lr - = DR_BackFee ;
Lr - = DR_PostFee ;
Lr + = DR_SSFee ;
TDR_BackFee + = DR_BackFee ; / /
TDR_PostFee + = DR_PostFee ; / /
TDR_SSFee + = DR_SSFee ; / /
//if @PlatId=1 set @escrowFee=0.95else if @PlatId=2 or @PlatId=3set @escrowFee=0.85else if @PlatId=5 set @escrowFee=0.9
decimal ptyjrate = 0 ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 1 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.05 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 2 | | md . PlatId = = 3 | | md . PlatId = = 6 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.15 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 5 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 18 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.06 ) ;
if ( md . TotalPrice ! = null )
if ( md . MoneyCode ! = "USD" )
var opmd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = md . MoneyCode ) ;
var opmd2 = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( opmd ! = null )
md . TotalPrice = opmd . MRate * md . TotalPrice / opmd2 . MRate ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & BackOrderState = = 0 ) //取消订单
model . TotalPrice = "0" ;
model . YJPrice = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
decimal yj = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 15 )
yj = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ) * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ;
Lr - = yj ;
Lr - = md . escrowFee . Value ;
hj11 + = yj ;
hj21 + = md . escrowFee . Value ;
model . TotalPrice = md . TotalPrice . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
decimal yj = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 15 )
yj = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ) ;
model . YJPrice = yj . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 15 )
model . YJPrice = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.029 ) + 0.3 M ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr + = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
Lr - = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ;
Lr - = md . escrowFee . Value ;
hj1 + = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
hj11 + = yj ;
hj21 + = md . escrowFee . Value ;
model . TotalPrice = "" ;
model . YJPrice = "" ;
model . escrowFee = "" ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & ( GoodsBackType = = 1 | | GoodsBackType = = 2 ) ) //退货已经入库 不计成本
model . GoodsFee = "0" ;
model . Fee1 = "0" ;
model . Fee3 = "0" ;
if ( md . Fee4 ! = null ) //货物成本
model . GoodsFee = md . Fee4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj2 + = md . Fee4 . Value ;
Lr - = md . Fee4 . Value ;
if ( hwcb > 0 )
model . GoodsFee = ( hwcb / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj2 + = hwcb / USDRate ;
Lr - = hwcb / USDRate ;
model . GoodsFee = "0" ;
// html.Append("<td></td>");
if ( sf > 0 )
model . Fee1 = ( sf / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj3 + = sf / USDRate ;
Lr - = sf / USDRate ;
model . Fee1 = "" ;
if ( md . Fee3 ! = null ) //头程
tc = md . Fee3 . Value ;
if ( tc > 0 )
model . Fee3 = tc . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = tc ;
hj4 + = tc ;
model . Fee3 = "0" ;
decimal yjyf = 0 ;
if ( md . StoreId = = 6 | | md . StoreId = = 9 )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . RevFax = = "Commercial" | | md . RevFax = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee7 )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < md . Fee6 )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
else if ( md . RevFax = = "Residential" | | md . RevFax = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < md . Fee8 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < md . Fee6 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee12 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( md . RevFax = = "Commercial" | | md . RevFax = = "OFFICE" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee12 )
yjyf = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee12 ! = null & & md . Fee12 > 0 & & md . Fee12 < md . Fee11 )
yjyf = md . Fee12 . Value ;
else if ( md . RevFax = = "Residential" | | md . RevFax = = "RESIDENTIAL" )
if ( md . Fee11 ! = null & & md . Fee11 > 0 & & md . Fee11 < md . Fee13 )
yjyf = md . Fee11 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee13 ! = null & & md . Fee13 > 0 & & md . Fee13 < md . Fee11 )
yjyf = md . Fee13 . Value ;
md . Fee2 = yjyf ;
if ( md . Fee2 ! = null )
model . Fee2 = ( md . Fee2 . Value ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj51 + = md . Fee2 . Value ;
model . Fee2 = "0" ;
if ( md . PostFee ! = null )
model . PostFee = ( md . PostFee . Value ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . PostFee . Value ;
hj5 + = md . PostFee . Value ;
model . PostFee = "0" ;
if ( md . PostInfo ! = null & & md . PostInfo . Contains ( "Fedex" ) & & md . PostFee ! = null )
model . Fee4 = ( md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ;
hj6 + = md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ;
model . Fee4 = "0" ;
if ( md . GDFee ! = null )
model . GDFee = md . GDFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . GDFee . Value ;
hj7 + = md . GDFee . Value ;
model . GDFee = "" ;
model . BackPostFee = OurPostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = OurPostFee ;
hj10 + = OurPostFee ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & PKPrice > 0 )
model . BackMoney = PKPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = PKPrice ;
hj9 + = PKPrice ;
model . CCFee = ckfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . MDFee = mdfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . GGFee = adfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . DR_BackFee = DR_BackFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . DR_PostFee = DR_PostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . DR_SSFee = DR_SSFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . LRFee = Lr . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj8 + = Lr . Value ;
if ( Lr . Value > 0 & & md . TotalPrice ! = null & & md . TotalPrice > 0 )
model . LRRate = ( ( Lr . Value / md . TotalPrice . Value ) * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
else if ( Lr . Value = = 0 )
model . LRRate = "0%" ;
if ( Lr . Value < 0 & & md . TotalPrice ! = null & & md . TotalPrice > 0 )
model . LRRate = "-" + ( ( Lr . Value * - 1 / md . TotalPrice . Value ) * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
olist . Add ( model ) ;
rowindex + + ;
DT_OrderUserListNew model2 = new DT_OrderUserListNew ( ) ;
model2 . GoodsCode = "合计:" ;
model2 . GoodsNum = hjsl ;
model2 . TotalPrice = hj1 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . YJPrice = hj11 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . GoodsFee = hj2 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . escrowFee = hj21 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee1 = hj3 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee3 = hj4 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . PostFee = hj5 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee4 = hj6 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . BackPostFee = hj10 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . BackMoney = hj9 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . LRFee = hj8 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . CCFee = Tckfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . MDFee = Tmdfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . GGFee = Tadfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . DR_BackFee = TDR_BackFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . DR_PostFee = TDR_PostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . DR_SSFee = TDR_SSFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( hj8 > 0 & & hj1 > 0 )
model2 . LRRate = ( hj8 / hj1 * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
else if ( hj8 = = 0 )
model2 . LRRate = "0%" ;
else if ( hj1 > 0 )
model2 . LRRate = "<font color='red'>-" + ( hj8 * - 1 / hj1 * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%<font>" ;
olist . Add ( model2 ) ;
if ( olist = = null )
return "" ;
DataTable tb = olist . ToDataTable < DT_OrderUserListNew > ( ) ;
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PlatName" , "平台|店铺" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PlatOrderCode" , "订单号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "CountryName" , "国家" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "RevProvince" , "州省" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "OrderDate" , "订单日期" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PostDate" , "发货日期" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "RevName" , "收件人" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PostInfo" , "物流方式" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TrackCode" , "跟踪码" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "SortName" , "产品分类" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "货物编号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsNum" , "货物数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "TotalPrice" , "订单金额$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "YJPrice" , "佣金$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "escrowFee" , "税费$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GoodsFee" , "货物成本" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Fee1" , "关税" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Fee3" , "头程费用" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Fee2" , "预估运费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "PostFee" , "运费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "Fee4" , "运费佣金" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "BackPostFee" , "我们承担的运费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GDFee" , "固定成本" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "CCFee" , "仓储费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "MDFee" , "面单费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "GGFee" , "广告费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "DR_BackFee" , "退款费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "DR_PostFee" , "退货运费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "DR_SSFee" , "物流申诉费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
listColumns . Add ( "LRRate" , "利润率" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel obj3 = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return obj3 . Export ( tb , listColumns ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "GetUserOrderList2" , "" , ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
# endregion
private string Excelout ( DataTable ds , string path )
long totalCount = ds . Rows . Count ;
long rowRead = 0 ;
float percent = 0 ;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter ( path , true , Encoding . GetEncoding ( "gb2312" ) ) ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < ds . Columns . Count ; k + + )
sb . Append ( ds . Columns [ k ] . ColumnName . ToString ( ) + "\t" ) ;
sb . Append ( Environment . NewLine ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ds . Rows . Count ; i + + )
rowRead + + ;
percent = ( ( float ) ( 100 * rowRead ) ) / totalCount ;
// textBox1.Text = "正在写入[" + percent.ToString("0.00") + "%]...的数据";
// DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
// sb.Append(time.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "\t");
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ds . Columns . Count ; j + + )
//if (ds.Rows[i][j] == null)
// sb.Append("\t");
string pattern = "^[0-9]*$" ;
Regex rx = new Regex ( pattern ) ;
string zz = ds . Rows [ i ] [ j ] . ToString ( ) . Replace ( Environment . NewLine , "" ) ;
if ( zz . Length > 10 )
bool a = rx . IsMatch ( zz ) ; //bool类型
if ( a = = true )
zz = "'" + zz ;
sb . Append ( zz + "\t" ) ;
sb . Append ( Environment . NewLine ) ;
sw . WriteLine ( sb . ToString ( ) ) ;
sw . Flush ( ) ;
sw . Close ( ) ;
return "" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
return ex . Message ;
// MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
#region 个人订单列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < DT_OrderUserListNew > > GetUserOrderList22222 ( int BJState , int UserId , int OrderState , int PlatId , int ShopId , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , string GoodsCode , decimal? GDFee , decimal YJRate , string OrderCode , string Name , string TrackCode , int OffType , decimal? Offfee , int PageSize , int PageIndex )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserNew > dlist = null ;
