You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2097 lines
90 KiB
2097 lines
90 KiB
2 months ago
* Parsleyjs
* Guillaume Potier - <>
* Version 2.0.0 - built Sat Apr 19 2014 17:31:23
* MIT Licensed
!(function($) {
var ParsleyUtils = {
// Parsley DOM-API
// returns object from dom attributes and values
// if attr is given, returns bool if attr present in DOM or not
attr: function ($element, namespace, checkAttr) {
obj = {},
regex = new RegExp('^' + namespace, 'i');
if ('undefined' === typeof $element || 'undefined' === typeof $element[0])
return {};
for (var i in $element[0].attributes) {
attribute = $element[0].attributes[i];
if ('undefined' !== typeof attribute && null !== attribute && attribute.specified && regex.test( {
if ('undefined' !== typeof checkAttr && new RegExp(checkAttr + '$', 'i').test(
return true;
obj[this.camelize(, ''))] = this.deserializeValue(attribute.value);
return 'undefined' === typeof checkAttr ? obj : false;
setAttr: function ($element, namespace, attr, value) {
$element[0].setAttribute(this.dasherize(namespace + attr), String(value));
// Recursive object / array getter
get: function (obj, path) {
i = 0,
paths = (path || '').split('.');
while (this.isObject(obj) || this.isArray(obj)) {
obj = obj[paths[i++]];
if (i === paths.length)
return obj;
return undefined;
hash: function (length) {
return String(Math.random()).substring(2, length ? length + 2 : 9);
/** Third party functions **/
// Underscore isArray
isArray: function (mixed) {
return === '[object Array]';
// Underscore isObject
isObject: function (mixed) {
return mixed === Object(mixed);
// Zepto deserialize function
deserializeValue: function (value) {
var num;
try {
return value ?
value == "true" ||
(value == "false" ? false :
value == "null" ? null :
!isNaN(num = Number(value)) ? num :
/^[\[\{]/.test(value) ? $.parseJSON(value) :
: value;
} catch (e) { return value; }
// Zepto camelize function
camelize: function (str) {
return str.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function(match, chr) {
return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
// Zepto dasherize function
dasherize: function (str) {
return str.replace(/::/g, '/')
.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')
.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')
.replace(/_/g, '-')
// All these options could be overriden and specified directly in DOM using
// `data-parsley-` default DOM-API
// eg: `inputs` can be set in DOM using `data-parsley-inputs="input, textarea"`
// eg: `data-parsley-stop-on-first-failing-constraint="false"`
var ParsleyDefaults = {
// ### General
// Default data-namespace for DOM API
namespace: 'data-parsley-',
// Supported inputs by default
inputs: 'input, textarea, select',
// Excluded inputs by default
excluded: 'input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=hidden]',
// Stop validating field on highest priority failing constraint
priorityEnabled: true,
// ### UI
// Enable\Disable error messages
uiEnabled: true,
// Key events threshold before validation
validationThreshold: 3,
// Focused field on form validation error. 'fist'|'last'|'none'
focus: 'first',
// `$.Event()` that will trigger validation. eg: `keyup`, `change`..
trigger: false,
// Class that would be added on every failing validation Parsley field
errorClass: 'parsley-error',
// Same for success validation
successClass: 'parsley-success',
// Return the `$element` that will receive these above success or error classes
// Could also be (and given directly from DOM) a valid selector like `'#div'`
classHandler: function (ParsleyField) {},
// Return the `$element` where errors will be appended
// Could also be (and given directly from DOM) a valid selector like `'#div'`
errorsContainer: function (ParsleyField) {},
// ul elem that would receive errors' list
errorsWrapper: '<ul class="parsley-errors-list"></ul>',
// li elem that would receive error message
errorTemplate: '<li></li>'
var ParsleyAbstract = function() {};
ParsleyAbstract.prototype = {
asyncSupport: false,
actualizeOptions: function () {
this.options = this.OptionsFactory.get(this);
return this;
// ParsleyValidator validate proxy function . Could be replaced by third party scripts
validateThroughValidator: function (value, constraints, priority) {
return window.ParsleyValidator.validate.apply(window.ParsleyValidator, [value, constraints, priority]);
// Subscribe an event and a handler for a specific field or a specific form
// If on a ParsleyForm instance, it will be attached to form instance and also
// To every field instance for this form
subscribe: function (name, fn) {
$.listenTo(this, name.toLowerCase(), fn);
return this;
// Same as subscribe above. Unsubscribe an event for field, or form + its fields
unsubscribe: function (name) {
$.unsubscribeTo(this, name.toLowerCase());
return this;
// Reset UI
reset: function () {
// Field case: just emit a reset event for UI
if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__)
return $.emit('parsley:field:reset', this);
// Form case: emit a reset event for each field
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)
$.emit('parsley:field:reset', this.fields[i]);
$.emit('parsley:form:reset', this);
// Destroy Parsley instance (+ UI)
destroy: function () {
// Field case: emit destroy event to clean UI and then destroy stored instance
if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__) {
$.emit('parsley:field:destroy', this);
// Form case: destroy all its fields and then destroy stored instance
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)
$.emit('parsley:form:destroy', this);
* validator.js
* Guillaume Potier - <>
* Version 0.5.8 - built Sun Mar 16 2014 17:18:21
* MIT Licensed
( function ( exports ) {
* Validator
var Validator = function ( options ) {
this.__class__ = 'Validator';
this.__version__ = '0.5.8';
this.options = options || {};
this.bindingKey = this.options.bindingKey || '_validatorjsConstraint';
return this;
Validator.prototype = {
constructor: Validator,
* Validate string: validate( string, Assert, string ) || validate( string, [ Assert, Assert ], [ string, string ] )
* Validate object: validate( object, Constraint, string ) || validate( object, Constraint, [ string, string ] )
* Validate binded object: validate( object, string ) || validate( object, [ string, string ] )
validate: function ( objectOrString, AssertsOrConstraintOrGroup, group ) {
if ( 'string' !== typeof objectOrString && 'object' !== typeof objectOrString )
throw new Error( 'You must validate an object or a string' );
// string / array validation
if ( 'string' === typeof objectOrString || _isArray(objectOrString) )
return this._validateString( objectOrString, AssertsOrConstraintOrGroup, group );
// binded object validation
if ( this.isBinded( objectOrString ) )
return this._validateBindedObject( objectOrString, AssertsOrConstraintOrGroup );
// regular object validation
return this._validateObject( objectOrString, AssertsOrConstraintOrGroup, group );
bind: function ( object, constraint ) {
if ( 'object' !== typeof object )
throw new Error( 'Must bind a Constraint to an object' );
object[ this.bindingKey ] = new Constraint( constraint );
return this;
unbind: function ( object ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof object._validatorjsConstraint )
return this;
delete object[ this.bindingKey ];
return this;
isBinded: function ( object ) {
return 'undefined' !== typeof object[ this.bindingKey ];
getBinded: function ( object ) {
return this.isBinded( object ) ? object[ this.bindingKey ] : null;
_validateString: function ( string, assert, group ) {
var result, failures = [];
if ( !_isArray( assert ) )
assert = [ assert ];
for ( var i = 0; i < assert.length; i++ ) {
if ( ! ( assert[ i ] instanceof Assert) )
throw new Error( 'You must give an Assert or an Asserts array to validate a string' );
result = assert[ i ].check( string, group );
if ( result instanceof Violation )
failures.push( result );
return failures.length ? failures : true;
_validateObject: function ( object, constraint, group ) {
if ( 'object' !== typeof constraint )
throw new Error( 'You must give a constraint to validate an object' );
if ( constraint instanceof Constraint )
return constraint.check( object, group );
return new Constraint( constraint ).check( object, group );
