You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

11764 lines
518 KiB

2 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using NetLibrary.Data;
using TradeData;
using TradeModel;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using NetLibrary.ReportPrint;
using NetLibrary;
using System.Text;
using NetLibrary.Log;
namespace TradeManageNew.TongJi
/// <summary>
/// TJ_CountServer 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消注释以下行。
public class TJ_CountServer : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";
#region 首页订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetDefaultOrderCount(List<DT_OrderCountContent> listshop)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string Ids = "";
if (listshop != null)
foreach (var shopmd in listshop)
Ids += shopmd.Id + ",";
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
DateTime SDate=DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10);
DateTime EDate=DateTime.Today;
TimeSpan ts = EDate- SDate;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetDefaultCountListFromDay(1, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.AddDays(1), CompanyId);
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
if (listshop != null && listshop.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < listshop.Count; i++)
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id && n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = listshop[i].Name; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
return md;
#region 首页订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetDefaultOrderCount1(List<DT_OrderCountContent> listshop,int Type,int Days)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string Ids = "";
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
DateTime SDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * Days);
DateTime EDate = DateTime.Today;
TimeSpan ts = EDate - SDate;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetDefaultCountListFromDay2(Type, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.AddDays(1), CompanyId);
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist2 = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist2 = obj.GetDefaultCountListFromDay2(4, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.AddDays(1), CompanyId);
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
if (Type == 3)
var smd = new DT_OrderCountContent();
smd.Id = 0;
smd.Name = "总销售额";
if (listshop != null && listshop.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < listshop.Count; i++)
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (listshop[i].Id == 0 && Type == 3)
if (countlist2 != null)
var countmd2 = countlist2.Find(n => n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd2 != null)
data[j] = countmd2.Price.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id && n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null && Type == 3)
data[j] = countmd.Price.Value;
else if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = listshop[i].Name; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
return md;
#region 首页订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetDefaultOrderCountHWC(int Type, int Days)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string Ids = "";
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
DateTime SDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * Days);
DateTime EDate = DateTime.Today;
TimeSpan ts = EDate - SDate;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetDefaultCountListHWC(Type, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.AddDays(1), CompanyId);
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); ="发货单量"; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
return md;
#region 首页订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetDefaultOrderCount2(List<DT_OrderCountContent> listshop)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string Ids = "";
if (listshop != null)
foreach (var shopmd in listshop)
Ids += shopmd.Id + ",";
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
DateTime SDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10);
DateTime EDate = DateTime.Today;
TimeSpan ts = EDate - SDate;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetDefaultCountListFromDay2(2, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.AddDays(1), CompanyId);
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
if (listshop != null && listshop.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < listshop.Count; i++)
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id && n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = listshop[i].Name; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
return md;
#region 货物销量统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetGoodsCount(int GoodsId,string GoodsCode,int Type,int Days)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string Ids = "";
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
DateTime SDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * Days);
DateTime EDate = DateTime.Today;
TimeSpan ts = EDate - SDate;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetGoodsCount(Type, GoodsId,SDate, EDate.AddDays(1), CompanyId);
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = GoodsCode; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
return md;
#region 统计订单金额
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderNumCount(int PlatType, int CountType, List<DT_OrderCountContent> listshop, int DateType, List<DT_OrderCountDate> DateList, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string Ids = "";
if (listshop!=null)
foreach (var shopmd in listshop)
Ids += shopmd.Id + ",";
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md=new DT_OrderNum();
List<DT_OrderCountItem> itemlist = new List<DT_OrderCountItem>();
List<DT_OrderCount1> listData = new List<DT_OrderCount1>();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
if (DateType == 1) //按日期统计
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
if (days > 31)
md.Error = "日期范围不能超过31天";
return md;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist=new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetCountListFromDay(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1),CompanyId);
else if (CountType == 2)
countlist = obj.GetCountPriceFromDay(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1),CompanyId);
categories=new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.Value.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
DT_OrderCountItem itemmd = new DT_OrderCountItem(); = (SDate.Value.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
itemmd.dataname = "Data" + (i + 1).ToString();
if (listshop!=null&&listshop.Count>0)
for (int i = 0; i < listshop.Count; i++)
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id && n.OrderDate == SDate.Value.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
if (CountType == 1)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = countmd.Price.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
DT_OrderCount1 mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = listshop[i].Id;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data[j];
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = listshop[i].Name; = data;
else if(DateType == 2) //按月统计
int Count = DateList.Count;
List<DT_CountListFromMonth> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromMonth>();
categories = new string[Count];
string months = "";
if (DateList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < DateList.Count; i++)
categories[i] = DateList[i].DateName;
months += DateList[i].DateValue + ",";
DT_OrderCountItem itemmd = new DT_OrderCountItem(); = DateList[i].DateName;
itemmd.dataname = "Data" + (i + 1).ToString();
countlist = obj.GetCountListFromMonth(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), months.Trim(','), CompanyId);
else if (CountType == 2)
countlist = obj.GetCountPriceFromMonth(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), months.Trim(','), CompanyId);
if (listshop!=null&&listshop.Count>0)
for (int i = 0; i < listshop.Count; i++)
decimal[] data = new decimal[Count];
if (Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < DateList.Count; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id && n.MonthId.Value==DateList[j].DateValue);
if (countmd != null)
if (CountType == 1)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = countmd.Price.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
DT_OrderCount1 mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = listshop[i].Id;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data[j];
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = listshop[i].Name; = data;
else if (DateType == 3) //按季度统计
int Count = DateList.Count;
List<DT_CountListFromMonth> countlist1 = new List<DT_CountListFromMonth>();
List<DT_CountListFromMonth> countlist2 = new List<DT_CountListFromMonth>();
List<DT_CountListFromMonth> countlist3 = new List<DT_CountListFromMonth>();
List<DT_CountListFromMonth> countlist4 = new List<DT_CountListFromMonth>();
categories = new string[Count];
if (DateList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < DateList.Count; i++)
categories[i] = DateList[i].DateName;
DT_OrderCountItem itemmd = new DT_OrderCountItem(); = DateList[i].DateName;
itemmd.dataname = "Data" + (i + 1).ToString();
int SMonth = DateList[i].DateValue * 3 - 2;
int EMonth = DateList[i].DateValue * 3;
var countmd = new DT_CountListFromMonth();
if (DateList[i].DateValue == 1)
if (CountType == 1)
countlist1 = obj.GetCountListFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth,CompanyId);
else if (CountType == 2)
countlist1 = obj.GetCountPriceFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
else if (DateList[i].DateValue == 2)
if (CountType == 1)
countlist2 = obj.GetCountListFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
else if (CountType == 2)
countlist2 = obj.GetCountPriceFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
else if (DateList[i].DateValue == 3)
if (CountType == 1)
countlist3 = obj.GetCountListFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
else if (CountType == 2)
countlist3 = obj.GetCountPriceFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
else if (DateList[i].DateValue == 4)
if (CountType == 1)
countlist4 = obj.GetCountListFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
else if (CountType == 2)
countlist4 = obj.GetCountPriceFromQuarter(PlatType, Ids.Trim(','), SMonth, EMonth, CompanyId);
if (listshop != null && listshop.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < listshop.Count; i++)
decimal[] data = new decimal[Count];
if (Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < DateList.Count; j++)
var countmd = new DT_CountListFromMonth();
if (DateList[j].DateValue == 1 && countlist1!=null)
countmd = countlist1.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id);
else if (DateList[j].DateValue == 2 && countlist2 != null)
countmd = countlist2.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id);
else if (DateList[j].DateValue == 3 && countlist3 != null)
countmd = countlist3.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id);
else if (DateList[j].DateValue == 4 && countlist4 != null)
countmd = countlist4.Find(n => n.PlatId == listshop[i].Id);
if (countmd != null)
if (CountType == 1&&countmd.Num!=null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
else if (CountType == 2 && countmd.Price != null)
data[j] = countmd.Price.Value;
data[j] = 0;
DT_OrderCount1 mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = listshop[i].Id;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data[j];
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = listshop[i].Name; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
md.listItem = itemlist;
md.listData = listData;
//md.list1 = list1;
//var Model = obj.GetSortModelModel(SortId);
return md;
#region 统计订单利润
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetOrderPriceCount(int PlatId,int ShopId, int DateType, List<DT_OrderCountDate> DateList, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
List<DT_OrderCountItem> itemlist = new List<DT_OrderCountItem>();
List<DT_OrderCount1> listData = new List<DT_OrderCount1>();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
if (DateType == 1) //按日期统计
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
if (days > 31)
md.Error = "日期范围不能超过31天";
return md;
List<DT_CountPrice> countlist = new List<DT_CountPrice>();
countlist = obj.GetDTPriceFromDay(PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.Value.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
DT_OrderCountItem itemmd = new DT_OrderCountItem(); = (SDate.Value.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
itemmd.dataname = "Data" + (i + 1).ToString();
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
decimal[] data2 = new decimal[days];
decimal[] data3 = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n =>n.OrderDate == SDate.Value.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.TotalPrice.Value;
data2[j] = countmd.GoodsFee.Value + countmd.PostFee.Value;
data3[j] = countmd.TotalPrice.Value - countmd.GoodsFee.Value - countmd.PostFee.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data3[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
data2[j] = 0;
data3[j] = 0;
DT_OrderCount1 mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 1;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data[j];
mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 2;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data2[j];
mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 3;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data3[j];
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "销售额"; = data;
datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "成本"; = data2;
datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "利润"; = data3;
else if (DateType == 2) //按月统计
int Count = DateList.Count;
List<DT_CountPrice> countlist = new List<DT_CountPrice>();
categories = new string[Count];
string months = "";
if (DateList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < DateList.Count; i++)
categories[i] = DateList[i].DateName;
months += DateList[i].DateValue + ",";
DT_OrderCountItem itemmd = new DT_OrderCountItem(); = DateList[i].DateName;
itemmd.dataname = "Data" + (i + 1).ToString();
countlist = obj.GetDTPriceFromMonth(PlatId,ShopId, months.Trim(','));
decimal[] data = new decimal[Count];
decimal[] data2 = new decimal[Count];
decimal[] data3 = new decimal[Count];
if (Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < DateList.Count; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.DayId.Value == DateList[j].DateValue);
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.TotalPrice.Value;
data2[j] = countmd.GoodsFee.Value + countmd.PostFee.Value;
data3[j] = countmd.TotalPrice.Value - countmd.GoodsFee.Value - countmd.PostFee.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data2[j] = 0;
data3[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
data2[j] = 0;
data3[j] = 0;
DT_OrderCount1 mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 1;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data[j];
mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 2;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data2[j];
mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 3;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data3[j];
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "销售额"; = data;
datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "成本"; = data2;
datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "利润"; = data3;
else if (DateType == 3) //按季度统计
int Count = DateList.Count;
List<DT_CountPrice> countlist1 = new List<DT_CountPrice>();
List<DT_CountPrice> countlist2 = new List<DT_CountPrice>();
List<DT_CountPrice> countlist3 = new List<DT_CountPrice>();
List<DT_CountPrice> countlist4 = new List<DT_CountPrice>();
categories = new string[Count];
if (DateList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < DateList.Count; i++)
categories[i] = DateList[i].DateName;
DT_OrderCountItem itemmd = new DT_OrderCountItem(); = DateList[i].DateName;
itemmd.dataname = "Data" + (i + 1).ToString();
int SMonth = DateList[i].DateValue * 3 - 2;
int EMonth = DateList[i].DateValue * 3;
var countmd = new DT_CountListFromMonth();
if (DateList[i].DateValue == 1)
countlist1 = obj.GetDTPriceFromQuarter(PlatId, ShopId, SMonth, EMonth);
else if (DateList[i].DateValue == 2)
countlist2 = obj.GetDTPriceFromQuarter(PlatId, ShopId, SMonth, EMonth);
else if (DateList[i].DateValue == 3)
countlist3 = obj.GetDTPriceFromQuarter(PlatId, ShopId, SMonth, EMonth);
else if (DateList[i].DateValue == 4)
countlist4 = obj.GetDTPriceFromQuarter(PlatId, ShopId, SMonth, EMonth);
decimal[] data = new decimal[Count];
decimal[] data2 = new decimal[Count];
decimal[] data3 = new decimal[Count];
if (Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < DateList.Count; j++)
var countmd = new DT_CountPrice();
if (DateList[j].DateValue == 1 && countlist1 != null && countlist1.Count > 0)
countmd = countlist1[0];
else if (DateList[j].DateValue == 2 && countlist2 != null && countlist2.Count > 0)
countmd = countlist2[0];
else if (DateList[j].DateValue == 3 && countlist3 != null && countlist3.Count > 0)
countmd = countlist3[0];
else if (DateList[j].DateValue == 4 && countlist4 != null && countlist4.Count > 0)
countmd = countlist4[0];
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.TotalPrice.Value;
data2[j] = countmd.GoodsFee.Value + countmd.PostFee.Value;
data3[j] = countmd.TotalPrice.Value - countmd.GoodsFee.Value - countmd.PostFee.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data2[j] = 0;
data3[j] = 0;
DT_OrderCount1 mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 1;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data[j];
mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 2;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data2[j];
mdData = new DT_OrderCount1();
mdData.ShopId = 3;
mdData.DayId = "Data" + (j + 1).ToString();
mdData.Data = data3[j];
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "销售额"; = data;
datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "成本"; = data2;
datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "利润"; = data3;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
md.listItem = itemlist;
md.listData = listData;
//md.list1 = list1;
//var Model = obj.GetSortModelModel(SortId);
return md;
#region 查询利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_SaleMoenyString> GetOrderSaleMoney(string ShopIds,Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
if (PersonFee == null)
PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoney(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoney(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
if (list != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
row["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - 2).ToString("0.00");
row["PersonMoney"] = PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PostFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PostFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.00");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<TJ_SaleMoenyString>();
#region 导出利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelOrderSaleMoney(string ShopIds,Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
if (PersonFee == null)
PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoney(SDate,EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoney(SDate,EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
if (list != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row=tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
row["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee-2).ToString("0.00");
row["PersonMoney"] = PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] ="";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PostFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PostFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] ="";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] ="";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0- dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] ="";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.00");
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货时间", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsName", "货物名称", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TypeDesc", "描述", DbType.String, "");
//listColumns.Add("OffNum", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OffNum", "运费折扣", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "挂号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalWeight", "重量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "总价格", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("MoneyRate", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "实际运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "进货价", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GNPostFee", "国内运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PersonMoney", "人工费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("FactMoney", "最终利润", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("ErrorInfo", "异常", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostName", "发货方式", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 查询利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_SaleMoenyString> GetOrderSaleMoneyNew(string ShopIds, Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
if (PersonFee == null)
PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoney(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
if (list != null && cblist!=null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
row["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - 2).ToString("0.00");
row["PersonMoney"] = PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - PersonFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.00");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<TJ_SaleMoenyString>();
#region 查询利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_SaleMoenyString> GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM(string ShopIds, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
// int ShopId=0;
// if(ShopIds!="")
// ShopId=Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
// var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
//var tracklist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode!="")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
row["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.escrowFee.Value - md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum/10;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - md.escrowFee.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode&&n.TotalWeight!=null);
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<TJ_SaleMoenyString>();
#region 查询利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_SaleMoenyString> GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM2(string ShopIds, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate,string GoodsCode)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int ShopId = 0;
if (ShopIds != "")
ShopId = Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM2(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','),GoodsCode.Trim(), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var tracklist = obj.GetTrackCodeList(ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
//var cateList=obj
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
int OrderNum = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
var moneymd = moneylist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
if (moneymd != null)
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice * moneymd.MRate.Value;
md.MoneyRate = moneymd.MRate;
row["MoneyRate"] = moneymd.MRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row["MoneyRate"] = "1";
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice;
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
string tcode = "";
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.OrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
md.TrackCode = tcode;
row["TrackCode"] = tcode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
md.PostFee = md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.PostFee = 0;
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.PostFee.Value;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
dGoodsFee = 5;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
dGoodsFee = 15;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
// escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode && n.TotalWeight != null);
if (checklist.Count() > 0)
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["PostDate"] = OrderNum.ToString();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<TJ_SaleMoenyString>();
#region 查询利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_SaleMoenyString> GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM3(string ShopIds, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int ShopId = 0;
if (ShopIds != "")
ShopId = Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM3(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), GoodsCode.Trim(), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var tracklist = obj.GetTrackCodeList(ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
//var cateList=obj
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BuyDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ZJMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
decimal ZJMoney = 0;
int OrderNum = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
var moneymd = moneylist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
if (moneymd != null)
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice * moneymd.MRate.Value;
md.MoneyRate = moneymd.MRate;
row["MoneyRate"] = moneymd.MRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row["MoneyRate"] = "1";
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice;
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
string tcode = "";
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.OrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
md.TrackCode = tcode;
row["TrackCode"] = tcode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
md.PostFee = md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.PostFee = 0;
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.PostFee.Value;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
dGoodsFee = 5;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
dGoodsFee = 15;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row["ZJMoney"] = md.ZJFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value-md.ZJFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
row["ZJMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row1["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row1["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
// escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
//row["ZJMoney"] ="";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee-md.ZJFee.Value).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
// row["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee-md.ZJFee.Value).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode && n.TotalWeight != null);
if (checklist.Count() > 0)
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (row["ZJMoney"] != null && row["ZJMoney"].ToString() != "")
ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["PostDate"] = OrderNum.ToString();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["ZJMoney"] = ZJMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<TJ_SaleMoenyString>();