var slist = obj . Get_ShopList ( CompanyId ) ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
dlist = DataNew . Get_OrderUser ( BJState , CompanyId , OrderState , PlatId , ShopId , UserId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode , OrderCode , TrackCode , Name , OffType , Offfee ) ;
dlist = DataNew . Get_OrderUser2 ( BJState , CompanyId , OrderState , PlatId , ShopId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode , OrderCode , TrackCode , Name , OffType , Offfee ) ;
List < DT_OrderUser > glist = null ;
if ( UserId > 0 )
glist = obj . Get_OrderGoods ( CompanyId , PlatId , ShopId , UserId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode ) ;
glist = obj . Get_OrderGoods2 ( CompanyId , PlatId , ShopId , SDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) , GoodsCode ) ;
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", dlist.Count().ToString() + " " + glist.Count().ToString());
if ( dlist = = null | | glist = = null )
return null ;
decimal USDRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 6.5 ) ;
var obj2 = new BaseService ( ) ;
var mlist = obj2 . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUserListNew > olist = new List < DT_OrderUserListNew > ( ) ;
int rowindex = 1 ;
string Ids = "" ;
string Ids2 = "" ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
foreach ( var md in dlist )
Ids2 + = md . OrderId . Value + "," ;
if ( md . OrderState2 = = 1 )
Ids + = md . OrderId . Value + "," ;
var backorderlist = new List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > ( ) ;
if ( Ids ! = "" )
backorderlist = DataNew . GetListOrderBackMoneyApply ( Ids . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
var trackorderlist = new List < DT_TrackCodeApply > ( ) ;
if ( Ids2 ! = "" )
trackorderlist = DataNew . GetListOrderTrackCodeApply ( Ids2 . Trim ( ',' ) ) ;
if ( dlist ! = null )
decimal hj1 = 0 ;
decimal hj11 = 0 ;
decimal hj21 = 0 ;
decimal hj2 = 0 ;
decimal hj3 = 0 ;
decimal hj4 = 0 ;
decimal hj5 = 0 ;
decimal hj51 = 0 ;
decimal hj6 = 0 ;
decimal hj7 = 0 ;
decimal hj8 = 0 ;
decimal hj9 = 0 ; //赔款
decimal hj10 = 0 ; //我们承担运费
int hjsl = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in dlist )
var mmd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = md . PlatId & & n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( mmd ! = null )
USDRate = mmd . MRate . Value ;
decimal? Lr = 0 ;
DT_OrderUserListNew model = new DT_OrderUserListNew ( ) ;
model . BJState = md . BJState ;
model . OrderId = md . OrderId ;
model . StateName = "正常订单" ;
int BackType = 0 ; //退款类型
int BackOrderState = 0 ; //订单类型
int? GoodsBackType = 0 ; //退款类型
int IsBackOrder = 0 ; //是否退货订单
int GoodsState = 0 ; //是否退货订单
decimal PKPrice = 0 ; //赔款金额
decimal OurPostFee = 0 ; //退货运费
string TrackCode2 = "" ;
if ( trackorderlist ! = null & & trackorderlist . Count > 0 )
var tlist = trackorderlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
if ( tlist ! = null )
foreach ( var tmd in tlist )
TrackCode2 + = tmd . TrackCode + "<br/>" ;
if ( md . OrderState2 = = 1 & & backorderlist ! = null )
var bmd = backorderlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
if ( bmd ! = null )
IsBackOrder = 1 ;
model . StateName = "退货赔款订单" ;
// <option value="0">退款退货</option>
//<option value="1">退款不退货</option>
//<option value="2">赔款不退货</option>
//<option value="3">赔款退货</option>
// <option value="0">取消订单收取佣金20%</option>
//<option value="1">订单和佣金正常</option>
if ( bmd . FactPrice ! = null )
PKPrice = bmd . FactPrice . Value ;
if ( bmd . GoodState ! = null )
GoodsState = bmd . GoodState . Value ;
if ( bmd . PostFee ! = null & & bmd . PostFee > 0 )
OurPostFee = bmd . PostFee . Value ;
GoodsBackType = bmd . BackState ;
if ( bmd . BackType ! = null )
BackType = bmd . BackType . Value ;
if ( bmd . BackType = = 0 )
model . Remark = "退款/退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 1 )
model . Remark = "退款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 2 )
model . Remark = "部分赔款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 3 )
model . Remark = "部分赔款/不退货" ;
else if ( bmd . BackType = = 6 )
model . Remark = "补发配件" ;
if ( bmd . OrderState ! = null )
BackOrderState = bmd . OrderState . Value ;
if ( bmd . OrderState = = 0 )
model . Remark + = "取消订单收取佣金20%" ;
else if ( bmd . OrderState = = 1 )
model . Remark + = "订单和佣金正常" ;
var shopmd = slist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = md . ShopId ) ;
if ( shopmd ! = null )
model . PlatName = shopmd . PlatName + "|" + shopmd . ShopName ;
model . PlatName = "" ;
model . RevName = md . RevName ;
model . RevProvince = md . RevProvince ;
model . TrackCode = TrackCode2 ; // md.TrackCode2;
model . PlatOrderCode = md . PlatOrderCode ;
model . JoinOrderCode = md . JoinOrderCode ;
model . CountryName = md . CountryName ;
model . OrderDate = md . OrderDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
if ( md . PostDate ! = null )
model . PostDate = md . PostDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
model . PostDate = "" ;
model . PostInfo = md . PostInfo ;
model . GoodsNum = md . GoodsNum ;
hjsl + = md . GoodsNum . Value ;
var gglist = glist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ) ;
decimal hwcb = 0 ;
decimal tc = 0 ;
decimal sf = 0 ;
string ghtml = "" ;
if ( gglist ! = null )
foreach ( var ggmd in gglist )
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null )
hwcb + = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate ! = null )
sf + = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value * ggmd . FeeRate . Value / 100 ;
if ( ggmd . TCFee ! = null )
tc + = ggmd . TCFee . Value ;
decimal hwcb2 = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsNum ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsNum . Value > 0 )
hwcb2 = ggmd . GoodsFee . Value / ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
ghtml + = "<a gid='" + ggmd . Id + "' gcb='" + hwcb2 + "'>" + ggmd . GoodsCode + "</a>" + ggmd . TypeDesc + "数量:" + ggmd . GoodsNum + "; " ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsFee ! = null )
ghtml + = "成本:" + ( ggmd . GoodsFee . Value / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "; " ;
ghtml + = "成本: 0" ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate ! = null )
ghtml + = "税率:" + ggmd . FeeRate . Value + "%; " ;
// if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// ghtml += "税费:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100 / USDRate).ToString("0.00") +"; ";
// else
// ghtml += "税费: 0; ";
ghtml + = "税率: 0; " ;
// ghtml += "税费: 0; ";
//if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "; <br/>";
// ghtml += "头程: 0; <br/>";
model . GoodsCode = ghtml ;
//if @PlatId=1 set @escrowFee=0.95else if @PlatId=2 or @PlatId=3set @escrowFee=0.85else if @PlatId=5 set @escrowFee=0.9
decimal ptyjrate = 0 ;
if ( md . PlatId = = 1 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.05 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 2 | | md . PlatId = = 3 | | md . PlatId = = 6 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.15 ) ;
else if ( md . PlatId = = 5 )
ptyjrate = Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.1 ) ;
if ( md . TotalPrice ! = null )
if ( md . MoneyCode ! = "USD" )
var opmd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = md . MoneyCode ) ;
var opmd2 = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( opmd ! = null )
md . TotalPrice = opmd . MRate * md . TotalPrice / opmd2 . MRate ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & BackOrderState = = 0 ) //取消订单
model . TotalPrice = "0" ;
model . YJPrice = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ;
Lr - = md . escrowFee . Value ;
hj11 + = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate * Convert . ToDecimal ( 0.2 ) ;
hj21 + = md . escrowFee . Value ;
model . TotalPrice = md . TotalPrice . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . YJPrice = ( md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model . escrowFee = md . escrowFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr + = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
Lr - = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ;
Lr - = md . escrowFee . Value ;
hj1 + = md . TotalPrice . Value ;
hj11 + = md . TotalPrice . Value * ptyjrate ;
hj21 + = md . escrowFee . Value ;
model . TotalPrice = "" ;
model . YJPrice = "" ;
model . escrowFee = "" ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & ( GoodsBackType = = 1 | | GoodsBackType = = 2 ) ) //退货已经入库 不计成本
model . GoodsFee = "0" ;
model . Fee1 = "0" ;
model . Fee3 = "0" ;
if ( md . Fee4 ! = null ) //货物成本
model . GoodsFee = md . Fee4 . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj2 + = md . Fee4 . Value ;
Lr - = md . Fee4 . Value ;
if ( hwcb > 0 )
model . GoodsFee = ( hwcb / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj2 + = hwcb / USDRate ;
Lr - = hwcb / USDRate ;
model . GoodsFee = "0" ;
// html.Append("<td></td>");
if ( sf > 0 )
model . Fee1 = ( sf / USDRate ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj3 + = sf / USDRate ;
Lr - = sf / USDRate ;
model . Fee1 = "" ;
if ( md . Fee3 ! = null ) //头程
tc = md . Fee3 . Value ;
if ( tc > 0 )
model . Fee3 = tc . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = tc ;
hj4 + = tc ;
model . Fee3 = "0" ;
decimal yjyf = 0 ;
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
else if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee6 ! = null & & md . Fee6 > 0 & & md . Fee6 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee6 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee7 ! = null & & md . Fee7 > 0 & & md . Fee7 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( md . Fee8 ! = null & & md . Fee8 > 0 & & md . Fee8 < yjyf )
yjyf = md . Fee8 . Value ;
md . Fee2 = yjyf ;
if ( md . Fee2 ! = null )
model . Fee2 = ( md . Fee2 . Value ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj51 + = md . Fee2 . Value ;
model . Fee2 = "0" ;
if ( md . PostFee ! = null )
model . PostFee = ( md . PostFee . Value ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . PostFee . Value ;
hj5 + = md . PostFee . Value ;
model . PostFee = "0" ;
if ( md . PostInfo ! = null & & md . PostInfo . Contains ( "Fedex" ) & & md . PostFee ! = null )
model . Fee4 = ( md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ;
hj6 + = md . PostFee . Value * YJRate / 100 ;
model . Fee4 = "0" ;
if ( md . GDFee ! = null )
model . GDFee = md . GDFee . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = md . GDFee . Value ;
hj7 + = md . GDFee . Value ;
model . GDFee = "" ;
model . BackPostFee = OurPostFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = OurPostFee ;
hj10 + = OurPostFee ;
if ( IsBackOrder = = 1 & & PKPrice > 0 )
model . BackMoney = PKPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
Lr - = PKPrice ;
hj9 + = PKPrice ;
model . LRFee = Lr . Value . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
hj8 + = Lr . Value ;
if ( Lr . Value > 0 & & md . TotalPrice ! = null & & md . TotalPrice > 0 )
model . LRRate = ( ( Lr . Value / md . TotalPrice . Value ) * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
else if ( Lr . Value = = 0 )
model . LRRate = "0%" ;
if ( Lr . Value < 0 & & md . TotalPrice ! = null & & md . TotalPrice > 0 )
model . LRRate = "-" + ( ( Lr . Value * - 1 / md . TotalPrice . Value ) * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
if ( rowindex > PageSize * ( PageIndex - 1 ) & & rowindex < = PageSize * PageIndex )
olist . Add ( model ) ;
rowindex + + ;
DT_OrderUserListNew model2 = new DT_OrderUserListNew ( ) ;
model2 . GoodsCode = "合计:" ;
model2 . GoodsNum = hjsl ;
model2 . TotalPrice = hj1 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . YJPrice = hj11 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . GoodsFee = hj2 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . escrowFee = hj21 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee1 = hj3 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee3 = hj4 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . PostFee = hj5 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . Fee4 = hj6 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . BackPostFee = hj10 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . BackMoney = hj9 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