_validateBindedObject: function ( object, group ) {
return object[ this.bindingKey ].check( object, group );
Validator.errorCode = {
must_be_a_string: 'must_be_a_string',
must_be_an_array: 'must_be_an_array',
must_be_a_number: 'must_be_a_number',
must_be_a_string_or_array: 'must_be_a_string_or_array'
* Constraint
var Constraint = function ( data, options ) {
this.__class__ = 'Constraint';
this.options = options || {};
this.nodes = {};
if ( data ) {
try {
this._bootstrap( data );
} catch ( err ) {
throw new Error( 'Should give a valid mapping object to Constraint', err, data );
return this;
Constraint.prototype = {
constructor: Constraint,
check: function ( object, group ) {
var result, failures = {};
// check all constraint nodes if strict validation enabled. Else, only object nodes that have a constraint
for ( var property in this.options.strict ? this.nodes : object ) {
if ( this.options.strict ? this.has( property, object ) : this.has( property ) ) {
result = this._check( property, object[ property ], group );
// check returned an array of Violations or an object mapping Violations
if ( ( _isArray( result ) && result.length > 0 ) || ( !_isArray( result ) && !_isEmptyObject( result ) ) )
failures[ property ] = result;
// in strict mode, get a violation for each constraint node not in object
} else if ( this.options.strict ) {
try {
// we trigger here a HaveProperty Assert violation to have uniform Violation object in the end
new Assert().HaveProperty( property ).validate( object );
} catch ( violation ) {
failures[ property ] = violation;
return _isEmptyObject(failures) ? true : failures;
add: function ( node, object ) {
if ( object instanceof Assert || ( _isArray( object ) && object[ 0 ] instanceof Assert ) ) {
this.nodes[ node ] = object;
return this;
if ( 'object' === typeof object && !_isArray( object ) ) {
this.nodes[ node ] = object instanceof Constraint ? object : new Constraint( object );
return this;
throw new Error( 'Should give an Assert, an Asserts array, a Constraint', object );
has: function ( node, nodes ) {
nodes = 'undefined' !== typeof nodes ? nodes : this.nodes;
return 'undefined' !== typeof nodes[ node ];
get: function ( node, placeholder ) {
return this.has( node ) ? this.nodes[ node ] : placeholder || null;
remove: function ( node ) {
var _nodes = [];
for ( var i in this.nodes )
if ( i !== node )
_nodes[ i ] = this.nodes[ i ];
this.nodes = _nodes;
return this;
_bootstrap: function ( data ) {
if ( data instanceof Constraint )
return this.nodes = data.nodes;
for ( var node in data )
this.add( node, data[ node ] );
_check: function ( node, value, group ) {
// Assert
if ( this.nodes[ node ] instanceof Assert )
return this._checkAsserts( value, [ this.nodes[ node ] ], group );
// Asserts
if ( _isArray( this.nodes[ node ] ) )
return this._checkAsserts( value, this.nodes[ node ], group );
// Constraint -> check api
if ( this.nodes[ node ] instanceof Constraint )
return this.nodes[ node ].check( value, group );
throw new Error( 'Invalid node', this.nodes[ node ] );
_checkAsserts: function ( value, asserts, group ) {
var result, failures = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < asserts.length; i++ ) {
result = asserts[ i ].check( value, group );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof result && true !== result )
failures.push( result );
// Some asserts (Collection for example) could return an object
// if ( result && ! ( result instanceof Violation ) )
// return result;
// // Vast assert majority return Violation
// if ( result instanceof Violation )
// failures.push( result );
return failures;
* Violation
var Violation = function ( assert, value, violation ) {
this.__class__ = 'Violation';
if ( ! ( assert instanceof Assert ) )
throw new Error( 'Should give an assertion implementing the Assert interface' );
this.assert = assert;
this.value = value;
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof violation )
this.violation = violation;
Violation.prototype = {
show: function () {
var show = {
assert: this.assert.__class__,
value: this.value
if ( this.violation )
show.violation = this.violation;
return show;
__toString: function () {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.violation )
this.violation = '", ' + this.getViolation().constraint + ' expected was ' + this.getViolation().expected;
return this.assert.__class__ + ' assert failed for "' + this.value + this.violation || '';
getViolation: function () {
var constraint, expected;
for ( constraint in this.violation )
expected = this.violation[ constraint ];
return { constraint: constraint, expected: expected };
* Assert
var Assert = function ( group ) {
this.__class__ = 'Assert';
this.__parentClass__ = this.__class__;
this.groups = [];
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof group )
this.addGroup( group );
return this;
Assert.prototype = {
construct: Assert,
check: function ( value, group ) {
if ( group && !this.hasGroup( group ) )
if ( !group && this.hasGroups() )
try {
return this.validate( value, group );
} catch ( violation ) {
return violation;
hasGroup: function ( group ) {
if ( _isArray( group ) )
return this.hasOneOf( group );
// All Asserts respond to "Any" group
if ( 'Any' === group )
return true;
// Asserts with no group also respond to "Default" group. Else return false
if ( !this.hasGroups() )
return 'Default' === group;
return -1 !== this.groups.indexOf( group );
hasOneOf: function ( groups ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ )
if ( this.hasGroup( groups[ i ] ) )
return true;
return false;
hasGroups: function () {
return this.groups.length > 0;
addGroup: function ( group ) {
if ( _isArray( group ) )
return this.addGroups( group );
if ( !this.hasGroup( group ) )
this.groups.push( group );
return this;
removeGroup: function ( group ) {
var _groups = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++ )
if ( group !== this.groups[ i ] )
_groups.push( this.groups[ i ] );
this.groups = _groups;
return this;
addGroups: function ( groups ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ )
this.addGroup( groups[ i ] );
return this;
* Asserts definitions
HaveProperty: function ( node ) {
this.__class__ = 'HaveProperty';
this.node = node;
this.validate = function ( object ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof object[ this.node ] )
throw new Violation( this, object, { value: this.node } );
return true;
return this;
Blank: function () {
this.__class__ = 'Blank';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( 'string' !== typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string } );
if ( '' !== value.replace( /^\s+/g, '' ).replace( /\s+$/g, '' ) )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
Callback: function ( fn ) {
this.__class__ = 'Callback';
this.arguments = arguments );
if ( 1 === this.arguments.length )
this.arguments = [];
this.arguments.splice( 0, 1 );
if ( 'function' !== typeof fn )
throw new Error( 'Callback must be instanciated with a function' );
this.fn = fn;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var result = this.fn.apply( this, [ value ].concat( this.arguments ) );
if ( true !== result )
throw new Violation( this, value, { result: result } );
return true;
return this;
Choice: function ( list ) {
this.__class__ = 'Choice';
if ( !_isArray( list ) && 'function' !== typeof list )
throw new Error( 'Choice must be instanciated with an array or a function' );
this.list = list;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var list = 'function' === typeof this.list ? this.list() : this.list;
for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
if ( value === list[ i ] )
return true;
throw new Violation( this, value, { choices: list } );
return this;
Collection: function ( constraint ) {
this.__class__ = 'Collection';
this.constraint = 'undefined' !== typeof constraint ? new Constraint( constraint ) : false;
this.validate = function ( collection, group ) {
var result, validator = new Validator(), count = 0, failures = {}, groups = this.groups.length ? this.groups : group;
if ( !_isArray( collection ) )
throw new Violation( this, array, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_an_array } );
for ( var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++ ) {
result = this.constraint ?