#region 查询利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_SaleMoenyString> GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM4(string ShopIds, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int ShopId = 0;
if (ShopIds != "")
ShopId = Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM3(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), GoodsCode.Trim(), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var tracklist = obj.GetTrackCodeList(ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
//var cateList=obj
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BuyDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("RateMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ZJMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
decimal ZJMoney = 0;
decimal RateMoney = 0;
int OrderNum = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
var moneymd = moneylist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
if (moneymd != null)
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice * moneymd.MRate.Value;
md.MoneyRate = moneymd.MRate;
row["MoneyRate"] = moneymd.MRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row["MoneyRate"] = "1";
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice;
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
string tcode = "";
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.OrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
md.TrackCode = tcode;
row["TrackCode"] = tcode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
md.PostFee = md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.PostFee = 0;
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.PostFee.Value;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
//if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
// row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
// dGoodsFee = 5;
//else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
// row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
// dGoodsFee = 15;
//else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
// row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
// dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row["ZJMoney"] =0;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
decimal rate=0;
if (md.RMBPrice != null && md.RMBPrice.Value > 0)
rate = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value) * 100 / md.RMBPrice.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
row["ZJMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
rate = 0;
if (md.RMBPrice != null && md.RMBPrice.Value > 0)
rate = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee) * 100 / md.RMBPrice.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row1["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row1["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
decimal rate1 = 0;
if (md.RMBPrice != null && md.RMBPrice.Value > 0)
rate1 = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value) * 100 / md.RMBPrice.Value;
row1["RateMoney"] = rate1.ToString("0.000") + "%";
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
// ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
// escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
//row["ZJMoney"] ="";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
rate = 0;
if (md.FactMoney != null && md.FactMoney.Value > 0)
rate = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee) * 100 / md.FactMoney.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
// row["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
rate = 0;
if (md.FactMoney != null && md.FactMoney.Value > 0)
rate = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee) * 100 / md.FactMoney.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode && n.TotalWeight != null);
if (checklist.Count() > 0)
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "" && md.TotalPrice!=null)
RateMoney += md.TotalPrice.Value * md.MoneyRate.Value;
// if (row["ZJMoney"] != null && row["ZJMoney"].ToString() != "")
// ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["PostDate"] = OrderNum.ToString();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["ZJMoney"] ="0";
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
row2["RateMoney"] =(FactMoney*100/RateMoney).ToString("0.000")+"%";
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<TJ_SaleMoenyString>();
#region 导出利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelOrderSaleMoneyNew(string ShopIds, Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
if (PersonFee == null)
PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoney(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BuyDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
if (list != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
row["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
dGoodsFee = 5;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
dGoodsFee = 15;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - 2).ToString("0.00");
row["PersonMoney"] = PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - PersonFee.Value;
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.00");
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货时间", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsName", "货物名称", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("BuyDate", "采购日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TypeDesc", "描述", DbType.String, "");
//listColumns.Add("OffNum", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OffNum", "运费折扣", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "挂号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalWeight", "重量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "总价格", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("MoneyRate", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "实际运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "进货价", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GNPostFee", "国内运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PersonMoney", "人工费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("FactMoney", "最终利润", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("ErrorInfo", "异常", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostName", "发货方式", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 查询店铺利润合计报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<DT_DayCountPrice> GetShopDayCount(List<JC_Shop> list, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string ShopIds = "";
if (list == null ||list.Count == 0)
return null;
foreach (var md in list)
ShopIds += md.ShopId.ToString() + ",";
DataSet ds = obj.GetDayCountPriceCount(ShopIds.Trim(','), SDate,EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopId", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GnPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BackPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("SalePrice", typeof(string));
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
foreach(var md in list)
int HjTotalNum = 0;
decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
decimal HjPostFee = 0;
decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal BackPrice = 0;
decimal SalePrice = 0;
decimal GnPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr1.Length > 0)
row["TotalPrice"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString()).ToString("0.00");
TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr2.Length > 0)
row["GoodsFee"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"].ToString()).ToString("0.00");
GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr3.Length > 0)
row["PostFee"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString()).ToString("0.00");
PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
HjPostFee += PostFee;
DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr4.Length > 0)
string BackMoney = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
row["BackPrice"] =Convert.ToDecimal( BackMoney).ToString("0.00");
BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr5.Length > 0)
row["GnPostFee"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString()).ToString("0.00");
GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString("0.00");
HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.00");
row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.00");
row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.00");
row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.00");
row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.00");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<DT_DayCountPrice>();
#region 导出店铺利润合计报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelShopDayCount(List<JC_Shop> list, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string ShopIds = "";
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return "";
foreach (var md in list)
ShopIds += md.ShopId.ToString() + ",";
DataSet ds = obj.GetDayCountPriceCount(ShopIds.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
if (ds == null)
return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopId", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GnPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BackPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("SalePrice", typeof(string));
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
foreach (var md in list)
int HjTotalNum = 0;
decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
decimal HjPostFee = 0;
decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["OrderDate"] = md.ShopName;
DataRow row11 = tb.NewRow();
row11["OrderDate"] = "日期";
row11["OrderNum"] = "单量";
row11["TotalPrice"] = "销售额";
row11["GoodsFee"] = "采购成本";
row11["PostFee"] = "国际运费";
row11["BackPrice"] = "赔款";
row11["GnPostFee"] = "国内运费";
row11["SalePrice"] = "利润";
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal BackPrice = 0;
decimal SalePrice = 0;
decimal GnPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr1.Length > 0)
row["TotalPrice"] = dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString();
TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr2.Length > 0)
row["GoodsFee"] = dr2[0]["Price"].ToString();
GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr3.Length > 0)
row["PostFee"] = dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString();
PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
HjPostFee += PostFee;
DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr4.Length > 0)
row["BackPrice"] = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("shopid='" + md.ShopId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr5.Length > 0)
row["GnPostFee"] = dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString();
GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString();
HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.000");
DataRow row3 = tb.NewRow();
row3["OrderDate"] = "调整金额:";
DataRow row4 = tb.NewRow();
row4["OrderDate"] = "最终数据:";
DataRow row5 = tb.NewRow();
row5["OrderDate"] = "";
row5 = tb.NewRow();
if (tb == null)
return "";
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("OrderDate", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OrderNum", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GnPostFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("BackPrice", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("SalePrice", "", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 查询部门利润合计报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<DT_DayCountPrice> GetDeptDayCount(List<JC_DepartMent> list, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string DeptIds = "";
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return null;
foreach (var md in list)
DeptIds += md.DeptId.ToString() + ",";
DataSet ds = obj.GetDayDeptCountPriceCount(DeptIds.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
if (ds == null)
return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopId", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GnPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BackPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("SalePrice", typeof(string));
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
foreach (var md in list)
int HjTotalNum = 0;
decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
decimal HjPostFee = 0;
decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["ShopName"] = md.DeptName;
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal BackPrice = 0;
decimal SalePrice = 0;
decimal GnPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr1.Length > 0)
row["TotalPrice"] = dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString();
TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr2.Length > 0)
row["GoodsFee"] = dr2[0]["Price"].ToString();
GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr3.Length > 0)
row["PostFee"] = dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString();
PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
HjPostFee += PostFee;
DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr4.Length > 0)
row["BackPrice"] = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr5.Length > 0)
row["GnPostFee"] = dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString();
GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString();
HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.000");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<DT_DayCountPrice>();
#region 导出部门利润合计报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelDeptDayCount(List<JC_DepartMent> list, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string DeptIds = "";
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return null;
foreach (var md in list)
DeptIds += md.DeptId.ToString() + ",";
DataSet ds = obj.GetDayDeptCountPriceCount(DeptIds.Trim(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
if (ds == null)
return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopId", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GnPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BackPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("SalePrice", typeof(string));
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
foreach (var md in list)
int HjTotalNum = 0;
decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
decimal HjPostFee = 0;
decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["OrderDate"] = md.DeptName;
DataRow row11 = tb.NewRow();
row11["OrderDate"] = "日期";
row11["OrderNum"] = "单量";
row11["TotalPrice"] = "销售额";
row11["GoodsFee"] = "采购成本";
row11["PostFee"] = "国际运费";
row11["BackPrice"] = "赔款";
row11["GnPostFee"] = "国内运费";
row11["SalePrice"] = "利润";
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal BackPrice = 0;
decimal SalePrice = 0;
decimal GnPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr1.Length > 0)
row["TotalPrice"] = dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString();
TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr2.Length > 0)
row["GoodsFee"] = dr2[0]["Price"].ToString();
GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr3.Length > 0)
row["PostFee"] = dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString();
PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
HjPostFee += PostFee;
DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr4.Length > 0)
row["BackPrice"] = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("DeptId='" + md.DeptId + "' and PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr5.Length > 0)
row["GnPostFee"] = dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString();
GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString();
HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.000");
DataRow row3 = tb.NewRow();
row3["OrderDate"] = "调整金额:";
DataRow row4 = tb.NewRow();
row4["OrderDate"] = "最终数据:";
DataRow row5 = tb.NewRow();
row5["OrderDate"] = "";
row5 = tb.NewRow();
if (tb == null)
return "";
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("OrderDate", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OrderNum", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GnPostFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("BackPrice", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("SalePrice", "", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 查询公司利润合计报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<DT_DayCountPrice> GetCompanyDayCount(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
DataSet ds = obj.GetDayCompanyCountPriceCount(CompanyId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
if (ds == null)
return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopId", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GnPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BackPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("SalePrice", typeof(string));
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
int HjTotalNum = 0;
decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
decimal HjPostFee = 0;
decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["ShopName"] = SDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd") + "-" + EDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd") + "公司利润";
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal BackPrice = 0;
decimal SalePrice = 0;
decimal GnPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr1.Length > 0)
row["TotalPrice"] = dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString();
TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr2.Length > 0)
row["GoodsFee"] = dr2[0]["Price"].ToString();
GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr3.Length > 0)
row["PostFee"] = dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString();
PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
HjPostFee += PostFee;
DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr4.Length > 0)
row["BackPrice"] = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr5.Length > 0)
row["GnPostFee"] = dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString();
GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString();
HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.000");
if (tb == null)
return null;
return tb.ToList<DT_DayCountPrice>();
#region 导出公司利润合计报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelCompanyDayCount(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
DataSet ds = obj.GetDayCompanyCountPriceCount(CompanyId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
if (ds == null)
return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopId", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GnPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BackPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("SalePrice", typeof(string));
TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
int HjTotalNum = 0;
decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
decimal HjPostFee = 0;
decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd") + "-" + EDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd") + "公司利润";
DataRow row11 = tb.NewRow();
row11["OrderDate"] = "日期";
row11["OrderNum"] = "单量";
row11["TotalPrice"] = "销售额";
row11["GoodsFee"] = "采购成本";
row11["PostFee"] = "国际运费";
row11["BackPrice"] = "赔款";
row11["GnPostFee"] = "国内运费";
row11["SalePrice"] = "利润";
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal BackPrice = 0;
decimal SalePrice = 0;
decimal GnPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr1.Length > 0)
row["TotalPrice"] = dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString();
TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr2.Length > 0)
row["GoodsFee"] = dr2[0]["Price"].ToString();
GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr3.Length > 0)
row["PostFee"] = dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString();
PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
HjPostFee += PostFee;
DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr4.Length > 0)
row["BackPrice"] = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
if (dr5.Length > 0)
row["GnPostFee"] = dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString();
GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString();
HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.000");
DataRow row3 = tb.NewRow();
row3["OrderDate"] = "调整金额:";
DataRow row4 = tb.NewRow();
row4["OrderDate"] = "最终数据:";
if (tb == null)
return "";
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("OrderDate", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OrderNum", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GnPostFee", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("BackPrice", "", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("SalePrice", "", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 修改利润
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateOrderSale(int Id, decimal? PostFee, decimal? escrowFee, decimal? GNPostFee, decimal? Price)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
obj.UpdateOrderSale(Id, PostFee, escrowFee, GNPostFee, Price);
#region 导出利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelOrderSaleMoneyForTM(string ShopIds, Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.000");
row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.000");
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
row["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.000");
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.escrowFee.Value - md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - md.escrowFee.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.000");
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("ShopName", "店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货时间", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsName", "货物名称", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TypeDesc", "描述", DbType.String, "");
//listColumns.Add("OffNum", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OffNum", "运费折扣", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "挂号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalWeight", "重量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "总价格", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("escrowFee", "平台佣金", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("MoneyRate", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "实际运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "进货价", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GNPostFee", "国内运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PersonMoney", "人工费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("FactMoney", "最终利润", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("ErrorInfo", "异常", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostName", "发货方式", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 导出利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelOrderSaleMoneyForTM2(string ShopIds, Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate,string GoodsCode)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int ShopId = 0;
if (ShopIds != "")
ShopId = Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM2(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','),GoodsCode.Trim(),CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var tracklist = obj.GetTrackCodeList(ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
int OrderNum = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
var moneymd = moneylist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
if (moneymd != null)
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice * moneymd.MRate.Value;
md.MoneyRate = moneymd.MRate;
row["MoneyRate"] = moneymd.MRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row["MoneyRate"] = "1";
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice;
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
string tcode = "";
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + ",";
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.OrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + ",";
tcode = tcode.Trim(',');
md.TrackCode = tcode;
row["TrackCode"] = tcode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
md.PostFee = md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.PostFee = 0;
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.PostFee.Value;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
dGoodsFee = 5;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
dGoodsFee = 15;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
// escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode && n.TotalWeight != null);
if (checklist.Count() > 0)
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["PostDate"] = OrderNum.ToString();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("ShopName", "店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货时间", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsName", "货物名称", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TypeDesc", "描述", DbType.String, "");
//listColumns.Add("OffNum", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OffNum", "运费折扣", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "挂号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalWeight", "重量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "总价格", DbType.Decimal, "");
//listColumns.Add("escrowFee", "平台佣金", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("MoneyRate", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "实际运费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "进货价", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("GNPostFee", "国内运费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("PersonMoney", "人工费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("FactMoney", "最终利润", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("ErrorInfo", "异常", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostName", "发货方式", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 导出利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelOrderSaleMoneyForTM3(string ShopIds, Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int ShopId = 0;
if (ShopIds != "")
ShopId = Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM3(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), GoodsCode.Trim(), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var tracklist = obj.GetTrackCodeList(ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BuyDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ZJMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal ZJMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
int OrderNum = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
var moneymd = moneylist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
if (moneymd != null)
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice * moneymd.MRate.Value;
md.MoneyRate = moneymd.MRate;
row["MoneyRate"] = moneymd.MRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row["MoneyRate"] = "1";
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice;
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
string tcode = "";
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.OrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
md.TrackCode = tcode;
row["TrackCode"] = tcode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
md.PostFee = md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.PostFee = 0;
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.PostFee.Value;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
dGoodsFee = 5;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
dGoodsFee = 15;
else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row["ZJMoney"] = md.ZJFee.Value.ToString("f1");
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value - md.ZJFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
row["ZJMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row1["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row1["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
// escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
//row["ZJMoney"] ="";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.ZJFee.Value).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
// row["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.ZJFee.Value).ToString("0.0000");
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode && n.TotalWeight != null);
if (checklist.Count() > 0)
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (row["ZJMoney"] != null && row["ZJMoney"].ToString() != "")
ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["PostDate"] = OrderNum.ToString();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["ZJMoney"] = ZJMoney.ToString("0");
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("ShopName", "店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货时间", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsName", "货物名称", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("BuyDate", "采购日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TypeDesc", "描述", DbType.String, "");
//listColumns.Add("OffNum", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OffNum", "运费折扣", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "挂号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalWeight", "重量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "总价格", DbType.Decimal, "");
//listColumns.Add("escrowFee", "平台佣金", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("MoneyRate", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "实际运费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "进货价", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("GNPostFee", "国内运费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("PersonMoney", "人工费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("ZJMoney", "质检费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("FactMoney", "最终利润", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("ErrorInfo", "异常", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostName", "发货方式", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 导出利润报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelOrderSaleMoneyForTM4(string ShopIds, Decimal? PersonFee, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int ShopId = 0;
if (ShopIds != "")
ShopId = Convert.ToInt32(ShopIds.Split(',')[0]);
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var moneylist = obj.GetMoneyList(ShopId);
var list = obj.GetOrderSaleMoneyForTM3(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), GoodsCode.Trim(), CompanyId);
var cblist = obj.GetBuyMoneyNew(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), CompanyId);
var tracklist = obj.GetTrackCodeList(ShopIds.TrimEnd(','), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
//var cateList=obj
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Int32));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PlatOrderCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("CountryName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("BuyDate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TypeDesc", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("escrowFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("MoneyRate", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("OffNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsNum", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TrackCode", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("TotalWeight", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GoodsFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PersonMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("RateMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ZJMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("GNPostFee", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("FactMoney", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ErrorInfo", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("PostName", typeof(string));
decimal TotalPrice = 0;
int TotalNum = 0;
decimal TotalWeight = 0;
decimal PostFee = 0;
decimal GoodsFee = 0;
decimal GNPostFee = 0;
decimal FactMoney = 0;
decimal PersonMoney = 0;
decimal escrowFee = 0;
decimal ZJMoney = 0;
decimal RateMoney = 0;
int OrderNum = 0;
if (list != null && cblist != null)
string PlatOrderCode = "";
string JoinOrderCode = "";
foreach (var md in list)
decimal dGoodsFee = 0;
decimal dGNPostFee = 0;
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["Id"] = md.Id;
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
row["GoodsCode"] = md.GoodsCode;
row["GoodsName"] = md.GoodsName;
row["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row["TypeDesc"] = md.TypeDesc;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
//row["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
var moneymd = moneylist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
if (moneymd != null)
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice * moneymd.MRate.Value;
md.MoneyRate = moneymd.MRate;
row["MoneyRate"] = moneymd.MRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row["MoneyRate"] = "1";
md.RMBPrice = md.TotalPrice;
if (md.GoodsNum != null)
row["GoodsNum"] = md.GoodsNum.ToString();
string tcode = "";
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
if (tracklist != null && tracklist.Count > 0)
var tlist = tracklist.FindAll(n => n.OrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
tcode += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
md.TrackCode = tcode;
row["TrackCode"] = tcode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.PostFee != null)
md.PostFee = md.PostFee.Value * md.OffNum / 10;
row["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
md.PostFee = 0;
md.FactMoney = md.RMBPrice - md.PostFee.Value;
row["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row["PostName"] = md.PostName;
var cbmd = cblist.Find(n => n.Id == md.Id);
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.Price != null)
dGoodsFee = cbmd.Price.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GoodsFee"] = dGoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
//if (md.GoodsName.Contains("0-10") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
// row["GoodsFee"] = "5";
// dGoodsFee = 5;
//else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("10-20") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
// row["GoodsFee"] = "15";
// dGoodsFee = 15;
//else if (md.GoodsName.Contains("20-30") && md.GoodsName.Contains("礼物"))
// row["GoodsFee"] = "25";
// dGoodsFee = 25;
if (cbmd != null && cbmd.PostPrice != null)
dGNPostFee = cbmd.PostPrice.Value * md.GoodsNum.Value;
row["GNPostFee"] = dGNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row["ZJMoney"] = 0;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
decimal rate = 0;
if (md.RMBPrice != null && md.RMBPrice.Value > 0)
rate = (md.FactMoney.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee - md.PersonFee.Value) * 100 / md.RMBPrice.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
var mlist = list.FindAll(n => n.PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode);
if (JoinOrderCode != "" && md.JoinOrderCode == JoinOrderCode)
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "0";
row["PostFee"] = 0;
md.PostFee = 0;
md.TotalWeight = 0;
row["PersonMoney"] = 0;
row["ZJMoney"] = 0;
md.PersonFee = 0;
row["FactMoney"] = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.00");
rate = 0;
if (md.RMBPrice != null && md.RMBPrice.Value > 0)
rate = (md.RMBPrice.Value - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee) * 100 / md.RMBPrice.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
if (PlatOrderCode != md.PlatOrderCode && mlist != null && mlist.Count > 1)
DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
row1["Id"] = md.Id;
row1["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
if (md.PostDate != null)
row1["PostDate"] = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.BuyDate != null)
row1["BuyDate"] = md.BuyDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
if (md.JoinOrderCode != null && md.JoinOrderCode != "")
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["PlatOrderCode"] = md.PlatOrderCode;
//if (md.JoinOrderCode!=null)
//row1["JoinOrderCode"] = md.JoinOrderCode;
row1["GoodsCode"] = "";
row1["GoodsName"] = "";
row1["CountryName"] = md.CountryName;
row1["TypeDesc"] = "";
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
row1["TotalPrice"] = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.0000");
if (md.OffNum != null)
row1["OffNum"] = md.OffNum.ToString();
// row1["escrowFee"] = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GoodsNum"] = "";
row1["TrackCode"] = md.TrackCode;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
row1["TotalWeight"] = md.TotalWeight.Value.ToString("0");
if (md.MoneyRate != null)
row1["MoneyRate"] = md.MoneyRate.Value.ToString("0.00000");
row1["GoodsFee"] = "";
if (md.PostFee != null)
row1["PostFee"] = md.PostFee.Value.ToString("0.0000");
row1["GNPostFee"] = "";
row1["PersonMoney"] = md.PersonFee.Value.ToString("f1");
row1["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row1["FactMoney"] = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
decimal rate1 = 0;
if (md.RMBPrice != null && md.RMBPrice.Value > 0)
rate1 = (md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value) * 100 / md.RMBPrice.Value;
row1["RateMoney"] = rate1.ToString("0.000") + "%";
row1["ErrorInfo"] = md.ErrorInfo;
row1["PostName"] = md.PostName;
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
// ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (md.TotalWeight != null)
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (md.PostFee != null)
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (md.FactMoney != null)
FactMoney += md.FactMoney.Value - md.PersonFee.Value;
// escrowFee += md.escrowFee.Value;
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
//row["ZJMoney"] ="";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
rate = 0;
if (md.FactMoney != null && md.FactMoney.Value > 0)
rate = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee) * 100 / md.FactMoney.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
else if (PlatOrderCode == md.PlatOrderCode)
row["BuyDate"] = "";
row["PostDate"] = "";
row["CountryName"] = "";
row["TotalPrice"] = "";
row["escrowFee"] = "";
row["OffNum"] = "";
row["MoneyRate"] = "";
row["TrackCode"] = "";
row["TotalWeight"] = "";
row["PersonMoney"] = "";
// row["ZJMoney"] = "";
if (md.FactMoney != null)
row["FactMoney"] = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee).ToString("0.0000");
rate = 0;
if (md.FactMoney != null && md.FactMoney.Value > 0)
rate = (0 - dGoodsFee - dGNPostFee) * 100 / md.FactMoney.Value;
row["RateMoney"] = rate.ToString("0.000") + "%";
row["PostFee"] = "";
row["ErrorInfo"] = "";
row["PostName"] = "";
if ((JoinOrderCode == "" || md.JoinOrderCode != JoinOrderCode) && md.JoinOrderCode != null)
var checklist = list.FindAll(n => n.JoinOrderCode == md.JoinOrderCode && n.TotalWeight != null);
if (checklist.Count() > 0)
md.TotalWeight = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
md.PostFee = checklist.First().PostFee;
row["TotalWeight"] = checklist.First().TotalWeight;
row["PostFee"] = checklist.First().PostFee;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "")
TotalPrice += md.TotalPrice.Value;
if (row["GoodsNum"] != null && row["GoodsNum"].ToString() != "")
TotalNum += md.GoodsNum.Value;
if (row["TotalWeight"] != null && row["TotalWeight"].ToString() != "")
TotalWeight += md.TotalWeight.Value;
if (row["PostFee"] != null && row["PostFee"].ToString() != "")
PostFee += md.PostFee.Value;
if (row["GoodsFee"] != null && row["GoodsFee"].ToString() != "")
GoodsFee += dGoodsFee;
if (row["FactMoney"] != null && row["FactMoney"].ToString() != "")
FactMoney += Convert.ToDecimal(row["FactMoney"]);
if (row["GNPostFee"] != null && row["GNPostFee"].ToString() != "")
GNPostFee += dGNPostFee;
if (row["PersonMoney"] != null && row["PersonMoney"].ToString() != "")
PersonMoney += md.PersonFee.Value;
if (row["TotalPrice"] != null && row["TotalPrice"].ToString() != "" && md.TotalPrice != null)
RateMoney += md.TotalPrice.Value * md.MoneyRate.Value;
// if (row["ZJMoney"] != null && row["ZJMoney"].ToString() != "")
// ZJMoney += md.ZJFee.Value;
PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
if (md.JoinOrderCode == null)
JoinOrderCode = "";
JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
row2["PostDate"] = OrderNum.ToString();
row2["TrackCode"] = "合计:";
// row2["escrowFee"] = escrowFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["TotalPrice"] = TotalPrice.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsNum"] = TotalNum.ToString();
row2["TotalWeight"] = TotalWeight.ToString("0");
row2["PersonMoney"] = PersonMoney.ToString("0");
row2["ZJMoney"] = "0";
row2["PostFee"] = PostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GoodsFee"] = GoodsFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["GNPostFee"] = GNPostFee.ToString("0.0000");
row2["FactMoney"] = FactMoney.ToString("0.0000");
if (RateMoney > 0)
row2["RateMoney"] = (FactMoney * 100 / RateMoney).ToString("0.000") + "%";
row2["RateMoney"] = "";
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("ShopName", "店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货时间", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsName", "货物名称", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("BuyDate", "采购日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TypeDesc", "描述", DbType.String, "");
//listColumns.Add("OffNum", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OffNum", "运费折扣", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "挂号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalWeight", "重量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "总价格", DbType.Decimal, "");
//listColumns.Add("escrowFee", "平台佣金", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("MoneyRate", "汇率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "实际运费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "进货价", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("GNPostFee", "国内运费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("PersonMoney", "人工费", DbType.Decimal, "");
// listColumns.Add("ZJMoney", "质检费", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("FactMoney", "最终利润", DbType.Decimal, "");
listColumns.Add("RateMoney", "利润率", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("ErrorInfo", "异常", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostName", "发货方式", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 查询速卖通绩效
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<DT_ShopUserMoneyCount> GetUserMoneyCount(List<JC_Shop> list, int Year, int Month)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
var obj1 = new BaseService();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return null;
//foreach (var md in list)
// ShopIds += md.ShopId.ToString() + ",";
//DataSet ds = obj.GetDayCompanyCountPriceCount(CompanyId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
// if (ds == null)
// return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopData", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopMoney", typeof(string));
// TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
//int days = ts.Days + 1;
int i = 0;
foreach (var md in list)
var list1 = obj1.GetShopUser(md.ShopId.Value);
string Users = "";
if (list1 != null)
foreach (var md1 in list1)
Users += md1.Name + ",";
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] ="(" + Users.Trim(',') + ")";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "2.5";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "好评";
row["ShopData"] = "95.9";
row["ShopMoney"] = "-400";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "dsr";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "300";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "odr";
row["ShopData"] = "4.85";
row["ShopMoney"] = "0";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "赔款";
row["ShopData"] = "0.92";
row["ShopMoney"] = "500";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "爆款";
row["ShopData"] = "8";
row["ShopMoney"] = "1600";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "销售额";
row["ShopData"] = "29653.25";
row["ShopMoney"] = "-400";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "毛利率";
row["ShopData"] = "13.9";
row["ShopMoney"] = "0.7";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "总奖金";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "3430";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "单份奖金";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "1372";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "奖金分配";
row["ShopData"] = "唐锡萍1029陈圣文请假6天686吴晓庆1715";
row["ShopData"] = "周玲玲686宋可珂1372艾晨1372";
row["ShopMoney"] = "1372";
//int HjTotalNum = 0;
//decimal HjTotalPrice = 0;
//decimal HjGoodsFee = 0;
//decimal HjPostFee = 0;
//decimal HjGnPostFee = 0;
//decimal HjBackPrice = 0;
//decimal HjSalePrice = 0;
//DataRow row1 = tb.NewRow();
//row1["ShopName"] = SDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd") + "-" + EDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd") + "公司利润";
//for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
// int TotalNum = 0;
// decimal TotalPrice = 0;
// decimal GoodsFee = 0;
// decimal PostFee = 0;
// decimal BackPrice = 0;
// decimal SalePrice = 0;
// decimal GnPostFee = 0;
// DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
// row["ShopName"] = "";
// DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
// if (dr.Length > 0)
// {
// row["OrderNum"] = dr[0]["OrderNum"].ToString();
// TotalNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]["OrderNum"]);
// HjTotalNum += TotalNum;
// }
// row["OrderDate"] = SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
// DataRow[] dr1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
// if (dr1.Length > 0)
// {
// row["TotalPrice"] = dr1[0]["TotalPrice"].ToString();
// TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr1[0]["TotalPrice"]);
// HjTotalPrice += TotalPrice;
// }
// DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
// if (dr2.Length > 0)
// {
// row["GoodsFee"] = dr2[0]["Price"].ToString();
// GoodsFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr2[0]["Price"]);
// HjGoodsFee += GoodsFee;
// }
// DataRow[] dr3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
// if (dr3.Length > 0)
// {
// row["PostFee"] = dr3[0]["PostPrice"].ToString();
// PostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr3[0]["PostPrice"]);
// HjPostFee += PostFee;
// }
// DataRow[] dr4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
// if (dr4.Length > 0)
// {
// row["BackPrice"] = dr4[0]["BackMoney"].ToString();
// BackPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dr4[0]["BackMoney"]);
// HjBackPrice += BackPrice;
// }
// DataRow[] dr5 = ds.Tables[5].Select("PostDate='" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
// if (dr5.Length > 0)
// {
// row["GnPostFee"] = dr5[0]["PostFee"].ToString();
// GnPostFee = Convert.ToDecimal(dr5[0]["PostFee"]);
// HjGnPostFee += GnPostFee;
// }
// SalePrice = TotalPrice - GoodsFee - PostFee - GnPostFee - BackPrice;
// row["SalePrice"] = SalePrice.ToString();
// HjSalePrice += SalePrice;
// tb.Rows.Add(row);
//DataRow row2 = tb.NewRow();
//row2["OrderDate"] = "合计:";
//row2["OrderNum"] = HjTotalNum.ToString("0.000");
//row2["TotalPrice"] = HjTotalPrice.ToString("0.000");
//row2["GoodsFee"] = HjGoodsFee.ToString("0.000");
//row2["PostFee"] = HjPostFee.ToString("0.000");
//row2["BackPrice"] = HjBackPrice.ToString("0.000");
//row2["GnPostFee"] = HjGnPostFee.ToString("0.000");
//row2["SalePrice"] = HjSalePrice.ToString("0.000");
//if (tb == null)
// return null;
return tb.ToList<DT_ShopUserMoneyCount>();
#region 查询速卖通绩效
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ExcelUserShopMoney(List<JC_Shop> list, int Year, int Month)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
var obj1 = new BaseService();
// if (PersonFee == null)
// PersonFee = 2;
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return null;
//foreach (var md in list)
// ShopIds += md.ShopId.ToString() + ",";
//DataSet ds = obj.GetDayCompanyCountPriceCount(CompanyId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
// if (ds == null)
// return null;
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
tb.Columns.Add("ShopName", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopData", typeof(string));
tb.Columns.Add("ShopMoney", typeof(string));
// TimeSpan ts = EDate.Value - SDate.Value;
//int days = ts.Days + 1;
int i = 0;
foreach (var md in list)
var list1 = obj1.GetShopUser(md.ShopId.Value);
string Users = "";
if (list1 != null)
foreach (var md1 in list1)
Users += md1.Name + ",";
DataRow row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = md.ShopName;
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "(" + Users.Trim(',') + ")";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "2.5";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "好评";
row["ShopData"] = "95.9";
row["ShopMoney"] = "-400";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "dsr";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "300";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "odr";
row["ShopData"] = "4.85";
row["ShopMoney"] = "0";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "赔款";
row["ShopData"] = "0.92";
row["ShopMoney"] = "500";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "爆款";
row["ShopData"] = "8";
row["ShopMoney"] = "1600";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "销售额";
row["ShopData"] = "29653.25";
row["ShopMoney"] = "-400";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "毛利率";
row["ShopData"] = "13.9";
row["ShopMoney"] = "0.7";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "总奖金";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "3430";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "单份奖金";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "1372";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "奖金分配";
if (i == 0)
row["ShopData"] = "唐锡萍1029陈圣文请假6天686吴晓庆1715";
row["ShopData"] = "周玲玲686宋可珂1372艾晨1372";
row["ShopMoney"] = "1372";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "";
row = tb.NewRow();
row["ShopName"] = "";
row["ShopData"] = "";
row["ShopMoney"] = "";
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("ShopName", "店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("ShopData", "数据", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("ShopMoney", "奖金", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 查询物流折扣
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<JC_ExpressPost> GetExpressOff()
var obj = new JC_ExpressCodeService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var list = obj.GetExpressOff(CompanyId);
return list;
#region 查询人工费
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public decimal GetPersonFee()
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var md = JC_CompanyService.GetModel(CompanyId);
if (md != null && md.PersonFee != null)
return md.PersonFee.Value;
return 2;
#region 保存物流折扣
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void SaveExpressOff(List<JC_ExpressPost> list,Decimal? PersonFee)
var obj = new JC_ExpressCodeService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
if (list != null)
foreach (var md in list)
obj.UpdateExpressOff(md.ExpressPostID.Value, md.OffNum.Value);
if (PersonFee > -1)
JC_CompanyService.UpdatePersonFee(CompanyId, PersonFee.Value);
#region 报表
public string GetReport(DataTable dt,int ReportId)
var obj = new BaseService();
var rmd = BaseService.GetReportModel(ReportId);
var rlist = obj.GetRepoartColsList(ReportId);
if (rmd == null || rlist == null)
return "";
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
html.Append("<tr class='HeaderStyle'><th>序号</th>");
foreach (var md in rlist)
if (dt != null)
DataRow row = null;
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>"+(i+1).ToString()+"</td>");
int rowindex = 1;
foreach (var md in rlist)
if (dt.Columns.Contains(md.ColValue)==false)
html.Append("<td rowindex='"+rowindex+"' rowtr='"+i+"'></td>");
if (md.IsSum == 1&&i==0)
if (row == null)
row = dt.NewRow();
if (md.ColType == "int")
row[md.ColValue] = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("sum(" + md.ColValue + ")", "" + md.ColValue + " is not null"));
row[md.ColValue] = 0;
else if (md.ColType == "dec")
row[md.ColValue] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("sum(" + md.ColValue + ")", "" + md.ColValue + ">0"));
row[md.ColValue] = 0;
if (dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue] != null && dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue].ToString() != "")
string csscolor = "";
if (md.ContionType == "=" && dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue].ToString()==md.SValue)
csscolor = md.ColColor;
if (md.ContionType == ">" && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) > Convert.ToDecimal(md.SValue) && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue])< Convert.ToDecimal(md.EValue))
csscolor = md.ColColor;
if (md.ContionType == ">=" && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) >= Convert.ToDecimal(md.SValue) && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) <= Convert.ToDecimal(md.EValue))
csscolor = md.ColColor;
if (csscolor != "")
csscolor = "style='color:" + csscolor + "'";
string datav = "";
if (md.ColType == "date1")
datav = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (md.ColType == "date2")
datav = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
datav = dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue].ToString();
html.Append("<td " + csscolor + " rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'>" + datav + "</td>");
html.Append("<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'></td>");
int hj = 0;
if (row != null)
html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>合计:</td>");
foreach (var md in rlist)
if (dt.Columns.Contains(md.ColValue) == false)
if (md.IsSum == 1 && row[md.ColValue] != null)
if (hj == 0)
hj = 1;
html.Append("<td>" + row[md.ColValue] + "</td>");
html.Append("<td>" + row[md.ColValue] + "</td>");
return html.ToString();
#region 报表
public string GetReport2(DataTable dt, int ReportId)
var obj = new BaseService();
var rmd = BaseService.GetReportModel(ReportId);
var rlist = obj.GetRepoartColsList(ReportId);
if (rmd == null || rlist == null)
return "";
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
html.Append("<tr class='HeaderStyle'><th>序号</th>");
foreach (var md in rlist)
html.Append("<th>" + md.ColName + "</th>");
if (dt != null)
DataRow row = null;
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</td>");
int rowindex = 1;
foreach (var md in rlist)
if (dt.Columns.Contains(md.ColValue) == false)
html.Append("<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'></td>");
if (md.IsSum == 1 && i == 0)
if (row == null)
row = dt.NewRow();
if (md.ColType == "int")
row[md.ColValue] = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("sum(" + md.ColValue + ")", "" + md.ColValue + " is not null"));
row[md.ColValue] = 0;
else if (md.ColType == "dec")
row[md.ColValue] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("sum(" + md.ColValue + ")", "" + md.ColValue + ">0"));
row[md.ColValue] = 0;
if (dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue] != null && dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue].ToString() != "")
string csscolor = "";
if (md.ContionType == "=" && dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue].ToString() == md.SValue)
csscolor = md.ColColor;
if (md.ContionType == ">" && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) > Convert.ToDecimal(md.SValue) && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) < Convert.ToDecimal(md.EValue))
