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2 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NetLibrary.RegularExpressions;
namespace NetLibrary.Data
public class RefParameter
public RefParameter()
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
public RefParameter(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, DbType Type)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = ConvertConditionType(Condition);
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, ConditionTypeNull Condition)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = ConvertConditionTypeNull(Condition);
this.Type = DbType.String;
this.Value = "";
public RefParameter(string name, string Condition, Object Value, DbType Type)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
if (Condition == null || Condition == "") throw new Exception("<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = Condition;
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"><3E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD></param>
/// <param name="Condition"><3E><>ϵ<EFBFBD><CFB5></param>
/// <param name="Value">ֵ</param>
/// <param name="Type"><3E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD></param>
public RefParameter(string name, string Condition, Object Value, DbType Type, bool IsDeclare)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
if (Condition == null || Condition == "") throw new Exception("<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Type = Type;
this.Condition = Condition;
this.Value = Value;
this.IsDeclare = IsDeclare;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, DbType Type, bool IsDeclare)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = ConvertConditionType(Condition);
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
this.IsDeclare = IsDeclare;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, string Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
if (Condition == null || Condition == "") throw new Exception("<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = Condition;
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
this.RelateTo = RelateTo;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, string Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, string EndString, DbType Type)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
if (Condition == null || Condition == "") throw new Exception("<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = Condition;
this.EndString = EndString;
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
this.RelateTo = RelateTo;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Type = Type;
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = ConvertConditionType(Condition);
this.Value = Value;
this.RelateTo = RelateTo;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, string Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type, ParameterDirection Direction)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
if (Condition == null || Condition == "") throw new Exception("<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = Condition;
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
this.RelateTo = RelateTo;
this.Direction = Direction;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
public RefParameter(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type, ParameterDirection Direction)
if (name == null || name == "") throw new Exception("<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ʋ<EFBFBD><C6B2><EFBFBD>Ϊ<EFBFBD><CEAA>");
this.Caption = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
this.Name = name;
this.Condition = ConvertConditionType(Condition);
this.Type = Type;
this.Value = Value;
this.RelateTo = RelateTo;
this.Direction = Direction;
CheckValue(Value, Type);
private void CheckRelateTo(string RelateTo)
if (RelateTo != "and" && RelateTo != "or")
private void CheckCondition(string Condition)
if (Condition != ">=" && Condition != "<=" && Condition != ">" && Condition != "<" && Condition != "=" && Condition != "<>" && Condition != "in" && Condition != "not in" && Condition != "like left" && Condition != "like right" && Condition != "like" && Condition != "is" && Condition != "is not") throw new Exception("<22><>ѯ<EFBFBD><D1AF><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ֻ<EFBFBD><D6BB>Ϊ>,<,=,<>,in, not in,like left,like right,like,is,is not");
#region ת<><D7AA>ConditionType<70><65><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
private string ConvertConditionType(ConditionType ctype)
switch (ctype)
case ConditionType.Equals:
return "=";
case ConditionType.Ceiling:
return ">";
case ConditionType.CeilingEqual:
return ">=";
case ConditionType.Floor:
return "<";
case ConditionType.FloorEqual:
return "<=";
case ConditionType.NotEquals:
return "<>";
case ConditionType.In:
return "in";
case ConditionType.NotIn:
return "not in";
case ConditionType.LikeLeft:
return "like left";
case ConditionType.LikeRight:
return "like right";
case ConditionType.Like:
return "like";
return "";
#region ת<><D7AA>ConditionTypeNull<6C><6C><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
private string ConvertConditionTypeNull(ConditionTypeNull ctype)
switch (ctype)
case ConditionTypeNull.Is:
return "is";
case ConditionTypeNull.IsNot:
return "is not";
return "";
private void CheckValue(Object Value, DbType Type)
if (Value == null || Value.ToString() == "" || Type == DbType.String) return;
if (this.Condition == "in" || this.Condition == "not in")