model2 . LRFee = hj8 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( hj8 > 0 & & hj1 > 0 )
model2 . LRRate = ( hj8 / hj1 * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%" ;
else if ( hj8 = = 0 )
model2 . LRRate = "0%" ;
else if ( hj1 > 0 )
model2 . LRRate = "<font color='red'>-" + ( hj8 * - 1 / hj1 * 100 ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) + "%<font>" ;
olist . Add ( model2 ) ;
// html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
//model2. 合计:</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj1.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj2.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// // html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj3.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj4.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj51.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj5.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj6.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj7.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj8.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// if (hj8 > 0)
// html.Append("<td>" + (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// else if (hj8 == 0)
// html.Append("<td>0%</td>");
// else
// html.Append("<td>-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// html.Append("</tr>");
JsonModel < List < DT_OrderUserListNew > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < DT_OrderUserListNew > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = olist ;
resultModel . RowCount = rowindex ;
return resultModel ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "GetUserOrderList2" , "" , ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
#region 报表27
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable27 ( int Type , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int StoreId )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string CompanyId = Session [ "CompanyId" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
//if (StoreId > 0)
// tj = " and b.StoreId=" + StoreId;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.OrderDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . state > 0 and a . State < 3 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . OrderDate , 120 ) ";
if ( Type = = 2 )
sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.PostDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . PostState = 1 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . PostDate , 120 ) ";
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport3 ( dt , 38 ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表27
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable27 ( int Type , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int StoreId )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string CompanyId = Session [ "CompanyId" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
//if (StoreId > 0)
// tj = " and b.StoreId=" + StoreId;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.OrderDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . state > 0 and a . State < 3 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . OrderDate , 120 ) ";
if ( Type = = 2 )
sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.PostDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . PostState = 1 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . PostDate , 120 ) ";
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetExcelReport ( dt , 38 ) ;
# endregion
#region 首页订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetDefaultOrderCountMonth ( List < DT_OrderCountContent > listshop , int Type )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
DateTime SDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-01" ) ) . AddMonths ( - 11 ) ;
DateTime EDate = DateTime . Today ;
List < DT_CountForMonth > countlist = new List < DT_CountForMonth > ( ) ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
countlist = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonth ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
countlist = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonthPrice ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
List < DT_CountForMonth > countlist2 = new List < DT_CountForMonth > ( ) ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
countlist2 = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonth2 ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
countlist2 = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonthPrice2 ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
categories = new string [ 12 ] ;
int m = 11 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = ( DateTime . Today . AddMonths ( - 1 * m ) . Month ) . ToString ( ) + "月" ;
m - - ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
var smd = new DT_OrderCountContent ( ) ;
smd . Id = 0 ;
smd . Name = "总单量" ;
listshop . Insert ( 0 , smd ) ;
if ( Type = = 2 )
var smd = new DT_OrderCountContent ( ) ;
smd . Id = 0 ;
smd . Name = "总销售额" ;
listshop . Insert ( 0 , smd ) ;
if ( listshop ! = null & & listshop . Count > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listshop . Count ; i + + )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ 12 ] ;
int m2 = 11 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
if ( listshop [ i ] . Id = = 0 )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmd2 = countlist2 . Find ( n = > n . Month = = DateTime . Today . AddMonths ( - 1 * m2 ) . Month ) ;
if ( countmd2 ! = null )
if ( Type = = 1 )
data [ j ] = countmd2 . Num . Value ;
data [ j ] = countmd2 . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmd = countlist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = listshop [ i ] . Id & & n . Month = = DateTime . Today . AddMonths ( - 1 * m2 ) . Month ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
if ( Type = = 1 )
data [ j ] = countmd . Num . Value ;
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
m2 - - ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = listshop [ i ] . Name ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 首页订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetDefaultOrderCountMonth2 ( List < DT_OrderCountContent > listshop , int Type )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string Ids = "" ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
DateTime SDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-01" ) ) . AddMonths ( - 11 ) ;
DateTime EDate = DateTime . Today ;
List < DT_CountForMonth > countlist = new List < DT_CountForMonth > ( ) ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
countlist = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonthPT ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
countlist = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonthPTPrice ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
List < DT_CountForMonth > countlist2 = new List < DT_CountForMonth > ( ) ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
countlist2 = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonth2 ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
countlist2 = DataNew . GetDefaultCountListFromMonthPrice2 ( SDate , EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) , CompanyId ) ;
categories = new string [ 12 ] ;
int m = 11 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = ( DateTime . Today . AddMonths ( - 1 * m ) . Month ) . ToString ( ) + "月" ;
m - - ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
var smd = new DT_OrderCountContent ( ) ;
smd . Id = 0 ;
smd . Name = "总单量" ;
listshop . Insert ( 0 , smd ) ;
if ( Type = = 2 )
var smd = new DT_OrderCountContent ( ) ;
smd . Id = 0 ;
smd . Name = "总销售额" ;
listshop . Insert ( 0 , smd ) ;
if ( listshop ! = null & & listshop . Count > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listshop . Count ; i + + )
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ 12 ] ;
int m2 = 11 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
if ( listshop [ i ] . Id = = 0 )
if ( countlist2 ! = null )
var countmd2 = countlist2 . Find ( n = > n . Month = = DateTime . Today . AddMonths ( - 1 * m2 ) . Month ) ;
if ( countmd2 ! = null )
if ( Type = = 1 )
data [ j ] = countmd2 . Num . Value ;
data [ j ] = countmd2 . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
if ( countlist ! = null )
var countmd = countlist . Find ( n = > n . PlatId = = listshop [ i ] . Id & & n . Month = = DateTime . Today . AddMonths ( - 1 * m2 ) . Month ) ;
if ( countmd ! = null )
if ( Type = = 1 )
data [ j ] = countmd . Num . Value ;
data [ j ] = countmd . Price . Value ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = 0 ;
m2 - - ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = listshop [ i ] . Name ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 首页货物销量
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountGoods ( string GoodsCode , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int Type )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
EDate = EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ;
List < DT_Order > countlist = DataNew . Get_OrderGoodsNum ( CompanyId , SDate , EDate , GoodsCode ) ;
if ( countlist = = null )
countlist = new List < DT_Order > ( ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value - SDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days + 1 ;
if ( Type = = 2 ) //10天
days = ts . Days / 10 + 1 ;
if ( Type = = 3 ) //月
int year = EDate . Value . Year - SDate . Value . Year ;
int month = EDate . Value . Month - SDate . Value . Month ;
int total = year * 12 + month ;
days = total + 1 ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
if ( Type = = 1 )
categories [ i ] = SDate . Value . AddDays ( i ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) ;
else if ( Type = = 2 )
categories [ i ] = SDate . Value . AddDays ( i * 10 ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) + "-" + SDate . Value . AddDays ( ( i + 1 ) * 10 - 1 ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) ;
else if ( Type = = 3 )
categories [ i ] = SDate . Value . AddMonths ( i ) . ToString ( "MM月" ) ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
List < DT_Order > glist = new List < DT_Order > ( ) ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
glist = countlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate > = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) & & n . OrderDate < SDate . Value . AddDays ( j + 1 ) ) ;
if ( Type = = 2 )
glist = countlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate > = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j * 10 ) & & n . OrderDate < SDate . Value . AddDays ( ( j + 1 ) * 10 ) ) ;
if ( Type = = 3 )
glist = countlist . FindAll ( n = > n . OrderDate > = Convert . ToDateTime ( SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-01" ) ) & & n . OrderDate < Convert . ToDateTime ( SDate . Value . AddMonths ( j + 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-01" ) ) ) ;
int GNum = 0 ;
if ( glist ! = null )
foreach ( var gmd in glist )
GNum + = gmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
data [ j ] = GNum ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = GoodsCode ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 发货立方
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountGoodsSoild ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int Type )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
if ( Type = = 1 )
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.PostDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.PostDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.OrderDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)*b.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . state > 0 and a . State < 3 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . OrderDate , 120 ) ";
if ( Type = = 2 )
sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.PostDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)*b.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . PostState = 1 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . PostDate , 120 ) ";
var obj2 = new BaseService ( ) ;
DataTable dt = obj2 . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