csscolor = md.ColColor;
if (md.ContionType == ">=" && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) >= Convert.ToDecimal(md.SValue) && Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]) <= Convert.ToDecimal(md.EValue))
csscolor = md.ColColor;
if (csscolor != "")
csscolor = "style='color:" + csscolor + "'";
string datav = "";
if (md.ColType == "date1")
datav = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (md.ColType == "date2")
datav = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
datav = dt.Rows[i][md.ColValue].ToString();
html.Append("<td " + csscolor + " rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'><a uid='" + dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString() + "'>" + datav + "<a></td>");
html.Append("<td rowindex='" + rowindex + "' rowtr='" + i + "'></td>");
int hj = 0;
if (row != null)
html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>合计:</td>");
foreach (var md in rlist)
if (dt.Columns.Contains(md.ColValue) == false)
if (md.IsSum == 1 && row[md.ColValue] != null)
if (hj == 0)
hj = 1;
html.Append("<td>" + row[md.ColValue] + "</td>");
html.Append("<td>" + row[md.ColValue] + "</td>");
return html.ToString();
#region 报表1
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable1(DateTime? InDate,int DeptId,int ShopId,int PlatId,string MoneyCode,string Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (MoneyCode!="0")
tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
string sql = @"
select a.ShopName,OrderNum=isnull(c.OrderNum,0),USDMoney=isnull(c.USDMoney,0),RMBMoney=isnull(c.RMBMoney,0),AvgPrice=case when c.OrderNum is null or c.USDMoney is null or c.OrderNum=0 then 0 else c.USDMoney/c.OrderNum end,b.GoodRate,b.ODR,b.DSRGoods,b.DSRService,b.DSRPost,b.InforViolate,b.PropertyViolate,b.OtherViolate from JC_Shop a
inner join (select b.ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),USDMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)),RMBMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
where a.State>0 " + tj + " and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by b.ShopId)c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
left join JC_ShopData b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId and DATEDIFF(day,b.InDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0
where a.CompanyId=1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 1);
#region 报表1
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel(DateTime? InDate, int DeptId, int ShopId, int PlatId, string MoneyCode, string Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (MoneyCode != "0")
tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
string sql = @"
select a.ShopName,OrderNum=isnull(c.OrderNum,0),USDMoney=isnull(c.USDMoney,0),RMBMoney=isnull(c.RMBMoney,0),AvgPrice=case when c.OrderNum is null or c.USDMoney is null or c.OrderNum=0 then 0 else c.USDMoney/c.OrderNum end,b.GoodRate,b.ODR,b.DSRGoods,b.DSRService,b.DSRPost,b.InforViolate,b.PropertyViolate,b.OtherViolate from JC_Shop a
inner join (select b.ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),USDMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)),RMBMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
where a.State>0 " + tj + " and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by b.ShopId)c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
left join JC_ShopData b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId and DATEDIFF(day,b.InDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0
where a.CompanyId=1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 1);
#region 报表18
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable18(DateTime? InDate, int DeptId, int ShopId, int PlatId, string MoneyCode, string Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (MoneyCode != "0")
tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
string sql = @"
select a.ShopName,OrderNum=isnull(c.OrderNum,0),USDMoney=isnull(c.USDMoney,0),RMBMoney=isnull(c.RMBMoney,0),AvgPrice=case when c.OrderNum is null or c.USDMoney is null or c.OrderNum=0 then 0 else c.USDMoney/c.OrderNum end,b.GoodRate,b.ODR,b.DSRGoods,b.DSRService,b.DSRPost,b.USDUseMoney,b.USDUseMoney,b.USDNoMoney,b.RMBUseMoney,b.RMBNoMoney,b.InforViolate,b.PropertyViolate,b.OtherViolate,b.Rate1,b.Rate2,b.Rate3,b.Rate4,a.FeeDate,InPrice=d.InPrice from JC_Shop a
inner join (select b.ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),USDMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)),RMBMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
where a.State>0 " + tj + " and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by b.ShopId)c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
left join JC_ShopData b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId and DATEDIFF(day,b.InDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0
inner join (select a.ShopId,InPrice=sum(isnull(d.InPrice,0)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where a.State>0 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by a.ShopId)d on a.ShopId=d.ShopId
where a.CompanyId=1 " + tj1 + " order by "+Sort;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 18);
#region 报表18
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel18(DateTime? InDate, int DeptId, int ShopId, int PlatId, string MoneyCode,string Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (MoneyCode != "0")
tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
string sql = @"
select a.ShopName,OrderNum=isnull(c.OrderNum,0),USDMoney=isnull(c.USDMoney,0),RMBMoney=isnull(c.RMBMoney,0),AvgPrice=case when c.OrderNum is null or c.USDMoney is null or c.OrderNum=0 then 0 else c.USDMoney/c.OrderNum end,b.GoodRate,b.ODR,b.DSRGoods,b.DSRService,b.DSRPost,b.USDUseMoney,b.USDUseMoney,b.USDNoMoney,b.RMBUseMoney,b.RMBNoMoney,b.InforViolate,b.PropertyViolate,b.OtherViolate,b.Rate1,b.Rate2,b.Rate3,b.Rate4,b.Rate5,b.Rate6 from JC_Shop a
inner join (select b.ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),USDMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)),RMBMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
where a.State>0 " + tj + " and a.State<3 and DATEDIFF(day,a.OrderDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0 group by b.ShopId)c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
left join JC_ShopData b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId and DATEDIFF(day,b.InDate,'" + InDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"')=0
where a.CompanyId=1 " + tj1 + " order by" + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 18);
#region 报表40
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable402(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int UserId, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string tj = "";
if (SDate!=null)
tj += " and d.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (UserId > 0)
tj += " and a.UserId=" + UserId + " ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and e.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
string sql = @"select c.UserId,c.Name,Num=sum(b.Num),OrderNum=COUNT(0),Price=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(a.TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a inner join (
select a.UserId,d.OrderId,Num=SUM(c.GoodsNum) from HW_GoodsUser a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail e on b.GoodsId=e.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods c on e.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on c.OrderId=d.OrderId and a.ShopId=d.ShopId
where d.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + " and d.State>0 and d.State<3 " + tj + @"
group by a.UserId,d.OrderId)b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_UserInfo c on b.UserId=c.UserId
group by c.UserId,c.Name
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport2(dt, 40);
#region 报表40
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable40(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int UserId, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
string tj = "";
string tj2 = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
tj2 += " b.LastOrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
tj2 += " and b.LastOrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (UserId > 0)
tj += " and a.UserId=" + UserId + " ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and e.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
string sql = @"select c.Name,c.UserName,a.*,GoodsNum=d.Num,OutGoods=isnull(e.Num,0),NoGoods=d.Num-isnull(e.Num,0) from (
select b.UserId,Num=sum(b.Num),OrderNum=COUNT(0),Price=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(a.TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a inner join (
select a.UserId,d.OrderId,Num=SUM(c.GoodsNum) from HW_GoodsUser a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail e on b.GoodsId=e.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods c on e.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on c.OrderId=d.OrderId and a.ShopId=d.ShopId
where d.CompanyId=1 and d.State>0 and d.State<3 "+tj+@"
group by a.UserId,d.OrderId)b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
group by b.UserId)a
inner join JC_UserInfo c on a.UserId=c.UserId
inner join (select UserId,Num=COUNT(0) from HW_GoodsUser
group by UserId)d on c.UserId=d.UserId
left join (select a.UserId,Num=COUNT(0) from HW_GoodsUser a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
where "+tj2+@" group by a.UserId)e on c.UserId=e.UserId
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport2(dt, 40);
#region 报表16
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable16(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int DeptId, int ShopId, int PlatId, string MoneyCode,string Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (EDate == null)
EDate = DateTime.Now;
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
string endtime = Convert.ToDateTime( EDate.ToString()).AddDays(1).ToString();
if (MoneyCode != "0")
tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
string sql = @"
select a.ShopName,OrderNum=isnull(c.OrderNum,0),USDMoney=isnull(c.USDMoney,0),RMBMoney=isnull(c.RMBMoney,0),AvgPrice=case when c.OrderNum is null or c.USDMoney is null or c.OrderNum=0 then 0 else c.USDMoney/c.OrderNum end from JC_Shop a
inner join (select b.ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),USDMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)),RMBMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
where a.State>0 " + tj + " and a.State<3 and a.InDate>='" + SDate + "' and a.InDate<'" + endtime + @"' group by b.ShopId)c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
where a.CompanyId=1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 16);
#region 报表16
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel16(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int DeptId, int ShopId, int PlatId, string MoneyCode, string Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and b.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.PlatType=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
string endtime = Convert.ToDateTime(EDate.ToString()).AddDays(1).ToString();
if (MoneyCode != "0")
tj += " and a.MoneyCode='" + MoneyCode + "' ";
string sql = @"
select a.ShopName,OrderNum=isnull(c.OrderNum,0),USDMoney=isnull(c.USDMoney,0),RMBMoney=isnull(c.RMBMoney,0),AvgPrice=case when c.OrderNum is null or c.USDMoney is null or c.OrderNum=0 then 0 else c.USDMoney/c.OrderNum end from JC_Shop a
inner join (select b.ShopId,OrderNum=COUNT(0),USDMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyUSDChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)),RMBMoney=SUM(dbo.MoneyChange(TotalPrice,a.MoneyCode,a.CompanyId)) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join JC_Shop b on a.ShopId=b.ShopId
where a.State>0 " + tj + " and a.State<3 and a.InDate>='" + SDate + "' and a.InDate<='" + endtime + @"' group by b.ShopId)c on a.ShopId=c.ShopId
where a.CompanyId=1 " + tj1 + " order by " + Sort;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 16);
#region 报表20
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable20(int ChaseId)
var obj = new CG_ChaseData();
var md = obj.GetPurchaseModel(ChaseId);
var list=obj.GetPurchaseTableGoods(ChaseId);
return "";
StringBuilder shtml = new StringBuilder();
string supper = "";
if (md.Supplier!=null)
supper = md.Supplier;
if (supper=="")
supper = list.First().SupplierName;
shtml.Append("<table id='tableAll' style='width: 835px;' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='1'>");
shtml.Append("<tr style='height:22px;'><td align='center' style='font-size:18pt;font-weight:bolder' colspan='10'>采 购 清 单</td></tr>");
shtml.Append("<tr style='height:22px;'><td class='f1' width='12%'>批次编号</td><td colspan='2' width='20%'>"+md.ChaseCode+"</td><td width='12%'>发货编号</td><td colspan='2' width='20%'>"+md.BuyCode+"</td><td class='f1' width='12%'>导出时间</td><td colspan='3' width='20%'>"+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")+"</td></tr>");
shtml.Append("<tr style='height:22px;'><td class='f1' width='12%'>&nbsp;</td><td colspan='2' width='20%'>&nbsp;</td><td width='12%'>&nbsp;</td><td colspan='2' width='20%'>&nbsp;</td><td class='f1' width='12%'>分包数</td><td colspan='3' width='20%'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");
shtml.Append("<tr style='height:22px;'><td class='f1' width='12%'>供应商名称:</td><td colspan='2' width='20%'>" + md.Supplier + "</td><td width='12%'>联系人姓名:</td><td colspan='2' width='20%'>" + md.Supplier + "</td><td class='f1' width='12%'>供应商电话</td><td colspan='3' width='20%'>"+md.SupplierPhone+"</td></tr>");
shtml.Append("<tr><td colspan='10'><table class='DataGridTableStyle' style='width:100%'><tr class='HeaderStyle'><th>编码</th><th>新编号</th><th>名称</th><th>供应商编码</th><th>规格描述</th><th>购买数量</th><th>单价</th><th>合计</th><th colspan='2'>发货数量</th></tr>");
int Num=0;
foreach(var gmd in list)
decimal tprice = gmd.BuyNum.Value * gmd.GoodsPrice.Value;
shtml.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>" + gmd.GoodsOldCode + "</td><td>" + gmd.GoodsCode + "</td><td>" + gmd.GoodsName + "</td><td>" + gmd.GoodsSupplyCode + "</td><td>" + gmd.TypeDesc + "</td><td>" + gmd.BuyNum + "</td><td>" + gmd.GoodsPrice + "</td><td>" + tprice + "</td><td colspan='2'></td>");
shtml.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>总计:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" + Num + "</td><td></td><td>" + md.GoodsMoney + "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
shtml.Append("<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>运费:</td><td>" + md.PostFee + "</td><td></td><td>运单号:</td><td colspan='2'></td></tr></table>");
return shtml.ToString();
#region 报表列
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<JC_RepoartCols> GetReportCols(int ReportId)
var obj = new BaseService();
var rlist = obj.GetRepoartColsList(ReportId);
return rlist;
#region 报表2
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable2(DateTime? SDate,DateTime? EDate,int PlatId, string GoodsCode, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and ( c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ) ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"
select c.GoodsName,c.GoodsOldCode,b.TypeCode,b.TypeDesc,a.GoodsNum,a.OrderNum,a.TotalPrice from (
select c.GoodsId,a.DetailId, GoodsNum=sum(a.GoodsNum),OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=Sum(d.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
where d.CompanyId="+CompanyId+tj+@" and d.State>0 and d.State<3 group by c.GoodsId,a.DetailId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on a.GoodsId=c.GoodsId order by c.GoodsId,b.TypeCode
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 2);
#region 报表2
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable2(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int PlatId, string GoodsCode, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and ( c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ) ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"
select c.GoodsName,c.GoodsOldCode,b.TypeCode,b.TypeDesc,a.GoodsNum,a.OrderNum,a.TotalPrice from (
select c.GoodsId,a.DetailId, GoodsNum=sum(a.GoodsNum),OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=Sum(d.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
where d.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and d.State>0 and d.State<3 group by c.GoodsId,a.DetailId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on a.GoodsId=c.GoodsId order by c.GoodsId,b.TypeCode
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 2);
#region 报表3
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable3(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, Int32? SNum, Int32? ENum,int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (SNum == null)
SNum = 0;
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and a.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SNum != null)
tj1 += " where OrderNum>=" + SNum + " ";
if (ENum != null)
tj1 += " and OrderNum<=" + ENum + " ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select b.RevMail,b.CustomID,b.RevName,OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=SUM(a.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and a.CompanyId="+CompanyId+tj+@" and b.RevMail is not null and b.RevMail<>''
group by b.RevMail,b.CustomID,b.RevName)a "+tj1+@" order by OrderNum desc
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 3);
#region 报表3
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable3(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, Int32? SNum, Int32? ENum, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (SNum == null)
SNum = 0;
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and a.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SNum != null)
tj1 += " where OrderNum>=" + SNum + " ";
if (ENum != null)
tj1 += " and OrderNum<=" + ENum + " ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select b.RevMail,b.CustomID,b.RevName,OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=SUM(a.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where a.State>0 and a.State<3 and a.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and b.RevMail is not null and b.RevMail<>''
group by b.RevMail,b.CustomID,b.RevName)a " + tj1 + @" order by OrderNum desc
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 3);
#region 报表4
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable4(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Supplier, string GoodsCode, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj1 += " where d.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
if (tj1!=""&&Supplier != "")
tj1 += " and d.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
else if (tj1 == "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " where d.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
string sql = @"select top 400 GoodsOldCode=d.GoodsCode,d.GoodsName,c.TypeDesc,a.*,LeftNum=c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum,Supplier=d.SupplierId,d.GoodsSupplyCode,Price=case when c.Price>0 then c.Price else d.NowPrice end from (
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum),OrderNum=COUNT(0) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State>0 and b.State<3 and b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and a.DetailId>0
group by a.DetailId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId " + tj1 + @" order by d.GoodsId,a.GoodsNum desc
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 4);
#region 报表4
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable4(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Supplier, string GoodsCode, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj1 += " where d.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
if (tj1 != "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " and d.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
else if (tj1 == "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " where d.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
string sql = @"select top 400 GoodsOldCode=d.GoodsCode,d.GoodsName,c.TypeDesc,a.*,LeftNum=c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum,Supplier=d.SupplierId,d.GoodsSupplyCode,Price=case when c.Price>0 then c.Price else d.NowPrice end from (
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum),OrderNum=COUNT(0) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State>0 and b.State<3 and b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and a.DetailId>0
group by a.DetailId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId " + tj1 + @" order by d.GoodsId,a.GoodsNum desc
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 4);
#region 报表6
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable6(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Reason1, string Reason2, string Reason3, int DeptId, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (EDate == null)
EDate = DateTime.Now;
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and c.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.BackDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.BackDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (Reason1 != "0")
tj += " and a.BackReason1='" + Reason1 + "' ";
if (Reason2 != "0")
tj += " and a.BackReason2='" + Reason2 + "' ";
if (Reason3 != "0")
tj += " and a.BackReason3='" + Reason3 + "' ";
string sql = @"select d.DeptName,c.ShopName,b.PlatOrderCode,a.BackDate,a.InDate,a.BackMoney,a.BackType,a.BackMoneyCode,a.BackReason1,a.BackReason2,a.BackReason3,a.BackRemark,e.TrackCode,b.PostDate,ImageIds=''+(SELECT TOP 1 FileUrl FROM dbo.JC_Resource e WHERE,0,charindex(',',a.ImageIds+','))) from DT_OrderSaleBack a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_Shop c on b.ShopId=c.ShopId
inner join JC_DepartMent d on c.DeptId=d.DeptId
left JOIN (select OrderId,TrackCode from DT_TrackCodeApply where id in (
select id=MAX(id) from DT_TrackCodeApply where state=1 and trackType=1 group by OrderId)) e ON a.OrderId=e.OrderId
where a.SaleType=2 and b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and a.BackMoney is not null
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 6);
#region 报表6
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable6(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Reason1, string Reason2, string Reason3, int DeptId, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (EDate == null)
EDate = DateTime.Now;
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and c.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.BackDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.BackDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (Reason1 != "0")
tj += " and a.BackReason1='" + Reason1 + "' ";
if (Reason2 != "0")
tj += " and a.BackReason2='" + Reason2 + "' ";
if (Reason3 != "0")
tj += " and a.BackReason3='" + Reason3 + "' ";
string sql = @"select d.DeptName,c.ShopName,b.PlatOrderCode,a.BackDate,a.InDate,a.BackMoney,a.BackType,a.BackMoneyCode,a.BackReason1,a.BackReason2,a.BackReason3,a.BackRemark,e.TrackCode,b.PostDate,ImageIds=''+(SELECT TOP 1 FileUrl FROM dbo.JC_Resource e WHERE,0,charindex(',',a.ImageIds+','))) from DT_OrderSaleBack a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_Shop c on b.ShopId=c.ShopId
inner join JC_DepartMent d on c.DeptId=d.DeptId
left JOIN (select OrderId,TrackCode from DT_TrackCodeApply where id in (
select id=MAX(id) from DT_TrackCodeApply where state=1 and trackType=1 group by OrderId)) e ON a.OrderId=e.OrderId
where a.SaleType=2 and b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and a.BackMoney is not null
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 6);
#region 报表7
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable7(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Reason1, string Reason2, string Reason3, int DeptId, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (EDate == null)
EDate = DateTime.Now;
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and c.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.BadDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.BadDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (Reason1 != "0")
tj += " and a.BadType='" + Reason1 + "' ";
if (Reason2 != "0")
tj += " and a.ChangeBad='" + Reason2 + "' ";
if (Reason3 != "0")
tj += " and a.BadReason='" + Reason3 + "' ";
string sql = @"select d.DeptName,c.ShopName,b.PlatOrderCode,a.BadDate,a.InDate,a.BadType,a.ChangeBad,a.BadReason,a.BadRemark,a.GoodsUrl,t.CountryName,t.RevMoblie,t.RevName,a.GoodsCode from DT_OrderSaleBack a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderXXInfo t ON t.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_Shop c on b.ShopId=c.ShopId
inner join JC_DepartMent d on c.DeptId=d.DeptId
where a.SaleType=1" + tj + @"";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 7);
#region 报表7
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable7(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Reason1, string Reason2, string Reason3, int DeptId, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
if (EDate == null)
EDate = DateTime.Now;
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (DeptId > 0)
tj += " and c.DeptId=" + DeptId + " ";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.BadDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.BadDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (Reason1 != "0")
tj += " and a.BadType='" + Reason1 + "' ";
if (Reason2 != "0")
tj += " and a.ChangeBad='" + Reason2 + "' ";
if (Reason3 != "0")
tj += " and a.BadReason='" + Reason3 + "' ";
string sql = @"select d.DeptName,c.ShopName,b.PlatOrderCode,a.BadDate,a.InDate,a.BadType,a.ChangeBad,a.BadReason,a.BadRemark,a.GoodsUrl,t.CountryName,t.RevMoblie,t.RevName,a.GoodsCode from DT_OrderSaleBack a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderXXInfo t ON t.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_Shop c on b.ShopId=c.ShopId
inner join JC_DepartMent d on c.DeptId=d.DeptId
where a.SaleType=1" + tj + @"";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 7);
#region 报表8
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable8(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Supplier, string GoodsCode, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj1 += " where b.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
if (tj1 != "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " and b.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
else if (tj1 == "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " where b.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
string sql = @"select d.ShopName,b.GoodsOldCode,b.GoodsName,a.GoodsNum,Supplier=b.SupplierId,c.TypeDesc from (
select b.ShopId,a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
where b.CompanyId=" +CompanyId+tj+@" and b.State=1 and c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum<0 group by b.ShopId,a.DetailId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
inner join JC_Shop d on a.ShopId=d.ShopId "+tj1+@"
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 8);
#region 报表8
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable8(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string Supplier, string GoodsCode, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj1 += " where b.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ";
if (tj1 != "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " and b.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
else if (tj1 == "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " where b.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
string sql = @"select d.ShopName,b.GoodsOldCode,b.GoodsName,a.GoodsNum,Supplier=b.SupplierId,c.TypeDesc from (
select b.ShopId,a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