string[] chars1 = Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
foreach (string s in chars1)
if (Type == DbType.Byte || Type == DbType.Int16 || Type == DbType.Int32 || Type == DbType.Int64)
if (DataRegex.IsNumberInteger(s) == false) throw new Exception(this.Name + ":" + Value.ToString() + ":ֻ<><D6BB><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>");
if (DataRegex.IsNumberDouble(s) == false) throw new Exception(this.Name + ":" + Value.ToString() + ":ֻ<><D6BB><EFBFBD>Ǹ<EFBFBD><C7B8><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>");
if (Type == DbType.DateTime)
try { Convert.ToDateTime(Value); }
catch { throw new Exception(Value.ToString() + ":ֻ<><D6BB><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ڸ<EFBFBD>ʽ"); }
if (Type == DbType.Byte || Type == DbType.Int16 || Type == DbType.Int32 || Type == DbType.Int64)
if (DataRegex.IsNumberInteger(Value.ToString()) == false) throw new Exception(this.Name + ":" + Value.ToString() + ":ֻ<><D6BB><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>");
if (Type == DbType.Currency || Type == DbType.Single || Type == DbType.Decimal || Type == DbType.Double)
if (DataRegex.IsNumberDouble(Value.ToString()) == false) throw new Exception(this.Name + ":" + Value.ToString() + ":ֻ<><D6BB><EFBFBD>Ǹ<EFBFBD><C7B8><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>");
if (Type == DbType.Boolean)
if (Value.ToString() != "True" && Value.ToString() != "False" && Value.ToString() != "0" && Value.ToString() != "1")
throw new Exception(this.Name + ":" + Value.ToString() + ":ֻ<><D6BB><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>True<75><65>False<73><65>0<EFBFBD><30>1");
private string m_Caption;
/// <summary>
/// <20>б<EFBFBD><D0B1><EFBFBD>
/// </summary>
public string Caption
get { return m_Caption; }
set { m_Caption = value; }
private string m_Name;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string Name
get { return m_Name; }
set { m_Name = value; }
private string m_Condition;
/// <summary>
/// <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>(<28><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>,<2C><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>,С<><D0A1>,<2C><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>,in, not in,like,like left,like right)
/// </summary>
public string Condition
get { return m_Condition; }
m_Condition = value;
private Object m_Value;
/// <summary>
/// ֵ
/// </summary>
public Object Value
get { return m_Value; }
CheckValue(value, this.Type);
if (value != null && value != DBNull.Value && this.Type == DbType.String) { m_Value = value.ToString().Replace("'", "''"); }
else { m_Value = value; }
private string m_RelateTo = "and";
/// <summary>
/// <20><>ϵ<EFBFBD><CFB5>(and,or)Ĭ<><C4AC>Ϊand
/// </summary>
public string RelateTo
get { return m_RelateTo; }
set { m_RelateTo = value; }
private string m_EndString = "";
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string EndString
get { return m_EndString; }
set { m_EndString = value; }
private System.Data.DbType m_Type = DbType.Object;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public System.Data.DbType Type
get { return m_Type; }
set { m_Type = value; }
private ParameterDirection m_Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public ParameterDirection Direction
get { return m_Direction; }
set { m_Direction = value; }
private bool m_IsDeclare = true;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public bool IsDeclare
get { return m_IsDeclare; }
set { m_IsDeclare = value; }
public class RefParameterCollection : List<RefParameter>
private int m_PageIndex = 1;
/// <summary>
/// <20><>ҳ<EFBFBD><D2B3>
/// </summary>
public int PageIndex
get { return m_PageIndex; }
set { m_PageIndex = value; }
private int m_PageSize = 10;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int PageSize
get { return m_PageSize; }
set { m_PageSize = value; }
public RefParameterCollection()
{ }
public RefParameterCollection(int PageIndex, int PageSize)
this.PageIndex = PageIndex;
this.PageSize = PageSize;
public void Add(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, DbType Type)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, Type));
public void Add(string name, ConditionTypeNull Condition)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition));
public void Add(string name, string Condition, Object Value, DbType Type)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, Type));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"><3E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD></param>
/// <param name="Condition"><3E><>ϵ<EFBFBD><CFB5></param>
/// <param name="Value">ֵ</param>
/// <param name="Type"><3E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD></param>
public void Add(string name, string Condition, Object Value, DbType Type, bool IsDeclare)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, Type, IsDeclare));
public void Add(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, DbType Type, bool IsDeclare)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, Type, IsDeclare));
public void Add(string name, string Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, RelateTo, Type));
public void Add(string name, string Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, string EndString, DbType Type)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, RelateTo, EndString, Type));
public void Add(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, RelateTo, Type));