validator.validate( collection[ i ], this.constraint, groups ) :
validator.validate( collection[ i ], groups );
if ( !_isEmptyObject( result ) )
failures[ count ] = result;
return !_isEmptyObject( failures ) ? failures : true;
return this;
Count: function ( count ) {
this.__class__ = 'Count';
this.count = count;
this.validate = function ( array ) {
if ( !_isArray( array ) )
throw new Violation( this, array, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_an_array } );
var count = 'function' === typeof this.count ? this.count( array ) : this.count;
if ( isNaN( Number( count ) ) )
throw new Error( 'Count must be a valid interger', count );
if ( count !== array.length )
throw new Violation( this, array, { count: count } );
return true;
return this;
Email: function () {
this.__class__ = 'Email';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var regExp = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i;
if ( 'string' !== typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string } );
if ( !regExp.test( value ) )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
Eql: function ( eql ) {
this.__class__ = 'Eql';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof eql )
throw new Error( 'Equal must be instanciated with an Array or an Object' );
this.eql = eql;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var eql = 'function' === typeof this.eql ? this.eql( value ) : this.eql;
if ( !expect.eql( eql, value ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { eql: eql } );
return true;
return this;
EqualTo: function ( reference ) {
this.__class__ = 'EqualTo';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof reference )
throw new Error( 'EqualTo must be instanciated with a value or a function' );
this.reference = reference;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var reference = 'function' === typeof this.reference ? this.reference( value ) : this.reference;
if ( reference !== value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: reference } );
return true;
return this;
GreaterThan: function ( threshold ) {
this.__class__ = 'GreaterThan';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof threshold )
throw new Error( 'Should give a threshold value' );
this.threshold = threshold;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( '' === value || isNaN( Number( value ) ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_number } );
if ( this.threshold >= value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { threshold: this.threshold } );
return true;
return this;
GreaterThanOrEqual: function ( threshold ) {
this.__class__ = 'GreaterThanOrEqual';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof threshold )
throw new Error( 'Should give a threshold value' );
this.threshold = threshold;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( '' === value || isNaN( Number( value ) ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_number } );
if ( this.threshold > value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { threshold: this.threshold } );
return true;
return this;
InstanceOf: function ( classRef ) {
this.__class__ = 'InstanceOf';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof classRef )
throw new Error( 'InstanceOf must be instanciated with a value' );
this.classRef = classRef;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( true !== (value instanceof this.classRef) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { classRef: this.classRef } );
return true;
return this;
IPv4: function () {
this.__class__ = 'IPv4';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var regExp = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/;
if ( 'string' !== typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string } );
if ( !regExp.test( value ) )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
Length: function ( boundaries ) {
this.__class__ = 'Length';
if ( !boundaries.min && !boundaries.max )
throw new Error( 'Lenth assert must be instanciated with a { min: x, max: y } object' );
this.min = boundaries.min;
this.max = boundaries.max;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( 'string' !== typeof value && !_isArray( value ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string_or_array } );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.min && this.min === this.max && value.length !== this.min )
throw new Violation( this, value, { min: this.min, max: this.max } );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.max && value.length > this.max )
throw new Violation( this, value, { max: this.max } );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.min && value.length < this.min )
throw new Violation( this, value, { min: this.min } );
return true;
return this;
LessThan: function ( threshold ) {
this.__class__ = 'LessThan';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof threshold )
throw new Error( 'Should give a threshold value' );
this.threshold = threshold;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( '' === value || isNaN( Number( value ) ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_number } );
if ( this.threshold <= value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { threshold: this.threshold } );
return true;
return this;
LessThanOrEqual: function ( threshold ) {
this.__class__ = 'LessThanOrEqual';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof threshold )
throw new Error( 'Should give a threshold value' );
this.threshold = threshold;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( '' === value || isNaN( Number( value ) ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_number } );
if ( this.threshold < value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { threshold: this.threshold } );
return true;
return this;
Mac: function () {
this.__class__ = 'Mac';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
var regExp = /^(?:[0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}$/i;
if ( 'string' !== typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string } );
if ( !regExp.test( value ) )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
NotNull: function () {
this.__class__ = 'NotNull';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( null === value || 'undefined' === typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
NotBlank: function () {
this.__class__ = 'NotBlank';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( 'string' !== typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string } );
if ( '' === value.replace( /^\s+/g, '' ).replace( /\s+$/g, '' ) )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
Null: function () {
this.__class__ = 'Null';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( null !== value )
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
Range: function ( min, max ) {
this.__class__ = 'Range';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof min || 'undefined' === typeof max )
throw new Error( 'Range assert expects min and max values' );
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.validate = function ( value ) {
try {
// validate strings and objects with their Length
if ( ( 'string' === typeof value && isNaN( Number( value ) ) ) || _isArray( value ) )
new Assert().Length( { min: this.min, max: this.max } ).validate( value );
// validate numbers with their value
new Assert().GreaterThanOrEqual( this.min ).validate( value ) && new Assert().LessThanOrEqual( this.max ).validate( value );
return true;
} catch ( violation ) {
throw new Violation( this, value, violation.violation );
return true;
return this;
Regexp: function ( regexp, flag ) {
this.__class__ = 'Regexp';
if ( 'undefined' === typeof regexp )
throw new Error( 'You must give a regexp' );
this.regexp = regexp;
this.flag = flag || '';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( 'string' !== typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_a_string } );
if ( !new RegExp( this.regexp, this.flag ).test( value ) )
throw new Violation( this, value, { regexp: this.regexp, flag: this.flag } );
return true;
return this;
Required: function () {
this.__class__ = 'Required';
this.validate = function ( value ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof value )
throw new Violation( this, value );
try {
if ( 'string' === typeof value )
new Assert().NotNull().validate( value ) && new Assert().NotBlank().validate( value );
else if ( true === _isArray( value ) )
new Assert().Length( { min: 1 } ).validate( value );
} catch ( violation ) {
throw new Violation( this, value );
return true;
return this;
// Unique() or Unique ( { key: foo } )
Unique: function ( object ) {
this.__class__ = 'Unique';
if ( 'object' === typeof object )
this.key = object.key;
this.validate = function ( array ) {
var value, store = [];
if ( !_isArray( array ) )
throw new Violation( this, array, { value: Validator.errorCode.must_be_an_array } );
for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
value = 'object' === typeof array[ i ] ? array[ i ][ this.key ] : array[ i ];
if ( 'undefined' === typeof value )
if ( -1 !== store.indexOf( value ) )
throw new Violation( this, array, { value: value } );
store.push( value );
return true;
return this;
// expose to the world these awesome classes
exports.Assert = Assert;
exports.Validator = Validator;
exports.Violation = Violation;
exports.Constraint = Constraint;
* Some useful object prototypes / functions here
// IE8<= compatibility
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf)
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement /*, fromIndex */ ) {
if (this === null) {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (len === 0) {
return -1;
var n = 0;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
n = Number(arguments[1]);
if (n != n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN
n = 0;
} else if (n !== 0 && n != Infinity && n != -Infinity) {
n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
if (n >= len) {
return -1;
var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
for (; k < len; k++) {
if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
return k;
return -1;
// Test if object is empty, useful for Constraint violations check
var _isEmptyObject = function ( obj ) {
for ( var property in obj )
return false;
return true;
var _isArray = function ( obj ) {
return obj ) === '[object Array]';
var expect = {
eql: function ( actual, expected ) {
if ( actual === expected ) {
return true;
} else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof Buffer && Buffer.isBuffer( actual ) && Buffer.isBuffer( expected ) ) {
if ( actual.length !== expected.length ) return false;
for ( var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++ )
if ( actual[i] !== expected[i] ) return false;
return true;
} else if ( actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date ) {