where b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @" and b.State=1 and c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum<0 group by b.ShopId,a.DetailId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
inner join JC_Shop d on a.ShopId=d.ShopId " + tj1 + @"
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 8);
#region 跟踪码导出
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTrack(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int PlatId, int ShopId, int LogisticId, int postid, int DateType)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (DateType == 2)
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.PostDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.PostDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (DateType == 1)
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (LogisticId > 0)
tj += " and e.LogisticsId=" + LogisticId + " ";
if (postid > 0)
tj += " and a.PostId=" + postid + " ";
string sql = @"SELECT a.TrackCode,d.ShopName,e.Name,b.OrderCode,b.PostDate,t.LogisticsName,o.RevMoblie,o.RevPhone
INNER JOIN DT_OrderInfo b WITH (NOLOCK) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_Shop d WITH (NOLOCK) on b.ShopId=d.ShopId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_Express e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.ExpressID=a.PostId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_ExpressType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON t.LogisticsId=e.LogisticsId
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderXXInfo o WITH (NOLOCK) ON o.OrderId=b.OrderId where 1=1 " + tj + @"";
if (DateType == 1)
sql = @"SELECT a.TrackCode,d.ShopName,e.Name,b.OrderCode,b.PostDate,t.LogisticsName,o.RevMoblie,o.RevPhone
FROM DT_TrackCodeApply a WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN DT_OrderInfo b WITH (NOLOCK) on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join JC_Shop d WITH (NOLOCK) on b.ShopId=d.ShopId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_Express e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.ExpressID=a.PostId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_ExpressType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON t.LogisticsId=e.LogisticsId
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderXXInfo o WITH (NOLOCK) ON o.OrderId=b.OrderId where a.State=1 " + tj + @"";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 19);
#region 报表10
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable10(DateTime? Date1, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
tj1 = " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
tj1 = " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (Date1 != null)
tj += " and datediff(day,b.OrderDate,'" + Date1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')=0 ";
if (SDate != null)
tj1 += " and b.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj1 += " and b.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
TimeSpan sp = EDate.Value.Subtract(SDate.Value);
int days = sp.Days;
if (days < 1)
days = 1;
string sql = @"select a.*,AvgOrderNum=isnull(b.AvgOrderNum,0),OrderNum1=isnull(b.OrderNum,0),TotalPrice1=isnull(b.TotalPrice,0) from (
select d.GoodsId,d.GoodsOldCode,OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=SUM(b.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where b.CompanyId="+CompanyId+tj+@" and b.State>0 and b.State<3 and a.DetailId>0 group by d.GoodsId,d.GoodsOldCode
left join (
select d.GoodsId,d.GoodsOldCode,OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=SUM(b.TotalPrice),AvgOrderNum=COUNT(0)/"+days+@" from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId +tj1+ @" and b.State>0 and b.State<3 and a.DetailId>0
group by d.GoodsId,d.GoodsOldCode)b on a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 10);
#region 报表11
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable11(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int IsLeft)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (IsLeft==1)
tj += " and isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)+isnull(b.GoodsInNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsPlanNum,0)>0 ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select c.GoodsCode,c.GoodsOldCode,c.GoodsName,c.SupplierId,b.TypeCode,b.TypeDesc,d.PlatOrderCode,shopname=dbo.GetShopName(d.ShopId),a.InDate,b.GoodsNum,b.GoodsPlanNum,b.GoodsInNum,LeftNum=isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)+isnull(b.GoodsInNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsPlanNum,0),OffNum=case when a.NowDetailId<>a.OldDetailId then a.OldNum when a.NowDetailId=a.OldDetailId then a.OldNum-a.NowNum end,
StateName=case when a.NowDetailId=0 then '' else '' end
from [DT_OrderGoodsChange] a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.OldDetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
where a.CompanyId=" +CompanyId+tj+" and (NowDetailId<>OldDetailId or OldNum>NowNum)";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 11);
#region 报表11
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable11(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int IsLeft)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (IsLeft == 1)
tj += " and isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)+isnull(b.GoodsInNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsPlanNum,0)>0 ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select c.GoodsCode,c.GoodsOldCode,c.GoodsName,c.SupplierId,b.TypeCode,b.TypeDesc,d.PlatOrderCode,shopname=dbo.GetShopName(d.ShopId),a.InDate,b.GoodsNum,b.GoodsPlanNum,b.GoodsInNum,LeftNum=isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)+isnull(b.GoodsInNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsPlanNum,0),OffNum=case when a.NowDetailId<>a.OldDetailId then a.OldNum when a.NowDetailId=a.OldDetailId then a.OldNum-a.NowNum end,
StateName=case when a.NowDetailId=0 then '' else '' end
from [DT_OrderGoodsChange] a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.OldDetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
where a.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + " and (NowDetailId<>OldDetailId or OldNum>NowNum)";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 11);
#region 报表13
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable13(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.ChaseCode,a.BuyCode,Price=a.GoodsMoney,a.PostFee,TotalPrice=a.GoodsMoney+ISNULL(a.PostFee,0),Suplier=(select top 1 c.SupplierId from CG_PurchaseGoods aa
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on aa.GoodsDetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
where aa.ChaseId=a.ChaseId and c.SupplierId is not null and c.SupplierId<>''),FeeType=(select top 1 MoneyType=case when d.MoneyType is not null and d.MoneyType<>'' then d.MoneyType else '' end from CG_PurchaseGoods aa
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on aa.GoodsDetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
left join JC_Supplier d on c.Supplier=d.SupplierId
where aa.ChaseId=a.ChaseId),FeeState='' from CG_Purchase a
where a.State>0 and a.IsDelete=0 and a.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 13);
#region 报表13
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel13(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.ChaseCode,a.BuyCode,Price=a.GoodsMoney,a.PostFee,TotalPrice=a.GoodsMoney+ISNULL(a.PostFee,0),Suplier=(select top 1 c.SupplierId from CG_PurchaseGoods aa
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on aa.GoodsDetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
where aa.ChaseId=a.ChaseId and c.SupplierId is not null and c.SupplierId<>''),FeeType=(select top 1 MoneyType=case when d.MoneyType is not null and d.MoneyType<>'' then d.MoneyType else '' end from CG_PurchaseGoods aa
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on aa.GoodsDetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
left join JC_Supplier d on c.Supplier=d.SupplierId
where aa.ChaseId=a.ChaseId),FeeState='' from CG_Purchase a
where a.State>0 and a.IsDelete=0 and a.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 13);
#region 报表14
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable14(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate,int GoodsNum,decimal? Price,int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (ShopId>0)
tj1=" and a.ShopId="+ShopId+" ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.GoodsNum,a.Price,d.GoodsName,d.GoodsCode,d.GoodsOldCode,e.ShopName,Suplier=d.SupplierId,MoneyCode='USD' from (
select b.ShopId,d.GoodsId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum),Price=SUM([dbo].[MoneyUSDChange](b.TotalPrice,b.MoneyCode,b.CompanyId)/a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where b.State>0 and b.State<3 and b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj+ @"
group by b.ShopId,d.GoodsId)a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on a.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
inner join JC_Shop e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId
where a.GoodsNum>" + GoodsNum + " and a.Price>=" + Price + tj1;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 14);
#region 报表14
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel14(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int GoodsNum, decimal? Price, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj1 = " and a.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.GoodsNum,a.Price,d.GoodsName,d.GoodsCode,d.GoodsOldCode,e.ShopName,Suplier=d.SupplierId,MoneyCode='USD' from (
select b.ShopId,d.GoodsId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum),Price=SUM([dbo].[MoneyUSDChange](b.TotalPrice,b.MoneyCode,b.CompanyId)/a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where b.State>0 and b.State<3 and b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @"
group by b.ShopId,d.GoodsId)a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on a.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
inner join JC_Shop e on a.ShopId=e.ShopId
where a.GoodsNum>" + GoodsNum + " and a.Price<=" + Price + tj1;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 14);
#region 报表23
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable23(string Supplier, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj1 = "";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj1 += " where (c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "') ";
if (tj1 != "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " and c.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
else if (tj1 == "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " where c.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
string sql = @"select c.GoodsCode,c.GoodsOldCode,c.GoodsName,b.TypeCode,b.TypeDesc,a.GoodsNum,b.GoodsInNum,b.GoodsPlanNum,LeftNum=a.GoodsNum+b.GoodsInNum-b.GoodsPlanNum,c.SupplierId,c.GoodsSupplyCode,Price=case when b.Price>0 then b.Price else c.NowPrice end,d.PostionCode from (
select DetailId,PostionId,GoodsNum=SUM(kcnum) from HW_GoodsInDetail where OrderGoodsId=0 group by DetailId,PostionId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join CK_StorePostion d on a.PostionId=d.PostionId
"+tj1+@" order by c.GoodsId,b.TypeCode
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 23);
#region 报表23
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable23(string Supplier, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj1 = "";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj1 += " where (c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "') ";
if (tj1 != "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " and c.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
else if (tj1 == "" && Supplier != "")
tj1 += " where c.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%' ";
string sql = @"select c.GoodsCode,c.GoodsOldCode,c.GoodsName,b.TypeCode,b.TypeDesc,a.GoodsNum,b.GoodsInNum,b.GoodsPlanNum,LeftNum=a.GoodsNum+b.GoodsInNum-b.GoodsPlanNum,c.SupplierId,c.GoodsSupplyCode,Price=case when b.Price>0 then b.Price else c.NowPrice end,d.PostionCode from (
select DetailId,PostionId,GoodsNum=SUM(kcnum) from HW_GoodsInDetail where OrderGoodsId=0 group by DetailId,PostionId)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join CK_StorePostion d on a.PostionId=d.PostionId
" + tj1 + @" order by c.GoodsId,b.TypeCode
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 23);
#region 跟踪码导出表格
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTrackToExcel(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int PlatId, int ShopId, int LogisticId, int postid, int DateType)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (DateType == 2)
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.PostDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.PostDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (DateType == 1)
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (LogisticId > 0)
tj += " and e.LogisticsId=" + LogisticId + " ";
if (postid > 0)
tj += " and a.PostId=" + postid + " ";
string sql = @"SELECT a.TrackCode,d.ShopName,e.Name,a.OrderCode,b.PostDate,t.LogisticsName,o.RevMoblie,o.RevPhone
INNER JOIN DT_OrderInfo b WITH (NOLOCK) on a.OrderCode=b.OrderCode OR a.OrderCode=b.JoinOrderCode
inner join JC_Shop d WITH (NOLOCK) on b.ShopId=d.ShopId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_Express e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.ExpressID=a.PostId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_ExpressType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON t.LogisticsId=e.LogisticsId
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderXXInfo o WITH (NOLOCK) ON o.OrderId=b.OrderId where 1=1 " + tj + @"
if (DateType == 1)
sql = @"SELECT a.TrackCode,d.ShopName,e.Name,a.OrderCode,b.PostDate,t.LogisticsName,o.RevMoblie,o.RevPhone
FROM DT_TrackCodeApply a WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN DT_OrderInfo b WITH (NOLOCK) on a.OrderCode=b.OrderCode OR a.OrderCode=b.JoinOrderCode
inner join JC_Shop d WITH (NOLOCK) on b.ShopId=d.ShopId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_Express e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.ExpressID=a.PostId
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_ExpressType t WITH (NOLOCK) ON t.LogisticsId=e.LogisticsId
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderXXInfo o WITH (NOLOCK) ON o.OrderId=b.OrderId where a.state=1 " + tj + @"";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 19);
#region 导出报表
public string GetExcelReport(DataTable dt, int ReportId)
var obj = new BaseService();
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
var rmd = BaseService.GetReportModel(ReportId);
var rlist = obj.GetRepoartColsList(ReportId);
if (rmd == null || rlist == null || dt==null)
return "";
DataRow row = null;
int hj = 0;
foreach (var md in rlist)
listColumns.Add(md.ColValue, md.ColName, DbType.String, "");
if (md.IsSum == 1)
if (row == null)
row = dt.NewRow();
if (md.ColType == "int" && dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
row[md.ColValue] = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("sum(" + md.ColValue + ")", ""));
else if (md.ColType == "dec" && dt != null && dt.Rows.Count>0)
row[md.ColValue] = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("sum(" + md.ColValue + ")", ""));
else if (hj == 0&&md.ColType=="str")
if (row == null)
row = dt.NewRow();
row[md.ColValue] = "合计:";
if (row != null)
MicrosoftExcel obj2 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj2.Export(dt, listColumns);
#region 报表15
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable15(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj1 = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
DataTable dt = obj1.GetLowGoodsPriceList(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
var olist = obj1.GetSumGoodsNumList(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(8));
if (dt != null)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
DateTime? SDate1 = null;
DateTime? EDate1 = null;
if (dt.Rows[i]["InDate"] != null)
EDate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["InDate"]);
SDate1 = EDate1.Value.AddMonths(-3);
int DetailId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["DetailId"]);
int GoodsId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["GoodsId"]);
decimal Price = 0;
if (dt.Rows[i]["Price"] != null)
Price = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["Price"]);
decimal offprice = 0;
int Num = 0;
var omd = olist.Find(n => n.DetailId == DetailId && n.Price == Price);
Num = omd.GoodsNum.Value;
decimal a = obj1.GetLowGoodsPrice(EDate1, SDate1, DetailId, GoodsId);
if (a > 0 && a > Price)
offprice = a - Price;
else if(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["LowPrice"])>Price)
offprice = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["LowPrice"]) - Price;
dt.Rows[i]["OffPrice"] = offprice;
dt.Rows[i]["TotalPrice"] = Num * offprice;
for (int i = dt.Rows.Count-1; i>=0; i--)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["TotalPrice"]) <= 0)
return GetReport(dt, 15);
#region 报表15
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel15(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj1 = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
DataTable dt = obj1.GetLowGoodsPriceList(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1));
var olist = obj1.GetSumGoodsNumList(SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(8));
if (dt != null)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
DateTime? SDate1 = null;
DateTime? EDate1 = null;
if (dt.Rows[i]["InDate"] != null)
EDate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["InDate"]);
SDate1 = EDate1.Value.AddMonths(-3);
int DetailId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["DetailId"]);
int GoodsId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["GoodsId"]);
decimal Price = 0;
if (dt.Rows[i]["Price"] != null)
Price = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["Price"]);
decimal offprice = 0;
int Num = 0;
if (olist != null && olist.Count > 0)
var omd = olist.Find(n => n.DetailId == DetailId && n.Price == Price);
if (omd != null)
Num = omd.GoodsNum.Value;
dt.Rows[i]["GoodsNum"] = omd.GoodsNum;
if (dt.Rows[i]["LowPrice"] == null || Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["LowPrice"]) <= 0)
decimal a = obj1.GetLowGoodsPrice(EDate1, SDate1, DetailId, GoodsId);
if (a > 0 && a > Price)
offprice = a - Price;
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["LowPrice"]) > Price)
offprice = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["LowPrice"]) - Price;
dt.Rows[i]["OffPrice"] = offprice;
dt.Rows[i]["TotalPrice"] = Num * offprice;
for (int i = dt.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["TotalPrice"]) <= 0)
return GetExcelReport(dt, 15);
#region 报表22
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable22(int TopNum, string ShopIds, DateTime? SDate, string GoodsCode, string Supplier)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Trim();
tj = " and (d.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or d.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "')";
if (Supplier != "")
Supplier = Supplier.Trim();
tj += " and d.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%'";
if (ShopIds != "0" && ShopIds!="")
tj1 += " and b.ShopId in (" + ShopIds.Trim(',') + @")";
ShopIds = ShopIds.Trim(',');
DateTime PreMSDate = SDate.Value.AddDays(-30);
DateTime PreWSDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value).AddDays(-7);
DateTime PreWEDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value);
DateTime PreWSDate2 = PreWSDate.AddDays(-7);
DateTime PreWEDate2 = PreWEDate.AddDays(-7);
DateTime PreNSDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value);
DateTime PreNEDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value).AddDays(7);
//if (IsLeft == 1)
// tj += " and isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)+isnull(b.GoodsInNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsPlanNum,0)>0 ";
//if (SDate != null)
// tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
//if (EDate != null)
// tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select d.GoodsId,c.DetailId,GoodsOldCode=case when d.GoodsCode is not null and d.GoodsCode<>'' then d.GoodsCode else d.GoodsOldCode end,d.GoodsName,SupplierName=d.SupplierId,SupplierCode=d.GoodsSupplyCode,c.TypeCode,TypeDesc=c.TypeDesc,leftNum=c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum ,Nowprice=case when c.Price>0 then c.Price else d.NowPrice end,PreMWeekNum=0,PreWeekNum=0,PreWeekNum2=0,NWeekNum=0,PreBHNum=null,SJBHNum=null,TotalPrice=null,BuyName=e.BuyerName,BuyDept='',BHName='',BHDate='' from (
select top " +TopNum+@" DetailId,GoodsNum from (
select c.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
where a.DetailId>0 and b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreMSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-01") + @"'and b.InDate<'" + SDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' "+ tj1 + @" group by c.DetailId)a order by a.GoodsNum desc)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
left join JC_Supplier e on d.Supplier=e.SupplierId
where d.CompanyId=1 " + tj+@"
order by a.GoodsNum,d.GoodsId,c.TypeCode
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreMSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-01") + @"' and b.InDate<'" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-01") + @"' " + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreWSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' and b.InDate<'" + PreWEDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"'" + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreNSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"'and b.InDate<'" + PreNEDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' " + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreWSDate2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' and b.InDate<'" + PreWEDate2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"'" + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Clone();
for (int i = dt1.Rows.Count-1; i>=0; i--)
int GoodsId = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[i]["GoodsId"]);
DataRow[] row = dt1.Select("GoodsId=" + GoodsId);
int DetailId = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[i]["DetailId"]);
DataRow[] row2 = dt.Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row2 != null && row2.Length > 0)
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
DataRow row1 = dt.NewRow();
row1.ItemArray = row[j].ItemArray;//这是加入的是第一行
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
int DetailId=Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["DetailId"]);
DataRow[] row1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row1 != null && row1.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["PreMWeekNum"] = row1[0]["GoodsNum"];
DataRow[] row2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row2 != null && row2.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["PreWeekNum"] = row2[0]["GoodsNum"];
DataRow[] row3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row3 != null && row3.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["NWeekNum"] = row3[0]["GoodsNum"];
DataRow[] row4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row4 != null && row4.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["PreWeekNum2"] = row4[0]["GoodsNum"];
return GetReport(dt, 20);
#region 报表22
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable22(int TopNum,string ShopIds, DateTime? SDate, string GoodsCode, string Supplier)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Trim();
tj = " and (d.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or d.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "')";
if (Supplier != "")
Supplier = Supplier.Trim();
tj += " and d.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%'";
if (ShopIds != "0" && ShopIds != "")
tj1 += " and b.ShopId in (" + ShopIds.Trim(',') + @")";
ShopIds = ShopIds.Trim(',');
DateTime PreMSDate = SDate.Value.AddDays(-30);
DateTime PreWSDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value).AddDays(-7);
DateTime PreWEDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value);
DateTime PreWSDate2 = PreWSDate.AddDays(-7);
DateTime PreWEDate2 = PreWEDate.AddDays(-7);
DateTime PreNSDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value);
DateTime PreNEDate = GetWeekStart(SDate.Value).AddDays(7);
//if (IsLeft == 1)
// tj += " and isnull(b.GoodsNum,0)+isnull(b.GoodsInNum,0)-isnull(b.GoodsPlanNum,0)>0 ";
//if (SDate != null)
// tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
//if (EDate != null)
// tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select d.GoodsId,c.DetailId,GoodsOldCode=case when d.GoodsCode is not null and d.GoodsCode<>'' then d.GoodsCode else d.GoodsOldCode end,d.GoodsName,SupplierName=d.SupplierId,SupplierCode=d.GoodsSupplyCode,c.TypeCode,TypeDesc=c.TypeDesc,leftNum=c.GoodsNum+c.GoodsInNum-c.GoodsPlanNum ,Nowprice=case when c.Price>0 then c.Price else d.NowPrice end,PreMWeekNum=0,PreWeekNum=0,PreWeekNum2=0,NWeekNum=0,PreBHNum=null,SJBHNum=null,TotalPrice=null,BuyName=e.BuyerName,BuyDept='',BHName='',BHDate='' from (
select top " + TopNum + @" DetailId,GoodsNum from (
select c.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
where a.DetailId>0 and b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreMSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-01") + @"'and b.InDate<'" + SDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' " + tj1 + @" group by c.DetailId)a order by a.GoodsNum desc)a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on a.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
left join JC_Supplier e on d.Supplier=e.SupplierId
where d.CompanyId=1 " + tj + @"
order by a.GoodsNum,d.GoodsId,c.TypeCode
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreMSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-01") + @"' and b.InDate<'" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-01") + @"' " + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreWSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' and b.InDate<'" + PreWEDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"'" + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreNSDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"'and b.InDate<'" + PreNEDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' " + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
select a.DetailId,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where b.State<3 and b.InDate>='" + PreWSDate2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' and b.InDate<'" + PreWEDate2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"'" + tj1 + @" group by a.DetailId
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Clone();
for (int i = dt1.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
int GoodsId = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[i]["GoodsId"]);
DataRow[] row = dt1.Select("GoodsId=" + GoodsId);
int DetailId = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[i]["DetailId"]);
DataRow[] row2 = dt.Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row2 != null && row2.Length > 0)
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
DataRow row1 = dt.NewRow();
row1.ItemArray = row[j].ItemArray;//这是加入的是第一行
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
int DetailId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["DetailId"]);
DataRow[] row1 = ds.Tables[1].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row1 != null && row1.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["PreMWeekNum"] = row1[0]["GoodsNum"];
DataRow[] row2 = ds.Tables[2].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row2 != null && row2.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["PreWeekNum"] = row2[0]["GoodsNum"];