public void Add(string name, string Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type, ParameterDirection Direction)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, RelateTo, Type, Direction));
public void Add(string name, ConditionType Condition, Object Value, string RelateTo, DbType Type, ParameterDirection Direction)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, Condition, Value, RelateTo, Type, Direction));
public void AddOutParameter(string name, DbType Type)
this.Add(new RefParameter(name, "=", null, "and", Type, ParameterDirection.Output));
public bool Contains(string name)
foreach (RefParameter pam in this)
if (pam.Name == name) return true;
return false;
public RefParameter this[string name]
foreach (RefParameter cf in this)
if (cf.Name == name) return cf;
return null;
public void Remove(string name)
foreach (RefParameter cf in this)
if (cf.Name == name) { this.Remove(cf); return; }
private string ConvertUnionChar(string value)
string a = value;
a = a.ToString().Replace("*", "[*]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("~", "[~]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("(", "[(]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace(")", "[)]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("#", "[#]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("/", "[/]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("=", "[=]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace(">", "[>]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("<", "[<]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("+", "[+]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("-", "[-]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("|", "[|]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("^", "[^]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("%", "[%]");
//a = a.ToString().Replace("&", "[&]");
return a;
public string GetDataTableWhere()
string tsql = "";
foreach (RefParameter pam in this)
string value = pam.Value.ToString();
if (pam.Type == DbType.String) value = ConvertUnionChar(value);
if (this.IndexOf(pam) == 0)
switch (pam.Condition)
case "in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = pam.Name + " in (" + value + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars1 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars1)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = pam.Name + " in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "not in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = pam.Name + " not in (" + value + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars2 = value.Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars2)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = pam.Name + " not in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "like":
tsql = pam.Name + " like '%" + value + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "like left":
tsql = pam.Name + " like '%" + value + "'" + pam.EndString;
case "like right":
tsql = pam.Name + " like '" + value + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "is":
tsql = pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
case "is not":
tsql = pam.Name + " is not null" + pam.EndString;
if (pam.Type == DbType.String && Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = pam.Name + "=''" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Value == null || pam.Value == DBNull.Value)
tsql = pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Type == DbType.String || pam.Type == DbType.DateTime)
tsql = pam.Name + pam.Condition + "'" + value + "'" + pam.EndString;
tsql = pam.Name + pam.Condition + value + pam.EndString;
switch (pam.Condition)
case "in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " in (" + value + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars3 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars3)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "not in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " not in (" + value + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars4 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars4)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " not in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "like":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '%" + value + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "like left":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '%" + value + "'" + pam.EndString;
case "like right":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '" + value + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "is":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
case "is not":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is not null" + pam.EndString;
case "<>":
if (Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " <> ''" + pam.EndString;
else tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " <>" + pam.Value + pam.EndString;
if (pam.Type == DbType.String && Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + "=''" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Value == null || pam.Value == DBNull.Value)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Type == DbType.String || pam.Type == DbType.DateTime)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + "'" + value + "'" + pam.EndString;
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + value + pam.EndString;
return tsql;
public string GetWhere(CommandType CommandType)
string tsql = "";
if (this.Count != 0)
if (CommandType == CommandType.Text)