return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();
} else if ( typeof actual !== 'object' && typeof expected !== 'object' ) {
// loosy ==
return actual == expected;
} else {
return this.objEquiv(actual, expected);
isUndefinedOrNull: function ( value ) {
return value === null || typeof value === 'undefined';
isArguments: function ( object ) {
return == '[object Arguments]';
keys: function ( obj ) {
if ( Object.keys )
return Object.keys( obj );
var keys = [];
for ( var i in obj )
if ( obj, i ) )
return keys;
objEquiv: function ( a, b ) {
if ( this.isUndefinedOrNull( a ) || this.isUndefinedOrNull( b ) )
return false;
if ( a.prototype !== b.prototype ) return false;
if ( this.isArguments( a ) ) {
if ( !this.isArguments( b ) )
return false;
return eql( a ) , b ) );
try {
var ka = this.keys( a ), kb = this.keys( b ), key, i;
if ( ka.length !== kb.length )
return false;
for ( i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( ka[ i ] != kb[ i ] )
return false;
for ( i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
key = ka[i];
if ( !this.eql( a[ key ], b[ key ] ) )
return false;
return true;
} catch ( e ) {
return false;
// AMD Compliance
if ( "function" === typeof define && define.amd ) {
define( 'validator', [],function() { return exports; } );
} )( 'undefined' === typeof exports ? this[ 'undefined' !== typeof validatorjs_ns ? validatorjs_ns : 'Validator' ] = {} : exports );
var ParsleyValidator = function (validators, catalog) {
this.__class__ = 'ParsleyValidator';
this.Validator = Validator;
// Default Parsley locale is en
this.locale = 'en';
this.init(validators || {}, catalog || {});
ParsleyValidator.prototype = {
init: function (validators, catalog) {
this.catalog = catalog;
for (var name in validators)
this.addValidator(name, validators[name].fn, validators[name].priority);
// Set new messages locale if we have dictionary loaded in ParsleyConfig.i18n
setLocale: function (locale) {
if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale])
throw new Error(locale + ' is not available in the catalog');
this.locale = locale;
return this;
// Add a new messages catalog for a given locale. Set locale for this catalog if set === `true`
addCatalog: function (locale, messages, set) {
if ('object' === typeof messages)
this.catalog[locale] = messages;
if (true === set)
return this.setLocale(locale);
return this;
// Add a specific message for a given constraint in a given locale
addMessage: function (locale, name, message) {
if (undefined === typeof this.catalog[locale])
this.catalog[locale] = {};
this.catalog[locale][name.toLowerCase()] = message;
return this;
validate: function (value, constraints, priority) {
return new this.Validator.Validator().validate.apply(new Validator.Validator(), arguments);
// Add a new validator
addValidator: function (name, fn, priority) {
this.validators[name.toLowerCase()] = function (requirements) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Callback(fn, requirements), { priority: priority });
return this;
updateValidator: function (name, fn, priority) {
return addValidator(name, fn, priority);
removeValidator: function (name) {
delete this.validators[name];
return this;
getErrorMessage: function (constraint) {
var message;
// Type constraints are a bit different, we have to match their requirements too to find right error message
if ('type' ===
message = this.catalog[this.locale][][constraint.requirements];
message = this.formatMessage(this.catalog[this.locale][], constraint.requirements);
return '' !== message ? message : this.catalog[this.locale].defaultMessage;
// Kind of light `sprintf()` implementation
formatMessage: function (string, parameters) {
if ('object' === typeof parameters) {
for (var i in parameters)
string = this.formatMessage(string, parameters[i]);
return string;
return 'string' === typeof string ? string.replace(new RegExp('%s', 'i'), parameters) : '';
// Here is the Parsley default validators list.
// This is basically Validatorjs validators, with different API for some of them
// and a Parsley priority set
validators: {
notblank: function () {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().NotBlank(), { priority: 2 });
required: function () {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Required(), { priority: 512 });
type: function (type) {
var assert;
switch (type) {
case 'email':
assert = new Validator.Assert().Email();
case 'number':
assert = new Validator.Assert().Regexp('^-?(?:\\d+|\\d{1,3}(?:,\\d{3})+)?(?:\\.\\d+)?$');
case 'integer':
assert = new Validator.Assert().Regexp('^-?\\d+$');
case 'digits':
assert = new Validator.Assert().Regexp('^\\d+$');
case 'alphanum':
assert = new Validator.Assert().Regexp('^\\w+$', 'i');
case 'url':
assert = new Validator.Assert().Regexp('(https?:\\/\\/)?(www\\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{2,256}\\.[a-z]{2,4}\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)', 'i');
throw new Error('validator type `' + type + '` is not supported');
return $.extend(assert, { priority: 256 });
pattern: function (regexp) {
var flags = '';
// Test if RegExp is literal, if not, nothing to be done, otherwise, we need to isolate flags and pattern
if (!!(/^\/.*\/(?:[gimy]*)$/.test(regexp))) {
// Replace the regexp literal string with the first match group: ([gimy]*)
// If no flag is present, this will be a blank string
flags = regexp.replace(/.*\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1');
// Again, replace the regexp literal string with the first match group:
// everything excluding the opening and closing slashes and the flags
regexp = regexp.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/' + flags + '$'), '$1');
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Regexp(regexp, flags), { priority: 64 });
minlength: function (value) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Length({ min: value }), {
priority: 30,
requirementsTransformer: function () {
return 'string' === typeof value && !isNaN(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value;
maxlength: function (value) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Length({ max: value }), {
priority: 30,
requirementsTransformer: function () {
return 'string' === typeof value && !isNaN(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value;
length: function (array) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Length({ min: array[0], max: array[1] }), { priority: 32 });
mincheck: function (length) {
return this.minlength(length);
maxcheck: function (length) {
return this.maxlength(length);
check: function (array) {
return this.length(array);
min: function (value) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().GreaterThanOrEqual(value), {
priority: 30,
requirementsTransformer: function () {
return 'string' === typeof value && !isNaN(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value;
max: function (value) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().LessThanOrEqual(value), {
priority: 30,
requirementsTransformer: function () {
return 'string' === typeof value && !isNaN(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value;
range: function (array) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().Range(array[0], array[1]), {
priority: 32,
requirementsTransformer: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
array[i] = 'string' === typeof array[i] && !isNaN(array[i]) ? parseInt(array[i], 10) : array[i];
return array;
equalto: function (value) {
return $.extend(new Validator.Assert().EqualTo(value), {
priority: 256,
requirementsTransformer: function () {
return $(value).length ? $(value).val() : value;
var ParsleyUI = function (options) {
this.__class__ = 'ParsleyUI';
ParsleyUI.prototype = {
listen: function () {
$.listen('parsley:form:init', this, this.setupForm);
$.listen('parsley:field:init', this, this.setupField);
$.listen('parsley:field:validated', this, this.reflow);
$.listen('parsley:form:validated', this, this.focus);
$.listen('parsley:field:reset', this, this.reset);
$.listen('parsley:form:destroy', this, this.destroy);
$.listen('parsley:field:destroy', this, this.destroy);
return this;
reflow: function (fieldInstance) {
// If this field has not an active UI (case for multiples) don't bother doing something
if ('undefined' === typeof fieldInstance._ui || false ===
// Diff between two validation results
var diff = this._diff(fieldInstance.validationResult, fieldInstance._ui.lastValidationResult);
// Then store current validation result for next reflow
fieldInstance._ui.lastValidationResult = fieldInstance.validationResult;
// Field have been validated at least once if here. Useful for binded key events..
fieldInstance._ui.validatedOnce = true;
// Handle valid / invalid / none field class
// Add, remove, updated errors messages
this.manageErrorsMessages(fieldInstance, diff);
// Triggers impl
// If field is not valid for the first time, bind keyup trigger to ease UX and quickly inform user
if ((diff.kept.length || diff.added.length) && 'undefined' === typeof fieldInstance._ui.failedOnce)
// Returns an array of field's error message(s)
getErrorsMessages: function (fieldInstance) {
// No error message, field is valid
if (true === fieldInstance.validationResult)
return [];
var messages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fieldInstance.validationResult.length; i++)
messages.push(this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, fieldInstance.validationResult[i].assert));
return messages;
manageStatusClass: function (fieldInstance) {
if (true === fieldInstance.validationResult)
else if (fieldInstance.validationResult.length > 0)
manageErrorsMessages: function (fieldInstance, diff) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsMessagesDisabled)
// Case where we have errorMessage option that configure an unique field error message, regardless failing validators
if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.errorMessage) {
if ((diff.added.length || diff.kept.length)) {
if (0 === fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.find('.parsley-custom-error-message').length)
return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper
return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper
// Show, hide, update failing constraints messages
for (var i = 0; i < diff.removed.length; i++)
this.removeError(fieldInstance, diff.removed[i], true);
for (i = 0; i < diff.added.length; i++)
this.addError(fieldInstance, diff.added[i], undefined, diff.added[i].assert, true);
for (i = 0; i < diff.kept.length; i++)
this.updateError(fieldInstance, diff.kept[i], undefined, diff.kept[i].assert, true);
// TODO: strange API here, intuitive for manual usage with addError(pslyInstance, 'foo', 'bar')
// but a little bit complex for above internal usage, with forced undefined parametter..