DataRow[] row3 = ds.Tables[3].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row3 != null && row3.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["NWeekNum"] = row3[0]["GoodsNum"];
DataRow[] row4 = ds.Tables[4].Select("DetailId=" + DetailId);
if (row4 != null && row4.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["PreWeekNum2"] = row4[0]["GoodsNum"];
return GetExcelReport(dt, 20);
private DateTime GetWeekStart(DateTime datePoint)//函数作用是接受某一天,然后返回该日期所处星期的第一天
DateTime result = new DateTime();
//其实到此为止。。就已经判断完所处本周中哪一天了。 C#自带了这个方法只不过DayOfWeek不是一个基本类型需要用string取出来。
DayOfWeek day = datePoint.DayOfWeek;
string dayString = day.ToString();
switch (dayString)
case "Monday":
result = datePoint.Date;
case "Tuesday":
result = datePoint.Date.AddDays(-1);
case "Wednesday":
result = datePoint.Date.AddDays(-2);
case "Thursday":
result = datePoint.Date.AddDays(-3);
case "Friday":
result = datePoint.Date.AddDays(-4);
case "Saturday":
result = datePoint.Date.AddDays(-5);
case "Sunday":
result = datePoint.Date.AddDays(-6);
return result;
#region 报表12
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable12(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " aa.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and aa.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select b.Name,Num=COUNT(0),Prcie=sum(a.Prcie) from (
select a.*,Prcie=case when a.Weight<500 and GoodsNum>1 then BagFee*1.1 when a.Weight>=500 and a.Weight<1000 and GoodsNum>1 then BagFee*1.2 when a.Weight>=1000 and a.Weight<2000 and GoodsNum>1 then BagFee*1.4 when a.Weight>2000 and GoodsNum>1 then 5 else BagFee end from (
select aa.BagUserId,aa.Weight,GoodsNum=isnull(b.GoodsNum,1), BagFee=(select BagFee=isnull(MAX(d.BagFee),1) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join HW_GoodsSort d on c.SortId=d.SortId
where a.OrderId=aa.OrderId) from DT_TrackCodeScan aa
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on aa.OrderId=b.OrderId
where "+tj+@"
inner join JC_UserInfo b on a.BagUserId=b.UserId
group by b.Name";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 12);
#region 报表12
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportExcel12(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " aa.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and aa.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select b.Name,Num=COUNT(0),Prcie=sum(a.Prcie) from (
select a.*,Prcie=case when a.Weight<500 and GoodsNum>1 then BagFee*1.1 when a.Weight>=500 and a.Weight<1000 and GoodsNum>1 then BagFee*1.2 when a.Weight>=1000 and a.Weight<2000 and GoodsNum>1 then BagFee*1.4 when a.Weight>2000 and GoodsNum>1 then 5 else BagFee end from (
select aa.BagUserId,aa.Weight,GoodsNum=isnull(b.GoodsNum,1), BagFee=(select BagFee=isnull(MAX(d.BagFee),1) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join HW_GoodsSort d on c.SortId=d.SortId
where a.OrderId=aa.OrderId) from DT_TrackCodeScan aa
inner join DT_OrderInfo b on aa.OrderId=b.OrderId
where " + tj + @"
inner join JC_UserInfo b on a.BagUserId=b.UserId
group by b.Name";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 12);
#region 货物总销量
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetGoodTotal(string Supplier, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate,string ShopIds, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1= "";
//if (PlatId > 0)
// tj += " and d.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
//if (ShopId > 0)
// tj += " and d.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and (c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ) ";
if (Supplier != "")
Supplier = Supplier.Trim();
tj += " and c.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%'";
if (ShopIds != "0" && ShopIds != "")
tj1 += " and d.ShopId in (" + ShopIds.Trim(',') + @")";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"
select top 500 c.GoodsName,ISNULL(c.GoodsOldCode,'无') AS GoodsOldCode,ISNULL(c.GoodsCode,'无') AS GoodsCode,a.GoodsNum as totalgood,a.OrderNum as totalorder,a.TotalPrice as orderprice,Supplier=c.SupplierId from (
select c.GoodsId, GoodsNum=sum(a.GoodsNum),OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=Sum(d.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
where d.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj +tj1+ @" and d.State>0 and d.State<3 group by c.GoodsId)a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on a.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
order by a.GoodsNum desc
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 21);
#region 货物总销量
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelGoodTotal(string Supplier, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string ShopIds, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
//if (PlatId > 0)
// tj += " and d.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
//if (ShopId > 0)
// tj += " and d.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and (c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ) ";
if (Supplier != "")
Supplier = Supplier.Trim();
tj += " and c.SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%'";
if (ShopIds != "0" && ShopIds != "")
tj1 += " and d.ShopId in (" + ShopIds.Trim(',') + @")";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"
select top 500 c.GoodsName,ISNULL(c.GoodsOldCode,'无') AS GoodsOldCode,ISNULL(c.GoodsCode,'无') AS GoodsCode,a.GoodsNum as totalgood,a.OrderNum as totalorder,a.TotalPrice as orderprice,Supplier=c.SupplierId from (
select c.GoodsId, GoodsNum=sum(a.GoodsNum),OrderNum=COUNT(0),TotalPrice=Sum(d.TotalPrice) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
where d.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + tj1 + @" and d.State>0 and d.State<3 group by c.GoodsId)a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on a.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
order by a.GoodsNum desc
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 21);
#region 货物SKU
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetGoodSKU(string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and ( c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ) ";
string sql = @"
SELECT TOP 1000 ISNULL(GoodsCode,'无'),ISNULL(GoodsOldCode,'无'),GoodsName,TypeCode,TypeDesc,SKU1,SKU2,SKU3,SKU4,SKU5,SKU6,SKU7 FROM dbo.HW_GoodsInfo a
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail b ON a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
where d.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @"";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 22);
#region 货物SKU
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelGoodSKU(string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and ( c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' ) ";
string sql = @"
SELECT TOP 1000 ISNULL(GoodsCode,'无'),ISNULL(GoodsOldCode,'无'),GoodsName,TypeCode,TypeDesc,SKU1,SKU2,SKU3,SKU4,SKU5,SKU6,SKU7 FROM dbo.HW_GoodsInfo a
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail b ON a.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
where d.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @"";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 22);
#region 查询报表列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<JC_Report> GetReportList()
var obj = new BaseService();
return obj.GetReportList();
#region 查询发票
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<DT_OrderBill> GetOrderBillList(string OrderIds)
if (OrderIds.Trim(',') == "")
return null;
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
List<DT_OrderBill> list = new List<DT_OrderBill>();
string[] Ids = OrderIds.Trim(',').Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < Ids.Length; i++)
DT_OrderBill md=obj.Get_OrderBillList(Convert.ToInt32(Ids[i]));
return list;
#region 选品报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string XPStatistical(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, DateTime? SDate1, DateTime? EDate1, string InName, int Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
string tj2 = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SDate1 != null)
tj1 += " a.InDate>='" + SDate1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate1 != null)
tj1 += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate1.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (InName.Trim() != "")
tj2 += " and (a.InName='" + InName.Trim() + "') ";
// string sql = @"SELECT b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName,SUM(d.GoodsNum) AS sellnum,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect WHERE InName=a.InName " + tj1 + @" ) AS num FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect a
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo b ON b.GoodsCode=a.GoodsCode
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail c ON c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods d ON d.DetailId=c.DetailId
//WHERE a.CompanyId=1 " + tj + @" GROUP BY b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (Sort == 1)
string sql = @"select InName,Price=SUM(Price),SaleNum=0,XPNum=0 from (
select a.InName,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @")a group by InName order by Price desc
select a.InName,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj2 + @" group by a.InName
select a.InName,XPNum=COUNT(0) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
where 1=1 " + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["SaleNum"] = row[0]["SaleNum"];
DataRow[] row1 = ds.Tables[2].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row1 != null && row1.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["XPNum"] = row1[0]["XPNum"];
string sql = @"
select InName,Price=0.00,SaleNum,XPNum=0 from (
select a.InName,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj +tj1+ tj2 + @" group by a.InName)a order by SaleNum desc
select InName,Price=SUM(Price) from (
select a.InName,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj2 + @")a group by InName
select a.InName,XPNum=COUNT(0) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
where 1=1 " + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["Price"] = row[0]["Price"];
DataRow[] row1 = ds.Tables[2].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row1 != null && row1.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["XPNum"] = row1[0]["XPNum"];
return GetReport(dt, 24);
#region 选品报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelXPStatistical(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, DateTime? SDate1, DateTime? EDate1, string InName, int Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
string tj2 = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SDate1 != null)
tj1 += " a.InDate>='" + SDate1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate1 != null)
tj1 += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate1.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (InName.Trim() != "")
tj2 += " and (a.InName='" + InName.Trim() + "') ";
// string sql = @"SELECT b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName,SUM(d.GoodsNum) AS sellnum,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect WHERE InName=a.InName " + tj1 + @" ) AS num FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect a
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo b ON b.GoodsCode=a.GoodsCode
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail c ON c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods d ON d.DetailId=c.DetailId
//WHERE a.CompanyId=1 " + tj + @" GROUP BY b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (Sort == 1)
string sql = @"select InName,Price=SUM(Price),SaleNum=0,XPNum=0 from (
select a.InName,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj2 + @")a group by InName order by Price desc
select a.InName,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj2 + @" group by a.InName
select a.InName,XPNum=COUNT(0) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
where 1=1 " + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["SaleNum"] = row[0]["SaleNum"];
DataRow[] row1 = ds.Tables[2].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row1 != null && row1.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["XPNum"] = row1[0]["XPNum"];
string sql = @"
select InName,Price=0.00,SaleNum,XPNum=0 from (
select a.InName,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj2 + @" group by a.InName)a order by SaleNum desc
select InName,Price=SUM(Price) from (
select a.InName,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj2 + @")a group by InName
select a.InName,XPNum=COUNT(0) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
where 1=1 " + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["Price"] = row[0]["Price"];
DataRow[] row1 = ds.Tables[2].Select("InName='" + Iname + "'");
if (row1 != null && row1.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["XPNum"] = row1[0]["XPNum"];
return GetExcelReport(dt, 24);
#region 选品报表2
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string XPStatistical2(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, DateTime? SDate1, DateTime? EDate1, string InName, string GoodsCode,int Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
string tj2 = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SDate1 != null)
tj1 += " a.InDate>='" + SDate1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate1 != null)
tj1 += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate1.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (InName.Trim() != "")
tj2 += " and a.InName='" + InName.Trim() + "' ";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
tj2 += " and b.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode.Trim() + "' ";
// string sql = @"SELECT b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName,SUM(d.GoodsNum) AS sellnum,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect WHERE InName=a.InName " + tj1 + @" ) AS num FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect a
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo b ON b.GoodsCode=a.GoodsCode
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail c ON c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods d ON d.DetailId=c.DetailId
//WHERE a.CompanyId=1 " + tj + @" GROUP BY b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (Sort == 1)
string sql = @"
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end into #xpcount from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
select top 100 InName,GoodsCode,Price=SUM(Price),SaleNum=0 from #xpcount group by InName,GoodsCode order by Price desc
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName,b.GoodsCode
drop table #xpcount
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
string Code = dt.Rows[i]["GoodsCode"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "' and GoodsCode='" + Code + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["SaleNum"] = row[0]["SaleNum"];
string sql = @"
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) into #xpcount from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName,b.GoodsCode
select top 100 InName,GoodsCode,SaleNum,Price=0.0 from #xpcount order by SaleNum desc
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end into #xpcount1 from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
select InName,GoodsCode,Price=SUM(Price) from #xpcount1 group by InName,GoodsCode
drop table #xpcount
drop table #xpcount1
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
string Code = dt.Rows[i]["GoodsCode"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "' and GoodsCode='" + Code + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["Price"] = row[0]["Price"];
return GetReport(dt, 26);
#region 选品报表2
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string XPExcelStatistical2(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, DateTime? SDate1, DateTime? EDate1, string InName, string GoodsCode, int Sort)
var obj = new BaseService();
string tj = "";
string tj1 = "";
string tj2 = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and e.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SDate1 != null)
tj1 += " a.InDate>='" + SDate1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate1 != null)
tj1 += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate1.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (InName.Trim() != "")
tj2 += " and a.InName='" + InName.Trim() + "' ";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
tj2 += " and b.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode.Trim() + "' ";
// string sql = @"SELECT b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName,SUM(d.GoodsNum) AS sellnum,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect WHERE InName=a.InName " + tj1 + @" ) AS num FROM dbo.XP_GoodsSelect a
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo b ON b.GoodsCode=a.GoodsCode
//INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail c ON c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
//INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods d ON d.DetailId=c.DetailId
//WHERE a.CompanyId=1 " + tj + @" GROUP BY b.GoodsCode,b.GoodsName,a.InName
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (Sort == 1)
string sql = @"
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end into #xpcount from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
select top 100 InName,GoodsCode,Price=SUM(Price),SaleNum=0 from #xpcount group by InName,GoodsCode order by Price desc
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName,b.GoodsCode
drop table #xpcount
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
string Code = dt.Rows[i]["GoodsCode"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "' and GoodsCode='" + Code + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["SaleNum"] = row[0]["SaleNum"];
string sql = @"
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,SaleNum=sum(d.GoodsNum) into #xpcount from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
group by a.InName,b.GoodsCode
select top 100 InName,GoodsCode,SaleNum,Price=0.0 from #xpcount order by SaleNum desc
select a.InName,b.GoodsCode,Price=case when e.MoneyCode='USD' then e.TotalPrice else dbo.MoneyUSDChange(e.TotalPrice,e.MoneyCode,1) end into #xpcount1 from XP_GoodsSelect a
inner join HW_GoodsInfo b on a.GoodsCode=b.GoodsCode
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderGoods d on c.DetailId=d.DetailId
inner join DT_OrderInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where e.State<3 " + tj + tj1 + tj2 + @"
select InName,GoodsCode,Price=SUM(Price) from #xpcount1 group by InName,GoodsCode
drop table #xpcount
drop table #xpcount1
DataSet ds = obj.GetReportData2(sql);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Iname = dt.Rows[i]["InName"].ToString();
string Code = dt.Rows[i]["GoodsCode"].ToString();
DataRow[] row = ds.Tables[1].Select("InName='" + Iname + "' and GoodsCode='" + Code + "'");
if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
dt.Rows[i]["Price"] = row[0]["Price"];
return GetExcelReport(dt, 26);
#region 报表24
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable24(int PlatId,int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Trim();
tj = " and (c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "')";
if (PlatId !=0)
tj += " and d.PlatId ="+PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select e.CountryName,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where d.State<3 "+tj+@" group by e.CountryName)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 27);
#region 报表24
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_Country> GetReportChart24(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Trim();
tj = " and (c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "')";
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select e.CountryName,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where d.State<3 " + tj + @" group by e.CountryName)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return dt.ToList<TJ_Country>();
#region 报表24
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable24(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (GoodsCode.Trim() != "")
GoodsCode = GoodsCode.Trim();
tj = " and (c.GoodsCode='" + GoodsCode + "' or c.GoodsOldCode='" + GoodsCode + "')";
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select e.CountryName,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where d.State<3 " + tj + @" group by e.CountryName)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 27);
#region 报表25
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable25(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string CountryName,int TopNum)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (CountryName.Trim() != "")
CountryName = CountryName.Trim(',');
tj = " and e.CountryName in (" + CountryName + ")";
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select top "+TopNum+@" GoodsCode,GoodsNum from (
select GoodsCode,GoodsNum=SUM(GoodsNum) from (
select a.GoodsNum,GoodsCode=case when c.GoodsCode is null then c.GoodsOldCode else c.GoodsCode end from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where d.State<3 "+tj+")a group by GoodsCode)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 28);
#region 报表25
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable25(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string CountryName, int TopNum)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (CountryName.Trim() != "")
CountryName = CountryName.Trim(',');
tj = " and e.CountryName in (" + CountryName + ")";
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select top " + TopNum + @" GoodsCode,GoodsNum from (
select GoodsCode,GoodsNum=SUM(GoodsNum) from (
select a.GoodsNum,GoodsCode=case when c.GoodsCode is null then c.GoodsOldCode else c.GoodsCode end from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
where d.State<3 " + tj + ")a group by GoodsCode)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 28);
#region 报表26
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable26(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int SortId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SortId>0)
tj = " and g.ParentId=" + SortId;
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select e.CountryName,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsSort f on c.SortId=f.SortId
inner join HW_GoodsSort g on f.ParentId=g.SortId
where d.State<3 " + tj + @" group by e.CountryName)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 29);
#region 报表26
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<TJ_Country> GetReportChart26(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int SortId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SortId > 0)
tj = " and g.ParentId=" + SortId;
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select e.CountryName,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsSort f on c.SortId=f.SortId
inner join HW_GoodsSort g on f.ParentId=g.SortId
where d.State<3 " + tj + @" group by e.CountryName)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return dt.ToList<TJ_Country>();
#region 报表26
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable26(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int SortId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SortId > 0)
tj = " and g.ParentId=" + SortId;
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and d.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and d.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and d.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select * from (
select e.CountryName,GoodsNum=SUM(a.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderGoods a
inner join HW_GoodsDetail b on a.DetailId=b.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo c on b.GoodsId=c.GoodsId
inner join DT_OrderInfo d on a.OrderId=d.OrderId
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo e on d.OrderId=e.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsSort f on c.SortId=f.SortId
inner join HW_GoodsSort g on f.ParentId=g.SortId
where d.State<3 " + tj + @" group by e.CountryName)a order by GoodsNum desc";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 29);
#region 报表27
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable27(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int StoreId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (StoreId > 0)
tj = " and b.StoreId=" + StoreId;
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and a.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and a.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.PlatOrderCode,a.TotalPrice,shopName=dbo.GetShopName(a.shopId),b.CountryName,SKU=dbo.getGoodsSKU(a.OrderId),a.MoneyCode,a.OrderDate,a.GoodsNum from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where a.State<3 " + tj;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt,38);
#region 报表27
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable27(int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int StoreId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (StoreId > 0)
tj = " and b.StoreId=" + StoreId;
if (PlatId != 0)
tj += " and a.PlatId =" + PlatId;
if (ShopId != 0)
tj += " and a.ShopId =" + ShopId;
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.PlatOrderCode,a.TotalPrice,shopName=dbo.GetShopName(a.shopId),b.CountryName,SKU=dbo.getGoodsSKU(a.OrderId),a.MoneyCode,a.OrderDate,a.GoodsNum from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderXXInfo b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
where a.State<3 " + tj;
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 38);
#region 报表28
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportTable28(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
tj += " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select shopName=dbo.GetShopName(a.ShopId),TotalPrice=SUM(a.TotalPrice),GoodsNum=SUM(b.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where a.State<3 "+tj+" group by a.ShopId";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 39);
#region 报表28
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelTable28(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (GoodsCode != "")
tj += " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.OrderDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"select shopName=dbo.GetShopName(a.ShopId),TotalPrice=SUM(a.TotalPrice),GoodsNum=SUM(b.GoodsNum) from DT_OrderInfo a
inner join DT_OrderGoods b on a.OrderId=b.OrderId
inner join HW_GoodsDetail c on b.DetailId=c.DetailId
inner join HW_GoodsInfo d on c.GoodsId=d.GoodsId
where a.State<3 " + tj + " group by a.ShopId";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 39);
#region 导出供应商相关信息
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetSupplierData(string Supplier)
var obj = new BaseService();
string sql = @"
SELECT GoodsCode,GoodsName,GoodsSupplyCode,NowPrice FROM dbo.HW_GoodsInfo WHERE SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%'";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 30);
#region 导出供应商相关信息
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetSupplierExcel(string Supplier)
var obj = new BaseService();
string sql = @"
SELECT GoodsCode,GoodsName,GoodsSupplyCode,NowPrice FROM dbo.HW_GoodsInfo WHERE SupplierId like '%" + Supplier + "%'";
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 30);
#region 上架情况导出
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetReportShelves(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string name, string dept, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (name != "")
tj += " and InName ='" + name + "' ";
if (dept != "0" )
tj += " and DeptId = '" + dept + "' ";
string sql = @"SELECT GoodsCode,GoodsName,ShopName,InName,num=1 FROM dbo.HW_Shop a
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_Shop b ON a.ShopId=b.ShopId