List < OrderSoild > countlist = new List < OrderSoild > ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
countlist = dt . ToList < OrderSoild > ( ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value - SDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days + 1 ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = SDate . Value . AddDays ( i ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
var glist = countlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . Value . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( glist = = null )
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = glist . Solid . Value ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "货物立方" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 发货立方
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountGoodsSoildDay ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
DateTime SDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 30 ) ;
DateTime EDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( 1 ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select OrderDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),a.OrderDate, 120),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)*b.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . state > 0 and a . State < 3 " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . OrderDate , 120 ) ";
var obj2 = new BaseService ( ) ;
DataTable dt = obj2 . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
List < OrderSoild > countlist = new List < OrderSoild > ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
countlist = dt . ToList < OrderSoild > ( ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate - SDate ;
int days = ts . Days + 1 ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = SDate . AddDays ( i ) . ToString ( "MM月dd日" ) ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
var glist = countlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . AddDays ( j ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ) ;
if ( glist = = null )
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = glist . Solid . Value ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "货物立方" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 发货立方
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderCountGoodsSoildMonth ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
var obj = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
string [ ] categories = null ;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum ( ) ;
var list = new List < DT_OrderCountData > ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
DateTime SDate = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-01" ) ) . AddMonths ( - 11 ) ;
DateTime EDate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( 1 ) ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select OrderDate=cast(DATEPART(month,OrderDate) as nvarchar(10)),Solid=sum(isnull(d.Solid,0)*b.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c . GoodsId = d . GoodsId
where a . state > 0 and a . State < 3 " + tj + " group by DATEPART ( month , OrderDate ) ";
var obj2 = new BaseService ( ) ;
DataTable dt = obj2 . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
List < OrderSoild > countlist = new List < OrderSoild > ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
countlist = dt . ToList < OrderSoild > ( ) ;
int days = 12 ;
categories = new string [ days ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < days ; i + + )
categories [ i ] = SDate . AddMonths ( i ) . ToString ( "MM月" ) ;
decimal [ ] data = new decimal [ days ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < days ; j + + )
var glist = countlist . Find ( n = > n . OrderDate = = SDate . AddMonths ( j ) . Month . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( glist = = null )
data [ j ] = 0 ;
data [ j ] = glist . Solid . Value ;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData ( ) ;
datamd . name = "货物立方" ;
datamd . data = data ;
list . Add ( datamd ) ;
md . categories = categories ;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
string postmessage = JsonConvert . Serialize ( list ) ;
md . Data = postmessage ;
return md ;
# endregion
#region 保存-用户信息
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_JC_UserInfoHWC ( JC_UserInfo Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
// int CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
// Model.CompanyId = CompanyID;
return DataNew . SaveUserInfo ( Model ) ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询-用户信息
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < JC_UserInfo > > GetListJC_UserInfo ( int CompanyID , string Name , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
JsonModel < List < JC_UserInfo > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < JC_UserInfo > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
string Sort = "" ;
// CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
RefParameterCollection param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( CompanyID > 0 ) param . Add ( "a.CompanyID" , "=" , CompanyID , DbType . Int32 ) ;
param . Add ( "a.State" , ">" , 0 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
param . Add ( "(UserType" , "=" , "H" , DbType . String ) ;
param . Add ( "UserType" , "=" , "M" , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( Name ) = = false )
param . Add ( "(Name" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
param . Add ( "UserName" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListJC_UserInfo ( param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询-用户信息
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < JC_UserInfoNew > > GetListJC_UserInfoForTM ( int CompanyID , int DeptID , string Name , int State , int IsRoom , string HuKou , string EmployeeType , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
JsonModel < List < JC_UserInfoNew > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < JC_UserInfoNew > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
string Sort = "UserId" ;
CompanyID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
param . Add ( "a.CompanyID" , "=" , CompanyID , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( DeptID > 0 )
param . Add ( "a.DeptId" , "=" , DeptID , DbType . Int32 ) ;
param . Add ( "a.State" , "=" , State , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( IsRoom > - 1 )
param . Add ( "a.IsRoom" , "=" , IsRoom , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( HuKou ! = "-1" )
param . Add ( "a.HuKou" , "=" , HuKou , DbType . String ) ;
if ( EmployeeType ! = "-1" )
param . Add ( "a.EmployeeType" , "=" , EmployeeType , DbType . String ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( Name ) = = false )
param . Add ( "(Name" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
param . Add ( "UserName" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
param . Add ( "(UserType" , "=" , "P" , DbType . String ) ;
param . Add ( "UserType" , "=" , "M" , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListJC_UserInfoForTM ( param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var rlist = JC_RoleInfoService . GetUserRoleList ( md . UserId . Value ) ;
if ( rlist ! = null & & rlist . Count > 0 )
md . RoleId = rlist [ 0 ] . RoleId ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int SetGroupName ( int guserid , int userid , string groupname )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . SetGroupName ( guserid , userid , groupname ) ;
return 1 ;
# endregion
#region 保存
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int Save_CompanyNew ( JC_CompanyNew Model )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int Id = DataNew . Save_Company ( Model ) ;
JC_UserInfo2 umd = new JC_UserInfo2 ( ) ;
umd . CompanyId = Id ;
umd . UserName = Model . UserName ;
umd . Password = Model . Password ;
umd . UserType = "H" ;
umd . State = 1 ;
umd . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
umd . IsLogin = 1 ;
umd . Name = Model . CompanyName ;
DataNew . SaveUserInfo2 ( umd ) ;
return Id ;
# endregion
#region 登陆
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public bool LoginNew2 ( string UserName , string PassWord )
var list = DataNew . LoginNew2 ( UserName , PassWord ) ;
if ( list = = null )
string Content = "登陆用户名:" + UserName + "密码:" + PassWord + "登陆时间:" + DateTime . Now . ToString ( ) + "登陆ip: " ;
PagesNew . SaveLog ( 0 , "登陆日志" , Content , 0 ) ;
return false ;
UserModel model = new UserModel ( ) ;
if ( list . CompanyId > 0 ) model . CompanyID = list . CompanyId . Value ;
model . Name = list . Name ;
model . UserID = list . UserId . Value ;
model . UserType = list . UserType ;
model . UserName = UserName ;
model . PassWord = PassWord ;
model . CompanyName = list . CompanyName ;
if ( list . DeptId ! = null )
model . DeptId = list . DeptId . Value ;
model . DeptId = 0 ;
model . Duty = list . Duty ;
Session [ "PT" ] = "hwc" ;
Session [ "CompanyId" ] = model . CompanyID ;
Session [ "DeptId" ] = model . DeptId ;
Session [ "Name" ] = model . Name ;
Session [ "UserId" ] = model . UserID ;
Session [ "UserName" ] = model . UserName ;
Session [ "UserType" ] = model . UserType ;
Session [ "CompanyName" ] = model . CompanyName ;
Session [ "Duty" ] = model . Duty ;
Session [ "Login_UserModel" ] = model ;
//string Content1="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"姓名:"+model.Name+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip: "+ LoginIp+"";
return true ;
# endregion
#region 登陆
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public bool LoginNew ( string UserName , string PassWord , string ul , string LoginIp )
//string LoginIp = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.GetValues("REMOTE_ADDR")[0];
int IsNb = 0 ;
if ( ul . Contains ( "192.168." ) )
IsNb = 1 ;
var list = DataNew . LoginNew ( UserName , PassWord , LoginIp , IsNb ) ;
if ( list = = null )
string Content = "登陆用户名:" + UserName + "密码:" + PassWord + "登陆时间:" + DateTime . Now . ToString ( ) + "登陆ip: " + LoginIp + "" ;
PagesNew . SaveLog ( 0 , "登陆日志" , Content , 0 ) ;
return false ;
UserModel model = new UserModel ( ) ;
if ( list . CompanyId > 0 ) model . CompanyID = list . CompanyId . Value ;
model . Name = list . Name ;
model . UserID = list . UserId . Value ;
model . UserType = list . UserType ;
model . UserName = UserName ;
model . PassWord = PassWord ;
model . CompanyName = list . CompanyName ;
if ( list . Mobile3 ! = null & & list . Mobile3 ! = "" )
Session [ "KTSKU" ] = list . Mobile3 ;
Session [ "KTSKU" ] = "" ;
if ( list . DeptId ! = null )
model . DeptId = list . DeptId . Value ;
model . DeptId = 0 ;
model . Duty = list . Duty ;
Session [ "CompanyId" ] = model . CompanyID ;
Session [ "DeptId" ] = model . DeptId ;
Session [ "Name" ] = model . Name ;
Session [ "UserId" ] = model . UserID ;
Session [ "UserName" ] = model . UserName ;
Session [ "UserType" ] = model . UserType ;
Session [ "CompanyName" ] = model . CompanyName ;
Session [ "Duty" ] = model . Duty ;
Session [ "AllShop" ] = list . UserCard ; //是否查询所有店铺
Session [ "Login_UserModel" ] = model ;
//string Content1="登陆用户名:"+UserName+"姓名:"+model.Name+"登陆时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"登陆ip: "+ LoginIp+"";
return true ;
# endregion
#region 普通查询列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_UserInfo > GetAllListJC_UserInfo ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var ListModel = JC_ShopService . GetListUserInfo ( ) ;
return ListModel ;
# endregion
#region 普通查询列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_UserInfo > GetListUserInfoFromDept ( int deptid )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var ListModel = JC_ShopService . GetListUserInfoFromDept ( deptid ) ;
return ListModel ;
# endregion
#region 普通查询列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_UserInfo > GetListUserInfoFromGroup2 ( int iscp )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
var ListModel = DataNew . GetListUserInfoFromGroup2 ( UserId , iscp ) ;
return ListModel ;
# endregion
#region 读取全部或单个客户经理
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < BaseModel > GetListCustom ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetListCustom ( UserId ) ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < JC_CompanyNew > > GetListCompanyList ( string cs , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
