You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

312 lines
13 KiB

2 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using NetLibrary.Log;
using System.IO;
using TradeModel;
using NetLibrary;
using static TradeManage.GetOrder;
using TradeData;
namespace TradeManageNew.OuterService
/// <summary>
/// GetPostFee 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
public class GetPostFee : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
string UserCode = context.Request.QueryString["UserCode"];
string Method = context.Request.QueryString["Method"];
JavaScriptSerializer jsonconvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
SyncDataModel md = new SyncDataModel();
md.Result = "";
string content2 = "";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserCode) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Method) == true)
md.Code = "101";
md.Result = "缺少参数或者参数不正确,请确保有如下UserCode,Method参数";
content2 = jsonconvert.Serialize(md);
if (UserCode != "YYERP@251")
md.Code = "102";
md.Result = UserCode+"不正确";
content2 = jsonconvert.Serialize(md);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream);
string ResponseContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("协议", "", ResponseContent);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResponseContent) == true)
md.Code = "104";
md.Result = "提交数据不能为空";
content2 = jsonconvert.Serialize(md);
if (Method == "GetFedex")
Fedex_GoodsInfo model = jsonconvert.Deserialize<Fedex_GoodsInfo>(ResponseContent);
if (model != null)
if (model.Long == null || model.Height == null || model.Width == null || model.Weight == null)
md.Code = "105";
md.Result = "货物尺寸和重量不能为空";
content2 = jsonconvert.Serialize(md);
string Width = model.Width.Value.ToString();
string Height = model.Height.Value.ToString();
string Long = model.Long.Value.ToString();
string Weight = (model.Weight.Value* 0.035274M).ToString();//克转盎司
int Num = 1;
string RevAddr = "Grace 3806 Glenfield Shadow";
string RevPhone = "9012637906";
string RevCity = "Katy";
string RevProvinceCode = "TX";
string RevPostCode = "77493";
List<Fedex_FeeReuslt> rlist = new List<Fedex_FeeReuslt>();
var obj = new HuoWuData();
int GoodsId = 1;
string str = GoodsFedexFee3(GoodsId, 237, RevAddr, RevPhone, RevCity, RevProvinceCode, RevPostCode, Width, Height, Long, Weight, Num, "SMART_POST");
string str2 = "";
string str3 = "";
string str4 = "";
string str5 = "";
if (str != "")
str2 = GoodsFedexFee3(GoodsId, 237, RevAddr, RevPhone, RevCity, RevProvinceCode, RevPostCode, Width, Height, Long, Weight, Num, "FEDEX_GROUND");
if (str2 != "")
str3 = GoodsFedexFee3(GoodsId, 237, RevAddr, RevPhone, RevCity, RevProvinceCode, RevPostCode, Width, Height, Long, Weight, Num, "GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY");
if (str3 != "")
str4 = GoodsFedexFee3(GoodsId, 228, RevAddr, RevPhone, RevCity, RevProvinceCode, RevPostCode, Width, Height, Long, Weight, Num, "SMART_POST");
if (str4 != "")
str5 = GoodsFedexFee3(GoodsId, 228, RevAddr, RevPhone, RevCity, RevProvinceCode, RevPostCode, Width, Height, Long, Weight, Num, "FEDEX_GROUND");
if (str5 != "")
GoodsFedexFee3(GoodsId, 228, RevAddr, RevPhone, RevCity, RevProvinceCode, RevPostCode, Width, Height, Long, Weight, Num, "GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY");
var fmd = DataNew.GetModelPostFee(GoodsId);
if (fmd != null)
Fedex_FeeReuslt frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
if (fmd.Fee1 != null&& fmd.Fee1>0)
frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
frmd.StoreName = "W仓";
frmd.PostName = "SMART_POST";
frmd.PostFee = fmd.Fee1;
if (fmd.Fee2 != null && fmd.Fee2 > 0)
frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
frmd.StoreName = "W仓";
frmd.PostName = "FEDEX_GROUND";
frmd.PostFee = fmd.Fee2;
if (fmd.Fee3 != null && fmd.Fee3 > 0)
frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
frmd.StoreName = "W仓";
frmd.PostFee = fmd.Fee3;
if (fmd.Fee5 != null && fmd.Fee5> 0)
frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
frmd.StoreName = "E仓";
frmd.PostName = "SMART_POST";
frmd.PostFee = fmd.Fee5;
if (fmd.Fee6 != null && fmd.Fee6 > 0)
frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
frmd.StoreName = "E仓";
frmd.PostName = "FEDEX_GROUND";