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo c ON c.GoodsId=a.GoodsId
where b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @"
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 31);
#region 上架情况导出
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelShelves(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string name, string dept, int PlatId, int ShopId)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (PlatId > 0)
tj += " and b.PlatId=" + PlatId + " ";
if (ShopId > 0)
tj += " and b.ShopId=" + ShopId + " ";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and b.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (name != "")
tj += " and InName ='" + name + "' ";
if (dept != "0")
tj += " and DeptId = '" + dept + "' ";
string sql = @"SELECT GoodsCode,GoodsName,ShopName,InName,num=1 FROM dbo.HW_Shop a
INNER JOIN dbo.JC_Shop b ON a.ShopId=b.ShopId
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo c ON c.GoodsId=a.GoodsId
where b.CompanyId=" + CompanyId + tj + @"
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 31);
#region 滞销导出
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetUnSold(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, int BDate)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"SELECT GoodsName,GoodsCode,GoodsOldCode,TypeCode,TypeDesc,KCNum,a.InDate,DATEDIFF(dd,a.InDate,GETDATE()) AS Xdate,PostionCode,a.Price,SupplierId
,ODate=(SELECT MAX(InDate) FROM dbo.DT_OrderInfo o1
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods o2 ON o1.OrderId=o2.OrderId
WHERE DetailId=a.DetailId )
FROM HW_GoodsInDetail a
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail b ON a.DetailId=b.DetailId
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo c ON c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
INNER JOIN dbo.CK_StorePostion d ON a.PostionId=d.PostionId
WHERE OrderGoodsId=0 AND KCNum>0 " + tj + @" AND DATEDIFF(dd,ISNULL((SELECT MAX(InDate) FROM dbo.DT_OrderInfo o1
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods o2 ON o1.OrderId=o2.OrderId
WHERE DetailId=a.DetailId ), dateadd(month,-6,getdate())
),GETDATE())>" + BDate + @" ORDER BY c.GoodsCode,TypeCode
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetReport(dt, 32);
#region 上架情况导出
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetExcelUnSold(DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate,int BDate)
var obj = new BaseService();
string CompanyId = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
string tj = "";
if (SDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate>='" + SDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
if (EDate != null)
tj += " and a.InDate<'" + EDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
string sql = @"SELECT GoodsName,GoodsCode,GoodsOldCode,TypeCode,TypeDesc,KCNum,a.InDate,DATEDIFF(dd,a.InDate,GETDATE()) AS Xdate,PostionCode,a.Price,SupplierId
,ODate=(SELECT MAX(InDate) FROM dbo.DT_OrderInfo o1
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods o2 ON o1.OrderId=o2.OrderId
WHERE DetailId=a.DetailId )
FROM HW_GoodsInDetail a
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsDetail b ON a.DetailId=b.DetailId
INNER JOIN dbo.HW_GoodsInfo c ON c.GoodsId=b.GoodsId
INNER JOIN dbo.CK_StorePostion d ON a.PostionId=d.PostionId
WHERE OrderGoodsId=0 AND KCNum>0 " + tj + @" AND DATEDIFF(dd,ISNULL((SELECT MAX(InDate) FROM dbo.DT_OrderInfo o1
INNER JOIN dbo.DT_OrderGoods o2 ON o1.OrderId=o2.OrderId
WHERE DetailId=a.DetailId ), dateadd(month,-6,getdate())
),GETDATE())>" + BDate + @" ORDER BY c.GoodsCode,TypeCode
DataTable dt = obj.GetReportData(sql);
return GetExcelReport(dt, 32);
//#region 个人订单列表
// [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
//public string GetUserOrderList(int UserId, int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode, decimal? GDFee, decimal YJRate)
// PagesNew.Login(this.Session);
// int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
// var obj = new DD_OrderData();
// List<DT_OrderUser> dlist = null;
// var slist = obj.Get_ShopList(CompanyId);
// if(UserId>0)
// dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser(CompanyId,PlatId,ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
// else
// dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser2(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
// List<DT_OrderUser> glist = null;
// if(UserId>0)
// glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
// else
// glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods2(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
// if (dlist == null || glist == null)
// return "";
// decimal USDRate =Convert.ToDecimal(6.5);
// var obj2=new BaseService();
// var mlist = obj2.GetMoneyList2();
// StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
// html.Append("<tr class='HeaderStyle'><th>序号</th>");
// html.Append("<th>平台|店铺</th>");
// html.Append("<th>订单号</th>");
// html.Append("<th>合并订单号</th>");
// html.Append("<th>国家</th>");
// html.Append("<th>订单日期</th>");
// html.Append("<th>发货日期</th>");
// html.Append("<th>物流方式</th>");
// html.Append("<th>货物编号</th>");
// html.Append("<th>订单金额$</th>");
// html.Append("<th>货物成本</th>");
// // html.Append("<th>关税税率</th>");
// html.Append("<th>关税</th>");
// html.Append("<th>头程费用</th>");
// html.Append("<th>预估运费</th>");
// html.Append("<th>运费</th>");
// html.Append("<th>尾程佣金</th>");
// html.Append("<th>固定成本</th>");
// html.Append("<th>毛利润</th>");
// html.Append("<th>利润率</th>");
// html.Append("</tr>");
// if (dlist != null)
// {
// int rowindex = 1;
// decimal hj1 = 0;
// decimal hj2 = 0;
// decimal hj3 = 0;
// decimal hj4 = 0;
// decimal hj5 = 0;
// decimal hj51 = 0;
// decimal hj6 = 0;
// decimal hj7 = 0;
// decimal hj8 = 0;
// foreach(var md in dlist)
// {
// var mmd = mlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId&&n.MCode=="USD");
// if (mmd != null)
// USDRate = mmd.MRate.Value;
// decimal? Lr = 0;
// html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td>" + rowindex.ToString() + "</td>");
// rowindex++;
// var shopmd = slist.Find(n => n.ShopId == md.ShopId);
// if (shopmd != null)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + shopmd.PlatName +"|"+ shopmd.ShopName + "</td>");
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>"+md.PlatOrderCode+"</td>");
// html.Append("<td>"+md.JoinOrderCode+"</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + md.CountryName + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>"+md.OrderDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")+"</td>");
// if(md.PostDate!=null)
// html.Append("<td>"+md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")+"</td>");
// else
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>"+md.PostInfo+"</td>");
// var gglist = glist.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
// decimal hwcb = 0;
// decimal tc = 0;
// decimal sf = 0;
// string ghtml = "";
// if (gglist != null)
// {
// foreach (var ggmd in gglist)
// {
// if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// {
// hwcb += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value;
// if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
// sf += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100;
// }
// if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// {
// tc += ggmd.TCFee.Value;
// }
// ghtml+=ggmd.GoodsCode + " " + ggmd.TypeDesc + "数量:"+ggmd.GoodsNum+"";
// if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// {
// ghtml+="成本:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value / USDRate).ToString("0.00") + "";
// }
// else
// ghtml+="成本:<span style='color:red'>0</span>";
// if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
// {
// ghtml += "税率:" + ggmd.FeeRate.Value + "%<br/>";
// // if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// // ghtml += "税费:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100 / USDRate).ToString("0.00") +"";
// // else
// // ghtml += "税费0";
// }
// else
// {
// ghtml += "税率0<br/>";
// // ghtml += "税费0";
// }
// //if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// //{
// // ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "<br/>";
// //}
// //else
// // ghtml += "头程0<br/>";
// }
// }
// html.Append("<td><div>" + ghtml + "</div></td>");
// if (md.TotalPrice != null)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + md.TotalPrice + "</td>");
// Lr += md.TotalPrice.Value;
// hj1 += md.TotalPrice.Value;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td>0</td>");
// if (hwcb > 0)
// {
// if(md.Fee2!=null)
// html.Append("<td>" + md.Fee2.Value.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// else
// html.Append("<td>" + (hwcb / USDRate).ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// hj2 += hwcb / USDRate;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td><span style='color:red'>0</span></td>");
// // html.Append("<td></td>");
// if (sf > 0)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + (sf / USDRate).ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// hj3 += sf / USDRate;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td>0</td>");
// if (md.Fee3 != null)
// {
// tc = md.Fee3.Value;
// }
// if (tc > 0)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + tc.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// Lr -= tc;
// hj4 += tc;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td>0</td>");
// if (md.Fee2 != null)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + (md.Fee2.Value).ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// hj51 += md.Fee2.Value;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td><span style='color:red'>0</span></td>");
// if (md.PostFee != null)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + (md.PostFee.Value).ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// Lr -= md.PostFee.Value;
// hj5 += md.PostFee.Value;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td><span style='color:red'>0</span></td>");
// if (md.PostFee != null)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + (md.PostFee.Value * YJRate/100).ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// Lr -= md.PostFee.Value * YJRate/100;
// hj6+= md.PostFee.Value * YJRate/100;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td>0</td>");
// if (md.GDFee != null)
// {
// html.Append("<td>" + md.GDFee.Value + "</td>");
// Lr -= md.GDFee.Value;
// hj7 += md.GDFee.Value;
// }
// else
// html.Append("<td>0</td>");
// Lr -= hwcb / USDRate;
// Lr -= sf / USDRate;
// html.Append("<td>" + Lr.Value.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// hj8+= Lr.Value;
// if (Lr.Value > 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice>0)
// html.Append("<td>" + ((Lr.Value / md.TotalPrice.Value)*100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// else if (Lr.Value==0)
// html.Append("<td>0%</td>");
// if (Lr.Value < 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice > 0)
// html.Append("<td>-" + ((Lr.Value*-1 / md.TotalPrice.Value) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// html.Append("</tr>");
// }
// html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>合计:</td>");
// html.Append("<td>"+hj1.ToString("0.00")+"</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj2.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// // html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj3.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj4.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj51.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj5.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj6.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj7.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj8.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// if(hj8>0)
// html.Append("<td>" + (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// else if (hj8 == 0)
// html.Append("<td>0%</td>");
// else
// html.Append("<td>-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// html.Append("</tr>");
// }
// return html.ToString();
#region 个人订单列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JsonModel<List<DT_OrderUserList>> GetUserOrderList2(int BJState, int UserId, int OrderState, int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode, decimal? GDFee, decimal YJRate, string OrderCode, string Name, string TrackCode, int PageSize, int PageIndex)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
List<DT_OrderUser> dlist = null;
var slist = obj.Get_ShopList(CompanyId);
if (UserId > 0)
dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser(BJState,CompanyId, OrderState, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode, OrderCode, TrackCode, Name);
dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser2(BJState,CompanyId, OrderState, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode, OrderCode, TrackCode, Name);
List<DT_OrderUser> glist = null;
if (UserId > 0)
glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode);
glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods2(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode);
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", dlist.Count().ToString() + " " + glist.Count().ToString());
if (dlist == null || glist == null)
return null;
decimal USDRate = Convert.ToDecimal(6.5);
var obj2 = new BaseService();
var mlist = obj2.GetMoneyList2();
List<DT_OrderUserList> olist = new List<DT_OrderUserList>();
int rowindex = 1;
string Ids = "";
string Ids2 = "";
if (dlist != null)
foreach (var md in dlist)
Ids2 += md.OrderId.Value + ",";
if (md.OrderState2 == 1)
Ids += md.OrderId.Value + ",";
var backorderlist = new List<DT_OrderBackMoneyApply>();
if (Ids != "")
backorderlist = DD_OrderData.GetListOrderBackMoneyApply(Ids.Trim(','));
var trackorderlist = new List<DT_TrackCodeApply>();
if (Ids2 != "")
trackorderlist = DD_OrderData.GetListOrderTrackCodeApply(Ids2.Trim(','));
if (dlist != null)
decimal hj1 = 0;
decimal hj11 = 0;
decimal hj21 = 0;
decimal hj2 = 0;
decimal hj3 = 0;
decimal hj4 = 0;
decimal hj5 = 0;
decimal hj51 = 0;
decimal hj6 = 0;
decimal hj7 = 0;
decimal hj8 = 0;
decimal hj9 = 0;//赔款
decimal hj10 = 0;//我们承担运费
int hjsl = 0;
foreach (var md in dlist)
var mmd = mlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == "USD");
if (mmd != null)
USDRate = mmd.MRate.Value;
decimal? Lr = 0;
DT_OrderUserList model = new DT_OrderUserList();
model.BJState = md.BJState;
model.OrderId = md.OrderId;
model.StateName = "正常订单";
int BackType = 0;//退款类型
int BackOrderState = 0;//订单类型
int? GoodsBackType = 0;//退款类型
int IsBackOrder = 0;//是否退货订单
int GoodsState = 0;//是否退货订单
decimal PKPrice = 0;//赔款金额
decimal OurPostFee = 0;//退货运费
string TrackCode2 = "";
if (trackorderlist != null && trackorderlist.Count > 0)
var tlist = trackorderlist.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
TrackCode2 += tmd.TrackCode + "<br/>";
if (md.OrderState2 == 1 && backorderlist != null)
var bmd = backorderlist.Find(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
if (bmd != null)
IsBackOrder = 1;
model.StateName = "退货赔款订单";
// <option value="0">退款退货</option>
//<option value="1">退款不退货</option>
//<option value="2">赔款不退货</option>
//<option value="3">赔款退货</option>
// <option value="0">取消订单收取佣金20%</option>
//<option value="1">订单和佣金正常</option>
if (bmd.FactPrice != null)
PKPrice = bmd.FactPrice.Value;
if (bmd.GoodState != null)
GoodsState = bmd.GoodState.Value;
if (bmd.PostFee != null && bmd.PostFee > 0)
OurPostFee = bmd.PostFee.Value;
GoodsBackType = bmd.BackState;
if (bmd.BackType != null)
BackType = bmd.BackType.Value;
if (bmd.BackType == 0)
model.Remark = "退款/退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 1)
model.Remark = "退款/不退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 2)
model.Remark = "部分赔款/不退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 3)
model.Remark = "赔款退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 6)
model.Remark = "补发配件";
if (bmd.OrderState != null)
BackOrderState = bmd.OrderState.Value;
if (bmd.OrderState == 0)
model.Remark += "取消订单收取佣金20%";
else if (bmd.OrderState == 1)
model.Remark += "订单和佣金正常";
var shopmd = slist.Find(n => n.ShopId == md.ShopId);
if (shopmd != null)
model.PlatName = shopmd.PlatName + "|" + shopmd.ShopName;
model.PlatName = "";
model.RevName = md.RevName;
model.TrackCode = TrackCode2;// md.TrackCode2;
model.PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
model.JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
model.CountryName = md.CountryName;
model.OrderDate = md.OrderDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (md.PostDate != null)
model.PostDate = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
model.PostDate = "";
model.PostInfo = md.PostInfo;
model.GoodsNum = md.GoodsNum;
hjsl += md.GoodsNum.Value;
var gglist = glist.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
decimal hwcb = 0;
decimal tc = 0;
decimal sf = 0;
string ghtml = "";
if (gglist != null)
foreach (var ggmd in gglist)
if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
hwcb += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value;
if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
sf += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100;
if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
tc += ggmd.TCFee.Value;
decimal hwcb2 = 0;
if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null && ggmd.GoodsNum != null && ggmd.GoodsNum.Value>0)
hwcb2 = ggmd.GoodsFee.Value/ggmd.GoodsNum.Value;
ghtml += "<a gid='"+ggmd.Id+"' gcb='"+hwcb2+"'>" + ggmd.GoodsCode + "</a>" + ggmd.TypeDesc + "数量:" + ggmd.GoodsNum + "";
if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
ghtml += "成本:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value / USDRate).ToString("0.00") + "";
ghtml += "成本0";
if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
ghtml += "税率:" + ggmd.FeeRate.Value + "%";
// if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// ghtml += "税费:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100 / USDRate).ToString("0.00") +"";
// else
// ghtml += "税费0";
ghtml += "税率0";
// ghtml += "税费0";
//if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "<br/>";
// ghtml += "头程0<br/>";
model.GoodsCode = ghtml;
//if @PlatId=1 set @escrowFee=0.95else if @PlatId=2 or @PlatId=3set @escrowFee=0.85else if @PlatId=5 set @escrowFee=0.9
decimal ptyjrate = 0;
if (md.PlatId == 1)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.05);
else if (md.PlatId == 2 || md.PlatId == 3 || md.PlatId == 6)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.15);
else if (md.PlatId == 5)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.1);
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
if (md.MoneyCode != "USD")
var opmd = mlist.Find(n => n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
var opmd2 = mlist.Find(n => n.MCode == "USD");
if (opmd != null)
md.TotalPrice = opmd.MRate * md.TotalPrice / opmd2.MRate;
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && BackOrderState == 0)//取消订单
model.TotalPrice = "0";
model.YJPrice = (md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2)).ToString("0.00");
model.escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2);
Lr -= md.escrowFee.Value;
hj11 += md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2);
hj21 += md.escrowFee.Value;
model.TotalPrice = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
model.YJPrice = (md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate).ToString("0.00");
model.escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr += md.TotalPrice.Value;
Lr -= md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate;
Lr -= md.escrowFee.Value;
hj1 += md.TotalPrice.Value;
hj11 += md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate;
hj21 += md.escrowFee.Value;
model.TotalPrice = "";
model.YJPrice = "";
model.escrowFee = "";
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && (GoodsBackType == 1 || GoodsBackType == 2))//退货已经入库 不计成本
model.GoodsFee = "0";
model.Fee1 = "0";
model.Fee3 = "0";
if (md.Fee4 != null) //货物成本
model.GoodsFee = md.Fee4.Value.ToString("0.00");
hj2 += md.Fee4.Value;
Lr -= md.Fee4.Value;
if (hwcb > 0)
model.GoodsFee = (hwcb / USDRate).ToString("0.00");
hj2 += hwcb / USDRate;
Lr -= hwcb / USDRate;
model.GoodsFee = "0";
// html.Append("<td></td>");
if (sf > 0)
model.Fee1 = (sf / USDRate).ToString("0.00");
hj3 += sf / USDRate;
Lr -= sf / USDRate;
model.Fee1 = "";
if (md.Fee3 != null) //头程
tc = md.Fee3.Value;
if (tc > 0)
model.Fee3 = tc.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= tc;
hj4 += tc;
model.Fee3 = "0";
decimal yjyf = 0;
if (md.Fee6 != null && md.Fee6 > 0)
yjyf = md.Fee6.Value;
else if (md.Fee7 != null && md.Fee7 > 0)
yjyf = md.Fee7.Value;
else if (md.Fee8 != null && md.Fee8 > 0)
yjyf = md.Fee8.Value;
if (md.Fee6 != null && md.Fee6 > 0 && md.Fee6 < yjyf)
yjyf = md.Fee6.Value;
if (md.Fee7 != null && md.Fee7 > 0 && md.Fee7 < yjyf)
yjyf = md.Fee7.Value;
if (md.Fee8 != null && md.Fee8 > 0 && md.Fee8 < yjyf)
yjyf = md.Fee8.Value;
md.Fee2 = yjyf;
if (md.Fee2 != null)
model.Fee2 = (md.Fee2.Value).ToString("0.00");
hj51 += md.Fee2.Value;
model.Fee2 = "0";
if (md.PostFee != null)
model.PostFee = (md.PostFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.PostFee.Value;
hj5 += md.PostFee.Value;
model.PostFee = "0";
if (md.PostInfo != null && md.PostInfo.Contains("Fedex") && md.PostFee != null)
model.Fee4 = (md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100).ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100;
hj6 += md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100;
model.Fee4 = "0";
if (md.GDFee != null)
model.GDFee = md.GDFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.GDFee.Value;
hj7 += md.GDFee.Value;
model.GDFee = "";
model.BackPostFee = OurPostFee.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= OurPostFee;
hj10 += OurPostFee;
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && PKPrice > 0)
model.BackMoney = PKPrice.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= PKPrice;
hj9 += PKPrice;
model.LRFee = Lr.Value.ToString("0.00");
hj8 += Lr.Value;
if (Lr.Value > 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice > 0)
model.LRRate = ((Lr.Value / md.TotalPrice.Value) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
else if (Lr.Value == 0)
model.LRRate = "0%";
if (Lr.Value < 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice > 0)
model.LRRate = "-" + ((Lr.Value * -1 / md.TotalPrice.Value) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
if (rowindex > PageSize * (PageIndex - 1) && rowindex <= PageSize * PageIndex)
DT_OrderUserList model2 = new DT_OrderUserList();
model2.GoodsCode = "合计:";
model2.GoodsNum = hjsl;
model2.TotalPrice = hj1.ToString("0.00");
model2.YJPrice = hj11.ToString("0.00");
model2.GoodsFee = hj2.ToString("0.00");
model2.escrowFee = hj21.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee1 = hj3.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee3 = hj4.ToString("0.00");
model2.PostFee = hj5.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee4 = hj6.ToString("0.00");
model2.BackPostFee = hj10.ToString("0.00");
model2.BackMoney = hj9.ToString("0.00");
model2.LRFee = hj8.ToString("0.00");
if (hj8 > 0 && hj1 > 0)
model2.LRRate = (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
else if (hj8 == 0)
model2.LRRate = "0%";
else if (hj1 > 0)
model2.LRRate = "<font color='red'>-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%<font>";
// html.Append("<tr class='DataGridRowStyle'><td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td></td>");
//model2. 合计:</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj1.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj2.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// // html.Append("<td></td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj3.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj4.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj51.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj5.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj6.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj7.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// html.Append("<td>" + hj8.ToString("0.00") + "</td>");
// if (hj8 > 0)
// html.Append("<td>" + (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// else if (hj8 == 0)
// html.Append("<td>0%</td>");
// else
// html.Append("<td>-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%</td>");
// html.Append("</tr>");
JsonModel<List<DT_OrderUserList>> resultModel = new JsonModel<List<DT_OrderUserList>>();
int RowCount = 0;
resultModel.DataSource = olist;
resultModel.RowCount = rowindex;
return resultModel;
catch(Exception ex)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", ex.Message);
return null;
#region 个人订单列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetUserOrderExcel(int BJState,int UserId, int OrderState, int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode, decimal? GDFee, decimal YJRate, string OrderCode, string Name, string TrackCode)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
List<DT_OrderUser> dlist = null;
var slist = obj.Get_ShopList(CompanyId);
if (UserId > 0)
dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser(BJState,CompanyId, OrderState, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode, OrderCode, TrackCode, Name);
dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser2(BJState,CompanyId, OrderState, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode, OrderCode, TrackCode, Name);
List<DT_OrderUser> glist = null;
if (UserId > 0)
glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode);
glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods2(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate.Value.AddDays(1), GoodsCode);
// ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", dlist.Count().ToString() + " " + glist.Count().ToString());
if (dlist == null || glist == null)
return null;
decimal USDRate = Convert.ToDecimal(6.5);
var obj2 = new BaseService();
var mlist = obj2.GetMoneyList2();
List<DT_OrderUserList> olist = new List<DT_OrderUserList>();
int rowindex = 1;
string Ids = "";
string Ids2 = "";
if (dlist != null)
foreach (var md in dlist)
Ids2 += md.OrderId.Value + ",";
if (md.OrderState2 == 1)
Ids += md.OrderId.Value + ",";
var backorderlist = new List<DT_OrderBackMoneyApply>();
if (Ids != "")
backorderlist = DD_OrderData.GetListOrderBackMoneyApply(Ids.Trim(','));
var trackorderlist = new List<DT_TrackCodeApply>();
if (Ids2 != "")
trackorderlist = DD_OrderData.GetListOrderTrackCodeApply(Ids2.Trim(','));
if (dlist != null)
decimal hj1 = 0;
decimal hj11 = 0;
decimal hj21 = 0;
decimal hj2 = 0;
decimal hj3 = 0;
decimal hj4 = 0;
decimal hj5 = 0;
decimal hj51 = 0;
decimal hj6 = 0;
decimal hj7 = 0;
decimal hj8 = 0;
decimal hj9 = 0;//赔款
decimal hj10 = 0;//我们承担运费
int hjsl = 0;
foreach (var md in dlist)
var mmd = mlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == "USD");
if (mmd != null)
USDRate = mmd.MRate.Value;
decimal? Lr = 0;
DT_OrderUserList model = new DT_OrderUserList();
model.OrderId = md.OrderId;
model.StateName = "正常订单";
int BackType = 0;//退款类型
int BackOrderState = 0;//订单类型
int? GoodsBackType = 0;//退款类型
int IsBackOrder = 0;//是否退货订单
int GoodsState = 0;//是否退货订单
decimal PKPrice = 0;//赔款金额
decimal OurPostFee = 0;//退货运费
string TrackCode2 = "";
if (trackorderlist != null && trackorderlist.Count>0)
var tlist = trackorderlist.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
if (tlist != null)
foreach (var tmd in tlist)
TrackCode2 += tmd.TrackCode + ",";
if (md.OrderState2 == 1 && backorderlist != null)
var bmd = backorderlist.Find(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
if (bmd != null)
IsBackOrder = 1;
model.StateName = "退货赔款订单";
// <option value="0">退款退货</option>
//<option value="1">退款不退货</option>
//<option value="2">赔款不退货</option>
//<option value="3">赔款退货</option>
// <option value="0">取消订单收取佣金20%</option>
//<option value="1">订单和佣金正常</option>