string where = CustomIO . Base64StringToString ( cs ) ;
if ( where ! = "" ) where = "where " + where . Substring ( 4 ) ;
var resultModel = new JsonModel < List < JC_CompanyNew > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListCompany ( where , PageIndex , PageSize , "" , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
if ( resultModel . DataSource ! = null )
foreach ( var md in resultModel . DataSource )
var umd = DataNew . GetUserInfoMd ( md . CompanyID . Value ) ;
if ( umd ! = null )
md . UserName = umd . UserName ;
md . Password = umd . Password ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 读取全部或单个机构
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < BaseModel > GetListCompany ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetListCompany1 ( CompanyID , UserId ) ;
# endregion
#region 读取全部或单个机构
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < BaseModel > GetListCompany3 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetListCompany3 ( CompanyID , UserId ) ;
# endregion
#region 读取全部或单个机构
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < BaseModel > GetListCompany2 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
int UserId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetListCompany2 ( CompanyID , UserId ) ;
# endregion
#region 读取菜单
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_MenuList2 > GetListMenu2 ( )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int UserID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetListMenu2 ( UserID , CompanyId ) ;
# endregion
#region 读取菜单
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void DeleteJC_Company ( int CompanyId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
DataNew . DeleteJC_Company ( CompanyId ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表40
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable40 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int UserId , string GoodsCode )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj2 = "" ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " and OrderDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
// tj2 += " b.LastOrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and OrderDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
// tj2 += " and b.LastOrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if ( UserId > 0 )
tj2 + = " and a.UserId=" + UserId + " " ;
if ( GoodsCode ! = "" )
tj2 + = " and e.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' " ;
string sql = @ "
select * into # DT_OrderInfoUser from DT_OrderInfo with ( nolock ) where CompanyId = 1 and State > 0 and State < 3 " + tj + @"
select a . UserId , Num = COUNT ( distinct a . GoodsId ) into # DT_OrderInfoUser3 from HW_GoodsUser a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail e with ( nolock ) on b . GoodsId = e . GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods c with ( nolock ) on e . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join # DT_OrderInfoUser d with ( nolock ) on c . OrderId = d . OrderId and a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where d . CompanyId = 1 " + tj2 + @" group by a . UserId
select b . UserId , b . Num , Price = dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( a . TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) into # DT_OrderInfoUser2 from # DT_OrderInfoUser a inner join (
select a . UserId , d . OrderId , Num = SUM ( c . GoodsNum ) from HW_GoodsUser a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b with ( nolock ) on a . GoodsId = b . GoodsId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail e with ( nolock ) on b . GoodsId = e . GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods c with ( nolock ) on e . DetailId = c . DetailId
inner join # DT_OrderInfoUser d on c . OrderId = d . OrderId and a . ShopId = d . ShopId
where d . CompanyId = 1 " + tj2 + @"
group by a . UserId , d . OrderId ) b on a . OrderId = b . OrderId
select c . Name , c . UserName , a . * , GoodsNum = d . Num , OutGoods = isnull ( e . Num , 0 ) , Rate = case when d . Num > 0 then isnull ( e . Num , 0 ) * 1.0 / d . Num else 0 end , NoGoods = d . Num - isnull ( e . Num , 0 ) from (
select UserId , Num = sum ( Num ) , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , Price = SUM ( Price ) from # DT_OrderInfoUser2
group by UserId ) a
inner join JC_UserInfo c on a . UserId = c . UserId
inner join ( select UserId , Num = COUNT ( distinct GoodsId ) from HW_GoodsUser with ( nolock )
group by UserId ) d on c . UserId = d . UserId
left join # DT_OrderInfoUser3 e on c . UserId = e . UserId
drop table # DT_OrderInfoUser , # DT_OrderInfoUser2 , # DT_OrderInfoUser3
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport2 ( dt , 40 ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表
public string GetReport2 ( DataTable dt , int ReportId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
var rmd = BaseService . GetReportModel ( ReportId ) ;
var rlist = obj . GetRepoartColsList ( ReportId ) ;
if ( rmd = = null | | rlist = = null )
return "" ;
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
html . Append ( "<tr class='HeaderStyle'><th>序号</th>" ) ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
html . Append ( "<th>" + md . ColName + "</th>" ) ;
html . Append ( "</tr>" ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
DataRow row = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dt . Rows . Count ; i + + )
html . Append ( "<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>" + ( i + 1 ) . ToString ( ) + "</td>" ) ;
int rowindex = 1 ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
if ( dt . Columns . Contains ( md . ColValue ) = = false )
html . Append ( "<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'></td>" ) ;
rowindex + + ;
continue ;
if ( md . IsSum = = 1 & & i = = 0 )
if ( row = = null )
row = dt . NewRow ( ) ;
if ( md . ColType = = "int" )
row [ md . ColValue ] = Convert . ToInt32 ( dt . Compute ( "sum(" + md . ColValue + ")" , "" + md . ColValue + " is not null" ) ) ;
row [ md . ColValue ] = 0 ;
else if ( md . ColType = = "dec" )
row [ md . ColValue ] = Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Compute ( "sum(" + md . ColValue + ")" , "" + md . ColValue + ">0" ) ) ;
row [ md . ColValue ] = 0 ;
if ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ! = null & & dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] . ToString ( ) ! = "" )
string csscolor = "" ;
if ( md . ContionType = = "=" & & dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] . ToString ( ) = = md . SValue )
csscolor = md . ColColor ;
if ( md . ContionType = = ">" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) > Convert . ToDecimal ( md . SValue ) & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) < Convert . ToDecimal ( md . EValue ) )
csscolor = md . ColColor ;
if ( md . ContionType = = ">=" & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) > = Convert . ToDecimal ( md . SValue ) & & Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) < = Convert . ToDecimal ( md . EValue ) )
csscolor = md . ColColor ;
if ( csscolor ! = "" )
csscolor = "style='color:" + csscolor + "'" ;
string datav = "" ;
if ( md . ColType = = "date1" )
datav = Convert . ToDateTime ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
if ( md . ColType = = "date2" )
datav = Convert . ToDateTime ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" ) ;
else if ( md . ColType = = "dec" )
datav = Convert . ToDecimal ( dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
datav = dt . Rows [ i ] [ md . ColValue ] . ToString ( ) ;
html . Append ( "<td " + csscolor + " rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'><a uid='" + dt . Rows [ i ] [ "UserId" ] . ToString ( ) + "'>" + datav + "<a></td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'></td>" ) ;
rowindex + + ;
html . Append ( "</tr>" ) ;
int hj = 0 ;
if ( row ! = null )
html . Append ( "<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>合计:</td>" ) ;
foreach ( var md in rlist )
if ( dt . Columns . Contains ( md . ColValue ) = = false )
html . Append ( "<td></td>" ) ;
continue ;
if ( md . IsSum = = 1 & & row [ md . ColValue ] ! = null )
if ( hj = = 0 )
hj = 1 ;
html . Append ( "<td>" + row [ md . ColValue ] + "</td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "<td>" + row [ md . ColValue ] + "</td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "<td></td>" ) ;
html . Append ( "</tr>" ) ;
return html . ToString ( ) ;
# endregion
#region 分页查询店铺
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < JC_Shop > > GetListJC_ShopForHWC ( int CompanyID , int PlatType , string ShopName , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
if ( CompanyID = = 0 ) CompanyID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
JsonModel < List < JC_Shop > > resultModel = new JsonModel < List < JC_Shop > > ( ) ;
int RowCount = 0 ;
string Sort = "a.DeptId" ;
RefParameterCollection param = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
param . Add ( "a.CompanyID" , "=" , CompanyID , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( PlatType > 0 )
param . Add ( "PlatType" , "=" , PlatType , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ShopName ) = = false )
param . Add ( "ShopName" , "like" , ShopName , DbType . String ) ;
resultModel . DataSource = DataNew . GetListJC_ShopForHWC ( param , PageIndex , PageSize , Sort , out RowCount ) ;
resultModel . RowCount = RowCount ;
return resultModel ;
# endregion
#region 保存店铺
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string Save_ShopHWC ( JC_Shop Model )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
Model . InDate = DateTime . Now ;
int ShopId = JC_ShopService . SaveShop ( Model ) ;
return "成功" ;
# endregion
#region 平台店铺
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetShopList ( int PlatType , int CompanyId )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var list = DataNew . GetShopList ( CompanyId , PlatType ) ;
return list ;
# endregion
#region 报表16
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable16 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int DeptId , int ShopId , int PlatId , string MoneyCode , string Sort )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
if ( EDate = = null )
EDate = DateTime . Now ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj1 = "" ;
if ( DeptId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
string endtime = Convert . ToDateTime ( EDate . ToString ( ) ) . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( MoneyCode ! = "0" )
tj + = " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' " ;
string sql = @ "
select a . ShopName , OrderNum = isnull ( c . OrderNum , 0 ) , USDMoney = isnull ( c . USDMoney , 0 ) , RMBMoney = isnull ( c . RMBMoney , 0 ) , AvgPrice = case when c . OrderNum is null or c . USDMoney is null or c . OrderNum = 0 then 0 else c . USDMoney / c . OrderNum end from JC_Shop a
inner join ( select b . ShopId , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , USDMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) , RMBMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
where a . State > 0 " + tj + " and a . State < 3 and a . OrderDate > = ' " + SDate + " ' and a . OrderDate < ' " + endtime + @" ' group by b . ShopId ) c on a . ShopId = c . ShopId
where a . CompanyId = 1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport3 ( dt , 16 ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表16
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel16 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int DeptId , int ShopId , int PlatId , string MoneyCode , string Sort )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
string tj1 = "" ;
if ( DeptId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " " ;
if ( PlatId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " " ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
tj + = " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
tj1 + = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " " ;
string endtime = Convert . ToDateTime ( EDate . ToString ( ) ) . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( MoneyCode ! = "0" )
tj + = " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' " ;
string sql = @ "