frmd.PostFee = fmd.Fee6;
if (fmd.Fee7 != null && fmd.Fee7 > 0)
frmd = new Fedex_FeeReuslt();
frmd.StoreName = "E仓";
frmd.PostFee = fmd.Fee7;
md.Code = "100";
md.Result = "Success";
md.Data = jsonconvert.Serialize(rlist);
// var ListUserInfo = BaseService.GetListSyncUserInfo(model.CompanyID);
md.Code = "400";
md.Result = "数据参数不能为空";
md.Data = null;
catch (Exception ex)
md.Code = "104";
md.Result = ex.Message;
content2 = jsonconvert.Serialize(md);
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("返回值", "", content2);
public string GoodsFedexFee3(int GoodsId, int PostId, string RevAddr, string RevPhone, string RevCity, string RevProvinceCode, string RevPostCode, string Width, string Height, string Long, string Weight, int Num, string PostType)
var obj = new HuoWuData();
JC_ExpressService service = new JC_ExpressService();
JC_ExpressPost expressModel = service.GetExpressModel(1, PostId);
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2 rate = new TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2();
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.Key = expressModel.UserCode;
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.Password = expressModel.CheckCode;
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.AccountNumber = expressModel.client_id;
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.MeterNumber = expressModel.client_secret;
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.PayAccountNumber = expressModel.refresh_token;
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.HubId = expressModel.Code;
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.PostId = PostId;
TradeManageNew.FedexFeeMdNew md = new TradeManageNew.FedexFeeMdNew();
TradeManageNew.FedexRateNew2.Addr2 = 1;
md.OrderGoodsId = GoodsId;
md.RevName = "jack";
md.RevPhone = RevPhone;
md.RevAddr = RevAddr;
md.RevCity = RevCity;
md.RevProv = RevProvinceCode;
md.RevPostCode = RevPostCode;
md.RevCountry = "US";
md.OrderId = 0;
JC_PostAddress address = new BaseService().GetAddressModel2(PostId);
md.SendAddr = address.EnglishAddress;
md.SendAddr = address.EnglishAddress;
md.SendCountry = address.countycode;
md.SendCity =;
md.SendProv = address.provincecode;
md.SendPostCode = address.PostCode;
//md.SendAddr = "2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO";// address.EnglishAddress;
//md.SendCountry = "US";// address.countycode;
//md.SendCity = "ONTARIO";//;
//md.SendProv = "CA";// address.provincecode;
//md.SendPostCode = "91761";// address.PostCode;
//md.SendAddr = "480 W 83rd St";// address.EnglishAddress;
//md.SendCountry = "US";// address.countycode;
//md.SendCity = "Hialeah";//;
//md.SendProv = "FL";// address.provincecode;
//md.SendPostCode = "33166";// address.PostCode;3 1 JIDE TOYS CORP. JIDE TOYS CORP. 2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO 2611 E LINDSAY PRIVADO 9012637906 91761 CA ONTARIO US 315000 CA ONTARIO US NULL
if (Width != null && Width != "")
md.Width = (Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(Width) * Num).ToString());
if (Height != null && Height != "")
md.Height = Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(Height) * Num).ToString();
if (Long != null && Long != "")
md.Lenght = Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(Long) * Num).ToString();
md.Weight = Convert.ToDecimal(Weight) * 0.0625M * Num;
md.PostType = PostType;// "SMART_POST";
string str = "";
string html = rate.GetFee(md, out str);
if (str != "")
return str;
return html;
public class Fedex_GoodsInfo
/// <summary>
/// 货物商品尺寸 长 in)英寸
/// </summary>
public decimal? Long { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 货物商品尺寸 宽 in)英寸
/// </summary>
public decimal? Width { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 高 in)英寸
/// </summary>
public decimal? Height { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 重量 (g
/// </summary>
public decimal? Weight { get; set; }
public class Fedex_FeeReuslt
/// <summary>
/// 仓库 东仓 西仓
/// </summary>
public string StoreName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 渠道名称
/// </summary>
public string PostName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 预估费用
/// </summary>
public decimal? PostFee { get; set; }
public bool IsReusable
return false;