addError: function (fieldInstance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {
.addClass('parsley-' + name)
.html(message || this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, assert)));
if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)
// Same as above
updateError: function (fieldInstance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {
.find('.parsley-' + name)
.html(message || this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, assert));
if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)
// Same as above twice
removeError: function (fieldInstance, name, doNotUpdateClass) {
.find('.parsley-' + name)
// edge case possible here: remove a standard Parsley error that is still failing in fieldInstance.validationResult
// but highly improbable cuz' manually removing a well Parsley handled error makes no sense.
if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)
focus: function (formInstance) {
if (true === formInstance.validationResult || 'none' === formInstance.options.focus)
return formInstance._focusedField = null;
formInstance._focusedField = null;
for (var i = 0; i < formInstance.fields.length; i++)
if (true !== formInstance.fields[i].validationResult && formInstance.fields[i].validationResult.length > 0 && 'undefined' === typeof formInstance.fields[i].options.noFocus) {
if ('first' === formInstance.options.focus) {
formInstance._focusedField = formInstance.fields[i].$element;
return formInstance._focusedField.focus();
formInstance._focusedField = formInstance.fields[i].$element;
if (null === formInstance._focusedField)
return null;
return formInstance._focusedField.focus();
_getErrorMessage: function (fieldInstance, constraint) {
var customConstraintErrorMessage = + 'Message';
if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options[customConstraintErrorMessage])
return window.ParsleyValidator.formatMessage(fieldInstance.options[customConstraintErrorMessage], constraint.requirements);
return window.ParsleyValidator.getErrorMessage(constraint);
_diff: function (newResult, oldResult, deep) {
added = [],
kept = [];
for (var i = 0; i < newResult.length; i++) {
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < oldResult.length; j++)
if (newResult[i] === oldResult[j] {
found = true;
if (found)
return {
kept: kept,
added: added,
removed: !deep ? this._diff(oldResult, newResult, true).added : []
setupForm: function (formInstance) {
formInstance.$element.on('submit.Parsley', false, $.proxy(formInstance.onSubmitValidate, formInstance));
// UI could be disabled
if (false === formInstance.options.uiEnabled)
formInstance.$element.attr('novalidate', '');
setupField: function (fieldInstance) {
var _ui = { active: false };
// UI could be disabled
if (false === fieldInstance.options.uiEnabled)
| = true;
// Give field its Parsley id in DOM
fieldInstance.$element.attr(fieldInstance.options.namespace + 'id', fieldInstance.__id__);
/** Generate important UI elements and store them in fieldInstance **/
// $errorClassHandler is the $element that woul have parsley-error and parsley-success classes
_ui.$errorClassHandler = this._manageClassHandler(fieldInstance);
// $errorsWrapper is a div that would contain the various field errors, it will be appended into $errorsContainer
_ui.errorsWrapperId = 'parsley-id-' + ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.multiple ? 'multiple-' + fieldInstance.options.multiple : fieldInstance.__id__);
_ui.$errorsWrapper = $(fieldInstance.options.errorsWrapper).attr('id', _ui.errorsWrapperId);
// ValidationResult UI storage to detect what have changed bwt two validations, and update DOM accordingly
_ui.lastValidationResult = [];
_ui.validatedOnce = false;
_ui.validationInformationVisible = false;
// Store it in fieldInstance for later
fieldInstance._ui = _ui;
/** Mess with DOM now **/
// Bind triggers first time
// Determine which element will have `parsley-error` and `parsley-success` classes
_manageClassHandler: function (fieldInstance) {
// An element selector could be passed through DOM with `data-parsley-class-handler=#foo`
if ('string' === typeof fieldInstance.options.classHandler && $(fieldInstance.options.classHandler).length)
return $(fieldInstance.options.classHandler);
// Class handled could also be determined by function given in Parsley options
var $handler = fieldInstance.options.classHandler(fieldInstance);
// If this function returned a valid existing DOM element, go for it
if ('undefined' !== typeof $handler && $handler.length)
return $handler;
// Otherwise, if simple element (input, texatrea, select..) it will perfectly host the classes
if ('undefined' === typeof fieldInstance.options.multiple || fieldInstance.$'select'))
return fieldInstance.$element;
// But if multiple element (radio, checkbox), that would be their parent
return fieldInstance.$element.parent();
_insertErrorWrapper: function (fieldInstance) {
var $errorsContainer;
if ('string' === typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer )
if ($(fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer + '').length)
return $(fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer).append(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);
else if (window.console && window.console.warn)
window.console.warn('The errors container `' + fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer + '` does not exist in DOM');
if ('function' === typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer)
$errorsContainer = fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer(fieldInstance);
if ('undefined' !== typeof $errorsContainer && $errorsContainer.length)
return $errorsContainer.append(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);
return 'undefined' === typeof fieldInstance.options.multiple ? fieldInstance.$element.after(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper) : fieldInstance.$element.parent().after(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);
actualizeTriggers: function (fieldInstance) {
var that = this;
// Remove Parsley events already binded on this field
if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)
$('[' + fieldInstance.options.namespace + 'multiple="' + fieldInstance.options.multiple + '"]').each(function () {
// If no trigger is set, all good
if (false === fieldInstance.options.trigger)
var triggers = fieldInstance.options.trigger.replace(/^\s+/g , '').replace(/\s+$/g , '');
if ('' === triggers)
// Bind fieldInstance.eventValidate if exists (for parsley.ajax for example), ParsleyUI.eventValidate otherwise
if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)
$('[' + fieldInstance.options.namespace + 'multiple="' + fieldInstance.options.multiple + '"]').each(function () {
triggers.split(' ').join('.Parsley ') + '.Parsley',
$.proxy('function' === typeof fieldInstance.eventValidate ? fieldInstance.eventValidate : that.eventValidate, fieldInstance));
triggers.split(' ').join('.Parsley ') + '.Parsley',
$.proxy('function' === typeof fieldInstance.eventValidate ? fieldInstance.eventValidate : this.eventValidate, fieldInstance));
// Called through $.proxy with fieldInstance. `this` context is ParsleyField
eventValidate: function(event) {
// For keyup, keypress, keydown.. events that could be a little bit obstrusive
// do not validate if val length < min threshold on first validation. Once field have been validated once and info
// about success or failure have been displayed, always validate with this trigger to reflect every yalidation change.