select a . ShopName , OrderNum = isnull ( c . OrderNum , 0 ) , USDMoney = isnull ( c . USDMoney , 0 ) , RMBMoney = isnull ( c . RMBMoney , 0 ) , AvgPrice = case when c . OrderNum is null or c . USDMoney is null or c . OrderNum = 0 then 0 else c . USDMoney / c . OrderNum end from JC_Shop a
inner join ( select b . ShopId , OrderNum = COUNT ( 0 ) , USDMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyUSDChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) , RMBMoney = SUM ( dbo . MoneyChange ( TotalPrice , a . MoneyCode , a . CompanyId ) ) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a . ShopId = b . ShopId
where a . State > 0 " + tj + " and a . State < 3 and a . OrderDate > = ' " + SDate + " ' and a . OrderDate < = ' " + endtime + @" ' group by b . ShopId ) c on a . ShopId = c . ShopId
where a . CompanyId = 1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetExcelReport ( dt , 16 ) ;
# endregion
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel < List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > > GetListJC_OrderBack2 ( int ShopId , string Reason1 , string Name , int CheckState1 , int CheckState2 , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
Pages . Login ( base . Session ) ;
DD_OrderData data = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
int num = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int num2 = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "DeptId" ] ) ;
string str = Convert . ToString ( base . Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
string str2 = Convert . ToString ( base . Session [ "Duty" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection where = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( ( ( str2 ! = "副总经理" ) & & ( str2 ! = "总经理" ) ) & & ( str2 ! = "经理" ) )
where . Add ( "a.InUserId" , "=" , num , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.ShopId" , "=" , ShopId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( CheckState1 ! = - 1 )
where . Add ( "a.State" , "=" , CheckState1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( CheckState2 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "a.CompanyAgree2" , "=" , "同意赔款" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( CheckState2 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "a.CompanyAgree2" , "=" , "不同意赔款" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( CheckState2 = = 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.CompanyAgree2,'')" , "=" , "" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( Name ! = "" )
where . Add ( "(a.InName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.OrderCode" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( SDate . HasValue )
where . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate . HasValue )
where . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1.0 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( Reason1 ! = "0" )
where . Add ( "a.BackReason1" , "=" , Reason1 , DbType . String ) ;
JsonModel < List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > > model = new JsonModel < List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > > ( ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
string sort = "c.OrderDate desc" ;
model . DataSource = data . GetListDT_OrderBackMoneyApply2 ( where , PageIndex , PageSize , sort , out rowCount ) ;
model . RowCount = rowCount ;
if ( model . DataSource ! = null )
string str4 = "" ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list2 = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
foreach ( DT_OrderBackMoneyApply apply in model . DataSource )
str4 = str4 + apply . OrderId . Value . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( str4 ! = "" )
list = DataNew . Get_OrderGoodsForBack ( str4 . TrimEnd ( new char [ ] { ',' } ) ) ;
list2 = data . Get_OrderGoodsForBack2 ( str4 . TrimEnd ( new char [ ] { ',' } ) ) ;
if ( list = = null )
list = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
if ( list2 = = null )
list2 = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
decimal num4 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > list3 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
using ( List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > . Enumerator enumerator = model . DataSource . GetEnumerator ( ) )
Predicate < JC_Money > match = null ;
Predicate < DT_OrderUser > predicate2 = null ;
Predicate < DT_OrderUser > predicate3 = null ;
DT_OrderBackMoneyApply md ;
while ( enumerator . MoveNext ( ) )
decimal? nullable2 ;
decimal num12 ;
md = enumerator . Current ;
decimal num5 = 0 M ;
if ( match = = null )
match = n = > ( n . PlatId = = md . PlatId ) & & ( n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
JC_Money money = list3 . Find ( match ) ;
if ( money ! = null )
num4 = money . MRate . Value ;
decimal num6 = 0 M ;
int? platId = md . PlatId ;
if ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 1 ) & & platId . HasValue )
num6 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
platId = md . PlatId ;
if ( ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 2 ) & & platId . HasValue ) | | ( ( ( platId = md . PlatId ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 3 ) & & platId . HasValue ) )
num6 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
platId = md . PlatId ;
if ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 5 ) & & platId . HasValue )
num6 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
if ( md . OrderPrice . HasValue )
num12 = md . OrderPrice . Value * num6 ;
md . YJPrice = new decimal? ( Convert . ToDecimal ( num12 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ) ;
md . YJPrice = 0 ;
decimal num7 = md . OrderPrice . Value ;
platId = md . OrderState ;
if ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 0 ) & & platId . HasValue )
num12 = md . YJPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.2 ) ;
md . YJPrice = new decimal? ( Convert . ToDecimal ( num12 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ) ;
num7 = 0 M ;
if ( predicate2 = = null )
predicate2 = n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list4 = list . FindAll ( predicate2 ) ;
if ( predicate3 = = null )
predicate3 = n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list5 = list2 . FindAll ( predicate3 ) ;
decimal num8 = 0 M ;
if ( list4 ! = null )
foreach ( DT_OrderUser user in list4 )
num12 = ( user . GDFee . Value + user . Fee1 . Value ) / num4 ;
num8 + = Convert . ToDecimal ( num12 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) + user . Fee2 . Value ;
md . GoodsFee = new decimal? ( num8 ) ;
platId = md . BackState ;
if ( ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 1 ) & & platId . HasValue ) | | ( ( ( platId = md . BackState ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 3 ) & & platId . HasValue ) )
md . GoodsFee = 0 ;
md . OnePostFee = 0 ;
md . PostRate = 0 ;
if ( ( list5 ! = null ) & & ( list5 . Count > 0 ) )
md . OnePostFee = list5 [ 0 ] . Fee1 ;
if ( list5 [ 0 ] . PostId = = 0x41 )
md . PostRate = new decimal? ( list5 [ 0 ] . Fee1 . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ) ;
decimal num9 = 0 M ;
if ( md . PostFee . HasValue & & ( ( ( nullable2 = md . PostFee ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) > 0 M ) & & nullable2 . HasValue ) )
num9 = md . PostFee . Value ;
decimal num10 = 0 M ;
if ( md . FactPrice . HasValue & & ( ( ( nullable2 = md . FactPrice ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) > 0 M ) & & nullable2 . HasValue ) )
num10 = md . FactPrice . Value ;
num5 = ( ( ( ( ( ( num7 - md . YJPrice . Value ) - md . escrowFee . Value ) - md . GoodsFee . Value ) - md . OnePostFee . Value ) - md . PostRate . Value ) - num10 ) - num9 ;
md . LRFee = new decimal? ( num5 ) ;
return model ;
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetListJC_OrderBackExcel ( int ShopId , string Reason1 , string Name , int CheckState1 , int CheckState2 , DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate , int PageIndex , int PageSize )
Pages . Login ( base . Session ) ;
DD_OrderData data = new DD_OrderData ( ) ;
int num = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int num2 = Convert . ToInt32 ( base . Session [ "DeptId" ] ) ;
string str = Convert . ToString ( base . Session [ "Name" ] ) ;
string str2 = Convert . ToString ( base . Session [ "Duty" ] ) ;
RefParameterCollection where = new RefParameterCollection ( ) ;
if ( ( ( str2 ! = "副总经理" ) & & ( str2 ! = "总经理" ) ) & & ( str2 ! = "经理" ) )
where . Add ( "a.InUserId" , "=" , num , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( ShopId > 0 )
where . Add ( "a.ShopId" , "=" , ShopId , DbType . String ) ;
if ( CheckState1 ! = - 1 )
where . Add ( "a.State" , "=" , CheckState1 , DbType . Int32 ) ;
if ( CheckState2 = = 1 )
where . Add ( "a.CompanyAgree2" , "=" , "同意赔款" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( CheckState2 = = 2 )
where . Add ( "a.CompanyAgree2" , "=" , "不同意赔款" , DbType . String ) ;
else if ( CheckState2 = = 0 )
where . Add ( "isnull(a.CompanyAgree2,'')" , "=" , "" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( Name ! = "" )
where . Add ( "(a.InName" , "like" , Name , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.OrderCode" , "like" , Name , "or" , DbType . String ) ;
where . Add ( "a.GoodsCode" , "like" , Name , "or" , ")" , DbType . String ) ;
if ( SDate . HasValue )
where . Add ( "a.InDate" , ">=" , SDate , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( EDate . HasValue )
where . Add ( "a.InDate" , "<" , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1.0 ) , DbType . DateTime ) ;
if ( Reason1 ! = "0" )
where . Add ( "a.BackReason1" , "=" , Reason1 , DbType . String ) ;
int rowCount = 0 ;
string sort = "c.OrderDate desc" ;
List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > listModel = data . GetListDT_OrderBackMoneyApply2 ( where , PageIndex , PageSize , sort , out rowCount ) ;
if ( listModel ! = null )
string str4 = "" ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list2 = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list3 = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
foreach ( DT_OrderBackMoneyApply apply in listModel )
str4 = str4 + apply . OrderId . Value . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( str4 ! = "" )
list2 = DataNew . Get_OrderGoodsForBack ( str4 . TrimEnd ( new char [ ] { ',' } ) ) ;
list3 = data . Get_OrderGoodsForBack2 ( str4 . TrimEnd ( new char [ ] { ',' } ) ) ;
if ( list2 = = null )
list2 = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
if ( list3 = = null )
list3 = new List < DT_OrderUser > ( ) ;
decimal num4 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > list4 = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
using ( List < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > . Enumerator enumerator = listModel . GetEnumerator ( ) )
Predicate < JC_Money > match = null ;
Predicate < DT_OrderUser > predicate2 = null ;
Predicate < DT_OrderUser > predicate3 = null ;
DT_OrderBackMoneyApply md ;
while ( enumerator . MoveNext ( ) )
decimal? nullable2 ;
decimal num12 ;
md = enumerator . Current ;
decimal num5 = 0 M ;
if ( match = = null )
match = n = > ( n . PlatId = = md . PlatId ) & & ( n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
JC_Money money = list4 . Find ( match ) ;
if ( money ! = null )
num4 = money . MRate . Value ;
decimal num6 = 0 M ;
int? platId = md . PlatId ;
if ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 1 ) & & platId . HasValue )
num6 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
platId = md . PlatId ;
if ( ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 2 ) & & platId . HasValue ) | | ( ( ( platId = md . PlatId ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 3 ) & & platId . HasValue ) )
num6 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
platId = md . PlatId ;
if ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 5 ) & & platId . HasValue )
num6 = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ;
if ( md . OrderPrice . HasValue )
num12 = md . OrderPrice . Value * num6 ;
md . YJPrice = new decimal? ( Convert . ToDecimal ( num12 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ) ;
md . YJPrice = 0 ;
decimal num7 = md . OrderPrice . Value ;
platId = md . OrderState ;
if ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 0 ) & & platId . HasValue )
num12 = md . YJPrice . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.2 ) ;