foreach (RefParameter pam in this)
if (pam.Direction != ParameterDirection.Input) continue;
if (pam.IsDeclare == false) continue; //<2F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
if (tsql.IndexOf("where") == -1)
switch (pam.Condition)
case "in":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " " + pam.Condition + " (@" + pam.Caption + "0";
string[] chars1 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
for (int i = 1; i < chars1.Length; i++)
tsql = tsql + " ,@" + pam.Caption + i.ToString();
tsql = tsql + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "not in":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " " + pam.Condition + " (@" + pam.Caption + "0";
string[] chars2 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
for (int i = 1; i < chars2.Length; i++)
tsql = tsql + " ,@" + pam.Caption + i.ToString();
tsql = tsql + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "like":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " like '%'+" + "@" + pam.Caption + "+'%'" + pam.EndString;
case "like left":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " like '%'+" + "@" + pam.Caption + pam.EndString;
case "like right":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " like " + "@" + pam.Caption + "+'%'" + pam.EndString;
case "is":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
case "is not":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " is not null" + pam.EndString;
if (pam.Type == DbType.String && Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + "=''" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Value == null || pam.Value == DBNull.Value)
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + "@" + pam.Caption + pam.EndString;
switch (pam.Condition)
case "in":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " " + pam.Condition + " (@" + pam.Caption + "0";
string[] chars3 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
for (int i = 1; i < chars3.Length; i++)
tsql = tsql + " ,@" + pam.Caption + i.ToString();
tsql = tsql + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "not in":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " " + pam.Condition + " (@" + pam.Caption + "0";
string[] chars4 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
for (int i = 1; i < chars4.Length; i++)
tsql = tsql + " ,@" + pam.Caption + i.ToString();
tsql = tsql + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "like":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '%'+" + "@" + pam.Caption + "+'%'" + pam.EndString;
case "like left":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '%'+" + "@" + pam.Caption + pam.EndString;
case "like right":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like " + "@" + pam.Caption + "+'%'" + pam.EndString;
case "is":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
case "is not":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is not null" + pam.EndString;
case "<>":
if (Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " <> ''" + pam.EndString;
else tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " <>" + pam.Value + pam.EndString;
if (pam.Type == DbType.String && Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + "=''" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Value == null || pam.Value == DBNull.Value)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + "@" + pam.Caption + pam.EndString;
foreach (RefParameter pam in this)
if (pam.Direction != ParameterDirection.Input) continue;
if (pam.IsDeclare == false) continue; //<2F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
if (tsql.IndexOf("where") == -1)
switch (pam.Condition)
case "in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " in (" + pam.Value.ToString() + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars1 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars1)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "not in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " not in (" + pam.Value.ToString() + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars2 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars2)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " not in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "like":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " like '%" + pam.Value.ToString() + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "like left":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " like '%" + pam.Value.ToString() + "'" + pam.EndString;
case "like right":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " like '" + pam.Value.ToString() + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "is":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
case "is not":
tsql = tsql + " where " + pam.Name + " is not null" + pam.EndString;
if (pam.Type == DbType.String && Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = " where " + pam.Name + "=''" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Value == null || pam.Value == DBNull.Value)
tsql = " where " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Type == DbType.String || pam.Type == DbType.DateTime)
tsql = " where " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + "'" + pam.Value.ToString() + "'" + pam.EndString;
tsql = " where " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + pam.Value.ToString() + pam.EndString;
switch (pam.Condition)