if (new RegExp('key').test(event.type))
if (!this._ui.validationInformationVisible && this.getValue().length <= this.options.validationThreshold)
this._ui.validatedOnce = true;
manageFailingFieldTrigger: function (fieldInstance) {
fieldInstance._ui.failedOnce = true;
// Radio and checkboxes fields must bind every field multiple
if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)
$('[' + fieldInstance.options.namespace + 'multiple="' + fieldInstance.options.multiple + '"]').each(function () {
if (!new RegExp('change', 'i').test($(this).parsley().options.trigger || ''))
return $(this).on('change.ParsleyFailedOnce', false, $.proxy(fieldInstance.validate, fieldInstance));
// Select case
if (fieldInstance.$'select'))
if (!new RegExp('change', 'i').test(fieldInstance.options.trigger || ''))
return fieldInstance.$element.on('change.ParsleyFailedOnce', false, $.proxy(fieldInstance.validate, fieldInstance));
// All other inputs fields
if (!new RegExp('keyup', 'i').test(fieldInstance.options.trigger || ''))
return fieldInstance.$element.on('keyup.ParsleyFailedOnce', false, $.proxy(fieldInstance.validate, fieldInstance));
reset: function (parsleyInstance) {
// Reset all event listeners
// Nothing to do if UI never initialized for this field
if ('undefined' === typeof parsleyInstance._ui)
if ('ParsleyForm' === parsleyInstance.__class__)
// Reset all errors' li
parsleyInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.children().each(function () {
// Reset validation class
// Reset validation flags and last validation result
parsleyInstance._ui.validatedOnce = false;
parsleyInstance._ui.lastValidationResult = [];
parsleyInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = false;
destroy: function (parsleyInstance) {
if ('ParsleyForm' === parsleyInstance.__class__)
delete parsleyInstance._ui;
_successClass: function (fieldInstance) {
fieldInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;
_errorClass: function (fieldInstance) {
fieldInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;
_resetClass: function (fieldInstance) {
var ParsleyOptionsFactory = function (defaultOptions, globalOptions, userOptions, namespace) {
this.__class__ = 'OptionsFactory';
this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.hash(4);
this.formOptions = null;
this.fieldOptions = null;
this.staticOptions = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, globalOptions, userOptions, { namespace: namespace });
ParsleyOptionsFactory.prototype = {
get: function (parsleyInstance) {
if ('undefined' === typeof parsleyInstance.__class__)
throw new Error('Parsley Instance expected');
switch (parsleyInstance.__class__) {
case 'Parsley':
return this.staticOptions;
case 'ParsleyForm':
return this.getFormOptions(parsleyInstance);
case 'ParsleyField':
case 'ParsleyFieldMultiple':
return this.getFieldOptions(parsleyInstance);
throw new Error('Instance ' + parsleyInstance.__class__ + ' is not supported');
getFormOptions: function (formInstance) {
this.formOptions = ParsleyUtils.attr(formInstance.$element, this.staticOptions.namespace);
// not deep extend, since formOptions is a 1 level deep object
return $.extend({}, this.staticOptions, this.formOptions);
getFieldOptions: function (fieldInstance) {
this.fieldOptions = ParsleyUtils.attr(fieldInstance.$element, this.staticOptions.namespace);
if (null === this.formOptions && 'undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.parent)
this.formOptions = this.getFormOptions(fieldInstance.parent);
// not deep extend, since formOptions and fieldOptions is a 1 level deep object
return $.extend({}, this.staticOptions, this.formOptions, this.fieldOptions);
var ParsleyForm = function (element, OptionsFactory) {
this.__class__ = 'ParsleyForm';
this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.hash(4);
if ('OptionsFactory' !== ParsleyUtils.get(OptionsFactory, '__class__'))
throw new Error('You must give an OptionsFactory instance');
this.OptionsFactory = OptionsFactory;
this.$element = $(element);
this.validationResult = null;
this.options = this.OptionsFactory.get(this);
ParsleyForm.prototype = {
onSubmitValidate: function (event) {
this.validate(undefined, undefined, event);
// prevent form submission if validation fails
if (false === this.validationResult && event instanceof $.Event) {
return this;
// @returns boolean
validate: function (group, force, event) {
this.submitEvent = event;
this.validationResult = true;
var fieldValidationResult = [];
// Refresh form DOM options and form's fields that could have changed
$.emit('parsley:form:validate', this);
// loop through fields to validate them one by one
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
// do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group
if (group && group !== this.fields[i]
fieldValidationResult = this.fields[i].validate(force);
if (true !== fieldValidationResult && fieldValidationResult.length > 0 && this.validationResult)
this.validationResult = false;
$.emit('parsley:form:validated', this);
return this.validationResult;
// Iterate over refreshed fields, and stop on first failure
isValid: function (group, force) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
// do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group
if (group && group !== this.fields[i]
if (false === this.fields[i].isValid(force))
return false;
return true;
_refreshFields: function () {
return this.actualizeOptions()._bindFields();
_bindFields: function () {
var self = this;
this.fields = [];
this.fieldsMappedById = {};
this.$element.find(this.options.inputs).each(function () {
var fieldInstance = new window.Parsley(this, {}, self);
// Only add valid and not excluded `ParsleyField` and `ParsleyFieldMultiple` children
if (('ParsleyField' === fieldInstance.__class__ || 'ParsleyFieldMultiple' === fieldInstance.__class__) && !fieldInstance.$
if ('undefined' === typeof self.fieldsMappedById[fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__]) {
self.fieldsMappedById[fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__] = fieldInstance;
return this;
var ConstraintFactory = function (parsleyField, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {
if (!new RegExp('ParsleyField').test(ParsleyUtils.get(parsleyField, '__class__')))
throw new Error('ParsleyField or ParsleyFieldMultiple instance expected');
if ('function' !== typeof window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name] &&
'Assert' !== window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name](requirements).__parentClass__)
throw new Error('Valid validator expected');
var getPriority = function (parsleyField, name) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyField.options[name + 'Priority'])
return parsleyField.options[name + 'Priority'];
return ParsleyUtils.get(window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name](requirements), 'priority') || 2;
priority = priority || getPriority(parsleyField, name);
// If validator have a requirementsTransformer, execute it
if ('function' === typeof window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name](requirements).requirementsTransformer)
requirements = window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name](requirements).requirementsTransformer();
return $.extend(window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name](requirements), {
name: name,
requirements: requirements,
priority: priority,
groups: [priority],
isDomConstraint: isDomConstraint || ParsleyUtils.attr(parsleyField.$element, parsleyField.options.namespace, name)
var ParsleyField = function (field, OptionsFactory, parsleyFormInstance) {
this.__class__ = 'ParsleyField';
this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.hash(4);
this.$element = $(field);
// If we have a parent `ParsleyForm` instance given, use its `OptionsFactory`, and save parent
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance) {
this.parent = parsleyFormInstance;
this.OptionsFactory = this.parent.OptionsFactory;
this.options = this.OptionsFactory.get(this);
// Else, take the `Parsley` one
} else {
this.OptionsFactory = OptionsFactory;
this.options = this.OptionsFactory.get(this);
// Initialize some properties
this.constraints = [];
this.constraintsByName = {};
this.validationResult = [];
// Bind constraints
ParsleyField.prototype = {
// # Public API
// Validate field and $.emit some events for mainly `ParsleyUI`
// @returns validationResult:
// - `true` if all constraint passes
// - `[]` if not required field and empty (not validated)
// - `[Violation, [Violation..]]` if there were validation errors
validate: function (force) {
this.value = this.getValue();
// Field Validate event. `this.value` could be altered for custom needs
$.emit('parsley:field:validate', this);
$.emit('parsley:field:' + (this.isValid(force, this.value) ? 'success' : 'error'), this);
// Field validated event. `this.validationResult` could be altered for custom needs too
$.emit('parsley:field:validated', this);
return this.validationResult;
// Just validate field. Do not trigger any event
// Same @return as `validate()`
isValid: function (force, value) {
// Recompute options and rebind constraints to have latest changes
// Sort priorities to validate more important first
var priorities = this._getConstraintsSortedPriorities();
// Value could be passed as argument, needed to add more power to 'parsley:field:validate'
value = value || this.getValue();
// If a field is empty and not required, leave it alone, it's just fine
// Except if `data-parsley-validate-if-empty` explicitely added, useful for some custom validators
if (0 === value.length && !this._isRequired() && 'undefined' === typeof this.options.validateIfEmpty && true !== force)
return this.validationResult = [];
// If we want to validate field against all constraints, just call Validator and let it do the job
if (false === this.options.priorityEnabled)
return true === (this.validationResult = this.validateThroughValidator(value, this.constraints, 'Any'));
// Else, iterate over priorities one by one, and validate related asserts one by one
for (var i = 0; i < priorities.length; i++)
if (true !== (this.validationResult = this.validateThroughValidator(value, this.constraints, priorities[i])))
return false;
return true;
// @returns Parsley field computed value that could be overrided or configured in DOM
getValue: function () {
var value;
// Value could be overriden in DOM
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value)
value = this.options.value;
value = this.$element.val();
// Handle wrong DOM or configurations
if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value)
return '';
// Use `data-parsley-trim-value="true"` to auto trim inputs entry
if (true === this.options.trimValue)
return value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
return value;
// Actualize options that could have change since previous validation
// Re-bind accordingly constraints (could be some new, removed or updated)
refreshConstraints: function () {
return this.actualizeOptions()._bindConstraints();
* Add a new constraint to a field
* @method addConstraint
* @param {String} name
* @param {Mixed} requirements optional
* @param {Number} priority optional
* @param {Boolean} isDomConstraint optional
addConstraint: function (name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
if ('function' === typeof window.ParsleyValidator.validators[name]) {
var constraint = new ConstraintFactory(this, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint);
// if constraint already exist, delete it and push new version
if ('undefined' !== this.constraintsByName[])
this.constraintsByName[] = constraint;
return this;
// Remove a constraint
removeConstraint: function (name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)
if (name === this.constraints[i].name) {
this.constraints.splice(i, 1);
return this;
// Update a constraint (Remove + re-add)
updateConstraint: function (name, parameters, priority) {
return this.removeConstraint(name)
.addConstraint(name, parameters, priority);
// # Internals
// Internal only.