md . YJPrice = new decimal? ( Convert . ToDecimal ( num12 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ) ;
num7 = 0 M ;
if ( predicate2 = = null )
predicate2 = n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list5 = list2 . FindAll ( predicate2 ) ;
if ( predicate3 = = null )
predicate3 = n = > n . OrderId = = md . OrderId ;
List < DT_OrderUser > list6 = list3 . FindAll ( predicate3 ) ;
decimal num8 = 0 M ;
if ( list5 ! = null )
foreach ( DT_OrderUser user in list5 )
num12 = ( user . GDFee . Value + user . Fee1 . Value ) / num4 ;
num8 + = Convert . ToDecimal ( num12 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) + user . Fee2 . Value ;
md . GoodsFee = new decimal? ( num8 ) ;
platId = md . BackState ;
if ( ( ( platId . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 1 ) & & platId . HasValue ) | | ( ( ( platId = md . BackState ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) = = 3 ) & & platId . HasValue ) )
md . GoodsFee = 0 ;
md . OnePostFee = 0 ;
md . PostRate = 0 ;
if ( ( list6 ! = null ) & & ( list6 . Count > 0 ) )
md . OnePostFee = list6 [ 0 ] . Fee1 ;
if ( list6 [ 0 ] . PostId = = 0x41 )
md . PostRate = new decimal? ( list6 [ 0 ] . Fee1 . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.1 ) ) ;
decimal num9 = 0 M ;
if ( md . PostFee . HasValue & & ( ( ( nullable2 = md . PostFee ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) > 0 M ) & & nullable2 . HasValue ) )
num9 = md . PostFee . Value ;
decimal num10 = 0 M ;
if ( md . FactPrice . HasValue & & ( ( ( nullable2 = md . FactPrice ) . GetValueOrDefault ( ) > 0 M ) & & nullable2 . HasValue ) )
num10 = md . FactPrice . Value ;
num5 = ( ( ( ( ( ( num7 - md . YJPrice . Value ) - md . escrowFee . Value ) - md . GoodsFee . Value ) - md . OnePostFee . Value ) - md . PostRate . Value ) - num10 ) - num9 ;
md . LRFee = new decimal? ( num5 ) ;
DataTable tb = listModel . ToDataTable < DT_OrderBackMoneyApply > ( ) ;
TableColumnCollection columns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
columns . Add ( "ShopName" , "店铺" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "OrderCode" , "订单号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "GoodsCode" , "货物编号" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "BackReason1" , "订单日期" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "OrderDate" , "赔款原因" , DbType . String , "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
columns . Add ( "BackAdvise" , "赔款初步方案" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "BackAdvise2" , "赔款最终方案" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "OrderStateName" , "订单状态" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "OrderPrice" , "订单原金额" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "YJPrice" , "佣金$" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "escrowFee" , "税费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "GoodsFee" , "货物成本" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "OnePostFee" , "首次运费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "PostRate" , "运费佣金" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "FactPrice" , "实际赔款" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "PostFee" , "我们承担退货运费" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "LRFee" , "利润" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "BackStateName" , "退货仓库验货" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "StateName" , "处理状态" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "InName" , "提交人" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "CompanyRemark" , "领导意见1" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "CompanyRemark2" , "领导意见2" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return excel . Export ( tb , columns ) ;
#region 普通查询列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_Shop > GetListShop22 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var ListModel = DataNew . GetMyShop22 ( ) ;
return ListModel ;
# endregion
#region 报表41
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < HW_GoodsUserNew > GetReportTable41 ( DateTime ? InDate , DateTime ? EDate , int ShopId , int PlatId , string Name , string Sort )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
var slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserFee ( PlatId , ShopId , Name ) ;
if ( slist = = null )
return null ;
var glist = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserOrder ( PlatId , ShopId , InDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ) ;
var olist = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserOrder2 ( PlatId , ShopId , InDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( olist = = null )
olist = new List < DT_OrderGoodsUser > ( ) ;
decimal MRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > mlist = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
if ( mlist ! = null )
var umd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( umd ! = null )
MRate = umd . MRate . Value ;
decimal hj = DataNew . GetListTotalPrice2 ( InDate . Value , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ) ;
TimeSpan ts = EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) - InDate . Value ;
int days = ts . Days ;
decimal thj = 100000 * 12 * days / 365 ; //每月10w 每天平摊仓储费
decimal fje = 0 ;
if ( hj > 0 )
fje = thj * 1.00 M / hj ;
decimal TotalPrice0 = 0 ;
decimal TotalRMBPrice0 = 0 ;
decimal YJFee0 = 0 ;
decimal GoodsFee0 = 0 ;
decimal TCFee0 = 0 ;
decimal PostFee0 = 0 ;
decimal RateFee0 = 0 ;
decimal TLR0 = 0 ;
decimal TLR02 = 0 ;
decimal hjft = 0 ;
int GNum0 = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in slist )
if ( glist ! = null )
var olistmd = olist . Find ( n = > n . ShopId = = md . ShopId & & n . UserId = = md . UserId ) ;
var gmd = glist . FindAll ( n = > n . ShopId = = md . ShopId & & n . UserId = = md . UserId ) ;
if ( gmd ! = null )
decimal TotalPrice = 0 ;
decimal TotalRMBPrice = 0 ;
decimal YJFee = 0 ;
decimal GoodsFee = 0 ;
decimal TCFee = 0 ;
decimal PostFee = 0 ;
decimal RateFee = 0 ;
decimal TLR = 0 ;
int GNum = 0 ;
foreach ( var ggmd in gmd )
decimal TotalPrice2 = 0 ;
decimal TotalRMBPrice2 = 0 ;
decimal YJFee2 = 0 ;
decimal GoodsFee2 = 0 ;
decimal TCFee2 = 0 ;
decimal PostFee2 = 0 ;
decimal PostFee3 = 0 ;
decimal RateFee2 = 0 ;
decimal TLR2 = 0 ;
int GNum2 = 0 ;
int DNum2 = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 < = 1 & & ggmd . TotalPrice ! = null )
TotalPrice2 = ggmd . TotalPrice . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 > 1 & & ggmd . TotalPrice ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsOrderFee > 0 )
TotalPrice2 = ggmd . GoodsOrderFee . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 > 1 & & ggmd . TotalPrice ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsOrderFee = = 0 )
TotalPrice2 = ( ggmd . TotalPrice . Value / ggmd . GoodsNum2 . Value ) * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( ggmd . PlatId = = 1 )
YJFee2 = TotalPrice2 * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
YJFee2 = TotalPrice2 * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
if ( ggmd . InPrice ! = null )
GoodsFee2 = ggmd . InPrice . Value * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value / MRate ;
if ( ggmd . Solid ! = null )
TCFee2 = ggmd . Solid . Value * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( 65 ) ;
string AddrType = ggmd . RevFax ; //签收类型
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" | | AddrType = = "" )
if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee8 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee6 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 < ggmd . Fee8 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee8 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee8 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 > ggmd . Fee8 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee7 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee6 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 < ggmd . Fee7 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee7 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee7 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 > ggmd . Fee7 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" | | AddrType = = "" )
if ( ggmd . Fee11 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee13 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee11 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee11 < ggmd . Fee13 )
PostFee3 = ggmd . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . Fee11 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee13 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee13 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee11 > ggmd . Fee13 )
PostFee3 = ggmd . Fee13 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( ggmd . Fee11 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee12 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee11 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee11 < ggmd . Fee12 )
PostFee3 = ggmd . Fee11 . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . Fee11 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee12 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee12 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee11 > ggmd . Fee12 )
PostFee3 = ggmd . Fee12 . Value ;
decimal tweight = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . Weight ! = null )
tweight = ggmd . Weight . Value * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( ggmd . Fee7 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & ggmd . Fee7 > 0 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( ggmd . Fee12 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & ggmd . Fee12 > 0 )
PostFee3 = ggmd . Fee12 . Value ;
if ( PostFee2 = = 0 )
PostFee2 = PostFee3 ;
if ( PostFee3 > 0 & & PostFee2 > PostFee3 )
PostFee2 = PostFee3 ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 > 1 & & PostFee2 > 0 )
PostFee2 = ( PostFee2 / ggmd . GoodsNum2 . Value ) * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate > 0 & & GoodsFee2 > 0 )
RateFee2 = ggmd . FeeRate . Value * 0.01 M * GoodsFee2 ;
if ( TotalPrice2 > 0 )
TotalRMBPrice2 = TotalPrice2 * MRate ;
if ( GoodsFee2 > 0 & & PostFee2 > 0 )
TLR2 = TotalPrice2 - YJFee2 - GoodsFee2 - PostFee2 - TCFee2 - RateFee2 ;
GNum2 = ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
GNum + = GNum2 ;
TotalPrice + = TotalPrice2 ;
TotalRMBPrice + = TotalRMBPrice2 ;
YJFee + = YJFee2 ;
GoodsFee + = GoodsFee2 ;
TCFee + = TCFee2 ;
PostFee + = PostFee2 ;
RateFee + = RateFee2 ;
TLR + = TLR2 ;
GNum0 + = GNum ;
TotalPrice0 + = TotalPrice ;
TotalRMBPrice0 + = TotalRMBPrice ;
YJFee0 + = YJFee ;
GoodsFee0 + = GoodsFee ;
TCFee0 + = TCFee ;
PostFee0 + = PostFee ;
RateFee0 + = RateFee ;
TLR0 + = TLR ;
md . TotalPrice = TotalPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
decimal ftfee = TotalPrice * fje ;
hjft + = ftfee ;
md . ftkcfee = Convert . ToDecimal ( ftfee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ;
if ( olistmd ! = null )
md . mdfee = 0.6 M * olistmd . GoodsNum ;
md . mdfee = 0 ;
md . TotalRMBPrice = TotalRMBPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
md . GoodsFee = GoodsFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
md . GoodsNum = GNum ;
md . LR = TLR . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
decimal lr2 = TLR - md . ftkcfee . Value - md . mdfee . Value ;
md . LR2 = lr2 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
TLR02 + = lr2 ;
if ( GoodsFee > 0 )
md . PGRate = ( TotalPrice / GoodsFee ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
var tmd = new HW_GoodsUserNew ( ) ;
tmd . Name = "合计:" ;
tmd . TotalPrice = TotalPrice0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . TotalRMBPrice = TotalRMBPrice0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . GoodsFee = GoodsFee0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . GoodsNum = GNum0 ;
tmd . ftkcfee = Convert . ToDecimal ( hjft . ToString ( "0.00" ) ) ;
tmd . LR = TLR0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . LR2 = TLR02 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
slist . Add ( tmd ) ;
return slist ;
# endregion
#region 报表41
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel41 ( DateTime ? InDate , DateTime ? EDate , int ShopId , int PlatId , string Name , string Sort )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