case "in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " in (" + pam.Value.ToString() + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars3 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars3)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "not in":
if (pam.Type != DbType.String)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " not in (" + pam.Value.ToString() + ")" + pam.EndString;
string[] chars4 = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string ss = "";
foreach (string s in chars4)
if (ss == "") { ss = "'" + s + "'"; }
else { ss = ss + ",'" + s + "'"; }
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " not in (" + ss + ")" + pam.EndString;
case "like":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '%" + pam.Value.ToString() + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "like left":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '%" + pam.Value.ToString() + "'" + pam.EndString;
case "like right":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " like '" + pam.Value.ToString() + "%'" + pam.EndString;
case "is":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
case "is not":
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is not null" + pam.EndString;
case "<>":
if (Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " <> ''" + pam.EndString;
else tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " <>" + pam.Value + pam.EndString;
if (pam.Type == DbType.String && Convert.ToString(pam.Value) == "")
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + "=''" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Value == null || pam.Value == DBNull.Value)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + " is null" + pam.EndString;
else if (pam.Type == DbType.String || pam.Type == DbType.DateTime)
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + "'" + pam.Value.ToString() + "'" + pam.EndString;
tsql = tsql + " " + pam.RelateTo + " " + pam.Name + pam.Condition + pam.Value.ToString() + pam.EndString;
return tsql;
public System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] GetParameter()
List<System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter> list = new List<System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>();
if (this.Count == 0) return list.ToArray();
int i = 0;
foreach (RefParameter pam in this)
int index = this.IndexOf(pam);
if (pam.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input)
if (pam.IsDeclare == true)
if (pam.Condition == "in" || pam.Condition == "not in")
string[] chars = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
i = 0;
foreach (string s in chars)
list.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Caption + i.ToString(), DbType = pam.Type, Value = s });
if (pam.Value != null)
list.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Caption, DbType = pam.Type, Value = pam.Value });
list.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Name, DbType = pam.Type, Value = pam.Value });
list.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Name, DbType = pam.Type, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output });
return list.ToArray();
public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter[] GetOledbParameter()
List<System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter> list = new List<System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter>();
if (this.Count == 0) return list.ToArray();
int i = 0;
foreach (RefParameter pam in this)
int index = this.IndexOf(pam);
if (pam.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input)
if (pam.IsDeclare == true)
if (pam.Condition == "in" || pam.Condition == "not in")
string[] chars = pam.Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
i = 0;
foreach (string s in chars)
list.Add(new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Caption + i.ToString(), DbType = pam.Type, Value = s });
if (pam.Value != null)
list.Add(new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Caption, DbType = pam.Type, Value = pam.Value });
list.Add(new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Name, DbType = pam.Type, Value = pam.Value });
list.Add(new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter() { ParameterName = pam.Name, DbType = pam.Type, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output });
return list.ToArray();
public enum ConditionType
/// <summary>
/// <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>=
/// </summary>
Equals = 0,
/// <summary>
/// <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>>
/// </summary>
Ceiling = 1,
/// <summary>
/// <20><><EFBFBD>ڵ<EFBFBD><DAB5><EFBFBD>(>=)
/// </summary>
CeilingEqual = 2,
/// <summary>
/// С<><D0A1>(<)
/// </summary>
Floor = 3,
/// <summary>
/// С<>ڵ<EFBFBD><DAB5><EFBFBD>(<=)
/// </summary>
FloorEqual = 4,
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
NotEquals = 5,
/// <summary>
/// in
/// </summary>
In = 6,
/// <summary>
/// not in
/// </summary>
NotIn = 7,
/// <summary>
/// like left
/// </summary>
LikeLeft = 8,
/// <summary>
/// like right
/// </summary>
LikeRight = 9,
/// <summary>
/// like
/// </summary>
Like = 10
public enum ConditionTypeNull
/// <summary>
/// is
/// </summary>
Is = 0,
/// <summary>
/// is not
/// </summary>
IsNot = 1
public enum EditDataType
/// <summary>
/// <20><>ǰʹ<C7B0><CAB9>DataSet<65><74><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>DataTable<6C><65><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Դ
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// <20><>ǰʹ<C7B0><CAB9>DataView<65><77><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Դ
/// </summary>