// Bind constraints from config + options + DOM
_bindConstraints: function () {
var constraints = [];
// clean all existing DOM constraints to only keep javascript user constraints
for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)
if (false === this.constraints[i].isDomConstraint)
this.constraints = constraints;
// then re-add Parsley DOM-API constraints
for (var name in this.options)
this.addConstraint(name, this.options[name]);
// finally, bind special HTML5 constraints
return this._bindHtml5Constraints();
// Internal only.
// Bind specific HTML5 constraints to be HTML5 compliant
_bindHtml5Constraints: function () {
// html5 required
if (this.$element.hasClass('required') || this.$element.attr('required'))
this.addConstraint('required', true, undefined, true);
// html5 pattern
if ('string' === typeof this.$element.attr('pattern'))
this.addConstraint('pattern', this.$element.attr('pattern'), undefined, true);
// range
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('min') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('max'))
this.addConstraint('range', [this.$element.attr('min'), this.$element.attr('max')], undefined, true);
// HTML5 min
else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('min'))
this.addConstraint('min', this.$element.attr('min'), undefined, true);
// HTML5 max
else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('max'))
this.addConstraint('max', this.$element.attr('max'), undefined, true);
// html5 types
var type = this.$element.attr('type');
if ('undefined' === typeof type)
return this;
// Small special case here for HTML5 number, that is in fact an integer validator
if ('number' === type)
return this.addConstraint('type', 'integer', undefined, true);
// Regular other HTML5 supported types
else if (new RegExp(type, 'i').test('email url range'))
return this.addConstraint('type', type, undefined, true);
return this;
// Internal only.
// Field is required if have required constraint without `false` value
_isRequired: function () {
if ('undefined' === typeof this.constraintsByName.required)
return false;
return false !== this.constraintsByName.required.requirements;
// Internal only.
// Sort constraints by priority DESC
_getConstraintsSortedPriorities: function () {
var priorities = [];
// Create array unique of priorities
for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)
if (-1 === priorities.indexOf(this.constraints[i].priority))
// Sort them by priority DESC
priorities.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; });
return priorities;
var ParsleyMultiple = function () {
this.__class__ = 'ParsleyFieldMultiple';
ParsleyMultiple.prototype = {
// Add new `$element` sibling for multiple field
addElement: function ($element) {
return this;
// See `ParsleyField.refreshConstraints()`
refreshConstraints: function () {
var fieldConstraints;
this.constraints = [];
// Select multiple special treatment
if (this.$'select')) {
return this;
// Gather all constraints for each input in the multiple group
for (var i = 0; i < this.$elements.length; i++) {
fieldConstraints = this.$elements[i].data('ParsleyFieldMultiple').refreshConstraints().constraints;
for (var j = 0; j < fieldConstraints.length; j++)
this.addConstraint(fieldConstraints[j].name, fieldConstraints[j].requirements, fieldConstraints[j].priority, fieldConstraints[j].isDomConstraint);
return this;
// See `ParsleyField.getValue()`
getValue: function () {
// Value could be overriden in DOM
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value)
return this.options.value;
// Radio input case
if (this.$'input[type=radio]'))
return $('[' + this.options.namespace + 'multiple="' + this.options.multiple + '"]:checked').val() || '';
// checkbox input case
if (this.$'input[type=checkbox]')) {
var values = [];
$('[' + this.options.namespace + 'multiple="' + this.options.multiple + '"]:checked').each(function () {
return values.length ? values : [];
// Select multiple case
if (this.$'select') && null === this.$element.val())
return [];
// Default case that should never happen
return this.$element.val();
_init: function (multiple) {
this.$elements = [this.$element];
this.options.multiple = multiple;
return this;
o = $({}),
subscribed = {};
// $.listen(name, callback);
// $.listen(name, context, callback);
$.listen = function (name) {
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name])
subscribed[name] = [];
if ('function' === typeof arguments[1])
return subscribed[name].push({ fn: arguments[1] });
if ('object' === typeof arguments[1] && 'function' === typeof arguments[2])
return subscribed[name].push({ fn: arguments[2], ctxt: arguments[1] });
throw new Error('Wrong parameters');
$.listenTo = function (instance, name, fn) {
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name])
subscribed[name] = [];
if (!(instance instanceof ParsleyField) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))
throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');
if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn)
throw new Error('Wrong parameters');
subscribed[name].push({ instance: instance, fn: fn });
$.unsubscribe = function (name, fn) {
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name])
if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn)
throw new Error('Wrong arguments');
for (var i = 0; i < subscribed[name].length; i++)
if (subscribed[name][i].fn === fn)
return subscribed[name].splice(i, 1);
$.unsubscribeTo = function (instance, name) {
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name])
if (!(instance instanceof ParsleyField) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))
throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');
for (var i = 0; i < subscribed[name].length; i++)
if ('undefined' !== typeof subscribed[name][i].instance && subscribed[name][i].instance.__id__ === instance.__id__)
return subscribed[name].splice(i, 1);
$.unsubscribeAll = function (name) {
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name])
delete subscribed[name];
// $.emit(name [, arguments...]);
// $.emit(name, instance [, arguments..]);
$.emit = function (name, instance) {
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name])
// loop through registered callbacks for this event
for (var i = 0; i < subscribed[name].length; i++) {
// if instance is not registered, simple emit
if ('undefined' === typeof subscribed[name][i].instance) {
subscribed[name][i].fn.apply('undefined' !== typeof subscribed[name][i].ctxt ? subscribed[name][i].ctxt : o,, 1));
// if instance registered but no instance given for the emit, continue
if (!(instance instanceof ParsleyField) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))
// if instance is registered and same id, emit
if (subscribed[name][i].instance.__id__ === instance.__id__) {
subscribed[name][i].fn.apply(o,, 1));
// if registered instance is a Form and fired one is a Field, loop over all its fields and emit if field found
if (subscribed[name][i].instance instanceof ParsleyForm && instance instanceof ParsleyField)
for (var j = 0; j < subscribed[name][i].instance.fields.length; j++)
if (subscribed[name][i].instance.fields[j].__id__ === instance.__id__) {
subscribed[name][i].fn.apply(o,, 1));
$.subscribed = function () { return subscribed; };
// ParsleyConfig definition if not already set
window.ParsleyConfig = window.ParsleyConfig || {};
window.ParsleyConfig.i18n = window.ParsleyConfig.i18n || {};
// Define then the messages
window.ParsleyConfig.i18n.en = $.extend(window.ParsleyConfig.i18n.en || {}, {
defaultMessage: "This value seems to be invalid.",
type: {
email: "This value should be a valid email.",
url: "This value should be a valid url.",
number: "This value should be a valid number.",
integer: "This value should be a valid integer.",
digits: "This value should be digits.",
alphanum: "This value should be alphanumeric."
notblank: "This value should not be blank.",
required: "This value is required.",
pattern: "This value seems to be invalid.",
min: "This value should be greater than or equal to %s.",
max: "This value should be lower than or equal to %s.",
range: "This value should be between %s and %s.",
minlength: "This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.",
maxlength: "This value is too long. It should have %s characters or less.",
length: "This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.",
mincheck: "You must select at least %s choices.",
maxcheck: "You must select %s choices or less.",
check: "You must select between %s and %s choices.",
equalto: "This value should be the same."