var slist = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserFee ( PlatId , ShopId , Name ) ;
if ( slist = = null )
return null ;
var glist = DataNew . GetListGoodsUserOrder ( PlatId , ShopId , InDate , EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) ) ;
decimal MRate = Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 6.5 ) ;
List < JC_Money > mlist = new BaseService ( ) . GetMoneyList2 ( ) ;
if ( mlist ! = null )
var umd = mlist . Find ( n = > n . MCode = = "USD" ) ;
if ( umd ! = null )
MRate = umd . MRate . Value ;
decimal TotalPrice0 = 0 ;
decimal TotalRMBPrice0 = 0 ;
decimal YJFee0 = 0 ;
decimal GoodsFee0 = 0 ;
decimal TCFee0 = 0 ;
decimal PostFee0 = 0 ;
decimal RateFee0 = 0 ;
decimal TLR0 = 0 ;
int GNum0 = 0 ;
int DNum0 = 0 ;
foreach ( var md in slist )
if ( glist ! = null )
var gmd = glist . FindAll ( n = > n . ShopId = = md . ShopId & & n . UserId = = md . UserId ) ;
if ( gmd ! = null )
decimal TotalPrice = 0 ;
decimal TotalRMBPrice = 0 ;
decimal YJFee = 0 ;
decimal GoodsFee = 0 ;
decimal TCFee = 0 ;
decimal PostFee = 0 ;
decimal RateFee = 0 ;
decimal TLR = 0 ;
int GNum = 0 ;
int DNum = 0 ;
foreach ( var ggmd in gmd )
decimal TotalPrice2 = 0 ;
decimal TotalRMBPrice2 = 0 ;
decimal YJFee2 = 0 ;
decimal GoodsFee2 = 0 ;
decimal TCFee2 = 0 ;
decimal PostFee2 = 0 ;
decimal RateFee2 = 0 ;
decimal TLR2 = 0 ;
int GNum2 = 0 ;
int DNum2 = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 < = 1 & & ggmd . TotalPrice ! = null )
TotalPrice2 = ggmd . TotalPrice . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 > 1 & & ggmd . TotalPrice ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsOrderFee > 0 )
TotalPrice2 = ggmd . GoodsOrderFee . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 > 1 & & ggmd . TotalPrice ! = null & & ggmd . GoodsOrderFee = = 0 )
TotalPrice2 = ( ggmd . TotalPrice . Value / ggmd . GoodsNum2 . Value ) * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( ggmd . PlatId = = 1 )
YJFee2 = TotalPrice2 * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.05 ) ;
YJFee2 = TotalPrice2 * Convert . ToDecimal ( ( double ) 0.15 ) ;
if ( ggmd . InPrice ! = null )
GoodsFee2 = ggmd . InPrice . Value * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value / MRate ;
if ( ggmd . Solid ! = null )
TCFee2 = ggmd . Solid . Value * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value * Convert . ToDecimal ( 65 ) ;
string AddrType = ggmd . RevFax ; //签收类型
if ( AddrType = = "Residential" | | AddrType = = "RESIDENTIAL" | | AddrType = = "" )
if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee8 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee6 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 < ggmd . Fee8 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee8 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee8 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 > ggmd . Fee8 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee8 . Value ;
if ( AddrType = = "Commercial" | | AddrType = = "OFFICE" )
if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee7 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee6 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 < ggmd . Fee7 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee6 . Value ;
else if ( ggmd . Fee6 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee7 ! = null & & ggmd . Fee7 > 0 & & ggmd . Fee6 > ggmd . Fee7 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee7 . Value ;
decimal tweight = 0 ;
if ( ggmd . Weight ! = null )
tweight = ggmd . Weight . Value * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( ggmd . Fee7 ! = null & & tweight > = 1120 & & ggmd . Fee7 > 0 )
PostFee2 = ggmd . Fee7 . Value ;
if ( ggmd . GoodsNum2 > 1 & & PostFee2 > 0 )
PostFee2 = ( PostFee2 / ggmd . GoodsNum2 . Value ) * ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
if ( ggmd . FeeRate > 0 & & GoodsFee2 > 0 )
RateFee2 = ggmd . FeeRate . Value * 0.01 M * GoodsFee2 ;
if ( TotalPrice2 > 0 )
TotalRMBPrice2 = TotalPrice2 * MRate ;
if ( GoodsFee2 > 0 & & PostFee2 > 0 )
TLR2 = TotalPrice2 - YJFee2 - GoodsFee2 - PostFee2 - TCFee2 - RateFee2 ;
GNum2 = ggmd . GoodsNum . Value ;
GNum + = GNum2 ;
TotalPrice + = TotalPrice2 ;
TotalRMBPrice + = TotalRMBPrice2 ;
YJFee + = YJFee2 ;
GoodsFee + = GoodsFee2 ;
TCFee + = TCFee2 ;
PostFee + = PostFee2 ;
RateFee + = RateFee2 ;
TLR + = TLR2 ;
GNum0 + = GNum ;
TotalPrice0 + = TotalPrice ;
TotalRMBPrice0 + = TotalRMBPrice ;
YJFee0 + = YJFee ;
GoodsFee0 + = GoodsFee ;
TCFee0 + = TCFee ;
PostFee0 + = PostFee ;
RateFee0 + = RateFee ;
TLR0 + = TLR ;
md . TotalPrice = TotalPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
md . TotalRMBPrice = TotalRMBPrice . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
md . GoodsFee = GoodsFee . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
md . GoodsNum = GNum ;
md . LR = TLR . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
if ( GoodsFee > 0 )
md . PGRate = ( TotalPrice / GoodsFee ) . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
var tmd = new HW_GoodsUserNew ( ) ;
tmd . Name = "合计:" ;
tmd . TotalPrice = TotalPrice0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . TotalRMBPrice = TotalRMBPrice0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . GoodsFee = GoodsFee0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
tmd . GoodsNum = GNum0 ;
tmd . LR = TLR0 . ToString ( "0.00" ) ;
slist . Add ( tmd ) ;
TableColumnCollection columns = new TableColumnCollection ( ) ;
columns . Add ( "ShopName" , "店铺" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "Name" , "人员" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "GNum" , "分配货号数" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "TotalRMBPrice" , "销售额( RMB) " , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "TotalPrice" , "销售额( USD) " , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "GoodsNum" , "销售数量" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "GoodsFee" , "货物成本" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "PGRate" , "营业额/货物成本" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
columns . Add ( "LR" , "预估利润" , DbType . String , "" ) ;
MicrosoftExcel excel = new MicrosoftExcel ( ) ;
return excel . Export ( slist , columns ) ;
# endregion
#region wish店铺授权
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string WishGetAccessToken ( int ShopId , string client_id , string client_secret , string code , string redirect_uri )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
WishNew obj = new WishNew ( ) ;
obj . ShopId = ShopId ;
obj . client_id = client_id ;
obj . client_secret = client_secret ;
obj . code = code ;
obj . grant_type = "authorization_code" ;
obj . redirect_uri = redirect_uri ;
string errormess = "" ;
string mess = obj . GetTokenV3 ( out errormess ) ;
if ( errormess ! = "" )
return "错误:" + errormess ;
return mess ;
# endregion
#region 首页订单数
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_DefaultDataNew GetDefaultDataForTM3 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
BaseService obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
// DateTime st=new DateTime();
// st =Convert.ToDateTime("2014-04-10");
DateTime sdate = DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) ;
DateTime sdate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 08:00" ) ;
DateTime edate2 = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 08:00" ) ;
var model = DataNew . GetDefaultDataForTM3 ( CompanyId , sdate , sdate2 , edate2 ) ;
//if (model != null)
// model.AddPrice = model.TotalPrice * MRate;
return model ;
# endregion
#region 首页订单数
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_DefaultDataNew GetDefaultDataForTM2 ( DateTime ? st , Decimal MRate )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
BaseService obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
// DateTime st=new DateTime();
// st =Convert.ToDateTime("2014-04-10");
DateTime sdate = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . AddDays ( - 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 08:00" ) ;
DateTime edate = Convert . ToDateTime ( DateTime . Today . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + " 08:00" ) ;
var model = DataNew . GetDefaultDataForTM2 ( CompanyId , st , st . Value . AddDays ( - 1 ) , sdate , edate ) ;
//if (model != null)
// model.AddPrice = model.TotalPrice * MRate;
return model ;
# endregion
#region 读取菜单
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List < JC_MenuListNew > GetListMenuNew ( )
Pages . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int UserID = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "UserId" ] ) ;
int CompanyId = Convert . ToInt32 ( Session [ "CompanyId" ] ) ;
return DataNew . GetListMenuNew ( UserID , CompanyId ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表25
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable25 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string CompanyId = Session [ "CompanyId" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " a.InDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.InDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select InDate=CONVERT(varchar(10), a.indate, 23),b.Name,Num=count(distinct TrackCode) from DT_TrackCodeScan a
inner join JC_UserInfo b on a . BagUserId = b . UserId
where " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . indate , 23 ) , b . Name ";
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport3 ( dt , 28 ) ;
# endregion
#region 报表25
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable25 ( DateTime ? SDate , DateTime ? EDate )
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string CompanyId = Session [ "CompanyId" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
if ( SDate ! = null )
tj + = " a.InDate>='" + SDate . Value . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
if ( EDate ! = null )
tj + = " and a.InDate<'" + EDate . Value . AddDays ( 1 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) + "' " ;
string sql = @ "select InDate=CONVERT(varchar(10), a.indate, 23),b.Name,Num=count(distinct TrackCode) from DT_TrackCodeScan a
inner join JC_UserInfo b on a . BagUserId = b . UserId
where " + tj + " group by CONVERT ( varchar ( 10 ) , a . indate , 23 ) , b . Name ";
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetExcelReport ( dt , 28 ) ;
# endregion
#region 计算费用
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int GetModel_OrderFee2 ( )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
int a = DataNew . GetModel_OrderFee2 ( ) ;
return a ;
# endregion
#region 货物SKU
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetGoodSKUKC ( string GoodsCode )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string CompanyId = Session [ "CompanyId" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
if ( GoodsCode ! = "" )
tj + = " and (b.SKU1='" + GoodsCode + "' or b.SKU2='" + GoodsCode + "' or b.SKU3='" + GoodsCode + "' or b.SKU4='" + GoodsCode + "' ) " ;
string sql = @ "
select SKU1 , KCNum = SUM ( a . KCNum ) from HW_GoodsInDetail a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b with ( nolock ) on a . DetailId = b . DetailId
where a . storeid in ( 6 , 9 , 11 ) and a . OrderGoodsId = 0 and a . KCNum > 0 " + tj + " group by b . sku1 ";
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "GetFedex" , "" , sql ) ;
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetReport2 ( dt , 22 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ErrorFollow . TraceWrite ( "GetFedex" , "" , ex . Message ) ;
return "" ;
# endregion
#region 货物SKU
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelGoodSKUKC ( string GoodsCode )
PagesNew . Login ( this . Session ) ;
var obj = new BaseService ( ) ;
string CompanyId = Session [ "CompanyId" ] . ToString ( ) ;
string tj = "" ;
if ( GoodsCode ! = "" )
tj + = " and (b.SKU1='" + GoodsCode + "' or b.SKU2='" + GoodsCode + "' or b.SKU3='" + GoodsCode + "' or b.SKU4='" + GoodsCode + "' ) " ;
string sql = @ "
select SKU1 , KCNum = SUM ( a . KCNum ) from HW_GoodsInDetail a with ( nolock )
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b with ( nolock ) on a . DetailId = b . DetailId
where a . storeid in ( 6 , 9 , 11 ) and a . OrderGoodsId = 0 and a . KCNum > 0 " + tj + " group by b . sku1 ";
DataTable dt = obj . GetReportData ( sql ) ;
return GetExcelReport ( dt , 22 ) ;
# endregion