if (bmd.FactPrice != null)
PKPrice = bmd.FactPrice.Value;
if (bmd.GoodState != null)
GoodsState = bmd.GoodState.Value;
if (bmd.PostFee != null && bmd.PostFee > 0)
OurPostFee = bmd.PostFee.Value;
GoodsBackType = bmd.BackState;
if (bmd.BackType != null)
BackType = bmd.BackType.Value;
if (bmd.BackType == 0)
model.Remark = "退款/退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 1)
model.Remark = "退款/不退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 2)
model.Remark = "部分赔款/不退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 3)
model.Remark = "赔款退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 6)
model.Remark = "补发配件";
if (bmd.OrderState != null)
BackOrderState = bmd.OrderState.Value;
if (bmd.OrderState == 0)
model.Remark += "取消订单收取佣金20%";
else if (bmd.OrderState == 1)
model.Remark += "订单和佣金正常";
var shopmd = slist.Find(n => n.ShopId == md.ShopId);
if (shopmd != null)
model.PlatName = shopmd.PlatName + "|" + shopmd.ShopName;
model.PlatName = "";
model.RevName = md.RevName;
model.TrackCode = TrackCode2.TrimEnd(',');//md.TrackCode2;
model.PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
model.JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
model.CountryName = md.CountryName;
model.OrderDate = md.OrderDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (md.PostDate != null)
model.PostDate = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
model.PostDate = "";
model.PostInfo = md.PostInfo;
model.GoodsNum = md.GoodsNum;
hjsl += md.GoodsNum.Value;
var gglist = glist.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
decimal hwcb = 0;
decimal tc = 0;
decimal sf = 0;
string ghtml = "";
if (gglist != null)
foreach (var ggmd in gglist)
if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
hwcb += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value;
if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
sf += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100;
if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
tc += ggmd.TCFee.Value;
ghtml += ggmd.GoodsCode + " " + ggmd.TypeDesc + "数量:" + ggmd.GoodsNum + "";
//if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// ghtml += "成本:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value / USDRate).ToString("0.00") + "";
// ghtml += "成本0";
//if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
// ghtml += "税率:" + ggmd.FeeRate.Value + "%";
// // if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// // ghtml += "税费:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100 / USDRate).ToString("0.00") +"";
// // else
// // ghtml += "税费0";
// ghtml += "税率0";
// // ghtml += "税费0";
//if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "<br/>";
// ghtml += "头程0<br/>";
model.GoodsCode = ghtml;
//if @PlatId=1 set @escrowFee=0.95else if @PlatId=2 or @PlatId=3set @escrowFee=0.85else if @PlatId=5 set @escrowFee=0.9
decimal ptyjrate = 0;
if (md.PlatId == 1)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.05);
else if (md.PlatId == 2 || md.PlatId == 3 || md.PlatId == 6)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.15);
else if (md.PlatId == 5)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.1);
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
if (md.MoneyCode != "USD")
var opmd = mlist.Find(n => n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
var opmd2 = mlist.Find(n => n.MCode == "USD");
if (opmd != null)
md.TotalPrice = opmd.MRate * md.TotalPrice / opmd2.MRate;
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && BackOrderState == 0)//取消订单
model.TotalPrice = "0";
model.YJPrice = (md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2)).ToString("0.00");
model.escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2);
Lr -= md.escrowFee.Value;
hj11 += md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2);
hj21 += md.escrowFee.Value;
model.TotalPrice = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
model.YJPrice = (md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate).ToString("0.00");
model.escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr += md.TotalPrice.Value;
Lr -= md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate;
Lr -= md.escrowFee.Value;
hj1 += md.TotalPrice.Value;
hj11 += md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate;
hj21 += md.escrowFee.Value;
model.TotalPrice = "";
model.YJPrice = "";
model.escrowFee = "";
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && (GoodsBackType == 1 || GoodsBackType == 2))//退货已经入库 不计成本
model.GoodsFee = "0";
model.Fee1 = "0";
model.Fee3 = "0";
if (md.Fee4 != null) //货物成本
model.GoodsFee = md.Fee4.Value.ToString("0.00");
hj2 += md.Fee4.Value;
Lr -= md.Fee4.Value;
if (hwcb > 0)
model.GoodsFee = (hwcb / USDRate).ToString("0.00");
hj2 += hwcb / USDRate;
Lr -= hwcb / USDRate;
model.GoodsFee = "0";
// html.Append("<td></td>");
if (sf > 0)
model.Fee1 = (sf / USDRate).ToString("0.00");
hj3 += sf / USDRate;
Lr -= sf / USDRate;
model.Fee1 = "";
if (md.Fee3 != null) //头程
tc = md.Fee3.Value;
if (tc > 0)
model.Fee3 = tc.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= tc;
hj4 += tc;
model.Fee3 = "0";
decimal yjyf = 0;
if (md.Fee6 != null && md.Fee6 > 0)
yjyf = md.Fee6.Value;
else if (md.Fee7 != null && md.Fee7 > 0)
yjyf = md.Fee7.Value;
else if (md.Fee8 != null && md.Fee8 > 0)
yjyf = md.Fee8.Value;
if (md.Fee6 != null && md.Fee6 > 0 && md.Fee6 < yjyf)
yjyf = md.Fee6.Value;
if (md.Fee7 != null && md.Fee7 > 0 && md.Fee7 < yjyf)
yjyf = md.Fee7.Value;
if (md.Fee8 != null && md.Fee8 > 0 && md.Fee8 < yjyf)
yjyf = md.Fee8.Value;
md.Fee2 = yjyf;
if (md.Fee2 != null)
model.Fee2 = (md.Fee2.Value).ToString("0.00");
hj51 += md.Fee2.Value;
model.Fee2 = "0";
if (md.PostFee != null)
model.PostFee = (md.PostFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.PostFee.Value;
hj5 += md.PostFee.Value;
model.PostFee = "0";
if (md.PostInfo != null && md.PostInfo.Contains("Fedex") && md.PostFee != null)
model.Fee4 = (md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100).ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100;
hj6 += md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100;
model.Fee4 = "0";
if (md.GDFee != null)
model.GDFee = md.GDFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.GDFee.Value;
hj7 += md.GDFee.Value;
model.GDFee = "";
model.BackPostFee = OurPostFee.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= OurPostFee;
hj10 += OurPostFee;
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && PKPrice > 0)
model.BackMoney = PKPrice.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= PKPrice;
hj9 += PKPrice;
model.LRFee = Lr.Value.ToString("0.00");
hj8 += Lr.Value;
if (Lr.Value > 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice > 0)
model.LRRate = ((Lr.Value / md.TotalPrice.Value) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
else if (Lr.Value == 0)
model.LRRate = "0%";
if (Lr.Value < 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice > 0)
model.LRRate = "-" + ((Lr.Value * -1 / md.TotalPrice.Value) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
DT_OrderUserList model2 = new DT_OrderUserList();
model2.GoodsCode = "合计:";
model2.GoodsNum = hjsl;
model2.TotalPrice = hj1.ToString("0.00");
model2.YJPrice = hj11.ToString("0.00");
model2.GoodsFee = hj2.ToString("0.00");
model2.escrowFee = hj21.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee1 = hj3.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee3 = hj4.ToString("0.00");
model2.PostFee = hj5.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee4 = hj6.ToString("0.00");
model2.BackPostFee = hj10.ToString("0.00");
model2.BackMoney = hj9.ToString("0.00");
model2.LRFee = hj8.ToString("0.00");
if (hj8 > 0 && hj1 > 0)
model2.LRRate = (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
else if (hj8 == 0)
model2.LRRate = "0%";
else if (hj1 > 0)
model2.LRRate = "<font color='red'>-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%<font>";
if (olist == null)
return "";
DataTable tb = olist.ToDataTable<DT_OrderUserList>();
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("PlatName", "平台|店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OrderDate", "订单日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("RevName", "收件人", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostInfo", "物流方式", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "跟踪码", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "货物数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "订单金额$", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("YJPrice", "佣金$", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("escrowFee", "税费$", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "货物成本", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee1", "关税", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee3", "头程费用", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee2", "预估运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee4", "运费佣金", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GDFee", "固定成本", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("LRFee", "毛利润", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("LRRate", "利润率", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj3 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj3.Export(tb, listColumns);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorFollow.TraceWrite("GetUserOrderList2", "", ex.Message);
return null;
#region 个人订单列表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetUserOrderExcel2(int BJState, int UserId, int OrderState, int PlatId, int ShopId, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate, string GoodsCode, decimal? GDFee, decimal YJRate, string OrderCode, string Name, string TrackCode)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
List<DT_OrderUser> dlist = null;
var slist = obj.Get_ShopList(CompanyId);
if (UserId > 0)
dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser(BJState,CompanyId, OrderState, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode, OrderCode, TrackCode, Name);
dlist = obj.Get_OrderUser2(BJState,CompanyId, OrderState, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode, OrderCode, TrackCode, Name);
List<DT_OrderUser> glist = null;
if (UserId > 0)
glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, UserId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
glist = obj.Get_OrderGoods2(CompanyId, PlatId, ShopId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
if (dlist == null || glist == null)
return null;
decimal USDRate = Convert.ToDecimal(6.5);
var obj2 = new BaseService();
var mlist = obj2.GetMoneyList2();
List<DT_OrderUserList> olist = new List<DT_OrderUserList>();
int rowindex = 1;
string Ids = "";
if (dlist != null)
foreach (var md in dlist)
if (md.OrderState2 == 1)
Ids += md.OrderId.Value + ",";
var backorderlist = new List<DT_OrderBackMoneyApply>();
if (Ids != "")
backorderlist = DD_OrderData.GetListOrderBackMoneyApply(Ids.Trim(','));
if (dlist != null)
decimal hj1 = 0;
decimal hj11 = 0;
decimal hj2 = 0;
decimal hj21 = 0;
decimal hj3 = 0;
decimal hj4 = 0;
decimal hj5 = 0;
decimal hj51 = 0;
decimal hj6 = 0;
decimal hj7 = 0;
decimal hj8 = 0;
decimal hj9 = 0;//赔款
decimal hj10 = 0;//我们承担运费
int hjsl = 0;
foreach (var md in dlist)
var mmd = mlist.Find(n => n.PlatId == md.PlatId && n.MCode == "USD");
if (mmd != null)
USDRate = mmd.MRate.Value;
decimal? Lr = 0;
DT_OrderUserList model = new DT_OrderUserList();
model.StateName = "正常订单";
int BackType = 0;//退款类型
int? GoodsBackType = 0;//退款类型
int BackOrderState = 0;//订单类型
int IsBackOrder = 0;//是否退货订单
int GoodsState = 0;//是否退货订单
decimal PKPrice = 0;//赔款金额
decimal OurPostFee = 0;//退货运费
; if (md.OrderState2 == 1 && backorderlist != null)
var bmd = backorderlist.Find(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
if (bmd != null)
IsBackOrder = 1;
model.StateName = "退货赔款订单";
// <option value="0">退款退货</option>
//<option value="1">退款不退货</option>
//<option value="2">赔款不退货</option>
//<option value="3">赔款退货</option>
// <option value="0">取消订单收取佣金20%</option>
//<option value="1">订单和佣金正常</option>
if (bmd.FactPrice != null)
PKPrice = bmd.FactPrice.Value;
if (bmd.GoodState != null)
GoodsState = bmd.GoodState.Value;
if (bmd.PostFee != null && bmd.PostFee>0)
OurPostFee = bmd.PostFee.Value;
GoodsBackType = bmd.BackState.Value;
if (bmd.BackType != null)
BackType = bmd.BackType.Value;
if (bmd.BackType == 0)
model.Remark = "退款/退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 1)
model.Remark = "退款/不退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 2)
model.Remark = "部分赔款/不退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 3)
model.Remark = "赔款退货";
else if (bmd.BackType == 6)
model.Remark = "补发配件";
if (bmd.OrderState != null)
BackOrderState = bmd.OrderState.Value;
if (bmd.OrderState == 0)
model.Remark += "取消订单收取佣金20%";
else if (bmd.OrderState == 1)
model.Remark += "订单和佣金正常";
var shopmd = slist.Find(n => n.ShopId == md.ShopId);
if (shopmd != null)
model.PlatName = shopmd.PlatName + "|" + shopmd.ShopName;
model.PlatName = "";
model.RevName = md.RevName;
model.TrackCode = md.TrackCode2;
model.PlatOrderCode = md.PlatOrderCode;
model.JoinOrderCode = md.JoinOrderCode;
model.CountryName = md.CountryName;
model.OrderDate = md.OrderDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (md.PostDate != null)
model.PostDate = md.PostDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
model.PostDate = "";
model.PostInfo = md.PostInfo;
model.GoodsNum = md.GoodsNum;
hjsl += md.GoodsNum.Value;
var gglist = glist.FindAll(n => n.OrderId == md.OrderId);
decimal hwcb = 0;
decimal tc = 0;
decimal sf = 0;
string ghtml = "";
if (gglist != null)
foreach (var ggmd in gglist)
if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
hwcb += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value;
if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
sf += ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100;
if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
tc += ggmd.TCFee.Value;
ghtml += ggmd.GoodsCode + " " + ggmd.TypeDesc + "数量:" + ggmd.GoodsNum + "";
if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
ghtml += "成本:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value / USDRate).ToString("0.00") + "";
ghtml += "成本0";
if (ggmd.FeeRate != null)
ghtml += "税率:" + ggmd.FeeRate.Value + "%";
// if (ggmd.GoodsFee != null)
// ghtml += "税费:" + (ggmd.GoodsFee.Value * ggmd.FeeRate.Value / 100 / USDRate).ToString("0.00") +"";
// else
// ghtml += "税费0";
ghtml += "税率0";
// ghtml += "税费0";
//if (ggmd.TCFee != null)
// ghtml += "头程:" + ggmd.TCFee.Value.ToString("0.00") + "<br/>";
// ghtml += "头程0<br/>";
model.GoodsCode = ghtml;
//if @PlatId=1 set @escrowFee=0.95else if @PlatId=2 or @PlatId=3set @escrowFee=0.85else if @PlatId=5 set @escrowFee=0.9
decimal ptyjrate = 0;
if (md.PlatId == 1)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.05);
else if (md.PlatId == 2 || md.PlatId == 3 || md.PlatId == 6)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.15);
else if (md.PlatId == 5)
ptyjrate = Convert.ToDecimal(0.1);
if (md.TotalPrice != null)
if (md.MoneyCode != "USD")
var opmd = mlist.Find(n => n.MCode == md.MoneyCode);
var opmd2 = mlist.Find(n => n.MCode == "USD");
if (opmd != null)
md.TotalPrice = opmd.MRate * md.TotalPrice / opmd2.MRate;
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && BackOrderState == 0)//取消订单
model.TotalPrice = "0";
model.YJPrice = (md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2)).ToString("0.00");
model.escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2);
Lr -= md.escrowFee.Value;
hj11 += md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate * Convert.ToDecimal(0.2);
hj21 += md.escrowFee.Value;
model.TotalPrice = md.TotalPrice.Value.ToString("0.00");
model.YJPrice = (md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate).ToString("0.00");
model.escrowFee = md.escrowFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr += md.TotalPrice.Value;
Lr -= md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate;
Lr -= md.escrowFee.Value;
hj1 += md.TotalPrice.Value;
hj11 += md.TotalPrice.Value * ptyjrate;
hj21 += md.escrowFee.Value;
model.TotalPrice = "";
model.YJPrice = "";
model.escrowFee = "";
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && (GoodsBackType == 1 || GoodsBackType == 2))//退货已经入库 不计成本
model.GoodsFee = "0";
model.Fee1 = "0";
model.Fee3 = "0";
if (md.Fee4 != null) //货物成本
model.GoodsFee = md.Fee4.Value.ToString("0.00");
hj2 += md.Fee4.Value;
Lr -= md.Fee4.Value;
if (hwcb > 0)
model.GoodsFee = (hwcb / USDRate).ToString("0.00");
hj2 += hwcb / USDRate;
Lr -= hwcb / USDRate;
model.GoodsFee = "0";
// html.Append("<td></td>");
if (sf > 0)
model.Fee1 = (sf / USDRate).ToString("0.00");
hj3 += sf / USDRate;
Lr -= sf / USDRate;
model.Fee1 = "";
if (md.Fee3 != null) //头程
tc = md.Fee3.Value;
if (tc > 0)
model.Fee3 = tc.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= tc;
hj4 += tc;
model.Fee3 = "0";
if (md.Fee2 != null)
model.Fee2 = (md.Fee2.Value).ToString("0.00");
hj51 += md.Fee2.Value;
model.Fee2 = "0";
if (md.PostFee != null)
model.PostFee = (md.PostFee.Value).ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.PostFee.Value;
hj5 += md.PostFee.Value;
model.PostFee = "0";
if (md.PostInfo != null && md.PostInfo.Contains("Fedex") && md.PostFee != null)
model.Fee4 = (md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100).ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100;
hj6 += md.PostFee.Value * YJRate / 100;
model.Fee4 = "0";
if (md.GDFee != null)
model.GDFee = md.GDFee.Value.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= md.GDFee.Value;
hj7 += md.GDFee.Value;
model.GDFee = "";
model.BackPostFee = OurPostFee.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= OurPostFee;
hj10 += OurPostFee;
if (IsBackOrder == 1 && PKPrice > 0)
model.BackMoney = PKPrice.ToString("0.00");
Lr -= PKPrice;
hj9 += PKPrice;
model.LRFee = Lr.Value.ToString("0.00");
hj8 += Lr.Value;
if (Lr.Value > 0 && md.TotalPrice != null && md.TotalPrice > 0)
model.LRRate = ((Lr.Value / md.TotalPrice.Value) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
else if (Lr.Value == 0)
model.LRRate = "0%";
DT_OrderUserList model2 = new DT_OrderUserList();
model2.GoodsCode = "合计:";
model2.GoodsNum = hjsl;
model2.TotalPrice = hj1.ToString("0.00");
model2.YJPrice = hj11.ToString("0.00");
model2.escrowFee = hj21.ToString("0.00");
model2.GoodsFee = hj2.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee1 = hj3.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee3 = hj4.ToString("0.00");
model2.PostFee = hj5.ToString("0.00");
model2.Fee4 = hj6.ToString("0.00");
model2.BackPostFee = hj10.ToString("0.00");
model2.BackMoney = hj9.ToString("0.00");
model2.LRFee = hj8.ToString("0.00");
if (hj8 > 0)
model2.LRRate = (hj8 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
else if (hj8 == 0)
model2.LRRate = "0%";
else if (hj1 > 0)
model2.LRRate = "-" + (hj8 * -1 / hj1 * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%";
if (olist == null)
return "";
DataTable tb = olist.ToDataTable<DT_OrderUserList>();
TableColumnCollection listColumns = new TableColumnCollection();
listColumns.Add("PlatName", "平台|店铺", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PlatOrderCode", "订单号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("CountryName", "国家", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("OrderDate", "订单日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostDate", "发货日期", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("RevName", "收件人", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostInfo", "物流方式", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TrackCode", "跟踪码", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsCode", "货物编号", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsNum", "货物数量", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("TotalPrice", "订单金额$", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("YJPrice", "佣金$", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("escrowFee", "税费$", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GoodsFee", "货物成本", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee1", "关税", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee3", "头程费用", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee2", "预估运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("PostFee", "运费", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("Fee4", "运费佣金", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("GDFee", "固定成本", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("LRFee", "毛利润", DbType.String, "");
listColumns.Add("LRRate", "利润率", DbType.String, "");
MicrosoftExcel obj3 = new MicrosoftExcel();
return obj3.Export(tb, listColumns);
#region 修改成本
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateOrderCB(int Id, decimal GoodsFee)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
obj.UpdateOrderGoodsFee(Id, GoodsFee);
#region 标记回看
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateOrderBJ(int OrderId, string OrderName)
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
obj.UpdateOrderBJ(OrderName, OrderId);
#region 首页我的订单统计
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public DT_OrderNum GetMyOrderCount(int UserId, DateTime SDate, DateTime EDate, string GoodsCode)
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
string[] categories = null;
DT_OrderNum md = new DT_OrderNum();
var list = new List<DT_OrderCountData>();
TimeSpan ts = EDate - SDate;
int days = ts.Days + 1;
if (days < 0)
return null;
List<DT_CountListFromDay> countlist = new List<DT_CountListFromDay>();
countlist = obj.GetCountListMyOrder(CompanyId, UserId, SDate, EDate, GoodsCode);
categories = new string[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
categories[i] = (SDate.AddDays(i)).ToString("MM月dd日");
decimal[] data = new decimal[days];
if (days > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
if (countlist != null)
var countmd = countlist.Find(n => n.OrderDate == SDate.AddDays(j).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
if (countmd != null)
data[j] = countmd.Num.Value;
data[j] = 0;
data[j] = 0;
var datamd = new DT_OrderCountData(); = "货物销量"; = data;
md.categories = categories;
JavaScriptSerializer JsonConvert = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postmessage = JsonConvert.Serialize(list);
md.Data = postmessage;
return md;
#region 保存物流折扣
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void SaveGDFee(int Rate, Decimal? GDFee)
var obj = new BaseService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
obj.SaveGDFee(CompanyId, Rate, GDFee);
#region 获取物流折扣
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public JC_Company GetGDFee()
var obj = new BaseService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
return obj.GetCompanyModel(CompanyId);
#region 修改跟踪码
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void UpdateDDTrackCode()
var obj = new DD_OrderData();
#region 保存费用
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void SaveFee(int Type,string OrderCode, Decimal? Fee)
var obj = new BaseService();
int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
obj.SaveFee(Type, OrderCode, Fee);
#region 查询费用报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetListFeeReport(int CompanyId, int FeeType, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
EDate = EDate.Value.AddDays(1);
string html = "";
var list=BaseService.GetListFeeReport(CompanyId,FeeType,SDate,EDate);
if (list == null)
list = new List<CK_FeeReport>();
int days=DateDiff(SDate.Value,EDate.Value);
decimal totalfee=0;
for (int i = days-1; i>=0; i--)
html += "<table class='tableAll' width='95%' border='1'>";
if (FeeType > 0)
var dlist = list.Find(n => n.InDate == SDate.Value.AddDays(i) && n.FeeType == FeeType);
if (dlist != null)
html += "<tr>";
html += "<td colspan='4' class='bghd'><div>" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") + " 费用 合计:<span class='af2'>" + dlist.Dec + "$</span></div>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "<tr><td class='bg1' width='15%'>" + dlist.FeeName + "</td>";
html += "<td width='35%'><div class='af' fdesc='" + dlist.FeeDesc + "'>" + dlist.Dec + "$</div>";
html += "</td><td class='bg1' width='15%'></td>";
html += "<td width='35%'>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
html += "<tr>";
html += "<td colspan='4' class='bghd'><div>" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") + " 费用 合计:<span class='af2'>0$</span></div>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "<tr><td class='bg1' width='15%'><div class='af' fdesc=''>0$</div></td>";
html += "<td width='35%'>";
html += "</td><td class='bg1' width='15%'></td>";
html += "<td width='35%'>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
var dlist = list.FindAll(n => n.InDate == SDate.Value.AddDays(i));
if (dlist != null && dlist.Count>0)
decimal hj = 0;
foreach (var md in dlist)
hj += md.Dec.Value;
html += "<tr>";
html += "<td colspan='4' class='bghd'><div>" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") + " 费用 合计:<span class='af2'>" + hj + "$</span></div>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
int r = 1;
foreach (var md in dlist)
if (r == 1)
html += "<tr><td class='bg1' width='15%'>" + md.FeeName + "</td>";
html += "<td width='35%'><div class='af' fdesc='" + md.FeeDesc + "'>" + md.Dec + "$</div></td>";
r = 2;
else if (r == 2)
html += "<td class='bg1' width='15%'>" + md.FeeName + "</td>";
html += "<td width='35%'><div class='af' fdesc='" + md.FeeDesc + "'>" + md.Dec + "$</div></td>";
html += "</tr>";
r = 1;
if (r == 2)
html += "<td width='35%'></td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
html += "<tr>";
html += "<td colspan='4' class='bghd'><div>" + SDate.Value.AddDays(i).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") + " 费用 合计:<span class='af2'>0$</span></div>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "<tr><td class='bg1' width='15%'><div class='af' fdesc=''>0$</div></td>";
html += "<td width='35%'>";
html += "</td><td class='bg1' width='15%'></td>";
html += "<td width='35%'>";
html += "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
html += "<table class='tableAll' width='95%' border='1'><tr><td colspan='4'> 合计费用:<span class='af3' >" + totalfee + "$</span></td></tr></table>";
return html;
private static int DateDiff(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd)
DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(dateStart.ToShortDateString());
DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(dateEnd.ToShortDateString());
TimeSpan sp = end.Subtract(start);
return sp.Days;
#region 查询费用报表
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public List<CK_FeeReport2> GetListFeeReport2(int CompanyId, int FeeType, DateTime? SDate, DateTime? EDate)
EDate = EDate.Value.AddDays(1);
string html = "";
List<CK_FeeReport2> list = new List<CK_FeeReport2>();
int CompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyId"]);
var clist=BaseService.GetListCompany3(CompanyID);
var rlist = BaseService.GetListFeeReport2(CompanyId, FeeType, SDate, EDate);
if (clist == null)
return null;
foreach (var cmd in clist)
CK_FeeReport2 rmd = new CK_FeeReport2();
rmd.CompanyName = cmd.Name;
rmd.CompanyId = cmd.ID;
decimal hj = 0;
rmd.Fee1 = 0;
rmd.Fee2 = 0;
rmd.Fee3 = 0;
rmd.Fee4 = 0;
rmd.Fee5 = 0;
rmd.Fee9= 0;
rmd.HJFee = 0;
if (rlist != null)
var relist = rlist.FindAll(n => n.CompanyId == cmd.ID);
if (relist != null)
foreach (var remmd in relist)
if (remmd.FeeType == 1)
rmd.Fee1 = remmd.TotalFee.Value;
hj += remmd.TotalFee.Value;
if (remmd.FeeType == 2)
rmd.Fee2 = remmd.TotalFee.Value;
hj += remmd.TotalFee.Value;
if (remmd.FeeType == 3)
rmd.Fee3 = remmd.TotalFee.Value;
hj += remmd.TotalFee.Value;
if (remmd.FeeType == 4)
rmd.Fee4 = remmd.TotalFee.Value;
hj += remmd.TotalFee.Value;
if (remmd.FeeType == 5)
rmd.Fee5 = remmd.TotalFee.Value;
hj += remmd.TotalFee.Value;
if (remmd.FeeType == 9)
rmd.Fee9 = remmd.TotalFee.Value;
hj += remmd.TotalFee.Value;
rmd.HJFee = hj;
return list;