// If file is loaded after Parsley main file, auto-load locale
if ('undefined' !== typeof window.ParsleyValidator)
window.ParsleyValidator.addCatalog('en', window.ParsleyConfig.i18n.en, true);
// Parsley.js 2.0.0
// (c) 20012-2014 Guillaume Potier, Wisembly
// Parsley may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
// ### Parsley factory
var Parsley = function (element, options, parsleyFormInstance) {
this.__class__ = 'Parsley';
this.__version__ = '2.0.0';
this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.hash(4);
// Parsley must be instanciated with a DOM element or jQuery $element
if ('undefined' === typeof element)
throw new Error('You must give an element');
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && 'ParsleyForm' !== parsleyFormInstance.__class__)
throw new Error('Parent instance must be a ParsleyForm instance');
return this.init($(element), options, parsleyFormInstance);
Parsley.prototype = {
init: function ($element, options, parsleyFormInstance) {
if (!$element.length)
throw new Error('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');
this.$element = $element;
// If element have already been binded, returns its saved Parsley instance
if (this.$'Parsley')) {
var savedparsleyFormInstance = this.$'Parsley');
// If saved instance have been binded without a ParsleyForm parent and there is one given in this call, add it
if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance)
savedparsleyFormInstance.parent = parsleyFormInstance;
return savedparsleyFormInstance;
// Handle 'static' options
this.OptionsFactory = new ParsleyOptionsFactory(ParsleyDefaults, ParsleyUtils.get(window, 'ParsleyConfig') || {}, options, this.getNamespace(options));
this.options = this.OptionsFactory.get(this);
// A ParsleyForm instance is obviously a `<form>` elem but also every node that is not an input and have `data-parsley-validate` attribute
if (this.$'form') || (ParsleyUtils.attr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'validate') && !this.$
return this.bind('parsleyForm');
// Every other supported element and not excluded element is binded as a `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`
else if (this.$ && !this.$
return this.isMultiple() ? this.handleMultiple(parsleyFormInstance) : this.bind('parsleyField', parsleyFormInstance);
return this;
isMultiple: function () {
return (this.$'input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]') && 'undefined' === typeof this.options.multiple) || (this.$'select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple'));
// Multiples fields are a real nightmare :(
// Maybe some refacto would be appreciated here..
handleMultiple: function (parsleyFormInstance) {
that = this,
// Get parsleyFormInstance options if exist, mixed with element attributes
this.options = $.extend(this.options, parsleyFormInstance ? parsleyFormInstance.OptionsFactory.get(parsleyFormInstance) : {}, ParsleyUtils.attr(this.$element, this.options.namespace));
// Handle multiple name
if (this.options.multiple) {
multiple = this.options.multiple;
} else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('name') && this.$element.attr('name').length) {
multiple = name = this.$element.attr('name');
} else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('id') && this.$element.attr('id').length) {
multiple = this.$element.attr('id');
// Special select multiple input
if (this.$'select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple')) {
return this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple', parsleyFormInstance, multiple || this.__id__);
// Else for radio / checkboxes, we need a `name` or `data-parsley-multiple` to properly bind it
} else if ('undefined' === typeof multiple) {
if (window.console && window.console.warn)
window.console.warn('To be binded by Parsley, a radio, a checkbox and a multiple select input must have either a name or a multiple option.', this.$element);
return this;
// Remove special chars
multiple = multiple.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|\$)/g, '');
// Add proper `data-parsley-multiple` to siblings if we had a name
if ('undefined' !== typeof name)
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').each(function () {
if ($(this).is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]'))
$(this).attr(that.options.namespace + 'multiple', multiple);
// Check here if we don't already have a related multiple instance saved
if ($('[' + this.options.namespace + 'multiple=' + multiple +']').length)
for (var i = 0; i < $('[' + this.options.namespace + 'multiple=' + multiple +']').length; i++)
if ('undefined' !== typeof $($('[' + this.options.namespace + 'multiple=' + multiple +']').get(i)).data('Parsley')) {
parsleyMultipleInstance = $($('[' + this.options.namespace + 'multiple=' + multiple +']').get(i)).data('Parsley');
if (!this.$'ParsleyFieldMultiple')) {
this.$element.attr(this.options.namespace + 'id', parsleyMultipleInstance.__id__);
// Create a secret ParsleyField instance for every multiple field. It would be stored in `data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')`
// And would be useful later to access classic `ParsleyField` stuff while being in a `ParsleyFieldMultiple` instance
this.bind('parsleyField', parsleyFormInstance, multiple, true);
return parsleyMultipleInstance || this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple', parsleyFormInstance, multiple);
// Retrieve namespace used for DOM-API
getNamespace: function (options) {
// `data-parsley-namespace=<namespace>`
if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$'parsleyNamespace'))
return this.$'parsleyNamespace');
if ('undefined' !== typeof ParsleyUtils.get(options, 'namespace'))
return options.namespace;
if ('undefined' !== typeof ParsleyUtils.get(window, 'ParsleyConfig.namespace'))
return window.ParsleyConfig.namespace;
return ParsleyDefaults.namespace;
// Return proper `ParsleyForm`, `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`
bind: function (type, parentParsleyFormInstance, multiple, doNotStore) {
var parsleyInstance;
switch (type) {
case 'parsleyForm':
parsleyInstance = $.extend(
new ParsleyForm(this.$element, this.OptionsFactory),
new ParsleyAbstract(),
case 'parsleyField':
parsleyInstance = $.extend(
new ParsleyField(this.$element, this.OptionsFactory, parentParsleyFormInstance),
new ParsleyAbstract(),
case 'parsleyFieldMultiple':
parsleyInstance = $.extend(
new ParsleyField(this.$element, this.OptionsFactory, parentParsleyFormInstance),
new ParsleyAbstract(),
new ParsleyMultiple(),
throw new Error(type + 'is not a supported Parsley type');
if ('undefined' !== typeof multiple)
ParsleyUtils.setAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'multiple', multiple);
if ('undefined' !== typeof doNotStore) {
this.$'ParsleyFieldMultiple', parsleyInstance);
return parsleyInstance;
// Store instance if `ParsleyForm`, `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`
if (new RegExp('ParsleyF', 'i').test(parsleyInstance.__class__)) {
// Store for later access the freshly binded instance in DOM element itself using jQuery `data()`
this.$'Parsley', parsleyInstance);
// Tell the world we got a new ParsleyForm or ParsleyField instance!
$.emit('parsley:' + ('parsleyForm' === type ? 'form' : 'field') + ':init', parsleyInstance);
return parsleyInstance;
// ### jQuery API
// `$('.elem').parsley(options)` or `$('.elem').psly(options)`
$.fn.parsley = $.fn.psly = function (options) {
if (this.length > 1) {
var instances = [];
this.each(function () {
return instances;
// Return undefined if applied to non existing DOM element
if (!$(this).length) {
if (window.console && window.console.warn)
window.console.warn('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');
return new Parsley(this, options);
// ### ParsleyUI
// UI is a class apart that only listen to some events and them modify DOM accordingly
// Could be overriden by defining a `window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI` appropriate class (with `listen()` method basically)
window.ParsleyUI = 'function' === typeof ParsleyUtils.get(window, 'ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI') ?
new window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI().listen() : new ParsleyUI().listen();
// ### ParsleyField and ParsleyForm extension
// Ensure that defined if not already the case
if ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyExtend)
window.ParsleyExtend = {};
// ### ParsleyConfig
// Ensure that defined if not already the case
if ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyConfig)
window.ParsleyConfig = {};
// ### Globals
window.Parsley = window.psly = Parsley;
window.ParsleyUtils = ParsleyUtils;
window.ParsleyValidator = new ParsleyValidator(window.ParsleyConfig.validators, window.ParsleyConfig.i18n);
// ### PARSLEY auto-binding
// Prevent it by setting `ParsleyConfig.autoBind` to `false`
if (false !== ParsleyUtils.get(window, 'ParsleyConfig.autoBind'))
$(document).ready(function () {
// Works only on `data-parsley-validate`.
if ($('[data-parsley-validate]').length)
// AMD Compliance
if ('function' === typeof define && define.amd)
define('parsley', function() { return window.Parsley; } );